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[From Saturday, January 3, 1885, through January 31, 1885.]
WAGNER & HOWARD, Editors and Publishers.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 3, 1885.

MARRIED. Fred D. Blackman, the gentlemanly operator at Winfield, was married on Christmas night to Miss Ida McDonald. Another gentleman gone wrong.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

The railroads running east from Kansas City have issued circulars advising the public of the firmness of rates to all points east and stating that tickets can be bought from starting point cheaper than from Kansas City.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Kind hearted V. M. Ayres did not forget the poor on New Years' day. At our door he deposited a sack of his new Patent flour, with wishes for a prospering year during 1885. By the way the Canal Roller Miller since their addition have almost doubled their wholesale trade. They make a good flour and Mr. Ayres is deserving of his merited success.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

The Santa Fe Co. are placing air brakes on all their freight cars. No more danger of broken trains colliding.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

For about two years Miss Myrtle Francisco has been suffering with a chronic affection of the knee. Lately the affection has become worse and last week it was decided by the attending physicians that amputation was necessary. Last Tuesday Dr. S. B. Reed assisted by Dr. J. A. Mitchell performed the operation. Miss Francisco is improving, and the physicians think will mend rapidly.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

A private circulating library is being formed by ten of Arkansas City's literary people. The members of the society subscribe for different magazines and have headquarters at Eddy's drug store. From there the magazines will be taken by the members desiring to read, and returned. Dr. Sparks, T. H. McLaughlin, E. D. Eddy, Dr. J. A. Mitchell, C. R. Sipes, T. J. Sweeney, J. L. Huey, Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Rev. J. O. Campbell, C. H. Searing, and others have already joined this literary band.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Last Wednesday evening a New Year's party in honor of Miss Tillie Hetler was given at the residence of Mr. Noble in the north part of town. The party was composed of schoolmates and friends, and a most enjoyable time was had.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Last week the drug store of E. P. Shindell passed into the hands of the sheriff. It was brought about by a Kansas City firm levying on the goods. Dr. Sheppard [? Shepard] and Col. Ingersoll relieved the embarrassment and now Wm. Benedict has charge of the drug stock.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

MARRIED. Earnest M. Wilson, from near Winfield, was married to Miss Carry Maxwell at the residence of S. E. Maxwell yesterday. Rev. Campbell performed the ceremony. Miss Maxwell is the daughter of our enterprising nurseryman, S. E. Maxwell. We wish the couple bon voyage through life.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 3, 1885.

Yesterday eight members from the Knights of Pythias lodges of Newton and Wichita came down to institute a lodge here. In the evening the lodge was duly organized after which the members banqueted the visitors at the Windsor Hotel.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 3, 1885.

Ira Barnett purchased on New Year's Day 10 heavy hogs of W. J. Stewart that averaged 434 pounds, making a grand total of 4,340. They were about one year old. This bunch of swine is by far the best Mr. Barnett has purchased this season and reflects great credit on Mr. Stewart as a farmer.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 3, 1885.

The sign of the REPUBLICAN office was taken down several days to allow a picture to be taken of the Cowley County Bank. Mr. Fuller, a newcomer, went into the office of one of our neighbors and inquired for the REPUBLICAN. He was informed no such paper was printed in Arkansas City, but there was one at Emporia by that name. We have hoisted our sign again, and can be found under the Cowley County Bank.



Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 3, 1885.

Beginning on the Arkansas River at a point some twenty miles west of Dodge City, Kansas, the construction of a canal or irrigation ditch is under contract to the Eureka Irrigation Company. It commences at the pint named west of Dodge City and ranges east 100 miles to Kinsley, Kansas, running on the divide between the Arkansas River and Smoky Hill River, affording irrigation for land on both sides of the ridge. Two hundred men and two hundred teams have found employment there during the summer past. When completed, it will have an average width of forty feet, will carry six feet of water, and is calculated to irrigate 400,000 acres of land that is said to be rich in agriculture.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

The Indians are the richest land owners in the United States; they number 137,000, inclusive of the Alaska Indians holding 181,396,888 acres of land. Some tribes own 3,000 acres per Indian; the average is about one square mile to an Indian.


Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Court convenes next Tuesday.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Hogs are worth $3.50 per hundred.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

The public schools commence Monday.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

At Kansas City wheat has risen a few cents.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Money to Loan on Real Estate. Pyburn & Walton over Cowley County Bank.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

We see great cakes of ice being hauled daily from the Walnut River twelve inches in thickness.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

The Courier wrote up the businessmen of Winfield similar to the REPUBLICAN's annual review this week.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

The REPUBLICAN would like to suggest the name of A. V. Alexander as a councilman from the second ward. He takes a great interest in Arkansas Cityhis home.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Sunday and Monday we thawed; Tuesday we froze up; and if the weather continues for a week in its present state, we won't get thawed out entirely until next July.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

P. A. Lorry has purchased a windmill and J. C. Coulter a feed-mill and are grinding feed at the farm of J. C. Coulter. They have started a grist-mill on a small scale.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

BIRTH. The advent of a nine pound boy into W. L. Aldridge's family lawt Sunday night is what makes Will smile so sweetly on you as he passes you by. Mother and babe getting along nicely.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

McDowell Bros., have been running a butcher shop in Arkansas City for about nine months. During that time they have sold $35,000 worth of meat. We have two other shops in town too.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

A man assisting in cutting ice Saturday evening on the Walnut gigged four large catfish, where the ice had been removed, the largest weighing some 50 pounds and the smallest about 20.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

We copied an item from the Courier last week stating that the millers in convention had lowered the price of flour 25 cents per hundred pounds. Frank Beall says it is a false report. Flour is more likely to go up than down.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Since last Saturday morning Ira Barnett has shipped four carloads of hogs to Kansas City. This reiterates our statement of last week that Mr. Barnett is one of the men to be connected with our pork packing establishment to be.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

The REPUBLICAN would like to see the steamer to be used on the Arkansas River by our millers named the "Gates City," which is appropriate because Arkansas City is the "Gates City" to the Indian Territory, the same as Kansas City is to Kansas.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Rev. N. S. Buckner will commence the holding of a protracted meeting in the M. E. Church on the Sunday night following the week of prayer.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Last Monday at the post office J. C. Topliff issued 23 money orders. During the month of December 97 money orders have been written out and some 50 postal notes.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

New Year's night at the Leland Hotel a select dance was given. It was gotten up by Messrs. Cunningham, Levy, Alexander, Hilliard, and others. There was a large attendance and an evening of merriment was had. All enjoyed themselves hugely.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Col. J. C. Douglass has purchased the Traveler. The consideration was $3,250. As the REPUBLICAN stated several issues since, the Colonel is a veteran editor, and will succeed. He took charge this week. We are unacquainted as to what business Mr. Standley will engage in.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Engineer Moorhead came in the REPUBLICAN office New Year's morning and subscribed for 12 copies of our paper to be sent to as many different capitalists in the east. They are friends of Mr. Moorhead, and he desires to direct their attention to Arkansas City.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

H. P. Standley has sold the Arkansas City Traveler to Col. Douglass, late of Ohio. The colonel is a republican. During the war he served in the 78th Ohio, as did also Maj. Sleeth, of Arkansas City. Just what Standley will do with the vast wealth he has accumulated, we have not heard, but most probably he will make an extended tour of Europe and Oklahoma.

Winfield Telegram.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

The guests of the Windsor Hotel paid a handsome tribute to Mrs. J. A. McIntyre, the hostess of that flourishing hotel Wednesday evening. They presented her with a beautiful turquoise ring, also a handsome pin. Dr. G. H. J. Hart made the presentation speech, and Mrs. McIntyre responded with thanks. Mrs. McIntyre is a lady in every sense of the word. To the guests of the Windsor Hotel she has made it a place of welcome. It is a just recognition of Mrs. McIntyre's efforts.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

At Masonic Hall New Year's Day.
New Year's day the ladies of the Episcopal society kept open house in Masonic hall. The callers were numerous and the hospitality of the ladies was unexcelled. At the door of the hall you were greeted with exclamations of "Happy New Year," from the lady members of the society. On entering the hall beautiful ladies and tastily arranged tables with delicacies of the season thereon invited your attention. After a few moments of pleasant conversation, you were invited to "eat, drink, and be merry" for the new year has come and the old passed away. At the east end of the hall at the altar an arch with the words "Welcome," was displayed, and kind friends, you were made to feel that you were a welcome guest. Just behind this beautiful archway was the emblem of the Episcopal churcha handsome cross. It was made of white material and executed by Mrs. Frank Beall and Mrs. Grubbs. The hall was beautifully decorated, and as the REPUBLICAN remarked last week, the ladies would try to make the tables and hall inviting. They not only tried but succeeded. In the evening a slight admission fee was charged, but in the afternoon all callers were treated. We hope this organization will succeed in the enterprise it has undertaken. It desires to have a house of worship in the city and is a laudable undertaking.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

A Pork Packing Establishment.
Last week the REPUBLICAN spoke of Messrs. Prescott, Duncan, and Barnett forming a partnership and starting an industry of the above nature. Since these gentlemen have been agitating the scheme among themselves and may possibly yet do so, the REPUBLICAN suggested. These gentlemen readily perceive their gain from a packing house in Arkansas City. Nowhere in the selection of good men, could there be chosen better. Mr. Prescott is peculiarly fitted for rustling the business. Mr. Duncan is a good financier and is an apt hand anywhere he is placed. Mr. Barnett, by his long experience in buying hogs, could easily furnish the animals for packing. Think the matter over seriously, gentlemen. It will be a good institution for Arkansas City. It will pay you. Should the Arkansas River be made navigable (and there is not much doubt about that), you will have fortune within your grasp.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Improved O. R. M.
At the council held on tthe 31st ult., the following were chosen as officers for the following term.

Sachem: C. F. Knedler.

Sr. Sag: T. McIntire.

Jr. Sag: J. M. Godfrey.

C. Of R.: S. C. Lindsay.

K. Of W.: G. W. Ford.

Prophet: W. C. Guyer.

The council fire will be kindled hereafter on Thursdays sleep of each week; a cordial invitation is extended to all members of the order (in good standing) to meet with us. Members of the tribe are specially requested to be present at next council Thursday eve, January 4. C. F. KNEEDLER, Sachem.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

J. H. Punshon's stock of furniture was taken possession of by the sheriff the first of the week. It came about through the combined forces of several unfortunate circumstances. His security on a $1,000 note was the principal one. Mr. Punshon thinks he has assets which will about equal his liabilities. The REPUBLICAN is sorry this catastrophe came on Mr. Punshon. He is a good citizen and deserved better fate.

LATER. Mr. Punshon has settled his accounts in full and once more has possession of his furniture store. Next week his advertisement will appear in the REPUBLICAN. He means business now and will make the "fur fly on furniture," in the future.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

D. L. Means received a carload of windmills lately.

The yard about the depot is being filled up with cinders, a much needed improvement.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

DIED. The two year old boy babe of Mr. and Mrs. Ham. Kirtley died Wednesday. He was buried New Year's day.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Judge Kreamer, C. G. Thompson, Capt. Maidt, and others have organized a town company and have applied for a charter to locate a town in the Oklahoma country.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Last Wednesday morning was the coldest we have experienced. Ira Barnett's thermometer registered 8 degrees below zero. R. A. Houghton's mercury marked 18 below.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

The cold weather has made it bad on the flouring mills the past few days. The freeze would not let the water flow forcibly enough to run both mills. So they took a day about. They will be thrown behind some in their orders on account of this.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

MARRIED. Russell Cowles turned over a new leaf, January 1, 1885. He was united in marriage to Miss Jennie Reynolds by Rev. N. S. Buckner at the residence of Dr. Alexander. New Year's night Russell "called" for the social "hop" at the Leland. No sentimentality lingers in Mr. Cowles' breast.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

According to the announcement published in last week's REPUBLICAN, those favoring an organization of an Episcopal Society met at the residence of W. E. Gooch last Saturday evening. The following officers were elected.

Mrs. Dr. A. J. Chapel: President.

Mrs. M. S. Hasie: Vice President.

Mrs. Frank Beall: Secretary.

Mrs. H. C. Nicholson: Treasurer.

The society hope to have a minister here by next summer, and the organization is formed for the purpose of promoting the cause of the Episcopal Church.


Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Joe Finkelberg spent New Year's day in Winfield.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Frank Austin, wife and heir, came home Monday.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

S. P. Gould returned from a Kansas City expedition Tuesday.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Ike Love, Prof. Atkinson's friend, departed for the west Tuesday.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Col. J. C. Douglass arrived Wednesday. He is the new proprietor of the Traveler.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Henry Gilstrap came over from Silverdale New Year's day to wish the REPUBLICAN bon voyage through 1885.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

J. W. Heck came home from Independence to spend New Year's with his family. He will return there next week.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Robt. Corlett started for a few week's visit back east Tuesday. Bob went home to see his "mother" and wish her a happy New Year.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

H. G. Chipchase, the gentlemanly manager of our telephone exchange, had his ears badly frosted last Wednesday while out repairing the lines. Sumner County Standard.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Mrs. J. E. Hamilton, our notion man's wife, came to Arkansas City Wednesday. The family have gone to housekeeping in the rear of Mr. Hamilton's store room.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

H. P. Farrar, H. P. Standley, C. H. Searing, and Elias Chase returned from a business trip to Osage Agency Thursday. They went down the first of the week.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Sam Wile, while over to Wellington last week, took a chance on drawing a $125 music box. Monday he was notified as he was the holder of No. 14, that he had drew the prize.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

After attending the meeting of the stock association at Osage Agency the first of the week, J. H. Sherburne, of Ponca, and W. J. Pollock, of Osage, came up to Arkansas City on a business tour. They returned Wednesday.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Frank Hess, the real estate rustler of Arkansas City, has gone to New Hampshire to conclude a matrimonial trade which has been on his hands for some time. The ceremony takes place January 1 with Miss May Johnson as the bride. Winfield Telegram.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

W. A. Daniels, another Pennsylvania friend of Alfred D. Hawk, arrived in Arkansas City this week. Mr. Daniels will clerk in S. Matlack's dry goods emporium instead of Oscar Titus. Mr. Titus, on account of his bad health, has stopped the arduous labor of clerking for a time.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Mrs. Ed. Grady started New Year's day for a months' visit among relatives in Ohio. We made a New Year's call on Ed at his lumber yard and found him glum when he is otherwise jolly. We discovered that Ed had gone without his dinner and was mad in consequence.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Sam Duncan, formerly local editor of the REPUBLICAN, went west some five months ago. He took a claim in Edwards County. He is engaged in herding sheep. Sam informed a friend of the writer that he was working for health and to give his mind a rest from the pressure of business.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Jim Ridenour is the proud possessor of a hat, which to the REPUBLICAN man, looks as if it had been in the war of 1812. We remonstrated with Jim that a man of his bearing should have better headgear, but it was lost. He won a hat on the Ohio election and vows he will not wear another until the loser pays his bet.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Prof. Weir came home from Topeka Wednesday. He was in tht city attending the state teachers' association. It convened Monday and continued until Jan. 1. It was by far the largest and most enthusiastic gathering of teachers this association has ever had. Pres. Taylor and Dr. Horn, of Tennessee, made addresses. Dr. Horn's address was on "Duty of the State to fine Arts." Prof. Weir had a pleasant trip.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Frank Berkey was in Arkansas City the first of the week visiting friends and relatives. At present Mr. Berkey is located at a new town in Edwards County, this state, called Greensburg. It is about two months old and contains some 250 inhabitants. They have a newspaper already. At the recent election 95 votes were polled, but 15 being cast for Blaine and Logan. Mr. Berkey returns home next week.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Mrs. M. N. Sinnott returned from her Illinois visit. Saturday she came down on the noon train to visit her friends in Arkansas City. Saturday night M. N. Sinnott came "trudging" down. He remarked to the "devil" in the REPUBLICAN office that he came down to attend divine services Sabbath day. On being interrogated as to why he did not attend at the "hub," he answered: "We have so many churches there, and by the time I draw my conclusion as to which one I shall attend, services are over, and I always miss them."

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Hackney Harpings.
Mr. Sherman Albert, traveling agent for the Marcy organ company of St. Joe, Mo., spent the holidays at home. Santa Claus remembered him handsomely.

Miss Edith Holland turned her obstreperous school urchins loose in the eastern part of the county and spent Christmas and New Years at home.

Art Holland and wife, of Grouse Valley, came over to see Santa Claus and receive a present.

The elocution and presentation exhibition at No. 10 schoolhouse by a traveling humbug last Friday night was a successful fizzle.

Ye scribe suggests the idea of the bacelors and "bacheletts" (feminine gender) of this community organizing a club for mutual edification and consolation. Now that leap year is past and our phalanx has not been seriously shattered, we have abundant material for the formation of such a club.

Santa Claus remembered Miss Grace Holland with a pretty gold watch and chain. It is a stemwinder daisy.

Several of our farmers have lost a few head of cattle by too much raning in corn fields.

The material is now on the ground for the construction of our stock yards as soon as the weather permits.

V. Bartlett's new scales have arrived and will be put in operation as soon as the ground can be broken.

The Pleasant Valley Grange company have purchased one acre of land of Lewis Brown in close proximity to the depot. They intend erecting a spacious store building at the earliest convenience.

A. C. Crowk is figuring night and day on a grist-mill enterprise. He has already located the pond and will drain it (the pond) as soon as old Boreas gives permission.

The Christmas trees at the M. E. Church, Mrs. Lewis Brown's residence, and Victor schoolhouse were interesting entertainments. Everybody seemed to receive a token of remembrance, the old as well as the young. The pastor, Rev. Lundy, was the recipient of a dray-load of substantial presents in the shape of flour, canned fuits, and vegetables.

The exceedingly inclement weather has caused a cessation of work on our town enterprises. The improvements will be renewed at the earliest favorable opportunity.

Constant has passed over to the "silent majority in that unmapped country." Our new station, Hackney, nearly a mile north of said defunct Constant, is now the energetic metropolis of this beautiful valley.

Messrs. Constant, Walton, and Markum will be the first in this locality to thresh in the new year. They will accomplish the feat of threshing two crops in one season.

"Bush" would do well to tread lightly on "Young Nasby's" corns. If Y. N. hits him once, it may cause his under lip to hang down like a sheepskin on the gable end of a barn. The scalp of one unfortunate victim now dangles at his belt.

We are glad to note the prosperity of the REPUBLICAN for its merits highly deserve success. May its career be even more prosperous during the new year of 1885 is the wish of

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

J. M. Haworth, of Olathe, Inspector of Indian schools, left Wednesday for his home; thence he goes to Washington to look after Stephen G.'s civil service intentions. Maj. Haworth is one of the most efficient men in the Indian service.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

The following officers were elected for the ensuing year at the M. E. Sunday School.

Supt.: L. H. Northey.

Asst.: E. L. McDowell.

Sec.: A. D. Hawk.

Treas.: Miss Ida. Randall.

Librarian: Miss Jennie Upton.

Asst. Librarian: Miss Calhoun.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

A Happy Christmas for a Widow and Orphans.
Mrs. Nancy Myers is a widow lady residing in Arkansas City. For quite awhile her health has been very poor. In fact, so bad she was unable to earn her daily bread. A number of our citizens, realizing the wants of the family, clubbed together and gave unsparingly from their larders. Mrs. Myers and family desire to return their heartfelt thanks to the donors through the following card.

"God never forgets those who put their trust in Him. He is the father of the fatherless and judge of the widows, and we do feel happy to bless his holy name when we know He judges us aright. I have been afflicted for the past three months, but God has not forgotten me and the four fatherless little ones. He will not leave us lonely and forget us. Thanksgiving day came and the little ones enjoyed a present of a nice fat hen and other things accordingly. Then Christmas came along and happy day it was, for we realiced that our friends did not forget us. Four nice chickens already prepared for baking, candies, nuts, cakes, apples, canned fruits, crackers, nice prunes, raisins, figs, and everything that was nice. There were articles of dry goods, which were gratefully accepted. We especially extend our thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney, and Mr. Smith, Mrs. Crane, Mrs. Blubaugh and daughters, Mrs. Cue, Mrs. Norton, Miss Katie Bloom, Miss Minnie Sweeney. There are several who gave us supplies whose names are unknown to us, but we are thankful to one and all who realize `tis more blessed to give then receive. There are large and charitable hearts in Arkansas City and many kind people. In our thanks to God, we will remember them."

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Oklahoma. An Appeal.
W. L. Couch, the leader of the Oklahoma colonists, has sent the following appeal to President Arthur from the camp at Stillwater, in the Territory.

"A large number of law-abiding citizens are now residing on Oklahoma lands, who have exhausted every expedient that they could invent to have the title of these lands settled. We are peaceable, law-abiding citizens, disturbing no one, and violating no law of the United States. We are now confronted by a detachment of United States troops who threaten our lives if we do not quietly submit to an arrest which would again result in our being dragged to Ft. Reno, and from there to some state line to be turned loose without recourse to law. We are not willing to submit to military arrest; which under the jurisdiction of civil law, cannot be done, as we are not insurgents but citizens of the United States who located upon, and are occupying, the public domain. We hold that section 2147 R. S. does not apply to this land as it is not Indian country, the title being in the United States. We pray your Excellency to order a stay in the action in this matter. An early consideration and reply will be gratefully accepted by thousands of honest homeseekers throughout the United States. Reply to Arkansas City, Kansas."

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

"9327" is the number of beans in the jar at Sweeney & Smith's. This firm some weeks ago devised the plan of awarding twelve presents to parties guessing the nearest to the number of beans in a jar. On the purchase of $1.00 worth of goods from Messrs. Sweeney & Smith, the purchaser was entitled to one guess. New Year's day the jar was opened and the beans counted. The following is a list of the presents and the lucky guessers with their guesses.

Set of French China dishes, 52 pieces, J. L. Morris, guess 9323.

Fancy table dishes and castor, Jos. Hoskins and R. Knapp, 9333.

Hanging lamp, J. B. Ashton, 9320.

Meerschaum pipe and cigar holder, H. S. Ford, 9338.

Meerschaum pipe and cigar holder, Ed. Nail, 9300.

Five baskets of Japan tea, H. S. Ford, 9293.

Chamber set, Mary Shindel, 9308.

Fancy lamp, Jos. Garris, 9369.

Calico dress, lady's choice, E. D. Eddy, 9379.

Mustache cup and saucer, Frank Bryant, 9282.

Fancy lamp, S. R. Turner, 9400.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

Rumor reaches us that the Oklahoma boomers and the soldiers came together last week and that the boomers routed the soldiers. A dispatch to the Wichita Eagle from Caldwell Wednesday says: "Gen. Hatch arrived here today and immediately made a requisition upon Quartermaster Agent Lomens for transportation for 500,000 pounds of freight, to accompany the column in the field in Oklahoma. He has detachments of troops enroute now to the Oklahoma country from Ft. Riley, Ft. Leavenworth, Camp Supply, Ft. Reno, and Ft. Sill. Part of these troops are at present writing in that country, and inside of the next ten days all of them will be there. His orders in the matter are sweeping and explicit, and with twelve or fifteen hundred men to back him, the boomers are likely to be bounced in style. There will be no child's play in the matter and the would-be settler in Oklahoma will do well to make himself exceedingly scarce until the storm blows over."

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

On Christmas day the Sheriff and his deputies raided the Jim Fahey building on Ninth Avenue, where a contrivance for dealing out liquor, known as a "blind tiger," was in operation. After capturing the operator, they took a tour through the building. In the cellar were found several barrels of whiskey, and a basket containing a large number of pint and quart bottles filled with liquor and apparently ready for delivery. Pasted up in this cellar was a government liquor license, setting forth that James Fahey had paid the requisite fee as a retail liquor dealer. The young man occupying the upper part of the building and in charge of the "blind tiger," had no government license. Thus, unless he can prove by Mr. Fahey that he was the latter's agent in the sale of liquor, he becomes subject to indictment and conviction under the revenue laws of the United States in addition to the penalties inflicted under the statutes of our own state for liquor selling. The young man has certainly got himself into a very serious predicament unless Mr. Fahey will generously sacrifice himself by coming to his relief. Winfield Courier.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

The senate committee on Indian Affairs on January 6th will begin an investigation of the leasing of lands in Indian Territory and on the Crow reservation by Indians to cattlemen. A number of prominent cattlemen and Indian chiefs will be subpoenaed to appear before the commission. One section of the revised statutes declares that Indian tribes have no authority to lease their lands. A succeeding section allows owners of herds the privilege of driving their cattle over the reservation on obtaining consent of the Indians and government. Cattlemen construe the latter section as meaning that they may lease the lands, and under this construction, nearly all the Crows Reservation in Montana, and Quapah, Cheyenne, and Arapahoe Reservations in the Indian Territory have been leased for a period of from five to ten years at from two to twelve cents per acre per annum. In the Cherokee strip, also in the Indian Territory, nine cattlemen have exclusive control of 60,000,000 acres at an annual rental of $10,000. The object of the investigation is to enable congress to take intelligent action on the subject if additional legislation is deemed necessary.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

The house committee on Indian Affairs has decided favorably to report the bill extending the time of the St. L. & S. F. Railroad, that it may have the right of way in the construction of its road through the Indian Territory. The bill extends the time two years from October last.

Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.

By the overturning of a mail car on the St. Louis and San Francisco road, January 1st, at Severy, fifty registered letters, sent from Wichita and other western Kansas points, were burned.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

To open to Homestead Certain Portions of the Indian Territory, and for Other Purposes.
In the senate of the United States, May 2, 1884, Mr. Plumb introduced the following bill, which was read twice and referred to the committee on Indian affairs.

Be it enacted by the senate and house of representatives of the United States of America in congress assembled:

That the lands in the Indian Territory ceded by the Creek tribe of Indians by treaty approval August 11, 1866, and by the Seminole Indians by treaty dated March 21, 1866, except such as have been granted to other Indian tribes by act of congress, or which have been set apart for Indian occupancy by executive order, being that certain tract of land embraced within the following boundaries namely:

Commencing at the point where the south line of the Cherokee lands intersects the west line of the Pawnee lands; thence west along said south line of said Cherokee lands to the boundary line between Texas and the Indian territory; thence south on said line to where the same crosses the main channel of the Canadian River; thence down said channel of said river to where the same crosses the Indian meridian; thence north on said meridian, and along the western boundaries of the Pottawatomies', Kickapoos', and Iowas' lands to the main channel of the Cimarron River; thence down said main channel of said river to where the same intersects the west line of the Pawnee lands; thence upon said line to the place of beginning, be, and the same are, hereby declared to be public lands of the United States, and subject to entry under the homestead laws only; and it shall be the duty of the president to issue a proclamation opening said lands, and appoint therefore, under existing laws, a register and receiver for said office.

SEC. 2. That so much of the grant of lands made to the Atlantic and Pacific railroad company by act of congress approved July 27, 1866, as grant or purports to grant lands lying within said territory to aid in the construction of said railroad, except the grant for right of way and station purposes, is hereby wholly forfeited; and all lands in said territory in any wise affected by said grant are hereby restored to the condition, so far as relates to any provision of said act, in which they were before the grant was made.

SEC. 3. That the president is hereby authorized to cause to be made a full investigation of the claims of the Wichita tribe of Indians to lands in the Indian Territory, or to money compensation for lands belonging to them of which they have been deprived, and transmit the result of such investigation to congress at its next session.

SEC. 4. That the president is hereby empowered to reduce the limits of any reservation established by executive order in said Indian Territory where the amount of land is in excess of the necessities or rights of the Indians occupying the same; and lands which by such reduction may be thrown out of the limit of any reservation shall be open to settlement and disposal under the homestead laws of the United States in the same manner as those lands mentioned and described in section one of this act.

SEC. 5. That the president may with their free consent, remove the Indians of the Darlington Agency from the lands now occupied by them to the land mentioned in the treaty of August 19th, 1868, between the government and the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians.

SEC. 6. That the president is authorized to open negotiations with such of the Indian tribes located in the Indian Territory as in his judgment are in possession and control of a greater quantity of land than their necessities require, for the cession of their surplus lands to the government, in a trust or otherwise, and at such prices as may be equitable, for the purpose of opening said surplus land to settlement under the general land laws of the United States, his action hereunder to be reported to congress.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

The people of Sumner County will petition the legislature for a new Judicial district composed of Sumner, Harper, and Barbour counties.

A party of gentlemen are considering the project of an irrigation canal on the south side of the Arkansas River. This is an enterprise that would soon be consumated. Irrigation projects in Colorado and western Kansas are interesting just now. The irrigation canal on the north side of the Arkansas will soon be completed to Dodge City. Dodge City Times.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Democratic Pickings in Kansas.
There are eighty-seven what are known as presidential post offices in Kansas. The salaries range from $1,000 to $3,000.

There are ten registers of land offices and two receivers of land officers, whose official terms are four years, and who receive fees in addition to $500 for salary which cannot exceed in all $3,000 per annum.

Four registers and receivers of land offices in territories, are appointed from the state.

There are nine Kansas appointments as inspectors and special agents in the general land offices, with salaries ranging from $1,000 to $2,000.

The following is a list of Kansas appointments as Indian agents, terms of four years.

D. B. Dyer, agent of Cheyennes and Arapahoes, appointed February 26, 1884, salary $2,200.

I. W. Scott, agent of Ponca, Pawnee, and Ottoes, appointed December 18, 1884, salary $1,500.

I. A. Taylor, agent of Sac and Foxes, appointed January 23, 1884, salary $1,200.

I. W. Patrick, agent of Pottawatomie and Nimehas, appointed September 26, 1884, salary $1,000.

H. J. Armstrong, agent of Crows, appointed March 29, 1882, salary $2,000.

N. A. Adams, Topeka, is pension agent, appointed December 20, 1881, salary $4,000. Term of four years.

John C. Carpenter is collector of internal revenue with a salary of $2,700. He is allowed nine collectors whose combined salaries aggregate $12,650. He is also allowed two storekeepers at $2,000 each per year, and one gauger who receives fees. Collectors of internal revenue are not limited to term of offices, but appointed during the pleasure of the president.

The following is the list of United States district attorneys and marshalls of Kansas with patronage.

J. R. Hallowell, district attorney; re-appointed May 28, 1883, $200 salary and fees. Estimated value of office per annum $4,000.

Assistant district attorneys:

T. J. Humes, salary $1,500.

C. B. Smith, salary $1,000.

B. F. Simpson, United States Marshall, re-appointed April 28, 1882. Average annual value of office, $4,500, with patronage of appointment of deputies.

District attorneys and marshal are appointed for the term of four years.

In addition to these officers there are quite a number of persons who are in the diplomatic service, or in the departments credit to Kansas.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Bad for the Boomers.
CALDWELL, KANSAS, Jan. 2. General Hatch expects to move on Oklahoma early next week, probably on Monday, with seven troops of the 9th cavalry, and one troop of the 24th infantry, one troop from Ft. Hays, one from Ft. Riley, three from Ft. Sill, one from here, and two from Ft. Reno. Forage stores for fifty days campaign are being concentrated here and sent to the front. There is no particular excitement here over the matter, as the local boomers have given up the idea of invading to force the country. They await congressional action. No couriers have arrived from the seat of war in the past six days. The latest report is that Lieut. Day is close to Couch's colony on the Cimarron, and neither party is strong enough to capture the other. Couch don't want Day, and Day can't take Couch without a fight. This child's play will close when General Hatch strikes the colony, if they do not move peaceably.

About 2 o'clock yesterday morning a party of boys on a lark, found a party of boomers in a saloon playing cards. The boys to frighten the boomers kicked the table over. The boomers skipped for camp, but one more bold than the others returned with his pistol. The boys gave him a chase and when nearing his camp, he turned and fired upon them, two balls taking effect in the abdomen of Jake Windalls, one of the boys. The boomer was arrested and by request of the wounded man turned loose, stating that had he been in the boomer's place, he would have killed the entire party. The physician removed the ball from Windalls' body today and he is thought to be out of danger.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Indian Leases.
Secretary Teller has written a long letter to the chairman of the senate committee on Indian Affairs upon the subject of leases of Indian lands. He says in part that the Interior Department has for years recognized the right of Indians to receive compensation for pasturage of stock on their reservations, and that such right has also been recognized by the courts and the land occupied by the Indians. The secretary says they did attempt to make leases, but the department refused to recognize them beyond treating them as licenses and receivable by the Indians at will. No one can question their right to make such a disposition of the grass growing on their lands as they have made. Concerning the pecuniary gain which the Indians now derive from licenses to use the products of their lands, which they grant to the whites, the secretary says they are now receiving $50 for every dollar received under the old system. With respect to allowing the Indians to control large and valuable tracts suitable for agricultural purposes, the secretary concludes they should not be permitted to own such tracts to the exclusion of settlers when such lands are not needed by the Indians, and that it is a misfortune to any country to have its lands held in a large quantity by a few owners, the more so if held by owners who neither make use of it themselves nor allow others to do so.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Oklahoma Boomers.
KANSAS CITY, Dec. 29. A Wichita, Kansas, Times special says a number of societies of Oklahoma colonists are forming in this section. Private advices from W. L. Couch, who has succeeded the late Capt. Payne in leadership, state that the boomers are in force in camp on the Cimarron river and menaced by troops, but propose holding their ground. Fresh recruits are joining the colonists daily.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

It is now claimed that rabbit scalps are being shipped into Elk County from Cowley, Greenwood, Butler, Wilson, Montgomery, and Chautauqua counties and presented to the board of commissioners of Elk County for payment, and there seems to be no way of telling an Elk County rabbit scalp from those of any other county.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Sumner County, with its 35,000 population, supports seventeen towns and villages; one city of the second class, five of the third class, and ten villages. Wellington leads in population, with Caldwell a good second, Belle Plaine, Mulvane, Oxford, Hunnewell, Geuda Springs, Argonia, South Haven, Milan, Perth, Corbin, Mayfield, Conway Springs, Rome, and London, following about in the order named. These towns or villages are all good trading points for the adjacent farmers and are located in good farming districts. All have one or more railroads except Geuda Springs and London. Some of them are prohibition towns and some are not, but all are peopled with an enterprising class of citizens. One town has three papers, one two, and six have one each printed in them. All of them have one or more church buildings and schoolhouses. Livery stables, hotels, lumber yards, grocery, and general stores, and quite a number have good merchant mills. Doctors, lawyers, and loafers abound in all of them, but the doctors and lawyers are good citizens, while the loafers are just like the rest of their family the world over. Caldwell Journal.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Among the petitions presented in the Senate Monday was one by Plumb from the Oklahoma settlers, who set forth that the lands they occupy have been long since bought from the Indians by the United States and paid for; that the United States did not expect or intend the Indians should again occupy the land; and the petitioners therefore see no reason why they should not be allowed to remain in homes established for themselves and families. They protest against the cruelty of their removal and say they would not have been disturbed but for the great influence of wealthy and powerful cattle owners, who do not pretend to have any title to the land but who use the land for grazing cattle. The petitioners add that they have gone to Oklahoma to stay, with their plows and oxen, and that thousands of their friends expect to go there, and they pray congress to withdraw the military forces and instead take early steps to organize the territory of Oklahoma into a state.

In presenting the petition Plumb said that although these settlers may be guilty of technical violation of the law as the law was interpreted by the attorney general, yet congress had already said the lands in question should not be again occupied by the Indians, and it seemed to him the time had come when congress should say yea or nay on the question of occupation of these lands by the white settlers. He hoped the committee on Indian Affairs would act on the subject at the earliest opportunity.

Dawes said the committee had already examined the subject and reported that in the present condition of the title to the lands, they could not be opened to settlement, and that the senate had adopted that report.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Democratic Senator Vest, of Missouri, in his hasty desire to gain notoriety by investigating the Indian leases, has been made the object of ridicule. In the examination of R. B. Hunter, of St. Louis, Wednesday, the same testimony was developed as was devolved from other witnesses. Mr. Hunter is the lessee of 500 acres of land belonging to the Cheyennes and Arapahoes. His evidence was substantially a repetition of that given Tuesday by other lessees of these lands. He was searchingly examined with regard to any payments to third parties to secure leases and declared he knew of no such payments. No agent employee or official of the government and no member of congress held, so far as witness knew, any interest in leases. Senator Vest, under whose resolution the investigation is proceeding, was present and stated to the committee that before he introduced his resolution and made his remarks upon the subject, he had found in an executive document letters from Augustus Ivey, of Vinita, Indian Territory, making most serious charges in connection with the procuring of land leases for grazing purposes. He did not personally know Ivey, but had received letters from him upon the subject. He now understood that Ivey refused to come before the committee to testify. Senator Vest asked the committee as a matter of justice to himself and to promote the public interest, to take steps to bring Ivey before them and compel him to testify. He did not propose to submit to such an attempt to make him ridiculous.


Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

The thaw has set all the mills on the canal to running.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Best lunch in the city at the Model Lunch Counter.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Breene last Monday night a ten pound girl.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

The Traveler did not pass into the hands of Mr. Douglass.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

BIRTH. A son born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford, Jan. 4, 1885.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Money to Loan on Real Estate. Pyburn & Walton over Cowley County Bank.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

The Knights of Labor had a banquet Monday evening at the Windsor Hotel.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Myrtle Francisco, whose leg was amputated last week, is improving rapidly.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Frank Hess' transfer books indicate one transfer for each day of the month of December.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

There will be union services at the Presbyterian church tomorrow commencing at 11 a.m.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Ira Barnett ships three carloads of hogs this week. The price of pork is from $3.60 to $3.75 per hundred.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

For Sale. At a great bargain, four room house, porch, well, four lots and stable. Inquire at Meigs & Howard's real estate agency.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Sympathizers of the Oklahoma colonists in Arkansas City are passing around the hat and receiving donations for the sufferers.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Jas. Hill has purchased the bill of lumber for a handsome two story residence in Leonard's addition. He will have it erected immediately.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Will Davis came up from the Territory Tuesday with a severely sprained ankle. He is stopping at Ira Barnett's residence till he recovers from the injury.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

D. L. Means, while repairing a damaged water main, was completely drenched with water one morning this week. Someone started the pump just to see him "fly."

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

W. P. Wolfe & Co., have purchased the furniture stock of J. W. Mansfield. Mr. Wolfe has had a successful experience in the furniture business once and doubtless will have again.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Landes, Beall & Co., make shipments of flour almost daily and still they are 15 carloads behind with their orders. John Landes is waking up the "Toothpicks" with the flour of this firm.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

The Arkansas City Coal Company will have plenty of Canon City coal next week. Mr. Robinson was disappointed by not receiving his order immediately, also, as was a number of his customers.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Neff & Henderson, the rustling stock buyers, have built an addition to the Arkansas City Coal Co.'s office on Benedict's corner. They are putting on metropolitan style. Go and see them in their new quarters.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Henry Hope froze his fingers last week while putting up ice, and is now under the treatment of Dr. Sparks, who thinks he can save all his fingers but one and possibly that. He is doing very well at present.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

As soon as Sweeney & Smith's lease expires on the portion of the building formerly occupied by them, Wyckoff & Son will put in a stock of groceries. They will carry a complete stock of both clothing and groceries.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

There will be a social "hop" at the skating rink next Monday evening. It will be given under the auspices of one of the string bands of the city and Russell Cowles is going to be floor manager. This alone will insure a great time.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

A. A. Newman and Judge Pyburn are mentioned as councilmen from the first ward. Both are good men.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Court at Winfield convened Monday and in consequence a number of our citizens are there courting this week.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

D. R. Beaty, of Iola, purchased the butcher shop of McDowell Bros., last Saturday. Messrs. McDowell had a lucrative patronage and the REPUBLICAN regrets to learn of their disconnection from the City Meat Market.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Geo. Haysel has rented the room formerly occupied by John Gibson and opened a lunch counter. All of George's former customers remember him and his accommodating manner and like the prodigal son, will return to his festive counter when hungry.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

S. F. Steinberger is a good businessman. He is working up a lucrative drug trade. His cigar house, where he purchases his tobacco, presented him with a box of choice Havanas. This shows in what high standing Mr. Steinberger is held by the wholesale dealers.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

H. B. Calef has severed his connection with the Empire Laundry and opened up in the building west of Matlack's store. Mr. Calef is an experienced laundryman and does excellent work as his large number of customers who go to him for "washee" will testify.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

E. D. Eddy, while standing on the rear porch of his drug store last Friday fell and severely hurt himself. He was standing near the steps which were covered with ice and his feet slipped from under him. He was kept at home several days this week in consequence of the accident.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Ira Barnett purchased 66 head of hogs from John Annis, as "handsome as a picture." Ira says it was the best large lot of hogs he has yet bought in one bunch. Mr. Annis is one of the leading farmers of southern Cowley. His farm is well improved. A large barn, handsome residence, and herds of cattle adorn his fertile farm.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Messrs. Cooley and Rowell residing on Grouse Creek brought into our office yesterday a large bald eagle, which they had killed down on Coon Creek in the Indian Territory. It measured seven feet and six inches from tip to tip of wing and is two feet and eight inches in height. It is a large monster and could easily have carried off a large size lamb.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Wm. H. Curtis, of Saratoga, New York, through the agency of Meigs & Howard, purchased three lots on which to erect a residence, of W. R. Owens. They are located in the block just west of the east school building. Mr. Curtis is the son-in-law of Mrs. Wm. Benedict. Mr. Curtis will move here in the spring and erect a handsome residence on the lots.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

The Navigation company assembled in the parlors of the Leland Hotel Wednesday and talked over the scheme of navigating the Arkansas. Mr. Wood, of Wood & Bliss of Winfield, was in attendance. The company empowered Jas. Hill with a permit to have a propellng boat constructed immediately, and we understand that Mr. Hill will go east for that purpose next week. Soon he will know our fate. The river has been surveyed and Mr. Moorhead says emphatically that a boat can be run on the Arkansas. By the time navigation is opened up, we will be ready for our pork packing establishment. Messrs. Prescott, Duncan & Barett want to be looking a "leetle out," or our steamboat will whistle before they are ready to ship their pork to the southwest.


Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Jas. Hill is in Newton this week.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Miss Lizzie Gatwood is very sick.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Mrs. W. R. Owens is sick this week.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

R. A. Houghton was in the territory this week.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Mrs. David Berkey is down from Winfield visiting relatives.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Dr. Westfall has moved his office over the Cowley County Bank.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

"Oc" Johns has recovered from his attack of malaria of last week.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Frank J. Hess and bride will be home about the middle of February.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

M. Thomas is building a large barn on his farm near Arkansas City.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Drs. Shepard and Westfall were up to Winfield the first of the week.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

L. P. King, representative from this district, will leave for Topeka today.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

J. J. Nix has his cottage residence framed near the Free Methodist Church.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Dr. J. A. Mitchell went up to Topeka Tuesday on business. He returned Thursday.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Geo. A. Eddy, of Leavenworth, is visiting his brother, E. D. Eddy, the first of the week.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Rev. Benjamin Swarts, of Haysville, is in the city this week looking after his addition to the city.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Miss Grace Powers, who is teaching a successful school near Silverdale, was in Arkansas City Saturday.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Archie Dunn has just recovered from an illness of two weeks. He is just able to ramble over the streets again.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Will Carlisle writes from Gambier, Ohio: "Please send me the REPUBLICAN. I expect to remain here for some time."

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Col. Henderson, of Derby, was down investigating the superior advantages of Arkansas City the first of the week.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Chas. Coombs and family came down from Wichita Wednesday to basque in the sunny smiles of relatives for a few days.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

David Sidner, of Topeka, father-in-law of Will Aldridge, came down last week to spend a few days with his grandson.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

M. C. Copple is home again from his visit to Pleasanton.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Will Aldridge is mentioned as councilman from the first ward.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Allen Ayres went to St. Louis the first of this week on business.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

John Landes is down in Arkansas selling flour for Landes, Beall & Co.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Mrs. Chas. Foults, of Lawrence, is visiting at the residence of Archie Dunn. She is a sister of Mrs. Dunn.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Chas. Schiffbauer has rented the residence formerly occupied by D. L. Kitchen on North Summit street and is now living there.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

D. W. Stevens, who has been sick for several days past, is able to be out once more, under the skillful treatment of Dr. S. B. Parson.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Rev. S. B. Fleming went to Wichita yesterday where he will enlighten the minds of the citizens with the beautiful words of the Gospel.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Miss Anna Meigs returned Saturday night from her holiday visit to Anthony. Mr. Meigs will be here during this month sometime.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Prof. J. C. Weir was highly honored by the State Teachers Association. He was chosen secretary of the association. Score another for Arkansas City.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

C. M. Scott and wife returned from their Ohio visit Monday. C. M. says it has been colder here than it has been in the Buckeye state, while he was there.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Mrs. Lillian Carney returned to her Kansas City home Wednesday. She has been here for a couple of weeks visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Schiffbauer.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Frank Beall's horse wanted to come home before Frank was ready one day this week. Result: a broken buggy. The horse was stopped before any serious damage was done.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Will Thompson resigned his position as assistant postmaster. Chas. Chapel succeeds him. The labor in the post office is steadily increasing, but "Top" says the salary does not.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Amos Spray came home from Wellington Monday, where he had been summoned a few days before due to the severe illness of Jos. Perry. Mr. Perry is some better but still very feeble.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

G. W. Miller is a candidate for councilman from the fourth ward. Mr. Miller would make an efficient officer if the people should choose him to represent them from that ward.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Hugh McGinn, of Florer, Indian Territory, was in the city the first of the week. He left $5 with us for two copies of the REPUBLICAN. He is an employee of Florer, Gould & Co.'s ranch.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Rev. Murdock, a Friend minister, started for Kaw Agency, accompanied by Thom. Standley, of Emporia. They visited at the residence of Uriah Spray Wednesday. Mr. Standley has been down to the Kaw Agency on a visit.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Silas Moon, a friend of Uriah Spray, from Sac and Fox Agency, stopped and partook of Mr. Spray's unbounded hospitality Tuesday. Mr. Moon was on his way to Emporia, summoned there by the illness of his father.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Miss Elsie Oberchain, of Parsons, succeeds Miss Lizzie Holbrooke in our public schools as instructress. Miss Florence Patterson, of Emporia, Miss Abbie Lewis, and Miss Belle Everett, of Garfield, Kansas, Miss ____Bissel. [?Utter nonsense?]

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Elias Chase, C. H. Searing's guest, is becoming noted as a duck hunter. Daily he shoulders his trusty musket and trudges mile after mile seeking the haunts of the aquatic fowl. Invariably he comes home loaded down with his trusty musket.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

C. C. Sollitt, E. L. Kingsbury, L. V. Coombs, Chas. Chapel, and several others have arranged for one of their social balls in Highland Hall next Thursday evening. The committee secured musicians from a distance to furnish the music for the occasion.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Wells Bros., one from Jackson, Michigan, and the other from Leadville, Colorado, were in town Wednesday prospecting. They were formerly residents of Winfield. They went away the same afternoon, but will return in a few days. They desire to purchase several bottom farms.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

James Park and James Lewis and others returned from the territory Wednesday, where they had been hunting. They were within a few miles of Oklahoma camp, but did not visit it. One of the boomers informed them that there were about 800 colonists in camp. They were expecting the soldiers and were going to resist.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

P. Pappan has been appointed U. S. Interpreter for the Pawnee tribe of Indians. Monday Mr. Pappan came to the city and subscribed to the REPUBLICAN. This is substantial evidence of the rapid progress of Indians toward civilization. Mr. Pappan brought from the Pawnee Agency 10 children and left them at the Chilocco school. He says they all desire to become educated like the white man. Mr. Pappan is one-half French and one-half Indian. He speaks English well, better than some whites.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Ben Matlack has returned from his Eastern trip.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Edward Nail has purchased J. Morris' residence in the West part of town.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

D. Brunswick came over from Wellington Thursday evening to review the Arcade.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

A number of young folks took possession of Geo. Cunningham's residence Tuesday evening and had a social time.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Miss Clara Thompson entertained a number of friends at her home Thursday evening. Also Misses Mollie and Linda Christian.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Prof. Gridley of Winfield was elected president of the State Teachers Association for the ensuing year. Cowley was indeed honored.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

J. E. Ingalls and wife, of Fairfield, Iowa, came in Tuesday on the Santa Fe. Mr. Ingalls came here to locate and will engage in business as soon as convenient. He has rented one of the Haysel's houses.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Horace Vaughn is a graduate of the Arkansas City Schools of 1884. As soon as possible he obtained a school and commenced teaching. Every morning this winter Horace has traveled from his father's residence to his school, a distance of six miles, and is always on time. Horace has pluck and the REPUBLICAN is glad to number him among its friends.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

C. H. Searing was over to Caldwell the first of the week. While there troopstwo companiescame in on a special. No orders while he was there came commanding Gen. Hatch to stay proceedings against the Oklahoma boomers for thirty days. The troops were to leave Wednesday for Oklahoma and Gen. Hatch had strict orders to remove the invaders. Mr. Searing also visited Kansas City while away.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

The Petersburg, Illinois, Coal for sale by Ed. Grady.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Geo. Haysel has opened the Model Lunch Counter and is ready to receive you.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Remember Edward Grady at the Arkansas City Lumber Yard is the sole agent for the McAllister Indian coal.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Dr. Westfall will pay ten dollars reward and ask no questions for the return of the ledger taken from his office on Wednesday.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

More room in the post office passage has been made by the clearing away of the counters on which Sam Gould displayed his holiday goods.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

The 66 head of hogs which Ira Barnett purchased of John Annis Wednesday averaged 304 pounds per head. Mr. Barnett paid $3.75 per hundred for the hogs.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

The Equal Sufferage Society will meet at the residence of Mrs. J. P. Johnson next Wednesday, Jan. 14, at 3:30 p.m. A full attendance is requested.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

S. P. Gould is going to have a drawing with chances at 50 cents apiece. The best present is a handsome music box. Articles from a mule on wheels to the music box will be drawn. There are a large number of presents and nearly all are useful.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Ed. Grady is a man who tries always to accommodate the patronizing public. He has secured the sole agency of the Petersburg, Illinois, coal and the celebrated McAllister Indian Territory coal. Ed. says he is selling oceans of it, that he can hardly supply the great demand. Use the telephone for ordering.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Senator Plumb read a petition in the senate from the boomers Tuesday, and asked the committee on Indian Affairs why they had not reported on his bill introduced some time since. Dawes said that the committee had reported and that the senate had adopted said report. It was to the effect that the Oklahoma country as it is now is not legally open to settlement. We wonder if this will satisfy the boomers.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

The Oklahoma Boom.
Mr. T. J. Wakefield, marshal of Wellington, Kansas, was seen at the Union depot last night by a Journal reporter just as he was taking an eastern train for Illinois, where he will spend the holidays. Mr. Wakefield has just come from Oklahoma, and he freely gave an extended account of the colony and of the present condition of the boom. By reason of his long residence in Kansas, and his thorough acquaintance with Indian Territory, Mr. Wakefield is one of the best informed on Oklahoma matters, whom one could find in the whole country. He knows the history of the movement, and the original boomers were his very neighbors. When asked what is the present condition of the colony, Mr. Wakefield said.

"At present the government troops are all on the south side of what is known as Salt Fork, while the boomers all occupy the north side of the river, which is now so high that it would be impossible to ford even if the boomers were inclined to venture into the district occupied by the soldiers. There are many boomers at Wellington, now, waiting for the weather to moderate so that they can go down to the land of milk and honey which they dream that God forsaken land to be."

"Why do you call it a God forsaken land?"

"Because there is nothing there now to hold a man while there is everything to make life a curse. The land itself is all right enough, but it takes a brave man, with lots of grit, to face the soldiers on the one hand, and the frightful weather on the other. The weather at Oklahoma when I left there a few days ago, was a great deal colder than at Wellington or Arkansas City, and you can imagine what it is from the raw wind here tonight. Those who want to live in camps or covered wagons, such weather as this must have an awful amount of faith."

"Are there no houses there now?"

"Yes, but not very many. The houses that are there are structures made of logs and poles, rough boards, or anything that can be grabbed up. But many people live in camps or in common covered wagons. There is great suffering among the people. Most of them are very poor and some of them cannot get back. Very many of them are having a hard time of it during these cold times. There is plenty of snow there now and dozens are hobbling around on frozen feet. Others have had their hands and ears terribly frost bitten and I look for great suffering there very soon."

"Are there many boomers there now?"

"About 1,500 on the north side, I should judge. There were 700 who were from Arkansas City three weeks ago and a good party from Caldwell not long ago. They soon find that it is a life of hardships and severe trials, and the population is changing all the time."

"What has been the effect of Captain Payne's death upon the boom?"

"I think it will put a damper on the matter, but new leaders are already trying to take his place. There is a man from Arkansas City whose name I do not recall, and this man is assuming to be the bell boomer of the Oklahoma flocks, but bucks from other fields are also pretending to be leaders."

"What seems to be their business?"

"They live by studying up new schemes to get people excited."

"How do boomers pass away the time?"

"Of course, there are no churches or schools and no houses to speak of, so they loaf and hunt. If it was not for the game down there, some of them would have been buried before now. They live to talk to each other, and the poorest one among them seems to hope that a day may bring something forth."

The genial gentleman's conversation was hastily terminated by the departure of the Chicago & Alton, but he said enough to give the outside world a glimpse of Oklahoma life in mid-winter.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Hatch and the Boomers.
CALDWELL, KANSAS, Jan. 5. Two troops of cavalry arrived today from Ft. Hays, Capt. Duncan in command. Two days will be required to reshoe the horses and put the command in motion for Oklahoma. Thursday the troops will leave here for the boomer camp at Stillwater, Indian Territory, where the Capt. Couch colony of three hundred men are located. This section will there be joined by three troops from Ft. Sill and two from Reno. Gen. Hatch will command the regiment. He was seen by the press agent at his headquarters today and from him learned the particulars. He will have two Hotchkiss guns and skilled men to work them with him. He does not intend to lose a man in his short range fights, but will retire and open on the boomer camp with these long range guns. He does not desire a fight, but his orders are iron-clad and specific and will be executed to the letter. He hopes the colonists will not resist when called upon to surrender, but if they will not peaceably, there will be trouble.

A colonist direct from Couch's camp yesterday called upon the press agent for the scope of Gen. Hatch's orders and his intentions in matters. From him we learn that they obey Capt. Couch's orders implicitly, and will resist the soldiers when he gives the word. They are all well armed and prepared for a fight, and they will not be removed by superior numbers and force; they denounce the President, congress, cattlemen, and the war department in unmeasured terms; say they would have cleaned Lieut. Days' company out if he had opened fire on them. No collision was had between Day's men and the boomers, as was reported. He ordered them to surrender. They refused, armed themselves, took refuge behind their breastworks, and awaited his executing of the order to fire in five minutes. His instructions did not cover that emergency and he retired, but went into camp nearby. Thus do matters rest. It is so stormy now the soldiers cannot move on nor the boomers move out. They say when removed they will burn every ranch out on the Oklahoma and Cherokee strip.


Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Will Aldridge & Co., report the selling of thirteen carloads of coal during the past month.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

The Canon City coal is superior to any sold in the city. Leave orders at the office of the Arkansas City Coal Co.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Fay Templeton will open the new opera house at Caldwell Monday night.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Carload after carload of the McAllister Indian Territory coal is sold faster than it can arrive by Ed. Grady.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Several members of the U. P. Church and some non-members came around the first of the week and handed Rev. J. O. Campbell an envelope, which on opening was found to contain a good size bill of money. It was given Rev. Campbell for some purpose, but that Reverend gentleman failed to divulge to us what it was.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been granted.

J. D. Munford and Hattie Lewis.

Jno. E. Gilham and Alrilda Gusher.

E. T. Woodal and Lelia E. Stephenson.

A. F. Kinsey and Ida E. Kinsey.

W. H. Grove and Virginia A. Yearman.

Russel L. Cole and Jennie Reynolds.

E. L. Wilson and Carrie Maxwell.

Willie Triplett and Lizzie Harrod.

Jno. H. Berrie and Katie Beach.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Reports concerning the Oklahoma proceedings are conflicting. News reaches us one day that the soldiers have strict orders to remove the invaders, and then the next day all proceedings against the boomers are ordered stayed for 30 days. This last has been denied and we understand the troops are on the way to Oklahoma; the boomers have asked congress to act upon this question, and now that it has acted wonder if the colonists will return from off the much disputed territory.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Frank Hess' real estate agency is in receipt of a letter this week from a businessman of Emporia stating that he in company with fifteen other gentlemen would visit Arkansas City in about thirty days for the purpose of investment. Also a letter from Dayton, Ohio, saying that twelve prominent businessmen of that section would visit the far-famed city of Arkansas City in about sixty days. When spring comes the immigration to Arkansas City is going to be wonderful; much larger than last season.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Major Gordon, our woolen mill man, has gone east to purchase the machinery for our woolen mills. He will be gone some ten days. The state of weather has been very inclement for some time now, and it was thought that valuable time could be saved by going and attending to the purchase of the machinery while nothing else could be accomplished. It will cost about $11,000. This fact assures Arkansas City of obtaining a first class woolen mill. Our steamboat is coming, the woolen mills are a fixed fact, and our pork packing house is progressing. We don't know whether we can contain ourselves or not if they all come in at once.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Prof. J. C. Weir and his corps of assistants are succeeding nicely in our public schools. Someone remarked that Prof. Weir was too strict, and we inquired in what way. Instead of having a recess of 15 minutes twice a day, he allows the students a five minute rest at the end of every hour. Pupils are at liberty to walk about the building and out in the yard. The damaging of furniture and the tearing of the clothing of the pupils are thus prevented. Children go to be educated and not to play. Every hour the pupil's mind is relieved and refreshed. Pupils are benefited more by their five minutes rest distributed all through the day than by having it all come in a "bunch."

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Wedding of Miss Mary A. Johnson and Mr. Frank J. Hess, Suncook, N. H.
SUNCOOK, JAN. 2. A brilliant wedding occurred on Prospect Street in this place today, the parties being Miss Mary A. Johnson, only child of Mr. Augustus R. Johnson, a wealthy merchant of Suncook, and Mr. Frank J. Hess, of Arkansas City, Kansas. Miss Johnson was graduated from the Tilton Seminary two years ago, and has recently been a teacher in Kansas. Mr. Hess is a descendant of a German family of Pennsylvania, and is a prominent real estate broker in his Western home. The only invited guests were relatives and immediate friends to the number of about 50. All the apartments on the first floor of Mr. Johnson's residence were decorated with flowers and greenery. The ceremony took place at noon, Mr. Johnson escorting the bride and Mrs. Johnson the groom into the parlor, Mr. C. P. Morse of Suncook being master of ceremonies. The marriage service was performed by Rev. Otis Cole, pastor of the Methodist Church in Suncook. The bride looked charming, and was richly and tastefully attired, her dress being a stone-colored silk, cut basque, and with full drapery. After the happy couple had received the hearty congratulations of the company, the guests were invited into an adjoining apartment to view the lavish display of gifts. The presents were numerous, many of them being of solid silver, and reaching several thousand dollars in value; the donors nearly all attended. The parents of the bride gave a beautiful silver service of nine pieces, also sets of dessert, table, and tea spoons, and other choice offerings. J. P. Johnson and wife of Arkansas City, gave a massive silver water service, including a tilting pitcher and goblet; Miss Lillie Hess of Reading, Pennsylvania, napkin rings; Master Barrett V. Huey of Arkansas City, articles of rattan work;; Geo. Currier of Heverville, Massachusetts, "The Raven," illustrated by Dore; J. K. Hosnier, of Suncook, a piece of Rogers' statuary; and Miss Grace A. Potter of Suncook, a fine bronze card receiver. Among others who gave choice gifts were Roscoe E. Collins of the Franklin Journal; H. M. Bosworth and wife, of Andover; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Dearborne and Mrs. D. G. Mowe, of Hill; Phillip F. Gordon and wife of Plymouth; Mrs. J. A. Hutchison of Franklin; Miss Lillian Chase of Plymouth; Geo. and Sadie Dearborn of Hill; Miss Mary Putney of East Andover; Mrs. Ella Rublee of Boston; Mrs. Clara Currier of Haverhill, Massacusetts; Geo. D. and F. H. Mowe of Concord; and J. C. Chickering, C. P. Morse and wife, Miss Sadie Morse, Miss Mamie Paine, Eleazer Baker and wife, P. S. Hainville and wife, Metta C. Davis, Miss Lizzie Paine, A. S. Heath, Belle Fifield, J. S. Robinson and wife, Miss Florence Desilets, and Mrs. H. Livingston of Suncook. At a later hour a wedding dinner was served, Isaac N. Andrews of Boston being the caterer. Mr. and Mrs. Hess took the evening train for Washington, D. C., and other points in the south, not expecting to arrive in Arkansas City until nearly the middle of February. Boston Journal.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Frost Bitten Boomer.
Frank Martin, of Hutchinson, Kansas, went with Capt. Couch to Oklahoma about five weeks ago with the intention of securing himself a home. On arriving there Dec. 16, he went out hunting, lost his bearings, traveled two days and nights without fire or food, and, becoming completely tired out, laid down and fell asleep. When he awoke he found that his feet were frozen. But being determined to save his life, he pushed forward till he came to Berry's ranch, arriving there on the 18th. Here he was provided with a pony and he reached Couch's camp the same day. He received medical treatment for two weeks and then came to Arkansas City and placed himself in charge of Dr. Sparks, who amputated four of his toes. He is at this time doing well although his feet are in a fearful condition and there is some danger of blood poisoning. He has been well provided for by our humane trustee, Geo. Whitney.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

For several nights past Sept. Andrews has been annoyed and frightened by hideous noises over his bedroom in his harness shop in Highland block. The nightly noises so disturbed his slumbers that he complained to T. H. McLaughlin. Friday morning a number of men headed by "Tally Me," went up into Highland Hall to ferret out the cause of the mysterious noises. After rummaging all through the opera house they finally searched beneath the stage and found a large coon. When discovered the coon was holding a two ring circus. He was captured and now Sept. sleeps undisturbed except by his own snore.

[Yes! Paper had "Tally Me." Not sure what this meant other than a reference to T. H. McLaughlin, who we found out from another article had an artificial leg.]

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

A Card. Again in the "Furniture Business," and this time to stay. As successors to J. W. Mansfield, I make my bow to the people and will again at the old stand of Wolf and Harnly, solicit a liberal share of your patronage.

Honesty, and living prices and best quality of goods, will be my motto.

Old customers, friends, and strangers give me a call and see what I can do for you in the way of good Furniture at Low prices for Cash. W. P. WOLF & CO., Arkansas City, Kansas.

[Wolf sometimes appears as Wolfe.]

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Hon. J. D. Hill, of Fort Scott, was in town Monday and Tuesday, looking after some $3,000 worth of personal property which one Riley Bennett, of Chelsea, had taken from his farm there, disposed of for cash, and fled. Several of our businessmen it is said are badly sold on Bennett. Alex Blair for about $270, and the Exchange National Bank for some $300, in a chattel mortgage on property which he did not own. From the fact that Bennett stocked himself up with repeating rifles, revolvers, and dirks, it is supposed he went to the Indian Territory. This is a conspicuous example of black ingratitude. Hill took Bennett almost from the gutter, bought him household goods, utensils, teams, and a farm, and turned them over to Bennett to help him along. Even Bennett's child is in Hill's family and is cared for by Mrs. Hill as if one of her own. Bennett will undoubtedly be caught. It is supposed that a man by the name of Rowe is an accomplice. Walnut Valley Times.

Last Saturday Billy Gray, assisted by Johnny Breene, took Bennett and Rowe in and turned them over to the proper authorities. They had been laying around Arkansas City some two weeks previous to their arrest.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Frank Corzine, who went to Illinois several weeks ago to assist his father in moving to Arkansas City, writes as follows.


FRIEND HOWARD: A happy New Year to you. I suppose my paper, or my subscription is out. I thought I would be back by the 1st, but we have had such terrible weather since I came that it has been impossible for us to get ready to move. We have put it off now until the middle of February and I can't get along without the REPUBLICAN for when I don't get the paper I don't get any news and then I like to hear what the "Ed." has to say and to show the REPUBLICAN to my friends, and to my home paper; show them what we have in the west. Please put me down on the "donkey" book for a time. Respectfully, F. W. CORZINE.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

MARRIED. New Year's day the shackles of wedlock were quietly cemented on Miss Katie Beach and Thomas Berry. The affair was so quiet that the next door neighbors did not learn of it for two days afterwards. The writer had hoped that Katie would wait till that barn was finished. But fate seems to be against him. This startling episode so unnerved him that he has about given up in despair. Rev. Lundy, of Arkansas City, officiated. Bon voyage, Kate. Courier Correspondence.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Spring trade has opened up. Al. Woolsey sold his old wagon for cash yesterday.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

The Boomers.
Mr. H. F. Sloan, of Sandusky, Ohio, arrived here direct from Arkansas City Tuesday. He reports the greatest activity among the boomers. He says an active, energetic lawyer, E. D. Munn, late city attorney of Braidwood, Illinois, a John A. Logan style of man, is now the leading spirit among them. He is reported to be a diplomatist and depends more on diplomacy than fight. There is where his head is level. It is also said that he has an organized company of two hundred stalwart miners organized in the town he came from and that one hundred of them are expected to arrive here today.

On Monday Mr. Munn indited telegrams to President Arthur, Senator Plumb, Ingalls, Logan, and Vest. The message to the president was a lengthy affair and cost $44. It requested him to restrain the troops and appoint a committee to investigate the affair and that twenty boomers, all honorably discharged ex-soldiers, would go to Washington and testify as to the ravages by the stock-men among the timber, and other matters of interest connected with the territory.

We received a special dispatch last night that the news about Gen. Hatch receiving orders from Washington not to move against the boomers was an error and that the troops are already on the move. The question now is will the boomers fight. Mr. Sloan thinks they will. He says the boomers have been actively engaged in forwarding arms to Stillwater for several days, paying their way and furnishing them with arms and ammunition. In view of these facts, trouble is anticipated and news of a hostile encounter may be looked for before many days. Wichita Eagle.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Indian Lands.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. In the investigation of the Indian land leases begun by the Senate committee on Indian Affairs today, John W. Scott, agent for several tribes in the Indian Territory being called, said all the tribes under his charge had leased portions of their lands. The Poncas had leased 50,000 acres, or one-half of their possessions, at $17,000 per annum. The land was not sub-let, but was occupied by Sherburne, the lessee, for grazing purposes. The present policy of leasing lands the witness considered the best. He was asked if the price paid by Sherburne was a fair one, but was not prepared to express an opinion on this point. He thought, however, it would bring more if open to competition. The Nez Perces Indians leased a portion of their reservation for $20,000 a year. The Pawnees leased 127,000 acres at three cents per acre, for a term of ten years. Witness was present and advised the Indians in making some of these leases. Since the public attention has been so wildly called to this matter, witness thought the lands might now be leased for a higher price.

J. O. Tuffts, agent for the civilized tribes of Indians, testified that the Cherokee strip, 200 miles long and fifty six miles wide, was leased to an association for $100,000 a year. The land would now probably rent for $50,000 more. The witness heard rumors of irregular payments of money to secure the lease, but could not trace them to a reliable source.

[Note: Sherburne from Arkansas City, originally from Maine. He was at this time an Indian trader with the Ponca Indians. His sister was married to E. D. Eddy, very early druggist in Arkansas City. Tuffts was a Cherokee Indian, who was at this time acting for the Nation with respect to leasing land to various people. Many formed livestock associations in dealing with the Indians.]

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Railroad Freights.
TOPEKA, KANSAS, Jan. 6. Representatives of all the traffic departments of all Kansas railroads met here yesterday with the members of the state board of railroad commissioners, for conference in regard to freight rates. The managers presented a long answer to the request for a reduction, in effect, that the present rates were established by the state commissioners during last summer and were conceded to be fair and just to all parts of the state. Statistics were offered showing the prosperous condition of the Kansas wheat growers and the unprofitable condition of the smaller railroads of the state. In the judgment of the traffic managers, a reduction at this time would not be of any special advantage to Kansas farmers for the reason that the market price is not controlled by transportation charges and if it cost less to ship, a smaller price would be realized. It was further agreed that a reduction of freight would necessitate a corresponding reduction in the operating expenses of Kansas railroads, and would greatly weaken some of them. An informal discussion was had as to the reported distress among farmers and grain growers and measures necessary to be taken to afford them relief. The result of the conference is an expression on the part of railroads against the proposition for a reduction. The commissioners have not signified what further action they will take.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Hatch Moving on Oklahoma.
CALDWELL, KANSAS, Jan. 6. Advices received from Camp Russell indicate that the party now invading Oklahoma are there for no other purpose than to bring on a collision with the troops, who are instructed to keep intruders off those lands. There are 400 armed and no families with them. They declare they are there for the purpose of resisting the government. Entering the territory under the disguise of hunters, they have a rendezvous at one place. There is no evidence of the peaceful occupation of the settlers. Gen. Hatch is moving with troops to remove them, and should loss of life occur, it will be by armed resistance to the lawful orders of the president executing the laws of the United States.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Kansas City Times says: Senator P. B. Plumb, of Kansas, was in the city on his return to Washington, after spending the holidays with his family at Emporia. In conversation with a Times reporter, he said in reference to the Oklahoma bill introduced by him that it was not receiving the encouragement he had hoped for. "The people in the east are indifferent about the opening up of the territory, and besides think the rights of the Indians will be violated by the admission of settlers. Hence the bill is in a fair way to be lost, but I still hope to get it through."

"Do you think there is any probability of the troops being withdrawn from the territory in case your bill fails to pass?"

"That depends entirely upon the position Mr. Cleveland will take in reference to this question. Mr. Arthur has held that the law compelled him to keep settlers out of Oklahoma and he has done it. I have long desired a change in the president's mind as regards the duty of the government to keep troops in the disputed territory, and I hope that Mr. Cleveland will be more friendly to the Oklahoma people than Mr. Arthur has been. It is merely a question of time when the Oklahoma strip will be thrown open for settlement, and when that is done, the entire territory will be opened up, except a portion sufficient for the needs of the Indians. It may not be done this year, but it will in the near future."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 17, 1885.

Edwin Dalton (Union man) D. D. Dobbs

Edward Sinclair (Southerner) J. H. Johnston

Park Sinclair (Edward's father) P. A. Snyder

Charlie Dalton (Edwin's brother) L. V. Coombs

Farmer Dalton (Northern Union man) E. L. Kingsbury

Jake Schneider (fat Dutchman, true blue) S. V. Devendorf

Capt. Mason (U. S. A.) J. J. Clark

Pete (colored gentleman) B. F. Cooper

Gen. Sherman (U. S. A.) S. C. Lindsay

Gen. McPherson (U. S. A.) W. D. Mowry

Gen. Logan (U. S. A.) L. D. Davis

Maj. Wilber (U. S. A.) C. C. Sollitt

Col. Harrison (U. S. A.) T. J. Stafford

Sargt. Bates (C. S. A.) Pat Franey

Corporal Ogden (C. S. A.) N. T. Lawton

Maud Dalton (wife of Edwin) Miss Nellie Nash

Carrie Dalton (sister of Edwin) Miss Minnie Stewart

Mrs. Dalton (wife of farmer Dalton) Miss Etta Barnett

Little Willie (Edwin's brother,

the drummer boy) Willie Rike

Little Annie (daughter of Edwin and Maud)

Schneider's volunteers; Citizens; Soldiers; and 14 young ladies for tableau.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

According to a previous call, about five hundred people congregated at the district court room at Topeka for the purpose of hearing something concerning the new paradise, the Oklahoma country, in the Indian Territory, from speakers acquainted with the country and to organize a colony of Topeka citizens to occupy a portion of the forbidden lands.

The meeting was called to order by John Carter, Samuel Dolman was elected chairman, and I. W. Pack and William F. Gordon were made secretaries.

On motion the following named gentlemen were appointed a committee on resolutions: S. N. Wood; C. T. Tompkins; J. H. Stevenson; J. J. Dyal; and J. P. Greer, who made the following report.

WHEREAS, We have received information that Col. Hatch, under orders from the secretary of war, is marching with a portion of the United States army into Oklahoma for the purpose of driving settlers on government lands from their homes; therefore,

Resolved, That in the name of the loyal people of Topeka we most earnestly protest against the perpetration of this outrage upon our people.

Resolved, That we call upon the governor of this state, in his official capacity, to at once telegraph to the president of the United States protesting in the name of the people of Kansas against the invasion of the territory of the United States with an armed force for the purpose of driving people out of the territory and preventing persons from settling on government lands and depriving citizens of their property and homes.

Resolved, That if the settlers in Oklahoma have violated any law of the United States, there are courts by which they can be tried, convicted, and punished, and that there is no excuse for the exercise of military power, and that we denounce the invasion of any territory by an armed force of the United States under any pretence, as among the gravest of crimes.

Resolved, That we are opposed to interfering with the rights of the Indians to their lands, whether existing under the laws or treaties of the United States, and will not defend men in the violation of any of their rights, and that we demand also the protection of the government shall be extended to all settlers alike on government lands.

Resolved, That it is not a crime to settle upon government lands but a right given to every American citizen by law; that the Indian title to the Oklahoma lands has been extinguished, and they are under the laws of the United States subject to settlement, pre-emption, and homestead.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be published in the city papers, a copy be sent to the president of the United States, to the governor of the state of Kansas, to each of our Senators, and to our representative, Hon. Thomas Ryan, with the request that they be at once laid before the president with our earnest desire that he immediately recall Col. Hatch and prevent the shedding of the blood of American citizens who have exercised the rights guaranteed to every American citizen by the constitutional laws of the country.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Not county history....but very interesting!

How Officials were once Paid.
The following little scraps of history are found in the Milwaukee Telegraph.

It is now a generally known historical fact that from 1777 to 1784 the territory now known as Tennessee formed a part of North Carolina and that in 1785 the Tennesseeans becoming dissatisfied with their government, organized a state government under the name of "Franklyn," which was maintained for some years. The state organization afterward disbanded, and territorial Tennessee was again annexed to North Carolina. The following is among the laws passed by the legislature of the state of Franklyn. We copy it as found in a speech of Daniel Webster's on the currency question in 1838.

"Be it enacted by the general assembly of the state of Franklyn, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that from the first day of January 1789, the salaries of the officials of this commonwealth be as follows, to-wit:

His Excellency, the Governor, one thousand deer skins;

His Honor, the Chief Justice, five hundred deer skins;

The Secretary to his Excellency the Governor, one hundred raccoon skins;

Each county clerk, three hundred beaver skins;

Clerk of the House of Commons, two hundred beaver skins;

Members of the Assembly, per diem, three raccoon skins;

Justices fee for signing a warrant, one muskrat skin;

To the Constable for serving a warrant, one mink skin;

Enacted into law the 18th day of October 1789 under the great seal of the State."

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Indian Land Leases.
WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 9. Captain Salmon Tuttle and J. W. Hamilton, Kansas, members of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association and sub-lessees of the land held by that association, were examined by the same committee on Indian Affairs today. It was found that the association had about 6,000,000 acres rented from the Cherokees at 2 cents an acre and the sub-lessees paid 2-1/2 cents an acre. Senator Harrison asked what use was made of the surplus. Senator Ingalls objected on the ground that this was an inquiry into the business of the witnesses. He would not object, he said, to the inquiry as to whether any portions of the surplus was paid in securing the lease. Senator Harrison maintained that his inquiry was necessary to develop the facts in the case. The committee then went into secret session to consider the scope of further investigation.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Boomer Meeting.
Remarks were made by W. F. Gordon, recently editor of the Oklahoma War-Chief, J. F. Smith, Sam N. Wood, and Samuel Dolman.

Mr. Wood said that the Indian country in question was a better country than Kansas and no one can truthfully say that Kansas was not a good country. He said he was going down next Wednesday night at midnight with Mr. Smith to report the country for the press. He is going with pencil and paper, and Smith with a shot gun to protect him.

The meeting was harmonious throughout, and the utmost interest was manifest. That a large number of people are bound to test the virtues of an early settlement there can be no doubt. The initial step was a grand success, and shows that the leaders will have a large following.

The meeting adjourned after appointing a committee on permanent organization and constitution and by-laws. State Journal.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

The Indian Problem.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9. At the recent meeting of the national board of Indian commissioners and the Indian rights association closed today resolutions were adopted expressing the views of the conference that the solution of the Indian problem is to be found in the abolition of the tribal system, and the allotment of lands to the Indians in severalty and the admission of the Indians to the full rights and duties of citizenship, and urging upon congress the necessity of putting into operation immediately a comprehensive system of education for all Indians, also recommending that the unpaid balance due Indians under various treaties be expended by the government within the next three years in the establishment of schools like those at Hampton and Carlisle, and approve the action of congress in making appropriations for the pay of practical farmers as teachers of agriculture on Indian reservations.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

The Trail.
The trail proposed for Texas cattle is to begin on Red River as near the 100th degree of longitude as practicable; thence running in a northerly direction through the Indian territory, following as near as practicable, the Fort Griffin and Dodge City trail to a point in Ford county, on the southern boundary of Kansas; thence over the appropriated public domain of the United States, through the counties of Ford, Hodgeman, Lane, Buffalo, Scott, Wallace, Sherman, and Cheyenne in Kansas; then in a generally northerly direction through Nebraska, Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana, or any one or more of them, to the northern boundary of the United States. The trail is not to exceed six miles in width, and the grazing grounds not to exceed twelve miles square. The public lands over which it is to be established are to be withdrawn from sale and reserved for the trail ten years. A small appropriation is requested for carrying out the provisions of the bill.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

The principle theme of conversation now on our streets is the Oklahoma invasion. The news to be gleaned from the special dispatches to our dailies is meager and to us appears very unreliable. It is either unreliable or pure braggadocio. The dispatches from Caldwell are all from the pen of a prejudiced party, it appears. In the specials we glean that Hatch has several companies of soldiers, which is no doubt true, and that they are advancing on to the boomers to remove them, and with very strict orders from headquarters to remove them at all hazards, that the soldiers have long range guns and all such stuff as that. We have read such nonsense as this for three weeks. Now we would like to know if anyone ever heard of a general who divulged his orders from headquarters to newspaper correspondents before executing them. Next, we don't believe that Gen. Hatch has orders to fire on the "invaders." Probably he has orders to remove them, and as there is a law against entering the Indian country, necessarily there must be a penalty attached. There is no law but what has a penalty when violated. For five years now this thing of invaders going to Oklahoma and the soldiers removing them has been going on. Their leader, Dave Payne, violated every law on the statute book during his life on Indian soil. Nothing was done to him. He was always captured, hauled over the country at the expense of Uncle Sam and then finally turned loose without trial to commit the same deeds over again. But Dave Payne was a man no community could not respect. He is gone now and no doubt has long since accounted for his misdeeds on earth to his Redeemer. But to return to our subject. The boomers in their late petition to congress say they have gone there to become husbandmen. They have their farm machinery as well as their rifles. They implore congress to take action upon this question. Plumb introduced a bill tending to the opening of the Oklahoma country, but it was referred to the committee on Indian Affairs. A few days since Plumb called for his bill. Dawes said that the committee reported unfavorably to it and that the senate had received the report. This seems to us only a continuance of the child's play which has been going on for five years. If the boomers are guilty of violating the law, visit the penalty on them, and stop all this palaver. If they have a right to settle on this land, allow them, and do not attempt to bulldoze them with long-range guns into submission and fear in the interest of a few monied cattlemen.

In 1866 treaties were made between the government of the United States and the Cherokee, Seminole, Choctaw, and Creek Indians, by the terms of which certain lands west of Creeks and Seminoles and south of the Cherokee were ceded to the United States by the tribes named. There was no condition attached to the cession. It was absolute and the title passed unconditionally. The lands were afterwards surveyed, and have been ever since borne on the rolls of the general land office as "public lands." These are the Oklahoma lands.

During Jackson's administration in 1834 a law was enacted providing that if an attempted settlement or a trespass of any kind in the Indian Territory by citizens of the United States in numbers too large to be handled by proclamation or unassisted officers, the president of the United States should use the military arm of the government to dislodge the trespassers. The soldiers are cautioned, in the law, to deal gently with the offenders, using only such force as is absolutely necessary to affect their removal. Repeated offenses shall subject offenders to harsher treatment, and a fine of a thousand dollars was affixed to cases of determined persistence. The law also says no one shall go into or across Indian country. That law enacted in 1834 has never been repealed and that is the grounds for removing the boomers by force. In going to the Oklahoma country you necessarily have to cross Indian lands and commit trespass. What is the use of removing the invaders unless the penalty of $1,000 is assessed. They will go right back again. They have been persistent in their invasion and we see no reason why the government should show leniency so often. A horse thief has the penalty visited upon him immediately by the court as soon as convicted of his crime, and so ought the boomer. We all know the boomer is guilty of invasion, but whether it be a crime or not, it remains yet to be decided. We are not a boomer, but we would like to have equity meted out to the boomers if they be guilty of law-breaking or be they but demanding their rights as citizens.


Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

The Young Peoples Club was entertained Tuesday evening by the Misses Mollie and Linda Christian at their home.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Grouse Creek has been on a high for a week past and was not fordable. For several days freighters had to camp on its banks until the water subsided.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

As well as being a social organization, the Young People Social Club is a dramatic club and some time soon they will present to the public "The Turn of the Tide."

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Searing & Mead received ten carloads of corn Tuesday. It was bought at Mulvane, Belle Plaine, Cheney, and other towns, and shipped here. They cannot obtain enough corn here to supply their demand.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

The social dance given Thursday evening at Highland Hall was attended by about thirty couples. The dance ended about one o'clock, and notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather all enjoyed themselves hugely.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

There are quite a number of the friends of A. V. Alexander who are desirous of running him for mayor at the approaching spring election. The REPUBLICAN would like to see A. V. make the race. He would make a first class "His Honor."

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

R. A. Houghton says the report going around over the country that cattle are doing well on the range this winter is untrue. He said while he saw some cattle in good condition, he saw twice the number in poor condition. He was in the territory two days and riding nearly all the time.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

The Democrat has joined hands with the REPUBLICAN in its efforts to induce a packing house to be located in Arkansas City. We want to aid our town in advancing as rapidly as possible and we are glad the Democrat is of our opinion on this subject even if it does differ politically.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Drs. J. T. Grimes & Son have purchased the drug stock formerly owned by E. F. Shindel and are now ready to receive you. They have been rearranging the stock this week and a noticeable change for the better is perceivable in the appearance of the room. May the horse shoe always hang over your door, "Father Grimes and Son."

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Last Friday evening the members of the A. O. U. W. lodge and their wives held a social in their hall. An excellent programme had been prepared for the evening's entertainment, which was rendered. A most enjoyable time was had. They expect to continue their sociable meetings and will hereafter assemble on Friday evening of the second week of each month.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Ivan Robinson is now handling the McAllister Indian Territory coal, Weir City coal, Canon City cola, and other "brands." Telephone if you are too tired to walk.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Grimes & Son are making a special run on "Nicks Choice." It is a splendid five cent cigar.

Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Ashes as fine as those of a cigar is produced by burning the Petersburg, Illinois, coal. Ed. Grady sells it.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Will Thompson has not resigned his position in the post office. He has been promoted a step higher; Chas. Chapel, on account of the heavy mails, has been engaged to assist.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.


Marriage licenses for the week.

Chas. E. Pring and Anna E. Allison.

Luther N. Nellis and Nellie E. Gwillan.

David M. Lippard and Nettir M. Waugh.

Isaiah F. Bell and Barbara Greenwell.

David J. Spear and Forest Harlam.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

A petition is being circulated by the Democrats praying that Topliff be removed from the post office here and Jas. Benedict be appointed in his stead. The Democrats forget that the mug-wumps have a mortgage on Cleveland, which they are bound to respect. Besides Cleveland favors the civil service reform plank.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Geo. Cunningham went to Kansas City Wednesday afternoon. George while away will visit a number of the eastern manufactories of farm implements and see where he can obtain the best prices, and on his return will give his farmer friends the benefit he derives from his trip. He says he is going to lay in a $50,000 stock of implements and machinery.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Geo. O. Boone, traveling salesman for V. M. Ayres Canal Roller Mills, came in Tuesday. He has been away down in Georgia and Alabama and other southern states selling the flour produced by this mill. Verily Arkansas City will be known as the city of many flouring mills in these United States and the products of the mills will have a national reputation.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Dan, the butcher of the City Meat Market, is sick. McDowell brothers have been "shaking" once in awhile, and as a consequence left some ague medicine setting around. Dan took a dosehalf bottleenough to kill an ordinary man. For several days he has been very ill, but he is now improving. When you see Dan, ask him to "shake," but first get on the outside of the shop.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Since Cleveland formulaed his astute letter of "civil service reform" to George William Curtis, Ed. Gage, the pillar of Democracy and Materialism [?] in Arkansas City, has thrown up the favored son of fortune. Ed. don't believe in the civil service reform law. He is a disciple of the Jacksonian system, "to the victors belong the spoils." We wonder if Ed. did not have a hankering after the post office here, and as Cleveland will adopt the civil service plank, it makes him feel forlorn.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

The Standard is pulling hair out of its bald head over the discovery of oil at Wellington. It says: "The oil was first noticed on Monday, when it came bubbling up from the bottom of a stream of water that runs in a draw about fifty yards west of the bridge across Piety Creek near the Aetna Mills. The opinions of our citizens differ very materially as to `what the harvest shall be,' but all agree that there is coal oil mixed up with the matter, and there is no rubbing that out. W. T. Coverdale [Cloverdale?] told a Standard reporter that he had noticed a scum on the water at different times for the past eight months and he believes Wellington has `struck oil.'"

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Neff & Henderson are enterprising stock dealers and their efforts are appreciated by the farmers of Southern Cowley. Last April they commenced buying "porkers" and up to date have bought and shipped 80 carloads. By the time they have been here one year, they hope to have 20 more carloads added to the 80, making a total of 100. As each carload will average about 70 hogs, they have already bought and shipped some 5,600 hogs. Already since the commencement of the New Year, they have bought in the neighborhood of 1,000 hogs.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

A Good Opening for a Packing House.
Within a radius of five to ten miles of Arkansas City, there are not less than 1,000 head of cattle and 5,000 head of hogs being fed for market. These cattle and hogs are sold here from from three to four dollars per hundred. They are shipped east, cured, and returned to us again; we pay the freight both ways, and 15 to 20 cents per pound for the cured meat. The above, which we might say is absolutely true, shows the necessity of a packing house here at Arkansas City, where meats can be cured and save those freights as well as a large profit to middle men. Democrat.

Correct Charlie. No place on earth affords superior advantages to Arkansas City for a packing establishment. The REPUBLICAN has been saying this week after week now for some time. We have even taken the liberty to try and associate three of our best businessmen in partnership for the purpose of establishing a packing house, and we are glad to say that our efforts have not been in vain. Meeting Mr. A. D. Prescott on the streets Tuesday, we asked him if the REPUBLICAN had taken too much liberty in using his name in this connection without his knowledge. Mr. Prescott replied that he was ready to invest his time and as much capital as any other man in an industry of the above nature provided that one man of the firm understood the curing and packing process of meats from beginning to end. He further remarked that if some gentleman familiar with the packing business with a capital of $5,000 would come here, he would guarantee the raising of the capital stock to $40,000. Mr. Prescott believes that a packing house would be the best paying institution that could be brought here. There is no packing house this side of Kansas City. Home consumption and the territory supply would form a big item toward making a packing house a paying institution in Arkansas City.

Mr. J. C. Duncan, in conversation with us, remarked that he was of the same opinion as Mr. Prescott. He is willing to engage in an industry of this kind, because he thought it would be a paying investment.

Mr. Ira Barnett would like to associate himself with a packing house here, but just at present he said he did not see how he could possibly do so. The REPUBLICAN will wager anything that Ira would be there on time though when the association was being perfected.

The above gentlemen would make valuable associates for any gentleman understanding the curing of meats, to come to Arkansas City and engage in the packing business. They are men of means and possess superior business qualifications. Should this article be read by anyone who understands the curing of meats, and who desires to engage in the packing business by addressing the REPUBLICAN or any of the above mentioned gentlemen at Arkanss City, Kansas; their inquiries will receive immediate attention.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

On the two corner lots adjoining Ed. Grady's lumberyard, a new brick business block is contemplated. The lots belong to A. A. Newman. It is proposed to erect a block two stories high and 50 x 100 feet. The scheme is being projected by A. V. Alexander and Mr. Newman. It will be erected in this manner. Mr. Alexander furnishes the lumber and takes his pay in shares of stock. The work will be let to contractors who are willing to receive shares of stock as payment for their labor. On the completion of the block, the rooms will be rented and the stockholders receive their portion of the rental money. Such a building will add much to the appearance of south Summit street besides being a benefit. We hope Messrs. Newman and Alexander will succeed in their laudable enterprise.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

The stirring war drama will be presented at Highland Opera House next Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings. The drama is thrilling and yet abounds with humor. The editor of the REPUBLICAN has witnessed the drama and we are willing to pronounce it first-class. The principal parts are sustained by actors of merit while those not so prominent will be ably sustained by home talent. S. V. Devendorf is in the role of Schneider and he is a "circus" by himself. The drama will be given under the auspices of the G. A. R. We would like to see everybody's face in Highland Hall all three nights. Come out and assist the noble defenders of our Union.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Frank Beall says this weather makes him "blue." We should think it would make most anyone blue if he happened to walk a couple of squares from sitting down so many times on the icy pavements. Frank's trouble though is because the farmers can't bring in their wheat and he cannot obtain the necessary wheat to keep the mill going and orders are coming in all the time.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

R. A. Houghton came home from the Territory Tuesday.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Oscar Titus has not quit clerking at Matlack's. It was his father.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

D. N. Phillips is assisting in Ridenour & Thompson's at the bench.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Frank Hess and bride will arrive home the latter part of next week.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

J. A. West, a substantial farmer, is building an addition to his residence.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Maj. M. S. Hasie left Tuesday for the east. He will visit Chicago and St. Louis.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Frank Schiffbauer was the one to draw the handsome music box at S. P. Gould's.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Eli was down helping Joe invoice Youngheim & Co.'s clothing stock the first of the week.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Samuel Scott in Leonard's addition has commenced the erection of a commodious residence.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Sam Swarts, until a few days since, a typo on the Traveler, has gone to Wichita to take "cases."

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Miss Lettie Gary, of Winfield, came down Saturday and Sundayed at the residence of J. L. Glotfelter.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Daniel Fullerlove has commenced the erection of a cottage in the northeast part of the city this week.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Will Love and family, of Aledo, Illinois, are visiting at the residence of John Love. Mr. Love is a son of John Love.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

F. K. Grosscup and sister, Miss Florence, have fitted up rooms in the Commercial block and are rooming there.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Allan Ayers returned from his St. Louis trip the first of the week. He says he did not have a shake while away.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

In a carload of the Petersburg, Illinois, coal only a teacup full of slack can be found. Telephone your order to Grady.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

C. Mead is away this week. Searing says he has gone up the "flume." We suppose by that he has gone away to buy grain.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Ed. Baugh, brother of George Washington Baugh, is here visiting his relatives. Mr. Baugh is a resident of Oakland, Nebraska.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Mr. Jesse Ditson and wife, of Larned, Kansas, relatives of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Bishop of this city, are visiting at the residence of the latter.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Ed. B. Phillips and B. L. Brown, of Marion, Indiana, are in the city this week. They are prospecting.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Uriah Spray went over to Wellington again Tuesday to attend his son-in-law Jos. Perry, through his illness.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

N. W. Parvin has purchased lots in Leonard's addition of the Arkansas City Building Association and will erect a handsome residence thereon.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

J. P. Musselman was in the city Wednesday from Silverdale. This is the first time for over a month that Mr. Musselman has been seen on our streets.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

E. Garrard, general repairer and inspector of this state for the telephone company, was in the city this week looking after the instruments of the company.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

J. E. Anderson, a prominent lumber dealer of El Dorado, was in the city the first of the week. He is an old friend of Frank Austin and was down here visiting him.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Jos. Echels is one of Arkansas City's best contractors and builders. He is a rapid workman and has a thorough knowledge of carpentering. He is the builder of those five handsome cottages belonging to the building association.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Dr. J. L. Hamilton, of Salt Lake City, Utah, is here visiting at his father's residence, W. J. Hamilton, and his sister, Mrs. Weatherholt. Dr. Hamilton is also here attending his brother, who has been very sick for some time past.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Miss Hattie Horner is receiving many complimentary notices from the exchanges which come to our office, on her productions of "Ad Astra" and "Per Aspera." The Winfield Courier says she has attained an enviable notoriety through her charming poems.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

H. G. Chipchase, manager of the Wellington and Caldwell telephone exchange, and repairer of Winfield and Arkansas City Exchanges was in the city this week attending to the interests of the company and its patrons. Mr. Chipchase deserves credit for since he has had charge of this division our exchange has grown rapidly.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

S. T. Lambert, of Lime Springs, Iowa, arrived here last week on an extended visit at the residence of his son-in-laws, A. D. Prescott and Bradford Beall. Mr. Lambert's hair is beginning to be intermingled with the silver threads of gray. He is favorably impressed with the outlook of Arkansas City and says it is only a question of time until Arkansas City ranks among the first cities of Kansas.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Will Cavis some days since purchased the residence of Geo. Allen in the north part of town. Mr. Cavis is a Buckeye and is stopping at Ira Barnett's residence. Thursday Mr. Cavis' wife arrived from Marysville, Ohio, and they will go to housekeeping immediately in their new home. Mr. Cavis is a carpenter. To complete his earthly happiness now, he should call and subscribe for the REPUBLICAN for one year.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

C. H. Searing with ladies was out sleigh-riding yesterday. Part of the time the runners went on frozen ground.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

A school of Penmanship, Bookkeeping, and Shorthand will be opened Monday eve, Jan. 19th, at east school building, conducted by J. B. Garvin. [Not certain of his first initial.]

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

A movement is on foot to organize a stock company to build an excursion boat to be run between Arkansas City and Little Rock.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

J. H. Henderson, of Neff & Henderson, bought Tuesday eight shoats from J. Upton. They were only ten months old and averaged 350 pounds apiece, and were from one brood sow. $3.80 per hundred was paid.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Geo. A. Heitkam, while on his way home Thursday evening, when near J. T. Grimes' office, slipped and fell, spraining his ankle very severely. He was unable to rise, and lay there for some time. His groans attracted Dr. Grimes, who took him in his office and rendered medical assistance. When the pains had subsided some, he was conveyed home in a carriage. The icy streets make walking very hard for the ladies and elderly people.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

The REPUBLICAN says the boomers are camped on the Salt Fork. The deuce they are. Where is Salt Fork, Richard? Democrat.

We are not a walking geography, Charlie, but we will enlighten you. You have been here a number of years and ought to know by this time. Salt Fork River takes its rise from Salt Springs in Harper County and flows southeasterly through the Indian Territory, emptying into the Arkansas below Ponca Agency.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Prof. Davis, editor of the Winfield Tribune, was down to see us Wednesday. Tuesday the commissioners awarded the county printing to the Tribune for 1885 as its bid was the lowest. The printer no longer realizes a "fat take" from the county printing, by receiving in compensation for legal printing the rates fixed by law. Messrs. Davis receive three cents per line for legal advertising, and as all "ads" have to be published in three papers in the countyin one at Arkansas City, one at Winfield, and the other in the East part of the countythe three cents per line has to be divided between the three papers. The tax list and other printing was let at legal rates.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

About 4 o'clock yesterday evening, while the south bound train on the Santa Fe was at the depot in this city, a man named Charles Chambers from Arkansas City, while attempting to cross the train between the cars, got his foot badly crushed between the bumpers. The engineer was just pulling up the slack in order to pull a pin so as to cut the train to open the crossing, when the injured man had got between the cars. His foot slipped between the bumpers and was jammed near the instep. No blame is attached to the railroad men. The man is at the European Hotel. Eagle Thursday.

Charlie Chambers is a son of our fellow citizen, Frank Chambers.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

By previous arrangement the ministers of Arkansas City met in Rev. S. B. Fleming's study Monday, Jan. 12th, at 3 p.m., and organized a Ministerial Association, electing Rev. S. B. Fleming president and J. C. Witt secretary. The object of the association is to hold conferences on subjects of common interest, promote brotherly love; unite the efforts of christian people of all the churches in the suppression of vice and immorality; and in arousing a healthy moral sentiment in the community and in every possible way subserve the common name of Christ by concerted action. Present: Revs. Buckner, Walker, Campbell, Fleming, and Witt. [COULD NOT READ LAST PART WHICH TOLD WHEN AND WHERE ASSOCIATION WOULD MEET.]

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Kansas' Two Senators.
The following brief biography of Kansas' two famed senators will be of interest to many readers.

John James Ingalls, of Atchison, was born at Middleton, Essex County, Massachusetts, December 29, 1833; graduated at Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts, in 1855, and received the degree of L. L. D. in 1884; was admitted to the bar in 1857; removed to Kansas in October 1858; was a delegate to the Wyandotte Constitutional Convention in 1829; Secretary of the Territorial Council in 1860; Secretary of the State Senate in 1861; member of the State Senate of Kansas from Atchison County in 1862; was Major, Lieutenant-Colonel, and Judge Advocate Kansas Volunteers, 1863-1865; was elected to the United States Senate as a Republican to succeed S. C. Pomeroy, Republican, took his seat March 4, 1873, and was reelected. His term of office will expire March 3, 1888 [? NOT SURE OF LAST DATE.]

Preston B. Plumb, of Emporia, was born in Delaware County, Ohio, October 12, 1837; received a common school education; learned the art of printing; removed to Kanas in 1856; was a member of the Leavenworth Constitutional Convention in 1859; was admitted to the bar in 1861; served in the lower house of the Legislature in [? THEY HAD 1828 ?]; and was Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, and subsequently Reporter of Supreme Court; in August of same year entered the service as Second Lieutenant in the Eleventh Kansas Infantry, and served successively as Captain, Major, and Lieutenant-Colonel of that regiment; was a member and Speaker of the Kansas House of Representatives in 1867, and also a member in the following year; was elected to the United States Senate as a Republican, to succeed James M. Harvey, Republican, took his seat March 1, 1877, and reelected in 1883. His term of service will expire March 3, 1889.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

The following item is taken from an "Upper Timber Creek" correspondence in the Burden Eagle. The writing is a reflection of Henthorn, the editor of the Eagle, but as it is a country communication, it cannot be Henthorn. Whoever the correspondent may be, he had paid Miss Horner a handsome compliment. Appended is the tribute.

"I notice in the Arkansas City Republican two well written poems on Kansas by Miss Hattie Horner, who, the same paper states, is now principal of the Arkansas City schools. The paragraph and poems calls to the mind of the writer a little bright-looking, black-haired, black-eyed girl of some eleven or twelve summers, who, some eight years ago, could be seen daily mounted on an Indian pony, carrying her books and umbrella, and assisted by her faithful Shepherd dog, driving her father's flock to graze on the Butler County prairies, and while the dog watched the flock, sitting on the grass and from the book before her laying the foundation for much success in life.

"A few years after, I saw the same little girl, a trifle larger, teaching her neighbor's children and assisting to pay her father's expenses at Cincinnati to attend medical lectures. Since which time I have occasionally heard of her teaching to defray the expenses of her education; in attendance at normal, as a regular contributor to, first, the Walnut Valley Times, and subsequently, to some of the magazines, and now as principal of public schools in a wide awake and growing Kansas city.

"I write this with pleasure as a pointer for many of both sexes who aspire to a liberal education and a position in the world, as it is the outline of the actual experience of one whom I have known familiarly, and of whose success I am happy to hear. STRAWS."

Poems referred to were printed in the January 3, 1885, issue of the Arkansas City Republican, and in very tiny print! Not certain I can copy accurately, but will try!

1874 - PER ASPERA.
Cheerless prarie stretching southward,

Barren prairie stretching _______

Not a green herb ______________ [WORDS OBSCURED]

From the hard earth springing forth,

Every tree bereft of foliage,

Every shrub devoid of life,

And the two great ills seemed blighting

All things in their _______ life.

As the human heart, in anguish,

Sinks beneath the stroke of fate,

So at last, despairing, weary,



Verdant wheat fields stretching southward,

Fruitful orchards east and west;

Not a spot in all the prairie

That the springtime has not blessed;

Every field a smiling promise,

Every home an Eden fair,

And the angelsPeace and Plenty

Strewing blessings everywhere.




Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

County Bastille Notes.
E. Kimmel, who was discharged by the October term of the District Court from a charge of robbery, at Arkansas City, was rearrested Monday on another phase of the same charge, and now languishes in the bastille.

Lindsay Gillespie, an orphan ward of Sheriff McIntire, who left for parts unknown last fall, was found at Derby, Sedgwick County, this week, and is again a privileged boarder at the Hotel de Finch. He is ten or twelve years old, and was left at Maple City last year by his father, penniless and alone. Our officials made Sheriff McIntire his guardian.

Barrow Brothers, four in number, were arrested and put in jail last week, charged with stealing millet hay in this city. They gave bond Tuesday to appear before Justice Buckman for a preliminary hearing next Monday.

Sheriff McIntire found two young men at Arkansas City Saturday, with valises full of jewelry, and a good supply of fire arms on their persons. He took them in and they now await developments under county hospitality.

The jail now contains nineteen victims, criminals of all classes and conditions. No criminal escapes the keen scent of Sheriff McIntire. Winfield Courier.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Report of the condition of the Maine Cattle Company, December 31, 1884.


Capital paid in ................... $22,500.00

Owing on cattle ................... 1,660.50

Due Treasurer ..................... 140.88



Stock, cattle, and horses ..... $16,590.50

Range fenced ...................... 7,000.00

Feed, hogs, and expenses ....... 697.13

Organization expenses ......... 14.75


I, H. P. Farrar, Secretary and Treasurer of the above named company, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

H. P. FARRAR, Secretary and Treasurer.
Subscribed and sworn to before me January 14th, 1885.

T. H. McLAUGHLIN, Notary Public.
Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

The Arkansas City River Navigation Company held another meeting at Arkansas City last week. Mr. B. F. Wood, of the Winfield Roller Mills, represented this city. The company empowered James Hill to have a propelling boat constructed immediately, and Mr. Hill will likely go east for that purpose this week. The river has been surveyed and engineer Moore- head says emphatically that boats of right proportions can be run on the Arkansas. Thus will the "Nile of America" succumb to enterprise and grit. Winfield Courier.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

The Spy of Atlanta.
The committee on behalf of the Winfield Post, No. 85, G. A. R., and St. John's Battery of this city, wish through your paper to express the high appreciation of the presentation of the Spy of Atlanta, given here on the evening of Dec. 14th, 15th, and 16th, by L. D. Dobbs.

Capt. Dobbs gave us a first class entertainment, surpassing the expectations of everyone who witnessed it, and causes our best judges of theatricals to prounce the Spy of Atlanta the most interesting entertainment ever given in our city.

To say that the performance under the skillful management of Capt. Dobbs, was a complete success, and to commend the Spy of Atlanta under his management to the Grand Army of the Republic of Kansas, is only an act of justice.

The tableaux were the finest we ever saw. We would like to describe the beautiful angel, but if we speak of one justice would demand the same of all, and our communication would be suppressed on account of its length.

In this notice it is impossible to do justice to all, but rest assured that we feel very grateful for the kindness shown us by the entire cast.

SAM BARD, H. L. WELLS, G. E. SNOW, T. H. SOWARD, Committee.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1884.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

A Card. Editors Republican: DEAR SIRS: Through the columns of your enterprising paper, I desire to express my sincere thanks to my friends who have solicited me to become a candidate for Alderman from the fourth ward. Our present representative, A. A. Davis, Esq., should be re-elected as he has proven to be an honest, worthy, and progressive Councilman, and deserves the united support of the voters of the fourth ward; in fact, he is the "Ring tailed coon" of the fourth ward and the "Tarantula" of the situation.

Very Respectfully, J. W. OLDHAM.
Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Hackney Harpings.
Whew! Mercury and Freeze are having another confab.

DIED. Mrs. Smalley died last Monday after a lingering illness of two months.

BIRTH. Another boarder of the feminine persuasion took up residence with Will Teeter and family on the 13th inst. She is of regulation weight.

Our stock yards are rapidly nearing completion.

Steele & Co., of Winfield, have purchased Bartlett's new scales and will probably erect an elevator in the near future.

Several applications have been made for the position of station agent at this point. H. Harbaugh, at present, holds the key of the office.

MARRIED. On New Year's day, Jno. H. Berry and Miss Kittie Beach were quietly tied in the bonds of wedlock in the bride's home. This was a startling sensation to our neighborhood. Mr. Berry has secured an accomplished lady and one of the best housekeepers in Cowley County. We wish them much happiness and prosperity.

The Centennial School, in District No. 4, froze out Thursday on account of the coal supply being exhausted.

Next Saturday night, 17th inst., Rev. Harris will begin a series of meetings at the Pleasant Valley Methodist Church in this vicinity.

M. H. Markum got in a few more days work on his barn. When completed, he will finish threshing the wheat crop of two thousand bushels.

While on his way to attend Jim Wright's "housewarming" one night this week, Newt. Wright's buggy broke down, compelling his girl to foot the balance of the road. Newt. declares too that he was perfectly sober and attending strictly to business. GRAPHITE.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Arthur on Oklahoma.
A special to the Kansas City Times, a friendly paper to the boomers, last Saturday, says: Senators Plumb, Vest, Dawes, and Ingalls and Congressman Anderson called upon the president for the purpose of urging some modification of the order for the expulsion of the Oklahoma colonists by the military forces, representing that as matters are now situated great suffering and possible bloodshed might ensue.

The President said that the law was plain and left him no alternative, especially as the settlers had invaded the Territory in defiance of his proclamation, and seemed to invite conflict. While he would regret any unfortunate consequences that might ensue, and sympathized with the colonists, whom he thought had been deceived as to their rights, yet he could not avoid the attendant responsibilities and thereby leave the complications as a legacy to the incoming administration. He moreover added that the entire solution of this vexed question was with congress, as he was bound to execute the laws as he found them.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.

But 60 Days to Expire Until Our Denizens Are Visited By a
Real Genuine Shallow Water Steamer.
One and All sanguine that the Arkansas will be Made Navigable
On the Plan Proposed by Civil Engineer Moorhead.
Mr. Moorhead Goes to St. Louis to Order the Construction of A Propelling Boat;
Tuesday Ben. Woods, of Winfield, representing Bliss & Woods, came down and with the stockholders in the navigation company here, held another meeting in the parlors of the Leland Hotel. For some weeks they have been investigating the Arkansas River, and on the day mentioned above crowned their endeavors by issuing a decree for T. S. Moorhead to proceed immediately to St. Louis and order the construction of a shallow water steamer. The steamer will be used in propelling lighters loaded with freight down the Arkansas to Little Rock. Last Monday our Millers received plans and specifications of a shallow water steamer, from a St. Louis firm, which were adopted at the meeting Tuesday with the exception of a few slight changes. The plans adopted are as follows. The steamer is to be 75 feet in length and the beam 15 feet. The hold will be three feet. It is to be a stern-wheeler with two engines furnishing power. Without cargo, it will not draw less than 10 inches of water. [ABOUT TEN LINES OBSCURED BY PAPER BLEEDING THROUGH AND AN AD ON REVERSE BLOCKING IT OUT.]

Mr. Moorhead is a thorough engineer; he has surveyed the river, finding 10-inches of water all the way down, and has pronounced it navigable, and now he proposes to verify his assertions. The steamer will be running the river trail, and the overhanging trees removed. Lighters will then be built on which the flour is to be conveyed down the river. When our steamer [two words obscured] sailing up it will be an "epoch."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.

The Model Lunch Counter is without doubt one of the best eating houses in the world. George, the experienced proprietor, will always be on hand and will treat you with promptness and respect. Don't forget the place, Green Front three doors north of Miller's Hardware Store.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.

BIRTH. Dr. J. T. Grimes reports a seven pound girl at the residence of John Hammond; it came Monday night.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Kellogg & Coombs have put up a unique sign for No. 33. Look for it on the corner of the awning of No. 33.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Samuel H. Scott has purchased a lot of the Arkansas City Building Association in Leonard's addition on which he will soon build a neat cottage residence.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

D. Hollenback's team became frightened and ran away Tuesday. His cans of milk were upset and the wagon somewhat torn up. No one was injured.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

The Border Band, under the supervision of Prof. J. E. Hoyt, better known as Buckskin Joe, is furnishing the sweet music for the G. A. R. Entertainment. The band is rapidly coming to the front.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

The "big four" is a new organization just perfected in our city. It consists of two members with four big feet, we suppose. They meet Wednesday and Sunday evenings weekly.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Tuesday the report came up town that Mrs. Will Aldridge was dead. The report we are glad to say was untrue. It originated from the fact that Mrs. Aldridge was very sick, hardly expected to live. Yesterday she was reported as improving.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

Wheat has gone up to 60 cents per bushel in Arkansas City. The REPUBLICAN predicts that it won't be long until it reaches 75 cents, and then money matters will be loosened. As it is now farmers are holding their wheat until it reaches a higher price. They are only buying the necessitites of life.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.

The state encampment of the G. A. R. will convene at Fort Scott in March. Al Mowry and S. C. Lindsay are the representatives chosen to go from this post. The encampment will be called to meet at Fort Scott March 10, 11 & 12. The legislature will adjourn by the date fixed, which will enable members of the legislature who are delegates to attend the encampment. One fare rates will be given by all roads to delegates.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.

The REPUBLICAN campfire column around which our old soldiers have commenced gathering is a new feature. We intend to obtain a description of some thrilling adventures from each member of the G. A. R. in Arkansas City and publish it if possible. This week the ball is started to rolling by a comrade who had severe service during his short enlistment. Besides being interesting to a large majority of our readers, it will serve to twine together more closely the hearts of old "vets" as one by one they relate their great sufferings or their small pleasures they experienced in the defense of the Union.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Around Which the Defenders of the Old Flag Gather and Spin Tales
Of Their Adventures in Days Gone By.
ARKANSAS CITY, Jan. 22, 1885.
COMRADES: I am going to set the ball rolling by piling on some brush or limbs to make a light to see to talk by. I am an old soldier, but I did not enlist till 1863. So I can't tell as long a yarn as some that served four or five years. I enlisted in Co. K, Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers, and served three years. I was sent to the Potomac army. We lay in camp the winter of 1863 and 1864 near Culpepper, Virginia; in the spring following, on May 3, the long roll sounded at midnight; we packed up and started forwe did not know where, but we found out about the next day what they wanted us to do. They wanted us to go to Richmond, and we did, but it took us all summer and all winter, until April, 1865. If any of the boys see this, they will remember how sore our toes were the morning the ball opened in the wilderness.

We fought the "rebs" three days and nights and the fourth day we routed them; they went on one road and we went on another, marching all night. I will say that I marched for miles that night, asleep, and on waking would find myself shoulder to shoulder with my comrades.

The "rebs" made their next stand at Spotsylvania Court House; there we had fun for four or five days. The morning we got there we were ordered to halt for a few minutes; the most of the boys went to sleep but I made a cup of strong coffee; the first I had had for four days.

I had just finished drinking my coffee when we were ordered to "fall in." We marched about half a mile and found the "rebs," well fortified. Here we raised the Stars and Stripes on an old log house and about the time our colors went up, out came the old woman. She wanted to know what we were on her house for; we made no reply, but proceeded to pull the house down and make breastworks of it and you would have laughed to see Co. K then; some got a quilt, some a blanket, one her sunbonnet, and another her Sunday go-to-meeting bonnet. I will give you the rest of the story next week. B. W.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.

F. H. Sanborn of St. Marys, Ohio, arrived in Arkansas City last Friday. Mr. Sanborn is the gentleman who is the partner of Mr. Gordon, the woolen mill man. He came here to complete his contract for the establishment of the woolen mills here. Saturday evening the stockholders met Mr. Sanborn and drew up the necessary papers with him. As this season was so far advanced, it was concluded not to put the mills in operation this year but have them already erected ready for business next year. Wool will be purchased of this year's clip ready for next year and the company hope to have the woolen mills running on full time by the time the next new year rolls around. The contract for placing the mills on the canal was made, but the exact location was not determined upon.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.

A broken shaft stopped the mill of Landes, Beall & Co., all day Thursday.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.

Neff & Henderson shipped two carloads of hogs this week.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.

Jas. Hill and Dr. J. J. [? NOT SURE OF INITIALS] Gould would make excellent councilmen from the first ward. We are informed that both gentlemen would accept the office should the people give them a chance in April.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.

The funniest item we ever saw in print was when a local newspaper remarks weekly "our paper is full of local news this week." This reminds us of the man who penned a piece and marked it a "goak" for fear that his readers would not recognize the fact.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.

Last Saturday night bold bad burglars visited the store of Smith & Zook at Winfield. They made their entrance at the back door and blew the safe open with powder. As booty the burglars secured some jewelry and about $500 in money. Sheriff McIntire arrested a man and a woman at Cherryvale on suspicion Monday.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.

Mrs. T. D. Patterson, of Wellington, arrived Thursday in Arkansas City. She intends opening a dressmaking shop and can be found at the residence of her mother, Mrs. S. E. Boucher, on north Summit street. She comes highly recommended from the Wellington people. She conducted a dressmaking establishment in that city some ten years.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.

The County board has made an appropriation of fifty dollars to the County Normal, to be held this coming summer for the benefit of the teachers of the county. Cowley County does not propose to be behind in educational matters, but will afford every opportunity for improvement of school and teachers. Winfield Tribune.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.

The county board at its last session appointed Miss Nellie Aldrich and W. C. Barnes, both of this city, as examiners of teachers of the county for the next year. They are both competent persons, and, with Superintendent Limerick, will constitute a first-class examining board. Miss Aldrich succeeds herself, and Mr. Barnes succeeds C. T. Atkinson, of Arkansas City. Winfield Tribune.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.

For seven weeks it has been a continuous cold, freezing weather, which is very hard on cattle. C. M. Scott says that our last snow storm was exceedingly severe on cattle and he thinks the worst has not yet been realized from its effects. He is feeding his cattle daily to the amount of $50. C. M. either has lots of cattle or they eat a fearful sight.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.

O. P. Houghton received a letter from his sister at Paris Hill, Maine, the first of the week stating that his aged father, Able Houghton, while walking out had slipped and fallen on the icy pavement, breaking his hip. Mr. Houghton is 82 years old, and the breaking of any bones at this advanced age of life is serious. Should he ever recover the physicians say he will be unable to use his leg, but they do not extend any hope of his recovery. When T. R. Houghton was back east some time ago it was his intention to bring the old gentleman home with him, but he refused to come on account of his desire to vote for the man from Maine. As it now is, it is not likely that Mr. Houghton will ever see his son on Kansas soil. He was formerly a resident of Weld, but is now living at Paris.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.

A man by the name of Copeland was in town the first of the week. From Copeland's action we should judge him to be a crank or a villain. He came from near Indianapolis, and as S. F. [NOT SURE OF INITIALS] Steinberger came from the same region, an acquaintance soon sprang up. He seemed very anxious to invest in real estate, and picked out several lots which he said he would take. He did not pay out any money here to hold his bargain, as he did at Wichita; he failed to swindle anyone that way. At Wichita he bought a farm and paid $10 down and received his deed. He then went out of the real estate office and rented the farm to a man for $250 a year, receiving $50 cash. As he could not give a clear title, the renter backed out, the loser of his $50. Copeland was arrested but in some manner he was acquitted. Here he swindled Mr. Steinberger out of $10. He tried to beat Johnnie Hill of the Leland out of $3 and A. G. Heitkam out of $500 and failed. When last seen he was going north on Summit Street and it is generally supposed that he made his exit from Arkansas City by walking.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.

W. H. Owen carries his hand in a sling on account of a felon on his finger.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.

A report was circulated Tuesday that Mrs. W. D. Mowry was taken with an attack of pneumonia. Mrs. Mowry was taken ill, but we are glad to be able to inform her friends that her sickness did not take such a serious turn.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.

Spray & Jenkins are working up a building and loan association. This is a splendid manner for a man of moderate circumstances to build himself a home. The payments are made in monthly installments and the money put out for rent would soon pay for a neat cottage suitable for a small family. We hope Messrs Spray & Jenkins will meet with the proper encouragement.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.

News Notes.
Oliver Brothers, the Pittsburg iron men, who failed Thursday, are indebted to their employees, 4,000 in number, for two weeks' work. The failure causes great distress among these laboring people. The liabilities of Oliver Bros. & Phillips, Pittsburg, are not over $2,200,000.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.

The Soldiers Home at Dayton, Ohio, was so crowded that 140 veterans are obliged to sleep on the floors of the various barracks.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.

The Indians on the Kiowa reservation, I. T., are reported to be in starving and otherwise suffering conditions, notwithstanding Government aid.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.

The Sullivan-Ryan slugging match at Madison Square Garden, New York, was stopped by the authorities after $11,000 had been received and the first round begun.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.

A number of Philadelphia gentlemen have subscribed a large sum to pay the expenses attending legal measures to keep the Liberty Bell from going to New Orleans.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.

Cattle in parts of Texas are dying by thousands on account of hunger, thirst, and cold. It is estimated that one-tenth of the cattle and one-fifth of the sheep have already perished on account of the unfavorable season.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.

Look out for tramps! The Chief of Police of Kansas City has notified the officials of the different towns in Kansas that the police will dislodge about 2,000 "bums" from that city within the next few days. They are becoming so bold that it is absolutely necessary to fire them out for the safety of the city. The great mass of them will make for the south, and we may look for our share of them.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.

The recent decision of the Supreme Court, declaring that the owners of buildings in which whiskey is sold can be held responsible for all fines and costs under the prohibition law, is stirring up the property owners in all the towns in the State. Some of the men in this town are looking to their finances, and as a consequence a few of the saloons are likely to be closed out soon. Good, and may God speed the day when all the saloons not only in Caldwell and Sumner County, but throughout our state and nation, may be eternally obliterated from the face of the earth. That's the kind of a prohibitionist we are. Caldwell Journal.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Cherokee Land Leases.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. Dr. Adair, of the Indian Territory, a Cherokee, was examined by the Senate committee on Indian Affairs, today. He said he was president of the association of Cherokees formed for the purpose of taking a lease of the vacant land of the Cherokees. The association's agents were authorized to offer $125,000 for a lease, but it was secured by outsiders for $100,000. It was the impression of the members of the active association that there was money used by rivals. Cash was a very rare commodity among the Cherokees before the lease was made. About the time it was made, however, members of the council came to witness' store with $50 bills to be changed.


Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Chas. Chambers, who got his foot mashed between the bumpers of two freight cars last week at Wichita, was brought home Monday.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Found. A small white bull pup. Owner can learn the whereabouts of same by calling at this office and paying for this notice.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

T. J. Raymond, one of the leading contractors and architects of Arkansas City, will soon commence the erection of a handsome residence on lots in the Leonard addition.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Jas. Hill purchased J. L. Glotfelter's cottage in Leonard's addition. Mr. Glotfelter intends moving to his farm south of town in a few days. He will erect a new house on his farm.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Next Wednesday evening the ladies of the Baptist Society will give a tea party in their new church edifice. All the goods things to eat imaginable will be furnished to visitors.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Eld. P. Witt will preach at the Christian Church next Lord's day at 11 o'clock a.m. There will be Sunday school at 10 o'clock in the morning.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

For several days past two oily tongued individuals have been paying visits to the many different housewives in Arkansas City teaching them how to iron shirts for the sum of $1.25. What an insult to Kansas Women. These fellows' preparation and their teachings amount to nothing.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Frank S. Thomas, of Topeka, who is the special agent of the Home Mutual Fire Insurance Company of California, visited our city Wednesday and appointed Meigs & Howard as their representative here. The "Home" for years has secured the largest amount of business on the Pacific coast, leading 93 companies in premium income.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Tuesday inst. Mr. Stopher sold his harness shop and has retired from the business. Mr. T. R. Houghton was the purchaser. He removed the stock to his shop on South Summit street Wednesday. Mr. Houghton evidently expects a large spring trade and is preparing for it. All needing harness or anything in Mr. Houghton's line of business will do well to consult him.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

H. O. Meigs' patent steam heater, for thawing out pipes, blew up the other day, and all the damage done was to burn the hired girl a little and scare Mrs. Meigs and the girls almost to death, and completely demolish H. O.'s patent heater. H. O. says it works nice when the regular engineer is on duty, but he (H. O.) was out at the time of the explosion.

Anthony Enterprise.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Ira Barnett shipped two carloads of hogs this week.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

BIRTH. A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Stevens January 18th, 1885.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

The young folks gave Miss Jessie Boucher a party Friday evening.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Thursday it became warmer and Thursday night "beautiful snow" began falling. It fell to the depth of about six inches.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

The Oklahoma War Chief is now owned by S. Zerger. He has moved it from South Haven, and hereafter it will be ussed from the Democrat office. It will make its first appearance about next Saturday.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Republicans of East and West Bolton will meet at the Bland Schoolhouse Saturday, January 31st, at one o'clock sharp to nominate a ticket for township board.

By order of Committee. G. D. GUTHRIE, R. L. BALYEAT.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Eggs are worth 35 cents a dozen. One dozen of eggs is worth more in Arkansas City now than a bushel of corn. Probably this is the first occurrence of this kind on record and the only way the REPUBLICAN can account for it is by the election of Cleveland. It is the Democrats' first national victory in 24 years and they are so jubilant that they have employed all the available poultry to crow for them.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

The third session of the Cowley County Teachers Association will be held at Winfield today.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

For six weeks past T. S. Moorhead has been engaged in preparing a map of Arkansas City. It shows all the additions to the city, all the streets, of which we have about 35 miles, and the different residences on each lot. It is the best map of Arkansas City we have seen. The canal mills, the railroad, and the schoolhouses are all located on the map. Anyone's abode is easily recognized at a glance. The map at present has 750 residences marked, and taking the average number of inmates to a housefiveand we find that Arkansas City contains 3,750 people. Mr. Moorhead has walked some 40 miles in obtaining his information. J. G. Danks, our new machinist, assisted Mr. Moorhead and the map is a production of which anyone would be proud to own.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

The Death of Mrs. Agnes Pyburn.
DIED. Mrs. Agnes Pyburn, the wife of Judge A. J. Pyburn, died Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock. When the report became circulated on the street Wednesday, the sad news could not at first be realized. For the last fifteen years of her life, Mrs. Pyburn had been in poor health, but her sudden demise was wholly unexpected. Several days previous to her death, she had been suffering from a severe cold and cough, and on Monday she was taken violently sick, growing worse till her death. Perfectly conscious that she had to die, Mrs. Pyburn passed to the "other shore" without any signs of fear. During her illness she suffered untold agonies, and all through the lonely hours of the night preceding her death, the anxious family stood around her suffering body, expecting her tired spirit to wing its celestial flight at any moment.

Miss Agnes Adams was born in _____, in the month of January, 1835, and was married to A. J. Pyburn on the 14th day of October 1857. At the age of 16 years she joined the Christian Church, and has ever since been a faithful member. By this marriage five children were born, four of whom are still living. Her funeral occurred Thursday morning at 10 o'clock at the family residence, Rev. Fleming, officiating in the obsequities. Her remains were interred in the Riverview Cemetery. The REPUBLICAN extends its sympathies to the bereaved family, and we feel positive that we are but voicing the sentiments of one and all when we say she is in Heaven.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Baptist Ladies' Entertainment.
The ladies of the Baptist Church will give a sociable and entertainment at the new Baptist Church Wednesday evening, January 28. Some of the best talent of Arkansas City will assist in the entertainment. The programme will consist of an original poem, music, singing, recitations, and select readings. Mrs. Wilson, of this city, will preside at the organ. Supper will be furnished from 6 to 7-1/2 o'clock. All are cordially invited to attend and have a pleasant time. The proceeds to be used in furnishing the new church.

Medley Quartette: Miss Thomas, Mr. Mowry, Mrs. Ayres, Mr. Hutchison.

Recitation: Miss Minnie Stewart.

Select Reading: Mrs. Walker.

Solo: Mrs. F. Beall.

Recitation: Miss Emma Theaker.

Solo and Chorus: Mrs. Owen, Mr. Hutchison, Mrs. Ayres, Mr. Mowry.

Recitation: Miss Nellie Nash.

Trundle Bed Song: _______.

Song: Anna Dodson.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

MARRIED. Last Saturday evening Rev. S. B. Fleming united in marriage Dr. Geo. Westfall and Miss Albertine Maxwell at the residence of A. P. Hutchison. The high contract- ing parties are well known in our community; the groom being a practicing physician and the bride having been saleslady in A. A. Newman & Co.'s dry goods establishment for quite awhile. Both parties command the highest respect of everyone and especially the bride, who possesses the many qualifications necessary to make a good wife. The marriage was quite a surprise to all, and the REPUBLICAN can hardly yet realize that Dr. Westfall has relinquished his hold on bachelorhood. Mrs. Westfall, the smiling, blushing, happy bride, is still filling her position at Messrs. Newman & Co.'s store. She will remain there for a short time longer until her engagement expires with the firm. They have taken rooms at the Windsor, but will soon commence housekeeping. The REPUBLICAN extends its most hearty congratulations to the new couple, wishing them bon voyage through life.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

R. A. Houghton went over to Caldwell Wednesday to bring home a team belonging to him.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Prof. Halleck, of Wichita, a friend of Prof. Weir, was in the city the first of the week visiting.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Uriah Spray came over from Wellington Wednesday. He reports Mr. Perry improving some.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

John Landes is home from Little Rock. He did not go to Hot Springs as has been reported here.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Dr. Graham, a Hoosier friend of Prof. J. C. Weir, from Rushville, Indiana, is in the city this week prospecting.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Mrs. J. L. Huey left Washington D. C., Wednesday for Arkansas City. In all probability she will be home today.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Messrs. Patterson, Haigins, and Finkleburg went up to Winfield Tuesday and remained a couple of days visiting.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Levi Leaf has purchased two lots in Swarts addition and a residence of Mr. Stewart. He now intends to put the two together and commence living.


Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Mr. Shultz, of Webb City, Missouri [?], was in the city this week visiting his friend, W. G. Miller, Mr. Shultz is a blacksmith and Mr. Miller informs us a thorough workman. In all probability Mr. Shults will come here and locate, going into partnership with Mr. Miller.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. David Sidner returned to Topeka the latter part of last week. They had hardly arrived there until they received a dispatch announcing that their daughter, Mrs. Will Aldridge, had been taken worse and to come immediately. They arrived Monday and assisted the anxious husband in the untold agony of watching and waiting for the "turn of the tide," which has come, and Mrs. Aldridge is slowly convalescing.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

The Boomers Surrounded.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS, January 22. News has been received here of a piece of brilliant strategy on the part of Gen. Hatch and the troops under his command. For some days past it has been given out that the military intended to drive out the boomers at all hazards, and that the use of long-range guns would be brought into requisition if necessary to bombard the settlers from their intrenchments at Stillwater. Now comes the climax; and not a gun fired so far as ascertained. Gen. Hatch has simply surrounded the would-be settlers with his force of regulars with the avowed purpose of starving them out, and as the food supply is rather scant already, it is but a question of time, and not a long time either, as it is reported that some of the boomers have already capitulated, which all are at liberty to do as soon as they proper, either singly or en masse, as the orders are to allow all who wish to leave the boomer camp, but to allow no one to approach it from the outside.

The Oklahomaites in Arkansas City have been trying to raise enthusiasm and money here for the relief of their besieged friends, but with no success; and the prospect is that it will not take long to settle the whole affair, and that without shedding a drop of blood by either party, as no firing has been done yet and hopes are entertained that there will be none.

Emporia Republican.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

The Atlanta Spy.
Thursday evening was the opening night of the war drama of the Atlanta Spy. The cast of characters was made up mostly of home talent. A good sized audience greeted them Thursday and last evening and we bespeak for them a crowded house tonight. The weather has been very inclement, keeping several at home that would otherwise have gone. D. D. Dobbs, S. V. Devendorf, L. D. Davis, and J. H. Johnston and the actors from abroad, acquit themselves creditably. While our home talent excels the amateurs, the management informs us that our boys and girls take hold better than any other new beginners in the towns they have visited. The tableaux are splendid, in fact, they alone are worth the price of admission. Tonight is the last night and any who visit will be well paid.

Thursday evening, while the band boys were playing for the Spy of Atlanta in front of Hutchison's store, Frank came out and requested Will Griffith to invite the boys in to have cigars, when they were through playing, which Will did. The boys all supposed it was in celebration of Will's marriage they were smoking. This report had been circulated all over town. Will desires us to say that he is not married yet, but hopes in the near future for the accomplishment of the feat.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Word reached Capt. Rarick yesterday morning there had been a jail delivery at Wichita and several U. S. prisoners had escaped. Among them was Smith, the soldier who shot Mrs. Elliott at Ft. Reno; Perry, who killed a man near Hunnewell, in cold blood; and two horse thieves. It is generally supposed that they received material from some outsiders by which their escape was made. The prisoners made keys of babbit metal and unlocked the doors and got out into the passageway, and then dug a hole through the wall. As yet the fugitives have not been captured.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Dr. Rowe was found guilty of only one indictmentThat of issuing illegal prescriptions. His penalty has not yet been announced.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Hackney Squibs.
The city "boometh."

Among the lastest improvements are the stock yards and scales.

BIRTH. Wm. Tetersmiles again. It is a birl and of regulation size.

Ed. Chapin on the sick list this week, also Miss Emma Fisher.

Five weeks ago there were no less than six correspondents from this vicinity, and a present there is only one. Where, O! Where, are they gone?

Mr. Cronk says he is not engaged in the hog business at present, and he wants the boys to make a note of it.

Sabbath school at Irwin Chapel is a success notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather. The record shows from forty to sixty present each Sabbath.

A masquerade to be held in Irwin Chapel is being talked up. We hope that it will meet with success, as we think there is some fun in it.

Sherman Albert is continuing business with pleasure. During his visit in this vicinity, he has sold us no less than three first-class organs.

B. F. Zimmerman has returned to Emporia, after a visit of several weeks in this neighborhood.

T. W. Gant, of Arkansas City, was through this section a few days last week, talking up the project of a Corporation Mill. May success crown his endeavors.

B. A. Wright, of Beaver Township, is to locate in our city next week for the purpose of buying grain. He is acting as agent for Steel's Elevator.

Mrs. Lizzie Wilsch [?] is in charge of the Holland school this winter. She is an efficient teacher and is giving entire satisfaction. Below we give the report as given by her.


Nellie [?] Anderson.

Frankie Anderson.

Mabel Cronk.

Mollie Constant.

Elliott Constant.

Montie [?] Constant.

Thomas Constant.

Frank Constant.

Offie [?] Constant.

John Constant.

Mattie Chapin.

Laricle [?] Chapin.

Arthur Hancher.

Thomas Haggard.

Lealle [?] Haggard.

Ethey [?] Hom.

Will. Hon.


Connie Muret.

No. of scholars enrolled, 24.

Average daily attendance, 18.

Frankie Anderson has been neither tardy nor absent during this term.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

The Oklahoma resolutions of Plumb and Vest were placed before the senate Thursday. Vest withdrew his resolution. In doing so he took occasion to say there could be no doubt, whatever, that as the law stood the Oklahoma lands were not at this time subject to settlement by white people. The president was therefore unable to do otherwise than as he has done. He was astonished to see the statements that had been made at the other end of the capital to the effect that the president in his action in this matter was violating the law. Nothing could be farther from the facts, as the president was compelled to do his duty. The law was clearly and unquestionably against permitting white settlers to go on these lands. Vest believed it inevitable that the lands would in time be opened up to such settlers, but that the time was not now. We have heard numerous Democrats remark that the Democrats would soon open up Oklahoma and have denounced President Arthur severely because of his action on this question. What are they going to say since Senator Vest endorses Arthur?

Plumb is using his utmost endeavors to have congress take action on the Oklahoma question. His bill is now being agitated in congress and he is urging congress to take some definite action on the matter.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

The Oklahoma Business.
There is a heap of humbug about this Oklahoma excitement.

Men who go down there are trying to pose as martyrs, and we are really beginning to think there is some great principle at stake in the attempt of settlers to stay in that country aganst the wish of the government. The facts are simply that the tract of land in the Indian Territory, now known as Oklahoma, was believed by Captain Payne and others to be subject to settlement. The land was good and they wanted to go in and occupy it. The government said it was not subject to homestead entry and the boomers appealed to the courts. They in the meantime proposed to settle and build a town first, and test the legality afterward. There is nothing particularly heroic or sentimental [LINE OBSCURED] is simply looking out for more room and a place to build a town and start a newspaper. If the land is not subject to homestead entry, it ought to be, and all the balance of the land between Kansas and Texas for that matter. Whenever the thieving Indian rings that fatten and grow rich out of contracts for furnishing supplies to and robbing the Indians of their annuities in one way or another are broken up, the government will quickly come to the sensible policy of having a final settlement with the laziest [?] fraud of the country, which is Mr. Lo, and after giving him a section, more or less, will request him to work for his living like other citizens. When this reign of commonsense comes, the Indian problem will be solved; and all lands of the Indian Territory from the east line of Arkansas and Missouri to New Mexico will bloom and blossom as the rose, and be covered with prosperous farms as Kansas is. . . . [SKIPPED THE REST...TOO HARD TO READ.]

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.


Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

In the Senate chamber at Topeka, during the forenoon of Thursday, the principal business was the consideration of the house concurrent resolution on Oklahoma, which after considerable debate was amended by substituting Senator Lingenfelter's senate resolution.

WHEREAS, The government of the United States, by treaty with the Seminole Indians in 1866, and in the same year by treaty with the Creek Indians, purchased absolutely all the lands belonging to said tribes, lying west of the One Hundredth meridian, and,

WHEREAS, The government of the United States provides that all lands to which the Indian title has been extinguished, shall be open to presumption and homestead entry; and,

WHEREAS, Hundreds of our hardy and homeless pioneers are already occupying said government lands, and thousands more, with their families, are preparing to go there in the near future, and,

WHEREAS, We believe it to be the right of every homeless American citizen to secure the same on the public domain; therefore, be it

Resolved, By the senate (the house concurring therein) that our senators in congress be instructed, and our representatives requested to use all honorable means to procure the passage of the bill opening for settlement, under the homestead laws, all of the Indian Teeritory unoccupied by Indian tribes. A. A.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

The following penalties were passed last week by the United States court at Wichita on the persons arrested by Capt. Rarick in the Territory.

Andrew Grimes: horse stealing, one year imprisonment.

Chas. Elwood, cattle stealing, one year.

Theo. Rosefelt, larceny and burglary, one year and fine of $1,000.

Geo. Andrews, horse stealing, one year.

Their crimes were all done in the Territory.

Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Notice. To all the voters in Creswell Township, outside of the city limits, that there will be a township election held in said township at Fitch's house, north of Cal Swarts', on Winfield road, on the First Tuesday in February. All the township officers will be to elect.

GEO. WHITNEY, Trustees.
Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

The 3rd regular annual meeting of the Kansas State Shorthorn Breeders' Association will be held in Topeka, Kansas, during February 10th and 11th, beginning at 7 p.m. of the 10th. Prominent breeders and speakers will be present and give addresses, and take part in the discussions. All interested in the breeding of Shorthorn cattle are cordially invited to be present.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 31, 1885.

A number of the Christian young men of Arkansas City met Tueday evening at the residence of Rev. Fleming, as announced in last week's REPUBLICAN, to discuss the feasibility of forming a Y. M. C. A. All present were anxious for the formation of such a society and the following persons were appointed as an executive committee and to increase the interest among the young men of our city. A. D. Hawk, Frank Deering, Dr. S. B. Parsons, and L. H. Northey. We would like to see a Young Men's Christian Association formed in our city, as no town is complete without one.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 31, 1885.

For some days past rumors have been floating around concerning the dissolution of the partnership between T. J. Sweeney and Frank Smith. A REPUBLICAN representative called at their store and learned T. J. had sold his interest to Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith will continue the business right along as heretofore as he is a thorough businessman, and has money to back him. Frank has been in business quite a while now and our citizens are becoming well acquainted with him and they find him what the REPUBLICAN recommended him long ago.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 31, 1885.

We are glad to be able to answer the many inquiries about what "Brightside" means. It is a first-class restaurant just opened on Sixth Street by Ralph Field. It is indeed a bright and pleasant place and gives promise of becoming a very popular boarding house. "Brightside" is blessed with a good cook and the boarders report an excellent bill of fare. Ralph is wide awake and will spare no pains to please his customers.

AD. "BRIGHTSIDE," The neatest Restaurant, The best cook, The best place for a first- class meal, The most suitable place in the city for day board, Reading room with daily and weekly papers. Sixth street, just back of Highland Hall.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 31, 1885.

After Two Month's Absence in the Oklahoma Country Came Marching into Arkansas City

Yesterday Morning to the Tune "When Johnnie Comes Marching Home."
The Border Band and about 300 citizens met them on South Summit to escort them into town, after which a meeting was held at the Skating Rink by the Boomers, who held a Hot Discussion Over the Introduction of a Resolution requesting members who have claims in that country and have not visited them to forfeit their right to them.

March 4, 1885, the time designated for a re-assembling of the colony and March 5 fixed as the date for another invasion.

Some two months ago the REPUBLICAN reported the starting of the boomers for Oklahoma. This week we chronicle their return. As will be seen by associated press dispatches published elsewhere, we learn the boomers had surrendered to Hatch. When the report became circulated on our streets yesterday morning that the boomers were returning, and had camped Thursday night near the state line, the sympathizers here secured the Border Band, and some 100 boomers from here fell in line and started to welcome Capt. Couch and his band, when they were informed by courier that the boomers were but a half a mile distant. Just beyond Alexander's lumber yard they met, and at command the band struck up their music, turned, and the entire conquered host passed north on Summit street. Of the boomers there were 90 footmen and 47 wagons and teams. They moved down across the canal and pitched their camp. At 11 o'clock, the majority of the colonists gathered at the rink, when the meeting was called to order and Capt. Couch made a speech in substance as follows.

"On the 2nd of December last, we left for Oklahoma. Dec. 12 we were visited by Lieut. Day and his company, who commanded us to surrender, which we declined to do, and Day withdrew and went into camp a short distance from us. On December 24 we were visited by Hatch, who commanded the same thing, and we replied to him as we had to Day. January 24 we were again visited by Hatch with 600 soldiers, who said he would fire on us and show no quarters, unless we surrendered. We declined again, and told Hatch if he would give us two days we would move out of our own accord. He declined to accept any such conditions. In looking over our provisions, we found we had but five days rations, and finally compromised the matter by agreeing to move out in one day if the soldiers would not attempt to escort us out. Our supplies were almost out and we have come back to get provisions. We have not given up yet. We are going backthis time with our entire colony."

[The captain claims 10,000 settlers, but the REPUBLICAN doubts if they will get as large a number as went this time to go next time unless congress takes some action on the matter.]

Couch further stated that the colony had built houses and laid out claims and formed a township company.

The meeting adjourned until afternoon on the matter mentioned in our column. The 5th of March was the day determined for the invaders to move again for that country, and the meeting adjourned. The boomers' teams were in good condition and seem to have fared none the worse by their trip.

After the meeting, Captain Rarick arrested W. L. Couch, Geo. L. Brown, H. H. Stafford, and Col. Wilcox on a warrant from the United States Commissioner at Wichita for the resisting of Uncle Sam's army. Capt. Rarick went to Wichita this morning with his prisoners.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Boomers Surrendered.
CALDWELL, KANSAS, Jan. 27. A telegram arrived today from Gen. Hatch stating that Couch's colony had surrendered and agreed to immediately vacate Stillwater and Oklahoma. From other sources it is reported that the colony is now en route to Arkansas City, under escort of Capt. Moore with a detachment of troops.

Seven hundred and fifty soldiers will arrive tomorrow and Thursday, but will probably not enter the field if the colony comes out now. About fifty teams have loaded with stores for Stillwater and Camp Russell in the last twenty-four hours, and another train will load out tomorrow. Maj. Gills, quartermaster for the department of Missouri, arrived today and is forwarding stores rapidly. Gen. Augur will arrive Thursday to look the situation over. A three-inch field piece, with shells, will arrive tomorrow from Fort Leavenworth, with four troops from that point. Until the last two days it was almost impossible to secure teams to transport stores to Camp Russell and Stillwater on account of stormy weather. Two days of sunshine and a good price per day has placed all the transportation necessary at the disposal of the commissary department.

Special correspondents of three daily papers left here today for Stillwater, but their mission will be a fruitless one in view of the reports in the Associated Press agent's hands from the country.

All streams below here in the Indian Territory are frozen solid and heavy freight teams are crossing them daily. A general thaw would cut off all supplies and communication with Hatch and the boomers. There has not been a single boomer left here for Couch's camp in ten days. All reports to the contrary are false. They decided some days ago that Hatch would remove the colony, and they refused to join or send relief or aid.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Advice from Oklahoma up to the Nineteenth.
Gen Hatch Issues a Proclamation to the Boomers.
CALDWELL, KANSAS, Jan. 23. By mail and courier the press agent has received news from Gen. Hatch's headquarters at Camp Russell, Indian Territory. The communications were dated Jan. 19, and were delayed by storms until today. The communication read as follows.

General Hatch and General Finley are in camp. The general is waiting for Major Dewees who left Ft. Reno yesterday with three troops of cavalry, F, G, and C, and company D infantry. As soon as they arrive, the general will assume command, and with the troops, will joint Capt. Moore, who has the three troops in Stillwater. On Friday the troops will all be in Stillwater. A battery of two Hotchkiss guns is expected with the Reno troops. The last account of the boomers in Stillwater sent in by Sergeant Wilson gives 375 men.

The following notice on Tuesday was served on Couch's colony at Stillwater.

To whom it may concern: That the orders and proclamation of the President of the United States may be enforced pertaining to the Indian Territory, for the ejectment of persons, who are now there without authority and who have already resisted with arms. In order to remove them, it has been found necessary to evoke the assistance of the military. The general commanding the department of the Missouri has been entrusted with the enforcement of the laws, and has dispatched a large force under command of the undersigned, with instructions to see that the laws are observed in the Indian Territory of Oklahoma. It is within the knowledge of the officers in command that some hundreds of men have banded together to resist with arms the execution of the law in an avowed insurrection against the government. It is devoutly to be hoped that any unlawful action on your part leading to the sacrifice of human life may be avoided. It must be clearly understood that the killing of any soldier obeying orders in the execution of his duty by men armed to resist the law is simply murder, and that they will sooner or later be tried for the same as principals or accessories. None will regret more deeply such a result than the commanding officers and the officers serving under him. The responsibility must rest entirely with yourselves. It is with great regret the commanding officer learns that men who served their country faithfully during some of the best years of their life to sustain the laws of the government, are openly leagued with the insurgents against the flag they served so well. It ill becomes them as old soldiers of the union, and upon reflection they will acknowledge their error. To you, as well as all citizens, legislation is open to settle any grievance. There is no necessity to resort to arms. Should the collision occur, to which it is the intention of your leaders to compel you, the military will not be responsible for loss of life or stock from roving bands of Indians who seize the opportunity to inflict injury. All trouble can be avoided by observing the proclamation of the President of the United States, and peaceably leaving the territory as directed.

[Signed] EDWARD HATCH, Brevet Major General, Colonel Ninth Cavalry.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 31, 1885.

T. R. Houghton has leased the building now occupied by Fitch & Barron. He will move in the first of March. Fitch & Barron will retire from business. Mr. Houghton is selling his harness, saddles, bridles, etc., at rock bottom prices to keep from moving them. He wants to reduce his stock as low as possible between now and the first of March. He has goods marked at cost.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 31, 1885.

The wareroom at the depot is full to the roof with supplies for the Cheyenne and Kiowa Indians. Though these supplies consist of shoes, blankets, comfortables, underclothing, and other garments which the Indians must really need, they steadily refuse to come after the goods, seemingly preferring to go cold rather than do the work necessary to get these things to the agencies.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 31, 1885.

The ladies aid society of the Presbyterian Church will meet at the residence of Mrs. H. P. Farrar this evening at 7 o'clock.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 31, 1885.

Meetings at the Methodist Church have coninued through this week with unabated interest. Many have sought and found pardon and more are seeking for the peace that the world cannot give.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 31, 1885.

Geo. Cunningham, just as we were going to press, telephoned to the REPUBLICAN that he was going to put in a large stock of hardware in his business room in addition to his stock of implements. He will commence operations next week. George says it is going to be a complete hardware outfit.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 31, 1885.

A youth by the name of Ery Miller and a maiden by the name of Alida Vandermark were arrested last Saturday morning for desecrating the M. E. Church. At their trial before Judge Kreamer, they were found guilty and fined $50 each and costs. They were taken to Winfield to expatiate their crime in the county bastille.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 31, 1885.

Houghton, Hill & Thomas and Cowley County Cattle Company have already lost about 100 head of cattle. Mr. Houghton thinks they will come out handsomely if the loss does not exceed 300 head. The cattle of this company were what is known as through Arkansas and Mississippi cattle. Old range cattle, he reports doing very well, and the loss will be small.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 31, 1885.

January 29th was Kansas Day. That was the great Republic's birthday. She was 24 years old that day as a state. Our public schools observed that day in the east school building. Appropriate exercises were given by the pupils. Miss Emma Campbell recited the poems of Miss Hattie Horner on KansasAd Astra and Per Aspera. Other recitations were rendered. Several visitors were present. On the blackboard was a drawing of the state of Kansas with the grasshopper going from the state at one side and a train of immigrants coming in at the opposite. It was the work of Frank Barnett and Miss Constance Woodin.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 31, 1885.

There will be a special meeting of Creswell Lodsge, No. 133, F. & A. M., at their hall next Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. By order of I. H. BONSALL, W. M.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 31, 1885.


Elmer E. Miles and Carrie V. Rowe.

Silas Wise and Ovira Cunningham.

John S. Cravens and Cora E. McIntire.

Wm. Jarvis and James E. Brown.

Hiram Brotherton and Belle Lowe.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 31, 1885.

Hackney Harpings.
Old Bobs is on hand today with another blizzard.

This morning M. H. Markum received his first carload of corn at our station.

Lewis Brown has charge of Steele & Co.'s new scales, and will handle grain for the firm at this point.

Several carloads of corn will be shipped in this week for the benefit of our neighbors.

Last Thursday, Wildon Shaw sold porkers to the amount of $262.00. He realized $4.15 per hundred.

Rev. Brink delivered an interesting discourse at the Methodist Church last Sunday afternoon. The reverend, who is but twenty-one years and quite "youthish" in appearance, will begin a series of meetings next Monday night at the above named church.

Wm. Markum commenced threshing his one hundred acres of wheat last Friday. But old Boreas objected and he had to suspend operations.

Jim Brown rode eighteen miles north to Seeley through a blizzard Saturday a week ago, to see his girl. She was engaged till the Tuesday following thawing him out sufficiently to enable him to return home.

Mr. R. Anderson and Mrs. Lewis Brown each purchased twenty-five dollar heating stoves two days ago. This is extravagance with a vengeance. They are making preparations to entertain winter and summer.

Mr. editor, you seemed to have been made the victim of misplaced confidence in your last issue. The "Hackney Squibs," which appeared over my cognomen were not genuine. Some smart aleck is apparently desirous of gaining fame and notoriety through the confiscation of my adopted nom de plume. However, I freely forgive the author of these squibs for the exhibition of these pilfering propensities because the items were quite interesting and exceedingly well written. . . . GRAPHITE. ("Which is authentic.")

[N. B. We will give a few words of explanation to justify our Hackney correspondent of last week. He is not guilty of the forgery of which the true "Graphite" accused him. The blame rests solely upon our "devil," who by mistake signed the wrong name. ED.]

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 31, 1885.

A Card. EDITORS REPUBLICAN: The members of Arkansas City Post 158 [?] G. A. R., desire through your paper to return their sincere thanks to the members of the Young People's Social Club. Will Mowry, Willie Rike, J. J. Clark, and the young ladies who assisted in the tableaux, who so ably and generously assisted them in playing "The Spy of Atlanta." They gave their services freely and without hope of reward thereby showing their sympathy and good will for the "Boys who wore the Blue." We will ever hold them in grateful remembrance and we wish each and everyone of them a long life, free from "war's alarms," and the sorrow and suffering incident to war.

AL. MOWRY, Commander. S. C. LINDSAY, Adjutant.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Wheat ranges from 60 to 63 cents per bushel.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

This week Neff & Henderson shipped four carloads of hogs.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

That Bluegrass and white clover at Means is nearly all gone.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Sam Wile has a handsome music box on exhibition at the Arcade.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

The Baptist Church will be dedicated the last Sunday in February.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Kellogg & Coombs at the No. 33 drug store carry a full line of wallpaper.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Money to Loan on Real Estate. Pyburn & Walton, over Cowley County Bank.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Frank Hutchison loaded five teams with supplies for Col. Dyer, of the Cheyenne agency, Monday.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Winfield is going to have a lecture course. Wendling, Copeland, Sanford, and Smith make up the course.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

From the entertainment given by the G. A. R. Boys last weekthe Atlanta Spythe Post realized about $50.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

There will be a Ball Masque at Winfield next Thursday evening. Ivan Robinson and several others will attend from here.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Capt. Nipp placed in the hands of the sheriff the names of delinquents in personal taxes and the first one George had to notify was the sheriff himself.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Last Saturday at Winfield the Cowley County teachers held their meeting. They had a very enjoyable time. The next meeting will be held at New Salem.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

The recent bad weather has delayed the work on the bridge at Harmon's Ford. Trustee Whitney informs us that should good weather prevail a few days, the bridge would soon be completed.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Bob Perry, who broke jail at Wichita last week, was found across the Walnut River Tuesday morning and arrested by Sheriffs McIntire and Rarick. Capt. Rarick took his prisoner to Wichita Tuesday afternoon.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

V. M. Ayres is building a commodious cooper shop for the manufacture of barrels, in which he will incarcerate his flour, and ship it.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

S. P. Gould will have another drawing. The principal prize will be a complete set of Dickens' works and a handsome workbasket.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Mike Harkins has had 10 mules die this winter. Only one froze to death, the remainder dying from the effects of an attack of distemper last summer.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

John Gibson has rented the room formerly occupied by M. Stopher with his harness stock, and is having it fitted up very neatly for his barber shop. He will remove his barbering outfit there in a few days.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Something unique is now in store for the dancers of Arkansas City. The Favorite Social Club have decided to give a "Mother Hubbard" select ball in Highland Hall one week from next Thursday evening.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

His Honor, Frank Schiffbauer, while assisting in loading some freight for the Cheyenne agency Monday at the depot, let a heavy box, weighing several hundred pounds, fall on his foot, crushing it terribly. He was taken home, and was confined to his bed for a few days.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Frank Hess and bride arrived home Monday afternoon and have taken rooms at the residence of J. P. Johnson. The REPUBLICAN is glad to extend the hand of welcome to this new couple, and Miss Johnson's extensive coterie of acquaintances will warmly welcome her as Mrs. Hess.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

C. M. Scott informs us that a large number of his cattle have their feet frozen so badly that they have to be helped up when down. He says the feet when knocked together emit a sound similar to the cracking of stones. He thinks when warm weather comes, the frozen feet will come off.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Goeden & Burnett, one cold morning this week, having a few leisure moments, commenced to warm each other up by use of the "manly art." Mr. Goeden unintentionally struck Mr. Burnett in the eye, bruising it considerably. Charley's eye is not very black although it savors of a dark complexion very highly.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

The ladies of the Presbyterian Church are going to have what they term a Candy Social at Highland Hall St. Valentine's evening. One of the principal features of this entertainment will be a Japanese wedding. A couple will be wedded by the Japanese ceremony. Other novel features for entertaining will be produced. We wonder if the couple married will take each other for better or worse during the remainder of their lives.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

EDS. REPUBLICAN: In your last issue you make mention of one Copeland from Indiana. You were slightly mistaken in your statement concerning my acquaintance with him. I desire to say for the benefit of my friends I have known Wm. Copeland for the last ten or twelve years and never knew any good of him. I never associated with him or went to school with him as he told persons I had. I never had any business transactions with him until he arrived here. I with others [DRAT! REST OF THIS IS ALL GARBLED, DARK, IMPOSSIBLE TO READ!]


Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Four Star Lectures to be Delivered in Highland Hall.
Opening with George R. Wendling Monday Evening, February 9.
Anna Dickinson, Robert L. Cumnock, and Frank W. Smith to Follow.
J. Allen Whyte, a representative of the Slayton Lyceum Bureau at Chicago, was in the city Tuesday making preparations for the delivery of four lectures. H. P. Farrar, T. H. McLaughlin, Jas. Ridenour, Mowry & Sollitt, Sam Wile, and Kellogg & Coombs affected the necessary arrangements, and Arkansas City will be visited at dates fixed by the committee for these four star lectures.

The first lecture will be given on February 9: one week from Monday evening. It will be delivered by Geo. R. Wendling. His subject will be "Personality of Satan." A number of citizens have heard Mr. Wendling in his celebrated lecture answering Bob Ingersoll. They were captivated by Mr. Wendling by the delivery of that lecture and will be equally so when they hear him in his "Personality of Satan."

The next lecture in this course will in all probability be by the Queen of the platform, Anna Dickinson. Miss Dickinson will deliver her masterly and eloquent eulogy on "Joan of Arc." In the homes of the poor, in the palaces of the rich; all over this broad landfrom the Great Lakes to the Gulf, from the extreme limits of the continentnearly all the people are familiar with this brave, fearless, and remarkable woman and her "Joan of Arc." This lecture alone is worth the price of admission charged for the entire course. This may be Miss Dickinson's last season on the platform and one and all should hear her before she makes her exit from the American rostrum.

Robert S. Cumnock, who recognizes no peer as a reader, comes and spends one evening with us giving select readings.

Frank W. Smith, the grand old hero of Andersonville prison, will deliver his lecture on "In and out of Andersonville." This, besides being interesting to everyone, is doubly so to every old soldier.

For this entire course of lectures but $4.50 will be charged. Remember Geo. R. Wendling will be first. His lecture, "Personality of Satan," will be delivered Monday evening, February 9. Tickets can be procured for the course of either of the above named parties or at Ridenour & Thompson's jewelry store.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Prof. Limerick was down from Winfield Monday and informed us of the facts concerning the shooting of Thomas Welch, Sunday morning, which is substantially as follows.

The shooting occurred at his boarding house. Four occupants were in the room at the time. Curley Skinner, one of the four men who were sleeping in the room arose and went to move a box from the middle of the room, on which lay two six-shooters, one of which was accidentally discharged, the 44-calibre ball entering Welch's body near the heart, killing him almost instantly. Mr. Welch was buried under the auspices of the G. A. R. He was an old soldier and a pioneer of Cowley County.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Tuesday a man from Wichita on the noon train, when a few miles the other side of Udall, jumped from the train. He lit on his feet all right, but some way fell, striking his head on a tie, gashing it horribly. The name of the man was Doan and he is a photographer who has been working at Wichita. The train stopped and Doan was taken aboard and conveyed to Udall, where he received medical aid. It is thought that Doan will die from his injuries. We wonder if people will ever learn to stop jumping from moving trains?

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Some parties were down on the canal shooting Tuesday evening, and a stray bullet found its way through the window of David Baer's home, located near the canal. The bullet smashed the glass to pieces and flattened itself against the stove. Had anyone been passing between the window at that instant, a serious accident would have happened. Such carelessness in the discharge of firearms is unnecessary and inexcusable.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

The Oklahoma War Chief will be issued today. They have a new sign [CANNOT READ REST OF PARAGRAPH...AT BOTTOM OF PAGE...GARBLED.]


Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Dr. J. T. Grimes has been quite sick this week.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Frank Beall visited Caldwell a couple of days this week.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Charles Swarts has deprived himself of his only beautyhis blonde mustache.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Miss Etta Barnett went to Wichita Wednesday on a two weeks visit to friends.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Ed Kingsbury goes to Wichita today to visit his lady friend, who is also visiting in that city.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Frank Wallace went to Caldwell Wednesday to attend the funeral of his uncle, T. H. B. Ross.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Henry Shultz, of Webb City, Missouri, has concluded to locate here. He will associate himself with W. G. Miller.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Miss Julia Johnson left for the Sac & Fox Agency Tuesday. Miss Johnson goes there to teach the young "Lo."

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Wm. Osborne, a prominent attorney of Great Bend, was in the city Thursday to see Frank Austin on some legal business.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Dr. S. B. Parsons' office is in the rear of the Cowley County Bank instead of over, as it has been reading in his professional card.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

J. F. Henderson left Thursday morning for Kansas City. From there he will go to his former home in Missouri on a short visit.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Dr. J. E. Westfall and wife commenced housekeeping the first of the week in the house fitted up by the Doctor in the north part of town.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

MARRIED. Elmer E. [? NOT SURE] Mills and Miss Carrie E. Rowe, of this city, were married at the Methodist parsonage at Winfield Wednesday evening by Rev. Barnard Kelly.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Abe Rosenfield went home to Wellington Sunday. Sam Wile accompanied him and brought back with him Frank Terrill, who will assist in the Arcade here.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

T. S. Moorhead left for St. Louis Monday. He was unable to go Saturday last as was stated last week. No doubt but what work has already commenced on the steamboat by this time.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Mrs. Peter Wyckoff is visiting her daughter at the Otoe Agency this week.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

T. G. Mays of Kansas City, special correspondent of the Kansas City Journal, is in the city this week on boomer business.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Wes Ferguson has gone to housekeeping, but as he has to arise early and build fires each morning, we fear he don't appreciate household duties.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

S. S. McDowell, of Conneantville, Pennsylvania, father of our "Mc," the jeweler, arrived in the city yesterday. Mr. McDowell will remain some two weeks visiting his son and seeing the country.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Chas. Bryant and family are snugly ensconced in their new residence on East Central Avenue. Mr. Bryant is no longer the proprietor of the Central Avenue Hotel. Fred Bowers succeeds him.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

G. B. Frederick, of the Pennsylvania Railway and B. P. Humphrey of the Chicago and Atlantic, traveling passenger agents, were in town Thursday. They make the liveliest team out in the west.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Wm. Gall, now located at Winfield, but formerly here, was down Thursday. Mr. Gall contemplates returning to Arkansas City as our town affords superior advantages to Winfield for his business.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Jas. Ridenour, W. D. Mowry, Jas. Benedict, and Chas. Hutchins, members of the Masonic order here, go to Emporia to attend Grand Chapter and Grand Lodge on the 16th of February. They are delegates.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Ed. Grady, next Tuesday, will leave for Chicago and the lumber regions of Wisconsin. He is going there to make preparations for this coming season's trade. Amos Spray will attend to his lumber business during his absence.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Frank Hess and Capt. Rarick were at Winfield Tuesday. The accommodation was several hours late, owing to a wreck up the road, and Frank and Capt. had to "rustle" for coal to keep from freezing to death in the Winfield depot.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

G. W. Childs, who has been very sick since last September, is once more on our streets. He has been able to go around in the house for several days and finally ventured uptown Thursday to let his many friends know he was still in the land of the living.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Frank L. Webster, who is connected with the Lawrence Journal, and special correspondent to the New York World, was in the city the first of the week. Mr. Webster left for the Oklahoma country Wednesday to obtain a correct report of the proceedings there.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Mrs. Will Aldridge is still very ill. Up to Tuesday she had been improving slowly, but somehow she had a relapse that evening, and is now lying at her home in a very critical condition. Wednesday night her life was almost despaired of, but when Thursday morning came, she was some better.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Mrs. D. Berkey, who has been stopping with her daughter, Mrs. D. W. Stevens, for several weeks past, returned home to Winfield Thursday. She could no longer be away from her little daughters. The pleadings of little Allie through the telephone for mother to come home (which we happened to hear) were indeed pitiful.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

J. W. Heck was home over Sunday. Mr. Heck completed his business at Independence the latter part of last week and came home to visit his family for a few days. He went away the first of the week again. This time to Alma. Mr. Heck is a tireless workernever idleand if he never amasses a fortune, it will not be because he labors not for it.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

C. E. Ward went down to Frank Stewart's ranche in the Indian Territory last week. One of those large steers took Ward for a dude and took after him. Ward shook the dust frrom his hoofs and broke for the state line with the steer close at his heels. This is Ward's side of the story and now we would like to hear the other side from Ward's pursuer.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Mrs. J. L. Huey and son, Barrett, arrived home Monday afternoon. J. L., during his wife's absence, has prepared the manuscript for a book, to be printed soon, on "the adventures of a benedict during his frau's absence." Ira Barnett is to be canvassing agent. The work is respectfully dedicated to inexperienced husbands, and as a matter of fact we have taken over.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Dr. C. R. Fowler, of Sparta, Ohio, was in the city the first of the week. The Doctor was here investigating the possibility of locating. He left Wednesday for Wichita, where he will visit some of his friends for a few days before going home. In ths spring Dr. Fowler will return and make Arkansas City his future home.


Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Uriah Spray is the man who can sell your property.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Watch for the new department of S. P. Gould on next Monday.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

The ladies of the Episcopal society will give a social at the residence of Mrs. Frank Beall on Wednesday evening February 11th.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

The "monogram" is the name of the choice brand of cigars sold at No. 33. Frank Hess "set up" a box fo the REPUBLICAN office Thursday that the boys might smoke to his connubial felicity.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

A. E. Kirkpatrick has been having his store room repainted this week. It don't look very much like as if A. E. was going to quit business. On the other hand, it looks as if he was preparing for a larger patronage than ever.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

A. V. Alexander has purchased a blooded dog for hunting purposes. He says his dog is an Irish Gordon setter. We don't exactly understand the nationality of dogs but suppose A. V. means, when he uses that appellation, a common bird-dog.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

A farmer residing in the vicinity of Wellington came to Arkansas City with a load of wheat. Prices are much higher here than at Wellington and he informed one of our merchants that it paid him to come here to buy his provisions and find a market for his wheat.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Two newspaper men, special corrrespondents of metropolitan dailies, left Caldwell Wednesday a.m., for Stillwater. As nothing has been heard from them, it is probable they missed the returning boomers. They should have remained at Arkansas City, the headquarters for Oklahoma news.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

The cow camp of Halsel Bros., near Pawnee Agency, was destroyed by fire Monday night. Loss, over $1,000. The building, clothing, etc., belonging to the boys all went up in smoke. The boys went (undressed) ten miles to a neighboring camp for protection from the cold. It was a "cold day" for the boys in that camp.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Last Saturday afternoon Harry Hill was out sleigh riding. His horse was hitched up to his hand sled. On the way home from Geuda, his horse slipped and fell on him, breaking his leg in two places below the knee. He was picked up by Geo. Baugh and some other persons and carried home. His broken limb was repaired and he is now improving.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

The entertainment given by the Baptist ladies Wednesday evening was the most charming of any yet given by that society. The programme, which we published last week, was carried out with the exceptions of Misses Nellie Nash and Minnie Stewart, whose places were filled by Misses Mamie Stineman and Flora Gould. The music, singing, recitations, and select readings were excellent. After the programme had been carried out, a sumptious supper was resorted to. Thursday a 45 cent dinner was given. The ladies realized some $40 from this entertainment, which goes toward furnishing their church.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Ochs & Nicholson have leased the north room of the Hasie block. These gentlemen have found their present quarters entirely too small to accommodate their immense stock of dry goods, and their customers at the same time. Yesterday they perfected arrangements with the Messrs. Hasie Bros., and will occupy their new quarters about February 15. Their present rooms under the Highland Hall will be occupied by the Diamond Front, as soon as Messrs. Ochs & Nicholson have moved. These will be handsome stores when the changes occur.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Around Which the Defenders of the Old Flag Gather and Spin Yarns
Of Their Adventures in Days Gone By.
The old woman stormed around and wanted the officers to stop us. Our captain told her he could not do anything with us; when we undertook to do anything at allhe could not stop us. Then she went for Co. H. That company was all dutch. One held her while some took her pigs out of the pen; the rest took the chickens. About that time we were ordered forward; we went about fifty rods and found the "Rebs" well fortified; they raised up and gave us one of the worst volleys I ever saw. One ball struck my orderly sergeant on the breast. The ball went through a large memorandum book and lodged next to his person. I saw the ball; it was a minnie ball and it looked as though it had been flattened with a hammer. I picked him up when he fell. I said, "John, are you hurt?" He looked all around and I led him about ten feet. He caught his breath, when I said: "We had better get out of here." And we did get too. The Rebs said "halt," but there was no halt there. I passed on my way back a big soldier laying behind a tree who wanted to know what was the matter. I told him to get out of there. He was shot through the leg, but I never saw a man run faster than he did. He outran me. I thought I could run, but I was nowhere. We fell back behind our breastworks that the old woman was so kind as to let us have her house to build them with. Soon after we fell back, I was sent out on picket. Where I was stationed there were some rocks. I piled up some, enough to hide my head. More than twenty-nine balls struck those rocks on the day I lay there on picket duty, and there were six soldiers laying side by side that had been killed there. I could have picked up my hat full of bullets that struck that rock pile. B. W.

(Continued next Week.)

Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.

On the 12th of May, 1864, we fought one of the hardest battles of the war. In the morning, before day, we were ordered to be ready to march. We did not march but crawled until we got as near to the rebel works as our officers thought best. All that morning we never spoke louder than a whisper, until we got almost to their works, and started on the run, when if a yankee ever hallooed, we did; then we ran over their works and through their lines, about faced, and by this time the rebs had just waked up. We hardly fired a shot. We took that morning 6,000 prisoners and several of their best officers, among them Johnson and Smith. Smith refused to give up his sword; but our boys told him to take it off or they would blow him into the middle of next week. After we had marched them to the rear, and placed about fifty men to guard them, we again went to the front to try our luck. That day we did not get any more prisoners, but got 5 or 6 hours laying flattened out, while the bullets came so thick and fast we could not get back. One of our company was killed by my side. He was standing by a small tree. The ball passed through his heart and he fell back with his gun across his breast. I laid his gun by his side and took what he had in his pockets and knapsack, and gave them to our Lieutenant. I was shot through my hat twice that day, and was hit seven times. A shot passed between two of my fingers, and I had my coffee pot shot through and my canteen and knapsack were hit several times. I was that day shot through the foot. B. W.


Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

From another Correspondent.

MAPLE CITY, KANSAS, January 27, 1885.
COMRADES: As one of our comrades in the last week's REPUBLICAN has started the ball, I shall give it a kick and try to keep it a-going. I am a veteran soldier. I volunteered in Co. I, 26 Illinois, in the year 1861. We lay at Hannibal, Missouri, until January 19, 1865, patrolling the country out as far in every direction from Hannibal as our legs would carry us. We were called Loomis's hell hounds, as John A. Loomis was our colonel. We "hounded" down a great many guerrillas and southern sympathizers, and made them take the oath of allegiance; knocked in the heads of all the whiskey barrels in Hannibal and let the whiskey flow back to its mother Earth. So we left Hannibal the 19th of January a very respectable town, and went our way rejoicing towards sunny Dixie. At Saxtown, Missouri, we struck Jeff Thompson with a rebel force armed with squirrel rifles, double barrel shotguns loaded with twenty-four buckshot to the barrel, and four one-pound brass cannons. After chasing him for several days, we succeeded in capturing a good part of his forces and arms. Then we went forward to New Madrid, the great rebel stronghold, where we found them fortified and armed with all kinds of guns and corn knives, which they expected to use when they got the "yankees" by the horns, for they believed the yankees had horns, and they expected to be in close quarters. But when we formed our line of battle in a cotton field in plain view of their stronghold, and they found we were not of the "horned" race, but were composed of bone and sinew like themselves, they concluded that there were safer places than that and fled without giving us a big fight.

Our next raid was on Point Pleasant further down the Mississippi River. We marched through mud and rain in the month of February. At night we camped within cannon shot of our designated point, leg weary, hungry, and cold. The night was as dark as a Demon's dungeon. We piled up in a ditch without speaking a word or murmuring for fear of waking the dead. In the morning when we awoke, there was about three inches of snow on top of our coverings. Our provision wagons, failing to come up on account of the bad roads, we made the advance on the enemy the next morning, hungry enough and mad enough to eat a rebel raw. Driving the enemy before us, we gained our point without much bloodshed. We captured the town with a great many eatables, which filled our forms and were useful in our business. Parolling the prisoners, we guarded that point for several days.

The remaining part of this story will be given next week.


Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Indian Items.
There are, in the United States, 143 Indian reserves, embracing 151,000,000 acres in the limits of twelve states and territories.

There have been 652 treaties made with the different tribes since the adoption of the Federal Constitution on matters of lands.

There are 123 licensed Indian traders in the United States. The licenses are granted by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. The bond of the trader is $10,000.

There are in the Indian service 71 agents, 3 inspectors, and 2 special agents, who have to give bonds to sums from $5,000 to $50,000.

By hunting, farming, freighting, and selling robes, furs, etc., the Cheyennes and Arapahoes supply one-half their subsistence, and the government one-half.

The Kiowas and Commanches draw more than three-fourths of their supplies from the government and only rustle for less than one-fourth of their rations.

The Pawnees make one-fourth their chuck, and look to Uncle Sam for the balance. This is owing to the scarcity of the game and the great distance they have to go for it

The Wichitas earn half of their hog and hominy.

The Osages derive a large revenue from the sale of ponies; they have thousands of them. They receive 5 percent per annum interest on $69,120 for educational purposes, and 5 percent on $300,000 or $15,000 a year paid semi-annually, either in money or such articles as the Secretary of the Interior may direct. They have $39,911.53 in government bonds, of the loan of 1881, drawing 5 percent, besides $7,000 of Missouri State bonds, drawing 6 percent, the interest of which Missouri has failed to pay since 1861.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Kansas has 78 townships above the Indian Territory, and measures 468 miles in length. It has 25 townships east of the principal meridian and 43 west of it. Arkansas City is four miles west of the 97th meridian and three ranges or eighteen miles east of the 6th principal meridian.

Camp Supply is 150 miles west of Arkansas City and 36 miles south, or 180 miles distant. It is situated between Wolf and Beaver Creeks that make the head of the North Canadian.

Fort Cantonement is 10 townships east, and 16 west, being 156 miles distant from Arkansas City.


Fort Reno is 130 miles south-west.

Arkansas City is the supply point for 14,343 Indians, besides the U. S. soldiers at the different forts, and the cattle men and cowboys of the Territory.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Stockholders Meeting.
The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Highland Hall Co., will be held at the Cowley County Bank, Tuesday evening, at 3 o'clock, February 24th, 1885.

H. P. FARRAR, Secretary.
Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

The Arkansas City Coal Co. is now handling the McAllister, Indian Territory coal, Weir City coal, Canon City coal, Trinidad coal, and other "brands." Telephone if you are too tired to walk.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

Arkansas City Republican: DEAR SIRS: Please send to me at Milton, Pennsylvania, 10 copies last week's paper. Want to stir up the Kansas representatives at Washington, and your article of last week will answer the purpose. Yours Truly, T. S. Moorhead.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

The Faber our Only Weapon.
The Arkansas City REPUBLICAN speaks of the Standard man as "pulling hair out of his bald head." Such a slam on our youth and beauty won't go down without a fightpistols and coffee for two, any pleasant Sunday the Republican wishes to name, at Geuda Springs, next Summer, will suit us. Wellington Standard.

Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.

To all the voters in Creswell Township, outside of the city limits, that there will be a township election held in said township at Fitch's house, north of Cal Swarts' on Winfield road on the First Tuesday in February. All the township offices will be to elect.

GEO. WHITNEY, Trustees.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum