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[Established in 1872.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885. Front Page.

[For the COURIER.]
Chicago, February, 1885.
What name is it that stirs the blood,

That makes us scorn rain, snow or flood,

And bid defiance to the mud?

That place to which all men are bound,

The finest country ever found

Upon this planet's surface round,

The name which drives most men insane

And makes them chant the loud refrain,

"Hurray for noble David Payne,"

What place is that which squatters seek,

And on cattle kings their vengeance wreak?

That name that sounds so like the Greek,

That paradise, that sunny clime,

Where all may have a happy time,

A land that's beautiful sublime!

There criminals can safely dwell,

With no one near their crimes to tell,

And make their dwelling place a hell.

To guard this land, brave General Hatch

Will prove for boomers more'n a match.

"Boys in blue" will make them snatch,

O! Let us not be so deceived,

Reports from there can't be believed,

When things are settled, we'll feel relieved,



Until the government shall say

That we may settle there and stay,

Let's tell our friends to keep away.

For Payne's successor, Capt. Couch,

I need not here attempt to vouch,

It's evident that he's no slouch.

Our "Uncle Sam" well has the power

To give each citizen a dower.

He'll act by and by: let's wait that hour.

Until the government shall give

Its full permission there to live.

We'll not be over positive.

This matter has for each and for all

A lesson with a wholesome moral.

Be sure you're right before you quarrel.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

A Committee of the British Association has found out that a man really grows in stature up to his 50th year, although after 20 the growth is very slow.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The human race is divided into two classes: those who go ahead and do something, and those who sit still and inquire, "Why wasn't it done the other way?"

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Mr. Cunningham, who is under arrest in London charged with being a dynamiter, will probably be convicted and hung. English juries seldom discover a "doubt" that will benefit a dynamiter.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Oneida, New York, is wild with joy over the fact that Cleveland has ordered his inauguration shirt of a dealer in that place. The neck measure is 17½ inches, which is less than has been popularly believed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Although Lord Woolsey is gaining no ground against El Mahdi, it appears that the French troops are making steady progress in Tonquin. Thus the balance of civilization against barbarism is maintained.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

While 16,000 names were dropped from the pension roll last year by reason of death or other causes, more than 35,000 names were added so that the net result was lengthening of the list by over 19,000 names during the year.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The first apple orchard in Kansas, according to Secretary Brackett, consisted of 120 apple trees, brought all the way from Illinois in a wagon and planted in Douglas County in 1855. Today the State has twenty millions of fruit trees.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Some teachers of penmanship now teach their pupils to write with both hands. The method of instruction is to make the pupil write his name in pencil and then go over it with a pen held in left hand. Constant practice gives proficiency.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

In Common Point, Georgia, is an olive grove from which 200 gallons of oil were made last year. It is claimed that it is the only place in the United States where real olives are used for the manufacture of olive oil. Even it is suspiciously near cotton plantations.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

James G. Blaine has determined to write a history of American politics from 1783 to 1875 as soon as his present work shall be concluded. The fellows who predicted that Blaine would lie down on his back and die if defeated are finding themselves much mistaken.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Minnesota has brought out a new license scheme. The drinkers are to be licensed instead of the saloons. Proper precautions are to be taken, and no dealer is to be allowed to sell to a man who cannot show a license. The only trouble with this beautiful plan will be to make it work.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

It is said that the trustees of Union College, New York, of which President Arthur is a graduate, contemplate offering him the vacant Presidency of that institution. That would be something original. Ex Presidents seem to have nothing to do, no future. Why not make College Presidents of them.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

"Bill" Nye invites the Prince of Wales' son, who has just come of age, to be his guest when he visits this country. "I tender you," he writes, "the freedom of my double barreled shot gun during the prairie chicken holocaust. I know where the angle worm grows rankest and the wild hen hatches her young."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

From parties who have recently returned from the east, it is learned that in all parts of the east people have the "Kansas fever" and are making inquiries in regard to the price of land.

Lindsborg Localist.

This is but a sample of many such items we might pick out of our Kansas exchanges. There is every reason to believe that Kansas is to receive an unusually large immigration this year.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The largest room in the world under one roof and unbroken by pillars is at St. Petersburg. It is 620 feet long by 150 feet in breadth. By daylight it is used for military displays and a battalion can complete maneuver in it. Twenty thousand wax tapers are required to light it. The roof is a single arch of iron and exhibits remarkable engineering skill in the architect.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

A little daughter of Hans Nelson, living near Pipestone, Minn., was pursued by two gaunt hungry wolves. She ran until exhausted, and then had presence of mind enough to turn and face them, when the wolves stopped, snapped their jaws, and in a few moments turned and fled. The little girl managed to get home, but was much exhausted and almost frightened to death.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The authorities have again received letters containing warnings that St. Paul's Cathedral and the Bank of England in London would be attacked with dynamite. Detectives Roper and Wilson, two of the government's principal witnesses against Cunningham and Burton, are annoyed by frequent threats against their lives. Recently these threats have been written on paper stamped with skull and crossbones, apparently issued by some murderous organization. Detective Roper received a letter advising him to order his coffin, and assuring him that he would meet his fate before next Saturday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

D. J. Morrell, of Johnston, Pennsylvania, has been sent to a private insane asylum. He was from 1867 to 1871 a member of Congress, and a member of the Committee on the Pacific railroad, and in that capacity visited Kansas. On March 1st, 1870, he introduced in the House a bill to provide for the celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of American Independence and tenaciously fought the measure through. His brother died in an insane asylum a few years ago.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

If the papers of Kansas would take up the subject of our business conditions and prospects and talk about it from a cheerful standpoint, in a very short time the public would follow their example and the result would be that soon the long hoped for revival of business would be upon us in earnest. There is an abundance of unemployed capital, the people are, as a whole, richer than ever before, the producing classes are generally out of debt, hundreds of new acres are being brought under cultivation and on modes of doing business have been improved with each succeeding year. So let us quit growling and look on the bright side of things. Leavenworth Times.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

John T. Quarles, one of the earliest, though not as has been said, the first colored lawyer in the United States, died recently at Flushing, Long Island. He was born in slavery at Atlanta, Georgia. His father was a preacher of distinction. After the war, Charles Sumner helped him to enter Westminster College, Pennsylvania, where he was graduated at the head of his class. He studied law under the direction of Sumner in Washington, and was admitted to the bar. In 1870, Grant appointed him Consul to Port Mahon. He was transferred by Hayes to Malaga. At Port Mahon he married Marie Jacqueminot, daughter of the French Consul at that port and granddaughter of Napoleon's marshal of that name. In 1882, after his return home, Secretary Sherman appointed him a special commissioner to visit the United States Consul on the Spanish court. He was an ardent politician and a man of influence with his people. He leaves a small property and a large law library.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Under the title of "Mr. Cleveland's Great Statesmen," the New York Tribune comments: "To be embarrassed by riches is the common lot of presidents-elect. In the opinion of the party it always has a great many great men; enough to fill a new cabinet for every day in the year of the presidential term. But this year the difficulties are enormously exaggerated by the Democratic creative faculty. It is safe to say that there have been more great statesmen made out of nothing within the last ninety days than in all the previous history of the world. A man cannot get through the corridor of any uptown hotel without running against two or three score of great statesmen of the latest and most fashionable manufacture, who were ordinary politicians of small bore 3 months ago. Every state had created a lot as early as the first of December, every congressional district by the 1st of January, and now it has got down to cities and towns. Given a man who knows how to read and write, and has been an active Democrat, and is anybody's way or is anybody's friend, and the Democratic party will manufacture a great statesman out of him in about fifteen minutes--a man fit not only for any cabinet office but for any and all other conceivable trusts, always excepting the presidency. This year we are not manufacturing possible presidential candidates. It is not fashionable. The gentleman from Buffalo does not like it. The fun of it all is that Mr. Cleveland seems to take more kindly to the little great men of recent manufacture than to the somewhat larger sort, who were known beyond the borders of their own school districts ninety days ago. For some reason not commonly explained by his party, his admiration for a man appears to be in inverse ratio to his size. If the man is intellectually large, Mr. Cleveland's affection is moderate, but if he is one of those great statesmen who have been manufactured out of nothing, or next to nothing, Mr. Cleveland is apt to regard him with interesting enthusiasm."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Fort Worth (Texas) Gazette: The cause of Jeff Davis is the cause of the Confederacy, and they both belong to the past.

Philadelphia Press: Pittsburg is wrestling with two forms of danger from natural gas, one of which is dynamiter's gab.

Detroit Post: If cranks are permitted to preach murder, it is always certain that sooner or later other cranks will practice it.

Cleveland Herald: The American people are prepared to see Mr. O'Donovan take advantage of the outward bound steerage rates.

St. Louis Republican: The Oklahoma business will descend to the new administration, and cause it more perplexity than all the unratified treaties.

Indianapolis Herald: The New York Post has proven to its own satisfaction that Blaine is responsible for the dynamite troubles. The Post is a full-blown fool.

Burlington Hawkeye: Carter Harrison got left in his aspirations for the Senatorship, but he still has Mike McDonald and Joseph Chesterfield Mackin. The great triumvirate is still solid.

Burlington Hawkeye: There are some Republicans in Iowa who have been pinching themselves every morning recently to find out whether they really are Republicans. They have read the report of the prohibitory convention.

Cincinnati Commercial Gazette: The President ought immediately to get down on his knees and apologize to the Oklahoma boomers for the "great crime" of using United States troops to force them out of the Territory. Nothing less will appease their sense of injured innocence.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The Kansas man turns up in an unexpected manner and comes to the front refusing to accept money. This may seem startling, but the truth has come out through the writings of some fool editors. Two papers were recently distributed among the members, in which grounds were taken against the bill now before the legislature providing that the county commissioners shall allow to the official papers the pay allowed by law. One of these papers, in a long array of figures, goes on to show how much money has been saved the county by its contract to do the work for nothing. The books of the paper itself caused some investigation as to the manner and style of newspapers published in that county. There are six, three being in the county seat, two in one outside town, and one in another. Two of the papers in the county seat are well filled, well printed papers with circulations ranging from 1,700 to 2,000, circulating in all parts of the county, one of which has been advertising for the county when the other did not have it. The covetous glances of a hungry printer took in the situation, and collecting a bagful of types he went there and located, and offered to do the work for much less than half price, catching, of course, the delinquent tax list, for which full price must be paid. With a circulation of less than two hundred in the county, all county advertising was buried therein, causing a loss to the citizens of the county aggregating ten times the amount of advertising rates fixed by law. He now claims half price is good liberal pay, and enough for any office, yet he never for a moment gives up his grip on the full price allowed on the delinquent tax list, the tax redemption list, or the sale of school lands. Having found cutting cord wood hard work, he asked the county commissioners to help him get out an inferior sheet called a newspaper, and with 100 or 200 subscribers thus rob the county and people of the little pittance paid. The object of the bill is simply to take away from ignorant commissioners the power to cut down prices from reputable papers and aid blacksmith concerns to rob the county and the people of the little they receive. While trying to be economical, the commissioners should cause all advertisements to be written and tacked up in the coal house attached to the courthouse, where they would be as prominent as they now ofttimes are. It has been hinted that many commissioners, standing in with the tax title sharks, do not desire publicity. Your correspondent has seen cases of this kind in Kansas, and would not be surprised if such cases occur. This little scheme should be borne in mind, compel commissioners to pay full prices, and every community will be benefitted, in spite of the fool papers that say one-quarter price is enough, yet demand full prices for the tax list, which are far higher than the sales allowed for regular advertising. The bill will meet with some opposition, but there is reason to believe it will pass. If it does, there will be a stop put to the senseless cut-throat fights so often witnessed in smaller cities. K. C. Journal.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

For a year or two past there has been a very heavy immigration of colored people to Arkansas from the southeastern states. Hundreds of colored people have located in the counties of Conway and Pope, on the Little Rock and Fort Smith railway. A good share of the counties named is mountainous and inhabited by many rather rough characters. The citizens in the valley and along the railway gave the colored brothers a warm welcome, gladly furnishing employment. The mountain boomers have for months viewed the immigration with disfavor, but their feeling never took pronounced shape until the 26th of January, when they ordered the negro tenants on J. R. Alwine's farm to vamoose. The negroes refused, and everything went on quietly until the 11th ult., when the boomers returned and fired several volleys into the houses occupied by the negroes. Alwine, his son, and a school teacher boarding with him, assisted the negroes, and the mountaineers were repulsed. No one was killed. A few days later Walter Cole and J. B. Strickland were identified as the leaders of the boomers and arrested. They were taken to Atkinson on Saturday for trial, but so many of their friends from the hills were with them and their conduct was so threatening that in order to prevent a riot the magistrate before whom they were taken turned them loose almost without the appearance of a trial. After this, they visited the farms of S. H. Speers, sheriff of Conway County, and W. P. Childrens, also a leading farmer in the same county, and ordered them to discharge their colored laborers. Both parties refused to comply. A large portion of Speers' fencing has been torn down, and his fields thrown open to the stock. The boomers swear no negroes shall live north of the railroad track in either Pope or Conway counties. Mr. Alwine, the planter on whose place the first trouble occurred, accompanied by A. Mill, a lawyer at Atkinson, arrived at Little Rock, Arkansas, February 24, and laid the whole matter before Gov. Hughes. The executive declares that the colored people have equal rights with the whites, and shall live and pursue their occupations where they see fit, and he will protect them.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The Governor of Minnesota has made a requisition on the Governor of Missouri for Frank James, for participation in the Northfield bank robbery and murders. Frank has been having easy sailing in his trials heretofore among his old Missouri friends and neighbors, who promptly acquitted him as jurors. But when the cold-blooded Minnesotan--who has no chronic admiration for train robbery and street murder in any form whatever--reaches out to collar Mr. James with the strong arm of unprejudiced law, his friends begin to tremble for their idol's safety. Delegations of his friends have already waited upon Gov. Marmaduke, praying him not to give up their hero to a "relentless and prejudiced" Minnesota public, which would instanter put him in prison where languish the Younger boys for this same Northfield horror. Gov. Marmaduke is reported to have looked solemn and wise and "reserved his decision." But he will never consent to let Minnesota have Mr. James, and Mr. James will take good care never to step outside the limits of Missouri except in disguise. Missouri will cling to her idol, and she can make the most of him.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The passage of the bill to prohibit the further importation of foreign contract laborers is the beginning of a more exclusive policy on the part of the United States: It is a notice to the world that the United States will no longer furnish an unlimited and unrestricted field for all the wretched of the world to flock to.

This is a slight infringement upon a principal which has governed since the foundations of the republic were laid, but it is a necessary restriction and should have applied from the first.

In the past twenty years, there have come to us more than twice as many people as the country possessed when the colonies declared their independence from Great Britain, and the number is equal to one-eighth of all the present population of the country.

The most generous friend of the human race and of the world's poor will own, we think, that the republic endangers its own existence when it assumes to assimilate all these millions, with its own people. The majority come from lands ruled by either churches or kings, or both. Many of them come with the love of home and home institutions strong in their hearts; thousands, feeling the restraints which have hedged them about since infancy removed, misunderstand the nature of real liberty, and refuse to accept the necessary restraints which a free government imposes.

If we add to these the others who come merely as a speculation, come intending to yield no allegiance, but simply to exchange a little work for some money to carry them back to their native land, it is plain enough that the government, in permitting them to come, is doing injustice to its own poor, and that this bill is a righteous one, and ought to have been passed years ago. Leavenworth Times.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Mackin, Gallagher, and Gleason, on trial for falsifying returns, at the last Presidential election, in several precincts of the Eighteenth ward, of the Fourth Congressional District, Chicago, by which Brand, Democrat, for the Legislature, was made out to have a majority over Leman, Republican, were found guilty, while Biehl was acquitted of the charge. The seating of Brand would have given the Democrats a majority on joint ballot in the Legislature, and thus decided the election of a United States Senator, and this was the evident object of the conspirators.

The jury came in with its verdict at 5½ o'clock in the evening. The greatest excitement prevailed in and around the court room when the verdict was announced. The attorney for the defense at once moved for a new trial. Other indictments are now pending against most of the defendants both in the Federal and State courts, and Mackin is under bonds on various cases to the amount of $20,000 to $30,000. The fraud excited great indignation in the city, and a committee of leading citizens was formed, comprising prominent men of both the Democrat and Republican parties, and a large fund was raised to push the prosecution to a successful issue. Mackin is a working politicians, and has held a prominent position in the councils of the party in this city, being Secretary of the Democratic county, city, and district committees. Gallagher is less prominent, but has taken an active part in politics in a small way since his arrival here from Philadelphia. Gleason is a Republican and has been an active worker also in a small way.

Both Mackin and Gallagher were released on bail soon after the verdict, the bond in each case being $20,000. M. C. McDonald and a Clark street saloon-keeper named Cavanaugh are joint sureties for the whole amount.

Gleason's bond remained at $7,000, and he also has been released.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Mrs. Astor's supper to twenty of her intimate friends was given Monday night. On this occasion the famous service of solid gold was used. These yellow dishes are seldom brought out from the Astor vault. They cost $100,000, it is said, although I have heard the figures exaggerated to $250,000. Anyhow, there is no great extravagance in them, for the metal can at any time be melted into good bullion and only the workmanship lost. I have attended many of the Astor entertainments, but never one when the golden utensils were displayed. A friend who has had that inestimable privilege declares that she didn't enjoy the experiment very much, after all.

"In the first place," she said, "the eatables were completely overcome and dominated by the plates on which they were served. The daintiest morsels seemed to have no flavor at all, and after awhile I fancied that they became impregnated with the peculiar metallic taste. And then I got it into my head that the man sitting opposite to me was a detective in disguise, placed there to see that I didn't slip a plate into my bodice. He was afterwards introduced to me, and I had reason to believe that his covert glance had been purely sentimental, but they spoilt my supper all the same. No, thank you, fine china ware is good enough for me."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The trial of the noted outlaw Frank James for the Otterville train robbery and obstructing the United States mail, was called up at Boonville, Mo., February 22, and dismissed, leaving Frank James a free man so far as the State of Missouri is concerned. Prosecuting Attorney Shackleford stated that his principal witness had died, and he had no further evidence for conviction. The State was not ready and to save useless expense, he asked that the case be dismissed, which Judge Edwards did. The proceedings were done so quietly and secretly that no one, except those immediately connected with the case, knew anything about it until this morning. Frank James came late last night and was surprised to find out that the case was dismissed and he was free to go where he pleased. He left this morning for his home.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The Wellington Standard innocently remarked that "The Arkansas river is solid ice--frozen to the bottom," and these two little lines brought forth sparks of burning brimstone from the Arkansas City Traveler that would make the "devil himself" quake and tremble. Listen: "We want to see the editor of the Standard, we want to see him bad. We would like to link our bony arms around his neck, introduce our fingers into his eye sockets, fill his mouth with Limburger cheese, and compel him to accompany us to the bank of the aforesaid beautiful stream and convince him that the river was not frozen to the bottom by shoving him head foremost about a dozen times through the clear water to the gravelly bed. We would compel the boys who are swimming there to tie his clothes into double compound, complex knots, to mud ball him, duck him roast him. We would insist on him taking a turn fishing and would push him into the river's limpid waters, and hook him out with fish hooks; we would take him out boat riding and make him row, and after all this we wouldn't give him a bite to eat, and will do this tomorrow if he will show his jealous countenance in this burg. You knock that chip off my shoulder, if you dare, doggone you."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Last week Mr. Early West's children, says the Arkansas City Republican, found and ate some castor beans that had been placed in a winter bouquet and thrown out of doors. They came very near killing them, producing violent purgency and vomiting. Doctors were called and through skillful management they soon recovered. Castor beans are very poisonous and persons should be careful in handling them.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The joint legislative committee which has been investigating affairs at the state penitentiary has presented its report to the two houses.

After citing the laws governing the institution through directors and wardens, the committee says: "This investigation has disclosed the fact that the wholesome provisions of these sections of law have been largely, if not wholly, disregarded by both the directors and warden, particularly in the matter of the warden, particularly in the matter of the examination and approval of accounts. The directors, whose duty it is, evidently, to assist the warden in these examinations of accounts, intrusted the performance of that duty to the clerk, Mr. Pusey, and the warden, claiming that he relied upon the approval of the directors, failed to make such examinations thereto as he should have made, to have duly protected the interests of the state. The result of such disregard of the provisions of the law and business principles has resulted in a loss at this time to the state of quite a large amount of money, as will more fully appear hereafter. The law contemplates that the directors shall keep a record of their transactions. This they have not done, as will be seen from a copy of the entire record of one of their meetings (which is hereto attached and marked exhibit "A"), at which meeting accounts to the amount of thousands of dollars were approved by said board. This exhibit is but a specimen of the manner in which their accounts were generally kept. During the summer and fall last past the financial management appears to have been almost entirely surrendered by the warden to the late clerk, Pusey. The payment of bills, the adjustment of accounts and the preparation of vouchers appears to have been entirely left in his hands. Detailed statements of the cash received and of the indebtedness incurred were sworn to by the warden as correct with the most cursory and superficial examinations, if examined at all.

The irregularities in the books and papers of the institution first began to appear in July last, and previous to that time, there is no evidence that any money was lost to the state. The lack of restraint on Mr. Pusey and his uncontrolled management of the financial affairs seem to have begun to bring forth its illegitimate fruit and beginning with August, 1883, the practice of allowing Mr. Pusey to make the warden's settlements with the auditor and treasurer commenced. During the fourteen months succeeding, Mr. Pusey made eight regular monthly settlements on water business. The records of the auditor of the state show that at first Mr. Pusey's settlements for Warden Jones were only occasionally, but later they increased and, during the five consecutive months, Mr. Pusey made the regular settlements. These settlements were made with the auditor and treasurer upon the written request of the warden."

Then followed in detail the defalcation of Pusey as they occurred; after which, the report continued as follows: "The system of making petty coal sales in vogue at the institution gave Mr. Pusey scope for the exercise of his peculiar talent. A person wanting to purchase coal would make his application, and after paying for the amount of coal desired, would receive an order on the weigh clerk for the same. On presentation of the order, the coal would be delivered to him and the order taken up by the clerk. No record was made of the issuance of the order. At the close of each day's transaction, these orders were returned to Mr. Pusey by the weigh clerk, and, as there were no records, Mr. Pusey made such use of them as he saw fit. If the orders were destroyed, the money need not be accounted for and many orders must have been by him destroyed. Since the discovery of Mr. Pusey's frauds, however, this system has been changed and the orders are delivered by the weigh clerk to the warden instead of to the clerk. The total amount of Pusey's embezzlement, as nearly as can be ascertained, by the petty coal steals, is about $5,000. The following tabulated statement will give the various amounts, specifically, with date: August 6th, on settlement with the state and not accounted for by Pusey, $200; September 18th, received by Pusey on George W. Innes & Co.'s vouchers (forged), $2,782.36; received by Pusey from error in the settlement of the account with G. Samish, not accounted for, $150; the check of Warden Jones in payment of a draft on Ripley & Kemple, retained by Pusey, $447.28; salary drawn by Pusey in excess of the amount due him, $83.33; received on coal sales, not accounted for by Pusey, but amount admitted by the warden, $328.70.

In this connection it is but just for the committee to say that there is no evidence or suspicion tending to show that the warden acted incorrectly in any instance. His duties have been many and he placed too much confidence in a clerk for whose appointment he was not responsible. The appointment had been dictated to the board of directors by the then governor of the state. The difficulties which Warden Jones labored under which are urged in palliation of his neglect, can be to a considerable extent removed by giving the warden clerical assistance--either a private secretary or a clerk, for whose appointment and transactions he shall be held responsible and whose duties it should be to keep the warden's cash book and compare detailed statements and vouchers with invoices, etc., before the statement and voucher is approved by the warden. The present management took charge of the institution under exceptionally favorable circumstances. The discipline and management were in thorough order, and the coal mine in so nearly a perfected state that the plans of the late warden had but to be carried out to insure a financial success, such as had hardly been deemed possible in the history of prison management. That this has largely been done is evident by the large output of coal and the self-supporting condition of the institution. At the time of our visit to the institution, there were 777 convicts. To accommodate this large number, in many instances two prisoners had to occupy the same cell, the total number of cells being 688. The cells are in dimensions 7½ x 7 x 4 feet, which size is wholly inadequate for the accommodation of two persons. The question of dollars and cents, ever so important in state actions is not the only one to consider. Humanity is interested in knowing that all proper efforts have been made toward reclaiming to better life those who, at the expiration of their terms, are returned to society. We, therefore, recommend that an institution, reformatory in its character, be built at as early a date as possible by utilizing, as far as may be the labor now at the disposal of the state, and that, when built, it be used for the confinement of those convicted of their first offense and for lesser crimes; that they be clad in a garb differing from that in vogue; that such be authorized by law; that when those serving terms from the state shall prove incorrigible, they shall be transferred to the penitentiary; also that the trusty and meritorious in the penitentiary may, during later periods, be transferred to such reformatory place.

The report concludes with extensive and creditable notices of the new water works, said to be the best in the state, and the macadamized road to Leavenworth. The committee recommends a more perfect system of sewerage, the employment of a secretary for the warden, and an assistant physician, and that the records of the prison in all respects be kept more systematically.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The bill reported to the senate to enable the President to negotiate for the purchase of the Oklahoma lands provides, among other things, that any person who, without authority of law, enters these lands shall be fined not more than $500 or imprisonment not more than one year, or both, for the first offense and fined $1,000 or imprisonment not more than two years for each subsequent offense. The bill authorizes the seizure of the outfit of such persons.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

A citizen of Wichita once died and went to heaven, said a modern Munchausen. At the golden gate he was asked his name, which he told, and where he came from. When he said he was from Wichita, the angel told him he could not enter. Accordingly he went down to hades. The Devil asked him his name, which he told, and also where he came from. When he said he was from Wichita the Devil said he could not come in. "My God!" exclaimed the man, "must I go back to Wichita?"

What Was Known of the State of Iowa, One Hundred and Sixty Years Ago.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

This globe we have in mind is over seven feet in diameter and made of wood, by a Capuchin monk, Father Legrand, in 1729, and is, today, preserved in the public library of Dijon, the French ancestral home of Father Laurent. On the proper place of its huge surface is marked the then known geography of what is now the State of Iowa and adjacent territory, and, as elsewhere appears in the report of the Academy of Science meeting, transcripts of this part of the globe (relating to Iowa) have been carefully made by M. Guignard, Librarian of Dijon, and transmitted to the academy.

What was known of Iowa and what was Iowa 160 years ago? We find the great river flowing by her eastern border and then known as the "Missisipi." Lake "Pepin" is located near St. Paul, and is an immense widening of the river, which, from this point north breaks into many streams.

The River des Moingona is easily recognizable from its name and course as the Des Moines, and is quite accurately traced, but widens into an immense lake near the Minnesota line, and at a point quite above is marked the spot inscribed: "To this point came the Baron Lahontan." It is probable that the Baron got mixed up in traveling over those marshy prairies, for, though he evidently struck Lake Obokoji and Spirit Lake, he evidently got over on the Missouri. This river is down, but it runs parallel with the Moingona or Des Moines, up into Iowa and comes to a sudden end. Between these rivers was the apparent missionary ground of the Jesuit fathers, for this country is thickly lined with the names of Indian tribes, while north of the Des Moines we find few Indian settlements.

Of the Indians, the Panis appear the most numerous. Others are the Esanapes, Panibousas, Paoutaousas, Alaouez, Mahas, Tintons, Osages, Apanas, Panisassas, Cansas, and the Illinois, the latter being put on the West bank of the Mississippi river, near St. Louis.

The only bluffs marked on the great river are located near Muscatine and below in Illinois.

There is a river flowing from a Lake Panis in Missouri eastwardly, which is named "Meschasepi," evidently a corruption of or the original of Mississippi.

The Ouabache (Wabash) empties into the Mississippi where the Ohio joins it, and the fathers evidently supposed the two rivers were one and the same.

Fort St. Louis is marked on the Illinois river, about 100 miles from its mouth.

Salt Springs are located very near the celebrated Hot Springs of Arkansas, and it is probable that the famous Arkansas baths had been tried by these early missionaries; let us hope with great relief to those pioneer fathers who were traversing the malarial swamps of the West 200 years ago in the service of their Master.

Many other singular features appear in these extracts from the old globe. They are the earliest map of Iowa extant, so far as known, and will be studied with deep interest by students of history and geography. They settle the question of the origin of the name of Iowa's capital and river, which but for the elegance of the present combination should be changed from Des Moines to Moingona. The present name has no meaning; the other name would perpetuate the memory of what appears to have been Iowa's most powerful tribe of Indians.

[Skipped several other items on Page One.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Sam Randall won't take a cabinet position, it is said. Sammy apparently thinks he is a bigger man than Cleveland.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The U. S. Senate passed the bill containing an appropriation of $50,000 for the erection of a public building at Wichita, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Cleveland is said to have a "cool-brindle eye." A cow with that variety of eye is very apt to be wicked. Will the parallel hold?

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Senator Ingalls does not believe in European contract pauper labor. Our Senator takes the side of the workingman every time.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

In its last issue Puck has a very suggestive cartoon--a recumbent lion being kicked by an ass. The lion is Gen. Grant and the ass is dressed in a major general's uniform labeled Rosecrans.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The Gladstone government is having a difficult time in explaining, in the face of lately published letters of Gordon, in which he severely censures the government for leaving him to his fate.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

There is less talk now and less apprehension in Washington of an extra session of Congress. The Republican Senate by its prompt dispatch of work the Democratic house delayed, has brought about this relief to the public mind.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

If, owing to the inhospitality of the climate, and the ruggedness of the route, Gen. Wolseley couldn't get to Khartoum, we do not see how the Irish patriots are going to get five Gatlin guns and a ton or two of Congreve rockets to El Mahdi, as has been suggested.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The country press seems largely inclined to help Sedalia to the capital of Missouri. The difficulty of getting to Jefferson City and the poor accommodations afforded when one gets there, are conspiring to make the removal of the capital popular throughout the state.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The value of wheat and flour imported into Canada for the last six months of 1884 was $1,650,268; corn meals $185,061. The total value of wheat exported from Canada for the six months mentioned here above is $3,460,167, of which only $782,909 was the produce of Canada.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

A German test for watered milk consists in dipping a well polished knitting needle into a deep vessel of milk, and then immediately withdrawing it in an upright position. If the milk is pure, a drop of the fluid will hang to the needle; but the addition of even a small proportion of water will prevent the adhesion of the drop.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Frank Bacon, the Kansas commissioner at New Orleans, in his reply to the resolution of the Kansas legislature, condemning his action in joining in an invitation to Jeff Davis to help escort Liberty bell to New Orleans, takes over a column of nonpareil in relating how he captured Jeff at Beauvais. It rather strikes us that Jeff captured Mr. Bacon by a very numerous majority.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The reports of Gen. Grant's condition are such as to create widespread alarm. Though the mission of his life may be said to have been accomplished, if great achievements form a measure for any man, yet the American people are loath to believe that he is in danger. The hope is sincere and universal that Gen. Grant may be long spared to us as the first citizen of our great republic.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

A story is told of a shrewish Scotch woman who tried to wean her husband from the dram-shop by employing her brother to act the part of a ghost and brighten John on his way home. "Who are you?" said the man as the apparition rose before him from behind a bush. "I am Auld Nick," was the reply. "Come awe,' mon," said John, nothing daunted. "Gie's a shake o' your hand. I am married tae a sister o' yours."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The annual report of Spofford, librarian of Congress, has been submitted to the Senate. It said the library contains 544,087 volumes, and 185,000 pamphlets, an increase of 31,256 volumes over the previous year. The law library, included in the above statement, contains 63,265 volumes. The "copyright office" report says: "It still shows increased business notwithstanding commercial and industrial depression."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Just why the United States should pay Charley Reed and Scoville $5,000 for defending Guiteau, we cannot understand. They were appointed by no court to do it: Scoville being a brother-in-law of the assassin became his council at his solicitation, and Charley Reed volunteered to defend the assassin for the sake of the notoriety it would give him. It is just robbing the people of $5,000 outright to give it to this twain for defending Guiteau.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The way the New York World goes for the mugwumps is absolutely cruel. They deserve no recognition whatever at the hands of the Democrats, it says, for Mr. Cleveland is in honor bound to make his administration distinctively, thoroughly, uncompromisingly Democratic in all its political features. As the World is quite generally supposed to voice the sentiments of the incoming administration, it is quite evident that there is a period of exceedingly chilly weather in prospect for the mugwumps.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

It is said the Mormon President and party, who have been in Mexico on a secret mission, have completed arrangements with Chief Cajeur to remove the polygamists to Sonora, Mexico. It is said that President Taylor has agreed to settle 50,000 people there within two years, and that the polygamists will leave the monogamists in a body. The report has not been verified yet, but our long suffering people will bid them "God-speed" in any undertaking that will relieve this country of the pest. We hope it is true.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

An Arkansas squire is always equal to the occasion however trying it may be. An incident illustrating this happened in the St. Francis Bottoms, Arkansas, a few days ago. A negro was crossing the Tyronza river on a mule, fell off, and was drowned. The mule, however, came safely to shore and was immediately taken possession of by a "squire" who lived thereabouts. The river was dragged and after some time the negro's body was found and on it was strapped a pistol. Right here was where the "squire" came to the front. The negro had been dead three days, but the squire fined him $50 and costs for carrying concealed weapons, and in default of payment confiscated the mule and pistol. A great and glorious future awaits this "squire."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The Senate has passed the bill authorizing the president to enter into negotiations to acquire for the Government full title to the Oklahoma lands, to the end that they may be thrown open to white settlement. It is hardly likely that the House can take up the bill, as it is so pressed with delayed work that it can hardly give attention to any new legislation. If the opening of Oklahoma be delayed until next December, when the Forty-ninth Congress convenes, the present Democratic House can be blamed for it. Legislation in regard to Oklahoma is imperatively demanded by large numbers and great interests in the west, but this measure like many other pieces of legislation is almost certain not to be entertained by the House--it having frittered away valuable time in profitless discussions.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The greatest obstacle to the enforcement of the prohibitory law is the fact that express companies take orders for liquors of persons all along the line of the railroads, and bring such liquors from Missouri to supply their customers for drinking purposes. And even this is not the worst of it. The express offices in the towns and cities of Kansas have become the vilest kind of doggeries, keeping on hand beer and whiskey in bottles, kegs, and demijohns for sale, and selling to those who apply. Of course, they have a pretense that the sale is a delivery of a package received by express, C. O. D., addressed to the applicant, but in fact the address is supplied to a package already on hand when the applicant calls, so a man can get his order on a Kansas City house filled in one minute after leaving his order with the express agent in the interior of Kansas. It is the baldest kind of violation and defiance of the law, and these vile dons of infamy running as express offices ought to be suppressed whatever the damage or inconvenience to our citizens in their legitimate uses for express business.

Two of these dens have existed in Winfield for the past two or three years, and the only valid argument used here against the prohibitory law is that under it the express companies without paying any license or other tax do the dram-shop business that would pay license and other taxes but for the law.

Senator Jennings attempted in the Senate to amend H. B. 367, by fining the transportation companies heavily and imprisoning the agents or employees who handle, transport, and deliver intoxicating liquors to anyone in Kansas not authorized to sell under the law, or to anyone to be used as a beverage, or sold in violation of law.

But this amendment failed because it interferes with railroad traffic, and a majority of the Senators are owned by the railroads. Some Senators are strongly for any amendment which will make the prohibitory law more efficient, save such as will interfere with or tend to regulate railroad traffic. With them, railroads and express companies are above law, are "bigger" than the State of Kansas, and should rule and regulate the State instead of the State regulating them.

One of the smart arguments against the amendment was that it would "bust up" the Republican party. This is the stock of argument on all questions, and if any member of the Kansas Legislature is idiotic enough to let such a foolish, bulldozing argument influence him in the least on any question, he should be furnished quarters in the State Imbecile Institution at once.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

We publish today a letter of President Cleveland under date of February 24, in reply to 100 members of Congress in favor of silver coinage, requesting the incoming President to make no recommendation in his inaugural address in favor of the proposed suspension. Mr. Cleveland states the facts of the situation in a concise and statesmanlike manner and his views in our opinion are eminently sound. The imminent danger is that gold will be displaced as currency and sent to Europe, becoming in this country a commodity for speculation and held at a premium of 15 to 20 percent, possibly higher. The effect would be to cause a most serious panic, reduce the volume of currency $300,000,000 and reducing the prices of labor and farm products to anti-war rates, thus fully terminating our long period of unprecedented prosperity.

We think the silver producers and speculators are asking too much of the people of the United States when they demand that the government shall buy all their silver bullion to pile up in the treasury without increasing the circulation of currency but at the expense of the prosperity of the whole people.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The committee on public lands reported to the national Senate February 24, with amendments, the bill to prevent aliens from acquiring land in the Territories. As amended, it provides that hereafter it shall be unlawful for persons not citizens of the United States, or who have not declared their intention to become such, or for foreign corporations to hold real estate in the Territories. The bill also provides that no railroad, turnpike, or canal corporation shall hereafter acquire or own lands in the Territories, except such as are necessary for their operation or have been granted by Congress; and all such lands, whether acquired before or after the passage of this act, which are not necessary for the operation of such companies, shall be disposed of within ten years after the passage of this act, and, if not disposed of, shall be forfeited to the United States. All property acquired in violation of this act shall be forfeited to the United States.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Col. W. C. Jones, Warden of the State Penitentiary, at Lansing, has very sensibly tendered to Governor Martin his resignation, with the request that it take effect April 1st. The resignation was accepted and Col. Jones' successor will be appointed before the Legislature adjourns sine die.

Thomas Taylor, the gentleman appointed by Governor Glick, December 17th, to take the census of Comanche County, with a view to perfecting its organization, made his returns to Governor Martin Feb. 26th, showing 2,579 inhabitants. The county seat has not yet been established. There are three candidates for the honor: Coldwater, Nescatunga, and Avilla, but the face of the returns appear to indicate that a majority of the legal voters are favorable to Coldwater. Whether they take kindly to the fluid known by that name is not stated, but there seems to be a lurking suspicion about headquarters that they do.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The trial of Judge Advocate General, David G. Swaim, by the court martial has finally concluded by the finding of "guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline, but not guilty of neglect of duty; not guilty of conduct unbecoming an officer, and not guilty of selling forage on his own account." The sentence of the court is to be suspended from rank and duty for twelve years and forfeit one half of his monthly pay for the same period. The President has finally approved the sentence, though he criticizes the court unmercifully for its inconsistencies.

[Note: Not sure about last name. Title had "SWAIN"; article "SWAIM."]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

A modern scientist has discovered that mental activity enhances physical beauty, thus controverting an old theory. He says: "A handsome man or woman either who does nothing but lives well or self indulgently, grows flabby and all the fine lines of the features are lost, but the hard thinker has an admirable sculptor always at work keeping his fine lines in repair and constantly going over his face to improve the original design."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

At a party given by Senator and Mrs. Miller, of California, recently, Senator Bayard's daughter wore the startling costume of the evening in the dress of a "lady of the First Empire." The scant and clinging garments were of pale blue cashmere, the waist only the merest girdle or zone of pearls, and the skirt open at one side to the knee.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The habit which frontier postmasters have of carrying the mail around in the pockets of their trousers vexes the souls of the cowboys. When one of the latter has ridden 200 miles after his mail and is told by the postmaster's wife that the post office has gone after a barrel of water and won't be back for two days, the "cow-puncher" feels like complaining to the Government.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

When the new administration is settled firmly into power and the office seekers have been provided for that can be accommodate, then 1,000 cowboys will be needed to make a grand round up in the District of Columbia of all the disappointed office seekers, then a charity committee to provide transportation home. Two hours spent in that crowd would cause any ordinary man to commit suicide.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The question before the United States Senate, being in substance, if not in words, "Resolved, That we are opposed to the assassination of unoffending people by dynamite." It was carried, 65 to 1. The negative vote was cast by Senator Riddleberger, who thereby wrote himself down an ass, and as near infamous as an ass may be.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The following is the reply addressed by President-elect Cleveland to the silver coinage advocates in congress.

To Hon. A. J. Warner and others, members of the Forty-eighth congress.

Gentlemen: The letter which I have had the honor to receive from you invites, and indeed obliges me to give an expression to some great public necessities, although in advance of the moment when they would become objects of my official care and partial responsibility. Your solicitude that my judgment shall have been carefully and deliberately formed is entirely just and I accept the suggestion in the same friendly spirit in which it has been made. It is also fully justified by the nature of a financial crisis which under the operation of the act of congress of February 28, 1878, is now close at hand. By compliance with the requirements of that law, all the vaults of treasury have been and are heaped full of silver coins, which are now worth less than 85 percent of the gold dollar prescribed as the "unit of value" in section 14 of the act of February 12, 1873, and which, with the silver certificates representing such coin, receivable for all public dues. Being thus receivable, while also constantly increasing in quantity at the rate of $28,000,000 a year it has followed of necessity that the flow of gold into the treasury has been steadily diminished, silver and silver certificates have displaced and are now displacing gold, and the sum of gold in the federal treasury now available for payment of the gold obligations of the United States and for the redemption of United States notes called "greenbacks," if not already encroached upon is perilously near such encroachment. These facts, while they do not admit of difference of opinion, call for argument. They have been forewarned to us in the official reports of every secretary of treasury from 1878 till now. They are plainly affirmed in the last December report of the present secretary to the speaker of the present house of representatives. They appear in the official documents of this congress and in the records of the New York clearing house of which the treasury is a member, and through which the bulk of receipts and payments of the federal government and country pass. These being the facts of our present condition, our danger and our duty is to avert that danger which would seem to be plain. I hope that you concur with me, and with the great majority of our fellow citizens, in deeming it the most desirable at the present juncture to maintain and continue in use the mass of our gold coin as well as the mass of silver already coined. This is possible by the present suspension of the purchase and coinage of silver. I am not aware that by any other method it is possible. It is of momentous importance to prevent the two metals parting company; to prevent increasing the displacement of gold by increasing the coinage of silver, to prevent the disuse of gold in the custom houses of the United States in daily business of the country. While to prevent the ultimate expulsion of gold by silver, which financial crisis, as these events would certainly precipitate, were it now to follow on so long a period of commercial depression it would involve the people of every city and every state in the Union in prolonged and disastrous trouble, and a revival of business enterprise and prosperity so ardently desired and apparently so near, would be hopelessly postponed. Gold would be withdrawn to its hoarding place, and unprecedented contraction in the actual volume of our currency would speedily take place. The saddest of all would be in every workshop, mill, factory, store, and on every railroad and farm. The wages of labor already depressed would suffer still further depression by the scaling down of the purchasing power of every so-called dollar paid into the hands of toil. From these impending calamities rests surely the most patriotic and grateful duty of the representatives of the people to deliver them.

I am, gentlemen, with sincere respect, your fellow citizen.

Albany, Feb. 24, 1885.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The report of Special Agent Evans of the treasury department on the operations of the trade between the United States and Mexico as the result of his investigations under instructions from the department, has been received by Secretary McCulloch. It sets forth that Mexican customs and regulations are difficult of comprehension, and unnecessarily onerous, no less than seventeen papers or copies being required to be presented on direct importation, and a consular invoice costing $14.56 being required when the value of the goods exceeds $40. Irregularities in papers, from whatever cause, render the importer liable to the charge of double and in some cases treble duty, and petty fines are imposed for the omission of minor words and misspellings and everything seems to be done by the custom officers to retard business. Trains carrying goods were being delayed, and permits and stamps being required at almost every stage of importation, while the number of examinations required after the goods have passed the frontier and paid duty, are extremely annoying, independent of delay. On the question of reciprocity, Mr. Evans says: "It is urged that congress would relieve this country from gloom and suffering caused by business depression by adopting reciprocity relations with Mexico and thus open a new channel for the sale of American products. Disappointment, in my judgment, awaits such expectations. Of twenty articles to be admitted free from Mexico under the treaty, fourteen are now free under the general tariff law. Of the seventy-three articles which may be introduced into Mexico without duty, fifty are now free except a charge for package or bulk duty, and twenty-three comprise articles for which there appears to be no market in Mexico."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

A few days ago, in Hawkins County, Tennessee, James Reynolds put kerosene oil on the top of the heads of his three little children, aged 2, 4, and 6 years, for the purpose of killing vermin. Two of the children died within two hours. A physician saved the other.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Imagine a man about 40 years of age, of medium height, as lean, as the saying is, as shotten herring, with a mahogany complexion, cole-black beard and eyes, and three vertical slashes on his pallid cheeks; add to this a long cotton shirt as a garment, a narrow turban as a headdress, a pair of wooden sandals, and in his hand--dry as those of a mummy--a string of ninety heads, corresponding to an equal number of divine attributes, and you have the Mahdi. Those who have seen him say that Mohammed Ahmed plays to perfection the part of a visionary dervish, waving his head when walking, and murmuring constant prayers, his eyes fixed on heaven.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The Post-Dispatch publishes a special from Albany which it claims is perfectly authentic and reliable. It states that Cleveland has already offered five Cabinet portfolios, and that they have been accepted by the following gentlemen: Bayard, Secretary of State; Manning, the Treasury; Lamar, the Interior Department; Vilas, Postmaster General; and Garland, Attorney General. Cleveland wishes to appoint Whitney Secretary of the Navy, but hesitates to take two Cabinet officers from New York State. It is probable, however, that the portfolio of the War Department will be tendered either to Judge Endicott or Patrick A. Collins, both of Massachusetts, with a preference for Endicott, who was the Democratic nominee for Governor last Summer, and who will come nearer than any other gentleman representing the Independents in the Cabinet. Cleveland, in his inaugural, will take his stand on the tariff question on the plank in the Chicago Convention platform. He will take a positive position on the silver question in favor of one standard.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The elopement craze may be considered at its climax when young women elope and marry men for whom they do not care, according to their own confession. This is what a Buckeye maiden has just done. She is a millionaire in her own right--he a roller-skater master. He has, however, been bought off, receiving $15,000, and promising to disappear and never claim his wife. The first chapter is thus ended.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

A Wilkes-Barre funny man offered a tempting wager that Cleveland would never see Washington alive, and that exactly four months after his inauguration three-fourths of the business houses of the country would be closed. As Washington is believed to be permanently dead, and the Fourth of July is a National holiday, the tender seems to be safe.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

San Francisco is once more in convulsions over the Chinese question, because a court has very properly decided that Chinese children cannot be excluded from the public schools. There are 1,000 or more of them of school age in the city, and the thought is a dagger in the San Francisco breast. Their children, they vow, shall never "go to school with the little pagans."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

There is no immediate danger of ex-Senator Dorsey coming to want. His profits last year from his big cattle ranch were $150,000. He proposes during this year to make an extended European tour in company with Bob Ingersoll. It is said to be the intention of the latter to remain several years abroad with his family.

John Kelly's Substitute for Senate Bill No. 140.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

SECTION 1. The board of railroad commissioners shall from time to time, upon complaint by any bona fide shipper or other person interested, if they deem such complaint reasonable, investigate the same, and shall direct such changes in the freight rate charges of any railroad company doing business in this state, upon any commodity or kind of freight mentioned in said complaint; and the schedule containing such freight rate changes so modified shall be posted by the railroad company thus affected as the board of commissioners shall direct. Said board of commissioners shall on like complaint and investigation, also direct any change in the classification of any commodity or kind of freight, from any class to any other class, as may be deemed reasonable and proper. Before making any change as herein provided, either in freight rate charges or classification, the board of commissioners shall give at least ten days' notice to the railroad company whose rates of freight or classification it is proposed to change, and such railroad company may appear by its agent or other person and show cause, if any, why such proposed change should not be made; a certified copy of such changed rate of freight charges shall be furnished by the board of commissioners to the managing officer of the road affected, and shall take effect from such date as said board may direct; and a certified copy of such changed schedule of freight rate charges shall be deemed and taken in all courts of this state as prima facie evidence of the reasonableness of the freight rate charges of the commodity or kind of freight upon which such freight rate charges have been changed, and the certificate of the commissioners, together with the schedule of freight rate charges containing the rates so changed, shall be held prima facie reasonable freight rate charges established by said board of commissioners in all suits against such railroad company whose freight rates have been so changed, until the contrary is proven.

SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the official state paper.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Kansas City Journal report of February 27th: The members assembled this morning, wearing solemn countenances. At first sight they appeared prepared for the final day, and were only lacking their ascension robes. The sergeant-at-arms felt his heart thump, for he had used the last yard of linen in covering the carpets, and here were over 100 members clamoring, as he supposed, for robes to cover their manly forms as they winged their flight to the region of clouds as the earth sank to nothingness. In groups the members assembled, and low toned, earnest voices indicated something serious. The speaker found no difficulty in seating the members, as was usually the case. The chaplain was delighted at the attention he received. Chief Clerk Martin's voice sounded through the hall with more distinctness than usual, and he imagined for once that the members would listen to the proceedings of the previous day; but they did not. The journal was stopped as usual, and then the actual feelings of the members became apparent. Member after member arose with calendar in hand, and desired to know what had become of certain bills. The committee appointed to revise the calendar had dropped about 100 bills. To this each man had no objection, so long as his bill was not interfered with. When the printed book was placed in the hands of the members this morning, there was a hasty scanning of its contents, and lowering brows were seen all around. The music commenced as soon as the journal was closed. Efforts were made to resurrect bills that had gone through the furnace. Principal among them was the bill making appropriations for the current expenses of the asylum for idiots and inebriates at Lawrence. This had been marked from the calendar, and the bill making an appropriation for the erection of a building for this purpose at Winfield had found a resting place among the bills on the third reading. Mr. Roberts of Douglas tried to secure an explanation, and also to bring his bill back to its proper place, but failed, as Mr. Greer of Winfield had fastened the clasps too securely for them to be loosened. It now looks as though the Winfield fellows had captured the idiots and imbeciles.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

James N. Merritt, of Wamego, died at Providence hospital in this city last week, after a lingering illness of several months. At the time of his death there were present his wife and brother. He was down here in days gone by as one of the brightest and brainiest men who visited the capital from the west and socially was greatly esteemed. He was in the 41st year of his age. The remains will be forwarded to Kansas tomorrow morning and will be met at Kansas City by his seven brothers.

Senator Plumb deprecates the manner in which Congress has deferred the most important legislation until the closing hours of the session and cites the civil sundry bill appropriation of $22,000,000, as an example. When the bill shall have passed, he says it will not have had four full day's consideration. The Missouri members all voted for the river and harbor bill as it finally passed.

The House foreign affairs committee today authorized Mr. Eaton, of Connecticut, to submit to the House a favorable report upon Mr. LeFevre's resolution calling for retaliatory action for Germany's restrictions upon American products.

Mr. Eaton takes the ground occupied by LeFevre's resolution that under our treaties with Germany that country has been favored above all others; that discrimination against American products was in violation of the spirit of these treaties, and that the situation warrants the action suggested in the resolution.

Owing to heavy payments from the treasury in the present month for pensions and other obligations, it is estimated that there will be but a small reduction of the public debt for February.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The day was mostly spent in discussion of H. B. 367 amendatory and supplemental to the prohibitory law. Senators Lloyd, H. B. Kelly, White, Blue, Hick, Pickler, Bawden, Buchan, Kellogg, Jennings, and others took part. Many proposed amendments were voted down and one carried, that proposed by Mr. Jennings making the penalty for the first offense not less than $100, and ten days imprisonment and for subsequent offenses, not less than $200 and thirty days imprisonment, and in no case over $500 and ninety days imprisonment. Several amendments to make the language more grammatical carried.

House bill (Greer's) 246 to enable cities of the second class to extend their corporate limits, was considered in Committee of the Whole and recommended for passage.

The concurrent resolution asking the Attorney General to inquire into the liability of parties for the amounts stolen by Pusey at the Penitentiary, was adopted.

Bill reported by the Committee on elections, changing township elections from February to November, was passed.

The Judiciary Committee made report upon the communication of the Attorney General covering a proposition from the Union Pacific Railroad Company, messaged to the Legislature by the Governor. The Committee reported a resolution to instruct the Attorney General to accept the proposition and dismiss the quo warranto proceedings. Mr. Gillett moved that the report be printed for future consideration. Mr. Slavens explained the necessity for prompt action. The case comes up before Judge Brewer next Tuesday. The counsel for the State ask instruction. The motion to print prevailed.

Mr. McTaggart's H. B. 401, to authorize Cherokee township, of Montgomery County, to issue bridge bonds, passed.

The hour having arrived for special order, being report of special committee upon the railroad bills. Their report was read. It includes a substitute bill.

Mr. Simpson submitted a minority report, disagreeing with the report of the majority, because it does not make it the duty of the Railroad Commissioners to fix freight rates. The minority, Simpson and Butterfield, also report a bill, which was read.

Mr. Hatfield moved that both reports be tabled and printed. Mr. McNall characterized this motion as child's play. Mr. Simpson was willing the bills should be printed, but desired that the printing shall be done at once. Mr. Hatfield accepted an amendment making the bills special order for 3 p.m. this day, and his motion to print prevailed.

Mr. Bond's H. B. 112, to punish misrepresentation of breeding stock, passed.

Mr. Beattie's H. B. 311, creating the Twenty-second Judicial District from the counties of Pottawatomie, Wabaunsee, and Riley; Mr. Sweezy offered an amendment to include Osage County in this district, which was adopted. The bill was further amended so as to arrange the terms of court in the four counties, and the bill passed.

[Note: Prior to this Courier had "Sweezey" - not "Sweezy".]
Mr. Reeves' H. B. 61, giving Republic County another term of court, was amended so as to provide for a change of the terms of court in Washington County, and passed.

Senator White's S. B. 44, creating the Twentieth Judicial District from the counties of Rice, Barton, Stafford, and Pratt; passed.

Senator Case's S. B. 209, creating the Twenty-first Judicial District from the counties of Rush, Ellis, Ness, and Trego, together with several unorganized counties, was read a third time and voted down.

The Quantrell raid bill was defeated, and an amendment to the Price raid bill voted down.

No. 360 in relation to cities of the first class, was discussed, amended, and recommended for passage in Committee of the Whole

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

A memorial was presented from Mr. Albert Perry, one of the Directors of the Penitentiary, defending himself and the Board against the charges in the report of the Penitentiary investigation Committee.

A long debate occurred over $50,000 appropriation to the Soldiers Home at Leavenworth. It was referred to the committee on claims.

After ordering three bills in regard to schools, one in regard to free libraries, one for organization and compensation of militia, and one in relation to bridges, to third reading, subject to amendment and debate, the Senate took up the special order, House bill No. 367, the temperance bill.

Senator Jennings moved an additional section prohibiting railroads and express companies from transporting and delivering any of the liquors named in section one, except to druggists holding permits. It fines the company and imprisons the employees.

Senator H. B. Kelly moved to lay the amendment on the table. Lost. Yeas 5, nays 23.

The question was recorded on motion of Senator Jennings.

Senator Jennings spoke earnestly in favor of his amendment. He went into a recital of his own experience and the experiences of others in his district. The law had been pretty faithfully executed, but the great barrier in its way was in the fact that when all other means of evading it had failed, the resort was had to securing it through railroads and express offices. There was no reason why common carriers should be able to assist the violators of law.

Senator White opposed the motion.

H. B. Kelly, Lloyd, and several others discussed the amendment.

The amendment of Senator Jennings was then lost: yeas 14, nays 21.

Senator Allen offered the following amendment, which was adopted.

Any officer, agent, or employee of any railroad company, express company, or other common carrier, who shall knowingly carry or deliver any intoxicating liquors to or for any person, to be sold in violation of this act, or the act to which this act is amendatory and supplemental shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $500, and be imprisoned in the county jail not less than thirty nor more than sixty days.

House bill No. 5, concerning teachers and studies in common schools, was passed on third reading.

The great bone of contention, the substitute for Senate bill No. 12 (Senator Butler's bill) was taken up, and after considerable wrangling and various efforts to amend and refer, the Senate adjourned without definite action.

Mr. Sweezy: To authorize Township Boards to levy taxes upon all property in their townships. This was advanced to position on the calendar for third reading.

Mr. Glasgow: To authorize Republic County to levy bridge taxes.

Mr. Currier: To encourage the training of youth in the mechanic arts.

Mr. Benning: To legalize a certain levy in Atchison County.

Senate Amendments to the House bill to establish a Board of Pardons were considered. Mr. Slavens stated the urgent necessity for the passage of the bill, arising from the large number of applications for pardons left over by the outgoing Governor. Mr. Buck thought it unfortunate that the bill had been changed as it has by the Senate, but hoped the bill would become a law, as it is the best we can get. The Senate's amendment concurred in.

The House considered the special order in committee of the whole, with Mr. Carroll presiding, it being the bills reported by the special committee on railroad bills.

The question being a choice between the two bills for consideration. Mr. McNall attacked the proviso in the majority bill which gives railroad companies the right to take 3½ cents per mile passengers fare when fare is paid on the train. Also in that the committee have not obeyed the instruction of the House given when the committee was created, to report a bill which should make it the duty of the Commissioners to fix maximum rates for each railroad of the State.

The ten minute rule was raised, and it was the sense of the House that it be suspended during this debate.

The balance of the day was spent in the debate.

The evening was spent in discussing the Price raid bill and resulted in indefinite postponement.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

A concurrent resolution was passed requesting that all soldiers of the Union army who suffered in rebel prisons during the war be put upon the pension rolls at once, none receiving less than three dollars per month and those over 55 years of age receiving not less than five dollars per month.

An amendment to H. B. 367 providing that persons selling or giving intoxicating drinks to minors be punished by heavy fine and imprisonment was voted down.

The bill 358 fixing terms of court in the 8th district passed.

H. B. 367 (prohibitory law amendments) passed 30 to 7.

Substitute for H. B. 12 fixing salaries for county officers passed.

S. B. 265 relating to fees and salaries passed.

A large number of local bills passed.

S. B. 123 establishing a Soldier's Orphan's Home passed.

S. B. 254 and S. B. 264, 259, 186, 168, and H. B. 31 relating to the assessment and collection of taxes passed.

Senate bill 140 concerning railroads passed. (As this is the best the Senate will do in that direction and as the House will probably pass it also we give it in full in another column.)

S. B. 225 in relation to the transfer of real estate passed.

Greer's bill to enable cities of the second class to extend their corporate limits passed the Senate.

Other bills of a general character passed, viz.: For filing certified lists of county offices in the Secretary of State's office; for enrolling and engrossing bills; to make up for deficiency in permanent school fund; relating to unorganized counties; making appropriations in the State Historical Society; to pay counties for expenses for destitute insane; to punish for injuries to irrigation canals; relating to liens for irrigating lands; to exclude minors from courts where obscene cases are being tried; exempting certain property from execution; to provide for improving roads; relating to regents and trustees of public institutions; relating to county boards of examiners; relating to furnishing tobacco to minors, and to fix times of holding courts in Eighth judicial district.

State concurrent resolution to order printed 10,000 extra copies of the revised report of the State Board of Agriculture for 1883 and 1884 was concurred in. This gives each member of the Legislature at least fifty copies for distribution.

S. C. R. to order 500 copies of the House bill reported by the Temperance Committee, as mended by the Senate, was concurred in.

To H. B. 5, relating to the physiology and hygiene in the public schools, was concurred in. The amendments change the law requiring teachers to pass examination in those branches to as to only require that they pass such examination in the elements of those topics.

Mr. Roberts discovered an appropriation bill for a new Idiotic Asylum at Winfield on the calendar for third reading, and challenged its position there. He moved that the bill be remanded to general orders. The result was that it was left on third reading, subject to the amendment and debate.

The proposition of the Union Pacific Railway Company, being the special order, was called up by Mr. Clogston. It has appeared in full in the Commonwealth. It has been referred to the Committee on Judiciary, which made report advising the Attorney General to accept the proposition. Mr. Clogston moved that the report of the Judiciary Committee be adopted.

The report of the Judiciary Committee was unanimously adopted, and the concurrent resolution covered in that report was adopted.

The following named bills passed the House.

Bill reported by the Committee on Roads and Highways, constituting township officers, Boards of Commissioners of Highways.

Senator Harwi's S. B. 244, to authorize cities of the first-class to make provision for payments of amounts due on contracts for sewers, bridges, culverts, etc., by levy of taxes or issue of special bonds.

Mr. Jones' bill to authorize the school district at Garden City, Finney County, to vote bonds for a schoolhouse.

In committee of the whole much time was spent in the discussion of bills to provide uniform series of text books for schools.

H. B. 326 grading the salaries of county superintendents with maximum limit $1,500; minimum $400 in counties having more than 1,500 persons of school age, the salary is $600, with $40 dollars more for each additional 100 of such persons. Mr. Cannon and Mr. Carroll opposed the bill. The bill was approved by the committee.

Bills making appropriations for State Reform School and Blind Asylum, were approved.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The Senate committee on claims reported against the $50,000 appropriation for the Soldiers Home at Leavenworth.

The report of the committee to investigate the liability of parties in relation to the Pusey frauds having reported the adoption of the report was indefinitely postponed.

A bill making Parsons a sub-county seat of Labette County, was advanced on the calendar.

After a great deal of wrangling, and the advancement to third reading of a few local bills, on motion of Senator Buchan, the Senate went into committee of the whole on appropriation bills, Senator Allen in the chair.

Senate bill No. 116, an act making appropriations for executive and judiciary department of the State for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1868, and June 30, 1887, and for deficiencies from the fiscal year ending June 30, 1884, and June 30, 1885, was taken up, and after a thorough, critical examination, was passed to third reading.

Senate bill No. 284, an act making an appropriation and providing for the erection of a suitable building for the "Kansas asylum for idiotic and imbecile children," at Winfield, Kansas.

Senator Barker moved to strike out "Winfield" and insert "Lawrence." He said that this proposition would involve the State in an expense of thirty or forty thousand dollars to no purpose. There was now a building suitable for all the purposes of this school, which could be obtained for nothing. In these times of depression, there was no necessity for useless expenditures.

Senator Jennings spoke very earnestly in favor of Winfield, his own town, and of its advantages. Other Senators spoke upon the subject, but it was hardly serious enough to bring out good speeches. Some of them thought the institution could do no good either to the imbeciles or anybody else.

Senator Barker's motion failed, and Winfield was selected as its locality, and the bill was put upon third reading.

Senate bill No. 250, an act to establish the office of State Entomologist, defining his duties, powers, liabilities, and compensation; also making an appropriation for the salary and office expenses of said officer, from the appointment until June 30, 1885, and for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1886, and June 30, 1887, passed to third reading.

The rules were suspended, and the House commenced the business of the day with

Substitute bill reported by the Committee on Railroads, to require fencing of railroads, was first read. Mr. Hatfield moved that this bill be passed by until the Senate bill on the same subject shall have reached the House. This prevailed.

Mr. Bryant's H. B. 62, providing for the incorporation of mutual livestock insurance companies. Passed.

Mr. Collins' H. B. 298, providing for the formation and regulation of mutual fire insurance companies, passed.

Mr. Corwin's H. B. 100, providing for formation of township mutual fire insurance companies, was defeated.

Mr. Slavens' H. B. 467, to prevent and punish malicious mischief. It makes damage done to animals or property, making a false alarm of fire, pulling a bell rope or setting brakes on a moving train, misdemeanors. Mr. Slavens explained that there are classes of mischief for which the laws do not provide a remedy beyond a civil action for damages. The bill passed.

S. B. 306, to repeal a funding act for Leavenworth County of 1879. It applies also to cities of the first class. It was passed.

Mr. Reeves' H. B. 3, providing for payment of animals having glanders or farcy which are ordered destroyed by authority of law; with a fifty dollar limit per head.

A spirited discussion ensued but no order was made in relation to the bill.

To Mr. Burton's bill changing terms of court in the Eighth judicial district were concurred in. Also in amendments to H. B. 246, to empower cities of the second class to extend their corporate limits. Also in Senate amendments to H. B. 191, authorizing Burton County to issue bonds. Also in Senate amendments to H. B. to vacate parts of streets in Council Grove.

Senate resolution to adjourn Saturday, March 7, was concurred in.

Mr. Cox's H. B. 448, to empower Wakarusa township of Douglas County to build a township hall. Passed.

Mr. Carroll's H. B. 254, to empower the Board of Education in cities of the first-class to take additional bonds from the City Treasurer. Passed.

Mr. Burton's H. B. 463, to punish the manufacture or sale of impure dairy products, butterine, or oleomargarine.

The bill as perfected provides punishment for manufacturing or selling any impure, or unwholesome articles of food coming under the names of dairy products, butterine, or oleomargarine. It also requires manufacturers of articles of food made from oleaginous substances other than the products of pure milk, to label every package on the market with its true name. The bill passed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

In committee of the whole the following bills passed.

Senate bill No. 309, an act making appropriation for State Printing for the balance of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1885, and for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1886, and June 30, 1887.

Senate bill No. 321, an act making appropriation to pay per diem and mileage of regents, trustees, and directors of the State Institutions for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1886, and June 30, 1887, and for deficiencies for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1882, 1883, 1884, and 1885.

Senate bill No. 322, an act making appropriations to the Legislative department.

The committee rose and the report was adopted.

The Senate went into committee of the whole, Senator White in the chair, on the special order, Senate bills 151 and 182, both relating to grand juries.

Senator Jennings explained that the first in order provided for grand juries at each term, while the last provided for a grand jury at least one term in the year.

The motion to have two terms a year carried and the bill was recommended for passage.

The committee rose, and the report was agreed to.

Senator Jennings moved to suspend the rules and that the bill fixing the terms of the District Court in the Thirteenth District be read a third time. Adopted. The bill was read a third time and passed.

The following bills passed a third reading.

House bill No. 470, an act to amend sections 1 and 2 of chapter 102 of the session laws of 1883, naming the counties and fixing the time for holding terms of court in the Eighteenth Judicial District in said counties, and to repeal said sections.

House bill No. 362, an act relating to the Twelfth Judicial District, and providing for the holding of an additional term of court in the county of Republic.

Senate bill No. 319, an act fixing the terms of court in the Ninth Judicial District, and to repeal chapter 96 of the session laws of 1883.

Four local bills passed a third reading.

Senate bill No. 284, an act making an appropriation and providing for the erection of a suitable building for the Kansas Asylum for Idiotic and Imbecile Youth, at Winfield, Kansas, was passed. The appropriation is $25,000.

On motion of Senator Buchan the Senate went into committee of the whole on special appropriation bills.

Substitute for S. B. No. 5, an act making an appropriation for the erection of the State House, and to provide for a special levy of taxes therefor.

Senator Buchan offered an amendment to appropriate $75,000 to commence work on the east wing of the Capital immediately, to be paid out of the general revenue fund, and replaced when the half mill special appropriation provided for shall be collected. This motion was adopted.

Senator Crane moved to strike "one half mill" and insert "one-fourth mill" as the amount to be collected to pay this appropriation. The motion was lost, and the bill was ordered engrossed for third reading.

Mr. Finch then introduced the following resolution, which was adopted.

Resolved, That the Speaker appoint a committee of five to draft resolutions expressive of the regret of the House at the untimely death of the Hon. J. S. Merritt, and that in respect to his memory the House do now adjourn until 2 o'clock p.m. Mr. Anthony desired to amend the resolution so that it provide that the House go to the depot as a body to be there when the train passes conveying the remains to Wamego. This prevailed, and the House adjourned for that purpose.

Bill reported by the House Committee on Resolutions, requiring railroads to be fenced, was read a third time and passed.

Senator Green's S. B. 249, authorizing the purchase of more farming land for the State Agricultural College, passed.

Substitute reported by Committee on Cities of the First Class for H. B. 370, making amendments to charters of such cities, passed.

Senator Harwi's S. B. 8. It amends several sections relative to the police court of cities of the first class. Passed.

Mr. Scammon's H. B. 212. To provide for the health and safety of persons employed in and about coal mines. Passed.

Substitute for S. B. 21, to regulate the practice of pharmacy, creating a board for that purpose, was amended in two or three points and passed.

Mr. Sweezy's H. B. 474. Giving township boards power to levy taxes upon all the property of the township, whether owned by citizens or non-residents. Passed.

Mr. Carroll's H. J. R. 1, recommending the calling of a Constitutional Convention, came next. Lost.

Senate bill 119 was substituted for a House bill on the same subject and amended. It is for the protection of game. Passed.

Mr. Moore's H. B. 326, raising the pay of County Superintendents of Public Instruction, was defeated.

Senator Young's S. B. 142, as it was before amended in the House, was read a third time. It is the bill which was then shorn down to the one provision of permitting the establishment of a uniform system of text books in the public schools. It was passed.

Mr. Glasgow's H. B. 475, a bridge bill for Republic County. Passed.

Mr. Currier's H. B. 202, limiting the amount of schoolhouse bonds to be voted by school districts to 6 percent, of the taxable property, and requiring a three-fifths vote; was defeated.

Mr. Slavens' H. B. 216, making a verbal agreement a lease for one year, and not from year to year. It also provides for cancellation of lease when tenant commits waste. Passed.

Mr. Slavens' H. B. 218, providing for vacation of office in cases where official bonds are found to be insufficient by the office whose duty it is to approve such bonds, and when a new bond is not furnished. Passed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

District Court: Edgar Smith, Plaintiff, against Thomas A. Wilkinson, Anna C. Wilkinson, Hampton S. Story and Story his wife, whose real name is unknown; Isaac A. Camp, and Camp, whose real name is unknown; Gibbs, Sterrett & Co., Gibbs Sterrett Manufacturing Company, G. and C. Merriam, A. P. Dickey, James A. Loomis, Mr. G. Troup, John W. Curns, Nannie Platter, Administratrix of the Estate of James E. Platter, deceased, Nannie J. Platter, Robert J. Platter, and Jane E. Platter, heirs at law of James E. Platter, deceased, and M. T. Green, E. T. Williamson, and George L. Pratt, partners doing business under the firm name and style of the Chicago Lumber Co.

BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF SALE TO me directed and delivered, issued out of the District Court of the 13th Judicial District of the State of Kansas, sitting in and for Cowley County in said State, I will, on the

6th DAY of APRIL, A. D. 1885,
at the hour of 2 o'clock p.m., of said day, at the south door of the Court House in Winfield, in the County and State aforesaid, offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest of the above named defendants in and to the following described property, to-wit: The southwest quarter of section twenty-eight (28) township thirty (30) south of Range six (6) East, taken as the property of the above named defendants and will be sold as the property of the above named defendants.

Given under my hand at my office in the City of Winfield, this 3rd day of March, A. D. 1885. G. H. McINTIRE, Sheriff Cowley County, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Actual Daily Capacity:
New Superintendent, who has no superior in the State. Flour already improved and more improvements to be made and everything on a boom.

BLISS & WOOD, Proprietors.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Will sell you a better farm for less money than any other man in Southern Kansas.

Come and see. No charge made for showing lands.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Will put you up Combination Wire and Picket Woven Wire or any other kind
you want. Give us a call. North Main street, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

of all kinds in stock. Any one in need of goods in our line will find it to their interest to call on us, as we keep the largest and best assorted stock to be found in the county.

FRANK H. GREER, Local Editor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Skipped Market Report.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The Sedan Graphic is evidently disgruntled: "Incendiarism is running rampant and unrestrained at Winfield, while the man who sells a glass of whiskey or beer in violation of the prohibitory law is hunted down with untiring efforts by the law and order citizens of that town. In the mind of the average citizen of the city on the banks of the placid Walnut, all other crimes pale into insignificance when compared with the sale of a glass of beer." No law-breaker can find quarters in the Queen City, and the festive fire-bug stands an equal show with any other criminal--a splendid chance to suffer the grip and penalties of outraged justice. With such officials as Sheriff McIntire and Constable Siverd to track the lawless, with County Attorney Asp to prosecute the man who thinks he is a bigger man than the "statoots" will find himself throttled with a vice-like tenacity that will might soon "knock him hout." Unpunished violators of law promise to be exceedingly "scarce" in Cowley during the reign of these officials. They have a stalwart, intelligent, law-abiding people to back them--a people who recognize nothing but fealty to every duty and law.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

"Ed Haight, the Courteous county surveyor," says the Arkansas City Democrat, "has been in town during the week. He thinks that Winfield is bound to have the proposed canal. It is proposed to get the city to help with $100,000. The water will be brought from the Arkansas, a distance of some twenty miles. We wish the county seat success in their new enterprise. Some years ago some of the very men who are most prominent in this enterprise were laughing at Arkansas City and her ditch."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

S. Kleeman is having the room formerly occupied by J. C. Long remodeled and painted up surprisingly for the reception of his dry goods stock and will get moved this week. The shelving, counters, etc., are of beautiful and modern design and when Mr. Kleeman gets the room filled with the immense stock he has laid in, he will have an establishment that will be metropolitan indeed--one worthy so rustling, pleasant, and capable a merchant.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The Arkansas Valley Conference of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ is in session this week at Sedgwick City. Bishop E. B. Kephart, D. D., whom many of our citizens remember because of the able discourse preached by him in our city two years ago, will preside at this conference. Revs. P. B. Lee and J. H. Snyder have gone to take part in its sessions, consequently there will be no preaching at the United Brethren church in this city next Sabbath.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The annual session of the Grand Lodge of A. O. U. W. of Kansas was held at Leavenworth last week. Cowley was represented as follows: Winfield, J. F. McMullen and C. C. Green; Arkansas City, I. H. Bonsall and M. N. Sinnott; Burden, Ed Millard; Dexter, W. G. Seaver; New Salem, H. H. Holloway. Mr. McMullen was elected a representative to the Supreme Lodge. The next session of the Grand Lodge will be held at Topeka.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Miss Mattie Harrison left for her home in Hannibal, Missouri, Friday evening last after a winter's visit with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller. Miss Harrison is a charming young lady of high attainments and admirable social qualities, and made many friends during her stay, who regret her departure and will look with pleasure for her return.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

In mentioning the Aikin, Poor, and Watts liquor case last week, we were wrongly informed and made the "front" name of Watts, Ed., when it should have been John H. As this has been construed by many to mean Edward, the sterling young son of Mr. Samuel Watt, of Pleasant Valley, we gladly make this correction.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Three days of sunshine and balmy breezes have thawed our people all out and made all buoyant and happy. Real estate men are busy and use soul-stirring eloquence in supporting the prediction that the Queen City and Cowley County are to have an unprecedented boom this spring.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Our spring catalogue will soon be ready for distribution, and we will visit Winfield this spring with plants, bulbs, seeds, etc., and desire those wishing anything in our line to wait our coming and make selections from our stock. We will be at Friend's music store. Exact date later. Bristol Sisters, Topeka, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The Winfield roller mills will receive next week a Hamilton Corless 200 horse power engine. This is the largest engine yet put in a Kansas mill, and will furnish economical and unexcelled power. Messrs. Bliss & Wood will also attach hominy and corn meal machinery to their mill soon.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

A fine line of residences in the city for sale at prices to suit buyers. Farms for sale in all parts of the county. Insurance written on all classes of insurable property. Money loaned on farms and city property by H. T. Shivvers. Office in McDonald building, 2nd door upstairs.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The Democrats of the city were almost paralyzed Monday by the false report by wire that the man of destiny had been assassinated at Albany. If it had come a little later, the "Dem's" would have been just full enough to take it all as a gigantic joke on first notice.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Last Tuesday a farmer near town took his spade and went out to see if the ground was fit to plow. He dug down fourteen inches, and after the first eight found the ground full of frost and hard as a brick. He will bet on the ground hog in the future.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The entertainment of the Alpha Society at the Opera House Friday evening last was highly creditable to all participating--in fact, many pronounce it as fine an entertainment of its kind as was ever given in the city. It was novel and unique.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

E. H. Nixon got in from Utica, Iowa, yesterday. He reports the snow about twenty inches on the level and lanes blocked by drifts. A very chilly comparison with Cowley's glorious sunshine and balmy breezes.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

City Clerk Buckman has enrolled about four hundred names on the registration books of the city, leaving about the same number who should have their names put on the roll of honor immediately.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

August Kadau's visage is all aglow with rosy-cheeked modesty--his title is now "papa," and it's a bouncing ten pound boy, which appeared Monday evening last. August is recovering.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The Southern Kansas railroad is changing the wheels on its cars from iron to paper. The paper wheels are said to be safer. At any rate most of the eastern railroads adopted them some time ago.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

I have sold my interest in the dental office to Dr. H. C. Baily, and take pleasure in recommending all who wish first-class dental operations to call on him. Dr. VanDoren.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The Ladies' Aid Society, of the Presbyterian church, meets on the usual day and hour, this week with Mrs. Henry Brown.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Wanted. 500 or 600 sheep. C. D. Murdock.

Her Chronicle of the Comings, Goings, and Doings of Persons at Home and Abroad.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Mrs. Carrie Legg is convalescing after a serious illness.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

A. H. Jennings is looking after property interests in Sedgwick County.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Mr. M. H. Markum, of Pleasant Valley, got in yesterday from a week among Topeka solons.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Curns have returned from their New Orleans trip, having enjoyed it immensely.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Mr. J. L. Ward, one of Vernon's bright young men, has commenced the study of medicine in Dr. Wells' office.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Miss Ella Trezise and Addie Hudson are visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. Geo. Bruce, at Cherryvale this week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

J. P. Short left Wednesday for a few days sojourn at the State Capitol. He was accompanied by his daughter, Miss Edna.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Rev. F. A. Brady, formerly of Burlington, this State, has located here in the Insurance business. He is officing with C. H. Leavitt.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Mrs. W. J. Wilson and Miss Jessie Millington have been visiting Mrs. W. C. Garvey and others in Topeka during the past week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Mr. J. A. Goforth, one of Silver Creek's staunchest farmers, made the "hub" his occasional visit Friday and dropped in on the COURIER.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Mr. J. S. Baker got in from Topeka yesterday and reports that the bill dividing Tisdale township was defeated in the House, Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Mr. W. L. P. Burney, a bright young attorney from Harrisonville, Mo., a friend of Mr. Robert Rogers, is visiting here and may locate.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

G. H. Allen, formerly agent of the Wells Fargo express here, has formed a partnership with Noble Caldwell in the insurance business.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

C. H. Sipe, of St. Louis, president of Millers National Insurance Company, was here this week looking up the export business among our millers.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

A. P. Johnson is spending this week at Red Bluff, a new town in Comanche County, in which he is interested and for whose company he is attorney.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

George Stivers came in from Fredonia Saturday for a visit with his sister, Mrs. M. G. Troup, and old friends, looking as handsome and "cute" as ever.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The young son of Squire H. C. Castor, of East Liberty, died Saturday night. He was twenty-two years of age and had been married but a short time.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Married, at the residence of the groom's parents, near Winfield, March 1, 1885, by Rev. B. Kelly, Mr. J. W. Zauni and Miss Mary E. Burge, all of Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Rev. B. Kelly spent the latter part of last week in Topeka, encouraging the passage of the new Prohibitory law. He thinks it is iron-clad, just what we want, and will be easily enforced.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Col. J. C. McMullen returned Sunday from a week at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He reveled in snow about two feet deep while there and makes a comparison largely in favor of "Sunny Kansas."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Mrs. J. C. McMullen left Tuesday for a ten days visit with her daughter, Miss Nellie, who has been attending college in Denver, Colorado, for some months past. Mrs. McMullen has a sister residing in Denver.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Mr. J. L. Richardson, of Jones County, Iowa, has been spending a few days with his cousin, Mr. F. W. McClellan. Mr. Richardson was called to Cowley, by the death of his brother, Edward, which occurred recently at Grand Summit.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Mr. W. S. Shaffer has moved from his old home in Walnut township to Omnia. Mr. Shaffer has been one of Walnut's staunchest citizens, of true blue Republican principles, and his neighbors regret the loss of so wide-awake, active, and influential a man.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Constable H. H. Siverd brought Dr. Samuel Thompson in from Maple City, Tuesday, charged with illegally selling the ardent. The Doctor plead guilty in Justice Snow's court and got off with one hundred and forty-five dollars fine and costs. Verily, the way of the transgressor is thorny.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Elder F. M. Rains, State Evangelist of the Christian church, is here this week assisting Elder J. S. Myers in a protracted meeting. Elder Rains, during his pastorate of our Christian Church in early days, won scores of friends, who always give him a warm welcome. He is a minister of superior eloquence and logic and is doing a world of good throughout Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

James Lukens, a young man who was engaged in Captain Stubblefield's feed store, was given about fifty dollars, one day last week, to pay off certain bills for his employer. The youth had had the California fever for some time and pocketing the money he took the train and has not been heard of since. He had shown no signs previously of crookedness and was considered reliable.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Mrs. Emma Smith, sister of Mrs. Henry Brown, left for a future home in Dakota last week. In her departure Winfield loses one of its staunchest workers in every good cause. In the temperance work she was especially unceasing. To such women as Mrs. Smith the world owes much for its advancement in everything that leads humanity to a higher and better life.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Judge Gans has invested the following parties with authority to commit matrimony during the past week: Sullivan Kitch and Minnie Dunn, Isaac Davis and Anna Wooden, Wm. Carver and Christina Wingert, John Munn and Martha Samples, Chas. Knowles and Ida Carder, Chas. Doty and Sarah Mounts, Jonathan Yount and Mary Burge, Wm. Eldridge and Laura Anderson, Wm. Parsons and Louisa White, F. M. Reed and Anna B. Schnee.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Cedarvale Star: "Mr. James A. Cairns and Mrs. E. D. Garlick, of Winfield, were at this place on last Wednesday and organized a Good Templars' Lodge. They paid us quite a compliment by saying that it was the best lodge that they had ever helped organize in southern Kansas. We return them many heart-felt thanks." The parties mentioned speak very highly of the splendid entertainment given them and of the staunch temperance proclivities of the citizens of Cedarvale as exhibited on this occasion.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Mayor and Mrs. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. Irve Randall, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Read, Dr. D. V. Cole, and Miss Nellie, Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Byron Rudolph, Will Robinson, Col. Loomis, A. J. Thompson, Grant Stafford, and C. C. Harris are among those who have got home this week from a delightful trip to the Crescent City. They report the sights of the World's Fair varied and grand. One of the unique things mentioned is a miniature representation of Geuda Springs, surrounded by circulars describing the Western Saratoga.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

H. M. Epler was arrested at Independence last week by Sheriff McIntire and taken to Arkansas City, where he was arraigned before Justice Schiffbauer, and on plea of guilty was assessed seventy-five dollars and costs for stealing a gold watch in the Terminus. Epler is a young man of good appearance and had all arrangements made to lead to the altar one of Independence's belles, on Sunday last. He seems to have made this break to get the money on which to commit matrimony. But a purloiner's victim has no sympathy for Cupid.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Mr. John Drury was up from Maple City Monday and told of a bad accident that befell R. E. Howe, who runs the mail back from Arkansas City to Maple City. Howe undertook to cross the Gilstrap ford on Grouse creek Saturday morning last, which was badly swollen, and had both horses drowned and himself and a lady and gentleman passenger barely escaped with their lives. Howe did some heroic work in the icy waters in rescuing the lady. He was familiar with the ford and noted the high-water register, but the channel had washed out and surprised him.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Rev. B. Kelly closed his first year's appointment at Winfield last Sunday evening in a powerful, fearless, and eloquent sermon--one that received the highest commendation. The Conference for this district meets on the 19th inst., at El Dorado, and if the wishes of the Methodist church here, and every citizen in favor of morality and good government are carried out, he will be returned unanimously. The Methodist church has grown greatly under Mr. Kelly's pastorate and the close of the year finds it entirely out of debt. The influence of such a minister as Mr. Kelly on a community can hardly be estimated, and the unanimous call of our Methodists for his return receives a hearty endorsement from all.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Lindsey Jones, a youth of thirteen, who has been under the care of Sheriff McIntire for some months past, was found guilty of petty larceny before Justice Snow last week and returned to the State Reform School at Topeka. The lad was homeless, and a pretty tough case. Sheriff McIntire worked on him in hopes of improvement, but Lindsey didn't straighten to any alarming degree and forced the conclusion that the Reform School was the best place for him. So Mr. A. Gilkey, of Maple City, from whom Lindsey had stolen certain articles a year ago, preferred the necessary charge. The Reform School will make a man of him--give him the discipline that every boy needs to fix him for the battles of life. He will remain there till twenty-one.

Work to Commence Immediately on the Kansas City and Southwestern.
Rails, Ties, and Construction Trains Purchased and Contracts Let.
Winfield to very soon have Another Railroad,
Which Means a Boom Unprecedented.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Henry E. Asp is just in receipt of a letter from James N. Young, of Chicago, President of the Kansas City & Southwestern Railroad Company, stating that the material has been purchased and the contracts let for the construction of that line and that work will commence at Beaumont, Butler County, as soon as the right of way can be obtained. They commence at Beaumont, which is on the main line of the St. Louis & San Franciso, because the rails from St. Louis and the ties from Arkansas can be laid down cheaper there than at Kansas City. Work will progress both ways from Beaumont, and the prospect is that most of the counties and townships that have voted bonds can be reached in time to fill the stipulations contained therein. Some of the bonds are valid till August, others till June, and those voted in Winfield till May 27. But should it be impossible to reach certain places within the given time, aid will be re-solicited and the work pushed right through. This road is now a sure thing and its early construction means that Winfield and Cowley County will receive an impetus that will make her material advancement during the next year unprecedented. Further developments of a specific character will be made by our next issue.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Some two months ago Wm. D. Halfhill came to Winfield and being a former pupil of B. F. Wood was readily recommended and became a partner with Chas. H. Leavitt in the practice of law. But certain traits had sprung in the character of Halfhill since Mr. Wood had known personally of him that came unawares to the latter gentleman--a little crookedness that astonished those familiar with the early life of Halfhill. About the first of February Halfhill suddenly vamoosed--summoned, as he would have it, by a Nebraska client. But he went to Wellington, where official telegrams from the east soon reached him out. He was wanted for embezzling a large sum from the Indiana Wheel Company, Fort Wayne, and for forging depositions in the settlement of an Ohio estate and appropriating the funds.

The Wellington Press has this account of the arrest.

Some weeks ago a nicely dressed and smooth talking man arrived in this city from the east, ostensibly on the hunt for a business location. He gave his name as Wm. D. Halfhill, and represented himself a member of the Ohio bar. He visited several of the neighboring towns, seemingly at a loss to know where to locate. A short time ago Sheriff Henderson received word from the officials of Van Wert County, Ohio, that an attorney, a heavy embezzler, had suddenly decamped from that county, and it was thought he had gone west. Henderson at once "spotted" Mr. Halfhill as the man wanted. Some correspondence passed between the eastern officials and Henderson, when the latter telegraphed--"Come at once. Your man is here." Sheriff Chas. Gordon, of Van Wert County, Ohio, promptly responded. He reached this city Tuesday morning and immediately hunted up Henderson, and together they started out to find their man. Halfhill, who had just returned from Harper, was soon found, and at once recognized by the Sheriff from Ohio, who promptly arrested him, and fearing a habeas corpus, boarded the noon train and started for the east. Halfhill, the embezzling attorney, is also accused of a heavy forgery. He is a rather nice appearing and intelligent man, very tony in his dress. He was taken completely by surprise, and though Henderson had been "piping" him for several weeks, he had not the least intimation that the officers were on his track until Sheriff Gordon tapped him on the shoulder. He made no resistance to the arrest.

The partnership between Halfhill and Leavitt was very satisfactory, the former appearing square in all things. Halfhill applied for admission to the bar here, but failing, went to Topeka and was admitted there in the higher court. He was a bright lawyer, a man of generous heart and good social qualities, and capable of winning a high mark among men. A few weeks before he left, the secret to his downfall was discovered--he had formed an attachment for the gaming table and its attendant, whiskey. He kept it very secret at first, but investigation unveiled all. He has an accomplished wife and is well connected.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

E. S. Jaffery & Co. vs. Day Bros. & Co. Plaintiffs given leave to withdraw exhibits attached to petition.

Merrick Thread Co. vs. Lucius L. Day, et al. Judgment by default for $238, and in case defendants do not pay same in 30 days, property to be attached and held on execution.

Monotuck Silk Co. vs. Lucius L. Day, et al. Judgment by default for $1,142.62, and if not paid in 30 days, property to be attached.

Anna Mount vs. John M. Mount. Rule to show cause issued against defendant returnable on the 16th of March at 10 o'clock p.m., why he should not pay temporary alimony pending this action, and restraining him in the meanwhile from disposing of his property.

James L. Huey vs. Franklin P. Schiffbauer. Judgment by default for $340.60 and interest at 10 percent, with costs.

Ray Warren vs. R. C. Jones, et al. Dismissed at cost of plaintiff.

Traveler's Insurance Co. vs. Mathew S. Hooker, et al. Judgment by default, for $748.80 and interest at 12 percent; foreclosure of mortgage and sale without appraisement, barring interest of all defendants; proceeds to be applied first to costs and second to judgment.

James H. Tallman vs. Nathaniel Holden, et al. Judgment by default for $1,184.85 and interest at 12 percent from date; foreclosure of mortgage and sale without appraisement and proceeds to be first applied to costs and then to judgment.

Traveler's Insurance Co. vs. Myron L. Munson, et al. Judgment by default for $886.08 and interest at 12 percent; foreclosure, etc., without appraisement.

W. T. Curtis vs. H. G. Fuller, et al. Dismissed with prejudice.

Appeal of C. W. Gregory from Commissioners. Judgment in favor of plaintiff for $106 and he adjudged to pay costs.

M. P. Rowe appeared before Judge Torrance Friday, received a sentence of $100 fine and costs for illegally dispensing the ardent, and paid the bill. He was convicted at the beginning of the term but judgment was deferred to give him an opportunity to raise the lucre.

Court adjourned Monday to the April term. Every case on the dockets that was ready for trial was disposed of.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

A note has reached the COURIER written in a neat, effeminate hand, which says: "I would advise every man and woman in Winfield to get a bible and read St. John, 8th chapter and 7th verse. If you don't own a bible, just borrow one of your neighbor." Biblical scholars will recognize the verse: "So when they continued asking him, he lifted up Himself and said unto them, 'He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.'" From the mole hill that has so recently and magically grown into a mountain through certain uneasy parties, this does seem to bear a local application.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Frank Bonham's trial for butchering his mother, brother, and sister in Montgomery County some time ago came off at Independence last Thursday and Friday, several witnesses from Winfield being present. He was bound over to the district court. Public feeling at Independence seemed in favor of giving Bonham an opportunity to "pull hemp," but excitement is gradually ceasing. It is certainly the most dastardly crime that ever stained the annals of Kansas. The young man who could butcher his mother in cold blood can be nothing but a fiend incarnate.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Arrangements have been made for the institution of an order of "Sons of Veterans" in Winfield. This move is a worthy one and this order will gain a large membership at once. This fraternal organizing of the sons of the men who bore the brunt of war and made this Union the grandest Nation on earth, will keep up old time loyalty and prove instructive and pleasurable.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The Ladies' California Band, composed of Prof. P. Boulon, his wife, daughter, and two sisters, with a male member not related, held forth at the rink the latter part of last week. Their music was unique and charming.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Uncle Wesley Paris is arranging to start his street sprinklers as soon as there is dust enough. He has rigged two wagons and will run both if patronage sufficient is extended.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

There will be an examination of applicants for teachers' certificates in the East Ward School building on the 14th inst., commencing at 10 o'clock a.m.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

For Sale. On the Fair Grounds, Winfield, Kansas, 20 head of fine cross-bred yearling Galloway bulls. J. Wade McDonald.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The south bridge has received a splendid new floor.

They Have Gathered Five Hundred Strong at the Terminus.
Under Military Surveillance.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

About five hundred Oklahoma boomers are now camped at Arkansas City, expecting to move for the promised land today. But four hundred of Uncle Sam's troops have a keen eye on them and their prospects for a move are not flattering. It is supposed to be the intention of Hatch to form a picket along the line of the Territory and make it warm for any boomer who undertakes to cross. Another discouraging feature is the arrest by Deputy U. S. Marshal Rarick, yesterday, of Couch and thirteen other leading members of the colony, on a warrant from U. S. Commissioner Sherman. The arrested were taken to Wichita immediately for a hearing before t he Commissioner. Disappointment seems to stare the boomers in the face, and many predict that this rally will be abandoned and the campers disperse for their several homes. Uncle Sam seems to have them in a deep hole this time. The charge against Couch this time is treason.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

A writer from Winfield in the Kansas Farmer, on the subject of forestry, seems to be "off." Upon examining the papers read before the recent Farmers' Institute in this city, I am disappointed in not finding a more comprehensive treatise on the subject of forestry. A theme of vital importance not only to the entire people regardless of profession or calling, a question of as broad a bearing upon the economic, political, or social interests of the State, as any subject related to agriculture in all its grand catalogue of relative arts and industries." An examination of the report of our Farmers' Institute, which appeared in detail in the COURIER, will show a highly meritorious and comprehensive paper on forestry by Jas. F. Martin, and an elaborate discussion of the subject. Not only did the Institute treat the subject ably, but a series of articles from Mr. Martin are now being published that are of incalculable benefit to our property owners and are receiving high encomiums for their pithiness. Mr. Martin was deterred from preparing his third article for this issue, owing to sickness in his family. It will appear next week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The City Legislature met in regular convention Monday evening.

A. G. Wilson was appointed weighmaster for the six months ending September 5, 1885. The City Clerk was instructed to procure two additional ballot boxes.

The following bills were ordered paid.

T. J. Partridge, work on streets, $1.50; Job Barron, same, 50 cents; City officers salaries for February, $131,58; J. C. McMullen, rent fire department building for February, $25; John Morris & Co., two civil dockets, $44; A. H. Doane & Co., coal, $20.50; Frank W. Finch, boarding city prisoners, $54.75; Black & Rembaugh, printing, $30.75.

The following pauper bills were referred to the County Commissioners for payment.

Claims of J. P. Baden, amounting to $76.65; A. H. Doane & Co., coal, $161.40; J. N. Harter, medicines, $8.20; Bryan & Lynn, groceries, etc., $20.25; Rinker & Cochran, groceries, etc., $5; M. M. Finch, rent of house for Hiram Anderson, $8.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The County Fathers met in special session Monday and Tuesday. Various bids and plans for a county poor house were considered and the matter laid over to the April term. Tax of 1884 was remitted on south half of northwest quarter and west half of southwest quarter, section 11, township 31, range 4, the same having been erroneously assessed. Personal property tax on $388 assessed to Becker and Backastow was also remitted. T. A. Blanchard was given care of paupers for the coming year. Order was made for the summoning of Joseph Garris and George W. Roberts to appear before board on the fourth day of its April term. The Sheriff was instructed to return personal property warrant in his hands to county treasurer against A. P. and A. G. Carman and take out an alias and hold same till April sitting of the board.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

On Wednesday of last week there passed away at his home near Tisdale one of the oldest pioneers of Kansas, Mr. Benjamin Bell, aged eight-eight. Mr. Bell was the father of Mrs. Capt. Stubblefield, of this city, and his life embraces a history that if written in detail would make an interesting volume indeed. He was born in Westchester Co., N. Y., in 1797. In 1804 he moved with his parents to Ohio. Before Kansas was admitted to the sisterhood of States, he settled on her soil with his family, a wife and seven children. One of his sons fell a victim to the notorious Price raid, in 1864, and the remaining son, William M., was the support of the aged father in his declining years.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Frank L. Crampton and George Backastow have purchased the interest off Axtel & Seward in the Central hotel and took charge Tuesday. Frank and his sister will have charge, George still remaining on the farm. Frank has been in the restaurant business in Winfield for years and has a golden reputation as a caterer. He is one of the brightest and most thoroughgoing young businessmen in the city, and though this is a big enterprise, he will make a splendid success of it. The Central will have no superior while under Frank's management.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The meeting of the Winfield Enterprise Association at the Court House tonight promises to be very interesting and develop many things that will conduce to the upbuilding of the Queen City and Cowley County. A report as to the feasibility of the canal scheme, a canning factory, our prospective college, a Farmers' Co-operative Milling Association, and many other matters will come up. Let every member of the Association be present.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

I notice in the last COURIER a correction of the minutes of the last regular meeting of the Horticultural Society, by friend Pierson. In these reports I endeavor to give the gist of the discussions of the members, and in the cross-fire of queries and answers, may do a member an injustice in my reports, which will be cheerfully corrected at the next meeting of the Society. A shorthand report verbatim of the proceedings of our orchardist would be valuable, and obviate these omissions and misstatements that will occur in long hand or ordinary notes. Whether Mr. Pierson was understood to say that the peach was grafted on the maple or sycamore is not material, the truth or fact he wishes our farmers to note is that such stocks are worthless as peach stock--the peach for dry sandy soils can be grated on the bitter almond, for wet soil, on the plum, which, in a measure makes it a dwarf. "Varieties of the same species unite more freely than species of the same genus, than genera of the same natural order, beyond which the power does not extend." We cannot graft an apple on a peach, nor a cherry on a pear; but the pear, the apple, quince, medlar, thorn, and mountain ash--a naturally allied group, may, with more or less success, be worked upon one another.

Mr. Pierson's second exception fails, I think, in point. The class Morrello includes those he names, also the valuable seedlings of Dr. Kirtland and other known valuable varieties, of which we might mention Reine Hortense, Belle Magnifique, Rumsey's Late, etc. That the Dukes will become esteemed by many of our growers, I doubt not, as trial trees have done well and are bearing fine crops of fruit in my own neighborhood, an acquisition to the dessert table most earnestly desired by all lovers of fine fruit. Jacob Nixon, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Rev. B. Kelly will assist in the dedication of a new Methodist church at Peabody next Sunday. His pulpit here will be filled by Rev. W. H. Harris, of Arkansas City.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

An account book containing as owner the name of U. O. Case has been found and left at this office by Marshal Herrod. The owner can get it by calling.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Married, at the Baptist parsonage, on the 1st inst., by Rev. J. H. Reider, Chas. F. Doty, and Sarah G. Mounts, both of Cowley County, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The Band of Hope will meet at the Baptist church Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock, when Rev. Reider and others will address them.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Rev. Reider will deliver another sermon to the young people of Winfield on next Sabbath evening. All are most cordially invited.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

A sign of spring has appeared that knocks the ground hog clear out of his burrow--the small boys are playing marbles.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Wanted immediately: one hundred good teams to haul freight. Good pay. Address Searing & Mead, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

George Frazier, prominent among the rustling citizens of Udall, was in the metropolis Tuesday and Wednesday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Elery C. Martin made final settlement with the Probate Court, Tuesday, in estate of Wm. Martin, deceased.

Another Interesting Meeting and a Plan of Work for the Year Adopted.
Other Valuable Pointers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

An adjourned meeting of the Cowley Co. Farmers' Institute was held at the COURIER office Saturday last, with President S. P. Strong, of Rock, in the chair. Secretary F. A. A. Williams read minutes of last meeting, as previously published, and they were adopted.

Dr. C. Perry, from the committee on plan of work, made his report. The following is the plan of work adopted.

1st. The President shall appoint standing committees from the board of directors consisting of one member each, who shall have in charge particular branches of agriculture; said committees shall collect all the facts and experiences practicable, in relation to their respective branches, and shall report the same to this Association when called upon by the President. Said committees shall be arranged as follows.

1st. Committee on Horticulture.

2nd. Soils and cultivated crops.

3rd. Grasses.

4th. Breeding and marketing of stock.

5th. Dairying.

6th. Farm buildings.

7th. Forestry.

2nd. The secretary or other person appointed by the President shall collate from the report such facts and information as shall be beneficial to the members of this Association and shall publish the same in any county paper that will do the same free of expense.

3rd. The program for the winter meeting to be carefully arranged and the subjects selected for consideration fully discussed, and reliance must largely be placed upon local talent.

The following are the standing committees as appointed by the President.

On Horticulture, R. T. Thirsk.

Soils and cultivated crops, Dr. Perry.

Grasses, F. A. A. Williams.

Breeding and marketing stock, F. W. McClellan.

Farm buildings, G. L. Gale.

Forestry, J. F. Martin.

The next thing taken up was the report of the Committee on grass seed. The Secretary reported the rates received from several eastern and western firms, and the chairman of the Committee (Mr. Martin) reported confidential rates given to members of the Institute by our Winfield seed firm, Brotherton & Silver. He also showed a sample of English blue grass seed, and stated that on the farm of Mr. Hanna, north of Winfield, it had succeeded well, sown on rocky knolls and tramped in by stock; would keep green all summer and was much preferred in Kentucky and in parts of this State where it had been tried, to Kentucky blue grass.

The action taken on the report of the Committee on grass seed was about as follows.

That the Society desired to patronize home institutions and will order grass seed of them if it can do so at reasonable rates. Any parties desiring to order through the Institute can correspond with the Secretary, who, with the other officers of the Association, have power to transact such business.

The Secretary was requested to notify the directors of the different townships of their election, and request them to form township organizations as provided in the constitution.

Adjourned to Saturday, March 21, at 1 o'clock p.m.

They Meet at the Court House and Decide upon a Basis of Assessment.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The following named township and city assessors of Cowley County met pursuant to law at the office of the county clerk Monday last to agree upon a basis of valuation for 1885.

Beaver township: J. W. Browning

Bolton: J. A. Scott

Cedar: J. F. McDowell

Creswell: F. M. Vaughn

Dexter: S. H. Wells

Fairview: J. B. Carson

Harvey: Elisha Haines

Liberty: J. C. Cochran

Maple: J. H. Willis

Ninnescah: J. L. Steward

Pleasant Valley: D. S. Sherrard

Richland: Willis Wilson

Rock: J. E. Gorham

Spring Creek: H. S. Libby

Silver Creek: J. R. Tate

Sheridan: Wm. M. Day

Silver Dale: P. F. Haynes

Tisdale: D. Bovee

Vernon: H. H. Martin

Walnut: J. C. Roberts

Winfield City: T. B. Myers

Arkansas City: James Benedict

The meeting organized by electing James Benedict, chairman, and H. H. Martin, secretary.

J. F. McDowell, J. C. Roberts, Elisha Haynes, H. H. Martin, and F. M. Vaughn were appointed a committee to draft and submit a basis of assessment. The following basis was reported, discussed, and adopted.

1st grade: $75 to $100

2nd grade: $50 to $75

3rd grade: $25 to $50

4th grade: $15 to $25

Good driving and race horses: $25 to $90

Three year old colts, 1st grade: $30 to $60

Three year old colts, 2nd grade: $15 to $30

Two year old colts: $10 to $40

Stallions, 3 years old and over: $100 to $500

Yearling colts and ponies: $5 to $15

1st grade: $72 to $100

2nd grade: $50 to $75

3rd grade: $25 to $50

4th grade: $15 to $25

Jacks: $100 to $400

Jacks under 3 years old: $20 to $75

Jennies any age: $10 to $20

Cattle, 1st grade, work oxen: $30 to $35

Cattle, 2nd grade, work oxen: $15 to $30

Cattle, 4 years and upward: $10 to $30

Cattle, 3 year old steers: $10 to $25

Cattle, 2 year old steers and heifers: $7 to $12

Cattle, 1 year old: $4 to $10

Domestic cows, 1st grade: $20 to $30

Domestic cows, 2nd grade: $10 to $20

Thoroughbred bulls and cows: $60 to $100

Common bulls (grade) $10 to $40

Sheep, 1st class: $.75 to $1.00

Sheep, 2nd class: $.25 to $.75

Rams: $1 to $12

Hogs per head: $1 to $3

Pork per 100 pounds: $3

Goats: $1

Corn per bushel: $.10 to $.15

Wheat per bushel: $.20 to $.35

Oats per bushel: $.10 to $.15

Millet, flax, and hungarian per bushel: $.15

Threshers, 1st class, 50 percent off first cost.

Threshers, 2nd and 3rd class, at the discretion of assessors.

Harvesters and headers, 50 percent off first cost.

Reapers and mowers, 40 percent off first cost.

Wagons and carriages 30 percent off first cost.

All other machinery at the discretion of the assessors.

By 1st class of any of the above mentioned stock is meant such as would be considered first-class throughout the State.

The County Attorney advised the assessors to defer commencing to assess until Monday next, as there was a probability that the bill now before the Legislature making it the duty of assessors all over the State to assess all property at its cash value, would pass.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

One of Fairview township's sterling ladies furnishes the COURIER the following gems found here and there.

If there be no enemy, no fight; if no fight, no victory; if no victory, no crown. SAVANUR.

Let patience have her perfect work and bring forth her celestial fruits. Trust God to weave in your little thread into the great web, though the pattern show it not yet. GEORGE McDONALD.

[Could not read the next one clearly.]

Peter stood more firmly after he had lamented his fall than before he fell inasmuch that he found more grace than he lost. S. AMBROSE.

My soul cheer up; What if the night be long! Heaven finds an ear when sinners find a tongue; My tears are morning showers; Heaven bids me say, when Peter's cock begins to crow, 'tis day. QUARLOS.

"The ideal womanhood is the one that grows finer and sweeter with the years; whose charms do not decay, but mature. Surely womanhood should be fairer and sweeter than girlhood. LILIAN WATERING [?].

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

In registering your name at a hotel, which is the more proper: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Blank, Mr. J. C. Blank and lady, or Mr. J. C. Blank and wife?

Which is the more proper: Thanks, or than you? In other words, is it ever proper to say thanks? Should it not always be the graceful "thank you?"

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Mr. A. J. Burgauer of the Bee Hive, is home after six weeks' travel. He visited a number of eastern cities and returned via New Orleans.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The bi-weekly hop of the Social Club, Friday evening, will again have Italian music as one of its charms.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

H. Beck, the photographer, has returned from a month in the frigid atmosphere of his old Ohio home.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The ladies of the W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Strong on Tuesday, March 10th, at 3 o'clock p.m.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Abe Steinberger was over from Grenola Sunday, and reports his Hornet prospering finely.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Ed. Bourdette has sold his Ninth Avenue lunch room to Chas. H. Sweet.

Newsy Notes Gathered by The "Courier's" Corps of Neighborhood Correspondents.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Farming will soon begin.

Beautiful March is again with us.

Sam Christolear has not sold the farm.

Elmer Curfman was out prospecting last Sunday.

Bert Limbocker was out visiting in this neighborhood.

W. M. Limbocker is wintering a fine herd of cattle.

Mr. Hollingsworth has rented his farm and quit farming.

After two weeks illness J. H. Curfman is able to be out again.

W. B. Weimer, of Grand Summit, was seen in our midst last week.

Mr. Pugh's have moved to Clark County to live in their new home.

Squire Burton is offering his farm for sale. He expects to go to Missouri.

George McCarl will move over on Tom Johnson's place for the summer.

Alfred Savage was seen wending his way toward J. H. Curfman's on last Sabbath eve, as usual.

John Wm. Cottingham has purchased 160 acres of prairie land of Mr. Larimer, which he will enclose as a pasture.

H. S. Wallace closed his school on last Wednesday. After the bitter task was through then came the sweet in the way of a treat to the scholars with a feast of candy. In the evening Mr. Wallace had his scholars give an exhibition. The following is the program: Salutatory, Isaac Curfman; Harry and the Guide Post, Minnie Ehret; For a boy and girl, Eddie and Jennie Baird; Don't give up, George Christolear; Dialogue, Albert Curfman and Hattie Orr; Speech of a daisy, Eddie Baird; A Sonnet, Ida Orr; Some leading questions, John and Chas. Baird; Sucking Cider, Maggie Orr; Temperance address, Frank Curfman; Tick Tock, Eddie Orr; Oration, Isaac Curfman; The Wonderful Sack, Jennie Baird; Johnnie Rich, Ambrose Caufman; What I Learned at Home, Eddie Orr; Pride, Hattie Orr and Jennie Baird; A Poor Old Maid, several girls; A Guardian Angel, Clara Caufman; The two Teachers, Minnie and Carrie; Playing Doctor, A. Caufman, Oscar and Jennie; Hoe your own row, George Ott; The Miser, Joshua Wallace; Song, Mr. and Mrs. Christolear; Give the little boys a chance, Four small boys; Warreous [?] address, Charlie Wallace; Old Heads on Young Shoulders, M. Curfman, Mary Orr, Jennie Craine, A. Caufman, and H. S. Wallace; The Evergreen Mountain, Minnie Larimer; Valedictory, Eddie Baird. The exhibition closed and all went home feeling it was good to be there.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Our town is enjoying plenty of entertainments.

Prof. Boulon's Concert Company were here Monday night.

The fascinating drama, "The Rough Diamond," will be presented at the next lyceum.

Sherman Glasscock, of Grenola, formerly a resident of this place, was in town over Sunday.

Miss Mary Berkey and Miss Rose Pierce are talking of teaching a summer term of school here.

Preaching next Sunday at 11 a.m. Rev. Knight's farewell address; also farewell of the choir probably.

Mrs. Berkey, of Winfield, was in town Friday visiting her daughter, Mary, who is teaching the primary department in the schools.

The second entertainment of the Lyceum was given last Friday night and was well attended. The singing was the feature of the evening. The drama was short but good.

There came very near being no church services last Sabbath evening, but a few enterprising spirits took the matter into their hands and services were held, although a little late.

The senior class in the high school numbers three members: Miss Effie Young, Miss Lulu Burden, and Arthur Brooks. The graduating exercises will be held in about four weeks in the evening of the last day of school, and will be the first ever held here. This is a long step toward the advancement of our schools and will be of more benefit than any other thing. Next year with more rooms and more pupils a still more thorough course of grading should be insisted on and carried out.

The Library Association is negotiating for a couple of lots on which to build, and has about decided on two on Main St. north of the postoffice. The building erected will be forty feet wide by sixty feet deep, and built of wood with a stone front. There will be a fine stage at one end and the library cases around the wall; so that it can be used as a hall whenever necessary. One end will be partitioned off with folding doors, to be used as a Reading Room when the hall is not in use for entertainments. About nine hundred dollars of the capital stock has been taken, so that it is probable the building will be commenced as soon as the proper arrangements can be completed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Mr. Murry is building a new granary.

Miss Jackson is a guest at Mrs. McMillen's.

Mr. Grieves and family are living in the Bovee house.

Stock brought a good price at Mr. Bovee's sale.

Mr. C. H. Miller is entertaining his brother from Indiana.

Two men from Arkansas City are in this vicinity buying corn.

Mr. Calvert had the misfortune of breaking one of his legs lately.

Miss Davenport, of Winfield, was a guest in the Lucas manor lately.

Mr. A. W. McMillin had some corn shelled this week; also J. W. Hoyland.

Mr. W. P. Hoyland is entertaining his brother-in-law, Mr. Everett, of Illinois.

Mr. and Mrs. Woodle, also Miss Hoyland, of Burden, were guests of ours this week. Miss Caston also made visits to Misses Dalgarn, Cayton, and Olivia.

Widow Gilmore had a pleasant little party for her children before her daughter, Mrs. Douglass, stated for her new home out west. All present seemed to enjoy it, as they report a fine time.

Mr. Baker was elected representative from this town and sent to Topeka on business in the interests of the township. We hope he will work our cause with vigor and vim and gain the desired end.

Mr. Grieves and his good wife gladdened friends in Salem and vicinity by their presence recently. They are anxious for some of their old friends and neighbors to seek homes in the west and gain be neighbors to them.

One case of hydrophobia to report. The dog belonging to Ed. Condert seemed sick and stupid, and on being shut up soon showed unmistakable signs of that terrible disease and was killed to prevent danger to anyone.

The members of the G. A. R. Post had their supper the 24th and a whole army of hungry mortals partook of their hospitality and helped swell the money in the G. A. R. treasury. A good time, fine, excellent, etc., are the reports we hear. Sorry I was not there.

Mr. and Mrs. Douglass, with their little family, left their Salem home for one near Harper. May they find their new home as pleasant as the old, and may new friends prove true. Mr. John Gilmore, also Mr. J. M. Hutchinson have gone to Harper with the goods of Mr. Douglass.

A wedding lately, but I cannot tell the names, as they are strangers to me, but if told to name them should say Mr. Winter and Mrs. Summer, as the groom is a brisk, elderly gentleman and the bride a "charming young widow." The boys gave them a fine serenading.

School at the old Salem district closed on Friday. The exercises were good, and the teacher in his glory led his happy students in some of the exercises. Plenty of visitors to fill the house. Mr. Carroll has given excellent satisfaction and will remain a welcome Salemite until the close of the next term, commencing March 15th. He will be sadly missed when he leaves for new fields of labor.

Mr. Watsonberger drew a set of silver plated knives with his can of baking powder. The Doctor now has garden and flower seeds to sell and says all the neighbors can find plenty of good seed there this spring and thus save themselves the trouble of sending off or going to the metropolis. I think, Mr. Editor, that Dr. Irwin will give you a free seat at least, to witness the drawing of pretty articles you have advertised free for him. Pass around the powder.

You all know the Cowley County Teachers' Institute was recently held at Salem and there were teachers there from different places and on Friday evening an entertainment was given and oh, such a crowd. I for one felt nervous about the safety of the floor, for the hall was fairly packed. The program was excellent, but on account of the crowded house and tiresome positions of some of the audience, it was not fully carried out that evening. The recitation, "Monas Waters," by Miss Stretch, was splendid. Prof. Gridley read an excellent paper he had prepared, on "reading." The American "snap" is in his manly composition and flashes from his eyes. Prof. Davis favored us with an excellent little speech. Short but good. Members of the Salem school, under the careful training of their excellent teacher, Mr. W. H. Lucas, were on hand with songs, declamations, and dialogues, and all are deserving of praise. Will not try to mention all their names. Doctor Downs also held the audience with his good oration, the subject "Thought." "The old folks at home," was represented by the Misses Gilmore and Crow and Gilmore Brothers. Handsome darkey ladies and gentlemen they made. How I wished for a pencil and paper to take notes that none might be slighted, but alas for the glory of some good little Salemite, for I cannot remember everything--yet know all pleased me. On Saturday the teachers with their energetic Superintendent (to whom we had listened so attentively on Friday evening) met again to give and receive instruction. Morning, afternoon, and evening sessions were well attended and it was truly good to be there. All of the good things in this life cannot be fully enjoyed and when I returned to my quiet home on Saturday evening, although I became very ill, yet I did not regret attending, for I learned many things and perhaps would not have suffered less had I remained at home. The evening session I hear was even better than that of Friday evening, and those present more comfortably seated and a "delightful time" is the verdict of those present. Mr. Rowe, of Cambridge, was present with three of his lady pupils under his wing. Where the teachers from abroad were entertained, I cannot tell. Come again teachers and Superintendent.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The following resolutions were adopted by the Teachers' Association at New Salem.

Resolved, That we encourage the use of the course of study prepared by the State Superintendent of public instructions, by adopting it in our schools and conforming to all of its requirements.

Resolved, That we recognize the need of a good school library in each district in the County, and that we assist in the organization of the same in our respective districts.

Resolved, That we recognize the efforts of our County Superintendent in the work of the Association, as well as his faithful discharge of all his other official duties.

Resolved, That we extend our thanks to the patrons of the New Salem school and their teacher, Mr. Lucas, for the cordial welcome they gave us and their hearty cooperation in our work.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Mr. Henry Rogers is very sick.

Mr. Charles Huston's children are sick with whooping cough.

A series of meetings commenced at the Methodist church Sunday.

There was a social party at Mr. Lacey's last Thursday evening; everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.

The Pleasant Valley school closed last Friday. They celebrated the day with a dinner and recitations in the afternoon.

Mr. Willett will have a sale Monday, after which the young ladies will start for their old home in the east. Their many friends will be sorry to see them go.

Mr. Gosway and family have returned from Illinois, where they went last fall. That is the way when people leave Kansas; they want to come back in a short time.

Mr. Robert Pratt had a sale last Friday. Our old bachelor wasn't there to buy any more milch cows, but Mr. Lacey was there and bought about two dozen flower pots. He must be going into the floriculture business.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

The Lord be thanked for this sunshine.

L. Guthrie has sold his fat cattle and is now in Illinois on a visit.

Corn is now selling at 50 cents and not much to be had at that price.

Farmers are cutting and breaking stocks preparatory to commence plowing.

Bud McCarty and family have rented C. M. Aley's farm: the old Ashworth place.

Some of our farmers are losing some of their cattle for want of more and better feed.

Capt. Hale is still around and says he is looking for some old "gal" to make life more pleasant for him.

Daniel Ramey, living near that twin man, Rigny, has had a cow to bring forth twin calves. Verily, the Flint Ridge is more productive than it has had credit for being.

Your correspondent has interviewed quite a number of our voters and they most all say they will not vote any more railroad bonds, since the D. M. & A. went back on them.

Uncle Johnny Kanaday has been investigating the internal economy of a hand corn sheller, and the consequence is a pet finger. I heard that said Uncle Johnny killed one of his work hogs last week.

Fink Miller and a Miss Hosler were married Sunday, Squire J. B. Graves officiating. J. B. was more excited, they say, than Fink. This was J. B.'s first undertaking of this kind. Keep cool, Mr. Graves.

We would like to see that old Farmer Markum, and see if we could not catch some of his enthusiasm. Why, he just takes the cake. "He is so young, and yet so fair." We think experience far surpasses theory, Mark, so go slow and listen more and gives us less chin music.

The Cedar Creek lyceum is grappling with such questions as "Art and nature," "Female suffrage," and next Saturday evening it will decide the loan agent's fate by discussing whether or not he is a benefit to the State of Kansas and to the people in general to borrow money, giving mortgage security, etc.

Since our voting precinct cast the largest percent of Republican votes cast for J. G. Blaine and the whole ticket last fall, I think we should at least command decent respect. Our county officers never visit our fair valley either in the performance of their official duties nor in their more trying days, viz: When they are making the canvass of the county asking for votes. We have been trying for six months to get Prof. Limerick to come over and settle a school division trouble, and we have always failed. We will vote other than for the Republican ticket if this thing is not remedied in the future.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

J. B. Harden, of Dexter, was on our streets Saturday.

Mrs. Headrick is just recovering from a slight attack of lung fever.

A brother of Mr. Limerick is sinking very rapidly from consumption.

Mrs. Frazier is confined to her room by some kind of a lingering disease.

The creeks all around us are up; Grouse has been past fording for several days.

The health of the community generally has been good, but some sickness prevails in the neighborhood.

We have preaching and Sunday School every Sabbath. Our S. S. is prospering under the superintendency of Mr. Wilkinson.

We select the COURIER for our representative medium because we believe it is read by the most people and that it is decidedly the best paper.

Muddy? Yes, we are having a little mud, though in many places the roads are duty, i.e., upon the hills, and in most places too muddy to be traveled.

Dr. A. C. Jones arrived in town last evening from Chicago, where he has attended medical lectures all winter. We hope the Doctor has come to stay.

J. P. Craft and son, Doc, of Brennon, have been visiting friends and relatives at this place for several days. J. P. says that families who went west last fall with but little or no means have suffered from cold and poverty greatly during the winter. They speak in high praise of Brennon and surrounding country.

Miss Allie Harden came over from Burden Friday evening and remained over Sunday. Miss Allie is one of Cowley's best teachers and is getting in good work at Burden.

The weather is very pleasant, and from the number of plows and other farming implements we have noticed at the blacksmith shops we suppose the farmers are getting ready to begin farming at an early date.

The Christian denomination organized a class at the schoolhouse Sunday. They believe in taking a little wine for the stomach's sake, so the preacher said when he was making known the acquirements an elder of their church should have.

After an illness of three weeks, Miss Elda Kinley, daughter of Ambrose Kinley, was called to her long resting place Monday. Miss Elda is the same who attended the Normal in your city two years ago; was a bright, promising young lady, full of life and vitality, but in three short weeks the grim destroyer has left her an inanimate being. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of the entire community. The funeral services took place from the Windsor schoolhouse Wednesday at 11 a.m., after which her remains were laid in the Weaverling cemetery.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Miss Mattie Rittenhouse spent Saturday in Burden.

Mr. J. L. Higbee and G. W. Gardenhire spent Wednesday in Winfield.

Mr. W. S. Rigden left Wednesday for Sparta, Illinois. He expects to be gone several weeks.

Mrs. McCaleb, nee Laura Gardenhire; who has been visiting her parents in this city, returned to her home in the Nation Friday morning.

The young folks of Torrance spent a very pleasant evening at Mr. Gardenhire's one night last week.

Mr. Long, of Coffeyville, is stopping in our city. I have not learned how long he will stay, but hope it will be long.

Mr. O. C. Branson, of Eureka, is visiting his brother, Lincoln. He is quite a dandy and we hope he will visit us often.

Mr. Will and Ab. Taylor, who have been spending the winter in Sparta, Illinois, returned last night to their home in Torrance, much to the joy of their many friends.

Rev. Warren has been holding an interesting series of meetings in our town the last week. And I am informed they will continue through this week. Rev. Tull, of Cambridge, conducted the service Sunday evening.

Quite a number of young people from Torrance and Dexter gave Mr. H. R. Branson a surprise party last Friday night. All present seemed to enjoy themselves. Mr. and Mrs. Branson done all in their power to make the evening a pleasant one. All left knowing just where to go for fun.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Sabbath School at half past nine every Sabbath.

F. M. Rains will preach at Tannehill Thursday night.

Mr. William McCullough will rent his farm and go west.

M. C. C. Hammond will move to his Sumner County farm.

There has been some excitement about the prohibitory law, but all is quiet about Tannehill.

We welcome to our neighborhood a gentleman from Kentucky by the name of Craddock.

Our schoolhouse has received a general renovation, which improves its appearance very much.

The Teter youngsters visited the city Sunday and found the sidewalks in Tannehill in a deplorable condition.

There was no preaching at Tannehill last Sunday as Rev. Frazee was engaged in a protracted meeting at Vernon Center.

Quite a number of the young folks met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bradbury Friday night and had a social time eating oysters and cracking jokes. Then regretfully bidding adieu they returned to their homes.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Several of the farmers of Vernon township having been besieged by one Mr. Gaylord, of the Star Nursery of Dayton, Ohio, and by his flattering statements have been induced to order trees. Having since been led to distrust his statements, we have determined to thoroughly investigate the stock ordered and if not as represented, we shall let Mr. Gaylord keep his trees. JOHN BEARD AND OTHERS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Mrs. S. W. Phenix has been quite sick.

H. H. Hooker, our new justice, will soon be ready for business.

We understand that Mr. Chas. Bahntge has purchased Mr. Dunbar's farm.

The new schoolhouse which is now being built at Polo adds much to the looks of that city.

The neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Stuber surprised them on the evening of February 25th by meeting at their home to celebrate their wooden wedding. The young folks were full of glee and the older ones were as happy as sunflowers.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

John Byers and family, of Pleasant Valley, have moved to Beaver.

Charles Irwin, of Udall, visited relatives in Beaver Center last week.

A few of the elite were invited to spend the evening at Mr. Allen's last Saturday.

Wm. Jenkins is all smiles since his father has purchased a fine team of horses.

F. M. Benson and wife, of Pleasant Valley, came over last week and bid farewell to Mrs. Benson's sister and family, who departed for Illinois on last Thursday.

Miss Cora Beach closed her school at the Centennial schoolhouse on Friday last, with a bountiful repast and an exhibition at night, which was largely attended. As we loaned a helping hand in the exercises, we will allow the audience to express their opinion as to how they were entertained.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Shivers & Co. display a very neat sign at their place of business.

Father McCollister has sold his farm to E. B. Bradley, our leading lumberman.

Roth Bradley departed for his former home in New York on the 2nd inst., but will return during the summer.

T. M. Walker and his charming daughter, Miss Ida, were visiting at Mr. Henry Martin's during the past week.

John Brady, the engineer for Steele & Co., has purchased the Dr. Mudgett farm and will soon remove to the same.

Mr. Wm. Poole and his brother, Ben, who are on their way to California, stopped and made the Queen City a short visit last week.

W. A. Cox was arrested for violating the city ordinance relative to the illegal traffic of spirituous liquors, and was fined one hundred dollars and costs.

Wm. Dale, a brother of J. T. Dale, our popular grain dealer, arrived from Illinois last week. He will remain with us permanently, as he is well pleased with our country and city.

Brother Burgess preached a very interesting discourse last Sabbath evening. He will leave for his home in Illinois soon for the purpose of bringing his family to this city and making it their future home.

The Christian church was dedicated to the service of the Lord by appropriate ceremonies on the 1st inst., Rev. Kane, of Belle Plaine, assisted by Judge Gans, of Winfield, and Prof. Campf, of Udall, officiating. Brother Kane will hold a series of meetings at the church during the next two weeks.

A very enthusiastic railroad meeting was held at the office of W. B. Norman on the 2nd inst. Resolutions were adopted favoring the voting of bonds, and a committee of three, consisting of W. B. Norman, P. W. Smith, and W. O. McKinlay were appointed to confer with the officers of the D. M. & A. R. R. and request them to submit a proposition for our consideration. Winfield will have to look well to her laurels if we succeed in securing this road.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

To the citizens of Cowley and adjoining Counties:

We beg to announce that we are now opening in Winfield, Kansas, a complete stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's Fine Custom-made, Medium and Low-priced Clothing; and in connection with our clothing, we will show an immense line of Gent's Fine Furnishing Goods, as well as medium and low-priced, including every article of wearing apparel for the man of business or pleasure, the farmer, mechanic, or stockman. Also a complete line of Hats. We flatter ourselves that after twenty years' experience, mostly in one of the largest clothing manufactories in the East, which manufactured the largest line of clothing of any house for the Southwestern trade, that we will show the people of this section one of the very best selections of goods in the above lines ever offered them. Our business will be conducted on the best known principles of fair dealing. As it is a well-known fact but few people are well enough posted to protect themselves against the unscrupulous, all customers who patronize us will be treated alike. Every article will be marked in plain figures and sold strictly at price marked, which will be found the very lowest that can be named on that class of goods. Every article offered for sale will be guaranteed as represented. Any article bought of us that does not prove satisfactory upon examination at your own home, if returned to us in a reasonable length of time, and in good order, will be exchanged. We enter into the one-price system, feeling confident that the people will recognize this as the correct principle, after they once become accustomed to it.

Hoping you will favor us with an early examination of our stock, on East side of Main street, between 8th and 9th avenues, we are

Respectfully yours,
Political, Official and Social Notes as Gathered by
Our Regular Washington Correspondent.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Daily the preparations for the inauguration are taking more definite shape and a grand display is now assured. The parade will be one of the largest, if not the very largest, of the sort ever seen here. There will be nearly twenty thousand men in line, equally divided between military and civil organizations, representing every part of the country, every shade of political and social life. One interesting feature will be the large turnout of colored troops, coming too, from both the south and the north.

Those who are entrusted with the preparations for the ball are showing commendable energy with that important branch of work. The great hall is safely enclosed and is being put in readiness for the evening's festivities. There now can be no reason for doubt that the ball will be entirely successful. And those who don't care about the ball will learn with interest that twenty carloads of fire works have got here, ready to be touched off at the proper time.

A person attending in one of the lofty galleries of the Pension office this morning would have viewed a more animated and lively scene than it is the fortune of most men to witness in their lives. Along the wide reaches of the immense hall were scattered squads of busy men. Decorators, gas fitters, carpenters, and other artisans of various kinds were engaged in their different occupations. The roof will be hung with bunting in the shape of half moons. There will be suspended from the roof thirty-six pennants, seventy-two feet long, between which will swing garlands of natural flowers. The columns supporting the roof and the galleries will be wreathed with smilax and flowers. Between the arches of the upper gallery will be placed devices, leaving the coat-of-arms of various states. Beneath the gallery will be suspended 144 elegant silk hangers. Within the arches on the lower floor will be placed large American shields, draped with flags, and adorned with silver pointed spears. At one end of the ball room will be placed an immense plate glass mirror, sixteen and a half by ten and a half feet, in a frame of cut glass, and at the opposite end of the President's floral chain under a Japanese canopy. Pyramids of palms and tropical plants will be placed in each corner of the ball room. One of the features of the floral decorations will be devices symbolical of the various executive departments of government. The curtains will be of the richest fabrics.

The fireworks display will be the finest ever seen here. One set piece will be as large as the front of the new pension building. There will be a fiery representation of the Capitol, 65 by 150 feet. One piece will be a portrait of Jefferson, sixty feet high, and a view of Niagara 65 x 300 feet will be given.

Miss Kate Field is in Washington and began her crusade against the Mormons with a lecture last night. She visited the White House for the first time last week. Of course, it is her first visit to the National Capital, though she is so traveled a woman in other places. Miss Field is making converts, and enlisting leading society women to become crusaders. In the Blue Room of the White House a week ago, while the reception was going on, she was drumming up recruits. "Are you not among the coming women?" she asked of the wife of Senator Cameron, of Wisconsin. "No, I'm the going women. I go the fourth of March," was that lady's ready answer.

Miss Field says she did not go to Salt Lake to stay six months. But she got interested. The more interested she got the more indignant. The more indignant the more angry. The more angry the madder, till she was too mad about the Mormons to come away. So she spent six months there studying the evil, then returned to this better land and wrote a book. Now she is giving a sequel in lectures. Some women find it hard to keep track of a moderately large family, but Miss Field is well up in arithmetic, and has Brigham's entire household at her tongue's end, to say nothing of the several other extensive families.

The court martial in the Swaim case did a bungling piece of work, and the President in approving the sentence expresses his displeasure with the findings. Swaim gets twelve years suspension on half pay, which is virtually his forced retirement from the army, as he would retire by law in eleven years with a total loss of $33,000 in pay. The common sense comment on this sentence is that if Swaim deserved it, he deserved to be dismissed.

On the surface the indications point away from an extra session, but of Congress it can always be said that no one can tell what a day may bring forth. L.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Wanted. A good wagon maker. John Drury, Maple City, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Wanted. Situation by stationary engineer. Address Lock Box 383.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

REMOVAL. Kyger's second hand store is being moved from 8th Avenue to No. 31 South Main St. this week. Look out for his ad next week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

FOR RENT. 160 acre farm 3 miles south of Winfield. Terms easy. Address care of the Brettun House on or about March 10th. TIMME THE TAILOR.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

FOR SALE. Horses, Brood Mares, and Percheron Stallions; also Jersey Grade Cows. Have several fine farms for sale, among them one of the best stock ranches in the state, good improvements, one thousand acres under fence, plenty of shade, water, etc. Terms to suit purchasers. J. C. McMULLEN.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

I have a farm under lease of three years that I will re-lease, 102 acres, all in healthy growing wheat; also a farm of 80 acres to rent for 1 year; will also sell at private sale all my personal property, consisting of one good team of horses, wagon and harness, 3 good milch cows, 40 head hogs, 300 bushels corn, and various farming machinery.

P. M. FUNKHOUSER, Liberty township, one mile northwest of Rose Valley schoolhouse.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

PUBLIC SALE. I will sell at public sale, in Vernon township, 3½ miles east of Oxford and 1 north of Kellogg, on Wednesday, March 11th, 1885, the following described property, to-wit: 3 head of work horses (2 mares), 1 colt, 1 wagon, 2 set harness, 1 Deering self-binder, 1 ten horse power (J. I. Case) traction engine, 1 Advance separator, 1 Hapgood sulky stirring and sod plow, 1 Eagle sulky stirring plow, 1 riding or walking and 1 walking cultivator, 1 wheat drill, household and kitchen furniture, and other things too numerous to mention. Terms: A credit of nine months will be given on all sums over $5 at 8 percent on bankable notes; all sums under $5 cash in hand. A discount of 6 percent will be allowed for cash. J. C. THORNBRO. Walter Denning, Auct.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Recap: Notice by Land Office at Wichita, R. L. Walker, Register, re notice by settler.

Proof to be made before Ed Pate, District Clerk at Winfield, Kansas, on April 4, 1885. Settler: William J. Davis, of Winfield P. O., Kansas. Witnesses: John Marks, David Marks, Mary Page, and Charles Norton, all of Winfield P. O., Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Notice of final settlement in the matter of the Estate of Sarah Diana Johnson, deceased. Administrator: Ira L. McCommon. Date set for Probate Court hearing: April 6, 1885.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Notice of final settlement, estate of Francis C. Martin, deceased, on April 6, 1885. A. Gilkey, Administrator, Hackney & Asp, Attorneys.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Notice of final settlement, estate of John H. Boggs, deceased, on April 6, 1885. Joseph S. Hill, Administrator, Hackney & Asp, Attorneys.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Summons by Publication: Martha F. Worden, Plaintiff, against Linden O. Worden, Defendant, before 9th day of April, 1885. Hackney & Asp, Attorneys for plaintiff.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Notice of final settlement, estate of Sarah J. Kimble, on April 6, 1885, Calvin Kimble, Administrator of the estate of Sarah J. Kimble.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Publication notice of suit: Justice Court before G. H. Buckman, Esq., a Justice of the Peace, of the City of Winfield. Daniel D. Miller, Plaintiff, against C. W. Massie, O. M. Seward and Dalton & Madden, Attorneys for Plaintiff.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Notice of final settlement estate of C. B. Goforth, on April 6, 1885. Administrator: James A. Goforth, Hackney & Asp, Attorneys.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.

Land Office Publication, R. L. Walker, Register, re settler, William P. Franklin, of Tisdale, Kansas, for final proof in support of his claim before E. S. Bedilion, Notary Public at Winfield, Kansas, on March 28, 1885. Witnesses: J. C. Powers, M. Herrod, Phillip Cook, and R. B. Mulford, all of Tisdale, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

A New Jersey town has fitted up the town hall as a skating rink in order to raise money to pay off its debts.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Lieut. Colonel Burnaby, killed in the recent battle in Egypt, was nineteenth in descent from Edward I.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

St. John is no longer in demand to lecture for $50 per night. Nearly all his engagements for the spring have been canceled.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Horses raised in the Rocky Mountains gain substantial bone and sinew, lungs of great capacity, ease and graceful motion, and freedom of action.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Imagine the Chaplain of the Senate standing up to say prayers and only two Senators present. This actually happened one morning very recently.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

"THOU," the proposed new pronoun (impersonal, singular number) is being taught by some of the teachers in the public schools at Lewistown, Missouri.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Sarah Althea wants to compromise her suit with Sharon for $500,000, but Sharon won't compromise. Sarah Althea has been too deliberative with her offer.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The business situation taking the whole country over, is still unpromising. There is a general confidence in the coming of better times with the spring trade.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Harry Jones, of Butler County, appointed aid-de-camp on the staff of Gov. Martin, was a soldier in the Eighth Kansas, and was wounded at Mission Ridge.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Since Mr. John F. Finnerty declares himself in favor of cowardly assassination, his defense for re-election to Congress is not to be considered an irreparable misfortune.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

It is said that the editors of London journals make it a rule of the profession never to notice or reply to any reflections concerning each other published in their several papers.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The first Indian student has died at the Haskell Institute, Lawrence, of pneumonia. Civilization and pneumonia always accompany each other in the case of Indians.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The fund of $250,000 raised a few years ago for Gen. Grant is said to be entirely invested in Wabash securities, and some of the contributors feel very uneasy about their value.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

"Gold," says a Georgia editor, "is found in thirty-six counties in this State, silver in three, diamonds in twenty-six, and whiskey in all of them, and the last gets away with all the rest.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

A Mexican railway manager reports that his purchasing agent has secured 300 wooden saints for fuel. He bought them at fifty cents apiece from the natives who stole them from the churches.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Kansas produced more than one-eighth of the total amount of winter wheat grown in the United States during the year 1884, and three million bushels more than any other State in the Union.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Judge Guthrie, successor to Judge Martin, is, like his predecessor, making it exceedingly sultry for the saloon keepers at Topeka. And the worst of it for them is, a certain Mr. Glick is no longer Governor.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Carl Schurz is in the south trying to lecture, but he doesn't "draw" anything like a mustard plaster. Mr. Schurz's mouth was quite useful to the south during the recent campaign, but it is not now in demand.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The Burden Enterprise says that all kinds of fruit buds on orchard trees and also small shrubs sustained no injuries from freezing, but are looking extraordinary well, showing good prospects for a heavy fruit crop.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

John A. Cockerill, of the New York World, is out in a letter as a sort of reply to General Grant's article in the February Century on the battle of Shiloh. Mr. Cockerill was a drummer at Shiloh, and seems to consider that on that stricken field he was a bigger man than Grant.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

It is stated that "information has been received that the Benders are in Germany, living in luxury on their illegal gains." All the money the Benders secured by their murders and robberies would not support them a year. They are not in Germany; they are dead.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The bill introduced in the Senate to exalt the position of Commissioner of Agriculture into a Cabinet office is not likely to pass. The question has been discussed very frequently in the past twenty years, although this is, we believe, the first attempt to give it the effect of a law. The Congressional sentiment has always been against it.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The history of the Democratic party in Ohio is but a repetition of its previous record as a governing party elsewhere. It had complete control of all departments of the Ohio state government in 1884, and the net result is a deficiency of $114,616. The same method of financiering in the general government for one year will effectually dispose of the surplus.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

February 25th was a horrid day for railroad collisions. Near Albion, Pa., a freight train was thrown from the track and four persons fatally injured. Near Chicago, on the I. C. road, two passenger trains collided and seven persons were killed and eight others seriously injured. Near Kankakee on the same road a freight ran into two passenger trains, killing ten persons and seriously injuring many more.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The cost of conveying the Kansas electoral vote to Washington by messenger is $391.50, being a distance of 1,206 miles from Topeka to the capital city, at an allowance of 25 cents a mile. The cost of conveying the entire electoral vote of the country to Washington is $8,468.50. The smallest sum paid is $10.50 from Annapolis, Maryland, and the largest amount, $775.50, from Salem, Oregon. This 25 cents a mile constitutes all a messenger is paid.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The bang, it is understood, is going out of the fashion into which it was brought by the children of the Prince of Wales. People who affect to regard the bang as a modern style of hair-dressing will be interested in learning that it is decidedly old. Boughton, the artist, in his Sketching Rambles in Holland, describing the dress of the woman of Marken, says: "In a print in a Dutch book of 1737 there is the same fair hair, cut in a fringe straight across the brow, and level with the eyes--some even seemed to look through the fringe with the bright, sharp twinkle of a heady-eyed Skye terrier. Others had the fringe brought level with the eyes, and then brushed up; this had a rather aggressive air, belonging, probably, to the caste of eligible maidens. Let those who fancy that the fringe--or bang as it is called in America--is a new fashion go to Marken and see it in its glory."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

On motion of Senator Buchan a committee of five members of the Senate, and the President, Secretary, and Sergeant-at-Arms, were appointed to attend the funeral of Hon. James S. Merritt, at Wamego.

The following Senators were appointed: Buchan, Hicks, Kellogg, Kelly of McPherson, and Smith.

Senator Miller called up the report formerly made of the committee of the whole on the question of a constitutional convention. The President directed the Secretary to read the journal. This being done, it was found that the committee had reported in favor of the indefinite postponement of the question, and that, pending a motion of Senator Redden to disagree to the report of the committee, the whole matter had been laid over by consent to await the action of a full Senate. Senator Miller then moved to take the question up, and the Chair stated the question to be on the motion of Senator Redden to disagree to the report, and the yeas and nays being demanded resulted as follows.

Yeas: Buchan, Edmonds, Harkness, Harwi, Hewins, Kelly, M. C., Kelly, Jno., Kimball, Lloyd, Lingenfelter, Lowe, Miller, Redden, Rush, Sheldon, White, and Young.

Nays: Allen, Barker, Bawden, Blue, Case, Congdon, Crane, Donnell, Granger, Green, Hick, Jennings, Kelley, H. B., Kellogg, Kohler, Marshall, Pickler, Ritter, Shean, Smith, Wasson, and Whitford.

The bills to authorize cities to establish and maintain free libraries and reading rooms, relating to the Twelfth Judicial District, and providing for holding an additional term of court in Republic County, were passed on third reading.

The following bills were passed on third reading.

Senate bill No. 327, an act fixing the terms of court in the Third Judicial District, and authorizing the Judge of said District to appoint a stenographer, and fixing his compensation.

House bill No. 456, an act to authorize the Board of County Commissioners of Reno County, Kansas, to build certain bridges, and to assume the indebtedness incurred by the townships of Melford and Grant in the erection of certain other bridges.

Senate bill No. 309, an act making appropriation for State printing for the balance of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1887.

Senate bill No. 321, an act making appropriation to pay per diem and mileage of Regents, Trustees, and Directors of State Institutions for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1886, and June 30, 1887, and for deficiencies for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1882, 1883, 1884, and 1885.

Senate bill No. 322, an act making appropriations to the Legislative Department.

Senate bill No. 193, an act relating to county boards of examiners, and repealing chapter 151 of the laws of 1881.

House bill No. 402, an act providing for a uniform system of examination of school teachers in the several counties of the State of Kansas.

Senate bill No. 266, an act prohibiting the selling, giving, or furnishing of tobacco in any of its forms to minors.

Senate bill No. 258, an act authorizing banks to be designated as depositories of public funds in certain counties, and providing for the deposit of money therein by County Treasurers.

Mr. F. J. Kelly presented petition for municipal suffrage for women.

Mr. Vance: Fixing terms of court in the Third District, and to provide for a stenographer for the same.

Mr. Vance moved to concur in Senate amendments to H. B. 367, the bill which has become known as the temperance bill. Mr. Anthony preferred to pass upon each amendment in order. This course was taken. In this way the amendments were agreed to down to and including section 16, when Mr. Carroll objected to section 17, which makes it a misdemeanor for a common carrier to carry or deliver to or for any person to be sold in violation of this act. And Mr. Finch moved that the House refuse to concur in the Senate amendments by insertion of this section. This motion was lost, and the House concurred in all of the Senate amendments to the bill.

Mr. Bond moved to raise his new mutual life insurance bill, No. 413, to third reading. The motion prevailed.

Mr. Clogston moved to raise H. J. R. No. 4 to third reading. It relates to the judiciary. This motion prevailed.

Mr. Roberts gained consent to introduce H. B. 485, to create a chair of pharmacy in the State University. It was raised to third reading.

Mr. Burton procured advancement to third reading of two bills authorizing Dickinson and Morris counties to build jails.

Mr. Faulkner procured the same order for H. B. 451, S. B. 152, H. B. 49, and H. B. 347, providing for sale of lands belonging to the State.

This was followed by other like motions, but the House had become tired, and defeated the most of them. In this way a considerable time was spent.

Mr. Drought's H. C. R. 281 for appointment of a joint committee to inquire into raid claims to report an itemized bill to the Legislature at its next session. Mr. Overmyer moved to substitute his H. C. R. directing the Price Raid Commission to file a detailed statement with the Auditor. This prevailed, and Mr. Overmyer's substitute was adopted.

H. C. R. 30, providing for transcribing the journals of the Legislature for preservation in the office of the Secretary of State, was adopted.

Mr. Stewart's H. C. R. 32, recommending the claim of W. C. O'Brien to the attention of the Kansas delegation in Congress, was adopted.

Mr. Burton's H. C. R. 33, relating to pending actions against Samuel Lappin. It authorizes the Attorney General to dismiss such actions, providing that in his judgment there is not sufficient evidence to procure a conviction, was adopted.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The H. C. R., relating to the settlement of quo warranto proceedings against the Union Pacific railway, having been recalled from the Senate, was again read. The Speaker announced a communication from the counsel in the case, upon Mr. A. W. Smith, moved that it be printed and be laid over. This prevailed.

S. C. R. 84, asking pensions for living ex-pensioners of war, was next considered. Mr. A. W. Smith would prefer to ask for eight dollars per month instead of three dollars, and twelve dollars instead of five to such as have reached the age of fifty-five years. Mr. Overmyer favored such an amendment. The amendment prevailed, and the resolution was then adopted.

Mr. Roberts' H. C. R. 34, constituting the Governor, Secretary of State, and Attorney General a commission to examine into Quantrell raid claims, next considered. After discussion, the ayes and noes were demanded upon its adoption; and it was adopted.

Substitute for H. B. No. 99, an act to create a Board of Survey to conduct experiments to determine the existence of coal or other materials, and the practicability of securing artesian wells in the State of Kansas, and defining the duties of said Board of Survey. The bill was so amended that one half the money should go west of that point, and on the final vote the bill was passed. By the provisions of the bill a Board of Survey is formed, consisting of the Governor, Secretary of State, Chancellor of the State University, President of the Agricultural College, and Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture, who will have charge of the expenditure of money.

The bill by Mr. Greer, an act making an appropriation and providing for the erection of a suitable building for the Kansas Asylum for Idiotic and Imbecile Youth, at Winfield, Cowley County, Ks., was next considered and defeated, by a vote of 42 to 37.

The following bills were then read and passed.

Senate bill No. 1, an act making appropriations to the Kansas State Agricultural College for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1886, and June 30, 1887.

Substitute for House bill No. 51, an act making appropriation for the current expenses of the State Reform School for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1886, and June 30, 1887.

House bill No. 267, an act making an appropriation for the current expenses of the Institution for the Education of the Blind for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1885, and the fiscal year ending June 30, 1886, and June 30, 1887, and to provide for the purchase of two pianos for the use of said institution.

Substitute for House bill No. 178, an act making appropriations for the current expenses of the State Asylum for Idiotic and Imbecile children, for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1886, and June 30, 1887.

House bill No. 268, an act making an appropriation for the erection of a boiler house and smoke stack, the purchase of a new boiler, and the removal and resetting of old boiler, at the institution for the education of the blind.

House bill No. 457, an act relating to the discharge of guardians, and release of sureties of guardians' bonds.

House bill No. 484, an act to regulate the terms of court in the 16th Judicial District, and repealing all acts in conflict herewith.

House bill No. 415, an act to authorize school district No. 1, Harper County, to issue bonds.

House bill No. 480, an act to change the name of a minor child therein named.

Senate bill No. 252, an act to vest the title to block 81, in the city of McPherson, in the Board of Education of said city for school purposes, and to authorize said Board to use it for said purposes.

House bill No. 161, an act to regulate and fix the terms of the District Court of the Fifth Judicial District, and to repeal chapter 94, laws of 1881.

House bill No. 173, an act to authorize the Board of County Commissioners of Franklin County to levy and appropriate money to build certain bridges herein named.

Senate bill No. 281, an act to legalize the tax levy by the County Commissioners of Phillips County made in the years 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, and 1855 respectively.

Senate bill No. 289, an act to provide for the agent of the State of Kansas for prosecuting claims against the United States.

Senate bill No. 230, an act making appropriation to reimburse the counties of Labette and Montgomery for moneys received by the State as taxes for the years 1872 and 1873, on lands not taxable.

Senate bill No. 227, an act for the relief of Charles Rath.

The following bill was defeated, after which the House adjourned until 7:00 p.m.: An act defining the boundaries of Tisdale township, in Cowley County, Kansas, and attaching certain territory therein named to Richland township.

Senate bill No. 387, an act to provide payment to the counties of Sheridan, Trego, Ford, and Barber for costs and expenses incurred by unorganized counties attached to them for judicial purposes. Passed.

House bill No. 420. An act making appropriations for repairs and improvements at the State Reform School. Passed.

Substitute for House bill No. 55, for the relief of school district No. 32, in Pawnee County, passed.

Substitute for House bill No. 79, making appropriations for the current expenses of the institution for the deaf and dumb, for the fiscal years of 1886-7, passed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The report of the Committee on Revision of the Calendar, was discussed and adopted.

The concurrent resolution for the relief of Mrs. , who was captured by Cheyenne Indians, and her father, mother, and all her family murdered, was passed.

The House resolution to provide for iron railing on the east end of the Capitol passed.

Senate concurrent resolution No. 36, relating to dismissing suits against the Kansas Pacific Railway Company, and the directors of the Union Pacific Railway Company, passed.

Senate bill No. 212, an act to provide for the organization, government, and compensation of the militia of the State of Kansas, and for the public defense, was passed while the cannon was firing in honor of the inauguration of President Cleveland.

House bill No. 161, to regulate and fix the terms of court in the Fifth Judicial District, passed a third reading.

Senator Edmunds pushed through, on a suspension of the rules, House bill No. 365, to build a township house

Senate bill No. 117, an act to authorize the County Commissioner to construct and improve roads, was passed. This bill takes effect on condition of a petition of one fifth of the voters, and a majority vote in its favor by the county. It provides for issuing bonds.

Senate bill No. 124, an act to amend section 6 of article 3, and section 8 and 16 of article 4, of an act entitled "An act for the regulation and support of common schools," passed.

Senate bill No. 202, an act to authorize cities to establish and maintain free libraries and reading rooms.

S. C. R. asking that the residue of Osage lands be put on the market, was indefinitely postponed.

to H. C. R., ordering all laws published in the Daily Commonwealth and in not less than eighty other newspapers, was concurred in.

Also concurred in Senate amendments to H. B. No. 402, providing for uniform system of examination of teachers.

Mr. Anthony secured S. B. No. 73, advanced on the calendar. It provides for the burial at the expense of the State of indigent ex-soldiers. Other bills were advanced upon motion of gentlemen interested.

Mr. McNall moved to make a special order this evening for consideration of Senate bills. It was so ordered.

Substitute for S. B. No. 54, to establish a bureau of labor and industrial statistics.

H. B. No. 451, reported by select committee, for sale of certain lands to create a fund to be expended in deep borings to prospect for minerals and artesian water by the Board of survey.

S. B. No. 152, to transfer the balance of the fund in the Treasury, known as the railroad fund; and the residue of the 500,000 acre grant to the State permanent school fund.

On motion of Mr. F. J. Kelley, the bill was amended so as to provide for the sale of the lands the same as other school lands. The bill was passed.

H. J. R. No. 4, for the submission of a proposition to amend the constitution reconstructing the Judiciary, came next. Mr. Clogston explained the necessity for such an amendment at length. A call of the House was ordered and had.

A vote on the passage of the joint resolution was reached. Passed.

S. B. No. 291, bridge bill for Bourbon County, was slightly amended and passed.

S. B. No. 226. Legalizing bonds issued by School District 42 of Linn County, passed.

S. B. No. 160. Authorizing a levy of taxes in school district for support of city library at Marion; passed.

Mr. Roberts' H. B. No. 485. To establish a chair of pharmacy in the State University; passed.

Hon. Geo. D. Orner, of Medicine Lodge, received the appointment of Judge for the Ninth Judicial District.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

On motion of Senator Bawden the rules were suspended and the bill granting jurisdiction to the United States over grounds in Fort Scott, belonging to the United States, was placed on third reading.

Senate Bill No. 151, the grand jury bill, was read a third time and passed.

Senator H. B. Kelly moved a suspension of the rules, and that the bill recommended by the minority of the Committee on Railroads be placed upon third reading. Lost: yeas 17, nays 18.

The rules were suspended and the following bills were read a third time and passed.

Substitute for House bill No. 51, an act making appropriation for the current expenses of the State Reform School for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1886, and June 30, 1887.

House Bill No. 267, an act making an appropriation for the current expenses of the Institution for the Education of the Blind for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1885, and the fiscal year ending June 30, 1886, and June 30, 1887, and to provide for the purchase of two pianos for the use of said institution.

Substitute for House Bill No. 178, an act making appropriations for the current expenses of the State Asylum for Idiotic and Imbecile Children, for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1886, and June 30, 1887.

House Bill No. 268, an act making an appropriation for the erection of a boiler house and smoke stack, the purchase of a new boiler, and the removal and resetting of old boiler at the Institution for the Education of the Blind.

House Bill No. 249, an act making appropriations to provide for the erection of a kitchen building, two cottage buildings, and boiler house, and the completion of a system of heating and sewerage at the State Reform School.

Substitute for House Bill No. 79, providing appropriations for the current expenses of the Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb, for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1886, and June 30, 1887.

Mr. Finch presented a petition from fifty women asking for the establishment of a State Reform School for Girls.

The House concurred in Senate amendments to H. B. 311, to create the Twenty-first Judicial District--Waubaunsee, Riley, and Pottawatomie counties.

S. C. R. 36, directing dismissal of quo warranto suits against Union Pacific and Kansas Pacific Railway Companies, next. Mr. Buck favored adoption. Adopted.

On motion of Mr. Anthony, S. B. 328, ceding jurisdiction to the United States over site for Federal building at Fort Scott, was advanced to third reading.

The Senate message to the House the passage of a railroad fence bill, being the House bill with all after the enacting clause stricken out and the Senate bill on same subject substituted. This amendment was concurred in by the House.

House Bill 483, Mr. Bond's mutual life insurance bill, was again taken up for consideration on third reading, and passed.

S. B. 284. Making appropriation for erection of building at Winfield for the Kansas Asylum for Idiots. It appropriates twenty-five thousand dollars. The bill passed.

S. B. 20. Appropriation for current expenses of the State University. Passed.

S. B. 89. Appropriation for the Topeka Insane Asylum. Passed.

S. B. 63. Appropriation for the Osawatomie Insane Asylum. Passed.

S. B. 61. Appropriation for the State Normal School. Passed.

S. B. 62. Appropriation for new buildings, repairs, drainage, etc., at the Osawatomie Insane Asylum. Passed.

Substitute for S. B. No. 22. Appropriation of $50,000 for a building for the department of natural history at the State University came next, and a call of the House was demanded. A considerable time was expended on the call. The bill was passed, 79 to 39.

About twenty bills of a local nature were passed in omnibus.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Senator Jennings introduced a bill, by consent, providing for the purchase of land at Winfield, Kansas, for the school for imbecile youth. An emergency having been created, it was read a second and third time and passed.

Special order set for 9 a.m. was then taken up.

H. B. No. 116, an act for the protection of cattle against Texas splenic or Spanish fever, and repealing chapter 3 of the laws of 1884. Passed.

The following resolutions were concurred in.

House concurrent resolution No. 34, making governor, secretary of state, and attorney general a committee to examine into the losses sustained by citizens of the state of Kansas by bands of guerrillas.

House concurrent resolution relating to the claim of W. C. O'Brien for property destroyed by rebels.

S. B. No. 329, an act making appropriation for miscellaneous purposes was passed.

S. B. No. 331, an act to provide revenue for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1886, and June 30, 1887, was taken up and after consideration the bill was passed.

House Bill No. 248, making an appropriation for the State penitentiary for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1886, and June 30, 1887, and for the deficiency from the year ending June 30, 1885. An emergency having been created, the bill was put upon final passage.

S. B. No. 194, an act to amend section 6, chapter 152 laws of 1881, fixing the compensation of county superintendents. Passed: ayes, 21, nays 15.

An act for relief of W. F. Harker, and an act making appropriation for the erection of additional buildings, the purchase of furniture for the same, and the purchase of additional grounds, at the state insane asylum at Topeka, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1886, and June 30, 1887, and for lighting the asylum buildings, and completing air passage and fan for the same. Passed.

The house then took up appropriation bills on third reading, and the following were passed.

An act making appropriations to the state horticultural society for the publication of their reports, and for the expenses of the society for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1886, and June 30, 1887.

An act making appropriations to pay the several counties of the state the expenses incurred in the maintenance of destitute insane persons, for deficiencies from the fiscal year ending June 30, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, and for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1886, and June 30, 1887.

An act to provide for the erection of additional buildings at Olathe, Kansas, for the institution for the education of the deaf and dumb, during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1886.

An act making appropriation for the state fish commissioner for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1886, and June 30, 1887, and for deficiency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1885.

An act making appropriations for conveying prisoners to the penitentiary, for the deficiencies from the fiscal years ending June 30, 1879, 1880, and 1881, and for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1886, and June 30, 1887.

An act making appropriations to pay per diem and mileage of regent, trustees, and directors of the state institutions for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1886, and June 30, 1887, and for deficiencies for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1882, 1883, 1884, and 1885.

An act providing for the remodeling and repairing of the east wing of the State house, and the erection of the central building thereof, and to provide revenue therefor by special levy of taxes, and supplemental to an act approved March 5, 1883.

An act to establish a "soldiers' orphans' home," and for the government and maintenance thereof, and making an appropriation therefor.

An act making appropriation for state printing for the balance of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1885, and for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1886, and June 30, 1887.

The Legislative appropriation bill.

An act to provide for honorably discharged ex-union soldiers, sailors, or marines, who may hereafter die without leaving means sufficient to defray funeral expenses, and to provide headstones to mark their graves.

An act making appropriation for executive and judiciary departments of the state for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1886, and June 30, 1887, and for deficiencies from the fiscal years ending June 30, 1884, and June 30, 1885.

The House then concurred in several senate amendments to house bills.

The House then took up bills on third reading and the following were omnibussed through.

S. B. No. 251, an act to authorize the board of county commissioners of Douglas County to appropriate money to build a bridge in Douglas County.

S. B. No. 175, an act to amend an act entitled "An act for the regulation and support of common schools," such act being chapter 122 of session laws of 1876, and repeal section 1 of chapter 149 of the session laws of 1881.

An act fixing terms of court in eleventh judicial district.

An act to authorize the court, judge, or magistrate to exclude minors in certain cases during trial.

An act for the relief of G. B. Crail.

An act for the relief of E. M. Stephens, and making an appropriation therefor.

An act relating to the liens of irrigators, and regulating proceedings to enforce the same.

An act to amend section 3 of chapter 112 of the session laws of 1874; entitled "An act supplemental to and amendatory of chapter 92; general statutes of 1868, and chapter 86, laws of 1869, and chapter 185 of laws of 1872," and to authorize the condemnation of lands for schoolhouse sites.

An act relating to the district court of Shawnee County, to certain actions pending therein, and to the powers and duties of the judge and clerk of said court.

H. B. No. 114, an act relating to the liability of railroads for damages by fire, which was passed by the house and amended by the senate, was called up, and the house concurred in the amendments.

Mr. Barnes then called up Senator Kellogg's bill relating to county boards of examiners, and it was read a third time and passed.

The miscellaneous appropriation bill which had been passed by the senate was read a first and second time and referred to the committee of the whole, after which the house adjourned until 7:30 p.m.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The following appointments by the Governor were confirmed in executive session.

For Regent of the State Normal School, for the term ending April 1st, 1899, Wm. M. Rice of Fort Scott; Milton Stewart, of Sedgwick County.

For the term ending April 1st, 1887, J. H. Franklin, of Russell County.

For members of the State Board of Pardons, Gen. J. C. Caldwell, of Shawnee County; Robert B. Stevenson, of Allen County, and Andrew J. Felt, of Nemaha County.

For State House Commissioner, Thomas A. Butler, of Rice County.

For Brigadier General of State Militia, J. N. Roberts, of Douglas County.

For State Fish Commissioner, S. Fee, of Pottawatomie County.

For Warden of the Penitentiary, John H. Smith.

Directors of the Penitentiary: O. S. Hyatt, of Leavenworth County; H. E. Richter, of Morris County.

Regent of State Normal School: E. W. Warner, of Phillips County.

At 4 o'clock p.m., the Senate adjourned sine die.

S. B. 59, providing stenographers for District courts was passed.

Mr. Buck moved to take up the Senate grand jury bill, but upon a vote, the Speaker declared the motion lost.

S. B. 159, relating to salaries of county officers as recommended by the Governor's message, was passed.

The report of the Conference Committee on the appropriation to C. L. de Randamie, raising it to $1,000, was adopted.

Mr. Finch moved to reconsider the vote by which Senate bill 331 was passed. He had discovered that it duplicates the half-mill levy for the State House, provided for in another bill which had passed. The vote was reconsidered, and this feature stricken out of it. It was then passed again.

Senate amendments to the House bill removing political disabilities were concurred in.

S. B. 251, a bridge bill for Douglas and Butler counties, was passed.

The forenoon session was spent by tired and sleepy men in singing and listening to it.

A resolution was adopted disputing a report in the Capital, which charged Mr. Burton with being intoxicated during the mob of the previous night.

The following were adopted.

WHEREAS, The late Henry Hopkins spent the best part of his life in the service of the State, and finally died a martyr in its service; therefore, be it

Resolved, By the House of Representatives, that one hour be devoted to remarks to the memory of the lamented Henry Hopkins.

These resolutions were ordered to be engrossed and transmitted to Mrs. Hopkins.

Mr. Anthony made a motion to give the chairs occupied by the reporters to each one respectively. In support of his motion he stated that never before has there been such pleasant relations existing between members and the press.

Several conference committees made reports. That upon the railroad bill having failed to adjust differences, another committee was appointed.

At 3:50 in the morning the conference committee on miscellaneous appropriation bills made report. It would have held out later had the members known of the further extension of time till 6 a.m. The report, although not satisfactory to the House, was adopted under protest. The State Historical Society is left in much better shape than was provided by the original bill, yet not so nicely fixed as the House had provided. The private asylums, hospitals, etc., which were in the bill were all left in, including Christ's Hospital at Topeka and the Atchison Hospital, the two new additions to the list, but the amount for each one was cut down to $500.

The following was introduced by Mr. Anthony, and adopted by a rising vote.

Resolved, That the Speaker of this House be instructed to send the following message.

To Gen. U. S. Grant:

I am instructed by the Legislature of the State of Kansas, at the hour of adjournment, to send greeting to you, as grateful recipients of your value in the field and wisdom as a statesman, and congratulations at the recognition of the nation in your restoration to a rank you surrendered in the interest and at the call of your country.

May God in his wisdom spare you long to live and enjoy with us the fruits of peace restored and a country saved.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

To Hon. Geo. F. Edmunds, President pro tempore of the United States Senate.

The accompanying communication, although an Executive message, may be read in open session.

The President pro tem of the Senate: Manifestations of applause are not in order.

The Clerk read as follows:

To the Senate of the United States:

I nominate Ulysses S. Grant, General Commanding the Armies of the United States, to be General on the retired list, with the full pay of such rank.

Executive Mansion, March 4, 1885.
The President pro tem then announced that the nomination would be considered in open session. "The question is, will the Senate advise and consent to this appointment? All Senators in favor will say 'aye.'" [A storm of "ayes."]

"All opposed say 'no.'" [Dead silence.]

"The ayes have it."

This announcement was received with thunders of applause both on the floor and in the galleries.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Prof. Richard A. Proctor says the moon is the most interesting of all the heavenly bodies. It has been particularly serviceable in the proof it affords of the law of gravitation. It proves, too, what the world has been in remote ages of the past and what it will be in the remote ages to come. Its most significant services to man has been as a measurement of time. The only perceptible effect which the earth has upon the moon's course is that of attraction, by which its route in space is slightly deviated. From the moon's present condition we may inform ourselves of the course of all planetary life. There is every reason to suppose that our present condition was at one time hers; that she possessed an atmosphere, animal and vegetable life. That has now passed away. Her surface is a sterile, rocky mass. The atmosphere has gone or nearly so, and the seas are dried up. This same process is going on with our earth, and a similar result will eventually ensue, but by reason of the greater bulk of our planet, effects produced in ten millions of years in the moon will require sixty millions with us.

New York Tribune.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The newly elected Senators sworn in at Washington, March 4th, were: Joseph S. Blackburn, of Kentucky; Jas. B. Eustis, of Louisiana; Wm. M. Evarts, of New York; James K. Jones, of Arkansas; Henry B. Payne, of Ohio; John C. Spooner, of Wisconsin; Leland Stanford, of California; Henry M. Teller, of Colorado; and Ephraim K. Wilson, of Maryland. The re-elected Senators sworn in were: Wm. B. Allison, of Iowa; Joseph E. Brown, of Georgia; Wilkinson Call, of Florida; J. Donald Cameron, of Pennsylvania; John J. Ingalls, of Kansas; John P. Jones, of Nevada; Justin S. Morrill, of Vermont; Orville H. Platt, of Connecticut; James L. Pugh, of Alabama; Zebulon B. Vance, of North Carolina; George G. Vest, of Missouri; and D. W. Voorhees, of Indiana.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

AGREEABLE TO EVERYBODY. Col. Robert G. King, for ten years Deputy Collector Internal Revenue, Baltimore, Maryland, writes: I endorse the Red Star Cough Cure. I have used it in my family for a violent cough and found it excellent. Its use was entirely free from the depressing effects of other cough remedies. It can readily be taken, and agrees with and benefits everybody suffering from throat and lung troubles. The relief is permanent, and there is no reaction.

Report of the Special Legislative Committee to the House.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

To the Legislature of Kansas:

Your Joint Committee appointed to investigate the matter of the sale of Normal School lands in Mitchell and Lincoln counties, Kansas, have performed that duty and beg leave to make the following report.

The committee has had before it a large number of witnesses on the part of the State and on the part of the Board of Regents, and all persons requesting a hearing have been heard, to the end that the investigation might be thorough and impartial.

Your committee find that in March, 1884, the State Normal School owned about 7,500 acres of land, all being in Mitchell County, excepting one section in Lincoln County, said lands being contiguous and comprising one body. That said lands up to March, 1884, had been on the market under an appraisement made in the spring of 1882, said appraisement having been made by the Board of Regents at an average of over six dollars per acre, at which time, March, 1884, by order of the Board, said lands were all withdrawn from the market and a committee appointed consisting of Sharp, Thanhouser, and Orner, members of said Board, and directed to visit said lands with a view of ascertaining the value of such lands and the advisability of their sale in a body. Said committee visited said lands about July 1, 1884, and made a partial examination thereof. That Isaac Sharp, President of the Board, afterwards prepared a report in blank, which was signed by the committee about the 10th day of July, 1884; that said report was never presented to nor filed with such Board. Nor did said Board ever adopt, notify, or confer said report, or take any action therein whatever. During such time, one Van R. Holmes, of Emporia, Kansas, was the State agent for the sale of Normal School lands; that said Holmes, from March 1884 up to July 18, 1884, was not authorized to sell said lands, except by private direction from the Board, at not less than $5 per acre in gross. That on or before the 19th day of July, 1884, Isaac Sharp, president of the Board, sold the entire tract of Normal School lands in said Mitchell and Lincoln counties, aggregating 7,520 acres, at the price of $3.50 per acre, to one H. C. Cross, of Emporia; and on said 10th day of July said land agent Holmes made and executed a contract of sale to said Cross. That said sale was made by said Isaac Sharp without consultation with the Board of Regents, and no order of the Board was ever made for the sale of such lands, nor has the Board ever ratified the same since; and no authority was ever given by the Board to said Holmes to make such contract of sales. That said lands were desirable lands, being about half tillable and the balance good grazing lands, well watered and marketable. That the tillable lands were, at the time of the sale, worth $6 an acre, and the grazing lands $4 per acre, the whole worth in a body $5 an acre. That no notice was given, after the lands were withdrawn from the market, of any intention to again place the same on sale, and no effort made by the Board or any member connected therewith to solicit purchasers for the same. That many persons were anxious to purchase, and two responsible persons submitted formal offers for the lands to members of the Board at $4 per acre, taking the entire tract under one contract, either all cash or on deferred payments, as might be preferred. Said offers were made both in person and by correspondence, and each of said parties would have given $4.50 an acre for the entire tract as one sale if an opportunity had been given. That on the 19th day of July, 1884, when such contract was executed, Agent Holmes refused to sign the contract without an order from the Board to that effect; that President Sharp directed Secretary Dickson to write up such an order, purporting to be an order of the Board; that Dickson declined on the ground that the Board had never made such order. That hereafter an order was prepared from said committee to Holmes to sell the lands to H. C. Cross for $3.50 an acre, signed by Sharp and Thanhouser, and purporting to be signed by Orner, but, in fact, Orner's name was written by Sharp, without his knowledge or authority. That Holmes retained the sum of about $800 as his commission for such sale. That in the latter part of July or August, Sharp wrote a letter addressed to the members of the Board, stating that he had an offer of $3.50 an acre for the land, and asking the opinion of such members as to the advisability of accepting that price; said letter purposed to bear the endorsement of Thanhouser, Dickson, and Haller in terms approving of the offer, and was by Sharp forwarded to Orner in California, asking that he should endorse his approval thereon, which was done with the qualification, "Provided that was all that could be got for the lands," and returned by Orner to Sharp. That as a matter of fact said letter was written by Sharp after the sale had been concluded, and the pretended endorsements by Haller and Dickson and Thanhouser were not written or made by them. That all the conversations and negotiations leading to and resulting in the bargain and sale of the land to Cross were had and made by said Isaac Sharp, and with a studied effort on the part of both Sharp and Cross to consummate said sale and to avoid the solicitation of competing bidders, as well as in disregard of satisfactory offers from responsible parties to take the land at a better price, and on terms in other respects as good as those imposed upon Cross.

Your committee are of the opinion that said sale was made by collusion and fraud; that the same was without authority of law, and against the best interest of the school; and that the responsibility therefor rests almost wholly upon the President of said Board. That in the opinion of your committee the said sale should be set aside.

Committee on part of House.
Committee on part of Senate.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

A Cowley County student of the State Agricultural College, at Manhattan, sends us the following college notes.

The cooking class furnishes a lunch Fridays to all those so disposed, for the little sum of ten cents.

A few of the professors are wont to be absent occasionally, for this is the time of farmers' clubs and institutes.

Prof. Snow, of the State University, gave a lecture here in the Chapel February 20. His subject was "Pre-historic Man," of which he gave us the scientific side in a straight forward style.

There evidently is one good act of the Regents, and that is the matting of the halls, so now the tramp of three hundred and thirty pairs of feet through the main hall is greatly modified by a strip of carpet 240 feet long.

Mrs. Kedzie gave the Chapel lecture on Friday last. Of all the students besides many visitors, none could have imagined a more correct and complete idea of the sights in New Orleans during Christmas vacation except by being there themselves, besides a very graphic account of the history and manner of living of the old French Creoles of that "quaint old city," as she calls it.

On Saturday evening, February 28th, the College social of this term was held. The entertainment consisted of music by the orchestra and singing class and a concert, after which the time was occupied until 10 o'clock by social greetings and parades up and down the halls, providing somebody didn't get ahead of you which was the case with your honorable correspondent.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Will continue (by request) the
Otherwise Ordered,
At figures that has "astonished"
90 Cents on the Dollar.
We have a few pair of White Blankets and a few Cloaks left which we will close out at
Fifty Cents on the Dollar.
Come early before they are all gone.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

CAPITAL. $125,000.00.
Partners individually liable to the full extent of their private fortunes
for the debts of the Bank.
Any Bank in Central Ohio and Bradstreet's Commercial Agency.
ROBERT KERR. President.
JOHN A. EATON. Vice President.
JOS. A. MOORE. Cashier.
M. H. EWART. Assistant Cashier.
THOS. J. EATON. Teller.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

And see their beautiful line of
just received and perfect in assortment and design. They have a handsome lot of
Elegant Vases, new and beautiful designs in Lamps, and the latest and cutest thing
in glass sets. They want everyone to call and examine goods and prices
whether they buy or not. The Grocery Department is complete
in every department. Sugars by the barrel at bottom prices.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Shelf and Heavy Hardware,
Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters.
Hose, Reeds, Lawn Sprinklers, Gas and Water Plumbing at Lowest Rates
and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
West side Main street, between 9th and 10th avenues.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Will put you up Combination Wire and Picket Woven Wire or any other kind
you want. Give us a call. North Main street, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

A free delivery postoffice will be established at Lawrence, Kansas, May 1.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

President Cleveland has appointed Gen. John C. Black, of Danville, Ill., Commissioner of Pensions.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The Oliver Chilled plow works at South Bend, Ind., which have been idle since the strike-riot in January, resumed operations last week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The first copy of the Thomas Cat, of Catby, Thomas County, Kansas, has made its appearance. This is a newspaper enterprise to aid in the settlement of Thomas County, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

A. J. Root, in Gleanings, aptly says "When one really gets the bee fever, or strawberry fever for that matter, or any of these passions for outdoor work, he loses all taste for lower pleasures. In watching the ways of animal and vegetable growth, he seems to be drawing nearer to nature and nature's God.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Scientific men are advocating the execution of criminals by means of electricity. A chair is to be prepared into which the doomed man will be tied and by clock work at a given moment the current will pass through his body--a lightning stroke--and all will be over. The counting of the last few seconds will make the scene impressive and solemn.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Beecher recently lectured in Dover, Delaware, and in his speech referred to "the damnable fable about the Garden of Eden and Adam and Eve." Delaware people are generally orthodox and old fashioned in their beliefs. They say they don't want Beecher again--they will send for Bob Ingersoll when they get ready to listen to such talk.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

High license has been defeated in the Minnesota legislature. The same kind of a fight was made against it as if it were a prohibitory measure. Though Minnesota is near enough to Iowa to be effected by the symptoms over there, there are enough Swedes in Minnesota to defeat any such stringent measures of prohibition as are being tried to be enforced in Iowa.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

A good joke is told on Ex-Gov. Glick, Gen. C. W. Blair, Col. A. S. Everest, and two or three other prominent Democrats who called upon President Cleveland before the inauguration: "Did I understand those fellows to say," asked the president-elect of his secretary as the party were taking their departure, "that they constituted the Democratic party of Kansas?"

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

In the good old days of Hayes and Garfield to be an Ohio man was considered to be politically fortunate. Now comes the era for New York men. President Cleveland has started out with two New York men in his cabinet, three of the eight of that company being New Yorkers. It is presumed that New York men will continue to get at least three-eighths of the appointments to office.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Another famous legend has struck a snag. It is now asserted that when Rome burned fiddles had not been invented, and consequently Nero could not have indulged in the musical past-time attributed to him. Alas! With the disappearance of the Captain John Smith Pocahontas, the Toll-apple, and other allegories, what will the school children of the future do for pretty fables?

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Of Cleveland's cabinet Bayard was during the war a Union man with a good many scruples. Manning was thinking about politics and reporting conventions and paid little attention to the conflict; Vilas was a Colonel in the Union army; Garland was in the Confederate Congress; Lamar was in the Confederate army and in Russia. Nobody remembers what Endicott was doing.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The completed Washington monument is double the height of Trinity spire in New York City and three times as high as the Tower of Pisa. The European structure making the closest approach to it is Cologne cathedral, 511 feet; Strasburg cathedral, 468 feet, and St. Peter's, Rome, 445 feet. The original height of the Great Pyramid was 485 feet. The Washington obelisk, with its vertical line of 555 feet, towers above the grandest structures of the Old World.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

It seems that the Conference Committee on the Indian appropriation bill finally agreed on the amendment to authorize the President to negotiate for the Oklahoma lands. Now let the boomers stay out of there until the President performs that duty and proclaims these lands open to settlement. It is not at all likely that the new President will change the policy of the previous one as to keeping men out of that country until such time as they can go legally.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The number of applications for postmasterships which are pouring into the office of First Assistant Postmaster General is simply wonderful and astonishing. Nothing like it was ever heard of before. The first assistant has detailed a very large corps of extra clerks to file these petitions. Schuyler Crosby, the late first assistant, has found the work too much for him and resigned. We fear that several tons of these valuable documents will be lost and that most of the balance will be buried so deep in the 30 feet by 80 feet little pigeon-holes that they will not be resurrected and acted upon for months to come. It would be too bad.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

We note the death of Miss Florence Blue, the daughter of Senator R. W. Blue, at her home in Pleasanton, Linn County, Kansas. Miss Blue had just attained her 19th birthday, and was to have been married on the 11th inst. Her death was sudden, wholly unexpected, as she dropped dead while engaged at some household duty, without any premonition of sickness, or indisposition even. Senator Blue is widely and favorably known throughout Kansas, and the COURIER unites with his numerous friends in the condolence that is extended him and family in the hour of their grievous sorrow and affliction.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The Globe-Democrat's report says: "When the President-elect passed along the avenue, with uncovered head glistening in the sun, amiably nodding first to one side, and then to the other, there was cheering. There was more when Mr. Hendricks stood up in his barouche and waved his hand. But when Fitzhugh Lee came up at the head of the Virginia troops, he and they wearing the gray, there was shouting which made the welkin ring. So it was at night. Fitzhugh Lee, because he was the son of his father, was the idol of Inauguration Day, day and night. "We take off our hats to a sentiment," was the apologetic explanation of this adulation.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The most useful engraving for the next Kansas agricultural report would be a picture of the Mennonite stove and a description of its make, form, and use. The fuel used by these people--Germans who came here from Russia--is hay, straw, and cornstalks--what the Missourians called "roughness." They spend no money for coal, they do not burn the golden corn, and they do good cooking and have warm rooms to sleep in. The Mennonites who came to Harvey, Reno, and other counties in 1873 are already rich--farms paid for, groves planted, fine gardens, sweet homes. And they have always been warm. Hiawatha World.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The Legislature adjourned Saturday. The House and the Senate failed to agree upon the railroad question, hence it failed to give the people the relief they asked for. The bill passed by the House after a long and bitter contest, was as near perfect in all its provisions as it would be possible to enact. It was fair to the railroads and just to the people. But the Senate could not see it that way. That body was evidently not in favor of very stringent measures and rejected the House bill for a mild and harmless one of its own. Thus the matter hung until Friday night at nine o'clock when a conference committee was asked for by the House. The committee on the part of the Senate was Senators Buchan, Blue, and Loyd, and on the part of the House, Messrs. Gillett, Blair, Simpson, Rhodes, and Greer. The session of the committee lasted until four o'clock in the morning when an agreement was finally reached, and a bill reported containing the vital and salient features of the House bill. This report was unanimously adopted by the Senate, but a few of the rabid anti-railroad members of the House refused to endorse it and the report failing to receive a constitutional majority was lost. A second conference committee was then appointed and Cowley was represented again thereon by Senator Jennings, but this committee was made up of the rabid antis on the part of the House, refused to agree, and the session expired without a line of legislation on this, one of the most important subjects before the public.

This result is traced directly to the lack of judgment and hard-headedness of a few of the most radical members. While the bill reported by the first conference committee was not all that could be desired, it was a very great improvement over the present law, and the fact was plainly evident that it was all that could be secured at that session. The vote on accepting the report was taken at five o'clock in the morning, when nearly half the members were worn out and gone home. It stood forty-nine for and twenty-one against, and required the constitutional majority of sixty-three to carry. The votes against were cast by members who should have been for it. Their mistake was in demanding everything when a moment's exercise of judgment should have convinced them that such action meant nothing.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

While we regret exceedingly that the Imbecile Asylum will be removed from Lawrence and that consequently our city will assume very important proportions, still there are views in which the removal has a more favorable appearance. If the institution were permanently located here the antagonism of certain portions of the State would be aroused at every session of the legislature when the necessary appropriations for the asylum and the university were asked for. There exists a natural jealousy among the legislators representing different sections of the state in regard to state institutions and there is and always will be a strong opposition to the monopolizing by one city of any large portion of the funds devoted by the state to educational and charitable purposes. There is no doubt that the absence of the asylum and the necessity of asking appropriations for it will materially facilitate the obtaining of liberal appropriations for the far more important institution, the state university. Cowley County will hereafter be an applicant for the appropriation of state funds and we can safely count upon her delegation for assistance in our similar needs. We do not wish to be understood as being satisfied or pleased with the loss of the asylum but we merely mention points in which it can be seen that in this case as in all others, it is "an ill wind that blows no good." Equally with losing the institution we regret the loss from our ranks of our citizens of Col. H. M. Greene, the efficient superintendent. Mr. Greene is a gentleman of high culture and attainments and Lawrence can ill afford to lose him. Lawrence Journal.

The only bad feature about the distribution of state institutions is in the fact that the counties in which they are located have a community of interests, and consequently form a powerful combination which is almost irresistible. They generally get about what they want from the legislature in the way of appropriations, and about everything else. It is a nice thing for those counties which form the "ring," but a little hard on the "outs." Cowley has been taken into this mutual admiration league. She need not wail seriously over this matter, however.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

We wish to say that Frank S. Jennings has covered himself with glory in his work as State Senator. He attained an influence and respect second to none in that able body, and has been one of its most industrious and efficient workers.

In this connection we are not going to let sentiments of sham delicacy prevent us from saying that Ed. P. Greer has done in the House as well as Frank has in the Senate, and has attained the same degree of influence and efficiency. No member of either House has worked more hours or more skillfully in carrying out the wishes of his constituents. He returns very much worked down, but happy in his success.

Louis P. King and John D. Maurer have represented their constituents ably and well and have earned the gratitude of the districts they have represented and of the whole County.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

A general strike of employees throughout the whole system of Gould railroads took place last Saturday. The following from Atchison, Kansas, gives a general view of proceedings at that place and from it we may infer what was occurring at many other places in Kansas, Missouri, and Texas: "The shop employees of the Missouri Pacific railroad at this place went out at 9:40 tonight. The strikers number between 200 and 300 and are well organized and they are acting under orders from Sedalia, where the shopmen struck at 3 p.m. today. They held a meeting preliminary to the strike which was fully attended. They first visited the yards and took possession of the switch engines and ran them to the round house, and committees are now stationed in all the yards to receive and take charge of all freight engines and prevent handling of freight. At present they will not interfere with passenger trains. Their demands are a restoration of wages to the figures previous to the last cut. Good order prevails.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Ed. Greer and his friends are again happy, as the House this morning reconsidered its action relative to the home for Idiotic youths, and passed the bill transferring the institution from Lawrence to Winfield. It also appropriates $25,000 to begin with, and once firmly established, the home will probably be generously looked after by the State. The eastern portion of the State has heretofore secured and held all the public institutions, and the members take the ground that they should be more generally distributed. Kansas City Times.

For ten years the southern and western portion of the State has been asking for an equal distribution of State favors, commercial and political, but the seven or eight river counties insisted on keeping everything that was worth having, and up to this time they have succeeded. However, we trust that this experience will teach them that the earth and the fullness thereof does not belong exclusively to the eastern tier. Cowley only asked fair treatment and if she had not got it, someone would have had their fingers pinched.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

ROTHACKER, of the Denver Opinion, says: "There is but one voice and this is the contralto. A tenor is a sugared pretense; a soprano is a thrill at passion; baritone is too outdoorish; a basso is a loud noise, but a contralto is the soul of harmony in a wail of longing. It is the tone-mistress of the emotions: a rich, low, sweet, sensuous twilight of song; a never more set to music; a white hand which draws aside the curtain of the past and shows the present lying prone before it in tears."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Sheriff C. H. Thompson, of Marion County, Kansas, passed through Kansas City last Thursday on his way to the Leavenworth penitentiary, having in charge Robert Calhoun, a baker by trade and formerly of Marion Center, where he was convicted and sentenced Monday to serve forty-two years at hard labor on the charge of seduction. The fiend incarnate and rascal, whom it would be gross flattery to call a man, was the principal to a premeditated and diabolical series of crimes that have no parallel in the criminal annals of the state of Kansas. Until recently Thompson has been engaged in the bakery business at Marion Center, and his conduct has been such that no suspicion rested upon him until recently, when, upon investigation, startling developments were made. It seems that for some time past Calhoun, who is a married man, has been in the habit of enticing young girls into the rear of his shop, by making them presents of sweetmeats and other things attractive to them, and then by force or persuasion, as the case necessitated, committing a criminal assault upon them and by threats and other cunning methods, as became the fiend, had them repeat their visits, that he might further gratify his beastly desires. He is known to have ruined thirteen young girls, some of whom are not yet in their teens. On the discovery of his crimes he was arrested, and the people of Marion Center were so enraged that it is a wonder the man escaped as he did with his life, instead of being fruit for the hangman's noose, a fate he so justly merited. The wretch was arrested last Monday, having eight indictments hanging over him, was tried on the same day, sentenced to forty-two years in the penitentiary, and by a shrewd movement on the part of the authorities escaped being hanged by being placed aboard the cars and started for his future residence. In appearance Calhoun is a slim built, cadaverous looking wretch, wearing chin whiskers and a black beard and is about 43 years old. He has hitherto been a prominent member of the Presbyterian church, superintendent of the Sunday School, and on Sundays his voice ascended on high, singing praises as a member of the church choir. It would be difficult to find a more hardened and despicable scoundrel, were the penitentiaries of the whole country scoured with that object in view.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Deputy United States Marshal Captain O. J. Rarick, of Arkansas City, arrived at Wichita, March 5th, with the following Oklahoma boomers in custody: W. L. Couch, H. H. Stafford, C. E. Streeter, T. W. Eickleberger, A. C. Cord, D. J. Odell, W. H. Miller, George T. Brown, and A. J. Statle. They were arraigned severally before United States Commissioner Shearman on the following complaint, sworn to by Lieutenant M. W. Day.

"On or about the 13th day of February, 1885, at that part of the Indian Territory lying north of the Canadian river and east of Texas and the one hundredth meridian, not set apart and occupied by the Cherokee, Creek, and Seminole Indian tribe, the same being a place under the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States, and annexed to, and constituting a part of the United States' Judicial District of Kansas, did unlawfully, maliciously, and feloniously incite, set on foot, assist and engage in a rebellion and insurrection against the authorities of the United States and the laws thereof, and did give aid and comfort thereto."

The complaint is made according to section 5,334, Revised Statutes. Colonel J. R. Hallowell, United States District Attorney, and C. Hatton, Assistant United States Attorney, represented the Government. The boomers were not represented by counsel. Each pleaded not guilty and waived a preliminary examination. They were bound over in the sum of $3,000 each to answer the charge in the United States District Court, an adjourned term of which will convene in this city on the 9th inst. The bonds were furnished.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Lawrence has lost her asylum for Idiots! Winfield wins the field in the Legislature after two pitched battles. In the first Lawrence seemed to prevail, but yesterday when the struggle was resumed, Winfield won, and got an appropriation of $25,000 to erect a new building at the flourishing young city of the southwest.

And behold our house (on the bill) is left unto us desolate. At least it will be evacuated by the "gorgeous idiots" at the expiration of the two years term, or as soon as the new edifice can be completed. Well, well, if we can't find a better use for a ten acre lot with its handsome old college edifice on Mount Oread, it will be a great pity indeed.

On sober second thought we have concluded that we don't want the idiots here "no how." It would be idiotic in us to do so, and we wish the Winfield fellows joy of their big luck.

Lawrence Journal.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The house did nobly yesterday in its action on the Imbecile asylum bill and on the university natural history bill. The first of these provides for the removal of the state imbecile asylum from its temporary location in Lawrence to a permanent place at Winfield in Cowley County. Hon. E. P. Greer and Hon. L. P. King, and Hon. J. D. Maurer, the members from Cowley, made a splendid fight; and the gentlemen from Douglass County showed their good sense by offering no particular opposition. The state university never ought to be hampered by the immediate presence of any other state institution, and the south-central part of the state now feels that it has been properly recognized. We congratulate Cowley County on its success. Capital.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Captain Couch and General Hatch have both gone to the border from Wichita March 7th, the former to confer with the colonists assembling there, and the latter to station his troops to prevent the contemplated movement of the Oklahoma country. It is said the boomers will start for Oklahoma on Wednesday next.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The bill compelling railroad companies to fence their track through land enclosed with a lawful fence passed the House during the closing hours of the session and is a law. This was a measure of much importance to many Cowley County farmers, and was earnestly pressed by their delegation.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

It is stated that Gov. Martin has vetoed only one bill, that changing the name of Ozawkee to Wabash City. We do not know his reasons for this veto, but do know what our own reasons would have been for so doing. Ozawkee is a good enough name for any town. It is a historic name and essentially Kansan and is the only place in the State of that name. Wabash City has none of these attributes and besides the affix "City" is very objectionable. We would not attach that affix to a dog's name. If a City is a City it will be known as a City whatever its name, and it is well known that city is attached to the name of many places with no place of business except a blacksmith shop.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Someone in the German Reichsstadt recently hinted that the German empire might soon be found "standing against England in arms." Bismarck rose to reply: "I absolutely dispute the possibility," was his first emphatic sentence, and those which followed were of the same character.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Mr. Greer's bill to appropriate $25,000 for the location at Winfield, Cowley County, of the asylum for idiotic and imbecile youth was then called upon third reading. This bill, which removes the institution from Lawrence to Winfield, was defeated once in the committee of the whole house, after it had passed the Senate, and by persistent effort on the part of Mr. Greer, the action was reconsidered, and was passed to third reading. The roll was called, and as it progressed it was amusing to notice the change of heart some of the members had experienced. Mr. Greer's dulcet pleadings had been too much for the most of them, and it was noticed as a remarkable fact that those gentlemen who voted against the bill were gentlemen who had no trades to make. The bill receiving 73 ayes was passed, and Winfield was declared the new location for the asylum, and Ed. Greer heaved a large sigh of happiness. Capital.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Mr. Greer, of Winfield, this morning succeeded in capturing the Imbecile and Idiotic youth, and two years from now the school for this purpose will be removed from Lawrence to Winfield, and will serve all purposes as a high school for that beautiful little city.

Kansas City Journal.

There can be no doubt but that its removal to Winfield will elevate the tone of the institution, to such a degree, we hope, that its alumni will no longer consent to serve as Topeka correspondents for Kansas City papers.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Great excitement was created at Parsons, this State, Friday afternoon about 4 o'clock by the discharge of a pistol five or six times in rapid succession. The police hurried to the spot and found two men lying on the ground, fatally shot by a third, who stood calmly surveying the scene. When approached by an officer, he resisted arrest and threatened to shoot anyone who should molest him. He was finally arrested by Detective M. B. Mason and locked up. The men were all strangers, having arrived in that city from Fort Scott on the noon train that day. One, a tall, large man, was fatally shot through the bowels. The other, a short, heavy-set man, was shot in the back of the neck, the ball coming out of his mouth, and is also in a critical condition. They are both hard looking, and one is recognized by Officer Mason as an old offender.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Mr. Cleveland has confirmed the semi-official announcement of his cabinet a few days ago, by sending to the Senate for confirmation the following gentlemen to the respective departments indicated.

Secretary of State: T. F. Bayard.

Secretary of the Treasury: Daniel Manning.

Secretary of the Interior: L. Q. C. Lamar.

Attorney General: A. H. Garland.

Postmaster General: Wm. F. Vilas.

Secretary of War: W. C. Endicott.

Secretary of the Navy: Wm. C. Whitney.

The appointments were promptly confirmed by the Senate.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

To enable cities of the second class to extend their corporate limits, and to repeal section 133 of chapter 100 of the laws of 1872, and chapter 73 of the laws of 1875.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:

SECTION 1. That whenever the city council of any city of the second class desire to enlarge the limits thereof from the territory adjacent thereto, said council shall, in the name of said city, present a petition to the judge of the district court of the county in which said city is situated, setting forth by metes and bounds the territory sought to be so added, and praying that such territory may be added thereto. Upon such petition being presented to said judge, with proof as notice to the time and place said petition shall be presented has been published for three consecutive weeks in some newspaper published in said city, he shall proceed to hear testimony as to the advisability of making such addition, and upon such hearing, if he shall be satisfied that the adding of such territory to the city will be to its interests, and will cause no manifest injury to the persons owning real estate in the territory sought to be so added, he shall make an order declaring said territory a part of the corporate limits thereof, and subject to the laws and ordinances pertaining thereto:

Provided, That no such proceedings shall be necessary, when the territory sought to be added is subdivided into lots and blocks, but in such cases the city council of said city shall have power to add such territory to said city by ordinance.

SEC. 2. If from any cause said petition cannot be heard by said judge at the time specified in the notice, the same may be continued from time to time until it can be heard, without any further publication.

SEC. 3. Application for adding separate parcels of territory to said cities may be made in the same petition, and upon such application being made the Judge may order any or all such parcels added thereto. Any decision of such judge making any such addition shall be spread at length upon the journal of the District Court of said county, and a certified copy thereof may be recorded by the Register of Deeds of such county.

SEC. 4. That section one hundred and thirty-three of chapter 100 of the laws of 1872 and chapter 73 of the laws of 1875, be, and the same are hereby repealed.

SEC. 5. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the official State paper.

Approved March 4, 1885.

I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original enrolled bill now on file in my office.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal. Done at Topeka, Kansas, this 4th day of March, A. D. 1885.

[SEAL] E. B. ALLEN, Secretary of State.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

During the two sessions of the Forty-eight congress there has been introduced in the house 8,286 bills and 345 joint resolutions. The following named measures of general importance have been enacted into laws: Bills to establish the bureau of labor; to establish the bureau of animal industry and prevent the exportation of diseased cattle, and to provide for the suppression and extirpation of pleuro pneumonia and other contagious diseases among domestic animals; to repeal the test oath act of 1862; to limit to three years the time in which prosecutions may be begun against persons for violation of internal revenue laws; to establish a bureau of navigation in the treasury department; to grant letter carriers at free delivery offices fifteen days leave of absence with pay in each year; to provide a retired list for soldiers and marines who served continuously for thirty years or upward; to reduce the rate of postage on newspapers and other periodicals of the second-class when sent by others than publishers or news agent to one cent for each four ounces; to remove certain burdens from the American Merchant marine (the Dingle shipping bill); to provide a civil government for Alaska; to prevent and punish counterfeiting in the United States of bonds or other securities of foreign governments; to extend the duration of the court of commissioners of the Alabama claims; to make all public roads and highways post roads; to make it a felony for any person to falsely personate an officer or employee of the United States acting under the authority of the United States or any department thereof; to relieve from the charge of desertion certain soldiers of the late war who, after having served faithfully until the close of the war, left their commands without leave; to provide for the location of the branch home for disabled volunteer soldiers of the Mexican war and the war of 1812, whose disabilities were not incurred in service against the United States; to reorganize a corps of Judge advocates of the army; to declare forfeited certain lands granted to and in construction of railroad and telegraph lines from Portland to Astoria, Oregon; to reorganize the inspectors general department of the army; to provide for the ascertainment of claims of American citizens for spoliations committed by the French prior to July 31, 1801, by referring them to the court of claims; to prohibit the importation and immigration of foreigners and aliens under contract or agreement to perform labor in this country; to declare the forfeiture of lands granted to aid the construction of the Texas Pacific railroad; to prevent the unlawful occupation of public lands; to repeal the pre-emption and timber culture laws; to forfeit lands granted to the Atlantic & Pacific Railroad company; to provide for the settlement of claims of officers and enlisted men in the army for private property destroyed in the service of the United States.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

FELLOW CITIZENS. In the presence of this vast assemblage of my countrymen, I am about to supplement and seal by the oath which I shall take, the manifestation of the will of a loyal and free people. In the exercise of the power and right of self-government, they have committed to one of their fellow citizens a supreme and sacred trust, and he here consecrates himself to their service. The impressive ceremony adds little to the solemnity of the responsibility with which I contemplate the duty I owe to all the people of the land. Nothing can relieve me from anxiety about their interests, lest by my neglect their interests may suffer; nothing is needed to strengthen my resolution to engage every faculty in effort in the promotion of their welfare. Amid the din of party strife the people's choice was made, but its attendant circumstances have demonstrated a new strength and safety of government by the people. In each succeeding year it more clearly appears that our Democratic principle need no apology, and that in its fearless and faithful application is to be found the surest guaranty of a good government. But the best result in the operation of a government is where every citizen has a share largely dependent upon the proper limitation of purely partisan zeal and effort and a correct appreciation of the time when the heat of the partisan should be merged in the patriotism of the citizen.

Today the Executive branch of the Government is transferred to new keeping, but this is still the Government of the people, and should be none the less the object of affectionate solicitude. At this hour animosities, political strife, bitterness of partisan defeat, and the execution of partisan triumph should be supplanted by acquiescence in the popular will and sober, conscientious concern for the general weal. Moreover, if from this hour we cheerfully and honestly abandon all sectional prejudice and distrust, and determine with manly confidence in one another to work harmoniously for the achievement of our National destiny, we shall deserve to realize all the benefits which our happy form of government can bestow.

On this auspicious occasion we may well renew the pledge of our devotion to the Constitution, which, launched by the founders of the republic, and consecrated by their prayers and patriotic devotion, has for almost a century borne the hopes and aspirations of a great people through prosperity and peace, and through the shock of foreign conflicts and perils of domestic strife and vicissitudes. By the father of his country our Constitution was commended for adoption as the "result of a spirit of amity and equal concession." In that same spirit it should be administered in order to promote the lasting welfare of the country and insure the full measure of its priceless benefits to us and to those who will succeed to the blessings of our national life. The large variety of diverse and competing interests, subject to Federal control, persistently seeking recognition of their claims, need give us no fear that the "greatest good to the greatest number" will fail to be accomplished if in the halls of National legislation that spirit of amity and mutual concession shall prevail in which the Constitution had its birth. If this involves the surrender or postponement of private interests, and the abandonment of local advantages, compensation will be found in the assurance that thus the common interest is subserved and the general welfare advanced. In the discharge of my official duty I shall endeavor to be guided by a just and unrestrained construction of the Constitution, a careful observance of the distinction between the powers granted to the Federal Government and those reserved to the States or to the people, by a cautious appreciation of those functions which by the Constitution and laws have been especially assigned to the Executive Government. But he who takes the oath today to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States only assumes a solemn obligation which every patriotic citizen on farm, in workshop, in busy marts of trade and everywhere should share with him.

The Constitution, which prescribes his oath, my countrymen, is yours; the Government you have chosen him to administer for a time is yours; the suffrage which executes the will of free men is yours; the laws and the entire scheme of our civil rule, from the town meeting to the State capitols, and National Capitol, is yours. Your every voter as surely as your Chief Magistrate is under the same high sanction, and though in different spheres, exercises a public trust. Nor is this all. Every citizen owes to the country a vigilant watch and close scrutiny of its public servants and a fair and reasonable estimate of his fidelity and usefulness. Thus is the people's will impressed upon the whole framework in civil politics: municipal, State, and Federal. And this is the price of our liberty and the inspiration of our faith in the Republic. It is the duty of those serving the people in public places to closely limit public expenditures to the actual needs of the Government economically administered; because this bounds the right of the Government to exact tribute from the earnings of labor or the prosperity of the citizens, and because public extravagance begets extravagance among the people. We should never be ashamed of simplicity and prudential economies which are best suited to the operations of a republican form of government, and most compatible with the mission of the American people.

Those who are selected for a limited time to manage public affairs are still of the people, and may do much by their example to encourage, consistently with the dignity of their official functions, that plain way of life, which among fellow citizens aids integrity and promotes thrift and prosperity. The genius of our institutions and the needs of the people in the home life and the attention demanded for the settlement and development of the resources of our vast territory dictate a scrupulous avoidance of any departure from that simple policy commended by the history and traditions and the prosperity of our Republic. It is the policy of Independence, favored by our position, and defended by our known love of justice, and by our power; it is the policy of peace, suitable to our interests; it is the policy of neutrality, rejecting any share in foreign broils and ambitions upon other continents and repelling intrusion here; it is the policy of Monroe, Washington, Jefferson: "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none." A due regard for the interests and prosperity of all the people demands that our finances shall be established upon such a sound basis as shall secure the safety and confidence of business interests; make the wages of labor sure and steady; that our system of revenue be so adjusted as to relieve the people from unnecessary taxation, having due regard to the interests of capital invested and the workingmen employed in American industries, and preventing the accumulation of a surplus in the Treasury to tempt extravagances and waste. Care for the property of the Nation, and for the needs of future settlers, require that the public domain should be protected from purloining schemes and unlawful occupations. The conscience of the people demands that the Indians within our boundaries shall be fairly and honestly treated as the wards of the Government, and their education and civilization promoted with a view to their ultimate citizenship.

Polygamy in the Territories is destructive of the family relation and offensive to the moral sense of the civilized world and should be repressed. The laws should be rigidly enforced which prohibit the immigration of a servile class to compete with American labor, with no intention of acquiring citizenship, and bringing with them and retaining habits and customs repugnant to our civilization.

The people demands reform in the administration of the Government and the applications of business principles to public affairs. As a means to this end, civil service reform should be in good faith enforced. Our citizens have a right to protection from incompetency in public employees who hold places solely as the reward of partisan service, and from the corrupting influence of those who promise, and the methods of those who expect such rewards. And those who worthily seek public employment have a right to insist that merit and competency shall be recognized instead of party subserviency on the surrender of honest political belief.

In administering a Government pledged to do equal and exact justice to all men, there should be no pretext for anxiety touching the protection of the freedmen in their rights, or security in the enjoyment of their privileges under the Constitution and its amendments. Discussion as to their fitness for the place accorded to them as American citizens is unprofitable except as it suggests the necessity for improvement. The fact that they are citizens entitles them to all its rights, and that relation charges them with all the duties, obligations, and responsibilities. These topics and the constant and ever varying wants of an active and enterprising population may well receive the attention and patriotic endeavor of all who make and execute Federal laws. Our duties are practical and call for industrious application and intelligent perception of the claims of public office, and above all, a firm determination by united action to give all the people the full benefits of the best form of the government ever vouchsafed to man.

Let us not trust human effort alone, but humbly acknowledge the power and goodness of Almighty God, who presides over the destinies of nations, and who has at all times been revealed in our country's history. Let us invoke His aid and His blessings upon our labors.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

During the two sessions of the Forty-eighth Congress there have been introduced in the House 8,286 bills and 345 joint resolutions.

The following named measures of general importance have been enacted into laws.

The bill to establish a bureau of labor.

To establish a bureau of animal industry, prevent importing diseased cattle, and to provide for the suppression and extirpation of pleuro-pneumonia and other contagious diseases among domestic animals.

To repeal the test oath act of 1862.

To limit to three years the time in which prosecutions may be begun against persons for violation of the internal revenue laws.

To establish a bureau of navigation in the Treasury Department.

To grant letter carriers of free delivery offices fifteen days leave of absence, with pay, in each year.

To prepare a retired list for soldiers and marines who have served continuously for thirty years or upwards.

To reduce the rate of postage on newspapers and other periodicals, second class when sent by others than the publisher or news agents, to 1 cent to each four ounces.

To remove certain burdens from the American merchant marine (the Dingle shipping bill).

To provide a civil Government for Alaska.

To prevent and punish counterfeiting of, in the United States, bonds or other securities of foreign Governments.

To extend the duration of the court commissioners on the Alabama claims.

To make all public roads and highways post roads.

To make it a felony for any person to falsely personate an officer or employee of the United States, acting under the authority of the United States or any department thereof.

To relieve from the charge of desertion certain soldiers of the late war, who, after having served faithfully until the close of the war, left their command without leave.

To provide for the location of a branch home for disabled volunteer soldiers of the Mexican war and the war of 1812 whose disabilities were not incurred in service against the United States.

To reorganize the corps of Judge Advocates of the army.

To declare forfeited certain lands granted to aid in the construction of railroad and telegraph lines from Portland to Astoria, Oregon.

To reorganize the Inspectors-General Department of the army.

To provide for the ascertainment of claims of American citizens for spoliations committed by the French prior to July 31, 1801, by referring them to the Court of Claims.

To prohibit the importation and migration of foreigners and aliens under contract or agreement to labor in this country.

To declare the forfeiture of the land granted to aid in the construction of the Texas Pacific Railroad, and to prevent the unlawful occupation of public lands.

Among the important measures yet remaining with the Conference Committee upon points of difference between the two Houses, are the House bill to repeal the pre-emption and timber laws, the House bill to forfeit the lands granted the Atlantic & Pacific Railroad Company, and the House bill to provide for the settlement of the claims of officers and enlisted men of the army for private property destroyed in the service of the United States.

The most important measures which have come before this Congress for action and failed are as follows.

The Morrison tariff bill, to reduce import duties and war taxes.

The McPherson bill, to provide for the issue of circulating notes to the National Banks.

The Blair bill, to provide for the establishment and temporary support of common schools.

The bill to provide for the collection of statistics relating to marriages and divorces.

The bill to provide for the performance of the duties of the President of the United States in case of the death, removal, resignation, or inability of both the President and Vice-President.

The proposition to suspend the coinage of the standard silver dollar.

The substance of the House bill to provide for an appropriation for the commencement of work on the Hennepin canal.

The House bill to provide for the restoration of Fitz John Porter to the army. Passed both Houses, but was vetoed down.

The House bill to authorize the purchase by citizens of the United States and admission free of duty of foreign built ships for use in the foreign carrying trade.

The House joint resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution to provide that the right of the citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State on account of sex.

The Senate bill to provide for copyright for newspaper articles.

The House bill to provide that hereafter the appointed Governors of Territories shall be limited to persons who have been residents of said Territories for at least two years.

The Senate joint resolution for passing an amendment to the Constitution to provide that the right of citizens to vote shall not be denied or abridged on account of nativity.

The bill to provide for the establishment of a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States.

The House bill to establish a Board of Commissioners on Inter-State Commerce.

The bill to provide for counting the electoral vote.

Of the measures of general interest introduced during the lifetime of this Congress, which fail of final action, a large number passed one house, but did not pass the other, and many hundreds have never got further than the calendar of the house in which they originated, and will die there, while a great number have never even been reported from the committees to which they were reported.

The bill to punish bigamy (the Hoar anti-polygamy) passed the Senate, but failed in the House.

Among the bills which passed the House, but failed to pass the Senate, are the following.

To declare the forfeiture of unearned railroad land grants.

To amend the Thurman act and provide for the investment of the sinking funds of the Pacific Railroads, and for a settlement of their accounts with the Government.

To establish a Department of Agriculture, and to regulate the forms of bills of lading and liabilities of sheep owners in regard thereto.

James F. Martin Gives Further Facts on Forestry of Inestimable Value
To Tree-planters.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

There are many persons who are seriously impressed with the importance of growing forest trees; knowing it would afford pleasure to themselves and family, and perhaps a pecuniary benefit also provided life should be lengthened to ordinary limits; or in any aspect of the case, it would be a safe investment for the children, the value of which would augment year by year, without the ordinary risks and dangers of investments in bonds and stocks or in commercial enterprises. Yet, the question presents itself, how shall I commence? A proper realization of its importance bring to the thinking, careful person, the necessity of proper preparation and an attention to the details of each part of the work without which there can be no certainty of success in this or any other undertaking.

Knowing the needs of inexperienced tree planters, I have drawn from my own experience and observation, and as far as I have had facilities, have collected like experiences, written by others in regard to the commencement and prosecution of the work. In my last article (No. 2), a list of trees is given suitable for planting in this section. Small trees of most or all of these can be bought from reliable nurserymen at reasonable rates, but the reader may not know where he can get them and if he should, he may not have the cash to spare to purchase them; thus he may fail to plant at all unless he can grow his own trees. I will try to give particulars in as plain and concise a manner as possible.

Collecting, Caring For, and Planting Seeds.
1. Seeds maturing in spring, and that should be planted as soon as gathered: The Elms: White, Red or Slippery and Corky. Willows, Cottonwood, Maple--Soft, Red and White. The Willow, Elm and Cottonwood having very small seeds, must be covered very lightly and kept moist until they germinate by a partial shading and daily watering. All the above kinds will be greatly benefitted and perhaps saved from the sun scalding them by partially shading them until they are two inches high; removing a part of the shading at a time until all is removed.

2. Mulberry--Native and Russian, ripen their seed in June. The berries should be carefully crushed and mashed free from the pulp, and sown at once, covering lightly, and treated as above stated with other seeds. They may be kept until the following spring, but one year will be lost by doing so.

3. Linden or Basswood ripens its seed the last of July and it should be gathered as soon as the seed pods begin to turn yellow, and mixed with sand to prevent heating as well as drying, placed in some vessel in the cellar and kept slightly moist until the following spring. Do not plant too early, as they come up quickly and are liable to be killed by spring frosts.

4. The following kinds ripen in autumn and should be planted soon after being gathered, or preserved in a moist condition until spring: Hickory with Pecan, Oak, Ash, Maples that ripen their seed in the fall, Walnut, Butternut and Persimmon. On account of the danger from mice and squirrels, none of these should be planted until spring. Hickories, Oaks, Walnut and Butternut may be put on the ground and slightly covered during the winter, where you may see that the above named enemies do not rob you. Ash and Maple ripening in the fall, should be treated as directed for keeping Linden seed.

5. Seed ripening in autumn that are kept in a dry state and safe from mice are Catalpas, Red Bud, Ailanthus, Green Ash and Box Elder.

6. Dogwood, by cleaning in the fall the seed from its pulp and packing in sand, in the cellar or in a box out of doors and planting in early spring, some may grow, but oftentimes the seed will not germinate until the second and sometimes the third season. Red Cedar Evergreen: This should be saved and cleaned the same as the above, but should be left in the box in the open air, thus subjecting them to the freezing of winter. Plant in moist well prepared soil, in early spring, the last two named, covered one-half inch deep and partially shade during the entire season the led of Cedar, allowing the led to remain undisturbed for the second season.

7. Kentucky Coffee Bean, Honey Locust and Black Locust seed must have scalding water poured on them until they are just covered before they are planted. Osage seed must be soaked in water for several days, changing the water each day to prevent souring. If the water is kept tepid warm, it will hasten their sprouting; when the sprouts begin to show, they should be planted in shallow drills and covered almost one inch deep.

8. Cottonwood, Willow, Ailanthus, Catalpa, Black and Russian Mulberry can be propagated by cuttings taken from last year's growth. The cuttings should be ten inches long and cut before severe freezing occurs. If cut immediately after the falling of the leaves and buried in a half upright position with butt ends down, covering them near, or quite to the tops and left thus until early spring, and then forced down in a half inclined position to the same depth, in deeply worked soil, either in nursery rows or where they are to remain permanently, but a small proportion of them will fail to strike root and grow. Another plan is, after making the cuttings and tying in small bundles, they are inverted in a trench say twelve inches deep on top and thus left to callous the butt end, it being up by the sun's heat in early spring, after which they are planted as above directed.

The Cottonwood, Ailanthus and Willows are readily propagated from cuttings prepared and treated in almost any manner, but Catalpa and the two kinds of Mulberries I would not propagate in this way, as they grow readily from seed and make much finer trees.

In growing trees, the seed bed should be deeply worked and well pulverized, and if the bed is free from weed and grass seed, the seed may be sown broadcast; if not, then sow in drills one inch or so deep, covering the seed from one-fourth of an inch to three-fourths of an inch deep, being governed generally by the size of the seed. The larger the seed, the deeper you may cover them.

The Maples are quite easy to grow and require very similar treatment as given in growing a crop of corn.

All trees having a strong top root and not many lateral roots, such as Walnut, Butternut, Hickory, Pecan, Persimmons and Oaks, should be planted where they are to grow, as they do not transplant well. All these enumerated above should be grown in nursery row or led and transplanted at one year of age. It is apparent that 10,000 seedlings can be grown and taken good care of in the matter of culture and transplanted where they are to remain at less expense of labor than in growing the same number scattered in hills four feet apart over near four acres of ground. Always prefer one year old trees for transplanting. Older trees will do well, but require especial care in handling, etc.

Locusts, Mulberries, Catalpas and Osages seed should be sown in drills, three feet apart; the drills are best made by an ordinary corn masher; the seed dropped, say forty of them per foot. The best tool to cover the seed with is a steel toothed rake drawn rapidly back and forth across the drills, being careful not to cover them too deep. As the sprouts begin to burst through the ground, by dexterously using the rake as above described, the crust will be broken and all small weeds destroyed. This will save much future labor.

All nursery trees should be kept clean of weeds and the ground well cultivated until about the middle of August, when all cultivation should cease that the young trees may properly ripen their wood. These directions are also applicable to the forest plantation, the orchard and the berry patches. In collecting seeds and cuttings, care should be given to get branch from trees of vigorous growth and fine form.

One tree I have neglected to name in this article; that is the Sycamore. The buttons containing the seed may be cleaned and treated as directed for Basswood or Linden. It may also be grown from cuttings, treated as described under that head.

We have now come to the last of October and November, the nursery trees being of one season's growth. They should now be lifted with the spade or if there is a quantity to be taken up, it can be done by running a two horse plow deeply under the row. They should be counted and sorted, the smaller from the large trees. Then hell them in deeply in a trench, covering the tops one-half that all may be protected from severe freezing and sudden thawing. The following spring brings the planting operation.

In every case use all the facilities at your command in order to prepare the ground in the best possible manner by deep plowing and pulverization. Without occupying space in referring to the great number of the best authorities on tree planting, allow me to state most emphatically that the proper distance to plant your trees is four feet each way. You may doubt this statement, but your experience, as it has with others, will have its correctness. I will not give the advantages of thus setting except someone requests me to do so.

Marking your ground one way with a common corn marker and furrowing as deeply as possible the other way, with two strong horses and a large plow, is the best method. In handling trees, ever bear in mind that if the roots are dead, your trees will not grow and if the roots are in any material degree injured by mutilation or drying in the open air, the tree is to the same degree injured and its life endangered.

The cultivation of the trees should continue three years and should be about the same as a good farmer would give his corn crop. If the soil is good, the cultivation may stop at the close of the second season, and the spring following the grove may be sown to Red Clover and used for hog pasture. If any of the trees head too low or have any side branches that interfere with working them, such limbs should be cut off; but nature will ordinarily do the trimming in the best manner. If you wish to plant only a few trees and do not want to cultivate them by mulching them heavily, you will apply favorable conditions for success.

The roots of evergreen trees are extremely sensitive to exposure to the atmosphere and especially a drying wind, so much so that they will not live but little, if any longer, in the open air than a person will with his head under water. A lack of this knowledge or a proper attention of the same is a more prolific cause of the many failures to grow trees than all others combined.

Your ground being ready, prepare a puddle (of earth and water) of the consistency of thick paint, into which dip the roots of your trees. Being thus heavily coated with mud, they will not injure by the exposure until they are planted. Each tree should be held in an upright position while the loose earth is drawn over the roots by a hoe or spade; care being taken to set them at the depth they stood in the nursery row and that all spaces about the roots are filled with mellow soil; then pack the same by stepping on each side of the tree. To complete filling about the trees and the deep furrows between, throw a light furrow with a low share plow or other suitable implement. In planting, the help of a boy to carry and hold the trees in position will expedite the work. JAS. F. MARTIN.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

In a previous article the profits of forestry were treated of, instances being given demonstrating the fact that but few, if any agricultural pursuits, will yield larger returns for the investment; and where the conditions are favorable and proper attention given, no enterprise is so certain of favorable results financially. Some may say that most of the cases previously cited, were "far fetched," and that like success is not to be found near home and among our acquaintances. The care of the farm and ill health in my family have prevented me from visiting the owners of a great many groves to be found all over this section of the state; but I have called upon a few of my neighbors, and have collected the following important facts, which facts outweigh my theories.

Our esteemed friend, J. W. Millspaugh, in visiting his old home in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, saw lumber made from soft maple trees, set by his own hands 22 years previous, that squared [?] inches; in order to do this the trunk was 24 inches in diameter, being a growth of over one inch per annum. This lumber was made into furniture for which it is well adapted.

[Note: Big blob of ink obscured the figure given above for squared inches.]

Mr. M. L. Martin has catalpa and box elder on his upland farm, planted eight years ago. The former measure 7½ inches in diameter, and will average one good post and one to two heavy stakes per tree; and the latter will average eight inches in diameter. It may be well to say just here, that all measurements of trunks are taken one foot from the ground.

Mr. T. B. Ware has nearly two acres of soft maple, walnut, and cottonwood, and is certainly almost the finest artificial grove that it has been the pleasure of the writer to visit. The soil is excellent, second bottom, and the trees have received careful attention from the competent owner. They were planted 8 x 8 feet, and corn was grown between the rows for the first three years, and a crop of pumpkins the fourth year; since which, no cultivation has been given them. All were planted the spring of 1875. The nuts being dropped for the walnut trees; small trees being transplanted of the other kinds. The following are the measurements, carefully taken.

Walnut. Circumference 21 to 27 in. Height: 35 ft.

Elm. Circumference 18 in. Height 30 ft.

Soft Maple. Circumference 30 in. Height: 50 ft.

Cottonwood. Circumference 45 in. Height 65 ft.

One cottonwood, growing isolated from the grove, measured sixty inches in circumference and will make three-fourths of a cord of wood.

There are 800 soft maples, which would at a bare estimate make 100 cords of wood. It is difficult to correctly estimate the present and cash value of this grove, but it is not less than $600. Mr. Ware took an important prize two years ago, for the largest yield of wheat, per acre, in this section, and is uniformly successful with his farm operations. Yet none has brought so large a profit as his timber. One important factor of the value of this grove is the attraction it gives to birds; thousands seek it as a roosting place. One of the results of this, being a natural accumulation of guano, from one to two inches thick, which Mr. Ware finds to be the best fertilizer he ever used on the farm. This beautiful belt of trees is very justly the pride of its owner and the admiration of all who see it.

Mr. I. I. Hilliard has standing in his front yard a sycamore tree, twelve years of age, that is forty-two feet in circumference and twenty-five feet in height. This is a beautiful specimen and, like all of this species, when standing alone, makes a handsomely formed head and a desirable shade.

We found on the farm of Mr. Pennington, in the Arkansas bottom, walnuts, catalpas, and cottonwoods of eleven years growth.

Largest Walnut circumference: 25 in.

Average: 17 in.

Average height: 30 ft.

Largest Catalpa circumference: 40 in.

Average: 26 in.

Average height: 30 ft.

Largest Cottonwood circumference: 73 in.

Height will average one cord of wood: 60 ft.

The walnuts and catalpas stand from six to ten feet apart. Mr. Pennington has the black locust growing in a small way, but on account of its sprouting tendency is trying to destroy it, but with a poor prospect of success. The catalpa being a much more desirable tree, renders the growing of black locust quite unnecessary.

The last grove examined belongs to Mr. Josiah Hahn, who is a neighbor of Mr. Pennington. He has an acre of catalpas. The seed having been brought from Harrison County, Indiana, in the spring of 1875, growing in a seed bed that season and transplanted the following spring by Mr. Pennington. The age of the trees being nine years from the seed. They were cultivated for three seasons. The following gives the present size.

Largest circumference: 31 in.

Average: 18 in.

Height: 24 ft.

Number of trees: 1,136

They will average three good posts to the tree, making 3,408 posts; estimating these at fifteen cents each, which is below their true value, it amounts to $511.20. This is equal to $584.22 per acre for the time, which is eight years that they have occupied the ground, or at the rate of upwards of $73.00 per acre. The cost for labor, rent, and interest on this seven-eighths of an acre will not exceed forty dollars, which leaves a net profit of $417.20, or $58.90 per year, and this without labor. This grove, if properly managed, will be a perpetual income to the proprietor, for by cutting the timber while in the dormant state, and permitting only one sprout to grow from the stump, this will in six years time make as large a tree as its parent did in eight years.

Who will say that timber culture is unprofitable? Why, brother farmer, what others are doing, may you not do likewise? Would it not be wise to commence this spring.

[Note: Above article, like so many others in recent issues, was very garbled.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Recap. R. L. Walker, Register, Land Office at Wichita, Notice re settler, William J. Davis, of Winfield P. O., before Ed. Pate, District Clerk at Winfield, on April 4, 1885. Witnesses: John Marks, David Marks, Mary Page, and Charles Norton, all of Winfield P. O.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Recap Notice of Final Settlement from R. L. Walker, Register, Land Office at Wichita.

Settler establishing proof of claim: Richard . District Clerk at Winfield, Ed. Pate. Witnesses: Casper Ralf, Winfield; R. Q. Paugh and Peter Paugh, Silverdale; W. H. H. Maris, Winfield.

[Hard to read name of settler: Could be Brion or Brinn.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Draft Horses.
I have moved my horses to Smith's Stable, north of the Court House, Winfield, Kansas, where they will stand for services during this season. S. ALLISON.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Breeder of First-Class Plymouth Rock
EGGS $2. PER 13.
I will pay $2 for the best trio of Plymouth Rock chickens exhibited at the Cowley County Fair next fall raised from eggs bought of me.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Annual Clearance Sale.
A clean sweep all along the line of Clothing, Boots, etc.
Men's Good Warm Overcoats: $1.75
Boys' Good Warm Overcoats: $1.25
Other Goods in proportion. These goods and prices only need to be seen to be appreciated.

J. S. MANN, The Leading Clothier.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Are now filled to their uttermost capacity with
Call in and see the goods and the
At which they are being sold.
A Fine Stock of Fancy Groceries.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

(Successors to Noble Caldwell.)
Risks Written in Fire, Lightning, Tornado and Life Insurance.
Represent the widely known and solid German Insurance Company, of Freeport, Illinois, which makes a specialty of Farm Risk against Fire, Lightning and Tornado; also other sound companies.

Are Agents for The Mutual Trust Fund Life Association and the Mutual Benefit Life Association, of New York, conducted on the assessment plan, and furnishing the safest and cheapest plan of Life Insurance known.

Also Agents of the Metropolitan Safety Fund Accident Association, of Chicago for accident insurance.

Office in Fuller-Torrance Block, Main Street, Winfield, Kansas.
FRANK H. GREER, Local Editor.
[Skipped Market Report.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Capt. H. H. Siverd has signified his candidacy for re-election to the office of constable at the coming city election, and will receive the warm support of every voter in favor of fealty to duty and good government. The Captain has filled this office for years and is thoroughly well schooled in its every intricacy. He has shown himself to have no superior as an officer. A man of firm convictions, strict integrity, and undaunted courage, he is always found on the side of right and duty. Law-breakers find no leniency in Capt. Siverd, and yet in dealing with them his genuine kindness of heart insures treatment in harmony with human justice and equity. His transaction of civil business within the scope of his office is always expeditious, reliable, and satisfactory. His general capability and popularity insure his almost unanimous election. Many of the strongest enemies to principles the Captain so warmly advocates, recognize and honor his boldness in favor of right and duty and are found among his supporters.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Says the Wellington Press: "Last night a stranger from the east stopped in the city, but he could not be induced to remain here. He said he would go to Cowley County and take a homestead. The enterprising papers of Winfield ought to publish the advantages of homesteading on the prairies of that county and get the territory settled up. We imagine it will take about $5,000 to 'homestead' in Cowley."

Yes, Mr. Wellington Press, the wonderful beauty, enterprise, and productiveness of our "territory" are being truthfully heralded to the world and are drawing like a mustard plaster. Every train brings in immigrants who have passed others of the grand counties of Southern Kansas, for a "homestead" in the Belle of the Union and the Paradise of Kansas. Cowley is climbing the golden stair of worth and popularity in a manner bewildering to her neighbors. Her development so far has been magical, but this year will outstrip all previous records.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Died, on 8th Avenue, at her late home, on the 6th inst., Mrs. Clara M., wife of Samuel H. Houk. Mrs. Houk was born in Pennsylvania August 3, 1882; was at the time of her death aged 32 years, 6 months, and 23 days. She was united in marriage to Samuel Houk June 20, 1883, by Rev. Cairns. She was baptized into the fellowship of the Baptist church of Winfield by Rev. Cairns February 2, 1881. She was greatly beloved by all who knew her. Though a great sufferer during her last illness, she offered no words of complaint, but patiently waited the Master's call. She leaves her husband, two little sons and a little daughter, with a large circle of friends to mourn their loss. The funeral services were held in the Baptist church, on Sabbath last, before a very large audience of mourning friends, conducted by the pastor.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Ten of Sheridan township's young boys from fifteen to twenty years of age are on trial in Justice Buckman's court, on charge of bad conduct at the Sheridan lyceum, with fair chances of paying fines and costs. It seems that these boys have been making trouble at Sheridan gatherings for some time past: cutting horses loose, turning collars upside down on horses, taking nuts from wagon axles and letting the wheels drop, and other diabolical acts. This is a habit too often indulged in by the youths of country gatherings, not with malicious intentions but under the idea that it is smart. A good lesson or two will teach the boys that manly, honorable conduct is the only successful and sure basis to build on.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The Social Club has arranged to close its "hops" for the season with a calico ball on Friday evening, the 29th inst. Invitations will be extended personally by members of the club to those for whom they are willing to vouch, and indications point to a pleasurable affair. Always beautiful and charming, how much more so will Winfield's young ladies be when attired in simple, fresh, and captivating calico. Among the social features of the city, none have been more successful or universally enjoyed than the bi-weekly hops of the Winfield Social Club and the popularity of this winter will not soon be forgotten by devotees of the Terpsichorean art.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

"H. W. Creswell, one of the best known ranchmen in the Texas Panhandle," says the Arkansas City Traveler, "who has just returned from Europe, has sold to a company of foreign capitalists, the 'C' ranch, consisting of 150,000 or 200,000 acres of land and about 40,000 cattle. The price of the land we do not know, but the cattle are to be counted out in the summer at $27 per head, this season's calves to be thrown in. The transaction will foot up over $1,500,000, on which $100,000 has been paid as a guarantee. This is the largest sale made in this country for many years."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

At the regular business meeting of the Ladies Library Association on Tuesday of last week, the following named ladies were elected as officers and directors for the ensuing year: President, Mr. D. A. Millington; Vice-President, Mrs. W. R. Kirkwood; Secretary, Mrs. N. J. Lundy; Treasurer, Mrs. C. M. Wood; Librarian, Mrs. W. L. Mullen. Directors: Mrs. G. W. Miller, Mrs. F. W. Finch, Mrs. C. Taylor, Mrs. Dr. Graham, Mrs. Dr. Perry, Mrs. Dr. Tandy, Mrs. J. S. Myers, Mrs. C. Strong, and Miss E. Strong.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Our spring catalogue will soon be ready for distribution, and we will visit Winfield this spring with plants, bulbs, seeds, etc., and desire those wishing anything in our line to wait our coming and make selections from our stock. We will be at Friend's music store. Exact date later. Bristol Sisters, Topeka, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

A fine line of residences in the city for sale at prices to suit buyers. Farms for sale in all parts of the county. Insurance written on all classes of insurable property. Money loaned on farms and city property by H. T. Shivvers. Office in McDonald building, 2nd door upstairs.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Dr. T. H. Elder, who has been practicing medicine at Udall during the winter, has permanently located in Winfield, with rooms over Curns & Manser's building. He is a physician of ability and experience, having practiced for twenty-one years in his former home, Albia, Ia.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Our hose companies have been presented with splendid fireman's rubber coats, M. L. Robinson and A. H. Doane being the donators. It was a present very much needed and is highly appreciated by the boys.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The young people of the Baptist church have changed the time of their prayer meeting from Thursday to Tuesday evening. All are invited to attend the Tuesday evening meetings.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

A series of very successful revival meetings are being conducted at the Christian church by the pastor, Elder J. H. Myers, assisted by Elder H. D. Gans.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The progressive euchre mania has struck our neighboring cities. Will Winfield catch the infection?

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Several more were baptized on last Sabbath evening at the close of the services at the Baptist church.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The large audience room of the Baptist church was completely filled on last Sabbath at both services.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The Cowley County Bank, of Arkansas City, has been made a First National.

Her Chronicle of The Comings, Goings and Doings of Persons at Home and Abroad.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

S. Kleeman is in the east on a purchasing tour.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Dr. W. R. Kirkwood is in Chicago on business.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Will Robinson came in from the Crescent City Friday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Fred Barron left Monday for a permanent residence at Ashland.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Judge H. D. Gans leaves Monday next for a trip to the World's Fair.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Mr. J. R. Atkins, of Cherryvale, spent Sunday with Winfield friends.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Will D. Rothrock and bride left Tuesday for a future home in Portland, Oregon.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

M. L. Robinson has joined his wife and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Read for a vacation at New Orleans.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Rev. J. H. Reider left Monday for Toledo, Ohio, summoned by the dangerous illness of a brother.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Nancy Johnson has made report of real estate to the Probate Judge, in estate of John Wesley Snyder.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Lee Bales, from Windsor township, languishes in waiting for a preliminary, on charge of adultery.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Will Green, of Champaign, Illinois, an old friend of Hop Shivvers, is visiting here and may locate, in dentistry.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Mr. O. G. Randall, in the Utah mail service, spent last week visiting his uncle, Mr. Irve Randall, of this city.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Miss Maggie Taylor, of the millinery firm of Taylor & Taylor, departed yesterday for an eastern purchasing tour.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Capt. J. B. Nipp is among Winfield's delegation who are attending the G. A. R. encampment at Fort Scott this week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Frank Doane, brother of our A. H., with his wife, came in last week from Danville, Illinois, to permanently locate.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Mr. C. M. Riggin, of Mt. Sterling, Ohio, is visiting his uncle, Mr. F. W. Maddux, of Walnut township, and may purchase property and locate.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Billy Dawson is visiting his parents at Independence. We shall not accuse Billy of matrimonial intentions this trip.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Miss Clara Brass, of Lawrence, and Mrs. Sherman, of Springfield, Mo., are visiting their sister, Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Joe H. Buckman, late of McLean County, Illinois, brother of our G. H., has been visiting here during the past week. He has located in Osage County.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Dr. W. R. Davis has been up from Vinita, I. T., for several days. He came to plat a part of his farm, near the mounds, for an addition to the city.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Master Fred Dunham's fourteenth birthday was enjoyably celebrated at the residence of his aunt, Mrs. C. H. Greer, by a large number of his young friends, Monday evening.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Mr. J. S. Neer, of Windsor township, one of Cowley's largest sheep raisers, was in the "hub" Tuesday, and reports that his sheep have come through the winter splendidly.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

T. H. Soward, J. E. Snow, Chas. Steuven, and others are in attendance upon the Grand Encampment of the G. A. R. of Kansas, as representatives and visitors from Winfield Post.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

John Black and Nancy Sicks, Albert Whiteman and Alvira Tomlin, Benjamin Campbell and Irene Goodwill, have committed matrimony since our last, as appears by Judge Gans' record.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Mr. Wm. Dowler, from Marshall County, West Virginia, an acquaintance of Mr. W. R. McDonald, arrived last week. He has purchased property in Pleasant Valley and cast his lot permanently with Cowley.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Mr. Wm. H. Richardson, of Pleasant Valley, enjoyed a visit recently from his brother, Mr. H. T. Richardson, of Macoupin County, Illinois, who was greatly enchanted by the beauty and possibilities of Cowley.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Capt. J. S. Hunt and wife left Monday for a week at Fort Scott. The Captain goes as a delegate from Winfield Post to the Grand encampment of the G. A. R., while Mrs. Hunt is a delegate from our Woman's Relief Corps.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Messrs. James Ostrander and John Stayman arrived last week from Champaign City, Illinois, and will open a foundry and machine shop in the Jordon building on north Main street as soon as the machinery can be put in.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

E. H. Nixon and L. D. Zenor, two of Winfield's most popular young men, have arranged to launch in the real estate and loan business at Medicine Lodge soon. Their departure will cause regret among many friends, whose best wishes for success will accompany them.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

A jolly crowd of Winfield's best young men, composed of Robt. Hudson, Addison Brown, Jas. A. Cairns, W. L. P. Burney, R. J. Brown, Will H. Hodges, Robt. Rogers, James Lorton, and George Reed spent Sunday last in Wellington. Their comparison is largely in favor of the Queen City of Southern Kansas, Winfield.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Mr. B. B. Vandeventer, now of Versailles, Illinois, is here looking after property interests. Mr. Vandeventer is one of Winfield's early-day settlers, when he secured the splendid piece of land just north of the Southern Kansas railroad. It is now worth a handsome sum, and will be platted for another addition to the city.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Rev. B. Kelly dedicated a fine new Methodist church at Peabody, Marion County, last Sunday. He raised twenty-five hundred dollars by voluntary contributions in forty minutes, more than removing the entire debt of the church. The Reverend speaks very highly of the enterprise and moral worth of Peabody's citizens.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

T. R. Bryan last week sold his interest in the grocery establishment of Bryan & Lynn to his partner, J. B. Lynn, who continues it in connection with his dry goods business. Mr. Bryan is now a "gentleman of leisure," but of course has an eye on some new enterprise in the Queen City that will soon make him as busy as ever. T. R. is one of Winfield's most influential and valued permanencies.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

George Cairns is spending this week in Winfield, after two months' evangelical work with Major Penn at Wichita and Newton. George is devoting his splendid musical and intellectual talents to a noble work and has already been the means of accomplishing much for the spiritual elevation of humanity. He starts for New Orleans Monday, where he will spend a short vacation before returning to Texas. James A. will likely accompany him.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

R. S. Howard came in last week. He was appointed deputy sheriff for the purpose of assisting in running down Spencer, who committed the cold-blooded murder near Ashland last week, the particulars of which appear elsewhere. It was on this mission that he reached Winfield and Arkansas City, thinking perhaps the murderer would try to skip for Oklahoma with the boomers. Mr. Howard says Ashland is having a wonderful boom. Over thirty new houses have gone up since the break of winter and others are being built as fast as lumber and mechanics can be secured.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Wm. Schafstall and Lewis Miller were brought before Justice Buckman Saturday night on charge of assault and battery, committed upon Chas. Bode, near Burden. The three got into a dispute over a game of euchre, at the house of a neighbor, and "passed the lie," but finally Schafstall and Miller started for home. Bode waited some time and also started for home. When some distance from the house, his antagonists came from their lair alongside the road and gave him an awful thrashing, making his note as flat as a pancake, and gashing his head badly. The defendants got off with twenty dollars apiece and costs. Miller cashed up, but Schafstall languishes.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The relatives and friends of John R. Smith, of Sheridan township, made him a complete surprise Saturday evening last and took possession of his home, in honor of his 45th birthday. A congregation of Smith's was there gathered that did great honor to that historic and familiar name. About thirty-five relatives of John R. were present and with assistance of friends did obeisance to a grand feast. Mr. E. J. Johnson says it was one of the pleasantest occasions yet given in Sheridan. It will ever remain green in the memory of Mr. Smith and those present. John R. is an old line Democrat, but withal one of the staunchest citizens of Cowley and we are glad to note this testimony of esteem on the part of his neighbors and friends.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Sheriff McIntire took in Bob Dowty, wanted for murder in Wayne County, Ohio, at Arkansas City, Monday. Mr. John Croco, formerly of Wayne County, recognized Dowty in Winfield last week and later at Arkansas City, and having noticed in his old home paper that Dowty had shot a man in the back in a saloon row and skipped, notified Sheriff McIntire, who at once telegraphed the authorities of Wayne County, receiving an answer that the right man had been spotted and to arrest him at once. Dowty is reported as a desperate character and kept the handle of a savage looking revolver in sight during his perambulations, but McIntire's manner of "bringing down" on him silenced his bravo. Dowty acknowledges that he is the man wanted and says his object in coming west was to move on Oklahoma with the boomers. He now languishes in waiting for the Wayne County officials.

[Note: Arkansas City papers called this man "Doty" and "Douty."]
A Third Enthusiastic Meeting and a Board of Directors Elected.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The Winfield Enterprise Association is now thoroughly organized and is bringing its power to bear on various schemes whose success will set Winfield several rounds up the ladder of prosperity. Its third meeting was held on Thursday evening last, when the membership was found to have reached over two hundred of our prominent businessmen, most of whom were present and have since put two dollars each into a sinking fund. J. C. Long was chosen chairman and D. L. Kretsinger secretary. A committee consisting of G. H. Allen, T. H. Soward, Walter Denning, C. M. Leavitt, and Frank H. Greer was appointed to report a list of names for directors of the Association. The following were reported and unanimously elected: Wm. Whiting, J. B. Lynn, M. L. Robinson, J. C. Long. H. B. Schuler, J. L. Horning, D. A. Millington, T. H. Soward, A. H. Doane, W. P. Hackney, J. E. Conklin, J. P. Baden, and W. G. Graham. No better men could have been chosen as directors. They are all men of enterprise and energy: men who have the interests of our city and county at heart and the necessary nerve and ability to secure every enterprise possible for our advancement. The committee previously appointed to devise a plan for the establishment of a college in Winfield, composed of W. R. Kirdwood, J. H. Reider, A. H. Gridley, and A. H. Jennings, reported as follows.

Your committee, appointed to consider and report upon the subject of an educational institution of a higher grade, beg leave to present the following, viz:

1st. We believe it to be eminently desirable that such an institution should be located in Winfield, and at the same time entirely feasible.

2nd. We are informed that the South Western Kansas Conference, of the M. E. Church is about to locate a College in the southern central portion of the State.

3rd. We therefore recommend that a committee of businessmen be appointed who shall make a canvass of the city and county, soliciting subscriptions to a fund to be used for the purpose of securing the location of said College in Winfield; and we recommend that the work be done at once, inasmuch as the conference above named, meets on the 16th inst.

4th. Inasmuch as it is proposed at an early day to vote bonds to the amount of $15,000 for the purpose of erecting another school building, we beg to suggest whether it be possible legally to vote for the erection of such building--to build it on plans suitable for College purposes, and, if the College can be secured, to be turned over to the board of trustees of the College for their use, while the high school should be merged in the preparatory department of the College, it being understood that, in case the College is located here, it shall be properly endowed and equipped by the Conference.

The Directors held their first meeting on Friday evening last and permanently officered the Association as follows: President, H. B. Schuler; Vice-President, D. A. Millington; Secretary and Treasurer, T. H. Soward. Committees were appointed to sift and develop certain enterprises that have been sprung. This organization means much for Winfield and Cowley County. It is composed of the most harmonious and enterprising lot of businessmen that any city was ever blessed with--men who are determined to make Winfield the metropolis of Southern Kansas and Cowley the most populous, prosperous, and popular county in the State. With natural advantages unexcelled, citizens a unit for advancement, substantial immigration pouring in, and public and private improvements all around, the future of Cowley looks bright indeed.

[Note: Paper had W. R. Kirdwood. Wonder if this should be Kirkwood?]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Chas. Schmidt and Mr. Wagner made a novel wager Tuesday. Schmidt bet $11.50 against $5 that Wagner couldn't walk every sidewalk in the city in ten hours. Wagner started out yesterday morning at 9 o'clock, Schmidt riding along the different streets traversed to see that the job was done according to agreement. Much interest was manifested, and it looks as though Wagner had a mammoth contract on his hands; but he is a man of powerful muscle and is climbing over the smooth stone pavements at this writing at a stem-winding gait, in a drizzling rain.

Final. At 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon Wagner had traversed every sidewalk as per agreement and was declared winner. Though an exceptionally wiry man and used to hard labor, he caps this as his hardest day's work, and wouldn't try it again for twice the wager won. He estimates the distance traveled at from thirty-five to forty miles, a record unparalleled by an amateur.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

W. H. Gustin, Road Master of the central division of the Santa Fe railroad, met a horrible death at Arkansas City Monday. He came down from Newton on the regular passenger train, on official business, and as the train pulled up to the depot in Arkansas City, he attempted to jump from the engine to the platform while the train was yet in motion. He lost his balance, struck some baggage on the platform, and fell backward under the wheels of the baggage car. The wheels passed over the center of his body, almost severing it and causing instantaneous death. Gustin resided at Newton and leaves a wife and four children. He had been a faithful official of the Santa Fe for years, and had the esteem of many acquaintances.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The Woman's Christian Temperance Union desire us to state that none of the money given to the Local Relief Society went to the care of the unfortunate girl for whom the Union has secured a place in the Leavenworth Home for the Friendless. The ladies paid all these expenses from their own individual contributions. The ladies took the girl from the jail in response to an appeal from the County Commissioners, cared for her through pure christian motives, and willingly shoulder any responsibility that attaches to the matter.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

A. Herpich, the Merchant Tailor, has just received an elegant assortment of seasonable foreign and domestic suitings, has a corps of experienced workmen, and is thoroughly prepared to turn out work unexcelled. In quality and artistic design his stock is always superior and his workmanship and manner of dealing universally satisfactory. Those anticipating a spring or summer suit in style, quality, and fit the equal of any, should leave their order with Mr. Herpich.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Sheriff McIntire and Jailor Finch have been circulating petitions and have secured the names of a large number of the voters of the County asking the appropriation of $15,000 for the building of a new jail. No argument is necessary to show the necessity of this new jail: every man who ever looked into the old rookery we now have is convinced of it. The petition will likely be acted upon next Monday when the County Commissioners hold an adjourned session.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Several persons have been bitten by mad dogs in Wellington recently. They went to Paola, applied the mad-stone in possession of a party there, and were cured. The stone adhered to the hand of one of the victims for ten hours. Wellington is now killing every canine that perambulates her streets without its "chawing" apparatus muzzled.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

All persons having ordered trees of the "Star Nursery," Dayton, Ohio, please meet at the COURIER office next Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock, for the purpose of combining, if necessary, against said nursery, and to talk over matters pertaining to the same. Pleasant Valley.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The Band of Hope meets Friday next at the Baptist church. This band, under superintendency of Mrs. E. D. Garlick, is proving a potent feature in educating the youth of our city in temperance principles.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Mrs. Hartwell and Miss Books, accomplished teachers, who have recently arrived from the east, will open a preparatory school in the Farringer building, south Main street, Tuesday next.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Farmers should note carefully the article of Dr. C. Perry in another column, and assist in the elevation and advancement of their vocation by aiding him in collecting the facts desired.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Parties desiring hair work of a superior make, such as hair chains, necklaces, ear-drops, etc., also first-class stamping, will do well to call on Mrs. Addie W. Sykes, north Menor St.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

There will be an examination of applicants for teachers' certificates in the East Ward School building on the 14th inst., commencing at 10 o'clock a.m.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

For Sale: On the Fair Grounds, Winfield, Kansas, 20 head of fine cross-bred yearling Galloway bulls. J. Wade McDonald.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

A bevy of nine musicians awoke the echoes Tuesday evening as a serenading party. Their music was charming.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

It is with deep regret that we chronicle the death of Ben B. Manning, son of Col. E. C. Manning, a pioneer of Winfield and for years one of her most influential citizens, which occurred at his home in Washington, D. C., on Friday night last. The writer had the pleasure of spending several days with Ben at his home last summer and found him to have developed into a bright, fine-looking, and reliable young man--one of good habits and splendid promise. The Colonel, in a letter to Capt. T. B. Myers, gives the following particulars of the death: "As previously announced by telegraph, Ben is dead. He died at 5 p.m. March 6th, at home. On March 4th (Inauguration day) there were more than 100,000 strangers in the city. Pennsylvania Avenue, the principle thoroughfare of the city, is where the greatest throng assembled. During the ceremonies no vehicles were allowed upon this Avenue; but after 5 p.m. this restriction was removed. Ben, accompanied by a young man named Malony, had gone down to the Avenue to see the fireworks and about the time the Kansas Flambeau club were giving their exhibition, a one horse cab struck Ben in such a way as to throw him violently to the ground and pass over his body. When he was picked up, he was insensible and never was fully restored to consciousness again. He was at first taken to what is known as the Emergency Hospital, not far from where the accident happened, where his wounds were dressed, and then his companion procured a cab and brought him home about 10:15 p.m. I had two doctors with him. Everything was done that could be done to relieve and save him. The blow that is supposed to have caused death was received in the back of the head, and is believed to have been inflicted by the end of the shaft. From both surgeons and his companion I learn that he had not used any intoxicants that day. In fact, Ben had grown to be a good boy. He minded me, was steady and worked every day. He attended church on Sabbaths and was really a comfort and pleasure to us. I refer to his condition at the time of the accident particularly lest some of his Winfield acquaintances might think he had been drinking on that day and was intoxicated. I have had the body embalmed and will have service at the house tomorrow (Sabbath) at 4 p.m. and in the evening send it west by express. Meet them at the depot and take them to the cemetery. Should any of his or our friends accompany you in this sad office and desire to look at the remains, you can open the outside case and slide the lid off the casket, where they can be seen through the glass of the casket. Bury him next to and on the south side of his mother. So long as I have control of the children, I want them buried by her side. And there is where I want to finally lie myself. While writing this letter Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Manser of Winfield called. E. C. MANNING."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Those persons who have been so hasty in condemning the action of the ladies of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union in trying to reclaim the poor girl over whom so much fuss has been raised should be able by this time to take a sober second thought and must be ashamed of their action. The ladies did no more and no less than their duty. Their attention was first called to the matter by the following letter.

"To the W. C. T. U. of Winfield: I am directed by the Board of county commissioners to appeal to you in behalf of a young girl, Lydia Vandermark, now incarcerated in the county jail. The Board has been petitioned to discharge her from said jail, but as she is young, friendless, and without money, her discharge under these circumstances seems like closing the last avenue of hope for the poor girl, hence this appeal to the well known christian charity of your order. The Board hopes that you will be kind enough to investigate this case and likely be able to place her under the protecting influence of some christian family, or at least suggest something that will be better than absolute ruin. The Board will be happy to cooperate with you in any steps you may be pleased to take, and will stay until tomorrow all further proceedings in hopes to hear from you in this matter. Done by order of the Board of county commissioners of Cowley County, Kans., J. S. HUNT, county clerk and clerk of said Board."

Acting through this appeal they took the girl from the jail and one of the noble ladies opened her home to her, and everything that human kindness or christian charity could suggest was done to reclaim her from the paths of sin. The silly stories that she had implicated most of the city in her downfall were largely without foundation, and what she did say would never have been given a second thought had not the young men of the city been seized with a morbid and dyspeptic fear that they might be "on the list." The young girl was taken to the Home for the Friendless at Leavenworth by one our ladies and is now under influences where it is to be hoped that her young life may be trained to paths of virtue and usefulness. For the ladies who braved the storm of public criticism and opened their hearts and their homes to this poor outcast girl, the COURIER has not words to express its admiration. Their action was self-sacrificing and prompted by the noblest instincts of womanhood.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

County Attorney Asp has filed the following opinion in the Probate Court.

"Hon. H. D. Gans, Probate Judge: Dear Sir: In response to your question propounded to me yesterday, 'Is a druggist's permit lawfully issued under the prohibitory liquor law of 1881 valid under the new law of 1885, and may a druggist holding such permit, it being unexpired; lawfully sell under the same?' Permit me to say that in my opinion, no druggist holding a permit issued under the prohibitory law of 1881, and unexpired, has any right to sell thereunder since the taking effect of the new law of 1885. Section 2 of the prohibitory law of 1881 provides: 'In order to obtain a druggist's permit under this act, the applicant therefor shall present to the Probate Judge of the county wherein such person is engaged in business, a petition, signed by at least twelve citizens of the township or city in which such business is located, etc.' The act of 1885 provides: 'The applicant therefor shall present to the Probate Judge of the county wherein such applicant is engaged in business, a petition signed by at least twelve freeholders having the qualifications of electors, of the township or city wherein such business is located, etc., and the original section is repealed by section 19 of the new act, and since it took effect, no druggist may lawfully sell intoxicating liquor except upon a permit issued upon a petition as prescribed by the new law. HENRY E. ASP, County Attorney." It might be well to remark in this connection that under this new law prosecutions are not discretionary with the County Attorney. When a complaint is made, he must prosecute and no excuse of having sold under an old permit under impression that it was valid will shield the druggist in the least.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The trial of W. L. Pridgeon for illegally selling liquor some time ago in the Blair building came off in Justice Buckman's Court, Monday. A jury of twelve found the defendant guilty on two counts, and fines of $100 on the first and $200 on the second, with costs of suit, were assessed: an aggregate of nearly five hundred dollars. Pridgeon gave notice of appeal and his bond was fixed at $800, which at the present writing has not been furnished and the defendant seems likely to languish in durance vile. County Attorney Asp informs us that but one more liquor case remains on file under the old law, the case of the State vs. Dr. Irwin, of New Salem. The man silly enough to undertake violation of the new prohibitory law, which went into effect Tuesday, will strike the ceiling of justice with a thud that will shake his frame with remorse deep and awful. Our County Attorney has on his armor and will make it sultry for every violator; but we think the whiskeyites have grasped the situation and will accept water in peace.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The home of K. A. Kelly, a tenant on A. B. Graham's farm across Dutch creek just north of the city, was destroyed by fire Wednesday evening of last week and a babe of the family perished in the flames. The mother left her three children in the house, the oldest of which is but five years, while she went out to milk. During her absence the house took fire, supposedly through some action of the children around the stove. Two of the children were rescued alive, but the babe was taken out too late to save its life. All the household goods were lost, on which there was no insurance.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Chas. C. Black, secretary of the D., M. & A. railroad company, got in Monday from an eastern trip in the interest of that road. He was accompanied by Major Joe Hansen, general manager. Prospects for that line seem flattering. If Winfield gets the D., M. & A. and the K. C. & S., as is now almost certain in the near future, Winfield and Cowley County will have a solid, substantial boom that will outdistance anything yet on record. J. N. Young, president of the K. C. & S., is expected to arrive from Chicago today.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The new prohibitory law is too large a dose for Wichita saloon keepers, according to the Beacon. "Monday and Tuesday witnessed the close of all the Wichita saloons. About fifteen continued open after the first of the month. The revenue to the city will be cut off at once to the amount of twenty-five to thirty thousand dollars per annum. There seems to be no possibility of running a saloon under the new law."

Its Regular Monthly Meeting Saturday Last.
Many Pithy Points for our Fruit Raisers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The Cowley County Horticultural Society held its regular monthly meeting last Saturday at the COURIER office, President Jas. F. Martin in the chair. The Secretary, Jacob Nixon, read minutes of last meeting, which were adopted.

Members present expressed the conviction that the peach buds were uninjured and that prospects indicated another big crop this year.

R. I. Hogue, chairman of the committee previously appointed to prepare a fruit list suitable for Cowley horticulturalists, submitted a list which was discussed and adopted as follows.

Summer Apples: Red June, Sweet June, Early Harvest, Summer Queen, Early Pennock, Keswick Codlin, Benoni Cooper's Early White and Red Astrachan.

Fall Apples: Maiden Blush, Rambo Late Strawberry, Fameuse and Fall Wine.

Early Winter Apples: Artley, Wine, Grime's Golden, Jonathan, Rome Beauty, and Smith Cider.

Late Winter or Long Keepers: Ben Davis, Missouri Pippin, Winesap, Willow Twig, Rawles Janet, Gilpin, and McAfflers Nonsuch.

List of 1,000 trees for a commercial orchard. 10 Red June, 15 Early Pennock, 25 Cooper's Early White, 50 Maiden Blush, 50 Artley, 50 Rome Beauty, 200 Missouri Pippin, 200 Ben Davis, 200 Winesap, 100 Willow Twig, 100 Gilpin, and 50 Rawles Janet.

Mr. Hogue said the Snyder grape was not injured by severe winter.

Mr. DeTurk spoke in favor of Kittatinny grape; considered the berry of the Snyder small and worthless. He grafted the grape last spring with good success; had grafts to grow fifteen feet on wild stocks.

Mr. F. A. A. Williams, appointed at last meeting to solicit memberships to the Society, reported fifteen new members and four renewals. Mr. Williams was continued, and Messrs. G. L. Gale and John Mentch were also appointed to assist in enlarging the membership.

Mr. Williams offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted.

Resolved, That the able articles of President Jas. F. Martin, on Forestry, are earnestly commended to our tree planters.

Mr. Gale broached the Hessian fly subject, and said that the egg is deposited on the leaf of wheat, instead of the root, as some recent writer has said, and is carried down to base of stock by dew and rain; also, that a dry, warm spring was very much against this fly.

President Martin reported the tender by Mr. T. A. Blanchard of a collection of insects; the tender was gratefully accepted and Mr. Blanchard voted an honorary member of the Society. Mr. Martin appointed to procure cases for same.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Will A. McCartney sends us the following particulars of a tragedy near the new town of Ashland. "Ashland was thrown into a state of excitement on Tuesday night of last week, the 3rd inst., by a rumor brought here by a horseman to the effect that a shooting affray had taken place about twelve miles northwest of town. The facts as reported by him were that Spencer, the man who did the shooting, and Warrick, his victim, had been living together on a claim. After supper Tuesday night, Spencer told Warrick to wash the dishes, which the latter refused to do. Spencer took hold of him by the shoulder and told him that he had been playing off on the work and that he must wash the dishes. Warrick broke loose, when Spencer grabbed a bull-dog revolver and shot him twice, once through the head and once through the body. He then turned to two other boys that were in the dugout and demanded their money. Being satisfied by them that they had none, he took $10 from the pocket of his victim, armed himself with a long range gun, and left the scene of his bloody crime. One of the witnesses of the act went to the 76 Ranch and got one of the boys from the Ranch to come to town for the sheriff and a doctor. Dr. Parks in company with Sheriff Sughrue started for the place of the shooting, but when within two miles of the place the team ran off, throwing Sheriff Sughrue out and dislocating his shoulder. The Sheriff was brought to town and his shoulder replaced. It was found on reaching the place of the shooting that Warrick must have died almost instantly. A number of citizens and boys from the 76 ranch are out in search of the murderer and all hopes are entertained of his capture.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The undersigned having been appointed by the Farmers' Institute a committee on soils and cultivated crops, is desirous of obtaining a full description of the various soils in this County, differing as they do very materially, and therefore he earnestly requests that all who feel interested in the success of the Institute will send him facts and descriptions relating to the soils and crops in their respective localities, as follows.

1st. Surface soil, general characteristics: color, depth, preponderance of clay or sand.

2nd. Subsoils: color, general character; whether porous or hard-pan; underlaid by lime-stone, slate, or sand-stone.

3rd. Gumbo soils: their peculiarities; what your experience as to the best method of making them friable or mellow.

4th. Alkali soils: their peculiarities; what experiments have you made in their cultivation and what (in your opinion) is the best method of treating them.

5th. Any other suggestions in relation to soils.

6th. Crops: Wheat--the best and most productive variety; thick or thin sowing the best; has continuous cropping of wheat materially reduced the yield.

7th. Corn--Deep or shallow plowing and cultivation the best; listing or check-rowing best.

8th. Oats--the most productive variety; best plan of cultivation.

9th. Experiences and opinions relating to other cultivated crops.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

In reading the COURIER of February 26th, I noticed a local entitled "Dr. Tanner Outdone," telling of a hen's forty-one days fast, which caused my mind to think of days long gone by. It was in the days of flax growing, scutching, and spinning that the hero of my story lived. On a cold winter's day, I think about the middle of January, 1836, I was tramping wheat with horses and in removing the wheat from the mow I uncovered a live hen. She had concealed her nest in a lot of flax that had been built upon some rails across the corner of the log barn. She could not have been confined there much less than four months, as we usually hauled in about the first of August or sooner. Now, had this happened in the days of newspaper correspondence, I would have made a note of it and been able to give exact date of time confined, but must rely on memory alone. The hen was confined to, or within eighteen inches of her nest, and may have picked some few grains of wheat and eaten her eggs, but had no way of getting drink. If you think this too big a story to publish, you can place it away carefully where none can see it. CHAS. PROVINES.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Mr. H. S. Libby, a stock raiser near Maple City, this county, writes:

"I have had an experience in handling cows this winter and spring that I never have had before in all of my Kansas life, and that is my cows are nearly all losing their calves; born before their time, most of them dead when born, and those that are born alive live but a short time. What is the matter? Our feed consists of about one-third fodder, one-third millet cut while it was in the milk, and the balance prairie hay. I cannot form any idea the cause of it unless it is the long cold winter we have passed through. If any of my brother farmers can give me more light in this matter, I should be very glad to receive it.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The surety of the K. C. & S. and D., M. & A. railroads reaching Winfield very soon, is waking up the Santa Fe and it now gives vent to strong intentions of shoving its line from Douglass to this city at once. We will accept such move with pleasure. Think of the Queen City having five railroads by fall! Whoop!!

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

John Davis, of the general merchandise firm of Davis & Johnson, New Salem, was in the metropolis Tuesday. The boys are working up a splendid business and deserved reputation in the rustling little city of Salem.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Rev. W. H. Harris, of Arkansas City, filled the Methodist pulpit last Sunday morning and evening. He is a minister of experience and force and his sermons were very acceptable.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

People who have not paid their taxes on real estate for the year 1884 should be doing so immediately, as another 5 percent penalty will be attached on the 20th of the present month.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Rev. B. Kelly will preach his last sermon before the convening conference, at the Methodist church next Sunday morning and a praise meeting will be held in the evening.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Mrs. Ed. A. Allen, of Vernon township, died very suddenly last Friday, aged forty-two years.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

T. R. Timme came in from Kansas City yesterday.

Newsy Notes Gathered by The "Courier's" Corps of Neighborhood Correspondents.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

White bonnets are South Bend's latest rage.

Thorn Seacat and John Himes are visiting Clark County friends.

Will Birdzell is feeding his cattle on Mr. Carter's farm on Posey creek.

Mr. Harader will soon make a fish-way in his dam, so I am informed.

Rev. Crawford failed to fill his appointment last week at our schoolhouse.

George Morton and Sam Gregg will manipulate their plows on Stringer's farm this year.

Died, on the 4th inst., Mary, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Adin Post. The obsequies were conducted by Rev. Mr. Harris.

One day last week Mr. Holcomb entertained Prof. E. M. Garret, of Kentucky, and Mr. Watt, of Hackney. The Professor is looking at Kansas clime with the notion of becoming a Jayhawker.

Sampson Johnson has bought E. Johnson's farm adjoining his on the east. The purchaser will now farm for all there is in it, and the other will migrate toward the setting sun.

Miss Mollie Holcomb has returned from Topeka where she has been visiting relatives and attending school. She arrived at the "mushroom city," Hackney, and took her trunk to Teter's Hotel on Timme street, between the depot and north hedge row.

Mrs. James Jordan has been afflicted several months with hemorrhages of the lungs, and recently her case assumed a very serious condition. Hopes are now entertained, however, that the dreaded disease will not prove fatal in her case.

Will Scott, of Posey Creek fame, and Miss Cordia Armistead, one of Arkansas City's fairest ladies, were united in the holy bonds of double life, recently. May fortune smile upon a happy voyage across the sea of futurity, is the wish of their many friends.

One of Red Valley's young energetics once smiled with all his might upon one of South Bend's fairest maidens. He came and went, and many times did he cause South Bend's victuals to do likewise. He arrived at home recently, and there, in the light of the morning star, he found a note on his saddle's horn. The message thereon did not tell him to call and kiss anyone, but it politely invited him to remit on board bill and horse feed. There is not enough atmosphere to supply his organs of speech.

Last Friday night our teacher gave a spelling match and entertainment. The spelling lasted until recess and Al Bookwalter and Mr. Tousley were pronounced champions. After recess the pupils entertained the audience with the following program: Select Reading, Will Welman; Recitation, Rosa Wilson; Recitation, Emma Welman; Laughing Hyena, Harry Shaw; Likee Melican Man, Dick Chrisman; Little Horner, Mr. Stephenson. The program concluded with "The Neighbor's Cat," by the leading stars, and "Old Maids," by Misses Welman and Sitter.

A goodly number of our citizens met at Mr. Broadwell's a few evenings since to celebrate the 11th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Broadwell's wedded life. The evening was passed very pleasantly by playing light games and discussing matters of general interest. The artichoke question was ably discussed, and "Skipper Hokern," whose feathers have stood against the wind because the people would not go wild over "German carp culture," spoke words of consolation to his political friends who had "recently kissed the walls of the White House a sad farewell." An excellent repast was served, and all present agreed that it was good to be there.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Stock of all kinds healthy and looking well.

Now that winter is over, the farmers are preparing for spring work.

Mr. C. Manny has moved to Greenwood County. We are sorry to lose him.

Sam Sample and sons-in-law are all going west soon and grow up with the country.

L. Moore, our Justice of the peace, has moved near Glen Grouse on a No. 1 bottom farm. He will make it pay of anyone can.

The Armstrong school closed Friday evening the 6th, with an exhibition. Mr. Ramage has taught a good school and gave splendid satisfaction.

H. Glaves is feeding two carloads of fat cattle and Mr. Mosier one carload. Al. Mathews is feeding two or three carloads and all ready for the market.

Dr. N. R. Luther, our popular physician at Glen Grouse, informs me there is almost no sickness in this locality. He says Mr. and Mrs. Will Rash are happy: it's a fine boy, and all doing well.

J. N. Turner has gone back to Missouri to stay one year. He is one of our best young men. I think he will return in the spring and bring with him an assistant to improve his new farm and make home happy.

Dr. Luther is talking of going south this spring, thinking he will find a location that will suit him better. It is very healthy here and sometimes a rough, bad road, etc., but I think he had better remain here, as he has all the practice there is to do, and a good reputation, both as a physician and citizen. He has been located at Glen Grouse for nearly four years, and the people will very much miss him, as there is no other doctor within twelve miles.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Hon. J. D. Maurer has returned home from Topeka.

Joseph Furman has sold his fat cattle to Mr. Hardwick.

Mr. Kulp, of Minnesota, is visiting his sister, Mrs. D. Hawkins.

Mrs. John Reynolds has returned home from her visit in Illinois.

School is progressing finely and the term has been extended one month.

A little boy of Mr. Hardwick's has been suffering severely from an attack of inflammatory rheumatism, but at present writing is some better.

Miss Iowa Hargis has returned to her home in Cameron, Missouri. She had formed many warm friends while here who regret her departure: especially Jack.

Miss Nettie McKinne left for her home in Illinois last week. She will be sadly missed by our young people and we can all account for Ed's looking so sad.

Elder Kersy, of Wyandotte, Kansas, of the Christian denomination, is holding a protracted meeting in Dexter. A large audience has been in attendance every night. His sermons are very interesting.

School closed in District No. 7 last week with an entertainment at night. Quite an interesting time was reported. J. R. Smith, Jr., conducted the school there this winter. The school at Fairview, Crab Creek, also closed last Wednesday evening with an entertainment, assisted by the literary society and Dexter band.

Considerable stock has been shipped from this locality of late. W. W. Underwood sold a carload of fat cattle, and Henry Branson two carloads of fat cattle, while other parties have been shipping hogs and sheep. A more enterprising and business class of men than Grouse valley affords is hard to find. Messrs. Hardwick and Peabody have been buying and shipping all winter.

The festival held in the A. O. U. W. hall was a success financially and socially. Great credit is due the ladies of Dexter and vicinity in preparing and arranging the supper. The table fairly groaned under its burden of good things. After supper was over quite a number of cakes, pies, chickens, and other eatables were sold to the highest bidder. The proceeds to go to the pastor of the Presbyterian church. Everything passed off quietly and all appeared to enjoy themselves.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The Excelsior schoolhouse was painted and plastered last fall. It is now the neatest school room that we have seen in Kansas.

They have discovered a quarry of stone on the farm of Mr. Group's that will furnish heavy stone superior to any found in this county. Parties are now making arrangements to work it this season.

There have been so many changes in this district during the past year that many are strangers to their near neighbors. The splendid gathering at Excelsior last Friday gave an opportunity to get acquainted. We should have more such occasions.

Last Friday was a pleasant day for the scholars and patrons of Excelsior school. The occasion was the close of the winter term of Miss Wolf. Before noon the parents and friends of the school began to gather and by noon there were as many as the house would hold. The morning session was dismissed and the scholars and men repaired to the yard; the pupils spending the time at play and the men in conversation while the ladies took possession of the house. Soon they called and when we entered the room, we beheld two tables the length of the room filled with as nice and good a dinner as was ever set in Cowley County. So great was the variety that one could not taste but a small part of any one thing. After dinner the time was spent in songs, select readings, essays, dialogues, and declamations, of which there was variety enough to keep up the interest until the close. This, we believe, is Miss Wolf's first term in Kansas. The school has made rapid progress under her direction. The next term begins the 23rd of March.

The following is a report of the weather kept by D. M. Adams, of this part of Pleasant Valley, for the year ending March 1st, 1885.

Average temperature of the year: 56½ Degrees.

Highest temperature during the year: 100 Degrees.

Average of warmest day: 86 Degrees.

Lowest below zero: 5 Degrees.

Average temperature of coldest day: 1 Degree.

Depth of rain and melted snow: 30½ Inches.

Greatest quantity of rain in one day: 1½ Inches.

Inches of snow during the year: 14 Inches.

Days rain fell: 74 Days.

Days snow fell: 15 Days.

Days at or below zero: 10 Days.

The warmest month was July; the average temperature was 81 degrees; the warmest day was July 12th; average temperature, 86.

The coldest day was December 24; average, 1 degree above zero. The lowest was 5 below, January 17.

The greatest fall of rain during one month was August, making 4.95 inches; rain fell on 12 days.

The driest month was March. There were light showers on four days, making only of an inch of rain.

The first frost was October 9; it was light. Vegetation was not injured until October 22nd.

First ice and a light snow on November 18. Potato vines were not killed until that date. The first snow of winter fell December 11 and lay until January 8. Snowed again the 15th of January and lay until February the 4th; then another snow February 23rd, which lay until the 27th. The ground was covered with snow 52 days this winter.

Persons who have observed closely find that this report differs from those made on lower grounds and that the valleys are colder than the uplands. Vegetation was killed several weeks on the bottom between Winfield and the river before it was killed here. There was solid ice in the valley in less than ½ mile of my home before there was any ice at my home on an elevation in the edge of Pleasant Valley. It is generally supposed that the hills are the coldest. It has been the opposite this winter. The valleys have been colder than the high ground on extreme cold days. It has been 5 degrees colder in Winfield than here.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

It will soon be time to lay in a stock of garden seed.

The roads are drying up and afford better traveling.

George Burt has sold out his lease of Mr. Lacey's farm to Mr. Wilson.

Mr. W. L. Thompson will haul his freight hereafter on a spring wagon.

Miss Lillie Wilson's arm is slowly improving although it causes some inconvenience yet.

The Holiness meeting that is in progress at Valley Center schoolhouse is succeeding very slowly.

J. J. Tribby is ornamenting his farm with a fine two-story residence. Mr. A. Sipe is doing the carpenter work on Mr. Tribby's house.

The wheat looks very bad in some localities, especially on the upland. On examining it, it can be found that the roots are black and decayed.

The school is progressing at Akron quite successfully under the able management of Prof. R. B. Corson.

Misses Mary E. Curfman and Maggie Wilson were visiting at the residence of Mr. J. A. Savage last Sabbath.

Rev. Wesley preached his farewell sermon last Sabbath. The Presbyterian church elected a new set of officers last Sabbath. For elders: Mr. Mann, Mr. Pember, and Mr. Morton were elected for terms of three to five years. W. H. Huston, E. L. Wilson, Charles Huston, and T. S. Covert were elected trustees.

A certain young man was coming home from church last Sabbath night with his girl in a one horse conveyance. The horse became so demoralized with the scene behind it that it refused to carry them any farther until after considerable coaxing and petting from Mr. . He was finally satisfied with his share and they went on their way rejoicing with very little damage to either party.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

We are anxiously waiting for the ground to dry sufficiently to begin farming operations.

Seed oats are almost as scarce a commodity as corn in this section. A large acreage of this cereal will be sown this spring.

Rev. Castle has severed his pastorate with the Irvin Chapel and returned to Ohio to continue his studies: a move in the right direction.

Today Mr. Lucius Walton commenced threshing his last year's crop of oats. He will have no difficulty in disposing of every bushel of them to his neighbors for seed at a profitable figure.

Mrs. Della Snyder, after a very short vacation, has begun her second term of school at the Victor schoolhouse in No. 115. This is a just recognition of her services in the quite recent past.

This morning (Tuesday) Mr. Wm. Culloch shipped the first carload of hogs from this point. Having only thirty-seven of his own, he paid four cents per pound to his neighbors for the remainder of the carload.

Last week Messrs. Will Beach, Moses Teeter, and John Vandever received two carloads of corn at our station. They paid thirty-two cents per bushel. The Green Bros. also availed themselves of the convenience of our switch by shipping in a carload of corn.

M. H. Markum has ordered his third carload of corn. He deems one week's feeding now more profitable than a whole month during the reign of frigidity. While in Kansas City a few days ago, he visited the great Union Stock Yards and noticed that the stock being received were mostly of an inferior quality--mainly owing to too early shipment, and as a natural consequence, the market, in stockmen's parlance, was "badly off."

Since his last contribution, "Mark" enjoyed a week's recreation at the State Capital and Manhattan, returning by way of Kansas City. Were he to give a description of the sights, scenes, and pleasures incident to his trip, the columns of the COURIER would be too much crowded. During his sojourn at Topeka he was the recipient of many valuable favors and appreciated courtesies from Representatives Greer and King and Senator Jennings, for which they have his hearty thanks. Having spent much time in the House part of the Legislature, he was pleased to notice the active part Hon. Greer took in the debates of that August assembly. Hons. King and Maurer, although more conservative, appeared none the less interested and solicitous concerning the disposition of bills. Senator Jennings seemed to have but few, if any, superiors in the Senate, and was quite fortunate in accomplishing what he undertook. "Our boys," with possibly one single exception, made as clean and clear a record as legislators as any county delegation in the State. The fact that they finally secured the Imbecile Institution after a close and sharp contest, entitles them to the just recognition of our people in the future. The "boys" are now acquainted and could exert a more powerful influence in the next Legislature. At Manhattan, "Mark" enjoyed a "feast of reason and a flow of soul," as the guest of Prof. Thompson, of the State College. Prof. Shelton, of the Farm Department, kindly placed himself at ye scribe's service and a rich treat was enjoyed in the agricultural line, which space forbids describing. Many valuable improvements have been made in and to the College and farm since "Mark" was an honored student three years ago. The only regret that his visit occasioned was the fact that he is not now numbered among the four hundred students who are daily enjoying its delightful comforts and advantages. This institution is rapidly becoming, and deservedly too, the most popular school in the State. It is now more thoroughly equipped than ever before, with comfortable buildings well lighted and heated, neatly carpeted and artistically decorated. A corps of able instructors who have no superiors in their special fields, in or out of the State, and all necessary apparatus for the education of mechanical and scientific subjects. The Industrial Department of the College is a grand success. Every student is not only taught theory, but practice is compelled in some one of the several useful trades taught and fostered by the institution, thus laying the ground work of an honorable and useful career of its alumni.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

A. L. Gay meditates a trip to Illinois soon.

The ground hog legend is about "kerect."

M. Ellinger is happy over the return of his wife.

Our mite societies still flourish; quite a fund on hand.

We all swear by Jennings and Greer. They are daisies.

We feel like giving three cheers and a tiger for Frank and Ed. for what they did for Cowley. That "Imbecile Bill," as it is called, is a big thing for Cowley, if J. J. J. didn't think we wanted it.

Workmen are pushing the new church rapidly towards completion.

The frost is almost out of the ground, but corn is not all gathered.

It's a mistake about J. J. Johnson living in Richland; he can't leave Tisdale.

Hugh McKibben and Dick Chase are boss lobbyists and "don't you forget it."

We almost feel as though we had a new neighbor, Richland is so near, you know.

It's too bad about J. S. Baker. Ask him about it if you have an accident policy.

S. W. Chase is setting them up to the boys. A new thresher at Dick's is what is the matter.

Dr. Griffin and wife have returned to Chicago; too healthy in Tisdale. Georgia Davis accompanied them.

Somebody ask Johnson about those colored tickets that they didn't use at the last election at Tisdale.

We regret to learn that our old time friends, John R. and Will Smith, have sold their farms. Soon the old settlers will all be gone.

We trust that our Salem friends will be easy on the rest of Richland, at least until they get a little used to their ways, which are at times somewhat mysterious.

Wonder what caused so many explosions near the south line of Richland township one afternoon of last week. Could it have been because Baker got home alive?

To our Salem friends let me say our fight has not been in any way personal. We entertain nothing but the best feeling toward them and shall ever welcome them to Tisdale most cordially.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

We welcome you, gentle spring.

Rev. Castle preached his farewell sermon on March 1st at Irwin Chapel.

If you want to subscribe for the Iowa Tribune, Mr. McCurley will take your order.

Thirteen freight cars on the side track at Hackney. This certainly means business.

Wanted. There are a good many farmers that want to know what corner of the field they left their plow in.

About eighteen couples of young folks met at Mr. Cy. Fisher's a few evening since. They report a pleasant time and of course they did to the oysters just what any of the rest of us would have done.

Look out for tramps. They are in the neighborhood. If they were gathered up as they come around and taken to Winfield, or some other place, and put on the stone pile to breaking stone, we would not have so many.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Weather beautiful and farmers have commenced plowing.

Miss Bell Winters made a flying visit to the "hub" Monday.

Mr. John Himelick has rented the Cambridge House and took possession Monday.

Miss Blanche Palmer, who has been visiting in your city for the past three weeks, returned home Saturday.

The deputy sheriff was in town Monday and all of our boys who have been naughty looked frightened.

Sam Greenlief has sold a half interest in his livery stable to Lee Harris. The firm will be known as Greenlief & Harris.

Preaching at the schoolhouse next Sunday at 11 a.m., by Elder Dwyer and in the evening at half past seven by Rev. Jas. Tull.

Mr. Himelick's brother, whom we reported last week as being very low with consumption, died last Thursday. His remains were sent to Indiana for interment.

We understand the Good Templars of this place are talking of moving to a larger room, their membership having increased very rapidly during the last month. The members say the meetings grow more interesting each evening.

Dr. Jones did not remain with us as many friends hoped he would, but left for his home at Holden, Mo., Thursday. The Doctor expects to visit the World's Fair and take a prospective tour through the south. We wish him success wherever he may go.

A juvenile singing class was organized at the schoolhouse yesterday, under the leadership of N. S. Crawford. The motive Mr. Crawford has in view is to teach the Sunday school children, especially, how to sing, and in the near future give a Sunday school concert. Mr. Crawford is well versed in music and he cannot be complimented too highly for his enthusiasm in this matter.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

H. H. Swim spent Saturday in Winfield.

Mr. Will Swim spent Wednesday in Winfield.

Mr. Matt Jackson has a cousin and his family visiting him.

Jim Haygood left Monday for Dexter, to work for Mr. Harden.

Several of our young people spent Sunday evening at J. L. Higbee's.

Fred Collins, of Burden, passed through our city Sunday, southward.

Miss Eva Reynolds was in Burden Tuesday visiting Miss Harden's school.

Miss May Bedell leaves tomorrow for Iowa, where she expects to spend the summer.

Miss Laura Elliott, the instructor of the young minds at Dexter, Sundayed at home.

Miss Eva Reynolds spent the latter part of last week down the creek in getting up a school. She will commence teaching Monday week.

Miss Mattie Rittenhouse opened a select school yesterday morning. As she is a favorite among the children, I feel confidence she will be successful.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

H. C. Hutchins, of Wabash, Indiana, arrived here on Friday and will locate with us.

The mush and milk social at Abbott's on Friday night was a very enjoyable affair.

John House, of Newton, Kansas, General agent for the Wood twine binder, is spending a few days in our city.

Our merchants are all having a good trade since the warm weather set in and the roads have become passable.

Mr. Ben Kerr, a friend of E. M. Buffington, arrived from Aurora, Indiana, on the 3rd inst., and will probably locate here.

The city has purchased a lot and will proceed to erect a "cooler" at once. Who will be the first to secure lodgings there?

Someone without the fear of the Lord on their souls helped themselves to three boxes of Ammon cigars Saturday night.

The R. R. Co. have put in a first-class street crossing on First street. This is an improvement which our citizens appreciate highly.

Melvin Carter, of Grundy County, Illinois, who owns several farms in this county, is here looking after his financial interests.

Our efficient County Attorney made this city a visit on the 3rd, and enriched the State School fund to the extent of $100, at the expense of Charles Martin.

The series of meetings that are being carried on by the Christian church under the auspices of Brother Kane are meeting with good success as evinced by their crowded house each night, and the numbers of new converts that nightly unite with the church. Let the good work go on.

A young child of Marion Fitzsimons had a very narrow escape from death on Saturday, by being run over with a carriage driven by James Napier. Fortunately he escaped with slight injuries. John McCallister also had a narrow escape while digging in a well for the railroad company. At a depth of 65 feet, an empty hoisting bucket slipped and fell from the top, striking John a glancing blow on the shoulder.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Senate Bill No. 332.
An act to enable the City Council of the City of Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, to appropriate money to purchase a site for the Kansas Asylum for Idiotic and Imbecile Youth, and levy taxes therefor.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:

SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, is authorized to appropriate out of the city treasury of such city in the amount not to exceed twenty-five hundred dollars for the purpose of purchasing a site for the Kansas Asylum for Idiotic and Imbecile Youth. Provided, That if said city has no funds in the city treasury for the purpose, that the City Council of said City may issue its scrip to the above amount in lieu thereof for such purpose, and at the next annual levy of taxes, may levy a tax on said property of such city in addition to other taxes sufficient to pay such scrip.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the WINFIELD COURIER.

I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original enrolled bill now on file in my office.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal. Done at Topeka, Kansas, this 7th day of March, A. D. 1885.

[SEAL] E. B. ALLEN, Secretary of State.
Political, Official and Social Notes As Gathered by
Our Regular Washington Correspondent.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

The unanimous verdict on the inauguration is that it was the most brilliant, enjoyable, and generally successful occasion of the kind in the history of the government. More people were here, and they enjoyed themselves better than ever before. The festivities proceeded without a hitch or disappointment from beginning to end. But the chief sight was not what the people saw, but the people themselves. Never was there such a notable gathering on this continent. And in mere numbers, the crowds excelled anything known outside of a few exceptional gatherings, such as the Philadelphia Centennial. The multitude which faced President Cleveland to hear his views and be witnesses to his covenant with the nation, was perhaps the largest body of citizens ever collected in one spot. Experts differed widely as to the number, but many judges of crowds estimated it as high as one hundred thousand, or even higher. Fully a quarter of a million people flanked the procession, and at night the same vast crowd choked the broad acres of the White Lot to see the fireworks. The ball was a popular as well as an artistic triumph. Here again the people crowded by thousands in an unprecedented jam. And scarcely a speck of trouble of any sort dimmed the universal joyousness.

There were no railroad accidents, no platforms collapsed, no quarrels, jealousies, or misunderstanding broke the harmony. In short, the people and the pageant lived up to the weather.

"Cleveland's luck" stood him in good stead at his inauguration. The day was all that could be desired, the streets were in perfect condition, and nothing was wanted to complete the comfort of those who marched and those who looked on. The weather evidently made up its mind to fall in step with the times and show its fair face as used to be the case in the days of "the fathers." Since the time of Pierce, the weather inauguration day has been almost uniformly execrable; but before that President, the day was frequently very pleasant.

One novel feature in the ceremonies of inauguration day was letting the public get a peep for the first time at an executive session of the Senate. The House did not pass the Grant bill till after 11 o'clock. The President was at the Capitol, and promptly sent an executive communication to the Senate naming Grant as the "one person" whom he wished on the retired list as general. But it was now half-past eleven, and it was manifestly impracticable to clear the galleries and turn out the distinguished guests who crowded the floor. Hence the Senate, by unanimous consent, proceeded to executive business with open doors. But for some reason those free and easy scenes which gossip pictures in executive sessions did not take place. Nobody smoked, no Senators put their feet on the desks, no one told creamy stories. The public is now in doubt as to whether the hilarities of executive sessions are a myth, or whether they were only partially initiated into their mysteries after all.

The forty-eighth Congress has at last expired. Nominally it was two years old, but its conscious and wakeful days amounted in all to only 234. An unprecedented volume of business was presented to it for attention, but only a small proportion was acted upon. Among the few important bills that escaped the common fate were those establishing bureaus of labor, navigation, and animal industry; to repeal the test oath of 1862; to reduce the rate of postage; to remove certain burdens on navigation; to provide a civil government for Alaska; to declare forfeited the Texas Pacific land grant, and to provide for the ascertainment of the French spoliation claims. Among the failures of note were the Morrison horizontal tariff, the various banking bills, the Blair education bill, the electoral count, the bankruptcy bill, and the silver suspension bill.

It is authoritatively denied that Arthur is in ill health. He is the guest of Mr. Frelinghuysen. He may or may not go to Fortress Monroe for a week or so. He has no intention of making a yacht trip south, but will probably go to New York, and from there start in the early summer on a fishing expedition to St. John, N. B. LENOX.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Piano to rent. Inquire of J. W. Hall, at Spotswood's grocery.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

I am selling the celebrated La Belle wagon at $66.00. Come and examine it. W. W. LEE.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Remember the sale of Short Horn yearling calves at Frederick's livery stable Saturday next, at 2 o'clock. H. S. SHIVVERS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Nursery stock as cheap as the cheapest and good as the best. 15,000 apple and peach trees at the very lowest prices. Good apple trees at $7. Per hundred. Two miles west of Winfield, on Oxford road. J. G. PIERSON.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

PUBLIC SALE. I will offer at Public Auction at my residence 1½ miles south of Grand Summit, Cowley County, Kansas, on Thursday, March 26th, 1885, at 10 o'clock a.m., the following property, to-wit: 2 good span of work mules; 1 stallion; 4 saddle horses; 2 yearling colts; 2 good milch cows; 1 yearling bull, three-fourths Short Horn Durham; 22 yearling steers; 10 yearling heifers; 40 head of stock hogs, Poland China breed; and 2 farm wagons, 1 spring wagon, 2 sets double harness, 1 mowing machine and sulky hay rake, stirring plows, cultivators, etc., 1 cane mill, good horse power and evaporator, and many other things not mentioned. Also my farm will be for rent for cash; 115 acres in cultivation. Terms of sale: A credit of nine months will be given on all sums over $5 by giving note with approved security drawing 10 percent interest from date; 5 percent discount for cash. J. W. HIATT.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

PUBLIC SALE. I will sell at Public Auction at my residence 2 miles east and 2 miles north of Winfield, at ten o'clock a.m., on Thursday, March 19th, 1885, the following property, to-wit: 54 head of yearling steers and heifers, three first-class milch cows, all giving milch, 2 of them fresh; 2 calves, 1 thoroughbred Short-Horn Durham bull; 80 head of stock hogs, including 10 young brood sows; 1 sewing machine; 1 kitchen Range; household and kitchen furniture, 1 set double harness, 1 combined reaper and mower, 1 sulky hay rake, 1 spring-tooth harrow, 1 stirring plow, 1 Climax corn planter; 1 Courtland spring wagon, 8 dozen hens, and various other articles too numerous to mention. I also have 3 good work horses that I will sell for cash or trade 2 of them for a team of mules suitable for the road. I also have several hundred bushels of corn and a lot of hay that I will sell for cash. I also offer the farm, which is one of the best in the county, for sale on reasonable terms, with payments, or will rent it for cash to the right person, if not sold soon. Terms of sale: A credit of nine months, without interest, will be given on all sums over $10, exclusive of horses, hay, and corn, by purchaser giving good bankable notes. C. A. ROBERTS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Recap. Administrator's Notice: Estate of Edward Richardson, deceased. Catherine Richardson, declared Administratrix. Jennings & Troup, Attorneys. Effective date: March 10, 1885.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Recap. Notice of Final Settlement: Estate of Francis C. Martin, deceased. April 6, 1885.

A. Gilkey, Administrator. Hackney & Asp, Attorneys.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Recap. Notice of Final Settlement: Estate of Nellie Sellers, deceased. April 6, 1885.

James A. Goforth, Administrator. Hackney & Asp, Attorneys.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Recap. Notice of Final Settlement: Estate of J. H. Boggs, deceased. April 6, 1885.

Joseph S. Hill, Administrator. Hackney & Asp, Attorneys.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Recap. Notice of Final Settlement: Estate of C. B. Goforth. April 6, 1885.

James A. Goforth, Administrator. Hackney & Asp, Attorneys.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Recap. Notice of Final Settlement: Estate of Sarah J. Kimble. April 6, 1885.

Calvin Kimble, Administrator.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Recap. Notice of Final Settlement: Estate of John H. Boggs, deceased. April 6, 1885.

Joseph S. Hill, Administrator. Hackney & Asp, Attorneys.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Recap. Summons: Martha F. Worden, Plaintiff, against Linden O. Worden, Defendant.

Suit: April 23, 1885. Hackney & Asp, Attorneys for Plaintiff.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

[This was a very long ad covering the history of stallions owned by McDonald. I skipped details. Stallions mentioned: Mastiff, sired by Administrator--2:29½; Malcom Sprague, sired by Governor Sprague--2:20¼.]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Champion Furniture Store, South Main St., West side.
Don't fail to call when you want anything--from a Picture Nail to a Parlor Suit. I will not be undersold (quality considered) by any dealer in these woods. Chairs till you can't rest, for child, miss, or adult.

Tables, Stands, Bedsteads, Safes, Bedroom Sets, Parlor Sets,
Mouldings, Picture Frames, etc., etc.
N. B. A full line of Caskets, Burial Cases, Robes, etc. Will take charge of funerals: city or country. Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. Remember the place.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

W. B. NORMAN, Real Estate & Loan Agent,
Will sell you a better farm for less money than any other man in Southern Kansas.
Come and see. No charge made for showing lands.
Only listing some of the items in ads for real estate...

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

JNO. D. PRYOR, Real Estate Agent and BROKER.
No. 17.
80 acres, nice slope, land, about 2 miles northwest from the railroad station of New Salem and about 8 miles from Winfield; frame dwelling house; 2 rooms, a fair orchard, bearing; about 10 acres enclosed by wire fence for pasture; about 50 acres under cultivation; pleasant location. Price $2,000.

No. 21.
80 acres, about 10 miles from Winfield and 2 from Tisdale; running water; small stone dwelling house, some stone fenced corrals and stone stable partly completed; a few acres plowed. Price $800.

No. 23.
155 acres, about 25 miles from Winfield and 3 from Maple City and cornering with the village of Otto; 40 to 50 acres cultivated; very fine bearing peach orchard and some other fruits; good 3 or 4 room dwelling house, stable, etc.; a large number of forest trees of good size, well, etc. Price $3,000.

No. 25.
240 acres, about 25 miles from Winfield and 3 from Maple City; about ½ miles from Otto; about 30 acres under cultivation; 2 small dwellings; a few bearing peach trees of good variety; lasting water; about 60 to 80 acres of bottom land. Price $3,000.

No. 65.
160 acres, about 6 miles southwest of Dexter and 22 from Winfield; about 30 acres under cultivation; a bearing peach orchard; 2 springs. Price $1,000.

No. 71.
160 acres, about 4 miles from Winfield; about 40 acres under good state of cultivation; a small frame dwelling; good well with pump; a nice bearing peach orchard; nice building site in view of Winfield. Price $1800.

No. 78.
160 acres, about 3 miles from Seely and 10 from Winfield; small house; fine bearing orchard; 120 acres enclosed for pasture; all enclosed by hedge fence; running water most of the year. Price $5,000. [Note: Seely or "Seeley." Both were used.]

No. 84.
160 acres, about 3 miles from Winfield, in full view of city; about 40 acres under cultivation; a fine assortment of fruits; good well with pump; good four-room dwelling house with good cellar; about 80 acres enclosed by wire fence in one pasture and 20 acres in another pasture; good hog corral fenced with stone fence; frame chicken house, frame stable, good cattle corral. Price $5,000.

No. 88.
160 acres, about 3 miles from Winfield; about 80 to 100 acres under cultivation; good 4 room dwelling house; good well; a very large orchard of peach, apple, grapes, and berries; a lot of forest trees; mound slope land. Price $5,000.

No. 90.
240 acres, nice prairie land; 30 miles from Winfield and about 6 from Maple City; running water most of the year. Price $1800.

No. 99.
80 acres, about 12 miles from Winfield and 3 from New Salem; 15 acres under cultivation; 5 acres timber; 15 acres Timber creek bottom land; house, stable, corn crib, and some other buildings; some fruits and berries; running water all the year; a good hog ranch. Price $1,000.

No. 102.
100 acres, about 3 miles from Winfield; nice location; a large young orchard of various kinds of trees; fair dwelling house, 2 good wells; 40 acres enclosed for pasture; good hog corral, fenced. Price $3,000.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Farm and City Property,
We will take great pleasure in showing our lands to those who may visit us, or will answer promptly any correspondents who desire information, about the country. We give below a partial list of lands we have for sale.

160 acres, 90 in cultivation, 70 in grass, good frame house of 4 rooms with cellar, Kansas stable, granary and corn cribs; 20 acres fenced for pasture, good hog corrals with living water; watered by well and two good springs in pasture, 4 or 5 acres of orchard, 6 miles from railroad depot, ¾ to school, 2 to post office, 10 to Winfield. Price $4,000.

80 acres, 45 in cultivation, 35 in grass, frame house 14 x 18 with addition 10 x 14, stable for 4 horses, wheat granary, corn cribs, wagon and cattle sheds, 60 rods of hedge and 40 rods of picket fence, good well, about 6 acres in fruit, consisting of apple, peach and cherry trees, grapes, blackberries, ½ acre of strawberries, two miles to railroad depot, 1 mile to school, 2 Winfield. Price $4,000.

186 acres, 123 in cultivation, 60 in grass, a grove of about 3 acres; a frame house of 4 rooms, stable and corn cribs, 20 acres fenced for pasture, 2 acres in hog lot, 100 rods of wire and 80 rods of hedge fence, watered by well and 2 good springs, four acres of orchard, consisting of almost all kinds of fruit trees; railroad depot 1¼ miles, school 100 rods, about 100 rods to nice church, Winfield 7 miles. $7,000.

2 lots, frame house 10 x 24 with basement, 5 rooms; good barn; buggy-shed; coal house, etc., lots full of fruit and ornamental trees; good sidewalk; 5 blocks to Post Office. Price $1400.

3 lots with frame house, 4 rooms, stable, poultry house and yard, fruit and ornamental trees, good well, good sidewalk to Post Office, a special bargain in this property. Price $1500.

2 lots on Main street, house 18 x 24 and shed kitchen, fruit and ornamental trees, well, 5 blocks from P. O. Price $700.

We also have 100 acres of land outside the city limits, which we will divide to suit the purchaser, from 1 to 5 acres, at price ranging from $125 to $235 per acre according to location. Those desiring a suburban residence should call soon, as these lots are selling rapidly. Easy payments to those who will improve the same.

Remember that the above described property is but a partial list of what we have for sale. In looking over this, if you see nothing that will suit you call at our office. We are confident that we can suit you in any kind of property you want.

$150,000 to loan in sums from $500 up to $10,000 on first-class mortgage security. All applications for loans must be accompanied with Abstract of Title.

The title to the property is good or no sale. Come and see us and we will show you around free of charge. We aim to do business on the square, and to not misrepresent. If you have a friend in the East or elsewhere who wants to buy property in the best county in Kansas, please mail him this descriptive price list. For a more complete list, send for a copy of our "Real Estate News."

Winfield, Cowley Co., Kans.
Office on Avenue, East of Post Office.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.


CAPITAL $50,000.00

RESERVE FUND $50,000.00

Oldest Bank in the County. Established 1871.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

I have recently opened a first-class
Grocery and Queensware Store
In the building formerly occupied by Tomlin & Webb. My stock is
and will be sold at prices which defy competition. Call and be shown through my establishment by accommodating salesmen, and notice some of the extraordinary bargains.

Remember the place--first door north of Myton's
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Brown Corn Planter,
Bain and Mitchell Wagons, Racine and Studebaker Spring Wagon, Buggies and Carriages, Cassady Sulky Plows, Weir Sulky Plows, Deere, Weir and Garden City and Moline Plows and Cultivators, Brown Barlow Corn Planters, Buckeye and McCormick Reapers and Mowers, Deering's Twine Binders, Cooking and Heating Stoves, Glidden Barb Wire, Blacksmith's Supplies, Spouting, Roofing, and all kinds of

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Full Line of Foreign and Domestic Goods Always in Stock.
All Work Guaranteed to Render Satisfaction.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.

Recap. Land Office at Wichita, R. L. Walker, Register, Notice by settler to make final proof on his claim April 4, 1885. William J. Davis, of Winfield P. O., Kansas. Made before Ed. Pate, District Clerk at Winfield, Kansas. Witnesses: John Marks, David Marks, Mary Page, and Charles Norton, all of Winfield P. O., Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885. Front Page.

Senate Bill No. 112.
[First published March 19, 1885.]
Defining the boundry lines of Tisdale township, in Cowley County, State of Kansas, and attaching certain territory therein named to Richland township, in said county and State.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:

SECTION 1. The township of Tisdale, in Cowley County, Kansas, is hereby bounded as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of section No. 1, in township No. 32 south of range No. 5 east running thence west five miles, to the northwest corner of section No. 5; thence south six miles, to the southwest corner of section No. 32; thence east five miles, to the southeast corner of section No. 36; thence north six miles to place of beginning.

SEC. 2. All of that part of old Tisdale township not herein embraced in the foregoing boundaries, is hereby attached to Richland township, in said county and State.

SEC. 3. This act shall take effect after its publication once in the Winfield COURIER.

Approved March 6, 1885.

I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original enrolled bill now on file in my office.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal.

[SEAL.] Done at Topeka, Kansas, this 6th day of March, A. D. 1885.

E. B. ALLEN, Secretary of State.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

Beautify Your Homes!
Are now running in first-class style their
They make a specialty of putting up
with the latest and most attractive designs. Their machinery is complete for turning out all classes of turned work, Scroll Work, Brackets, Window and Door Frames, Circle Moulding, and everything in fancy carpentry. Estimates furnished on all classes of buildings at short notice, and contracts taken for the same.

[First published March 10, 1885.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

[I skipped the long ACT published on front page.]
AN ACT Amendatory of and supplemental to chapter 128, of the session laws of 1881, being an act entitled "An act to prohibit the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors, except for medical, scientific and mechanical purposes, and to regulate the manufacture and sale thereof for such excepted purposes."

[This item took up two-thirds of the front page.]
I did however take note of another act which is listed below...

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885. Front Page.

To authorize school districts and boards of education in any county in the State to adopt a uniform series of text-books, and to repeal section 1, chapter 157, laws of 1879.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:

SECTION 1. School districts may, at their annual meetings for the election of school officers, indicate by a majority of all the votes cast at such meeting their desire for a county uniformity of text books, which vote shall be transmitted to the county superintendent of public instruction by the clerk of the aforesaid school district, within ten days from the time of such vote.

SEC. 2. Whenever a majority of all the districts of a county in any one year shall indicate as in section one their desire for a county uniformity of text-books, the county superintendent of public instruction shall notify the districts of such vote, and at the same time call for one delegate from each municipal township and city of the third class in the county, to be elected at a meeting of the school board of such township, on a day and at a place and hour specified in said call: Provided, That if, by virtue of section 8 of this act, any city of the first or second class shall decide to adopt the provisions of this act in the matter of county uniformity, then the city so adopting shall send the superintendent of the city schools, and one other person to be elected by the board of education, to be the representatives of such city on the county text-book board.

SEC. 3. District boards shall vote in the county and township in which their schoolhouses are located.

SEC. 4. The delegates so elected shall constitute a county text-book board, whose duty it shall be to select and prescribe the text-books to be used in each branch of study required by law to be taught in the public schools.

SEC. 5. No text-book shall be prescribed in pursuance of the provisions of this act unless the publishers thereof shall have first filed with the county superintendent of public instruction a guarantee of its price, quality and the permanence of supply for five years, together with a good and sufficient bond for the faithful compliance with said guarantee, conditioned in such sum as the county text-book board may determine and approve.

SEC. 6. The county superintendent of public instruction shall be ex officio chairman of said county text-book board and shall furnish each school district a list of the text-books selected and prescribe in pursuance of the provisions of this act, which list shall be posted by the district clerks in their respective schoolhouses, and said list shall comprise the only legal text-books for the schools of said county, and it is hereby required of the school board to conform to the said lists in the text-books prescribed for use in their schools.

SEC. 7. A county text-book board may be elected once in every five years in each county, in the manner prescribed in this act, whose powers and duties shall be the same as those herein before enumerated.

SEC. 8. Any cities of first and second class are hereby exempted from the provisions of this act, except that any such city may, by a vote of its board of education, decided to join in a uniformity of text-books with the county in which each city is situate, and so deciding such city shall be represented on the county text-book board, as provided in section 2 of this act.

SEC. 9. When a uniformity of text-books shall be adopted in any county in pursuance of the provisions of this act no change shall be made in such county for a period of five years from the date of said adoption of any particular series of text-books; but no member of any board of education, school board or text-book board, and no teacher, while employed in teaching, shall act as agent for any author, publisher or book seller; nor shall any member of said boards, or any of them, or any employed teacher, directly or indirectly receive any gift, emolument or reward for his or her influence in recommending or introducing any book, school apparatus or furniture of any kind whatever; and any member of either of said boards and any teacher who shall violate any of the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be punished as provided in section 2 of chapter 157 of the laws of 1879.

SEC. 10. Section 1 of chapter 157 of the laws of 1879 is hereby repealed.

SEC. 11. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the official State paper.

Approved March 5, 1885.

I do hereby certify that the forgoing is a true and correct copy of the original enrolled bill now on file in my office.

Subscribed my name and affixed my official seal.

[SEAL.] Done at Topeka, Kansas, this 5th day of March, A. D. 1885.
E. B. ALLEN, Secretary of State.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

Sidney Carnine, an old Winfield boy, who left a few weeks ago for an abode in Oregon, took in Salt Lake City on his way and sends the COURIER this description of its principal sights.

The population of the city is estimated at 24,000; Salt Lake City possesses 140 acres of public parks. There are three hospitals in the city: St. Mary, Catholic; St. Mark's, Episcopalian; and Deseret, Mormon. The streets run with the four points of the compass, and are eight rods wide including sidewalks of twenty feet. There are 92 miles of streets in the city. Salt Lake City is partly lighted by the electric light. An extensive telephone system is in operation with its own limits. The elevation of the city above the sea level is 4,261 feet. The large Tabernacle was planned by President Brigham Young and is situated in the west center of the Temple block. It was commenced on the 26th of July, 1864, and was completed and dedicated October 6th, 1867. There is nothing very attractive about the outside appearance of the building. To be appreciated it must be viewed from the inside. It is elliptical in shape, 250 feet long by 150 feet wide and 70 feet in height from the floor to the ceiling at its highest part, or 80 feet from the floor to the top of the roof. The interior of the building presents an oval arch without any center support. The largest self-supporting arch in America, constructed wholly of wood. The bents of the roof are composed of a lattice truss, and rest upon forty-four sand-stone piers, each three feet by nine in size and from fourteen to twenty feet in height. The gallery, which extends around the building except at the west end, is 480 feet long by 30 feet in width. The entire building has a seating capacity of about 10,000. It has twenty doors, most of which are nine feet wide and all open outward so that an audience of 10,000 could gain egress in case of an accident in a very few minutes. In this respect the building is certainly without a rival in the world. In the west end of the Tabernacle is situated the large organ; second to none in the United States in appearance and sweetness of tone, and is exceeded in size by but one. It was constructed entirely by Utah mechanics, under the direction of Joseph Ridges, Esq. A small amount of the material used in its construction was imported, but the principal part of it was produced at home. To hear the melody of the organ richly repays a visit to the Tabernacle. The front towers of the organ have an altitude of fifty-eight feet and contain the thirty-two feet gilded pipes. The side towers are nearly the same height as the front. The dimensions of the organ are 30 x 33 feet and it requires four blowers. S. B. C.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

There are a great many traveling frauds going through the eastern portion of the State victimizing the farmers. Patent plows, harrows, job lots of groceries, cloth and other articles are palmed off on the unsuspecting, which, upon examination, prove to be worthless. It does not make any difference whether they can get the money for their goods or not; they will take notes, and by selling to a third party, who is innocent of any complicity in the fraud, all defenses are cut off. The latest scheme was one practiced on Jacob Geyer, a worthy farmer living about twelve miles from Lawrence. A slick-tongued agent of the Star lightning rod company persuaded him to invest in lightning rods. The agent agreed to put up sixty feet of rod with all the ornamental paraphernalia used on the modern lightning rod for the insignificant sum of $5.40. The agent gave as a reason for offering such low rates that he wanted this as an advertisement. The unsuspecting granger signed a contract and the stranger departed. In a few days another man arrived and proceeded to put up the rods, after which he figured up the cost and presented a bill of $190. Mr. Geyer refused to pay this, and warm words ensued, but finally compromised the matter by giving his note for $115.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

Captain John Smith, the new Penitentiary Warden, will enter upon the discharge of his duties April 1.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

Gen. Grant's salary under the retirement bill will be $13,000 per year.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

Gen. Hatch declares that he will not permit the boomers to advance beyond Salt Fork, forty miles south of Arkansas City.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

Secretary Bayard has nine girls and three boys, and we cannot understand why one of the latter does not succeed to the Bayard family seat in the senate.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

Thomas County, Kansas, has a new paper called the Cat--Thomas Cat we presume. The name sounds as though D. O. McCray had returned to Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

Of all the fool names for newspapers, Kansas takes the cake. We have the Prairie Dog, the Astonisher, and Paralizer, and now a paper to be started in Thomas County to be called the Thomas Cat.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

A woman has been engaged by the faculty of the Cincinnati Law College as professor of elocution. The students have shown an unexpected favor toward the innovation, and take a lively interest in the additional study.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

The first official act of President Cleveland was the nomination of his Cabinet, the second, affixing his name to the commission of U. S. Grant as an officer on the retired list of the United States Army, with the rank of general.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

Casey, Murphy and Smith, the bandits who robbed the Wells Fargo express at San Joaquin, Cal., last October, have been sent to the San Quentin penitentiary for ten years: a year for every cent stolen, as the Wells-Fargo box only contained a stray dime.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

It has been recently estimated that 7,000,000 sermons are preached to the American people every year; and yet men go on voting the Democratic ticket just as if they expect to shirk responsibility for their sins by pleading ignorance and want of proper warning.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

Congressman Perkins secured passage by the House of an appropriation of $4,000 to erect a monument in the cemetery at Baxter Springs, Kansas, to the memory of the slain of Gen. Blunt's bodyguard, who were massacred there in September, 1862, by Quantrill's band.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

A bill has passed the Minnesota Legislature forbidding the sale of flashy story papers, obscene and lascivious pictures, and illustrated papers given up to chronicling crime, under the pretense of being sporting papers. The law is good enough to be speedily passed by all legislatures.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

When Lincoln was asked to put one of his warmest Illinois friends, and a most capable man, into his cabinet, he declined on the ground that it was enough for Illinois that she had the Presidency. "We must not act the hog," he said in his quaint way, "because we happen to have been entrusted with the key to the pig-pen."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

Kansas has the most perfect common school system in America, not excepting Massachusetts. We have six thousand schoolhouses, costing $60,000,000. We have better schoolhouses, better equipments, and better instructors than any other state. That accounts for the high grade of intelligence and civilization among our youth.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

A Southerner complains in the Philadelphia Press that northern visitors make fun of the country on their way to New Orleans. "The lines of railway," he says, "run through the most desolate tracts of Alabama and Mississippi into New Orleans, and the poor houses, lean cattle, and even the raw-boned pigs, call forth shouts of laughter from both men and women who should know better."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

The wealth of the United States is estimated at $20,000,000,000 and that of Great Britain at four-fifths that sum, giving to each inhabitant of the former $900 and to the latter an even $1,000. In the United States 72 parts of the wealth go to the laborer, 23 to capital, and 5 to the government. In Great Britain $1 parts go to labor, 33 to capital, and 23 to the government.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

The New York Sun, in the interest of reform in English "as she is spoke," demands that the word "position" shall not be used to designate office or employment. A position materially considered is a standing point, a place. In an intellectual sense, it may be used to express the mental standing-ground of the thinker. It behooves us in these days to carry our Murray around with us.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

A New York paper publishes the portraits of a couple of cowboys, labeled the champion terrors of the border. This will destroy another of the glad illusions of the young who have been wont to fondly picture the cowboy with hair a foot long and bad eyes; these terrors look like a pair of clergymen who have suffered a relapse in the measles; a pair of revolvers is all that suggests war about them.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

The number of George Washington's kin to whom invitations were sent on the occasion of the dedication of the Washington monument was 300. They are most numerous in Virginia, Tennessee, and Kentucky, but a considerable number of them also reside in Ohio, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, California, and Georgia, where they have usually settled on the most productive farm lands.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

When he was inaugurated, Grover Cleveland lacked fourteen days of being 48 years old. Only one younger man has been inaugurated president, and that was General Grant, who lacked some six weeks of being 47 years old when he entered the White House. Franklin Pierce was three months over 48, and Arthur and Garfield were each a trifle less than 50. All other presidents have been older, William Henry Harrison, with his 68 years, being the oldest of them all at taking the oath of office.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

Kentucky blue grass makes as luxuriant a growth in Kansas as in Kentucky and it is difficult to overestimate its value, as a good growth means six weeks later pasture and a month earlier in the spring. There is no grass that grows that stock will fatten on more readily than our native prairie growth, but the first severe frost kills it, and it is late starting in the spring, and again it is easily killed by close pasturing, does not make so dense a growth as blue grass, and consequently takes one third more acres to supply food for a given number of cattle. We hope in five years to see a portion of every farm in Cowley County well seeded with cultivated grasses.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

A revival of religion is spreading over the Ohio valley from Wheeling, West Virginia, to the Kentucky line. At Barnesville 300 have been converted, and as many more at Bellaire. At Fairmount the churches will not hold the people. Scores of other towns and cities report conversions ranging from 25 to 500 each. The country press is filled with accounts of revivals. At Gallipolis the great meeting still continues. The First Methodist Episcopal church, which will seat 1,000 people, is filled nightly with converts, to the exclusion of old members and spectators. Prayer meetings are held in counting rooms and in the cashiers' offices in the banks. The saloons are nearly all gone, and the editors of two of the city papers are doing evangelical work.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

In three weeks we will be called upon to elect a Mayor and eight Councilmen to govern the affairs of our city for two years to come. It will be a serious matter to make a mistake in the selection of these men--serious because the very life of its residents depends upon a thorough cleaning up of our vile and filth-polluted alleys and cesspools before the coming of warm weather, and a strong and effective city government alone can do it. Then we are now at a most critical point in our history. New enterprises are knocking at our doors. We need men at the head of our municipal government who will properly encourage them--men of broad and comprehensive views who have the nerve and ability to foster everything for the upbuilding of our city.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

Every person and every community has at some time in their existence a supreme opportunity, which if taken at its flood, leads on to prosperity and success. That time is not far distant in the history of Winfield and Cowley County. The tremendous agitation going on all over the country on the Oklahoma question must soon result in opening that country for settlement. Far-seeing capitalists know this and as a result several new railroad enterprises are pushing for the border. Some town in Cowley or Sumner will be the gate-way for that Country. Will it be Winfield? It lies with her citizens to determine. They must be looked after, encouraged, fostered, and made permanent. If Winfield falters now or proves unable to grasp the situation, she is lost. With clear headed determined men at the helm, her future is assured. Citizens, look well to this matter, for you have much at stake in the result.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

The practice of dickering and trading and scattering the state institutions all over the state is vicious, but that is just the kind of foolishness that was enacted by the recent legislature. An asylum or school for imbecile children is to be established at Winfield, and a "reformatory" is to be built "west of the sixth principal meridian." All these trades and "collusions" are made by the members of the legislature solely in the interests of certain localities, without reference to the convenience or the broader interests of the people of the whole state. The political center of Kansas is Topeka, to which more people are compelled to go every year than to any other town in the state. Common sense and ordinary fairness would say that the state institutions ought to be located where the people could reach them with the least inconvenience and expense. The idea of placing a state institution at a point which will require the citizens of the state to travel 600 miles to reach it is an outrage. But common sense and justice are not always taken into consideration by the legislature.

Abilene Gazette.

The Dickinson County editors are probably dyspeptic fellows who reason from the range and impetus of their own selfishness. The fact is that the policy of scattering these state institutions was long ago established, and we believe wisely so. This being the case it is entirely proper that Cowley, the fifth county in the State in point of agricultural production and population, should have a fair share of state favors. She has secured this and is now ready to help Abilene or some other nice, quiet, orderly little country town in the sparsely settled and unknown northwest to get a slice of public benefits. Please don't make wry faces at us.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

A representative of the Wichita Beacon stepped into the U. S. Land office the other morning and found the force up to their eyes in work, and learned that the office is having, and has had for the past year, more business than in any other period in its history, notwithstanding the general impression that Uncle Sam's land had been most all taken. The following statistics will be of interest to many of our readers. During the past year ending March 1st, 1885, there have been in the office 173 homestead entries, 105 timber culture, and 475 Osage land entries, comprising 436,858.92 acres, from which was received $412,768.55. The cash sales fees and commissions during this period amount to $11,404.86, making the total receipts of the office for the year $424,292.55.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

Do you wish to buy a home in a pleasant climate, where the winters are short and mild, and the summers and falls long and beautiful? Then come to Kansas. Do you desire to buy a home in a country where the features are varied--beautiful hills and lovely valleys? Then come to Kansas. Do you wish to buy a home where lands are rich and fertile, where there are good laws, schools, and churches convenient? Then come to Kansas. Do you wish to buy a home where you can raise wheat, oats, corn, rye, barley, sorghum, and broomcorn? Then come to Kansas. Do you wish to buy a farm where you can raise all kinds of garden truck? Then come to Kansas. Do you wish to buy a farm where you can raise all the products of the temperate zone? Then come to Kansas. Do you want to buy a home in one of the greatest and grandest states in the Union? Then come to Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

That is a curious compilation of words used in inaugural addresses both as to the total number as well as number of I's used. Harrison's inaugural was the longest; with 8,678 words, and Washington's second address the shortest, with 134 words, Johnson next with 362, and Arthur with 431. In his first address Mr. Lincoln used the I 43 times, in his second only once. Washington used the I 20 times; Van Buren and Harrison 38 times each; Grant 19 times; Jackson 11 times; Hayes, 16 times; Arthur 1 time and Cleveland 5 times. Cleveland's address contained 1,688 words. The average number of words is 2,266. The average number of times of the use of the pronoun I is 17.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

The bible, which Cleveland kissed on taking the oath of office, was one which was presented him by his mother when a boy. Our Democratic brethren who criticized the impulsive Garfield for kissing his aged mother before the assembled multitude on the occasion of his inauguration, will freely condone this bit of sentiment on the part of a man to whom gush was supposed to be a stranger. Time makes all things even, when such small chickens come home to roost.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

The London Times shows its disappointment because Cleveland did not openly insist upon the adoption of the British economic policy. The Times says "the inaugural throws no light upon the main questions awaiting solution." This is too bad. The British must be patient. It might have been an oversight on Cleveland's part.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

The State tax for the next two years will be four and a half mills upon the dollar according to the assessment rolls. For the last two years the State tax was five mills upon each dollar.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

Last Friday at a meeting of the cabinet, the Oklahoma question was considered at length and it was said the impression prevailed among those who contemplated the invasion of the territory that President Arthur's proclamation relative to the trespassing upon Indian lands had become inoperative with the close of his administration. To prevent such action of the invaders as would naturally issue upon the prevalence of such an impression, it was thought best that President Cleveland should issue a proclamation similar to that issued while Arthur was chief executive.

The following proclamation has been issued by the President.

By the President of the United States of America, a proclamation:
WHEREAS, It is alleged that certain individuals, associations, persons, and corporations are in unauthorized possession of the territory known as the Oklahoma lands within the Indian Territory, which are designated, described, and recognized by the treaties and laws of the United States and by the executive authority thereof as Indian lands; and,

WHEREAS, It is further alleged that certain other persons or associations within the territory and jurisdiction of the United States have begun and set on foot preparations for an organized forcible entry and settlement upon the aforesaid land and are now threatening such entry and occupation; and,

WHEREAS, The laws of the United States provide for the removal of persons residing on or being found upon such Indian lands and territory without permission expressly and legally obtained of the interior department; now therefore, for the purpose of protecting the public interests as well as the interests of the Indian nations and tribes and to the end that no person or persons may be induced to enter upon said territory where they will not be allowed to remain without permission of the authority aforesaid, I, Grover Cleveland, president of the United States, do hereby warn and admonish all and every person or persons now in occupation of such lands, and all such person or persons who are intending, preparing, or threatening to enter in or settle upon the same, that they will not be permitted to enter upon said territory, or if already therein not be allowed to remain thereon, and that if due regard for and voluntary obedience to the laws and treaties of the United States and this admonition and warning be not sufficient to effect the purposes and intentions of the government, herein it is declared that the military power of the United States will be invoked to abate all such unauthorized possession and to prevent any such threatened entry and occupation and to remove all such intruders from said Indian lands.

In testimony thereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

By the President.
T. F. BAYARD, Secretary of State.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

The Bonham case occurred at Independence on the 3rd of February. Sarah Bonham, Charles Bonham, and Ella Bonham were murdered. Frank Bonham, the only remaining member of the family, was charged with the crime and was held at the preliminary trial for the crime. Last Friday the case came up for trial in the district court and his attorneys asked for a change of venue. The judge granted it and sent the case to Cherokee County. This made the citizens of his neighborhood so incensed that a mob of about 125 men made a raid on the jail and broke the locks and doors down and took Frank Bonham from jail and went to the railroad trestle and hung him. This ends one of the most shocking crimes ever committed in any country. The people were willing for him to have a fair trial in Montgomery County, but would not consent to his being taken away from that county. Since his arrest he has maintained silence and an indifferent manner and would not plead when arraigned, and maintained silence throughout, and his attorneys have never given anything to the public that would indicate his innocence, and it is the general belief that at the final trial they would have plead insanity.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

The particulars are given of the killing of one Clark, a horse thief, and the fatal shooting of Frank Harrington, city marshal of Jewell City, Jewell County, Kansas, 200 miles west of Atchison, last Saturday. Clark had been traced there by the sheriff of Rice County to a farm near Jewell City, and had surrounded the house with Marshal Harrington and two deputies. Clark ran from the house shooting as he ran, one bullet taking effect in Harrington's head. One of the deputies then shot and killed Clark.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

A man named W. O. Bone, aged thirty-eight years, from Nokomis, Illinois, shot and killed himself in his room at the Laclede Hotel at Kingman March 14th. He was under the influence of liquor: no other cause assigned.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

A bill passed both branches of the Kansas Legislature providing for the establishment of a Soldier's Orphan Home, and appropriated $25,000 therefor. This home is to be located wherever the best and largest donation will be made to it. The donation must include not less than 100 acres of land, and $5,000 in money. It is placed under the control and supervision of the State Board of Charities, who are empowered to locate and build said Home.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

The library in the White House, where the President receives Congressional visitors, was converted into a library by Mrs. Fillmore, the first wife of the President of that name. The desk in the room was made of the timbers of a British ship found at sea by an American vessel and restored to England. The Navy Department of Great Britain had the desk made and presented it to the United States.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

General Custer's widow is now living in New York, getting along as best she can upon the slim pension the Government awards her. She is a useful hard-working little lady and is connected with the Women's Decorative Art Association. She possesses many of the relics of the late war which her husband left behind. The most interesting, perhaps, is the flag of truce, under cover of which General Lee surrendered to General Grant.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

We hear it reported this week that a four-foot vein of coal has been discovered in the northwest part of the county, and only fourteen feet below the surface. If this report proves true, we have but little doubt that a good vein could be found almost anywhere in the county at a reasonable depth. Now let our coal company go to work in earnest and prospect for coal in the neighborhood of Sedan. Sedan Graphic.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

The Topeka Democratic Flambeau Club gave one of their "Hell with the lid off" exhibitions at the Inauguration and succeeded in frightening the timid Washingtonians almost to death, besides winning a world of glory by their unique display.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

One of the bills in the California assembly gives to any young man under 26 years of age, who learns a trade by serving an apprenticeship of three years, and is a moral young man, $250 out of the treasury.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

President Arthur signed an executive order throwing open to settlement the greater part of the Winnebago and Crow Reservation in Dakota, embracing some 600,000 acres.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

A new Methodist church costing $20,000 was dedicated at Clay Center. Seven thousand dollars was raised by the audience to free the church from debt.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

It is said that Senator Plumb is the most rapid speaker that has been in the Senate for many years.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

There are now 802 convicts in the penitentiary, with only 688 cells to accommodate them.

Result of the Conference Meeting at St. Louis Last Sunday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

Governor Martin and the State Board of Railroad Commissioners returned home from St. Louis Monday, where they went on Sunday to have a conference with First Vice President Hayes and General Manager Hoxie, of the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company, relative to the strike on that system. The conference resulted in an agreement being accepted by Messrs. Hayes and Hoxie, which is believed will put an end to the strike.

The following suggestions have been presented to the undersigned as a solution of the difficulties at present impeding the operations of these railroads.

To Captain R. S. Hayes, First Vice President and Chief Executive of the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company and associated roads.

WHEREAS, On account of the strike among certain employees of the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company in the States of Missouri and Kansas, resulting in the stoppage of all freight traffic over said company's lines in said States, to the great detriment of the business interests and rights of the people of said States, and a continuance of which endangers the public peace and the safety of the company's property; and

WHEREAS, The undersigned, representing the States above named, are anxious to restore harmonious relations between the said company and its employees, and to restore to the public the unobstructed use of said lines of railroad, we do recommend and request the said company to restore to its striking employees in Missouri and Kansas the same wages paid them in September, 1884, including one and one-half price for extra time worked, and to restore all said striking employees to their several employments without prejudice to them on account of the strike.

Believe that the above will constitute a just and fair settlement, we recommend their acceptance by the striking employees as well as by the Missouri Pacific Railway Company.

JOHN A. MARTIN, Governor of Kansas.
JOHN S. MARMADUKE, Governor of Missouri.
Railroad Commissioners of Kansas.
Railroad Commissioners of Missouri.
B. G. BOONE, Attorney General of Missouri.
J. C. JAMISON, Adjutant General.
OSCAR KOOHTITZKY, Commissioner of Labor Statistics.
With the desire to concur in the recommendations expressed above by the State officials, and to open the usual avenues of commerce, and with a spirit of amity and harmony toward the employees of these companies, this is to give notice that the rates of wages and terms above specified will go into effect on Monday morning, March 16, and be in effect from and after that date. Hereafter said rates will not be changed except after thirty days' notice thereof given in the usual way.

R. S. HAYES, First Vice President.
Heads of departments to which the above applies will act in accordance with the provisions of the above circular.

H. M. HOXIE, Third Vice President.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

The following is the paragraph inserted in the Indian appropriation bill, on motion of Hon. Thomas Ryan. We have published it before, but republish that it may be seen just what the law is.

"That the President is hereby authorized to open negotiations with the Creeks, Seminoles and Cherokees for the purpose of opening to settlement under the homestead laws, the unassigned lands in said Indian Territory ceded by them respectively by the United States by the several treaties of the August 11, 1866; March 21, 1866, and July 19, 1866, and for that purpose the sum of $5,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same is hereby appropriated out of the money in the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated. His action hereunder to be reported to Congress."

The Washington correspondent of the St. Louis Republican comments on this as follows.

"It was stricken from the bill by the Senate Appropriation Committee, and the action of the committee was sustained by the Senate. The House conferees on the disagreeing votes on the bill insisted on retaining the session, but that the Senate conferees would not agree to. Finally, on the last day of the session all the other disagreements had been reconciled except that referred to, and when the subject was presented to the Senate, Senator Vest moved that the Senate recede, and this motion was carried by a vote of 33 to 27, and the section became law. Among those voting in the affirmative were Bayard, Garland, and Lamar, now members of the cabinet. It is expected that the execution of this new law and the Oklahoma question will soon be the subject of a cabinet discussion. It cannot be doubted that the President will exercise the authority thus given him, to open the proposed negotiations with the Creeks, Seminoles, and Cherokees, but it will be noticed that the terms of the new law forbid him to do anything, except to conduct the negotiations, and to report the result to Congress. Hence, it will be seen that further action by Congress must be had, before the lands in question can be opened to settlement, under the new homestead law."

The dispatches in yesterday's papers stated that the Cabinet was in session the day before discussing the question, but at this writing we have not heard whether they came to any conclusion or not.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

We learn with regret that some people in Lawrence are disposed to snarl because they lost the imbecile school and that they blame their delegation in the legislature for what happened. We do not believe that the best people of our neighboring city participate in this feeling, and our remarks shall be addressed only to the probable few who do. In the first place it is possible for a man to look so long and so longingly on the pie when it is good as to become convinced that he needs and deserves and must have all the pie on the plate. But if a man proceeds on the supposition that he can get all the pie on the plate and attempts to so help himself he will find, first he knows that he gets no pie at all. Now Lawrence has the best and most desirable of all the State institutions, the State university. She had the imbecile asylum only as a temporary matter, it having been sent there only because the State had an unoccupied building which could temporarily be devoted to that purpose. For several sessions of the legislature Cowley County has worked desperately to secure this asylum for Winfield. That part of the State has nothing in the way of a State institution and, like several other western sections, has felt that it ought to have a share of the State investments. As a result, the Cowley County members and their friends came to the legislature this time prepared to live or not let live. In view of this fact, the Douglas County representatives in the house, headed by Mr. Roberts, determined to follow the advice of their friends and make no bitter to prevent the removal of the asylum. This was the only wise course possible under the circumstances, and Douglas County ought to be proud of her members for having the good sense to follow it. The university now has nothing to divide with in the matter of geography, and it will always have the friendship instead of the enmity of one of the strongest and most prosperous sections of Kansas. The appropriation for the natural history building was the first fruit of this wise alliance and time will further show the wisdom of it. Topeka Capital.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

A posse of deputy sheriffs from Wellington attempted the arrest of some desperate characters at Hunnewell last Friday, which resulted in a lively running fight, but no one fatally wounded. They arrested one of the band, by the name of Pat Hanley, at first, before the remainder had sniffed the danger, but soon the alarm was raised and they started for the Territory line, the deputies close at their heels, both parties exchanging several shots without effect. When they neared the line, the idea took possession of them to rescue their comrade, and the roughs, outnumbering the sheriff's party, suddenly wheeled about, and before the posse recovered from their surprise, their bird had flow to the free air of the Indian Territory. Several shots were fired at the escaping party, but only one of them was known to be wounded, and he not fatally, it is thought.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

"Jock, when ye hae naething else to do, ye may be sticking in a tree; it will be growing, Jock, when ye're sleeping." Sir Walter Scott.

The custom of appointing an Arbor Day now prevails in eight States of the Union, and it is believed that it will soon be honored in all the States and Territories, the East and West following the head of the Central States of the Missouri Valley. The people of Kansas went to planting trees as soon as they began to plow, and increasing millions of shade, fruit, and forest trees are planted every year. The love of Kansas for trees has shown itself on every farm and village lot; in city parks and the grounds of the church and the school, and the God's Acre where our beloved ones sleep their last sleep. This feeling is equally strong in the mind of the old and young--in women not less than men; it leads to practical results in increasing the value of land, and in ameliorating the asperities of our climate--that there has been an increase in the rainfall in Kansas is fully proved by the statistics of our oldest meteorologist--and it leads to uses of beauty in adorning our homes, and making them scenes of loveliness, the remembrance of which will follow our children to the last days of their old age. The State which the pioneers found treeless and a desert now bears upon its fertile bosom more than twenty millions of fruit trees, and more than two hundred thousand acres of forest trees, all planted by our own people.

In view of these facts, and in obedience to the popular will, I, John A. Martin, Governor of Kansas, hereby set apart Thursday, April 2, 1885, as Arbor Day, and respectfully ask that it be made a general holiday. School officers and teachers can greatly aid in carrying out the purpose of the day by giving their pupils a holiday, and by devoting special attention to the adornment of school grounds and parks.

Done at Topeka, this 16th day of March, A. D., 1885, and of the State the twenty-fifth year.

By the Governor.
E. B. ALLEN, Secretary of State.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

A Washington special to the Chicago Tribune says:

The Postoffice Department has received inquiries from all quarters as to the new legislation in the postoffice appropriation bill. It was not possible, on account of the changes made in conference, to ascertain in what the changes as to postage were until the bill had been officially printed. A certified copy of the bill, furnished by the State Department, has just been received from the government printer. The following are the important changes which will take effect, beginning with July 1, 1885.

First: The weight of all single rate letters is increased from one-half ounce each or fraction thereof to one ounce each or fraction thereof. The same increase of weight is allowed for drop letters, whether mailed at stations where there is a free delivery or where carrier service is not established.

Second. All newspapers sent from the office of publication, including sample copies, or when sent from a news agency to actual subscribers thereto, or to other news agents, shall be entitled to transmission at one cent per pound or fraction thereof, the postage to be prepaid. This is a reduction of one-half from existing rates.

Third. Any article in a newspaper or other publication may be marked for observation, except by written, or printed words, without increase of postage.

Fourth. That a special stamp of the value of ten cents may be issued, which, when attached to a letter, in addition to the lawful postage thereon, shall entitle the letter to immediate delivery at any place containing 4,000 population or over, according to the federal census, within the carrier limit of any free delivery office, or within one mile of the postoffice, or any other postoffice coming within the provisions of this law, which may, in like manner, be designated as a special delivery office; that such specially stamped letters shall be delivered between 7 o'clock a.m., and midnight; that a book shall be provided in which the person to whom the letter is addressed shall acknowledge its receipt; that messengers for this special delivery are to be paid 80 percent of the face value of all the stamps received and recorded in a month, providing that the aggregate compensation paid to any one person for such service shall not exceed $30 per month; and providing, further, that the regulation for the delivery of those specially stamped letters shall in no way interfere with the prompt delivery of letters as provided by existing law and regulations.

These are all the provisions of the new law which make changes in relation to postage. The Government has doubled the weight which may be carried for two cents, has reduced the postage one-half on newspapers sent from publications offices, and has provided that a letter, for ten cents additional, may be immediately delivered by special messenger at any time between 7 o'clock in the morning and midnight. The friends of this special stamp feature expect that it will materially add to the revenue.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

There is perhaps no subject except the management of the liquor traffic that elicits more thought from those who look to the well-being of society than this social evil. Of course, everyone has opinions, but in few cases have these opinions been formulated into a basis for cooperative work. The need for such work is manifest every place, especially in towns and cities, where the subject forces itself upon society until to leave it festering and corroding becomes a crime which rests upon those who have the management of public affairs, and not to make laws to regulate or prohibit makes the better class of society parties participant in the crime. So this matter comes to the front and must in some way be disposed of. Some, whom we believe honestly think that they have the good of society at heart, say, "Let this evil be licensed and then have medical institutions, supported by the State or city funds, where the poor, moral lepers of the weaker sex can be cared for when in a condition to spread contagion among the stronger sex who are so magnanimous as to patronize and support these licensed institutions." Of course, we think the opinion of license a fallacy and beg leave to speak out in meeting. Moral and christian women believe that all evils, so far as law can do it, should be prohibited. But we are told that if this were done with the evil in hand that virtuous women could not walk the streets without being insulted. We would like to have the opportunity of trying it, and imagine that after a few had been molested, our good men would speedily take into consideration the feasibility of building from State or city funds an institution where such offenders might be incarcerated. And again it is seen by recent demonstrations how useless it is for good women to try to do anything for their fallen sisters without an institution where they may be placed under religious influences and be thoroughly drilled in good morals and manners.

It is also said in reference to prohibitory legislation on this subject that men and women will never cease to do evil until their moral nature is changed by the education of self-control, which must necessarily be taught by mothers. This is a pretty theory, but I have known mothers who have been diligent, self-sacrificing, and arduous in the moral as well as intellectual training of their children who find that the result of their labor does not altogether rest with themselves, but that when the child's majority is attained the glitter of licensed quagmires are in thousands of cases the ignus fateus which decoys them to destruction. We believe in this moral training, and that in addition to the mother, God must be the teacher and that He teaches in accordance with what we are willing to learn. We have done all we can do for ourselves, individually and collectively, He will renew our moral natures and take away the tendency to sin. When our Savior came to the grave of Lazarus, He said to the people standing by, "Roll ye away the stone from the mouth of the sepulcher," when He cried, "Lazarus come forth." He commanded them to do what they could; He did for them what they could not do for themselves. So with us, licensed sin has been tried for lo these many years, always a failure. Let us by prohibitory laws roll these stones from the mouth of the sepulcher of society and then ask God to breathe new life into these souls dead in trespass and sin. Let us talk this matter up in communities and states and ask for a law, either state or municipal, and an appropriation to build a refuge for fallen women. A. WOMAN.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

"He wanted something to drink," faberizes the Eagle, of Burden, "but couldn't get it. His friends couldn't get it, and moreover, offered to bet him a dollar that he could not get a drop of liquor that day. He took it. Going to a drug store he called for two ounces of sulphur and six ounces of alcohol--thoroughly mixed. The mixture was given him and looked the disgusting thing it was. Going back to the--the--down the street, he sat quietly and listened to the chaff of his city friends and their demands for the stakes, until the sulphur had settled to the bottom of the bottle. Then he poured off six ounces of alcohol, diluted it in six ounces of water, and the party fired it down their necks. Our hero made fifty-five cents, three fools, and a drink by the operation."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

A tunnel a mile long has been found on the Island of Samos, built centuries before the Christian era and used to supply the old seaport with drinking water. Small pipes for the water are laid in the tunnel, each open on the upper side, so that it could be cleaned.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

From a critical paper by Edmund C. Stedman in the February Century we quote the following: "If the question is asked, 'Would the verse of Dr. Holmes be held in as much favor if he had not confirmed his reputation by prose replete with poetic humor and analogy?' The fairest answer may be in the negative. Together, his writings owe their main success to an approximate exhibition of the author himself. Where the man is even more lively than his work, the public takes kindly to one and the other. The jester is privileged even by the court of art and letters; yet if one could apply to Holmes, the jester, homilist, and man of feeling--his own process, we should have analysis indeed. Were the theme assigned to himself, we should have an inimitable honest setting forth of his merits and foibles, from this keen anatomist of mind and body, this smile-begetter, this purveyor to so many feasts. As a New Englander, he long ago was awarded the highest sectional praise--that of being among all his tribe, the cutest. His cleverness and versatility bewilder outside judges. Is he a genius? By all means. And in what degree? His prose, for the most part, is peculiarly original. His serious poetry has scarcely been the serious work of his life; but in his specialty, verse suited to the frolic or pathos of occasions, he has given us much of the best delivered in his own time, and has excelled all others in delivery. Both his strength and weakness lie in his genial temper and his brisk, speculative habit of mind. For, though almost the only modern poet who has infused enough spirit into fable and rostrum verse to make it worth recording, his poetry has appealed to the present rather than the future; and again, he has too curious and analytic a brain for purely artistic work. Of Holmes as a satirist, which it is not unusual to call him, I have said but little His metrical satires are of the amiable sort that debars him from kinsmanship with the Juvenals of old, or the Popes and Churchills of more recent times. There is more real satire in one of Hosea Biglow's lyrics, than in all our laughing philosopher's irony, rhymed and unrhymed. Yet he is a keen observer of the follies and chances which satire makes its food. Give him personages, reminiscences, manners to touch upon, and he is quite at home. He may not reproduce these imaginatively, in their stronger combinations; but the Autocrat makes no unseemly beast when he says: 'It was in teaching of Life that we came together. I thought I knew something about that, that I could speak or write about it to some purpose.' Let us consider, then, that if Holmes had died young, we should have missed a choice example of the New England fiber which strengthens while it lasts; that he has lived to round a personality that will be traditional for at least the time granted to one or two less characteristic worthies of revolutionary days; that--'twas all he wished'--a few of his lyrics already belong to our select anthology, and one or two of his books must be counted as factors in what twentieth-century chroniclers will term (and here is matter for reflection) the development of early American literature.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

"Horace Greeley was a great eater; he didn't care much about quality, but went in for quantity," said John Schlosser, caterer of the Duquesne Club, while talking of some of his experiences the other day. Mr. Schlosser was at one time caterer of a famous New York hotel, and afterward held the same position at Welcker's, in Washington, and naturally he has a large fund of anecdotes of distinguished men.

"How did you become acquainted with Greeley's habits?" asked the writer.

"I was caterer at the House when Greeley lived there," replied Mr. Schlosser. "He was a very queer old man and a good one generally. He would sit in his room dressed in a dirty old dressing-gown with an old pair of slippers on, and read the papers early in the morning. It was wonderful the number of newspapers he would read and throw in piles all around the room, and if any of them were lost or were taken away when his room was cleaned up, he would be furious. He was a great eater of fruits. Nearly every day baskets and even barrels of fruit were sent to him. He was very fond of pineapples, and some friend sent him two and three barrels at a time, which he enjoyed with great relish."

"Was he a good liver and fond of delicacies and French cooking?"

"Not at all. As long as a dish pleased his taste, he never stopped to inquire what it was called or what it was made of. If he wanted a repetition of it, he would say, 'I want some of that you gave me the other day,' and that would end it. He was an enormous eater, but was too much of a farmer to go into details. He never gave any banquets or dinners to his friends. Sometimes one of his intimates, Mr. Beardsley, the lawyer, would give Mr. Greeley a dinner, but Greeley never gave him any in return. Mr. Greeley was in bad health then, and I think his manner of eating did not make him any healthier." Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

Professor Tyndall, in a recent lecture on electricity, produced the clothes of a man who was taking refuge under a tree when it was struck by lightning. It was a foolish thing, he observed, to go under a tree during an electric storm, unless a person stood some distance from the trunk. In this particular case, however, the man's clothes were very wet, and, though they were very much torn, they formed a sufficiently good conductor for the lightning, and he escaped with his life. Had his raiment been dry, he would inevitably have been killed. Producing the man's boots, the lecturer pointed out that the uppers were torn to pieces by the electric fluid in its anxiety to reach the earth; but the sole, into the constitution of which iron largely entered in the shape of hobnails, formed a good conductor and was not hurt.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

The critics say that the only new or really good thing in Tennyson's latest drama is the sentiment: "Men are God's trees and women are God's flowers."

The Governor Signs It. He Criticizes Some of its Provisions.
Opinion of the Attorney General.
A. H. Vance and George Barker.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

I have approved House Bill No. 367, "An act amendatory of and supplemental to chapter 128 of the session laws of 1881, being an act entitled 'an act to prohibit the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors, except for medicinal, scientific and mechanical purposes, and to regulate the manufacture and sale thereof for such excepted purposes." But in so doing I desire to state that I believe section eight of this act confers upon a county officer very dangerous authority and power, which should not be vested in any officer, and which, in the hands of an unscrupulous man, may be grossly abused, without fear or possibility of his punishment for such abuse. My objections to vesting such powers and authority in an officer are so numerous and serious that if the session was not so near its close, I should feel it to be my duty to return the act without my approval; but it would be impossible, in the brief time remaining for legislative action, to secure a reconsideration of the bill, with the view to the removal of the objectionable section. I am, therefore, constrained, though with great reluctance, not to withhold my approval of the act. In my judgment, a brief test of the practical working of section eight will demonstrate, not only its dangerous authority, but its inefficiency to accomplish the result apparently intended to be accomplished through its agency. The bill should also, in my judgment, have embodied a provision explicitly authorizing the sale, by wholesale druggists, to legally qualified retail druggists, of liquors in quantities exceeding one gallon, upon the written or printed statements of such retail druggists that said liquors would be sold only for medical, mechanical, or scientific purposes. Before approving the bill, however, I asked the opinion of the Attorney General, and of the two eminent attorneys who are Chairmen respectively, of the Senate and House committees reporting this bill as to whether, in letter or spirit, this act was intended to, or would, prohibit sales by wholesale druggists to legally qualified retail druggists, of liquors in quantities exceeding one gallon, and whether the provisions of section 3, of House bill No. 367, could be construed as imposing the restraints and limitations therein set forth on sales by wholesale druggists in larger quantities to retail druggists legally qualified. In reply, the gentlemen referred to give the following opinion.

Hon. John A. Martin, Governor of Kansas.

"DEAR SIR: In reply to your communication of this date, I desire to say that the sale of intoxicating liquors, under House bill No. 367, by one druggist having a permit to another druggist having a permit, in quantities of not less than one gallon, would not be a violation of the letter or spirit of said act, should it become a law; that a wholesale druggist in the State of Kansas, having a permit under the provisions of said act, can sell intoxicating liquors to retail druggists in the State of Kansas having a permit, or to retail druggists out of the State of Kansas, upon the written or printed statements of said druggists showing that the liquors are not to be sold for other than medicinal, mechanical or scientific purposes, or any unlawful purpose, without violating the letter or spirit of the act."

"Very Respectfully."
[Signed.] "S. B. Bradford, Attorney General."
"I concur fully in the within opinion. Geo. J. Barker, A. H. Vance."

Acting upon this advice, and with this understanding of the spirit and intent of the bill, I have given it my official approval. Very Respectfully, JOHN A. MARTIN, Governor.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

The civilized world will doubtless be astonished to learn that prohibition apparently prohibits in Dodge City, about the last place on earth where it would be expected that such a state of affairs would ever occur. On Saturday of last week three or four of the leading saloons closed doors, but the others continued to deal out the fluid openly until Tuesday afternoon, when copies of the Topeka Capital containing the official publication of the new prohibitory law arrived. The other saloonists then proclaimed that the jig was up and that only "temperance drinks" could thereafter be purchased over their bars. Considering the large number of drinks that still been absorbed at those places since that proclamation, it must be admitted that there has been a miraculous conversion to "temperance" in Dodge City.

The Cowboy.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

Abstract of the monthly report of the County Auditor of Cowley County, Kansas, of claims certified to the County Clerk, on the First Monday of March, 1885.

[Showing Amount Allowed Only.]
Emily Wooden pauper claim: $13.29

D. Palmer & Co. pauper claim: $5.00

Mowry & Sollitt pauper claim: $1.95

J. W. Johnston pauper claim: $10.00

Thos. Goodwin pauper claim: $14.25

L. L. Beck pauper claim: $12.00

McGuire Bros. pauper claims: $21.10; $5.00; $5.00

Holmes & Son pauper claim: $18.50

J. B. Lynn pauper claim: $7.00; $19.44; $1.35; $20.09

Eli Blenden pauper claim: $13.28

West & Dyer pauper claim: $5.45

J. S. Crabtree pauper claim: $64.50

Geo. Emerson pauper claim: $31.00

J. N. Harter pauper claim: $32.00

H. L. Wells pauper claim: $5.00

H. H. Horner pauper claim: $10.00

J. S. Rothrock pauper claim: $2.00

L. P. Marsh road damages: $40.00

Ephraim Carder road damages: $18.00

Justin Hollister road damages: $25.00

Jas. Brewington road damages: $100.00

H. W. Marsh, coroner's fees: $10.00

A. F. McClaren witness fees: $1.00

Mary E. McClaren witness fees: $1.00

Chas. H. Snyder witness fees: $1.00

Clark Bryant witness fees: $1.00

Adam Sipe witness fees: $1.00

S. R. Marsh, medical expert's fee: $7.00

Wm. Metzer juror fees: $1.00

Frank Lacey juror fees: $1.00

Geo. Bryant juror fees: $1.00

W. F. McDaniels juror fees: $1.00

Peter Sipe juror fees: $1.00

W. F. McDaniels juror fees: $1.00

Peter Sipe juror fees: $1.00

John Culver juror fees: $1.00

G. H. McIntire sheriff's fees: $6.00

H. W. Marsh, coroner's fees: $6.00

Frank Herrod witness fees: $1.00

Wm. Kelly witness fees: $1.00

Geo. Emerson witness fees: $1.00

Sol Z. Frederick witness fees: $1.00

S. B. Park witness fees: $1.00

S. R. Marsh, medical expert's fees: $1.00

W. S. Mendenhall, medical expert's fees: $10.00

T. H. Soward juror fees: $1.00

F. M. Pickens juror fees: $1.00

J. W. Arrowsmith juror fees: $1.00

O. M. Seward juror fees: $1.00

C. M. Leavitt juror fees: $1.00

A. B. Taylor juror fees: $1.00

G. H. McIntire sheriff's fees: $6.00

F. K. Raymond stenographers fee: $14.00

J. E. Beck witness fees: $5.80

W. D. Kreamer, J. P. fees: $26.35

G. H. McIntire, sheriff's fees: $7.60

J. S. Lewis, constable's fees: $14.30

J. J. Breene, constable's fees: $31.55

D. B. McCollum, refunded taxes: $23.07

John Mentch juror fees: $54.90

J. B. Plumb juror fees: $34.00

Geo. Allen juror fees: $4.80

W. Kirkpatrick juror fees: $73.20

Thos. Cooley juror fees: $6.00

Jas. Coulter juror fees: $58.00

M. B. Rowe juror fees: $73.00

J. W. Carlton juror fees: $68.00

Ford White juror fees: $73.00

A. J. Walck juror fees: $49.00

I. McIntire juror fees: $49.00

Reuben Lowder juror fees: $52.60

J. M. Jarvis juror fees: $50.00

I. H. Bonsall juror fees: $43.60

P. W. Smith juror fees: $37.60

W. V. McCormick juror fees: $4.80

I. D. Hon juror fees: $44.80

Theodore Moore juror fees: $52.60

D. C. Treadway juror fees: $51.20

R. L. Ward juror fees: $52.40

J. B. Harden juror fees: $28.00

Ed Millard juror fees: $52.80

H. H. Hooker juror fees: $50.40

Steph Greenwell juror fees: $47.20

Nathaniel Reed juror fees: $50.00

Henry Endicott juror fees: $49.60

H. R. Branson juror fees: $52.40

J. D. Lycan juror fees: $6.00

W. W. Sloan juror fees: $6.00

S. T. Snow juror fees: $6.00

C. M. Wood juror fees: $6.00

D. S. Fiske juror fees: $14.00

J. W. Connor juror fees: $14.00

D. A. Dale juror fees: $8.00

John R. Smith juror fees: $8.00

H. G. Page juror fees: $8.00

C. D. Austin juror fees: $8.00

W. S. Webb juror fees: $8.00

Daniel Hunt juror fees: $8.00

Wm. Mann juror fees: $8.00

L. M. Laws juror fees: $8.00

W. T. McLaughlin juror fees: $8.00

J. W. Browning, et al, judges and clerks of election: $344.00

J. B. Lynn, pauper claim: $15.85

B. McFadden, janitor service: $1.00

Total Paid: $2,547.01
I certify the foregoing to be correct and true. M. G. TROUP, Auditor.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

The Clyde Stallion.
JACK CLYDE. Will stand for the season of 1885 at my farm, one mile south of Floral. Took first premium at Cowley County fair in 1883 and 1884, also 1st premium for stallion showing best fine colts. N. L. YARBROUGH.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

Short Horn Bulls.
I have ten pedigreed short horn bulls from eight to eighteen months old, at my farm two and a half miles southeast of Winfield, for sale cheap, and will trade for other stock or for bankable notes. F. W. McCLELLAN.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

Furnishing Goods House
Showing a Complete Stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's Wear.
Our goods are all new, purchased for this Spring's trade after the very latest decline in Woolen Goods in the East. Our prices will be found as LOW as same class of goods can be purchased for in any city. Our prices are marked in plain figures on every article, and will be sold strictly at market price. Our stock embraces every variety of Men's Wear known to the trade.

You are respectfully invited to call and examine our goods.

East Side Main Street, between 8th & 9th Ave.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.


The only exclusive Insurance Agency in town. Risks written in Fire, Lightning, Tornado, Life and Accidental Insurance with the best Companies. Farm risks written in the German, of Freeport, Illinois.

Office in Fuller-Torrance Block, Main Street, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

The Spring is Here.
In calling attention to our stock for this season we do so with more satisfaction than ever before, for we are now better than ever ready to meet the wants of all buyers of

Gent's Furnishing Goods.
There is ever going forward great improvements in the manufacture of these goods, so that now the nicest fitting, best made, from fashionable goods can now be procured from us; and we are now able to offer you

every brought to this market. Our prices are low, our stock the largest in the county.

Our goods are good, and great bargains are being offered to buyers. Our line of

Gent's Furnishing Goods and Hats
is full, and all we ask is a call from you and we are sure we can suit you.

Yours, anxious to please,
Next to P. O. The Mammoth Clothier.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

STRAYED. Monday night, March 9th, from my place, four miles up the Walnut, four Indian ponies: one black, one bay, and two clay-banks. A liberal reward will be paid for information leading to their recovery. John Ireton, Winfield.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

Skipped long ad re The Celebrated Bertrand, a general purpose trotting stallion by A. J. LYON & CO., Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Recap suit by Martha F. Worden, Plaintiff, against Linden O. Worden, Defendant, a non-resident of the State of Kansas, in District Court April 23, 1885, for judgment rendered relative marriage and giving control of Lulu O. Worden, minor child to plaintiff. Hackney & Asp, Attorneys for Plaintiff.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Recap Administrator's Notice. Catherine Richardson, Administratrix of the Estate of Edward Richardson, deceased, Jennings & Troup, Attorneys, March 10, 1885.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The Grand Army of the Republic in Kansas expended last year $7,000 in charity.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The oldest son of the Prince of Wales has been made a Mason, his father acting as Worshipful Master on the occasion.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The "goose" which belonged to Andrew Jackson when he was a tailor to Greenville, Tenn., is on exhibition at New Orleans.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The State Board of Pardons will meet at the Capitol March 31, at 3 o'clock p.m., for the first time, to transact business which properly comes under their jurisdiction.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

A school teacher in Jefferson County has been bounced for "kissing the big girls." Like three card monte, this game is always catching young men in spite of repeated warnings.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

An Illinois court has decided that a bucket shop is a gambling place, and anyone who loses money in one can recover it by an action at law. This decision was rendered at Peoria.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Dr. Lawson Tait has discovered that the hearing of women is more acute than that of men. Husbands attempting to go up stairs without making any noise found that out long before Dr. Tait did. [Note: They had "Tait" and then "Tate."]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Within the vaults of New York and vicinity there are now 34 dead bodies, awaiting the consuming fires of the projected crematory at Mt. Olivet, Long Island, which will be in operation probably by May 1.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Readers of the Junction City Tribune have been having a hard time of it for the past month or two. From two or three and one half columns of editorial correspondence from New Orleans each week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

George William Curtis says he wanted nothing at the hands of the new president and he got it, and a large proportion of the people all over this big country rejoice with him in his ambition gratified.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The English people are very much astonished that a man having presided over the destinies of 57,000,000 people should at the expiration of his term of office, quietly resume work at his desk. They say that it is possible only in the United States.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Reports from different sections of the state show that the wheat crop is badly damaged. As far as we have been able to learn, the crop in this county has suffered, in many instances whole fields being entirely killed. It is probably safe to say that at least half of the crop is ruined.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The North Carolina Legislature has adopted a new State flag in which a white bar and a red bar run horizontally, the red bar above the white. Near the staff the color is blue to the depth of one third of the flag. In the center of this blue portion is the coat of arms of the State in gold. Has Kansas a state flag?

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

It is reported that Sepoys are now employed in Egypt against the Arabs. The Indian troops employed are Sikhs, the bravest of the native races in India, and who made the most determined fight against the English in that country. If Mohammedan troops can be trusted to fight their co-religionists, troops enough can be brought from India to eat up El Mahdi.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

According to the New York Evening Post, a single sentence in President Cleveland's inaugural is all that reminds us that the country once contained 4,000,000 slaves, and that it was once convulsed with the most tremendous conflict of modern times. Still there are quite a number of one-legged, one-armed, and otherwise mutilated men in this country who distinctly remember the conflict.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

A ROBUSTICUS ruffian, Gen. Rufino Barrios, has been for several years nominally President, but really despot, of Honduras. The principal defect in the Hondureno character being laziness, Gen. Barrios' exceptional energy has been rather beneficial to his country. He has had the professional revolutionists all shot, and has introduced other reforms. Gen. Barrios, however, seems to have outgrown his clothing and desires to extend his rule over all the Central American Republics. Honduras alone accepts. The others say they will fight first. President Diaz, of the Republic of Mexico, has admonished Gen. Barrios to go slow.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

There is one sore Democrat, anyhow, and he does not hesitate to shoot off his mouth, as they say, in the much shooting state of Texas. He is Congressman Reagan. He doesn't like the cabinet, didn't like the inaugural address, saying "it was a great document for the Republicans," and he doesn't admire or think much of Cleveland, having said when speaking about the silver coinage question: "President Cleveland admitted that he had never given an hour's thought on the silver question." The letter signed by him was written by someone for him. It contained so many egregious blunders that the President will not be apt to express himself again until he has given at least more than one hour's study to that important subject.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The press dispatches made it clear a few days ago just what General Grant's trouble is. And as the people know exactly what the good doctor means by those technical terms we give the diagnosis in their language according to Sol. Miller.

"Grant's disease is Epithelioma. It is a disease of the fauces, and epithelioma malignancy and infiltration are as well understood as are suppuration, pus-track and bullet cysts. The ulceration are limited to the right pillars of the fauces, the anterior one being perforated at its base, and is indurated. It contains three small rotary-like excrescences, which show a tendency towards celipoolifo ration. The epiglottis is free from any abnormality. The pain in deglutition is entirely controlled, and the bodily temperature is normal. Nothing could be clearer. Any person who does not understand it, is a liar and a horse-thief."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Attorney-General Bradford, at the request of the executive department, has given his decision upon a matter of general interest in Kansas. Where a vacancy of more than thirty days in the office of justice of the peace exists next preceding a township election, and the governor has official knowledge of the fact, it is his duty to fill the office by appointment. In such case the appointment holds good until the first regular election. When the vacancy occurs within less time than thirty days next preceding the next regular election, the governor has power to fill by appointment, in which case the appointed officer would hold over until the next succeeding election. That is, if he be appointed within thirty days of such regular township election in 1885, his appointment would hold good until the regular township election in 1886.

The Law of the Case. An Interesting Letter. The Chiefs Tell Their Side.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

To the Editor of the Commonwealth.

SIR: We have observed that you printed various articles about Oklahoma, the Cherokee lands, and the would-be squatters or "boomers" who have been attempting lawlessly to settle thereon. Representing as we do the Cherokee Nation, the owners of one of the tracts threatened, we desire to present to the public what we consider to be the true statement of a much misrepresented question.

The term "Oklahoma" has no legal significance. It was originally used in a bill to form the Indian Territory into a United States territory, which, like thousands of other bills, by nameless schemers, was introduced into Congress the better to fill the political waste-paper basket. It has been applied indiscriminately to portions of, and to all of the Indian Territory. Insofar as it has been used to mislead the public into the idea that there are public lands in the Indian Territory open to settlement, it has not only been an error, but the cover for a deception. There are no lands in the Indian Territory that are, or that have been, in any sense public lands for upwards of forty years. There are no lands in the Indian Territory which are mere Indian reserves for the time being segregated from the public domain. Nearly every foot of land in that Territory was conveyed by the United States, by patent in fee simple, to certain partially civilized Indian Nations--the Choctaws, Chickasaws, Creeks, Seminoles, and Cherokees. A small portion in the northeast corner was disposed of to the remnants of a few small tribes.

On the 28th day of May, 1830, Congress passed an act setting apart the Indian Territory, not as a location for Indians living thereon, but the purpose is set forth in the first-section of the act, as follows:

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled, That it shall and may be lawful for the President of the United States to cause so much of any territory belonging to the United States west of the Mississippi, not included in any State or organized territory, and to which the Indian title has been extinguished, as he may judge necessary to be divided into a suitable number of districts for the reception of such tribes or nations of Indians as may choose to exchange lands where they now reside and remove there.

Section two authorizes such lands to be sold or exchanged to such tribes as were located in States or territories where the United States had obliged themselves to extinguish the "Indian title."

Section three makes it lawful for the President "solemnly to assure the tribe or nation with which the exchange is made that the United States will forever secure and guarantee to them and their heirs or successors the country so exchanged with them." It also authorizes patents to be issued.

Section six makes it lawful for the President to protect such tribe or nation "against all interruption or disturbance from any other tribe or nation of Indians, or from any other person or persons whatever."

Under this act, and many treaties made in pursuance of it, the Indian Territory so styled, was created. It was not a territory of the United States, but a territory where Indians could obtain a title to their lands, and where governments of the Indian people, not inconsistent with the Constitution of the United States, could be framed. The policy originated with some of the founders of the American Republic, and much effort, law, and treaty were directed to it during the first half of the present century. The chief object was to secure the removal of the powerful half civilized tribes or nations living in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, and North Carolina, and to get possession of the lands occupied there. The chief argument used was that the Indians would thus by exchange and purchase get a fee simple title from the United States which could not be disturbed, and would be able to build up governments of their own on the same model as State or Territorial government. Nearly all of the leading nations, now occupying the Indian Territory, had formed constitutional governments in the old States, before that time. To induce them to dispose of their homes there, the most sacred guarantees were given them. The treaty of May 6, 1828, says: "A permanent home, and which shall, under the most solemn guarantees of the United States, be and remain theirs forever."

The treaty of February 14, 1833, under which the district and supreme courts have affirmed it to be a fee simple title, says in article 1: "The United States agree to possess the Cherokees and to guarantee it to them forever, and that guarantee is hereby pledged." Then follows the description of the land and consideration. Under this agreement title to these lands passed from the United States and patent was issued. The Cherokee Nation owns its lands just by the same title that every citizen of the United States holds title, and, in addition the solemn pledge and guarantee of the Government.

On what pretext shall boomers or any one else claim any right to squat on such property? Is there to be a general confiscation of titles in the United States? Has an Indian no rights a white man is bound to respect? Are the solemn pledges of the United States government to be shamelessly violated? Can the United States give any title to any one else until they buy back the property? On what pretext are we to be forced to sell it for less than its worth in a fair market? What right have these squatters, who set law and the President's proclamation at defiance, to profit by the enhanced value of our property? These are the questions we ask of the honest fair minded and honorable people of these United States.

But it may be said, a portion of them have been ceded. The Cherokees ceded and sold chiefly under appraisement the Neutral Lands and narrow strip in Kansas. These were sold and conveyed under the terms of Treaty agreement, and are owned by whites who bought them. No portion of Cherokee Lands in the Indian Territory was ever ceded. An examination of the Treaty of 1866 plainly shows that. In the 16th article of the Treaty of 1866 the Cherokee Nation consented that certain friendly Indians might be located on a portion of their lands west of 90 dg., to be taken in compact form, the price to be agreed on between the contracting parties. The only way to get a clear title to any portion of them was by a patent from the owner, the Cherokee Nation. An equitable title might have been claimed by closely following the express language of the treaty, but a title obtained in that way would have been involved in legal obscurities. The Government placed several Indian tribes on our Lands, but in no case followed the treaty. They endeavored to appraise the whole arbitrarily, but that act had no legal binding force on the Cherokees, and the United States did not even then pay for the land thus appraised. By acts of Congress certain sums were arbitrarily paid, and an additional amount was finally offered for these occupied tracts, the only tracts the Government had any right to purchase or the Cherokees would give title. To bring to a close these matters with an unreasonable purchaser, the Cherokee Legislature passed a law authorizing the new compact proposed by Congress for the five small tracts, and the Cherokee authorities issued and the Government accepted the patents as the law directed, and the money was paid for them. These tracts occupied and thus sold to the Osages, Pawnees, Nez Perces, Poncas, Otoes, and Missourians are the only portions sold or occupied, and there is no other way under an authority of any law or treaty to get another acre but by offering the Cherokee Nation an amount sufficient to induce it to grant patent. Congress can do a good many things, but it cannot pass laws to confiscate property. The Creek and Seminole lands were held by patent like the others. In 1866, in the treaties they then made with the United States, they ceded the western portion of their lands for a specified purpose: the "settlement of friendly Indians and freedmen" who had been by birth or location before the war residents or slaves in the Territory. A small price was paid for this conditioned cession, less than one-third of what the lands were then worth. A portion of the lands then ceded were and are occupied by friendly Indians. A small portion has not been allotted. It is still by law and fact reserved for Indian purposes. The Creeks purchased it with that understanding. The Government does not own it for general purposes and cannot so convey the lands.

Besides this small unoccupied portion is near the center of the Indian Territory. It is subject to the Indian Intercourse law, which requires the expulsion and punishment of white intruders. There is no government there under which white men could live. It has not been lawfully opened, nor can it be lawfully opened without great changes as to law and government and purchase.

Above all Congress has just passed a law to open negotiations with the owners, the Creeks and Seminoles, for a total relinquishment of the tracts conditionally ceded, and with the Cherokees for the purpose of inducing them to sell their unoccupied lands west of the Arkansas river that have never been ceded.

It will be observed that so far as the Cherokees at least are concerned, they are under no obligation to sell them, and certainly not for less than their value. The Cherokee Nation has been offered for grazing purposes an amount very considerable above a dollar and a quarter per acre. The unoccupied lands are at present all grazed and maintain nearly four hundred thousand head of cattle. There is no more useful or valuable interests in the United States. The people of this country need beef and mutton as well as bread. The grazing lands of the United States are being rapidly destroyed by a shiftless, inappropriate system. It is well enough to cut up agricultural lands into small holdings, but to let a few squatters take up the water and timber fronts, leaving the great bulk of grazing land cut off is to destroy the value of such a country. Even on the public domain these lands, which are chiefly suitable for pasturage, ought to be leased to grazers. An enlightened policy will ultimately adopt such a course, until a change in the climate and other conditions of these lands render it possible to adapt them to agriculture.

What is it, then, that these squatters demand? It is to permit them to pick valuable water fronts and timber from our property, so they can sell them to a class of holders for a high price these locations which would command other lands that cannot be cultivated, as free grazing lands costing them nothing. It is a nefarious scheme if applied to our property. But that is not the worst of it. The real animus and bottom of the scheme originated was certain railroad companies who are now plotting to secure land grants in that country to the extent of ten or twenty millions of acres. For years, these corporations, through their agents at Washington, worked for a Territorial form of Government in order to destroy the Indian governments, thinking that if this was done they could secure their grants. Several railroad companies had bills passed during the war giving them enormous grants across the continent, fifty miles wide. They got the public domain where the road was constructed, and they had a clause slipped in the bills to give them the alternate section in any reserve where "the Indian title was extinguished." As will be observed, these lands are not held by "Indian title;" a term known to the law. They are held by United States title, but the corporations seem to hope to get possession of them nevertheless. They, through their agents, are carrying these "boomers" for cheap rates and for nothing, and parties are "grubstaking" them. These corporations are thus conniving at gross violations of the law. They are trying to humbug, drive and coax poor settlers on these lands to force a sale, and thus secure the half of the country for themselves.

Any honest settler can find plenty of public lands belonging to the United States to settle on without trying to steal land the Government has already sold. If such lawless raids are to be encouraged, they will bring on a condition of things where no man or interests will be secure in property. There is not a Government military reservation or park that could not thus be squatted on by a far better plea, for the latter are public property.

To these facts we wish to call the attention of the people of the United States. A great many well meaning people have doubtless been deceived into thinking this a case of hardship for poor settlers. The leaders and most of the "boomers" are old squatters by trade, dealers in inchoate titles, land speculators as well as law breakers. We will not believe that the masses of the people of these United States are dishonest, unfair, or insensible to what is due the honor of their own country or the rights of a people who have never wronged them. We appeal to the American sense of fair play. Respectfully,

D. W. BUSHYHEAD, Principal Chief.
H. T. LANDRUM, RICHARD M. WOLF, Cherokee Delegation.
Savages on the Frontier--White and Red.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Mr. Cook said he had met "Bright Eyes," beyond the Missouri, who was there as the evening star, but a year later she appeared in the East as a morning star. Longfellow called her "Minnehaha," when he met her, and President Hayes told her he agreed with her Indian policy. Great things had been accomplished since then with the Indians. Gen. Crook had reformed the Apaches. He had taught them agriculture, and they were not only supporting themselves but raising something to sell to the trading posts. The speaker thought this an important fact, because if the Apaches, with their war-like history, could be civilized and set to raising wheat, barley, watermelons, etc., then any other tribe can be civilized. Gen. Crook, he said, was no dreamer, but a hard Indian fighter. He had gone to work in a practical manner and had cured the Apaches of their vagabondage, and thus showed that all other tribes could be cured in the same way. He said the fact was, there is no frontier any more. Holding up a large map before the audience, with Indian reserves marked, he said that the billows of civilization were rolling all around the Indian reservations. A general had told him on the Rocky Mountains that Christian homes would soon be so thick in all that region that the gamblers and robbers would be driven into the cities of the East. The Indians continue to increase. There are 300,000 outside of Alaska, and half of these wear citizens' dress. They are all well armed. Gen. Crook does not advise disarming them. They were generally desirous of education and many of them had adopted civilized modes of life. There was a tribe of white savages in the mining regions of the West--a scum which civilization carries with it. This was composed of unmarried men from all parts of the world. Nowhere else had he seen such shameless vice as in some of the mining districts of the West, and it was with these, chiefly, that the Indians came in contact. There were many noble exceptions. He had been in the cabins of the missionaries in the far West, where the babe was cradled in a clothes basket, and who were pinched and starved by the miserable parsimony of the churches, while carrying civilization to the frontier. Father and mother and child could only found a true colony. The fringe of scum was followed by a clear wave of Christian homes. Mr. Cook took occasion to severely rebuke the House of Representatives for refusing to make the necessary appropriations in the interest of Indian education. Indian right's associations were being formed in many places and were doing much good. They demand the breaking up of tribal organizations among Indians, and giving them citizenship and the ballot as the only solution of the Indian problem. Some of these associations were building homes in the West for Indians educated in the East, to prevent them returning to savage life. The cost of these homes were to be paid back by the Indians.

The speaker asked what measures should be taken for the civilization and Christianization of Indians, and suggested first that General Crook's policy be followed. He had tried it on no small scale, but in Arizona--a region as large as all New England. Get the Indians to making their own living and earn some money to put in their pockets. If they could only hear the jingle of money in their pockets, they would follow that sound into the promised land. They must be cured of vagabondage, their tribal relations broken up, and their lands deeded to them in severalty. Evangelists must be sent among them. He alluded in this connection to the great work the Presbyterians are doing in Alaska through their missionary, Sheldon Jackson. Presbyterians own Alaska, he said. Give Christianity to a few, and they would be a pillar of fire to lead the others on to better things. Educate. Agitate. Pass the Coke bill, which had already passed the Senate, but was hanging in the House. The white savages of the West, he said, maintained strong lobbies at Washington to fight all legislation in the interest of the red savages. Give the Indians the right to sue in United States courts. Extend the marriage law among them. Raise the salaries of Indian agents and send a better class of men. "We cannot allow the red savages to be preyed upon by the white savages of the frontier."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Student life in Germany is no longer what it was. In small towns the students are still more or less lords of the situation; but in Berlin, which has now the greatest number of students, they disappear among the multitude, and the select brotherhoods and corps have no longer their claimed pre-eminence. Many people have become prosaic enough as to regard duels as a crime rather than an honor, and the combatants are liable to arrest, though, to judge by the seamed, scarred, and disfigured physiognomies to be seen in the streets, the favorite custom of sword-fencing is by no means extinct among the rising generation in Germany.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

A very brilliant light is obtained in China from candles--only of late years imported into Europe--made of wax supplied by insects especially reared through Chinese ingenuity.

[Note: I skipped some items on the front page.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

There is not a chimney nor a cooking stove in Havana; not a carpeted room nor a feather pillow.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

President Cleveland has prohibited smokers in the White House, and office-seekers from hanging around the doors of his office.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Susan B. Anthony and Anna E. Dickinson have come into the possession, each, of the sum of $25,000, bequeathed to them some time since by a wealthy gentleman of Boston.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

It is to be hoped that Gen. Grant does not see the telegraphic reports respecting his condition. The dispatch of the 20th inst., giving the four ways in which the General might die, was especially horrible.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

A man will work fourteen hours a day for $6 a week in running a country paper of his own without grumbling; but if he was paid $1.50 a day for eight hours' work at any other employment, he would strike for more wages.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Fifty men are put to work on the grade of the Newton extension of the Sunflower road from El Dorado and before a week 500 graders will be at work. The new road will be built to Newton and in operation by July 1.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

General Hatch telegraphed the War Department on the 21st inst. that about 500 Oklahoma boomers were congregated at Coffeyville, Kansas, on the southern border line, with the intention of moving into the Territory. He sent a force to intercept them.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Kansas has waked them up again at the New Orleans Exposition. Capt. White, of Sabetha, with nine head of short horns, took $770 out of $1,000 in premiums offered in the classes in which he exhibited. A Kansas herd of Polled Angus cattle took the first premium in that class.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The map of the Indian Territory, gotten up by the State Journal, is now ready for delivery. It shows "Oklahoma," and other points of the Territory. On the reverse side is a map, originally published in the Chicago Express, showing the land granted by Government to railroad companies. It is sold at 50 cents.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

A Coffeyville dispatch of the 21st says: "The boomers are gathering from various points at Coffeyville, and leaving in squads as fast as they arrive, for Oklahoma. A number of teams arrived today and will probably leave on Monday. The Coffeyville colony has a number of detachments now in Oklahoma, and more on the road, the president's proclamation notwithstanding."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

A Little Rock man sold his cooking stove to get money enough to take his family to the circus. When one of his friends remonstrated with him, he said: "We had no use for the stove. Had nothing to cook." "But why didn't you buy something to eat with the money you got for the stove? "Then we should have had nothing to cook it on. Don't talk to me: I'm a philosopher."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Kansas City Journal: Governor John A. Martin, of Kansas, carries off all the diplomatic honors of the late strike, while Governor John S. Marmaduke of Missouri is entitled to all the military honors. The latter ordered out the militia promptly and unnecessarily, while the former undertook to negotiate between the employees and employers which has resulted in an adjustment that ended the strike.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The saloon interests in Iowa received a blow between the eyes in the decision of the supreme court maintaining the constitutionality of the prohibition law as it stands. The question came up on application for an injunction to abate a saloon as a nuisance. The writ was issued and appeal was taken to the supreme court. The court holds that as the legislature and the constitutional power to enact the law, and as the law defines a saloon as a nuisance, there can be no denial of the right of action.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The part borne by the Kansas railroad commissioners in the arrangements which terminated the recent strike, will, we think, strengthen with the people the law establishing the board and suggest further legislation. The law might be so amended as to provide that the railroad commissioners shall act as referees in cases of difference between employers and employees so serious as to effect the public. Anything that would avert strikes would be welcomed by both parties.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

A Negro lawyer was admitted to practice in the supreme court of Georgia recently. The world has moved since the time--twenty-four years ago--when an eminent Georgian--then recently elected vice president of the confederacy, declared that the new constitution under which that government was framed had settled forever "the proper status of the Negro in our form of civilization," and that "slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.


David Dickson, of Georgia, the richest planter in the South next to Richardson, of Mississippi, recently died, leaving an estate of $500,000. He had no children, but a large number of relatives, excellent people, who expected to be handsomely remembered. His will just probated, reveals the fact that he has just cut off his kindred with small sums, and bequeathed fully $400,000 in property to Amanda Eubanks, a negress, making her the richest negress in the world.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

All the members of Cleveland's cabinet are wealthy men, except Lamar and Garland, who depend upon their official salaries for a living. Whitney and Manning are millionaires, and Bayard, Vilas, and Endicott are well off. Bayard, Lamar, and Garland are widowers, and Manning was also a widower until recently. As to their nativities, Bayard was born in Delaware, Manning in New York, Endicott and Whitney in Massachusetts, Vilas in Vermont, Lamar in Georgia, and Garland in Tennessee.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

One of the new laws provides that the board of county commissioners of any county shall not levy upon the taxable property of such county a tax for current expenses of said county for any one year, in excess of the following accounts: Upon a valuation of $5,000,000 and under, 1 percent; over $5,000,000 and under $6,000,000 8½ mills; over $6,000,000 and under $7,000,000 7½ mills; over $7,000,000 and under $8,000,000, 6½ mills; over $8,000,000 and under $9,000,000 5¾ mills; over $9,000,000, 1½ per cent. Provided, That the electors of the county, by a direct vote, may order an increase in such levies.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The New York Morning Journal, speaking of Gen. Grant's illness under the head of "Our Head," says: "The nation watches in anxiety by the pillow of Gen. Grant. He has gathered his loved ones around him. He faces the grim destroyer with the same calm courage that carried him through the terrible days of the Wilderness. He had behind him then the fevered hopes and passionate trust of millions. It must be his consolation now that love and gratitude have taken the place of the intense emotions he stirred in the perilous days of the war. We bless his genius for the great Union that stands at the head of civilization today."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

A rumor was current in Arkansas City on the 21st that the Coffeyville boomers had passed through the Sac and Fox agencies the 16th instant en route to Oklahoma, and had arrived safely and were building houses, plowing and making other permanent improvements on Cottonwood creek, 100 miles south of Arkansas City.

The rumor gained headway rapidly and was sent to several papers by their agents, and caused much excitement in the colonists' camp. The rumor is entirely without foundation, and was doubtless gotten up to cause uneasiness.

A visitor to Maj. Benton's headquarters on Chilocco creek, six miles south of Arkansas City, elicited the following facts.

"No advices have been received there of any invasion from any direction. The Sac and Fox agency would be thirty miles off the route. Two companies of the Twenty-second infantry, under Capt. Clark, are at Ponca, near the route. Another of the companies of cavalry (colored) and one of infantry under Maj. DeWees, are at Camp Russell, on the Cimarron, township 17 north, of range 2 west, directly on the route, and within ten miles of where the alleged improvements were being made.

"Soldiers and Indian scouts are patrolling the country between these points, and it would be impossible for any large body of men or teams to pass through unnoticed. Had they been noticed, they would have been turned back and the fact reported at Chilocco, then to Gen. Hatch.

"Maj. Benton does not doubt but what there are a few boomers in Oklahoma, but says they will be ejected as soon as convenient. Should Couch and his colony start, they would be allowed to advance no further than Chilocco creek, where the major says they would be stopped, as his orders would not permit him to allow them to pass.

"He has seven companies of the Ninth cavalry (colored), 300 men, and believes he could stop all that would come.

"Capt. Couch is waiting patiently to see what the President will do, and told his men that they must wait a reasonable time, that their representatives at Washington were making good progress, and he did not want to embarrass them.

"Many of the boomers attended church, last Sunday, and quiet reins."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The Southwest Kansas Methodist Episcopal conference met in the opera house at El Dorado last Thursday, Bishop Ninote in the chair. M. L. Gates, of McPherson, was chosen secretary and A. T. George, of Lyons, and W. H. Rose, of Caldwell, assistant. Dr. Cranston, of Cincinnati, and Dr. Ery, of St. Louis, addressed the conference at length in the interest of the Methodist Book concern and religious publications. The presiding elder of the Wichita district reported his work and the character of the respective elders of his district, which was passed.

In the afternoon N. S. Buckner, of Arkansas City, presided. The treasurers of the various conference societies collected the benevolent funds. The bishop and his cabinet of elders were in session during the afternoon, making arrangements for the stationing of ministers for the conference. The Woman's Foreign Missionary society held a session in the afternoon.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The Garden City Sentinel offers the following sensible advice to the deluded followers of Couch, now on the line of the Indian Territory, which they would do well to heed.

"If the Oklahoma boomers, instead of wasting their time and energies in fruitless attempts to force the opening of these lands to settlement in opposition to law and violation of the pledges of the Nation, would only come to Western Kansas, they could find thousands of acres of as fine farming lands as the sun shines upon, all to be had for the mere asking, with a Government, and people ready to welcome them. It is true upon our broad acres you will find no dense forests upon which to waste your strength in operating a farm, from which you will be ready to emigrate by the time your farm is ready; but here you can find a farm ready made to your hand, where you can enjoy the fruit of your labors from the start. Then do not longer spend your time in such foolish attempts, but head your column for the west, and instead of swords and muskets bring plows and hoes with you.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The Quebec train due at St. John, N. B., March 19th at 7:30 a.m. had not arrived at 7 p.m. The situation on the New Brunswick railroad is even worse. The train from Bangor due at St. John that morning stuck in a snow drift two miles from that city at 8 a.m., making it impossible for trains to leave for Bangor, Fredericktown, and elsewhere. The storm was general throughout the province. Nearly two feet of snow has fallen.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The Supreme Court of Iowa, through Judge Rothrock, all the bench concurring, rendered an opinion, affirming the constitutionality of the prohibition law. The opinion is sweeping, conclusive, and complete. It sustains the validity of the injunctions to abate nuisances as saloons, and in every particular maintains the provisions of the act as it stands today on the statute book of the State.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The secretary of the treasury has issued warrant for $332,308 in favor of the governor of Kansas for expenses incurred by that state in repelling Indian invasions.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The intelligence that the Coffeyville colonists had crossed the line and entered the Territory occasioned considerable excitement at Arkansas City last Saturday. While the troops were engaged in keeping out the Couch boomers encamped there, they were going in at other points in small parties; and if the movement continues, it will be necessary for the troops to march again to Oklahoma and remove them. Freighters report a number of them already settled along the Canadian river in tents and dugouts. Captain DeWees with four companies will reach that vicinity this week, and turn back the party that entered from Arkansas and Texas. Gen. Hatch is at Arkansas City, and if he finds it necessary to send forward the troops stationed near there, they will be replaced by six companies from Fort Leavenworth. It is considered likely that if the Coffeyville colonists are not removed by the troops within forty-eight hours, that there will be a movement of the Couch men assembled. A meeting was held at Arkansas City Saturday, attended by 800 to 1,000 persons. Many of the colonists propose to settle down for the present in camp and await further developments, perhaps remain all summer. In that case, the troops will go into permanent camp, probably on the Chilocco.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

James Gordon Bennett deposits in the Chemical bank, where his father opened an account forty years ago. The latter had at first so little confidence in such institutions that in the early days of the Herald he placed his funds in the hands of a paper dealing firm. They supplied him with paper during his poverty and he deposited his earnings in their hands. This firm (Persse & Brooks) was well acquainted with Bennett's early struggles and every day after the morning's business was over, he would come in with a bag of coppers and small coins taken in at the Herald's counter. He checked his deposit and was often overdrawn, but his drafts were honored and Persse & Brooks had their reward in his undivided patronage until they discontinued business. They owned the only complete file of the Herald (except Bennett's) and were it now in existence it would be worth $10,000. Unfortunately, however, it was destroyed by fire.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

A New Orleans minister recently married a couple, and at the conclusion uneasily remarked: "On such an occasion as this, it is customary to kiss the bride; but in this case, we will omit it." The indignant bridegroom very pertinently remarked: On such occasions as dis it am customary to gib de minister $10, but in dis case we will omit it."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Col. George Williams, ex-member of the Ohio Legislature, says: "When Bruce was in the Senate, Bayard would never refer to him as the Senator from Mississippi, and he studiously avoided meeting and bowing to him. If he saw he must pass Bruce in going across the chamber, he would turn aside with a haughty look and go into one of the cloak rooms until the latter had passed; and if he had to give the Senate a mention of Bruce, he would refer to him impersonally, saying, 'It has been said on this floor,' or 'a member has stated so and so,' but he never would accord to Bruce his recognition as a gentleman and a Senator. Lamar, on the other hand, spoke of Bruce in high terms, and moved his confirmation to his present place."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

It is rather remarkable, but it is true, that Jay Gould does not employ an amanuensis. He writes all his own letters. The word "all" does not signify "many," for Gould replies to very few letters, and the communications he does write are brief.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Kansas has had another windfall. The Secretary of the Treasury has issued a warrant for $332,308 in favor of Kansas for expenses incurred by the State in repelling Indian invasions.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Congressman-Elect J. D. Richardson, of Tennessee, will be the tallest member of the next House. He stands nearly seven feet high in his stockings.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Joaquin Miller is said to make money like a genius and spends it like a fool.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

This country continues to develop itself according to the true theory of evolution; yet to those of us who have been accustomed to the "blizzards" of the East and North, and also of Texas, indeed, this country appears like an Eden, or "Paradise regained." The winter has passed and we are in the middle, or nearly so, of the first spring month--so far as temperature is concerned.

"December was pleasant as May." To be sure we had, during that month, reported rains without wind--or storms--or thunder or lightning. March came in like a lamb and bids fare to go out as gentle as a sheep, robed in green and decked with roses. The truth is I can only determine the season by reference to the Almanac, for I should not know that we have passed through a long winter, but for the calendar. This is a wonderful country for natural productions. We have here almost everything that other people have in other parts of the world: except blizzard and thunder. We have an occasional shake-up by a young earthquake--just enough to remind sinners that they are still in pretty close proximity to the hell country, spoken of in the fables of yore. But these earthquakes, like the theology they were used to enforce--are growing more and more feeble and will continue to do so, most likely, till the smouldering fires within the earth's crust become extinct. And we occasionally have a "shooting star," as the second Adventists call it--to remind us of the "speedy end of all things." How kind nature is to take such an interest in our theological matters. But alas! What does it amount to? Before the "fallen star" gets cold, or the earth ceases to quiver, sinners laugh, shrug their shoulders, and say, "try it again."

The following I clip from one of our city papers.

"The fiery meteor that fell just east of our city Thursday night, lighting up the country for miles around, came with the noise of many thunders, and our citizens were startled with the dread thought that it was the crack of doom. Yesterday a party of our citizens who are scientifically inclined went out to search for the heavenly visitor, accompanied by the geologist of the Chronicle staff. In the party were C. R. Woods, O. Harsbarger, Steve Magee, E. B. Johnson, George Newell, Jack Terrill, Herman Greenland, E. E. Canfield, Joe Sproul, H. C. Mansfield, and Bert Mason. They struck a bee-line for the foothills, nearly due east of town, and came to a halt at a farmhouse six miles from here. The party at once scattered and instituted a search. They walked over rocks, through canyons, and examined the bed of a creek for signs of the stone from the clouds. Woods and Mansfield were absent from the searchers nearly an hour, when they were finally seen running toward the wagon, waving their hands and yelling. They came up almost breathless, but managed to tell that the object of their tramp had been found. A rush was then made by the explorers to the spot that had been designated, nearly a mile away and a little higher up on the foothills. Arriving there, they were certainly well rewarded for their pains. The "aerolite" was lying alongside a pile of rocks, and in appearance somewhat resembled a pyramid. In length it was a few inches over thirty feet, and in diameter over two feet. Its weight is placed at several tons. In color it has the appearance of slate while standing a few feet from it, but upon closer examination it looks like copper. The monster was struck several heavy blows with a sledge hammer, but no impression could be made upon it. A cold chisel was then used upon it, but not a scratch could be made. In falling, the burning stone had struck upon a lava formation, otherwise it would have gone far into the bosom of old mother earth. As it struck the rock, it glanced off into the ground and burned a gutter nearly two feet in depth for a distance of two hundred feet. It was about the only topic of conversation upon the streets and a large crowd went out to look at the wonder, and an instrument was taken along for the purpose of photographing. On the night above mentioned, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Anderson, while returning home from a visit to neighbors, noticed a very bright meteor in the northeast. It was so rapid in its movements as to lead them to believe that it had fallen in that vicinity, though they heard no noise accompanying its progress. They located its fall a few miles out of town. In all probability it was the same meteor which fell at Chico. The "Falling Star" was also noticed by many people in Santa Cruz on the night mentioned, nearly a week ago."

But I must tell you of some more pleasant things to think of earthquakes, etc. All winter long we have had in our out-door markets potatoes, turnips just from the fields, beets, carrots, cabbage, celery, grapes, oranges, lemons, etc., and today we had new potatoes, some of them as large as a turkey's egg, nice, sweet, and mealy. They were not grown in a hot house or in the south, but right here in the bosom of old mother earth. They taste a little of silver, to be sure, still they are only five cents a pound. Then the roses and other flowers! Don't talk! The streets in places are just perfumed with these fragrant blossoms: roses, mignonettes, heliotropes, violets, lily flowers, and many others. It is delightful, the grass in the parks and along the streets is knee high. We now begin to need rain again, which the weather-wise say will be forthcoming soon. But people get sick and die in this country as elsewhere. Yesterday I was called to preach the funeral sermon of one of our leading citizens, a free thinker like myself. My own health is better. I am getting a nice practice. I often think of my dear old friends and patrons of Cowley County, and the arrival of the COURIER is as welcome as a message of friendship. Send it on and oblige your old friend.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The Kingman Leader publishes a map of Kansas, showing the D., M. & A. R. R. The road shows up well and runs through the finest and most productive country in the world. It comes into the state from the east, near the southeast corner, running through the southern part of Cherokee County, then on west through the counties of Labette, Montgomery, Chautauqua, and Cowley; then west into Sumner, where it crosses the Arkansas river. From here the road will run almost direct to Kingman, Kingman County, then up a northwesterly direction to Stafford, then to St. John, the county seat of Stafford County, and on through Larned and Pawnee County, thence west into Colorado and up to Denver. There is no doubt but this road will be ahead of the other roads in Kansas, so far as paying is concerned, taking in, as it does, the finest wheat and corn country on the globe, and also running through inexhaustible coal beds. The people along the route are watching the movements of the D., M. & A. with all the interest imaginable, and the Sun predicts that before the leaves fall, the cars will be running through St. John. St. John Sun.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The fourth biennial report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture for the years 1883 and 1884 has just been issued and delivered to the public. It is a volume of 713 pages, and embraces many topics of interest concerning population, wealth, agriculture, manufactures, mineral resources, churches, schools, etc., that will be of value both to the citizens of Kansas and those persons in the East that intend to become residents. A bird's-eye view of the State Agricultural College and experimental farm in Manhattan is the appropriate subject for the frontispiece, and is an artistic piece of engraving and tint work.

The secretary, in his introduction to the volume, speaking of the progress in wealth and agriculture during the last biennial period, says:

"The population increased during the two years 172,665. By reference to the diagram of centers of population, on page 458 of this volume, it will be observed that the great proportion of this increase was in the eastern half of the State, the point of equal population moving eastward during four years about thirty miles. * * * * During the biennial period just passed nearly 2,000,000 additional acres have been put in cultivation. The principal field (crops, corn, wheat, oats, and grass), have received each a proportionate amount of this increase in acreage, the most notable addition being to the winter wheat area, which increased from 1,465,745 acres in 1882, to 2,151,868 acres in 1884. * * * * * The area of grass, made up of the tame grasses and prairie meadow under fence, increased in the two years nearly 1,000,000 acres. The westward march of the tame grasses may be said to have commenced within the period covered by this volume. Fields of timothy, clover, orchard grass, blue-grass, and many other kinds, are now to be found in the central counties, and even beyond, where such fields were rarely met with two years ago. Experience as to the kinds best adapted to the various portions of the State are being prosecuted with vigor and intelligence, and the question may reach solution within a very few seasons.

"The results of farming operations in Kansas for the past two years, as will be learned by consulting the pages of this report, have definitely settled any doubt as to the entire fitness of the eastern half of the State to the successful prosecution of agriculture in all its branches. The debatable ground of ten years ago is now producing crops that have placed Kansas among the first three great agricultural States of the Union, and the soil that ten years ago was believed to the satisfaction of many to be unfit for diversified farming is now producing average yields that largely exceed the yields of any other portion of this country.

"The numbers of the various kinds of livestock have increased largely during the biennial period, the interest keeping abreast with the advancement made in agriculture. The adaptability of Kansas to the successful prosecution of stock raising has been amply demonstrated, and the many millions of dollars embarked in the business in this State indicates the faith of our people in the safety and profitableness of the investment. The percent of mortality from diseases for both years was slight, and compares favorably with other sections of the country."

After stating the contents of the volume, the secretary then acknowledges his obligations to government, state, and county officers, legal and volunteer correspondents, and to a large number of citizens, for their valuable aid in securing the information contained in the report.

Pages 9 to 454, inclusive, are devoted to "Population, Production, Industries, Resources," etc., of the ninety-five counties of the State. Each county is treated separately in alphabetical order, a sectional map in colors accompanying each county sketch. These maps are corrected to December 31, 1884, and show municipal, township boundaries, location of schoolhouses and postoffices, streams, and railway lines. For the first time since sectional county maps have become a feature of the biennial reports, the railroad lines are correctly located, the engineer of each road furnishing the correct location for the map. The points treated of in each county are: Geographical Location; Area; Population to the Square Mile, both as to the whole number of inhabitants and rural population; the Rank of the County in Population; the Name of the County Seat and its Location in the County; the Leading Cities, with their Populations and their Rank among the Cities of the State having more than 1,000 People; the Population of each Township and City for 1883 and 1884; the Railway System, giving Number of Miles of Main Track in Operation; Surface Features; Proportion of Native Timber; Per Cent of Bottom Lands; Names of Streams, their Location and Direction; Manufactories, with Capital Employed, Value of Annual Product, Average Number of Hands Employed and Wages Paid; Mineral Resources, such as Coal, Ore, Building Stone, etc.; Banks; Assessed Valuation by Townships and Cities; Postoffices, Alphabetically Arranged; Names and Postoffice Addresses of County Officers; Agricultural Statistics for 1883 and 1884, Giving Area of Each Crop, with Product and Value; Rank of County in the Area of Wheat, Corn, and Total Cultivated Acreage, and in the Numbers of the Various Kinds of Farm Animals for 1883 and 1884, the Number of Livestock for Both Years, with Increase and Decrease; Statistics Relating to Horticulture, Apiculture, etc.; Churches, Schools; Vacant Public Lands, and a List of Newspapers, with Names of Editors, Proprietors and Publishers.

Following the matter relating to counties is a sketch of the progress and development of the State since its organization, in population, wealth, and agriculture, illustrated with colored diagrams. This is a very interesting and instructive chapter of twenty-six pages, containing sixteen colored diagrams, accompanied by explanatory letter press. While diagrams have been used in previous reports of the board in illustrating the growth of wealth and agriculture, there has never been so complete a treatment of the subject as is found in this portion of the volume. The wonderful story of Kansas, its rapid strides towards prominence among the States, is better told in these object lessons, occupying a few pages, than if hundreds of pages were covered with statistical tables and letter press. This department of the report will be highly prized by the citizens of Kansas, and by all those persons seeking for information as to the resources and capabilities of the State.

A brief synopsis of the journal of the proceedings of the board at its annual and special meetings occupies the next twelve pages, the principal feature of this portion of the volume being the constitution and by-laws of the board, as amended at recent meetings.

Following the Journal, the State is treated after the plan of the county sketches, giving geographical location, population, railroad systems, surface features, water system, mineral resources, agricultural, livestock and miscellaneous statistics, and a synopsis of the laws relating to the requirement of government and school lands, with statements concerning the number of acres of government, school and railroad lands still vacant, and subject to entry and sale.

Full statistics by counties, concerning population, agriculture, livestock, horticulture, and miscellaneous subjects cover the following sixty-six pages, being the compilation of the returns of township and city assessors for the years 1883 and 1884.

Four of the officers of the board, by appointment, made reports for this volume: Prof. O. St. John, the geologist, furnishing a paper on artesian wells, a subject much agitated in Kansas at present; Prof. F. H. Snow, entomologist, an illustrated paper on "Insects Injurious to Wheat," remarks and observations concerning the Hessian fly occupying the most prominent place in the paper; Prof. J. T. Lovewell, meteorologist, on the "Meteorology of Kansas," being a record of rainfall and barometer readings for the past two years at various stations in the State; and Hon. E. B. Cowgill, Sorghum Commissioner, on "The Sorghum Industry of Kansas in 1884." This paper is founded upon recent investigations as to the manufacture of sugar from the Northern cane, and at this time is of peculiar interest to Kansas farmers.

Following the reports of officers by appointment are papers from Dr. A. A. Holcombe, the State Veterinary Surgeon; Hon. W. S. Gile, State Fish Commissioner; Hon. F. P. Baker, Special Agent Division of Forestry, United States Department of Agriculture, and Prof. E. M. Shelton, Professor of Agriculture at the State Agricultural College. These papers were read by their authors at the annual meeting of the board, held in January last, and are well worth preservation in this report of the board.

The "Schools of Kansas" are next treated of, and a very full and complete statement is made concerning the public school system in the State, the examination of teachers and branches taught. In this chapter the three State institutions, the State Agricultural College, the State University, and the State Normal School are also fully described and their objects set forth.

Financial statements of district and county agricultural societies of the State for the years 1883 and 1884, and a roster of the State Government, closes the volume.

The report is by far the most complete and valuable ever issued by the State Board of Agriculture, and will be much sought after by citizens of the State as a reference book. The Legislature, before its adjournment, ordered an extra edition of 10,000 volumes, and Maj. Sims, the Secretary, will take pleasure in forwarding copies as long as the edition holds out.

Political, Official and Social Notes as Gathered by Our
Regular Washington Correspondent.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

If actions speak louder than words, Mr. Cleveland is telling the office-seekers in quite audible tones to go home and wait for their country to call them to public station, rather than to insist on seeking honors for themselves or their cronies. Thus far the pressure of influence seems to have failed to dictate a single important office. The President is evidently callous to entreaty from interested parties, and such urgency is apt to do more harm than good. He very plainly disbelieves in the feudal system in politics, and resents slate-making by delegation as an infringement of the functions of the executive. It is probable that we shall hear no more of meetings by Congressional State delegations to unite on names for recommendation. That scheme has been tried pretty thoroughly, and must be put down as a failure.

It is amusing to observe the efforts of Democratic Senators to avoid office-seekers at the Capitol. Every morning, at an early hour, the applicants for senatorial influence to aid them in getting appointments begin to collect in the Senate chamber. By eleven o'clock, generally, all the seats in the rear of the chamber are occupied and the aisles are thronged with anxious watchers. Numerous questions are put to the pages in regard to Senator So-and-So, as to when he usually comes, by which door he enters, etc. It is noticeable of late that the Democratic Senators, with few exceptions, do not show up until after the Senate has been called to order. At five minutes to twelve Jim Christie makes the circuit of the chamber, warning all, in his deep bass voice, who are not entitled to the floor, to get out. As the crowds file out, the men cast anxious glances back over their shoulders, apparently still hoping to catch sight of the Senator upon whom their hopes of office rest. But the Senators, thanks to the rules, are protected from their hungry constituents after the fall of the gavel calling the body to order.

Department horses are not sheltered by the civil service rules, and it has been decided that they must go. Secretary Lamar and Attorney General Garland have both dispensed with the horses and carriages provided by the government. Upon investigating the President's stables, Col. Lamont also concluded that there were more horses kept there for the office use of the White House than will be needed during the summer, and has therefore given orders that all but three shall be turned into the quartermaster's department, where they belong. There were originally seven office horses.

During Mr. Arthur's administration the White House stables were well filled, as, in addition to the seven horses referred to, he kept ten horses at his own expense, among them four big bays, which were often driven four in hand. These Mr. Arthur left for the use of President Cleveland as long as he might desire. President Cleveland intends keeping but two carriage horses for his private use, and will shortly purchase a suitable pair, but until then will continue to use those placed at his disposal by Mr. Arthur.

The ex-President is receiving a constant round of attentions during his stay at Secretary Frelinghuysen's house. Mr. Arthur has dined with Senator and Mrs. Eugene Hale, with Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Morgan, with the Russian minister and Madame de Struve, and with Chief Justice and Mrs. Waite. Last Wednesday the British Minister and Mrs. West entertained him at a dinner to fourteen guests.

The first formal reception of President Cleveland, last Friday evening, was a brilliant and successful affair in every way. At no time in the history of the Executive Mansion has it presented a more attractive appearance, with its brightly illuminated and flower-decked parlors, and handsomely dressed legion of ladies, who moved gracefully about among the palms and floral exotics that adorned the corridors and filled every nook and corner of the parlors.

It was rather interesting to see ex-President Arthur passing in with other guests to do homage to the office which he held only a few weeks ago. President Cleveland, as soon as he saw the ex-President, stepped forward and greeted him heartily, and Miss Cleveland was no less warm and cordial in her manners towards her brother's predecessor. Wherever he went Mr. Arthur was followed by the glances of the crowd of guests, and all seemed to vie with each other in the most pleasing evidences of regard.

It is whispered that Mrs. Manning will be the social leader in the Cabinet circle for several seasons. Mrs. Bayard is too much out of health to bear the fatigues and responsibilities, and must be often represented by her daughter. Mrs. Manning is a woman of fascinating presence, who possesses plenty of tact, a ready memory of faces and names, and is socially inclined. Indeed, I am told that her ambition, rather than her husband's, led him to give up his business in Albany for the Cabinet position. L.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The third decennial census of Kansas is now being taken by the township and city assessors, and it is important that it be thorough and accurate. The county clerk has received notice from some of the state officers not to receive the return of any assessor who may fail to do his duty fully, as the result will not only affect the salaries of county officers, but representatives in the legislature, as apportionment of the state into senatorial and representative districts will be based upon the enumeration. His attention has also been called to the fact that the list of ex-soldiers must be complete.

Assessors will do well to make extra efforts to do everything pertaining to their duties, as it may save them a lot of trouble and unnecessary expense in the end.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Mr. Ryan, of Kansas, has been appointed on what a virtuous press calls a "junketing committee," which will put in a portion of the summer in inspecting the Indian training schools and examining the boundary lines of the Yellowstone Park. The economical Mr. Holman, of Indiana, was the mover of this committee, and, consequently, is its chairman.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

We are in receipt of several communications from gentlemen for whose personal character and opinions we have great respect, in regard to the present condition of the prohibition issue, and it is but simple courtesy to give to them and others the reasons which induce us to decline the publication of such communications.

For nearly five years the Champion has opened its columns to both sides for the discussion of the question. The whole subject has been gone over and over again, and there is nothing new to be said about it. The question came up originally when the amendment was pending in 1880; it recurred again when the members were elected to the legislature in 1881; again in 1883, and again the legislature of 1885 was chosen at general election of 1884. In every case, the people of Kansas had an opportunity to declare their will, and in every instance the Champion gave the fullest opportunity for discussion. The people have spoken, not once, but many times, and there is no need of going over the ground again. The people's will has been embodied in law, and the law must take its course. There is no discussion now, except that between the law and those who violate it. In this, newspapers have no part, except merely as recorders of the facts of the contest. Violators of the law are to be tried in the courts, not in the newspapers; and those who wish to aid in the enforcement of the law can find much more effectual means of advancing their work than by writing for the newspapers.

Atchison Champion.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Truth that is mightier than fiction, bulges out of every science of the following, from the A. C. Democrat.

Among the counties of the growing and prosperous State of Kansas that have become noted for their superior grades of production, none occupy a higher position or offer better inducements to the capitalists than Cowley. Situated in the most healthful and salubrious locality in the State, and having all the advantages that nature in her extravagance could bestow, makes it the poor man's Eden and the rich man's Elysium. A region so situated and favored must necessarily have before it a bright future. The general contour of the country is as fair as any that lies between the father of waters and the mountains. 'Tis not a land of enchantment, clad in the eternal emerald of nature and warmed by the never changing rays of a tropical sun; but just such a region as suggests itself to the practical farmer, horticulturalist, and stock grower. Those of our eastern readers who contemplate coming west, we invite them to visit Cowley County. Here you find homes and employment in a land of progress and free schools, and among a people that in spite of drought, or famine, or plague, have made this portion of the "Great American Desert" to bloom as a garden."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

[Skipped some Miscellaneous Items.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The following are the real estate transfers for the past week, as taken from the official records, and furnished the COURIER by the real estate firm of Harris & Clark.

A. H. Doane and wife to J. A. Eaton, lots 7, 8, 8, 10, block 69, Winfield. $1,000.00

J. Chandler and wife to Miles L. Smith, s ½ of ne ¼, tp. 15, range 6, east. $1,000.00

W. H. H. Maris and wife to Susannah Dodwell, ne ¼ of ne ¼. Tp 9, and nw ¼ of nw ¼ of nw ¼, tp 10, 34, 5 east. $300.00

Richard Clark to T. A. Williams, 2 acres in 27, 32, 4, east. $500.00

A. H. Armstrong to J. J. Moses, se ¼ of sw ¼, 12, and e ½ nw ¼, and ne ¼ of the sw ¼, 13, 30, 7, east. $250.00

M. A. Helm and wife to H. C. Callison, ½ interest in lot 7, block 186, Winfield. $75.00

J. C. Fuller and wife to H. C. Callison, lots 8, 9, block 186, Winfield. $250.00

H. Riley and wife to H. C. Callison, ½ interest in lot 7, block 186, Winfield. $75.00

E. Riley and W. Riley to H. C. Callison, half interest in lot 7, block 186, Winfield. $75.00

W. V. Pugsley to E. A. Henthorn, lots 20, 21, 22-31, 30, 8, east. $300.00

H. Gardner and wife to E. A. Tidd, lot 4, block 178, Winfield. $325.00

A. A. Newman and wife, and H. McLaughlin and wife, to E. E. Braggins, lots 11, 12, block 36, Arkansas City. $90.00

F. J. Hess to C. Ross, lots 1, 2, block 4, Arkansas City. $55.00

E. E. Braggins and T. E. Braggins to D. J. Buckley, lots 11, 12, block 36, Arkansas City. $150.00

J. C. Topliff to A. Ross, lots 3, 4, block 4, Arkansas City. $50.00

H. P. Farrar and wife to T. J. Lewis, 19, 20, block 27, Arkansas City. $35.00

J. M. Alexander and wife to W. S. Brown, 2 acres in 27, 32, 4, east. $200.00

Udall Town Company to F. B. Senseny, lot 2, block 10, Udall. $15.00

F. B. Senseny and wife to A. G. Mudgett, lot 2, block 10, Udall. $160.00

A. F. Calson and wife to A. G. Mudgett, lot 2, block 10, Udall. $125.00

New Salem Town Company to A. S. Spencer, lot 5, block 17, New Salem. $120.00

M. M. Mitchell to J. R. Cottingham, s ½ of nw ¼ and n ½ of sw ¼, tp 11, 31, 5, east. $360.00

S. W. Martin and wife to the United States of America, lots 8, 9, 19-6, 30, 8 east. $197.12

Cambridge Town Company to R. F. Roberts, lot 4, block 11, Cambridge. $25.00

A. D. Prescott and wife to W. S. Nipp and L. A. Beach, lots 1, 2, block 135, Arkansas City. $180.00

T. Orr to W. J. Orr, w ½ se ¼, 26, 31, 4 east. $600.00

J. W. Smith and wife to J. A. Emerson, lots 1, 2, block 42, Burden. $300.00

J. W. Whitson and wife to J. McCalester; lots 1, 2, block 2, Udall. $300.00

W. Ferguson and wife to B. Ferguson, n ½ se ¼ 20, and w ½ sw ¼, 21, 30, 7, east. $1,000.00

B. Armstrong and wife to J. A. McGuire, sw ¼, 35, 32, 5, east. $806.00

L. E. Kelley to F. A. Belles, s ½ nw ¼, 27, 34, 7, east. $800.00

W. P. Cluny to J. Chandler, s ½ ne ¼, 13, 6, east. $800.00

M. L. Robinson and M. L. Read to H. Schaefers, lot 5, block 13, Winfield. $100.00

A. M. Gilderhause to S. S. Moore, se ¼, 17, e ½ nw ¼, sw ¼ of nw ¼, 20, 31, 7, east. $1,000.00

S. S. Moore and wife to A. M. Gilderhause, lot 1, block 3, Burden. $600.00

J. M. Collins to E. Caldwell, lots 6, 7, block 104, Arkansas City. $100.00

J. Drury and wife to E. J. McGuire, lots 3, 4-4, 35, 6, east. $600.00

J. A. Emerson to J. Mulfred, lots 1, 2, block 42, Burden. $300.00

B. W. Matlack to H. D. Bailey, lots 17, block 29; lot 7, block 74; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, block 136; also 30 additional lots in Arkansas City. $1,300.00

B. W. Matlack to Henry J. Bailey, lot 24, block 68, Arkansas City. $500.00

G. W. Fowler and wife to J. B. Bailey, ne ¼, 31, 34, 7, east. $800.00

[Many names above were incorrect. I corrected some of them.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Will the COURIER please allow me space to add a few words on the subject of the social evil so truthfully and sensibly written up by a Winfield lady last week. It is a stroke in the right direction, and will doubtless meet with a hearty response from all who are fortunate enough to read it. It should be read and reread until the importance and immense magnitude of the subject is thoroughly grafted into the minds and hearts of the people, until they will not be able to rest till something is done. We are happy to admit that some of our noble sisters have a grand work for the temperance cause, yet the knowledge that hundreds of the weaker ones are yearly sinking lower and lower in the slough of degradation robs their achievements of half their glory, and who will say that this very evil is not a twin crime to drunkenness; the toleration of which has ceased to be a virtue, and the good and true have come to realize that something must be done. And as "Winfield lady," God bless her, has laid aside the mask of false modesty that has long kept many anxious wives and mothers silent, and has opened the way for a rehearsal of the whole matter, let us put all the energies of our souls into the work with an earnestness that cannot be gainsaid. If nothing but legislation will do, let us have it. If we have to have a prohibitory equally stringent with the prohibitory liquor law, let us have that.

As Kansas has taken steps toward a higher life in many of the late reforms, may she not be behind in this important matter. With the united efforts of her good women assisted and sustained by all her good men, we may yet be permitted to behold a golden day for her fallen ones, and may her virtues radiate far beyond the borders of our beautiful state, and others being caught in the rebound will help to carry on the good work. E. R.

FRANK H. GREER, Local Editor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

[Skipped Market Report.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The Arkansas City Democrat chronicles a harrowing tale of the finding of the dead body of a little girl in the Territory. John R. Rigglesby gave this account of the discovery.

"Last Sunday Mr. Charles K. Bruster and myself went down into the Territory to look after some stock, and rode down to a creek to water our horses. While the horses were drinking, we discovered a white object in a clump of bushes on the opposite side of the creek, which excited our curiosity, and Mr. Bruster decided to ride over and see what it was, and to his surprise and horror found it to be a dead child. He called to me, and I went over, and we made a careful examination of the remains, but found them so badly decomposed that we could not give any description of the deceased, only that it was a little girl, evidently about eight or nine years of age, clad in a plain calico dress and red plaided shawl. On the third finger of the left hand was a small plain silver ring with the initials "E. V." engraved on top. We immediately came back to the State and notified everyone we saw of our discovery, and during the day fully fifty people went down to take a look at the remains, but no one could recognize them. The child had evidently been dead two or three weeks. No marks of violence could be discovered on the body, and the general supposition is that the little one got lost from some of the Oklahoma camps during their last raid into the Territory and perished for want of food. The remains were brought up to the State and buried Monday."

This is indeed a mysterious case. It hardly seems probable that a child could wander from its parents in such a manner, without the whole Oklahoma tribe being stirred up over the matter--yet we have all seen parents to whom such an occurrence would not be startling. The possibilities of humanity are varied and mysterious.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Among Winfield's many charming social events of the winter just closed, the calico ball at the Opera House Friday evening last carried off the queenship. The elite of the city were all present, the many calico costumes were varied and pretty, the ladies vivacious and beautiful--yes, even more beautiful than usual, arrayed in simple, captivating calico--the music excellent, and everything as perfectly enjoyable as Winfield society could make it. The Winfield Social Club's bi-weekly hops, during the past winter, have been universally enjoyable, furnishing a social feature unexcelled. Winfield beats any city of its size in the West for good society. She stands on the pinnacle, with her thumb on her nose, holding undisputed championship in this as in everything else.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

"We saw a map man paralyzing our businessmen yesterday on the question of advertising the city on a map of Oklahoma," faberizes the Arkansas City Traveler. "He wanted to put an advertisement about three by five inches on the inside of the cover, and expected to get $5 each from about forty businessmen, a neat little sum of $200, for a $2 advertisement. We are glad to say that the most of our businessmen had the good judgment to sit down on the fellow. The idea of that man who has never done, and never will do anything for the City, carrying away $200 which ought to stay here, is somewhat ridiculous. A two line local in any one of the three papers here would do more good."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

We understand that the cowboys had a hilarious old time at Kiowa one evening last week, in which six shooters played a prominent part, very much to the detriment of the window glass in the stores and business houses. An eye witness says that it seemed to him that there was not a whole window glass left in the town. After sobering up the next morning, the boys called around and settled for the damage done, which of course was no small amount of money. There are a great many cowboys that are gentlemen, but if there is anything that delights the heart of the wild and wooly bovine-puncher from the far west, it is to demolish window glass with his little gun.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

S. D. Harper, a young man who came from New Orleans a few weeks ago to locate, was adjudged insane in a jury trial in the probate court Saturday. His nervous system was very much exhausted when he came here, brain fever set in, and his mind became irremediably shattered. He is of wealthy and influential parentage, unusually bright before this fatal stroke, and his sad fate falls like a pall upon his mother and other relatives who came from the south last week to care for him. Sheriff McIntire took him to Osawatomie yesterday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Winfield people were given an opportunity to show their appreciation of the tragedy Monday evening, in the appearance of W. E. Sheridan in "Louis XI, King of France." It was the greatest tragic impersonation ever given to a Winfield audience and the support was good. Winfield's intelligence and culture appreciate such entertainments.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Judge Gans has authorized the following parties to take the matrimonial route to happiness during the past week: Phillip Hedges and Frances Bell, Wm. Fitzpatrick and Louisa Kelly, Henry Germar and Nellie Buck, August Kaesewieter and Annie Schaefer, Jesse Kuhn and Ida Moore.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

A fine line of residences in the city for sale at prices to suit buyers. Farms for sale in all parts of the county. Insurance written on all classes of insurable property. Money loaned on farms and city property by H. T. Shivvers. Office in McDonald building 2nd door upstairs.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Miss Emma Bristol, of Bristol Sisters, Florists, Topeka, will spend Wednesday afternoon and Thursday, April 8-9 in this city, at Friend's music store, with plants, bulbs, seeds, etc., for sale. Miss Bristol cordially invites everyone interested in flowers to call upon her.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The handsome drug emporium of H. Brown & Son is receiving a most artistic decoration this week. Fine paint, beautiful wall paper, etc., have greatly changed the appearance of the room. This is certainly one of the handsomest drug houses in the State.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The passenger train on the Southern Kansas, which arrives here at eleven p.m., will probably run through to Harper or Attica instead of stopping at Wellington, after the first of April.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The Cowley County Teachers' Association meets Saturday next in the high school building, this city, where a program of great interest to educators will be carried out.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Curns & Manser loan money on terms to suit borrowers--long or short time, annual or semi-annual interest, or any way it may be desired, at low cut rates.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Twenty families will be here within a few days. All have money and will want to invest in good farms or city property. A. H. GREEN.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Go to P. H. Albright & Co. for real estate loans when you want the money promptly and on the safest and most reasonable terms.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Geo. W. York has traded his Harper county farm for Winfield property and again settled on Cowley's fair domain.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Don't you know that Bliss & Wood are exchanging all grades of their flour for wheat on reasonable terms.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

O. M. Seward will erect a neat law office on east Ninth Avenue, east of J. F. McMullen's office.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Writing poetry is something like putting up stovepipe everybody knows how until they try.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

200 pieces of embroidery, best styles and lowest prices, just opened at J. B. Lynn's.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Potatoes by the bushel, ten bushels or wagon load at J. P. Baden's.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

H. T. Shivvers, headquarters for cheap money.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Belva Lockwood at the Opera House April 1st.

Her Chronicle of The Comings, Goings and Doings of Persons at Home and Abroad.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Miss Nellie Light, of Sedan, is visiting Mrs. H. H. Albright.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Mrs. B. T. Davis and son are visiting Junction City friends.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Will T. Madden is erecting a neat home on east 10th avenue.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

John A. Eaton, cashier of the Farmers Bank, is in Chicago, on "biz."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Wm. Auston and wife, of Sparta, Wis., are visiting his sister, Mrs. C. Strong.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Mike O'Meara took a run to Harper Monday to look after his hardware interests there.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Judge J. E. Snow tied a matrimonial knot Friday, for August Kaesewieter and Anna Schaefer.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

G. W. Miller, Cowley's cattle king, left Tuesday to attend the cattlemen's convention at Caldwell.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Mrs. N. J. Platter will entertain the young People's Social and Literary Society Friday evening.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Mr. C. W. Stolp is completing a neat and substantial residence in the COURIER Place, east 11th avenue.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Jas. A. Patton, of Thornton, Indiana, arrived Saturday for a visit with his old friend, Chas. F. Holmes.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Mr. S. D. Groom, one of Richland township's staunchest citizens, dropped in on the COURIER Thursday last.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

District Clerk Pate has been entertaining his nephew, C. P. Hollis, Kirksville, Mo., who resided here at one time.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Mrs. Julia Hills left for Valley City, Dakota, Saturday last, after a winter's visit with Mrs. C. Strong and family.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Lawton, of Delavan, Illinois, are visiting their old friends, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Buckman.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Miss Mattie Kinne left for her home in Good Hope, Ill., yesterday, after a winter's visit with her sister, Mrs. E. P. Greer.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

C. H. Cleaves, the contractor, left Tuesday with a force of carpenters to erect fifteen or twenty houses in Touzalin immediately.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Ben Matlack has invested in a prancing roadster and buggy and proposes making things lively on the pleasure turf this summer.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

James E. Jones, for years one of the COURIER force, left last week with the K. C. & S. surveying corps, for a few week's useful vacation.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Dr. D. J. States, of Matamoris, Ohio, an old friend of Will C. Barnes and family, arrived last Friday with his family and will probably locate in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Rev. H. A. Tucker has been stationed at Parsons for the coming year. Since leaving here three years ago, he has had charge of the Ottawa Methodist church.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Bob Maxwell, one of Quincy Glass' handsome young salesmen, has been entertaining his uncle, G. F. Maxwell, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, during the past week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Mr. Robert Gibson, for several years with the dry goods establishment of W. R. McDonald, left for Medicine Lodge Tuesday, to engage in dry goods on his own hook.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Rev. J. A. Hyden was stationed at Oswego by the last Methodist conference for his district, transferred from Neodesha, where he had served the allotted three years.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. Gus. Huff, of East Winfield, are the happy parents of a bouncing baby girl, which appeared Sunday morning. Dr. Marsh reports the household rapidly recovering.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Will McConn, the rustling young local editor of the Arkansas City Traveler, fell into the COURIER den Saturday. The Traveler looms up among the best local papers in Southern Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Miss Kate Paulin, one of Burden's charming young ladies, accompanied Miss Mary Berkey home and spent Saturday and Sunday. Miss Berkey's school at Burden closes this week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Thompson, of south Walnut township, were made the happy parents of a bouncing girl prattler Monday. Dr. Marsh thinks with careful nursing, the old gentleman will pull through.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Read got home from New Orleans yesterday, after a delightful sojourn of over a month. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson accompanied them to St. Louis, where they stopped for a short visit.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Rev. B. Kelly got home yesterday from Conference. He was unanimously returned to Winfield, which news, though not at all unexpected, will be hailed with joy by his many warm friends in this city and county.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Prof. R. B. Moore, superintendent of the Burden Schools, was in the metropolis Saturday. The Professor is one of Cowley's most accomplished educators, and his popularity and success in Burden is well merited.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Robert Rogers, for some time past with Hendrix & Wilson, departed Monday for Touzalin, Meade County, to take charge of a lumber yard for Jas. H. Bullene & Co. Robert has the vinegar and ability to make a success of anything.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

A. A. Jackson has transferred his services as station agent at Seeley to Las Vegas Springs, New Mexico, where he will remain in the employ of the Santa Fe and try to boil some of the rheumatism out of his frame. His family will remain in Seeley.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

E. H. Nixon and L. D. Zenor, old land marks of Winfield, left Monday to enter the real estate and loan business at Medicine Lodge. They have long been among our staunchest young men, and while we heave a sigh at their departure, hope that they have struck the royal road to rosy fortune.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Mrs. R. E. Wallis returned Thursday last from a two months' visit in Philadelphia and other eastern places. Sleighing was perfect in Pennsylvania when she left and gentle spring had made no effects whatever at tickling the atmosphere--a big contrast to Cowley's glorious sunshine and balmy breezes.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Belva Lockwood, candidate for president at the late election, will entertain a Winfield audience with a lecture, on the evening of April 1st. The Gymnasium Club has guaranteed her price, sixty-five dollars. She is a very captivating speaker and will have a large audience. Subject: "Political and social life in Washington."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Mr. E. M. Wheaton, who is visiting in Hornsville, Ohio, sends us a very chilly card dated the 21st inst., stating that "stern winter still holds a death-like grip on us here. Wheat badly winter-killed. Ground still frozen at a depth of eighteen inches. Thermometer was below zero from two to ten degrees several days this week."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Frank Barker and Lydia McMains were united in the bonds that can only be severed by a divorce court, in the parlor of the Central House in this city Tuesday, by Rev. J. B. Witt, the Christian minister of Arkansas City. The contracting parties were both from the Terminus. A number of their friends witnessed the ceremony.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Albert, the six year old son of S. C. Priest, of north Creswell township, fell from a hay stack one day recently, on which he had climbed to hunt eggs, and struck on a pitch fork that was leaning against the stack, tines up. One of the tines entered his mouth and came out just below the eye. Inflammation set in and death resulted in a few days after.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Mr. T. R. Bryan has decided to enter the real estate and loan business in Kansas City. Himself and family will be parted with very regretfully. Mr. Bryan has for years been one of Winfield's most enterprising and influential citizens, always prominent in everything for her material, moral, or social advancement. He will carry the well-wishes of a host of warm friends.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Dick T. Morgan, an attorney from Terre Haute, Indiana, and E. L. Girdener, with the Terre Haute Land and Excursion Agency, were doing our city last week. Mr. Girdener will probably run several emigrant excursions to Winfield during the summer, his plan being to arrange with real estate agents here for a percent on lands sold to his excursionists. Mr. Morgan thinks strongly of locating in Winfield in his profession.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Rev. J. H. Snyder has been returned by his conference to serve the United Brethren church in our city another year. Rev. Snyder is a minister of marked zealousness and culture and has brought his church here from a small beginning to one of good proportions and splendid prospects--with a comfortable church building and vigorous membership. We are indeed glad the Reverend is to continue the good work he has so energetically inaugurated.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Mr. John A. Moore, the sterling young son of Uncle Billy Moore, united fortunes at the house of his father, Sunday last, with Miss Nettie Allison, a young lady of winsomeness and worth. Rev. J. H. Snyder officiated, and a number of relatives and friends were present, and the mythical wedding bells jingled merrily. An installment of cake reached the COURIER force, that elicited high praises of the bride, while choice Havanas spoke loudly for the enterprise and good judgment of the groom. May their life-boat ever steer clear of crags and safely reach the haven that the present indicates--that of continued happiness and prosperity.

Work Commenced on the K. C. & S. and Preparations Made for Immediate
Action on the D., M. & A.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Winfield and Cowley County have never yet had brighter prospects before them. Immigration of a substantial nature is beginning to pour in. Private improvements are beginning on all sides and the prospect for public improvements could not be better. Our prospective College, our sure enough Imbecile Asylum, the Kansas City and Southern and Denver, Memphis and Atlantic railroads, with probably an extension of the Douglas branch of the Santa Fe, promise an impetus that will put us in the advance of all other counties in southern Kansas. But while we have all these grand prospects, it will take enterprise, energy and pluck on the part of our citizens to bring them to fruition. Every man wants to put his shoulder to the wheel, and laying aside local jealousies and personal aggrandizements, push with might and main for the interests of the whole county. What builds up the county must necessarily build up her inhabitants.

Prominent among these enterprises is the Kansas City & Southwestern R. R. The Winfield Enterprise Association, to whom was referred the proposition of this company, that Cowley County take stock in the line to the amount of $160,000, have determined to endorse the proposition and it will be brought before the County Commissioners at their April meeting. In the meantime the engineering corps are surveying the line from Beaumont, Butler County. The tools for work are already at Beaumont, several miles of right of way are probably secured by this time, and before this week rolls away, dirt will be flying on the line both ways from Beaumont. The company agree to give us their direct line to Kansas City in six months, and will probably give us a connection with the Frisco line in three months. The company, owing to warm competition by neighboring counties, will entertain no proposition for a less bond, and while this seems a large amount, Cowley can't afford to let it pass. It opens up a direct trunk line from Kansas City to the great southwest, with a route forty miles shorter than any we now have, and its varied advantages can be readily seen by a careful observer.

Everything is getting in shape for immediate operations on the D., M. & A. railroad also. Bonds have been re-voted in several townships and counties and John Fitzgerald, to whom the contract of construction has been let, will commence work as soon as the initiatory right of way can be obtained. This line will ask for township bonds, through the townships of Dexter, Harvey, or Tisdale, Walnut, Winfield, and Vernon, and will have no trouble in securing reasonable aid. Our people are awake to the importance of both of these lines, and while they don't propose to go wild and do anything unreasonable, are prepared to exercise a true spirit of enterprise in aiding and securing these roads.

With a complete radius of railroads added to people, soil, climate, building material, etc., the equal of any county on the globe, Cowley will stand out the beacon light that will attract immigration unsurpassed--immigration of a solid, influential, and enterprising character. We will soon have sixty or seventy-five thousand inhabitants, manufactories, and everything to make us the richest and most influential county in the west. We have grand opportunities before us. Let us grasp them.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

W. G. Graham, T. R. Bryan, S. H. Myton, A. B. Graham, H. D. Gans, H. B. Schuler, J. B. Lynn, and Wm. Newton have purchased the Vandeventer land lying in the northeastern part of the city, abutting the mounds and containing one hundred and forty-six acres, for the neat sum of $11,744. It is being platted this week for an addition to the city and the lots will be put in the market. It is all choice residence property and will very soon be covered with handsome houses. The gentlemen have formed themselves into the "Highland Park Company," and intend to park a broad avenue through the property and make it the prettiest piece of land in the city, which can be easily done with its natural advantages.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Mr. Monroe Teter, an account of whose injury by being thrown from a wagon is given by our Hackney reporter, was more seriously injured than at first supposed. The concussion darkened his memory so completely as to leave no record of his having started to town Monday or as to anything that occurred during the day. His left arm was broken in two places. The rocks causing the disaster had rolled down from the cliff bordering on the west approach to the west bridge. Authorities can't be too careful about keeping obstructions removed from public roads.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

William and Levi Neese, of south Dexter township, charged with beating a horse belonging to A. A. Hamill, to death, had a trial in Judge Buckman's court Monday and were discharged, about the only explicit evidence being that the horse was defunct--had gone to horse heaven some seven weeks ago by a route unprovable. The boys spent a week in the "cooler" preceding the trial.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

"A dog suspected of having been bitten by a rabid canine should be tied up," says a Wellington paper. The best way to tie up such a dog, permit us to suggest, is to place one end of a rope round the neck of the animal and attach the other end to the limb of a tree, so that the hind feet of the cur will not touch the ground by about twelve inches. A dog kept in this position an hour or so, will harm no one if he does go mad.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

A little determination, elbow grease, and good taste should be put forth all over Cowley County on next Thursday, "Arbor Day." Many a schoolhouse over the County unprotected by shade or shelter, can be vastly improved in appearance and comfort by a little extra effort. Let us see that this day so wisely set apart by Governor Martin is energetically celebrated.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The progressive euchre mania seems to be gradually fastening itself on Winfield. There is no more fascinating and popular society game and it should have struck us ere this. The latest party was given on Thursday evening last by Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Webb. Some fourteen couples took part and a most enjoyable evening was spent.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

And now the village of Wichita comes forward in a dazzling prospect of electric light. The Eagle says a representative of an electric light company is on hand to put in a plant without any "aid" whatever, depending entirely on the patronage of the businessmen.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

We are glad to announce that the terrible mental strain which has existed on the minds of our people for several weeks by the delay in publishing the "long-looked-for" article entitled "Money and Prices No. 2," is now relieved. The article appeared in print this week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

S. Kleeman arrived home yesterday morning, after a three weeks' trip east, buying goods. He claims to have bought an elegant stock, and asks the people to call and see for themselves, the prices and quality. He talks as if he means what he says.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The United Telephone Company are completing arrangements for a telephone line between Winfield and Wellington, via Oxford. This line has long been talked of and the Company now thinks, with local aid, it will be a paying investment.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The chronic grumbler was disposed to heap anathemas deep and dire upon the weather clerk as the gentle breezes of Monday morning, mingled with a fair coating of the beautiful snow, enwrapped his disgruntled frame. He is calmer now.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The Burden Eagle says that a family of tramps, consisting of father, mother, and sixteen children, passed through there Sunday morning from Austin, Texas, and bound for Denver, Colorado. They were on foot and mostly barefooted.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Scene in Wellington. "Now, you John William, you must stop perambulating those twins in that roller skate. Take the babies out of it and bring it right away into the house. Your sister wants to go to the skating rink." Eagle.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The Winfield Restaurant, under management of T. F. Axtel, the veteran caterer, is gaining a deserved reputation as the champion place to obtain a twenty-five cent meal or reasonable weekly board.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The Southern Kansas railroad company is obeying the act of the Legislature requiring the fencing of all lines. Work is going on at Grenola--the workmen coming this way.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The Juvenile Missionary Society will give a Tea at the M. E. church, Thursday evening, at 6 o'clock. All are invited to help the little ones in their labors.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Hose Company Number Two will give one of their pleasant hops in McDougall's hall Friday evening, to which they invite all devotees of Terpsichore.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The members of the Women's Suffrage Association are earnestly requested to meet at the residence of Mrs. C. Strong, on the 31st at 3 p.m.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Go to P. H. Albright & Co. for real estate loans when you want the money promptly and on the safest and most reasonable terms.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

J. B. Lynn has received an immense stock of embroidery direct from Saint Gall, Switzerland.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Every day adds proof that winter wheat in Cowley County is badly damaged; in fact, about three fourths of it winter killed. Some are prone to blame the disaster on the festive little Hessian fly, but those who have studied the matter claim that the terribly hard and wet freeze of February, when all the snow had disappeared, was what did it. But there is no doubt that the Hessian fly greatly weakened the wheat by its forages last fall in many sections. Several farmers have told us that the roots of much of the wheat are now literally covered with the insect's eggs, ready to hatch with warn weather and complete the disaster. Wheat that was sown in corn stalks seems to be free of the fly and avoided freezing and looks well, but that sown on stubble ground cannot possibly make one-fourth of the usual crop. It is an ill wind that blows nobody good. While this great damage to wheat is deplored, it will teach a salutary lesson--one that this section needs badly, and that is to engage more in diversified farming. Our farmers have been depending too much on one crop: wheat. They want to raise more corn, oats, potatoes, and other products with cattle, hogs, etc. From present prospects, the farmer who has a good bin of wheat to hold will command a royal price within a few months. Cowley County and Kansas are not the only places affected--the same fate seems to have befallen the wheat over the entire country--but a few districts escaping.

If this damage to winter wheat proves as great as now indicated, there will be no "overproduction" and low prices next season. Farmers are arranging to plow up a majority of their wheat and plant other crops, while we have heard of a few who will get seed and experiment on spring wheat. Should the chinch bugs be scarce, as has occurred for two years back, there is a probability that spring wheat would be successful. However, a number are waiting for further developments in hope that the damage is not so great as now feared. It has frequently occurred in this county that wheat which had been given up as ruined afterwards developed marvelously and made fifteen to twenty bushels per acre. It is not best to be too hasty in plowing it up.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Mr. B. F. Wood is in receipt of a letter from Mrs. W. D. Halfhill, very much deploring the bad reports that have been given credence in Winfield regarding her husband and showing his offenses to be light--rather claims that a mole hill has been transformed into a mountain, much to the detriment of innocent parties. Halfhill will be remembered as the late law partner of Chas. M. Leavitt. He mysteriously decamped in February, and the COURIER chronicled his arrest, a few weeks after, in Wellington. The Van Wert, Ohio, Times, gave this account of his charge and arrest: "The Grand Jury at the last term of court found two indictments against Wm. D. Halfhill, one for alleged embezzlement and one for obtaining title to land under false pretenses. The late Isaiah Jones owed the Ohio Wheel Company $100, and the administratrix, Mrs. Jones, paid the amount to her attorney, Dick Halfhill, and instructed him to go to Delphos, pay the debt, and get a receipt. He paid $50, receiving receipt therefor, and on presentation of the receipt (or voucher) at the Probate office, it had been altered to a receipt for $100. Halfhill claimed to have a claim on land sold by J. B. McClure to Simon Kiser, and when Mr. Kiser had cut timber off of the land bought, Halfhill by threats secured a quitclaim deed. He has been in Kansas lately, looking for a location and Sheriff Gordon started Sunday to arrest him, after getting a requisition on Gov. Martin, of Kansas, from Gov. Headly, of Ohio. He arrived at Topeka and conferred with the Sheriff, who had heard that a legal Colonel of Van Wert had offered $3,000 reward for Halfhill's arrest and was not disposed to lose the reward. Sheriff Gordon gave the Topeka officer the privilege of arresting Halfhill or not, as he chose, and he had to "give in." After going to several places, Halfhill was found and when he arrived here, a crowd of perhaps half a thousand was on hand, about the railway station and courthouse, and gave him a very humiliating reception. Finding no one who was willing to go his bail, the prisoner is now in jail." The wife says he is out on bail, and that she is positive that he will be acquitted--a very natural feeling for a devoted young wife.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The City "Dads" held an adjourned session Monday evening. Petition of August Kadau and sixteen others for sidewalk on the west side of lots 1 and 26, block 222, and along the south side of 3rd avenue fronting on lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 in same block, was referred. Councilmen McGuire and Hodges were appointed to investigate as to the amount of money in the city treasury and the amount yet to be collected with a view of adjusting the city order of Winfield Water Company, issued in July, 1884. The committee previously appointed to report territory for incorporation recommended that the city attorney commence legal proceedings at once to have the following described tracts of land added to the city's corporate limits: Beginning at the northwest corner of the Moorehouse property, near the railroad crossing to the Tunnel mill; running along the township line to the southeast corner of Howland's quarter, then north to the northeast corner of same quarter, then east 80 rods, then north one mile to the northeast corner of same quarter, then east 80 rods, then north one mile to the northeast corner of west half of Dr. Davis' quarter; then west three-fourths mile to northeast corner of Vandeventer quarter; then south to Manny's brewery; then following on south side of Dutch Creek and east side of the Walnut to west line of right of way of the Santa Fe railroad; then following railroad south to corporation line. The report was adopted, and the city attorney will proceed at once to file the proper petition before Judge Torrance and the hearing is set for the 20th of April. The petition of Frank Manny to be taken into the corporate limits was granted and the proper ordinance ordered. Bills of Leon Doroshee, work on streets, $2.75; J. M. Keck, team and carriage, $2.00, were ordered paid. Bills of City Clerk Buckman, railroad fare for Lida Vandermark, a pauper, $7.50, and J. P. Baden, goods furnished numerous paupers, $53.40, were referred to the County Commissioners for payment.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The District Court for Cowley comes a month earlier under the law changing this district. The next term opens the first Saturday in April, for which the following persons have been drawn as petit jurors: Wm. H. Buckles, Winfield; Samuel Wilson, Omnia; Jno. Ross, Walnut; Jo. McMillen, Richland; Geo. S. Howard, Creswell; Daniel Bunnell, Silverdale; A. H. Havens, Dexter; S. G. Phillips, Pleasant Valley; O. P. Pierce, Silver Creek; W. H. Stewart, Creswell; R. L. Condiff, Spring Creek; C. A. Peabody, Dexter; J. T. Rittenhouse, Windsor; D. D. Kellogg, Ninnescah; J. N. Fleaharty, Silverdale; J. A. Patterson, Walnut; Wm. Wadsack, Richland; M. H. McKune, Pleasant Valley; Samuel Eslinger, Winfield; J. C. Roberts, Walnut; G. W. Yount, Walnut; L. E. Woodin, Sr., Creswell; J. O. Reed, Silver Creek; W. W. Underwood, Dexter.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The Arkansas City Republican uses more brass than discretion in the assertion that "a large number of the people of the county are in favor of the Kansas City and Southwestern railroad coming through Burden and Tisdale to Arkansas City." We might remark that a large number of the people of the county are also in favor of the road going through Winfield, Geuda, and Caldwell, thus tapping our great Saratoga and the heart of the cattle interests.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Corn is scarce at 40 cents a bushel. It has proven a much more profitable crop this year than wheat. The large stock interests of the county demand an immense amount of corn, and double the acreage will be planted this year.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

It is earnestly requested that the petitioners for a camp of Son of Veterans in Winfield meet at the Odd Fellows hall on Saturday evening next, when J. E. Snow, mustering officer of the G. A. R., will muster the camp.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Married, on Wednesday, March 25, at the residence of the bride's parents, in Winfield, Kansas, by Rev. C. P. Graham, Mr. Henry Germar, of Wichita, Kansas, and Miss Nellie E. Buck, of Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Frank Manny has been circulating a petition among our citizens this week asking a permit from the Probate Judge to manufacture and sell beer for medical, scientific, and mechanical purposes.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Rev. S. S. Holloway delivered an enthusiastic and well received sermon at the Methodist church last Sunday morning, and Mr. S. H. Jennings gave a very sound lecture in the evening.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

A real estate man, W. W. Arnold of Kansas City, is visiting his friend, E. L. Doty.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

So many severe strictures have been made on the ladies of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union for their efforts in reclaiming the unfortunate Lida Vandermark, that at their last meeting, the only regular one since the affair occurred, a statement of the case was drafted for publication. It is clear and Christian-like--just such a one as would be expected from such a band of noble self-sacrificing women, and now that the matter has cooled down, prejudiced minds can the better weigh the evidence. Here is their statement.

So much has been said about the relations of the W. C. T. U., to Lydia Vandermark, and falsely said, that we feel driven to ask the COURIER, in the interests of truth and charity, to publish a plain narrative of the facts in the case. We received the letter, published by the COURIER recently, from a county official in behalf of the commissioners. In response to that letter, we sent a committee to confer with the commissioners, to interview the girl, and report to us the situation. We also sent a committee to interview Dr. Park, and learn whether the girl was diseased so as to render it imprudent or wrong to try to find her a place where she might earn her living. Having received satisfactory assurances on all points, we undertook to get the girl a place. After trying in vain to find her a place where she might earn her living by honest work, one of our members agreed to take her for a time provided we would pay her boarding. We were compelled either to do this or to leave her in jail. We chose to pay the bill for her boarding. So we took her out of jail, and placed her in the home of Mrs. Holloway, stipulating that she was not to know this, but be left to suppose that she was earning her boarding by her work. The next thing we knew, there was a general furor about the ladies of the W. C. T. U. having obtained from her a list of the names of those who visited the house of shame in which she was an inmate. It was alleged that she had named a large portion of the businessmen and boys of the town, that the W. C. T. U. had this list, and was going to use it. There was not one word of truth in the whole story, so far as the W. C. T. U. was concerned. No list was ever presented and no name mentioned in any of our meetings. If there was such a list made out, the ladies of the W. C. T. U. never saw it, and never knew what names were on it, except as they heard them by general rumor through the city. It was also alleged that the girl was cared for and clothed with material furnished by the Ladies Relief Society. We published a denial of this, and said that we did this work at our own cost. One of the city papers published this denial, and added editorially, that "all the same we were trying to get the council to reimburse us for the outlay." The facts on this point are, the girl had almost no clothing. A few necessary articles were bought for her while at Mrs. Holloway's, amounting to $7.21. After she had been at Mrs. Holloway's for more than two weeks, an effort was made to re-commit her to prison, with no other prospect than to finally turn her loose to go on sinking in sin and shame, and dragging others down with her. Learning the situation, she was taken out of Mrs. Holloway's hands and was received into the house of a generous lady who kept her until we could complete arrangements for sending her to the home for the friendless. The lady referred to proposed going with the girl to ensure her safety and admission to the home, if we would pay her traveling expenses. To this we agreed. The girl was provided with decent clothing and was taken away, and entered in the house. Now after all expenses had been incurred, the bill for $7.21, was presented to the council. We give below a table of expenses.

Clothing furnished, exclusive of bill presented to the council: $20.00

Boarding with Mrs. Holloway: $9.00

Railroad fare to Leavenworth and return with hotel bill, etc., of the lady guardian: $21.70

Total: $50.70
To this must be added the bill sent to the council: $7.21

Making a total of $57.91
Now the only aid asked from the council in this case was the bill for absolute necessities for the girl, amounting to the enormous sum of $7.21! The $50.70 was contributed by the W. C. T. U. and a few outside friends. These few women, and two or three parties outside their society, contributed seven-eights of the cost of putting the poor girl in a place where she would have some chance of escaping her evil course. They asked the city council to contribute one-eighth! And it was refused! So we have that also to pay. But was it unreasonable to ask the council to aid us? Suppose we had declined the call of the commissioners, and left the girl in jail; the cost to the taxpayers would have gone much beyond the $7.21. For the railroad ticket furnished the girl to Leavenworth, we do not count, because others of her class have been furnished with tickets whereby to get away from town. These are the facts in the case. We have paid out the bulk of the $57.91. Part of it is yet to be paid, and will be paid soon.

The whole case is before the public. We want, in closing this article, to ask the public two or three questions.

1. Suppose we had declined to take this girl off the hands of the authorities, to remove her from jail, and do our best to give her a chance to reform. Suppose that! Then what a howl of virtuous indignation would have been raised against us! What words would have sufficed to express the righteous wrath of the public against a set of women who, calling themselves Christians, would make no effort to secure a fallen sister?

2. Under what obligation do we rest more than other people in the community, to expend money in such a cause? That we are Christians obligates us to do what we can for the wretched; but the fact of our Christianity does not absolve the rest from the obligation of natural brotherhood which is upon all.

3. What is there in the whole case to call for the flood of calumny, coarse and brutal (we beg pardon of the brutes) insult to which we have been subjected? These facts which we now publish could have been learned at any time by anyone wishing to know the truth.

4. How much encouragement does the treatment we have received in this case afford us to lend a helping hand to the needy again? Probably if called on tomorrow, we should face the music and fight the battle again remembering who said, "Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you and prosecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake." Thank God! We have, at least for a time, got this poor child only 17 years old, out of the mire! May God keep her out of it! THE W. C. T. U.

Another Meeting at the "Courier" Office Last Saturday.
More Points for Farmers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The Cowley County Farmers' Institute held an adjourned session Saturday last, with President F. W. McClellan in the chair and a good number of farmers present. Secretary F. A. A. Williams reported that he had very favorable rates on grass seed from Kansas City and Lawrence, which rates would be given to members of the Institute desiring to order.

James P. Martin presented the name of Isaac Wood, of Oxford, as a member of the Institute and stated that Mr. Wood reported fine success with English blue grass, red clover, and red top on his Arkansas bottom sub-irrigated soil. Alfalfa had failed with him, probably because the water was so near the surface. Mr. Stevens, of Richland township, sowed 2 bushels each of timothy and blue grass on 12 acres of bottom land, and now has a good stand of timothy and enough blue grass to promise to take the whole piece in two more years.

Mr. McClellan: "I would like to bring before the meeting a program of the Oxford, Ohio, Farmers' Club. They hold monthly meetings at the members' houses and prepare and publish their yearly programs beforehand, and have ladies belong and take part in the meetings."

On motion of Mr. Martin, the society decided to hold regular meetings on the second Saturday of each month.

The officers of the Institute were instructed to obtain such price lists as will be of advantage to members of the society and also to subscribe for three months for the Kansas City Price Current, for the use of members of the society.

Mr. Martin related his experience with four experimental plats of grass. Johnson grass not desirable, no better than sorghum; meadow oat-grass looks the best now, is green, and has a better growth than any other. Orchard grass and alfalfa have done well.

The secretary was requested to correspond with manufacturing firms and endeavor to obtain reduced rates on implements to members of the Institute.

Some discussion on condition of fruit buds: Generally reported in good condition, with good prospects for a full crop. Wheat reported very largely killed, except in cornstalks or on millet stubble. Several reported it all right on strips or spots that had been manured.

Discussion on oats: Members generally preferred sowing broadcast on stalk ground, cultivating them in, and harrowing after plowing.

In regard to the effect of millet on land, the general impression was that it was not more injurious than other crops.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Sam L. Gilbert got in yesterday from Washington, D. C., where he took in the inaugural and mingled with the "Dems" to his heart's content. He also cornered President Cleveland for a nice little talk, and pronounces him a "daisy." Sam's name appears to be Ell.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The New Jewell gasoline stove cures domestic infelicity. Don't fail to see it at Horning & Whitney's.

Newsy Notes Gathered by The "Courier's" Corps of Neighborhood Correspondents.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

E. M. Ballanger, our boss carpenter, took a trip to Mulvane on Saturday.

F. A. Brady will hereafter preach at the Baptist church, vice Burgess, resigned.

J. T. Dale took a trip to Arkansas City on Monday. Don't think this Dale is a boomer; he is simply a rustler.

Miss Maggie Martin has organized a music class. Maggie is an expert on the organ and will give her patrons full satisfaction.

Wm. B. Norman moved his office west of the old location and will proceed to put in a building to be occupied as a jewelry store.

We can now boast of a milk man, that is, we have a dairy. Mr. Severs is the proprietor and is delivering good fresh milk to the thirsty of our city.

Will Kendall took a trip to Emporia on Saturday to see his best girl. We are sorry to hear she is confined with the measles, but trust Will can squeeze them out all right.

The city parliament at its last session, ordered sidewalks built on all the principal streets so pedestrians can now go from one part of the city to the other without being lost in mud holes.

S. Moore was awarded the contract for building the mill at this place, to be of stone, three stories high, with mansard iron roof, to be completed within sixty days from date. Udall doth boom.

Rev. Hollis, of the Christian church made our city a short visit on Monday and was very agreeably surprised at the growth and intelligence of our citizens. Mr. Hollis is from Iowa, and an old friend of H. H. Martin.

The ladies of the Christian church met at the residence of Mrs. H. H. Martin on the 18th inst., and organized a Ladies' Aid Association for the purpose of carpeting the church. We wish them success in their undertaking, as it is a meritorious cause they are engaged in.

We hear some talk of a new paper being started here, but sincerely trust such is not the case. We have one good solid, substantial paper published here, which is an organ of great practical benefit to our city and a credit to the publisher, and should have the undivided support of our citizens. As our city has not yet arrived at that state of supreme happiness which requires a second paper to be published for the gratification of any man or set of men, nor will the support be adequate for the maintenance of two papers.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Miss Ermie McKee was in Winfield Saturday.

Torrance had a trial on Thursday, but I don't know what it was about.

Miss Fannie Himelick, of Cambridge, spent Thursday with Miss Ermie McKee.

Mr. Frank Weaverling, of Winfield, and Scott W , of Burden, passed through our city Sunday.

The Mite met at Miss Eva Reynolds' on Saturday evening. All present report a good time.

Mr. Swim left Monday for his claim in Ford County. Mrs. Swim and Oliver went as far as Winfield with him.

Quite a number from here contemplated attending the play at Burden Friday night, but the rain prevented them from going.

Mr. Ridgeway, of Dexter, shipped five carloads of cattle from here on Monday. Mr. Peabody shipped two carloads on Tuesday.

There was a magic lantern show at the South Torrance schoolhouse Saturday evening. As I was not there and have not seen anyone who was, I can't say how good it was.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Weather not so pleasant as it has been. A light snow fell Monday.

Miss Ola Harden has gone to Great Bend for a three weeks' visit.

S. B. Sherman is fencing in his lots, thus adding quite an improvement to his part of town.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lukens, March 9, a boy. Child and mother reported as getting along nicely.

Mrs. McDaniels had the misfortune to lose her best horse last week by the stable caving in. The other one was badly injured.

Frank Harden recently purchased a house and lot of Henry Lukens. We wonder if Frank intends to get a bird for his little cage.

Mr. R. E. Hicks and Grandma Hicks, of Grenola, and Miss Allie Burke, of Coffeyville, were guests of Mrs. W. A. Weaverling, last week.

Dr. F. A. Howland, of Chicago, has arrived in town and is fitting up an office in the Harris residence, which indicates that he means to stay. The doctor is strictly homeopathic, and we bespeak for him a good practice.

We understand that the Christian preacher in his last sermon here took exceptions to the item that appeared in one of our communications two or three weeks ago, concerning "taking a little more for the stomach's sake." We learn that he denied the charge and requested "H" to rectify the mistake through the COURIER. Gladly would we do it were it a mistake, but we are told that he made the same assertion a week ago, i.e., "I believe in taking intoxicants when necessary, but never to excess." This, we think, is what Paul meant when he said: "Take a little wine for the stomach's sake."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Sowing oats is the order of the day.

A. T. Gay is in Illinois wading in the mud.

Henry Huff still is the attraction at the new store.

Cleveland's proclamation is a bitter pill for some of our boomers.

Frank Wilson manipulates the Hewitt place on Silver Creek this season.

William Wyckoff scores another boy. "Scedunk holler" is fast coming to the front.

Our church is about ready for the long proposed festival. The boys are anxious for the supper.

Our Richland friends seem quite well pleased with their new acquisition. Still, Baker is unhappy.

The sewing machine agent and the lightning rod man are again on the war path. Verily the spring is here.

Road Overseer Divelbiss is doing good work along the west end of his district. Walnut township would do well to follow suit.

We understand our Salem friends passed some very wicked resolutions on the 18th. Well, it won't hurt them to effervesce.

An old settlers' picnic is talked of for some time in the near future. We think it a good scheme; can't get the old pioneers together too often, for they won't last long.

N. D. Gould and wife celebrated their paper wedding on the 19th inst. Quite a company surprised them in their domicile and took possession. The fun ran high until near midnight, when the party broke up. Mr. and Mrs. Gould were the recipients of many useful as well as queer paper presents. "Long may they wave."

I understand that the "kickers" at New Salem are charging our Senator and Representative with some very ugly acts. The fact is that a half dozen men at N. S. were guilty of all the fraud and dirty work that was done during our township fight. I am satisfied that the majority of the Salemites were disposed to be fair and honorable. I do not wish to be personal, but if those few wire-workers do not stop trying to besmirch the characters of better men in order to hide their own inferiority, I shall be obliged to relate a few facts to the public and give names. Their course since their defeat has been anything but manly. Their whines now are almost as loud as their rejoicings when they supposed they were victorious.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Oats that are sown are having a cold time of it.

Rev. Lee will preach at the Irwin chapel the coming year.

Mr. John Gerhart has sold his 8 acre farm. Consideration $1,500.

There will be a large acreage of corn and oats planted on wheat ground. The wheat is badly killed.

Mr. M. Lindle started for Clark County last Monday, where he expects to make his future home.

Mr. J. Muret and others that have been in Clark County part of the winter found out that Uncle Sam did not do a fraudulent business; consequently, they will have to stay in Clark County until the first of July.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Ground will be broken immediately for the Granger's new store building.

Chalk it down in your diary that beautiful snow made us a visit as late as March 23rd, 1885.

Mr. West Holland and wife, who have been sojourning in North Carolina all winter, are expected home in a few days.

Several of our dilatory farmers are now "humping themselves" in an effort to gather last year's corn nubbins in time to plant the new crop.

Ed Watt is in a dilemma. A few days ago a fellow came along with a flock of sheep and turned them over to Ed to pasture a month in his stalk field. It now turns out that the sheep are mortgaged for $400 more than their present value--and the owner has "skipped." Ed is now worrying over his fees.

Many of our farmers are contemplating seeding the greater portion of their wheat fields to corn, oats, and millet. It is now a conceded fact that the crop is damaged to an alarming extent, possibly an average of fifty percent. Even "Country Jake" condescends to admit the accuracy of "Mark's" first estimation.

County Superintendent Limerick dropped in on our school ma'am, in No. 115, last Friday afternoon, for a short but pleasant visit. He imported a portion of his enthusiasm to the scholars in an interesting talk on the value of an education. The Professor is daily winning laurels because of the energetic manner in which he performs the duties of his position. If third-termism is not a crime and a violation of the constitution, Prof. Limerick's continuance in this office should be insisted upon.

Last evening our esteemed neighbor, Mr. Monroe Teeter, was brought home from Winfield in an insensible condition produced by concussion of the brain. His mule team, in shying off from a large rock, ran the wagon over another, which threw Mr. Teeter out; and in falling, his head struck a stone with such force as to fracture his skull. He was in a delirious and precarious condition all night; but at this writing is apparently resting easy. His many friends trust that the result will not prove serious and hope that he may speedily recover, from this, nearly a fatal accident.

"Country Jake" took advantage of "Mark's" absence from Cowley a short time ago, to divulge the fact that he had inadvertently caught sight of a photo which Mark had received. Now my dear Jakie in reporting the fact, you have committed yourself as a spy of the smallest "fry." Instead of stealthily squinting, you might have indulged with a good square look, and an explanation might have quieted your suspicions. The exposure is not what hurts, but the fact that it was not the photo you represented. However, C. J. deserves to be complimented on his good judgment of beauty.

"Mark" enjoyed a pleasant visit with "G. V.," last Sunday, and with him as escort "took in" the Magnolia farm of the Vermilye Bros. This farm has been written up so often that I will not attempt a description of it. Suffice to say, however, that it is the best equipped farm of 600 acres in the county and perhaps, southern Kansas. Stock raising is made a specialty, and the farm possesses a good representation of fine blooded animals. It is well worth one's time to make a tour of inspection of the premises. The visitors will be cordially received and kindly treated by the Messrs. Vermilye, who are agreeable and sociable gentlemen.

The conceited excrescence on society, who makes such feeble and futile efforts in aspiring to the dignity of a reporter to the Telegram from this locality, under the caption "Neptune," in his idiotic drivelings in last week's issue of that paper, had the unblushing effrontery to accuse "Mark" of egotism and question his veracity. This quintessence of impudence and adamantine cheek, who is permitted through the generous courtesies of a suffering public, to roam at large because of the unfinished condition of our imbecile institution, had better form the acquaintance of a work on grammar, and have someone introduce him to a book on rhetoric instead of disgusting the public with his obnoxious belchings.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

New miller at Dunkard mill.

Will Birdzell is fencing his pasture.

Mrs. Grantham is somewhat convalescent.

Gardening has commenced. Some potatoes have been planted.

Has "Young Nasby" lost his equilibrium and fallen into the mire of seclusion?

Harry Shaw and Perry Birdzell have organized themselves into a sod-breaking society.

John Gerhart has sold his farm to a man that can appreciate our country. John, good-bye; here's a tear.

Rev. Crawford will expostulate to our people on Saturday evening and Sunday next. Let all turn out for his cause.

M. H. Markcum, one of Hackney's most sterling businessmen and manager of the Holtby estate, visited South Bend a few days ago.

Several Winfield sportsmen came down to McClung's duck pond last week; but as that game was painfully absent, no damage was done excepting their shooting the bark off Mr. McClung's trees.

Joe Mitchell will go to Santa Fe, New Mexico, after the completion of Al. Greave's barn. He will probably seek a carpenter's position on a government building now in course of construction at that place.

M. Avery Jordan is opening a rock quarry on the hill north of Will Birdzell's, Mr. Jordan has been in our country only a short time, but when he makes a move, it means business. Mr. Jordan will probably locate permanently here.

Will Moore, who used to pester South Bend with his blood-curdling stories of "living on his own wealth," now threatens to come back from Nemaha County to fatten up and die nearer his own people. Come back, Will; there is yet room for one Moore.

Our school closed last Saturday. As a pedagogues, Mr. Akers has given entire satisfaction. Master Jimmie Broadwell's report showed a full-time attendance, which evinces his desire to climb the ladder of knowledge.

Mr. Ray, now at Magnolia farm, is preparing a large taxidermic display of birds to be shipped to New York City. This will upset that vague eastern idea that "nothing larger than a grasshopper grows in Kansas."

George Hunt has pulled down his vest buttons and escaped from the wrath of a "not-to-be-blarneyed" elder of a certain family across the Walnut. George well knew that should "Uncle Bobby's" ire have broken upon him, his pelt would have "got hence" muchly.

Cottel Bryant has sold his South Bend possession and gone west with his brother Charles to blow up with the country. Cot's removal has broken up one of S. B.'s most genuine bachelor resorts, but may good "Old Virginia" luck attend his efforts just the same.

Mr. Morton, our road overseer, has drained the road near Graves' house. The extreme depth of water in that place had caused some travel over Mr. Broadwell's wheat field. It seems that South Bend roads have been somewhat overlooked heretofore, but Mr. Morton will change the tune for awhile.

Rudolph Feaster has a very sick pair of jaw-bones. He calls it "mumps," and thinks it was contracted at a recent "face lickin'" party. What a giveaway it would be should it become known that "evil lurks in every corner." Young man, you should always be careful, and henceforth advise all your associates to kiss only those who can drink vinegar.

"The spring time has come, gentle Annie," and the little frogs on Mr. Harader's side of the river Dee, are emaciated and dejected because Mr. Harader pays no attention to their continued song of "Fish-way, fish-way." Mr. Harader should make a fish-way if it is possible; if not, he should at least pad the lower side of his dam so as to prevent catfish from knocking their teeth out on a "dam nuisance."

Scene: Harter's drug store. Enter Mr. Broadwell, who looks at a machine that is big enough to be a lung tester, but is not a lung tester. Broadwell asks: "What is this?" and Mr. Harter sees that Broadwell wants to use his lungs for once where it will tell, so Mr. Harter says, "That is a lung tester." "Well, I have always wanted to expand myself on one of them machines," says Broadwell, as he commenced blowing through a tube or hose. Harter watches him blow, and Broadwell looks for some kind of figures to arise somewhere on the machine so that he would know how many pounds he had blown. Harter laughs and says, "Why, you d f , that's a soda fountain." Moral--And Broadwell came straight home and he was so rattled that he offered to bet that 300 percent of the wheat crop was frozen. Additional moral--Those Winfield fellows must remember that they are "monkeying" with an arm of the law.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The Adams & Westlake gasoline Stove will bury your wife in smiles and straighten the cross eyes of your mother-in-law. Anything under the sun can be cooked with rapidity and perfection. Get one of Horning & Whitney, before the heated season sets in.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Have you seen the latest improvement New Jewell and Adams Westlake gasoline stove for sale by Horning & Whitney? They are perfection and your wife should never give the "bald head end of the broom" a minute's rest till you get her one. "Absolutely indispensable in summer" is the verdict of all who have tried them.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The New Jewell gasoline stove, for sale by Horning & Whitney, never fail to captivate the gentle housewife. It is absolutely safe, convenient, and perfect. No unnecessary heat, and always ready for business. Don't let your wife enter the summer without one.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Save your wife the affliction of standing over the red hot stove, by buying her a new Jewell or A. & W. Monarch gasoline stove. Cheap, safe, and unexcelled in convenience. Horning & Whitney have them.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The New Jewell gasoline stove is the daisy. See it at Horning & Whitney's.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

HOG CHOLERA POWDERS. Put up by the famous veterinarian, Dr. Jas. Haas. Sure cure for hog cholera. Also Dr. Haas' Colic & Epizootic Powders for horses, and blackleg cure for cattle. Dr. Haas' skill as a veterinarian is world wide and these medicines are the results of a large experience in, and close study of those common diseases of domestic animals. They are sure cure. For sale by BROWN & SON, Druggists, Winfield, Kansas.

[There were more ads, which I skipped.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

City Clerk's Office, Winfield, Ks., March 16th, 1885.
Notice is hereby given that the registration roll books of the City of Winfield will be closed Friday, March 27th, 1885, at 9 o'clock p.m., and remain closed until after the city election to be held in said city April 7th, 1885. G. H. Buckman, City Clerk.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum