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Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

EDITOR COURIER: On Wednesday, August 20th, we left Winfield for Colfax, Washington Territory. Staying all night at Newton, we left the next morning on the main line of the A. T. & S. F. R. R. for Pueblo, where we arrived at midnight the same day, and after a delay of twelve hours we took the Denver & Rio Grande R. R. for Ogden. Here to our surprise and joy, we found that we had two Cowley County boys in charge of the train, F. H. Nance, conductor; and his brother, G. A. Nance, brakeman, sons of the late Rev. M. Nance of Cowley. They were perfect gentlemen and laid us under obligations for much valuable information.

Forty miles from Pueblo, we reached the mouth of the Grand Canon of the Arkansas, which must be seen to be realized. The rushing Arkansas River by your side is sometimes confined to a few feet in width, rushing down over the rocks at great speed while the majestic rocky walls stand like a "monument of patience smiling at grief," reaching an altitude of 2,700 feet, while baby engine snorts at both in smoky defiance. You look ahead and at once think your way hedged in by impassable rocks, but the masterly skill of the modern engineer and the power of the little engine goes around the curves, as smoothly as if nature herself had made the whole.

We were scarcely over the grand scenes of the canon, until we began to ascend the mountains, and after doubling and redoubling our own course, reached the region of the clouds at Marshall Pass, 10,858 feet above the level of the sea. Going down the other side of the pass, we went through the Black canon, but it is night now and we got but a faint idea of its grandeur. From this time on we passed along the Garrison River, with mountains on either side, many of them covered with snow, much of the region with no verdure; but sage- brush only where streams come to the relief of the dry and parched land.

At Grand Junction we found that there is quite an improvement in Colorado and also in Green River in Utah. These with a few other small settlements are all that are worth writing of note till we reached the region of Salt Lake, when the desert becomes a fruitful field, and the products of Mormonism board the train at every station and offer apples: 12 for 5 cents. To see something fresh and so cheap after hundreds of miles of desert, if it does not reconcile you to polygamy, it does to the apples and pears. About fifty miles before we reached Salt Lake City, we came to Utah Lake, a fresh water lake 13 by 15 miles. The River Jordan is its outlet, 40 miles in length, and flows into great Salt Lake. Salt Lake City, lying between them, is beautifully situated with fresh water running down her streets, and within sight of perpetual snow. Great Salt Lake comes within 12 miles of the city, is 70 miles long by 45 broad, has a great many Islands in it, and is 4,250 feet above the level of the sea. Its maximum depth is 60 feet, mean depth 12 feet, etc.

At Ogden we changed to the narrow gauge R. R. for the C. P. Standard gauge, but discovered no perceptible advantage. We soon passed the great American desert, or Alkali plains, and soon found ourselves in the State of Nevada, with but little change in the scenerysnow-clad mountains and sage covered plainswith the occasional sight of a jack rabbit, until we reached the Humboldt River. We passed the Nevada Hot Springs, on up into California and over the Sierra Nevada mountains, where there are some beautiful lakes; but the scenery is hidden from the tourist by the snowsheds, which extend for 40 miles.

We passed Sacramento City in the night, reached the bay of San Pablo, which we crossed in the cars on the boat, and in a short time arrived at Oakland, where we were carried across the bay to San Francisco. Here to our great regret, we had but a short time to stay as our steamer left the same day, and only made the trip once in five days. Our principal view of the city was from the deck of the Steam Ship "Oregon," while passing out at the Golden Gate, and a beautiful scene it was. We had a delightful voyage, interrupted some by fog. Three of our party were more loyal than the writer and paid tribute to the beast of the sea by a liberal heave offering; but when the mouth of Columbia was made, all were on deck.

Soon Astoria was reached. We made for the Astorian office for a daily paper and were assured by the Editor that Blaine and Logan would carry Oregon by at least 5,000 majority. We had had like assurance in Nevada and Californiaonly with larger majorities.

The scenery up the Columbia and Willamette Rivers is very fine, and shows to what an extent the Salmon canning business is carried on. Portland is a fine city just recovering from an overdose of Northern Pacific Boom. It has a population of 38,000. It has quite a Chinese population, and we visited their quarters, Joss House, etc.

After two days spent in sight-seeing, we started by R. R. for Palouse Junction on the N. P. R. R., which runs up the Columbia. In the midst of scenery unsurpassed in grandeur, we felt as if we were visiting the ruins of thousands of cathedrals whose turrets and domes had reached the clouds but were now in a partial state of decay. In the midst of this grand scenery are the Multomah Falls. The stream leaps over the rocks and falls 825 feet, exceeding in beauty all the bridal vails we ever saw or dreamed of.

The train stopped 25 minutes for our accommodation. For nearly 100 miles we stood between the cars feeling our littleness, as compared with the magnificence and grandeur of the scenery.

The Dalles is a romantic place where the Columbia River passes over rocky rapids, and is narrowed down to 58 yards wide, and its depths have not been sounded. With varying scenery of an elevated character, we reached Palouse Junction, 85 miles from Colfax.

Here we took the Columbia & Palouse Railroad for Colfax. Twenty miles before we reached it, the girls, who like the COURIER, are always on the out-look, saw Mr. and Mrs. Trimble. Mr. Trimble had been out Preaching and Baptizing the day before. I at once hid away in the car; but to my surprise, the COURIER had spoiled it all, by reaching there before we did, just as you did for me in Scotland two years ago.

I will try and see if I cannot keep a secret next time I leave Winfield.

We soon reached Colfax, just ten days from home, and about two of that lost by not going all the way by the A. P. & S. F. R. R., than which there is no better road in the United States, although the N. P. R. R. is excellent.

My nervous system is much better since I came here, but my Neuralgia is about the same. I will reserve a description of this country for next week.

The Colfax Academy starts out this year with five times the number it did last year, and times are much harder. Mr. Trimble is greatly encouraged. Yours Fraternally,


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Teachers Association.
The first session of Teacher's Association was held in Winfield, Saturday, the 20th. Friday evening preceding a small band of teachers met in the high school building for a social time and were highly entertained by the reading of essays by Miss Jessie Stretch and Mr. Gridley. Also a short speech by Mr. Limerick. We then repaired to the Good Templars Hall where we were cordially received, and nicely entertained.

It is encouraging to know that someone outside of our own ranks feels an interest in our welfare and we tender our thanks for the hospitality shown us by the Good Templars of Winfield.

Saturday morning a meeting was held for the purpose of discussing topics of vital importance to every teacher. Prof. Davis was present and took quite an active part in the several discussions. The several topics were satisfactorily disposed of; the only feature over which we lament is that more of our teachers were not present.

The second session is to be held at Burden, on the third Saturday of October. The patrons are specially invited and the teachers should feel duty bound to be present and add interest to our meetings. Allie Hardin, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

The President has appointed J. W. Patrick, of Oswego, Kansas, Indian agent of the Pottawatomie and great Nemaha Agency, at Kansas City.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

The writer was born in the spring of 1823, about the middle of the last term of President James Monroe. During the first ten years of our life a tariff moderately protective was enacted in 1824 and made more protective in 1828, and continued until 1833, embracing the term of President John Quincy Adams and the first term of Andrew Jackson. We well recollect the Southern "kick," the agitation and nullification measures then inaugurated against the tariff, under the lead of John C. Calhoun; and also Gen. Jackson's sturdy stand against the nullifiers; but of course, can remember little of the effect of protection up to 1833 except the impression left upon our mind that we had general good times.

In 1883, to settle the trouble with the south on this question, a compromise was adopted which provided that all tariff duties in excess of twenty percent should be reduced one tenth each year until 1842 when the remainder of the duties in excess of twenty percent advatorum were to be stricken off.

We well remember that from the passage of this act, through the second term of President Andrew Jackson and through the term of President Martin Van Buren, prices of labor, of wheat, corn, potatoes, pork, beef, and everything which the farmer could produce kept going down, down, down. We remember the fearful financial crisis of 1837 when all the factories were crushed out and shut up and when the capital invested in them vanished; when all the banks failed, and most of the merchants and tradesmen, when money could not be had at any sacrifice, and when ruin, want, and distress were everywhere apparent. We remember then that party lines were very strictly drawn, there being two parties, the Democratic under the lead of Jackson, Van Buren, Benton, and Calhoun (we called them Loco Foco's) with distinctive free trade doctrines, and the Whigs under the lead of Webster and Clay, with protection doctrines.

We were raised in Rutland County, Vermont. Our father was a Whig, a warm advocate of a protective tariff; and a farmer. From 1837 to 1842 we were 10 to 14 years old and can remember well the situation of those times. The country where we lived was an old country as compared with what Cowley County, Kansas, is now. The farmers had large orchards with plenty of first class fruit, but they sold best graft apples at 12 ½ to 18 3/4 cents a bushel when they could sell at all. They made cider and could only get about $1.00 per barrel. They raised plenty of potatoes and sold at 10 to 12 ½ cents per bushel. Corn was worth 20 cents and wheat 50 cents per bushel. They made maple sugar and sold it at the next town at 6 1/4 cents a pound. Pork was worth $6.00 to $7.00 per barrel and fine wool 25 cents per pound. Everything also which the farmer had to sell was in similar proportion.

The worst of it was, they did not get cash for their produce at that. It was barter and trade. They could get English made calicoes at 25 to 30 cents per yard, some as high as 50 cents. Other foreign goods sold at similar prices and they had to depend mostly on foreign goods for such supplies as they could not make at home. The farmers were out in the fields at hard and unremitting work from six o'clock in the morning to seven o'clock at night and in haying time from 5 o'clock in the morning to 8 o'clock at night. Their wives and daughters spun and wove, making nearly or quite all the cloth used in the family. Their labor was unremitted and they worked many more hours than the men. No house was furnished unless it had wool cards, wool spinning wheels, flax spinning wheels, quill wheels, distaffs, and a good loom. Young men went to church proudly clad in the full cloth garments which their mothers and sisters had made from the raw wool. Young ladies proudly marched up the aisles in the fine Lindsey Woolsey of their own fabrication.

Strong and active young men hired out to the farmers to work at one hundred dollars a year. Bright young women worked out at house work at 75 cents per week or taught school at the same price, or rarely exceeding a dollar a week.

The farmers had no pianos, organs, or other musical instruments in their houses, no carpets, paintings, papering, or ornamentation of any kind except such as they or their wives and daughters could get time to "fix up." They had no carriages or buggies and the young man who could take his girl out sleigh riding in a smart cutter got up by himself was a nabob.

As compared with the farmers of Cowley County at the present time the farmers of Rutland County, Vermont, were exceedingly poor, though they compared favorably with those of other sections in these times. The poorest Cowley County farmer has more of comforts and luxuries around him than the wealthiest farmer had there and then. A farmer whose aggregate property was worth a thousand dollars was then considered wealthy. I remember one only who was said to be worth ten thousand dollars and he was a phenomenon.

Here and now farmers worth ten to fifty thousand dollars are not at all scarce and one not worth over a thousand dollars would be poor indeed.

We remember the political campaign of 1840 when President W. H. Harrison was sung into the presidential chair. He was the Whig candidate against Martin Van Buren, the Democratic candidate for a second term. Conventions were held all over the country, speeches were made, songs were sung, and immense enthusiasm prevailed. "Tippecanoe and Tyler too," "Van, Van is a used up man," "The log cabin candidate," etc., were the songs we heard night and morning. It was no wonder that the people in the rural districts wanted the protective tariff which the Whigs promised them in place of the "tariff for revenue only," which was grinding them down.

Well, the Whigs got into power and enacted the protective tariff of 1842. Then all these things began to change. Manufactories of all kinds began to be established all over the country, and began to demand wool, cotton, flour, meal, potatoes, apples, pork, beef, and almost everything the farmer could produce, and would pay the cash for them. They began to want help, laborers; and scores and hundreds of our Vermont girls left their 75 cent per week house work or school teaching and went to Lowell and other factory towns, to work for three to six dollars a week and more when they became experts. It was a bonanza to them. Therefore, the wages of house girls and school teachers went up at home, but in none of these or later years did teachers get more than half the pay they do here and now; yet it was a great advance. Young men too were drawn from the farm to the factory and prices of their labor went up too. The factories turned producers to consumers and everything the farmer could raise found a near market at enhanced prices and cash at that. In the course of four years prices of farmers produce and of labor had on an average doubled. Wool went up to 75 cents per pound for fine Merino fleeces, flour to ten dollars per barrel, potatoes to 25 cents per bushel at the farmer's door, pork to $14.00 per barrel at home.

The farmers began to get ahead. Carpets, pianos, paintings, libraries, fine furniture, new houses, and other evidences of thrift appeared. In 1846 they were in the highest state of prosperity the country had ever reached.

In the meantime we had attained our majority. The prosperity under the protective tariff had put money into the farmers' pockets to such an extent that they could give their sons a start and many young men started "west to grow up with the country" in the new regions beyond the lakes. We took our little patrimony in our port monaie and went west too, reaching Chicago in 1845. Since then, our observations have been in Illinois, Iowa, and Kansas. In our movement we have kept just a little ahead of the railroads, until within the last six years the railroads have got by us and are now so far ahead that we give up the race and shall stay right here and see our neighbors get rich under a protective tariff.

In 1844 we should have cast our first vote for Henry Clay and protection had we remained in Vermont, but we left before the election and had not gained a residence anywhere else when the election came off. Well, that year James K. Polk, the Democratic candidate for president got elected by being a free trader in the South and a strong protectionist in Pennsylvania and his election was followed by the enactment of the "tariff for revenue only" law of 1846.

As this article is already spun out too long, we will treat of the effects of this and subsequent tariff laws at another time.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

If free trade will benefit labor in this country so materially as the revenue reformers claim, it is strange that it does not accomplish the same thing in England. That it does not, the best argument to offer is the great emigration that has occurred from that country to America within recent years. A man does not voluntarily expatriate himself unless he is assured that he will benefit himself in every way, and with the dogged attachment to country characteristic of him, this can be especially said of the British subject.

But, besides the fact of the emigration from England to America, we have other evidences that protected labor in America is better off and has a better chance in life's struggle than the British laborer, skilled or unskilled.

Statistics furnish the proof of this, and quoting from the London Times, a journal as thoroughly opposed to the American system and methods as any paper in the kingdom, adds to the proofs. It says:

"Statisticians have pronounced the United States to be not only potentially but actually, richer than the United Kingdom. Counting the houses, furniture, manufactures, railways, shipping, bullion, lands, cattle, crops, investments, and roads, it is estimated that there is a grand total in the United States of $40,770,000,000. Great Britain is credited with something less than $40,000,000,000 or nearly $10,000,000,000 less than the United States. The wealth per inhabitant in Great Britain is estimated at $1,160, and in the United States at $995. With regard to the remuneration of labor, assuming the produce of labor to be 100, in Great Britain 56 parts go to the laborer, 21 to capital, and 23 to government. In the United States 72 parts go to labor, 23 to capital, and 5 to government."

Now the point to which we would invite attention is the difference between the remuneration of labor in this country and Great Britain. It is striking, and to more forcibly present it, let us put it in another form.

Of every $100 earned by the laborer in the United States, he gets $72, capital gets $23, and the government $5.

Of every $100 earned by the laborer in Great Britain, he gets $56, capital gets $21, and the government gets $23.

To make this difference in the remuneration of labor in the two countries even more emphatic, it must be remembered that the wages of the workingman in the United States are 75 percent higher than in Great Britain. In other words, as often as the British workingman gets $100, the American workingman receives $175. For his own use the British workingman receives only $56 of what he earns, while the American workingman receives 72 percent of his, or $126. That is of the produce of a given number of days of labor the American laborer receives for his own use $2.25 as often as the British laborer receives $1.

In the United States, it will be seen, as well, that revenue system is so framed as to take the least possible amount from labor for the support of government. In Great Britain the revenue system places the burden on the poorly paid labor of the country.

The foregoing contrast, as we maintain, is a strong one, yet there is a great party, the Democratic party, in this country begging the suffrages of the people when pledged to inaugurate in this country the British system of remunerating labor. Under the circumstances are the American people prepared to heed its appeals and accord it a support that will give it a supremacy in the government that will enable the American workingmen to earn only $56 where they now get $123 for the same amount of labor? Kansas City Journal.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Just as the eastern bound passenger train was coming into the depot at noon, a passenger by the name of Shaffer made an effort to jump from the car and was thrown under the wheels and frightfully mangled. It appears that he got on board of the train at Cimarron station, eighteen miles west of here, and when asked for his fare he presented a check for $1.50 in payment for the fare. The conductor asked him to have it cashed as soon as Dodge was reached and hand him the amount. He agreed to do so, but on nearing the city, Shaffer told a boy that he would beat the conductor out of his fare, which he did by jumping off the train with the result as stated. [Source not given.]


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Dr. Banta is kept busy curing his numerous cancer patients.

Dr. Green sports a beautiful Rose tree in his window at the store.

Several business changes are liable to take place soon in our city.

There is a movement on foot to organize a Blaine and Logan Club.

O. O. Brown contemplates closing out business here and returning to Missouri.

Chas. White is comfortably located in winter quarters on the Pope farm.

Roberts opened the City Hotel in first class style and is keeping a No. one house too.

New corn is coming in quite lively. Farmers are receiving from 25 to 35 cents per bushel for it.

J. C. Stanton, a brother of our big Joe, arrived from Texas a few days ago. He came to stay this time.

Ralph Field, of the Wichita Eagle, spent Saturday in our city and wrote up our town in good style.

Rev. Burges, of the Baptist Church, baptized Dr. Mudgett and wife in Stewart Creek on Sunday, the 28th.

Udall is proud over the fact of being the place from whence came the first car of new corn that arrived in Chicago and it graded high mixed.

Mr. Ballanger was awarded the contract for building the M. E. Church at this place, which is a guarantee that the work will be well done.

DIED. A. S. Lightwater returned here on the 29th, for the purpose of burying his youngest child. He has the sympathy of our community in his bereavement.

We understand that a saloon is soon to open in our midst. Boys think well before engaging in any business that will not only bring trouble upon yourself, but sow a crop of misery that other hands must reap. "G."

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Your correspondent paid a visit to eastern Cowley lately. Everybody seemed to be rejoicing that Jasper's racket was no longer heard in the land. Therefore, I "hop to the front" with the following statements.

That we have no railroad and don't expect any.

Hurrah for Ed Greer and Frank Jennings.

That the corn crop is fully up to the average.

That Chautauqua County will have a fair, beginning Oct. 14.

That the Republicans are going to carry Chautauqua County this fall.

That there is enough corn and fruit on big Cana to advertise any five counties in the State.

That Frank Maxwell and Jeff Pugh know better than to meet your correspondent after night.

That Jim Utt is happy, and that four pairs of twins have registered in Lookout Valley in the last six weeks.

That Ed Hewins has about forty head of Polled Angus calves that are prettier than a polk- a-dot mother Hubbard.

That Cedarvale is booming with new buildings, lots of business, and freckled girls, with bustles made of a home newspaper.

Furthermore, your correspondent, while taking in the show at Independence Monday, ascertained that while the apple crop is immense in that section, the corn is very inferior.

It rains, and so the crop of candidates is exceedingly great. On foot, on horseback, and in buggies, they seek the country and lie in wait for the unsuspecting granger (that is they lie anyway). They overrate the yield of corn which the farmer expects. They declare that his long-snooted Arkansaw hogs are pure Berkshire, and that his board shaped yearlings are straight Durham. They dawdle the country infant upon their knees regardless of the molasses and grease which the aforesaid infant spreads upon their velvet breeches. They declare that the strong arm of the sun-burnt granter is the greatest bulwark of freedom. That every blade of millet terminates in a spire of liberty and that the life of an independent corn husker is a vestibule to Heaven. But next Saturday when the convention blows the foam away the old voter will find instead of this delicious candidate taffy he will have to gulp down the old regulation breech.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

The Buchanan brothers, of Louisville, the two biggest whiskey Democrats in Kentucky, have swindled their creditors out of $150,000, and have skipped off to Canada. The Democratic majority in Kentucky is thus being reduced slowly but surely.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Dissolution Notice. WINFIELD, KANSAS, September 30th, 1884. The firm of McDonald, Jarvis & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Jarvis, Conklin & Co., of Kansas City, Missouri, will assume all business obligations of the old firm, and continue the business at Winfield. J. WADE McDONALD, J. E. JARVIS, McDONALD, JARVIS & CO.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

CARD. THOS. H. ELDER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Winfield, Kansas. Office at home, on Mansfield Street, fronting M. L. Robinson's residence.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

The Winfield Markets. The markets are steady and about the same as last week, with wheat 50 cents, corn 32 cents to 33 cents, oats 20 to 22 cents, and hogs $5.00 to $5.40 per cwt. Smaller produce is abundant with butter 25 cents, eggs 15 cents, potatoes 60 to 75 cents. Peaches are in demand at from 50 cents to $1.00 per bushel. Spring chickens bring $2.00 to $2.50 per dozen. Onions 50 to 60 cents per bushel, and cabbage 3 cents per pound.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Men's saddle seam boots at O'Meara & Randolph's.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Go to G. B. Shaw & Co.'s, for the celebrated McAllister Coal.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Dalton & Madden have taken rooms in the new Jennings-Crippen building.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Mr. Anderson repairs shoes and boots in the rear of O'Meara & Randolph's shoe store.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Hand sewed, hand made kip boot at O'Meara & Randolph's for $3.50, every pair warranted.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Try our Oil Grain Goat for Women, Misses, and children, to be had at O'Meara & Randolph's.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

The Ladies Library Association holds its next regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 7th, at 3 p.m. Secretary.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

The lady who left her auburn hair switch at S. H. Myton's hardware store last week can get it by calling at this office.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

The person who took a half gallon jar of grape butter from the exhibition building at the Fair, by mistake, will please return it to this office.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

The Democrats of the 67th Representative District met Saturday and nominated I. D. Harklerode, of Silverdale Township, for the legislature.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

The United Brethren Church at Constant will be dedicated Sunday, October 12th. Dedicatory sermon will be delivered by the President of Lane University.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

G. B. Shaw & Co. have made arrangements to keep the McAllister coal in stock. No danger of a scolding wife if you buy the McAllister Coal.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

If you want to buy a good farm or city property cheap, go to Smith & Bro. on 9th Avenue, East Main Street. They have got 4,000 acres of good land for sale.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Limbocker & Albright will take pleasure in showing strangers both county and city property, which they have on their book to sell, and they have the best in the market.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

The White Bronze Statue, which was on exhibition at the Fair Ground last week, is now on exhibition on the lot adjoining D. Rodocker's Photograph Gallery. Mr. R. U. Hess is the agent.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

The Walnut Valley Baptist Association will meet this year with the Floral Baptist Church, commencing Friday, Oct. 10th, at 10 o'clock a.m. Those arriving on rail will be met at New Salem.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

The display of monuments and marble work by Billy Dawson, at the Fair last week, was a splendid representation of his superior work and enterprise. The Winfield Marble Works has a wide and meritable reputation.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Mrs. Ordway will open her class in painting at her studio on Tuesday p.m., October 7th. She has been improving the time of her trip East in new studies and work; and is prepared to teach the New Sustree painting.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

The firm of McDonald, Jarvis & Co. was dissolved Monday, Judge McDonald retiring. His increasing law practice together with his stock interests made this necessary. The firm will hereafter be Jarvis, Conklin & Co.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Men who were never known to exert themselves before could be seen pounding away, at ten cents a pound, on the striking machines which were on our streets and at the Fair Grounds, last week. Verily, the mysteries of humanity are varied.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

At the earnest solicitation of patrons, Mrs. E. D. Garlick will establish a department in her Kindergarten schools for advanced classes, taking in from the first to the third reader, and introducing the common school branches. Pupils will be received on and after Monday, October 13th.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

The Blaine and Logan Glee Club enlivened the exercises at Burden, Monday, with some of their campaign songs. It is a double quartette, lead by Frank Blair, and cannot be surpassed by any "quire" in Kansas. Their melody will be carried into every township in the county during the next month.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

The old case between Tony Boyle and Uncle Billy Rogers is being tried this week by Judge Pyburn as referee. Tom Blanchard, Henry Ireton, Jim Burns, Geo. Brown, W. W. Andrews, and other old Black Hills tourists are witnesses. The suit is over a quartz mill which Boyle & Rogers established in the Black Hills in 1875.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

DIED. The bright little son of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Soward passed away Tuesday afternoon. The hearts of the parents are heavy with their great sorrow, which the sympathy of many friends cannot soften. The little one was laid to rest Wednesday afternoon. It was their only child, and the affections of the parents were wrapped up in it.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

The United Telephone Co. will extend its line from Winfield to Wellington, this month, via Oxford. This will be a great convenience to our people, giving them connection in a circuit embracing Hunnewell, Caldwell, Wellington, Arkansas City, and Geuda Springs. The company is also talking of a connection with Burden and Cambridge.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

The Winfield Roller Mills of Bliss & Wood are walking right away with all the blue ribbons this year. In addition to first premium at the St. Louis exposition, their flour carried off first honors on the Cincinnati Board of Trade and at the Kansas City Exposition, over the famous Minneapolis flours. Cowley always "get there."

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Says the Clark City Clipper: "Miss Lawrence and Mrs. De Faulk, of Winfield, arrived in the city last week. They put up a neat room in the city, started improvements on their claims, and Miss De Faulk has returned to Winfield, where she will make arrangements to have a car load of lumber shipped from Chicago, for the purpose of erecting three more buildings in this city."

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

A Sumner County jury did a righteous act last week in returning a verdict of man- slaughter in the first degree in the case of Ed. Minor. The facts in this case are still fresh. A little girl was sitting on a veranda on Main Street, Wellington, on the evening of July 4th, when Minor, filled with intoxicants, in passing along the crowded street, recklessly shot a revolver off over his shoulder, the ball entering the heart of the little girl. The fact of his being drunk was held to be an aggravation rather than an excuse for the offense. It is a big improvement over the old "insanity" dodge.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

M. G. Troup is enjoying a visit from his father, of Phillips County, this State.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

James Vance is tussling with inflammatory rheumatism, and confined to home.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Will Smith, of lumber notoriety, came down from Wichita Saturday, returning Monday.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Mr. J. R. Atkins, of Cherryvale, spent Sunday in Winfield, attracted by one of our fair ladies.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

George Jennings came down from Carbondale Friday, spending a few days and returning to remain till December.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

O. C. Ewart, now in charge of the Farmers Bank Co.'s bank at Medicine Lodge, spent Saturday and Sunday in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Rev. W. R. Kirkwood and Mr. S. S. Linn are in attendance upon Presbytery at El Dorado, and Synod at Parsons, this week.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Ledro Guthrie and wife were over during the Fair week, visiting with the families of Dr. Mendenhall and Senator Hackney.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Oklahoma Payne is advertised to hold a "grand rally" at Oxford Saturday. He is arranging for another raid into the much coveted territory.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

O. A. Allen, for fourteen years Superintendent of the Great Chicago Rolling Mills, was visiting last week with his old friend, P. P. Powell.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben S. Turner, of Cherryvale, spent several days of last week with her sister, Mrs. G. H. Buckman, and took in Cowley's Fair.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Mrs. Emily Houston, of this city disposed of her half interest in the Occidental Hotel at Wichita, last week, to Col. H. W. Lewis, for $15,000.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Miss Sussie De Lamater, now conducting successfully a Kindergarten school at Wellington, spent Saturday and Sunday with her Winfield friends.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Billy Whitney returned Monday from a month's vacation in Michigan and different parts of the north and east, looking corpulent, sleek, and happy.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

C. Farringer and family have located permanently in Toronto, Canada. Ed. has joined the Queens Own Government Band, one of the best bands in Canada.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

J. M. Sibbitt and family, after a month's visit with their relatives, the family of J. Stretch, returned to their home, Hoopeston, Illinois, Tuesday evening.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Mr. S. F. Gibbs, Universalist, of Decatur, Illinois, will preach in the Opera House next Sunday at 2 o'clock p.m.; also at night at 7:30 o'clock p.m. All are invited.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Mrs. S. M. Brookshire, of Rock Township, laid on our table last Thursday a number of her fine budded peaches, whose beauty and flavor were unexcelled.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Mr. John Long, a prominent banker of Carrolton, Illinois, and an old friend of J. B. Lynn and the family of Dr. J. Headrick, spent a few days of this week in our city.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. Boyle and Mrs. Root, sister of Mrs. Boyle, are at present the guests of Mr. J. P. Short and lady. Mr. and Mrs. Boyle will return to Colorado next week.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.


John Hetrick and Mary Wilson.

Ammon R. Daugherty and Ella A. Wilson.

They were the only ones to launch on the matrimonial sea during the past week, according to the Probate Judge's record.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Charley T. Holmes leaves Sunday for Indianapolis, via the St. Louis Exposition, where he will visit a few days and return with his family, who have been spending some time among relatives there.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

W. T. Warner, of Warner Bros., contractors, who have recently located among us, left Saturday for St. Louis, to purchase machinery for their planing mill. He will also go on to Indiana for his family.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

J. A. Lisenby, of Dewitt, Illinois, is visiting with his old friend, M. S. Teter, of Beaver Township. This is his second visit to Cowley and, as the third always proves a charm, he will remain when he comes again.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Philip Hills, a cousin of P. H. Albright, arrived Tuesday from Pennsylvania. He is a graduate of Dickenson College, and has been reading law for two years. He will finish his law studies in the office of Henry E. Asp.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

W. D. Roberts came in last Friday from a visit in Monticello and other places in Indiana. He reports an immense Blaine plume in the cap of "Ingeany," with enthusiastic Republican meetings everywhere.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Sam L. Gilbert got in Tuesday from a Chicago trip in the interests of the State Board of Charities. He took in the great three months' Chicago Exposition while there and reports it immense. Ask to see his new Cleveland symbol; its appropriate.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Chas. Moss, who was thrown from his buggy several weeks ago and had a leg broken above the ankle, was unfortunate in having the same re-set limb broken again, yesterday, while around the house on crutches trying to assist his sick wife.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Mrs. S. M. Jarvis has been in the city for a week past as the guest of Mr. Ed. Jarvis and family. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Henry Jarvis, of Illinois. Sam came down Tuesday and returned to Kansas City with the ladies on the evening train.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

W. G. Seaver and Jesse Hine returned last week from a trip out west. They report that country largely inhabited by prairie dogs and rattlesnakes without much hope of permanently improving it. Seaver will not go west until the land publication notices play out.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

MARRIED. Miss Anna Hunt left for Cherryvale Monday to assist in celebrating the nuptials of Mr. Fred Dobson and Miss Lutie Newman, who were married at that place Tuesday evening. Miss Newman has many friends in Winfield, who will heartily extend congratulations.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hill and Mr. and Mrs. A. Graff were among the Wellington folks who attended our Fair last week, the former visiting W. O. and Tom Johnson, brothers of Mrs. Hill, and the latter Mr. and Mrs. C. Collins. They were highly pleased with our displays as compared to those of Sumner.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Mrs. T. Mesmer, mother of Mr. P. P. Powell, with her husband, has been spending a few weeks visiting her son. Mrs. Mesmer settled at old Fort Dearborn, where the great, wicked city of Chicago now stands, in 1882, and has since resided there, witnessing every stage of the magic development of that great metropolis.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Mrs. Robt. Weakly of Walnut Township, was thrown from a wagon Friday, just after leaving the Fair Grounds for home, sustaining a broken hip and a severely bruised shoulder. In the crowd and jam along the avenue from the gate to the Santa Fe Depot, the wagon wheel fell into a rut, the seat came down, and the old lady was thrown headlong to the ground. Being past sixty, small hopes are entertained of her overcoming the injuries.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

J. T. Denton, for the last eight years one of Cowley's prominent cattle raisers, has disposed of his eight hundred acre cattle ranch in Harvey Township to Neer Bros., and will soon open, in connection with Messrs. Bowers & Brown, a bank in Grenola, Elk County. Grenola is a sprightly little city, without a bank, and Mr. Denton's experience in money matters and ability as a man will do much in the success of the enterprise.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

The Arkansas City Republican thus "gives away" an eventful tour: Joe Finkleburg had business again up to Winfield. This time he took George W. Schmidt along. The magnetism of the female society of Winfield is seemingly wonderful. It held Messrs. Finkleburg and Schmidt until so late an hour that they missed the train. In blissful commune they whiled away the weary hours until the whistle of the freight recalled them from their fascination. Then, each grabbed a hat, and started on a dead run for the depot, arriving just in time to see the caboose disappearing from view. Their only recourse to get home was a livery team, which idea, as soon as invented, was carried out. They came into Arkansas City yesterday morning looking sleepy, tired, and worn, but nevertheless happy.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Anthracite Coal. For the next ten days we will take orders, to be delivered in October, at $13.00 per ton. Special rate on five ton lots. Winfield Coal Co.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

A number of our citizens attended the Blaine and Logan pole raising at Burden on Monday and report the biggest crowd that our sister city, considering all her previous big days, ever saw. And the enthusiasm was equal to the magnificent crowd. The Winfield Glee Club, composed of Messrs. Blair, Snow, Roberts, Shaw, and Crozier, with Prof. Stimson, organist, and Burden's two splendid brass bands, furnished the best of music for the occasion, while Messrs. Jennings and Asp delivered rousing addresses. The pole was one hundred and twenty-five feet high and was raised without an accident. In striking contrast was this demonstration to the Democratic pole raising at the same place a few weeks ago, when they had to call on Republicans to help boost their poor old stick into the air; where no music, no speaking, and no crowd were the principal attractionsa regular Democratic fizzle. Burden and vicinity are rife with true-blue, energetic, intelligent Republicans, and the fact that enough Democrats can't be found to raise a Cleveland and Hendricks pole is the greatest index to the prosperity, substantial and general enterprise of that sprightly little city and surrounding territory.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Paper announced the public schools of Winfield opened on Monday morning. "With the opening of school, the pressing need of the third ward school building, which is now under contract, is again forcibly brought up."


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

What is White Bronze?
It is the name given the monuments, statuary, medallions, etc., cast from refined zinc, and frosted with the sandblast finish. Why is it called "White" Bronze? To distinguish it from the copper or olive bronze. How does the price of White Bronze compare with granite? It costs less, according to design; though in the plainest of the small work, a cheap grade of stone can be had for about the same as in White Bronze. White Bronze is sold on its merits, and if it were twice as expensive as stone when erected, it would be far cheaper in the end. Is zinc a preserver of other metals? It is. A coating of zinc on iron will preserve it a great many years; it is then called galvanized iron, which is in use all over the world. Why is zinc so enduring? Science tells us that when "zinc is exposed to air or water, its surface becomes covered with a film of oxide, which does not increase, and which will resist the effects of the atmosphere for all time to come." For further particulars, address R. U. Hess, Arkansas City, Kansas, District Agent for White Bronze Co., DeMoines, Iowa.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

To My Patrons. You know of my recent, dangerous illness. It has left my lungs in such a diseased condition as to require a change of location for a few months at least. You also know that I control specific remedies for Neuralgia, Catarrh of the head, Dyspepsia, and Female Weakness. These remedies, with full written instructions, will be furnished at one half my usual rates. And all persons holding accounts against me, and all owing me will please call at once for settlement, and oblige, etc. T. B. TAYLOR, M. D.

P.S. Call and get a $200 Organ for $75 and a $700 Piano for $297.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

The Death Record.
DIED. On Sunday, the 28th, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stivers, of Floral, lost their little son, Johnnie.

DIED. On Monday, the 29th, Mr. and Mrs. A. Barr, of this city, laid away their 10 year old son.

DIED. Tuesday, the 30th, witnessed the death of Tom Wheeler, the infant son of T. H. and Lizzie Soward.

DIED. The youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Hank Paris died.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

We were favored Wednesday with a call from Dr. T. H. Elder, who has recently located here. He was a practicing physician of long standing in Monroe County, Iowa, and will follow his profession here. The Doctor is a very pleasant gentleman and comes among us with the highest recommendations. We clip the following from the Albin, Iowa, Union.

"Dr. T. H. Elder, who left us for a new home in Kansas, has been a practicing physician in this city and country for more than twenty years with eminent success, building up a reputation that is worth more than money. He will succeed wherever his lot may be cast. Success to he and his good wife in their new home. . . .

"Dr. T. H. Elder with his family have left for Winfield, Kansas, where they expect to make their future home. Their going away leaves a vacancy in society here which may be difficult to fill. His family will be an element of strength for all that is good in the community where they may settle and life."

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

MARRIED. Married at the Brettun House, Winfield, Kansas, Sept. 24th, 1884, by Rev. B. Kelly, Mr. Samuel C. Brown of Wichita, Kansas, and Miss Laura M. Fowler of Richmond, Indiana.

MARRIED. At the Central Hotel, Winfield, Kansas, Sept. 26th, 1884, by Rev. B. Kelly, Mr. Joseph Kerns to Miss Ella Holly, all of Cowley County, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Cowley's fair this year was, in some departments, especially that of agricultural display, greatly inferior to that of last year. In the agricultural department this was largely due to the fact that crops are not generally so good as last year, and that no one interested themselves sufficiently in making the collection. In the cattle department the premiums were too small and the charges for stalls and pens too high, as was also the case in the horse department. These mistakes will be remedied in another year. The display in hogs and sheep was very fine, although many exhibitors were deterred from bringing hogs through fear of cholera. In fruit and household products the display was magnificent. In stock, while the numbers were not so large as last year, the grades were better, and spoke well for the success of our stock breeders.

Financially and in point of attendance the fair was much ahead of last year. The attendance on Thursday was about ten thousand, on Friday eight thousand, and on Saturday five thousand. The net profits, after paying all premiums and expenses, will be about eighteen hundred dollars.

The fair is now on a firm, sound, and prosperous basis, with all its stock placed and a good surplus in the treasury. It now behooves the stockholders and directors to so adjust the next premium list as to do away with as many of its objectionable features as possible and offer premiums large enough to make it an object for all to bring out their stock and productions.

Mr. A. J. Thompson's premium of his Short Horn cattle amounted to $88.50.

John R. Smith's herd of thoroughbreds were beauties and carried off first premium as a herd.

J. Scott Baker's fine premium Short Horn bull was a fine animal and attracted much attention.

Mrs. Wesley McEwen was very fortunate and had a splendid display of jellies, preserves, and canned goods.

N. J. Thompson took $89 in premiums in the cattle ring with his thoroughbreds. His cattle were very fine.

Isaac Wood took $55.50 in premiums on his hog exhibit and sold his huge show hog, "Kentucky King, 2661," to Stewart & Boyle, of Wichita, for $100.

N. L. Yarbrough's fine display of colts from his noted stallion, "Clyde," attracted great attention, and he carried off a whole bolt of blue ribbon.

Bahntge, Kates & Co., only exhibited one cow out of their splendid herd of thoroughbreds, and she took $41 in premiums. Next year they expect to down the county.

E. Copeland & Son, of Douglass, exhibited their splendid herd of Merino sheep and took a large number of premiums. The wooly friends of man were out in beauty and value.

The display of S. Kleeman of dry goods of all kinds from his store showed much enterprise and he made many friends by his gentlemanly deportment in explaining his attractions.

The beautiful vase of Cowley County stone, displaying the workmanship and artistic taste of Frank L. Wright, worthily took the blue ribbon. It was four feet high and greatly admired.

"Executor," the pretty racer in charge of F. M. Harlan, of Parsons, was the lion of the free for all speed ring events, roping in first money. He is a half brother of Judge McDonald's stallion colt.

The careful manner in which Uncle Wesley Paris sprinkled the Fair ground and the avenue leading to them, last week, with a little Providential assistance, was a great source of pleasure to the vast crowd. Uncle Wesley never does things by halves.

There were but two fights and no arrests on the grounds. Much credit is due chief of police Siverd and his efficient aides, Messrs. Tansey and Finch, for the able manner in which the police force was handled.

Our merchants showed characteristic enterprise by closing their stores and turning out in full force at the fair, on "Winfield Day." The grounds, as a result, were continually crowded with surging humanity Thursday afternoon, all city business being suspended.

Hendricks & Wilson had a display of stoves which was highly creditable to their ever- reliable establishment. Mr. Hendricks was kept busy explaining the points of interest to the gentle housewives, who are always looking out for improvements in the cooking art.

Mr. J. T. Orr, who won the gold medal in the five mile race, is one of the fastest, as well as one of the most expert riders in the state. He has been engaged to travel with a large circus next year. His feats of fancy riding at the rink Saturday evening were wonderful.

The horticultural exhibit at the fair is especially worthy of note and a finer "lay out" we challenge any county in the west, of the age of Cowley, to produce. About every variety of fruit that ever grew on a tree was there to be seen. It was positive proof of Cowley's adaptation to fruit.

The noted sorrel, "Caroline," who won first money in the 2:40 pacing race, making the mile in 2:39-1/2, and also took first premium in sweepstakes for best mare any age or breed, was purchased soon after her victories by Judge J. Wade McDonald, for $1,000. The Judge is a great admirer of fancy horse flesh, and in "Caroline" has a daisy.

Harry West, the young bicyclist from Wichita, was unfortunate. His wheel threw him the first heat, bruising him badly. In the second heat he was thrown again, his wheel falling into that ridden by Mr. Page, and completely demolishing it. Mr. Page was quite badly hurt, in addition to the loss of his hundred and fifty dollar bicycle.

A two-gallon "demijohn" of whiskey was captured by the police force and turned over to the secretary as "contraband goods." During the day it mysteriously disappeared, since which time neither whiskey nor demijohn has been heard of. It was taken from the office while the secretary was attending to his duties in the judges' stand during the races by some parched and thirsty individual.

That Cowley is making wonderful strides in the improvement of her cattle and horses, our fair readily proved. There were any number of big Clydesdales, Norman, and Canadian and a profusion of trotting and running horses, together with as fine brooders and yearlings as any county can produce. The long-horned, wild-eyed Texas cattle have given place to Short-horns, Galloways, Jerseys, Polled-Angus, and the other high grades. The hint of Providence is being well heeded in the number of fine cattle being raised in Cowley.

In chronicling a visit to our fair, the A. C. Republican says: "Once more the fact that Kansas leads the Union in agriculture productions was verified. A fine display of fruits of all kind met our gaze on all sides in the horticultural hall. S. E. Maxwell had a magnificent display of fruit there. Corn, which beat anything we ever saw in the "Sucker" state, was piled around in the agricultural hall. One ear we picked up and examined measured 14 inches in length, and as near as we could count had over 1,486 grains on the cob. Wheat, oats, blue- grass, rye, and in fact all kinds of agricultural products were displayed. The number of cattle on exhibition Wednesday was small, but the grade was first class."

We print below a complete list of premiums awarded from the Secretary's books.


Stallion, 4 years old and over: R. B. Noble, first premium; S. Allison, second premium.

Filly, three years old and under four: C. A. Lawson, first; Henry B. Porter, second.


Stallion, 4 years old and over: N. L. Yarbrough, first; C. Kimble, second.

Stallion, two years old and under three: S. Allison, first.

Mare, four year old and over: Silas Kennedy, first.

Mare, three years old and under four: Jas. Tweedie, first.

Mare, two years old and under two: John Peterson, first.

Mare colt: Silas Kennedy, first.


Stallion, four years old and over: James Hubbard, first; Silas Kennedy, second.

Stallion, three years old and under four: C. P. Cogswell, first.

Colt, one year old and under two: M. L. Read, first; N. J. Thompson, second.

Stallion colt, E. H. Copple, first; J. P. Suber [?Stuber?], second.

Gelding, four years old and over: G. S. Manser, first; S. C. Sumpter, second.

Mare, four years old and over; W. P. Coff, first; C. Kimble, second.

Mare, three years old and under four: H. C. McDorman, first; U. P. Porter, second.

Mare, two years old and under three: C. Kimble, first.

Mare, 1 year old and under 2; N. J. Thompson, first.

Mare colt, J. B. Evans, first; C. Kimble, second.


Stallion, 4 years old and over: Vermilye Bros., 1st; R. B. Noble, 2nd.

Stallion, 2 years old and under 3: S. Allison.

Stallion colt, 1 year old or over; John Peterson, first.

Stallion colt, A. Tinsman, first; D. S. Sherrard, 2nd.

Mare, 4 years old and over: D. S. Sherrard, 1st; D. S. Sherrard, 2nd.

Mare, 3 years old and under 4: James Tweedie, 1st; W. P. Porter, 2nd.

Mare, 2 years old and under 3; James Tweedie, 1st.

Mare colt, T. W. Dichen, 1st; F. A. A. Williams, 2nd.


Span of roadsters over 4 years old; C. C. Pierce, 1st; Fred Barron, 2nd.

Stallion roadster any age, A. J. Lyon, 1st; S. Allison, 2nd.

Single roadster, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over; Arthur Bangs, 1st, Joe Harter, 2nd.


Stallion any age or blood, A. J. Lyons.

Mare any age or blood, W. P. Poff.

Brood mare, with colt; N. L. Yarbrough.

Stallion showing best five colts, N. L. Yarbrough.


Jack any age or greed; W. T. Richardson, 1st; James Stewart, 2nd.

Best pair mules for farm work: C. J. Jess, 1st.


Best bull, 3 years old and over; J. Scott Baker, 1st; F. A. A. Williams, 2nd.

Bull, 2 years old and under 3; N. J. Thompson, 1st.

Bull 1 year old and under 2; John R. Smith and Son, 1st.

Bull under 1 year, John R. Smith and Son, 1st.

Cow, 3 years old and over: Bahntge, Kates & Co., 1st; John R. Smith & Son, 2nd.

Cow 2 years old and under 3; John R. Smith & Son, 1st and 2nd.

Heifer under 1 year, John R. Smith & Son, 1st.


Bull 3 years old and over: C. Cowswell, 1st.

Bull, 2 years old and under 3, L. F. Johnson, 1st.

Best Polled-Angus bull 2 years old, Vermilye Bros., 1st.

Best Jersey bull, F. A. A. Williams, 1st.

Best Jersey cow, John W. Curns, 1st.


Bull 1 year old and under 2, J. Scott Baker, 1st.

Bull calf under 1 year, N. J. Thompson, 1st and 2nd.

Cow 3 years old or over, John R. Smith, 1st; N. J. Thompson, 2nd.

Heifer 2 years old and under 3, N. J. Thompson, 1st; F. A. A. Williams, 2nd.

Heifer 1 year old and under 2, N. J. Thompson, 1st and 2nd.

Heifer under 1 year, N. J. Thompson, 1st and 2nd.

Best fat cow, Bahntge, Kates & Co., 1st; T. M. Graham, 2nd.

Best herd thoroughbreds, John R. Smith, 1st.


Best bull any age or blood, N. J. Thompson, 1st.

Best cow any age or blood, Bahntge, Kates & Co., 1st.

Bull with 4 of his offspring, N. J. Thompson.


In this lot Mr. E. R. Morse, of Maple Township, swept the board, taking every premium, amounting to $49.50.


Board 1 year old and over, Isaac Wood, 1st.

Board 6 months old, Isaac Wood, 1st and 2nd.

Board 4 months old, John R. Smith, 1st; Samuel Axley, 2nd.

Sow 1 year old or over, John R. Smith, 1st; Isaac Wood, 2nd.

Sow 6 months old, Isaac Wood, 1st.

Sow 4 months old, Isaac Wood, 1st; Samuel Axley, 2nd.

Sow and six pigs, Isaac Wood, 1st.

Best pen of 6 pigs, Isaac Wood, 1st.


Best board any age or breed, Isaac Wood, 1st.

Best sow any age or breed, E. R. Morse, 1st.

Best collection of swine, Isaac Wood, 1st.


Ram 2 years old and over, E. Copeland, 1st and 2nd.

Ram 1 year old, E. Copeland and Son, 1st; Neer Bros, 2nd.

Ram lamb, Copeland and Son, 1st; Near Bros., 2nd.

Ewe 2 years old, Copeland and Son, 1st and 2nd.

Ewe 1 year old, Copeland and Son, 1st and 2nd.

Three ewe lambs, Copeland & Son, 1st.


Ram 2 years old and over, John W. Pierce, 1st and 2nd.

Ram 1 year old and under 2, John W. Pierce, 1st and 2nd.

Ram lamb, James Tweedie, 1st.

Ewe 2 years old and over, H. A. Ensign, 1st; James Tweedie, 2nd.

Ewe 1 year old, H. A. Ensign, 1st.

Three ewe lambs, James Tweedie, 1st; H. A. Ensign, 2nd.


Ram any age or breed, E. Copeland, 1st.

Ewe any age or breed, E. Copeland, 1st.

Buck with 5 of his lambs, E. Copeland, 1st.

Flock of 15 of any breed, John W. Pierce.

Flock Angora goats, Wm. Wright, 1st.

Best half bushel red fall wheat, J. D. Guthrie, 1st; Alex Fuller, 2nd.

Best half bushel red oats, J. W. Browning, 1st; S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Best half bushel white corn, Silas Kennedy, 1st; T. W. Dichen, 1nd.

Half bushel yellow corn, D. P. Hurst, 1st; T. H. Jackson, 2nd.

Half bushel pop corn, T. H. Jackson, 1st; T. M. Johnson, 2nd.

Bundle broom-corn, D. A. Smith, 1st; M. C. Gibson, 2nd.

Bundle millet, D. P. Hurst, 1st; A. J. McCollom, 2nd.

Bundle blue grass, S. E. Maxwell, 1st; D. Knox, 2nd.

Bundle Johnson grass, J. W. Cottingham, 1st; D. S. Sherrard, 2nd.

Peck early Irish potatoes, John R. Sumpter, 1st; George Vanway, 2nd.

Peck late Irish potatoes, J. D. Guthrie, 1st; S. P. Case, 2nd.

Peck sweet potatoes, E. M. Johnson, 1st; Geo. Vanway, 2nd.

Peck of turnips, J. M. Johnson, 1st.

Peck of beets, George Vanway, 1st.

Peck Parsnips, George Vanway, 1st.

Peck carrots, George Vanway, 1st.

Peck tomatoes, W. C. Hayden, 1st.

Cabbage, George Vanway, 1st.

Pumpkins, D. P. Hurst, 1st.

Squashes, J. M. Jackson, 1st.

Watermelons, Wm. Baruth, 1st.

Muskmelons, Jas. F. Martin, 1st.

Cucumbers, George Vanway, 1st.

Pieplant, George Vanway, 1st.

Best display vegetables, Evalene Hunt, 1st; George Vanway, 2nd.

Best 2 pounds butter, Mrs. P. B. Lee, 1st.

Best 5 gallons sorghum, C. P. Cogswell, 1st.

Best two loaves of wheat bread made of hop yeast, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. D. S. Sherrard, 2nd.

Best 2 loaves brown bread, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st.

Best white cake, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st.

Best Apple pie, Miss Alice Graham, 1st; Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 2nd.

Peach pie, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st; Mrs. S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Cherry pie, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st.

Lemon pie, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st.

Custard pie, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st.

Pumpkin pie, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. A. H. Bangs, 2nd.

Best sample homemade soap, Mrs. P. B. Lee, 1st.

Apricot jelly, Mrs. M. E. Sumpter, 1st; Mrs. C. Ferguson, 2nd.

Apple jelly, Mollie Mitchell, 1st; Mrs. M. E. Sumpter, 2nd.

Blackberry jelly, Mrs. M. E. Sumpter, 1st; Mrs. Cal Ferguson, 2nd.

Current jelly, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st; Mrs. Cal Ferguson, 2nd.

Cherry jelly, Mrs. M. E. Sumpter, 1st; Mollie Mitchell, 2nd.

Cranberry jelly, Mollie Mitchell, 1st.

Gooseberry jelly, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st; Mollie Mitchell, 2nd.

Lemon jelly, Mrs. D. S. Sherrard, 1st; Mrs. M. E. Sumpter, 2nd.

Orange jelly, Mrs. M. E. Sumpter, 1st.

Plum jelly, Mrs. D. S. Sherrard, 1st; Lydia Serrott, 2nd.

Peach jelly, Lydia Serrott, 1st; Mrs. M. E. Sumpter, 2nd.

Quince jelly, Mrs. M. E. Sumpter, 1st; Mrs. D. S. Sherrard, 2nd.

Rhubarb jelly, Mrs. M. E. Sumpter, 1st.

Siberian crab jelly, Mrs. C. Ferguson, 1st; Mrs. T. M. Graham, 2nd.

Strawberry jelly, Mrs. M. E. Sumpter, 1st; Mollie Mitchell, 2nd.

Grape jelly, green, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st; Mollie Mitchell, 2nd.

Grape jelly, white, Mrs. C. Ferguson, 1st.

Grape jelly, red, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st; Mrs. T. M. Graham, 2nd

Best display of jellies, Mrs. M. E. Sumpter, 1st.


Apples, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. F. W. Manser, 2nd.

Blackberries, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st; Mrs. S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Cherries, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st; Mrs. T. M. Graham, 2nd.

Gooseberries, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 2nd.

Grapes, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st; Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 2nd.

Peaches, Mrs. T. M. Graham, 1st; Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 2nd.

Pears, Mrs. T. M. Graham, 1st; Mrs. S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Plums, Mrs. T. M. Graham, 1st; Mrs. Ira Holmes, 2nd.

Quinces, Mrs. J. A. Cooper, 1st; Mrs. F. W. Manser, 2nd.

Raspberries, Mrs. D. S. Sherrard, 1st; Mrs. F. W. Manser, 2nd.

Strawberries, Mrs. F. W. Manser, 1st.

Siberian crabs, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 1st; Mrs. F. W. Manser, 2nd.

Tomatoes, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 2nd.

Apricot, Mrs. T. M. Graham, 1st; Mrs. S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Best display of canned fruits, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st.


Apples, Lidia Serrott, 1st; Mrs. S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Blackberries, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st; Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 2nd.

Cherries, Mrs. Ira Holmes, 1st; Mrs. W. W. Andrews, 2nd.

Citron, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. N. S. Perry, 2nd.

Gooseberry, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 2nd.

Grapes, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 1st; Mrs. N. S. Perry, 2nd.

Pears, Mrs. E. J. Dawson, 1st; Mrs. S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Peaches, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. N. S. Perry, 2nd.

Plum, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 2nd.

Quinces, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 1st.

Siberian crab, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 1st; Mrs. Ira Holmes, 2nd.

Strawberries, Mrs. H. D. Gans, 1st; Mrs. N. S. Perry, 2nd.

Raspberries, Mrs. N. S. Perry, 1st.

Tomatoes, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. Ira Holmes, 2nd.

Best display of preserves, Mrs. Geo. Robinson, 1st.

Best peck of dried apples, S. E. Maxwell.

Peck of dried peaches, S. E. Maxwell, 1st; Mrs. Arthur Bangs, 2nd.


Apple butter, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 1st; Mrs. S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Peach butter, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 2nd.

Plum butter, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 2nd.

Pear butter, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st.

Grape butter, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st; Mrs. S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Blackberry butter, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 2nd.

Gooseberry butter, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. Ira Holmes, 2nd.

Musk-melon butter, Mrs. W. Rorrick, 1st.

Best display of butters, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st.


Pickled grapes, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. Ira Holmes, 2nd.

Pickled cherries, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 1st; Mrs. S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Pickled peaches, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 2nd.

Pickled cucumbers, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st.

Sweet pickled pears, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st.

Sour pickled cucumbers, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st; Mrs. S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Sour pickled tomatoes, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st; Mrs. S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Pickled cauliflower, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st.

Pickled tomatoes, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st.

Pickled Piccalilli, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st; Mrs. S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Pickled stuffed peppers, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st.

Pickled cabbage, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Tomato catsup, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 2nd.

Gooseberry catsup, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 2nd.

Best display of pickles and catsups, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st.


Best peck Maiden Blush, D. Bovee, 1st; H. Hawkins, 2nd.

Best peck Rambo, H. Hawkins, 1st; D. Bovee, 2nd.


Best peck Wine Sap, J. D. Guthrie, 1st; R. Wellman, 2nd.

Best peck Ben Davis, John Mentch, 1st; T. H. Jackson, 2nd.

Best peck Jonathan, T. H. Jackson, 1st; D. Bovee, 2nd.

Best peck Rawler Janet, R. Wellman, 1st; H. Hawkins, 2nd.

Best peck Missouri Pippen, A. De Turk, 1st; T. H. Jackson, 2nd.

Best peck Dominie, H. Hawkins, 1st; D. Bovee, 2nd.

Best peck Wagener, Silas Kennedy, 1st; D. Bovee, 2nd.

Best Peck Willow Twig, T. H. Jackson, 1st; S. D. Cunningham, 2nd.

Best Peck Smiths Cider, F. A. A. Williams, 1st; D. Bovee, 2nd.

Best Peck Grimes Golden Pippin, D. Bovee, 1st; G. W. Young, 2nd.

Best display Heaths cling peaches, A. Thineman, 1st; W. L. Seacat, 2nd.

Best platter Bartlett pears, Andrews Dawson, 1st; Jacob Nixon, 2nd.

Best platter pears any variety, A. De Turk, 1st; P. Case, 2nd.

Best platter Quinces, S. B. Fleming, 1st.

Best platter None Such, G. W. Young, 1st.

Best platter King of Tompkins County, S. C. Cunningham, 1st.

Best platter Talpehoehm, S. C. Cunningham, 1st; D. Bovee, 2nd.

Best platter Ortley, S. C. Sumpter, 1st; R. Wellman, 2nd.

Best platter Vandevere, Andrew Dawson, 1st; F. A. A. Williams, 2nd.

Best display fruit from any one orchard in Cowley County, C. J. Braine, 1st.

Best collection house plants, Belle Linn, 1st.

Best hand bouquets, Hope Manser, 1st and 2nd.

Best half dozen button-hole bouquets, Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, 1st; Hope Manser, 2nd.

Landscape from nature in oil, Mrs. C. Collins, 1st; Mrs. A. C. Bangs, 2nd.

Animal piece in oil from life, Mrs. Geo. Ordway, 1st.

Fruit piece in oil, Miss Cora Bullene, 1st; Mrs. Geo. Ordway, 2nd.

Portrait from life in oil, water, or crayon, Mrs. Geo. Ordway, 1st and 2nd.

Fancy painting in oil, Mrs. Geo. Ordway, 1st.

Animal or bird piece in water colors, Mrs. A. C. Bangs, 1st.

Fancy painting in water colors, Mrs. Geo. Ordway, 1st.

Landscape in crayon, Mrs. J. A. Cooper, 1st and 2nd.

Specimen Kensington painting, Mrs. Geo. Ordway, 1st and 2nd.

Specimen plaque painting, Bertha Wallis, 1st.

Collection of oil paintings by owner, Mrs. Geo. Ordway, 1st.

Collection decorated pottery by owner, Mrs. Geo. Ordway, 1st.

Collection photographs done by exhibiter, D. Rodocker, 1st.

Landscape in oil, Mrs. S. Lowe, 1st.

Animal painting in oil, Mrs. Geo. Ordway, 1st.

Geographical drawing by public school pupil, H. L. Snyder, 1st.

Bouquet Swiss flowers, Libbie Paris, 1st.

Brass pounding, Mrs. J. S. Wellas, 1st.

Best Specimen silk embroidery, Mrs. Mattie Lahr, 1st and 2nd.

Best Specimen silk embroidery on flannel, Mrs. L. Lowe, 1st.

Best hand embroidered handkerchief, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 1st.

Best hand embroidered infants dress, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st.

Best hand embroidered ladies underwear, Mrs. L. Fluke, 1st.

Handsomest embroidery on R. R. Canvass, Mrs. U. S. Waugh, 1st.

Handsomest embroidery on Java canvas, Mrs. W. H. Albro, 1st and 2nd.

Handsomest embroidery on honey comb canvas, Mrs. S. Lowe, 1st.

Best machine tucked skirt, Mrs. T. M. McGuire, 1st and 2nd; ditto suit underwear.

Best handmade gents shirt, Mrs. M. F. Schooling, 1st.

Best Specimen plain sewing by a lady over sixty years, Mrs. M. F. Schooling, 1st and 2nd.

Best Specimen hem stitching, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 1st and 2nd.

Best Specimen crewel work, Mrs. Geo. Ordway, 1st and 2nd.

Bet Specimen crochet edge in linen, Mrs. U. S. Waugh, 1st.

Best display crochet, Mrs. V. E. Christie, 1st and 2nd.

Handsomest crochet tidie, Mrs. U. S. Waugh, 1st and 2nd.

Handsomest shawl, Mrs. J. S. Wellas, 1st and 2nd.

Best crochet muffler, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 1st and 2nd.

Best knit silk mitten, Mrs. S. D. Pryor, 1st.

Best knit worsted mittens, Mrs. Ira Holmes, 1st.

Best work in plush, Mrs. W. H. Albro, 1st.

Best Specimen mosaic work, Gertrude McKinley, 1st.

Handsomest Specimen ribbon work, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 1st.

Handsomest Specimen arosene embroidery, Mrs. J. S. Wellas, 1st.

Handsomest Specimen chenille, Mrs. J. S. Walles, 1st.

Handsomest sofa pillow, silk embroidered, Mrs. W. H. Albro.

Handsomest sofa pillow crazy-work, Mrs. M. Schooling, 1st.

Best outline silk embroidery, Miss Chrissie Wright, 1st.

Best outline cotton embroidery, Miss Minnie Binney, 1st.

Best hand-made point lace, Mrs. Geo. Robinson, 1st.

Handsomest Kensington silk embroidery, Mrs. S. Lowe, 1st.

Handsomest Kensington crewel embroidery, Mrs. W. H. Albro, 1st.

Best darned-net bed spread, Miss Mattie Linn, 1st.

Handsome silk quilt, Miss Minnie Binney, 1st.

Handsomest calico quilt, Mrs. H. L. Steele, 1st.

Handsomest fancy quilt, Miss Matie Linn, 1st.

Handsomest log cabin quilt, ditto.

Handsomest toilet set, Mrs. W. H. Albro, 1st.

Handsomest rug any design or make, Mrs. E. D. Kelly, 1st.

Handsomest ottoman cover, Miss Emma Weymer, 1st.

Handsomest camp mat, E. D. Kelly, 1st.

Handsomest afghan, Miss Crissie Wright, 1st.

Ladies white apron, Mrs. H. G. Johnston, 1st.

Child's white apron, Minnie Young, 1st.

Best hand-made calico dress, Mrs. Fluke, 1st.

Best Specimen of plain knitting, E. D. Kelly, 1st.

Best darned-net apron, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 1st.

Best Specimen fancy knitting, Mrs. M. F. Schooling, 1st.

Handsomest table scarf, Miss Ida Trezise, 1st.

Handsomest chair scarf, Mrs. H. G. Johnson, 1st.

Handsomest splasher, Miss Matie Linn, 1st.

Handsomest pin cushion, Mrs. S. Lowe, 1st.

Handsomest chair cushion, E. D. Kelly, 1st.

Handsomest chair cover, Mrs. W. H. Albro, 1st.

Handsomest pillow roll, for chair, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 1st.

Handsomest hand bag, Mrs. W. H. Albro, 1st.

Handsomest pin cushion, J. S. R. Bates, 1st.

Handsomest embroidered hose, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 1st. Best specimen of drawn work ditto.

Best and prettiest thing of any design or make, Mrs. W. H. Albro, 1st.

Lace mits, E. D. Kelly, 1st.

Flannel skirt, E. D. Kelly, 1st.

Couch cover, E. D. Kelly, 1st.

Knit tidy, E. D. Kelly, 1st.

Child's needle work, Flora Bullene.

Hearth rug, Mrs. Susan W. Shaw, 1st and 2nd.

Ten yards of rag carpet, Lydia Wilmot, 1st; Mrs. S. J. Hepler, 2nd.

Pair woolen stockings, Mrs. Sallie Holland, 1st; Mrs. M. F. Schooling, 2nd.

Pair woolen socks, Mrs. Ira Holmes, 1st, Mrs. M. J. Norton, 2nd.

Pair wool mittens, Mrs. Ira Holmes, 1st; Mrs. M. F. Schooling, 2nd.

Church organ, Kansas Organ Co., 1st; Chicago Chapel, 2nd.

Cottage Organ, Chicago Cottage, F. M. Friend, 1st.

One or more best sheaves of wheat, $10.00 by Bliss & Wood, Isaac Wood, 1st.

By Hendricks & Wilson, $2.50 for largest pumpkin in Cowley County, D. P. Hurst.

By Wm. Newton, for graceful riding by boy under 12 years riding saddle worth $5, and Ladies riding whip, worth $5 for graceful riding by girl under 12, Willie Sherrard, 1st; Cora Wood, 2nd.

By J. L. Horning, $5 for largest ear of corn by weight, T. H. Jackson, 1st.

By Horning & Whitney, $5 for best handmade sun bonnet by girl under 14, Dora B. Kimball, 1st.

By A. T. Spotswood $5 for best five pounds of butter in one pound rolls, Mrs. P. B. Lee, 1st.

By McDonald & Miner $5 for best handmade Misses white apron by any girl under 15 years, Mamie Young.

By A. H. Doane, $5 for 10 best and heaviest Irish potatoes; $3. to 1st, $2 to 2nd; Jno. R. Sumpter, 1st; J. D. Guthrie, 2nd.

By P. H. Albright & Co., $30 for the bushel of corn weighing 70 pounds with least number of ears: T. H. Jackson, $15; M. P. Raw, $10; Silas Kennedy, $5.


No. 1, trotting, green horses, $35 purse: R. B. Pratt, "Little Crow," got the pot, distancing his competitors.

No. 2, running, half mile dash, purse $35, Dickie O, 1st; Little Nick, 2nd.


No. 2, pacing, 3 minute class, purse $100: Sadie Burns, 1st; Hoosier Bill, 2nd; Monon, 3rd.

No. 4, running, half mile, 2 in 3, purse $100: Rex Stratton, 1st; Charlie Ross, 2nd.

No. 5, trotting, 3 minutes class, purse $100: Hattie R., 1st; Rebecca, 2nd; Strange Moore, 3rd.


No. 7, pacing, 2:40 class, purse $125: Caroline, 1st; Hoosier Bill, 2nd.

No. 8, trotting, free for all, citizens purse of $250: Executor, 1st; Fred Douglass, 2nd; Hattie R., 3rd.


No. 9, running novelty race, $25 to 1/4 mile; $35 to ½ mile; $50 to 3/4 mile; $50 to mile post. Beeswing took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd money. Estella took the mile.

Owing to the rain on Saturday afternoon the Consolation race and the $50 purse for Cowley County buggy horses did not come off. There were sixteen entries in the buggy race, and it would have proven one of the most interesting of the fair.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Attention. The Blaine and Logan Club will meet in the Courthouse next Monday evening, for uniforming and drill. All members are requested to be present.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

For Sale. 400 yearling steers, good Natives. A. J. Greiner, Sedan, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Wanted. Day Boarders in private family. Southeast corner 8th Avenue & Loomis Street.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Come and see our library lamps, the like never was in the city before, at Wallis & Wallis'.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Something new. The Bent Wood churn is the best kind, call and see them at Wallis & Wallis'.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Take your peaches to Baden's Headquarters and get the highest price in cash or merchandise.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Wanted. A man to take sheep on the shares for several years. Clarence Murdock, at the Central Hotel, Winfield.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Wise Axle Grease made from the best and purest vegetable oils, takes less and wears longer than any other kind. Try it. Wallis & Wallis'.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

M. F. Kelly, of northern Indiana, has bought the photography gallery formerly owned by McIntire, is open and ready to do first-class work. Give him a trial and be convinced. You will find Kelly a gentleman and always ready to wait on his customers.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

The place to sell the quickest, and

The place to buy the cheapest land,

The place where many farms are sold.

The place where fewest lies are told.

The place to sell all kinds of stock,

The place to buy down at bed-rock,

The place where stocks of merchandise,

Are bought and sold a panic price.

The place where city homes are found,

And nicest plots of vacant ground,

Exchange their owners. And behold,

The place where traders make their gold.

The place also where they prepare,

Your papers with the utmost care.

And take acknowledgments in daylight or dark

At the office of HARRIS & CLARK.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

RECAP. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Mary L. Page, Administratrix of the Estate of Wm. S. Page, Deceased. Dated August 8, 1884. Notice that creditors, etc., must present claims within three years against estate. Dated September 8, 1884.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Arthur Bangs has the finest carriage in this section of the State and when his friends have "tony" guests they will know where to go for a "tony" carriage to take them out to see the sights.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

The A. T. & S. F. railroad office at Belle Plaine was broken into on Wednesday night, Sept. 30th, and W. L. Nelson, who was sleeping there, was chloroformed and robbed of $30 in money, some small change, and a watch and chain. The money till was broken into and some small change taken. They entered by opening the window with a crowbar.

[AD: J. S. MANN.]

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! From the fire in our store, several thousand dollars worth of Goods were PARTIALLY destroyed. In some instances no part of the suit was injured but the vest, and that only slightly; but the Insurance Companies were compelled to pay us a percentage of value on the whole suit. This puts us in a position to sell some goods EXTREMELY CHEAP! and you can MAKE this gain by calling for these goods early. You cannot afford to lose this, your grand opportunity. Don't be deceived by clap-trap, but come and see for yourself. We can afford to almost give these goods away, and you will be convinced of this fact when you give us a call. J. S. MANN, THE LEADING CLOTHIER AND OUTFITTER.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Rev. Bernard Kelly, the M. E. clergyman of this city, is one of the ablest in the state. He is fearless of his denunciations of sin and wrong and eloquent in his advocacy of right action and pure lives. But as a citizen he is a warm and earnest prohibitionist and Republican and heartily supports the Republican ticket. This makes the Telegram suspect that everything he says, every sermon he preaches, is for political effect in this campaign. If he reads the ten commandments from his pulpit, the Telegram suspects it is a Republican campaign document aimed directly at Cleveland; when he reads "Thou shalt not steal," it thinks he means a slur on Democrats, and when he declaims against lasciviousness and dram selling, it thinks he does it meaning it as a slur on Democrats in general and Cleveland in particular. The Telegram therefore does not like Mr. Kelly and keeps up a scattering fire of small squibs at him. In its last issue, among other things, it said that Rev. Kelly states that Ed Greer was drunk two weeks ago. Mr. Kelly informs us that he never said or thought such a thing and is annoyed that such a falsehood should be told of him, but as to the other squibs he cares very little.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Terre Haute, Indiana, October 2. An Evening Gazette special from Sullivan says: "Some villain fired into the car in which Gov. St. John sat, on his way from Carlisle to Terre Haute last week. The ball passed through the window on the opposite side, making a clean hole and lodging in the side which St. John sat and a little in front of him. The train was just slowing up South of Sullivan when the shot was fired, it being exactly 8 o'clock. The Governor took it coolly and no disturbance was made, and many on the train were not aware of the occurrence. There is no clue as to the motive or identify of the person who fired the shot.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Number Two.
As we stated in our last, at the time of the passage of the "tariff for revenue only" act of 1846 and the end of four years of high protection tariff, this country was in the highest state of prosperity it had ever attained. Labor of every kind was in demand and wages were higher than ever before. The products of the farm were in demand for home consumption at higher prices taken together than were ever know before. Though the quantity raised had increased largely Ely, all was wanted and at greatly enhanced prices. Factories were being multiplied and were creating a still larger demand for home consumption. Even the demand for export had considerably increased. Prices of all kinds of property had largely increased and the poorer classes of people who had formerly owned no real estate were attaining comfortable homesteads and pleasant homes.

Soon after the passage of the act of 1846 all this began to change. The factories struggled on and kept in operation as long as they could by reducing the wages of their employees and economizing in every way, but no new factories were established and those already established diminished the number of their employees gradually, and more or less of them were suspended every year. In December 1849, after three years under the tariff of 1846, Abram S. Hewitt, a leading Democrat, then in favor of protection because he was engaged in making iron rails, now a free trader because he is not in any productive industry but is a monopolist, wrote to the secretary of the treasury, as follows.

"Of fifteen rail mills only two are in operation, doing partial work, and that only because their inland position secured them against foreign competition for the limited orders of the neighboring railroads, and when these are executed not a single rail mill will be at work in the land."

In August 1850 Hon. Joseph Casey of Pennsylvania stated in Congress that:

"The whole history of the manufacture of iron in Pennsylvania shows that in a period of seventy five years there have been erected 500 furnaces, and out of them 177 failures or where they have been closed out by the sheriff. Out of this 177 failures 124 of them have occurred since the passage of the tariffs of 1846. And out of 300 blast furnaces in full operation when the tariff of 1846 was enacted into a law, 151, or fully one half had stopped several months ago, and fully 50 more are preparing to go out of blast."

Some other industries did not decline so rapidly as the iron interests but all suffered to a large extent, and the demand for labor and farm produce for home consumption decreased year by year, while the demand for breadstuffs and provisions for export was not increased but rather diminished, and while large numbers of men who had been engaged in coal and iron mining and in labor in the various factories, were compelled to go into farming to gain a mere subsistence. Of course, all this resulted in overproduction of farm produce and of course for want of a demand, prices kept going down.

We lived then in Illinois about 30 miles from Chicago, Farmers hauled their wheat these 30 miles to Chicago and there sold it for 25 cents a bushel, sometimes higher, but not very much. We have seen strings and caravans of teams from the Wabash and Military Reserve, hauling wheat 100 to 150 miles to Chicago and selling at such prices. They carried their own food and camped out. We asked one of these men what he was loaded with, and he answered: "With feed principally, some wheat for ballast." How they could ever save anything to buy supplies with we never could understand. Where we lived in 1849-50, the regular price of corn was ten cents. Dressed hogs sold sometimes as high as $1.50 per 100 hundred pounds. Beef was lower. It was a good cow that would sell for more than ten dollars. Eggs were plenty at three to five cents per dozen, and butter at 5 to 6 cents per lb. It was only gilt edge butter that would bring ten cents, even in winter. A good hand could in the harvest field get a dollar a day for his work during two or three weeks when there was a pressure to save the ripened wheat. At other times fifty cents a day for labor was a big price and but few could get it.

The total or partial suspension of most of the American factories had called for larger imports of foreign goods which greatly exceeded our exports and our country was being rapidly drained of specie to pay the difference. So money had become exceedingly scarce.

But in 1850 the downward tendency of farming and industrial interests was arrested for a time. Gen. Zachary Taylor was elected by the Whigs and became president in March 1849 and it was hoped by the manufacturing and industrial interests that this change would result in the restoration of the tariff of 1842 and they strained every effort to keep their factories in operation even at a considerable loss so as to be ready for the expected better times. At the same time gold had been discovered in California and a grand rush had taken place from Illinois as well as other States to that region of hope. We went with the crowd in the spring of 1850, returning late in 1851. So many went that it made a very perceptible effect on the supply and price of labor at home and even on the prices of farm produce. Then as the almost fabulous sums of gold came rolling back to the States, it was a very perceptible relief to the money stringency and put off the final crash some years later. But this unexpected source of prosperity was not sufficient to avert the catastrophe very long. The hopes of the manufacturers were not realized, for the free trade South continued in the ascendancy in Congress and the tariff of 1842 was not restored. In 1852 they elected another Democrat, Franklin Pierce, who became President March 4th, 1853, and there was no hope of a change of the tariff for the better in the next four years. The downward tendency set in again and the inevitable crash came in 1859. The factories suspended, the banks suspended, and it seemed that almost everybody suspended. It was the worst time we had seen since 1837. Notwithstanding the large supplies of gold from California, the country was nearly drained of specie and the money in circulation was almost exclusively the issues of state and "wild cat" banks. If a man went to bed with ten dollars in his pocket worth $9.90 (which was first class paper money in those days), he had no idea what his money would be worth in the morning. The chances were anywhere between $9.90 and nothing. This was one of the results of draining the country of specie by a tariff for revenue only and it drained the pockets of the people also of what little they could get called money. After a man had labored hard and long to raise a crop of wheat or corn, a load of pork or a few beeves, he had to take this kind of money or none for his commodities and that at starvation prices, and when he got his money, it was dangerous to keep it overnight for it might be worthless in the morning.

A very considerable proportion of the farmers' hard earnings were thus lost to them by the sudden depreciation of Democratic bank currency in the market. Talk of the monopolies and stock and grain gambling of the present day (which we hate and would be glad to see them all cleaned out by process of law devised to that end), but there is nothing in their stealing so vilely mean and outrageous, nothing that causes a tithe of the distress to agricultural and laboring people as did the swindling system of bank issues in those days. The Republican idea of having a paper currency worth a hundred cents on the dollar everywhere in the United States and every day of the year perpetually, was unknown and undreamed of.

From 1857 to 1861, through the Democratic "tariff for revenue only," administration of James Buchanan, was a period of distress, low prices, money stringency, and poverty, second only within our memory to the times of 1837 to 1842 under a similar tariff.

We meant to say something of tariffs under Republican rule, but must defer it to another time.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Some two weeks ago we announced the fact that Mr. John Stalter, a life-long Democrat and one of the leading citizens and wool growers of this county, had decided to hereafter cast his political fortunes with the Republican party. We are permitted this week to lay before our readers an article from him setting forth his reason for the change. It is a sound, sensible document, and coming from such a man as Mr. Stalter, will have much weight with thinking men. It is as follows.

To the Editor of the COURIER:

My attention having been called to an article in the Douglass and Winfield papers that a life-long Democrat had decided to vote the Republican ticket and having frequently been asked my reasons therefor, I beg leave to state in your columns the facts and reason for my position.

I cast my first presidential vote for the last nominee of the Democratic party elected president of the United Sttes, James Buchanan, and have voted for each nominee of that party ever since. My early teachings and associations were Democratic and as you may well think that after having worked with and voted for men of that party for more than a quarter of a century, it is only after the most thorough investigation and convincing proof to my judgment that the position of the Democracy is inimical to the best interests of this country and her industries that I was induced to break away from my life-long associations politically.

Convinced, however, as I now am, I should deem it a poor part for an American citizen to perform to smother his convictions and vote for a party the primary principles of which are opposed to his honest ideas of which is the best policy for the prosperity of this country, and, therefore, I shall work and vote for the success of the Republican party.

As a majority of your readers are aware, I belong to that class of business in this country known as the wool-growers. Every wool-grower in the United States is certainly convinced that a further reduction of the tariff on woolen goods and wool would work almost the complete destruction of the sheep industry, and even at present rates it they are continued, thousands of smaller owners will be compelled to close out their sheep at ruinous low figures, and the sheep of the United States will be owned only in large flocks in New Mexico and other arid portions of the country where no grain is fed the year through.



In Cowley County last year there was fed to sheep alone nearly 200,000 bushels of corn, most of which was raised in portions of the county so far distant from railroads as to make it almost impossible to market it at the prices paid at the railroads, yet the prices paid by sheep men was nearly the same as paid at the railroads, realizing to farmers ten and twenty miles from market nearly as much for their grain as those living at the markets. Take the sheep out of Cowley County and there would be a direct loss to the farmers of the county yearly of at least $15,000, besides leaving the corn heretofore fed to be thrown on the market, which, added to the same proportional amount from the counties of the State and other states of the Union, would very greatly reduce the price of corn in the entire country. . . .

What difference is it to a farmer if the clothes for his family under protection cost him $25 a year more when he gets from $100 to $1,000 more for the products of his farm. I am in favor of protecting American labor, American factories, American farmers, and American stockmen against unreasonable and degrading foreign competition, and as the Democratic party is not, I am henceforth a Republican. Respectively, JOHN STALTER.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

At the meeting of the board of managers of the homes of the disabled volunteer soldiers, after the vote locating the new home at Leavenworth, Gen. Franklin, president of the board, and col. John A. Martin and Gen. James S. Negly were appointed a committee to prepare plans for buildings and grounds, and Col. Martin was appointed local manager of the new home. One member of the board of managers is selected as the local manager for each house, his duties being to exercise a general supervision over its management.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

In consideration of our success and the continual growth of our business, we have concluded to divide profits with our numerous friends and customers by distributing

worth of valuable and useful presents in the following manner. Commencing Monday, October 6th, each and every person who buys goods of us amounting to one dollar or over, will be entitled to one ticket for each dollar to the full amount of the purchase. The giving away of tickets will stop on the evening of December 31st, 1884. Each holder of tickets is entitled to chances in the drawing, viz:

1. A silver tea-set, six pieces, valued at $50.00.

2. Large silver castor, $10.00.

3. A beautiful bouquet holder, $4.00.

4. Two silver napkin rings, $3.00.

5. Twenty yards ingrain carpet, $15.00.

6. French bronze tapping bell, $1.50.

7. Pair of lace curtains, $4.00.

8. One Cocoa rug, $1.25.

9. Silver cake basket, $10.00.

10. Pair of silk suspenders, $1.25.

11. Lady's gold-plate necklace, $3.50.

12. Gent's fur hat, $3.50.

13. Lady's seal skin boa, $5.00.

[List goes on and on...lists 100 items. No. 100. Handsome Bible, $5.00.]

The presents will be exhibited in our show windows early in November. The grand drawing will be public and take place at the Opera House January 3rd, 1885, at 2 o'clock p.m. The people of Winfield and Cowley County are aware that we have always lived up strictly to whatever we advertise, and can feel assured that every present advertised above will be given away, and no one connected with our store will be entitled to any tickets or prizes. Our stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Carpets, etc., is positively larger this season than ever before, and we guarantee our prices, every dollars worth of goods must be as cheap, if not cheaper, than can be bought elsewhere in the city. M. HAHN & CO.

Main Street and 9th Avenue, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

NEW FURNITURE STORE, SOUTH MAIN STREET. Having opened the Kansas Furniture Store and stocked it with a choice selection of Furniture of all grades, I am prepared to offer the goods as low as can be bought anywhere in Southern Kansas. Please give me a call and inspect goods. Repairing promptly attended to. D. C. IRWIN.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

The Winfield Markets. Wheat 50 cents. Old corn 35 cents; new corn 25 to 32 cents. Hogs $4.00. Produce, no change.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

J. W. McRorey attended the St. Louis Fair last week.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Most of Arkansas City was up on a whiskey case Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

The uniforms for the Blaine and Logan clubs arrived Saturday.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Mrs. H. Brown is spending this week with friends in Wichita.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Col. McMullen left Monday for a few days sojourn in Lawrence.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Chas. C. Black and family got in Monday from the Leavenworth visit.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

J. S. Rothrock sold his grocery, last week, to McCormick & Son, late of Indianapolis.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Mr. W. O. Branson, of Cheyenne, Kansas, friend of the Aldrich family, is visiting in the city.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Rev. Campbell, of Delavan, Illinois, will fill the Baptist pulpit Sabbath and Sabbath evening.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Miss Kelly, sister of Rev. Father Kelly, is dangerously ill with typho-malarial fever.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Congressman Perkins speaks at Arkansas City Tuesday evening and at Udall Wednesday afternoon.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Mrs. C. D. Austin and daughter, Clara, left Monday afternoon for a visit with friends at Richmond, Illinois.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Mrs. Noe, from Coon Rapids, Iowa, is in the city visiting her daughters, Mrs. C. H. Wilson, and Mrs. A. M. Haight.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Having bought an extensive stock of canned goods, we will close out our present stock of fruit at cost. Bryan & Lynn.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Mr. O. F. Boyle and wife left Tuesday for their home in Colorado. Their visit here was a very pleasant one for their many friends.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

All the nice young ladies of Winfield are for Blaine & Logan and John A. Martin, except two, and they are not old enough to vote.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Court met Tuesday and adjourned. No court will probably be held until Judge Torrance recovers sufficiently to preside in person.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Frank A. Capps, of the Saratoga, Pratt County, Sun, spent several days of last week in this city visiting his sister, Mrs. Dr. Mendenhall.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Mr. S. H. Edgar leaves this week for a visit to his old home in Tennessee. He will return in time to vote the straight Republican ticket.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

The Davis took the 1st premium at Wichita, Junction City, and elsewhere generally at Fairs and only failed here for a little spit of snow.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

The Board of County Commissioners are in session this week. The increase in population of the county makes a large increase in their work.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

The beautiful Cowley County stone vase exhibited at the fair is for sale. It is a fine piece of work and more valuable because it is a home production.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Senator Ingalls telegraphs from Washington that he will leave that place Friday evening for Winfield, to be present at the grand rally here on Monday.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

MARRIED. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Buckman spent several days of last week in Cherry- vale celebrating the marriage of her sister, Miss Lutie Newman, to Mr. Fred Dobson.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

We are informed that Hon. J. J. Johnston has joined the Blaine and Logan Club of New Salem, procured a uniform, and will drill with the Republicans this fall.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

The Arkansas City boys have ordered their uniforms by telegraph and will be on hand Monday evening to help swell the biggest political gathering ever held in Southern Kansas.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Everybody read A. E. Baird's advertisement this weeka grand chance to get a beautiful silk Russian circular for nothing. It is on exhibition in the New York Store window.

AD. Don't Forget that You Get a Chance -IN THE- $60 Russian Circular -AT THE-

NEW YORK STORE for every two dollars' worth of goods you buy for CASH; and don't forget that we will give you more "HONEST" GOODS for less money than you can get of those who claim to be (sneak) importers and sell smuggled goods. We are no violators of the law; we don't smuggle goods or any anyone smuggle for us; neither do we buy our goods from second-hand bankrupt auction houses; but we will give you a straight deal. Don't fail to come in and see the DAILY APPROVAL OF GOODS. We can please you in anything you want. Come in and look through our stock of Dress Goods and Trimmings. Come in and look at the HEAVY 50C. GROS GRAIN SILK. Velvets and Velveteens in all shades. A beautiful line of Brocaded Colored Silk Velvets! The largest stock in Southern Kansas. We call special attention to our COTTON FLANNELS. Do not fail to come and see them.

Mme. Demorest's Patterns for Fall and Winter just received. Fashion papers and books free.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Mrs. J. F. McMullen, with Miss Gertrude and Master Sam, left last week for Boston, where Miss Gertrude will attend female seminary. Mrs. McMullen and Sam will return about Christmas.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Mr. Cayton, the gentleman who was injured in the runaway Monday was removed to his home Tuesday. Dr. Marsh, who attended him, reports no bones broken and no serious injuries sustained.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Miss Anna L. Hunt returned from Cherryvale Sunday morning, having spent a week with her friend, Miss Lutie Newman, who became Mrs. Fred Dobson during the week. She reports a gay wedding and a very enjoyable visit.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

At the earnest solicitation of patrons, Mrs. E. D. Garlick will establish a department in her Kindergarten schools for advanced classes, taking in from the first to the third reader, and introducing the common school branches. Pupils will be received on and after Monday, October 13th.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

The Winfield Carriage Works carried off the blue ribbon at the fair on their beautiful phaeton. It was a fine piece of work and reflects credit on our home manufactory. The painting was especially smooth and glossy. It was done by Jim Clatworthy, the peer of any carriage painter in the west.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

We publish this week the first statement of the First National Bank. It exhibits a most excellent showing. The deposits reach the high figure of $280,000, and the showing of cash on hand is over $115,000. The First National may be congratulated on its prosperity.



Loans and Discounts: $201,137.37

Overdrafts: $282.72

U. S. Bonds to secure circulation: $12,500.00

U. S. Bonds on hand: $1,500.00

Premium on Bonds: $2,609.22

Real Estate, Furniture & Fixtures: $12,500.00

Current Expenses and Taxes Paid: $954.24

Redemption Fund with U. S. Treasurer: $562.00

Due from State Banks and Bankers: $17,209.96

Due from other National Banks: $16,095.38


Legal Tender Notes: $27,000.00

Bills of other Banks: $33,240.00

Gold: $12,250.00

Silver: $6,500.00

Nickels and Pennies: $535.03

Checks and other Cash Items: $2,475.26


TOTAL RESOURCES: $347,351.18


Capital Stock: $50,000.00

Undivided Profits: $5,513.80

Circulation: $11,240.00

Individual Deposits subject to check: $268,986.05

Time Deposits: $11,611.33

TOTAL DEPOSITS: $280,597.38


STATE OF KANSAS, Cowley County,) ss.

I. W. C. Robinson, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. C. ROBINSON, Cashier.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of October, 1884.

G. H. BUCKMAN, Notary Public.

M. L. READ, )

M. L. ROBINSON, ) Directors.



Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Arthur Bangs has made a very important addition to the transportation facilities of our city, in the shape of an elegant Landeau, drawn by a spanking pair of gray horses. The carriage, with driver, will be at the disposal of the public. It is especially convenient for ladies making calls.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Capt. J. B. Nipp filed his bond of a hundred thousand dollars, Tuesday, and it was accepted by the Board of Commissioners. He will take possession of the treasurer's office next Tuesday. The bond is signed by sixty-seven of the leading capitalists, bankers, stockmen, and farmers of the county and represents over half a million of dollars. It is one of the strongest bonds ever filed in the county.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Our Next Governor.
The grand Rally next Monday promises to be the biggest political gathering ever seen in Southern Kansas. From all over the country comes information of the "gathering of the clams." Arkansas City will send up five car loads and a uniformed company of Plumed Knights. Wellington will send over a train load and her uniformed companies. Burden, Dexter, Cambridge, Torrance, and Udall will turn out most of their population. From present appearances there will be about five hundred uniformed men in the Flambo [?Do they mean Flambeau?] procession, including the Winfield colored Blaine and Logan Club.

The uniformed clubs of the city, headed by the Courier Cornet Band, will form on Main Street at 9:30 o'clock and proceed to the depot where they will be met by the reception committee. On the arrival of the train they will receive the speakers and escort them to the place of entertainment. In the afternoon Hon. Jno. A. Martin, Republican candidate for governor, will address the people at the Opera House. The afternoon exercises will be opened with music by the bands and the exercises interspersed by campaign songs by the Blaine and Logan Glee Club. In the evening the uniform torch light clubs of Arkansas City, Wellington, Winfield, and the neighboring cities, led by the bands, will parade. At the same time there will be a grand illumination and fireworks display. After the parade SENATOR JOHN J. INGALLS will address the people in the Opera House. He will be followed by Congressman B. W. Perkins, Dr. Philip Krohn, and others. Arrangements are also being made to hold several overflow meetings in case it is necessary.

At daybreak the cannon will begin to play from the summit of the mounds east of town. The day will be one long to be remembered in the history of Cowley's campaigning.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

MARRIED. Mr. C. M. Scott and Miss Maggie Gardiner were united in wedlock at Arkansas City last Thursday and are now on an eastern bridal tour. C. M. has been groping singly along the rugged vistas of the world for a number of years, and this latest turn is hailed with a myriad of well-wishes. He was the first man to bring the faber in Southern Cowley. In 1870 he got out their first number of the Traveler, with nothing but a "stick," a "chase," an old press which was nearly related to the one on which Ben. Franklin first worked, and an old tent to cover them. The Traveler flourished, but a few years found C. M. gradually drifted into the Superintendency of his numerous herds of cattle and of late they have had his attention. This new addition to the ranch promises more than all previous investments. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Scott all the happiness attainable on this Mundane sphere.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

DIED. Another young life full of hope and vigor has gone out. W. H. Vaughn, a young man twenty-one years of age who had just graduated from an Eastern College, died Saturday night of typhoid fever at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Leavitt in this city. Mr. Vaughn came here from Indianapolis but a few weeks ago and got up a writing class, as a prelude to the establishment with another man from his city, of a Commercial School at Wellington, which should have commenced Monday morning. He was a bright, promising young man, and his father was a prominent minister of Indianapolis. A brother came out to take charge of the remains.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

DIED. Samuel Lund, a Norwegian about twenty-two years of age, who was in the employ of A. Herpich, the merchant tailor, for some months, died on Wednesday of last week. He was a stranger in a strange land, his nearest relative being a sister in Chicago. He had just returned from a trip to Clark County, where he took a claim, when the fatal typho- malarial fever set in and cut off his life in a single week. During his short residence here his gentlemanly deportment made friends of all associates, who gave him every attention and a good burial in Union Cemetery.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

A team belonging to Mr. Joe Cayton, of Liberty Township, ran away on the street Monday. Mr. Cayton was on the ground when the team started, and sprang between the wheels to get the lines when he was thrown down, the wheels passing over his body. He was picked up senseless and carried up into Dr. Emerson's office, where he was soon restored to consciousness. He was afterward removed to the residence of Mr. T. R. Bryan, where he was kindly cared for. It is to be hoped that his injuries may not prove serious.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Of all the low vulgarity and indecent harangues we have ever listened to that of Saturday evening at the Opera House was the worse. The decent Democrats in the audience were mortified and disgusted. If this is a specimen Democratic speech, Winfield is a poor field for their labors. One or two gentlemen took their wives up, but they didn't stay through the first round.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

In the enumeration of the city school district there are 761 males and 727 females at school: total 1,488. This entitles us to over $1,500 state school funds. The enumeration of last year gave us a little over a thousand school children. The increase for the year is 450, which indicates an increase in population of more than a thousand.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

DIED? The report was received here Tuesday that Mr. W. R. McGradey, formerly of Dexter, had been shot and killed on the territory line south. The trouble grew out of the fence cutting difficulties. The person who did the shooting gave himself up to the Sumner County authorities. He claims McGradey pulled his revolver on him and that he shot in self defense.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Mr. J. A. Smith of this city is enjoying a visit from his friends, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Smith, and his father, Mr. Wm. Smith, of Greene County, Ohio. John W. favored us with a look at views of the ruins of Jamestown, Ohio, after the terrific cyclone of April, 1884. The havoc there depicted is wonderful to behold.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Messrs. F. S. Jennings and Judge Gans administered pure Republican doctrine to the people of Torrance Saturday night. The crowd was large and enthusiastic. The result of the Democratic county caucus had just reached there, and of course no Democrat ventured out.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Mrs. Ordway will open her class in painting at her studio on Tuesday p.m., October 7th. She has been improving the time of her trip East in new studies and work; and is prepared to teach the new Lustra painting.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Mr. R. M. Curry, of Floyd County, Iowa, was visiting his brother, Mr. J. C. Curry, of this city, last week, and returned to dispose of his worldly goods for a removal to the Banner County, Cowley. Still they come.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

The United Brethren Church at Constant will be dedicated Sabbath, Oct. 12th. Rev. Irwin, president of Lane University, will officiate. Preaching Saturday evening by Rev. J. H. Snyder.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Mrs. A. A. Eastman has opened up a new millinery and fancy goods store next door to J. W. Johnston's furniture establishment. Her goods are new, stylish, and attractive.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Elder J. S. Myers, of Vanceburg, Kentucky, will preach at the Christian Church next Sunday, the 11th inst., morning and evening. All are cordially invited to come and hear him.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Dr. C. W. McGill came up from Cedar Township Tuesday. He brings us a head of millet twelve inches long. It was grown on sod, sown in June.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

McGuire Bros. have their two stores chuck full of goods of every kind and will sell them cheap for cash or produce, at Winfield and Tisdale.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Uncle Joe Likowski came in from Florida last week and will remain until after court. He says Florida agrees with him.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Court met Monday, elected Samuel Dalton Judge pro tem, and adjourned until Oct. 20th.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

The Democratic-Greenback Hosts Meet Again Saturday to Paralyze the Opposition.

The fusion of Democracy and Greenbackism assembled again at the Opera House Saturday to consummate plans whereby the Great and Grand Old Republican party of Cowley should turn up its toes to the daisies. Instead, they turned their own up. A funeral pall overspread every noble Democratic brow. The office went stumbling around through the little assembly after the man, but he was only partially found after a long, wearied hunt. The office seemed perfectly devoid of prospects and in its blind stumbling even tried to imitate a few Republicans. There was a terrible dearth of political aspirations. The thought of facing the Republican giants of Cowley in an official tussle terrified all. In vain did the more hopeful endeavor to work up a little enthusiasm. Speeches of rejectment poured in from all quarters: "I thank the convention for the great honor conferred upon me in the proffered nomination, but it would be perfectly impossible for me to make the canvass, or attend to the duties of office if elected!"

After loud and long solicitations, the following nominations were made, with prospects of a few of them withdrawing: Jos. O'Hare, county attorney; L. L. Beck, probate judge; John R. Smith, State Senator; W. J. Hodges, Legislator; Ed. Bedilion, district clerk. Realizing the ghostliness of a Democratic competition with Prof. Limerick, they endorsed him for County Superintendent. Thus is the campaign in Cowley virtually ended, as far as Democracy is concerned.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Rev. Kelly.
The Methodist Church in this city was filled to suffocation Sunday evening to hear Rev. B. Kelly, the occasion being a Union Temperance meeting. The main body of the church, the lecture room, and gallery were filled and standing room in the aisles was at a premium. Rev. Kelly opened his address with a few remarks refuting certain misrepresentations that had been made about him and about others, through him, and then proceeded in a most eloquent, forcible, and convincing manner to set forth the relations of the liquor traffic for morality and good government. It was the most vigorous arrangement of liquor and its evils we ever heard.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

The Dead Record.
DIED. Oct. 4th, Mr. John Hastine, New Salem, aged sixty-nine.

DIED. Monday, Oct. 6th, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schmidt, aged five weeks.

DIED. On Monday, Oct. 6th, Martha, wife of T. A. Pinkerton, of Udall, aged forty-six years.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

The following are some premiums overlooked last week.

Best pair Partridge Cochins, E. R. Morse, 1st.

Best pair Light Brahmas, C. Kimble, 1st.

Best pair Plymouth Rocks, Saml. Lowe, 1st.

Best pair Brown Leghorns, A. H. Doane, 1st.

Muscovy ducks, C. G. Bradbury, 1st.

Best and largest display of fowls, A. H. Doane.

Best spring Mattress, Robt. Hudson, 1st.

Best hedge trimmer, the "Throckmorton," C. G. Bradbury, Agent.

Best display of washing soap, S. E. Christolear, 1st.

Best adjustable harrow, the "Jackson," Jno. Casper, Agent, 1st.

Best display of Marble Work, W. H. Dawson.

Best washing machine, Conrad and Shearer.

Best farm fence, Conrad & Shearer. [?Coonrad?]

Best sowing machine, the "Shite," Fred Barron, Agent, 1st; the "Davis," F. M. Friend, 2nd.

Best display of horse shoes, J. Garrett & Son.

Best dozen Brooms, Gibson & Co.

Best 2 spring phaeton, Winfield Carriage Works, 1st; Columbus Buggy Co., 2nd.

Best one horse carriage, Columbus Buggy Co., 1st.

Best display of Buggies, Columbus Buggy Co.

Best spring wagon, Winfield Carriage Works.

Best sulky plow, W. A. Lee.

Best 2 horse cultivator, W. A. Lee.

Best combined cultivator, W. A. Lee.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Scientists Who Endorse the Claims of the White Bronze for Durability and Superiority.
The following list of names of eminent scientists, who endorse the claims of the White Bronze for durability and superiority will aid skeptics in removing prejudice in regard to this most useful metal, which is growing so fast in popularity, and which is destined at no distant day, to almost entirely supplant the use of marble and granite in cemetery work.

Wm. D. Kedzie, Prof. of Chemistry and Physics in Chemical Laboratory, Kansas State Agricultural College.

Greenwood Cemetery, New York, August 29, 1883.

Detroit Bronze Co.: Gents: In reply to yours of the 23rd, I will state the White Bronze monuments which have been erected in this cemetery for two years past, are in perfect order. I believe if you continue to manufacture them as you have done, thee is no doubt as to their durability. L. J. WELLS, Civil Engineer and Supt.

Prof. B. F. Craig, U. S. Government, Washington, D. C.

J. W. Armstrong, New York State Normal School, Fredonia, New York.

Chas. E. Wait, Director, Laboratory of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, Rolla, Missouri.

Elihu Thompson, Prof. of Chemistry in the Central High School of Philadelphia.

M. Delafontaine, Prof. of Chemistry in Chicago High School, etc.

J. S. Klein, Topeka, Kansas, writes: "Seven years ago I purchased a White Bronze monument. The marble men said it would not last five years. Some of them cut into it, but these places have all oxidized and the monument is even more beautiful than when first erected, having a soft shade of bluish gray."

John S. Jacobs, Topeka, Kansas, writes: "I take pleasure in stating that the White Bronze monument that I erected three years ago is as brilliant as when it arrived. Am pleased with my selection, and am satisfied that it will endure for ages without tarnishing."

"White Bronze is composed of one of the most indestructible metals known, that is, so far as the action of the atmosphere, water, and changes of the atmospheric changes is concerned. T. S. EATON, Chemist, Kansas City Medical College.

Send for a price list and circular. R. U. HESS, Arkansas City, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Rev. S. F. Gibb, a Universalist minister from Illinois, has been favoring his hearers in this city with a series of sermons, in which considerable interest is taken. He will speak this evening at the Christian Church; also on Sunday morning and evening at a place to be announced in due time.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Some of our local Democrats were circulating a subscription paper Tuesday, for "the relief of the National cause." Probably the greater portion of it will be used for the relief of one Geo. W. Glick. He is badly in need of relief at present.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Mr. N. W. Dressie has purchased an interest in the restaurant and confectionery establishment on the corner of Ninth Avenue and Millington Street, and the style of the firm is now Sanders & Dressie. They will run a first-class place.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

The Water Company have just finished cementing the reservoir. They have made it as tight and substantial as a cistern.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Neighborhood Correspondents.

W. O. McKinley, our gentlemanly banker, is having a well drilled at this residence in west Udall.

Steve Gerrat and wife were called suddenly to Wichita by the severe illness of his sister last Saturday.

A great many of our farmers have the western fever. Claims are being rapidly taken up by numbers of our citizens.

Work has commenced upon both the Christian and Methodist Churches and will be rapidly pushed to completion.

Nofsinger & Co. are about ready to open their new livery barn. Then our livery accommodations will be second to none.

Tom Kelly has again taken the Commercial House. Tom is a dandy landlord and one that the traveling boys all appreciate.

Who says Udall ain't on the boom? New houses are going up so rapidly that it is impossible to keep an account of the number of them.

The sidewalks that Kellogg & Smith are laying are models of excellence, also those street crossings are superior to anything yet laid here.

The front of the City Hotel looks much better since being painted. Had the entire outside been repainted, it would be a still greater improvement.

J. T. Dale has sold out his interest in the hardware store of Dale & Werden to his partner. Hereafter the hardware store will be run by Mr. Werden alone, while Mr. Dale will devote his time to the grain trade alone exclusively.

DIED. Mrs. Pinkerton, wife of Thomas Pinkerton, died this morning after a long and painful illness. The bereaved husband and afflicted family have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community in this sad hour of distress and sorrow.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.


Mr. C. Miller is off the Nation.

Lovely rains have raised spirits in this vicinity.

Mr. John McCoy is the guest of Mr. I. E. Johnson.

Miss Amy Buck is the guest of Mrs. McMillen at present.

Mrs. Stithe from northern part of Kansas is visiting her sister, Mrs. Bryant.

Tirzah Hoyland visited Miss Mary Randall one day last week.

No weddings or anything of interest to tell about at present.

Mrs. Earnest Johnson entertained a lady friend from Arkansas City recently.

Mrs. Wolfe intends to start to Ohio, this next week, on a visit to relatives and friends.

Mrs. Ella Wilson is visiting her brother, Mr. John Davis, and her many friends and acquaintances in this vicinity.

On account of the rain the "Quivive Club" did not have its regular meeting. Will meet with Mrs. McMillen next time.

Mrs. Buck with her two younger girls has gone to Winfield to live, so Mr. Buck will be at home now in place of being obliged to board while working at his trade.

School in New Salem is in session, but we are sorry to hear of the severe illness of Miss Davenport at her sister's home in Winfield. Miss Ola Crow is filling her position until her recovery.

Miss Fanny Saunders gave a birthday party to her young friends. An excellent lap supper, or rather a delightful lunch was served by the young hostess. Sweet sixteen, with her friends, had a fine time we are told.

Messrs. Watsonberger, Franklin, and W. P. Hoyland have returned from Meade, Clark County, and report a beautiful country. Mr. W. P. Hoyland had the misfortune to lose one of his horses, but takes it very calmly. Thinks that country a fine one, all took claims and will return in a short time. Success attend you gents.

DIED. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miles had the misfortune to lose their sweet little baby a short time ago. Was only real sick from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m., when its spirit returned to the giver. Pretty little baby boy when my trembling hands helped to lay thee in the lovely little casket, I thought thou hast gone dear little one to

"Where the glory brightly dwelleth,

Where the new song sweetly swelleth

And the discord never comes,

Where life's stream is ever laving

And the palm is ever waving,

That must be the Home of homes."

Kind friends accompanied the bereaved ones to Winfield, where the little form was placed beneath the waving grasses and the sensitive roses in Winfield Cemetery. The parents have the sympathy of their neighbors.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.


The heaviest rains ever known in this section visited this county last week. Our opera house, 50 x 80, two stories, the walls and roof of which were just completed, melted literally in the earth under the tremendous rain last Tuesday night. It will be rebuilt.

The Chautauqua County Fair is ready to unfold. The Chautauqua Springs have shown considerable enterprise in organizing a County Fair, and there is every prospect that it will receive that liberal patronage which the enterprise of its founders had merited.

Let us hear from Mark! Mark, I am not dead, neither do I sleep, but looking across the field of strife over which we have worried for months, I see again the sunny meadows of good brotherhood in which we used to browse and I long for another expression of the old time good understanding. Let us hear from you.

The main party tickets are squarely in the field. The Democratic Mass convention passed off here last Saturday in a most orderly manner, placing in nomination a class of gentlemen who in reality deserves a better fate. The campaign opens today and the Republicans with steady, stately step, will march grandly over the smooth vista which lies between them and sure victory in November.

When our Editor gets to the Legislature, won't we be proud. All we fear is that the Editor will be still prouder and ignore his old friends in the flash and glitter of the State Capitol. It would be a misfortune if Cowley should be represented by talent not commensurate with the fine reputation of the county, but so sure as the Republican party carry the county in November, we have no fears of that kind. Stick to the folks and the folks will stick to you.

A colored man in our County not long ago failed to outgrow the effects of a medicated watermelon. Two weeks after death his stomach was analyzed in the presence of the all- observing Jasper and developed the fact that its proprietor had been poisoned by arsenic; and outside evidence led to the conclusion that it had been administered through a watermelon, taken by the Negro from a certain white man's patch in Little Canna Township. A vigorous investigation of the whole affair is in progress, and the guilty party will certainly be brought to trial.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

TORRANCE TROUBLES. J. I. C. (jay-eye-see)

Laura Elliott came up from Dexter and spent the Sabbath.

Mr. Gardenhire, who has been quite sick for some time, is out again.

Farmers are mostly done sowing wheat and it looks well so far; corn is good; and everybody is happy.

Mr. Scoles of Harper came over on Monday night and contracted for 50-150 cords cord wood from Mr. Rigden of this place. [Rigdon?]

The new stone building is completed and occupied by Rigbee & Son with a stock of general merchandise, who expected by fair dealing to gain a good trade.

Politics does not run very high in this part of the county. Jennings and Gans' speeches aroused the dormant powers of some and they may think a little louder in the future.

Frank S. Jennings and H. G. Gans of Winfield entertained the people at this place last Saturday night by telling them solid facts and some anecdotes, but they made hosts of friends and they need not fear the results at this place.

Rev. Warner filled his regular appointment on Sunday morning; Sunday school in the afternoon. Rev. Elliott from Southwest Missouri, who is visiting his relatives in this neighborhood, delivered quite an eloquent discourse at night.

School opened on Monday morning in the new school building with H. G. Norton of Winfield as principal and Miss Emma McKee assistant. School commenced also at the lower schoolhouse, Mrs. Elliott being the teacher. We hope for good schools.

[AD: J. P. BADEN.]

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Go to J. P. Baden's for buckwheat flour, cranberries, maple syrup, rock candy, and honey drip syrup, comb honey, old government Java coffee, oranges, lemons, cocoanuts, bananas, Irish roasted coffees. Rio, Java, and Mocha received weekly and ground to order.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

NOTE: For some time front page/editorials have had stories re JAMES G. BLAINE, the Republican candidate for president. Cleveland's supporters have attacked the man unmercifully re Mulligan letters. Skipped all of these. But now Greer in his personal items brings it out.

In that last Mulligan budget is the letter bearing the date of Oct. 24, 1871, which the redoubtable Mulligan swore had been suppressed by Mr. Blaine, and which the New York Times and other Democratic organs of purity have been calling on him to produce or stand convicted of having made way with a letter that would establish his official dishonesty. In vain did Mr. Blaine protest the letter was not in his possession, and that it was not in the bundle wrested from the trembling wretch who came down from Boston to blackmail him in the name of Warren Fisher, Jr. The organs of purity knew better. They published volumes to show he lied, and that their unsupported assertion to that effect was proof conclusive of his guilt.

For eight years Fisher and Mulligan have allowed the lie to circulate undenied although they had the letter in their hands. In producing it at this late day the precious pair make public confession to the charge of being liars and slanderers. By their failure to tell the truth and exonerate Mr. Blaine from the unjust accusation affecting his honor, they fathered the base slander and assumed the responsibility for its being.

And what is this terrible letter? It is a manly letter to Warren Fisher, demanding of him the fulfillment of his contract in order that the writer might thereby save his business credit, which had been pledged on his faith in the Boston sharper's promise. It is a compromising letter, sure enough, but the compromised is Warren Fisher, not James G. Blaine. It seems almost incredible that a man of Fisher's undoubted cunning should have allowed it to go out after having suppressed it for so long a time. He must have been carried away by his hatred for Mr. Blaine or lost his own shame.

Now will the organs of purity that have been bearing false witness against Mr. Blaine all these years have the manliness to apologize to him for the wrong they have attempted to do him? Probably not. They will apologize by lying with redoubled industry. That is the way organs of immaculate purity make reparation usually.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

M. F. Kelly, of northern Indiana, has bought the photograph gallery formerly owned by McIntire, is open and ready to do first-class work. Give him a trial and be convinced. You will find Kelly a gentleman and always ready to wait on his customers.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Strayed from the Undersigned 8 miles north of Winfield, Friday evening, Sept. 26th, two horses, one a bay, blaze face and one glass eye, the other a gray, heavy mane and tail, natural pacer, branded C. I. L. on left thigh and (I____) I bar on left shoulder. Five dollars reward for information that will lead to their recovery.

[For some reason the Undersigned's name was not given!??]

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

UNDERTAKING. I have opened up a new Undertaking Establishment at the office of the Kansas Furniture Store, where I will give prompt attention to all calls which may be entrusted to my care, day or night. D. C. IRWIN.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

SKIPPED ABSTRACT OF COUNTY AUDITOR'S REPORT, in this issue, covering claims against Cowley County for the month of September, 1884.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

RECAP 2 Sheriff's sales by G. H. McIntire Monday, October 13, 1884.

1. R. R. Conklin, Plaintiff, vs. Wm. W. Whiteside, Amanda M. Whiteside, and Fred R. Foster, real estate.

2. S. M. Jarvis, Plaintiff, vs. John N. Sicks and Nancy J. Sicks, real estate.

A. J. Pyburn, Attorney for both plaintiffs.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

Recap Administrator's Notice by T. S. Covert, Admn. of the estate of M. T. Covert, Deceased, telling those interested to present their claims.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

AD. WM. ATKINSON, MERCHANT TAILOR, 3 doors South of Commercial Hotel, Main Street, Winfield, Kansas. Your patronage solicited and orders promptly executed.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

RECAP 3 MORE SHERIFF'S SALES by G. H. McIntire, to take place Monday, October 13, 1884.

1. R. R. Conklin, Plaintiff, vs. Rebecca A. Withrow, Emily E. Withrow, Amanda F. Withrow, and Eby D. Withrow, Defendants, sale of real estate.

2. R. R. Conklin, Plaintiff, vs. Eliphus W. Hanning, Carolina Hanning, and Wesley McEwen, Defendants, sale of real estate.

3. David Hood, Plaintiff, vs. Elijah W. Burge, Phalby Burge, and William Reynolds, Defendants, sale of real estate.

APPEARS that A. J. Pyburn acted as Plaintiff's Attorney in all three cases.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

MRS. A. A. EASTMAN has opened a new Millinery Store in the building north of Johnston's furniture store. She will make DRESSMAKING and CUTTING a specialty. The goods are all new and stylish, and it will pay every lady to call before purchasing.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

59. Everybody Asks Everybody Else what 59 means. It means that To-Day, Friday and Saturday WE WILL SELL AT 59 cents an Article in Every Department Which is worth in actual value from 75 cents to $1.00. Call and Secure at Least One of these Bargains.

Two doors South of Hoosier Grocery.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

[Skipped long article on front page re Tariff vs. Free Trade (The American Mechanic vs. the Foreign Mechanic, from the personal experience of Thomas McDougal at Mt. Gilead, Ohio, in a speech given October 1, 1884.) Compared U. S. to Ohio, etc.]


Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Number Three.
While it is with the deepest sorrow that we mourn the loss to our country of so many brave and noble men sacrificed in the suppression of the most atrocious rebellion of the annals of history; while nothing can replay to the families of our land the losses of husbands, fathers, brothers, and supporters, or the ruined constitutions and healths of so many of the survivors; yet in the matters of national prosperity, wealth, progress, and growth in comforts, luxuries, education, and general happiness, the war was the greatest blessing that could have occurred. It found our country suffering under a Democratic "tariff for revenue only" as described in our last; every industry discouraged or paralyzed, a most infamous currency, hard times and poverty generally; but the necessities of the war required large sums of money and these must be raised as far as possible from duties on imports. A new tariff was passed by the first Republican congress, raising the tariff duties so high that it was believed that higher rates would reduce instead of increasing the revenue.

This would have afforded ample protection to all American industries and did for a time encourage the establishment of new factories and industries, but it soon became necessary to raise much more revenue than could be raised by the tariff, so the system of internal revenue was adopted. This taxed our American manufactures and products so nearly as much as the tariff taxed the foreign products that the American industries had very little advantage over the foreign in our markets. Then again so many men were called out of the industrial pursuits for soldiers in the war that labor became scarce and extremely high and this made to the disadvantage to our manufacturing interests very largely, and all our specie flowed out of the country to pay for the large amount of foreign goods which continued to flow into the country.

But with so many laborers and producers in the army and the price of labor so high, there was a home demand for all that the farmers could raise and that at very high prices and our farmers entered upon their present career of prosperity.

But when the war closed and the soldiers returned to the labor of civil life, the internal revenue taxes on our manufactured products still continuing and neutralizing the protection of the high tariff, times began to tighten up and finally culminated in the financial troubles of 1878. These were nothing like the general panics and ruin of 1837 and 1857, but there were a great many failures and suspensions, a great shutting up of factories, a general distrust, and large numbers of men out of employment.

But happily our Republican statesmen were learning rapidly and cutting down and abolishing the internal revenue taxes so that by 1873 they were entirely removed from all our principal industries and the high protective tariff went into full force and effect.

It was the ten years following 1873 in which our greatest progress and increase in wealth was accomplished. In that ten years the wealth of our country more than doubled. This is so extraordinary a statement that we would not dare to make it had we not the statistics to bear us out in it. But we can see all around us that almost everybody is at least twice as wealthy as they were in 1873.

We have the authority of the census reports taken in connection with the compilations of the best statisticians of the world that the wealth of the United States increased from fourteen billions of dollars in 1860 to forty-four billions of dollars in 1880, an accumulation of more than twice as much in twenty years under a Republican high tariff, as had been accumulated in the whole two hundred and forty years of the history of this country prior to 1860. As Hon. B. W. Perkins stated in his speech last Monday evening, there is no doubt that the accumulations from 1880 up to the present time would raise the wealth of this country from forty-four billions in 1880 to near fifty billions in 1884 or three and a half times what it was in 1880, and during a period of twenty-four years.

Of this accumulation it is safe to calculate that from 1860 to 1873 the wealth of the country increased from fourteen billions to twenty-four billions, and from 1873 to 1883 it increased from twenty-four billions to forty-eight billions, or doubled.

"But," said one of our anti-monopolist friends to us, "what is the use and benefit of all this accumulation; the farmers and laborers, the wealth producers do not retain any of it, for it all goes into the hands of Jay Gould and other monopolists to swell their millions upon millions of ill-gotten gains."

Well, we want some way invented to punish and prevent such swindling accumulations in the hands of monopolizing speculators, but we don't want the country to go back to a free trade tariff on their account. It is not true that they got all of this accumulation and the farmers and laborers none of it. It is a fact taken from the statistics, that while the aggregate wealth of the whole country increased two hundred and fourteen percent in the twenty years from 1860 to 1880, the aggregate wealth of the farmers of this country increased more than two hundred and thirty-four percent in the same time. So it seems that the farmers are considerably more benefitted by this increase than the average of the community and that Jay Gould & Co. do not prevent them from holding their full share of the accumulations. It is the thousands of foolish men from all callings, professions, and ranks who go into grain, pork, stock, and railroad speculations and gambling and risk their accumulations, believing they are as sharp as Jay Gould, from whom these successful stock gamblers make their money. These amateur gamblers, and their name is legion, are the men who add their own earnings, often won by the hardest labor, to swell the fortunes of these millionaires. The men who have attended to their farms and have not dabbled in these gambling schemes, have on an average much more than doubled their fortunes, nearly trebled them in the ten years from 1873 to 1883, the 10 years when we had the fullest effects of a full untrammeled protective tariff.

But even Republican statesmen do not know everything by intuition. Even Republicans do some things which are bad in themselves in order to escape that which is worse. Sometimes they will pay money to highwaymen in order to save their brains. Such was the tariff act of 1883.

The people generally did not know that all this prosperity of the last ten years was due to the high protective tariff. Demagogues ranted about taxation and robbery. Democrats howled for free trade. The general sentiment of the people was for a tariff reduction. It became evident that the Republicans must make a considerable reduction in the tariff rates or turn the government over to the Democrats and British free traders who would certainly ruin the prosperity of the country by their wholesale reduction.

The Republicans elected the former plan and passed the tariff act of 1883 which reduced the tariff rates an average of twenty percent. This action was a compromise necessary to prevent a greater evil, but it was an evil. Since the passage of that act of 1883 the business of the country has been in an unsettled state. The imports have increased and the exports have diminished. Many failures have occurred, a very unusual number. Many factories have either shut down or reduced the number of their employees and their wages. The production of crops have been in excess of the demand and prices of wheat and other products have fallen greatly in price.

We do not say that all this change was caused by the twenty percent reduction in 1883, but it helped. The tariff agitation of 1884 and the apprehension that the Democrats will get into power and give a more than horizontal tariff reduction has doubtless been a greater cause. It has filled all operators with apprehension and no one dares to buy property to hold, so everything goes down in price.

But the Republicans have learned a lesson and will profit by it. If Blaine is elected and a Republican congress, we can promise our readers there will be no more tariff reduction on such articles as Americans can produce, but that the tariff of 1867 will be restored on articles not sufficiently protected.


Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

MRS. M. L. OLMSTEAD'S English & French Boarding and Day School for young ladies and children will open at the residence formerly occupied by Prof. Farringer, Main Street, September 22, 1884. A resident French teacher. Classes in Drawing, Oil, and Watercolor Painting. Instructions given in Music upon Piano, Organ, Violin, and Guitar; also Vocal Culture. Instructions in Music on and after the 9th prox.


Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

The Winfield Markets. Butter 25 cents; eggs 15 cents; potatoes 60 cents; chickens 5 cents per lb. live weight; wheat 50 cents; hogs $4.00; corn 25 to 35 cents. Democrats 00.


Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Our physicians report diphtheria quite prevalent.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Mrs. T. R. Bryan is quite ill with malarial fever.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Herbert Wilson came in last week from his Eastern visit.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Geo. Klaus has a new dray from Chicago. It is a fine wagon.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Jack Frost made his first appearance Thursday night last, blighting nothing.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Mrs. E. S. Bedilion and family returned Saturday from a summer's absence in the east.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Ladies Foster Kid gloves 5 hooked, all colors at Hoosier Notion Store, 90 cents a pair.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

The family of Mr. A. D. Hendricks has been prostrated with sickness during the past week.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Jim Vance was taken over to Geuda Springs last week. His spell of rheumatism is a very severe one.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

The latest from Ohio is that our Jos. O'Hare and Judge Beck carried the State by overwhelming majorities.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Lost, a ladies' cuff pin, gold leaf with black onyx filling. Finder will confer a favor by leaving at this office.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Mr. & Mrs. Zack Whitson, of Pleasant Valley, left last week for an extended trip to the old home in "Old Kaintuck."

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Having bought an extensive stock of canned goods, we will close out our present stock of fruit at cost. Bryan & Lynn.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Rev. B. Kelly and Prof. Limerick will address the people of Dexter on the temperance question on Friday, October 24th, in the evening.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Our Juvenile band did nobly Monday in contributing its share of entertainment to the great Republican Rally. We are proud of them.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Mrs. E. Houston, Mrs. H. Brown, Mrs. Geo. Ordway, and Mrs. J. P. Short spent last week visiting Mrs. Frank Williams and other Wichita friends.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

The Wellington Wellingtonian, after a hampered career, has passed into new hands, those of R. W. Stevens, who promises to make it a live paper.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Udall has a petition properly signed and in waiting for Judge Torrance's return from the East, petitioning incorporation as a city of the third class.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Mrs. Dr. C. B. Gunn, nee Miss Clute, formerly a teacher in our city schools, but now of Leavenworth, is visiting in the city with the Misses Aldrich.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Walter Tacket, a boy about fifteen, from Grouse Creek, was put in the county "jug" last week, for disturbing the peace and quiet of certain neighbors.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Capt. J. B. Nipp has appointed J. W. Arrowsmith Deputy County Treasurer. He is a good penman and experienced accountant and will fill the position acceptably.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Sam'l. L. Hamilton, formerly editor of the Wellingtonian, was appointed last week by Judge Torrance, through I. G. Reed, Judge pro tem, County Auditor of Sumner.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Ed. Burdette has purchased the interest of his partner, Mr. Welch, in Ninth Avenue Lunch Room and is now going it alone. Ed. is a rustling man in his business and will win.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

The State Agricultural College at Manhattan has two representatives in attendance from Pleasant Valley in the persons of Miss Kate Markum and Elihu Anderson, both second year students.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

James A. Simpson threw in some valuable assistance during Monday's rally with some fine music on the fife. Nothing so enthuses the Old Soldier Republican as the music of the fife and drum.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

The recent rains have had telling effect on the growing wheat. The fields are luxuriant and 'ere many days enchanting seas of wavy, velvety green wheat will greet the eye on every hand.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Will J. Wilson retired Tuesday from the position of Deputy County Treasurer. His years of service in that position were marked by accuracy, promptness, and courtesy, and he goes out with the appreciation of everyone with whom he did business.


Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

The County Commissioners have decided to purchase at a sum not to exceed five dollars all the main-stream bridges in the county, for which an election proclamation is published elsewhere. They will also span the Arkansas near Tannehill with a bridge.

Election Proclamation.

I. G. H. McIntire, Sheriff of said County, do herein and hereby proclaim and make known to the electors of said County that there will be a general election held in said County at the several election districts therein, on Tuesday, the 4th day of November, A. D. 1884, for the purpose of choosing one President and one Vice President of the United States, one member of Congress for the Third District of the State of Kansas. And the following State officers of the State of Kansas, one Governor, one Lieutenant Governor, one Secretary of State, one Auditor, one Treasurer, one Attorney General, one Superintendent of Public Instruction, one Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and one Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. Also the following District officers: One Judge of the District Court of the Thirteenth Judicial District; one State Senator for the 27th Senatorial district of the State of Kansas, one Representative for the 66th Representative District of the State of Kansas, one Representative for the 67th Representative district of the State of Kansas, and one Representative for the 68th Representative district of the State of Kansas. Also the following county officers: Clerk of the District Court, Probate Judge, County Attorney, Superintendent of Public Instruction, and a member of the Board of County Commissioners for the First Commissioner district of said County.

And I, the said G. H. McIntire, by order of the Board of County Commissioners do further proclaim and make known that whereas the Board of County Commissioners of Cowley County, Kansas, have determined that it is necessary to purchase at a sum not exceeding five dollars and forever after maintain a certain iron bridge across the Walnut River at a point about 150 feet north of the ½ [?Could be 1/4 or 1/8..hard to read?] section line running east and west through section No. 20, township No. 34 south, of Range No. 3 East in said County, said bridge being near Searing & Meade's mill, and has been constructed 8 years and originally cost $3,500, and has a 90 foot span and 30 foot span approach and made of iron with plank floor, in good condition; that an election will be held at the time and places aforesaid for the purpose of determining whether the County shall purchase said bridge at a sum not to exceed five dollars. The ballots in favor of said proposition shall have written or printed thereon, "For the purchase of the iron bridge across the Walnut River near Searing and Meade's mill," and those against said proposition shall have written or printed thereon, "Against the purchase of the iron bridge across the Walnut River near Searing & Meade's mill."

And, whereas, the Board of County Commissioners of said County have determined that it is necessary to purchase at a cost not to exceed five dollars and forever after maintain the wooden bridge across the Arkansas River about a half mile west of Arkansas City, near the half section line running east and west through sections 25 and 26, township No. 34, Range No. 3 east, in said County, said bridge being built on piles driven 15 to 20 feet deep and is 800 feet long, built about one year ago of wood, cost $5,000. Therefore, I do further proclaim and make known by order of said Board of Commissioners that an election will be held at the time and places aforesaid for the purpose of determining whether the county shall purchase said bridge at a cost not to exceed five dollars. The ballots in favor of said proposition shall have written or printed thereon, "for the purchase of the wooden bridge across the Arkansas River about half mile west of Arkansas City," and the ballots against that proposition shall have written or printed thereon, "against the purchase of the wooden bridge across the Arkansas River about a half mile west of Arkansas City."

And, whereas the Board of County Commissioners of Cowley County, Kansas, have determined that it is necessary to purchase at a cost not exceeding five dollars and forever after maintain the combination bridge situated about one mile south of Arkansas City in said county across the Arkansas River at a point about 10 rods east and six rods south of the southwest corner of lot No. 4, in section 36, township 34, range 3 east, in said Cowley County, said bridge being about 750 feet long, partly iron and partly wood, the iron part 3 years old and the wood part 5 years old and cost $10,000. Therefore, I do further proclaim and make known by order of said Board of Commissioners that an election will be held at the time and places aforesaid for the purpose of determining whether the county shall purchase said bridge at a cost not exceeding five dollars. The ballots in favor of said proposition shall have written or printed thereon, "For the purchase of the combination bridge across the Arkansas River about one mile south of Arkansas City." The ballots against said proposition shall have written or printed thereon "Against the purchase of the combination bridge across the Arkansas River about one mile south of Arkansas City."

And, whereas the Board of County Commissioners of Cowley County, Kansas, have determined that it is necessary to purchase at a cost not exceeding five dollars and forever after maintain the iron bridge across the Walnut River about a half mile west of the south part of the city of Winfield in Vernon Township and in the southwest quarter of section 29, township 32 south of range No. 4 east in said Cowley County, said bridge being built of iron with stone peers and abutments, one span 120 feet with two iron span approaches, one 26 and the other 30 feet, built in 1877 and now in good repair and cost $4,000. Therefore, I do further proclaim and make known by order of said Board of County Commissioners that an election will be held at the time and places aforesaid for the purpose of determining whether the county shall purchase said bridge at a cost not exceeding five dollars. The ballots in favor of said proposition shall have written or printed thereon, "For the purchase of the iron bridge across the Walnut River in Vernon Township," and those against said proposition shall have written or printed thereon, "Against the purchase of the iron bridge across the Walnut River in Vernon Township."

And whereas the Board of County Commissioners of Cowley County, Kansas, have determined that it is necessary to purchase at a cost not exceeding five dollars and forever after maintain the iron bridge across the Walnut River about a half mile south of the city of Winfield in Pleasant Valley Township, Cowley County, Kansas, said bridge being built of iron span 150 ft. with two iron approaches and stone abutments built in 1877; in fair repair, cost $4,500; therefore, I do further proclaim and make known by order of said Board of County Commissioners that an election will be held at the time and place aforesaid for the purpose of determining whether the county shall purchase said bridge at a cost not exceeding five dollars. The ballot in favor of said proposition shall have written or printed thereon, "For the purchase of the iron bridge across the Walnut River about a half mile south of the city of Winfield in Pleasant Valley Township," and the ballots against said proposition shall have written or printed thereon, "Against the purchase of the iron bridge across the Walnut River about a half mile south of the city of Winfield in Pleasant Valley Township."

And whereas the said Board of County Commissioners of Cowley County, Kansas, deem it necessary to build a bridge across the Arkansas River about 525 feet south of the half section line running east and west through the middle section of twenty-one (21), township thirty-three (33), range three (3) east in Beaver Township, Cowley County, Kansas, said bridge to be built of iron, with stone and iron piers and abutments, length 300 feet, width 14 feet, the estimated cost of which is $6,500 dollars.

Therefore, by order of the said Board of County Commissioners, I do further proclaim and make known that there will be an election held at the time and place aforesaid for the purpose of determining whether the county shall build said bridge at the estimated cost thereof, the ballots in favor of said proposition shall have written and printed thereon, "For the building of the Iron bridge across the Arkansas River in Beaver Township," and the ballots against said proposition shall have written or printed thereon, "Against the building of the Iron bridge across the Arkansas River in Beaver Township."

And Whereas the said Board of Commissioners of Cowley County, Kansas, deem it necessary to build an iron bridge across the Walnut River near the section line between sections seven (7) and eighteen (18), township thirty-one (31), range No. four (4) east in Fairview Township, Cowley County, Kansas, the estimated cost of which is $4,500, said bridge to be built of iron, with stone piers, and is 280 feet long.

Therefore, by order of the said Board of County Commissioners, I do further proclaim and make known that there will be an election held at the time and places aforesaid for the purpose of determining whether the county shall build said bridge at the estimated cost thereof.

The ballots in favor of said proposition shall have written or printed thereon "For the building of the Iron bridge across the Walnut River in Fairview Township," and the ballots against said proposition shall have written or printed thereon, "Against the building of the Iron bridge across the Walnut River in Fairview Township."

And I do further make known that two ballot boxes will be necessary at each voting precinct, one for the votes for National, State, District, and County officers, and one for the votes on the bridge propositions.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand as the Sheriff of Cowley County, Kansas, at my office in the city of Winfield, this 13th day of October A. D. 1884.

J. H. McINTIRE, Sheriff.


Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

The following parties have been authorized to commit matrimony during the past week. MARRIAGE LICENSES:

Horace McConn and Minnie Baugh.

Christian Hess and Emma Oldham.

Norman Hall and Ida Terril.

George Perry and Bertha Stebbins.

Wm. McClung and Jennie Overly.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Mrs. A. J. Scott, who has been spending the summer with her cousin, Mrs. Roy Millington, left for her home in Toronto, Canada, last Saturday. She was accompanied by Mrs. Millington, who will remain away all winter. Mrs. Scott's health was much improved by her sojourn here.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Warner Brothers have received their machinery and are now ready to fill orders for scroll or bracket work on store fronts, odd sizes of doors and windows, and all kinds of trimming work. Doors and Window frames complete or in Knock-down, Old Foundry building, North Main street.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

MARRIED. Mr. John J. Davis and Miss Carrie B. Limbocker were married by Rev. B. Kelly last Thursday evening at the home of the bride's father, Mr. W. W. Limbocker, in this city. They are both possessed of sterling qualities and are happily mated. They took up housekeeping immediately at New Salem, where the groom is in the mercantile business.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Flora Harrison, a young girl about fifteen years old, was arrested Tuesday and lodged in the county jail on charge of petty larceny. While Mrs. Holmes was watching the political procession Monday, the girl entered her house, found a portmonia containing five dollars on the center table, and walked out with it. On its being missed she was traced through the identification of a neighbor, who saw her enter the house. The girl is comely and bright and seems to be surrounded with a strange degree of mystery, having roamed from Philadelphia to Colorado, remaining there a short time with an aunt, and turning up here under circumstances very hidden. She carries an air of innocence which makes her case very pitiable, putting in much time in convulsive sobs. She is homeless and friendless, and our public-spirited ladies are proffering assistance and encouragement.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Our sister city, Wellington, has recently passed an ordinance requiring all business houses to close on Sunday, and it is being rigidly enforced. It is obeyed without "kicks," and seems popular. Says the Press: "It looks so much more civilized to see all business houses closed on Sunday. The law is not intended to make the people of the city religious as some suppose, but merely to have order and quietude so that those who desire to worship may not be disturbed. All civilized countries recognize the Sabbath, and why not America? In a town no larger than Wellington, the law can be rigidly enforced without extra expense to the city. The only point to be guarded to insure success is to see that all houses alike are closed. We commend the city council in its new departure."

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Those who saw and grasped the hand of Jno. A. Martin, Monday, at once realized that he puts on no airs. He has none of the dandified air of St. John or the cynical, icy appearance of G. Washington Glick. He is simply a man among men. He has won proud honors on the field and in the State, and yet would be just as much at home discussing the merits of the wheat, corn, and onion crops with a "granger" as in the gubernatorial chair contemplating some great problem in the interests of the State. He is just the kind of a man everybody wants to tie to, and just the one who will be overwhelmingly elected Chief Executive of Kansas on November 4th.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

DIED. Again are we called upon to chronicle the taking away of a household treasure. On Monday morning, Nona, the sweet little five year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nelson, passed away. She had been held for a week between life and death by that dread epidemic, diphtheria. An incision was made and all that kind hands could do was done; but the inevitable came at last. Bleeding hearts are left to wonder why sorrow is the accompaniment of joy in the history of life. The sympathy of many friends is extended.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

J. Scott Baker, of Vernon, has left us a display of apples, including Twenty Ounce Pippin, Winesap, Rome Beauty, Ben Davis, Domine, Willow Twig, and Rawles Janet, which would paralyze any old croaker that might call this no fruit county. Any of them would fill a quart measure and all are smooth and beautiful. Mr. Baker has a twelve acre variety orchard and raised this year nearly a thousand bushels of peaches and an abundance of all kinds of fruit.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Mr. L. B. Stone turned over Tuesday, the office of County Treasurer, to his successor, Capt. J. B. Nipp. Mr. Stone's administration of that office has been highly creditable to himself and the county. Always quiet and unassuming, yet accommodating and watchful, he retires amid a satisfied constituency, and with a gratifying friendship, leaving the office in a condition unexcelled. He certainly leaves a record of work nobly done.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

About two hundred of our Plumed Knights, accompanied by the Courier Cornet Band, filled a special train for Arkansas City, Tuesday evening, where Congressman B. W. Perkins, Judge T. H. Soward, and County Attorney Jennings warmed up the cold, diabolical hide of the Democracy in rousing addresses. Torchlight processions and general Republican enthusiasm composed a big time and our boys returned more than satisfied. Our Glee Club got in its work with campaign songs.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

A correspondent of the Udall Sentinel notes a new move on the part of school dignitaries: "Our school board compels the school marm to take her dinner to school and prohibits her from leaving the house during the noon hour. If that same board was at the head of a third rate village, it would be trying to prevent the women from wearing Mother Hubbard dresses."

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

The COURIER kept "open house" Tuesday night and the office was thronged with eager faces taking in the Ohio bulletins as they were placed on the board. Not a relief brought forth a Democratic cheer, while Republicans found frequent cause for hilarity. The bulletins were also continued Wednesday night.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Quincy A. Glass has received a long letter from Fish Commissioner Giles relating to the fish-ways in the Walnut. The Commissioner has notified the County Attorney to have all dams provided with fishways at once. Mr. Glass has done an excellent thing for the public in drawing attention to this matter.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

S. D. Pryor had a curiosity last week in his residence grounds in a plum tree on which was a full-fledged, bona fide blossom. This record is unparalleled even in Sunny Southern Kansas. That tree was certainly dazed in imagining autumn spring; but this balmy atmosphere would fool anything.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

The Courier Cornet Band won golden laurels by its splendid music during our Grand Rally Monday. Their overture preceding Senator Ingalls' Speech at the Opera House in the evening was superb and elicited the highest praise.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Jos. O. Taylor will hold a public sale at the Platter farm, one mile east of the city, on Wednesday, October 22nd, when all livestock, implements, etc., of the late firm of Taylor & Platter will be sold. See special column for particulars.

AUCTION SALE. At Platter farm, 1 mile east of Winfield, on Wednesday, October 22nd, 1884, at 10 o'clock a.m. To close out partnership of Taylor & Platter, I will sell at public auction at the time and place, all the farm implements, crops of corn, hay, millet, and straw on said farm. Also over 40 head of Kentucky high-grade Short Horn cows and calves, a number of Galloway cows and yearlings, and also a number of Short Horn bulls. Terms of sale: Approved bankable note, 9 months' time, bearing 10 percent per annum over $25. Purchases under $25, cash. Five percent off for cash. JOS. O. TAYLOR, surviving partner of Taylor & Platter. Walter Denning, Auctioneer.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Frank L. Crampton last week remodeled and had the latest improvements put in his oven. He is now prepared to furnish his many customers the best of everything in his line."

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

BIRTH. Jno. C. Rowland now blushingly accepts the title of "papa," having come in possession one day last week of a bouncing new boy. We hint Jas. G. Blaine as a suitable cognomen for such a bright prattler.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nelson desire us to express their sincere thanks for the many acts of kindness by neighbors and friends during the fatal illness of their little daughter.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

MARRIED. Married, October 8th, 1884, at the residence of the bride's parents, Winfield, Kansas, by Rev. B. Kelly, Mr. John J. Davis and Miss Clara B. Limbocker, all of Cowley County, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

The second session of the Cowley County Teachers' Association announced for the 18th at Burden has been postponed to Saturday, October 25th.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

McGuire Bros. have their two stores chuck full of goods of every kind and will sell them cheap for cash or produce at Winfield and Tisdale.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Parties leaving their orders at the Winfield Bakery will receive the freshest bread at their doors in any part of the city every morning.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

W. J. Kennedy, our Santa Fe Agent, and family returned Saturday from an extensive sojourn in Philadelphia and other eastern cities.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

We must reduce our stock to make room for our new goods which are now arriving daily: hence the cost counter. Bryan & Lynn.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Rev. J. Cairns writes from Washington Territory that his nervous system is improving and he will be at home by Christmas.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Opening at Taylor & Taylor's, on Oct. 22nd and 23rd, of fine Winter Millinery. Ladies invited to examine our goods and prices.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Ladies wool hose 35 cents, children's wool hose 15 cents, at Hoosier Notion Store.

Remember that Frank L. Crampton's is the place to get fresh Oysters served in the best style. They are received daily.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.


[Skipped most of the big, long-winded headers on article.]

Monday was a day which will be long remembered in the political history of Cowley. The morning opened with a drizzling rain, but by ten o'clock Old Sol smiled serenely down, drying things off, and leaving a pure, balmy atmosphere. By noon our streets were alive with people, all with joyous step, beaming eyes, and eager words, exhibiting the greatest enthusiasm for the Republican County, State, and National tickets. All day the crowd was occasionally augmented by a newly arrived delegation from some surrounding city or town and by night all was crowd and jam. Many of our business houses were gaily festooned with red, white, and blue bunting and the National flag appeared in all quarters, in honor of that party which made a glorious record on many a bloody field during the dark days from 1860 to 1864; in honor of that party which needs not to apologize for the past, to blush for its present, or to shrink in dread from its future. The crowd seemed animated, jolly, and patient, yet intensely concerned in the great interests and issues at sake, and all eagerly manifested their loyalty and devotion to the great and grand party of Lincoln, Garfield, Sumner, Grant, Sherman, Blaine, and Logan. Uniformed Blaine and Logan clubs were present from Arkansas City, Burden, New Salem, Wellington, and other surrounding towns while the Wellington Cornet Band joined with our Courier Cornet and Juvenile Bands in furnishing splendid entertainment for the vast crowd. The bands were untiring and received many praises from all. But especially notable were the campaign songs of the Cowley County Glee Club, Frank Blair, leader, and Messrs. Buckman, Roberts, Snow, and Shaw, members, with Prof. Stimson, organist. Their many renditions at the Opera House in the afternoon and evening were received with hilarious applause and won them fame, as was evidenced by the numerous invitations they received to attend rallies at different places. They made a name which would make the famous Topeka Modock Club sick with envy.

The Blaine and Logan clubs, headed by the band, and toned up by a club of uniformed cavalrymen, marched to the Santa Fe train at 11 a.m., and met the lions of the day, Senator J. J. Ingalls, Hon. John A. Martin, Hon. B. W. Perkins, and Dr. Philip Krohn, escorting them to the Brettun House, where they were entertained. At two o'clock the same procession escorted the speakers to the Opera House, where, after some stirring songs from the Glee Club, Senator W. P. Hackney introduced Hon. Jno. A. Martin, the next Governor of Kansas, who came forward amid the wildest cheering and delivered a telling address. Those few who had been in doubt as to Mr. Martin's standing on any issue were thoroughly convinced by his direct, open, and unmistakable declaration of principles. He arraigned the Democratic party for its many disgraceful acts from its inception, and especially its record of 1856 to 1860 in attempting by force, fraud, fire, and sword to plant slavery upon the fair plains of Kansas; for its attempts to kill liberty and make American slavery National; for its shot-gun and tissue ballot frauds by which it has kept the South solid; and for its general rottenness. Touching state issues he was very outspoken. He frankly accepted the legally rendered decision of the people on the prohibition question and was squarely in favor of the law adopted by the legislature to sustain it; he acknowledged the right of the majority to rule in this as well as in all other legislative questions; that the constitution and laws touching prohibition had been sustained in all points, by the Supreme Court, and that if elected governor of this great State he would not perjure himself by seeking to nullify these or any other parts of the constitution and laws of the state, or by any action seek to bring them into disfavor or contempt. He would deem it an insult to his audience or the voters of Kansas to even think that they desired him to do so.

Senator John J. Ingalls was then introduced, not to make a set speech, for he was on the evening program, but merely to appear on behalf of his old friend, Col. Martin. His endorsement of Mr. Martin was brief and bristling and such as did honor, not only to the candidate for governor, but to himself. This brief introduction was an index to the magnificent treat in waiting for the crowd in the evening.

Judge H. C. Mechem, county attorney of Franklin County, also made a pithy speech, setting forth logically his reasons for not being a Democrat.

The evening program opened with a grand torchlight procession of Plumed Knights and a fine pyrotechnic display. The many torches, the evolutions of the uniformed companies, with the whole air filled with varied and brilliant colored lights, was a magnificent picture. By eight o'clock standing room in the Opera House was at a premium. The first speaker was Hon. B. W. Perkins, our congressman. Without flowery rhetoric, he proceeded to "do up" the Democracy in a straight forward, matter-of-fact manner that immediately won his auditors. He painted a vivid picture of the condition of this country when it first came under Republican rule: empty treasury, divided states, a population of but 30,000,000, a local currency, and a complete condition of uncertain anarchy. Under twenty-three years' Republican guidance, the treasury now contains a surplus; our debt has been and is being largely paid; a complete sisterhood of states; a growth to 55,000,000 of people; a currency which passes for value received in any civilized country of the globe; bonds at a premium, and a state of prosperity unequaled by any Nation of the world. He wound up by declaring his fealty to the boys in blue and his determination to fight for their rights as long as he had a voice on the floor of congress.

Hon. John J. Ingalls, Kansas' senior senator, then came forward in an address whose smoothness, keen logic, and withering sarcasm made every Democrat squirm and hunt a convenient exit. The Senator has a flow of language, clear, penetrating voice, and a superior ability that at once captivates an audience. He proved the legality of the electoral commission of 1876 in declaring the election of Hayes and Wheeler and showed the utter falsity of the democratic howl of fraud. He cited the ghostliness of any party that would go trailing along after that old superstition and reminiscence, Sam Tilden, and compared the Democratic party to a garbage ground where all the filth, refuse, and scum of humanity found a reception. He brought out, with that command of English peculiar to the Senator, all the disgrace, meanness, and disloyalty of the Democratic party all along its dark career: from its secession days to its last great miscarriage, the nomination of Sheriff Cleveland, the man with the nine- year-old record. Speaking of the wonderful prosperity of America under Republican rule and mentioning Kansas especially, he said: "If Kansas' wheat crop for this year was loaded on one freight train, when the engine was in Chicago, the caboose would be in Denver City; and if her corn crop was put on a single train, when the engine was in New York City, the caboose would be among the Rocky mountains; and if all her wheat, corn, hogs, cattle, and other products were put on a continuous train, when the engine was in New York City, the rear car would be on the coast at San Francisco." He expressed heartfelt thanks for the appreciation shown him by the Republicans of Cowley County and of Kansas and a desire to so labor in their behalf as would merit continued appreciation and honor the great state he represented.

At the conclusion of Senator Ingalls' address, the crowd called vociferously for Col. Martin, who appeared 'mid loud cheers and manifestations of respect and honor. The Colonel voiced his sincere gratitude for the ovation given him by the people of Cowley and commended them for their loyalty to Republicanism and right, giving this as an index to the county's wonderful prosperity. In this connection he said: "There used to be a saying abroad in the land indicating that Providence was Democratic, because Providence sends rain, rain makes corn, and corn makes Democrats. The proper version of this saying is, Providence sends rain, rain makes good wheat, big corn and pumpkins, and these obese products make prosperity, and prosperity makes Republicans."

While the vast Opera House audience was being entertained, a large overflow meeting on Main street was being addressed by Dr. Philip Krohn, of Atchison, Hon. W. P. Hackney, and Henry E. Asp. Dr. Krohn is one of Kansas' ablest speakers, and threw shot and shell into the Democratic ranks in a way that drove them all into their little "caves of gloom." He denounced G. Washington Glick in terms so keen, cutting, and sarcastic that the gubernatorial accident must have rubbed his hardened conscience in a remorseful wince even at the distance of Topeka.

This grand Republican demonstration laid every Democrat in his political casket and nothing but melancholy, chagrin, and distrust covers his wrinkled brow, while he shies around for a hole through which to avoid inevitable consequence by crawling into the ranks of the Great and Grand Republican Party.


Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Churches and Related Activities.
The Christian denomination of Udall is erecting a neat church building.

The Presbyterians are putting gas in their church building. The chandeliers being down, no services were held Sunday evening.

Elder J. Myers filled the pulpit at the Christian Church Sunday and Sunday evening. His home is at Vanceburg, Kentucky.

Rev. S. F. Gibbs, a Universalist minister from Illinois, preached several sermons in the Opera House during the past few weeks, in which considerable interest was manifested.

The Presbyterians are building a neat addition to their parsonage, corner 11th Avenue and Mansfield Street. Dr. Kirkwood has entered upon his second year's pastorate of the Winfield Presbyterian Church.

Work has commenced on a new Baptist Church at Arkansas City. It is expected to be the finest church in that city when completed. The Catholics of that place have purchased lots and will also erect a church edifice.

By request, Rev. B. Kelly will devote his next Sunday evening's sermon at the Methodist Church to "God's love in Prohibition." Rev. Kelly treats all subjects with that fearlessness which is always admirable, and his sermons are commanding much interest.

Rev. Harper, of Wichita, filled the Baptist pulpit in this city Sunday morning. He is a young man of much culture and his sermon was eloquent, pithy, and forcible. Rev. Campbell, from Delavan, Illinois, filled the same pulpit in the evening, and Rev. J. P. Beaman, of Indiana, will minister to the congregation next Sunday.

Last Sabbath the newly erected United Brethren Church at Constant was dedicated to the Lord for holy worship. It is a neat, commodious, and substantial building, having a seating capacity of about three hundred and fifty. It is indeed a creditable monument to the commendable zeal, energy, and enterprise of the Brethren in that community. A packed and crowded audience assembled at the morning service and were amply repaid for their presence by an exceedingly interesting sermon preached by Rev. Irwin, president of Lane University. The gentleman is a pleasing, forcible, and graceful speaker: his logic and rhetoric faultless. At the conclusion of the discourse, the congregation were informed that the cost of their beautiful temple of worship amounted to eighteen hundred dollars, and that a little balance of nine hundred dollars must necessarily be provided for in order to alleviate as much as possible all compunctions of conscience of those who disliked to worship at a shrine on which his Satanic Majesty held a mortgage. With that earnestness and liberality characteristic of the majority of the citizens of this vicinity, and through the charitable spirit manifested by esteemed visiting Brethren, the deficit was quickly secured with a surplus of $40. Elder P. B. Lee then presented the key of the church to the president of the board of trustees with the caution that the doors should be locked against all evil and disturbing influences, but opened wide to denominations preaching the gospel in its purity and holiness, when not in use by the Brethren. Rev. Cassell, the new pastor placed in charge, was next introduced to the congregation. The choir, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Chaplin, Mrs. J. C. Snyder, and Mr. Snider [?Snyder?] and Mr. Sherman Albert, with Miss Celina Bliss at the organ, furnished excellent music. The community, with the exception of a few who have fallen from grace, are proud of their pleasant and comfortable facilities for worshiping their Divine Master.

Much credit is due Rev. J. H. Snyder for his indomitable energy in working up this enterprise and laboring with our good people until their efforts have been crowned with glorious success. MARK.


Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

The County Board. The Board of County Commissioners was in session last week and a part of this. Most of the time was consumed in adjusting the numerous county road cases that came before it. It appearing that Robt. Thirsk, of Walnut Township, had been erroneously assessed $147 on personal property, the same was remitted. The resignation of L. Holcomb, trustee of Pleasant Valley Township, was accepted, and Geo. W. Robertson appointed to fill the vacancy. The official bond of J. B. Nipp, incoming County Treasurer, was approved. The First National Bank of Winfield was designated as the place of deposit for the county funds, conditioned that a good and constitutional bond be given and that said bank pay 2 percent annual interest upon the average daily deposits, such interest to be credited monthly.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

District Clerk. We understand that Mr. E. S. Bedilion has prepared a card for publication in the Telegram of this week absolutely and emphatically declining to allow his name to be used a candidate. We have expected to hear of such a card. Ed. Bedilion is too much of a man to forsake the party which has honored him, and the pledges he made before the convention. This action will be approved heartily by his many friends in both parties.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Sportsmen's Club.
The annual meeting of the Winfield Sportsmen's Club was held at the Telegram office last Friday evening. A large number were admitted to membership and the day for the grand annual hunt fixed for Tuesday, Nov. 11th. Committees were appointed on banquet and medals and a meeting for the election of Captains, choosing up and taking in new members called for Friday evening, the 24th at the Telegram office. All persons from the country or elsewhere who desire to participate in the hunt are invited.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Bridge Matters.
EDITOR COURIER: There is some little stir for a new bridge across the Walnut River on the west side of town, main object being to give east and west trade a direct road to the business portion of the city. The writer has talked with some of the Vernonite and citizens of the city and it seems the most desirable place is at the west end of ninth avenue, this road would then run direct to the crossing of Main street and ninth avenue, the center of the business portion of Winfield and run by the fair grounds and within one block of Bliss & Wood's Mill. Should the bridge be built where the old wooden bridge stood, this would throw teams into the meandering crossings and switches of both the Santa Fe and Southern Kansas Railroads; while if the other was there, there would be but one crossing. It is not thought that the old piers of wood bridge are sufficient for a good double bridge. People of the western part of this county know something of the mud hole they have to encounter in crossing by this route. A direct road coming in at the west end of ninth avenue is surely desirable. CITIZEN.


Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Frank L. Crampton, the wholesale baker with a tireless energy that knows no rest, baked and supplied his many customers with 2,700 loaves of bread and 425 dozen buns last week. Frank understands his business and is consequently the favorite.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

The poll books of the city are open for registration. Newcomers, all who didn't registered in the spring or have changed wards, must register.

The Registration books of the city will be open this week and next with the City Clerk, G. H. Buckman, over Read's Bank. Register.


Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Area News.
Arkansas City has a small St. John club.

The Wellington Street Car Company has commenced work.

A number of the Oklahoma boomers are camped at the State line near Hunnewell, ready to move on Oklahoma when the order is given.

Bull fighting was one of the attractions at the Caldwell Fair last week. A number of citizens met previously and resolved against such exhibition of barbarism, but the fight came off as advertised.

The Terminus is preparing for physical culture. An association was formed last week, capital raised to erect a building, and a charter for the Arkansas City Athletic Club sent for. That sprightly burg is right on its muscle.

Udall Sentinel: "Dr. Baily, of the firm of Van Doren and Baily, dentists, Winfield, was skirmishing about these parts Monday. The doctor is a genial gentleman, and says that firm may make Udall a point in their practice. We trust they will."

The A. C. Traveler ironically says: "If the Democratic candidate for state senator in this county could receive the votes of all his family, he would be elected by a large majority." And truthfully: "The Democrats couldn't have nominated an easier ticket for the Republicans to beat. Thanks, gentlemen."

The Enterprise sends up its little wail: "Workmen are scarce in this cityvery scarce. We frequently look for a man to do a small job of work. We go up and down the street looking for a mechanic or laborer and hesitating to tackle a man for fear of finding our man a banker. Such is the painful life of a resident of Burden."

The Caldwell Journal speaks of the notorious boomer and dead-beat in the following complimentary language: "If Dave Payne would refund fifty or a hundred thousand dollars of the money he has stolen from the poor people of Kansas and Missouri, he would not have so much to spend hiring brass bands to escort him home from thieving expeditions."

"The mills of the gods," etc. Billy Gill, of El Dorado, was fined $100 for selling whiskey, $100 for whipping Lay, the man who informed on him, and he was placed under a $2,000 bond to behave himself, be a good citizen, and quit selling liquor; his place of business declared a nuisance, and put in charge of the Sheriff. Also J. D. Pearson, of Augusta, same county, has been fined $150 for violating the prohibitory law, his house has been declared a nuisance, and he has been placed under bonds not to sell liquor for two years. Butler County evidently means "bishness."

The Democratic Standard, of Wellington, remarks: "Hon. W. P. Hackney was in the city Saturday. Bill is assisting the Republicans of the county in their canvass. His speeches always have a telling effect, but it is our impression that our friend is wasting wind when he says the ticket will be elected without a scratch." So plain is the coming Republican victory that every Democrat has lopped his long ears, stuck his tail between his lower extremities, and cast all political hopes into the gulf of despair; and W. P. has done much in hastening this extremity.

We hope the following from a valued "Ex." is original, but as the capitals and punctuation marks are reasonably well placed, we fear the worst: "A Cowley man climbed to the top of the corn-stalk before retiring, to inspect the state of the weather. His foot slipped, and he fell into a neighboring tree-top, where he stuck till morning, trying to die, and couldn't breathe only thirty cents on the dollar. After his rescue he kicked himself all the next day, and promised his wife and seventeen children that henceforth he would buy an almanac and keep himself posted without resorting to such dangerous methods of ascertaining the weather probabilities."

Says the Arkansas City Traveler: "Mr. E. F. Shindel showed us a curiosity this week in the shape of a copy of The Pennsylvania Packet and Daily Advertiser, published at Philadelphia on Tuesday, September 21, 1784, when the United States were just eight years old as a nation. It was the first daily newspaper published in the United States. The latest news from the old country is dated April 12, 1784, and it then required a week to get news even from New York. At the bottom of the fourth page appears the only clue to the ownership or editorship of the paper, where we find the words: `Printed and sold by John Dunlap and David C. Claypole, on the south side of Market street, the third house east of Second street, where subscriptions, advertisements, etc., for this paper are thankfully received.'"

A neighboring exchange hits Truth square in the eye in the following: "Because a merchant cannot afford to insert a half column advertisement in a newspaper is no reason why he should not advertise. All heavy advertisers began with small announcements. The great merchant princes, like A. T. Stewart, spent at the beginning only small sums each yeara certain percent of their income. It is a mistake to suppose small advertisements are not seen. They are not only seen, but as a rule read by all who see them because their contents can be taken at a glance. Merchants who do not advertise should try the experiment, especially in the dull season. The public will not seek the businessman. He must interest the public and make it seek him."

The A. C. Republican chronicles another scheme for the unraveling of a knotty problem: "At the millers' convention at Winfield several days ago, the question of making the Arkansas River navigable was sprung. A new plan was discussed, by which it is hoped to be able to ship flour down the river. It is as follows: Flat-boats are to be built with a capacity of seven or eight tons; several of these will be coupled together similar to railroad cars; at the front and rear small steamboats will be attached, to furnish the propelling power. It is hoped that in this manner several tons of flour will be taken down stream. A committee consisting of James Hill, Mr. Bliss of Bliss & Wood, Winfield, and Mr. Harguis, of Harguis & Clark at Wellington, was appointed to investigate the plausibility of this scheme. As soon as possible these gentlemen will go down the Arkansas and if they find water to the depth of one foot all the way, this plan will be put into execution. The boats they contemplate building will draw about eight inches of water, and will be controlled by our millers.


Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Attention! House Furnishing!!
The Robt. Keith furniture and carpet company will exhibit at the Brettun House next Thursday and Friday, between the hours of eleven and three each day, samples of their choicest carpets, draperies, and curtains with photographs of their entire stock of furniture. Mr. Schuneman has been connected with us many years, and has our entire confidence as an experienced salesman and connoisseur, possessing a thorough knowledge of our business in all its branches. He will take pleasure in waiting upon you at the hotel parlors, or will receive your address and call upon you at hour house, to give any information desired regarding the furnishing of home or office. Any orders given us through our Mr. Schuneman will receive our best and most careful attention. Robt. Keith, Furn. & Carp. Co., 811 and 813, Main St., Kansas City.


Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

What Our Neighbors Are Doing.

Mr. Yeaman will, ere long, move on the Swan place which he now owns.

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Barrick have gone east on a visit and may spend the winter there.

I'll now retreat to the Kitchen hoping the wastebasket won't swallow these snubs.

Mr. Courson will wield the walnut switch at Akron, which school commenced Sept. 29th.

John McCollum can now take his girl buggy-riding. Miss C. S., does his buggy ride easily?

Everybody seemed to be at the fair from Jerusalem to Jericho, and to be hunting their mammas.

Mr. Gutches will move on the farm where Mr. Butler has been living, which farm Mr. Gutches has purchased.

Mr. Savage hurt his eye very badly by sticking a locust thorn in it. It is feared that he will lose the sight of his eye.

Earnest Wilson has been very sick, but we are glad to hear that he is much better. Several doctors have called at that cottage, but not all to see Earnest, however.

Farmers are busy seeding. Some are through. R. B. Burt is one of that number.

B. Yeaman has been on the sick list, but is now convalescent.

Tom Covert has gone to Arkansas on business.


Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.



A No. 1 cook and a dining-room girl wanted, at once.


Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

COLFAX, W. T., October 3, 1884.
Colfax is a thriving town of from ten to twelve thousand inhabitants. It is located in a canyon with the Palouse River running through the midst of the town; the Main street running parallel with it on one side and the railroad on the other. There is room for but three streets, the hills rising all around it from 87 to 300 feet. Some of them rise as steep as the roof on a third pitch house, but all covered with soil of the richest quality from eighteen inches to four and five feet deep. Failure of crop is unknown. Last year was the shortest ever raised and wheat ran from 18 to 30 bushels to the acre; this year it will average 45, while oats will run about 60, barley 50. I will give you the figures of the farm of James Davis, of Stepto Station, what he paid for to the man who threshed his crop on a section of land bought from the N. P. Railroad Company: 135 acres of wheat, 4,500 bushels; 120 acres of oats, 4,600; 100 acres barley, 4,750 bushels; his hay averaged two tons to the acre. Cattle and sheep keep fat enough for the market; small fruit and all hardy vegetables do splendidly. I never saw such potatoes and cabbage in my life. Timothy grass does first rate. Apples, plums, and pears do well but the trees are sometimes injured with the winters, the principal hay used is wheat and oats cut green; horses and cattle fed upon it need no other grain.

Colfax has some very fine stores, one newspaper, Palouse Gazette, saw mill, flouring mill, three banks, four churches, three Protestant and one Catholic, one good Public school building, and the Baptist Academy, under the superintendence of Prof. E. T. Trimble, who is also pastor of the Baptist Church. The Academy opened in the midst of harvest, and notwithstanding the unprecedented scarcity of money from the low price of wheat, 30 cents per bushel cash, or 35 trade, yet the attendance is six to one of last year. They have had to enlarge their buildings. He has an able corps of teachers and the various branches of Classical, Academic, Business, and Music is well represented.

We took a trip to Spangle, forty-five miles north, where we met Dr. B. F. Woods, brother-in-law, and family, Rev. George Campbell, in a beautiful part of the Territory. Here the hills are not so high nor so rich in soil. From there we went eighteen miles further to Spokane Falls, most of the way through tall pines, the town takes its name from the river, which is quite a large stream of water with beautiful falls well adapted to furnish power for any quantity of manufactories, there is a large roller flouring mill with several other small establishments. The town has twenty-five hundred inhabitants, is beautiful for situation. It has Methodist and Catholic colleges.

From this point we went eighteen miles to Medical Lake, which takes its name from the quality of its waters. Here we met persons from many different States and the District of Columbia bathing for their health. With wonderful records of cures wrought, we tried it for several says, and while we derived great benefit still my neuralgia seems to resist all the efforts I can make. I will enclose a card with the quality of the water. Here we met Mrs. Garlick's sister and family from Chicago and were much entertained by them. We returned by way of Cheney, a flourishing town on the Northern Pacific railroad. We were gone eleven days, preached twice, and lectured twice on temperance.

I'm impressed with the similarity of the people here and in Kansas for their education, intelligence, and Republicanism. This northern climate gives them great energy. The farmer here raises no corn and his cereals mature so slowly he has abundant time for mental improvement. They are just beginning to raise winter wheat in this region. More anon. Yours truly, J. CAIRNS.


Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Fairview Township.
In addition to the regular appointment published elsewhere, there will be a Republican meeting at Curfman School House, on Friday evening, of this week (Oct. 24th). The meeting will be addressed by W. A. McCartney and E. P. Greer. Let everyone come out and bring the ladies. W. J. WILSON, Chairman, County Committee. W. C. DOUGLASS, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Ohio and West Virginia Returns are all In!

AND THE PROFITS ON GOODS AT J. B. LYNN'S Have GONE into the POCKETS of His Customers! I have waited in vain for Fall Trade to begin. My store if full of Goods, bought on a LOW MARKET, and I am determined that they SHALL MOVE. This will be no 59 cent sale, neither is there any gift enterprise connected with it. But there is A Gift of My Entire Profit Directly to the Consumer From Oct. 23rd for 30 days.

I will sell everything in My House at PRIME COST FOR CASH!

This will be the Grandest sale ever made in Cowley County. GRAND in every sense of the word.


You know that my house if full to the overflow. Evrything will be placed in this sale, no reservation made. From Cellar to Garret. EVERYTHING GOES, for 30 Days AT COST FOR THE MONEY.

Orders from Grocery houses will be taken and 10 percent added upon cost price. Corn and wheat taken same as cash at market price, either for goods or on account. It is not necessary for me to say more. You know I mean just what I say, so remember that on October 23rd I will begin this Grand Sale and will continue it 30 days. You can get more goods in this sale for 59 cents or $1.09 than you ever bought before in your life.


Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

The Winfield Markets. Butter 25 cents; eggs 15 cents, potatoes 60 cents; chickens 5 cents per lb. live weight; wheat 50 cents; hogs $4.00; corn 25 to 35 cents.


Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Overcoats at McGuire Bros.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

St. Louis trimmer at Friend's.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Call and see Bryan & Lynn's cost counter.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Grand Winter opening at Friend's, Oct. 30 and 31.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

California canned fruit at cost. Bryan & Lynn.


Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

The Clifford Dramatic Company at Opera House Monday evening next.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

A number of our young folks attended a social party in Cambridge, Tuesday evening.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

The city Legislature failed to legislate Monday night, owing to the absence of councilmen McDonald and Hodges.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Mrs. E. D. Garlick will resume her Kindergarten school next Monday, after a week's necessary vacation.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

The Arkansas City school board have elected an examining board under the provision for cities of the second class.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

The evil doers of Cowley are scratching their craniums in breathless suspense. Oh, the terrors of a Grand Jury!

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Wanted. A young man or lady for office work. Must write a good, plain hand. Apply in writing of applicant to X, Winfield.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

The county bastille now contains eleven criminals. The festive law-breaker doesn't prosper long within the scent of Sheriff McIntire.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

A Union Temperance meeting will be held in the Baptist Church next Sunday evening, at which Rev. W. R. Kirkwood will deliver the address.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

The Episcopal's gave a very interesting musical social in the Opera House Tuesday evening closing in a few hours trip of the "light fantastic."

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

The Courthouse has been thronged since Tuesday by the immense number of witnesses from all parts of the county subpoenaed to appear before the Grand Jury.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

The cold shriveling weather of Monday and Tuesday was a severe initiation and sent the linen duster in sadness to its long home. Coal and stove dealers were happy.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

The Cowley County Glee Club is spreading its music all over the county. No political meeting will dispense with their soul-stirring campaign songs; the boys are on the "go."

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Companies "D" and "H," U. S. Infantry, in command of Capt. John S. Lowe, passed through the city Monday from Oklahoma, en route for winter quarters at Fort Riley.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

No one should fail to hear the Edward Clifford Dramatic Company at the Opera House next Monday evening, in "The Planter's Wife." Tickets, 50 and 75 cents; will be on sale at Goldsmith's. Miss Constance Stanley, the star, has achieved great fame in this play and the whole company is highly commended by the press. Miss Stanley's wardrobe is superb and her acting unexcelled. All should hear her.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

The pastor of the Walnut Valley Presbyterian Church will return from his vacation trip in time for the usual preaching service next Sabbath, October 26th, at 11 a.m. There will be preaching the same day at Walch schoolhouse at 3:20 in the afternoon.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Mr. Bedilion's Declination.
Mr. E. S. Bedilion came out in last week's Telegram with a card emphatically declining the Democratic endorsement as a candidate for District Clerk. He says: "I appreciate, in no small degree, the approbation you and your co-workers have expressed, coming as it does from a party to which I have been opposed for so many years, and which has had the opportunity for ten years to criticize or condemn my official acts. Having been beaten in the convention of my own party to which I submitted my political fortunes, I cannot, as a conscientious Republican, consent to the use of my name in opposition to the regular nominee of my party. This action on my part must commend itself to honest men of any party, as political perfidy cannot and ought not to be but temporarily successful at best." Such a declaration was looked for by everyone familiar with Mr. Bedilion, and its appearance crystallizes the esteem and confidence the people of Cowley have always reposed in him. True to principle, true to party, and true to official trust, he will retire with the appreciation, respect, and honor of every citizen of Cowley.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

The Independent legislative candidate in the 67th district, Frank Schiffbauer, is evidently following a thorny path. Says the Traveler: "An independent meeting was held in Bolton Township last Saturday night, at the Theaker schoolhouse. It was addressed by "our Frank." The audience was a large and enthusiastic one, consisting of W. J. Conway and two sons (Democratic), A. C. Williams (Greenbacker and Frank's father-in-law), and J. D. Guthrie, a sterling Republican, who went simply to see and hear what he could. It is supposed that four-fifths of the audience will vote for our enterprising mayor. Possibly the Conways will be loyal on election day and vote for the Democratic nominee, but our father-in-law is all solid, which guarantees for Frank a fifth of the votes represented at Theaker schoolhouse. `It wuz a epok.'"

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

The young girl whom we mentioned last week as being in the toils for petty larceny, in the presence of the noble ladies of our Woman's Christian Temperance Union, told a very different story. Her name was Mable Gray and her parents live in Wellington, the father being a shoemaker. He mother took her to Wichita to remain with a lady of that place, and becoming dissatisfied, she drifted to this place. Jailor Finch telegraphed the parents, bought her a ticket, and sent her home, from where this rugged experience will keep her from again wandering. She was very penitent.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Sneak thieving has become so common in Wichita that the Eagle calls on the thieves to shake the dust of the city from their feet if they value their unprofitable lives. The officials seem to be powerless to protect property, and the people are wrought up to that pitch that will soon cause them to care for themselves and their homes in an unceremonious but certain manner. Winfield, with all its life and bustle, is free of thieves and robbers, and so could Wichita be if she would clean out her dens of iniquity and encourage higher citizenship.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

One of the most interesting political meetings of the campaign was held last Thursday evening at New Salem. The Courier Cornet Band and the Cowley County Club were present, and Judge H. D. Gans and Ed. P. Greer addressed the meeting. The largely e schoolhouse was literally jammed with a mixture of Republicans and Democrats. Judge Gans made a masterly speech and his repartee drove every Democratic interrogator into his little hole. Tisdale Township will place herself high up the Republican ladder on November 4th.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Under the supervision of Mrs. E. D. Garlick, a band of eighty Juvenile Templars has been organized in this city. The meetings are held every Friday afternoon in the Presbyterian Church. Literature in regard to temperance is provided and the enterprise should receive the hearty encouragement of all parents, for only by education can the mind be taught to resist temptation. All children of the city are invited.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Darien, Rock Township, has erected on the ruins of the old building probably the finest country schoolhouse in Southern Kansas. The architecture is entirely new and unique.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Otto will enlarge its school building to accommodate eighty pupils. A large number for a country district.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Our Torrance correspondent reports several deaths of cattle by Texas fever.


Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

A Sumner County Murder!
C. M. Hollister, deputy Sheriff of Sumner County, was shot and instantly killed last Saturday morning near Hunnewell, by Ben Cross, a desperado he was trying to arrest. Cross was wanted for abduction and when the posse found him, he was with his wife at their farm home. He refused to surrender, the door was kicked open, and a trial made to take him by force. Cross opened fire with a Winchester, the wife ran out of the house, and the party were about to fire the house to force their man out, when Cross sent a ball through the heart of Hollister and by the aid of his wife escaped in the darkness, with nothing but his shirt and gun. He traveled on foot some twenty-five miles west, hotly pursued by a large posse, when they closed in on him. He was placed in the Wellington jail, but threats of lynching were so loud that he was brought to Winfield Sunday evening and placed in jail here. Sheriff McIntire and Tom Herrod took him from the jail and guarded him during Sunday and Monday nights, fearing a mob from Wellington. Cross has been in numerous deviltry in Sumner County and other places, one of his latest episodes being a shooting scrape in Wellington. It was only through the greatest precaution on the part of the officers that he escaped swift and sure retribution on a limb. Hollister was one of the bravest men on the border, and a terror to evil-doers.


Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

District Court.
Most of the time of the Court since opening Monday morning has been taken up, as usual, with preliminary matters and but few cases have been reached. A number of cases were continued to different dates and the following were disposed of.

State vs. Frank Manny: continued by agreement to next term, awaiting the decision of the Supreme Court on Mr. Manny's appeal.

State vs. E. P. Shindle, an Arkansas City whiskey case: now on trial by jury.

Wm. B. Gains Dry Goods Co. vs. W. D. McClintock, trial by court and judgment found for $597.92, with 7 percent interest.

W. J. Hodges et al vs. Frank M. Stewart: costs paid and case dismissed.

John Murry vs. Frank Murry: judgment by default for $375.40, with legal interest.

S. M. Jarvis vs. J. F. Miller: costs paid and case dismissed.

R. R. Conklin vs. James Gallaher: judgment by default for $912.70 with 12 percent interest.

R. R. Conklin vs. Ira D. Black et al: judgment by default for $1,860.10, with legal interest.

D. S. Smith vs. A. T. & S. F. R. R. Case dismissed and costs paid.

W. E. Smith vs. A. T. & S. F. R. R. Case dismissed and costs paid.

The Grand Jury is now at work and is composed of the following men: R. W. Stevens, O. P. Darst, D. W. Ferguson, J. C. Morton, J. C. Dwyer, J. W. Lafoon, S. A. Smith, Lewis Fitzsimmons, W. L. Reynolds, A. P. Cochran, Z. M. Guthrie, Alex Graham, R I. Hogue, J. F. Miller, and H. B. Wakefield.


Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Probate Court Notes.
Ira L. McCommon has filed annual settlement papers in the estate of Sarah D. Johnson; Theo. Fairclo in the estate of James Riley; and F. M. Savage in the estate of Malinda Baum.

The following MATRIMONIAL CERTIFICATES have been granted since our last:

Peter Broderson and Mary Winters.

Samuel Mohler and Leona McConnahan.

John B. Radcliff and Mary Reynolds.


Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Universalist Preaching. Rev. S. F. Gibb will preach at the Opera House on Sunday at 2 p.m. and 7:30 in the evening. All are cordially invited.


Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

The family of W. H. Vaughn, the promising young man whose death occurred in this city several weeks ago, send their sincerest thanks to those who so kindly cared for their boy. The LaGrange, Indiana, paper says: "This mournful news, which brought overwhelming sorrow to the aged father and family, was received here Saturday. Will was one of the most promising young men of the town, honest, upright, free from bad habits, and of unusual manliness and intelligence. He was graduated in the High School in 1870, then took a course in a mercantile college at Indianapolis, and had, at the time of taking ill, been teaching penmanship in Winfield, and was about to take an instructorship with W. E. Beaty, at Wellington, Kansas." Especially praiseworthy were the attentions of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Leavitt, at whose home the young man died.


Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

The following is a brief synopsis of the tax law, which took effect Oct. 1st, 1884: Taxes will be due and payable after No. 1st, as follows: Until Dec. 20th, either one-half or the whole tax may be paid. If the whole be paid, a rebate of 5 percent on the second half will be made, and if only half be paid, the remaining half may stand until June 20th without cost. Dec. 21st a penalty of five percent attaches to all taxes on which a payment of one-half has not been made. March 21st an additional penalty of five percent attaches to unpaid tax on which a payment of one half was not made prior to the 21st of December. June 21st, still remaining unpaid. Delinquent real estate to be advertised in July and sold the first Tuesday in September.


Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

For "Gems of the Fireside," Bibles, and Autograph Albums, call on Mr. F. Armstrong, at the Central Hotel parlors between now and Saturday night. Sold at very liberal rates, on payments of 25 cents per week.


Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Still fearing an inroad by Sumner County lynchers, young Cross, whose murderous deed is mentioned in another column, was removed by Sheriff McIntire, Tuesday, to El Dorado.


Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.


The fall crop looks flattering.

Threshing is almost all done, with a good yield.

Kin. Wright and wife are now visiting friends in Kentucky.

There was a Democratic funeral at Beaver Center on the 16th.

Miss Bertha Teter is on the sick list. Dr. Marsh is attending her.

We expect a wedding in this vicinity soon. Jim will have to "set 'em up."

There is an epidemic now raging known as Republican victory that will bury the entire Democratic party on the 4th of November.

S. E. Byers is paying his respects to a lady in Osborne County, where he will go and settle the matter after he casts his vote for Blaine and Logan.

John Hughes, a greenbacker, and Sheridan Teter, a prohibitionists, are shaking the ground in Butler County this week with political echoes.


Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Miss Laura Hendricks is dangerously ill.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Col. J. C. McMullen went to Kansas City Tuesday evening.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Drs. Park & Mills have dissolved partnership, Dr. Mills going out.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Henry Goldsmith left Tuesday for New York to lay in a holiday stock.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Mr. Barnard, of the Hotel De Bernard [?Barnard or Bernard???], Wellington, was in the city Monday.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Mrs. J. S. Loose, now of Kansas City, is visiting her many Winfield friends.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

James Slack, Quincy Glass clerk, is still dangerously ill with typhoid fever.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Our foreman, A. B. Sykes, is down this week with malaria and other physical afflictions.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Dr. T. B. Taylor and family left last week for California, in some part of which they will locate.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Mrs. Dr. Gunn left for her home, Leavenworth, Tuesday evening after a week's visit with old friends.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Ira L. McCommon came over from Caldwell, Monday, on business. He is running a drug house there.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

The Wellington Wellingtonian has reverted to Wm. M. Allison, the mortgage having been foreclosed in his favor.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Mrs. N. S. Perry, Mrs. John Herron, and Mrs. Jas. F. Martin, of Vernon Township, left Monday for an Ohio visit.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Soll. Burkhalter came in from Indiana Saturday, and says that Jas. B. Blaine will roll up a big majority in Hoosierdom.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

John C. Long left last week for two weeks sojourn in Chicago. Jim Rothrock manipulates the store in his absence.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Burden's public school has been enlarged and Miss Anna Hansbrough added to the corps of teachers, making five instructors.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

A. D. Speed came in from Spirit Lake, Iowa, Monday, to spend a few days among old friends. He looks as handsome and happy as of yore.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Elgie Beck returned yesterday from a six weeks visit to his brother at Eureka, Kansas, his health being much improved, but yet unable for service.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Capt. J. B. Nipp entertained last week several old friends from Carter County, Kentucky, all staunch Republicans, and visiting Cowley with a view to location.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

MARRIED. Mr. William T. McClung and Miss Jennie Overly were married on the 16th inst., by Rev. J. H. Snyder, at the home of the bride's mother in Vernon Township.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

MARRIED. John J. Davis of New Salem, was around Saturday, to "set 'em up," in celebration of the happy deed of a week before that wedded him to Miss Clara B. Limbocker.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Hon. Jesse Harper, of Illinois, dished up a dose of greenbackism and anti-monopoly to the disciples of those ghostly doctrines at the Opera House, yesterday afternoon.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

W. W. Painter recently exhibited a freak of nature in a still-born pig with its snout on top of its head, but one huge eye where the snout ought to be, and its under jaw turned up like the prow of a boat.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Rev. J. H. Snyder spent Saturday and Sunday in attendance upon the Osage Conference of the United Brethren Church at Independence, preaching Sunday morning in the M. E. Church of that place.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Mr. John Stalter has taken up residence in Winfield, in order to give his children advantage of our splendid school facilities, leaving his fine Rock Township farm in charge of his son, George.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Mr. G. L. Gale has retired from his splendid Rock Township farm and become a permanent resident of this city. His years of labor on Cowley soil have given him a competency that now affords graceful ease.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Rev. J. E. Beaman, from Indiana, has been holding a protracted meeting in the Baptist Church. He is an able, fluent, and progressive young minister and will preach for the Baptist congregation for several weeks.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Wm. M. Allison came in Saturday from Albuquerque, New Mexico, on a hurried business trip, looking as fat, sleek, and happy as ever. He has been editing the Albuquerque Daily Journal, since leaving this section.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Mr. N. A. Haight had another exhibition of Kansas genial climate, in his yard last week, in a Transcendent Crab tree in full bloom. It blossomed in the spring and fruited and was coping with Jack Frost in another trial.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Wm. Null, of Richland Township, left with us last week a number of apples whose size, beauty, and flavor would do credit to any climate on the globe. The lot contained Ben Davis, Twenty Ounce, and other famous varieties.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Cowley blooms in the fall as well as in the springshe always blooms. Mr. M. T. Shannon has left us one of the hundred or more blossoms that appeared on a cherry tree in his yard this week. Cowley's climate against the world!

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Judge E. S. Torrance returned from his northern trip Saturday, looking robust and healthy. That climate proved a wonderful rejuvenator, and he took the District Court bench Monday morning fully prepared for an aggressive term.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Prof. E. P. Hickok got in Tuesday evening from a trip among the western counties. He will go back in a month with a team, to improve his "claim" in Clark County. Jas. A. Cairns will accompany him and cast his lot on a portion of Uncle Sam's domain.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

J. B. Lynn, the Merchant Price, comes before the people of Cowley through the COURIER, this week, in an advertisement which should be carefully read and heeded by every citizen of the county. No retail dry goods establishment this side of Chicago can outdo J. B. for immensity of stock and lowness of prices.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Capt. N. A. Haight has been congratulated and cornered for the cigars during the past week until he has become frantic, all owing to people mistaking him for his brother, A. M., who was published last week as the happy possessor of a fine nine pound boy. The Captain insists that the friends "give credit where credit is due."

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Mr. S. D. Groom, of Richland, left on our table Saturday a sweet potato weighing something over six pounds. He supplemented it with the remark that it was no mammoth exhibition, for he had much largely er, but merely for the tickling of the scribe's palate. In any other county, mammoth wouldn't express the wonder; but in Cowley it is no uncommon thing to use derricks in loading our potatoes.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Doubleyou Pee Campbell, the great Kansas bolter, served up an ineffective cordial for the healing of Democratic consciences, at the Opera House last Friday evening. His main argument was against the audacity of the Prohibitory law in attempting to cut off Democratic beverages and knock the daylights out of personal liberty. It was the same illogical cant that has been continually falling unheeded.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Wash Bercaw, of the Terminus, who was before Justice Buckman in September for selling intoxicants and served up a $300 dose of fines, was again "taken in" last Friday by Sheriff McIntire for a similar offense. He was promptly committed before Judge Kreamer and fined $250 and costs. The Sheriff had other counts, but agreed to withhold them if Bercaw would touch Missouri soil in just two days, and he was only too glad to "git up and git." Two lessons at $600 would graduate most anybody.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride's parents, in Pleasant Valley, October 15, 1884, by Rev. B. Kelly, Mr. George W. Perry to Miss Bertha L. Stebbins. All of Cowley County.

This wedding was a very pleasant one, a large number of neighbors and friends of both the bride and groom being present. Elegant refreshments formed an interesting supplement. The groom is one of the county's staunchest young farmers and the bride is a young lady of many good qualities. The COURIER congratulates heartily.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Sam L. Gilbert attended the great political rally at Ottawa, Saturday, in the interests of Democracy. It was an exciting demonstration. G. Washington Glick and his thirsty followers held forth in the city and J. B. Johnson, Dr. Krohn, and other noted speakers, with the Republican hosts, in Forest Park, nearby, giving a splendid opportunity for honest, intelligent comparison. It is unnecessary to say that the Republicans had the undivided appreciation of the vast throng. The Democrats are too sick to show their colors on such occasions.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

MARRIED. Wichita Eagle: "Married, on Thursday, October 16th, at the home of the bride's parents, in this city, Mr. D. M. Williamson, of Winfield, and Miss Anna D. Berry, of this city, Rev. Harper officiating. The wedding was a quiet one, but the intimate friends and a small number of invited guests being present. This did not interfere, however, with its being an occasion of happiness to all interested. The new bark upon the sea of matrimony sailed away for Winfield, which will be the future home of the popular couple. The Eagle tosses the horse shoe of good luck after them."


Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.


Mrs. James Napier is visiting friends in Winfield.

J. T. Dale has completed a very fine barn and is having it painted.

S. S. Thompson will start for Chicago in a few days on grain business.

A heavy rain on the 20th stopped our farmers from hauling in corn, but the rain is a good thing for the wheat.

The speech of Hon. B. W. Perkins last week was a masterly effort in all essential particulars and gave courage to the weak while it cast consternation in the camp of the enemy.

We notice quite a number of politicians on the streets lately, but we can assure them all that our citizens will vote intelligently and their verdict will be "Republican Rule Must Continue."

Capt. Sam. Steele in company with C. C. Burroughs made our town a visit during the last week for the purpose of inspecting and locating their machinery in the grain house and corn cribs that Geo. Frazier has been building. The Captain is well pleased with Udall.

C. Boots is now the new host of the Udall billiard hall.

A number of persons from Kentucky are stopping here a few days looking up locations. Among the number we find Mr. Staton, the father of our esteemed townsman, J. R. Staton; also Dr. Jackman and brother, who seems to have charge of the party and is a fine genial, wholesoul fellow, one whom we found it a pleasure to meet and converse with.

DIED. Death has again visited our city claiming this time as his victim the wife of Mr. Gault. Her death was very sudden and entirely unexpected. Funeral took place at the Baptist Church on the 20th.

Robt. Ratliff and Tom Boyles started for the west a few days ago to select a portion of Uncle Sam's vast domain as their abiding place in the future. Mrs. Ratliff has charge of the furniture store during Bob's absence and is making numerous sales.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.


Dave Wyant has moved back to South Prairie.

D. T. King has built a cozy little house of stone, on Otter Creek.

Miss Mary Fazel is teaching a private school on East Otter Creek.

J. C. Hendrickson and wife were guests of Capt. Rowe last Sabbath.

Miss Hattie Utly will begin school at Highland schoolhouse Nov. 3rd.

Jimmie Darnell is very sick with enlargement of the Kidneys and Liver.

Miss Anna Darnell, of Albion, Kansas, visited friends of South Prairie last week.

Mr. Holden spent a few days in Winfield last week; also Capt. Rowe and son, Ben.

Mr. Kinley and daughter, Miss Elda, are very sick at their residence on Cedar Creek.

Rev. B. Kelly, of Winfield, preached an excellent sermon at this place last Friday night.

The farmers in this vicinity are through haying; some are gathering corn and some breaking prairie.

Mr. Utly has the rheumatism, and Mr. Tarris is very sick, and a great many of our neighbors are chilling.

Lee Syx is building a foundation for a new house for Mr. Newman, of South Prairie. That looks like Mr. Newman is going to get a housekeeper.

DIED. Mr. Smith of South Prairie lost a little boy October 1st, also another the 5th; they were his only sons. Typhoid fever was the disease. He has the sympathy of this whole community.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.


Mr. and Mrs. Hutchison have arrived in Salem.

Mr. Fitzgerald is visiting his cousin, Mrs. Joe Hoyland.

A fine time reported at Quivive Society at Mrs. McMillens.

Mrs. Lucas, Senior, is visiting a daughter in Franklin County.

Tirzah Hoyland visited relatives near Burden two days this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Rayburn of Labette visited Mr. McMillen and family recently.

One young lady is a Starr gazer in our vicinity. Mr. Starr has returned from the Nation.

Mr. James Harker, of Wisconsin, was the welcome and honored guest of the Hoyland family, but has returned to his far away home. Come again, James.

DIED. A little baby died in Salem recently, and a little mound in the Salem graveyard tells the story of aching hearts, and an angel in heaven. I did not learn the name.

DIED. Mr. Hartman never recovered from his nose bleeding, but malaria set in and he is now sleeping in the Floral Cemetery. His bereaved family have the sympathy of the kind neighbors.

A grand political rally was indulged in on Thursday evening at the Salem Hall. Speakers and singers from Winfield and a good time in general was the program. Not being present myself, cannot give particulars.

Messrs. McMillen, Griever, S. B. Chapell, and J. W. Hoyland have returned from their Western trip, pleased with the country, but did not invest, as there are so few there yet, etc., that Salem seems lively in comparison.

Mr. and Mrs. Watsonberger entertained some of their young friends on Friday evening. A Mr. and Mrs. Watsonberger of Illinois, cousins of our Mr. Watsonberger, are guests in his home at present. Are pleased with Kansas and its social inhabitants.

MARRIED. Mr. John Davis gave his Salem friends quite a surprise last week by skipping down to Winfield, marrying Miss Clara Limbocker, and bringing her home to the Central Hotel, lately purchased by Mr. Davis. We wish them all the happiness that falls to mortals. They intend keeping a first class hotel, and the public will find a genial host and smiling hostess when calling on them. Success in that undertaking also, my friends. Miss Ella Davis Wilson is with them at present.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.


School is progressing finely.

Harvey Wall was in the metropolis last Sunday.

Oh! Say, did you see Evans at church the other night?

Mr. Warren occupied the pulpit on last Sunday.

John Allen is suffering from erysipelas in his left hand.

Preaching at the schoolhouse on next Sunday evening by Rev. Firestone. Let us give him a good house.

Mr. Lott preached at the schoolhouse for several nights last week. He is looking for a location in this country.

Mr. Botton, of Spasia, Illinois, is in the neighborhood, visiting his old friend, Mr. Rigden. He expresses himself as satisfied with this country; thinks he will come out to live.

Some 8 head of cattle belonging to Peabody and Hardwick have died in the last two weeks. Cause of death, Texas Fever. The rest are all looking well and seem to be doing all right.

MARRIED. We supposed from the appearances of the last few days that something awful was going to befall Sam Mohler, and our predictions have come true, for yesterday he was tied in the holy bonds of matrimony to a Miss ____, niece of Mr. Ingles of this place.

Mr. W. G. McDowell and wife and Miss Stalcup of Fairbury, Illinois, were in this part of the country recently. He owns a cattle ranch in the south part of this county. He reports the cattle, 300, in good condition. He returned home this week.

The people of Torrance are to be troubled again by the office seekers, this time Henry Asp and J. D. Maurer are to be the plagues, still the people think they can stand it to hear them for one night, which will be on the 30th inst. Come out everybody and listen to them.

The people proceeded to reorganize the Sunday school last Sunday, by re-electing the following officers: Superintendent, J. L. Highbee; Assistant Supt., Mr. Reighle; Secretary, Miss Eva Reynolds; Treasurer, Lou Wilson.

Wm. Taylor returned on last Saturday from the west looking as though he liked the country, which he says is true. He expects to return this week; also his brother, and Col. Reynolds, to make the west their future home. They are located in Ford County, where there is quite a colony of people from this neighborhood. They have about 2,500 acres in one valley and have established a town, the name of which I have not yet learned.

The young people's Mite Society met last Saturday night at the residence of Mr. Reynolds and enjoyed themselves for a long time; in fact, they stayed till Sunday. They also concluded to hold a "Mother Hubbard" festival on Friday night, the 31st of this month. Hope they will, for they are deserving of something of this kind and the proceeds are to go toward buying an organ for the schoolhouse. Committees were appointed and everything looks favorable at present.


Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

M. M. Scott will cry sales in the country cheaper than any other competent auctioneer in the county. Office at the Blue Front.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

For Sale. On next Friday and Saturday, Oct. 24 and 25, I will offer at private sale at Sol Smith's barn, Winfield, about 100 head of Stock hogs. WINKFIELD HILL.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

If you see a wagon on top of a house in Winfield, that's Lee's Implement house, and near that wagon is one of the largest stocks of Implements in Southern Kansas.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Just received: another barrel of Pure Extracted White Clover Honey only 16 2/3 cents per pound by the gallon. It is a good substitute for butter. Try it and you will surely buy it, at Wallis & Wallis.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Strayed. From the residence of Mrs. Aldrich, in this city, on Saturday night, Oct. 4th, a dark brown milch cow, white face and dark circle around left eye. Her return or word as to her whereabouts will be rewarded.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

M. F. Kelly, of northern Indiana, has bought the photograph gallery formerly owned by McIntire, is open and ready to do first-class work. Give him a trial and be convinced. You will find Kelly a gentleman and always ready to wait on his customers.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

For Rent. Furnished rooms, two and one half blocks east of the Brettun House, on Seventh Avenue. Apply to S. M. Martin.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Strayed. From a pasture 4 miles east of Winfield the thirteenth inst., a grade Jersey heifer calf 8 months old. Any information will be suitably rewarded. EZRA MEECH, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Go to J. P. Baden's for buckwheat flour, cranberries, maple syrup, rock candy, and honey drip syrup, comb honey, old government Java coffee, oranges, lemons, cocoanuts, bananas, Irish roasted coffees. Rio, Java, and Mocha received weekly and ground to order.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Sale at public auction in Arkansas City on Saturday, November 15th, seventy-five head cross blood Galloway Cattle, black and hornless yearlings, about sixty females, the balance bulls. An excellent opportunity for Cowley County farmers to procure some of those celebrated cattle if desired. Six months time will be given on bankable paper. J. R. BLACKSHERE & SON, proprietor Clover Cliff Stock Farm, Elmdale, Chase County, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Dissolution Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between Welch & Burdette, in the lunch counter and confectionery business, has been dissolved by mutual consent, Ed. Burdette continuing in business.

October 17, 1884.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Farmers, Attention! Having now got complete FLOURING MACHINERY into my mill, and all running in good order, I am ready to supply a First-Class Straight Flour. Bring on your grists. KIRK'S STEAM MILLS. West of Lynn's Store, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

RECAP. Notice of final settlement in the matter of the estate of William A. Ela, Deceased, by Amanda L. Ela, executrix, first Monday of January, 1885. W. P. Hackney, Attorney for Executrix.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Dissolution Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between Berkey & Kyger, in the furniture and store business, has been dissolved by mutual consent. The books are in the hands of Ira Kyger. D. BERKEY, IRA KYGER.

October 22nd, 1884.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.

Dissolution Notice. THIS witnesses that we, Sam'l B. Park and William F. Mills, both of Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, have this day dissolved a partnership heretofore existing between us as practitioners of medicine. All notes and accounts are payable to S. B. Park.

Given under our hands this 16th day of October, 1884. S. B. PARK, W. F. MILLS.

WM. HUDSON, Witness.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

[Editorial column has a long discourse about Democrats attacking Republicans, especially those living in Cowley County. RECAP.

1. Attacked Henry E. Asp, Republican candidate for county attorney. Geo. Rembaugh wrote and published a letter in the Telegram charging Mr. Asp with collecting funds for clients and refusing to pay over, so that Mr. Torrance, his partner, had to pay and the Judge was about to disbar him, send him to prison, and other awful things. . . . Then he charged Asp with trying to bribe John C. Roberts to vote and work for the railroad bonds. . . . [Torrance told all who would listen that attack was done by liars.]

2. The next attack was made on the Republican candidate for representative of this district. Telegram charged that Rev. B. Kelly said "Ed. Greer was drunk two weeks ago." Mr. Kelly answers that he never said or thought of such a thing. Telegram then said J. F. Martin had said he had seen Ed. drunk. Martin pronounces this a lie. Then a real conspiracy is concocted by an editor, a whiskey man, a beer man, and a low character, to prove that Ed. had been seen drunk and in company with a bad woman. One man is given $20 to bribe some loose women to make an affidavit to that effect. This failed. They then circulated an affidavit signed by the above low character to that effect. They then employed the editor as a go between to stir up a prohibition lawyer who is supposed to hate Ed. and convince him that Ed. is bad so that he will go and convince the ministers and other good men, telling the prohibition lawyer that Arthur Bangs will swear to the charges. The lawyer gets caught and tumbles to his part of the program, Bangs being appealed to says it is a lie. Then the whole conspiracy comes out and shows the operators to be the vilest hounds in the state. . . .

NOTE: Asp running for job of County Attorney; Ed. P. Greer running for office of Representative 66th District. POLITICS THIS TIME AROUND ARE VERY DIRTY!

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

GENTLEMEN: As is usual at the close of our campaigns in this county, you are insulted and outraged by a characterless sheet published in Winfield and misnamed "The Telegram," and known all over Cowley County as a dirty, filthy sewer through which foul slanders are annually heaped upon the unoffending candidates of the Republican party. This sheet does not advocate Democratic principles, unless to peddle lies and slanders, and paint men in false colors to their shame and that of their families and friends, is democracy. I cannot call to mind now a single editorial in that paper intended or calculated to increase the Democratic votes of this county by legitimate argument or the enunciation of a single principle. Its whole stock in trade consists in the peddling of lies, vilification of men, and the repeating of slanders.

In this community where it is best known, it is recognized as the mouthpiece of the vile, vicious, and venal. If it has character for honesty or decency, it has covertly and designedly hid its light under a bushel. In its issue of the 16th, it contained a base and infamous charge against Henry E. Asp, who has lived in this community from his boyhood up, and who is respected by every decent man in Cowley County who knows him. This charge was made by that paper at the instance of, and in the interest of, Joseph O'Hare, his political opponent, and is in keeping with the character of O'Hare and in accord with the past record of that paper.

Six years ago in this county, when the man who today honors the bench and is the respected judge of the district, was a candidate for County Attorney, that paper made the same kind and character of charges against him. And yet, today, that paper, knowing that the upright and honorable conduct of Judge Torrance upon the bench has placed him beyond the power of that infamous sheet to encompass his defeat with a Democrat, now endorses his candidacy.

Again, five years ago, this same outfit vilified and blackened the character of A. T. Shenneman, who gave his life in the discharge of his duty.

Again, four years ago this vile and dirty sewer of all filth made the same kind of a fight on myself and with what result we all know.

Again, two years ago this sheet made the same kind of a fight on James McDermott, whose honesty and integrity cannot be questioned, and succeeded in defeating him with a man whose whole career in the legislature was opposed to the interests of the people of Cowley County.

And last year this same paper vomited forth its vile and infamous lies about George McIntire, Tom Soward, and Capt. Nipp, and sent its satraps and parasites forth to repeat its charges for the purpose of deluding Republicans and thereby obtaining votes under false pretenses for its candidates.

Why is it that you never hear their candidates upon the stump advocating their election because of the principles of their party and in the interest of their party. Why is it that they go out into the campaign and sneak up to your homes and peddle the libels of that paper to the disgust of decent men, instead of magnifying their own fitness for the position? Because their candidates, as a rule, are not able to do so, and for the further reason that as a rule, their countenances of themselves are a breach of the peace.

How long must the Republicans stand such treatment, and are we to retaliate? I answer, we must submit to it so long as that paper is controlled by the moral leper who now directs its course and go out and mouths the excrement vomited by that sheet each week of its filthy issue. We cannot retaliate because no decent Republican can get low enough in the purlieus of filth to compete with them.

Are their candidates better men than ours? Not at all, they never claim that. They engage in this conduct because they hope to steal into office thereby, and because without the employment of such means to deceive the thoughtless and unwary and thereby procure their votes, they could not hope to succeed.

That paper and its aiders and abetters in this city are to decent politics what a pest house is to a healthy community, or a pig stye in summer to a near neighbor.

The abuse of that paper is and should be treated by men who are familiar with the facts as an honest man's endorsement.

Our candidates are all men who have lived in our midst, they were unanimously nominated by the largest and best convention of men ever assembled in Cowley County, and all fresh from the people of each township and that convention by its nominations certified to the good character of each, and nothing that this infamous sheet can do or say in this campaign ought to win any Republican from his allegiance. Let us remember that the enemy is virulent, that he is exasperated by defeat, and poisoned with malice, and let us this year, as last, down this dirty outfit again.

Hoping that we may win a grand victory on Tuesday next, I am W. P. HACKNEY.

P. S. Business in court is my excuse for not visiting you in person.H.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

The Winfield Markets. Butter 25 cents; eggs 15 cents; potatoes 60 cents; chickens 5 cents per lb., live weight; wheat 50 cents; hogs $3.50; corn 25 to 30 cents.


Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

McGuire Bros., A. T. Spotswood, W. F. Wilkinson, Bryan & Lynn, J. C. Long, A. Davis & Co., Rinker & Cochran Have just received a lot of the celebrated "Jayhawker, Smoking Tobacco." It will not bite your tongue nor make your mouth sore. Try it.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Kid Glove sale soon. Look out for date. S. Kleeman.


A heavy frost fell Tuesday night, without much blight.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Steps should be taken for the reorganization of Winfield's Terpsichorean Club.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

The members of the Woman's Relief Corps will meet at the Odd Fellows Hall on Wednesday, November 5th, at 2 p.m.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

A hop will be given at the Opera House this Thursday evening, Oct. 30th. Good music will be furnished and a good time is expected.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

The W. C. T. U. will meet Tuesday, November 4th, at 3 p.m., at the residence of Mrs. C. Strong, first house east of East Ward schoolhouse.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

The annual meeting of the Kansas State Temperance Union will be held in Topeka on Wednesday, November 19th, 1884, beginning at 9 a.m.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Clarence Murdock, the popular clerk at the Central Hotel, left Friday last for a few days' sojourn at his cattle ranch in the eastern part of the Territory.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Miss J. E. Mansfield will have her fall Millinery opening on Thursday and Friday of this week, when she will make an elegant display of New York Pattern Bonnets.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Lost. On Saturday last, a leather watch guard with gold buckle and a kep-stone, or masonic symbol, charm. Finder will please return to James Simpson or leave at this office.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

On Tuesday evening, November 4th, will occur at the Roller Skating Rink a prize skate for ladies, the prize being a fine pair of nickel-plated skates. It will be free for all.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

The social of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Stretch on Thursday evening was one of the pleasantest. The attendance was large and enjoyment supreme. Another social will be held on Tuesday evening, Nov. 11th, at the residence of Mrs. C. Strong.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

The meeting of the Cowley County Teachers' Association at Burden last Saturday was a success in every particular. The next meeting will be held at Udall on the third Saturday in November. These meetings are a very potent factor in the betterment of our educational facilities, and no teacher of the county should fail to attend them.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

A trail man closed out his herd near Caldwell one day recently and received the pay for it in currency. The town being full of strangers, he decided to set up and close herd that 14,000 odd dollars overnight in his room. He herded it, but the next morning he declared that he would rather herd a thousand cattle overnight in a rain storm than their value in greenbacks in a Caldwell hotel.

Winfield Courier, Oct. 30, 1884. Skipped article re slanders by Dem. whiskey men.


Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Winfield, Kansas, October 27, 1884.

In the issue of the Telegram of the 16th inst., appeared an anonymous communication from some person signing himself "A Farmer," in which he refers to some rumors he claims to have heard affecting the character of Henry E. Asp, for honesty and integrity, while he was my partner in the practice of law. My attention was called to this communication, but as it was an anonymous one and did not pretend to assert as a matter of fact that Mr. Asp was guilty of any dishonest practices, I did not deem that the article demanded any notice from myself. In the issue of the Telegram of the 23rd inst., however, the editors of that paper published an editorial accusing Mr. Asp of certain dishonest acts while he was in partnership with me. These charges being specific and positively asserted by the editors of one of the public newspapers of this county, and not by one who is ashamed to sign his own name to his own communication, and especially as they are charges affecting Mr. Asp in his relation as my partner in the practice of the law, I deem it my duty not to let them pass unnoticed. In respect to this matter I have this to say, that these charges made against Mr. Asp by the Telegram impeaching his conduct for honesty and integrity in his relation as my law partner, are not true. I hand this denial to Mr. Asp, who is at liberty to use it as his judgment may dictate. E. S. TORRANCE.


Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

A Card. MR. ED. P. GREER: DEAR SIR: The Telegram of last week states that I said I had seen you drunk and could not support you. The statement is an infamous lie. I have never seen you drunk or known of your being drunk. You have my earnest support and best wishes for your success. JAMES F. MARTIN.

The above is the answer to one of the many cowardly lies published by the Telegram against Mr. Greer. Honest and self-respecting men, of any party, ought to be ashamed of training with scoundrels who would use such methods.


Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Hip, hip, hurrah! The Republican candidates will place their views before the people of Winfield at the Opera House next Monday evening. If you have any doubts, turn out and have them disabused. The last meeting of the campaign and it will be a rouser.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Skipped article re Dr. W. R. Kirkwood's temperance speech at Baptist Church.


Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Legal Lore. District Court Events.
State vs. E. T. Shindle, violation liquor law. Trial by jury and verdict of guilty on 3rd count.

State vs. W. J. Burge, unlawfully prescribing liquor. Jury disagreed and was discharged.

State vs. John Askins, horse stealing. Defendant arraigned and pled guilty.

L. D. Randall vs. Roy Randall. Trial by court and finding that each party had an undivided half interest in said land and the plaintiff is owner of the improvements.

S. C. Smith, J. B. Evans, and H. H. Martin were appointed commissioners.

James F. Gilliland vs. Francis G. Gilliland. Trial by court and divorce decreed on ground of extreme cruelty; defendant adjudged to pay costs and each party debarred of all interest in the property of the other.

Evan Shrier vs. Mary Shrier. Trial by court and divorce decreed. Defendant barred of all interest in plaintiff's real estate, and plaintiff barred of all interest in defendant's real estate; plaintiff to pay costs.

James H. Pulliam vs. Susan Columber. Trial by Court. Finding for plaintiff and judgment quieting title. Plaintiff adjudged to pay cost, including guardian fee of $10.00.

Wm. R. Bridwell vs. Lovell B. Bridwell. Trial by court and divorce decreed. Defendant barred of all interest in plaintiff's property, real and personal, and plaintiff adjudged to pay costs.

Rosa E. Hixon vs. George B. Hixon. Trial by court and divorce decreed; defendant adjudged to pay cost.


Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

The pastor of the New Salem Presbyterian Church, having returned from his vacation trip, will resume usual services next Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock. . . An address upon the subject of Temperance will be delivered by Judge T. H. Soward. Mr. Soward ranks among the very best temperance speakers in the county, and all would do well to come out and hear him. This will be his first visit to New Salem.


Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

One of the best political meetings of the campaign was held on Monday evening at Tisdale. The New Salem Blaine and Logan Club was present and the Republicans of Tisdale Township were out in all their exuberance. Addresses were delivered by Senator W. P. Hackney, Henry E. Asp, Capt. H. H. Siverd, and Ed. P. Greer and enthusiasm ran high.


Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

The Clifford Dramatic Company delighted a fair sized audience with "The Planter's Wife" at the Opera House Monday evening. This company in its entirety is equal, if not superior, to any troupe that has yet visited us. They return for Friday and Saturday nights, with a matinee Saturday afternoon. Our people will show an appreciation for first-class acting, with large houses. "The Galley Slave" is on the board for Friday night.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Twelve of Arkansas City's young ladies took advantage of leap year last week and acted as escorts to as many gentleman friends to the opera. We dislike to acknowledge the girls of the Terminus ahead of Winfield girls in enterprise, courage, and novelty, but unless something similar is developed we will be compelled to deliver the cake. The Clifford Dramatic company will here Friday and Saturday evenings, too.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Mr. W. L. Holmes sold his Vernon Township farm last week and will go into the furniture business at Oxford. Mr. Holmes is a man of large experience, much intelligence, and integrity, and we congratulate Oxford on her good luck in securing so valuable an acquisition to her business circles, though we regret to lose from Cowley such an old and esteemed citizen.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

There will be a union temperance meeting in the Walnut Valley Presbyterian Church next Sabbath night at 7:30. Addresses will be delivered by Rev. S. S. Holloway and Prof. A. H. Limerick. A pleasant, profitable time is anticipated and a very cordial invitation is extended to everybody.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

The election of Ninnescah Township will be held in the office of 'Squire Norman in the village of Udall, Geo. S. Cole, Township Committee.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

A dry goods war is just now enveloping Winfield merchants, and astonishingly low prices prevail.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Go and hear Rev. Rider next Sabbath at the Baptist Church.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

James Parker, an old pioneer of Winfield, came in from the West last week.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Will Ferguson came in from the Kansas City Commercial College yesterday.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Col. H. C. Loomis came in last week from Dansville, New York, this time to remain.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Mr. M. Croco and family returned last week from an extensive visit at the old home in Ohio.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Mr. Wm. Gall, superintendent and architect, has taken rooms in the Torrance-Fuller block.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Mrs. B. F. Sparr, of Wellington, is over for a few days' visit. She is stopping with Mrs. A. B. Sykes.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Rev. J. H. Rider of Bluffton, Indiana, will preach in the Baptist Church next Sabbath morning and evening.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Mrs. O. F. Carson and daughter, of Cherryvale, spent last week in this city with her sister, Mrs. G. H. Buckman.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Mr. John Pierson has left us branches from his peach orchard which look very spring-like in a profusion of blossoms.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Burglars broke into Dr. Irwin's drug store at New Salem last Thursday night and got away with money and valuables.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Abe Steinberger has bought the Grenola, Elk County, Chief, and again entered journalism, after a few months' cessation.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Mrs. S. A. Dwinnell, from Wisconsin, is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. S. J. Smock. She will remain during the winter.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Dr. W. R. Kirkwood will fill the Presbyterian pulpit at Wichita next Sunday, owing to the illness of the pastor, Rev. J. D. Hewitt.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

The State Bank of Burden opened for business last week, with G. B. Shaw, president; P. T. Walton, vice-president; and J. F. Stodder, cashier.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Wm. M. Allison has taken possession of the Wellingtonian, will dispose of his Albuquerque, New Mexico, Journal, and again enter journalism at Wellington.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wallis opened their home Monday evening to some twelve or fifteen couples of young and middle-aged. A royal time was enjoyed by all present.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Rev. Ehlers, a German Lutheran minister, will preach in the hall over J. P. Baden's store, next Sunday, at 11 o'clock a.m. All German friends are cordially invited to attend.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Capt. Stuber and wife returned from their visit to Illinois last week. They enjoyed a very pleasant trip. The Captain says Illinois is sure to bury Carter Harrison beneath an avalanche of votes.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Mr. H. B. Hedges, and family, of Bowerton, Ohio, came in yesterday to locate. They were accompanied by Messrs. Bran, who will follow their trade, painting, here. They are all old friends of Will C. Barnes.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

MARRIED. Dr. G. B. Stiles of Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, and Mahala Smith of Monroe, Overton County, Tennessee, were married October 26, 1884, by Judge Gans, at the residence of Ed. Boardman, 4 miles southeast of Cambridge, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Messrs. Welch & Skinner have purchased the Parlor Lunch Room on West Main, between 9th and 10th avenue. Mr. Welch has a good reputation as a caterer and the firm will have no trouble in securing their share of patronage.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Ed. McMullen retires the first of November from his position in the Winfield Bank, for other vocations. His labors have ever been faithful and efficient. He has the essentials to success in any business that may engage his attention.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

It is reported that U. A. Buckingham, who was formerly a well-known grocery clerk of this city, shot and dangerously wounded his wife and little girl at their home, three miles from Moline, on Tuesday. Inebriancy is supposed to be the cause.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

MARRIED. Mr. F. E. Bryant, of Piatt County, Illinois, and Miss Mary Stewart were married at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the residence of Capt. Lowry, in this city, by Dr. W. R. Kirkwood. Miss Stewart is a lady of many good qualities and her marriage elicits hearty congratulations.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Marshal Herrod has had a strong corps of men cleaning up and draining the streets this week, a move we should like to have had an opportunity to commend ere this. There are still many places which are breeding disease. Enforce cleanliness in all quarters and malarial fever now so prevalent will abate.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

J. P. Baden launches forth this week through the COURIER with a declaration of war on prices. J. P.'s mammoth establishment has a name and fame solid in the hearts of their people. They know that he always backs up what he advertises, and this cost run will crowd his store from morning till night.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Mr. J. C. Roberts, of Walnut, with his daughter, Miss Iowa, got in Thursday last from Clark County, where they were improving a share of Uncle Sam's real estate. Carrie Roberts, the son, is also holding down a "claim" near the young town of Ashland. Mr. Roberts is very enthusiastic over the prospects of that country.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

MARRIED. We are in receipt of an interesting report of the marriage of Mr. Uriah B. McKinnon and Ella M. Bradley, at the home of the bride in Tisdale Township, by Rev. H. D. Gans, on the 26th inst. We regret that a pressure of political matter crowds it out. The wedding was a pleasant one and the presents were handsome and useful.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

DIED. Mr. Robt. Hanlan, of Fairview Township, was stricken down with heart disease while in this city last Saturday, taken home, and that night passed away. He was an old and highly respected citizen and his sudden demise cast a pall over relatives and friends. The funeral occurred Monday, a number from Winfield attending.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

The speech of W. A. McCartney at the Fairview political meeting last Friday evening did him great credit. His review of the tariff question showed superior ability and deep research. It would be impossible to make a plainer or more telling argument. The young Republicans of Cowley are acquitting themselves gloriously in this campaign.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

J. H. Bullene, W. R. McDonald, A. Hughes, J. A. Howard, Theodore Nolf, and Francis Hall of Winfield are in the valley. They have laid off a town two miles south of here, which they call Ashland. They are making great strides in the way of improvements. Mr. McDonald is president of the company and is a very courteous cattleman. Mr. Bullene is their lumberman. Clark County Clipper.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

MARRIAGE LICENSES. Certificates of unallayed bliss dispensed by the Probate Judge since our last:

George W. Murray and Martha Splawn.

Rolla L. Millspaugh and Mary O. Yeoman.

Uriah H. McKinnen and Mary E. Bradley.

G. R. Stiles and Mahala Smith.

John E. Wooley and Clara M. Hopkins.

Leonard W. Hoover and Sarah H. Newlin.

Sumner J. Zerger and Allie E. Smith.

Steven Bibler and Florence Littleton.

F. E. Bryant and Mary R. Stewart.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Sheriff McIntire brought Charlie Hillis up from Independence, Thursday last, where he fled from a sleek game at Arkansas City. He represented to certain parties that he had three hundred dollars in the Cowley County Bank; that the Bank was closed and he would like to get his check cashed for a small sum, for immediate use. Several parties were caught in sums from ten to twenty-five dollars. We haven't much sympathy for the man who will take such stock in an entire stranger; but 'twas ever thus.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

MARRIED. Mr. R. L. Millspaugh and Miss Mary O. Yeoman were united in Marriage last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Yeoman, parents of the bride, in Vernon Township, Rev. J. M. Thompson, conducting the ceremonies. Friends and neighbors were present in full force, some of them from abroad, and the occasion was one of the pleasantest. The presents were numerous, useful, and elegant. The groom is the son of J. W. Millspaugh, of Vernon, and one of the sturdy, most industrious, and frugal young men of the county, and in every way worthy of the sterling young lady who consents to share the joys and sorrows of life. The congratulations were many and hearty. The COURIER extends thanks for as fine a variety of cake as ever tickled the palate. May peace and prosperity ever attend this launch upon the matrimonial sea.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

MARRIED. It gives us much pleasure to chronicle the marriage of Mr. James Wright and Miss Minnie Harbaugh, which occurred last Thursday evening at the home of the bride in Pleasant Valley, Rev. H. D. Gans officiating. We have known the groom since the first settlers drove the festive coyote from the prairies of Cowley and no stauncher, more industrious young man tills the productive soil. The bride is the eldest daughter of ex-County Commissioner Harbaugh, and a young lady of sterling worth and superior amiability. Such a union can't be otherwise than all Wright. Many neighbors and friends were participants in the wedding and the refreshments were elegant. The only uncertain thing of the whole affair was entrusting of a fine variety of cake to the care of W. A. McCartney, who was present, for delivery to the COURIER. It came through in good shape, owing to the continued importunities of Rev. Gans, and was an excellent exhibition of culinary skill. May happiness and long life attend the joyous pair.


Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.


Mr. Gault started for Sumner County the 27th inst., to spend the winter.

Dan Winn expects to feed 80 head of steers this winter. "There's millions in it."

Irve Willson of the Indian Territory will feed 1,700 head of sheep on the farm of John Nofsinger, north of Udall.

Irve Ammon started for Arkansas and Texas a few days ago; will be gone all winter. We wish him a pleasant journey.

Henry Sargeant returned from Idaho on the 23rd inst. Henry is very favorably impressed with the country, but thinks it is cold for a Kansan.

Alex. Wyatt will open a restaurant and bakery in the old Harlan building in a short time. This will supply a long felt want in our community.

Mr. Shilblom, of Wichita, located with us and purchased a one-half interest in the livery and feed stable of Jas. Naples, for the consideration of $1,300, cash.

Squire Wm. B. Norman is having more tribulation and vexation in securing the incorporation of Udall as a city of the 3rd class than most anti-Prohibitionists have in procuring distilled damnation.

We are anticipating a grand rally here on the 30th inst., when our next Representative has agreed to address us upon the issues of the day. You may count Ninnescah for her usual majority increased for Ed. Greer as our next Representative.

Quite a contention between three of our most prominent citizens arose the other day relative to the ownership of a large paving stone; but our P. W. proved the champion and carried, or rather hauled off, the above said stone. Well, that's the way; the Smiths, owing to their numerical strength, will carry off the palm.

Professor Campf was agreeably surprised by the appearance of his son, Walter, who arrived here the 25th from Denver, Colorado, where he is at present located as an engineer on the K. P. R. R. His daughter, Mary, also arrived from Ohio a few days previous, which causes the Professor to wear one of those Chinese smiles, which deepen into a broad grin.

Our new deputy Sheriff created considerable consternation among the boys last Thursday by the display of a list of subpoenas for quite a number of them, and at the same time advising some of them to skip out. Judging from the way Jim Napier's coat-tail expanded to the gentle zephyrs as he started south, we were of the opinion that he was one who had taken said deputy's advice. It seems strange that our sheriff should appoint a man who so far forgets his duty as an officer of the law as to give advice to those whom it is his duty to subpoena without giving advice in a drunken, boisterous manner. Such a man is wholly unfit for any official position.

The good people of Udall concluded one night last week that Rev. Baker, our Methodist minister, needed some better furniture in his house, and with one accord they hied themselves to the store of Robt. Ratliff and straightway purchased an extension table, set of cain seat chairs, beautiful mahogany center table, fine safe, a large reclining chair for Rev. Baker, and easy chair for Sister Baker; also a fine chamber set of solid china, all of which were transported there without Brother Baker's realizing that any such move was contemplated. To say they were astonished does not express their emotion. However, after a few hours were spent in social intercourse, a well spread table was presented to the mutual satisfaction of both givers and receivers, after which they dispersed to their several homes.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.


Remember the festival on Friday night.

Come to the Mother Hubbard festival Friday night.

Did you attend the speaking by the Democratic orator Tuesday night?

Henry Salmons is now boarding with the family of Mr. Rittenhouse; late thing.

[Appears that above sentence should have had some additional words that did not get in print.]

Oh, say, Henry, you should be a little lovelier next time, and then you will not get left. Come again.

Miss Laura Elliott and sister attended the Teachers' Institute at Burden last Saturday and report a fine time.

When you go to the store of Higbee & Son to trade, just notice the new awning in front. It was erected by D. Reigles, the popular carpenter.

Mr. Firestone preached at the schoolhouse as per announcement, on last Sunday night. He had a good house and preached a good sermon.

Mr. Fox, son-in-law of G. Gardenhire, is up from the Territory. He brought a "coon" with him. He is going to take back about 80 head of cattle for Mr. Gardenhire.

Mrs. Baxter, sister of Mrs. Swim of this place, came in on the midnight train last Friday, from Taylorville, Illinois, and expects to stay all winter. We welcome her to our town.

Miss Eva Reynolds wielded the birch for Miss Erma McKee one day last week, while the latter visited the school in the lower part of this district. The little fellows say she's "awful cross."

The Sunday School, under the new management, commenced last Sunday in good order, and promises to be a grand success. Come out, everybody, next Sunday, and help make it boom.

John Allen and H. E. Honeywall shipped some of the finest hogs last Thursday ever sent from this station. They averaged over 350 pounds: some weighing over 675 pounds. They were raised by Ed. Nicholson, down on Grouse, so you may be sure they were fine.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.


The wheat is still improving from the late rains.

Charlie Jenkins has returned from Pratt County, where he has taken a claim.

Mr. and Mrs. Cal. Snyder gave his friends a social party on the 24th inst. All had a good time.

Farmers are most through husking corn. A great many will have to buy corn for their stock.

A number of persons from this vicinity have had provision, harness, and clothing stolen while in Winfield.

Sheridan Teter has returned from Butler County, and the "school marm," is again in his right mind.

Miss Bertha Teter, who has been suffering with intermittent fever the past week, is now convalescent.

We are surprised to see the vast number of persons inquiring for farms, and they come from every part of the east.

Mose Teter is following the carpenter trade this fall. All wanting first-class work done will do well to give him a call.

Beaver Center has not the corn crop it had last year and there is no work for hired hands. The Republican Party is to blame (?) for this.

Lewis King is brushing up his old clothes, preparing for the duty that will be assigned on November 4th. He's bound to be a King.

There is talk of organizing a literary society at Centennial schoolhouse this winter. We would be glad to see the young people take an interest in that direction. We promise our assistance.

MARRIED. The long courtship between Minnie Harbaugh and James Wright was concluded at the bride's home on the 23rd inst. Judge Gans gave the young couple some good advice. A large host of friends were present. The young folks were all invited and treated to a magnificent time. An impression was stamped on the hearts of the young that time cannot wipe out.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.


Wheat looks fine.

Pleasant Valley heard from.

Farmers are husking corn.

Go to the election Tuesday and give Blaine and Logan a lift.

"Young Nasby," the Beaver Center ink slinger, is visiting in this vicinity.

Mr. Ewart Campbell and wife, of South Bend, are on their way to Preland [Ireland??] where they will visit friends.

The United Brethren will reorganize Sunday school at Constant next Sunday, November 2nd, at 9 o'clock a.m.

Mr. C. Mitchel has sold his eighty acre farm for eleven hundred and fifty dollars. He now lives near Kansas City.

Mr. J. Muret has gone west to improve his claim, located in Clark County. May success be with him in his new home.


Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Mr. F. M. Benson, of Pleasant Valley, has left us a number of orphan apples for horticulturalists to name. They are perfect beauties.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Buy a black Cashmere at 78 cents per yard, worth 100 cents, of S. Kleeman.


Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

A Craftsman on Tariff.
Having some leisure this evening, my thoughts run politically, and, of course, free trade and protection are prominent. This appears to some a mixed affair, but to me it seems plain. The Democratic press is howling that the workingman is being robbed through protection, and that free trade is the only remedy. The idea as presented to my mind is this. England and other foreign nations are great manufacturers of machinery, cotton, and woolen goods, etc., in fact, are producing more than they can consume, and, of course, must seek a market elsewhere. The United States manufacture and produce the same goods. The producers here pay taxes to our government, employ the masses of the people, and in improvements, extension of "plants," etc., spend their money with us. England and other foreign countries, if they sell their goods to us, simply pay the customs on their goods there, and the bulk is spent to build up their own nation. The Democratic press and speakers try to make the people believe they are robbed through this tariff. Now let us look at this and ask ourselves individually, what do we need that is not produced in this country? I do not believe, today, that it is necessary for workingmen to buy any foreign manufactures, nor do I believe that in the last twenty years that the protective tariff has cost them $20 each on what they have purchased. I have thought a good deal on this subject and am emphatically for protection. The Democratic taffy to Independent Republicans and colored men, as the great Lincoln used to say, "reminds me of a story."

"Some years ago there was an old man whose son was an intimate friend of mine in my boyhood days. The old gentleman had given his boy a pig on the promise that he would feed and care for the balance of them in the pen. The boy, James, took good care of all, and when they had grown fat, ready for the knife, he traded his pig for a gun. He told his father about it, and he said all right James, when will you take it away? James told him the boy he got the gun of would come with him from school the next day and drive it off. The next afternoon the boy came with him, and just as they got to the pen they saw the pig's hind quarters just sliding into a barrel of hot water. The old man had killed the pig, and he was now scalding it. James, with tears in his eyes, ran up and said, "Father, that is my pig." The old man turned around to him and said, "Oh, yes, James, that is your pig, but you know it is your father's pork.'"

From the past record of the Democratic party, they promise colored men and others a great deal before it can be used to profit and the colored men and others are promised a good many pigs, but when the division of offices come, it is all Democratic pork.

I am glad you are giving us the experiences of your life on this subject and trust they may be carefully read My opinion is that if the voters of this country examine for themselves, there is no doubt of Blaine and Logan being elected by an immense majority. Yours as ever for the truth. SAM'L CLARKE. Arkansas City, October 24th, 1884.


Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

All the best Republican speeches of the county will hold forth at the Opera House next Monday evening.


Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

I have a full stock of the celebrated Newton spring wagons now on hand. W. A. LEE.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Preserves and Jellies in 5 lb. to 20 lb. pails. Prices way down at Wallis & Wallis.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Clark's Hog Remedy used by all breeders. Sold and guaranteed by Brown & Son.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Comb and steam honey, cranberries, celery, oysters, buckwheat flour, and all such at Baden's.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

If you want to buy a horse go to M. M. Scott. You will find him at the Blue Front Barn on east 9th Avenue.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

BOY WANTED to act as correspondent by mail. Address, giving age, RICHARD A. BROWNING, North Topeka, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Wise Axle Grease made from the best and purest vegetable oils, takes less, and wears longer than any other kind. Try it. Wallis & Wallis'.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Ira Kyger's second hand store in the room formerly occupied by Baden, on 8th Avenue, opposite City Steam Mills, is booming. Call and see when you have anything to sell, or if you are in want of anything in our line, such as new furniture, stoves, stove trimmings, queensware, glassware, looking glasses, sewing machines, or any other article used by man, woman, or child. Highest cash price paid for second-hand goods. All goods delivered.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

J. R. SCOTT, HOUSE PAINTING, Paper Hanging, Kalsomining, and Glazing. Shop back of J. L. Hodge's Billiard Hall.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

[Skipped Statement of County Treasurer for Year Ending October 13th, 1884. Also, School District Tax Fund and School Bond Fund statements.]

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Dissolution Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between Berkey & Kyger, in the furniture and store business, has been dissolved by mutual consent. The books are in the hands of Ira Kyger. D. BERKEY, IRA KYGER.

October 22nd, 1884.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum