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WAGNER & HOWARD, Editors and Publishers.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.


Dealer in Drugs, Paints, Oil, Perfumes, Toilet Sets, etc.

Prescriptions Carefully and Accurately Compounded.

Call and See Us.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.

Council Proceedings.
Council met in adjourned session Monday evening with Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Davis, Dunn, Dean, Thompson, and Hight present; Hill and Bailey absent.

Bill of Gardener Mott of $40.55 for lumber west bridge, allowed.

Bill of F. Lockley for city printing of $64.95, allowed.

Bill of Howard Bros., of $3.70 for hardware, allowed.

Referred bill of D. W. Ewing of $3 for work, allowed.

Referred bill of G. W. Fisher of $4.50 for work, allowed.

Bill of G. W. Cunningham of $132.95 for hardware referred to water works committee.

The Farmers Cooperative Milling Association, we are informed, are running a petition asking aid for such an enterprise and asking that the council consider the propriety of donating a sum of money not over $15,000 for such an enterprise.

Referred petition of Krebs and others asking for sidewalks on the east side of block 83 was carried.

Will S. Thompson, of the firm of Ridenour & Thompson, made a request asking a rebate of part of the amount of occupation tax, which was left for a committee to look into and report.

Mr. Hight made a motion that the city attorney, police judge, and street commissioner be requested to resign. Mr. Dunn made some remarks on the subject and seconded Mr. Hight's motion. Remarks were also made by Thompson and Davis. They were followed by Messrs. Stafford, Moore, and Bryant in defense of themselves. Mr. Hight insisted upon the motion being put with the exception of street commissioner, which was not consented to by his second.

The motion was amended that such should be voted on separately; carried.

Mr. Hight called for the yeas and nays for the city attorney to resign. Thompson and Bailey voted the nays and Dean, Dunn, Davis, and Hight voted affirmatively.

Mr. Hight moved that Police Judge Bryant be requested to resign. The result was as follows: Thompson, Dean, and Hight voted affirmatively. Dunn and Davis voted negatively. Bailey did not vote.

Moved that action on street commissioner be indefinitely deferred; carried.

Mayor appointed J. A. Stafford night watch at a salary of $25 per month and fees.

On motion adjourned until regular meeting.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.

Notice. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Clerk of the board of education of the City of Arkansas City, Kansas, until six o'clock p.m. on the 3rd day of August, 1885, for one janitor for the West School Building; one janitor for the East School Building; bids to be so much per month for the term. None but the lowest, responsible bid will be accepted and the Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids.

July 14, 1885. Alex Wilson, Clerk.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.

Contractors and farmers. Don't buy a Mower or Rake until you see OUR W. A. Wood and Esterly, at the Shabby Front. D. L. MEANS.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.

34 to 10
Winfield Muffers done up by the Border Club by the Above Score.
The Winfield Cyclones Strike the Arkansas City Border Nine
And Have to Re-Organize.
Damage Done to the Cyclones Something Over $2,000.
Thursday at the Winfield fair grounds the third and last match game of base ball was played. The game was for a purse of $100 a side. Wednesday evening the Cyclones demanded by telephone that $20 of the gate receipts be given to their club and the remainder be divided equally between the contestants. The Border captain refused to do this and the game was declared off. When this news became circulated on our streets, the lovers of the game were greatly disappointed. Thursday morning the members of the Border club came together and decided to go and play the game anyway. At 9 a.m., the club and a number of friends started for the Hub in carriages. After dinner the club sought the fair grounds followed by spectators. The game commenced at about 3 p.m., with between 600 and 700 spectators present. The Cyclones went to bat first and scored five runs. This caused a thrill of pleasure to run up the backbone of the denizens of Winfield. The Border club went to bat on their half of the first inning and only got two runs. This gave the backers of the Cyclones an impetus to squander their money, and in a very short time a considerable sum of money had been wagered by friends of the clubs.

The Cyclones on the second inning scored a goose egg, while the Border club secured two more tallies than on the second for they succeeded in making two runs. The Border club on the third inning got in two more tallies. The Cyclones were still ahead one tally at the close of the third inning. On the fourth inning the Cyclones increased their score one tally and the Border club four. Cheer after cheer went up as the Border club rung in their tallies and visitors from Arkansas City yelled themselves hoarse from enthusiasm. On the fifth inning the Cyclones went to bat a little nervous and consequently were treated to a goose egg. The Border club got in four tallies on their half of the 5th. Excitement ran higher than ever and the backers of the Cyclones began to visibly weaken. The sixth inning the Cyclones secured one tally and the Border club 13. This capped the climax. Parties from Arkansas City went wild from enthusiasm. The seventh inning the Cyclones scored one tally and the Border club received their first and last goose egg of the game. The eight and ninth innings the Cyclones received two more beautiful goose eggs, while the Border club made three runs on the eight and four on the ninth. This ended the game, the score standing 34 to 10 in favor of the Border club.

The following are the runs and outs made by each member of the two clubs...[SKIPPING ALL BUT NAMES OF PLAYERS].

CYCLONES: Beam, Jones, Gray, Land, Holbrook, McClelland, Smith, McMullen, and Leland.

BORDER CLUB: Godfrey, McGerry, Perryman, Hilliard, Geo. Wilson, Miller, Jos. Wilson, Chas. Wright, and Frank Wright.

The umpire was a brakeman from here. He gave satisfaction, we understand, to both clubs. The Cyclones did poorer playing, not coming up to the game on the 4th. The Border Club played carefully and surely. The Cyclones tried to twist out, but the Border Club had too firm a grip on them. We suggest that the Cyclones remodel their name; for instance, say, to the "Gentle Kansas Zephyrs."

On the third inning O. F. Godfrey got tripped by being hit. Of course, the Border Nine put in a substitute. The Cyclones began to cry, "rats, rats." They thought it was just a come- off to put in a better player. The substitute's name was Roach, and he was about equal to Godfrey. Ery Miller did some excellent playing on first base and some heavy batting. Frank Perryman pitched for the Border Nine and the trouble with the Cyclones was that they were unable to hit his balls. The Border Nine pounded the Cyclones' pitcher all to pieces. They changed on the 6th inning, but this did not put a stop to the rapid increase of the Border's score. Nearly three and a half hours were consumed in playing the game.

The man who tended the gate announced only $40.45 receipts. There were fully 600 persons present; 25 cents was the admission price. There is something "rotten in Denmark," and we trust the Cyclones will blow the matter straight.

Captain Perryman delivered straight, swift balls Thursday. A sore finger prevented his pitching curves.

Catcher Joe Wilson had a finger partially dislocated. Geo. Wright mended matters and Joe went right along.

Miller is immense all around.

Frank Wright is the favorite with the crowd.

Charley Wright can play anywhere. He is a handsome runner.

The new third baseman, McGerry, did not disappoint anyone. He throws beautifully.

Godfrey's substitute played center field well.

Charley Hilliard did excellent fielding and base running. He and Joe Wilson are the good natured members.

Right fielder Geo. Wilson was not feeling well, but stuck to the work.

The Arkansas City crowd did effective work with the lungs, the Winfield crowd with the lower lip.

Dr. J. A. Mitchell, Fred Farrar, F. J. Hess, Will D. Mowry, A. D. Hawk, Frank Grosscup, Jerry Adams, Leavitt Coburn, W. H. Nelson, Dr. Wright, Dr. Geo. Wright, and several other businessmen went up on the 3:05 p.m. train to see the game.

Joe Finkleburg presented Ery Miller with a $3 hat yesterday morning on account of his excellent playing in the game of Thursday. W. D. Mowry presented him with a handsome bat. C. C. Sollitt presented Frank Perryman with a bat also, for the good service he rendered.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.

The "Kansas Millers" Takes a Delegation of Businessmen Down the River
Monday an excursion on the "Kansas Millers" down the Arkansas by the businessmen was originated as the next day's programme. Bright and early two bus loads of our citizens wended their way to the Harmon's Ford landing and boarded the steamer. All together there were some 60 passengers. At 8:10 the steamer heaved anchor and in a very few moments we were out of sight of the many spectators who came down to see the excursionists start. We steamed down the river at a lively rate. In twenty minutes we were out of the mouth of the Walnut. On entering the Arkansas the speed of the vessel was increased and in a few minutes we were steaming along at the rate of 18 miles per hour. The passengers gave themselves up entirely to the enjoyment of the trip. All were inclined to be jolly and forget business cares one day at least. Cracking jokes, perpetrating harmless tricks, enjoying the beautiful trip down the Rackinsack. The steamer had a canvas awning put up to keep out the scorching rays of the sun, and as the cool breezes came up the river, one and all felt it was good to be there.

At 9:15 we landed at the Grouse Creek ferry, about 20 miles downstream, to put off some freight which V. M. Ayres had shipped to Gilbert's and Newman's ranches. This was the first consignment of freight to the "Kansas Millers." It consisted of 50 bushels of corn and several hundred weight of flour. The passengers, full of life, took the place of deck hands and soon had the cargo landed.

Once more we heaved anchor and steamed down the river about five miles, and landed in a beautiful grove on the Kaw reservation. When the steamer had been made fast, all clambered ashore, and ran and jumped like school boys. While ashore C. A. Burnett took advantage of our absence and in a short time had spread a picnic lunch. All ate their fill. It was a splendid bill of fare, and Charley and his efficient cook deserve mention for their efforts to refresh the inner man. After partaking of the bounteous feast and the remnants being cleared away, we steamed up the river for home.

Capt. Moorhead ran the boat across several sand bars to show the passengers that it was impossible to stick the steel-bottomed steamer. After this had been fully demonstrated, the passengers were called to order by A. V. Alexander and a meeting was held for the purpose of organizing a stock company to build steel-bottomed barges. Mayor Schiffbauer was chosen to preside and N. T. Snyder was chosen to be secretary. Mayor Schiffbauer made a few remarks stating what great advantages Arkansas City would gain by having navigation opened on the Arkansas. He stated that Capt. T. S. Moorhead informed him that coal could be bought in quantities for $2, and laid down in Arkansas City so that it could be sold by dealers for $5 or $6 per ton. It was good coal, better than that which we had been paying $8 per ton for. Over 12 tons of the coal had been burned on the "Kansas Millers" and out of that not a clinker had been found. He spoke also of lumber trade with Arkansas. Jim Hill next occupied the attention of the passengers. He was followed by T. S. Moorhead, Dr. Kellogg, Judge McIntire, and several others who spoke in glowing terms of the steamer and the navigation of the river. After the question of building barges had been thoroughly discussed, the meeting proceeded to subscribe stock. Shares were taken until over $2,000 had been subscribed. The sum needed was $5,000. The meeting adjourned then until 7:30 p.m., when they met in Meigs & Nelson's real estate office to finish up the $5,000 stock company.

After the adjournment of the meeting, the crowd gave themselves up once more to enjoyment. At five o'clock we anchored at Harmon's Ford. Getting aboard Archie Dunn's busses, we were soon uptown. And thus ended a day of great recreation and profitable pleasure.

The sun was very warm coming upstream, compelling all passengers to seek shady nooks.

Alexander was the story-teller. He was not a successcause audience went to sleep.

Spencer Bliss, Dr. Evans, and J. W. Millspaugh of Winfield were down and took in the excursion.

Frank Greer, of the Courier, and Prof. B. T. Davis, of the Tribune, were the representa-tives of the Winfield press and were busy all day with paper and pencil.

The REPUBLICAN office furnished the bill of fare cards.

Searing & Mead, Wood & Bliss, of Winfield, V. M. Ayres and the Arkansas City Roller Mill Company compose the navigation company. V. M. Ayres is president and C. H. Searing Secretary. These four milling firms, having practicably demonstrated that the Arkansas is navigable by steamers on the pattern of the "Kansas Millers," and having used $7,000 to further the enterprise already, naturally turn to the town most benefitted for assistance in the furthering of the enterprise. The directors are B. F. Wood, Maj. W. M. Sleeth, and James Hill.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.

To the Tax Payers.
If anyone who has any objections to the appropriation made by the council of $2.50 for hack hire at the time of the drowning of Willie Rike, will apply to me and figure his prorata amount, I will pay him the amount multiplied by 100. I am paying this amount to ascertain the size of some men. These remarks are called out owing to statements made by some speakers at the 4th ward meeting. I would further state the council paid no one a cent for acting as policeman on the 4th of July grounds, but two of these policemen were appointed to act in the city on the night of July 4th and were paid therefor. There is no ordinance prohibiting the shooting of fire-crackers on July 4th. The same will apply to a good many other remarks made.

Public speakers should inform themselves in order to know what they are talking about.

Respectfully, F. P. SCHIFFBAUER.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.

The Cattle Question Decided.
WASHINGTON, July 11. The Secretary of the Interior has sent the following telegram to W. A. Towers and Thos. A. Lee, committee for the stock association at Kansas City, Missouri.

"I have carefully considered your telegram of the 10th inst. The animal industry bill prohibits the driving, from one state or territory to another, of any live stock by any person knowing them to be affected with any contagious infections or communicable disease. Owners whose herds are forcibly stopped in the Indian Territory declare their cattle are not so affected. The people of Texas, Colorado, Missouri, and other states have equal, if not a greater right, to drive their live stock not infected with a prohibited disease through and over the trails of the Indian Territory and the neutral strip, as you have to occupy those lands without your leases from the Indian tribes. An inspector has been sent to open and keep open the trail for the passage of cattle. If the people who are occupying those lands with their herds continue their forcible obstruction of trails, measures will be taken to remove them and their herds at once."

The following instructions were also telegraphed to Inspector Armstrong at the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Agency, in the Indian Territory.

"Owners of cattle, driving herds northward through the Indian Territory and public land strip north of the Pan-handle complain their passage on and over established trails in the vicinity of Ft. Supply is obstructed by parties holding cattle on these lands. Go at once to the origin of the disturbance and take active measures to open and keep open for all cattle having no infectious disease all established trails that may be found closed or obstructed in any way except by proper and competent authority of the United States courts having jurisdiction. Notify offenders that their stock will be removed from the territory at once if they continue the obstruction of established trails." (Signed) L. Q. C. Lamar, Secretary of the Interior.

Similar obstructions of trails under Secretary Teller's administration last year existed, and action similar to the instructions contained in the above order was taken, trails being opened by Inspector Benedict, who led a number of droves over the trail.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.

The Cattle Trail Trouble.
DODGE CITY, KANSAS, July 11. The situation as between the Northern ranch owners and through Texas drivers remains unchanged. The matter has been by Commissioner Cook adjourned over until Monday morning, at which time the case will proceed unless amicable arrangement can be perfected. A very large number of cattlemen on both sides of the case are now in the city. Col. J. R. Hallowell and Charles Hatton, United States attorney and assistant, are both here for the government, and Capt. J. G. Waters is pitted against them for the Texas drovers on the defense. Fifty-four thousand cattle have been stopped on the trail in the Indian Territory and Cherokee Strip. The matter is assuming colossal proportions. The design of the cattlemen is to exclude all cattle from those parts in Texas liable to communicate Texas fever and the Texas drovers are as persistent in demanding a free passage to market for the cattle of that state. It is expected that something decisive would have been received from Washington today, but at this hour it has not come. The delays to the Texas drovers are costing them at least $1,000 per day for the mere detention.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.

Disaffected Cheyennes.
KANSAS CITY, July 11. The Times Ft. Leavenworth special says: "Dispatches received today by Adjutant General Martin, from the commanding officers in the territory, indicate no change in the situation there. Preparations are actively making in the department and troops will be forwarded speedily. Gen. Schofield directs the movements in the department in the absence of any regularly assigned commander. President Cleveland's instructions to Gen. Sheridan are interpreted by officials here as meaning that the Indians must submit peacefully or be summarily dealt with and it is generally believed they will not yield their arms without bloodshed. Light battery F, Capt. Woodruff, Second Artillery, which won fame during the civil war as Williston's flying Artillery, has been ordered in readiness to move at any time. All recruits at Ft. Riley, of the Fifth cavalry, and men of those troops now in the field who remained behind on account of lack of order of movement will be ordered at once to join the regiment. All troops and companies will be filled to their full strength."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.

The corn prospect is good. Several farmers who have called on us during the last week inform us that they have fields which will average from 59 to 65 bushels per acre. The wheat crop is much better than had been expected.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.

Families are leaving Caldwell to be safe in case of an Indian outbreak. Assurances come from the territory that towns in Kansas will be safe from Indian invasion even if a collision with the revolted Comanches should occur; but some people have an instinctive dislike to taking any chances on their scalps.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.

Papers every once in a while get off something highly sensational, which gets one's curiosity aroused and then fails to tell "Who." The Courier in the following item is guilty.

"A man appeared here yesterday from Arkansas City with froth at his mouth and two navy revolvers in his belt. He was mad, and thirsted for b-l-o-o-d. His wife had run away with a handsomer man. Marshal McFaddan invited him to lay off his revolvers while under the canopy of our city, which he did. The fellow swore by all that was bad and unholy, that he would kill the male eloper the first time he `sot' his eyes on him."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.

The Lincoln Journal "Topics" says: "A Neosho County, Kansas, woman was insured for the sum of $15,000. When she died the companies resented the attempt to collect the policy by charging her daughter with murdering her, and had the girl arrested. If this matter of resisting the payment of insurance goes much further, there will be nothing more dangerous to leave to one's heirs than a policy."

The "girl" in this case is a woman of mature years, who is a mother and has been a wife. The mother died on Thanksgiving Day in 1884, and the fact that she had been poisoned was discovered by the disinterment of the body and an examination not long after. The arrest of the suspected daughter was caused, not by the resentment of the insurance company, but in consequence of finding an indictment in April last. The trial promises one of the most remarkable in the judicial annals of Kansas. The daughter was arrested in Winfield. Her name was Frankie Morris.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.

The new postal law provides: "A special stamp of the value of ten cents may be issued, which, when attached to a letter in addition to the lawful postage thereon, shall entitle the letter to immediate delivery in any place containing 1,000 population or over, according to the federal census, within the carrier limit of any free delivery office, or within one mile of the post office or any other post office coming within the provisions of the law which may in like manner be designated as a special delivery office. Such specially stamped letters will be delivered between 7 a.m. and midnight. Messengers for this special delivery will be paid eighty percent of the face value of all the stamps received and recorded in a month, provided that the aggregate compensation paid to any one person for such services shall not exceed thirty dollars per month, and the regulations for the delivery of these specially stamped letters shall in no way interfere with the prompt delivery of letters as provided by existing law or regulation."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.

We take the following account of the drowning of a Sumner County citizen at Rock Falls, July 4th, from the daily Wellingtonian.

Several families, instead of spending the Fourth in another way, went to Rock Falls, Indian Territory, and the men commenced seining above the Falls, and the current, which was very swift, washed them over the falls into the deep water, and they went (six in number) swiftly down the stream.

All the men, excepting Grooms, held to the seine, one end of which was fastened to the shore, and in this manner were swung around to the bank and felt no greater damage than a severe wetting. Grooms, letting loose, was carried down the current a distance of about fifty yards. Those on shore thought he was swimming all right and he was not farther than twenty feet from the north bank when someone spoke to him to swim out. This seemed to bewilder him, as he immediately turned and commenced swimming back into the current. At this time he cried for help, and Mr. William Brand stated at once to the rescue. He succeeded in reaching him without trouble, and taking him by the hand commenced making good headway for the shore. Brand came near being exhausted himself, and Grooms seeing this said: "Bill, let me go and swim yourself." This Mr. Brand did and then swam around Grooms and tried to push him ashore. They both suddenly sank and their hats floated downstream together. Brand came up all right and those on the bank got a pole and pulled him out. Grooms never rose to the surface again, and his body, up to this time, has not been found, though all day Sunday there were more than fifty men looking for the remains.

Deceased leaves a wife and three children and he was highly respected, both as a neighbor and a man, by all who knew him. His home was about halfway between Guelph and South Haven.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.

Interview with Senator Morgan.
The Post published an extended interview with Senator Morgan, who has recently returned from a visit of observation from the Indian Territory in company with Senator Dawes, Ingalls, Jones (of Arkansas), and Maxey, his colleague in the senate committee on Indian affairs. The most interesting portion of the interview is that relating to the Oklahoma situation, and upon that subject the senator expressed himself as follows.

"This Oklahoma question is up and wants to be settled. The negro freedmen for whom that tract of land in the heart of the Indian territory was purchased don't seem at all anxious or even willing to settle on it. They prefer to live on portions of land belonging to the Indian tribes where they stayed before emancipation, and where they are at present located.

"But, I think the committee will not be in favor of letting the Oklahoma boomers seize and monopolize it. I cannot speak positively enough for the committee have not had a full conference upon the subject and will not until the senate meets, when they will hold a conference and report to the senate the result of their observations and deliberations.

"I would put the Indians in all the territory. There is, to be sure, more land than the Indians require; but I would encourage the concentration of all the Indians. I would even make it advantageous for the tribes now located in the state of New York and scattered over the continent to migrate to this territory, where they could have the benefit of the good example of the five civilized tribes.

"I now am in favor of having Payne's Oklahoma boomers divide the Indian country by taking possession of the very heart of it.

"Then there are the disputes between the Indians and the two railroads that run through their territory. The Indians claim rights which the roads won't admit. The agreement by which the companies secured the permission of the owners of the soil to run the roads over it are vague, and congress will be required to step in and settle the dispute.

"I am doubtful as to the validity of the contracts with the Indians by which the white lessees have recently acquired millions of acres of Indian reservations, and it will be the duty of congress to inquire and determine whether the lessees have any right to the land.

For myself, I don't see how land reserved by the government for Indians could be disposed of without the government's consent, and it is a question also as to whether the executive could allow such a disposition without the consent of congress."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.

At the council meeting last Monday evening, Mayor Schiffbauer is reported as saying by the Traveler that: "The jealousy of a rival attorney had instigated a good share of this public odium, and the lies published in the REPUBLICAN had proceeded from an outside pen, because there was not brains enough in that establishment to concoct such fabrications. He cautioned the council against being influenced by these scurrilous allegations, they being prompted by malice and having no foundation in fact. If such charges were to influence the council to go back on its officers, he wished it distinctly understood that he had no hand in the business."

The mayor also said "that you might rake H__l over with a fine comb and not find as black-hearted an individual as the one who wrote those articles in the REPUBLICAN."

We wish to say that the junior editor of the REPUBLICAN does all the editorial work. All the charges we have brought to bear against the city council and attorney were written by that individual. We edit our own paper. We are not influenced by outside talk. We espoused that which we thought to be beneficial to the city and tax- payers. We were against that infamous water works ordinance because we believed it to be a swindle. In an article we condemned that ordinance, and showed wherein it was deficient. Later on we have shown plainly that the city attorney was incompetent to handle our city affairs. The police judge has shown that he is too lax in the management of his affairs. The council by a majority vote has requested him to resign, also the city attorney. The Council did a good night's work last Monday in purging. We hope they will continue the purging process until they get all the corruption out. But one thing we are sorry for is that our mayor should so far forget his dignity as to use profane language in the council chamber. While we may have been extremely provoking to his side of the question, Mr. Schiffbauer should not be so put out as to lose the dignity which belongs to the head official of the city. It is very unbecoming.

In regard to the articles which we have written, they were founded on facts. Take the back files of the REPUBLICAN, inquire into the matter, and every charge we have made is true and can be sustained.

Only one time have we given space to any rumor; that was in regard to a certain officer appointing his brother-in-law to succeed Billy Gray as city marshal. That brother-in-law has since been appointed night watch at a salary of $25 per month. Hight, Dean, and Davis voted against his appointment. Dunn, Thompson, and Bailey voted for it, and as it was a tie, the mayor decided.

Mr. Schiffbauer informs us that a number of merchants requested the appointment. As they hired one night watch, they felt justified in asking the city to appoint one. But be that as it may, we know now we have three salaried policemen and two night watches.

The REPUBLICAN has a right to criticize the action of any public officer. The people expect us to voice their rights and agitate all questions of public interest.

The muddle which exists in the council now is thrown upon the shoulders of the REPUBLICAN. It was through our agitation of the ineligibility of the councilmen and the incompetency of our city attorney, it is claimed by a few, that the present state of affairs exists. We have no apology to offer. We have done our duty to the taxpayers of Arkansas City. We thought the city attorney was incapable to handle the affairs of Arkansas City correctly. We said so and produced evidence to substantiate what we charged. We feel highly complimented that the REPUBLICAN has been able to assist in purging the city of any incompetent officer. But this is no reason why our mayor should lose his dignified bearing and go down to the level of a profane citizen, especially in the council chamber. We leave the matter to be decided by the taxpayers of Arkansas City. In the language of Jake Hight, let us have a little more dignity in the council.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.

Indian Sensation.
WICHITA, KANSAS, July 10. The Daily Eagle's special from the Indian Territory this evening says that the excitement is hourly increasing. The Cheyennes for three or four days have been going on in bands from twenty to fifty. Some of these bands return in a day or two and then go again, so it is impossible to tell how many of them are away or how far they have gone. The bridge across the river between the fort and the agency is being pushed rapidly.

night before last stopped at the ranch of the C. & A. Cattle Company, having in their possession a herd of stolen mules and horses. They forced the ranchmen to get them something to eat. Another band was seen with a lot of stock within twenty miles of the camp supply. Stock stolen from the panhandle of Texas is already making their appearance among the home Indians. No doubt some of these roving bands get so far north as the Kansas line, and their presence gave rise to the late scare, as they appear to go north or northwest from the agency.

Col. Chapman, commander of Fort Supply, accompanied by his interpreter, has arrived at Darlington to act with Commissioner Armstrong. The Indians are anxious to discover the intentions of the government toward them and express more than usual desire for a "big talk."

A courier arrived at Reno Sunday from Silva with a report of a fight between the ranchmen at Johnson's, and those of Murray & Wilson's range over a burnt steer. One of Johnson's men named Adam Ward was killed. Col. C. B. Campbell of Wichita had his horse shot from under him and several men had bullets shot through their clothes. Munford Johnson himself escaped through a shower of lead with Winchesters while only two of Johnson's had six-shooters, one of whom it is stated was killed. The man killed fell from his horse before he had fired a shot.

An Eagle special from the Skeleton Ranche says that the mules ran away with the southbound United States Mail near that station, upsetting the stage and breaking the leg of E. W. Entz, the driver.

Fourteen coach loads of soldiers, principally of the Eleventh Infantry, passed through Wichita, going to the front, at 2 p.m. In one of the sections was a sleeper or special car said to contain Gen. Sheridan, but the trains did not stop long enough to gain particulars.

WASHINGTON, July 13. The war department is in receipt of dispatches from the Indian territory which say the dissatisfied Indians are becoming quiet and there is a favorable outlook for the settlement of the Indian troubles.

KANSAS CITY, July 13. Gen. Sheridan and Gen. Miles passed through the city tonight from Chicago, en route for Ft. Reno, Indian Territory, by way of Caldwell, Kansas.

WASHINGTON, JULY 13. Inspector Armstrong has succeeded in carrying out his instructions to open up the cattle trail through the Indian Territory. He telegraphed Secretary Lamar this morning that all differences between the drovers and ranchmen had been settled and that cattle from Texas are now moving without obstruction.

WICHITA, KANSAS, July 14. The Eagle's special from Reno reports that the Indians are almost frantic in their efforts to discover what the government intends to do. They fear that their plans may be frustrated, although it is is very evident that they really know about all that is going on about headquarters, knowing that the four companies which went north were for an escort to General Sheridan.

Reports at Reno say that Magpie and his band are encamped on the opposite bank of the North Fork, and that they had been traveling around and trying to intimidate the Arapahos. The telegraph operator is in Cantonment.


Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

J. W. Hutchison & Sons have an elegant new delivery wagon.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

R. E. Grubbs it is putting a complete stock of confections in his fruit stand.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

The Daily Courier suggests that an editorial excursion should be given by the Navigation Company.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Youngheim & Co., are having their store room renovated handsomely. New flooring, fresh painting, etc.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

L. H. Braden sold his interest in the Mammoth Livery Stable, Thursday, to M. E. and L. L. Briggs for $2,000.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

D. Brunswick is selling out his stock of dry goods in the Arcade, preparatory to quitting business in our city.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

J. W. Hutchison, for a piece of land just north of the city, was offered $300 per acre. He refused and holds the land at $400.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

R. E. Grubbs is buying and selling peaches and all kinds of fruit this season. He has already shipped 300 boxes of peaches.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

In our report of the allowances of the city council last week, we made Ivan Robinson's coal bill read $600. It should have been only $6.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Will D. Mowry solicited the base ball purse from the lovers of that game for the 4th of July. The Border boys extend Will many thanks.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Capt. Couch, who struck the Oklahoma boomer last week, was arrested and fined $2.50 and costs. The press dispatches were off. He only knocked the man down, breaking his nose.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

The junior editor acknowledges a serenade from some of the boys Monday night. As he was not at home that evening, we hope the boys will come again.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

H. H. Perry has leased the bath rooms in the Commercial Block and will run them in connection with the Leland Hotel. Baths given to both ladies and gentlemen.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Dr. Houck, of Wichita, was here on the 4th of July. He was one of the drunken men on our streets that day, which the Eagle tells of. Our officers arrested him and he was placed in the jug overnight. He paid his fine next day to Judge Bryant.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

The REPUBLICAN has frequently wondered why a boating club had never been formed in Arkansas City for the utilization of the Walnut River south from the foot of Depot Street. The river affords splendid advantages for rowing.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Arkansas City, says the Anthony Enterprise, is having a hot time over the postmastership. Sinnott and Judge McIntire seem to be the keenest, and their anxiety is not at all softened by the uncertainty of the result. You are mistaken, Mr. Enterprise. Sinnott is going to have a walk over.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

The young ladies of Class "No. 5," of the First Presbyterian Sabbath School, will give a lawn social and festival at the residence of Mrs. C. R. Sipes on next Wednesday evening, July 22. An interesting program has been prepared in addition to the supper. All are invited to attend.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

The grove along the banks of the Walnut River below the Harmon Bridge landing would, if properly cleaned up, afford an elegant park for picnic and excursion gatherings. At the landing, the "Kansas Millers" would be ready to take the picnic parties down the river.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Robt. H. White, the man who was in jail at Winfield for the murder of his wife, was discharged from custody Thursday by Justice Snow. The preliminary examination failed to show up any convicting evidence. White is still in Winfield.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

The Traveler says prohibition has been a failure and that high license is the only method by which the whiskey traffic can be controlled. Gentle folks, stick a peg here. The Traveler is the champion of all evils under its new management. We are not surprised at Bro. Lockley defending a corrupt council.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Col. Samuel Crocker, editor of the Oklahoma War-Chief and a boomer, was landed in the Winfield jail Thursday. He was arrested along with 20 other boomers and he was the only one who gave no bond for their appearance at Topeka.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

The replevin suit of W. Ward to recover his hogs came off Monday before Judge Kreamer. The jury decided that Ward should have his hogs. It seems almost useless for Billy Gray to make arrests. If he does make any, the violators always get free. The REPUBLICAN suggests that that jury be given a leather medal. The case will have a new hearing.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

A concert was given at Highland Hall Tuesday evening by Prof. J. Warren Duncan's music class at the close of the institute. It consisted of choruses, solos, and duets, which were well rendered. Two recitations were also excellently well delivered by Miss Nellie Childers. The concert was not so well attended as it merited.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

J. W. Henthorn, editor of the Burden Eagle, took three grains of morphine one day last week to quiet his nerves. Consequence was he came near dying. Had it not been for the speedy and effective work of physicians and friends, Bro. Henthorn would not be living to tell how near he came to dying. The REPUBLICAN congratulates Mr. Henthorn upon his recovery.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Saturday Samuel Watts, of Pleasant Valley Township, met with a severe accident. He was engaged in threshing for J. L. Snyder. In lowering his threshing machine, the binder attachment, weighing over 400 pounds, fell on his back. He was picked up by parties present and taken home in a wagon. Mr. Watts, at this writing, is in a bad condition, suffering much pain. The REPUBLICAN gleans from "Mark's" correspondence to the Daily Courier.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Fourth Ward Politics.
Friday evening of last week the citizens of the 4th ward held a mass meeting to consider whether their councilmen were eligible to office. S. C. Lindsay was chosen president and C. T. Atkinson secretary. Fun began about 8:30 and at 9 p.m., those in attendance had waxed pretty warm. Speakers for Davis and Bailey and speakers against them occupied the attention of those present. The result was that the meeting adjourned without taking action upon the matter for which it had been convened. The chair wanted the question settled then and there, but no one had the nerve to complete the programme. It was a grand and great expulsion of wind and we congratulate the 4th ward politicians upon their purification. Hurrah for the Cheyenne and Arapahoe district.

P. S. Harmony did not prevail in this meeting. Bros. Atkinson and Klopf neglected to bring along their bottle of soothing syrup.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

T. J. Mitts had Jake Endicott arrested for driving over his boy July 4. The action came to trial last Friday before Judge Bryant and the defendant came out clear.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Billy Gray arrested Ed. Vaughan's team Monday for being hitched in front of Albert Worthley's residence. Vaughan was taken before Judge Bryant and fined $3 and costs, which amounted to $7.50. With the exception of $1, the costs were knocked off. If it had been a white man, he could have gotten loose someway. As it was, it was only a poor "nigger."

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

The Bantam Hen Society gave their fair in Highland Opera House last Friday evening. It was a grand success. The little ladies were splendid hostesses and treated their guests right royally. The REPUBLICAN extends thanks to the little Misses for a treat to ice cream and cake. We were not in attendance because the date of the entertainment slipped our memory or we should give them a more extended notice.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Judge Bonsall last Tuesday took three different pictures of scenes presented by the businessmen's excursion. The first was of the "Kansas Millers." Next was a scene on the bank down in the territory and the next was at meal time on board the steamer. Judge has the pictures for sale and those wanting one should call on him.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

DIED. William H. Gray, son of Mrs. A. H. Gray, living in the east part of town, died at his mother's residence last Sunday at 12 o'clock m. Mr. Gray was 30 years, 6 months, and 7 days old, and had been an invalid for several years. The cause of his death was dropsy. The funeral took place at the Baptist Church Monday at 10 o'clock a.m. The services were conducted by Rev. F. L. Walker, assisted by Rev. J. O. Campbell. The remains were interred in the Riverview Cemetery.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Rev. Buckner in his sermon last Sunday pronounced quite a eulogy on the REPUBLICAN, saying in connection, that it was the only paper in the city that had the requisite backbone to stand up for its principles. Receiving commendations from a minister in the pulpit is greater reward than we ever dreamed of. We can stand Mayor Schiffbauer's profane language against us now with becoming meekness. We prefer the endorsement of the man of God to that of "his honor."

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

It appears from the following that we are not the only faberizers who demand reform in our city. "Fritz," a correspondent of the Courier, says: "We have as good a city marshal as there is in the state, but the ignorance and stupidity of the city attorney and the police judge make justice a myth in our police court. Besides this, there are things that demand the attention of our county officers. No one with good horse sense believes that it is necessary for each one of six or seven drug stores to fill from 300 to 500 statements for intoxicating liquors each month, in order to keep our people in a good state of health. If the druggists filling this number of statements don't believe it is actually necessary for them to do so, they ought to be `pulled for the violation of the law,' and if they do deem it necessary to dispense that much whiskey, they have not judgment enough to be trusted with the sale of the liquor and Judge Gans should look after their permits. It is a sad fact that A. C. is fast losing her fair reputation, and yet her citizens sit quietly by and see these things go on and multiply under their very noses without so much as making an effort to suppress them. These evils should be crushed in their incipiency and not allowed to go unrestrained until they assume such proportions that it will be almost impossible to eradicate them."


Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Lew Northey is on the sick list.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

J. J. Clark went to Winfield Wednesday.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

A. J. Pyburn visited Winfield Monday.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Master Willie Aldridge is very sick.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Abe Rosenfield visited Wellington over Sunday.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Miss Lizzie Wilson went to Winfield Monday to attend normal.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Sept Andrews went over to Wellington Saturday to visit a few days.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

H. M. Bacon and wife returned to their home Thursday at Armstrong, Kansas.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

J. J. Clark came home from the east Tuesday, where he had been to ship his cattle.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Geo. Heitkam and Guy Sparks took in the ball game at Winfield Thursday.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Edward Allen, a cousin of Dr. J. A. Mitchell, of Warren County, Illinois, is in the city visiting.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Mrs. C. C. Sollitt left Wednesday for a month's visit to Chicago among relatives and friends.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

The families of John and Frank Love visited the Territory yesterday on a pleasure trip.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Mrs. J. H. Sparks and children, who have been visiting in Illinois, returned home Friday of last week.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

W. R. Owens and family are now living at Higley, Orange County, Florida. He writes for the REPUBLICAN.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

W. S. Upp and family have moved their household effects to rooms over his store and commenced housekeeping.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Miss Lizzie Gatwood left Thursday for a visit to Topeka, Lawrence, and Kansas City. She will be gone several weeks.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

BIRTH. Born to W. R. Smith and wife last Sunday night, a daughter. Weight 11 pounds. The REPUBLICAN has not smoked yet.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Joe Hoyt is busily engaged in building a fence around his lot. Joe is very skillful in that kind of gymnastic exercise.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Miss Annie Meigs no longer furnishes the abstracts of title from her father's office. Her health will not admit of being housed up so closely.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Mrs. D. S. Obed [? NOT SURE OF LAST NAME], who has been visiting at the residence of R. E. Grubbs for several days, returned home to Carbondale Thursday. Mrs. Grubbs accompanied her as far as Wichita, where she is paying friends a visit.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Mowry went to Wichita Monday. Mr. Mowry came home Tuesday last, but Mrs. Mowry will visit friends in that city a few weeks.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

T. B. Swain, of the firm of Andrews & Swain, came over from Wellington Monday to give Sept. Andrews a few days of needed rest at his brother's home.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Ethel, the little sister of Mrs. Mat Aldridge, was unexpectedly called to her home at Topeka, last Tuesday, by the death of her sister who resided there.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Mrs. Allie Bishop came down from Winfield Thursday night and took a pleasure trip on our new steamboat yesterday. She returned home today.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Mrs. Chas. Schiffbauer, who has been visiting in Kansas City, returned home Monday. She was accompanied by Mrs. John Carney, who will visit in the city for a few weeks.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

L. C. Deets left last Saturday for Cheney to visit friends. From there he will go to Des Moines, Iowa, where he will accept a position for a wholesale stationery establishment.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Miss Hattie Glotfelter, who has filled Miss Gary's place in the Register office for several months, returned to Arkansas City Saturday last. Miss Hattie is the daughter of J. L. Glotfelter.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Riley Rogers has gone into the fruit business. He buys and ships all kinds of fruits. Mr. Rogers and family have gone to housekeeping in the A. E. Kirkpatrick property on north 6th street.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Will Mowry, while in Wichita Monday, met Robt. Maxwell. Bob has a lucrative situation in H. M. Stewart's drug store. He sent the necessary wherewith for the REPUBLICAN down with Mr. Mowry. The REPUBLICAN and Bob both extend thanks to Will for the accommodation he rendered them.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Wilbur Hill and Bert Van Pane, of Saginaw, Michigan, have been visiting at the residence of C. R. Sipes this week. These gentlemen are cattlemen and were on their way to their ranches near the Sac & Fox agency in the Territory. The company of which these gentlemen are members have 8,000 head of cattle.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Geo. Allen has assumed the charge of the farm department of Meigs & Nelson's real estate agency. We know George to be a rustler and we congratulate Meigs & Nelson on securing as good a man as Mr. Allen to work for them. The painting firm of Allen & Thomas has dissolved, but the business will be continued by Mr. Thomas.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

The members of the 4th of July committee are called to meet at the office of W. D. Kreamer on Saturday evening at 8 p.m. to consider the request of a large number of donors to the 4th of July fund, and appropriate the surplus to assist the Arkansas Valley Guards in building an armory. A full attendance of the committee is earnestly requested.

HENRY T. SUMNER, Chairman of Committee.
Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

At the 4th ward indignation meeting last Friday, one of the orators of the evening mentioned the fact that a bill of $2.50 had been allowed for hack hire at the time of the drowning of Willie Rike, as an example of the irregular doings of the city council. The hack was ordered and used by the city marshal, as he had a right to under the circumstances. The bill if it had been presented to the father of the deceased would have been promptly paid. We venture to say he had no knowledge of the bill until he read of its allowance in the REPUBLICAN by the council. It was a city bill and the council did right by allowing it. A man must be extremely penurious who will so degrade himself under such sad circumstances as those pertaining to the drowning, as to enter a protest against the paying of a livery bill by the city when used by an official in the discharge of his duty. The REPUBLICAN regrets to announce the fact that we have a citizen who is so pushed for argument that he advances such a statement in behalf of his cause. If we had no more fault to find with the city council than that mentioned above, we could conscientiously say, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Your acts are righteous, proceed with your good work." We should think that any human being having a particle of common sense would have enough regard for the feelings of the family of the deceased not to drag the matter up in a public meeting and air it. Such fault-finding with the city council as this deserves the hearty condemnation of all. As this matter was published in one of our city papers and spoken of in a mass meeting, we feel justified in condemning it in our columns.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Tannehill Tidings.
Stacking and plowing is the order of the day.

The shrill whistle of the steam thresher is heard on every hand, and the farmers smile and think of invention's power.

Some of our young folks, about eight couples, while down at the celebration in Arkansas City, called at Judge Bonsall's office and ordered one hundred and ninety-two pictures. But when the ambitious "beaux" had counted over their change, they found that they could not pay for a photo apiece; then they kindly asked the privilege of withdrawing their proposition. The Judge granted their request. The girls, they said, "Ah, well, such fellows."

They are trying to organize a base ball club at Tannehill.

Mr. W. F. Craddock and Miss Flora Sumpter of Tannehill are attending the normal.

Harry Crutcher made a little too much "racket" in J. W. Browning's yard Sunday, hurling his little cuss words at J. H. Watts. He went to Winfield Monday and paid $24 for his tantrum.

G. R. Teter of Beaver paid $12 fine for boisterous conduct in Winfield on last Sunday. Two more of our boys are wanted. The boys are not so much to blame, but the "medicine" they get in Winfield creates a fighting disposition.

Mr. H. T. Bayless and Ben. Cantrell had a little skirmish in Winfield on Monday. It seems that Cantrell followed Bayless around and dealt him a terrible blow, whereupon Bayless returned the compliment. The authorities appeared on the sceneCantrell took "leg bail." Bayless listened to the police judge while he defined city lawpaid "His Honor" $12 and returned to Beaver.

"Gov. Wright" and Garnet Burks are studying law, with the assistance of B. F. Craddock.

Irvin Graves loaned his buggy to the "boys" Sunday, and when they returned it, it was found to be in a dilapidated condition.

A wagon load of young bloods, returning from Winfield Saturday evening, had the bottom of their wagon box strewed with beer bottles. We wonder what druggist of the "Hub" could tell where they obtained their beer. LAPSUS LINGUAE.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Last summer during August, G. W. Ramage, of Pleasant Valley Township, was ploughing in a field. In some way he knocked his watch out of his pocket without knowing it and it was covered up in the furrow. He did not know where he had dropped the timepiece, so he went on and sowed his wheat crop, cut, and stacked it, and last Friday he commenced breaking up. He kept a careful lookout for his watch and finally turned it up. He brought it to town and had Ridenour & Thompson make needed repairs. It was an open face four ounce case watch with P. S. Bartlett's works. After laying on the ground for 11 months, the only repair needed was the removal of some rust which accumulated around the main post.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

The REPUBLICAN contains more local news than any paper in Arkansas City. It is the largest paper published in the Terminus. The REPUBLICAN does not promise its readers a nine-column paper when they subscribe for it and then reduce it to an eight column because of hard times. We stick to our contract.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Gov. Martin's Protest.
TOPEKA, KANSAS, July 11. The governor today addressed a letter to the secretary of the interior, protesting against the proposed transfer of the Apache Indians from Arizona to "No Man's Land." The governor allows many reasons why the transfer would be dangerous to the public peace. In closing he says: "I sincerely hope that the suggestion said to have been made that the Apaches be transferred to "No Man's Land," will not be accepted by the authorities of the United States. I protest against its acceptance, as an evasion and violation of the clear purpose and spirit of the law of February 17, 1879. I protest against the location of these lawless and blood-thirsty Indians in a region contiguous to the homes of thousands of peaceful citizens of the United Statesin a region from whence at any moment they could invade the borders of three states of the Union, murdering and destroying all in their pathway.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

The Cattlemen's Side.
KANSAS CITY, July 9. The following, which will be published here tomorrow, is the telegram to which Secretary Lamar replied today, as mentioned in the Washington press dispatches.

Kansas City, July 10. To Hon. L. Q. C. Lamar, Secretary, Department of Interior, Washington, D. C. The letter of Representative Sayers of Texas, July 2, also the telegrams of Sayers and Governor Ireland of July 3, concerning the Texas cattle trail obstructions, contain many wrong and misleading statements. The sketch showing the trail is decidedly wrong. The official Cherokee map mailed you proves this. The herds in question are not above suspicion. These cattle do impart fever. The opposition to the passage of the cattle is made solely from the fear of fever, all charges to the contrary notwithstanding, and can be clearly and satisfactorily proven. The same cattle have been repeatedly stopped and turned from passage across Texas by injunctions within the state of Texas by Texas citizens. Large numbers of cattle not infected have passed without opposition. The trail agreement at the Dallas convention was made solely on the part of the Texas men, who were not affected. Those on the border were decidedly opposed to it. All offers to establish a trail for this class of cattle from the south to the north line of the state of Texas were largely opposed and defeated by Texas men. The trails used heretofore are cut off at the Kansas line by the quarantine law. The land within these trails in the Cherokee Nation, composing nearly 1,000,000 acres, is paid for by the lessees. By sufferance Texas herds both infected and uninfected were allowed to follow these trails heretofore and ranchmen made no objection to the passage of cattle on these trails. But when attempts are made to push out sideways from these trails, through the pastures, opening new trails three to five miles wide, through lands for which rental is paid, and where no trail ever existed, spreading disease, decided opposition is met. That the opposers are perfectly right cannot be disputed when all of the facts in the case are known clearly. Hundreds of law abiding citizens occupying the country in question, with valuable herds representing a lifetime of savings, deserve protection more than a few traffickers in infectious cattle. The few northern Colorado speculators bought their Texas cattle, expecting to enter Colorado in direct violation of their own state laws. But the southern Colorado men are determined that the law shall be properly enforced, and the passage of these cattle through Bent and Las Animas prevented. Clearly then their getting through the Territory will avail nothing. Occupants of the country through which it is wanted to pass the infectious cattle have suffered enormous losses from year to year by Texas fever from the slight contacts with the before mentioned trails, and hence know full well the wholesale destruction that would result from permitting infectious cattle to pass over their ranges. The charge that the opposers of the passage of these cattle are doing so to depreciate prices in order to buy cheaply is a misrepresentation. Not one of them wishes to purchase such cattle. Reference is made to the recent unanimous opposing of the resolutions by their association. The driving of these cattle from one state or territory to another is a palpable violation of the animal industry law. The occupants of the country feel that the attempt of Texas to force infectious cattle upon them, involving losses of hundreds of thousands of dollars to themselves and parties throughout the entire country without remuneration, is an injustice and an outrage and demands that before the government sanctions it or becomes a party to it a full investigation be made in support of the facts as herein stated. The occupants ask only for a fair hearing. The reasonableness of their demand is shown by the quarantine laws of Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, and the territories north, and also the fact that the same cattle cannot get passageway through the state of Texas, except by railroad.

(Signed) W. A. TOWERS, T. A. LEE, Committee for Live Stock Association.
Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Another Protest.
KANSAS CITY, July 11. The following was telegraphed the Secretary of the Interior tonight.

KANSAS CITY, July 11. HON. L. C. Q. LAMAR, SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT INTERIOR, WASHINGTON, D.C. Your telegram of the 11 last was received. Our message seems to have misconstrued, and it is manifest that we have unfortunately failed to state the actual situation so as to be understood at Washington. We now wish to state most respectfully, but also most distinctly and positively, that there are and have been no obstructions to the passage of herds over any trails which have ever been used. No objection is made by ranchmen to the passage of cattle over old trails. Your inspector will not find them open. We desire to make ourselves clearly understood as stating to you that the owners of these infected herds are now attempting to drive and scatter them through pastures and over ranges where no trails have ever been made. We invite your special attention to this fact which we think cannot have been understood by you. Past experience teaches emphatically that this means the wholesale destruction of the cattle ranging thereon, and which have been placed there with leases made with, at least the tacit approval of the government, and in the belief that the established trails for the passage of cattle would continue to be used, and without any apprehension that herds would attempt to leave such trails and be driven through their pastures. The truth of the statements of this and our first can be established to your satisfaction, and we respectfully ask you a careful examination of them before any summary measures, intimated in your message, be adopted. The herds being driven up are infected and their owners know it, and their assertions to the contrary are simply pretenses. The experience of years must be ignored to credit such statements.

(Signed) W. A. TOWERS, THOS. A. LEE.
Committee for the Live Stock Association of southern Colorado, Kansas, Northern Texas, Missouri, and the Indian Territory; representing 2,500,000 or 3,000,000 head of

improved American cattle.

Mr. Lee, in an interview tonight, cites in support of the statement made to Secretary Lamar the resolutions adopted by the various cattle associations of southern Colorado, Kansas, the Indian Territory, and northern Texas, last spring, all uniting in a determination to prevent the passage of southern Texas cattle over their ranges. He asserts that the only interference which has been offered is in preventing infecting cattle from leaving the trail and crossing pastures where there is no trail. He also states that Secretary Lamar's order today is similar to that of Secretary Teller, and the latter's was an order to open an old trail which had been sometime enclosed within numerous fenced pastures, while Secretary Lamar's order is to open a trail, which, as is maintained, the citizens have not attempted to close.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

When to Look for a Cyclone.
A gentleman who has been in five tornadoes tells the Kansas City Times how a cyclone cloud may be invariably distinguished.

"It seems to me that the people allow themselves to be very easily frightened by a little wind," said a well known gentleman yesterday. "I know a cyclone is not a thing to be desired," he continued. "I have been through five tornadoes and have no wish to experience another. But then there is no use getting scared the moment the wind commences to blow. There are certain ways in which the approach of a cyclone can be discovered, and people ought to learn how to distinguish this kind of a storm from an ordinary blow."

"Well, what are the distinguishing features?"

"I will tell you. In the first place a cyclone north of the equator always comes from the southwest. Then its appearance of a local cloud. When you see the clouds extend from one side of the horizon to the other, you may know there is no danger of a cyclone. In addition to all this, the temperature must be below 70 degrees and the barometer below 29 inches. They never occur in this latitude except in April and May and the 1st part of June. So you see there is no danger of a cyclone now, although there is every probability that we shall have severe wind storms before the summer is all over."

"What about the theory that cyclones are the result of a meeting between two currents of cold air?"

"It is merest nonsense. If this were true, July and August would be the months they would appear, as I have just said, except when the temperature is down low. The cyclone is nothing more than an electric storm. The earth refuses to receive the electricity that is constantly being generated and it accumulates in a mass. This is demonstrated by the fact that a cyclone is never attended by violent peals of thunder, which indicates that the electricity is being taken up by the earth, but instead a sharp crackling noise is heard. I have been in five cyclones and have had abundant opportunity for observing the phenomena. I predicted the approach of the one that passed through this city two years ago an hour before it appeared, and hid myself in a hole in the river bank. The cloud came up from the southwest. An immense pink colored bag descended from the apex of the funnel. When the cyclone struck the river, it threw the water two hundred feet in the air; the electricity changing to a cream color. It had a different effect on the trees and shrubbery and seemed to change everything about to a pink color as it cut its way through the woods, leaving not a spear of grass standing in its wake. But then this has nothing to do with how to tell when a cyclone is approaching. When it comes, it will make its presence known clearly enough. Always look for a small cloud in the southwest, a temperature below 70, and a barometer about 29 inches."

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

The People vs. City Government.
The dissatisfaction concerning our city government is not the result of unfair criticisms of prejudiced newspapers, nor is the dissatisfaction confined to a few "hot-heads"; but the dissatisfaction is wide-spread and results from the moral weakness of the city government itselfnot for the want of confidence in the city government but for the lack of ability in the city government to inspire confidence.

It is openly confessed the city attorney is incompetent; that the police judge is incompetent; that the street commissioner and others are incompetent. And, as a result, it follows that the council who appointed the city attorney are incompetent as a body. The appointment of one incompetent man is a pardonable mistake; but the appointment of the entire complement of incompetent officials is as unpardonable as it is intolerable.

The incumbent of the police judgeship is a good man, but a poor judge. Gen. Grant was a competent military leader, but a lamentable failure as a financier. Charley as a man and citizen is acceptable, but as a judge is a failure.

The street commissioner may be a gentleman, but what man with eyes does not know that in some wards the streets are not worked at all and in others where the streets are worked, the work is poorly done.

Besides all his favors in the way of hiring help are bestowed upon a few"myself and wife and my son John and his wife." Now the city pays enough to have our work well done. The street commissioner for the month of June last, notwithstanding it was a wet month and had the usual complements of Sabbaths, reported twenty-nine days work done and received pay for same. The city council seems disposed to allow any bill so as it comes from the right direction.

The city was taxed for police service outside of the corporate limits of the city on the Fourth of July. Not only this pittance is lost, but just the amount of money which slid out on that desecrated national Sabbath, witness saith not. Now, in addition to the above, how much is the city liable for by way of unsuccessful litigation. What are our prospects for reformation. True, Mr. Stafford has been sacrificeda jewel removed; but the ring remains. Every official with whom the people are dissatisfied stick where they were stuck, and give no promise of better things. We care not whether our city dads are old or young, handsome or homely, rich or poor, so they own real estate if no more than one poor fifteen dollar lot; so they give us a good impartial government. I would suggest, however, the best way to get rid of the rats is to burn the old barn and build a new oneon a site of lawful eligibility.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

A Falsehood.
KANSAS CITY, July 15. A telegram from Arkansas City last night says: "Several bands of Cheyenne Indians, numbering from five to fifty, have been seen south of the state line and a few have come into town, but not painted. The local militia has been ordered and ammunition provided them. They are under orders to be ready to move forward at a moment's notice. A courier from the Cheyenne Agency to Arkansas City says the whole tribe is leaving the agency in squads of twenty-five and fifty, and spreading to the north, east, and west, forcing cattle men to provide them with rations."

The above dispatch is highly sensational. There have been no Cheyennes in this vicinity for six months. The sender of the above evidently saw some Kaws who were camped south of town. The militia has not been ordered out. There is not an iota of truth to the above dispatch.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

AD. Don't make the mistake of buying a lot of cheap goods just because the price seems small. Many parties are now regretting this fact: IT NEVER PAYS.

Notwithstanding some parties are offering a few articles at a low price, the reliable Dry Goods Establishment of

Continues to meet all competition in our line by selling goods which can be Guaranteed to give Satisfaction. Another point is, our stock is LARGE, BRIGHT, CLEAR, AND FRESH.

And our customers are not compelled to select from a refused lot of odds and ends. We invite a careful inspection. Your friends,

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 25, 1885.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 25, 1885.

In Honor of the Dead Hero.
The Grant mass meeting of the citizens at Highland Opera House Thursday evening was well attended. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Schiffbauer and Judge Sumner was chosen chairman and Frederick Lockley secretary. The meeting was held in respect of the dead hero, Gen. Grant, and to make preparations for the observance of his funeral. Remarks were made by Chairman Sumner, Revs. Fleming, Campbell, and Buckner, T. J. Stafford, and others. Committees were appointed as follows.

On arrangements: A. J. Pyburn, Cal. Dean, Frederic Lockley, Revs. Campbell, and Buckner, Al. Mowry, and Maj. Sleeth.

On resolutions: Frederic Lockley, Judge McIntire, and Maj. Sleeth.

The G. A. R. appointed the following committee on arrangements, which unites with the citizen's committee. Dr. C. R. Fowler, J. P. Musselman, Jim Ridenour, S. J. Rice, S. C. Lindsay, D. D. Bishop, and Col. E. Neff. The committee were instructed to meet at the Mayor's office yesterday morning at 9 o'clock and report, and the meeting adjourned.

At 9:30 yesterday Mayor Schiffbauer called the committees to order and presided over the meeting. R. C. Howard was chosen secretary.

It was moved and seconded that the Opera House be utilized to hold the exercises in, and if that proved too small to accommodate the crowd that one of the churches of the city be held in reserve, and have memorial exercises at both places. And also that the military exercises be turned over to the Grand Army.

It was decided not to have an orator of the day, but that each speaker be limited to ten minutes' time, and that an invitation be extended to the ministry of the city and the legal fraternity and others to furnish these speeches.

The secretary was requested to inform Prof. J. W. Duncan that he had been selected by the committee to take charge of the singing exercises and that he also be instructed to extend an invitation to each church choir to join him in the furnishing of the music.

It was thought best to do nothing further until it was ascertained when the funeral would occur and see if a proclamation would not be issued directing the arrangement of the programme either from the president or commander-in-chief of the Grand Army.

On motion the meeting adjourned to meet at the call of the chairman.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 25, 1885.

Save Labor. GASOLINE AND COAL OIL, Furnished and Delivered -BY- J. W. RUBY.

The delivery wagon will be around MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and SATURDAY.

Hang out Your Card.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 25, 1885.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 25, 1885.

The Cattle Troubles.
WASHINGTON, July 18. The secretary of the interior has received a number of tele- grams in regard to the cattle trails through the Indian Territory, some from drovers com- plaining that the trails are still obstructed, and others from stock growers requesting that cattle be not forced through until judicial ascertainment of the rights of the parties to the controversy be had. They also request that a veterinary surgeon be sent to the Indian Terri- tory to examine the condition of the herds. Secretary Lamar today sent the following mes- sage to Indian Inspector Armstrong at the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Agency in the Indian Territory.

"The trail leading from Fort Supply in a northerly direction, to and into the neutral strip, known as Camp Supply trail, must be opened for the passage of cattle, forcibly stopped, and for other purposes of interstate commerce. You will confer with Gen. Sheridan, who has instructions of every date herewith from the war department as to the adoption of measures best calculated to effectuate this order."

A telegram was also sent to Towers & Lee, cattlemen at Kansas City, detailing the instructions sent to the inspector and concluding as follows.

"You had a complete remedy. No acts of lawlessness, such as have been resorted to as the forcible and unauthorized detention of cattle, will be tolerated."

(Signed) L. C. Q. LAMAR, Secretary
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 25, 1885.

The Cheyenne Situation.
Special Dispatch to the Daily Eagle.
CHEYENNE AGENCY, INDIAN TERRITORY, July 18. Gen. Sheridan is now at Ft. Reno making himself familiar with the situation and deciding on a plan of action. Very few Indians are about the agency or post now, but have dispersed over the reservation. An Arapahoe (friendly) Indian came in last night with the news that a large band of Cheyennes had turned their horses into his corn field and ruined his corn crop. The war correspondents of the Chicago Tribune and Herald and Kansas City Times are here, and find by investiga-tion that the trouble at this agency originated long before the advent of the present agent or the grass leases, but that the department refused to listen to the reports; and finally, finding it was no use to complain, the wrongs were

Had it not been for the timely action of Col. Sumner and his troops, the trouble would have culminated in a massacre. Since then the Indians have been kept more or less inactive watching the troops stringing in, then waiting for Commissioner Armstrong, and finally awaiting the arrival of Gen. Sheridan. Magpie's band, recently raiding out west, had 147 horses and two large, fine mules when they passed Cantonement coming in. They kept the north side of the river." [ARTICLE SAID CANTONEMENT!]

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 25, 1885.

Another Protest.
KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI, July 18. Messrs. Towers & Lee, the committee represent- ing the anti-Texas cattlemen, sent a dispatch to Secretary Lamar tonight, saying that they had used the legal remedy open to them, and that only, and it is their intention to press the matter into the courts. They charge that the action of the department is such as to invite a violation of the animal industry law by all drovers of infectious Texas cattle, and state that already the Texas fever is spreading near Cantonment in the neighborhood of the herds in controversy. In conclusion they say: "We can only regret that our earnest appeal to you as the high official of the nation, who had the power, if he had the will, to protect us in our right, and save us from financial disaster, should have been in vain."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 25, 1885.

As a mild specimen of the atrocities perpetrated by Indians upon white settlers of the west, the Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette relates of the Apaches, against whose transfer from Montana to the Indian Territory Gov. Martin protests.

"These are the cheerful gentlemen who with their knives cut out the eyeballs of Tom Pugh, of Cincinnati, while he was yet alive, and committed such other atrocities upon him that one shrinks in horror from the thought of them.

"They are the same pleasant `wards of the government' who hung white women in Lake Valley up by the heels and bored their bodies through with the linch-pins of the emigrant wagons, heated red hot, after horribly outraging them and torturing and mutilating their husbands and children before their eyes.

"They are the same jolly companions who cut off the heads of Mrs. Hayes' infant and rolled it down the steep mesa amid yells and dancing before taking the mother in hand, who was forced to witness the act, as she had been forced to see the fire burning on the naked, prostrate form of her husband, with the long, sharp sticks driven into his eyes by the squaws, and hot wedges driven in his toe-nails.

"They are the same estimable citizens who butchered Judge McComas, wife, and son, and have in the last few years, committed many hundred atrocities of the kind I have little more than hinted at."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 25, 1885.

The "Kansas Millers" awakens the echoes near Arkansas City. It is the first steamboat that has ploughed the mad waves and sand bars of the Arkansas as high as Arkansas City. The trip up the river has demonstrated the fact that the Arkansas is navigable for such steamers as the "Kansas Millers." This will open a direct connection south and will greatly benefit Cowley County. Burden Eagle.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 25, 1885.

The Walnut Valley Times makes the following sensible remarks about the evasion of our assessment laws. "It makes us mad when we think of the weakness and evasion of our assessment laws. Our assessment for the purpose of taxation is a great big lie, told openly, boldly, and unblushingly. Pianos, watches, cattle, horses, hogs, corn, wheat, oats, and our lands and town lots are valued at a half, a third, a quarter, or a tenth of their real value, which is the standard the law requires all property to be assessed at. This is not enough. Shares of bank stock, bonds, notes, and mortgages, whose face value is actual value, are rated at taxation 60 percent. But the most outrageous and shameless proceeding in this farcical business is that money itself is listed for taxation at sixty percent. Where and who is the legislative Moses who will lead us out of this? The law and procedure under it challenge both the good sense and honesty of the state. It's a burning disgrace."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 25, 1885.

In the closing days of the last session of congress, the president was authorized, in his discretion, to appoint a commission to negotiate for the cession to the United States of the so-called Oklahoma country. The commission has not yet been appointed and it is understood that no action will be taken in regard to its authorized appointment until after the August election shall have been held by the five civilized nations of the Indian Territory. In the meanwhile, it is learned that the president and all the members of the cabinet are in accord that no white settlement shall be permitted on the Oklahoma lands under any circumstances, without the consent of the Indians under the terms of the treaty of 1866 and that the whole force of the government shall be employed, if necessary, to carry out the guarantees of that instrument.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 25, 1885.

"Cheeseparing Economy."
The Traveler has produced its second article on "Cheeseparing Economy." Like the former it lacks consistency as well as common sense. In speaking of the school board advertising for bids for the janitorship of the city schools, it says:

"When a private employer wishes to engage a hand, he makes his want known, and takes the best suitable man from the applicants for the place on his agreeing to serve for the price named. But our school trustees resort to a different method. They advertise in a city paper for sealed proposals from those seeking the office, with the eager applicant to name his price, and the award to be given to the lowest responsible bidder, the board reserving the right to reject any and all bids. We condemn this proceeding as wrong in principle. It is setting one needy man to bid against a host of others, and results in grinding the face of the poor. The service is worth so much, and the trustees, eight in number, as businessmen know what it would be [?cannot read next word?] to the taxpayers to pay for such an office. They mistake their duty to the public if they suppose it behooves them to run the wages of their employees down to starvation point, and pauperize those whom they have dealings with."


The writer of the above tries to manufacture a mountain out of a molehill. The criticism is unjust. A school board is justified in advertising for bids for the letting of any city work. The school trustees of last year advertised for bids for a similar purpose. They also advertised for bids for the building of the Central School House. According to the Traveler's theory, this was all wrong. They were grinding the face of the poor. They should have themselves, being businessmen, made an estimate of the cost and awarded the contract to some individual without regard to competition. Each man who bids for the janitorship of the school buildings well knows what he values his own services at, and he makes out his bid accordingly. The board looks over the several bids received and from them it makes a selection. In this manner they get the work done at a reasonable figure. `Tis not the grinding of the poor, but it is a discretion the board should use to keep extortionate wages from being charged. It is just to advertise for bids to erect a schoolhouse, it is also just to advertise for bids to take care of them. It is evident that the editor of the Traveler is deficient in business tact, when he tries to knock competition out of business circles in this western country and especially our own bright sunny state. That is impossible. The motto of the state is competition.

Arkansas City has had a little experience in the non-bidding plan. We refer to the action of last year's defunct city council on the water works question. O'Neil came along and told that body he would put in works and they accepted his proposal without a competitive bid or investigation. It was the people's money that had to pay for it and the city dads could afford to spend it freely. If bids had been asked for it would have been "grinding the face of the poor," you know. Poor O'Neil!

It appears that the editor of the Traveler has been receiving instructions from certain members of that dead body or he is not aware of the meaning of the subject on which he writes. The REPUBLICAN illustrates its idea of "cheeseparing economy" with the following example.

We will suppose that a man is publishing a nine column newspaper; business gets dull and the publisher immediately reduces his sheet to an eight column until business revives. By this "cheeseparing economy" for a few weeks the subscribers of the paper are cheated out of four columns of reading matter, each week, and the publisher violates his contract.

When the council let the city printing a short time ago, they asked for bids from the three printing offices. The Traveler never made mention of this "grinding of the poor" printers; "of this setting up one needy man against a host of others." It did not dare for fear of decapitation. If the Traveler should happen to open its tiny mouth and whisper "cheeseparing economy" in regard to that matter, it would offend its "bosses." But we wonder if that sheet won't advocate the awarding of the janitorship to the 5 percent less man. We believe Bro. Lockley needs company.

In the REPUBLICAN's advocacy of the removal of the ex-city attorney for incompetency, the Traveler for a time did all in its power to thwart our purpose. Upon discovering that it had pursued the wrong course in regard to the matter some weeks ago, it did not have the courage to come out and say that it was in the wrong; that the editor's credulity had been imposed upon by scheming persons. To be cognizant of a wrong and unwilling to confess it makes a double wrong. The animus of the Traveler is apparent. If it had been selected by the school board to do its advertising, all would have been lovely. As it was not, hence the howl.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 25, 1885.

General Sheridan has induced the Cheyennes to assemble at the agency. They fear that they are to be disarmed and are unanimous in their opposition to such a procedure. They claim that they paid a big price for their arms, spot cash, and that should the government take their guns and revolvers, it would be months and maybe years before the accounts could be verified and properly audited, the appointment made, and the Indian get his money back, which money they had got in payment for freighting and selling their stock.

A Kansas City Times special dispatch from Ft. Reno, Indian Territory, of the 21st inst. says.

"The Arapahoes number 1,500 instead of 2,000; and the Cheyennes will not show over 3,000 people. The Indians offered to give up all their arms and horses to the commissioner, who refused them, because if they received money, they could go to Caldwell and buy more. Agent Dwyer has tendered his resignation, claiming that he has not had proper support from the department in enforcing the law and order on refractory Indians. Should his resignation be accepted and a new agent appointed, it is uncertain whether the Indians would be obedient to his orders or not. The troops are being gradually withdrawn from here to their proper stations. Troop I of the Fifth cavalry has gone to Fort Supply, and A of the Fourth infantry for temporary duty at Cantonment. Others will start in a day or two."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 25, 1885.

After mature consideration the president and cabinet have reached the conclusion that the leases of land in the Indian Territory held by cattlemen are invalid, and it has been determined to take steps to have them set aside. Gen. Sheridan has reported that no permanent settlement of Indian Territory troubles can be effected while the cattlemen are in possession of the best lands, and it is the intention of the president to remove the disturbing element and reserve the territory for the exclusive occupation of the Indians. The method of procedure has not been determined. A presidential proclamation may be issued, but it is regarded by well informed persons as more probable that action will be begun in the United States courts of the western district of Kansas, having jurisdiction over the territory, looking to a declaration of the invalidity of leases.

It was a bad day for the cattlemen when Gen. Sheridan entered the territory, and it will go pretty hard with a good many.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 25, 1885.

Answer to T. D. Ross.
ED. REPUBLICAN: In an article written by T. D. Ross, I will say he proves himself to be a terrible ignoramus or doesn't try to inform himself when he says our city dads allowed 29 days work in June when the bid says May, and June also. When he says I hire help on the street, if he has any common sense, he knows that I have not hired a day's work done this spring. Now, Mr. Ross, you are mad because the street commissioner would not let you put your rotten manure in that fill at west canal bridge to pay your occupation tax and beat the city. Oh, you are a nice man to holler reform. When the street commissioner came in your ward, you and yours were the last men to come out and work or pay, which you have not done yet. You may be an honest man, but things don't look that way to a man up a tree.

J. M. MOORE, Street Commissioner.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 25, 1885.

A Card. To our friends and patrons who so cheerfully assisted us during our recent fire, we are deeply indebted. The loss, serious as it is, is much more easily borne, knowing that we have the sympathy of our friends. KROENERT & AUSTIN.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 25, 1885.

Notice. Any parties who hold bills incurred by the drowning of my son, William, will do me a favor by presenting the bill to me. Respectfully, J. L. RIKE.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 25, 1885.



Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 25, 1885.




Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 25, 1885.


Suits Cut and Made to Order in the Latest Style and at reasonable Prices.


Done in the Neatest Manner.

All work Warranted and Finished when Promised.

Call at "Brunswick's Arcade Clothing House," Commercial Block.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

We would say to the people in general that we are building a new store room, and we are going to reduce our stock in the next 30 days to avoid expense and trouble of moving them. We, therefore, offer you extra inducements in Hardware of every description, Tinware, and Cooking Stoves. We will sell you AT COST(for cash). Don't miss this opportunity for bargains. Respectfully Yours, G. W. MILLER & CO.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.



Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

R. E. Grubbs has a full stock of fancy goods in his fruit stand.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Fresh Roasted Coffee every day at Kroenert & Austin's.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

CHEAP MONEY: $200 to $10,000 to loan. MEIGS & NELSON.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Horse Timers for sale at E. L. McDowell's jewelry establishment.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

We hire the finest line of mowers in the market. Step in and SEE; at the Shabby Front.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

"Put in water works," should be the cry of everyone. Let our home mechanics do the work.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Geo. Hagar, of West Bolton Township, had a good yield of oats. Off of 15 acres he raised 937 bushels.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

The Border nine will play the Wichita base ball club next Monday or Tuesday if nothing happens to prevent.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

We buy our coffee green; roast it ourselves. Buy and be happy.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

The Winfield Cyclone base ball club has blown itself to pieces again. They were not anxious to tackle the Border club with a just umpire.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

The Lawn Social given by the Busy Workers of the M. E. Sunday school last Friday evening was well attended and an enjoyable time was had by all.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Friday evening of last week the members of the Christian Church held a social at the residence of Rev. Witt. The event was fully appreciated by those present.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

The Courier remarks that the Cyclone club allowed the Border club to beat them the last game just to encourage the boys. Pretty good encouragement is $120.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

The Blackberry and Ice Cream social given by the Mite Society at Central Avenue Hotel last Friday evening was liberally patronized. About twelve dollars were the receipts.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

R. E. Grubbs is buying all the peaches and plums he possibly can. He shipped 50 boxes of peaches Wednesday to the trading post of Finney, Schiffbauer & Co., at Kaw Agency.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

We are informed that M. N. Sinnott will move his family back here in a few weeks, while he remains in Winfield to attend to his clerical duties. Sharp man is that Sinnott. He knows which is the best town for a post office.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

The Courier started a boom for a Cowley County editorial excursion down the "Ragin' Rackensack." The REPUBLICAN would like to make an amendment. Why not take in Sedgwick, Butler, Sumner, and Cowley? Have a boat load, you know.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Frank Austin is in receipt of two letters from Leavenworth officials stating that they have two fire engines for sale. From the description given, there is a great bargain in them. We will publish the letters in full next week. One of the engines can be had for $1,800, with hose cart and hose complete.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Arkansas City Visited Once Again by the Devouring Flames.
Last Monday night between 11 and 12 o'clock the cry of "fire" rang out upon the still night, and the gentle Kansas zephyrs wafted the sound to the ponderous ears of the REPUBLICAN reporter. Springing from our bed, of downon the floorwe hastily donned the first article we placed our hands on and started on a dead run for the scene of the conflagration. We were among the first to arrive and we found the St. Louis Restaurant and Grimes & Son's Drug Store almost enveloped in flames. The fire had gained so much headway that it was impossible to put it out.

The predominating idea was to save Mowry & Sollitt's brick drug store, and leave the old frame buildings go. In accordance with the view, the hose was turned on the Pickle building while the excited populace attempted to tear down the building occupied by A. G. Heitkam with his tailoring establishment, but the heat from the burning buildings was so excessive that the crowd turned its efforts to tearing out the Diamond Front building.

The fire spread in both directions and in 20 minutes after the origin of the fire, the St. Louis Restaurant, Grimes & Son's Drug Store, Chas. Bundrem's Meat Shop, D. L. Means' Implement House, and O. F. Lang's Restaurant were in ashes.

By the time the fire had got a good hold on Heitkam's Tailor Shop, the Diamond Front building had been torn out and the brick drug store was saved.

The nine buildings were burned in about one hour and a quarter. After once getting a start, they went as if they had been saturated with coal oil. They were so dry and old that it is a wonder that the fire was not conveyed across the street by the great heat. The wind hardly stirred and by persistent efforts of everyone, the fire did not get into the brick buildings.

The fire originated in the rear of the St. Louis Restaurant. T. S. Moorhead, who rooms over C. R. Sipes' Hardware Store across the street, was sitting in the window of his room and saw the flames burst forth from that establishment. Some say the fire originated in the New York Restaurant, but it is a mistake, for when the REPUBLICAN representative arrived on the scene, this building had not caught fire. No one knows positively how the fire started, but the most probable theory advanced is that a tallow candle had been left burning in the St. Louis Restaurant, sitting on a board; and that the candle burned down to the board, setting it on fire. The flames were spread by the melted tallow on the board until they got a good start, and by the time it was discovered, they were past subjection. C. A. Burnett, the proprietor of the restaurant, had gone home, but we are informed that one of the employees was sitting in the business room asleep in a chair.

D. L. Means occupied the corner room with an implement stock. He carried a $3,000 stock and had only $1,000 of insurance. James Benedict owned the building and was carrying $500 insurance. His loss is probably in the neighborhood of $500.

The two next buildings were owned by Dr. J. T. Shepard and were occupied by Chas. Bundrem with his meat market and Grimes & Son with their drug stock. The doctor had $800 insurance on his buildings. Chas. Bundrem had $600 on his shop fixtures and Grimes & Son $1,500 on their drug stock. Dr. Shepard's loss above insurance was about $600, Mr. Bundrem about $300, and Grimes & Son about $1,300.

The building owned by Mrs. Wm. Benedict was insured for $300. Her loss was about $500 above insurance. C. A. Burnett occupied the building with his restaurant stock valued by him at $2,500. His insurance was $1,500.

John Gibson occupied the next room with his barber shop; he was insured for $350. He saved about half of his fixtures.

The next building was owned by S. B. Pickle and was not insured. O. P. Lang occupied it with his New York Restaurant stock. Mr. Lang carried $500 insurance and his loss was $500 above that amount.

The next was the barber shop of Frank Perryman. He saved all of his goods.

The building occupied by A. G. Heitkam was owned by J. H. Sherburne and was not insured. Mr. Heitkam carried $800 insurance on his own stock. His loss was about $400.

Next and last was the Diamond Front, owned by Kroenert & Austin. They carried insurance to the sum of $1,000 on the building and grocery stock. Their loss above insurance was $2,000.

Ivan Robinson's coal scales burned. Loss $200; no insurance.

D. L. Means has resumed business. He is now located in the first building west of his former Shabby Front. See his ad upon the inside of the REPUBLICAN.

Arkansas City Coal Company have commenced business again. Its office is one block west, where it was located before the fire.

Chas. Bundrem will open his meat market as soon as he can obtain a room.

C. A. Burnett will not open his restaurant again for awhile.

John Gibson will commence barbering as soon as he can get a room.

A. G. Heitkam will be on deck in a few days. He is busy hunting for a room.

Kroenert & Austin removed the stock saved from the burned Diamond Front to the skating rink room. This firm is fortunate in having two stores in operation. They can go right on and supply their trade without any hesitancy.

Some of the lot owners of the burnt district talk of re-building.

The crowd was bubbling over from excitement. Several parties fastened ropes to the Steadman Building and were pulling it to pieces, but were stopped by some clearheaded individual.

Ery Miller and C. Mead did good work with the hose in staying the flames.

Grimes & Son's statements were destroyed. We feel sorry for Judge Gans' pocket book this month.

Dave Beatty rushed into his meat shop, rolled out the meat blocks, pitched the scales out in the street, carried his ice from the refrigerator into the street, removed his stock of meat to across the canal, and then carried them all back the next morning. Probably Dave was the most excited man in town unless it was H. P. Farrar, who attached a rope to a maple tree and was trying to pull it out by the roots. He did not succeed.

Charley Hilliard saved an armful of broken ball bats.

Frank Hess had about $6,000 worth of insurance in the "burnt district." Snyder & Hutchison about $2,000; Meigs & Nelson, $850; Collins & Perry, $1,000; and J. L. Howard, $400.

We frequently hear those non-excitable people telling just how they could have put out the fire, but they took good care to stand off at a safe distance while the fire was raging. It was the excitable people who did the effective work.

Now is a good time to talk a system of water works. If we must have fires, we must have something to fight them with.


Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

DIED. Sunday morning one of the most terrible catastrophes that ever occurred in this section took place at Dawson's Ford, fourteen miles north of Winfield, up the Walnut River, in which six persons were drowned. Mr. and Mrs. Yanson Carmen, aged about 60, and their son Jay and his wife, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cotes started to cross the Walnut for a plumming expedition over on the Arkansas River. They were not very familiar with the ford, and their being no guide on board, the old gentleman did not discover the rise of four feet in the river during the night. His team, wife, and Mrs. Carman were drowned and he barely escaped. Cates' [? FIRST TIME HAD COTES?] wagon, containing four of the party, was some distance behind and when they came up, they saw no signs of the other party, and supposed they had crossed over, and so they drove in without hesitation. All four perished. The horses got loose and swam off. The parties were promising farmers of means and influence. But three of the bodies have been recovered.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

J. A. McCormick, the manager of Roberts & Sairs' cattle ranch near Cheyenne Agency was in the city this week. It was reported that Mr. McCormick had been hung by a vigilance committee because he branded cattle that did not belong to him. Later on the rumor was circulated that he had been scalped by the Cheyennes. The appearance of Mr. McCormick on our streets killed both reports. He says he was riding in and around the Cheyenne camp for a month and he has seen no trouble there. He said the Cheyennes made their "medicine," but that was all. The trouble which has been reported by the correspondents to newspapers is about all "bosh." We suggest that the Wichita Eagle's correspondent at Cheyenne Agency be suspended. He is the biggest newspaper liar of the age, if McCormick's report be true.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Mrs. M. C. Copple is on the sick list.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

S. P. Gould took in the excruciating village of Winfield Monday.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

J. C. Duncan is trying the efficiency of the waters of Geuda Springs.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Mrs. Wyatt Gooch, who has been visiting in Maine, arrived home Monday noon.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Miss Annie Lowry, of Winfield, is visiting at the residence of Mrs. Wm. Benedict.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

A. A. Newman, wife, and babies left yesterday for a visit in Maine and New York.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

DIED. H. H. Armstrong, a farmer residing north of town, died at 12 o'clock Thursday night.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Jack Hilliard came home last Saturday from his sea shore visit considerably improved in health.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

J. F. Dalzell sold his place just west of town Thursday to Dr. M. B. Vawter. The consideration was $1,850.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Mrs. E. J. Ingham and little Pearl Snyder left Tuesday afternoon for a visit to Jersey City and Saratoga.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Jack Thornton is the new barber at Deets' Red Front. He is a dandy. Alex Vaughan left for Montana Tuesday.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

County Attorney Asp and Probate Judge Gans have been investigating the sales of intoxicants at Burden this week.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Mrs. Lafe McLaughlin and son, Fred, returned from Maine last Friday. They had been visiting in that state about a month.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Miss Emma Wilson returned home yesterday from Americus, this state, where she has been visiting relatives for some weeks past.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Arthur W. Clarke will confer a favor to his distressed mother by leaving word at the post office.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

H. C. Deets has added another chair in his barber shop. John Weisenbaugh will superintend it. Mr. Deets now has four chairs in his shop.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

S. F. Davis leaves for a month's trip through the western counties the first of next week. He thinks of locating near Englewood, Clark County.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

S. P. Gould went up to Osawatomie the first of the week. Yesterday we saw him at his post in the book store. We wonder how he escaped?

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. T. V. McConn left Tuesday afternoon for Bloomfield, Iowa, where they went on a visit. Mrs. J. W. Hutchison accompanied them.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

E. Wilson and wife, of Independence, are visiting in the city at the residence of Will Moore, the popular groceryman. Mrs. Wilson is a sister of Will.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Ed. Gray came up from Osage Agency Monday. He has completed his clerical duties there, and we predict that he will again commence showing the faber.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

D. A. Luse, of Emporia, came down Saturday to visit the Schiffbauer Bros., and take a ramble in the Territory. Mr. Luse is a prominent merchant in that city.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

H. P. Goeden and Wm. Hamilton, who went out west and located claims in Meade County near Western Plains some time ago, came in Monday to see the folks.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Landon Banta, a young man who has been living at the residence of D. D. Bishop for several months past, returned to his home at Salem, Iowa, Tuesday.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Dick Watts, who has been clerking in the New York Restaurant for some time past, returned to his old home in San Francisco, California, today. Mr. Watts is a brother of Thomas Watts of the 4th ward.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

J. P. Musselman has purchased a fine 160 acre farm in Butler County. He traded his city property here for it besides paying some $2,000 difference in cash. The farm is valued at $6,000. We are informed that Mr. Musselman talks of removing to his purchase, but we hope it is untrue.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

C. B. Wolfe left for San Diego, California, Monday. Mr. Wolfe goes there on a prospecting tour. His wife is having bad health here, and the physician recommended a change of climate. If he procures a situation and the climate is beneficial to his wife's health, southern California will be his future home.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

D. Brunswick, of the Arcade clothing house, came over from Wellington Tuesday to insert his advertisement in the REPUBLICAN, telling the people that he is going to sell out and quit business in Arkansas City, as his business at home demanded all his attention. Mr. Brunswick means business and he is giving his customers rare bargains in clothing in order to dispose of all of his stock before his lease on his room expires. Call on him.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Ivan Robinson is no longer the proprietor of the Arkansas City Coal Company's yard. Frick Bros., have purchased Mr. Robinson's business. The office is now located at the yards one block west of Summit Street on Central Avenue. Messrs. Frick Bros., are thorough businessmen and gentlemen. They request a share of the patronage in their line of business. They will keep in stock all the time plenty of coal and wood. They also buy grain.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

The Lawn social at the residence of C. R. Sipes last Wednesday evening was an enjoyable affair. It was given by the young ladies of Class No. 5 of the Presbyterian Sunday school. The young ladies spared no effort to make the evening pleasant and entertaining for those who attended. Early in the evening those present were entertained by music and a recitation by Miss Mary Theaker. Excellent music was furnished by the serenading band, after which ice cream was served to all who desired it. A goodly number was present and each one spent a most pleasant evening.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Edward Grady has sold his lumber business to G. B. Shaw & Co., of this place. Mr. Grady will remain in charge of the business he has sold to Messrs. Shaw & Co., to close it out. This insures cheap lumber in order to close out his stock. Mr. Grady assures us that he will give bargains to those who come first. He has a large stock to select from, but the low prices he intends to make on his stock will no doubt make ready sales for all of it.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Samuel J. Smock, of Vernon Township, was in the city Tuesday. He called on the REPUBLICAN and in conversation informed us that he would be a candidate for the office of county clerk, subject to the decision of the Republican County Nominating Convention. Mr. Smock is an old soldier and has voted with the Republican party ever since he was old enough.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Tuesday afternoon we came near having another conflagration. A pile of straw and paper lying back of Howard Bros. Hardware Store was set afire by someone throwing a lighted cigar down, and it is supposed to have fallen among the trash and set it afire. It was extinguished with several buckets of water before the building caught.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Grimes & Son will open up their drug store in the room on South Summit Street formerly occupied by Mrs. J. H. Punshon with her millinery stock. Some of their new drug stock has already arrived.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

A portion of the Border Club went to Geuda Monday and played the nine of that city. The score was 39 to 22 in favor of the Border Nine. Only seven men of our club played. No purse was put up.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Notice. All parties indebted to J. W. Hutchison & Sons are requested to come in and settle before Aug. 1st. We need money.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.



Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Commerce is What it Takes to Secure an Appropriation From
The Government for the Improvement of the Upper Arkansas.
A meeting was held in rooms in the Hasie Block Tuesday evening by those interested in the navigation of the Arkansas River; about $1,000 more stock was subscribed to build Barges. It was determined to build the wooden barges immediately and have them carrying freight in 10 or 15 days. Work will commence as soon as the lumber arrives. The steel barges will be ready for use in about 60 days or as soon as they can be built. Capt. Moorhead had written to a boiler firm at Kansas City to send a man here to make estimates. He came Thursday. The reading of a letter received by Capt. Moorhead from a civil engineer in the employ of the government created new zeal for the enterprise. The following is an extract.

Mr. T. S. Moorhead, C. E.:

SIR: Referring to your letter of July 11th, I have to inform you that it is as yet an open question whether improvements should be extended above Fort Gibson, or not. A survey of the river has been made from Wichita, Kansas, to Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, during the past year. The notes are partially worked up in my office and when completed, a study will be made of the river and report made. Until this is done, it is not deemed advisable to expend any money above Fort Gibson, I. T. Your boat and plans materially alter the condition of things and it is your privilege to forward to this office such facts in regard to your plans for the commerce of the river as you may think advisable. You could not have arrived at a more opportune time, for in a few weeks I should have been obliged to state that there was little if any commerce, and of course that would have settled the question of improvement.

Your arrival opens up the subject anew. I know all about the river that is necessary, so you will do well to collect all the data as to how much freight and how many passengers you expect to carry. Please give facts and figures rather than theories. It seems to me that Kansas needs this southern outlet, and if the commerce is only sufficient, there is nothing to prevent my recommending improvements as high as Arkansas City, at least. You should collect statistics and have them signed by the leading businessmen of the place or surrounding section, forward the same to me by September 1st at least. I trust you will correspond freely with this office as it is my wish to render you all the assistance I legitimately can. I will try to visit Arkansas City in the Autumn in order to get better ideas of the needs of the section. The great determiner is commerce, present and prospective, however, and your best policy is to collect data along this line.

LATER. Just as we go to press, Maj. Searing comes in and announces that the contract has been closed for three steel barges with the Kansas City firm. One barge is to be 16 x 60 feet; and the other two, 12 x 60 feet. They will be done and in use by Sept. 1, 1885. The wooden barges will not be built.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

John Stafford, the new night watch, made his first arrest Wednesday night. Will Avery got drunk and created a disturbance. Stafford took him in about 9 o'clock, rushed up to the Police Judge's office, and sent for Bryant. It was some time before he could be found, and Avery became tired waiting. In order to get away, he leaped from Judge Kreamer's window onto the awning and from there to the hard ground, a distance of about 15 feet. Stafford took after him, but did not catch him before he jumped. R. E. Grubbs and other bystanders gathered up Avery and took him into Kellogg & Coombs' drug store, where he received treatment for his bruises. His knee was badly hurt. By the time he had recovered to some extent, Judge Bryant was found. Avery was taken before him and fined $5.50 and costs.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Bill Cody, "Buffalo Bill," and Dr. Carver are fighting in the courts of Connecticut to find out which one of them has the exclusive right of showing "The Wild West" in "the land of steady habits."

As both Bill and the doctor are dead shots, they had better return to the wild west and fight it out according to the code prevailing in the country which their respective shows are supposed to represent. If they ring the bell simultaneously in a duel of this sort, there would be greater scouts left on the plains than either the doctor or "Buffalo Bill," as much as they boast of their frontier achievements and make them the medium of advertising their motley crew of semi-professional showmen. Champion.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

The contract for the building of 325 miles of the much talked of Denver, Memphis & Arizona railroad has been recently let and ratified by the board of directors. This road, yet without end or beginning proposes some day to run from some point not yet designated, on the east line of the state, through Montgomery, Chautauqua, and Cowley Counties and on to Arizona, or to some convenient stopping place in that neighborhood. Howard Hornet.


Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Wants to buy 500 resident lots.

Wants to buy 100 business lots.

Wants to buy 15 farms.

Wants to buy a span of good ponies.

Wants to trade a hotel.

Wants to insure your property.

Wants to draw your deeds.

Call on J. L. HOWARD.
Office southwest door in the Cowley County Bank building.
Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.





Special attention given to the accommodation of the traveling public.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.


To My Many Patrons:

We wish to thank them cordially for their past favors, and soliciting their further patronage, we wish to inform the people of Cowley County, that we SHALL STILL CONTINUE THE BUSINESS, AT THE CORNER OF MAIN STREET AND CENTRAL AVENUE. AND WE SHALL ONLY BE DELAYED FOR A FEW DAYS AT THE FURTHEST.


Thanking all of our old customers, we should be pleased to add many news ones to our already long list of old ones, we remain your humble servant,

D. L. MEANS, At the Shabby Front.
Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.


Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

The latest cyclone story is from Caldwell, Sumner County, as follows.

"In the cyclone last Thursday, a one-story house was picked up bodily, carried across the road on to another lot, and faced around, fronting the street as though it had been built there. A lady sleeping on the lounge, a boy sleeping on a bed, a clock running on a shelf, and a lighted lamp on a bracket were undisturbed. A slight jar when the house settled in its new location caused the lady to wake up, but she knew nothing about the removal of the house until next morning. This rather beats the cyclone which took the water out of a well sixty- five feet deep and not only carried a cow up in the air as far as the length of her lariat permitted, and whirled her around there several minutes, but milked her dry before letting her down safely to earth again." Emporia Republican.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

"President Cleveland did what no other president ever did. It is barely possible that Lincoln, when president, sent an order directing the commanding officer of all the armies of the U. S. to a given place for a given duty; but if he did, we cannot recall it to mind.

"The president, according to the telegram, issued an order directing Gen. Sherman to proceed at once to Fort Reno and in person take command of the few soldiers at that point and in the neighborhood. What there is behind this new departure in military affairs, we don't know. One thing is certain, average democrats hate Gen. Sheridan as the devil is said to hate holy water, and this order of the president may be for the purpose of humiliating him. On the other hand, it may be that the order was issued through ignorance on the part of the president. He may not know that it is only on paper and technically that he is the commander in chief of the army and navy of the United States." Commonwealth.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

We have been informed that Capt. J. B. Nipp will be a candidate for re-election to the office of county treasurer. We do not propose to run a political paper, or to owe allegiance to any party, but the Eye will stand by Capt. Nipp until the sun sets on the election day. He worked hard for Dexter's interests when he worked for the success of the D. M. & A., and the Eye will not forget him on that account. Nipp is our man for treasurer. The Dexter Eye.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Council Proceedings.
Council met in regular session last Monday evening. Present: Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Thompson, Dean, Hight, Davis, and Bailey. As Wm. Benedict was absent, Frederic Lockley was chosen by the mayor to act in his place.

The allowance of bills was as follows.

County bill of D. G. Lewis of $10 for money advanced to a pauper to go to Missouri, approved.

Bill for packing at water works for 63 cents allowed.

The bill of the Chicago Lumber Company of $25.98 for lumber was referred to finance committee.

Bill of Dr. Reed of $13.75 for professional services to paupers referred to finance committee.

G. A. Druitt made a request that a permit be given him to erect a wood and sheet iron kitchen at the rear of his restaurant two doors south of Windsor Hotel, and was refused on account of an ordinance prohibiting.

Capt. C. G. Thompson presented a communication from S. S. Stiles, of Parsons, in regard to a scraper which had been sent here for trial last summer, asking what the city intended doing with it. It was decided that Mr. Stiles come and get his scraper as it was almost useless to the city.

Cal. Dean desired information in regard to the ordinance appropriating $100 to pay election expenses. Mayor Schiffbauer explained that it was through an error made by County Clerk Hunt that so large a sum had been appropriated and that parties who had been paid by the city out of the appropriation had given orders on the county for what had been paid them and the county would refund the money to the city. Capt. Hunt told "His Honor" that the city had to stand the expenses of the election, but afterwards informed him differently.

Ordinance No. 10 in regard to water works was taken up, discussed, and passed unanimously.

On motion of C. G. Thompson, Fred. Scott was appointed collector of water rent.

Resolution in regard to curbing and guttering the principal blocks on Summit street was adopted and ordered published.

Jake Hight brought up the city attorney and police judge matter again and asked what they were going to do in regard to the resolution of a majority of the council asking them to resign. Both officers refused to accede to the request of the council. A letter was produced by Mr. Bailey from Judge Torrance and which fully bears out the REPUBLICAN in its stand to have Mr. Stafford ousted. The letter is as follows.

WINFIELD, KANSAS, July 18, 1885.

H. G. BAILEY, Esq. DEAR SIR: In reply to your inquiries in regard to Mr. T. J. Stafford, I make the following statement.

At the January term 1885 of the District Court of this county, Mr. Stafford applied for admission to the bar. He failed to pass a satisfactory examination, and for that reason was not admitted. Afterwards he went to Topeka and was admitted to practice in the supreme court on the representation that he was a practicing lawyer in the state. Mr. Stafford afterwards at the April 1885 term of the District Court of this county asked to be examined again as to his qualifications to be licensed to practice law, and I refused to entertain his application on the ground that he had been admitted to practice law in the supreme court on the representation that he was a practicing lawyer in the state, when in fact he had not been licensed to practice law.

Mr. Stafford claimed that he did not make any intentional misstatement, that he was requested by Mr. Sterns, in the clerk's office (an old Iowa friend of his) to apply for admission; that he was not acquainted with the statute regulating the admission of persons to practice law in the supreme court; that he told Sterns that he was a practicing lawyer at Arkansas City, but did not tell him that he had been licensed to practice law in the District court; that Sterns introduced him to Mr. Austin, a young lawyer in the attorney general's office, and that Mr. Austin moved his admission and that he (Stafford) did not know what representations Austin made to the court. Under the circumstances both the examining committee and myself thought it best that Mr. Stafford should not be examined at this time. Afterwards Mr. Stafford went to Topeka and was admitted in Judge Guthrie's court on his Iowa certificates, and his license to practice law by Judge Guthrie authorizes him to practice law in all the District and Inferior courts in the state of Kansas. I have hesitated to say anything in regard to this matter although I have been requested to do so by Mr. Dean and other parties, lest I might say something which might be misconstrued to Mr. Stafford's prejudice. I have given you the facts as I understand them, and leave you and the city council to draw your own conclusions. Very Respectfully, E. S. TORRANCE.

Mr. Hight made a motion that the office of city attorney be declared vacant and was seconded by Mr. Bailey. A vote was called for and resulted in Bailey, Hight, Thompson, Davis, and Dean voting that the incumbent step down and out; Mr. Stafford voting no.

Motion to adjourn was carried. They will meet next Monday evening in adjourned session.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Police Court.
Big Dick Hoskins and Dave Lewis were arrested Wednesday night by night watch Stafford for using profane language on the street. Yesterday they were arraigned before Judge Bryant. Hoskins stood trial and fine and costs amounted to $11.65. Lewis also stood trial, but judgment was rendered against him before the evidence was all in. While the second witness was testifying, Big Dick pulled a pint flask of whiskey from his pocket and flourished it over his head. This caused a wrangle between the lawyers and Big Dick, and made the court mad. He slapped the docket books together and said that the trial was at an end. He fined Lewis $5 and costs. Both of the prisoners had an appeal bond made out. Judge Sumner made out the bond and presented the papers to the ex-city attorney, Stafford, for approval. Stafford did not know whether they were correct or not and asked to be excused a few moments. When he returned he became engaged in a quarrel with one of the witnesses and almost had a go-as-you-please fight. No one was fined for contempt.


Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

HEITKAM, The Tailor, discounts all others in work and price. Opposite Opera House.

Pants to order ............. $4.00.

Suits to order .............. $4.00. [NOT SURE OF THE AMOUNT?]

Heitkam the Tailor opposite Opera House.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

BRUNSWICK, THE ARCADE CLOTHIER, is Going to Sell out his Entire Stock of Clothing and Furnishing Goods in 60 days. Price not to be considered, anything to make the goods go before our lease is up. A Rare Chance for Bargains To All. Such as will not be repeated again in years. Our Prices tell we are selling right along. The Rush Keeps UP and grows LARGER, so don't wait too long before the assortment is broken. Remember for only SIXTY DAYS and we are gone. Fixtures for sale, 20 tables, Lamps, Stoves, etc., at


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.

The Moonlight Excursion.
The first moonlight excursion upon the Walnut and Arkansas occurred Monday night under the management of Allen Ayers. There were some sixty or seventy aboard. The boat was especially lighted up with Chinese lanterns of many different colors. It started a little before 8 o'clock and got back by 10, having gone down the rivers about ten miles. The extreme beauty of the evening made it a very enjoyable affair. The sky was clear. The rising moon flooded the waters with a broad streak of golden light, and made the scenery look very beautiful and picturesque. The Arkansas City String Band furnished some of that excellent music for which it is fast becoming famous. One was inclined to think of the words of Shakespeare.

"How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank,

Here will we sit and let the sounds of music

Creep in our ears. Soft stillness and the night

Become the touches of sweet harmony."

There was a melodeon on board and the ladies occasionally entertained the company with a song. Frank Hess, also, paralyzed his listeners by his wonderful performance upon that instrument.

In order to keep cool a great many crowded near the water wheel, which served as a gigantic fan, and now and then they regaled themselves with the delicious ice cream that was furnished in abundance by Hamilton & Pentecost.

Our space will not permit us to relate all the points of interest during that pleasant trip. When the steamer started, it was not covered by canvas, and the people soon become conscious of something falling upon them like fine rain. Imagine the astonishment of the ladies, who wore white dresses, when they found that their clothing was nearly black by being covered with soot from the smoke stack. Guy Sparks, in his eagerness to study Natural History and obtain a specimen for his museum, quite terrified the ladies by dropping a large locust in their midst. When the boat neared the landing place, a painter who was more anxious than the rest to be the first one to touch his "native land," made a jump for the shore and fell in. He probably thought that the night was too damp to be comfortable. The guitar players performed with such might and hearty good will that at one time three out of four instruments were minus E strings. But that difficulty was soon overcome. There was much merry-making, and it is to be hoped that there will be more such excursions after night, and that everything will pass off as pleasantly as this, the first moonlight excursion down the Walnut and Arkansas.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.

Our losses are adjusted. We shall still continue business at the old stand. Prices less than cost. We mean what we say. Come and get your prices and be satisfied you can purchase more from us than from any other firm in southern Kansas. D. L. MEANS.

At "The Front" though it be much "Shabbier."
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.

The Lumber Question.
Some two years ago the lumber firm of A. V. Alexander & Co., located their yards on South Summit street. This firm is not made up of eastern capitalists, but individuals who reside in our city. They came to Arkansas City and had such great faith in its future welfare that they invested their means in the lumber business. The genial A. V. Alexander was made the head man in the enterprise. Since entering the business circle of Arkansas City, Mr. Alexander has constantly worked for the up-building of our town. He purchased property and has been the cause of the building of a number of new residences. In fact, A. V. has invested $2 in real estate where he has made $1 in his business. The profits which have been derived from the business of this lumber firm have been invested in this city. They have not been taken elsewhere by an eastern monopoly and used to build up some other city. Why? Because A. V. Alexander & Co., are the proprietors of a home institution and their interests are identical with Arkansas City and not Chicago or Kansas City or St. Louis. In the advancement of any cause for the benefit of Arkansas City, this firm has always been a prime mover. Lately Mr. E. Baldwin, an old resident in this vicinity, purchased an interest in the yard. This fact assures us that it is a fixed home institution. After the cut on prices, they met the competition boldly. Lately the freight rates have been advanced six cents on a hundred east of the Missouri River. Consequently, lumber has gone up that much. We state this because we do not want our readers to think that this lumber firm has pooled with the other two yards. They duplicate all prices, and are now selling lumber very cheaply. They do not intend to be run out. While they may not have the capital possessed by certain corporations, they will continue to sell lumber as long as their means hold out. They are selling dimension lumber below cost and other quality at cost. While they are not making any money at the business, they are determined to continue.

It remains to be seen now whether the citizens in this vicinity prefer to have a firm composed of home men, who will invest the profits of their business in our city, or those who will take away all the money spent with them to some other town and state, where it will never do Arkansas City one iota of good. Remember that a dollar spent with the firm of A. V. Alexander & Co. for lumber is a dollar spent to improve Arkansas City.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.

The Council vs. Stafford.
Three weeks ago last Monday night, a majority of the city council adopted a resolution asking the then city attorney to resign. At the next meeting he refused and accordingly the council kicked him out unanimously, everyone of the councilmen present voting that he should step down and out. When requested to resign, Stafford said he would if Judge Torrance substantiated the charges made by the REPUBLICAN about his practicing in the district court. In a letter to H. G. Bailey, Judge Torrance fully confirmed our statements. But still Stafford refused to get out.

About the time Stafford was to be appointed to the office, he went to Jake Hight and told him that if he would vote for him, and if after a fair trial he did not prove satisfactory, he would resign. Hight though him to be a needy man and aided him with his vote with the above understanding. Hight has frequently asked Stafford to get out, telling him he was giving poor satisfaction. But the brazen- faced gentleman of "high legal attainments" refused to comply with his word.

A week ago last Monday night, the mayor gave the law by which the attorney could be fired. The council carried out the instructions given them by "His Honor," and its action is so recorded with the city clerk. The city attorney laughed in the face of the councilmen and made light of their action at the time.

Last Monday night "His Honor" informed the council that they had not proceeded correctly and refused to appoint a successor to Stafford. This made matters pretty hot in the council chamber and resulted in an ordinance being adopted stopping the ex-city attorney's pay.

We have asked several able lawyers if the act of the council was legal, and was informed that it was. Yet "His Honor" says it is not, when the meeting before he said it was.

We blush for Stafford. He has no shame and we recommend that he be sent to the asylum for the weak-minded at Winfield. It is a disgrace that our city councilmen have to be hampered by such a pest. They are united on the question of Stafford's removal and their demands should be acceded to and would if the ex-city attorney had a particle of shame or self-respect.

The councilmen have done their duty and the REPUBLICAN now thinks it is time that the citizens take the matter in hand. The question naturally arises: Is the city of Arkansas City to be bull-dozed by an incompetent, brazen-faced, would-be city attorneyif he had a sufficient amount of brains?

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.

Council Proceedings.
Council convened last Monday evening in regular adjourned session. Mayor Schiffbauer presided. Councilmen Davis, Thompson, Dean, Dunn, Hight, and Bailey were present.

The allowance of bills was the first thing on docket.

Bill of Ed Malone of $31.50 for work at engine house, allowed.

Bill of Ivan Robinson of $12.50 for coal, allowed.

Bill of Pat Franey, J. E. Beck, Ed Horn, J. Herbert, and L. S. Brown for special police service, allowed $5 each.

Referred bill of Chicago Lumber Co., of $25.98 for lumber, allowed.

The several insurance companies through their agents made request that the occupation tax affecting insurance companies be reconsidered, and on motion the same was referred to committee on ordinance.

Petition of Frick Bros., to put up scales on Central Avenue, was read and on motion permission was granted that they be allowed to put them up on Central Avenue one block west of Summit Street.

Petition of Pitts Ellis to put up scales and house on corner of 4th Avenue and Summit Street read, and granted on motion.

Messrs. Moorhead and Danks asked for an appropriation of $200 with which to make a survey of the city with view of ascertaining best possible place for obtaining water for water works. Also, make estimate of cost of same, and will put in bids for the building of the same. On motion, this request was laid on the table indefinitely.

The street commissioner was instructed to put up hitching posts on each side of Summit Street, half block each way, from Summit Street on 4th, 5th, and Central Avenues. The posts to be 8 feet apart and connected by iron rods.

On motion the water works ordinance No. 10 was re-considered.

On motion ordinance No. 20, repealing ordinance No. 4, was read and approved. This ordinance makes the salary of ex-city attorney Stafford but 50 cents a year.

On motion of Jake Hight, John Stafford, the night watch, was dismissed.

A. A. Davis moved that J. J. Breene be instructed to remain on the street until midnight. Carried.

On motion of Jake Hight, the street commissioner was instructed to make out report and hand it in at next meeting.

On motion adjourned.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.

D. L. Means got out replevin papers Monday to recover a wagon which he had sold to C. D. Bush sometime since taking a chattel mortgage for security. By the purchase Bush became the owner of two wagons, having an old one before. He sold his old wagon and mule team to one Wm. Chancey. Ross Merrick held a mortgage on the team and Bush made the sale subject to the mortgage. Bush loaned his new wagon to Chancey until he could have some repairs made on the old wagon according to agreement. A short time after the trade had been consummated, Bush went to Chancey's house to get his wagon and leave his old one. Chancey was not at home so the exchange was not effected. A few days afterward Chancey sold the new wagon to S. A. D. Searcy without saying anything in regard to the mortgage or that it belonged to Bush and the mule team to another party. Chancey went to see Stafford about the sale and acted upon his advice. Frank Thompson went after the wagon Tuesday and Searcy refused to give it up. Thompson came back, informed Judge Kreamer of the situation, and got papers for the arrest of Searcy for resisting an officer. He was arrested and taken before the court Tuesday night and was turned loose upon giving a bond to appear today for trial. This is a very complicated case, but it is a clear one of trying to defraud Means and Bush. We are informed by good authority that Stafford told Chancey he had a right to sell the team and the law could not touch him. This outfit, Stafford, Chancey, and Searcy, should be drummed out of Cowley County. Oh, that grand and glorious city attorney, kept in office by "his honor," against the will of the people, because he is a brother of his brother-in-law.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.

The trustees of the Methodist College at Winfield have everything arranged to commence work on the building as soon as the details of plans and specifications can be perfected. The plans are taken from the Methodist College at Denver, Colorado, and the college will cost when completed $40,000.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.

Republican Central Committee.
At a meeting of the Republican central committee of Cowley County, held at the office of W. J. Wilson, in Winfield, on Saturday, July 25th, there were present: J. R. Sumpter, J. B. Graves, W. J. Wilson, A. B. Harold, L. E. Woodin, J. H. Curfman, E. A. Henthorn, J. G. Shreves, J. Mentch, C. A. Peabody, G. H. Buckman, Wm. Wise, H. F. Hornaday, D. C. Stephens, and S. C. Carter.

The meeting was called to order by W. J. Wilson, chairman of the central committee. The secretary being absent, E. A. Henthorn was elected to take his place. J. R. Sumpter moved to call the county convvention on the last Saturday in August. E. A. Henthorn moved to amend by calling the convention for September the 19th, which motion was adopted. The basis for representatives was fixed as follows: One delegate for every thirty votes cast for B. W. Perkins in 1881 for congressman, and one for every fraction of fifteen votes and one at large for each township and incorporated city, making the representation as follows.

Beaver, 4; Bolton, 7; Cedar, 5; Creswell and Arkansas City, 21; Dexter, 7; Fairview, 4; Harvey, 4; Liberty, 4; Maple, 4; Ninnescah, 5; Omnia, 3; Otter, 4; Pleasant Valley, 4; Richland, 6; Rock 5; Sheridan, 4; Silver Creek, 8; Silverdale, 5; Spring Creek, 4; Tisdale, 5; Vernon, 6; Walnut, 7; Windsor, 7; Winfield, 18. It was recommended that the primaries be held on Saturday, September 12th, at the usual voting places in the several townships.

The following resolution was unanimously adopted.

WHEREAS, The United States of America has been called upon to mourn the loss of one of her greatest statesmen, patriots, and heroes, in the person of General U. S. Grant. Therefore, be it

Resolved, By the Republican central committee of Cowley County, Kansas, in conven-tion assembled

1st. That we most deeply mourn the loss of our great commander, and we tender to his wife and family our most profound sympathy in their bereavement, and assure them that we believe that every patriotic heart in our country mourns with them in their loss.

2nd. That we feel proud as American citizens of the fact that we know that as long as history lives, as long will the fame and glory of General U. S. Grant live in the hearts and memory of his country.

3rd. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to Mrs. Grant, and that copies be furnished the papers of Cowley County for publication.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.

The Insurance Rules.
The following points in insurance are given for the benefit of my patrons.

To use gasoline stoves requires a written permit endorsed on the policy.

A mortgage taken on property requires a similar permit.

Sale of property voids a policy, but policy will remain valid if transferred to purchaser.

More than five day's carpenter work on a building voids a policy unless the same is endorsed thereon.

Over thirty days' vacancy of a house vitiates a policy unless permission is endorsed thereon. FRANK J. HESS.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.

A Letter From the Seat of the Indian Trouble.
CALDWELL, July 21, 1885.
To the Editor of the Eagle.

Having returned I will try and fulfill my promise to you. An insight into the Cheyenne and Arapahoe trouble as I saw them, including all the time of Sheridan's presence up to the day I left. During the last year Indian Inspector Gardner spent considerable time, off and on, at the agency and became well posted with the actual feeling among the Cheyennes. In support of Agent Dwyer's continued calls for military support, Gardner reviewed the situation and recommended that 3,000 troops be sent there to enforce obedience. This is on record at Washington. Every time the Indians were guilty, Dwyer would write up the circumstance and ask respectfully whether the department intended to sustain him, saying it was worse than useless to make any attempt at punishing crime until he was sure of being sustained, as a failure after such a move would only make matters worse.

You have gone over the ground (in your editorial) of how the president ordered them disarmedhow Sheridan pigeon-holed the movement; how Dwyer's, Rev. Haury's, Capt. Bennett's, and all the other old officers' reports agreed: "Troops, and disarming, or war." How Sumner, the new commander and Inspector Armstrong said the same thing upon arrival. The situation was dangerous, or all of these men would not have kept calling for more troops. You know how the troops were blockaded by Col. Potter and Gen. Augur until raiding parties actually left the agency and the Kansas scare resulted. Then troops commenced to move until 4,000 were in motion. Then Sheridan was sent, we thought then, to take charge and act. Now, we know better.

It is only too true now that Sheridan was detailed to make the first move of the Indian patronage for his party. Sheridan did this because he was only too glad to get a chance to repay old scores on the Camp Supply cattle herd that the present grass rentals crowded off that reservation.

Sheridan arrived. After he had been there three days, he had had but a short interview with Dwyer, had entirely ignored Sumner, had not allowed either Ben Clark, post Interpreter, and Geo. and Robert Bent, and Ed. Guerrier, leading agency interpreters, to talk for the agency Indians or for themselves. Instead, he went into caucus with Col. Potter and Interpreter Chapman and Col. Mike Sheridan, and during those three days took Stone Calf, Little Robe, and other leading discontented Indians, had Chapman represent to them that they would neither be punished nor disarmed if they would act according to instructions, and went into private council with them, allowing them to talk without allowing anybody to be present to hear or dispute their statements. (Now read your last two dispatches from their agency giving the Indian version of that council.)

You can easily see that the Indians were only speaking their little pieces as instructed by Chapman. None of the cattlemen, who have lost thousands of dollars in cattle killed by these Indians, were allowed to speak. Not an Indian opposed to Stone Calf and Chapman was allowed an audience. Finally when the agent protested against such an unheard of state of affairs and asked for a hearing of other Indians, Chapman was allowed to select the Indians who denied in toto all that the others said, and finally in despair they gave up the situation and left with their case not stated.

Nothing had been done yet when I left to disarm the Indianson the other hand, 200 of them had been enlisted as scouts and given government arms and ammunition. (What for, I wonder, to kill Kansas settlers?)

Matters culminated in the attempt to count the Cheyennes. The Indians had been instructed by Agent Dwyer to form their village and take their stations and remain stationary when counted. They did not wish to be counted and in consequence when the time arrived, they rushed wildly about on foot, in wagons, and on horses, all in confusion, and refused to hear orders or instructions. Armstrong, who was present and intoxicated, made a beastly attack upon Agent Dwyer, accusing him of not having control of his Indians and cursing him in a brutal manner. Dwyer replied in a quiet manner, what all creation now knows, that the Cheyennes have been beyond control for years, that he had asked for troops to make them mind, that the troops were here, but that he had not been sustained. Prominent cattlemen and reporters standing near told Armstrong they would sustain Dwyer if he would slap Armstrong in the face. A Kansas City Times reporter present afterward attempted to give the scene to his paper by wire and Gen. Sheridan refused to allow him to use the wire.

Agent Dwyer has taken steps preparatory to resigning, the whole investigation by Sheridan has been a farce, his information has all been obtained from strangers (the Camp Supply outfit); and his recommendations all hatched out before he left Washington. One thing is apparentthe Indians will not be disarmed as long as they are in charge of a civilian agent, but the necessity will be used as a lever to have them turned over from the interior to the war department.

Of course, it is Dwyer's misfortune that he is a civilian and a republican. If the department would sustain him in this crisis, he would have an after influence with these Indians that would enable him to advance them in one year where it would take a new agent (also unsupported) ten years. On the other hand, if turned over to the military, they will be a tribe of drunkards.

Four thousand troops have been put in motion. Kansas has been the subject of an expensive scare, and immigration has been affected. The general of the army has come all the way from Washington, and what is the result. The Indians are still armed to the teeth, they have ponies that can out travel the cavalry, and they are able to cross the Kansas line in one night and a day from starting. They can then murder and steal and be back home in two days. They are lamblike now, in the face of the military; but unruly and dangerous when they are gone. Instead of their ring leaders being made an example of, they have been elevated above the level of all the whites and other Indians in the country. Is this the way to control Indians? To Sheol with such a policy!

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.

A correspondent of the Emporia Republican, in writing up the new counties says:

Englewood, Clarke County, is three miles from the territory, on section 36, range 34, township 25. It was laid out by Wichita people, boomed by the Eagle, and is bolstered by Wichita capital. Mr. G. T. Mickals has just finished and furnished the finest hotel west of Medicine Lodge, and will run in metropolitan style. The population is about 200. The buildings being erected are of a better class than is usual and the town is improving.

During the Indian scare, not yet quite subsided, the men got fifty rifles and ammunition from Dodge, threw up rifle pits, and determined to "fight it out on this line if it took all summer."

The Fourth was celebrated in style; but at the ball that evening, two cowboys, Kinney and West, shot a young man named Sanders, in cold blood, without cause, and he is nearly dead.

Ashland, the county seat of Clarke, is booming, many new buildings being erected, and it will be a good town. The merchants are selling stacks of goods and are making money.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.

Cattlemen's Dilemma.
ST. LOUIS, July 4. A meeting of the cattlemen leasing land in the Indian Territory was held this morning at the rooms of the National Cattle Growers Association to discuss the president's proclamation declaring the Arapahoe and Cheyenne leases void and ordering all cattlemen removed from the reservation within forty days. The proclamation was warmly discussed and another meeting will be held tomorrow, when the committees from Kansas City and St. Joseph will be present, and a course of procedure adopted. The cattlemen claim that it is impossible to move 300,000 or 400,000 head of cattle inside of forty days, and say they have no place to move to, as all ranges in the Territory and Texas are now crowded and Kansas and Colorado are quarantined against Texas cattle, while in New Mexico there is a strong public feeling against the cattle, even if there were room there. Missouri has about $800,000 invested in cattle in the Indian Territory. The St. Louis interest is about $500,000.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.

The Bloodthirsty Apaches.
NOGALES, July 25. It is rumored that the Apaches have surrounded camps in the Canoa mountains. The miners are standing guard night and day. Indian signs have also been seen within four miles of this place.

TUCSON, ARIZONA, July 24. A letter was received today from Prof. Guezman, dated Pianala, Sonora, Mexico, which says four American miners coming from St. Helena mine, were attacked yesterday afternoon by Apaches. One man, named Gillan, was killed and another wounded. The other two succeeded in reaching one of the company's mines, where a party was immediately organized to go and bring in the bodies. When they reached the spot, they were surprised to find two dead men. The second was recognized as Pesquiras Major Tomo, of Odejova ranch, who it is supposed was returning home. Gillan was buried with military honors, he having been a captain in the Union army.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.

The Two Policies.
The proclamation of President Cleveland declaring the cattle leases in the Cheyenne and Arapahoe reservations void, and ordering the cattle removed in forty days, is simply the entering wedge to the general policy of maintaining the Indian Territory as sacred ground, never to be polluted by the tread of a white man, but to be held for the exclusive isolation and admiration of the half civilized and savage tribes, which use it as a skulking place to shield them from their crimes and to draw rations from a too generous people.

This policy, carried out, amounts to an indefinite postponement of the establishment of that territory or any part of it by white people, at least until the policy is changed.

The demand of a portion of the Cheyennes and Arapahoes to clear their reservation of cattlemen who are paying to them large sums of money for merely grazing privileges; and this demand having been considered favorably by the government, will result in like demands from other tribes, which, taking this as a precedent, must be granted, and thus, in the course of a short time, this and all other interests of white men will be barred out, and the Indian left monarch of all he surveys, supported by the taxes of white people and encouraged to adhere to his tribal traditions and habits. This policy is not one calculated to force him to habits of industry and the arts of peace; but on the contrary to reverse the policy of the Republican party, which was intended to bring the Indian to see the necessity of learning at the earliest possible day to support himself by the cultivation of the soilto allot the lands in severalty, in limited quantities, and to open the remainder to more intelligent cultivation by the law abiding white man, whose example and methods would be daily instruction to his less industrious and less skilled neighbor, who, from necessity, ambition, and pride, would soon become a self-supporting and conscientious citizen, instead of remaining as now, a pauper on the government and a murderer at heart.

Aside from the policy of the administration in throwing the strong arms of the government around these painted savages, the proclamation overrides the rights of white men, who are there under such authority as the courts have declared to be legal and binding not only as to the Indians, but as to the government itself, and if the proclamation shall not be modified, great damage must result to a large number of white men whose vast interests have been assured by former administrations and the Indians themselves.

The interest of the state of Missouri in this matter is estimated to be about $8,000,000, while that of the citizens of Kansas and Colorado cannot be much less. From interviews with prominent gentlemen, reported in the Kansas City Times, it is stated that at least nineteen-twentieths of all the Indians on the reservation are in favor of the leases. It gives them $75,000 to $80,000 a year that is used in buying the necessities of life.

Now, if the government deprives them of this income, is it prepared to make it good out of the public treasury? Will the people stand it? On the other hand, can the government be justified in running the business interests of Missouri and Kansas, in the face of a decision made in the district court of Columbia at Washington, declaring the lease of the Cheyenne and Arapahoe reservation valid? Does not the government lay itself liable for a claim amounting to millions of dollars in damages if the order of removal be enforced? The cattlemen simply ask for time to lay before the president and cabinet their side of the question, and then if decided against them, they are perfectly willing to go.

The action of the government in the order of removal of cattle from the reservation is to be deplored. If enforced, it will be a great injustice to the men who have invested their money in the cattle business, and as it will affect many Missouri and Kansas parties, the country at large will eventually see the folly of such a course. There are now on the Cheyenne and Arapahoe reservation 150,000 to 200,000 head of cattle, and if it be true that the government intends forcing them off the ranges, they will have to be thrown on the market. It requires but little study to see that such a state of affairs would be liable to create a panic, and every farmer who is fattening a few cattle for the butcher market would realize that he, too, was a sufferer from this unjust act. Again, the forcing of that number of immature cattle on the market would so cut down what should be the supply of the next few years that the consumer would necessarily have to pay a high price for beef.

The lease had been decided a legal one by the United States courts, and it certainly would not be justice to enforce the order and bring ruin on those who have every dollar invested without having a chance to present their rights in the premises.

Thus it appears from any point which the action of the administration in the premises can be viewed, it must be regarded as hasty and inconsiderate, unjust to the cattlemen, and against the policy looking to the future opening of the Territory to white settlement or throwing the Indians upon their own resources. Emporia Republican.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.

"Boss" CLEVELAND's cattle edict shows him up in all his bull-headedness. He has declined to modify the order requesting the cattlemen to remove their herds in 40 days from Cheyenne and Arapahoe reservation by extending the time. The cattlemen interested in leases have held meetings and adopted resolutions asking Cleveland to extend the time until other grazing grounds can be obtained, and he has refused. By this action he does a great injury to the cattle interests. Parties holding leases have no alternative. They must remove their cattle within 40 days, whether or no.

A gentleman residing at Fred, Indian Territory, informs us that cattlemen are down- spirited. They recognize the fact that Kansas has a quarantine law, also Colorado and the territory of New Mexico. To Texas and Arizona they must look for sustenance for their cattle. The available land that Texas affords are owned by the State University. They would probably accommodate all the cattle in the southern portion of the Territory. But the principal objection urged is the taking of the cattle to these lands. They would have to graze on the way and the last herds would have poor pickings.

It is estimated that there are 300,000 head of cattle, worth $8,000,000, that have to be removed. This will cause great hardships. While the REPUBLICAN concedes with the president in his action declaring the cattle leases invalid, yet he should have given the cattlemen sufficient time to go without such great loss.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.

Some time ago Asa Burr purchased four lots of J. C. Topliff, C. M. Scott, F. J. Hess, and T. H. McLaughlin. He paid half cash and gave his note for the remainder.

Burr was of a business turn of mind and proceeded at once to purchase lumber to build a house, getting it on time. Wednesday he traded the house to a negro by the name of Banks, who lately moved here from Winfield, for stock. He never told Banks that the property was encumbered in any way except by a mortgage of $80. With the exception of the $80, he declared the title to the property good and gave a warranty deed when he held no deed himself. The same night, succeeding the day of trade, Burr harnessed his team, purchased provisions, and skipped.

No one knows in which direction he went, but several men are very anxious to ascertain his whereabouts. Some think he started for Nebraska, where he has a claim; and others believe he went to the northwest part of the state. He informed a man by the name of Patterson that he intended to burst the town wide open before he left it.

Banks is the greatest sufferer by Burr's leaving. His house is covered with liens, mortgages, etc., to the sum of about $356. Bob Maxey is a sufferer, also Dave Beatty, and quite a number of others. If Burr should be arrested, he will most likely serve a time in the penitentiary if it is proven he was attempting to defraud the parties interested, and it is the general belief he has gone for good.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.

It will be noticed that the county central committee, in its apportionment of delegates, gives twenty-one to Creswell. This number includes both Arkansas City and the township of Creswell, the division being left to our committeeman, Maj. L. E. Woodin, who, taking the basis of representation, will probably allow sixteen to the city and five to the township. This arrangement, we think, will come nearer making an equitable adjustment of the delegates than any otherfour to each city ward, four to the township, and one delegate at large to be taken from the township. There is plenty of time, however, for counsel and interchanging of views, so that all differences may be settled before the primaries. The convention will be an exceptionally large one154 delegatesbut will doubtless work good in doing away with the possibility of any one candidate "packing it," or having a "walk away."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.

J. C. Topliff had to go and purchase a staple, padlock and chain, and lock the office door of the room formally occupied by ex-city attorney Stafford in order to keep him out of the room. Some three months ago, Stafford was sued by Topliff for rent. About the time the action was to have come to trial, Stafford moved out of the room, leaving "Top" to get his rent the best he could. When he moved out, Stafford failed to give up the key and since has been seen to go to the room, unlock the door, and go in. What for we can't say. Topliff says he has asked Stafford to turn over the key and that he will keep him out if he has to stand guard at the door with a rifle. Correct, Commodore.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.

Mrs. Coulter, wife of Jas. Coulter, who resides on the Arkansas in Beaver Township, was brought to town for the purpose of undergoing a surgical operation for the removing of a cancer. The operation was performed at the residence of Dr. Fleming by Dr. Wright, assisted by Drs. Fleming, Pugh, and Tandy. The entire right breast was removed. At this writing Mrs. Coulter appears to be doing finely and in a fair way to recovery. Winfield Tribune.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.

Base Ball.
Tuesday morning the Border nine went to Wichita to play a match game of base ball. The game began at about 3 o'clock p.m., and was ended in three hours.

BORDER CLUB MEMBERS: Perryman, Wilson, Hilliard, Wright, Cornell, J. Wilson, Miller, F. Wright, Jones.

WICHITA CLUB: Ellsworth, E. Jetty, N. Jetty, Sumner, Dean, Kilner, Bridwell, Walker, McCord.

[Note: The names of Jones and Cornell do not appear in list.]


The Wichita Eagle says it was the best game in southern Kansas. Jones, formerly of Winfield Cyclones, and Cornell are new recruits and do effective work. From Wichita the boys went to Wellington and beat the ball club of that city so badly that it has since disbanded.

The Border club made 24 runs and the Wellington nine only 3.

A portion of the Border club at Wichita were disgruntled because of some changes made in the position of the players. Since coming home the boys have healed the breach and they are ready and willing to play any nine in the state of Kansas.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.

George Rembaugh, of the Winfield Telegram, plucks the choicest Democratic plum in Cowley County, having been awarded the Winfield post office. The fates (or furies) waited on George some four or five years ago, pointing out the immense pickings in Democratic pasture grounds, and George listened patiently and acted accordingly. If the "old timers," whose sprouting hopes have been systematically and regularly nipped for the past twenty- four years, can stand it, we certainly can. And then George, despite his short-lived "Democracy," retains enough of his Republicanism to be universally considered a first-rate fellow, and in every way worthy of his reward.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.

The Traveler turns up its nose because Jim Hill was in the city Monday evening and failed to attend council meeting. One councilman from the first ward is sufficient, it seems. Jake Hight watches with the eye of an eagle over the city affairs; consequently, he keeps certain parties cringing inwardly for fear he will open fire on them. The REPUBLICAN remembers the fact that Hill was elected against his will and that he told his constituents he would be unable to attend to the duties of councilman as it should be. But this does not release him from his obligation to his constituents to attend when in the city. We hope to see Mr. Hill in attendance hereafter when in the city.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.

"Rats, Rats."
Certain facts have come to light recently that show that Beam, the Cyclone pitcher in the late contest with the Arkansas City men, threw the game for $50. Beam, we are told, admits in a letter written by him in Illinois (where he now is) to relatives in Vernon Township. The truth of this admission is attested by various other facts, among them that Beam told a friend in this city not to bet a cent on the boys. As we understand it, the Border club had no hand in the contemptible proceedings, but was the work of a party who had some $600 to put up on the Borders. Winfield Telegram.


Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Ponies for sale by Al. Woolsey.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Rain would be a welcome visitor.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Twenty-six head of good gentle ponies for sale by Al. Woolsey.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

An awning is being erected in front of the Commercial and Hasie Blocks.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Grubb's made a shipment of peaches and watermelons to Maine yesterday.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

We have the finest line of mowers in the market. Stop in and SEE at the Shabby Front.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Arkansas City Coal Company have Weir City Nut coal. Just what the farmers want for threshing.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

The Ashland base ball club has challenged the Border club for a match game during the month of August.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

R. E. Grubbs shipped 125 boxes of peaches to Finney, Schiffbauer & Co., down at Gray Horse, Indian Territory, last Thursday.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

The case of the A. T. & S. F. Railway against Lou Northey was dismissed at the request of the prosecuting witness by Judge Kreamer.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

W. Ward's hog case came up before Judge Kreamer again Tuesday. The decision was reversed and is for the city. An appeal has been taken.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Arkansas City Coal Company have shelled corn. If you want any for your stock, call at their yard on Central Avenue, one block west of Main street.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

The two Chicago lumber yards have combined. Also, the two belonging to Shaw & Co. This is a new kind of pool, and price of lumber has gone up.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

A. G. Heitkam, of the burnt district, has rented a basement room beneath A. A. Newman & Co.'s store and has opened up for business. Call on Mr. Heitkam at his new room.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Monday there were eight Cheyennes in town. They said that the white man had lied on them, that their hearts were all right, and not one of them had come into the state with hostile intentions.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

This week the Johnson Loan and Trust Company change their ad. Read it and then call at the office and interview the affable A. D. Prescott. This company gives superior inducements to money borrowers.

H. P. Farrar, Pres.

J. L. Huey, Vice-Pres.

A. D. Prescott, Sec.

J. P. Johnson, Treas.

A. B. Johnson, Gen. Manager.

Arkansas City, Kansas.
Capital, $100,000.
Money to Loan on improved farms at the lowest rates.

We Loan our own Money. No delay.

Money furnished as soon as property and title are found satisfactory.

All business pertaining to making or paying off a Loan transacted at our office in the First National Bank Building.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

The lumber yard propelled by W. F. Aldridge has been swallowed up by the Chicago Lumber Co.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

The pupils of the Christian Sunday school are holding a picnic today in the grove at Harmon's Bridge Landing.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Bear in mind that Al. Woolsey has for sale yet 26 head of good, gentle, broken ponies. He will trade for mares and mules.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

The Eagle says the excursion from Wichita to this city, August 6, will be the biggest blow-out of the season and it may be impossible to obtain enough coaches to carry the crowd here.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Our friend across the way failed to learn that the Republican County Central Committee had an important meeting last Saturday. As usual, his readers will get their news from the REPUBLICAN.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

One of our city officials has on his docket book the following standing monuments of his learning. He releases a prisoner from "cusidity with cause of action," and puts another man in the "calibuse" until his fine is paid.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Owing to the extreme hot weather, probably, the political pot of Cowley has begun to boil rather early this year. Better wait awhile yet, good friends. You may get out of wind before time for the heavy blowing to commence.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Collins & Perry have dissolved partnership. J. M. Collins has removed his office to that of J. L. Howard. These gentlemen have entered into a partnership, and will make the real estate business boom under the firm name of Howard & Collins.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

M. Sawyer was arrested by Billy Gray Wednesday for erecting a frame building within the fire limits. He was taken before Judge Bryant, but the Mayor ordered a stay of proceeding because Sawyer agreed not to go any further with the building.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

I. R. Deming & Son have sold their grocery stock to J. G. Carter, who lately came here from New Salem. Mr. Deming retires from business because his wife is having ill health, and is desirous of trying a change of climate for her benefit. Snyder & Hutchison made the sale.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Tomorrow night at the Baptist Church, union services will be held by the churches of the city for the purpose of taking steps towards making a reform in the morals of our city. Judge A. J. Pyburn, Wm. Jenkins, and the minister will make addresses and furnish food for thought. All are invited.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Dr. A. J. Chapel and Herman Godehard were arrested Thursday because they were not complying with the ordinance in regard to the erection of partition walls. Herman was turned loose because he commenced his building before the ordinance was passed. Dr. Chapel's trial comes off today before Judge Bryant.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

The "Kansas Millers" took a load of freight down to Pawnee Agency yesterday, stopping at intermediate points. Searing & Mead sent flour; V. M. Ayres, flour and corn; and the Roller Mill Co., flour. Maj. C. H. Searing and wife, Mrs. H. Clevinger and little boy went as passengers. The boat will return in time to take care of the Wichita excursion.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

About 150 excursionists composed of the elite of Winfield came down Tuesday to enjoy a pleasure ride on the "Kansas Millers." The steamer heaved anchor at 2 p.m. Everything went lovely until the boat started to return, when the pilot ran it on a sand bar. This happened twice. The boat did not get back to pier No. 1 until 4:30 a.m. All say that it was through the ignorance of the pilot that the boat became stranded. The fat man of the Courier was aboard and he was too heavy a burden. We acknowledge a call from Mr. Leavitt. He is a pleasant gentleman and we hope he will come again. A pleasant time was had by the excursionists with the exception of sleeping on the bar all night.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Judge Bonsall presents the REPUBLICAN with two splendid views this week. One was taken at the west bridge at the time the Arkansas was on such a high, and the other is of the Hasie and Commercial blocks.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Last Friday John Dee came driving into town in great haste. He was looking for Dr. A. J. Chapel. While Mr. Dee was at work, he was bitten by a rattlesnake. The Doctor loaded him up with "tamarack," and Mr. Dee is now all right. The snake died.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Secretary Lamar has begun to wade into the Indian Territory in good earnest. Last Saturday he kindly supplied Osage, Kaw, Poncas, Pawnee, Otoe, Kiowa, Comanche, and Wichita Agencies with new agents. Our sympathies are extended to the unfortunate- successful applicants. The sun of their prosperity has set.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

A majority of the city council, of Arkansas City, asked City Attorney Stafford to resign. He refused. At the last meeting of the fathers, a resolution was adopted removing him for incompetency. Yet Mr. Stafford says he will swing to the office. This is adamantine cheek "that would put the government mule to shame." Winfield Courier.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

The Farmers Milling Association ask Arkansas City to put up $10,000 in aid of the enterprise. The city council of that thriving town would no doubt gladly compromise by presenting the Association their city attorney in the hopes that he might fall into a hopper with fatal results. Stafford seems to be a genuine "Old man of the sea." Winfield Telegram.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Dr. S. S. Crabtree, of New Salem, in this county, who was arrested last week for burning the post office at that place, was tried at Winfield last Tuesday. After two days of trial, the accused was acquitted amid the cheers from many friends. He was arrested on a U. S. Warrant and at his trial was exonerated from the crime of which he was charged. Dr. Crabtree is a respected citizen of New Salem.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Geo. A. Druitt has opened his restaurant. He propels it on the European style. Last Saturday he gave his opening dinner. About 50 guests were present, composed principally of businessmen. Mr. Druitt has refitted the room, which was formerly occupied by Van Sickle & Pentecost, until you would hardly recognize it. Mr. Druitt is a good restauranteur. See his card elsewhere in the REPUBLICAN.

AD. European Restaurant, Geo. A. Druitt, Proprietor.

Five Doors South of Post Office, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Regular Meals 25 cents and at all Hours.

Headquarters for ICE CREAM, Lemonade, Cigars, Tobacco, Confections, etc.

Best of accommodations furnished customers. Give me a call.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

The Osage Indians will receive a payment of four dollars per capita today, being the receipts from cattle leases on their reservation. As an instance of the advancement of this tribe, we cite the fact that this payment is conducted wholly among themselvesthe making of the payrolls and handling of the money being done by their secretary and treasurer, with no assistance from the agent other than advice. At the June payment the Osages numbered 1,551.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

The excursion to Arkansas City will be a success. Sam Woolard and Fred Sweet have returned from Arkansas City, where they have made all the arrangements for a first-class time. They have secured the use of a beautiful grove, near the railroad, and have chartered the steamboat for the day. The arrangements for this excursion are more complete than any that ever left the city. Anybody that fails to take it in will regret it. Wichita Eagle.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Jas. Hill came in from St. Louis Monday night. He reports the K. C. & S. W., as graded to within nine miles of Winfield, and the track laid to within twenty-two miles of the city of mud and dust. But for the bridges to be built, the Terminus would have the new road in sixty days. The K. C. & S. W. Company are building four new towns along their route, all good towns, too, and they really think they can improve our county seat's prospects.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Frank Hess is again in the toils of the city. He was arrested Wednesday for making connections with the water works and doing some repairing. As we are informed, J. W. French is the owner of the property where the trouble occurred. He owns the pipes which are on the premises carrying the water into the house. The residence was vacant, the family occupying it having moved out a short time since. People got to going there and taking water without the consent of the agent or owner, and the water works engineer went to the house and cut off the supply, going on the premises to do it, and breaking Mr. French's connection instead of severing the city's pipes from those of Mr. French. Mr. Hess, as agent, sent a man to repair the pipe. He was arrested and taken before Bryant Thursday, but the case was continued until Monday. The case will test the validity of the ordinance.


Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Geo. Perry has turned cowboy.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Dr. J. W. Sparks has been indisposed for the last few days.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Miss Rose Wagner visited Winfield last week for a few days.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

One of E. D. Eddy's babies is quite sick. Dr. Mitchell is attending.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

M. N. Sinnott and family came down from Winfield to visit over Sunday.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Frick Brothers are putting up a new pair of scales, at their coal yard.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Moore, a boy babe, Wednesday morning.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

DIED. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bluebaugh died Monday afternoon.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Capt. T. S. Moorhead has sold his interest in the "Kansas Millers" to Capt. Alton.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Mrs. Archie Dunn left for a visit to relatives in the state of Pennsylvania Tuesday.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Ed. Gage is compelled to use a cane when walking. He has an attack of Rheumatism.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

The little Misses Helen and Lou Pyburn are visiting in Iowa, at their former home.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Joe Finkleburg went to Wichita with the Border Club Tuesday. Joe is a base ball enthusiast.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Mrs. W. D. Mowry returned home from Wichita Tuesday somewhat improved in health.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. Hank Thomas left for Ohio yesterday. That state will be their future home.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Miss Eva Berkey came down from Winfield Saturday evening and returned Monday morning.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

John Gibson has leased the room formerly occupied by Collins & Perry and opened up his barber shop.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

W. L. Aldridge has shipped a part of his goods to Wichita, where he intends to engage in business.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Dr. A. J. Chapel comes to the front in this issue of the REPUBLICAN with his professional card. Read it.

CARD. DR. A. J. CHAPEL, Physician & Surgeon.

Office in Kellogg & Coomb's No. 33 Drug Store.

ResidenceRoom No. 2, Central Avenue Hotel.

Consultation solicited.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Mrs. R. C. Howard, who has been suffering from remittent fever the past week, has about recovered.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

C. M. Scott has purchased 175 acres of land adjoining his cattle ranch on Otter Creek from Chas. Galloway.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Miss Grace Bidwell, one of Wichita's most charming ladies, is visiting at the residence of Johnnie Kroenert.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Frank Balyeat & Co., will open a drug store in the room occupied by Fitch & Barron in about one month.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Phil Snyder was so charmed with the wonders and grandeur of the Indian Sun Dance, that it made him ill.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Fred W. Farrar could stand to be a widower no longer than yesterday. He left on the afternoon train for Maine.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. John Gooch of Otoe Agency, Indian Territory, came up to the Terminus on a visit to friends and relatives.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Mrs. Ira Willitts went to Iola Wednesday to visit friends. Iola was Mrs. Willitts' former home. She will be gone about two weeks.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Geo. Wright has organized a base ball nine called "Rough-on-Rats." They will play the Winfield "Exterminator" next week.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Geo. Bowman, the man who came here to succeed Will Aldridge in his lumber yard, was taken sick with an attack of typhoid fever.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Mrs. D. N. Willitts, of Fredonia, Kansas, arrived in the city yesterday, on a visit at the home of the junior editor. She is a sister of his wife.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Our Friend, W. Scott Cook, of Fred, Indian Territory, came up to civilization Monday. He is after more goods for his store at that place. He is getting rich, fat, and saucy.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

H. M. Austin came down from Leavenworth the first of the week to visit the family of Frank Austin a few days. H. M. Austin is a brother of Frank.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Master Willie Aldridge is very sick, but by the careful nursing which his godmater, Mrs. Geo. Heitkam, is bestowing on him, he will pull through all right.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Thos. Van Fleet, Howard Bros.' efficient hardware clerk, left on a visit to the old folks at home in New York City last Tuesday. He will be gone several weeks.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

T. S. Moorhead left for Milton, Pennsylvania, Friday of last week, where he will remain for a time. His health has been poor for some time and he goes there to recuperate.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Ed. G. Gray went up north yesterday. He bought a new suit of clothes before leaving and will probably get his marriage license on his arrival in the Hawkeye State.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Will Mowry went to Wichita Tuesday to witness the match game of base ball between the Border club and the Wichita's, and also to accompany his wife on her return home.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

BIRTH. H. P. Standley, on the 20th inst., received a little visitor into his family. We found out its sex in two guesses. It's a girl. Is this the reward of one who has left the editorial chair?

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

In this issue Geo. A. Druitt advertises his European restaurant. Mr. Druitt with the assistance of his wife will conduct a first-class restaurant on the European plan. Call and see George.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Hon. O. T. Welsh, of Topeka, is in the city. He is one of the insurance adjusters for a company for which F. J. Hess is agent, and was called here by the damages done by the recent fire.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

BIRTH. No one would suspect by Cal Dean's demeanor that an important event had occurred in his life. Mrs. Dean on Tuesday morning gave birth to a girl babe. All parties concerned are doing well.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Dr. A. J. Chapel has already rented the business room which he has in process of erection on North Summit Street to Jerome Steele for an eastern friend, who desires to locate in Arkansas City and engage in the mercantile business.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

M. Harkness and family, from the Sucker state, arrived in the city last week. Mr. Harkness is a partner of A. Wiley in the cattle business. The family is stopping at the residence of A. C. Gould and will remain in Arkansas City some two or three months.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Charley Shoup, Dr. Fowler's patient, is about well. The Doctor paid his last visit Wednesday. It will be remembered that Master Shoup was the boy who was accidentally shot by Probasco on Grouse Creek some time ago, and it was thought he could not recover from the effect of the wound.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

T. H. McLaughlin purchased of Wm. Cox his business lot, the excavation and foundation walls for the store room on North Summit Street, which Mr. Cox was erecting, Wednesday, for $1,000. This was a rare bargain. Two hours after Mc. was offered $1,400, but refused. He will continue the erection of both store buildings.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Phil. Snyder, Ed Kingsbury, Herm Wyckoff, Lute Coombs, Leavitt Coburn, John Ingliss, Frank Freeland, Owen Sheppard, F. C. Deering, and W. H. Nelson went down to Ponca Agency Wednesday night to witness the sun dance by the Ponca tribe next day. They were doomed to disappointment. The dance comes off today.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Miss Ella Bishop, who, when she first came to Arkansas City, was very much pleased with its appearance, finds it still more attractive the longer she stays, and prefers to indulge in that pleasant and healthy exercise so fashionable here at the present timehorseback riding. She will probably be induced to prolong her visit beyond the time she at first intended to stay.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Fourteen ladies took advantage of the beautiful moonlight Monday evening to go buggy- riding. The party was composed of Mrs. J. H. Hilliard, Miss Grace Bridwell, Mrs. John Kroenert, Mrs. H. O. Nicholson, Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Mrs. Wm. Benedict, Mrs. C. R. Sipes, Mrs. Chas. Schiffbauer, Mrs. Lilian Carney, Mrs. R. E. Grubbs, Mrs. H. H. Perry, Mrs. A. J. Chapel, Mrs. J. Landes, Mrs. Isaac Ochs, and Mrs. J. O. Campbell. These jovial ladies drove some six miles up the Winfield road, returning at about 9:30 p.m. On arriving in the city, they came up Summit Street in one grand procession as far as Hamilton & Pentecost's Restaurant, where the command was given to halt and refreshments were served. They departed for home after fulfilling the maxim of "eating, drinking, and being merry."

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Charley Chapel and Ed. Kingsbury, the would-be Old Sleuthsit could bewere on the war path last Friday night. Billy Gray was watching certain suspicious looking parties and the boys begged to be allowed to sit up and watch the fun. At about 12 o'clock, while the trio were sitting in front of Grubbs' fruit stand with bated breath waiting for developments, a groan was heard among the ruins of the recent fire. The boys started at break-neck speed in the direction from whence came the sound. With hair on end, they searched for the corpse, but it was not to be found. Suddenly again the still night air was broken by that dismal groan. This time it was still further away. Once more they girded up their loins and flew. Industriously they searched, but alas, the victim was not to be discovered. Up the alley to the rear of the boys, the groan was heard again accompanied by "Charley, Charley come quick." This paralyzed the boys. Their knees refused to work, except up and down. Finally they summoned sufficient courage to go up the alley a short distance. Nothing was found. Scared near unto death the brave (?) boys returned to the protecting wing of Billy Gray. Here they related their experience and begged him to take them home. Billy informed them it was only a joke perpetrated on them by a ventriloquist sitting in front of Hutchison & Sons' store. The boys no longer desire to be on the police force.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

John Kennedy and Dave Beatty had a bout at law Tuesday. The suit was brought to obtain judgment for some $30 in payment for hogs. The substance of the case is as follows: A short time ago Beatty bought some hogs from Kennedy and told him he would pay for them next morning. Before next morning came around, Beatty discovered that two of the hogs he had bargained for had been taken from a bunch of hogs which had the cholera. He refused to accept the hogs, also to pay for them, although he had promised to pay for them and they had been turned into Beatty's hog lot. Kennedy represented to Beatty that the hogs came from a farm over on Grouse Creek and were healthy. The trial was by jury and resulted in a verdict against the defendant. We believe Beatty was right in refusing to pay for the diseased hogs, as he runs a meat market; and if he had put them on the market, it might have caused considerable sickness. The man who knowingly sells diseased stock or hogs taken from a bunch of diseased ones should receive the attention of the law.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

About English Wars.
A writer in the Globe-Democrat gives in a long article, what we shall endeavor to give as a history lesson in a short one, a sketch of what he terms "Queen Victoria's Wars."

The Queen ascended the throne, as the old phrase goes, in 1837. There was nothing in particular going on in the world at that particular time, and so the poet and amiable people generally predicted an era of universal peace.

The Queen had scarcely been seated on the figurative throne aforesaid six months, when what was called on our side of the line the "Patriot war," broke out in Canada. A French Canadian leader, Louis Joseph Papineau, roused a considerable number of his people to revolt against the crown. There was a little desultory fighting all over the two Canadas, and much sympathy was felt on this side of the line. The rebellion did not amount to much. Sir Francis Head sent all his regular troops away; called on the loyal militia, and invited the Patriots to pitch into him. It turned out that the loyal Canadian was a bigger man than the Patriot."

Almost at the same time these events occurred, what has been called the first Afghan war happened. Before the war began in earnest, the situation was very much like the present. Russian agents stirred up the Afghans; and English agents endeavored to counteract their influence. The Russians persuaded the Persians to besiege Herat, which the Russians now propose to do themselves before long. Herat was successfully defended by Major Pottenger, an English officer. After two years of warfare, an English army under Gen. Elphinstone found itself in the heart of Afghanistan and in the power of the enemy. Gen. Elphinstone accepted a proposition to leave the country with his army. He started for India at the beginning of winter with 4,000 soldiers and 12,000 camp followers. But one man of that army, Dr. Brydone, ever lived to reach India. The rest were slaughtered on the road. This awful disaster was avenged by Gen. Pollock, who recaptured Cabul, but England lost much and gained nothing by this war.

Then came the "Opium war," with China, one of the most disgraceful in which England had ever been engaged. The Chinese towns and ports were bombarded, the armies destroyed, and the opium traffic fastened on the country and an indemnity of $25,000,000 in cash exacted. This war paidin one way.

In 1840 there was a little war in Syria with Ibrahim Pasha.

In 1843 Sir Charles Napier overran Scindh, and in 1845 and again in 1847 there were wars with the Sikhs, and England swallowed the Punjab.

Then came the Kafir with the Moaris in New Zealand. In these the English usually gained territory.

Then, in 1884, came the great war with Russia, the battles of the Alma Inkermann, and Balaklava, and the siege of Sebastopol. From this war England gained nothing.

In 1856 there was another Chinese war. In 1857 a smaller war with Persia, and in 1857 came the tremendous mutiny in India. In this war England was truly great, and for a year and a half a handful of English troops fought to a final conquest 300,000 mariners.

In addition, came in 1857 the Abyssinian war in which King Theodore was threshed; the Zulu war of 1879, marked by the death of young Prince Napoleon and a terrible defeat, that of Isandula; the Transvaal war of 1881, when the Boers whipped the English; the one-sided Egyptian war with Arabi Pasha; the horrible failure just finished in the Soudan, and the little war with Louis Reil. A great many wars, all entailing loss of blood and treasure. No wonder another war, which if it comes, threatens to be the most costly of all, is dreaded by the mass of English people.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

De Memoriam.
The following orders from the G. A. R. in relation to the death of General Grant have been handed us for publication.

General order No. 6
WICHITA, KANSAS, July 23, 1885.
It is with profound sorrow that these Headquarters learn of the death of our eminent comrade, Gen. U. S. Grant, and, believing that the entire comradeship of this Department will join in showing respect for the noble deceased by proper memorial services, it is therefore ordered that the Posts of this Department meet at their respective post-rooms, or other places of public assembly, on the day and hour named for burial, where memorial services will be held in accordance with the service book of our order. By the command of

M. STEWART, Dept. Commander.
L. N. WOODCOCK, Asst. Adjt. Genl.
In compliance with general order No. 6, from department headquarters, it comes in the province of duty of these headquarters to assemble the Post to pay the last tribute of respect to our dead comrade, U. S. Grant.

It is therefore ordered that Arkansas City Post No. 158, G. A. R., assemble promptly at their post-room at 1 p.m. sharp, Saturday, August 8th. Comrades are requested to wear memorial badges and uniforms, as far as practicable. Post will be formed in front of their hall and march to Highland Hall, where the memorial exercises will be held during the afternoon. All ex-soldiers, whether members of the Grand Army or not, are cordially invited to join the line and participate.

Comrades, let there be no cold reserve or hesitancy in this matter, and let every old soldier bring his offering and lay it upon the tomb of our dead hero.

A. MOWRY, Commander.
C. R. FOWLER, Adjt.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Good News from a Far Country.
As the ever welcome leaves of the Arkansas City press floated down upon the morning breeze, they radiated the glad tidings of the whereabouts of our looked for and long sought Street Commissioner. All hail! Let the 4th ward rejoice! He is safesafe "up a tree."

Instead of looking for him in small augur holes, why did I not think of "Up a tree?" I'm more than an ignoramus. I'm an idiot. Now, Mr. Street Commissioner, do come down from the tree, before our honorable city council gets to throwing stones, like the man in the spelling-book. Were you up a tree all of these twenty-nine days of June last? The council have been throwing grass up that way. Say, are there anymore up there, or were they throwing it all at you?

You say you have been in the 4th ward. Impossible, Mr. Street Commissioner. When and where were you here? Who saw you here? Had we only known you were here, we would have turned out en masse and helped you repair our long neglected streets.

When you make your next visit to our disconsolate ward, please notify us as the law directs and we assure you we will be on hand even though the council has rejected our "rotten manure."

Now, Mr. Street Commissioner, I everlastingly thank you for your kind communication through the REPUBLICAN, informing us as to your whereabouts and that you actually did, sometime in the past, "drap" down, in the 4th ward. I am sorry that I cried "reform," and now while tears as big as cabbage heads roll down from both my eyes, I promise that while you remain up a tree, I will cry reform no more. T. D. ROSS.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Proclamation Concerning Dogs.
I, William J. Gray, City Marshal of the city of Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, by virtue of authority vested in me, do hereby proclaim and make known that all dogs found within said city without having the tax paid, as provided in Section 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22, of ordinance No. 5, of the revised ordinances of the City of Arkansas City, Kansas, approved May 29th, 1885, will be shot on sight after ten days from the date of publication of this proclamation.

Witness my hand this 28th day of July, A. D. 1885. W. J. GRAY, City Marshal.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.


It is Reserved to Advertise Grimes & Son's New Mammoth DRUG STOCK, Which is Coming.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.

Notice is hereby given that I will be a candidate for re-election to the office of County Treasurer this fall, subject to the will of the Republican nominating convention which will be held Sept. 19th, 1885. Respectfully, J. B. NIPP.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.

I herein announce myself as a candidate for Sheriff of Cowley County, subject to the will of the Republican nominating convention. Respectfully, GEO. H. McINTIRE.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.

I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of Register of Deeds of Cowley County, subject to the will of the Republican county convention.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.

Thursday was excursion day. At about 10 o'clock a.m., the train arrived from Wichita with four passenger coaches and a mail car, loaded to their utmost capacity with some 400 excursionists. A large crowd of our citizens were down at the depot to meet the visitors, but the train pulled on down to the road leading to Harmon's Bridge.

A large body of the people went to the beautiful grove adjoining the steamboat landing, while a still greater portion came up to the city to enjoy a first-class meal at our hotels. After dinner a goodly number went down to the river to enjoy a ride on the steamer, which made frequent trips up and down the Walnut. The Wichita Cornet band was in attendance and enlivened the occasion with some choice music.

The base ball club was on hand and refused to play against our boys unless a purse of $50 was put up. Our boys did not want to do this because their pitcher was sick in bed; but a number of the lovers of the game, in order that the match might be played, went down in their pockets and fished out the necessary sum. At 3 p.m., the game commenced with the Wichitas at the bat. They were all great big shouldered strikers and it was evident they would have a "walk over" after the first inning was played. On the seventh inning the Border Club threw up the sponge, the score standing 36 to 5 in favor of the visiting club. The Border Club expected to play the same crew as it had on its visit to Wichita. There were just two of the old nine present. The rest were taken from St. Louis, Olathe, and Kansas City. Arkansas City's ball club can play against Sedgwick County, but when it comes to ringing in the world, we crawfish. But five of the original Border club played, word having been sent to some of the boys the game would not come off. The game had a bad effect on everybody, except the visitors, and we feel very sorry that our boys should have been beaten so badly. The excursionists returned home at 7 p.m., joyous and happy and well pleased with the entertainment furnished them by the inhabitants of the city on the sandhill.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.

Mowry & Sollitt's Safe Blown Open, But the Burglars Scared
Away Before They Secured Their Booty.
Thursday night at 12 o'clock, just as Night-watchman Johnson was rounding the corner of Fifth Avenue and Summit Street, he saw a flash of fire in Mowry & Sollitt's Drug Store and then heard an explosion. He tapped on the stone pavement with his cane to summon Night-watch Stafford, but that official was not in hearing. He went down and looked in the front window, but could see nothing but smelled burnt powder. He went down to W. D. Mowry's residence and awakened him that an explosion had occurred in his store, but saying nothing concerning the flash. Mr. Mowry dressed and came up to the store with Johnson, supposing that the explosion had been caused by some temporary shelving, loaded with stock, giving away and making the crash. Not until the front door had been unlocked, did Mr. Mowry know there were burglars in the store and then he heard them going out the back door; and before anything could be done, the burglars had made good their escape.

On examination, they found the outside safe door had been blown off and badly demolished. The door, in falling, had dropped out partly on a cellar door, striking some shelving, and then fell back against the inside door. Only one man must have been at work upon the inside for a pick had been used in trying to dislodge the door from its position, but his efforts were futile. As much as three-quarters of an hour must have elapsed between the time of the explosion and the time when Mr. Mowry arrived on the scene, so if there had been more than one man, the door would have been easily removed, as it was next morning. The hole in the door was drilled about six inches below the knob, and was made by a three- eighths inch drill. A terrible charge of power must have been put in, as the iron bolts were bent and the hinges broken.

It is supposed that the burglar or burglars entered through a west cellar window and came upstairs through the cellar door, and gone through the drawers the first thing, getting some $5. In the safe there was about $50 and some jewelry, besides other valuables.

No clue has been disclosed that will lead to the finding of the safe-blower. By the side of the safe, a brace and chisel, belonging to John Daniels, the blacksmith, was found. It is supposed that the burglar or burglars had gone to Mr. Daniels' shop and purloined the tools.

During Thursday afternoon two strangers went to G. W. Miller, the blacksmith, showed him a piece of steel, and asked him if he could make a drill that would perforate it. Mr. Miller informed them he could and went to work and drilled a hole through the steel, breaking the drill in the operation. Mr. Miller does not know whether any of his drills are missing or not, but it would have been very easy for them to take one. Mr. Miller describes the men as being genteel looking. One was about 45 years of age, smooth face and very full, heavy build, medium height, and his hair streaked with gray. The other one was a middle aged man and had long black whiskers. These men are supposed by all to be the burglars. They may have been experts at the business, but their work done here shows considerable bungling.

A man representing the Hall Safe & Lock Co., was in the store to see Messrs. Mowry & Sollitt about purchasing a safe. It seems strange that the safe should be blown open the same night of the day he called on the firm. As yet, the entire affair is a mystery. We furnish the above facts and let our readers draw their own conclusions. But one thing is certain; hereafter, the REPUBLICAN will leave a card on top of its safe15 cent purseexplanatory of the combination of the lock.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.

Last Monday was not "blue" Monday for the REPUBLICAN boys. It became bright for them the moment they saw the junior editor come in with an enormous watermelon, fairly staggering under the burden. It had been given him by T. N. Lane. The "devil" in particular became restless at the sight of it, and could not continue his labor until it lay in broad halves before him. By using column rules for knives, it was soon dispatched, and the boys returned to their work full of melon but not melon-choly. Thanks to Mr. Lane for the treat.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.

All's Well That Ends Well.
MARRIED. For a week or more the rumor had been prevalent that Will L. Aldridge was to be arrested at the instigation of Miss Annie McBride for bastardy. Last Saturday the rumor became a fact. It was understood that Aldridge intended leaving town that afternoon. A short time after dinner, Johnnie Breene saw Aldridge on the streets and started to arrest him. He was deterred from doing so by the defendant's attorney on the ground that there was no warrant out. Johnnie immediately went and had a warrant issued for Aldridge's arrest; and just as the 3:05 Santa Fe train was pulling out, Billy Gray jumped aboard and arrested Aldridge and brought him uptown. He was taken before Judge Kreamer, who bound him over in the sum of $2,000 to appear the following Tuesday. He furnished the necessary approved bondsmen.

This case shows a great deal of depravity on the part of the defendant. A year ago he was a respected lumber dealer in our city. He had a happy home, wife, and baby; and as far as the outside world was cognizant, there was no more blissful fireside than that of Will L. Aldridge. During the latter part of the winter, his wife died after giving birth to a child.

Now as time progressed he began the use of strong drink very heavily and in a few weeks after the death of his wife became enamored of Miss McBride's charms, and began to press his suit. For more than three months the defendant plied himself to accomplish his ends. Buggy rides after nightfall were frequent; fine dresses and beautiful rings were presented to her, and finally his promises. "It won't be long until we are married," caused the girl to yield all that a woman should hold most sacredher virtue. The defendant wrote letters full of love and promises, saying he could not live without her. The girl, after allowing herself to be used as was desired for some time, became aware that she was in an interesting condition and called on Aldridge to fulfill his pledges ere her shame become known to the world.

He refused, and was quite indignant in the courtroom that he should be subject to an arrest upon such a trivial affair. His bravado, however, was soon put to flight. Up to Monday afternoon he was determined not to do justice to the poor girl; but upon the advice of his father-in-law, Thos. Sidner, of Topeka, and seeing that the law was all in favor of the plaintiff, he consented to marry her. At about 6 p.m. the couple accompanied by Miss McBride's brother, went to Winfield in carriages, and at 11 o'clock Judge Gans united the fallen pair in marriage. Tuesday morning they returned to Arkansas City and have since been stopping at the hotel. Aldridge says he intends to be a man from now on, and the REPUBLICAN hopes he will make good the assertion. Miss McBride has always possessed a fair name. She was employed as a domestic in the family of O. F. Godfrey. She lately came here and is the sister of the wife of George Pile.

Let this sad affair be a warning to all unscrupulous men and giddy maidens. Retribution will overtake the guilty though it be at the eleventh hour. The REPUBLICAN hopes that the termination of the life of the newly wedded pair will be more honorable than the beginning.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.

The Liquor Traffic.
The liquor trade of the county for July seems to have been an exceptionally good one; in fact, the best since the inauguration of free whiskey. The total number of statements filed for last month is 3,079, against 3,052 for May and 2,607 for June.

Compared with last month Arkansas City has dropped a littlevery littlein number of statements while Winfield has pulled up a notch or two. The former phenomena may be accounted for by the burning out of brother Grimes, who had latterly stood well to the front in amount of whiskey disposed of.

These 3,079 statements are divided among the various towns and dealers as follows.

Winfield: Harter, 122; Glass, 132; Brown & Son, 259; Williams, 208. Total: 711.

Arkansas City: Steinberger, 536; Fairclo, 208; Eddy, 208; Mowry & Sollitt, 236; Kellogg & Coombs, 290. Total: 1,584.


[1,548 - 1,478 = 70 less than paper shows!]

Burden: Woolsey, 355.

Grand Summit: Avery, 155.

Dexter: Phelps, 182.

Cambridge: Rule, 20.

Udall: Martin, 69; Roberts, 103.

These statements represent a nice little harvest to the probate judge for this month of $159.95. Winfield Telegram.

In justice to our druggists and the name of our city, the REPUBLICAN announces that it is informed by Judge Gans that fully one-half of the statements filed by our druggists are for parties residing in the Territory. While the Winfield men claim we drink so much, the fact is we do not consume as much liquor as the inhabitants of the Hub. Our Territory trade is all filed from Arkansas City.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.


All kinds of house-painting, Kalsomining, Plain and Ornamental Paperhanging, done with neatness and despatch. Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Shop second door south of Occidental Hotel.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.

LELAND HOTEL, H. H. PERRY, Proprietor, Arkansas City, Kansas.


Special attention given to Commercial and Stock Men.

The Leland, since Mr. Perry has been hold of it, has been thoroughly renovated and repaired. Everything "Neat and Tidy."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.


The shop has been placed in first-class shape, and everything arranged for the accommodation of customers. South of Occidental Hotel.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.


Plans and specifications furnished on application. P. O. Box 385.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.


Office at Alexander's Lumber Yard.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.


Manufacturers and Dealers in FLOURING MILL MACHINERY, Richmond, Indiana.

Address J. W. Beck, Agt. of Western States, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.


Office with J. M. Wright, M. D., in Matlack's Block. Residence first house east of Alexander's lumber yard. Arkansas City, Kansas.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.



Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.


All kinds of Contracts and Agreements and Deeds drawn and acknowledged. Office over C. Atwoods.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.


Shop on East Central Avenue. A sufficient number of first-class workmen always employed in order to complete work on short notice. All work guaranteed.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.

E. Y. BAKER, PHYSICIAN. Special attention given to chronic diseases.

Can be found at the Perry House.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.


Office under Cowley County Bank. Will practice in all the courts State and Federal.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.


Goods Delivered free of Charge to any part of the city.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.


Prompt attention given to all calls in the practice of medicine and surgery in city or country. Office and residence in Commercial Block. Night calls promptly attended to.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.


Dealer in the celebrated B. B. RED GAMES.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.


Office and lodgings rear room of Cowley County Bank.

Arkansas City, Kansas.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.


Tenders his Professional Services, to the citizens of Arkansas City and vicinity.

All calls in city and country night and day will receive prompt attention.

Office, Residence, over Matlack's, Corner of Dry Goods Store.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.


Plans and specifications furnished on application. Mr. Hollowell is thoroughly acquainted with all modern and eastern architectural designs. Give him a call. He guarantees satisfaction.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.


Front rooms over Cowley County Bank. Arkansas City, Kansas.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.



Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.


Shop on East Central Avenue opposite Central Avenue Hotel.

Sewed, Pegged, and Cement Work a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.


Sign Writer and Grainer, Plain and Decorating, Paper Hanging a Specialty. All Work Warranted as Represented. Two doors West of Benedict & Owen's Implement Store.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.


Stock Sold on Commission.

Money Advanced on Stock Left for Sale.

Best of accommodations for Teams.

5th Ave., West of Summit, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.


Highest market price paid.

Call on me at the Arkansas City Bank when you want to sell your stock.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.


All work contracted, warranted to give satisfaction.

Leave orders, and reference at Alexander's or G. B. Shaw's Lumber Yard.

Specialties: Boiler setting, Cistern and Filter building Chimney's, Coal or Wood Burners; Blacksmith, Fergus Mantles set, etc. Orders filled with timeliness and despatch.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.

The Southern Cattle.
TOPEKA, KANSAS, July 29. [Special.]

At this time there is much interest manifested in the movements of cattle in the Indian Territory, caused by orders from Washington, which means the practical destruction of the cattle trade, or at least the business of many who are now engaged in that trade. Desiring to get an expression from men who had made this question a study, your correspondent called on governor John A. Martin, who consented to be interviewed when his attention was called to the deep interest manifested, not only in Kansas City, but in the entire West and South. The first point was the leases and the question was asked:

"What do you think of the order concerning the cattle leases in the Indian Territory?"

"I regard it as arbitrary and unjust. The United States Government has insisted on preserving the Territory as a home for the Indians, and has treated it, in all its laws and its dealings with them, as their property. The Indians leased the grass, on certain lands, to cattlemen. Whether the cattlemen made a good or bad bargain with the Indians, I do not know, but it is certain that for the first time in their lives the Indians received something for the grass on their lands. And for this time also the vegetation of the Indian Territory has been of use to the human race. For centuries it has simply gone to waste, blooming and blossoming in rank luxuriance, but of no value to and used by no human being on the face of the earth. The government says, in effect, that it shall continue to be so wasted, and to be used for the benefit of nobody. The Indians don't use itthe government says the whites shall not use it. Thus, the Indians are deprived of the reserve they received, and the cattlemen, who have been acting under what they supposed to be legal leases, for which they have paid the stipulated price, are seriously damaged, if not ruined."

"But has there not been considerable opposition to the occupancy of the Indian lands by the cattlemen?"

"In some quarters, yes. But it was a thoughtless opposition, or grew out of a dog-in-the- manger spirit, which influences many men. People saw the cattlemen; they thought they had what is called a `good thing,' and so those outside, who couldn't get inside, growled and declaimed. Yet, the occupancy of these lands for grazing purposes, injured nobody. The Indians were benefitted in the money they received; the cattlemen were benefitted in securing pasturage for their herds; and the people, generally, were benefitted, because occupancy in these lands aided in the work of supplying beef for public consumption. A dispatch from Dallas, printed in the Kansas City Journal the other day, stated that Texas cattle have decreased fully 25 percent since the president's order was issued. Is an increased price of beef a public benefit?"

"Do you anticipate any trouble from the attempts of the Texas cattlemen to drive their cattle into or through Texas?"

"I hope none will occur. Our laws are explicit, and I have directed the live stock sanitary commission to see that they are rigidly enforced. Kansas shall not be desolated by the Texas fever if I can prevent it. The presence of a Texas steer from south of the thirty-seventh parallel, in any section of Kansas, means the destruction of every head of native cattle in that section. Texas fever is far more dangerous to the cattle of Kansas than pleuro-pneumonia. Texas cattle poison the grass, the water, the earth, wherever they go, and Kansas cattle grazing on the grass, drinking the water, and moving over the highways where Texas cattle have been, are doomed to certain destruction. Texas cattle have no legal right in Kansas; their presence is fatal to the stock of our own people, and it is our plain duty to protect our own stock interests against such losses as the Texas cattle spread to their trail."

"Do you think the sheriff and other officers of the Southwest can and will enforce the law?"

"I have no doubt of it. They will have the whole population of their counties to sustain them, for every Kansas man realizes the necessity of excluding Texas cattle."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.

How to Settle It.
The following from the Atchison Champion expresses our sentiments in regard to the Indian question.

"Gov. Martin's letter to the secretary of War embodies all there is to the Indian question. The United States has undertaken to care for the Indians. It is in the position of a man who owns a vicious dog. The dog may be everything to its owner; but the neighbors want him tied up; they neither desire to be bitten nor be scared to death by him. If the dog's collar and chain is not strong enough, then he must go and get a more efficient dog restraining apparatus. If part of the United States army is not enough to keep the Cheyennes and Arapahoes on their territory, then bring the whole army. The Champion has never advocated any invasion of the Indian Territory by white men. It has always denounced the Oklahoma "boom" as a piece of folly, not unmixed with rascality on the part of its leaders, and this doctrine ought to be announced and enforced; Indians on their side and white people on their side. This done, and there will be no trouble. If white men make trouble among Indians, kick them out of the Territory; if Indians come into Kansas even peaceably, send them back home. If they come armed and hostile, kill them; if they commit robberies and murders on the soil of Kansas, and escape into the Territory, then let their surrender be demanded that they might be punished like other robbers and murderers."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.

If the cattle lease system now in vogue is to be broken up, we hope no more leases will be allowed, but that it will be understood that the Indians will be supported like invalid paupers. The Indians owned the land; were not using it themselves; were getting nothing from it or for it and had a right to lease it; did lease it, and have realized a large sum of money, cash in hand paid, for it. This looks reasonable, and it is, but a constant howl has been raised ever since the lease system was adopted. Let, then, the old system be tried again of giving the Indians money and rations for nothing, and see if that gives any better satisfaction. Champion.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.

During the past week we have been over the route of the D. M. & A. from Dexter to Coffeyville in company with Major Fanning, engineer in charge of the east division. The people along the line are prosperous, despite the damage by flood and the ravages of the web worm. They are in high spirits and waiting patiently for the railroad. Since knowing by personal observation of the resources of the country along the line, we are more than ever satisfied that the D. M. & A. will be a money-making road from the time the first train pounds the rails from Belle Plaine to Baxter Springs. Dexter Eye.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.

Despatches from Ft. Worth, Gainesville, San Antonio, and other cattle centers in Texas represent great consternation among the cattlemen of that state because of the president's edict expelling cattle from the Indian Territory. The result will be to largely shut off northwestern Texas cattle from market, and this will in turn prostrate values and business generally. The university board of Texas, however, has an immense landed endowment and offers to lease that to Indian Territory cattle companies for grazing purposes, though it is not probable that it can be had at the yearly rate of two cents per acre.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.

Law and Order Meeting.
A large and enthusiastic meeting was held in the Baptist Church, last Sabbath evening, in the interest of law and order in our community. The meeting was organized by calling Maj. Sleeth to the chair, and appointing N. T. Snyder, secretary.

Some excellent music was rendered by the choir, after which Rev. Fleming read the Law of Mt. Sinai and the thirteenth chapter of Romans, and Rev. Witt led in prayer. Short speeches were made by Messrs. Hill, Jenkins, Campbell, Fleming, Buckner, Witt, Kreamer, Hight, and others.

The meeting developed the fact that there is a deep and wide-spread feeling bordering on indignation in the hearts of the people at the lawlessness apparent on every hand. Notable in connection with the Sabbath and prohibition laws was this spirit developed. While law- abiding citizens have nothing to fear, and can rely upon the moral strength of the community; yet the individual who wilfully and wantonly violates the laws upon our statute books need ask no favors or quarter as this will not be shown. That this is the case seemed to be the conviction of those who were present in the meeting. There is unquestionably a wicked and wanton violation of both the prohibition and Sabbath laws which is fast giving to our fair young city an unenviable reputation abroad; and against this wholesale iniquity the combined moral force of the community will make itself felt.

It is not the disposition of outraged public feeling to be lenient toward those who have so flagrantly violated not only the spirit but the letter of the law and therefore all law breakers must take the consequences if caught in the toils of an outraged public sentiment when it rises to enforce the law.

As expressing the sense of the meeting, the following resolutions were read and adopted.

Resolved, That we call the attention of the county attorney and the probate judge to the necessity of an immediate investigation of the open and notorious violations of the prohibition law in our city.

Resolved, That we respectfully ask our municipal authorities to use all diligence in the enforcement of all sabbatical laws on the statute books.

Resolved, That these resolutions be published in the city papers, and forwarded to the proper persons.

The meeting was adjourned to meet the next Sabbath evening in September, place to be announced hereafter.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.

Ezra Meech, Jr., met with quite a serious accident Thursday morning of last week at 6 o'clock, chronicles the Telegram. He and another young man were engaged in rounding up some horses on Dr. Emerson's ranch on Silver Creek. Ezra had sent the boy around a knoll while he went over the top, and while descending on the other side at full gallop, the boy came tearing around a projecting rock, the two horses coming together with great violence, throwing both riders to the ground. The boy escaped with a few bruises. Ezra was not so fortunate, but lay like one dead. Help was summoned and he was taken to the house where he lay in an insensible condition for 60 hours. No cuts or bruises were found on him, excepting a slight scratch on the nose, but his left hand and leg were found to be paralyzed. During this long period, few signs of life were visible beyond his slow and sometimes labored breathing. Dr. Emerson is attending him and in order that he might have better treatment, moved him to Winfield Monday. He is gradually coming out of his stupor. He remembers nothing but a sort of vague idea about rounding up horses, and gives expression to this idea over and over again.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.

Captain Henry King's article in the Century, on the Indian question, estimates that if the Indian reservations in the Territory were allotted in severalty that each man, woman, and child of the tribes there could have a farm of 160 acres, or 12,150,000 acres in all; and this would leave two-thirds of the land to be sold, which could be marketed so as to bring each individual $500. Yet, with so great a patrimony, the Indians are largely supported on government rations.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.

At last we are able to say that the D. M. & A. is an actual fact. About a mile of heavy grading has been completed already and the work still goes on with increased force each day. Upwards of forty teams are on the grade now and a full force will be on in a few days. The remainder of sixty-one miles will be sub-let the latter part of the week. They crossed the Santa Fe yesterday.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.

The subject of discourse next Sabbath morning at the Presbyterian Church will be "Is the world growing better or worse?" A cordial invitation is extended to all. In the evening at 6:30 there will be an out-door praise serviceprovided the evening is excessively warm.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.

1886 FALL AND WINTER. 1886.

We are now ready for business, with an entire new line of FALL and WINTER goods. We have better facilities for Fine Tailoring than ever. We can show as complete a stock as can be found west of Kansas City. We guarantee satisfaction, have engaged new workmen, and will DUPLICATE Eastern prices and discount Home prices on all our work.

We invite an inspection of our stock and prices. Respectfully, A. G. HEITKAM.

Basement of Commercial Block under A. A. Newman's.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.

Tannehill Tidings.
The farmers are very busy plowing for wheat. The acreage sown in this vicinity will be equal to that of any previous year.

We have not had rain of any consequence for nearly four weeks, but corn is seemingly in very good condition.

Wheat as a general thing is not turning out as good as expected. The fanning mill agents are doing a good business in this neighborhood. The honest tillers of the soil are determined to have pure seed wheat this fall. The timothy sown in this section last autumn has yielded a bountiful crop of hay.

The members of the Christian Church are making preparations to have a basket picnic in Mr. Smalley's grove on the fifth Sunday in August.

An Elder of the M. E. Church South preached a sermon in Bradbury's grove on Sunday, July the 26th, taking the position that the New Testament did not teach water baptism as essential, or to even be practical in any form in the present age; but the only baptism necessary for the penitent believer to receive, was the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

Elder Frazee of the Christian Church, when the services were over, requested "the brother" to be present on the next Lord's day at Tannehill, as he would give a discourse upon the same subject, presenting opposite views. "For," said Frazee, "one of us is a false teacher and the people should know." "The brother" could not accept the invitation, owing to previous arrangements. We understand that preparations are being made for a joint discussion.

Thomas Culver and B. F. Craddock have gone on a visit to Wellington.

Wm. McCulloch bought one hundred head of cattle of Warren Wood. They are on the range in Barber County.

"The Granger" in the Telegram, said, "Alex Fuller has the best team in Beaver township." The youth should post himself better before he makes such broad assertions. There are twenty other teams in the township.

G. H. Teter, M. S. Teter, and L. P. King will each sow one hundred acres of wheat.

Jos. Smalley has gone to Wichita to visit his daughters, Mrs. Shaffer and Mrs. Garrett.

The health of this community is good; no "medicine" has been required since the last fines were paid. LAPSUS LINGUAE.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.

There are said to be about 3,000,000 acres of government land yet open to homestead, pre-emption, and timber farms in Finney, Hamilton, and Seward counties in southwestern Kansas, and this land is being appropriated at the rate of 16,000 acres per day.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.

A Dastardly Outrage.
It will be remembered by many of our readers that on Tuesday last, Rev. Wm. Hayes of this place, filed an information charging Milton Adams with unlawful sale of intoxicating liquors. Adams was arrested and brought before Esquire Hutchins, the trial continuing some two days, which finally terminated in the acquittal of Adams.

Some eight or ten ruffians, whose names are at this time unknown, in order to terrorize the law abiding citizens and prevent if possible any others from making against outlawry, went at the hour of midnight and called Mr. Hayes from his bed, telling him that his services were needed to marry a couple. The benevolent minister, not suspecting anything wrong, opened the door, and was immediately seized by his gray and venerable hair and ruthlessly dragged into the street in his night clothes, and in a merciless and inhuman manner, beaten and pelted with rotten eggs.

The aged companion of Mr. Hayes tried to interfere to save her husband; but the brutal ruffians had no more respect for her than for her husband and treated her in a most cruel and indignant manner, trampling on her prostrate body, and pelting her with rotten eggs.

To say that the people of Coldwater feel outraged over this most disgraceful affair, does not express it. Their indignation knows no bounds and every effort is being made to bring the cowardly midnight thugs to justice. Coldwater Review.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.

AD. [Illustration of a Diamond with Words "THE DIAMOND FRONT."]

Fire Fire Fire
WE WILL CLOSE OUT BY AUG. 15, AT COST and BELOW COST the Damaged goods saved from the recent destructive fire.

At your own price for the
As they must be sold at the RINK STORE. KROENERT & AUSTIN.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Today General Grant's funeral occurs.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

The Ashland base ball club plays the Border club Monday.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Hamilton & Pentecost's ice cream parlors are equal to any in the state. Call and see.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Last Sabbath at the Presbyterian Church a collection was taken up of $60 for Home and Foreign missions.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

An election of a councilman to succeed Capt. Rarick in the 2nd ward has been called for the 14th of this month.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

A team of heavy draft horses and wagon and harness for sale. Will take a light driving horse in pay. N. S. BUCKNER.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

The party who dropped a small sum of money in the post office can have the same by calling on Frank Barnes, proving the property, and paying for this notice.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

The county commissioners have offered $300 reward for the conviction of the murderer of Mrs. R. H. White at Winfield. The state also offers the same amount.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

The "Kansas Millers" returned Tuesday evening from her first trip down the river with freight. She had a safe and prosperous voyage. The passengers aboard had a pleasant time.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Chas. Bundrem has leased the building on north Summit Street adjoining Brown's Drug Store and will open up his meat market as soon as the room can be remodeled. Mr. Bundrem is a good butcher.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Now is Your Time to Buy Buggies, Phaetons, Spring-wagons, etc. 16-1/2 percent off. We have no room and positively must sell. Come and see us. D. L. MEANS.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Bill Hackney has resigned his position as city attorney of Winfield. Jos. O'Hare succeeds him.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

The fronts of the Leland Hotel and John Gibson's barber shop have received a new coat of paint.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

A ball will be given in Highland Opera House Tuesday evening under the management of R. E. Hutchison. Invitations are out.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

LOST. Ladies saddle and saddle blanket, somewhere in the west part of the city. Finder will confer a favor by leaving word at O. P. Houghton's store.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

The K. C. & S. W. surveying corps finished the preliminary survey to the town site yesterday evening. They stopped on the road leading to Searing & Mead's mill, just east of the Santa Fe road.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

J. C. Armstrong came out in our last issue with a card. Mr. Armstrong has money to loan as cheaply as anyone and does a general real estate business. See his card and learn what might save you several dollars.


I have perfected arrangements by which I can loan money at as LOW RATES as can be obtained in the state, either upon Farm or City Security, -OR UPON:- CHATTELS.

I have bargains in Farm and City Property.

Call on J. C. Armstrong, REAL ESTATE and LOAN AGENT.

Office over Post Office, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

T. S. Soward in this issue of the REPUBLICAN announces himself as a candidate for re- election to the office of Register of Deeds. Mr. Soward has filled the office acceptably one term and is likely to do it again.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Druggist Steinberger's record shows that H. E. Asp of Winfield purchased a pint of gin during May for rheumatism. This was a forgery by some unscrupulous party as Henry Asp was in St. Louis at the time of the purchase.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Of the entire crowd of ladies from Wichita Thursday, we failed to see a handsome face and we searched diligently. The men were even worse looking than the ladies. We thought Wichita was noted for her beautiful ladies, but it seems not.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Deming & Son did not sell their grocery stock last week as the REPUBLICAN announced. The bargain was made, but the buyer did not come to time as agreed, so the trade fell through. We make this correction in justice to Deming & Son.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Owing to the reporter being unacquainted with all of the faces of the ladies who composed the party who went buggy riding last week, we omitted Mrs. M. S. Hasie's name. It was unintentional on our part, and we hope the lady will excuse us for the omission.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

The Traveler comes to us this week again in peculiar shape. One side has printed on it only 16 columns, while the other has 18. The office cat, we suppose, had eaten up two columns of plates necessary to make the Traveler a nine-column folio. We blush for our neighbor at his futile efforts to get out a local paper.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Mrs. J. W. Heck and Mrs. C. R. Sipes, while passing along the street in front of Highland Opera House Thursday, received a deluge of slop water. It was thrown out of the opera house on the awning and ran through a crevice. Mrs. Heck had a cashmere shawl almost ruined and Mrs. Sipes her dress. Attendants of public buildings should be more careful about where they throw slop water.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

J. R. Rogers and J. L. Huey have purchased the flouring mill of W. H. Speers, down on the canal, and by October will have a complete roller system in operation. The firm will do business under the name of J. L. Huey & Co. Mr. Rogers is a first-class miller and a young and energetic businessman. Mr. Huey is one of our bankers and is known to all. We wish the new firm success.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Frank Hess and ex-city attorney Stafford became engaged in a wrangle in the courtroom last Tuesday just before court convened. Hess told Stafford he ought to be run out of the county, which made the gentleman of high legal attainments indignant. He arose from his chair, while his breast heaved with emotion, and hissed through his clenched teeth, "Why you G_d d____d little whelp, I could take you between my thumb and finger and break your backbone." The would-be combatants were finally cooled down without bloodshed. Stafford was arrested for the use of profane language, but has not yet had his trial.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

The Commercial Building Association will begin a suit against A. W. Patterson for $110 to recover damages done by someone shooting through the plate glass window in Newman & Co.'s store a short time since.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

The school board met last Monday evening and levied a tax of 4 mills to pay bonds and the interests thereon, and 8 mills for school and incidental purposes. W. R. Smith was given permission to give instructions in penmanship.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Jones, the notorious cowboy, was drunk again Wednesday evening. He was arrested and tried Thursday morning and fined $70 and costs on account of being drunk. As soon as turned loose he was re-arrested for carrying firearms and fined $10 and costs the second time. His revolver and saddle went toward liquidating the fine.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Henry Asp, Judge Gans, and Sheriff McIntire came down yesterday from Winfield to investigate the liquor sales of our druggists. They were busily engaged in examining witnesses who had purchased intoxicants and the druggist's records at the Leland Hotel, as we go to press. If anyone can be found guilty of violating the law, lightning will be sure to strike.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Geo. H. McIntire, not to be behind Capt. Nipp and T. S. Soward, in announcing his name as a candidate for re-election, comes to the front in this issue of the REPUBLICAN. Mc. is desirous of being returned to the Sheriff's office and will in all probability as he has no opponent as yet. He has filled the office acceptably and is worthy of the support which he is sure to receive from the Republicans of Cowley County.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

The Traveler man says he hung the report of the Republican County Central Committee on the hook, but it mysteriously disappeared before it passed into the hands of the printer. The office cat, of which the editor of the Traveler loves to talk so well, to us appears, in this instance, to be the Democratic blood issuing from its veins and which has washed the report of the Republican County Central Committee into the much abused wastebasket. Poor cat! Poor copy hook! Poor printer!

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Sheriff McIntire was out to Harper Tuesday after a bicycle thief. While there he concluded to take in the sights. He visited the drug stores to ascertain how the prohibition law was working. Going in one he saw a sign on a door at the rear of the room, which read "Gents, please pass into the back room." The sheriff passed in and found one man busily engaged in handing out drinks to a crowd, and another filling out statements. After the crowd had gotten all they desired to drink, the man who had been filling out statements remarked, "Now boys, sign up some names to these; it don't make any difference whose they are." They signed and that is the way medicine is obtained in Harper.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Stafford has resigned. The council charged that he was incompetent to attend to city affairs and fired him out according to law. Last Monday night at the meeting they swallowed all they had said on the promise of the Mayor that Stafford would get out. After taking back all they had said, the city attorney was called for and upon dictating his own terms, handed in his resignation to take effect the 17th of this month. Mr. Hight refused to take action on the matter. He would not take anything back. Messrs. Dean and Dunn were compelled to go home on account of sickness ere the trying ordeal came to pass. Harmony now prevails and the REPUBLICAN has won a victory to be proud of.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

The "Exterminators" of Winfield came down to play a match game of base ball with the "Rough-on-Rats" Wednesday. The game commenced at 2:30 with the "Exterminators" at the bat. The "Rough-on-Rats" tried hard to make their opponents swallow the poison, but the Exterminators struggled manfully and would not let it go down. The score at the end of the 6th inning was 17 to 33 in favor of the visiting club. The names of the exterminators are Messrs. Bangs, Hathaway, Vance, Whiting, Crane, McLain, Byerly, Eaton, and Byington. They are first-rate players and whole-souled fellows. The "Rough-on-Rats" were Messrs. Stevenson, Flood, Kingsbury, Sollitt, Wright, Baxter, Clark, Speers, and Howard. Let a generous-hearted public draw the veil of charity over the defeat of the "Rough-on-Rats." Peace be to their ashes.


Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Closing Out Since the Fire.
Sewing machines cheaper than ever; 10 percent off from regular price. Now is your time to purchase a Domestic. D. L. MEANS.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

The Flying Dutchman is the only plow that will stick to hard ground; for sale by Cunningham.


Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Asa Burr has not been discovered yet.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Judge Sumner went up to El Dorado Thursday.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Mrs. Geo. Russell is very sick with malarial fever.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Grimes & Son have ordered their new stock of goods.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

T. J. Raymond & Son are building a residence in the second ward.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Mrs. E. D. Eddy, who has been very sick here of late, is convalescent.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Lawyer Stafford is very sick. He is kept in bed by an attack of fever.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Geo. Rembaugh, Winfield's new postmaster, came down on the Wichita excursion.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Rev. W. H. Harris will hold a basket meeting at Maple City tomorrow. All are invited.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Mrs. Henry Asp came down from Winfield with her husband to view the city yesterday.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

DIED. Thursday morning one of W. W. Iron's daughters, of Silverdale, died. She was about four years old.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Mrs. Isaac Ochs and Mrs. H. C. Nicholson are trying the efficacy of the healing waters of Geuda Springs this week.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

G. A. Burnett leaves for Meade County next Monday. He goes there to attend to his claim, which he took some time ago.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Geo. Eddy, Jr., of Leavenworth, nephew of E. D. Eddy, is in the city this week visiting at the residence of his uncle.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

J. M. Ware left for Pueblo last Friday, where his wife has been visiting for some time, to accompany her on her return home.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

E. A. Davis, city editor of the Wichita Beacon, called on us while in the city Thursday. He came down with the excursion.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Capt. Rarick was out to New Kiowa the first of the week. He saw A. W. Patterson. He is engaged in the drug business and doing well.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

John Drury, of Maple City, is repairing and remodeling his implement house preparatory to putting in a stock of hardware in that city.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Mrs. Thos. Richardson and little daughter, Pearl, left Thursday for a visit to relatives in Nebraska. T. D. is losing flesh daily since their departure.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Rev. S. B. Fleming accompanied the Indian excursion to Newton and Wichita on Monday, returning Wednesday. He reports a pleasant and successful trip.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

J. F. Johnson brought a bunch of good millet into our sanctum Wednesday. It is six feet and half high and is as good millet as we have seen this year.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Julius Bahrend succeeds Joe Finkelburg in the clothing Emporium of Youngheim & Co. Joe will remain in the employ of the firm for a short time.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

W. H. Gratton, city editor of the Wichita Eagle, came in on the excursion Thursday, calling on the REPUBLICAN while in the city and having a pleasant chat.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Maj. L. E. Woodin was down to Gray Horse, Indian Territory, for several days the first of the week visiting his son, L. E. Woodin, Jr. The Major reports quite a pleasant visit.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Capt. J. B. Nipp came in to see the REPUBLICAN Thursday. He was down on the Wichita excursion. As was also E. P. Greer, T. S. Soward, G. H. McIntire, and Jos. O'Hara.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

W. C. Guyer and S. C. Lindsay start for Ft. Scott next Monday afternoon. They go to attend the great council of the Improved Order of Redmen as representatives of the lodge here.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Walter R. Brennan, the lately appointed superintendent of Chilocco, with his wife, arrived in the city Monday; and after partaking of dinner at the Occidental, went down to the school building.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

R. E. Grubbs saw how melon-choly we were when we passed his fruit stand Monday, and taking pity on us, he stopped and presented us with a fine, large, watermelon. Many thanks, Bob.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

David Carder, residing south of town on his farm, has purchased two lots in Leonard's addition of R. Norton, and will erect a substantial residence thereon. As soon as his house is completed, he will move to town.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Will Thompson has purchased the house and two lots in the Fourth ward belonging to Ed. Malone. He is making needed repairs this week on the house and on completion will occupy it with his wife and mother-in-law.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

J. A. McCormick, the manager of Roberts & Son's cattle ranch, is no longer down at Cheyenne Agency. He is located at Willow Springs. J. A. called on us last week and made us happy as a Democrat when he has been appointed postmaster.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

The latter part of last week, H. C. Nicholson, of the Bee-hive, went east to buy goods for their trading post at Pawnee Agency and also for their store here. At Pawnee Ochs & Nicholson have purchased the stock of Nelson Rice. This firm never does anything by halves.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

S. E. Pollock was suddenly taken ill Tuesday morning in Mowry & Sollitt's drug store and as he went to pass out of the door to go home, he fainted away, falling against the door and bruising his forehead quite badly. By the timely aid of Dr. Westfall, he was able to travel in a short time.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Owen Sheppard, the gentlemanly clerk who has been staying in S. P. Gould's bookstore for quite awhile, returned to his home last Thursday. We are sorry Owen could not prolong his stay in Arkansas City, but a pair of blue eyes in Oaktown, Indiana, were more of a magnet than a lucrative position here.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

J. M. Craig is the name of a painter who recently came from Ohio and entered into partnership with T. H. Tyner. Mr. Craig has good recommendations as a painter from his old home and his going in with our Tom will make a formidable painting firm. Mr. Craig will move his family here in about three weeks.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Croquet playing has become quite the rage in the northwest part of town. Will Campbell has become so interested, either in the game or some of the fair players, that he can now make the trip from his boarding house to the grounds on Maud S's time exactly, and will wager the ice cream, payable next winter, that he can lower the record at least one-half second. Misses Mollie Duncan and Lizzie Wilson are the champion lady players. Beware, boys, for they can undoubtedly handle a broom stick with as much dexterity and effect as the mallet.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

On Friday night of last week, the members of our City String Band and their ladies made arrangements to surprise the Misses Gould. The plan was for the ladies to go first to their home and surprise them, while the boys were to follow soon after, serenade them, and thus surprise them again. During the early part of the same evening, the Misses Gould were happy to receive an unexpected, though not an unappreciated, call from quite a number of their lady Sunday school classmates. This was surprise No. 1. They were deeply engaged in conversa- tion and fun-making, when the first mentioned ladies arrived. Surprise No. 2, not only to the Misses Gould and their Presbyterian friends, but to those who intended to give the surprise. Again, conversation and mirth were continued for some time, when their ears were greeted with sweet strains of music that came from the serenaders on the porch. The boys were admitted and then there was a grand surprise, making the third one during the evening. The serenaders were astonished to see so many girls, but they put forth no objection and soon made themselves agreeable to all. Ice cream, cake, music, mirth, etc., of course followed and the night was far advanced before the festivities of the evening came to a close. About 11 o'clock it began to rain, and this was surprise No. 4. Such a series of surprises we have not heard of for some time, but we feel certain that no one will object to being surprised by our String Band, whose singing and playing cheer up the most melancholy.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Frank J. Hess' trial came off before Judge Bryant Tuesday morning. He was found guilty of screwing on the goose-neck of water-pipes, and fined $10 and costs. Frank pleaded his own case owing to the fact that his attorney had to be away that day to attend a sheriff's sale. Judge Pyburn was the attorney and he went to Judge Bryant and asked him to continue the case until he could be in attendance. Bryant refused on the ground that the mayor might object to it. And yet when Stafford went and asked for a continuance, he was willing to grant it. We don't like such partiality in our police courts. Hess has appealed his case.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

T. M. Layne, who resides northwest of town, came into our sanctum Monday and presented us with the largest watermelon we have seen this season. It was delicious. Mr. Layne informs us he did not raise a large crop of melons this season, but he had a large production of blackberries. Off of a one-half acre patch, he gathered 1,300 quarts of berries and sold them for $130, besides having all for family use that was desired, and plenty still on the vines. This fact clearly demonstrates that Cowley County soil is the most productive of any in the world. Think, $130 profit, off of a half acre of ground.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Our readers remember what a eulogy the Traveler pronounced over Stafford a short time ago. It took him to its bosom and allowed him to fondle long and lovingly there. It called us unfair, a falsifier, callow editor, and Stafford a "lawyer of high legal attainments." This week it makes another vomit and says Stafford is "incompetent" and possessed of "general cussedness." Let us see who falsified, who was unfair, etc. We leave our readers to judge. Taxpayers, if you want to subscribe for a paper that will stand by you and see your interests furthered, enroll your name on our list.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

In this issue Capt. J. B. Nipp announces himself as a candidate for re-election to the office of County Treasurer. Capt. has already held the office one term and given satisfaction and we see no reason why he should not be returned to the office. It is useless for the REPUBLICAN to extol the merits of Capt. Nipp for everybody knows him and by their knowing him, they are acquainted with a good citizen and an honest man.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

The rains of the past few days have insured the early planted corn, and the indications of further rain are such that the entire crop if regarded as a certainty in this part of the state. This is good enough.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

The Outrage Premeditated.
We hope the cattlemen will have some success with the conciliatory policy towards Mr. Cleveland, but we must say that our confidence is not supreme, and we have no prodigious hopes of success.

We do not believe that any government other than a despotism ever undertook such an infamous scheme of confiscation. It is the worst kind of dishonesty, for the reason that it is being perpetrated by a powerful government upon private citizens. It is rank robbery on the part of Mr. Cleveland, and we have no hesitation in calling it by the right name. Political rulers have been deposed for conduct not more obnoxious than that of Mr. Cleveland against cattlemen. When the president turns the guns of the government on the industry of the nation, it is time for people to reflect. If cattlemen must submit to the destruction of their property, other interests are in like danger from the whims and ignorance of powerful officials.

Look at the situation of the case. The cattlemen have expended nearly $300,000 in protecting their property in the Indian Territory with wire fences. On lands thus guarded they have property valued at about $5,650,000. They have paid the Indians pasturage up to November of the present year. This is simply the record of investment. But last winter brought tremendous losses to the cattle interests, and more serious than all, radically disturbed the credit of the cattle owners in money centers. Instead of being rich and powerful, there are hundreds of ranchmen who have been brought to the edge of ruin, and their only hope was in a favorable and undisturbed season.

With all these unfavorable conditions in existence, the president of the United States, for whom many people voted in the hope of better times, promulgates his forty day confiscation order.

The order was made with a cool premeditation, but without knowledge or even decent attempts at investigation. As will be seen elsewhere, the president had determined the matter before Gen. Sheridan left Washington.

What had he determined? He had resolved, for reasons best known to this remarkable specimen of statesmanship, by pushing men representing investments aggregating about $6,000,000 to the wall in the space of forty days.

What business has the president of the United States to place the property of citizens in jeopardy? Where is the constitutional provision that declares the doctrine, that contracts not suitable to the fancy of the executive, shall be voided without reference to the courts? Where is the constitutional provision that authorizes the president to be court and jury, and to issue execution on an ex parte statement made by his own commands? Where is the constitutional law that gives the president the power to destroy one dollar's worth of property on his individual judgment to the validity of the contract?

Supposing his judgment to be correct, what moral or legal right has the president to unnecessarily injure any person's property rights? We are told from Washington that an investigation has been made. With all due regard for presidents, generals, and military Indian agents, we insist that an investigation has not been made.

On the contrary, we assert that the so-called investigation was a fraud and a farce, originated for the purpose of sustaining a policy already agreed upon in Washington, and without reference to the facts or equities in the situation.

If it has been determined to make changes in the territory; if it has been determined to take lands away from the Indians and confine them to closer quarters, then there was no shadow of excuse for the precipitate move on the cattlemen. It is for congress to say what future disposal shall be made of the lands in question. It is not for the president to drive cattle owners out of territory at the point of the bayonet in forty days, without even a hint of congressional action.

The methods of the reformers are past comprehension, unless reform means the destruction of all things previous to the present administration. Kansas City Journal.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

The Cattle Leases.
From the Fort Scott Monitor.
The Topeka Journal says the Monitor is in favor of the dishonest leases. There is no truth in that. The Monitor believes the leases illegal. If they are legal, the government is bound by them and to eject the leases is an outrage. If they are illegal, and their existence caused the Indian trouble, then annul them out in forty days. The order is the act of tyrants clothed with a little brief authority. The cattle cannot be moved out in forty days, nor in 100 days, and the editor of the Journal knows it, and to attempt it is to destroy millions of dollars' worth of property, and we say to the Journal what the country will soon understand: that the order was issued through ignorance or from bull headed cussedness and will recoil with the force of a cyclone upon the administration, if it is enforced.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

The Indian Land Leases Invalid.
WASHINGTON, August 1. Attorney General Garland, to whom the secretary of the interior referred the question of the power of the interior department to authorize the Indians to lease their lands for grazing purposes, has transmitted to Secretary Lamar an opinion, in effect that no such power exists under the law.

The questions referred to the attorney general were whether there was any law empowering the interior department to authorize the Indians to enter into a contract with any parties for the lease of Indian lands for grazing purposes; also whether the president or interior department has any authority to make a lease for grazing purposes of any part of any Indian reservation, or whether the approval by the president or secretary of the interior would render any such lease made by the Indians with other parties, lawful and valid.

"The questions," writes the attorney general, "are propounded with reference to certain Indian reservations, namely:

"First. The Cherokee lands in the Indian Territory west of 96 degrees, longitude, except such parts thereof as heretofore have been appropriated for and conveyed to friendly tribes of Indians.

"Second. The Cheyenne and Arapahoe reservation in the Indian Territory.

"Our government has even claimed the right and from a very early period its settled policy has been to regulate and control the alienation or other disposition by the Indian nations or tribes of their lands. This policy was originally adopted in view of their peculiar character and habits, which render them incapable of sustaining any other relations with the whites than that of dependance and pupilage. There was no other way of dealing with them than that of keeping them separate, subordinate, and dependent, with guardian care thrown around them for their protection. Thus, in 1873 congress in confederation by proclamation forbade `all persons from making settlements on lands inhabited or claimed by Indians without the limits of jurisdiction of any particular state, and from purchasing or receiving any cession of such lands or claims without express authority and directions of the United States in congress assembled,' and declared `that every such purchase or settlement, gift or cession not having the authority aforesaid null and void, and that no right or the title will accrue in consequence of any such purchase gift, cession, or settlement.'

"By section 4 of the act of July 22, 1790, the congress of the United States enacted that no sale of lands made by any Indians or nation or tribes of Indians within the United States shall be valid to any person or persons, or to any state, whether having the right of pre- emption to such lands or not, unless the same shall be made and duly executed

held under the authority of the United States.

"Similar provisions were again enacted in section 8 of the act of March 1, 1793, which by its terms included any `purchase or grant of lands, or of any title or claim thereto, from any Indians or nation, or tribe of Indians within the bounds of the United States.'

"The provision was further extended by section 12 of the act of May 19, 1796, so as to embrace any purchase, grant, lease, or any other conveyance of lands or of any title or claim thereto. As thus extended, it was re-enacted by the act of March 3, 1799, chapter forty-six, and also by the act of March 30, 1802. (Chapter 30, section 12.)

"In the above legislation provision in terms applied to purchases, grants, leases, etc., from individual Indians, as well as from Indian tribes or nations, but by the twelfth section of the act of June 30, 1834 (chapter 164), it limited to such as emanate `from any Indian nation or tribe of Indians,' and the provision of the act of 1834 just referred to, have been reproduced in section 2,116, Revised Statute now in force.

"The last named section declares: `No purchase, grant, lease, or other conveyance of lands or any title or claim thereto from any Indian nation or tribe of Indians, shall be of any validity in law or equity unless the same be made by treaty or constitution.'

"This statutory provision is very general and comprehensive. Its operation does not depend upon the nature or the extent of the title to the land which a tribe or nation may hold, whether such title be fee simple or right of occupancy, merely, is not material. In either case the statute applies. It is not therefore deemed necessary or important in connection with the subject under consideration to inquire into the particular right or title to the above mentioned reservations held by Indian tribes or nations respectively which claim them, whatever right or title there may be, these tribes or nations are precluded by the force and the effect of the statute from either alienating or leasing any part of its reservation, or imparting any interest or claim in or to the same, without the consent of the government of the United States. The lease of the land for grazing purposes is as clearly within the statute, as a lease for any other, or more general purposes, and the duration of the term is immaterial. One who enters with cattle, or other live stock, upon an Indian reservation under a lease of that description is made in violation of the statute, is an intruder, and may be removed therefrom as such, notwithstanding his treaty of consent with the tribe. Such consent may exempt him from the penalty imposed by section 2117, revised statutes, for taking his stock there, but it cannot validate the lease, or confer upon him any legal right whatever to remain upon the land, and to this extent, and no further, was the decision of Judge Brewer in the United States vs. Hunter, 21, Fed. Rep. 615.

"But the present inquiry in substance is whether the department of the interior can authorize these Indians to make leases of their lands for grazing purposes, or whether the approval of such leases by the president or secretary of the interior would make them lawful and valid, and whether the president or the department has authority to lease for such purposes any part of the Indian reservation. I submit that the power of the department to authorize such leases to be made, as that of the president or secretary to approve or make the same, if it exists at all, must rest upon some law and therefore be derived from either treaty or statutory provision. I am not aware of any treaty or provision applicable to particular reservations in the Union that confers such powers. The revised statutes contains provisions regulating contracts or agreements with the Indians and prescribing how they shall be executed and approved in section 2,103. But these provisions do not include contracts of the character described in section 1,116, hereinbefore mentioned. No other power appears to have been conferred by the statute upon either the president, the secretary, or any other officer of the government to authorize or approve leases of lands held by Indian tribes.

"The absence of such power was doubtless one of the main considerations which led to the adoption of the act of February 18, 1885, chapter 90, to authorize the Seneca nation of New York Indians to lease lands with the Cattaragus and Alleghany reservation and confirm existing leases.

"The act just cited, moreover, is significant as showing that in the view of congress, the Indian tribes cannot lease their reservations without the authority of some of the United States.

"In my judgment, therefore, each of the questions proposed in your letter should be answered in the negative. I so answer them."

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

She Makes a Mile over a Slow Track in Cleveland in 2:08 3-4.
CLEVELAND, July 30. The phenomenal record which makes Maud S. the queen of the turf has been broken. The wonderful mare lowered her record at the Cleveland Driving Park late this afternoon. The weather today has been perfect, though very warm. Rain early this morning hurt the track somewhat, but work on it made it good though scarcely fast again. The city was crowded with prominent turfmen, and shortly after the gates of the Driving Park were opened, the stands were crowded with an expectant throng. Not less than 10,000 people were in attendance. Though there were several other good trots on the programme, all interest centered upon the remarkable mare and the promised trial.

Two years ago she trotted a mile on the same track in 2:09-3/4, and soon after made her famous record of 2:09-1/2 in an exhibition mile at Lexington, Kentucky.

Today's performance was a mile in 2:08-3/4.


Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Kansas To Be Protected.
Gov. Martin received yesterday morning the following dispatch from Lt. Gen. Sheridan.

Gov. John A. Martin: I have your letters of the 16th and 20th. They have been referred to Gen. Miles, who starts from here for Fort Supply tomorrow morning, and will make an examination of the country and points you mention as military stations. There need be no fear on the part of the settlers of southwestern Kansas from hostilities by the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians. I have gone down to the bottom of affairs here, and know that the irritation was the result of bad control and oppressive measures. I hope for a correction of the evils and am confident that when I leave here, the people in Kansas may gather their crops and sleep peacefully at night. Gen. Miles is an officer of good judgment, who will do all that is necessary to restore confidence from a panic so paralyzing in its effects as this one has been to the industries of your state.

P. H. SHERIDAN, Lieutenant-General.

The press dispatches of July 22 show that the interior department has turned over to Gen. Sheridan the entire control of the Cheyenne and Arapahoe reservations.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.


Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

An adjourned meeting of the citizens' committee was held in the mayor's office Tuesday morning, the mayor presiding. Dr. Fowler being called on said the business before the committee was to arrange a program of civic ceremonies to follow the ritual services of the Arkansas City Post, G. A. R. He read the program adopted by the veterans, which would occupy about forty minutes, and then left it to the committee to determine what services should follow.

Mr. Lockley inquired if any arrangements were to be made for a procession to the hall, whereupon R. C. Howard moved that the civic orders and the Arkansas City Guards be invited to join the veteran column. The line of march was designated as follows: From on Summit and Fifth Avenue, march west to Eight Street, south to 3rd Avenue, thence east to the hall. James Ridenour was designated grand marshal.

On motion a committee of three was appointed to solicit money to defray the expense of decorating the hall, consisting of Messrs. Ridenour, Lindsay, and Lundy. The Ladies' Relief Corps to be invited to do the decorating.

A committee of the Ladies' Relief Corps here entered the hall to learn what part they were expected to perform. On suggestion of Mrs. Ashton, president of the corps, a motion was adopted to invite the ladies of the city to assist in the patriotic work.

It was also resolved that the city clergy be invited to deliver ten minute addresses, also Col. Sumner and Judge Pyburn.

Mayor Schiffbauer was invited to preside over the services in the hall, and to notify the gentlemen who are to speak. The music will be furnished by Prof. Duncan, the singers to be selected from the church choirs.

On motion the committee adjourned sine die.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

At the last meeting of the Women's Relief Corps of this city, a committee of three was appointed to draw up appropriate resolutions in honor of the fallen hero, Ulysses S. Grant. [SKIPPED RESOLUTIONS.] SIGNED: MRS. S. E. MANSFIELD, MRS. JENNIE COOPER, AND MRS. ANNIE GUTHRIE.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

The following named persons were bidders for the janitorship, the first two named being the successful ones: T. McDonald, A. Abernathy, W. H. Cline, C. C. Moffet, Aaron Hopp, E. Stewart, Jesse Boudle, Geo. Sanborn, Jacob Kreamer, H. C. Livergood, W. Hawthorn, Russel & Eckles.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

The Cattlemen's Protest Of No Avail.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1. The president today informed a delegation representing the cattlemen, that he would not modify his recent order for the removal of the cattle from the leased lands on the Cheyenne and Arapahoe reservations within forty days from the date of his proclamation.


Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

To Whom It May Concern.

We will sell to the highest bidder on Friday, August 14th, 1885, at 3 p.m., at the Rink Store the following described property: 1 tool chest, 2 saws1 fine, 1 rip, 2 mallets, 1 oil- stone, 2 drawing knives, 1 cold chisel4 common, 1 screw-driver; 1 compass, 4 files, 1 broad axe, 1 saw sett, 5 Bitts, 1 rule, 2 chalk lines, 1 band-saw, 1 brace, 1 foot adz, 1 jack plane, 1 finishing plane, 1 square, 1 rifle, 2 shot guns. KROENERT & AUSTIN.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Go to Wyckoff & Son for the best Overalls and Jumper coats in the market.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

15 pounds of good sugar for $1.00 at Wyckoff & Son.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Buy your Pickets at G. B. Shaw & Co.

Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.

Live poultry wanted at the Red Front Meat Market, Chas. Bundrem, proprietor. Highest cash prices paid.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum