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[Friday, March 4, 1870 to February 25, 1871.]




Walnut Valley Times, Friday, March 4, 1870.

Its Settlements, Farms, and General Improvements.
A Description of the Country by One of the Old Settlers.
Let us blow our own horn. The stream known as Little Walnut rises in the Flint Hills, runs southwest, and pours its clear waters into the Big Walnut, not very far from the village of Douglas, Butler County, Kansas. The length of our Little Walnut is not far from thirty miles. We believe that every claim from the head of this stream to its mouth is taken. Six months back there were plenty of good bottom and timbered claims to be had; now there are none except they are bought of those who have settled upon them. We have on this stream the richest bottom lands, and the finest grazing uplands for stock to be found in the West.

Stock can be grown here to the age of four years at an average price of two dollars per head; thus giving the owner a clear profit of at least twenty-five dollars per head. . . .


Walnut Valley Times, March 4, 1870.

[Correspondence of the Times.]
On Monday, the 14th inst., a party of three of us started for the lower country. The day was pleasant, and the roads excellent. We stopped at Augusta to take in a better supply of rations.

Augusta is a lively young town, having two good stores, blacksmith shop, sawmill, and hotel. Messrs. Baker & Manning have a good stock of goods, and appear to be doing a good business. Our old friend, Dr. Thomas Stewart, is also selling goods at Augusta, and seemed in good humor as usual. The saw mill at Augusta is doing a good business, but cannot supply the demands of the country. Another mill is expected soon.

The next place we passed was the new town site of Walnut City, situated on a gradual slope of the uplands sloping towards the junction of the Little and main Walnut. One or two buildings have been constructed on the town site, and we noticed about one hundred logs piled up waiting for the mill that is expected from the Neosho.

Douglas [Later Named Douglass].
After crossing the Little Walnut, we came to the flourishing town of Douglas, near the southern line of Butler County. There are in the place three good stores, good hotel, etc. Chester Lamb is proprietor of the hotel. Douglas has one of the finest locations of any town in the State. Douglas and Walnut City will in all probability be rival towns, as they are only two or three miles apart. Below Douglas the valleys grow in breadth and beauty, and numerous squatter cabins are visible all along the valley from Douglas to the mouth of the Walnut.


Walnut Valley Times, March 4, 1873.

About 18 miles below Douglas we come to Winfield at the mouth of Lagonda Creek, formerly called Dutch Creek. Here we found A. A. Jackson running the store of Baker & Manning during the absence of Col. Manning, who has gone to Manhattan after his family. We counted several new houses going up at Winfield.

Just below the town we crossed to the west side of the Walnut, at what is known as the Kickapoo Corral. We ascended the divide through a defile with large rocks on either side; and from there south ten miles to Delphi is the most beautiful stretch of lands that I have seen in Kansas.

The Arkansas, about six miles west of the road, is visible to the eye all the way down from the divide to the mouth of the Walnut. About the middle of the afternoon of the second day, we reached Delphi, which is a new site just laid out for a future town. The site has every natural advantage to be found in Kansas. The site selected for the town is a smooth, swelling ridge sloping off towards the Walnut on the east and the Arkansas on the south and west, making one of the most pleasant sites for a town that can be found anywhere in Kansas.

The Arkansas at this place is about the size of the Kaw River at Lawrence. Fish are very abundant in the rivers at this place. On the evening of the first day after our arrival, we formed a party and went on a fishing excursion. The evening was most delightful, being very warm and clear; the moon being full, of course, made it almost as light as day. During the short time we were fishing, we succeeded in securing some very nice fish, which we feasted upon during our stay.

A day or two prior to our arrival, Capt. Norton caught a large cat fish weighing some 70 pounds, and a short time before, one weighing 60 pounds.

The second day of our sojourn at Delphi about noon, while surveying claims, etc., getting somewhat tired and dry, we stopped to take a drinknot of the "over joyful," but out of the pure and sparking waters of the Walnut, and while so doing, our horses became frightened, and ran off. We immediately started after them. The horses after running through the woods came out leaving the wagon a wreck, scattered in different parts of the woods. After running a couple of miles, our horses were secured by a friend, and in an hour we had picked up the pieces, and returning to our camp, we went to work, and before night we had everything mended up, and ready to start home next day.

On returning to Eldorado (being absent only four days), we noticed three new buildings that have sprung up during our short absence, which shows that the people of Eldorado mean business. Yours, * * * *


Walnut Valley Times, March 4, 1870.

WASHINGTON, FEB. 16. The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs have agreed to recommend that the Government purchase lands of the Osage Indians at $2,000,000, with the privilege to all present settlers to buy not to exceed 160 acres at $1.25 per acre. The Government to pay in four percent bonds, and guarantee the interest for the support of the tribe.

The committee expect to pursue the same course with other large Indian tracts. This is the tract covered by one of the railroad treaties lately withdrawn.


Walnut Valley Times, March 4, 1870.


Wilson's Addition comes last in order, but greatest in point of importance. It is eminently more essential to have a location of health and beauty, with salubrious air and water, and fertile soil on which to build your residence, grow your orchard, and make your home than to own a whole block of business lots on Main street.

Wilson's addition offers all these attractions and inducements. It joins the old town site on the west, and contains 86 acres of good undulating prairie, affording natural building sites, and especially adapted to parks, gardens, vineyards, etc.

Prof. T. R. Wilson has for this purpose very generously disposed of this land to the following company: Dr's. H. D. Kellogg and A. White, J. S. Danford, J. K. Finley, and Mr. Knowlton, who have had it surveyed into blocks of two acres each, and sub-divided into lots of one quarter acre each, and now offer it for sale in lots of any size to suit their customers, and at prices so reasonable, that the poorest man may buy a home, while the rich and noble will have all the guidance of nature to enrich, magnify, and display their improvements. Were they to traverse famous Italy, they could not find a building site more surpassing in beauty, loveliness, and healthiness than now offered in Wilson's addition.


Walnut Valley Times, March 4, 1870.

. . . Next came Messrs. Betts & Frazier, from the City of Leavenworth, who opened a first class Grocery and Provision Store in their building 36 x 28 on Central Avenue. Their business has increased so rapidly that they are preparing to build a large stone building upon Main street. These gentlemen have a full stock of goods in their line, and are quite gentlemanly and accommodating in their dealings.


Walnut Valley Times, March 4, 1870.

Dr. H. D. Kellogg has ordered the material preparatory to building a large stone business house.

We regret to learn that Prof. Wilson is making preparations to move to his claim near Delphi. Mr. Wilson has done much for the interest of Butler County, and will be greatly missed by our citizens. Delphi will find in him an ardent worker in the cause of religion, morality and education, and a general good citizen.

Walnut Valley Times, March 4, 1870.

LARGE COLONY. We were called upon this week by Harrison Criswell, President, and J. H. Robison, Acting Agent, of the West Virginia Colony, and H. E. Norton, land agent, of Emporia. This colony is composed of 52 families, and have selected lands on the White- water, west of Eldorado, on which to locate. The entire colony will be here in the spring.


Walnut Valley Times, March 11, 1870.

We publish on the first page of this issue a communication by Mr. T. A. Wilkinson, of Creswell. His letter is of much importance to the many who are interested there.

Walnut Valley Times, March 11, 1870.

[Correspondence of the Times.]
A Description of Delphi and Vicinity.
MESSRS. EDITORS: As I have been requested by many to give you an impartial description of the country near the mouth of the Walnut River, where we are now executing the plan of establishing a thriving town, I know of no better way to meet the wants of all who are now looking in that direction than through the columns of your paper.

The incidents of our trip from Emporia to this point were only such as one might expect on a pioneering trip like ours. But for the benefit of those who will read your paper in Wisconsin and other States of a more northern climate, I will say here that pioneering in Kansas does not signify hardships; and if we may take the present winter as a type by which to judge the climate during that season, Kansas is truly a most delightful country to live and dwell in.

Our party carried tools with which to build our houses, as well as provision for man and beast. So it became necessary for us to walk most of the time. The roads, however, were quite dry all the way down, which made that part of the performance rather more pleasant than otherwise.

Captain Norton, our worthy leader, blistered one heel, but being of the plucky sort, he sat down by the wayside, and with a pin "took the conceit out of it," and then came on rejoicing to think that brass instruments could make heels shed tears as well as play Hail Columbia; i.e., by simply modifying them to suit the performance.

Our town site is blessed as is your own Eldorado, by being situated in one of the finest river valleys in the State. It is about sixty miles south of Eldorado, and one hundred and twenty from Emporia. It is about two miles from the mouth of the Walnut, and one-half mile from the banks of that and the Arkansas River. The natural local advantages for a town here, aside from its commercial importance, are actually unlimited. Everything that nature can do for the happiness or prosperity of man has been profusely done here.

The undeveloped resources which are crowded together at the junction of the Walnut and Arkansas have no equal in this State. The Walnut Valley increases in size and beauty from its source to its mouth, and the timber and bottom lands increase in the same proportion until they spread out near the mouth and join the bottoms of the Arkansas, forming a vast tract of rich, deep soiled arable land.

This tract is skirted on every side except the northwest by heavy belts of all kinds of timber, and terminates at its southern extremity by a beautiful mound like Watershed nearly four miles in circumference, and upon this our party, under the supervision of Prof. Norton, has surveyed out one mile square for a town site.

One mile from the northeast corner of said site, we have discovered an excellent water power on the Walnut. A good ford immediately opposite the east side we have nicely improved, which leads to a splendid body of limestone, where we have just this evening completed a kiln which we will fire tomorrow.

The Walnut affords every variety of timber, many trees large enough for four cuts of saw logs four feet in diameter. The principal growth on the Arkansas is cottonwood, but very tall and straight, affording the best material for log house building.

Both rivers abound in fish, and Captain Norton's heel affording him the opportunity of laying up the afternoon we arrived here, he improved the time by hauling in a large catfish, weighing nearly seventy pounds. Since then we have caught any quantity, and for once, we must admit, that we have had a genteel sufficiency of fish.

All along the lower Walnut, the action of the current in high water has thrown upon curves of the banks immense beds of gravel, which are beautiful to behold, and will be valuable for many purposes, as they can be readily reached with teams and wagons.

The different kinds of game which have come under my notice are deer, antelope, wild turkeys, ducks, prairie chickens, quails, wild cats, and beaver. The first two and last, judging from their tracks and work upon trees, are very numerous. Many cottonwood trees along the banks of both streams have been gnawed down by the beavers. They don't always choose the smallest, for we have found many cut off measuring ten inches in diameter. The deer tracks along the Arkansas are as thick as sheep's tracks in a pasture. We have seen a great many, but have had no time to spare in organizing a systematic hunt for them.

Opposite the town on the west, and about one-half mile distant, there is a fine sandstone ledge, and the sand bars of the Arkansas afford as good sand for building purposes as one needs to ask for. There are also clay beds which offer every facility for making brick.

The chances for water on the town site are very promising, and as soon as the six buildings now in process of erection are completed, we intend digging a well.

Speaking of water reminds me of a ludicrous accident which occurred to your humble servant this evening. Our boys had been at work across the Walnut getting out shingles for our houses. In the morning our team had crossed us over the ford, but Capt. Norton had gone to Winfield after some supplies, and it became necessary for us to cross in some manner the most agreeable to ourselves. The rest of the party had tight boots, and as the river is not more than one foot deep, they crossed over very nicely; but mine being rather the worse for wear, I thought it would be quite romantic to cross on stilts, as I used to be quite an expert with them when a boy, but I soon found that instead of being romantic, it was more antic than anything else, for in the center of the stream my stilts stuck in the gravel, and I being very obedient to the laws of gravitation, just then made a splashification, and came out somewhat liquified, if not liquidated.

I meant to have said something about the Indians, but I have said too much already. In my next, I will commence where I now leave off. Suffice it to say that the Indians have all gone to the Mission from here, and have taken their dogs (of which they have many), with them. Why I mention their dogs, is because of their peculiar individual characteristics as dogs. They are a very poor, long, lean, snapping, grinning kind of dogs; reminding me very much of a piece of rope with one end frizzled for a tail, with a knot in the other for a head, and four small sticks stuck anywhere in the rest of the rope for legs. In fact, I think they would look better roped up to a tree than any other way.

And now, dear editor, as it is 11 o'clock, P. M., while you "press" on with the labor of the press, I will press my overcoat for a pillow, and dream of the future greatness of Delphi.


Walnut Valley Times, March 11, 1870.

Kansas Statistics.
Kansas is one of the youngest and largest States in the Union. It was admitted as a State January 1st, 1861, with a population of 107,000, which is now estimated at 400,000, and increasing very rapidly. The State embraces an area of nearly 57,000,000 acres of land, of which according to the authorities of the General Land Office, about 40,000,000 are yet unsold and open to settlement. . . .








Walnut Valley Times, March 11, 1870.

Our professional men should have been mentioned earlier, but better late than never. Messrs. Bronson & Kellogg are doing a thriving real estate business. They are among the first settlers, and are of course thoroughly acquainted with the real estate in the Walnut Valley.

Dr. H. D. Kellogg came here when an isolated log market (if he could have seen it through the sun flowers), the present site of our more than flourishing town. She was then young and feeble, and of course needed a physician. Doc. has treated her skillfully, and brought her through. The Doctor is also County Clerk and Postmaster. D. M. Bronson has served the citizens of Butler County as Register of Deeds, which has given him a thorough knowledge of all the titles in the county. He is now County Attorney, besides serving the State as Journal Clerk of the Senate. Our citizens will all agree that whatever of greatness in point of progress and improvements Eldorado may claim today is in a large degree owing to the energetic efforts of Dr. H. D. Kellogg and M. D. Bronson.


Walnut Valley Times, March 11, 1870.

EMPORIAITES. A. A. NEWMAN, FATHER AND BROTHER, together with a number of others, passed down the Valley on a prospecting tour this week. They admired Eldorado, of course.

Walnut Valley Times, March 11, 1870.

Col. Manning, the leading spirit of Winfield, gave us a call this week. He has been up to Manhattan for his family, and to Topeka for a county seatboth of which he is taking with him to Winfield.

Walnut Valley Times, March 11, 1870.

Enoch Hoag, Indian Commissioner, in company with other grand sachems, passed through here on Tuesday on their way to the Osage Indian Nation. Friend Hoag said the Indians would soon be removed and that the treaty would be ratified, giving the lands to actual settlers at a dollar and a quarter per acre.

Walnut Valley Times, March 11, 1870.

OFF FOR CRESWELL. Captain Norton passed through town today moving to Creswell, and was joined here by Prof. Wilson, who is also moving there, and Mr. Frazier, of the firm of Betts & Frazier, who will open a branch store there. Creswell is getting lively.

Walnut Valley Times, March 11, 1870.

Mr. Z. Stubbs has bought the lot just south of Martin's store, where he will build a large stone business house when he returns from Cincinnati.


Walnut Valley Times, Friday, March 18, 1870. Front Page.

"Where is Creswell," is the question often asked us of late. We answer that it is at the mouth of the Walnut. It was formerly called Delphi. Creswell promises great things. It will undoubtedly be the largest town in the Arkansas valley. It has a beautiful location, backed by a country unsurpassed in beauty and fertility. The town is growing rapidly and the country around it is filling up very fast.


Walnut Valley Times, March 18, 1870.

The following new counties have just been organized by the Governor.

CowleyFebruary 28th, 1870; Winfield, county seat.

McPhersonMarch 1st, 1870; Sweadel, county seat.

SedgwickMarch 2nd, 1870; Wichita, county seat.


Walnut Valley Times, March 18, 1870.

Messrs. Betts & Frazier will open a branch store at Creswell in about three weeks.


Walnut Valley Times, March 18, 1870.

We understand that the Newman outfit took a claim near Creswell whereon to build a mill. Milling is a big thing in the Walnut valley.

Walnut Valley Times, March 18, 1870.

W. W. Andrews, of Winfield, Cowley County, called on us this week. He represents everything at the county seat in a flourishing condition.

Walnut Valley Times, March 18, 1870.

Our friend, Wm. M. Sleeth, is taking a trip to the mouth of the Walnut. We are afraid the Creswell fever will "get him down" there, and his mill too.

Walnut Valley Times, March 18, 1870.

We were called upon this week by Mr. T. A. Wilkinson, and his brother of Creswell. They are holding good claims near the town which will ere long make them independent. Success, gentlemen.


The old and reliable real estate agency of Bronson & Kellogg is doing a flourishing business inasmuch as they are compelled to enlarge their office for the spring market. They have in process of construction one of the largest and most commodious office buildings in the State. It will be located on Central avenue, in a central part of town, and furnished with maps, plats, and abstracts, to accurately describe every town lot and quarter section of land in Butler County. They will, in addition to this, publish (beginning the first of April) a seven column, Real Estate Journal, devoted to the interests of their customers. This medium of advertising their large list of property will sow seed that must produce a hundred fold. We take pleasure in recommending these gentlemen as honorable and trustworthy, and wish them abundant success.


Walnut Valley Times, March 25, 1870. Front Page.

The papers for the organization of Howard County have been made out. Elk Falls is the temporary county seat. This is the fourth new county organized this winter.


Walnut Valley Times, March 25, 1870.

We print today a lengthy letter from Wichita, Sedgwick County. It contains a good many facts in regard to that portion of the State, and should be read carefully by those who desire information about our great and growing Southwest. Some persons have an idea that there is a rivalry existing between the towns of Eldorado, Creswell, and Wichita. There is nothing of the kind, so far as we have observed. We know that the citizens of Eldorado have the warmest feelings of friendship for Wichita and Creswell. We are assured from several sources that the citizens of these towns desire to see Eldorado prosper. The three counties of Butler, Cowley, and Sedgwick, join each other and are all large and prosperous counties, each able to support a population and wealthy county town. These three counties are without doubt the best counties in the State. We are aware that everybody cannot be suited with Butler County. We of course desire our own county settled up, but when people say this county does not suit them, we invariably send them further South. We are willing to publish articles from any portion of the Southwest. We will do all we can to advance the material interests of the adjoining counties.

Walnut Valley Times, March 25, 1870.

[Correspondence of the Times.]
WICHITA, KANSAS, March 1, 1870.

While you are writing up South Western Kansas in your able and ambitious young paper, which in the short space of two months has sprung into full grown life and vigor, where but a few years since the red man held undisputed swaypermit us in your sister county of Sedgwick to occasionally have a column to post up your many readers, as to our doings and progress here in the rich Valley of the Arkansas, and the brave young city of Wichita. It has been but a year since the tide of emigration turned towards the rich valleys of this county, yet a stranger approaching from the east, and from the high ground, casting his eye over the broad valleys of the two rivers, can count a hundred farm houses dotted over the valleys, while the long lines of timber skirting the two Arkansas rivers, with the town at their junction, form a picture of beauty and thrift, nowhere excelled in Kansas. No county in the State can show such rapid improvements in the same length of time. Our county is just organized, and on the 19th of April we hold our first election for county officers, after which we shall cut loose our allegiance to Butler County, to which we have been attached heretofore, and "run our own machine," as we have plenty of good men, and true, competent to fill any position in townships, county, or State.

Wichita, our principal town and county seat, is beautifully situated upon the east bank of the Arkansas River, on level table land commanding a view of the valley for miles around. The great military road from Kansas to the Indian Territory and military posts south, crosses the river at this point, and long trains of wagons make business lively with merchants and mechanics, and furnish a ready market for all surplus farm products.

Farming promises to be largely remunerative in the future. The soil is of a sandy loam through which the roots of growing crops can reach permanent moisture, and the well known fact that rain follows large streams of water, enables our farmers to laugh at drouths and its attendant evils.

At present the great want of our community is lumber; cannot you, Mr. Editor, send us two or three saw mills? Fortune awaits the man who will bring a mill here capable of cutting eight or ten thousand feet per day with a grist mill attached. Mr. Wm. Smith, formerly of Waubaunsee Co., is running a mill at the present time which does very good work, but is surrounded, besieged, and almost buried with files of saw logs awaiting their turn to be converted into material for dwellings.

Among our business houses Wm. Greifenstein, the renowned "Dutch Bill," seems to take the lead, with a heavy stock of Groceries and general Merchandise, including a lumber yard, and prepared to supply the trade by the wagon load or single parcels.

Dr. Lewellen, one of the first settlers in the town, is doing a large and prosperous business in the Dry Goods and Grocery line, and is worthy of the confidence and patronage of the public. I learn he intends to burn a brick kiln, shortly. . . .


Walnut Valley Times, March 25, 1870.

We have just returned from Emporia, and regret to find it too late for a full report of our trip in this issue. Suffice it to say, however, that Emporia is improving beyond all former precedent. As we entered the city, we could not but contrast the village of Emporia as we found it last spring with the city we see it today, with its broad and busy thoroughfares, lined with costly structures. Of course, we stopped at the Robinson House, for it is the only first class hotel in Emporia. The gentlemanly proprietors, L. N. Robinson & Son, received us kindly and treated us cordially. We observed that a large number of the bon ton of the city board at the Robinson House. We also noticed a large number of wholesale drummers and railroad officials, besides Alf. Burnett and his troupe at the Robinson House. . . .

We attended a meeting of the Creswell Town Company, which, besides transacting other important business, elected the following officers.

Prof. Norton, President.

Judge Brown, Secretary.

Gov. Eskridge, Vice President.

Prof. L. B. Kellogg, Treasurer.

Dr. H. D. Kellogg, Capt. Norton, and Gov. Eskridge, Executive Committee.

Adjourned to meet May 5th, on the town site of Creswell. From the interest manifested by the stockholders, and the natural advantages surrounding Creswell, we predict for it the most brilliant future, believing it to be the very best point in Southwestern Kansas.

There was more to this article pertaining to other matters. He ended by saying:

"Dr. Kellogg was our right bower in the whole game, and is, indeed, a very pleasant traveling companion; being like all other doctors, entirely harmless without drugs, and we had a jolly good time of it. D."


Walnut Valley Times, April 1, 1870.

William Bemis, of this county, gives us some facts in regard to the early history and settlement of Butler County. From him we learn that Samuel Stewart, of Lawrence, one of the old Free State men of 1856, organized a small colony, consisting of himself and family and fifteen men, who started from Lawrence about the first of June, 1857. They arrived at the crossing of the old California road, a short distance below town, on the 15th of June, and immediately pitched their tents. They had ten wall tents, and formed them in a circle with one in the center, from which was displayed a handsome American flag. On the 17th of June they planted some corn, this being the first ever planted in Butler County by white men.

On the 9th of July, 1857, Henry Martin, William Crimble, Jacob Carey, H. Bemis, and William Bemis, with their families, accompanied by ten more families, arrived here and settled. They all took claims and went to work opening up farms. During the summer quite an immigration followed.

Samuel Stewart was a bold and fearless man, and was known by all the early settlers of the State. He was shot some years ago in the Cherokee Nation, by a horse thief. There is not now one of the first colony that came with Stewart living in this county.

During the Indian troubles, the drouth of 1860, and the war, this county improved but very little. In 1867, the tide of immigration was turned this way, and since that time it has increased in population with wonderful rapidity, and is now on the high road to prosperity.

It there are others who are acquainted with the early history of this county, we would like to hear from them, as we desire to put as much of it on record as possible.


Walnut Valley Times, April 1, 1870.

Max Fawcett is our Agent at Creswell.

Walnut Valley Times, April 1, 1870.

Mr. Wm. M. Sleeth has gone to move his family to Eldorado.

Walnut Valley Times, April 1, 1870.

REMOVED. The Post office from Dr. A. White's drug store to Bronson & Kellogg's office adjoining the Eldorado Hotel.

Walnut Valley Times, April 1, 1870.

Dr. Kellogg started for Creswell again. He makes a trip every few days, and says he likes it better every time. We are sorry to have the Doctor absent so much, but if he must leave Eldorado, Creswell is the next best point.


Walnut Valley Times, April 8, 1870.

The town of Creswell is being surveyed this week. Danford and Kellogg have gone down to see that it is well done. We authorized them to buy a "corner lot" for us.

Walnut Valley Times, April 8, 1870.

Charley Sipes owns a share in Creswell and has gone down to see after it. He intends to put in a stock of hardware and tinware there soon. Of course he stopped and subscribed for the TIMES as he went through.


Walnut Valley Times, April 8, 1870.

ATTORNEY AT LAW, Eldorado, Kansas. Will practice in the counties of Butler, Sedgwick, and Cowley.

NOTICE is hereby given, that the partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned and the law firm of Ruggles & Plumb has been dissolved. W. P. CAMPBELL.

April 5, 1870.


Walnut Valley Times, April 15, 1870.

The town site of Creswell has been surveyed and improvement is progressing rapidly. The town Company is liberally donating lots to parties who will build on them. They offer to dispose of 300 lots in this way. This is a rare opportunity for businessmen to obtain valuable real property, commence business at a good point, and grow up with one of the best towns in the West.

The Company has already provided for a steam saw mill and shingle machine to begin operation by the middle of next month.

A store of general merchandise is now in successful operation.

A grocery store, hardware store, and drug store are to be opened in a few weeks.

Hotel and livery stable are under contract, to be completed within three weeks; a tin shop and barber shop are to be started at an early day.

A ferry has been chartered for the Arkansas River to be in running order by the first of July.

Has contracted for the erection of a large grist mill, saw mill, and planing mill upon the Creswell water power to commence by July first, and a job and newspaper office to begin business there within a few months. Church and school buildings are also provided for.

Creswell Town Company has furthermore arranged to build a large Courthouse, together with the necessary county offices, and deed the same with an entire block centrally located, to the county. This, together with the natural advantages of the place will permanently secure the county seat at Creswell.

The town is beautifully located on table land under the confluence of the Walnut and Arkansas rivers, and is already named as a point upon the lines of four chartered railroads. Connect with these facts the geographical location of Creswell, and we must all agree that its prospect for future greatness will compare favorably with any town west of the Mississippi.


Walnut Valley Times, April 15, 1870.

Gentlemen from all parts of the county tell us that they are not in favor of the removal of the county seat. Citizens living quite south of us desire a new county. They are in favor of making a fair division of the three counties. We have assured them that we will be willing to give them a proportionate share of Butler to form their new county. Cowley County is willing to make a fair division. This will settle the county seat question now, hereafter, and forever, so far as this county is concerned. Sore heads at Chelsea and Augusta may as well hang their harp on a willow tree. They are wasting their breath, time, and town lots. With the vote that we will receive from the southern part of the county, the removal proposition will be defeated by one hundred and fifty or two hundred majority.

Chelsea with her corner lots, blowhards, and sore heads will find that they have spent many months of time for naught. They haven't strength enough to control their own township elections, and as soon as the election is over will sink into infinitesimal nothingness.

Further argument is useless. We will not fill our paper with articles on the subject any more. We will not give the proposition the benefit of a hearing through the columns of our paper. The proposition is dead, and should be consigned to the grave of all frauds.


Walnut Valley Times, April 15, 1870.

The petition which was circulated for an election to remove the county seat has 214 signers. In and around Eldorado we can poll this number of votes against the removal. Some of the signers will vote against the removal. Towanda, Little Walnut, and Douglas will give large majorities against it. Augusta, Walnut City, and even Chelsea will cast some votes against it. This accounts for the fact that the agitators of this movement were willing to promise Augusta and Walnut City almost anything to secure their votes for the removal. But let Augusta and Walnut City be deceived. The men who have promised them the votes of Chelsea in support of a proposition to make two counties out of Butler cannot fulfill their pledges. The majority of the voters of Chelsea township will never vote for it.

We think we speak the sentiments of a majority of the voters of the northern part of the county, when we say that although we consider it fair and just to spare enough from the southern part of the county to unite to a portion of the northern part of Cowley County in forming a new county; yet to form another whole county off of Butler with the county seat at Augusta would be wrong in principle, and ruinous to the interests of Butler County, and the men who would propose such a thing deserve to be put down. We are satisfied the honest, thinking people of all sections of the county will see and do their duty. C.


Walnut Valley Times, April 22, 1870. Front Page.

A Quartermaster's train en route from Fort Sill, Indian Territory, to Fort Harker, Kansas, while encamped on Bluff creek, on the night of March 6th, was attacked and 139 animals stampeded. The attacking party were dressed like Indians, but it is believed by military authorities they were disguised whites. Measures have been taken to recover the animals and captured stampeders.


Walnut Valley Times, April 22, 1870.

It has been currently reported in town that the WALNUT VALLEY TIMES office will be removed to Creswell. The report is false. The TIMES office and the county seat expect to remain at Eldorado for all time to come.


Walnut Valley Times, April 22, 1870.

The Creswell Town Company will meet on the town site the 29th of April, instead of the 5th of May, as was heretofore announced.

Walnut Valley Times, April 22, 1870.

Mr. C. R. Sipes passed through town this week going East for a stock of hardware for his new store in Creswell.

Walnut Valley Times, April 22, 1870.

Zimri Stubbs returned from a visit east, on Wednesday. He reports every western bound train loaded with immigrants for Kansas.

Walnut Valley Times, April 22, 1870.

PERSONAL. Prof. Norton, President of the Creswell Town Company, passed through town this week going to Emporia to move his family to Creswell. The Professor intends to grow up with the place, and we expect he will have a rapid growth of it.


Walnut Valley Times, April 22, 1870.

We the undersigned, voters of Butler County, Kansas, hereby express our willingness to aid all in our power in the formation of a new county out of the territory now composing the counties of Butler and Cowley; and to that end we will vote to spare from the county of Butler a fair, equal, and just proportion of our territory to form said new county, taking into consideration the arable land in the county.

Allen White Wm. D. Show

J. P. Gordon W. R. Lambdin

Henry Small Madison Nelson

W. P. Campbell I. S. Sine

S. D. Lyon F. A. Price

Squire Stewart George M. Bowman

J. W. Crocker R. M. Lambdin

N. F. Frazier John W. Gilmor

J. H. Betts R. Whelpley

Wm. Crane S. P. Barnes

G. W. Tolle J. L. Cupples

Isaac Mooney W. N. Clifton

C. M. Foulks Wm. Crimble

J. C. Lambdin Edwin Cowles

J. S. Danford M. K. Ferguson

S. H. Rodgers Benj. Thomas

J. B. King S. F. Hyde

J. E. Anderson E. S. Lower

D. O. Markham W. K. Robson

W. Shore John Friend

John Strickland E. S. Gordon

Henry Martin Samuel McFeeley

C. C. Bowers E. Howe

H. H. Gardner Francis Brown

James Thomas E. Grant

Joseph Potter D. H. Sleeth

N. Allspach A. Stine

P. B. Warner T. G. Boswell

J. Gibson L. P. Friend

J. A. McKinsey S. F. C. Garrison

John Green T. B. Murdock

Eldorado, Kansas, April 22nd, 1870.

Walnut Valley Times, April 22, 1870.

Our friend, Mr. Johnson, of Winfield, called on us this week to have tickets printed for the "coming election in Cowley County." Johnson says that Winfield is a good town, but will still admit of improvements, and there is much truth in it.


Walnut Valley Times, April 29, 1870.

The House Committee on Indian Affairs has agreed to report a bill providing for the extension of the general law concerning town sites over the Osage lands in Kansas.


Walnut Valley Times, April 29, 1870.

The Late Massacre in Wyoming.
The Cheyenne Leader, referring to the recent massacre by Indians near South Pass and Atlantic City, says: "Six men, whose names are given, are known to have been killed, and the body of the seventh has been brought to South Pass. These persons, for the most part, were probably hunters, and men out after wood in the hills around Atlantic City. Many more have been killed whose bodies have not yet been found. The usual caution used by settlers of the Sweetwater country, in venturing out from their camps, seem not to have been used, probably because of the fact that the Indians have never been accustomed to visit these localities so early in the season. It is not known whether they were Arapahoes or Sioux, but for that matter it is of little consequence. As well might the settlers seek to discriminate between the tiger and the lion in the Asiatic jungle. With this fresh outrage, our people raise the cry for help to that Government which taxes us with a promptness certainly beyond the care she bestows upon us. We plead for a war of extermination. Western men will do the work. Give us even half a chance, and, in six months from the commencement of active operations, all the tribes of the great plains will humbly crave for peace."

The same paper states that "Governor Campbell has issued a call for the organization of the militia force of the Territory. Upon the receipt of the news of the terrible massacres in the Sweetwater country, he at once sent telegrams to General Sheridan for instructions and additional troops for the protection of our people. The object of the proposed militia organization is for self defense alone, and is proposed as a precautionary measure to insure safety in case of attack upon the isolated and weak points in the Territory."


Walnut Valley Times, April 29, 1870.

UNPRECEDENTED. Three hundred and seventy-four loaded teams passed through Eldorado since last Friday morning. A large number of them were loaded for Eldorado, but the majority passed on through, going to Sedgwick, Cowley, and portions of Butler County. The entire road from here to Emporia is lined with teams of all kinds.


Walnut Valley Times, May 6, 1870.

General Sheridan received a letter from General Stanley, commanding Fort Sully, Dakota, dated April 9th. It says that for a week previous the Indians on the Cheyenne reservation have been insolent and there are strong indications that they will soon break out into open hostilities. There are eight hundred lodges of Sioux at or near Fort Sully, of which five hundredthe Brulesare hostile to the whites. They offer all sorts of insults to the Indian agent at that point, dancing war dances before his headquarters, and exhibiting the scalps of white men whom they have murdered. They are led by Red Leaf, the Indian who led the attack and massacre at Fort Phil Kearney. They have ordered the Two Kettle and Foot's bands across the Missouri River, these bands being friendly to the whites. Most of the employees of the agency have left through fright. Gen. Stanley is firmly convinced that there can be no peace, and no living near the hostile Sioux, until they are soundly thrashed. He is in constant fear for the fate of the agencies on the Cheyenne reservation. General Sheridan is confident that he can get the upper hand of the Brules, being thoroughly acquainted with all their modes of living and fighting. General Sheridan and several members of his staff will go West next week, to personally survey the situation.


Walnut Valley Times, May 6, 1870. Front Page.

An Indian war is said to be imminent. Twenty thousand Sioux are reported to be on the warpath. The 15th and 17th regulars of infantry are ordered to Sioux City, and all the recruits from the recruiting station in New York will be sent to Fort Leavenworth. General Sherman goes to Montana next week.

Walnut Valley Times, May 6, 1870.

The Indians cut a stringer on the Union Pacific bridge, three miles east of Antelope Station, and threw fourteen cars of the eastern bound freight train from the track, recently. All the trainmen except one brakeman got on the engine and ran to the next station. After they left, the Indians broke open a number of cars, when the remaining brakeman fired upon them a few times, and they left. The westward bound train was delayed there six hours, waiting for the wreck to be cleared. Denver (Col.) Tribune.


Walnut Valley Times, May 6, 1870.

The Approaching Indian War.
Washington, May 2. General Parker, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, estimates the number of Indian Warriors in the neighborhood of Fort Sully at about 8,000. They are well armed and mounted. About 6,000 of them are Sioux, and the remainder is made up of scattering tribes. He is satisfied that they are bent on War, and if it shall take place it will be the most destructive and expensive Indian War that ever occurred. He says these savages are better prepared with horses than our own cavalry, and the Indians can raise in all about 12,000 warriors. The Sioux and their allies were never in all better condition to give battle. One of the immediate causes of alarm to the Indians is the threatened approach of the Big Horn expedition, which numbers about 2,500 men, assembled, at Cheyenneminers, surveyors, farmers, etc. They are expected to start in a few days to inspect the Big Horn range of mountains, Big Horn River and slopes, and discover, if possible, the immense gold deposits said to be in the region.


Walnut Valley Times, May 6, 1870.

The largest farm in Southern Kansas is in Cowley County. It contains 1,700 acres, all under good worm fence.

Walnut Valley Times, May 6, 1870.

Cowley County is rapidly improving. An energetic class of immigrants are filling her territory. We predict for her a glorious future.

Walnut Valley Times, May 6, 1870.

It is reliably reported that the election in Cowley County held on last Monday, has proved a failure, as a contest has been commenced in earnest by the party in minority. The whole election will therefore be set aside until the next regular election day in November.


Walnut Valley Times, Friday, May 13, 1870.

It is truly gratifying to be able to announce to the citizens of Butler County that the vote taken yesterday on the County Seat Question was almost unanimous against removal. The vote was 254 for removal; 534 against removal. Total majority against the removal of the County Seat from Eldorado: 268.

"Eldorado is centrally located, is now the County Seat, and will remain so for all time to come."


Walnut Valley Times, Friday, May 13, 1870.

General Sheridan and several members of his staff left Chicago on the 4th inst. for Salt Lake City and other points in the far west, intending to make a thorough investigation into Indian affairs in Wyoming, Montana, and the territories. The party will be absent about two months.

The military authorities will conduct the threatened Sioux war with utmost vigor, and have nearly completed preparation for the expected trouble. The number of available troops in the department of Dakotah is about 4,000; this force is considered ample to cope with the 10,000 brutes, but it will be augmented if necessary. It has not been decided who shall command these forces. General Stanley is at present in command of the middle district, the scene of the trouble.

Walnut Valley Times, May 13, 1870.

Information has been received from the Northern Indian country, at the Interior Department, that Red Cloud and several of the hostile chiefs in Dakota have sent in word that they desired to come to Washington and have a conference upon the causes of difference, and the Secretary has indicated his readiness to receive them. This is considered a very hopeful sign, and the first indication received for some time that a widespread war may be avoided.


Walnut Valley Times, May 13, 1870.

Sleeth's mill has gone to Creswell.

Walnut Valley Times, May 13, 1870.

DISSOLUTION. Dr. H. D. Kellogg has withdrawn from the Real Estate firm of Bronson & Kellogg, Julius Hanback having bought him out. Mr. Hanback is from Jacksonville, Illinois.


Walnut Valley Times, May 20, 1870.

[Correspondence of the Times.]
EDITORS TIMES: Pursuant to notice, the people of Cowley County met in convention at Creswell on Tuesday, 10th inst., to consider the questions connected with the Indian occupancy of the Osage lands. After some discussion, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted.

WHEREAS, We, the citizens of Cowley County, in mass convention assembled, believe that the time has fully come in which the interests of civilization demand the extinction of the Indian title to the Osage lands, and

WHEREAS, We regard with regret and distrust the inactivity of our Senators upon this question, therefore

Resolved, That we urge upon our Senators, Pomeroy, Ross, and Representative Clarke, immediate and definite actions looking toward the removal of the Osage Indians from these lands and opening them to actual settlers.

Resolved, That while we are opposed to all great land monopolies like those contem plated in the "Sturges Treaty," we favor the policy of aiding the construction of railroads by granting to them alternate sections of land now unclaimed, or the proceeds of the sale thereof, to the amount of ten sections to the mile, reserving to the immigrant upon said lands the right of pre-emption and ultimate purchase at a fixed maximum price, not to exceed two dollars and fifty cents an acre.

Resolved, That we regard immediate action upon this subject as of permanent importance, and we earnestly urge that the question be finally settled before the close of the present session of Congress.

Resolved, That copies of the above preamble and resolutions be forwarded to each member of our Congressional delegation, and to the WALNUT VALLEY TIMES, Emporia News, Topeka Commonwealth, and Lawrence Tribune. H. B. NORTON, President.

C. R. SIPES, Secretary.

Creswell, May 11, 1870.


Walnut Valley Times, May 20, 1870.

On Thursday last, the Senate occupied almost the entire day over the house Osage Indian bill.

The question in order, was on amendment of Mr. Ross, of this State, to take the land from the Indians, at 20 cents an acre, and cede them to certain railroads in Kansas in specified quantities and at specified rates giving settlers on the reservation the right to purchase 160 acres each at $1.25 per acre.

Several Senatorsnotably, Mr. Morrill of Maine, spoke against the bill at length. Mr. Morrill declared that the passage of such an act would be a "legislative scandal."

Finally, a motion was made to recommit the bill, with instructions to report a bill for the removal of the Osage Indians to the Indian Territory, and for the sale of their reservation in Kansas for cash, as other public lands are disposed of. Pending discussion on this motion, the bill to abolish the franking privilege came up as the special order, and the Osage business was laid aside without definite action.


Walnut Valley Times, May 20, 1870.

Parker & Tisdale have the contract for carrying the mail from this place to Winfield and return twice a week. We understand that this firm have also the contract from Emporia here, and will put on stages immediately.

Walnut Valley Times, May 20, 1870.

Mr. William White, who is holding a claim on the Arkansas, in Cowley County, placed on our table this week some of the finest specimens of coal we have seen in the State, which he says abounds in large quantities in that vicinity. He also had a specimen much resembling cinnabar, which, if not valuable, is really a great curiosity.


Walnut Valley Times, May 20, 1870.

There has been a report in town that three men were murdered at or near Winfield, in Cowley County, this week. A gentleman from below came up yesterday and reported that three men were murdered for their money and that one of them was a lawyer who had lately settled at Winfield. We do not vouch for the truth of this report, but only give it as reported in town.


Walnut Valley Times, May 27, 1870. Front Page.

A dispatch from the Chicago Republican's correspondent in the Indian Territory, dated April 29th, states that a few days previously, 127 government mules, captured by horse thieves from a train camped at Bluff creek, Kansas, were retaken in Texas by an officer from Fort Arbuckle, Indian Territory. The officer and two citizens, by remarkable coolness and daring, captured nine of the thieves and killed one. The event created much excitement. The mules were taken to Fort Arbuckle. The commanding officer there at once started the horse thieves for Kansas, in charge of a detachment from the Tenth (colored) Cavalry. The thieves attempted to escape, and five of the nine were shot without unnecessary ceremony. They received christian burial at Fort Arbuckle.

Another dispatch, from the same source, dated May 4th, says that the Comanches and Kiowas are very much angered at the alleged unequal distribution of rations and annuity goods by the Quaker agent, Friend Tatem, and have left the neighborhood of Fort Sill in high dudgeon. They were warned not to go beyond the limits of their reservation, and were told that if they did, the militia would pursue and force them back. They laughed the threat to scorn and have gone, the last one of them. War is anticipated. Old Col. Boone, for fifty years a frontiersman, says they mean fight, and declared he would not go the direct overland route to Fort Harker, Kansas, for the sum of $50,000, unless protected by a large military escort.


Walnut Valley Times, May 27, 1870.

Our town is to be organized.


Walnut Valley Times, June 3, 1870. Front Page.

[Correspondence of the Times.]
MESSRS. EDITORS: In my last I promised to begin where I left off, but as events of that time are now in a fossil state compared with those of the present, I will merely state that since the Indians went to their mission east of here, we have seen nothing of them. Everything we once hoped for in regard to our town enterprise, is being reduced to practical tangibility.

Stores are being erected by parties who fully appreciate the importance of our location, and who mean business. Capt. Norton has a store well stocked with groceries, dry goods, and provisions, and is having a brisk trade.

Mr. Sipes has just opened his new hardware store on Summit street, and presents a fine display of goods in his line.

Mr. Walsey [Woolsey], of Iowa, has returned with his family, and will soon begin the erection of a large hotel. Mr. Wolsey [Woolsey] is a very fine appearing gentleman, and brings with him a son and two beautiful daughters, who share in a great degree their worthy parent's polite and cultivated manners. And what makes him extremely welcome among us is the fact that he will start his house on the temperance principle.

The teams, we understand, have gone to your town to aid Mr. Sleeth in bringing down his mill, and we hope soon to manufacture our own lumber, which will certainly enhance the energy already manifested among businessmen here.

Mr. Bowen has the lumber on hand for another grocery store, and Mr. Goodrich hopes to complete his store the coming week. He tells me he has a thousand dollar stock ready packed in Emporia, and is only waiting to complete his building when he will have them sent down.

But I will pass over the business prospects of the town as an established fact, needing no further comment, and speak on a subject quite as important to us.

Society in all new countries necessarily is somewhat chaotic, and takes time to settle down to a permanent basis. It is therefore difficult under such circumstances for order loving and moral people seeking homes to always find a location suited to their past customs of life, and one where society will improve with age. Business prospects are important to all, but those bringing in families and wishing to educate them, and also realizing that influence outside of the family circle has much to do in moulding the character of their children, look for locations that ultimately promise something aside from mere money making.

As I said before, it is difficult to always find just such locations. But as we can nearly always judge the character of any whole by being familiar with its component parts, so we can of society; regarding each individual as an element, and easily determine the general character of any settlement or community.

Old Mr. Endicott, familiarly known among us as Uncle H., comes properly upon our list of permanent residents, as he is the first pioneer we found when we came, is a man in every sense of the word, a gentlemangenerous, hospitable, solicitous for the welfare of all whose good fortune it is to share his acquaintance, and the number is truly legion, for his claim on the banks of the Walnut has been the general rendezvous for claim hunters during the past winter; and the old gentleman is still ready to accommodate newcomers to plenty of wood, and has always a kind word of welcome to offer to everyone. He has settled around him several sons and step sons, some of them with their families, and the old adage "a black sheep in every family," does not apply to them in any respect whatever, for they all seem to be moral, energetic, and intelligent, and well suited to the work of building up and improving a new country.

Our worthy minister, Elder Swarts, knows not only how to instruct us in the ways of truth and religious duty, but also makes his religion practical by his examples of honest industry, which, though they sometimes soil his hands and outer garments, never seem to ruffle his well balanced mind; for under all circumstances, one is improved by his presence. He amuses while he interests, blending truth and good humor together in such harmony as to always please while he convicts. He holds a fine claim a half mile from the town site, and having just completed his house, he has offered it as a place of public worship each sabbath until a suitable house can be erected elsewhere. We understand that his standing as minister of the gospel was a very important one in Illinois, from whence he came, he having held the position of presiding elder for several years.

His daughter, a very fine looking, intelligent young lady, proposes to open a select school as soon as the condition of the town demands it, and from the recent numerous arrivals, that time is not far off. She is also prepared to give instructions in music and painting, and brings a fine piano with her. Having had the pleasure of examining some of her oil paintings, I simply add my testimony to that of many others, when I say they manifest very much artistic skill and workmanship; not only in the choice and blending of colors, lights and shades, etc., but in the design and general execution of the work. Painting, like poetry, is a natural gift, and those elegant and graceful touches which so much enhance the beauty of a picture, can only be accomplished when the brush is in the hands of one whose mind has an instinctive adaptation to the work.

Dr. Alexander and wife, recently from the best ranks of society in Wisconsin, show by their general deportment that they are well calculated to adorn it here, and make it better by the addition of themselves as members.

More recently among us is Professor Norton, with his family, who is so well known that we need hardly repeat that he is a leading spirit and general favorite, because of his impartiality, his mild and unpresuming deportment, his unlimited generosity, uniform urbanity, and constant self-control and good nature, and greatest of all his eminent knowledge on all scientific as well as general topics, making him doubly important to us as a citizen, for the simple reason that we are always benefitted when we enjoy the privilege of associating with our superiors.

Capt. Norton, the Professor's brother, of whom we have spoken before, is noted for his energy and perseverance, and is doing much for the enterprise by imparting to others considerable of that go-ahead spirit which characterizes his general movements, and which is so necessary to give vitality to any great project when in an embryo state.

Thus you can easily see that we are not even now devoid of the advantages of good society, and I might say in a general way that Kansas is not being settled up after the old order of things.

In this State, under the present system, we are simply transplanting in great numbers, very rapidly, too, the youngest, best, and most enterprising portion of eastern society into new and better soil, for development. Kansas is being settled up by people who have left their aristocratic armor behind, and have come with open hearts and hands to aid in building up society, and seeking only to draw lines of distinction between virtue and vice, morality and immorality.

The poor man here actually enjoys what he simply hears tell of in the more eastern States in a sort of beautiful theory, or tradition of times gone by, viz: opportunity to improve his condition if he will. There is a kind of mutual dependence existing in all new countries that compels humanity to manifest its noblest and most liberal, whole-souled, benevolent qualities. Liberality, generosity, and charity pervades the public mind, of necessity, and the best impulses of our nature are developed and brought into action by the very requirements of our social condition.

In the east men's fields are fenced to keep out their neighbor's stock, and their hearts are also hedged in by a wall of selfishness and aristocratic austerity that prevents their neighbors, if they happen to be poor, from offering, or obtaining that sympathy that binds human hearts together.

As far as my experience goes, society in Kansas is free from such corruption, and being no longer infected by border ruffianism, Quantrell raids, or drouth, she will this year receive an impulse which shall continue to move her onward and upward until she attains the rank of one of the first States in the Union.

I have endeavored to give you a fair idea of the progress of events with us in this article. There are many other items which I might mention, but time and space will not permit.

Among the many projects in view, however, I will mention that of constructing a bridge across the Arkansas, and another important item which I almost forgot, is the new well. The first attempt by the town company was a failure, but they have just completed an excellent well, which furnishes plenty of good water.

Before many months we shall have a brass band connected with our settlement. We have now three players, Messrs. Baker, Chapin, and Max Fawcett.

Since I began this article, Mr. Page, a gentleman from Emporia, has taken a lot, and will commence a butcher shop shortly. More anon. T. A. WILKINSON.

Walnut Valley Times, June 3, 1870. Front Page.

A Correspondent of the Lawrence Tribune, writing from Creswell, Cowley County, says: "The growth of Southwestern Kansas is wonderful. Eldorado one year ago a huddle of dingy huts on the bare prairie, is now a large and thriving town, crowded with emigrants and business men, and the center of a great traffic.

"The Walnut Valley is certainly the most beautiful in Kansas, and well deserves the vast immigration now pouring into it. Looking at these broad timber belts and benches of fertile bottom one can hardly doubt that this will soon be one of the richest and most densely populated regions in the West.

"Cowley County, which, one year ago, boasted not a single white family, has now a population of not less than two thousand people, and the rush hither is beyond all precedent."


Walnut Valley Times, June 10, 1870.

NOTICE is hereby given that the special partnership heretofore existing between T. B. Murdock and J. S. Danford, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. T. B. Murdock is authorized to settle all business of the old firm, and will pay all debts of its contracting.

Eldorado, Kansas, June 1, 1870.


Walnut Valley Times, June 10, 1870.

[Correspondence of the Times.]
CRESWELL, MAY 25, 1870.
EDITOR WALNUT VALLEY TIMES: Understanding that reports of Indian hostilities are being circulated in your vicinity, I will ask the use of your columns to correct misapprehensions.

The sum total of casualties is as follows:

Nobody killed or scalped.

Nobody hurt.

Two men scared by some fast young Osages.

The gist of the matter lies in the fact that the Osages are camped on the Arkansas, below the mouth of the Grouse, and desire that no homes be built by the whites on this part of the valleynot quite three miles in lengthor on Chilocky Creek, which flows from the west into the Arkansas near the State line. They therefore ordered out of this region one family, and one young man who was there at work. No violence has been used toward anybody, and none will be used.

Certain exaggerated reports have been spread by parties who wanted to keep certain tracts of land vacant till their own particular friends should arrive from the east, and by others who wish to keep emigrants from passing through Eldorado, Augusta, etc., into the country below.

Permit me to say that the policy of certain merchants and other parties at Eldorado is rather short-sighted in this matter. To build up a wealthy and prosperous county here is to insure the prosperity and future greatness of Eldorado. Your town is now growing rich from the stream of immigration pouring hither through your streets. Your people cannot afford to so treat this current as to force its diversion into other and more direct routes.

Creswell was never more prosperous than now. Before November 1st, this will be the largest town in the Walnut Valley, Eldorado excepted. There are houses and places of business now under contract to insure this. We have been blessed with heavy and abundant rains, two showers falling on the night of the 23rd and morning of the 24th, which completely saturated the soil.

The Osages have gone out upon the plains. We have enjoyed an interview with Chetopa, Numpawalla, and others. They are friendly and peaceable. If the average of white men would be as orderly and law-abiding as the Osages, the legal profession would soon become extinct.


Walnut Valley Times, June 10, 1870.

1776. 1870.

Fourth of July Celebration.
A grand Fourth of July Celebration and picnic will be held at Creswell, Cowley County, Kansas. All are invited to attend. The exercises will take place at Max Fawcett's well known beautiful and romantic grove, where nature unites all of her varied and enticing resources with the artistic skill of the owner in making it a most interesting and pleasurable locality for such an occasion.

Situated as it is on the bank of the Arkansas River, with innumerable shade trees, splendid springs of good cold water sparkling like diamonds in the sunlight as it issues from the picturesque rocks which border the grove on the east and north. We deem it but just to say, that no place in Cowley County affords better facilities for such an occasion. No pains will be spared by those having the matter in charge to make it agreeable and pleasant for all who may come.

1. Singing ....................... Glee Club.

2. Prayer ......................... Rev. B. C. Swarts.

3. Singing ....................... Glee Club.

4. Declaration of Independence ... J. O. Smith.

5. Music ......................... Creswell String Band.

6. Oration ....................... C. V. Eskridge.

7. Singing ....................... Glee Club.

8. Dinner.

9. Music.

10. Amusements of all kinds consisting of boat riding, swinging, ball playing, etc.

The procession will form on Summit street and march to the grove.

CAPT. O. SMITH, Marshall of the day.

Walnut Valley Times, June 10, 1870.

South Bend is a new town below Winfield in Cowley County.

Walnut Valley Times, June 10, 1870.

Mr. Spear [Speer] passed through town this week with a portable saw mill to be put up ten miles below Douglass.

Walnut Valley Times, June 10, 1870.

S. S. Soule returned yesterday, from a buffalo hunt on the Arkansas. He, of course, remembered the printer and sent us a choice cut of tenderloin.

Walnut Valley Times, June 10, 1870.

Parker & Tisdale are stocking the road and will commence running tri-weekly coaches from Emporia to Creswell, via Eldorado, Augusta, Douglass, and Winfield in a few days.

Walnut Valley Times, June 10, 1870.

Emporia expects to have a grand railroad celebration on the completion of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad to that place. The road is expected there about the 4th of July. The citizens of Chase, Marion, McPherson, Sedgwick, Cowley, Butler, and Greenwood are to be invited to participate in the festivities.


Walnut Valley Times, June 10, 1870.

A correspondent of the Oswego Register, writing from Winfield, Cowley County, says the town site of Winfield is one of the handsomest locations he ever saw and is situated just below the junction of Dutch and Walnut Creeks. This town boasts of the most commodious courthouse in Southwestern Kansas. Messrs. Graham & Mentch are constructing a water-mill one mile from town. Fine openings are offered for dry goods stores, tin ships, boot and shoe store, and a harness and leather store, and extra inducements are offered to any one who will open a hotel. Baker and Manning are the principle movers in the town enterprise. This is supposed to be the point where the Southern Kansas Railroad will intersect the Preston, Salina and Denver road, for which latter road a bill to secure a grant of land is now before Congress. The last named road proposes to leave the Kansas Pacific at Salina, run through Walnut Valley, the Indian Territory and on to Preston, Texas. Leaving Winfield on my return I came to the town of Dexter located on Grouse Creek, and found a town and country surrounding it which offered no less inducements to settlers than those already mentioned.


Walnut Valley Times, June 17, 1870.

Dispatches of June the 8th state that the Osage Indian reservation question was disposed of in the Senate by adoption of Pomeroy's amendment, with some modification. The whole reservation of eight million acres is given up by the Indians, and sold to actual settlers only, at $1.25 per acrethe usual school sections being reserved to the State of Kansas. The Indians get the entire proceeds of the sale, and go to a new reservation on the Creek and Cherokee lands, in the Indian Territory. These Osage lands were included in the Indian treaties some time ago withdrawn by the President. The treaty was made in Johnson's term, and conveyed the tract to a railroad company at about twelve cents per acre.


Walnut Valley Times, June 17, 1870.

Dr. H. D. Kellogg returned this week from quite an extended visit to his friends in Illinois. We welcome him home.

Walnut Valley Times, June 17, 1870.

The Southern Kansas Stage Company, have put on tri-weekly stages from here to Arkansas City, and will run semi-weekly coaches direct from Emporia to Wichita, via Eldorado, on and after next week. C. M. Foulks is the agent here.


Walnut Valley Times, June 17, 1870.

The fore part of this week a rumor reached here that the Kaw Indian Reservation was open for settlement, and there was an immediate rush in that direction. Nearly every quarter section is taken by this time. This reserve is nine by fourteen miles, and is composed of the very best land in the Neosho Valley. It has been closely watched for years by many who desire to get homes on it. The same kind of rumor has several times before caused it to be suddenly settled, and after the claim hunters remained a day or so, it has often been suddenly unsettled. How this rumor got in circulation is more than we can explain, but this we do know, that the news from Washington has contained nothing that would lead to this rumor.

Emporia News.


Walnut Valley Times, June 24, 1870.

[Correspondence of the Times.]
ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS, June 13th, 1870.
EDITOR TIMES: I sent the article in the TIMES, relating to the two men who were found dead between Eldorado and Wichita some months since, to Rev. Wm. L. Clark, of Gilson, Knox County, Illinois, and just received the following reply.

"Yours of the 24th inst., just received. The men described as murdered were doubtless the sons of Mr. Elder who left here, with his family, about the 15th of April. The description of the men is not perfect, but team and wagon are described."

I am personally acquainted with some of the members of the Elder family, and never heard anything derogatory to their character as good citizens. Any further information relating to them could be obtained through Rev. Wm. M. Clark, Gilson, Knox County, Illinois. Yours truly, B. C. SWARTS.


Walnut Valley Times, June 24, 1870.

Hank Lowe, the great "stageist" of Southern Kansas, was in town last Tuesday. He is stocking up the route from Emporia to Eldorado, and from Eldorado to Wichita and Arkansas City. Hereafter regular trips will be run by this company making close connections with all eastern bound trains. We will publish the time-table next week. Parties desiring passage will apply to C. M. Foulks, agent at this place.

Walnut Valley Times, June 24, 1870.

General Ellet, celebrated during the war as commander of the Marine Brigade, which did such admirable service on the Ohio and Mississippi, was in town last Sundayas Prof. Norton's guest. He has two sons in this state, one at Eldorado, and the other at Rock Creek, in Cowley County. He is intending soon to locate in this State, and has arranged to take a look at Arkansas City on the 4th prox., with the view of making that his future home.

Emporia News.

We are sorry for Arkansas City, but are happy to say that the General is one of the "old settlers" of Eldorado, having bought property and concluded to make this his home last fall.


Walnut Valley Times, July 1, 1870. Front Page.

[From the Fort Scott Monitor.]
Information of the purchase of the Osage lands has already spread over the country to such an extent that immigration has even now set in, and white covered wagons may be seen almost daily winding their way to the Southwest.

This large domain contains over 8,000,000 acres of land, and comprises eight large counties, as follows: Montgomery, Howard, Cowley, Sumner, Harper, Barbour, Comanche, and Clarke.

Montgomery is already a tolerably well settled county; it is estimated to contain a population of between six and seven thousand people, and large numbers are still going in.

Howard is also settling up very rapidly, though there is not a large amount of land unoccupied.

Settlements have also been made in Cowley County, along the valley of the Whitewater and Arkansas, while the counties west may be considered beyond the present settled limits, though within the next twelve months many thousands of settlers may take up homes in counties west of the Arkansas.

Montgomery, Howard, and Cowley are three eastern counties on the Osage purchase, and are all well watered and well timbered, and the land is said to be rich and very productive, and for grazing purposes and stock raising, it is by far the best in the State. Along the bottoms and lowlands grass remains green during the entire winter season, and stock will winter on it and come out in the spring in fine condition.

Several large streams pass through the Osage landsthe Nescutanga, Cimarone, and the East Branch of the Salt Fork of the Arkansasall large streams, furnishing an abundance of pure waterpass diagonally to the southeast, through the counties of Comanche, Barbour, and Harper, on the west, while the Whitewater, Fall River, and their numerous tributaries pierce the counties on the east, forming a complete network of streams; the banks are studded with a fine growth of timber of every description usually found in Kansas.

Like all the counties, there is plenty of game. Deer, antelope, buffalo, and wild turkey abound in great numbers, and afford a fine field for sportsmen.

The tide of emigration is now settling in towards this new country, and ere many years roll round, it will become one of the most densely populated districts of Kansas. While it is not likely the extreme western portion of this land will ever become celebrated for a fine agricultural region, it is claimed that for purposes of stock raising it cannot be excelled.

Walnut Valley Times, July 1, 1870.

[Correspondence of the Times.]
WINFIELD, COWLEY CO., June 18th, 1870.
EDITOR TIMES: The settlers of this thriving and patriotic town have determined to celebrate the coming Fourth of July on a scale of comfort and magnificence equal, if not superior to any of their neighbors in the county; and a cordial invitation is extended to every settler and his family to come and participate.

It is to be conducted on the plan of a basket picnic. A vast arbor or pavilion will be erected capable of comfortably accommodating any number of visitors therein. An ample supply of good cool water can be obtained, and all the necessary arrangement for having a lively time and celebrating of National Independence Day in a becoming manner will be made.

The programme for the day will be of the most liberal and varied character, so that all can enjoy themselves. There will be eating, drinking, talking, laughing, reading, speaking, praying, singing, playing, walking, running, riding, swinging, swimming, and in the evening there will be a grand ball in the large hall of the Courthouse, where all who wish can "trip it on the light fantastic toe" to their heart's delight. Gentlemen, bring along your fair partners and "all promenade."

The patriotic ladies, God bless `em, are busy making a new flag for the occasion, which will be unfurled to the breezes from the top of the courthouse at sunrise.

For the information of those who desire to know something of Winfield, we will here state that it is situated near the geographical center of Cowley County, on the eastern bank of the Walnut River, and a little below where it receives the water of Timber or Dutch Creek. A lovelier spot the sun never shown upon. So strikingly is this the case, that its natural advantages and picturesque beauties never fail to arrest the attention and excite the admiration of every disinterested traveler.

The town site is not located on the top of a mound of Arkansas River sand, into which your feet sink every time you step, and where water is almost as scarce as wine in the caldron of Shakespeare's witches; but in the middle of quite an extensive, fertile plain adorned with fragrant flowers and luxuriant foliage, where water and timber abound "on all sides round," and distant hills jut up in to form a background to the scene.

The pen of fulsome adulation has not been employed in favor of Winfield. Neither has oft repeated doses of printer's ink been tried to bring it into notice and delude the unwary. Weekly doses of nauseating exaggeration and spread-eagleism are rarely acceptable to sensible thinking men with their eyes open, even when offered by men of high pretensions and substantial wealth; and the settlers of Winfield, knowing this, and believing their town site has some merits have resolved not to descend to such an undignified course.

Having at command an abundant supply of oak and walnut timber, with magnificent limestone in endless quantities for building purposes; margined by a beautiful river offering facilities for mill sites not surpassed in this or any other State, and surrounded by vast tracts of rich land that silently await the coming of the industrious settler in order to yield up their rich treasures, are surely advantages that must become apparent to intelligent men.

If an inventor or speculator introduces to the public any article really meritorious, it is apt to be seen without any extraordinary stretch of the perceptive faculties. It is only in cases where the article is comparatively worthless that deceptive description and hypocritical assertion can render it any aid.

The settlers at Winfield are all men of families and stability who desire to secure for themselves a permanent home in accordance with the laws authorizing the sale and settlement of the lands, and not speculators who own tracts of land elsewhere, and have fastened on to claims here for the purpose of gain.

The town company is offering liberal inducements to all persons who desire to locate for business purposes; and arrangements are perfected for the construction of additional buildings. One of the largest stores south of Eldorado, with an extensive assortment of groceries, dry goods, boots, shoes, etc., is already in operation. A hardware store and blacksmith shop are now added, and a drug store, lumber yard, and hotel are in actual preparation by responsible parties. W. Q. MANSFIELD.


Walnut Valley Times, July 1, 1870.

The election passed off quietly on Monday with a majority against the bonds.

Eldorado failed to get a big courthouse as result of election.

Walnut Valley Times, July 1, 1870.

A number of Emporia folks passed through here this week on their way to Creswell to celebrate the 4th at that place.

Walnut Valley Times, July 1, 1870.

W. W. Williams, of the Emporia News, and Judge Cunningham of Emporia, called on us this week. These gentlemen are on a prospective tour, and will visit Wichita, Douglass, Winfield, Arkansas City, and Eureka.


Walnut Valley Times, July 1, 1870.

Emporia, Wichita & Arkansas City.
This line is fully equipped with both horses and coaches and will run as follows:

Leaves Eldorado Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 7 A.M., reaches Emporia at 7 P.M., same day. Returns from Emporia Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. Connections made with all eastern trains.

Leaves Eldorado Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arrives at Wichita at 2 P.M. same day.

Leaves Eldorado Tuesday and Fridays. Persons desiring passage will apply to C. M. Foulks, agent at Eldorado.

H. TISDALE, Superintendent.

Walnut Valley Times, July 8, 1870.

We are receiving urgent appeals from the President and Directors of the Kansas City & Santa Fe and Humboldt & Arkansas River Railroads to vote bonds to aid these enterprises. An effort is being made to divert the Kansas City road south to Burlington and Eureka and on through to Howard County, striking the Arkansas River at or near where said stream leaves the State. A strong effort is also being made to have this road run by the way of Emporia & Eldorado to Arkansas City. The people of Ottawa are favoring the Burlington route, although they have already voted bonds to the road, provided it runs to the west line of Franklin County. . . .


Walnut Valley Times, July 8, 1870.

Gen. A. W. Ellet is breaking ground for a large residence on the corner of Washington Street and Central Avenue.

Walnut Valley Times, July 8, 1870.

The Southern Kansas State Company are now making regular trips from Emporia to Wichita in one day.

Walnut Valley Times, July 8, 1870.

Mr. Mains, of the Emporia Tribune, will put in a new paper at Creswell about the 1st of August, to be called the Arkansas Traveler.

Walnut Valley Times, July 8, 1870.

The Southern Kansas Stage Company are building a large barn in town for the accommodation of their stock. They make this the headquarters for the three routes leaving this place.

Walnut Valley Times, July 8, 1870.

Eldorado was organized under the statute of Kansas as a village, and the following officers appointed.

BOARD OF TRUSTEES: J. C. Lambdin, Chairman; T. B. Murdock, C. M. Foulks, A. D. Knowlton, Trustees; D. M. Bronson, Clerk.


Walnut Valley Times, July 15, 1870. Front Page.

[From the State Record.]
We have already stated that the House Committee on Appropriations reported against the Senate amendment to the Indian appropriation bill authorizing the sale of the Osage land in Kansas at $1.25 per acre. The House has concurred in this recommendation of the Commit- tee, and Messrs. Sargent, Niblack, and Paine have been appointed a Committee of Conference on this and other rejected Senate amendments.

It is regretted that this matter should drag along as it does. The Indians are anxious to sell and quit the lands; and the settlers are equally anxious to secure titles to homes upon the same. . . .


Walnut Valley Times, July 15, 1870.

We have heard several reports within the last week that the Indians were on the war path, and that settlements on the Southwestern border had been, or were about to be attacked. We do not know what the foundation for these reports is, but we do know most positively that there has been no Indian disturbances in this part of the State this summer. A few horses have been stolen either by Indians or white men, as has been the case for some time. We have consulted with gentlemen from all parts of the Southwest within the last week, and learn from them that these reports are all manufactured lies. The Osages are known to be on a buffalo hunt, and are not considered a very dangerous tribe at best. The Cheyennes and Kiowas are far out on the plains, and are not molesting or disturbing white settlers. Newspapers in and out of the State will do us, as well as the citizens of Cowley and Sedgwick counties, a great favor by stating that there has not been, nor is there likely to be, any Indian disturbances of any kind in Southwestern Kansas.


Walnut Valley Times, July 15, 1870.

The people of Emporia are alive to the importance of an immediate railroad connection with the Southwest. They are making strenuous efforts to secure the Kansas City & Santa Fe Railroad, and have formed a company for the extension of the road on Southwest. The Emporia News says that articles of incorporation have been filed for the organization of a company to build a railroad from there to the Southwest.

The names of the incorporators are as follows:


The road is to run from there via South Fork and Walnut Valleys to Arkansas City, touching at the principal towns along the route, and thence to Fort Belknap, Texas. It is intended as an extension of the Kansas City & Santa Fe road, which will probably be built to that point at an early day.


Walnut Valley Times, July 15, 1870.

[Correspondence of the Times.]
ARKANSAS CITY, July 6, 1870.
EDITOR TIMES: The glorious Fourth was a decided success here. The celebration took place on Max Fawcett's celebrated claim, about half a mile west of town; a beautiful grove on the back of the river, in the immediate vicinity of some remarkable springs and caverns. The procession formed on Summit street at 10 o'clock, A. M., and marched to the grove, headed by a beautiful new flagMrs. H. B. Norton's donation. Hundreds of people were present; the turnout was truly astonishing. The dinner was excellent and abundant; all were filled, and more than twelve baskets full were carried away. Prof. H. B. Norton and Judge Cunningham, of Emporia, were the orators. The orations were such as might have been expected from the distinguished speakersenergetic, witty, eloquent, and entirely practical in their tendency. The band discoursed wonderfully sweet music at suitable intervals, both vocal and instrumental. All sorts of dainties, fireworks, and cooling drinks, were dispersed on the ground. Some boats were on hand for those aquatically inclined. A brilliant ball at the Woolsey House closed the festivities of the day. Everybody looked happy.

Arkansas City was first settledthat is, by an actual resident upon the town site, on the 7th day of April, three months ago. It is now, beyond dispute, the largest town in the Walnut Valley, Eldorado alone excepted; and it bids fair to soon rival the "Queen of the Walnut." The census taker reports our village population at about 200 people. Two saw mills and a shingle-mill are vainly trying to supply the demand for building materials. The Woolsey House is uncomfortably thronged. Work has begun upon another hotela large stone building, 50 feet front, three stories high. Some forty business houses and residences are now actually under contract, and being built as rapidly as possible. Four new buildings were raised today. All is energy and enthusiasm. The second public well is situated at the intersection of Summit street and Central Avenue, the center of the corporation, and on the very crest of the ridge. It has about seven feet of excellent water. There are now two public wells open to everybody, besides those dug by private persons. No town in Southern Kansas is so well supplied with pure water as Arkansas City. Settlers are coming in by hundreds. About two hundred claims were recently taken in one day on the creeks west of the river, and there is yet room for many more.

The type and press for our newspaper, "The Arkansas Traveler," are now on the road. Be prepared to exchange about August 1st.

A tri-weekly stage line is now running from Eldorado to this point. Come down and see us.

A mass meeting of citizens of the county will be held here on Saturday night, to nominate two directors, and elect delegates to the Fredonia meeting in behalf of the Humboldt, Fredonia & Arkansas City Railroad.

A new mail route from Wichita to Arkansas City has just been established by the Department. X.


Walnut Valley Times, July 15, 1870.

Zimri Stubbs, census taker, reports that Cowley County will have a population of two thousand.

Walnut Valley Times, July 15, 1870.

The County Commissioners have concluded to erect a temporary courthouse and jail.

Walnut Valley Times, July 15, 1870.

Knowlton & Ellet have put on an addition to their building and are constantly adding to their stock of hardware and agricultural implements.

Walnut Valley Times, July 15, 1870.

On and after the 1st day of July, mails will arrive at, and depart from Eldorado as follows:

Arrives Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 5 p.m., departs Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 6 a.m.


Walnut Valley Times, July 22, 1870.

A brief dispatch states that the Osage Indian Lands will be disposed of to actual settlers at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, except school lands. This will be good news to the settlers on the thirty mile strip. The land will probably be surveyed soon.


Walnut Valley Times, July 22, 1870.

T. R. Wilson removed his family to Arkansas City this week.

Walnut Valley Times, July 22, 1870.

Winfield, Cowley County, is to have a new paper soon.

Walnut Valley Times, July 22, 1870.

ARKANSAS CITY. Capt. Norton, T. R. Wilson, Dr. Kellogg, M. C. Baker, Miss Swarts, and several others from Arkansas City are in town this week.


Walnut Valley Times, July 29, 1870.

Gen. Parker says all the reports for the last five or six days from the Indian country are quite favorable. He does not believe there will be any trouble with the Sioux or any other northern Indians, and hopes to avoid trouble with the southern Indians, some of whom have recently shown indications of hostile intent. Three or four members of the peace commission will probably leave for the plains at an early day, and if all cannot go, the commissioners will send other gentlemen as temporary substitutes to represent the views of the department.

Walnut Valley Times, July 29, 1870.

We take great pleasure in being able to present to our readers an official copy of the Osage bill as it passed Congress and became a law. It will be recollected that provision was attached to the Indian appropriation bill, and of course we omit all that portion relating to Indian appropriations. This is a triumph for Kansas. It reads as follows.

Sec. 15. And be it further enacted, That whenever the Great and Little Osage Indians shall agree thereto in such manner as the President shall prescribe, it shall be the duty of the President to remove said Indians from the State of Kansas to lands provided, or to be provided, for them, for a permanent home in the Indian Territory, to consist of a tract of land in compact form, equal in quantity to one hundred and sixty acres for each member of said tribe, or such part thereof as said Indians may desire, to be paid for out of the proceeds of the sales of their lands in the State of Kansas, the price per acre for such lands to be procured in the Indian Territory not to exceed the price paid, or to be paid, by the United States for the same.

And to defray the expenses of said removal, and to aid in the subsistence of the said Indians during the first year, there is hereby appropriated out of the treasury, out of any money not otherwise appropriated, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, the sum of fifty thousand dollars; to be reimbursed to the United States from the proceeds of the sale of the lands of the said Indians in Kansas, including the trust lands north of their present diminished reservation, which lands shall be opened to settlement after survey excepting the sixteenth and thirty-sixth section which shall be reserved to the State of Kansas for school purposes, and shall be sold to actual settlers only, said settlers being heads of families or over twenty-one years of age, in quantities not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres, in square form, to each settler, at the price of one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre; payment to be made in cash, within one year from the date of settlement, or of the passage of this act; and the United States, in consideration of the relinquishment by said Indians of their lands in Kansas, shall pay annually interest on the amount of money received as proceeds of sale of said lands, at the rate of five per centum, to be expended by the President for the benefit of said Indians in such manner as he may deem proper. And for this purpose an accurate account shall be kept by the Secretary of the Interior of the money received as proceeds of sale, and the aggregate amount received prior to the first day of November of each year shall be the amount upon which the payment of interest shall be based. The proceeds of the sale of said lands shall be carried to the credit of said Indians in the books of the treasury, and shall bear interest at the rate of five percent per annum: Provided, That the diminished reserve of said Indians in Kansas shall be surveyed under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, as other public lands are surveyed, as soon as the consent of said Indians is obtained, as above provided, the expense of said survey to be paid from the proceeds of sale of said lands.

SEC. 16. And be it further enacted, That there be and is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, as compensation to the Osages for the stock of farming utensils which the United States agreed to furnish them by the second article of the treaty of January 11th, 1839, and which are only partly furnished, twenty thousand dollars; and as compensation for the saw and grist mill which the United States agreed by said treaty to maintain for them for fifteen years, and which were only maintained five years, ten thousand dollars, which sums shall be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, in the following manner: Twelve thousand dollars in erecting agency buildings and warehouses, a blacksmith's dwellings, and a blacksmith's shop, and the remaining eighteen thousand dollars in the erection of a schoolhouse and church, and a saw and grist mill, at their new home in the Indian Territory.

Approved July 15, 1870.


Walnut Valley Times, July 29, 1870.

J. S. Danford was appointed County Clerk, vice H. D. Kellogg, resigned.


Walnut Valley Times, July 29, 1870.

The TIMES can no longer be considered the pioneer paper of the Southwest. We learn that The Arkansas Traveler, at the mouth of the Walnut on the Arkansas River, will be issued early next month. A new paper will be issued from Winfield, the county-seat of Cowley County, next week. This will be two papers in that new county. . . .


Walnut Valley Times, August 5, 1870.

The press and printers of the "Arkansaw Traveler" passed through town on their way to Arkansas City on last Tuesday. Mr. Mains will go down and put the machine in running order, then return to Emporia.

Walnut Valley Times, August 5, 1870.

A couple of Friends and their wives, together with Powder Face and Left Hand, two Indian Chiefs of the Arapahos, passed through town a few days ago en route to Fort Leavenworth. What their mission is, we did not learn.

Walnut Valley Times, August 5, 1870.

Col. W. Wright, of Springfield, Ohio, visited our town a few days since. He comes among us to look out a home, and expresses himself as highly pleased with Butler County. The Col. has been connected with the Little Miami Railroad Company for twenty-five years. He possesses integrity, energy, and intelligence. We welcome such men among us with pleasure. Mr. J. Foos, from the same place, was in company with Col. Wright. He left Ohio in 1849went to California shortly after Fremont's trip. Saw no building west of Westport, Missouri. Was greatly surprised to see Kansas dotted over with nice farm cottages. After remaining in California and Australia over twenty years, he comes to Kansas to engage in the profitable business of stock raising, and will bring with him others of means and influence.


Walnut Valley Times, August 19, 1870.

We have received the first number of the Cowley County Censor, a six column paper just started at Winfield, by A. J. Patrick. The Censor contains the following items:

As soon as the lumber is here, saw work will be commenced on our new schoolhouse.

Four hundred dollars have been pledged towards a fund for the erection of a church.

During the month of July, sixteen hundred and seventy-two letters were mailed at the Winfield post office.

Several thousand tons of hay will be put up in this vicinity this year, and preparations are being made to winter a great many cattle.

Our neighbors at Dexter are picking up. They are determined to grow a town in the Grouse Creek Valley and believe theirs is the place. It certainly is a pleasant location, surrounded by an excellent country. A post office is needed there very much.


Walnut Valley Times, August 26, 1870.

The Arkansas Traveler, a six column paper, published at Arkansas City, by M. G. Manes, is received. The Traveler is a credit to this new town and will no doubt be handsomely sup-

ported. The first number contains a great deal of matter descriptive of the lower country. Prof. H. B. Norton will be "special contributor" to the Traveler, and of course will make things lively.


Walnut Valley Times, September 9, 1870. Front Page.

[Correspondence of the Times.]
FORT SILL, Indian Territory, Aug. 8, 1870.
MR. EDITOR: Having lived on the northwestern frontier of Texas for upwards of four years, and having had considerable experience of Indian depredations, also being fully satisfied that the majority of the northern people do not receive true reports of the Indian raids into Texas, their depredations in stealing horses, killing people, and capturing women and children, I will attempt to give you a short sketch of the last raid of the savages into Texas.

On July 10th a party of about seventy-five Indians at about 2 o'clock made their appearance at Victoria Peak, in Montague County, 10 miles west of Montague town, where there were several families living, and a large ranch for herding cattle. But few men were there at the time. Nearly all the men belonging to the ranch were out herding cattle. The Indians first attacked the herders of about two thousand head of cattle, stampeding the cattle, and capturing Martin Boone Kilgore, a boy of 12 years of age. They then came within thirty yards of the houses and captured 37 head of horses.

While a portion of them drove the horses off, the balance fired and charged the houses for two hours trying to capture the women and children. While this was going on, another party were breaking open trunks in a wagon belonging to Baker & Vaughn, drovers from Pilo Pinto county, on their way to Kansas.

Mr. Kilgore's house was robbed of seven hundred and seventy-five dollars in greenbacks; also a large quantity of provisions; furniture demolished, and house set on firedamaging Mr. Kilgore to the amount of $3,500. They killed several cattle, and cut the hamstrings of four oxen that were attached to a load of wood nearby.

After leaving V. Peech, about one and a half miles, they killed, scalped, and robbed Mr. Adams and Mr. Livis, drovers from Pilo Pinto county, cutting their hearts out, and otherwise horribly mangling their bodies.

We next hear from this same band early next morning 25 miles northwest at Henrietta, Clay County, where they killed Gadlief Koozer, in front of his door; scalped and cut his body horribly. Captured and carried off his wife and five childrenthree boys and two girls. The oldest girl seventeen years of age; the youngest boy seven years old.

On the 12th instant, Capt. McClellen, of the 6th U. S. Cavalry, while out scouting thirty miles west of Fort Richardson, in Jack County, with sixty men, came upon this same band, which had been reinforced to the number of three hundred. Notwithstanding their superior numbers, the brave McClellen gave them battle; but they were too strong for him, and he was obliged to withdraw. The troops killed one Indian and wounded five, so the Indians tell here. McClellen had two soldiers killed and nine wounded. The Indians were armed with Spencer rifles, and needle guns, bows and arrows.

Still keeping on their course into the settlements, on the 14th they made their appearance in Wire County, about five miles from Decatur, where they killed and scalped Nicholas Dawson. On the morning of the 16th, as they were leaving Wire County, going north with 99 head of horses, they were espied and followed by a party of cattle men, led by Robert Stephens, Perry Cook, and others, who charged them, wounding several, and recapturing the 99 head of horses.

Many families moved into the town of Montague from the country, and are making preparations for the security of the women and children.

On word being sent to Fort Richards, Gen. Oaks, commanding the post, immediately sent the small but gallant Capt. Mauck with twenty men to our relief, as we expected the town to be attacked at any moment.

After waiting several days for the excitement to abate, on the morning of the 25th of July, myself, Perry Cook, Samuel Kilgore (father of the boy captured at the Peak), Edward Koozera boy of fourteen years, who made his escape by hiding in the brush on the morning of the murder of his fatherleft for Fort Sill, riding the distance of 90 miles in the night, as we deemed it more safe from Indians than daylight, hoping we might get back the women and children, or at least hearing something from them.

On arriving at Fort Sill, we called on our friend, L. Tatum, Quaker, U. S. Indian Agent, who received us very kindly, and seemed to feel much sympathy. We next called on Gen. Grierson, Commander at Fort Sill, who received us very cordially, and said he would do all in his power to help us in this sad affair, giving us permits to remain ten days longer if we wished, furnishing us rations, and voluntarily offering us an escort on our return. Gen. Grierson told us that the Indians about two months ago stole seventy-three head of Government mules out of his corral, and had killed five men in the immediate vicinityone at the Indian agency, one at Shiley's mill, one at the Gov. Slaughter house, one cattle herder, and two men camped within two miles of the Fortthen all left on the warpath except a few old men and squaws. Said he had heard from them lately, and they wanted to come in and make peace. He stated that he sent them word they could do so, but did not tell them on what terms. He told us he expected some in daily, when no doubt we would get news of the captives. The next day there was a party of 40 or 50, who pretended they had not been on the warpath, who came in and said that the warriors were in camp about fifty miles from Fort Sill, and they had the Kilgore boy and the Koozer family. Agent Tatum issued them some rations. General Grierson told them to tell the others to come in and bring the mules that were stolen, and the women and children they held as captives, and make peace, and all would be right.

We waited patiently, hearing nothing more definite until Saturday evening, August 6, when nearly 200 of the leading chiefs and representatives of the Kiowa, Comanche, Cheyennes, and Apache tribes arrived, saying they had come to make peace; consequently a council was arranged for Sunday morning between the Indian Agent Tatum and General Grierson.

The hour having arrived, our little Texas party repaired to the Indian Commissary, where we found the Council in session, Gen. Grierson and Agent Tatum occupying chairs on the north side of the building, the Indians sitting in front on the floor.

The Indians said they would hear from the war chief first. Gen. Grierson, in quite a lengthy speech, welcomed the savages back to Sill, and hoped they had come with their hearts full of peace. He was glad to see them, etc. Agent Tatum followed in a short, pointed speech, to which the Indians responded with a long grunt. Then the chiefs by turns made speeches, telling how good they were going to be (at any rate until they got their grub), and that it was not the old ones, but the young warriors who had been depredating, and they could not control them, but had now promised to be peaceable. They wished to know on what terms Gen. Grierson would receive them. The General, in somewhat of a spirited speech, told them they must bring in the balance of the mules (they only bringing in 25 head) and also the captives, seven in all, before he would receive them or issue them rations.

About half the Indians left the house, and all seemed more or less angry. This broke up the council, but a few of the chiefs agreed to give an answer in the morning.

The next day we went to the council, found plenty of Indians there, but no General or council. But we did find Agent Tatum there, issuing ten days' rations to all the tribes left behind. At the sight of this our hearts leaped for joy, as we supposed the Indians had agreed to bring in the captives. But alas! We were sadly disappointed, for we were told the Indians would not give them up without pay, and General Grierson refused on the ground that there were no appropriations made for that purpose. We proposed to pay for them ourselves, but were told by General Grierson that we must not do it. Agent Tatum told us that as soon as he issued rations, General Grierson would arrest seven of the leading men, and hold them as hostages for the captives.

In the council a young Kiowa Chief named White Horse came up in front of General Grierson and acknowledged that he was the man who killed the men around the Post, and led the party into Texas, who murdered Koozer, and took the women and children. Another came forward and said he was the man who had killed the stage driver, Frank Taylor, and destroyed the mail of B. F. Fickling's overland route between Fort Smith and New Mexico, about twenty miles west of Ft. Richardson, about four weeks since.

We learned a few days since that the next day after we left Texas, the Indians killed three, and scalped two negroes one mile from Victoria Peak. The negroes were with a two horse wagon, going after a load of furniture for the widow Green, who had moved to town a few days previous.

When, I ask, will Government do something for the protection of those frontier people? Do you think if we should send a delegation of Texans of the larger losers of horses to Washington, they would fare as well as Red Cloud, and get 17 head of good horses? A good many of the Texas men have lost six and seven hundred head of horses by the Indians.

After the Indians received all the rations, they commenced leaving. Under the hill, near the General's house, Agent Tatum and General Grierson had a talk with some of the Chiefs. We were not allowed to hear their conversation, and all the Indians were permitted to leave without one being arrested. We again called on Gen. Grierson, and he told us the Indians had promised, and he thought he could coax them to bring the women and children in two or three weeks.

And thus it stands. You can judge of our saddened hearts as we leave tomorrow on the lone ninety miles of prairie route (not a house to be seen) for Texas, to carry the sad news to the loved ones at home that their son, brothers, and sisters are yet at the mercy of those red savages, encamped near the east end of the Wichita Mountains, while here at Fort Sill there are six companies of U. S. Cavalry, and four companies of U. S. infantry, and they cannot do anything for those poor women and children for fear of making the Indians MAD. I would here state that we are under many obligations to Commanding General Agent Tatum and Mr. Tierse for their kindness towards us during our stay here, and also to our old friend, Wm. Mathewson, for his kindness in furnishing us good, comfortable quarters at his store near the Agency, and the many Indian tales he has told us while here, as he has been in the Indian country seventeen years. He is formerly from the State of New York. Yours. More anon.


Walnut Valley Times, September 9, 1870.

[Correspondence of the Times.]
After our slight spring acquaintance, and long absence, we again greet our friend, the WALNUT VALLEY TIMES. All of its patrons, and indeed, all fond of progress, are proud of the paper, and Eldorado deserves it. A short time ago we were in town, and the rapid advancement she has made in one year, is great. A wide-awake, living town, will support periodicals characteristic of it.

Augusta, we confess ignorance of, to some extent; not having been there to see, neither having heard, nor having seen her husband, C. N. James, to inquire of her welfare; but of course, it is to be expected that Augusta enjoys her usual prosperity, if not a little more so.

Winfield, our south-door neighbor, we have not heard from lately, though the last news was favorable. In a back No. of the TIMES we noticed a description of Creswell, which told of her marvelous strides. We have intended to take a trip in that direction, to luxuriate in the beauties of her locality, but plead the old excuseprocrastination.

At the rate she was growing then, as given by the writer200 claims being taken in a daywhy, we cannot locate her boundary-line; of a necessity, she would take in Winfield, and us; wholly ignoring Prof. Norton, who, ere this, should have succeeded in teaching his pupils the beauty of proportion. We are glad to know that our country is being settled so rapidlyand hope there will not remain a foot of ground on the thirty mile strip unoccupied.

[The remainder of his correspondence dealt with people in Douglass: Huffman & Brown, Quimby, Chastain, Dr. Morris, Mr. Drea, J. W. Douglass, Mr. Uhl from Humboldt, Mr. Shamleffer, Mr. White, Mr. Kelker, C. H. Lamb, Esq., Mr. Stone, W. H. Douglass, Mr. R. Odell, Mr. S. Shaff, Mr. Flint.]

"Crops have done well, and none have finer yields, or more acres under cultivation for the time, near town, than Mr. S. Shaff. He is one of the first settlers; came when J. W. Douglass first came, though literally commencing his home a year ago. . . ."

"Some of the citizens have had a very heavy loss of stock, by Spanish fever, it is supposed. No cattle should be driven in, just from Texas. To couple with this embarrassment, is the loss of horses by horse thieves, who wander about, north, south, east, and west, selecting their prizes, which are taken at the proper moment. On the night of Aug. 8th, several were stolen from here, one from E. C. Nash; two from Dr. Miller; a pony from J. White; and a pony from J. W. Douglass. Near the same time we are informed, twenty seven American horses were taken from Wichita. Can it be these thieves have families waiting to welcome them home, ignorant of the committal of these criminal deeds! . . ."

" . . . So closely allied are the crimes of horse-thieving and land-thieving, it would require a close discrimination to detect the shade of a difference but in its immensity.

"The method of stealing claims by a Co. arrangement of "foreman" and "backers" as in the case of Boyd vs. Lamb, which facts are proved, being now revealed to the public, is more convenient and modest than a single handed game, for each of the sneaking party, provided they are content with their share of the gains. These fellows are infesting Southern Kansas, reveling in their soul bought freedom, thinking not that just men alone are free, while all the rest are slaves. . . ."


Walnut Valley Times, September 9, 1870.

Prof. Wilson and family are in town. He reports lively times in Cowley, with increasing immigration.


Walnut Valley Times, September 30, 1870.

Dr. Kellogg, of Arkansas City, was in town last week.

Walnut Valley Times, September 30, 1870.

Nenesquaw is the name of a new town in Cowley County. The site is selected, and is at the mouth of the Nenesquaw. A rich country surrounds it, and the prospects are fair for a large place.

Walnut Valley Times, September 30, 1870.

"In answer to inquiries from different portions of the country, I will not be a candidate for County Attorney at the coming November election. . . . W. P. CAMPBELL."


Walnut Valley Times, October 7, 1870.

The Land Office at this place has received the following letter from the department at Washington, from which it will be seen that the Hon. Secretary of the Interior has decided that the State is not entitled to the 16th and 36th sections on the Osage and Indian Trust Lands for school purposes. These sections will now be open for settlement, and purchase under the Joint Resolution of April 10th, 1869, as the balance of the Osage Lands. This decision will not effect those sections on the Osage Ceded Lands. Humboldt Union.

GEN. LAND OFFICE, Sept. 21, 1870.
Register and Receiver, Humboldt, Kansas.

GENTLEMEN: I enclose herewith for your information a copy of decision of Secretary of the Interior, dated 26th of August, 1870, relative to the claims of the State of Kansas to the 16th and 36th sections or equivalent therefore in the Osage Ceded and Trust Lands.

Very Respectfully, JOS. S. WILSON, Commissioner.

WASHINGTON, D. C., Aug. 26, 1870.
SIR: I have received your letter of the 5th of March last in regard to the right of the State of Kansas under the Joint Resolution of April 10th, 1870, to equivalents for 16 and 36 sections within Osage Ceded and Trust Lands where the same may have been settled upon prior to survey.

In reply I have to state that by the act of January 26th, 1861, there were granted to the State for Schools, Sections 16 and 36 in every township of Public Lands in said State, and where either of said sections or any part thereof has been sold or otherwise been disposed of, other lands equivalent thereto, and as contiguous as may be, shall be granted to said state for the use of schools.

The lands embraced in the 2nd Article of the Osage Treaty (of Sept. 29th, 1870) are required to be sold in trust for the benefit of the Indians.

The United States acquired no beneficial interest in them, and in no sense can they be considered public lands. The State therefore has acquired no right through the United States, to any part of said lands and is not entitled to equivalents for such of the 16 and 36 sections as may be disposed of to pre-emptors.

The United States, however, purchased under the treaty the land embraced in the First Article, and therefore they became public lands, and for such of the 16th and 36th sections of them as may be sold or otherwise disposed of the state will be entitled to select equivalents, which must be taken as near as may be to the ceded tract. Yours respectfully,

Your ob't servant, J. D. COX, Sec'y.
Hon. Jos. S. Wilson, Commissioner of the General Land Office.

Walnut Valley Times, October 14, 1870.

Counties long the two proposed lines of this road have been very active of late, in voting county bonds as an inducement to the immediate construction of the above road. This road is now completed to Ottawa, in Franklin County. Should it be built southwest to the line of Franklin County, by either of the proposed routes, Franklin County gives $75,000 for its construction, therefore the contest for the road lies between the counties of Coffey and Greenwood on one side, and Osage and Lyon on the other. Coffey and Greenwood counties have both voted $200,000 in bonds to aid in the construction of this road, should it pass through their counties. Osage County proposes to give $100,000 and Lyon $200,000 bonds in aid, should it come by the Emporia route. If this road should be constructed to Eureka and on to Arkansas City, it would not run through this county at all. Should it be constructed to Eureka and on west through Eldorado to Wichita, it would get $200,000 from Sedgwick County, and probably $200,000 from this county. Should the road be built to Emporia and down the Walnut Valley it would receive $200,000 bonds each from the counties of Butler and Cowley. Therefore we have the aggregate in county bonds, by the proposed routes as follows:

By Eureka to Arkansas City.

Franklin County: $75,000.

Coffey County: $200,000.

Greenwood County: $200,000.

Cowley County: $200,000.

Total: $675,000.

By the Emporia route to Arkansas City, we have:

Franklin County: $75,000.

Osage County: $200,000.

Lyon County: $200,000.

Butler County: $200,000.

Cowley County: $200,000.

Total: $875,000.

Thus it will be seen that the difference in the two routes in bonds to be voted would be $200,000. Of course, we want this road and will vote bonds for it should it traverse the Walnut Valley. Railroad men should remember that we will vote bonds for this or any other road coming down the Valley, but that we cannot carry bonds for any road at this time unless it should pass through the thickly settled portions of the county.


Walnut Valley Times, October 14, 1870.

The above is the name of a new town recently laid out at the mouth of the Neneskaw, on the Arkansas River, in Cowley County. The Town Company are T. C. Hill, President; L. B. Wamsley, Secretary; P. B. Maxson, L. A. Wood, Jr., R. Gates, R. Freeman, and John Lonehead, Directors. This town is about 40 miles from here, the post office address being Douglass. R. Freeman is putting up a grocery and provision store; Dr. L. B. Wamsley, a drug Store; and parties have contracted to put up a mill soon. A dry goods store will be opened there in a few weeks. Plenty of good bottom claims in the valley of the Arkansas are yet to be taken. Timber is plenty and the land is of the best quality. The town is about halfway between Wichita and Arkansas City, and bids fair to make a post of no small importance. Persons in search of a location might find just what they wanted here. We wish the new town success.


Walnut Valley Times, October 21, 1870.

We are indebted to Col. Houston, of Kansas, for the following official returns of the census of the State. These figures include the entire State with the exception of Davis County, which will not be in until Monday next. The figures on the left of the counties indicate the number of census subdivisions of the county. Where the words "all west" are added, they mean that the figures given include all territory lying west of the county mentioned. It will be seen that the total population of the State, Davis County excepted, is 348,082. Davis County has a population of about 5,000, so that the total population of Kansas is about 353,000. These are the first official figures that have been published.

[Listing of some of the counties.]

1 BUTLER 3,042



1 HOWARD 2,796


5 DOUGLAS 20,582


Walnut Valley Times, October 21, 1870.

It has been charged by persons interested, that the people of Eldorado are in favor of changing the County lines of Butler County, and to that end will do all in their power to have a new county formed south of us, by cutting off ten or twelve miles from each of the Counties of Butler and Cowley. There is not, in our opinion, ten voters in the township of Eldorado that are in favor of dividing Butler County at all. This township will vote solid against any change in the county lines of this County.


Walnut Valley Times, October 21, 1870.

The Emporia news of the 14th says: we are glad to hear that the republicans of Sedgwick County have placed in nomination for representative, J. M. Steele, of Wichita.

Prof. H. B. Norton has been nominated by the republicans of Cowley County for the same position. This nomination is a good one. Prof. Norton, as the public knows, was for years connected with the State Normal School. He is a gentleman of liberal education, a forcible debater, a man of thorough knowledge of the wants and interests of the section of the State from which he hails, and a man of unimpeachable and never-failing integrity. If elected, he will be heard from always on the side of right, in the next Legislature. At this distance from the "field of battle" we are inclined to the opinion that the people of Cowley County cannot do a better thing than to let Prof. Norton try his hand as a legislator.


Walnut Valley Times, October 21, 1870.

Prof. H. B. Norton has been nominated by the Republicans of Cowley County for Representative to the Legislature from that county. Mr. Norton lives in Arkansas City; and as a county seat war is going on in that county, another ticket will be put in the field. The second convention will be held on the 20th inst.

From the Winfield Censor of last week we take the following:

EMIGRATION: The stream of emigrants now coming on to these lands is larger than ever before. This new impulse to population is due to the fact that the final stroke has been given that extinguished the Indian title to the Osage reservation.

VEGETABLES: One of Mr. A. Mener's sons brought to our office this week two mammoth specimens of the vegetable kingdoma beet and a radish. The radish is two feet long, fifteen inches in circumference, and weighs six pounds. The beet is proportionately as large, and they are an evidence of what the soil of the Walnut Valley will do in a dry year.

COMING. The time is coming when the issues that have been so severely canvassed in the two county papers, relative to the division in the Republican party of Cowley, will be discussed from the stump by citizens of the county. Believing that there is a more proper place for the discussion of the controversy, we shall keep the subject out of our columns as much as possible in the future.

IMPROVEMENTS. Dr. A. D. Williams, late of Leavenworth, is erecting a commodious building for a drug store next south of Alexander & Saffold's store, on Stone and Wall street. The Doctor is a physician of fine attainments and will at once receive the confidence of the people of the county.

Mr. A. A. Jackson is making preparations to erect a commodious furniture store on Wall street. A store of this kind is needed here, and we have no doubt that Mr. Jackson will meet with unbounded success. Let the good work go on.

Capt. Hunt is erecting his store on the corner north of the Courthouse, in which he and his partner, Mr. Maris, will open their large stock of dry goods; their goods are here and being opened now.

Messrs. Oakes & Oakes are putting up hay just north of town, preparatory to wintering 2,500 head of cattle. The cattle are now on the range between the Walnut and the Arkansas River, west of town.

PRICES. Oats are retailing here at one dollar per bushel, corn at one dollar and ninety cents, potatoes at one dollar and fifty cents, and all scarce at that.

FERRIES. Mr. Thomas Wright says he will have his ferry boat running across the Walnut, just below town, in ten days. Come on with your high water then.

A ferry boat is to be put upon the Arkansas River at or near the mouth of Ne-ne-skaw River, about nine miles from this place.

RAILROADS. A big railroad meeting is to be held at Howard on the 15th of this month, in the interest of the Humboldt, Fredonia, Winfield & Arkansas City R. R. Cowley County should be well represented.


Walnut Valley Times, October 21, 1870.

Dr. H. D. Kellogg has ordered me to bring suit on all notes and accounts not paid by the first of November. Those who owe him and desire to save costs, will please call at my office at once and pay up. J. S. DANFORD.


Walnut Valley Times, October 21, 1870.

Col. Pland, with a company of U. S. troops, has been running the State line on the south, and reports the line not less than six miles from Arkansas City. This is good news to some of the citizens of that town, as they were afraid their town was out of the State.


Walnut Valley Times, October 28, 1870.

We take the following items from the Cowley County Censor of the 22nd.

This county has been visited with more rain and more high water than the oldest inhabitant of Kansas ever experienced before. On account of the impassable streams and bad roads of course it has been difficult for men to travel. Now that the weather appears settled and the roads are growing better we may look for brisker times and stirring events.

On the 12th or 14th day of November a large party of explorers and pleasure seekers will start from this place on a trip to the Great Salt Plains that lay about 125 miles to the west of us. A scientific geologist and several newspaper correspondents will accompany the expedition, as well as several experienced and skillful hunters. Citizens of Humboldt, Fredonia, Howard, Emporia, Augusta, and other points in southwestern Kansas will be in the expedition. Saddle horses, and all the necessary equipage will be furnished by each individual of the party. It will take about two weeks time to make the tour. Everybody is invited to go along and enjoy themselves in their own way.


Walnut Valley Times, October 28, 1870.

M. M. Murdock, our big brother, was nominated for re-election to the State Senate for the 18th Senatorial District, composed of the Counties of Osage and Coffey.

Walnut Valley Times, October 28, 1870.

Prof. J. R. Wilson, of Arkansas City, will please accept our thanks for a bottle of No. 1 sorghum. Mr. Wilson came up to shake off a little of the accumulation of city life, and rusti cate awhile in our village.


Walnut Valley Times, November 4, 1870.

From the Arkansas Traveler we take the following.

A meeting will be held on next Thursday evening, at the City Hotel, for the purpose of electing a treasurer to receive the funds subscribed for the erection of a schoolhouse, and apply the same for the immediate purpose of said schoolhouse. All those who subscribed lumber will please deliver it on the ground as soon as possible.

As another proof of the fertility of Kansas soil, we would refer our readers to the two mammoth turnips presented to us by our friend, P. F. Endicott. The largest one measures thirty inches in circumference and the smaller one twenty-seven.

MR. EDITOR: I would say for the benefit of my brother-in-law, John Stewart, now in Wisconsin, who takes your paper, that I have seen and measured said turnips, and also have been pleasantly surprised with many other vegetable productions of a like prodigious nature, since I came to this State. How is that for high? T. O. M.

NINETY-THREE. Arkansas City has now fifty-two buildings up, and a recent saunter through town revealed forty-one more, in various steps of progress. Such growth seems incredible, and we can scarcely believe our senses when we recollect how this site looked on the 2nd day of last January: the day we surveyed out its boundaries. The world does move! The fifty-second building is Mr. Balcomb's residence.

GEORGE MITCHELL, of Wichita, while on his way to Arkansas City, on last Thursday, attempted to cross Polecat Creek when it was supposed to be fordable. But finding the water being deeper than he expected, he endeavored to turn, and get out; in which attempt the pony, which was hitched to a sulky, was drowned. The young man, however, managed to reach the shore. The pony and sulky are yet in the creek.


Walnut Valley Times, November 11, 1870.

From the Cowley County Censor of November 3rd, we take the following:

PRAIRIE FIRE. We regret to state that a very extensive prairie fire swept through the valley and over a large tract of upland, yesterday, burning up a large quantity of hay and doing other serious damage for miles around. Our neighbors Messrs. Oakes & Oakes, lost over 200 tons of good hay, and we hear of many others who have sustained heavy losses.

COUNTY LINES. Prof. Norton has pledged himself not to change the county lines of Cowley County if elected. He has been driven to this position by the people of the county. He started out with the full determination of cutting a strip off from the north end of Cowley, but he found the measure so unpopular that he has abandoned it for the present. He is still in favor of the measure, but offers to not favor it this winter if elected. Besides this project, we have been told that Prof. Norton reported on Grouse Creek that we and Mr. Manning, especially, intended if elected, to cut a piece off from the east of Sumner, and attach it to Cowley, and to drop a piece off of the east of Cowley on to Howard. We are authorized by Mr. Manning to say that he has no such desire or intentions; but that he is opposed to any change in our county lines.


Walnut Valley Times, November 11, 1870.

A report came from Cowley County that H. B. Norton, of Arkansas City, is elected to the Legislature.


Walnut Valley Times, November 11, 1870.

On last Wednesday morning four men were found in different localities, in the vicinity of Douglass, in this county, who had been murdered the night before. All, or nearly all of them, were citizens of this county. Three were shot, the fourth was found hanging to a tree. On the breast of one was found a card, upon which was written, "Shot for a horse thief." Further remarks are unnecessary.

LATER. A gentleman who was present at the inquest reports to us the following:

James Smith, alias J. H. Gilpin, was shot with a carbine through the head and breast four times. Lewis Booth was shot at his house, after being taken out about 9 o'clock on the night of the 8th, two shots in the head and breast, and was powder-burned. Jack Corbin, a government scout, was hung after being taken from Booth's house to a sycamore tree, one hundred yards from the house. He had on his body an order for the arrest of a Scotchman, name unknown. George Booth was shot through the head and breast. The two Booths were shot while trying to run; some fifteen shots were fired at once and a short time afterward three more reports were heard. Mrs. Booth thinks there were about fourteen in the crowd. They entered her house with leveled pistols. In Douglass, during the day a crowd of men were in town, inquiring about stolen horses, and asked for Jim Smith and Lewis Booth, and did not leave town until about sun down. They stated that they were hunting stolen horses!


Walnut Valley Times, November 18, 1870.

[From the Emporia Tribune.]
EMPORIA, KANSAS, Nov. 7, 1870.
EDITOR OF TRIBUNE. Is Texas to be a great shipping point for cattle next year? is a question our people must answer for themselves. On some accounts, Emporia is the best point in Southwestern Kansas.

Here shippers will have their choice of at least two routes:

1st, Over the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe and Kansas Pacific, to Kansas City. Soon the Chicago and Leavenworth and Topeka, giving us a direct route to Chicago.

2nd, We have here the route down the valley via Fort Scott and Sedalia to St. Louis. Eventually we shall have the road to Ottawa and then choice of routes either to Kansas City, or direct to St. Louis via Paola and Holden. From 2,000 to 3,000 Texas cattle have been shipped from Emporia this fall, and no one injured. Col. S. N. Wood of Cottonwood Falls has shipped from this point 850 head direct from Texas; but the quiet manner in which the business has been done has benefitted Emporia but little.

Now Arkansas City is our objective point. It is fifty to sixty miles nearer to the cattle region of Texas than Wichita; is 150 miles nearer than Baxter Springs, and is the natural point for Texas cattle to reach our state.

What we need is a route selected with care, so that the cattle and this trade can reach Emporia. This done, our city becomes at once the headquarters of the cattle trade of Texas. It would be the outfitting point of all returning drovers. It would bring trade to Emporia worth a million dollars a year.

Will your member elected to the Legislature have nerve enough to take this "Texas bull by the horns," and bring this immense trade to Emporia? It would be even a measure of protection to the country. There would then be no excuse for "smuggling."

Hoping that your readers may at least think on this subject, I am truly, etc. A CITIZEN.


Walnut Valley Times, November 18, 1870.

ARKANSAS CITY, KAN., Nov. 15, 1870.
ED. TIMES: In order to declare E. C. Manning (People's Candidate) elected over H. B. Norton, Republican, the two Winfield Commissioners have thrown out, as informal, the vote of Rock Creek, Cedar, Dexter, and Grousejust two-thirds of the County!

Of all known feats of political shystering, this is certainly the largest on record.

Of course, the case will at once be contested, and somebody will get hurt. X.


Walnut Valley Times, November 18, 1870.

Immediately south of Butler is Cowley County. It is unnecessary for us to eulogize the last named counties. They are only to be seen to be appreciated. Write to H. B. Norton, Arkansas City, or to E. C. Manning, Winfield, for information about Cowley County. We are convinced that these three counties are the best in the State, and would advise home- seekers to come and see the great southwest.


Walnut Valley Times, November 25, 1870.

MAX FAWCETT, Nurseryman and Horticulturist, whose name in this connection is a household word in Southern Kansas, passed through here on his return to his romantic place of burbling springs and sparking waterfalls, on the banks of the Arkansas, at Arkansas City.

Walnut Valley Times, November 25, 1870.

Col. A. J. Angell, Contracting Surveyor of Leavenworth, accompanied by his assistants, O. F. Short, of Leavenworth, Jeremiah Ellis, of Adams Co., Ohio; Lieut. Ludwitz, and M. Athey passed through our town on Monday last, en route to survey the Osage Indian Trust Lands, in Sumner and Cowley Counties. They expect to complete the survey by the middle of next April. The outfit consisted of 25 men, 6 horses, 9 yoke of oxen, and six two-wheel carts for hauling corner stones.


Walnut Valley Times, December 2, 1870.

A Day of Fasting and Prayer.
To the People of the Cherokee Nation:

It is proper and becoming for all people at all times to humble themselves before Almighty God, and to confess their sins, and to implore his forgiveness, guidance, and protection, through Jesus Christ, but the necessary of so doing is especially apparent and urgent, when people and Nations are in circumstances of distress and danger, and when threatened with public calamity.

As an encouragement to prayer and supplication, under such circumstances, we have only to turn to the promises of God, that when his creatures cry to him for succor in distress, or for protection in weakness, that His ear will be ever open to hear the prayers of sincere and earnest men. We can turn, also, to the repeated instances in which God has heard the prayers of distressed Nations, and listened to their confessions of sin, and protected them by His power, and warded off calamities.

Nineveh, when the edict of the Almighty had been issued for her destruction, proclaimed a fast, and all the people, from the King to the beggar, prostrated themselves in humiliation, and lifted up to God the cry for deliverance. The heart of Jehovah was moved to pity, and the decree was annulled, and he repented him of the evil that he had determined against that city. Thus God, by both word and action, has declared Himself to be a prayer-hearing God.

Today, the Cherokees and the whole Indian race, are in distress and danger. Powerless, we lie in the hands of the Government and people of the United States, as did the Jews in the hands of Ahasuerus and the Persians. The United States can bring the weight of forty millions of people, and untold wealth, and skill to crush us in our weakness.

Not only have they the power thus to crush us, but with very many the disposition is not wanting. Already the cry for the extermination of Indians is heard from quarters so high and influential as to give alarm to the whole Indian race. Especially are we alarmed, when we read in the short history of the United States name after name of mighty nations of red men, who once occupied this vast continent, but who are now swept from the face of the earth before the white man.

Amid the general decay of the Indian Nations and the annihilation of the vast majority, the five nations of the Indian Territory have not only survived, but increased in numbers, accumulated property, advanced in civilization, and adopted the Christian religion, and are now building churches and schoolhouses, establishing printing presses and agricultural societies, and making more rapid strides in civilization than ever before.

All this prosperity under God and His gospel we owe to our separate national existence, and the protection and security afforded by our treaties with the United States. Although their treaties have been frequently violated, and protection has been but partial, still they have served to prevent the tide of immigration from flooding our country, and to thwart the rapa cious land grabbers and liquor sellers, and to check injurious legislation by Congress. But avaricious men, and the enemies of the Indian, have opened their batteries on Indian treaties and threaten their annihilation. Efforts are being made to annul and destroy all of our treaties, and thus tear away our only human defense, and leave us to be the sport of capricious legis lation and unjust administration, and the victims of unscrupulous speculators.

Even now, before these treaties are annulled, the sacred obligations of the United States, to protect us, are to a great extent rendered negatory by unjust judicial decisions, and unwarranted official rulings.

Our adopted citizens have had their business houses closed by order of the United States Officials, to the great injury of our community, and are compelled to obtain in Washington license to transact business.

The tax-gatherer stands ready to enter our country and wrench from us our scanty earnings. Already the manufactories of our citizens have been seized and sold, under the operation of tax laws from which the United States are sacredly pledged to exempt us.

Now the organization over us by force of Territorial or State government is urged. Our title to our lands, and invested funds, has been questioned. The very foundations of our National and individual existence are threatened. The demand is made in influential quarters, that the Government of the United States shall disregard sacred pledges, and raise the flood- gates, and let in upon us a stream of immigration to overwhelm us.

Our rights and liberties are trampled into the dust; our citizens are arrested by United States marshals, contrary to Law, dragged to prison in a foreign State, arraigned before a foreign court, and acquitted or condemned at the caprice of Judge and jurors of a strange tongue, in a foreign land, who have no sympathy with us, and no regard for our rights or liberties.

Viewed in every light and from every standpoint, our situation is alarming. The vortex of ruin that has swallowed hundreds of Indian Nations, now yawns for us.

In these circumstances of distress, where shall we go? Whither shall we flee for help?

Our Delegations, our lawyers, and friends have failed to stay the onward progress of usurpations. Our prayers, memorials, and petitions have fallen unheeded on the ears of Congress and department of officers.

To God, then, the Ruler of the Universeto Him who holds in His own hands the destinies of nations, great and small, and who disposes of Emperors and Kings, together with their Empires and kingdoms, according to His own good pleasureto the LORD OUR GOD, let us go with our case. Let us pour out our prayers into the ears of a merciful Jehovah, who in the days of old "hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree." To Him let us confess our sins, and pray for National preservation, and for individual protection. In this let us unite with one heart, and one voice, and with deep earnestness of soul.

Now, therefore, in view of our critical condition, I, Lewis Downing, principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, do hereby set apart, and appoint, Thursday, the 17th day of November, A. D. 1870, as a day of National humiliation, fasting, and prayer. And I do hereby call upon all the people of the Cherokee Nation to observe the same, strictly, earnestly, and sincerely. Let christians of every name throughout the whole nation, lay aside their ordinary business engagements, and assemble at their various places of worship, and unite in earnest prayer and supplication to Almighty God for national preservation. Ask God to incline the hearts of the rulers and the people of the United States, to observe strictly their solemn pledges not to trample down our rights and our liberties. Pray God to secure to us our country and our homes, to save us from usurpation, which fill our land with foreign officers, who drag us before foreign courts, and cast us into foreign prisons, without color of law; which levy unjust taxes and confiscate our property to satisfy the same, which lays unjust and oppressive restrictions on a portion of our citizens to the injury of all.

Let us beg of God to save us from usurpation which threatens to destroy the last vestige of self government that remains to us, and to open our country to white emigration, and thus take from us our homes, and destroy us as a people. Let us humbly ask God to save us from these calamities, and give us peace, to protect us by His own power. And thus preserved, we may become a nation devoted to God, loving Him with all our hearts and earnestly laboring in his service. A nation redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, His son.

Given from under my hand and the Seal of the Cherokee Nation, at the Executive Department, C. N., on this, the 17th day of October, A. D. 1870.

Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation.

Walnut Valley Times, December 2, 1870.

Nine months ago there were but thirty-five houses on the town site of Eldorado. Today there are nearly two hundred. . . .


Walnut Valley Times, December 2, 1870.

As will be seen by the following official letter from Jos. S. Wilson, U. S. Land Commissioner, twenty four miles have been taken off of this district:

Register & Receiver, Humboldt, Kan.

GENTS: By order of the President, dated 15th ult., the western limit of your district is fixed on the range line dividing ranges eight and nine east, and you will deal with the lands to that line accordingly. I directed the land officers of Augusta, Kansas, to return to you such archives as relate to the lands re-embraced in your district. J. W. WILSON, Commissioner.


Walnut Valley Times, December 2, 1870.

The President of the town Company, Mr. J. C. Fuller, informed us the other day that twenty-three business houses were now under contract and in course of construction. How's that for a town only four months old? Winfield Censor.


Walnut Valley Times, December 9, 1870.





Walnut Valley Times, December 9, 1870.

On last Thursday, December the 1st, William Quimby, a merchant, Dr. Morris, a practicing Physician, his son, and Mike Dray, all of Douglass, Butler County, were taken from their homes by seventy-five or a hundred men, to the timber, a short distance from town, and hung. It will be remembered that on the 8th ult., Jim Smith, Jack Corbin, Lewis and George Booth, were hung at or near the same place. We shall not attempt to make any statements regarding the hanging of these men. We have heard a great deal of talk about the matter, but as we do not know any of the facts in the case, we forbear making remarks.


Walnut Valley Times, December 9, 1870.

Arkansas City has fifty-six buildings now completed and occupied, including a hotel, printing office, various business houses, two saw mills, etc. The flow of immigration to that locality is very great and steadily increasing.


Walnut Valley Times, December 9, 1870.

From the Arkansas Traveler of November the 30 we take the following.

Mr. Beedy is here, and has commenced work upon his water-power. We shall soon have running at this point the best saw-mill and grist-mill in Kansas. Mr. Beedy is a mill-wright of extensive means, and of many years experience. He has built mills on many rivers, from Maine to Oregon. Our people need not entertain the slightest doubt about the matter. Beedy & Newman mean business.

From the Winfield Censor, we take the following.

Over two hundred dollars in cash was collected here in one day by subscription and sent to Leavenworth for the school furniture for our new school room, now in process of erection. The building must be pushed along or the furniture will be here before it is completed.

We neglected last week to record a distressing occurrence that happened some days ago on the Arkansas River, near Arkansas City. Two brothers named Kulp, or Culp, were traveling with a team and looking at the country, with a view of settling. They, as usual, had a gun with them. One of the brothers, on taking the gun from the wagon, drew it toward him, muzzle first. The hammer was caught on some object and the gun discharged, the contents entering the region of the heart. Immediate death ensued. The remaining brother, almost distracted, with a friend passed through here the same evening with the corpse, performing the sorrowful task of taking it home to Illinois for interment.

Our energetic neighbors, the Graham brothers, have headed a subscription list for the M. E. Church by pledging to furnish the material and put up the frame of the building, if the citizens of the town and vicinity will raise enough funds to complete the building. In fact, one-half the required sum was raised the first day the project was started.

A BAPTIST CHURCH. The Rev. Winfield Scott was here a few days of this and last week and preached several interesting sermons. He woke our people up to the importance of building a church at once. A building committee has been selected, the site chosen, the work commenced. The structure is to be of stone, 24 x 40 on the ground, 16-1/2 feet walls. Over $500 of the money necessary for the building has been pledged, and the stone is already being delivered on the ground.


Walnut Valley Times, December 16, 1870.

It is impossible for us to obtain any facts regarding the hanging of the men at Douglass. That eight men have been killed in the southern portion of this county within the past few months, we all know. It is well known that a great many horses have been stolen in this, as well as other portions of the State, during the last year. It is also known that men who were strongly suspected of being horse-thieves have been arrested, but it was impossible to bring them to trial. Men have been found in possession of stolen horses and cattle, and yet they could not be convicted. Many of the people who settle in this country are poor and cannot afford to have their horses stolen. Public feeling was aroused, and it was evident that someone had to suffer death. We do not know that any of those who were hung were horse- thieves. It is generally believed here that at least one or two hundred men, many of them prominent citizens of the Walnut Valley, sanctioned the hanging of these men. We might write several columns on this subject, but believe it would avail nothing. Many good men live here as well as a few bad ones, and we should not all be called horse-thieves or murderers.

Now that the excitement is over, we will say that the "Butler County War" has not raged as furious as has been represented. Life is not in danger anywhere in the Southwest. Everything is going on as usual. Immigration continues, and people coming to this country will find peace and prosperity.


Walnut Valley Times, December 30, 1870.

The Censor, at Winfield, is to be enlarged and improved.

The Arkansas Traveler has changed hands and will be enlarged greatly and will soon be one of the best papers in the State.

From the Censor of the 24th, we take the following items:

Mr. A. J. Thompson fell from the roof of his building last Saturday and received a blow on the head that rendered him unconscious for some hours. He is all right now.

Mr. McCoy has arrived with his brand new steam saw mill and is engaged in setting it up about three miles above town on the east side of the Walnut.

The rush of strangers to our town is unprecedented. It is overflowing with new faces, and business is very brisk. New business enterprises are being opened up every day and the rich lands of Cowley are eagerly sought after.

We understand an effort is being made to establish a mail route along the Grouse Valley and it is expected that a stage line will be put on the route before long. The valley is occupied with industrious and intelligent people and these enterprises are much needed.

SAD ACCIDENT. A gentleman named Henry Jones, who lives in Cass county, Missouri, was traveling with a party of friends in this locality looking at the country, and met with a serious accident while driving about two miles north of town. He was driving a team in the rear of another wagon. The motion of the front wagon discharged a gun loaded with buck shot, that lay in the wagon, and the contents passed through the rear end-gate and three or four buck shot entered the left shoulder and lungs of Mr. Jones. It caused a serious and perhaps fatal wound. He now lies at the house of Mr. Templeton under the care of Dr.Mans- field of this place.


Walnut Valley Times, January 13, 1871.

Mr. Cyrus Scott, of the Arkansas Traveler, called on us this week.


Walnut Valley Times, January 27, 1871.

The Traveler says that Norton Bros. Indian Trade this winter will amount to over $30,000.

Walnut Valley Times, January 27, 1871.

Prof. Kellogg is making arrangements to enlarge the Arkansas City Traveler to an eight column paper.

Walnut Valley Times, January 27, 1871.

A resolution has been introduced asking Congress to make the transit of Texas cattle through the Indian Territory free of charge of interference by the Indians.


Walnut Valley Times, February 10, 1871.

Elsewhere we publish the proceedings and resolutions of a public meeting, held in Eldorado, on Monday evening, February 6th, in reference to the County Line Question. We are all aware that the people residing in the southern portion of Butler and the northern portion of Cowley Counties want a new county formed out of the territory now comprising the two named counties. This proposition is one that we are all more or less interested in, and should engage the candid consideration of every citizen of these counties. The question is, whether these counties are not too large for practical purposes.

Leaving out local issues, would it be to the best interest of the taxpayers of these counties to have a new county formed, embracing the territory in the south of Butler and north of Cowley counties. E. C. Manning, Representative of Cowley County, was elected on the issue of "no change of County lines." H. B. Norton, his opponent ran on the same platform, but was defeated.

L. S. Friend, Representative elect of Butler County, distinctly stated in his canvass of the County, that he was opposed to any change in county lines, and would not, if elected, do anything to change them, unless a majority of the legal voters of the county petitioned for a change; then, and not till then, would he act in the matter. He has held his seat more than half of the session and has adhered strictly to this pledge.

Mr. Baker, who was a candidate for Representative, was also pledged to oppose any change in county lines.

All the citizens in the lower portion of this county want a new county. Quite a number of people scattered over the county are favorable to the proposition. It is claimed by the advocates of this measure that a county thirty-three miles wide by forty-two miles long, is too large for practicable purposesthat what is for the interest of one part of the county is not for the otherthat so long as our county remains as large as it is, so long will it be engaged in local fights. There is and can be but one fair way to decide this matter, and that is to leave it to the people who are interested in the matter and who are affected by it.

Mr. Manning and Mr. Friend are not going to take up this question unless the people move in the matter. This session of the Legislature is so far advanced that it will be impossible to do anything this winter.

Therefore, there can be but one thing for those who are favorable to this third county movement to do, and that is to submit the proposition to the people and let them decide the matter. We shall favor the following proposition, which, in our opinion, will settle the vexed question.

Let those who are in favor of the new county movement, nominate a man for Representa tive who is distinctly and positively in favor of the movement; and, on the other hand, let those opposed nominate a man who is opposed to a change in county lines. By this move we will ascertain the will of the people of the county, which should be law, in this, as well as all other matters. We are opposed to any change in our county lines, if it has to be secured by fraud, deception, or misrepresentation. A part of the town may resolve that they are in favor of a new county, while others may resolve to be opposed to it. We shall endeavor to discuss this question candidly and frankly, and shall do what we can to secure to the people their rights in this matter. A fair discussion of this question will do no harm, and we hope to see it settled by fairness and not by fraud. It is for the people to say when this county shall be cut; how it shall be done, and where the lines shall be drawn.

As Cowley County is in the same boat with us, these remarks will apply equally as well to her. Those of our friends in the southern part of the county who want a change, should give the people time to consider this matter, as they will gain nothing by undue haste.

We attended and acted in the capacity of Secretary of the meeting that passed these resolutions. We did not vote for them, nor can we endorse them. We publish them by a request of the meeting, as we would publish the proceedings of any other meeting. We do not know the exact sentiment of this community on the county line question, nor do we know what the masses of the people, outside of those who are directly interested in this matter, think of this movement. As this county line question has been the prime cause of all the local quarrels in this county, we want to see it come squarely before the people, without being mixed up with any county-seat movement, and let them decide whether or not a new county shall be formed.


Walnut Valley Times, February 10, 1871.

At a meeting of the citizens of Eldorado, held in the Masonic Hall on February 6th, 1871, in which Allen White was chosen chairman and T. B. Murdock, secretary, after speeches were made, for and against, by J. J. Wingar, W. T. Galliher, Elder Small, T. B. Murdock, Dr. White, and others the following resolutions were adopted.

Resolved, That we the citizens of Eldorado, in Butler County, are in favor of the division of the territory comprising the counties of Butler and Cowley into three counties, taking into consideration the population, nature of the country, and the streams in said territory.

Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to circulate petitions to the above effect, and to confer with the citizens on the streams in the south part of this county, and vicinity of Douglass as to where a fair and just division of said territory would be.

Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the WALNUT VALLEY TIMES. ALLEN WHITE, Chairman.

T. B. MURDOCK, Secretary.


Walnut Valley Times, February 10, 1871.

At a meeting of the citizens of Eldorado and vicinity, held in the schoolhouse on Thursday evening, February 9th, T. B. Murdock was chosen Chairman and William Crimble, Secretary. After considerable discussion, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted.

WHEREAS, We are thoroughly convinced that the people of the southern portion of this county are anxious for the formation of a new county out of the territory now composing the counties of Butler and Cowley, and

WHEREAS, We are credibly informed that petitions are in circulation in that portion of the county, asking the Legislature of the State, now in session, to grant them a new county, as aforesaid, and

WHEREAS, We do not believe that it is possible to accomplish this object by petition this winter, be it therefore

Resolved, 1st. That as the Representative of Butler and Cowley counties were both elected on the issue of no change in county lines, we believe it impolitic and not consistent with the expressed will of the people to agitate the question further this winter.

Resolved, 2nd. That we will endeavor to bring this county line question fairly before the people at our next Representative election.

Resolved, 3rd. That as the taxpayers are the only persons interested in this question, they ought to have a voice in saying when our county lines should be changed and where the new lines should be run.

Resolved, 4th. That we will depreciate any efforts that have been or may be made by any locality to interfere in any way whatever with the present limits of our county without submitting it fairly and squarely to a vote of the people of the county.

Resolved, 5th. That a copy of these resolutions be furnished the WALNUT VALLEY TIMES for publication. T. B. MURDOCK, Chairman.

Wm. CRIMBLE, Secretary.


Walnut Valley Times, February 17, 1871.

On last Thursday, February 9th, the House of Representatives declared that L. S. Friend, after having served as Representative from this County for thirty days, was not entitled to the seat on account of fraudulent voting and drunkenness of judges of the Eldorado precinct at the election on the 8th of November, and that T. H. Baker was the duly-elected Representative from this county. Our readers are all aware that this contest case was a one- sided affair throughout, and that no attempt was made to prove that illegal votes were cast at any but the Eldorado precinct. We do not object to the proceedings of the House with the testimony before it, but we claim that a committee should have been granted Mr. Friend, with power to investigate the whole affair and find out if any frauds and corruption were practiced at other voting precincts in the County.

Mr. Friend, in his statement to the Legislature, claimed:

1st. That he was elected by a majority of the legal voters of Butler County.

2nd. That after throwing out all the fraudulent, false, and fictitious votes claimed by Baker, he was yet elected by a majority of twenty-three votes, and that the law and practice required Baker to make out his own case, and show that the mal-conduct, fraud, and corruption of the officers and the illegal votes counted were sufficient to change the result of the election before he could take any testimony in his own behalf.

3rd. Mr. Friend further stated that he was advised by counsel that he had no right to take testimony in the action without permission of the House of Representatives.

4th. He further stated that if he had opportunity, he believed he could prove fraud and corruption at the election at Augusta.

5th. That some of Mr. Baker's witnesses were untrue in point of fact and that some of them were prejudiced against him.

Many of the most prominent men of the Legislature, and of the State, took the ground that Mr. Friend was legally elected and that he was entitled to his seat.

We do not propose to justify fraud or corruption in elections, but we do claim that the whole matter should have been sifted to the bottom, and let the election stand on its meritsthat if illegal votes were cast in other precincts, it should be known.

It was our desire to secure the election of a Representative from this County who would oppose the election of Sidney Clarke to the United States Senate. That object has been secured and we shall not now mourn over the decision of the Legislature in this contested case.


Walnut Valley Times, February 25, 1871.

The testimony taken in the contested case of Baker vs. Friend was voluminous. Many witnesses were put upon the stand and were questioned and cross-questioned by the best legal talent that Baker could command; yet there was no evidence to show that Baker was entitled to a seat in the Legislature, or that Friend was not legally elected Representative of this county. Something must be done and something was done to defeat the will of the people and secure Baker a seat in the Legislature. Not satisfied with being beaten at the County Convention, he bolted and ran as an independent candidate and was again defeated. Not satisfied with this, he contested the seat of Friend, and by the use of a forged affidavit succeeded in getting a seat after the session was more than half over.

There was no evidence in the case, of any importance, but the so-called deposition of one Augustus Ottenott, who was one of the clerks of the election at the Eldorado precinct. We publish herewith, this so-called deposition in full, together with the affidavit of E. B. Peyton, Probate Judge of Lyon County, so that our readers can see by what means Baker secured a seat in the Legislature. . . .





Cowley County Historical Society Museum