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Sybil Bolton Antecedents, Bill Conner and Angie Pyne



Bill Conner, an Osage Chief, married a Miss Angie Pyne, of Osage Mission, last week.


Off For the Indian War.

Seven companies of the Nineteenth infantry reached Leavenworth, Thursday night, on a special train from St. Louis. Three companies left Kansas City for Forts Wallace and Lyon, on the Kansas Pacific. The others will go to the seat of the Indian troubles via the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road, and are detailed as follows: Two companies to Ft. Larned, two to Fort Dodge, and three to Camp Supply This regiment relieves the Third, and came from Louisiana. Traveler.




Items from the Traveler.

Prof. Norton will remove his family to Emporia next week.


Major Upham, of the U. S. Army, has been in town for several days, ascertaining the truth of reports concerning the late Indian depredations. He is under Gen. Pope and has charge of the U. S. troops between Caldwell and this place. Since his arrival here, he has been very energetic, and made every effort to secure all possible information.


Mail Matters. The change of mail we spoke of a few weeks since has taken place. We receive a mail every day, but it is two days old, as it lays over one day at El Paso. Instead of the buckboard to this place, as we mentioned, the stage comes direct from Wichita, without goint to Winfield at all. The connection for that place is Oxford, and from there it goes by buckboard to Winfield. As it is now, our Winfield mail comes via Oxford, and we have no direct communication with that place.


More Scalping Soon. We learn from several reliable sources that from sixty to one hundred Osages left their Agency for the plains last Friday week--they said to hunt buffalo--but it is pretty well understood by all that it is for the killing of their two last comrades, in Barbour county. Mr. Gibson did all he could to persuade them not to go, but he could not. Killing and scalping will undoubtedly take place, but, of course, it will not be by Osages, as they are always on their reserve. Word should be sent to the Medicine Lodge country, and more militia called out at once, to send aid to the western counties if they prove too many for the white settlers. Capt. Norton is already in that vicinity, but with only twenty men.


We have received a letter from Bill Conner, an Osage, in which he states there need be no fear from Indians, entertained at this place, as the Osages and wild tribes are not on good terms, and would war on one another. William only speaks for a portion of the Little Osages, when he makes his assertion.

He also informs us that the 150 ponies seen by our scouts, on the Salt Fork, belong to the Little Osages, and are being herded there on account of the grass being destroyed on their reserve.




Yah-hah is the Creek name for wolf.

700 Creek Indian children are now in school.

Augustus Captain is President of the Osage Council.

Large flocks of mallard ducks dot the waters of the Arkansas River.

Some of our Kaw neighbors have been dancing at Osage Mission, Kansas.

The missionary's wife who struck at an Indian, in her dream, hit her liege lod.

The only flouring mill in the Creek Nation has just been started at Muscogee.

If you want to avoid trouble, keep away from miners and Indians in the Black Hills.

To-ho lah, a Creek Indian, owned fifty slaves at the beginning of the war in the States.

There are now more than 300 colored voters in the Creek Nation, who were once slaves in the tribe.

T. L. Roger, of Cherokee and Osage blood, is secretary of the council now in session at Osage Agency.

Seminoles and Creeks livin the same Reservation, though each tribe makes laws for its own Government.

"Big Jeff," a darkey who weighs 300 pounds, was once a slave in the Creek country, but is now judge of the Creek Nation.

"No co-sil la" is a member of the Creek Nation, and served as a scout in the service of the U. S. for a term of three years during the late war.

"Yah ma-cah" and "It u mar-tle," of the Creek country, have more than 500 hogs and think that more than 10,000 may be found in their reservation.

Owing to continued snows and swollen streams, chiefs and counselors have been unable to return, and of course nothing of importance has yet been done.

The Methodist members of the Seminole tribe hauled stone, made lime, and built for themselves on We wo kah river, near Seminole Agency.

Fortunately, the people of this Agency are now practically temperate, hence the continuance of old time frog-ponds in the street is excusable in the absence of funds to be used for "civilizing purposes."

Mr. Conner, who has been so prominent in the service of Major Gibson during his official administration, is building an excellent border farm, near Sedan, Kansas, and expects to give us the parting hand at an early day.

The Osages have unanimously petitioned Congress to make one more liberal appropriation of their money. They are in earnest about it this time, and are urging their new Agent, Beede, to represent them in Washington at once.

The people of this (Osage) country are suffering another financial panic, and our landlords cannot afford hotel keeping without occasional settlement of board bills, though they have have been made by representatives of the "fair sex."

A tornado nearly 60 feet wide passed through the Delaware country on the night of the 5th inst., and blew to pieces the Delaware Baptist church. The loss of this new and well finished structure will be keenly felt by our Delaware neighbors.

As wolves gradually relinquished their hold upon our town-site and vicinity rabbits took their place, and on Monday last, since the earth has been so deeply burned in snow, the Osage school boys got loose and picked up twenty-four of them without the aid of dogs.


The Independence Courier says that the new agent of the Osages made a speech to the Indians the other day, telling them that he came down to make them quit stealing and running in debt. After he got through the Indians "Resolved, New agent heap dam rascal; worse than Gibson."

We deny the above statement with an equal degree of verbal force. The Osages are yet in council and are treating Agent Beede with a courtesy which Major Gibson never enjoyed among Indians.




The Lord's Prayer.

We have been asked many times for a translation of the Lord's prayer into the Osage language, and for a long time we tried in vain to obtain it. There are but few people now living, who are conversant with both the Osage and English languages, and a translation of this kind, properly made, is regarded as one of the most difficult tasks undertaken by the translator. However, we induced Wm. Connor, one of the best translators in the tribe, to try his hand, and after much study, with the following result, which is probably the best interpretation of it that has ever been made, and as good as is likely to be made at any future period.

In tah tsa un-co-tah pe mo-heh mo she-tah ing sheh.

Shah sha e-tah-tsa o ho-pa-sa-low:

O wah tun kah lee-tah-tse tsa-low;

Mo heh mo she-tah hah-co-tse-tsa-tah a-co-tse tsa-low:

Hum-pah-la-cah wah-chu-tsa on-co-tah-pe hum-pah

ca-sah-ne wah-q-pe-o:

Osh-cah pe-she on-le-she-lah-pe-keh wah-lo-stah-pe

com-bli-o, Osh-cah pe-she wak-she-lah-pe-ka ong-co-lah-pe-o:

Osh-cah pe-she o-wah-gle-ho-wah-pe-lin-cah, Osh-cah

pe-she geh-tse-tah heh-wah-gle ste-stah-pe-o.




Has anybody captured a young grasshopper in order to try his powers of endurance under a low thermometer? Ledger.

Yes, verily. We have the animal in our possession that has stood the wind, rain, and storm, been chilled to a degree that not a muscle could be stirred, and yet placed in the sun, soon evinced its usual activity. Fire and water is all that will get away with them, although we do not fear that they will remain long enough to do any material damage.


If you are troubled with headache, dullness, incapacity to keep the mind on any subject, dizzy, sleepy, or nervous feelings, irritability of temper, or a bad taste in the mouth, palpitation, unsteady appetite, pains in the side, or any such symptoms of liver complaint and constipation of the bowels, go to your physician and get a bottle of quinine with a little spirits fermenti mixed with it. Take the latter, leave the quinine, and rub the bottle on your neck, and you will feel as if you had taken something.


CALLED. WM. CONNER, well known in this vicinity, and the Territory, as the most intelligent Osage Indian in the Territory, made us a call last week to renew acquaintances. "Bill" was on his way west, as a guide to the party of Ponca Indians inspecting the country west of the Arkansas. Since leaving this place some years ago, Wm. Conner has donned citizens' clothes and has a farm of 107 acres on the Cana river, with a number of ponies and hogs.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum