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[From January 2, 1878, through December 25, 1878.]


Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878. Front Page.

SITTING BULL, having tired of his allegiance to the "Great Mother," is reported again within the boundaries of the United States in quest of scalps and plunder. It will now be in order for the British Government to send a commission to interview him.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

Renegades Caught and Killed.
The following dispatch has been forwarded to Washington by Gen. McDowell to the adjutant general. "General Kautz has just received the following dispatch from camp Bowie, Arizona, dated the 24th: Lieuts. Rucker and Tony, of the Sixth cavalry, have returned. They struck the party that killed the mail rider December the 14th, east of Stein's peak range, and killed one. Five days later they struck them in old Mexico, surprised the ranchero of thirty- four Wickiups, destroyed the camp, captured sixteen horses, fifty saddles, and a lot of stuff which the renegades had taken from the train. Fifteen dead bodies were found on the ground, with evidences that more had been killed. The mail matter was recaptured."

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

Sitting Bull Comes Home.
The Chicago Times' Helena, Montana, special says: Father Ginin arrived at Malas River Sunday, and reported to Fort Benton by messenger, that Sitting Bull had crossed the line and camped at Bear Paw mountains with a large force of Sioux and Nez Perces. A man named Valentino is supposed to be killed. This report is confirmed from other sources, and it is stated the Indians are burning the prairie south of Bear Paw, and Sitting Bull is on Miles' battleground and has been joined by Lone Deer's band of seventy-five lodges.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

The Blade published at Cedar Vale, closed its doors last week and quit. It was an experi-ment with Mr. Jarvis, and he ceased his endeavors while the paper has been issued but nine weeks of the second year of its publication. Sam made a very readable paper, that was always welcomed to our table.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

The advantages to be derived from improving stock are so great that they hardly need to be dwelt upon. A case in point, during the week, was made plain at the Stock Yards. Mr. Albert Dean, who has a ranch in the Indian Territory, sold here 13 half breed steers, two years old, which averaged 975 lbs. for $3.30 per 100 pounds, and two half breed cows, three years old, at $3.40. Kansas City Price Current.

We have frequently spoken of Mr. Dean's herd and urged stock men to adopt this plan of improving stock. A cross between the Texas and short horn gives hardy, thrifty, and very desirable beef cattle.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

INDIAN WAR. A Pawnee Indian came in last week and reported that they had a fight on the buffalo range on the south side of Red River, with the Cheyennes and Arrapahoes, in which thirty Cheyennes and twelve Pawnees were killed. The disturbance was caused by trespassing on one another's hunting grounds. The Pawnees being accused of trespassing, as they generally do, caring little for the rights of others and being a terror on the plains.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

From Bolton Township.
BOLTON, Dec. 24, 1877.
Friend Scott:

I thought I would drop you a few lines and let you know how we are getting along in Bolton. We are having a lively time just now, a wedding and a new school district this week. We are cutting off a mile wide from 96 and one mile from the Bland district, also a piece from 36. We Democrats have been misused by the colored people and the low Republicans of this district. They are all the time wanting to vote bonds for a schoolhouse and have schools.

I wish we had cut the district in two long ago and got out of trouble. We have got the petition signed by nearly half of the citizens of said new district, and don't you think Guthrie, Pepper, and McGinnis refused to sign, although our boundary lines will take them into the new district. They say they want a school, and of course we don't believe in schools, so they object to the new district. But never mind if Story is a Democrat, he will set us off if we don't get but few signers. Pepper says he has got up a remonstrance against it, but if Story is all right, he will do the fair thing with us. I was up in 36 today and they are awful mad about the new district, and talk of remonstrating against it.

"How I do wish people would mind their own business," and there is Lish Bowers says he won't stand it either, and we didn't intend running the new district nearer than one-fourth of a mile of his schoolhouse. Oh, dear! If people would only mind their business; but if Story is a Democrat, we are all right.

Now, friend Scott, if you will publish this and let the people know we are alive and striving, I will write you again when we get our district located.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

WINFIELD, December 22, 1877.
On last evening, although dark and rainy, a very respectable audience met in the new Methodist church to hear Noble L. Prentiss' very interesting lecture on the "Old Country." I say very respectable with a perfect understanding of the term, and because I mean it. I am well acquainted with the citizens of Winfield, and I know that her best men and women were present at this literary feastfor it was a feast of good things, and Prentiss knew how to carve and distribute the pieces. I will not say, as some Jenkinsonian reporters, that the beauty and fashion of the city were present, nor will I deny it; but I will say that the wealth, refinement, and intelligence of Winfield were out in force. If the evening had been pleasant, the house would have been crowded. As it was, I noticed among the audience the leading bankers, merchants, lawyers, preachers, printers, and their wives and sweethearts.

While waiting for the hour to arrive, and the assembly to gather, I took a slight survey of the splendid edifice in which I sat, with its beautiful stained glass windows, four on each side, rising almost from the floor to the ceiling, lit up with its thirteen patent gas burners arranged from front to rear over the middle aisle, making a flood of light all through the auditory.

Before the arrival of Mr. Prentiss, the audience was favored with a well executed piece of music, "Life on the Ocean Wave," by Mr. and Mrs. Buckman and Will Holloway; then a violin duet by Dr. Mansfield's sons. At close of this Prentiss walked down the aisle to the pulpit, where he was introduced by D. A. Millington.

After a few preliminary remarks in his inimitable style, by way of introduction, he then commenced his lecture on board the steamer as she glided down the bay of New York and out of the Narrows into the ocean; giving his observations on what he saw and heard among his fellow passengerstheir joys and sorrows, ups and downs, and how soon they took to the imitation of the throng around them. When the ocean heaved, the ship heaved; then the passengers heaved.

He even described the characteristics of the various nationalities on board and at the landing in the Mersey at Liverpool, humorously describing the Englishman with his silk umbrella and two hats, with only one head, and that sometimes a very indifferent one. He faithfully described the great cities of London and Liverpool, with their peculiarities, curiosities, antiquities, and reminiscences. Then he takes you with him on a trip to the North, passing through Leeds, Manchester, and other places until he lands you in the capital of bonny Scot-land, in two sensesthe home of the Scotch, and the land of Sir Walter Scott, the gentleman poet, and Robby Burns, the Ayreshire plowman poet and exciseman, a name that will live and be heard among the masses when that of Scott will be forgotten. I don't mean you, of course. The TRAVELER shall and must live forever.

After giving a glowing description of Edinburg; its houses ten stories high; its churches, castles, and magnificent surroundingsshowing you the chamber where Mary Queen of Scots witnessed the assassination of her favorite music teacher, while clinging to her skirts for protection, by the hand of her afterwards husband, Darnley; also the place of her imprisonment.

After describing the beauty and grandeur of an English gentleman's private residence and estate, and how he traveled over England on a railroad van as a male, he suddenly leaves us for the company of Mr. O'Neal, an Irish gentleman who chaperoned him to the land of "Sweet Erin," shows him Belfast, Derry, and the great Giant's Causeway, where he discovers five or six thousand basaltic columns piled up on top of each other, reminding him of a lot of Kansas politicians apparently straight up, but not perfectly "square," and no two of them agreeing.

Taking the back track on an Irish jaunting car, he visited Bush Mill and Port Rush, a small seaport town described by his traveling companion, Mr. O'Neal, as an elegant little place where the gentry from Ballymence, Strabane, Dublin, and beyant come to bathe, wash, and "oil their hair in its pure salt water."

But there is no use in me trying to give you a description of his lecture. It cannot be done. It must be heard to be appreciated. In a word, it is Prentiss-onian all over. Iowa has her Hawkeye man, Detroit her Free Press man, but Kansas has her Prentiss boy, that can discount any of them in the lecture line as a humorist, satirist, and graphic scene painter.

Your people ought to make arrangements to have him deliver his lecture in your city. Fifty cents' worth of his mirth provoking anecdotes will cure more chills than $2.50 worth of doctors' stuff or log cabin bitters. C.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

Friday, Dec. 22, closed the first term of the public schools at this place. The afternoon was very wet and the result was a small attendance, especially in the highest department. We were only confirmed in our first opinion as to the success of the schools. From all the circumstantial evidence produced, we are forced to acknowledge that Mr. Thompson has done well.

Declamations, essays, and the distribution of prizes were the exercises of the evening. We wondered if any of us knew the extent of delight those little presents occasioned. As each one received his or her prize, and marched back to their seat bearing their honors as bravely as possible, we noticed more than one little smile peep out of the corner of their mouths.

We spent just a few minutes in the lower departments. These two departments had edged themselves all into the intermediate department, and were having a fine time. Miss Ela has not mistaken her calling. Full of vim and ambition, she diffuses such a spirit through her school. A sprightlier, livelier set of children are seldom met with than those under the leadership of Miss Ela and Mrs. Theaker. Singing and declamations were the order here also. To the honor of the little ones, be it said, that not one blunder or hesitation occurred. The pieces were well chosen and well delivered, a thing of rare occurrence in common schools. We have thought in our Gypsy imagination that declaiming admitted into common schools ought to be taught as other branches are. Rev. Swarts talked encouragingly, and so passed the afternoon. Altogether, the public schools of Arkansas City are a success. Equal to any and second to none, under the present school system skillfully engineered by able, willing, and efficient teachers.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

Mr. Peter Walton is a sensible and substantial farmer of the Grouse valley. He came over to the Winfield mill the other day dressed suitably for handling flour bags. One of the mill boys asked him if he was Wirt's brother, and was answered in the affirmative. "Well," said the mill boy, "you don't put on as much style as Wirt does." "No," said Peter, "I used to be just such a d_____d fool as he is, had a three hundred dollar horse, and wore brass toed boots, but I have got over that." Courier.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

Having sold our entire stock of Drugs, Medicines, etc., to J. A. Loomis (who will continue the business at the old stand), we hereby notify all persons in debt to us to call in and settle by cash or otherwise at once, as we must close up our business immediately.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

PORK PACKING time has come, and the Green Front keeps the salt to do it with, cheap for cash.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

For a good, sour, cucumber pickle, go to Pierce & Welsh.

SAUER KRAUT at Pierce & Welsh's.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

I have twelve ponies I will sell cheap for cash, at the following prices:

One good sized brown work mare, $50.00

One good sorrel work mare, $40.00

One gray work mare, $35.00

One roan saddle mare, $40.00

One sorrel work mare, $30.00

One good sized saddle mare, $30.00

One gray saddle mare, $20.00

Five 3 year old ponieseach $20.00


Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

TOM KIMMELL has a boy!

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

One span of the Walnut River bridge is up.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

TELL WILLIAMS now counts himself one of the double men.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

A wagon was seen on top of the calaboose the morning after Christmas.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

The officers of the Masonic Lodge were installed last Thursday evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

MARRIED. FRANK SPEERS and Miss Rachael Steiner were married sure enough last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

The first snow of the winter fell last Friday night, and laid on the ground four days.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

A social dance will be held at Peter Myers' house in East Bolton on tomorrow evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

MR. RIDDLE has opened his goods in Pearson's building, and has a fine assortment of them.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

The father and mother of A. A. Newman came all the way from Maine to visit their children.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

WORK began on the bridge across the Walnut last week, and it will be ready to cross on in a few days.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

The bank at Harmon's ford is very muddy and difficult to cross. Some hay or gravel would help it wonderfully.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

The new dry goods man's name is Riddle. He will make special inducements to all who want to buy goods in his line.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

REV. R. J. THOMPSON has moved to El Paso, and will preach at that place two-thirds of the time, and the other third in this city.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

We learn from G. P. Strum, now in Washington, that Ed. Harbaugh, formerly of Barrett's surveying corps, was married last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

It is a fact, FRANK SPEERS and Miss Rachael Steiner are really married. La! me, how they did worry the folks putting it off so long

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

MARRIED. By Elder Broadbent, December 20th, Mr. Squire Curry and Miss Mary McCoy. The ceremony was performed at the residence of Mr. Haedicke. Good for squire.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

KEY-5-WEST. That is what the silk ribbon was marked with that encircled them. Schiffbauer Bros. have them, and gave us a bunch to test. They are an extra fine flavored five cent cigar.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

MR. MANTOR sold his interest in the grocery store to Mr. Pierce, late of Maine, last week. Mr. Pierce is at home in a grocery and will please all who patronize him. The firm is now PIERCE & WELSH.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

If England does take a hand in the Eastern war, what a time there will be. Wheat will go up, corn will be more in demand, pork will advance, but Houghton & McLaughlin will continue to sell dry goods at the same low rate.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

The Aristotelian Society meets at the Parker schoolhouse, on Tuesday night, 1st inst. The question for debate: "Resolved that Art exceeds Nature." After debate essays, select reading, and singing. All are requested to come.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

W. B. TRISSELL, agent for the Rose Hill and Walnut Valley Nurseries, starts for Chetopa this morning, with a span of matched horses for his employer. He will return next week and continue his good work towards the farmers in the way of nursery stocks.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

We have among us a jeweler who is more than an ordinary workman. Mr. JAMES RIDENOUR is his name, and he can always be found at Schiffbauer's grocery. Those having fine watches can leave them with him to be repaired without fear of ruining them.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

CHEAP LANDS. COL. McMULLEN offers twenty-five tracts of land, comprising grain farms, stock farms, timber and pasture lands, very cheap. The lands were purchased when they could be bought very low and are now offered at prices that will make it pay to buy.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

PIERCE & WELSH sell very nearly Everything you please;

Tobacco, soaps, sacks of flour,

Sugar drops and cheese.

If you go and make a purchase,

You never will regret,

But will seek their store as you did before,

And tell others to go, you bet.

[$1 for getting the above off.]

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

Mr. L. Finley intends removing to Pleasant Valley Township, and Dr. Leonard will not act as Township Trustee, so the Board of Commissioners will have to appoint a Clerk and Trustee.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

MR. JAMES WILSON has returned from Leavenworth, and is glad to get back, and everybody is glad to see him back. He brought with him a beautiful fern. Mr. Wilson is one of the greatest plant fanciers in Kansas, and probably one of the best posted gentlemen on flower culture. He has a fine selection in his store window. He thinks a great deal of his plants, but for all that he will sell some of the prettiest ladies' apparel you ever saw for half what it can be purchased for in any town in the Southwest.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

PRAYER meeting at the residence of Rev. David Thompson at 7 o'clock this evening. The U. P. Presbytery of Neosho will meet at the brick church in this place at 10 a.m., on Wednesday, the 9th inst., for the purpose of organizing and installing Rev. R. S. McClanahan as pastor of the U. P. congregation in Arkansas City, and it is expected that some of the brethren will remain to assist at the dispensation of the Lord's Supper on the following

Sabbath. All are respectfully invited to attend.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting at the First Presbyterian church will be held on Thursday evening of this week. Preaching at seven o'clock. After service the following items will come up for consideration: Hearing of reports. Election of officers whose time of office expires. At this meeting also, the election of three additional elders. Miscellaneous business. Let every member be present. S. B. FLEMING, Pastor.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

NEW YEAR'S EVE was celebrated at Bland's schoolhouse by a general good time. Enough were present to make a lively company without crowding the house, and there was room for all the gents' number fourteens without getting them tangled. Two violins, a banjo, a flute, a fife, and an accordion were the instrumental pieces, and when all broke out at once, it roused the bones of even the oldest. All went in for fun, and you can bet they had it.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

SOUTH HAVEN LODGE NO. 175, elected officers Dec. 15th, as follows:

F. H. Hunt, W. M.; C. H. Bell, S. W.; J. Hicks, J. W.; C. W. Wright, Treas.; O. M. Smith, Sec.; S. H. Pickering, S. D.; D. D. Robinson, J. D.; E. Seque, S. S.; H. Goodhue, J. S.; D. P. Robinson, T.

They were installed by J. W. Hamilton, and a nice dinner followed. T. H.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

MR. J. W. CANFIELD and Miss Bitha I. Bowers were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the residence of the bride's parents, on the first day of the new year, 1878, thereby celebrating in a manner always to be remembered. Both parties have a great many friends who are glad to chronicle the event.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

The festival given by the ladies of the Methodist Society, on Christmas Eve, was an occasion long to be remembered by those who attendedand it seemed as if "all the world and his wife" were there. The house was uncomfortably crowded with people, old and young, who had come to partake of the bountiful feast prepared for them, and witness old Santa Claus distribute his presents from the immense tree that stood at one end of the room, literally loaded down with handsome silverware for fortunate wives, valuable books for relatives and friends, besides an endless variety of dolls and toys to make glad the hearts of the little ones.

Supper was served from early in the evening until everybody was satisfied, when the distribution of presents was in order. Mr. Charles Swarts, in snow-white head dress and an overcoat liberally sprinkled with cotton, personified that mythical friend of the children, Santa Claus, and looked like a first cousin to a Polar bear, fresh from the land of the Esquimaux. It would be useless to attempt an enumeration of the presents. Nearly every man, woman, and child received something of greater or less value, to remind them that

"Christmas comes but once a year;

When it comes, it brings good cheer."

The fancy table was well supplied with ornamental articles, which the fair ladies succeeded in selling to the bachelors and young men as particularly useful to persons situated as they were. The gentlemen in question had no other course than to hand over the cash and pocket the article, but just how an old woman hater was to be benefited by paying fifty cents for an embryo apron made to pin around the neck, is a problem that remains unsolved.

On this table was a veteran law book, 131 years old, contributed by Judge Christian for exhibition.

Over the table hung a beautiful chromo, donated by Mr. E. D. Eddy, and to be given to the prettiest baby in the room. This question was decided by voting (ten cents for each and every vote, with the privilege of repeating ad infinitum), and resulted in favor of Claire, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Mitchell.

In the contest for the quilt, which was to be given to the handsomest old lady in the room (another dime affair), Mrs. Alexander came out victorious.

The charade was acted very creditably, but the noise of the crowd was so great that few could hear enough to enable them to guess the word. Miss Decou's surprising efforts at harmony, however, were heard above the multitude.

We understand the Society cleared about eighty dollars altogether, which will be applied to finishing their new building.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.

The Grange Festival given at the Grange Hall in South Bend, Pleasant Valley Township, last Monday night, was attended by people from almost all parts of the county, numbering in all nearly two hundred. The management and arrangement of the affair was one of the best we have attended in the county. A tent was erected a short distance from the door, where cloaks and wearing apparel were cared for, and checks given for safe keeping.

Close by was another long pavilion with a table filled with a dozen varieties of cakes, pies, meats, etc., with waiters sufficient to see to the wants of all. Under the same tent Mr. Goff engineered an oyster, cigar, candy, and apple stand, with a good heating stove behind him to warm by.

There were fifty-nine numbers sold, and the hall was crowded, yet, all had a chance to dance, and enjoyed themselves exceedingly. The Pennsylvania brothers furnished the musicthe best, without any exception, ever rendered at any similar entertainment in the county.

South Bend Grange is well known for its energy and hospitality, and its members compose most of the best people in the locality in which it thrives. By special invitation we attended the gathering, in preference to several others, and were glad of it; and would say to all who may be fortunate enough to be invited at any future time, go, if you can appreciate a good time.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878. Front Page.

Official dispatches from Big Horn post, in Montana Territory, says two Nez Perces have come into camp, having been in Sitting Bull's camp, and report that a white scout is in the camp of the hostiles as a prisoner. The Nez Perces are anxious to leave Sitting Bull, and are slipping away whenever possible, but are afraid to come in a body. A dispatch from Fort Buford says Sitting Bull is reported encamped on Rock Creek and committing some depredations, chiefly on other Indians.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.


The trouble on the Rio Grande is a nasty little row between rival cattle thieves over a salt lick. It is impossible to get up an international war over this thing. Ex.

Our national officials are too sharp to drag our country into a war with Mexico just to gratify these scoundrels.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

EAST BOLTON, January 4, 1878.
A social dance at Peter Myers' house was the event of the new year. All of East Bolton was there. Grouse creek was not representedGrouse Creek was there in full force.

It was a dance for the hardy sons and daughters of toil, whose cheerful hearts are not to know the fear of soul contracting want. No dainty fingered foppery there from fashion's beaten walk; no rouge painted faces, contracted waists, or opera airs, to mar the pleasures of the evening; but Nature's make-up, from the slender waist and curly hair to the full faced and round features of two hundred pounds. At 9 o'clock the dance began.

Many were elaborately dressed, though I mention but one. Miss Mary Myers wore a white Swiss, high corsage, and full sleeves, princess train artistically looped and held up by clusters of flowers.

At ten o'clock came supper, and the table groaned beneath all that any appetite could crave. Sixty took supper, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. Denton, Mr. and Mrs. Weatherholt, Mr. and Mrs. Skinner, Wm. Stewart and wife, O. C. Skinner and wife, Miss Landis, the Misses Chambers and Keys, and a host of young ladies your correspondent did not know. The dance continued until the wee small hours of morn, and in taking leave not one could say, "I am weary of this weary world." A. B. C.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

THOMASVILLE, Jan. 3, 1878.
Thinking you would like to know how the good people of this vicinity spent their holidays, I take this opportunity of penning you a few lines.

On Christmas day at half past nine o'clock your humble servant started for Winfield with orders to appear at the house of Mr. Warren Wood, between the hours of one and two p.m., or I would lose my share of turkey; consequently, horse flesh suffered until I returned, and not any too soon, for I found Mr. Turkey ready to step from the stove to the table, preparatory to the carving knife which W. A. Freeman held in his hand.

You ought to have seen this table. It would have made a hungry man dance with joy to see so much hash piled on one table.

After the turkey and other substantial grub was served (such as farmers have and farmers' wives and daughters know how to cook), then came the side dishes. O hurrah! it would take a column of the TRAVELER to name them.

The Rodger Bros. furnished the horse hair and rosin and the way the calico flew and the box toed boots pawed the floor. Well, to describe it would be to paint the sun beams, but everybody lived over it and are doing well now. More anon about the farmers and crops.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

A man calling himself Thomas Nelson was some weeks since found in the Indian Territory in a destitute and starving condition, and with his extremities badly frozen. He was brought into Sumner county, and afterwards to Wellington, and placed in the care of the overseer of the poor. Upon examination, Dr. P. A. Wood, County Physician, deemed it advisable to amputate his feet, and would have done so, but the poor fellow begged piteously for their retention. Under skillful treatment, he began to recover, contrary to the expectations of the physicians; and on Tuesday he appeared before Judge Evans and a jury, charged with insanity.

It seems that the charges were based on his inability or disinclination to give any intelligible account of himself prior to his discovery as above stated. While he seems to be able to converse and answer other questions, he persistently evades or refuses to tell where he is from or who are his friends. After hearing evidence and carefully investigating the case, the jury decided that the man was sane, and he was remanded to the care of the overseer of the poor. For several weeks he has been cared for and treated at the expense of the county, and he is yet likely to continue a public burden for some time to come. There is a mystery surrounding this case, that so far has baffled every effort at penetration. Wellington Press.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

Ponca Indians Seek New Reservation.
The Chetopa Herald says: The Chief of the Ponca Indians and a number of his tribe passed through here Wednesday, going west in search of a new reservation. It seems they do not like their new home near Baxter and President Hayes has promised them a new reservation. They were accompanied by their new agent, Mr. A. G. Boone.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

The following correspondence will explain itself.

December 26, 1877.
W. E. Cox, Wellington, Kansas.

DEAR SIR: In your letter of the 19th inst., you ask, "When do Justices of the Peace take possession of their offices?" You then add: "The present justices were elected at the November election 1875, under the new law, but did not take possession till April, 1876."

To all of which I have to say, that, under Article 3, Section 9, State Constitution, the term of office of Justice of the Peace is two years.

If the Justices elected in November, 1875, were elected for the full or constitutional term of two years, then they are entitled to serve two years from the first Tuesday in April, 1876, or to that day of April, 1878. And hence the Justices elected at the recent election (November, 1877) cannot take office until the first Tuesday in April 1878.

Very respectfully, WILLARD DAVIS, Attorney General.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

One-fifth of the purchase money required as FIRST PAYMENT, Balance on FIVE YEARS' TIME.

Below will be found a partial list of our lands and town lots, both improved and unimproved, we have for sale. This property is situated in the most desirable portion of Kansas, the great Arkansas River Valley, and adjacent thereto. The climate in this locality is unsurpassed, and the land is as fertile as any in the West. This portion of Kansas is keeping pace with the civilization of the age in building Railroads, Churches, and School Houses. Come here if you want a very desirable home for a very small amount of money.

West 1/2 of section 36, township 34, south of range 3 east; 230 acres, joining Arkansas City; all bottom land; plenty of water and timber; 100 acres in cultivation; very desirable tract of land; price $3,000. As soon as a railroad reaches here, this place will be worth double this sum.

S 1/23 of SE 1/4 sec. 5, tp 34, S R 3 D. This tract is in the finest portion of the Arkansas Valley. Known as the Sweet land; price $600.

E 1/2 of NW 1/4 sec 5, tp 34, S R 4 E. Upland; known as the Waldo tract. Price $300.

NW 1/4 sec 31, tp 33, S R 3 E. Very fine bottom land; plenty of timber and water; price $4 per acre; known as the McLane tract.

SE 1/4 sec 22, tp 34, S R 4 E. Seventy acres in cultivation; good house, plenty of water, price $1,300; 3-1/2 miles east of Arkansas City; known as the Kerr place.

E 1/2 of SW 1/4 sec 17, tp 35, S R 4 E. All in cultivation; on State line; a most excellent piece of land for stock: $700.

SE 1/4 sec 7, tp 34, S R 3 E. This is a most excellent tract of land near Salt City, in an excellent neighborhood; price $1,200. Known as the Sweet farm.

Lot 1 and 2, and S 1/2 of NW 1/4 sec 13, tp 35, S R 4 W, in Sumner county, Kas. Known as the James W. DeHoney tract; price $400.

NE 1/4 sec 9, tp 35, S R 2 W, in Sumner county, Kansas; known as the James R. Prange farm; price $400.

Lot 2 block 80; lot 25, block 132; lots 5 and 6, block 17; lots 9 and 10, block 150; and 5 acres of timber land on Arkansas river, near Max Fawcett's farm.

NW 1/4 sec 11, tp 35, S R 3 E. Known as the Buckwalter farm; price $1,500.

NE 1/4 sec 13, tp 34, S R 4 E; 80 acres in cultivation; price $800. Known as the W. G. Gooch tract.

NE 1/4 sec 33, tp 33, S R 5 E. Known as the Park farm; price $300.

E 1/2 of NE 1/4 sec 7, and W 1/2 of NW 1/4 sec 8, tp 35, S R 4 E. Known as the Edwards land; price $600.

NW 1/4 sec 27, tp 34, S R 4 E. Thirty acres in cultivation; price $1,200. Inquire of Rev. David Thompson.

Inquire of J. C. McMullen or Jas. Christian, Arkansas City, Kansas.
NOTE: The above was only a partial list of properties in ad.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

$2.50 MADE!
Do you see this Offer of Bliss & Co.,
Winfield, Kansas?
For a cash sale of $10.00 we will present the purchaser with a $2.50 Hat, or a pair of genuine Heavy Buck Gloves, or to any lady who will make a cash purchase to the amount of $5.00 at our store, we will present a pair of two-button Kid Gloves, or 10 yards of best print.

For Fifteen Days Only!
Final Settlement.
NOTICE is hereby given to the creditors and others interested in the Estate of L. W. Emerson, deceased, that the undersigned, administrator of said estate, will, on the 27th day of February, 1878, at one o'clock p.m. of said day, make a final settlement of said estate.

O. P. HOUGHTON, Administrator.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

Get your ice house ready.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

Last Friday was the 29th birthday of C. R. SIPES.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

The ferry west of town is running all right again.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

School began last Monday, after a week's vacation.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

The city is without a mayor. Dr. Kellogg is at Emporia.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

DEER can be seen almost any day in Goff's woods, a mile and a half north of town.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

It is time to do something to get a bridge across the Arkansas, if we are to have one.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

There was good skating on the pond near Speers' mill last week, and many of the boys accepted the opportunity of enjoying the sport.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

BOON HARTSOCK has a good large boat capable of carrying six persons at one time, which he will launch on the Arkansas at the ferry this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

KINGSBURRY AND HOMESLY, of Kansas City Stock Yard notoriety, have dissolved partnership. Mr. Homesly goes to Texas to take charge of his stock.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

A petition has been circulated asking the County Commissioners to appoint James I. Huey, Trustee of Creswell Township, in place of M. R. Leonard, who resigned.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

When the surprise party went to Rev. Fleming's house last week, Mr. Fleming was suffering with a severe headache. They left a quantity of good things and entirely cured him of his pain.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

With pork at 2-1/2 and 4 cents per pound, dressed, someone could make a small fortune by it. It will be eight and ten cents before next winter, and probably have to be shipped in then.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

MARRIED. On the 27th of Dec. by Dr. Taylor, at the residence of the bride's sister near Aberdeen, Brown County, Ohio, Miss Lucy M. Woodyard, formerly of Arkansas City, to Mr. W. N. Huron, of Brown County, Ohio.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

THE Police News pictures out the whipping of Doane, for pony stealing, by the Kaw Indians, in an extravagant style. The Kaws themselves are fearfully tickled over the illustration and ask many questions of it.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

A sycamore tree was cut on John Nichols' farm last week that measured over seven feet at the butt. There is not a wagon strong enough in the country to haul it to the mill, and it will have to be bursted in two with powder before it can be handled at all.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

The meat market of Pat & Posy, between the Green Front Grocery and M. S. Faris', made a good display of chickens, turkeys, venison, beef, pork, sausages, etc., during the holidays. Yesterday we noticed a fine fat heifer on their hooks that would grace any market.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

From last accounts Wyard Gooch and W. M. Bacon were camped this side of the Salt Fork waiting for the water in the river to fall. A load of flour and some provisions for the Pawnee Agency are there also. Bacon has learned to sleep with one eye opened and make a meal of slap jacks.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

The ladies' aid society of the Presbyterian Church will meet at the white church on Thursday afternoon at three o'clock, instead of Wednesday as announced, because of the ordination and installation of Bro. McClanahan on Wednesday.

MRS. EMMA E. FLEMING, President.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

The U. P. Presbytery, of Neosho, meets today at 10 o'clock a.m., in the east brick church. Rev. Jas. Barnett, D. D., of Emporia, is to preach the opening sermon. Two discourses will be delivered by Rev. R. S. McClanahan as trials in ordination. At 2 p.m., the exercises of ordination of Mr. McClenahan to the office or ministry, and installation as pastor of the U. P. church of this place, will proceed if his trial and examination are sustained by the presbytery and the call by the congregation is considered as regular and accepted by him. A meeting will also be held in the evening in the same church on unfinished business and prayer and conference. All are invited to each of these meetings.

Communion services will be held next Sabbath. Rev. Z. A. Collins, of Americus, assisting.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

On New Year's Eve a merry social party was held at the residence of Leander Finley, Esq., in this city. The youngsters enjoyed themselves hugely from dark until 1 o'clock. On hearing the uproar, we stopped and "peeped through the blinds," and saw some twenty-five or thirty youngsters of all ages, sizes, colors, and sexes, jumbled up together talking, running, jumping, playing, singing, and laughingall at the same timeapparently as happy and at home as a flea in a blanket. We exclaimed, in the language of the poet: "Go it while you are young, for when you get old, you cannot."

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

Scott, you seem to handle truth very carelessly for a newspaper man. In some future issue correct the false impression by informing your readers that the channel of the Arkansas River at Arkansas City changes three times every hour. Stand up for the truth if navigation is lost. Tell your readers that an experiment has been made with a skiff at your town, and that it was impossible to row across the river for sand bars. Sumner County Democrat.

The experiment you made with the skiff, Crawford, was when you began on the back water a half mile from the river and had to go over two or three cornfields. No wonder you thought the channel changed.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

NEARLY A GOOD BYE. As Mr. Trissell was returning from Chetopa, he attempted to cross the Cana River on horseback. After getting about half way across, the horse disappeared under the water, and Trissell likewise. When he came up from an exploration of the bottom, he gazed around and grabbed his horse by the bridle and held on while it swam to shore with him. Mr. Trissell could not swim a stroke, and had it not been for the lucky hold he got, he would be balancing his accounts with another world instead of recommending first class nursery stock to the farmers of this county.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

We neglected to mention that Mr. Wm. Coombs had his throat severely injured by drinking a few swallows of lye. It had been caught in the water pail and left on the kitchen floor. The hired man noticed it and sat it on the table where the water pail usually was placed, so that in the morning he drank it before discovering his mistake. He had presence of mind enough, however, to immediately drink some vinegar, and Mrs. Coombs then administered the white of an egg, so that the effects of the lye were counteracted before serious injuries were inflicted.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

As Mr. Adams was loading his wagon last week, the mules became frightened at a chicken suddenly flying up and started to run. He pulled on the lines, but could not stop them until they had run about fifty yards, when one of them dropped dead in the harness. It had been in perfect health a few minutes before, and the owner thinks it must have ruptured a blood vessel while running.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

CEDAR TOWNSHIP, Jan. 1, 1878.
Mr. Phillips, of the Free Methodist church, has been holding a protracted meeting at the Beaver schoolhouse, with marked success. Twelve were at the anxious seat at one time, but the bad weather had put a chill on it. D. W. Willey has a hop and oysters tonight. A big time is expected. R. A. M.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

The following pupils deserve mention for scholarship, having merited, in Reading, History, Grammar, Geography, and Arithmetic, by a written examination, the follow-ing average percent so far as they have advanced during the last term: Jerry Adams in the five studies mentioned, 91; Annie Norton and Mary Theaker, 85; Mattie Mitchell, 94; Laura Gregg, 76; Linnie Peed, not including History, 80; Linda Christian in same, 74; Flora Finley, in Reading, Arithmetic and Grammar, 85; John Parker in 2nd grade, 75 in the five branches.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

MR. STANTON, a relative of J. A. Stafford, and Mrs. Schiffbauer, arrived last week with his wife and two children. Mr. Stanton is a representative of one of the best families in Iowa, and intends to locate with us. From him we learn that a number of other families contemplate moving to this section in the spring.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

The bridge across the Walnut at Newman's Mill is complete, but the approach on the west side has not been made yet. The piers are about four feet higher than they originally were, and seem high enough to be out of danger, but the structure of the bridge is very light and should be well tested before accepting it.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

Arkansas City House.
Having lately opened a hashery, we send you these, our rules and regulations.

This house will be considered strictly intemperate.

None but the brave deserve the fare.

Persons owing bills for board will be bored for bill.

Boarders who do not wish to pay in advance are requested to advance and pay.

Boarders are expected to wait on the colored cookfor meals.

Sheets will be nightly changed once in six months, or more, if necessary.

Single men and their families will not be boarded.

Nightmares hired at reasonable rates.

Safety valves will be furnished to snoring boarders.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.

Keep constantly on hand a full stock of
Also a large assortment of Queensware, Glassware, Cutlery, Wood, and Willow Ware, and in fact everything the farmer needs. We sell for cash, and

by anyone. Call on us before purchasing elsewhere. All goods warranted as represented, or money refunded.

Go to the Green Front Grocery, Summit Street.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

The Railroad.
During the past two weeks we have heard a great many inquiries about the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern Railway, and many contradictory reports. We learn from one party in Emporia that the company did not succeed in selling the bonds voted to them and that the road was now being built with their own funds, and had to be built slow. The letter stated that they would build the road on time and be here according to agreement. Another letter stated that the road was being built, but that the cars would not be running to the south line of Lyon County in time to secure the bonds of Cowley County, without an extension of time. But few have doubts that the road will fail to come, and many believe it will be built the greater portion of the way according to contract.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

Considerable excitement has recently existed because of a rumor that a four-mile strip off the north side of the Cherokee country was open for white settlement, and was to be annexed to Kansas. We have taken pains to learn the facts in the case, but can get nothing except that the Cherokees have proposed to cede to the Government a strip off their lands next to Kansas. Coffeyville Journal.

The same is true of the lands just south of this county. A number of squatters have gone into the Territory and taken claims, built cabins, and are preparing to open farmsall on the same idle rumor. It is astonishing how foolish some men are, and what a thirst there is among the frontier people for adventure, in rushing into the Territory to take claims when as good land can be had for less money (when you count the costs) on this side of the line. These men will have to move back ere long, if Uncle Sam finds them on the reserve.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

WICHITA, KANS., Jan. 10, 1878.
We have had several bad accidents here today, and I will give you a brief account of them. The first was a Mr. Ed. Hickenbottom, who got up in his sleep this morning and walked out of a two-story window over the Savings Bank. Will probably not live.

A gentleman, whose name I did not learn, on getting up and stooping over, tumbled downstairs, causing the blood to come pretty free, but not serious.

This afternoon two boys, aged about 15, got into some difficulty, and one struck the other with a base ball bat, fracturing the skull.

Mr. Campbell, who is sinking the coal shaft near town, was caught in some of the machinery and his arm torn off, and bruised badly otherwise.

Last but not least of all. The bad luck of the day is that one woman ran away with another woman's man.

One of our police was telling me of a mysterious disappearance of one Albert G. Argo, who came from Nodaway county, Mo., last Thursday, to see some friends in Sumner county, by the name of Updike. He had made a bargain for a farm in Sumner county, and returned to Wichita with Updike to pay for the land. It seems that Updike and Argo were together all the time until Monday about 9 o'clock, when they parted at the door of the post office. Since that time nothing has been seen or heard of him. When he left Updike, he said he was going to the stable where he had left his team, and Mr. Updike was to meet him there. He did not go to the stable, and his team is still there. He had about $30 or $40 in money and a check for $500 on a Chicago Bank. The police are on the alert and all feel in hopes it will be ferreted out. He is said to be a good steady man. L.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

[For the Traveler.]
The U. P. Congregation of Arkansas City.
About five years ago this congregation was organized with a membership of eleven in full communion. Wm. M. Sleeth and W. Shaw were elected ruling elders. In 1874 the congregation, with aid from the Board of Church Extension, and the generous assistance of friends of religion here and elsewhere, erected a fine church edifice at a cost of about $3,000. Under the fostering care of the Presbytery of Neosho, in furnishing supplies of gospel ordinances, the congregation has increased in numbers and wealth so as to justify them in calling one to take the charge and oversight of their spiritual interests.

Their choice fell on R. S. McClanahan, a licenciate of Monmouth Presbytery, after they had had a trial of his qualifications to edify them for upwards of eight months. The presbytery having ordained and installed him as pastor, it is hoped that the pleasure of the Lord will prosper through his instrumentality. He has the confidence of the congregation and the community, as a man of fair gifts and decided piety. May the relation lately formed between him and them be prosperous and happy.

Two good men, Mr. Leander Finley and Mr. R. L. Marshall, were added to the session or eldership of the congregation last week, and a comfortable communion was held here yesterday, Rev. J. A. Collins, of Americus, assisting.

A good Sabbath school and weekly prayer meeting are kept up in the congregation. The congregation, being in such good working order and situated in one of the best parts of the State, with a fair prospect of new accessions of members, it is hoped that the congregation will take root downward and bear fruit upward, to the praise of God and the salvation of man.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

The Presbytery of Neosho, of the United Presbyterian Church, met in Arkansas City last week. The principal object for meeting was to ordain and install Rev. R. S. McClanahan as pastor of the U. P. church here. On account of this place being so far distant from the majority of the members of the Presbytery, only a few of them were present. Dr. Barnett, for thirty years a missionary in Syria and Egypt. was the Moderator. Mr. McClanahan was received by letter from the Presbytery of Manmouth, Illinois. A unanimous call, addressed to him by the congregation here, was sustained, presented, and accepted. Two trial discourses were delivered by Mr. McClanahan, which were unanimously approved, and he was solemnly ordained according to the usual order of the church, and the pastoral relation established; Mr. McClanahan receiving the cordial greeting of the members of the Presbytery and congregation. The people of this church seem much encouraged, now that they have a settled pastor among them. Revs. Dr. Barnett, Collins, D. Thompson, and R. J. Thompson, participated in the exercises. In the evening instead of the usual prayer meeting, Rev. Dr. Barnett delivered a lecture on the customs of Syria and Egypt, as illustrative of the truth of scripture, to a large and very attentive audience. CLERK.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

SOUTH HAVEN, Jan. 3, 1878.
[The following article would have appeared last week, but was accidentally knocked into "pi" just before going to press. ED.]

The protracted meeting at South Haven commenced week before last, is still in progress, and with much increased interest. There has been a general awaking among the members of both the M. E. and Baptist churches, and several backsliders have already been reclaimed. A very deep interest pervades the congregation and community. Quite a number are asking the prayers of the church. Revs. Harris and S. C. Noble, of the Baptist church, have been present and labored most faithfully with us. Also our lady evangelist, Mrs. Mary E. Neal, of the M. E. church, together with the preachers in charge, Revs. E. B. Abbott and A. W. Ryan. The services will continue for some time. Nine persons joined the M. E. church last night. May God prosper it to the salvation of many souls, amen. T. H.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

SOUTH BEND, January 9, 1878.
The unusual quiet of the Bend was disturbed by one of its most worthy young men joining the Baptists. On January 1st three of the blooming youths of South Bend started for the city. The convert (or as he was soon to be) was riding a most excellent animal. His animal was rather wild, but the daring youth fired his revolver right and left, the horse dancing a tune to the sharp reports. Coming home they went by Rev. Funlover, a young aspiring and prospering youth, and Rev. Capt. Ward joined the crowd and they proceeded to the middle of the river, and at the signal from Rev. Funlover (who fired his revolver) the Rev. Capt. dipped his convert into the river three times, and then immersed him completely. The Rev. did not bring his convert out, but he struck out for yon bank, which he soon climbed and disappeared. The convert was not fully convertednot in religion, but in the belief that his old friend Capt. Ward (whom he has eulogized to every person far and near) had gone back on him for onceat least as often as we know of. Rev. Funlover was laughing, as were all but the convert, who now waded to the shore. They separated, the convert going home sadly.

Capt. Nipp and Mr. Keffer have taken 80 hogs to Wichita. Capt. Nipp expects to start with some more in a few weeks.

The literary meets on Wednesday, Jan. 16. New officers will be elected on Jan. 23.

The "Herd Law" debate was decided in the affirmative. The subject for the next night is "Resolved that man is more attached to money than woman?" FRANK SIDNEY JAMES.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

Beaver Township Items.
Wheat looks well. The early sowing being the best, thus showing that the earlier we put our wheat in the ground the better it will stand the winter. Corn turned out very well and the farmers have it about all in their cribs.

Uncle Dick, the moneyed Hoosier man, is fencing his three quarters of valuable land with pine boards. He is from Housierdom, you know, and does not like hedges. All right, Uncle Dick, as long as your money holds out!

Our school is under good discipline, and is prospering finely considering the accommo dations we have.

Thomasville wants a new school house, and a uniform series of books.

Mr. Hiser has Mr. Woods new house almost completed, which makes quite an addition to our little vale.

The young man who got the mitten via the Christmas tree has taken a hint and is now trying his luck with the Creswell bonds. Young man, we wish you all the success in the world, but advise you to beware of the natives.

I understand there is to be quite a number of Hoosiers here in the spring.

Spelling school at the Centennial school house on Wednesday evening, and at the Thomasville school house on Thursday evening of each week. Come one, come all, and enjoy the fun. COLORADO BRICK.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

The Secretary of the Interior has informed S. A. Galpin, late Chief Clerk of the Indian Bureau, that his services are no longer needed, and informs him that the department is satisfied that the said Galpin has been guilty of gross neglect of duty in not taking the proper steps to bring to justice parties who have been guilty of defrauding the Government and the Indians. An investigation has been going on since last June and it has come to light that numerous irregularities have been practiced by contractors, traders, agents, and those connected with the Indian Bureau generally.

The report of the Board of Inquiry is very long and shows much crookedness. It is probable that there is to be a general removal of rotten timber and a stop put to a great deal of money making that has been going on at the expense of the Government and the detriment of the Indians.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

CHANGE OF FIRM IN EMPORIA. Tandy & Eastman, so long the owners of the post office drug store, have sold out to Kellogg & Hoyt, who came from Arkansas City. Some of our readers will remember Dr. Kellogg as a former resident here. He is a brother of Hon. L. B. Kellogg, and settled here several years ago, but when Arkansas City was started, located at that place. All will regret to learn of the retirement from our business of Dr. A. S. Tandy and D. W. Eastman, but we are glad they are to be so efficiently and acceptably succeeded, and we speak for the new firm a large share of the public trade. Emporia News.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

Week of prayer this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

MURPHY has arrived at Oxford.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

A building is being erected in Winfield for a faro and general gambling hall.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

S. P. CHANNELL has received two car loads of machinery for the spring trade. He is determined to have them here in time.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

MR. SAM JARVIS, of the Cedar Vale Blade, is again a resident of Cowley County. He contemplates returning to newspaper labors in Rice County.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

WINFIELD has been designated a third class post office with a salary of $1,000 per year, and the P. M. has gone to Washington to see about it.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

The new Board of Commissioners met last Monday and organized. Mr. Gale is the only new member, as Major Sleeth and R. F. Burden were re-elected.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

The wives of members of the Masonic Order are requested to meet at the hall in Newman's brick tomorrow afternoon at one o'clock. Come prepared to sew carpet.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

The young man selling buggies and harness at this place two or three weeks ago, by the name of Glenn, is a defaulter, and is accused of stealing $800 of a Cincinnati carriage manufactory. He went south in leaving this place, and rode a large bay horse with a pair of new saddle bags behind the saddle. It is supposed he has gone to Texas.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

Do you smoke? If you do, buy the Cowley County home made cigar, manufactured by R. Birnbaum, of Winfield, Kansas, branded "Our Boys," or the "La Magnolia." They are made of Connecticut tobacco, and have an excellent flavor. Hermann and Berry have them, and all the tobacco dealers will soon have them, regardless of the big tales the runners tell against them.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

COL. BOONE, the agent of the Ponca Indians, was here last week with a dozen or more members of the tribe, who had been looking for a home in the Territory, on the Salt Fork river. There is a prospect of the tribe being located south of this place. Mr. Boone is a grand- son of old Daniel Boone, the Kentucky pioneer, and has been with Indians in the West for more than twenty-five years.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

A number of young and married folks assembled at the residence of T. H. McLaughlin on Tuesday evening of last week, and passed a merry time. McLaughlin has got into the habit of making a success of everything he undertakes, let it be business or pleasure, and with the help of the amiable lady of the house, nothing was left undone that could in any way minister to the enjoyment of their guests.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

STORE BROKEN INTO. Mr. Goodrich, of Maple City, was at this place last week, in search of a couple of young men who belonged to a party of herders in the Territory, who broke into Mr. Southard's store on Monday night, January 7th, and took therefrom seven pairs of boots, several pairs of pants, some jewelry, knives, and other articles, amounting to $60 worth in all. They have not been caught yet.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

ERRATUM. In last week's issue a little notice appeared, stating that the young folks had a good time at the residence of Mr. Leander Finleyone of our most respected citizens. The article was written by a parent of one of the young ladies who attended the gathering. We read the notice and ordered it published, thinking it to be a good natured, friendly mention of the party, and believe the writer intended it as such; but inasmuch as the gentleman referred to feels deeply aggrieved on account of it, and denounces it as a base, vulgar, and malicious slander, "reflecting discredit on any orderly house," we will state that it was a young ladies' society meeting; that there was no "jumbling up together, running, jumping, and laughing." There were no "colors" there, and the party left in time to go to church in the evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

The Board of Commissioners met last Monday and Tuesday. After organizing, they announced they were ready to receive sealed bids to do the county printing for the next year, and the bids were handed in by W. M. Allison, C. M. Scott, and Millington & Lemmon. The latter named gentlemen agreed to print the delinquent tax list, and school land sales at legal rates, and all other county printing without further remuneration.

C. M. Scott bid to do all the county printing at one-fourth the legal rates prescribed by law, and publish the proceedings of the Board of Commissioners free of charge.

W. M. Allison bid to do all the county printing at one-twentieth the legal rates prescribed by law, and the award was made to him, and the Telegram designated the official paper of the county.

This is a lucky bid for the county as it will cost the gentleman about $200 to fulfill it.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

One of the most pleasant parties of the winter was held at Newman's hall on Monday evening, under the direction of two or three good citizens of this place. Music was furnished by C. R. Sipes, James Steiner, and Ret Berkey, and the floor managed by I. H. Bonsall and S. P. Channell. A good number were present, and the company enjoyed themselves exceedingly. It was the best selected audience we have seen in Arkansas City since the good old days of long ago, and the secret of it was there was no distinction made on account of surrounding circumstances. A similar party once every two weeks would add greatly to the social enjoyment of the place.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

A new dry goods store has been opened in Pearson's building, in the room formerly occupied by Berry Bros., by Mr. J. M. Read, of Hutchinson, Kansas, and conducted by Mr. Riddle, a merchant of known integrity and an accommodating gentleman. He has a fine stock of all kinds of dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, hats and caps, and proposes to sell at figures that all can buy. His stock of prints is very large and placed on revolving shelves so that you can go in and examine every price yourself. Call and see him.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

The ladies of the M. E. Church held a festival at the Centennial school house in Maple township, recently, which proved a financial success, and an occasion of much enjoyment to all present. The proceeds, amounting to $31.65, were promptly handed over to the pastor, Rev. Mr. Jones. Miss Belle Adams was the recipient of a splendid cake, a trophy of a lively contest between the admirers of the above named lady and Miss Annie Lowe. The cake brought $16, representing 320 votes. RED BUD.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

We neglected to call special attention to the new ad of Dr. J. A. Loomis last week. If you want anything in the line of drugs, patent medicines, paints, oils, varnishes, lead, etc., the Doctor can supply you. He also has a fine lot of stationery and toilet articles. It is the only place in town where school books are kept. Mr. Will Mowry has charge of the prescription department, and will be found at the store, ever ready to accommodate his many friends.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

List of licenses issued by the Probate Judge since December 24, 1877.

J. W. Canfield and Tobitha I. Bowers, of Creswell Township.

Chas. N. Barr and Clarissa Grimes, of Tisdale Township.

Chas. F. Zemmesman and Annie C. Wilson, of Winfield.

Allen Drumman and Florence A. Prater, of Winfield.

Henry C. Barr and Ruth Ann Reed, of Tisdale Township.

Jesse C. Franklin and Ella E. Scott, of Winfield.

Daniel Boonershiner and Ann V. Shope, of Rock Township.

Isaac H. Taylor and Susan H. Dowe, of Rock Township.

Solomon Mooney and Lucy Stanton, of Harvey Township.

Joel M. Rivers and Rose Hess, of Rock Township.

Wm. Fritch and Emma A. Luston, of Windsor Township.

Jas. E. Harlam and Margaret A. Shoughnessey, of Tisdale Township.

Sewell I. Olmstott and Lucinda Smith, of Rock Township.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

Our boys set a trap the other day for a coyote, and when they came to look, found a wild cat. So they tried again, and next time got a catamount, 4 feet long. It seems to be the same as the panther of the east (or as some called thempainters.) They are a savage creature indeed. So now the wish is among the boys: more traps.

Miss Hawkins' school is giving good satisfaction, and the young ideas are learning to shoot at a mark. SCRIBELER.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.


To the Citizens of Arkansas City and Farmers of Cowley county:
We wish to state that we have opened a new DRY GOODS & CLOTHING HOUSE and are prepared to sell a good quality of goods at prices to suit the times. We have every variety of Prints, Muslins, Flannels, DRESS GOODS, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and Notions. COME IN AND SEE OUR GOODS and learn our prices.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.


And everything usually kept in a first-class Drug Store.
W. D. Mowry, who has had six years' experience in this line, will superintend the Prescription Department.

Physicians' Prescriptions and Family Recipes Compounded at all Hours.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878. Front Page.

The report of the House sub-committee on military affairs, which has been investigating the Mexican question, is about prepared, and will soon be submitted to the full committee. It condemns the action of Secretary McCrary in issuing the order to Gen. Ord. to cross over to the Mexican side in pursuit of the marauders. The report will be pervaded with a spirit that the administration has been going much farther than it was warranted in doing by the facts in the case.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

Relief to Settlers Who Have Made Homes On The Border.
The following letter from Hon. Thomas Ryan states briefly that the Cherokees have accepted the proposition and the land is now in market.

WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 11, 1878.
Friend Scott: The Cherokees have accepted the bill providing for a sale of the Strip to actual settlers for one year, at $1.25 per acre; and all remaining unsold at the expiration of that time may be sold to any body, i.e., the highest bidder, at not less than $1.00 per acre. The Secretary has directed the land office to proceed at once to carry out this law.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

The following is an answer to a letter asking for information on the K. C., E. & S. Railway, written by H. C. Rizer, editor of the Eureka Herald.

EUREKA, KANSAS, Jan. 11, 1878.
C. M. Scott, Esq.:

DEAR SIR: Your favor of the 4th inst. at hand. I can give but little information relative to the present progress of work on the K. C., E. & S. The grade has been completed to Eagle creek, about 10 miles this side of Emporia, but I have not been able recently to get any news of a definite character. Men are still at work, how many I cannot tell. We received the bonds for this county some weeks ago, but they have not yet been signed and dated. We expected to have that matter disposed of by the Commissioners at the term this week, but our out- going clerk got the studs [?] and the matter must now go over until our new officers are installed. This delay on the part of our bonds has been mentioned at Emporia recently as a cause of the slow movements of the company. My opinion is that owing to the effort at repudiation made by a few of the older counties, there is a feeling of great caution on the part of all capitalists touching ventures in this State, and that some who at the start promised to back our enterprise have withdrawn, and Mr. Young is seeking aid from other sources. I expect to go to Emporia in a short time, and if I do, I will try and get something definite, and publish the same in the Herald. Respectfully, H. C. RIZER.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

[From the Winfield Courier.]
At the regular meeting of Jan. 7th the board ordered the opening of the Laubner, Loy and Owings roads; rejected the report of the commissioners to locate the Arkansas City and Independence state road, and refused to pay the expenses; allowed various claims, amounting to $3,878; approved the bond of Chas. Harter, sheriff; approved the bonds of a large number of township officers; received and approved the reports of trustees of all the townships except Otter, Sheridan, and Silverdale; canceled county orders paid by the treasurer to the amount of $4,403.17; canceled $27.50 in orders that had been in the county clerk's hands three years uncalled for; and granted ferry license across the Arkansas river, near Salt City, to Henry Pruden.

Monday, the 14th. New Board: R. F. Burden, chairman, W. M. Sleeth, and G. L. Gale. Appointed John Lynn and Frank Williams to assist Judge Gans in counting the county funds; appointed Jas. L. Huey trustee of Creswell township, vice Leonard, resigned; let the pauper contract to Butterfield, of Silverdale township; let the medical attendance to Dr. Shepard, of Arkansas City.

We are indebted to the courtesy of M. G. Troup, county clerk, for the above items, and also for the following.

Total assessment of the county, $1,967,563.

Total tax levy for all purposes, $70,784.92, of which $18,793.30 is school tax and $17,633.07 is school bond tax.

Treasurer Bryan has collected about $29,000 of the taxes for 1877, which is about 41 percent. Winfield township has paid over one-half of its taxes. Mr. Bryan has gone to Topeka to settle with the State treasurer. He will pay there about $7,000, including payment of all the school bonds that are matured.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

CEDAR TOWNSHIP, Jan. 15, 1878.
A sociable was held last week at the residence of Mr. Hiram Blenden's, in Spring Creek township. There were present Mr. Libby and lady, Mr. Austin Blenden and lady, Mr. J. W. Searle and lady, Mr. J. Bobbitt and lady, your correspondent and lady, and the following young folks: Mr. Sam McKelvey and Miss May Montgomery, Mr. Wes Martin, and Miss Jane Montgomery, Mr. Eli Blenden and Miss Sadie Rider, Mr. Wm. Key and Miss Cally Bell, Mr. Jas. Phipps and Miss Bell, Mr. Ike Blenden and Miss Pruitt, Mr. Newton Tolls and Miss Annie Pruitt, Mr. Ike Bell and Miss Addie Marston, Mr. John Montgomery and Miss Jane Tolls. First violin, Prof. H. Wells; second violin, John Bobbitt; piccolo, Jas. Key. The music was good, the supper splendid, and the dancers enthusiastic. Everybody went home happy as happy goes. W. A. M.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

The roads are worse at present than ever before known in this section.

Over fifty dollars were paid on Monday by the county clerk for rabbit scalps.

Over six hundred rabbit scalps were brought in to the county clerk on Monday before Christmas.

Several persons from this vicinity have gone to the Nation to take claims on the Cherokee Strip. Vain delusion.

Professor Lemmon, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, lectured before a meeting of the teachers in Howard county last week.

Sunday night last Wm. Prather, living six miles south of Boston, was shot in the breast, the ball passing through one of his lungs, by his brother, J. C. Prather. It seems that the brothers could not get along well together and frequently quarreled. The shooting occurred during one of these quarrels. Wm. Prather is a man of family. J. C. Prather was a single man. At last accounts the wounded man was not expected to live. Up to date the murderer has not been arrested.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

While other citizens of Oxford have been clamoring for bonds and demanding aid from the county, with which to replace the bridge over the Arkansas, Mr. John Murphy, with commendable energy has been quietly at work constructing a pontoon bridge; which despite the many obstacles he has encountered, is at last completed and safe and reliable communica tion with the kingdom of Cowley is restored. Press.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

The annual report of the Secretary of the Senate shows that the Belknap impeachment trial cost the Government $11,583.

Lawrence, Kansas, Jan. 14. The office of the central superintendent of Indian Affairs, hitherto located at this point, has been discontinued by order of the President.

It will be remembered that the Younger boys, Cole, Bob, and Jim, were committed to the penitentiary in Minnesota some time ago for robbing the bank at Northfield. Cole has since become a minister of the gospel, and preaches every Sunday to the convicts.

One-half the people of this county, who have business with the receiver of the Wichita Land Office, direct their letters to J. C. Redfield. JAMES L. DYER is the receiver of the land office, and to him these communications should be directed, if answers are expected.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

Complaint in Attachment.
Thomas E. Berry, Andrew A. Berry, and Isaac K. Berry, partners doing business under the firm name of Berry Bros., plaintiffs, against Londowick Maricle and David Maricle, defendants.

Plaintiffs demand two hundred dollars and interest.

NOTICE is hereby given that on the 9th day of January, A. D. 1878, I. H. Bonsall, a Justice of the Peace of Creswell township, Cowley county, Kansas, issued an order of attachment in the above entitled action, for the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, and that said cause will be heard on the 16th day of February, A. D. 1878, at two o'clock p.m. of said day. BERRY BROS., Plaintiffs. C. R. MITCHELL, Attorney for Plaintiffs.



Complaint in Attachment.
John M. Hollaway, plaintiff, against David Maricle and Londowick Maricle, real name unknown, defendants.

Plaintiff demands one hundred and ten dollars and interest.

NOTICE is hereby given that on the 10th day of January, A.D. 1878, I. H. Bonsall, a Justice of the Peace of Creswell Township, Cowley County, Kansas, issued an order of attachment in the above entitled action for the sum of one hundred and sixty dollars, and that said cause will be heard on the 16th day of February, A.D. 1878, at one o'clock, p.m. of said day. JOHN M. HOLLAWAY, Plaintiff.

C. R. Mitchell, Attorney for Plaintiff.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

Another ghost seen last night.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

The Osages will be paid their annuity this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

Dr. Kellogg came down from Emporia last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

The foundation for Weir's house is ready to build on.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

Dr. Kellogg's house to rent.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

New addition to Billy Gray's house on Summit street.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

The water in the Walnut lowered four feet Monday night.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

Live hogs are only worth $2.50 per hundred in Wichita.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

Maj. Sleeth sent three loads of hogs to Wichita yesterday.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

Logan's new house is almost finished. It is next to Wintin's.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

Considerable shooting of pistols Monday night, for fun.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

J. A. Stafford sold his interest in the livery stable to Mr. Stanton yesterday.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

MITCHELL & HUEY will remove to the new rooms over Houghton & McLaughlin's in a week or two.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

W. R. RIDDLE has been following artistic work at Winfield for the past two weeks.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

Those ponies branded Y O U and L O T are stolen ponies from Medicine Lodge.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

The Masonic hall has been nicely carpeted, furnished with coal heating stoves, and adorned with a beautiful chandelier.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

Mr. Dean, a gentleman from Oneida, Illinois, is bringing a lot of fine Morgan horses and Durham cattle to this place.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

An old gentlemen said he wouldn't live in Arkansas City. Said he was here a month and no one offered to give him a drink.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

Mr. Fitch has moved again back to his house on Summit street. L. W. Currier goes into the house he vacated.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

R. A. Houghton goes into Stafford's house, and Stafford goes into Col. McMullen's house.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

We need a barber in town.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

The streets were crowded with teams last Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

Saturday night's mail arrived Sunday noon this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

They are putting more money down a coal hole at Eldorado.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

The prairie wolves killed fourteen of W. B. Turner's sheep last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

Sim Moore sells real estate at Tisdale since his return from the Black Hills.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

Mrs. Williams, the landlady of Dexter, has gone to some more genial climate.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

R. A. HOUGHTON sold his house to Mr. Stanton, of Oskaloosa, Iowa, last week, for $700.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

A SMALL FLAT BOTTOMED BOAT was built and placed on the river last week; bound for Fort Smith.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

MR. STAFFORD purchased Col. McMullen's residence for $2,500. It is the best dwelling house in this locality.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

UNCLE RICHARD WOOLSEY and Wheatley Gooch are pardners in a clothing house at Deadwood, Dakota Territory.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

DICK ROSEY and CASS ENDICOTT are back from the San Juan mining country. They expect to go back in the spring.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

The windows for the M. E. Church are on the road, and cost $114.60. The glass are hand stained, and of the best quality.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

The young men behaved badly at the Chetopa temperance meetings, and the editor of the Herald advises them not to do so again.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

PETER PEARSON, one of our old residents, returned from Omaha last Wednesday. He has been engaged in a wholesale house.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

The ladies of the M. E. Aid Society of Arkansas City, through their untiring efforts during the year 1877, contributed $369 to the M. E. Church fund.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

New picket fence around Frank Schiffbauer's residence.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

A shot gun went off in Berry Bros. store last week and bored a hole in a shelf and spread three boxes of boot blacking around promiscuously.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

MR. LIPPMANN took the contract to haul both of Col. McMullen's safes to Winfield for $30. He has six yoke of oxen to each wagon. The safes weigh 4,400 and 4,460 pounds each.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

E. B. KAGER made a trip to Chautauqua County lately. He liked the county for stock purposes; says there are fewer people to the square mile than in Cowley, most of them engage in stock raising, and have more money.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

IN TOWN. MAJ. JAMES K. FINLEY, the bloated aristocrat of Emporia, paid the metropolis of South-Central Kansas a visit last Tuesday. He thinks the Emporia narrow gauge will blossom out like a rose in early spring. Eldorado Times.

Let her blossom.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

S. P. U. Members of the Stock Protective Union are requested to meet at Bland's schoolhouse next Saturday evening, at early candle lighting, on very particular business.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

The Walnut raised 12 feet Saturday night, and took out about ten feet of the dam at the mill. Whole trees forty feet in length floated down the river. The approach on the west side of the bridge is made of sand, and will be carried off when the first flood comes, unless it is stoned up on both sides.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

Times are harder than we have ever before experienced in Southern Kansas. We have nearly $1,000 on our subscription books that has been due a long time from some parties. We need the money to conduct our business, hence we are compelled to make this unpleasant public announcement. We don't make it this time to be put off. We have bills that must be paid and we propose the payment shall come from the amount due us on our books. Heretofore we have advertised that we would take wheat, oats, corn, hay, cord word, pigs, calves, and almost anything we could eat or feed to stock, and few have responded.

We now announce that we must have the money and desire all in arrears to call in and settle without a personal dun, and advance the money if you wish the paper continued, as we have not capital enough to send the paper and wait for the pay.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

The gentlemen of Oxford have constructed a good bridge across the Arkansas river by simply placing pontoons, or flat boats, all the way across. The Independent says:

"The new pontoon bridge is now in place, and proves to be a grand success. The crossing of the Arkansas at this place was never better or safer in our most prosperous days.

"The pontoons, five in number, are safely and securely anchored, and stayed by strong guy ropes, and the intervening spaces covered by portable, but broad, safe bridges, with bannisters running the entire length."

Why can't we do the same thing at this place?

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

The Cowley County District Grange will meet at the Courthouse in Winfield on the first Saturday in February, at 10 o'clock a.m., for installing officers, and at 7 p.m. to confer the fifth degree on all that are entitled. Masters of all Granges who are entitled to the annual word [?] will receive it that day. Come one, come all. All fourth degree members are invited to come with full baskets, and have a good time. C. COON, Secretary.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

An agent of King's Bridge Company has been here estimating the cost of building a bridge across the Arkansas river south and west of town. They have completed the bridge across the Walnut south of Winfield.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

BOOKS and Miscellaneous Articles furnished to order at Loomis' Drug Store.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

A good large work horse to sell or trade. S. P. CHANNELL.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

THE GREEN FRONT sill stands at the head of the list as the Leading Grocery Store of the city, and they are still receiving fresh goods there almost daily. Don't forget to call there when you are in town, and if you don't see what you want, ask for it. They have got it.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

Take your guns and pistols to Sipes and have them repaired.

Who wants to trade cord wood for a heating stove? C. R. SIPES.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

DRY SALT PORK for sale at Pierce & Welsh's.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

THE MAN that borrowed my ax can bring it back. I know who he is, and will let the public know it, if he don't. L. H. GARDNER.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

A WELL IMPROVED FARM FOR SALE. 100 acres under cultivation. Terms easypart cash and part on time. Inquire of J. H. Sherburne.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

HOUGHTON & McLAUGHLIN have a few more horses and mules for sale for cash, or on time with GOOD security.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

PAY YOUR BEEF BILLS. Having sold my entire interest in the meat market to Henry Endicott, I now want all parties indebted to the firm to call in and settle all they owe, or the accounts will be left with an officer for collection. A. W. PATTERSON.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

PIERCE & WELSH sell the Cowley County five cent cigar.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

PIERCE & WELSH are selling their queensware at cost in order to close out entirely and quit keeping it.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

CORN. Pierce & Welsh want to buy 500 bushels of corn.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

Go to the new feed stable, where you can get your team fed on the old fashioned timothy hay for 15 cents per feed. WILLIAMS & MARICLE, Props.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

FOR SALE OR RENT. A good dwelling house on the north side of the city limits.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

FOR A GOOD, SOUR, CUCUMBER PICKLE, go to Pierce & Welsh.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

SAUR KRAUT at Pierce & Welsh's.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.


A bottle of good black ink at the Post Office for five cents.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.


A good lead pencil at the Post Office for five cents.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

TWO lead pencils at the Post Office for five cents.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

A BOX OF PAPER containing 24 sheets of paper and 24 envelopes for 25 cents, at the Post Office.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

FRESH LIME at Moore's kiln, 20 cents per bushel.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

ALL THOSE INDEBTED TO L. H. GARDNER & CO. are requested to call and settle before February 1st, either by cash or note, as we are in need of money and must have it.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

A HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. Located in a good business part of the main street of Arkansas City; $500. Inquire of A. C. Wells.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

SOUTH BEND. Having bought two hundred and twenty-five acres of stalks, taking in two miles of the Walnut river, timber and all; I am prepared to take in stock of all kinds, on liberal charges, for the winter. W. J. KEFFER.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

MATCHED HORSES and mules for sale on time, or will trade for cattle or hogs


Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

FOR SALE. 160 acres of good upland 6 miles east of Arkansas City; house 14 x 22, well, and 20 acres broken; price $500; $200 cash, balance will take in trade. Inquire of A. Walton.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

MONEY TO LOAN by J. D. Pryor. Inquire of Pryor, Kager & Pryor, at Winfield or Arkansas City.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

ALL KINDS of writing material, box paper, envelopes, dime novels, dime song books and papers at the Post Office.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

JOHN W. SMITH, who organized and was Master of the first lodge of the Free Masons, in Kansas, died at Keokuk, Iowa, recently, aged eighty-nine years. He had been a Free Mason sixty years, and the lodge he organized in Kansas was at White Cloud in 1854 Ex.

Judge James Christian, of this place, was the first Master of the fourth lodge organized in the Territory of Kansas, and helped to organize the first Grand Lodge in Kansashaving the second dispensation issued by the Grand Master of Missouri to organize a lodge in Kansas; but owing to political troubles, his lodge was numbered six on the list, it being located in that abolition den, Lawrence. Even Masons then were not disposed to do justice to locality. But times have changed since then. In looking over some old Grand Lodge reports, we noticed the name of Brother James Christian as Master of Sharpsburg Lodge No.

11, in Kentucky, in 1849, and of Prairie Lodge No. 90, in Missouri, 1850.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

Mr. Ross, of New Jersey, has introduced a bill in the House of Representatives, which has been in the course of preparation for some time, for the organization of the militia force in the several States and Territories. It contemplates, in fact, the abolition of the regular army by substituting a uniform militia to be paid out of the United States Treasury. It provides that each officer and private in the organized and uniformed militia of the States and Territories shall receive $25 per annum. Before this is paid the Secretary of War is to be satisfied that each militiaman has performed ten days' service in the field in each year in addition to the ordinary company drills in armories. It is further provided that there shall be a detail of ten regular army officers for the inspection of the militia while in camp. This is to operate as a check on the reports made by the State officers. Arms are to be furnished the militia in quantities deemed proper by the Secretary of War. The States are required to uniform and bear the expense of the forces, except when the latter are called into the service of the General Government. The bill is to go into effect June 1, 1879, and appropriates $8,000,000 for that purpose.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

Now that the Cherokee Strip is in market again, it affords the best opportunity in the west for good cheap homes.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

A meeting should be called by the settlers on the Cherokee Strip, and a vote of thanks tendered to Hon. Thomas Ryan for his labor in their behalf.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

Nearly 100 settlers have taken claims on the Cherokee Strip since Hon. Thomas Ryan's bill passed. Everybody is thankful to Mr. Ryan, and consider it as great a favor as any they have received from our Representatives in Congress.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

Kansas City, Emporia & Southern Railroad.
The following letter will be read with great interest by the friends of the K. C., E. & S. Railroad.

EMPORIA, KAS., Jan. 24, 1878.
S. P. Channell:

DEAR SIR: Your favor of the 22nd inst. was received this morning. It has been impossible to reach the south line of this county by Feb. 1st, 1878, for the following reasons.

1st. The talk of repudiation so brief in many of the old counties of the State has frightened capital away from Kansas investments, which are dependent on popular favor.

2nd. The unbehaved character of the weather of the past two or three months.

3rd. The delay of the Greenwood county bonds. No other county or township except yours are affected by this. We have one year under the vote in this and Greenwood to reach the south line of this county. The failure to reach that point by Feb. 1st has not and will not make any difference in the prevention of the work, but finding some time ago that it could not be done, the company did not think it advisable to keep a large force on hand, when they could not work to advantage more than 10 to 15 days a month. Work is progressing regularly every day that the weather and ground are favorable. The company pay cash promptly every month, and as soon as we have suitable weather, it is my opinion they will show us a specimen of railroad construction not yet seen in this country. We have until Feb. 1st, 1879, to reach the north line of your county, but I do not think we shall need more than half the time. Having so much money already invested, it will be the interest of the company to push the construction with all possible dispatch. With the inauguration of a large line from Kansas City to St. Louis, now almost a certainty, and the splendid success of Capt. Eads at the mouth of the Mississippi, the early construction of our line becomes doubly important to every man within reach of its influence, and also to the company. The time for reaching Eureka and the north line of your county as specified in your vote is ample. We have no doubt that the people of Cowley county will do the fair thing when the proper time comes. No one here who is conversant with the facts has for a moment doubted the success of this great enterprise. For myself, I hereby invite myself to your next Christmas dinner, and expect to come all the way by D. H. passage on the K. C., E. & S. R. R. Yours Truly,


Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

The Texas Cattle Law.
The Supreme Court of the United States has wiped out the dead line in Kansasa fact that will be pleasing to border counties. The Texas cattle law of Missouri is similar to that of Kansas. The following decision strikes at all, as it is general in its application.

Intelligence has been received from Washington that the Supreme Court of the United States, on Monday last, decided that what is known in this State as the Texas cattle law, is unconstitutional.

In Caldwell and other counties, numerous suits had been brought against the Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad Company for unloading Texas cattle at Kidder station, in violation of this law, the farmers alleging that their native cattle died from the Texas fever communicated by these Texas cattle. The courts in Missouri held that the statute, prohibiting the importation of cattle between March 1st and November 1st of each year, was constitutional and valid. The case was then taken to the Supreme Court of the United States by writ of error, under the judiciary act. The court, as above stated, has made a finality of the case, holding the law to be in contravention of the United States laws which confer upon Congress the executive power to regulate commerce among the several States.

This was a test suit, and upon the decision depends over one hundred like suits, calling for damages to the aggregate of about $40,000. St. Joseph Gazette.

In connection with the above, we copy from the Kansas City Price Current the following cattle item as to the probable drive for the coming season.

The Price Current, since its establishment, has always kept its readers posted in reference to the Texas cattle drive, yearly, to Kansas; and the figures, which we have given, having been procured from reliable sources, have invariably proved correct. The prospects of the drive of cattle from Texas to Kansas, at the present time, are that it will be about the same as last year, if not in excessthat is, 200,000 or over. We say "prospects of the drive," and by that remark we mean that the figures given would indicate about the same number as last year, if not more, will be driven; but the cramp in money matters, will, it is generally thought, cut the number down from what is now given. Texas cattle drovers, last year, had quite a successful season of it, and it is considered by those best posted that there was more money made than any previous year since the drives from Texas to Kansas commenced, and this has induced many to drive again.

Below is given a partial list of the number of cattle which will be driven, and with which we have been kindly furnished by Mr. Peyton Montgomery, of the firm of Quinlan, Montgomery & Co., he having obtained it from Judge Deverly, of Dodge City, Kan., a letter containing the facts having been written to that gentleman by Mr. Richard Head, of Texas, foreman for Ellison & Deweese.

Ellison & Deweese 8,000

J. and T. Deweese 12,000

J. T. Ellison & Son 6,000

Lytle & McDonald 12,000

Smith & Savage 12,000

D. R. Fant 9,000

Snyder Brothers 14,000

W. Butler 4,000

John Gamel 6,000

Presnall & Mitchell 8,000

Waugh & Stevens 4,000

Shriner Brothers 5,000

Bishop & Hough 6,000

J. W. Iliff 15,000

C. C. Lewis & Co. 10,500

W. S. Caruthers 8,000

Capt. King 10,000

Maj. Hood 4,000

A. Drumm 2,000

A. R. Adair 1,000

Chapman & Tuttle 5,000

TOTAL: 161,500

There are quite a number of the old drovers yet to be heard from.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

CEDAR TOWNSHIP, Jan. 25, 1878.
Mr. Henry Ward was married to Miss Jane Tackett on the 23rd inst., by Esq. Ketchum, at the residence of Daniel Ward. A free chiveree was given by the boysno cake.

DIED. On the 21st of Jan., Mrs. Compton, wife of M. Compton, of Spring Creek, Cedar township. Mrs. Compton was about 35 years old, and leaves six children, the youngest being only ten days old the day of its mother's death. Mrs. McNett took it and will give it just as good treatment as its own mother could. W. A. METCALF.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

SOUTH HAVEN, Jan. 25, 1878.
BORN. To Mr. and Mrs. Bell on the 17th inst., a daughter.

Mr. McCondlis is making arrangements to build a fine barn on his farm 2-1/2 miles southeast of this place. T. H.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

The Bridge Proposition.
To the Township Boards of Creswell and Bolton Townships and Citizens' Committee of Arkansas City:


We propose to furnish all material and build and complete ready for crossing seven (7) spans of 60 feet each, of combination bridge similar to the short span just completed by our company over the Walnut, for the sum of ten ($10) dollars per lineal foot, or $4,200; $2,000 of the amount to be paid in Bolton township ten-year, ten percent bonds, with coupons payable semi-annually; balance to be paid in cash. Bridge to be built as follows:

The superstructure to be single pile bents, four piles driven in one row, capped with 10 x 10 inch oak or walnut caps; a fifth pile to be driven above the bent to protect it from drift. All to be securely braced together. Piling to be from 25 to 30 feet long, to be oak or walnut, with an average diameter of 12 inches; to be driven so as to raise the bridge from two to four feet above the old bridge, as directed by you.

to be as stated above, same plan as short span on the Walnut, and of following dimensions: Top chords and inclined posts to be good white pine 10 x 12 in.; joists to be oak 2 x 12 inches, placed two feet from center to center; spans to be 60 feet, roadway 14 ft., floor to be 2 inch elm, laid diagonally. Needle beams 4 x 12 inches pine; posts to be 2-1/2 inch star iron (wrought); lower chords to be in 20 ply each 4 x 12 inches. All iron and chord timbers to have two coats of paint.

We will repair the old bridge now standing (that is, the balance after 420 feet of new bridge is in) so far as it can be done by using the old material, without additional charge. If new material must be used, or additional pile bents are required, the same must be paid for.

We will commence the work as soon as the funds have been provided, and complete the same within 60 days, weather and roads permitting.

The bridge we propose to build as herein described we guarantee to be strong enough to carry a uniformly distributed load of sixty tons on each span of 60 feet.

Per D. W. Eaves, Secretary.

Arkansas City, January 26, 1878.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

The Arkansas To Be Bridged Without Delay.
An agent of the Missouri Valley Bridge Co. was in our town last Saturday, settling with our Township Boards for the new Walnut bridge.

While here, he made an estimate for putting in a bridge over the Arkansas. A meeting of our leading citizens was called to consider the proposition made by the company. Mr. Eaves, the secretary of the company, submitted in writing a proposition to rebuild in first-class style the part washed out, amounting to 420 feet, and repair the old bridge, for $2,000 in township bonds and $2,200 in cash. The bridge is to be a combination bridge with iron lower chords on substantial pile foundations raised four feet higher than the present bridge. Mr. Eaves' proposition was accepted by the unanimous voice of the meeting. A committee of citizens was appointed to act in connection with the Township Board, and instructed to make a contract for the work, on condition that the necessary funds were raised. The committee was instructed to raise by subscription the part necessary to be contributed by Creswell Township, and after securing that amount, to proceed to Bolton township, and ask of that township to vote the balance requiredthat is, $2,000. A large amount has been raised, and it is important our citizens should subscribe the balance without delay. The bridge is to be completed within sixty days from the time the money is raised. So hurry up.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

The Aristotelian Literary Society meets every Tuesday night at Parker's schoolhouse, at 7 p.m. Well we went, we saw, but hope we were not seen. The first thing on docket was debate: "Resolved, That men can learn more by reading than observation." Principal dis-putants, B. F. Maricle and G. H. Shearer, followed by the smart Alex. of east Creswell. One of the disputants said his opponent had knocked all the chinking out from under him so he sat down. The debate was wound up with the clincher that if a blind man was put in the center of New York City he could get out by observation. Next was recess. Then came the decision of the Judge's, which was for the affirmative. Select reading, songs, dialogues, speeches, violin solos, etc. As this all happened on the 22nd and your paper came out the next day, and the river was high, we could not get this over in time for publication.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

ALL RIGHT. In a few numbers of last week's issue we mentioned that about ten feet of the dam at Newman's mill had broken. It looked so while the water was up, but it was a mistake. It is all right and the mill is grinding every day, making the best flour of any mill in the Southwest. The bridge across the Walnut is finished, a wide road has been made in front of the mill, and it is easy of access from every direction. Bring in your grists if you want good flour.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

W. H. WALKER lost a good horse last week from congestion of the bowels. Everything known by mind or book was tried on it, but with no avail. As we stepped to the office door one day last week, we noticed a horse down with the colic. The next day another was lying down to ease its bladder. More care must be used in selecting good corn, and a little nitre or rosin used in their feed, occasionally.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

MILD winter.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

BRING in your corn.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

JIM FARRAR has gone.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

THERE is not a whisky distillery in the State of Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

REMEMBER we take hard and soft money, when we can get it.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

QUITE a crowd gathered at the new bridge across the Walnut last Sunday.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

There will be nine performers with the Swiss Bell ringers tomorrow evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

Flowers are blooming on the prairies, and grass is green in the timber along the streams.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

We will take about a thousand bushels of corn on accounts due, allowing the market price therefor.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

The water in the Walnut has gone down again so that good fording is afforded at all the fords.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

A load of young folks were upset while going to a party at Mrs. Jas. I. Mitchell's last week. No one hurt, however.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

Send the TRAVELER to your friends to induce immigration. We will send it three months for 50 cents, and pay the postage ourselves.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

They had what Lyman Herrick calls a "regular buckwheat hoedown" at Charley Eaton's last Thursday night. All had a huge time.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

PROF. BACON will take up his residence at Chicago this week. He leaves many friends at this place, and may return before many months.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

The Cherokee strip, lying next to the Indian Territory, being four miles wide and over two hundred long, is in market again at $1.25 per acre.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

OLD MRS. MOSS, aged 90 years, fell and broke her leg while walking out last week. The bone was broken close to the thigh and cannot be reset.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

THERE were some doubts as to securing timber for piles for the bridge across the Arkansas in case it was decided to have one. It has been settled.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

The crusaders of Oxford have determined to divest the place of saloons or kill the town. They are getting desperate, and will probably do both.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

A. W. BERKEY and wife are residing temporarily at the county seat. Ret wasn't out of town half an hour until he was missed by his associates.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

Anyone wanting letterheads, bill heads, statements, cards, bills, or any kind of printing can be accommodated at this office on short notice now.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

CALDWELL is, and has been for some time, enjoying a protracted game of checkers. Proceeds to go toward the erection of a-a-saloon. Press.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

TWELVE or fifteen bids were made to carry the mail from this place to Coffeyville, Eureka, South Haven, and Wellington. Some of them were very low.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

BILLY GRAY scrapes the faces of all having a surplus of hair. His place of business is just over Pierce & Welsh's store. Go up stairs and turn to the left.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

COLONEL J. C. BENNETT, of Emporia, representing A. A. Baker & Co.'s wholesale and whole-souled grocery house, rested at the Central Avenue part of last and this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

The bridge across the Walnut south of Winfield, on the old piers from which the Baker bridge was washed away a year and a half ago, is completed and is said to be a good one.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

A party of Illinois excursionists were here last week, looking for land. They heard of the Cherokee Strip; blessed Tom Ryan for bringing it into market and left to take a claim.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

You don't have to slide down a pole to get to town now. The west approach to the bridge is completed. There were some fine sights to be seen there while the pole climbing was going on.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

Owing to the partial failure of the wheat crop last fall, merchants and businessmen have lost more than they have during the same length of time since they have been doing business in Southern Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

I joined in marriage at the residence of John T. Kerr's, Mr. Theodore Moore and Miss Maud Jones. All of Cowley county, Kansas. ELDER E. E. HARVEY, Jan. 24, 1878.

Good enough. We congratulate you, Theodore.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

The approach to the Walnut River bridge was completed last Friday, and teams are now crossing every day. The piers were built about four feet higher than they were, and a good bridge with iron stringers placed on them. No matter whether the river is full to the banks, the public are now assured of safe crossing.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

Mr. Smith, representing the King Bridge Company, of Cleveland, Ohio, paid us a visit last week to make estimates on a bridge across the Arkansas River at this place. In company with Mr. T. H. McLaughlin, we went to the ferry crossing west of town, measure the river, and heard the estimate, as follows.

Distance from bank to bank, 900 feet, on a line with Central Avenue; to construct an iron bridge, same as the Topeka bridge, $100,000; to construct a wooden bridge that would last ten or twelve years on piles, twelve feet from low water, spans of sixty feet each, single roadway, two turnouts, $9,900, or $11 per foot. All agreed that it would cost from $2,500 to $3,000 more to build a bridge west of town than it would south. The distance across the river south of town was estimated to be 640 feet. The old bridge had eight spans of 80 feet each. Since then the bank has washed away thirty feet or more. To construct a combination bridge of wood and iron, to join on the remaining bridge, would cost $4,500; of Iron, $7,000. The distance to the remaining span is 425 feet. Mr. Smith said if stone could be reached at fifteen feet, he would build stone piers.

There is no doubt the bridge west of town would secure the most trade to this place, but the item of $3,000 would make a great difference to those who had to pay the bonds. In our opinion, the combination bridgethat is, a wooden bridge with iron stringerswould be the best. It would be folly to attempt to vote bonds enough for an iron bridge at present.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

EDITOR TRAVELER: Sunday night I was aroused by a great outcry by the dogs. I got up and went to the window, and heard one of my hogs squealing as though he was in his last struggles. I then ran into an adjoining room, and waking my boy, told him to run to the hog pen; that the hogs had fallen afoul of one and were killing it. Hurriedly dressing, he ran to the pen; but instead of being the hogs, it proved a much more formidable foe. It had the pig down on its back, and was tearing away with tooth and nail at a fearful rate, while the dogs stood off at a respectful distance with no disposition to interfere further than to give him chin music, which they indulged in pretty freely. The boy ran up to encourage them, but it was of no use; so he went for the disturbing element in the pen, which skipped out, leaving the hog more dead than alive. Now the great "What-is-it?" was as large as a good sized dog, and its claws spread as wide as my hand. If anybody doubts this story, he can come and see the pig. It is not dead yet, but is minus the half of each ear and one hind leg, and a good portion of the hinder part of the belly.

The animal must have been a panther, lynx, or an overgrown wild cat. Had I thought a wild beast would have come to help himself to port at 2 a.m., I should have gone out prepared for him, in which event we could have seen what color his hide was.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

The articles taken from Schiffbauer's store on Monday night were six silver plated knives, some finished Elgin staffs, some roller jewels, and eighteen watches, in all valued at $482. The watches belonged to the following named persons, with the values set opposite their names.

Frank Lorry, gold, $50.00

L. W. Currier, gold w. and chain, $70.00

Mr. Louderdale, silver, $10.00

Mr. Davis, silver, $8.00

Peter Pearson, silver, $12.00

George Eaton, silver, $25.00

John Wort, silver, $15.00

George Metcalf, silver, $20.00

George Hunter, silver, $30.00

N. N. Wintin, silver, $12.00

S. M. Laituman, silver, $25.00

J. M. Shurtz, silver, $10.00

Samuel Lewis, silver, $20.00

W. S. Thompson, silver, $35.00

Mrs. Morgan, plated, $20.00

J. Z. Rentschler, silver, $20.00

G. H. McIntire, silver, $10.00

Mr. Davis, brass, $5.00

R. W. McNown, silver, $35.00

Total value of watches: $432.00

Staffs and jewels, $20.00

Knives and spoons, $30.00

TOTAL VALUE: $482.00


Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

The question at Parker's schoolhouse for next Tuesday evening is: "Resolved, That man will do more for the love of woman than for the love of money." The question last night was: "Resolved, That the herd law is a detriment to Cowley county." The school term ends today. B. F. Maricle is their teacher. There will be a good chance for some old bachelor to win the esteem of some fair damsel by taking the woman's side of the question next Tuesday. Never let a chance like that go by, boys. Spread yourselves on the question. Show them what woman has done for man. How Queen Esther held the reins of government by her influence; how Adam and the whole of mankind fell through the influence of the woman from his own side. There is no getting around it, woman has a great influence, although some mean men will let her go ragged rather than give her a nickel of their tobacco money.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

The Arkansas City Bank closed its doors at this place last week for the purpose of temporarily removing to the county seat to extend its business. Col. J. C. McMullen, its President, during his residence here for the past five years, proved himself a valuable citizen, and a prudent, careful businessman.

We owe to him the credit of building one of the finest residences in Southern Kansas, and locating some of the best and most extensive farmers in this section. By his liberal advertis ing and constant efforts, he brought many to Kansas and Cowley county that might never have been here, had he not been with us himself. Being a man of reputation and means, besides an affable gentleman, he is bound to succeed wherever he goes, as we earnestly hope he will.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

On Monday night last a burglar entered the store of Schiffbauer Bros., by boring a four inch hole in the outside door with an extension bit, and drawing the bolt. He then bored three holes in the second door with a 3/4 inch augur and cut out enough to admit his hand, drew the bolt, and went into the store. Evidently he knew just where to go for the watches, eighteen in all, which were kept in a small box in one of the drawers. After taking the watches, he helped himself to some silver plated knives and forks belonging to the store.

Mr. Ridenour, the jeweler, has the sympathy of the citizens, as he was just making a good start in business.

The safe for the house arrived this morning, and there will be no more danger hereafter.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

The Andrews family of Swiss Bell ringers that gave such a successful entertainment at this place about a year ago will favor us again on tomorrow night at Pearson's Hall. Performances to begin at 7 o'clock, with admission of 25 and 35 cents. We have no hesitation in saying the entertainment given before was one of the best ever rendered in Southern Kansas, and one which our people were delighted with. The exercises will consist of bell ringing, singing, and instrumental music. It will be worth the admission fee alone to see them handle the bells when performing music of quick time.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

SUMNER County is to vote whether they will have a jail or not on Monday, January 28th. The temperance crusade continues at Wellington, and religious meetings in the country about.

All the new county officers have been installed, with the exception of S. T. Wood, Surveyor elect, who has been water bound in the Indian Territory.

Last week the instruments for the newly organized brass band of Wellington arrived.

Last week an acre and a half of land adjoining the town site of Wellington sold for $175.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

A slight disagreement took place at Speers' mill last week between a couple of stalwart young men, over a little balance due that one owed the other. The matter was amicably settled after some delay, Tom convincing Dow that times were hard, which so affected him that he mourned until his eyes were black.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

NICE SMALL RED APPLES at the Green Front.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

400 bu. corn for sale. J. P. MUSSULMAN.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

Nice large red apples at Hermann's.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

Sweet cider at the City Bakery.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

Fresh lemons next door to the Post Office.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

All kinds of garden seeds at Pierce & Welsh's.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

THE MAN who got the lumber out of my corn crib had better come back and get the crib also. Don't be mealy-mouthed. F. P. SCHIFFBAUER.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.

BOOKS and Miscellaneous Articles furnished to order at LOOMIS' DRUG STORE.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.



Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878. Front Page.

Mr. Ingalls introduced a bill to reimburse the States of Kansas, Texas, Nebraska, and Colorado for expenses incurred by said States in repelling invasion and in the suppression of Indian hostilities.

The House bill to remove obstructions from the Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas, and Red rivers was then taken up and passed after a brief discussion.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

Cherokee Strip Lands.
Editor Traveler: Can you give me any information as to how the Cherokee Strip lands are for sale? Is it by direct entry by anyone, or only by actual settlers? If the latter, can they now file on the tract desired? If they cannot file, can a man settle on it, and in a reasonable time enter? Please answer. Respectfully, W. B. SKINNER.

Our understanding is that the Cherokee Strip Lands, being a four mile strip 225 miles long, extending from near the east line of Montgomery county to the west line of Cherokee county in the State of Kansas, is now in market and for sale at $1.25 per acre, subject to pre-emption only, by an actual settlement of six months residence, and the Land Office at Wichita has been instructed to receive filings (or declaratory statements). Anyone who has not previously taken a claim on this Strip can settle on any vacant claim, and in six months procure a patent for it by paying the Government price of $1.25 per acre. No "claim" must contain more than 160 acres.

The rulings under which it is disposed of are the same as before; only the price west of the Arkansas river is $1.25 per acre instead of $1.50. We have written to Mr. Ryan for the law and will publish it in full or a synopsis of it.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

Wheat in this vicinity is looking well, and the largest portion of the corn is in the crib.

We have a lyceum over here that meets once every week, and the knowledge and talent displayed on these occasions is truly wonderful. Tucker is about head since we christened him Osman Pasha Tucker, but we fear he was captured the other night. Gen. Shearer is President, and he handles the concern equal to a corporal with his squad of eight.

A word about your town. I spent an hour there not long since, taking observations, in which time I found the prevailing complaint to be dull times, but did not hear a man say what made the dull times. Now I will tell you what the people say just east of the Walnut. The roads are so bad from the Walnut to the town site that the people can scarcely get through on horseback, and with a team, they stick in the mud repeatedly.

Let him be ever so good a man, he is tempted to say some bad words, and thinks he will never go to the town again; but when he gets there and sees the smiling countenances of the merchants, and hears them tell how cheap they will sell him goods for cash, and what high prices they will pay him for his produce, he repents of the bad words and other things he said, and promises to go to town again when he gets a roll of butter and a few dozen eggs ahead.

I remain just east of the Walnut until death. WALNUT HILL.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

J. L. M. Hill and J. H. Finch are the deputies our new sheriff has appointed. We think he has made good selections. Courier.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

TISDALE, Jan. 24, 1878.
We are having nice quiet times here this winter. Hardly anything occurs to disturb the most nervous of our said citizens. Everything is orderly, and the best feelings seem to prevail in the community. Times are hard here as elsewhere. Judging from Eastern papers, we are better off in Kansas than they are in many of the eastern States. Our crops have turned out tolerably well, with the exception of wheat. Corn does not bring a big price, still it pays and brings cash. We are all in the same boat, and it does not seem so bad after all. One good feature is, one is not troubled with dead beats trying to borrow a dollar for a few days.

Our township is improving very fast. Look in any direction you choose and you will see new houses, either in course of erection or completed. Should you visit us, you would miss many of the old faces that were around in the time of Tisdale's infancy. Our old friend, Jim Young, for instance, has sold out and gone. We have in his place a first rate man (no disrespect to Jim Young, for a better man in many ways is hard to find), Wm. Hodges, by namea practical farmer, and a gentleman; last, though not least, a man of means and enterprise. He is now feeding quite a herd of cattle, buying all the corn he can get, and paying a fair price; minds his own affairs, and will be pretty certain to make money.

I think the class of newcomers is much better thanheretofore. They come prepared to stay, not to speculate on claims. The Black Hills fever took off quite a number of our fellows, but their places were so soon filled that we hardly missed them. Your old friend, Dr. S. Thompson, has withdrawn from us, and I suppose will physic us no more. His place is supplied by Dr. Wright. We have concluded that he is about as near right as you get `em.

I might go on thus showing an improvement in society indefinitely. We have a Literary Society which has proved to be quite interesting, instructive, and amusing.

McGuire, Moore, and a few others blow their horns weekly for the amusement of the public. Owing to the tightness of the times, we don't charge them anything for practicing on us, trusting that if they succeed in the realization of their aspiration, they will not forget the friends of their youth.

Weddings don't seem to flourish first rate. Our marriageable young folks are getting scarce. It seems our boys have been a little slow, perhaps afraid.

All of our old farmers are getting ready to put in big crops. They say if prices are fair, we must raise more.

Our school is prospering. There are about fifty scholars. Ours is the banner school outside of Arkansas City and Winfield. I don't just now think of anything of importance that has transpired of late, except the Grange Feast on the night of the 5th, which got away with anything of the kind I've attended in the State. The Grange is composed of first-class people, and its a big thing socially. The only drawback I see, it is carrying too many shirks.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

DEXTER, KAS, Jan. 24, 1878.
The citizens of Fairview vicinity met for the purpose of talking over matters concerning the finances of our country. Mr. Collins was called to the chair, W. E. Merydith, Secretary. Mr. Hamit rose and explained the object of the meeting. The chairman, Mr. Wm. Moore, Mr. Million, and several others made speeches condemning the resumption act, demonetizing silver. The highest enthusiasm prevailed. It was moved by Mr. Hamit that the platform of the Greenback party be adopted. Carried. The citizens organized themselves into a Greenback Club by electing the following officers: Mr. Callison, President; Bonebraker, Vice President; W. E. Merydith, Secretary; Burdett, assistant Secretary; Mr. Elliott, Treasurer. The Secretary was instructed to send for the constitution and bylaws of the National Greenback Club.

W. E. MERYDITH, Secretary.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

SOUTH BEND, Feb. 2, 1878.
The folks of the Bend are amusing themselves by suing each other, not less than four law suits this week. Some of them are put off until next week. One was tried today.

It seems that the school marm [?LATER REFERS TO TEACHER BEING A MAN] of South Bend, on Monday last, whipped one of the scholars for telling a lie. Next day the stern parent came to the school house. The teacher said, "Good morning," and the stern parent said, "Don't say good morning to me, after whipping my boy. Now I want you to apologize or I'll whip you four times as bad as you did my boy."

The teacher said he never apologized when he was in the right. The parent got out of the wagon vowing vengeance. The teacher stood his ground, and when the parent saw he could not bluff the teacher, he changed his tactics. He asked the teacher to step back of the building, which the teacher did. He then laid violent hands on the teacher, and threatened to whip him. The teacher took his part and shook the overgrown parent off bluff No. 2. Finally the parent left, taking his six children with him. Thrice did he appear before the teacher on this daywhich by the way was rainingbut the teacher stood firm and said he was teaching the school, and that he was going to teach it or know the reason why. He kept his children away the balance of the week. This morning when the constable served a warrant on him, he almost wilted (for he is a Justice of the Peace), he went along however. He tried to compromise, this the teacher would not agree to. The Justice of the Peace, however, paid his fine and costs, and then made ample apologies to the teacher, agreeing also to send his children to school again.

This we hope will teach this particular parent a lesson for he has found fault with every teacher that ever taught in our district. He has an idea that his children are better than any of the rest, and when his children are punished, he thinks they are misused, and so he comes to the school and bluffs or tries to bluff the teacher. He has had a fuss with every teacher we have had and always got off easy.

Our school closes on the 15th of March. By publishing this you will oblige


Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

BOLTON, January 28, 1878.
At the regular meeting held by the Prospect Grange at Theaker's schoolhouse Saturday evening, January 26, the following officers were installed for the ensuing year.

J. A. Scott, Master.

Wm. Hadicke, Overseer.

Wm. Trimble, Lecturer.

John Christian, Steward.

James Headley, Asst. Steward.

Wm. Mercer, Chaplain.

A. J. Kimmell, Treasurer.

J. M. Sample, Secretary.

Wm. Parker, Gate keeper.

Sister A. J. Kimmell, Ceres.

Sister S. C. Sample, Pomona.

Sister S. F. Sample, Flora.

Sister M. Prewitt, Asst. Stewardess.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

The cards given by the Murphyites read: "National Christian Temperance Union. `With malice toward none, and charity for all.' I, the undersigned, do pledge, my word and honor, God helping me, to abstain from all intoxicating liquors as a beverage, and that I will by all honorably means encourage others to abstain. Francis Murphy."

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

THE EAGLE MILLS, situated on the southwest corner of the town site, have been leased by Mr. Grimes and Perry Woodyard, who are now ready to grind wheat or corn for a reasonable toil. Sawing will be promptly attended to, and satisfaction guaranteed. Flour, meal, and bran always on hand.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

The County Superintendent is visiting the schools in Bolton Township this week. He has visited all the schools between the Arkansas and Walnut rivers, and intends visiting all in the county. It has proven not only a pleasant task to Mr. Story, but a very useful one to many of the teachers.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

GEN. PHIL. SHERIDAN was in Wichita last week, and left by ambulance for a tour of inspection of the posts in the Territory. Many of the citizens called upon him. He was accompanied by his staff, consisting of Gens. Crook and Whipple and Cols. Strong, Moore, and Fred. Grant.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

The church was so crowded Sunday evening that many who came late had to go home. The sermon was delivered by Presiding Elder A. H. Walters, and is spoken of as one of the best sermons delivered in this place. He delivered his discourse from the book without referring to notes.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

MURPHY has broke loose.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

The Walnut raised again last Friday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

The chance for ice next summer is thin.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

Since we advertised for a barber two weeks since, we have two now.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

The protracted meetings at this place closed last Wednesday evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

The bell ringers were favored with a crowded house Thursday evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

Don't forget that we will take hard or soft money at this office if you offer it.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

WILL. LEONARD came down from Oxford last week to see the old folks at home.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

JAMES C. TOPLIFF is on his farm now, and will make large preparations for his summer's work.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

MITCHELL & HUEY will remove to their new office over Houghton & McLaughlin's store next week.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

THOMAS MANTOR has charge of R. A. Houghton's clothing store while Rube is absent in the country.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

The company of three that upset on the banks of the Walnut knocked the bottom out of a mud hole.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

Members of the Stock Protective Union should have their fire arms within easy reach as spring approaches.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

BIRTH. A happy man is Joseph Disser. Tuesday evening of last week dates the birth of his first-born: a daughter.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

At last accounts, young Steiner, the boy who was stabbed, was better, and it is believed will entirely recover soon.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

BIRTH. "JOE WILLIAMSON has a boy! Tell Wes!" Ira Barnett was notified of the fact by thirty postal cards last week from Iowa.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

FINNEY & STANTON have made an addition to their stable and added several conveniences both for themselves and the public.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

JAMES I. MITCHELL has returned from Wichita, and will bring his stock of saddles and harness. He can do better here than anywhere.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

The oldest son of Mr. Keeney was thrown from his pony and broke his collar bone last Saturday. Dr. Shepard has the case in charge.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

At a public meeting last night, it was determined to organize a Murphy temperance movement at this place, and the matter is now underway.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

The $2,000 has been subscribed on this side and the matter lies with the people that will use one the most.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

Last Saturday was ground-hog day. He came out and heard the knashing of teeth in the Callahan-Somers affray, and went back to stay in his hole.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

Mr. A. P. Hutchinson, of Cambridge, Ohio, brother of J. W. Hutchinson, of this place, is making a short visit to look after some of his land purchases.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

A fight occurred in the "Railroad Saloon" at Winfield, last week, in which one man tried to gouge the other's eye out, and the other bit off the finger of his opponent.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

Regardless of hard times, Mrs. Hartsock and Mrs. Watson will order a fine lot of the latest spring fashions in millinery goods. Call in and see their winter goods.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

There is not a stepping block in town to assist ladies to get on or off a horse. Some enterprising merchant can have all the country ladies stop at their stores by building one.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

Both members of the Chamberlain family, Albert and his brother, who came to this county several years ago, are now dead. His brother died at Belle Plain about four years ago.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

The County Surveyor, Ed. Haight, was at work surveying town lots at this place on Monday. While we think of it, Ed's name is North A. Haight, but somehow he has always been recognized as Ed.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

Fortunately for his family, Mr. Chamberlain was a member of the Knights of Honor, and his family were entitled to $2,000 at his death, which will insure them from want if properly managed.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

School closed at Parker's schoolhouse last Wednesday. After a vacation of one month it will be resumed, with Miss Pickett as teacher. B. F. Maricle is teaching in Gilstrap's district on Grouse Creek. School began on Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

A frightful accident to a party of three, who were thrown from a buggy and underneath the horses in a mud hole near the east approach of the Walnut River bridge, occurred last Sunday. The boys at the Green Front Grocery can tell you all about it.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

WILL LEONARD has purchased a half interest in the Sumner County Democrat, and will be recognized as one of the members of the press at the county seat of Wellington. Will has it in him to become a worthy newspaper man, and a few months at the capital of Sumner county will convince the people of it.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

Nearly a Serious Fight.
Last Friday evening, as Thomas Callahan and Jacob Rentzchler were returning from Wichita, where they had been to sell some hogs, they stopped for the night at the house of Patrick Somers. Tom was provided with a gallon jug of alcohol, and the evening was passed away by drinking the contents of the jug, with a little water added.

In the morning, as the two gentlemen were about to depart, Mr. Somers mentioned to Mr. Callahan that he had endeavored to take improper liberties with his wife, and must make some kind of apology or retraction. Mr. Callahan denied the statement, and Pat came at him with a pitchfork, and a general row ensued, in which Pat drew a knife which Tom took away from him. Pat then got hold of a razor, and with one slash, cut through a gum coat, an overcoat, and to the vest that covered Tom's precious carcass. This was taken from him also, but not until he had cut the third finger of Tom's left hand almost off. After the razor was disposed of, a general knock-down followed, in which it is said Mrs. Somers took quite a conspicuous part, armed with an ox bow.

Mr. Rentzchler, deeming discretion the better part of valor, ran off a short distance, and gazed placidly on the tumult with silent admiration until he saw one man down and likely to be killed, and then interfered to prevent death.

The visitors left as soon as the battle subsided, not stopping long enough to hitch their horses to the wagon and bring their groceries home, and an officer had to be sent to bring them in.

From all accounts it was a desperate affray, and will probably have to be settled by the courts. Both the participants are of Irish birth, and had been neighbors on the Walnut near this place for several years. Liquor was the main cause of the whole transaction. When sober they are as sociable and friendly friends as one would choose to meet.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

Last Saturday night William Skinner and Hugh Steiner, aged about eighteen years, met in Frank Waldo's store and engaged in some bitter words against each other. The bystanders knew that an ill feeling had existed between the two since the 4th of July, at which time the boys had a quarrel at a picnic, and thinking there would be trouble, sent for A. H. Acton, Justice of the Peace. Mr. Acton soon came and separated the two, took the pocket knife from young Skinner, and handing it to his son, asked Skinner to go home with him.

As they were turning to go, the knife was handed back to Skinner by Acton's son. As soon as Skinner got the knife, he made a rush at Steiner and stuck him between the lower ribs, at the same time exclaiming: "There, d__n you, take that!" Steiner than ran out of the store accompanied by Acton's son.

From the store they went to a hay loft, and hid by crawling under the hay. The matter was talked over, and it was concluded that it would not do to let it pass unnoticed, and a warrant was issued for the arrest of the avenger. After some searching, they were heard talking in the hay loft, and constable Sam Axley ordered them to come out. Young Acton did so, but declared that Skinner was not there. A lantern was procured, and the constable went into the mow and Skinner came out and gave himself up.

It was a very unfortunate affair, and the parents of both parties feel deeply aggrieved. There is too much of a desperate spirit manifested among men, and generally indulged in by boys to shoot or use a knife on the slightest provocation, that should be discouraged by all law-abiding citizens.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

DIED. On Monday, February 5th, Albert A. Chamberlain; aged forty-three years and six months.

It is with a feeling of regret that we announce to the public the sudden death of our friend and fellow townsman, Albert A. Chamberlain, so long a resident among us.

Mr. Chamberlain came to this county from Wisconsin, in 1870. He followed his trade as cabinet maker and undertaker for several years, then moved to his farm a few miles east of the Walnut, and finally returned to town and resumed his occupation, having recently purchased the furniture store of Mr. Lafayette McLaughlin.

Mr. Chamberlain was a genial gentleman of lively spirits, and all were friends who knew him. But a few weeks ago he called us in to look at his stock of coffins, remarking in his jovial way: "They are a handy thing to have in the house." How little he thought death would be first to knock at his door. But it is well enough to enjoy life while we may, for tomorrow we may die. The deceased was confined to the house since January 29th with catarrh in the head, and paralysis followed. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his loss.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

BOLTON, January 26, 1878.
There will be a meeting held at the Bland schoolhouse February 9th, at 1 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of selecting a cemetery for Bolton Township, and also to ascertain the people's opinion concerning the bridge. J. M. SAMPLE, Trustee.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

DR. KELLOGG and family, with Mrs. A. O. Hoyt, took their leave on Monday to make their residence at Emporia. The Doctor was one of the first settlers in this section, and purchased the farm joining the town on the south of T. A. Wilkinson over seven years ago. Mr. Hoyt is a thorough business gentleman, full of enterprise and energy, whom the people of Emporia will be glad to meet, and his wife is one of the most agreeable ladies to be found in the West.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.

A raft of 10,000 feet of lumber was brought down the Walnut from Mr. Leander Finley's timber to Lippmann's saw mill this week. Harklewood was Captain of the craft, with Thad. McGinnis and Ben. Moore as first and second mates, and Tim McIntire, pilot. All went well until two of the crew immersed themselves in the river and nearly swamped the raft climbing out.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878. Front Page.

The various reports that have reached the government with reference to the whereabouts of Sitting Bull and his band have been disregarded at the War department. There is a settled determination to make thorough war upon that party whenever and wherever found in our dominions. Permission has been asked of the Indian bureau by the military authorities to enlist the Crows against the hostile Sioux. The Crows are old enemies of the Sioux tribe, and have been for a long series of years friendly to this government. The Indian office has acceded to the request from the secretary of war if there is any danger of Sitting Bull crossing into United States territory recruiting, that the Crows will commence immediately.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

The Pope is dead.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

The report of the Russians occupying Constantinople was untrue.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

The Russians are still whipping the Turks out of their religion and country.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

It is reported that immense quantities of the best timber are being destroyed in the Indian Territory south of this and Sumner counties. If no timber were cut down except such as is actually used up savingly, it would be much better, but this wholesale waste should be stopped at once. Where is the deputy marshal for that territory? Winfield Courier.

[Editor C. M. Scott replied as follows.]

The timber taken by whites has been for fire wood alone, and generally lying on the ground. The Indians themselves cut all nut bearing trees in the fall, and the wood would rot if it was not taken. Some one anxious to make trouble with the border settlers has been exaggerating matters continually for the past two years.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

BOLTON, Feb. 9, 1878.
A meeting was called by J. M. Sample, Trustee, to meet at the Bland schoolhouse at one o'clock today, to take some action in regard to purchasing a site for a cemetery, to be owned by the township. Notwithstanding the weather was very stormy, quite a large number from middle Bolton and west Bolton turned out.

J. M. Sample was elected Chairman, and James C. Topliff, Secretary of the meeting. It was the opinion of all present that the township needed a cemetery of not less than five acres, and that the same be purchased if possible. If a location be decided on and the parties owning the land would not sell at a fair price, to condemn the land according to law, and go ahead and improve the place. Quite a number of locations were suggested and voted on, but all were defeated, and it was finally left to the Township Board to select a site as soon as possible, of not less than five acres, and as near the center of the township as possible. Survey of the ground into lots, which are to be numbered, and given to the different residents of this township in rotation, as called for. Also to have the same all broken out the coming spring. It is understood that the committee members are to look up a site this coming week.

After the cemetery matter was disposed of, the bridge question was brought up before the meeting, and nearly everyone had something to say in its favor. It was the opinion of all present that if we did not have a bridge soon, many would leave the township. Mr. Pepper asked that a vote be taken in regard to voting aid to build a new bridge and repairing the old one south of Arkansas City, which was done, and the same was carried unanimously. They all agreed to turn out on election day and see that all their neighbors went to the polls to vote.

The Board then met together, and in response to petitions from 114 of the residents and tax payers, ordered that an election be held at the usual voting precincts on Saturday, the 9th day of March next. J. C. TOPLIFF, Secretary.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

SECTION 24. The trustee shall, annually, on the second Thursday in September, settle with and audit the accounts of the township treasurer, and of all the road overseers in his township, for all moneys disbursed of them; in which settlement he shall not credit said officers, or either of them, for any disbursements made by them; and he shall, within ten days thereafter, cause the township clerk to record at length such accounts in the township records.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

WINFIELD, KAN., Feb. 9, 1878.
Perhaps your readers would like to know in what condition I found the schools visited by me this week. The schools of your city are in a healthy condition, and much good work is being done in them. Mrs. Theaker takes good care of the little ones in her room, and her practice of giving a recess every hour is well worthy of its imitation. Pupils in primary classes need much physical exercises and but little physical restraint.

In Miss Ela's department the pupils are of a higher grade, are older, and can bear more study than can those in the primary classes. Consequently, more work is done, less freedom is found, and the exercises are conducted with a firmer hand in this than in the first named room.

The work of the advanced classes, under Mr. Thompson, is honest and zealous, and the spirit of teacher and scholars seemed to indicate that all felt the importance of the duties before them. Mr. Thompson is laboring diligently and conscientiously to elevate the standard of scholarship and character among his pupils, and in this he deserves and doubtless has the cordial support of all the patrons of his scholars.

Miss Lizzie Landis teaches a model school in district 80, in East Bolton. Her school shows good training in every respect. She makes use of one of the best means in managing her pupils, namely a weekly report card which shows the attendance, deportment, etc., of a pupil for every week in the term. The idea is a good one, and deserves imitation elsewhere in the county.

Mr. C. C. Holland's school, in district 89, was full, even running over. He is one of the ambitious teachers of the county, and gives his large family his entire attention, and with good results.

Miss Mary Pickett's school closed some days ago, and I could see only the room where it had been. From her report I learn that she had an enrollment of 34, and an average attendance of 20.

Mrs. Ruth Stauffer teaches in district 53, and has a school well filled with advanced scholars, who seem to have made considerable progress in studies during the term.

As the storm came on, I was compelled to slight district 36, in which Miss Dora Winslow teaches.

Mrs. Adelia Baird's school, district 96, closed recently, and of course was not inspected, though I visited the district to see about other matters.

In general, I found educational interests in Bolton in a healthy condition, and the progress which that township is making in population and wealth will in time remedy many of the evils which unavoidably afflict our district schools. Respectfully, R. C. STORY.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

A Card.
Editor Traveler: In your notice of the stabbing affray at Salt City, the inference would be that Willie Skinner was entirely in fault, and as it may be judicially investigated, it is but justice to both parties to state the facts.

Until the day of the trial, I did not know of any difficulty on the 4th of July, and all I now know is what Mr. Steiner gold me. Doubtless Willie Skinner was badly to blame for the language used on that day; but it is also a fact known to many that it would not have occurred but for the whiskey sold at the picnic, to minors and others, that day.

On Saturday last I sent Willie Skinner to Salt Springs, and in the evening he was in Waldo's store. Some boys, ready to get others into trouble if they can escape, went to the church where Hugh Steiner was, and by rapping on the window and loud talk, succeeded in stopping the discourse and attracting Steiner's attention. Steiner left the church and went with the other boys to the store, where the trouble began.

Esquire Acton stopped the disturbance, and Willie Skinner left for Acton's house. Steiner, urged on by others, followed after and declaring the thing must be settled, raised his hand as if to strike. Then came the trouble. No "rush for Steiner;" no "d__n you, take that."

Such, Mr. Editor, any responsible citizen of Salt Springs will tell you, and many will state further that Willie Skinner did only what the most of older men would have done. No trouble would have occurred between the boys had it not been for the meddlesome interference of others, who are far more to blame than either of the boys.

Three Justices sat on the trial, and fined Willie Skinner $10, which fact ought to satisfy any man that the blame was not entirely on one side. I will say that the father of Hugh Steiner acted like a gentleman, and reported the fuss as brought on by others. WM. SKINNER.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

EAST BOLTON, Feb. 9, 1878.
Our citizens are generally preparing fuel for their summer's use. Some of our farmers are not done picking corn as their last year's crops were larger than the capacities of their granaries.

There is some sickness on this side of the river. Mrs. Page and Mrs. Longfeldt are on the sick list. We failed to learn the nature of their diseases, but understand they are both recovering slowly.

Hon. R. C. Story was on the Egyptian side of the Arkansas this week. While he was over on official duty, he called on all the schools in our township. He called at Stony Point school on Wednesday evening. Being called upon by the teacher, Mr. Story addressed the urchins in a very eloquent, interesting, and effective manner. The Professor is a very pleasant talker, and being a whole-souled educator, he knows how to interest "little folks."

There is a Sabbath school organized and in good working order at the Spring Side school house. School meets at 10 o'clock a.m., every Sabbath.

Mr. Ed. Rector, a brother-in-law of Mr. Jacob Terwilliger, was down from Iowa last week. He came with a view to invest in a stock farm. He is a very extensive farmer and stock raiser of Iowa. Although he did not invest here, he was very favorably impressed on several farms on the Territory line. Mr. Rector is a man of considerable means and high literary attainments, hence he would be a great help to our community financially and socially. He departed last Thursday with the understanding that he would be back with his family in the fall.

Our people are all ablaze over the bridge proposition which will determine the matter of bridging the Arkansas River south of the city. May the bonds be carried and the bridge be speedily constructed, is the wish of everyone living in East Bolton. C. C. H.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

THURSDAY, Feb'y 7, 1878.
The question for debate last Tuesday evening, by the Aristotelian Society, was: "Resolved, That the herd law is detrimental to the interests of Cowley county," with Messrs. Shearer and Drennan as principal disputants, followed by the boys of East Creswell and that delicate Russell Cowles, of West Creswell. Those in the affirmative solemnly declared we would soon see Texas calves sucking jack oak stumps if there were no herd law in our county. One enthusiast went so far as to assert that he could raise enough wheat on one acre to buy a dozen Texas calvesnotwithstanding he didn't raise a bushel on 35 acres last season. After recess (that is when we all talk at once) the decision of the judges was in order. One judge got up and whispered to the President, who gave a decision in the negative. Then the other judges conferred with the hasty member, and finally secured an affirmative deci sion. After songs, dialogues, etc., the evening's entertainment closed with the "Old Bob Ridley" walk-around, by the Aristotelian Minstrels.

In conclusion I will say that if any of your readers want a good laugh that will do you more good than six square meals, come to Parker's schoolhouse every Tuesday evening.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

Notice to Settlers on Cherokee Strip.
In accordance with the instructions from the general land office, this office will be prepared to receive applications from settlers entitled thereunder to enter tracts covered by their respective settlements not to exceed 160 acres for each settler, at $1.25 per acre for the period of one year from this date. Each applicant will be required to submit proof to consist of his affidavit corroborated by the affidavits of disinterested witnesses, which shall show that he is an actual settler on the tract desired, and also that there is no other party entitled thereon as a prior settler. JAMES L. DYER, Receiver.

Wichita, Kans., Feb. 7, 1878.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

CEDAR TOWNSHIP, Feb. 4, 1878.
Mr. Gregg, who has been sick with pneumonia, is able to sit up a little each day.

Four deer were killed on Cedar Creek, this township, one day last week by a party of Kaw Indians.

The Joe Smith branch of the Mormon church baptized four of our citizens in East Beaver Creek last Monday morning. The wind blew cold from the north, and their clothing froze on them before they could get into a house. W. A. METCALF.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

SILVERDALE, Feb. 8, 1878.
There is not much excitement in this section just now. We have a good lyceum organized in the district, which is flourishing. The question for Thursday night the 31st was: "Resolved, That intemperance has caused more misery than war?" We have a full house every night, and the young people are beginning to see that a lyceum is a good thing for them.

Another social was held in the Coburn house on the night of the 25th. All went merry as a marriage ball until the belles and beaux went home to eat pickles, kraut, cold beans, etc. There were several "bloated aristocrats" from town to the partythat is what they say out here. GUN POWDER.



PLEASANT VALLEY, January 26, 1878.
Editor Telegram: Three noble red men of the Pawnee tribe entered the premises of Mr. West Holland last Tuesday and instituted a difficulty with two of the boys, and John Hawkins, that came near terminating seriously.

Hostilities commenced by one of the Indians striking Bobbitt, the youngest of the Holland boys (aged 9 years) on the head with a bow stick. Hawkins told Bob to knock him down, whereupon the Indian punched him with his stick. At this W. Holland picked up an ax and told the Indians to "skin out;" refusing to do so, one of the Indians drew his butcher knife and flourished it defiantly above his head.

William threw the ax at him, striking the Indian near that prominent cheek bone, and stretching him on the ground apparently lifeless; but the timely arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Holland and the free use of camphor soon restored him to consciousness. It was found that instead of being knocked senseless, he was simply knocked sensible. They retreated in good order. [NOTE: TRAVELER REPRINTED TELEGRAM ARTICLE.]


Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

Cherokee Strip Lands.
WICHITA, KAN., Feb. 5, 1878.
Editor Traveler:

DEAR SIR: This office is in receipt of instructions from the General Land Office, relative to the sale of lands on the Cherokee Strip, and will be prepared to receive applications from actual settlers on the 7th of this month, for the period of one year thereafter. Each applicant is requested to submit proof to consist of his affidavit corroborated by the affidavits of disinterested witnesses which shall show that he is an actual settler on the tract desired, and also that there is no other party entitled thereto as a prior settler, and will be required to pay for the same $1.25 per acre. No person will be permitted to enter more than 160 acres. Very Respectfully, JAMES L. DYER, Receiver.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

Hon. D. C. Haskell has introduced a bill in Congress, providing for the pay of counsel fees in the Osage Ceded Land suits. The bill appropriates out of the Indian fund $50,000 for that purpose.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

The Hessian Fly.
RED BUD, Feb. 5, 1878.
Friend Scott:

Last fall and early winter from the prevalence of yellow blades among the wheat, and the presence of a small insect in considerable numbers, many farmers were alarmed, and the dry of Hessian fly was raised in many places. The enclosed letter from Hon. Edwin A. Popehoe, Secretary of the Academy of Science, may be of interest to your readers.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

TOPEKA, KAN., Jan. 29, 1878.
DEAR SIR: Your note with accompanying vial of insects was duly received, but having a very severe case of typhoid fever in my family and other troubles, I have neglected to answer until now. The insects sent are Hemiptera or leaxhoppers, Tettigonia insects that live upon the juices of plants, but I have never before known of any case where wheat was injured by them, nor indeed any plant in particular. There is one member of the family, the grape leaf hopper, that is injurious to the grape plants in the East, but I have not found it here. It is not impossible that the insects sent would injure the wheat if present in sufficient numbers, but I do not expect to find that such is the case. I have seen the same kind here in winter, usually in sunny spots in woodlands, but have never noticed any injuries in summer that could be traced to their work. If you should prove their injurious character, I would be greatly pleased to receive notice of the fact, and will gladly furnish all the information on entomological subjects that I can at any time. Truly yours, EDWIN A. POPENOE.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

More rain last week again.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

A brother of H. P. Farrar is visiting this place.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

BIRTH. HERMANN GODEHARD was blessed with a bouncing boy last Wednesday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

Go to the Methodist Church tomorrow evening and have an oyster feast.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

HUGH STEINER, the young man who was stabbed last week, is recovering rapidly.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

WYARD GOOCH is making another tour in the Territory, going to Pawnee Agency again.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

REV. S. B. FLEMING failed to reach his appointment on Sabbath night because of high waters.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

MR. CHAMBERLAIN was buried under the management of the Knights of Honor last Wednesday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

MR. TISDALE, the manager of the stage line, was down last week in company with agent M. L. Bangs.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

NOTICE the new card of Col. J. C. McMullen in this issue. The Colonel expects to offer good inducements to his old patrons.



(Successor to Arkansas City Bank, Arkansas City, Kansas.)
Does a General Banking Business.

Pays Interest on Time Deposits.

Loans Money on Well Improved Farms.

Has a very superior new burglar proof safe, with all the recent improvements.

Correspondents: American Exchange National Bank, New York; First National Bank, Emporia.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

MARRIED. At the residence of Rev. Herbert, on Thursday, February 7th, James F. Goatley to Sarah Key, both of Bolton Township.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

TOMMY YOUNG, the man who drove the stage from this place for many years, died at Lawrence, Kansas, some days ago, leaving no will or request whatever.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

ED. HORN returned from Fort Sill and Red River last week. While at the Fort he had the explicit pleasure of gazing on bow-legged Fred. Grant, the ex-President's son.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

An election has been called in Bolton Township to vote on the proposition of issuing $2,000 in bonds to build a bridge across the Arkansas to join that portion of the old bridge that remains, since the flood of Sunday, May 20th, 1877. It is generally believed the proposition will be carried by a good majority, as it costs much more to pay ferry toll than to pay interest and principle on $2,000.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

NEN-NE-ES-CAH, the little town on the Arkansas about eighteen miles above this place, is growing like a young mushroom. It is the half way place between Wichita and Arkansas City, where travelers stop for refreshments. The place derived its name from the Osages, and means "white water." The country about it cannot be excelled, and there is sure to be a good trading point there.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

A negro by the name of Sam Houston stole a horse from Mr. Austin, on Grouse Creek last Thursday, the property of one Mr. Warren. Sam Houston was overtaken near Tisdale, shot at, robbed of his hat and money ($2.60), and then delivered to an officer. Subject for the next schoolhouse debate: "Which is the more honorableto steal a horse, or rob a man of his money and his hat?" W. B.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

Yesterday morning smoke was seen issuing from the roof of the Arkansas City House, and the cry of fire was soon raised. The fire department with one extinguisher arrived promptly, and after a few minutes the fire was subdued with very small damage to the property. One or more of these extinguishers should be mounted on wheels with a light ladder provided. It is too much of a load for one man to run any distance with.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

J. C. TOPLIFF and STRONG PEPPER presented to the Township Board of Bolton Township last Saturday petitions signed by more than 114 voters in favor of calling an election to vote $2,000 in bonds towards the bridge across the Arkansas River. We under stand that everyone was in favor of the proposition, as well as several others who did not get a chance to sign the petitions. Let every man turn out on election day and vote for the bonds, and see that his neighbors do the same, so that a contract can be drawn up and work be commenced immediately.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

A donation party will be held at the M. E. Church on next Thursday evening for the benefit of Rev. B. C. Swarts for his labors during the last fall and winter. An oyster supper will be held the same evening at the same place, besides music and other attractions. Any contribution will be thankfully accepted that is needful in a family. Mr. Swarts was the first minister at this place, and one of the first settlers, and has been almost constantly laboring for the good of the church and community since he came. We hope the donation party will be largely attended and freely contributed in.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

We made a short trip to Wichita last week, and found the roads almost impassable with teams stuck in the mud in several places. In accordance with our usual good luck in vehicles, the stage upset about three miles west of Winfield while going down a slight hill, coming down with considerable force. We were on the under side, and a female sat on our shoulder and ribs, with a heavy paper sack in her lap. After frantic efforts we were released, and soon went on our way rejoicing. At Wichita business was quiet, owing to the state of the roads. The liveries were doing but little, but two hotels were full of strangers anxious to get out into the country. The Richey House found accommodations for their old patrons, and had to put off some new ones. A. N. Deming is doing well; has one of the most convenient houses in the city, and is generally popular with the traveling public. Frank Wood can be found at "Jones'," glad to see all his friends.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

T. L. Brown, Noah Kimmell, and E. Baldwin sold their hogs for $2.95 per 100 weight, and considered it a good sale under the present market. But little wheat was being offered or bought. Very few wagons on the road, and we saw but two droves of hogs.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

Three Pawnee Indians broke into the school building at Pawnee Agency and stole some children's clothing. The Agent ordered them to be tied up and whipped thirty lashes. Two of them were whipped and one ran off to avoid it. He makes his residence on the Arkansas River near this place.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

The partnership heretofore existing between Thomas E. Berry, I. K. Berry, and A. A. Berry, is hereby mutually dissolved, Thomas E. Berry continuing the business. All persons owing the old firm will please call and settle at once, without further notice.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

Bolton Bridge Bond Election.
WHEREAS, A petition has been presented to the Township Board of Bolton Township, signed by 114 voters, being more than three-fifths of the votes at the last general election, for the purpose of voting Two Thousand Dollars to build a combina tion bridge and repair the old bridge across the Arkansas River south of Arkansas City; it is therefore ordered that an election be held on the Ninth day of March, 1878, at the usual voting precincts in Bolton Township, for the purpose of voting for or against the proposition to issue Two Thousand Dollars to repair that part of the old bridge now standing, and to build a combination bridge in place of that part destroyed, across the Arkansas River south of Arkansas City. The form of the ballots shall read: "For the Bridge Bonds," and "Against the Bridge Bonds."

J. M. SAMPLE, Trustee.
T. S. PARVIN, Clerk.
A. J. KIMMEL, Treasurer.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.


Having bought the entire interest of Berry Brothers, hereafter I will endeavor to keep a Large Stock of GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, CUTLERY, ETC.

Call before Buying Elsewhere. Yours, Respectfully, Thomas E. Berry.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.

W. H. Bilson and James Ridenour Arrested.
Last Sunday morning Mr. Samuel Hoyt went to the stable back of Silas Parker's house, and found lying in open view a case containing a gold watch, the property of L. W. Currier. Considerable talk was indulged in as to how the watch came there, and suspicion pointed toward the men arrested, whom it was thought had become frightened at Mr. Currier's threats, and thought best to let him have his watch. Shortly after Mrs. Alexander noticed the movements of Mr. Bilson, and saw him go to the cellar of the house on the north of her residence, she informed her son, Will, and upon his going to the cellar he found the forks taken from the store, wrapped in a sun bonnet, hid under the joists of the building. Mr. Bilson was then arrested, and confessed he had helped to steal the articles, and that Ridenour was his accomplice. He said that on the morning of the robbery Mr. Ridenour said to him, "I want you to help me do a little work tonight." Bilson replied, "All right; I am ready if there is any money in it." He claims that Ridenour then promised him $25 if he would help him, and the two went to the store, bored the doors, and took the property, and that Ridenour had the watches. At this writing the trial has not taken place. While the evidence seems to be against Mr. Ridenour, there are many things to make his friends believe he is innocent. One thing in particular is, that a gold watch was brought to him on the day previous to the robbery to be regulated. He moved the regulator, and handed the watch back, saying it would do as well to carry it. The cause of Mr. Ridenour's arrest is all on Bilson's statements. As yet there is no further evidence. After the trial we shall have more to say about it.



Watches and Clocks repaired in first-class style, and in good working order. Also Engravings and Repairing of Jewelry. Watch repairing a specialty. All work warranted. I am to be found at the Green Front Grocery Store, Summit street, Arkansas City, Kansas.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878. Front Page.

The following dispatch containing an account of the visit of Sitting Bull's Sioux over the border, and their attempt to form a confederation to attack the whites, has been received, and is vouched for as reliable in every respect.

FORT BENTON, MONTANA, Feb. 8. Charley Ruckman arrived from Fort Claggett last evening with the following important information. On the 13th ult., the Crows and Gros Ventres who camped at Fort Claggett discovered moccasin tracks of about one hundred Sioux in the vicinity of the camp and pieces of tobacco tied to sticks were found, which signifies the Sioux desired to smoke and hold a council. The Crows and Gros Ventres, however, considered the tobacco a decoy, and were afraid to venture out.

The following day Major Reed, who was at the fort, started for his ranch in company with one of the Crows. When a few miles out they discovered a large party of Sioux mounted, and were compelled to turn back.

That night all the Indians camped near the fort tied their horses to their lodges; but in spite of this precaution, fifty head of animals were stolen, evidently by the mounted party seen the day previous. The party on foot is supposed to be still prowling near the fort.

Lame Bull, a Gros Ventres, has gone with the Crows into the Judith country, taking the lodges of his own people with him and advising the rest to follow.

A Gros Ventres Indian came in from Marion today and reported as follows: A member of the Black Feet tribe recently came to his camp, on the Marions, to learn how he and his people felt about joining the Sioux. It appears that the Sioux have held a council with the Sarcess, at Cypress Mountains, when the Sioux stated that they want us to form an alliance with all the Northern tribes to kill off the whites before the latter became too numerous. The Sarcess communicated with the Black Feet and the latter sent this Indian to negotiate with the Gros Ventres.

Before the Gros Ventres Indian, from whom this information is obtained, left the Marions, a runner from the main camp of Milk River had come in with news to the effect that a delegation of nine Sioux had come to the camp to get the Gros Ventres and Assinoboins to join them against the whites. The Gros Ventres profess to have threatened the party, whereupon the latter went outside the camp, "dug a hole and dared them to come on." They say they would have attacked them, but were afraid of the Assinoboins.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

As previously announced after March 1st we cannot send the TRAVELER until it is paid for. To send the paper and wait for the pay, would cost us an outlay of eight hundred dollars or more. We have not the money to advance, consequently can send it only to those who pay. We have a one month's list for 20 cents, three months for 50 cents, one year for $2.00. All papers marked X with a lead pencil, will be stopped at that time.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

Wichita Land Office.
We understand that a change will soon be made in the Registership of the Wichita Land Office, and that Hon. L. J. Webb, of this city, is talked of for the place. We think that so far as our neighbors at Wichita are concerned, they should be satisfied with having the location of the land office and the Receivership, and we believe they are. Mr. Webb received the endorsement of a large majority of the members of the State Legislature, of most of the State officials, of the county officers of Cowley county, of many of the leading citizens of Winfield, and last but not least, of the Republican state, district, and county central committees. The people of Cowley endorse him and would be glad to see him appointed. In fact, in the distribution of federal appointments in Kansas, Cowley County has been overlooked, and it would be no more than right that she should have this one. Mr. Webb possesses all the qualifications necessary for the office and we hope our congressional delegation will urge his appointment.

The above, taken from the Winfield Courier agrees with our sentiments exactly, and we think should be considered by our Representatives at Washington.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

The Cherokee Strip.
In response to numerous inquiries about the "Cherokee Strip," we present the following facts obtained, as we believe, from a reliable source.

The "Strip" consists of a somewhat wedge shaped tract of land along the south line of the State some 200 miles from east to west and varying from about one and a half miles in width at its eastern and to some four and a half miles at the west end. It lies between the south line of the Osage Diminished Reserve and the Indian Territory. It was caused by a defective survey of the north line of the Indian Territory some years ago.

Some four years ago the "Strip" first came into market by an act of Congress and by the terms of the law, was to be sold to actual settlers only at $1.50 an acre for all east of the Arkansas river, and $1.25 for all west of that river, for one year, after which it was to be sold under sealed bids to the highest bidder, regardless of actual occupancy. Under this law, the land was settled and all the best portion of it taken as far west as the west line of Sumner county.

This past winter by the efforts of our Congressman from this district, Hon. Thomas Ryan, practically the old law for the sale of the strip was re-enacted, and the land is now open for sale to actual settlers in tracts not exceeding 160 acres to a settler, at $1.25 per acre. But all the best land has been culled out and taken as far west as the west line of Sumner county, beyond which we should not advise settlers to go on the strip except in the few favored parts where it is coursed by creeks. Emporia News.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

The following letter explains itself.

WICHITA, KAS. Feb. 7, 1878.
D. N. Caldwell, Esq.:

SIR: Settlers on the Cherokee Strip are not required to file on their lands prior to entry, but may make a direct entry of same, at $1.25 per acre, upon showing compliance with the law. Respectfully, H. L. TAYLOR, Register.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

Instructions Concerning the Sale of the Cherokee
Strip Lands to Actual Settlers.
WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 25, 1878.
Register and Receiver, Wichita, Kansas:

GENTLEMEN: I have to call your attention to the Act in Congress, approved February 28, 1877, entitled "An Act to provide for the sale of certain lands in Kansas," Statues vol. 19, page 265, which provides for the sale of the lands west of the Neosho river along the southern line of the State of Kansas, included in what is known as the "Cherokee Strip," a portion of which, in township 35 S. of ranges 1 E to 8 E. inclusive, and ranges 1 W to 10 W inclusive, falls within your district.

The above mentioned act provides that "the Secretary shall offer for sale to settlers all of said tract remaining unsold," at the date of this passage, "at the local land offices in the district in which it is situated, at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre;" and that "all of said lands remaining unsold after one year from the date at which they are so offered for sale at the local land offices shall be sold by the Secretary of the Interior for cash, in quantities of tracts not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres, at not less than one dollar per acre."

This act having been accepted by the Cherokee Nation, as therein provided for, you will, in order to carry the same into effect so far as regards the sale of the lands to settlers, proceed to give notice immediately on receipt hereof, by publication in some newspaper of general circulation in the vicinity of the land, at least once a week for four successive weeks, that you will be prepared to receive applications from settlers entitled thereunder to enter the tract covered by their respective settlements, not to exceed 160 acres for each settler, at $1.25 per acre for the period of one year from the date of this notice. That date you will report to this office in a special letter, forwarding a copy of the published notice.

On application being made, you will require the applicant to submit proof to consist of his affidavit corroborated by the affidavits of disinterested witnesses which shall show that he is an actual settler on the tract desired, and also that there is no other party entitled thereto as a prior settler.

If the proof on examination is found satisfactory, you will endorse on it the fact; and in the absence of any legal objection, allow the entry, as in ordinary cash cases, requiring the party to make application according to form No. 6, circular of December 1, 1877, and issuing your receipt and certificate according to forms No. 7 and 8 of the same. On these papers you will make marginal note as follows: Cherokee Strip, Act of February 28, 1877. You will number the papers consecutively in the order of their issue beginning with number one.

The sales will be duly entered on your records. You will send up special abstracts therefor with your regular monthly returns, as also the proof of settlement submitted by the party, and the receipt and certificate to be issued by you in each case as before directed. The blank forms of abstracts, provided for reporting ordinary cash sales, may be used, but with proper reference thereon to the act under which these entries will be allowed.

The receiver will render a separate account of the Indian lands. In his receiver's account he will credit the United States with the money's received from the sales of the lands, and will charge the United States with the amount deposited, and the amount of authorized disbursements. In his disbursing account he will charge the United States with the authorized disbursements, and credit the United States the same amount as credited to the receiver's account and therein charged.

At the expiration of one year from the date of the notice given as before directed, you will cease to allow entries to be made under the foregoing, and will report any of the lands which may then remain undisposed of for further instructions. Please acknowledge.

Very Respectfully, J. W. WILLIAMSON, Commissioner.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

Hull, the originator of the Colorado stone man, is no novice in the business. The Cardiff giant was the result of his handiwork, and the gigantic bird tracks, credited to pre-Adamite time, which were lately discovered in the Connecticut Valley, were the products of his workship. These tracks were but the enlargement from the feet of an ordinary turkey, and distinctness of the impression in the sand-stone made the discovery of them a scientific event of much comment at the time.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

In 1877, Sumner County reported 3,786 children of school age; a gain in one year of 932.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

A new city has been laid out on the old town site of Ninnescah, and called Bushnell.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

The Narrow Gauge.
Work has stopped on the narrow gauge temporarily, because of the weather. Had the company possessed ten millions of dollars, work could not have been executed in such weather as we have had in the past two months. The contractors stuck to it as long as there was any show to put in two or three days a week.

Major Fuller assures us that active work will be resumed by the 10th of next month at the farthest, and pushed with vigor.

From $20,000 to $30,000 have already been spent in this enterprise, prompt payment being its rule, and it is not at all probable that this movement is to lie idle, when there is every reason and inducement to push on to Eureka, at the earliest moment. The road has had no greater delays than everyone which has been built to this section. In fact, work was not to be commenced, according to the Lyon county proposition, and also the Greenwood, until the bonds along the route to the south line of the State at the rate of $4,000 per mile were in escrow, and yet we find that nine miles are graded; that a large lot of ties are on hand, and that the Cottonwood bridge is far toward completion. More would have been done but for the failure of the contractor, who only lately gave up his contract.

It is now probable that the daily mail route from here to Eureka will not be let, as usual, the Government reserving that work for the narrow gauge, which it has ascertained, to its satisfaction, will be running trains to Eureka by the 1st of July, the date at which the new period of mail service will go into effect. So far as there being anything to complain about at the progress of this enterprise, we think, under all the circumstances, it has made good progress, and its early completion is very promising.

We shall be disappointed if there are not some two hundred teams and men throwing dirt at a lively rate by this time next month. Nothing but impossible difficulties will prevent it.

Emporia News.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

The U. S. Indian Commissioner at Washington writes to the Land Office at Independence, concerning the settlement recently made just over the line in the Territory, that all locations south of the State line are in the Indian Territory, and cannot be recognized. Such settlers are intruders and cannot acquire a title to any land south of said boundary.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

WALTON, February 8, 1878.
There have been a number of claims taken on the strip within the past two weeks, and some trouble is anticipated in regard to claim jumping.

They have a greenback club organized here, and in good working order. Mr. James Williams is president, and Mr. Dilworth secretary. They meet every Monday evening to discuss the great financial question. CHRISTMAS.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

Mud out here is an impediment to locomotion, as equestrians are compelled to travel the under ground road.

Wheat looks remarkably well, and promises a bountiful crop. Acreage exceeds any former sowing.

Farmers are seen standing around their premises arranging for the spring's crop. Some of our farmers adhere to the old adage, "The early bird catches the worm," and have planted potatoes, and others seem to think that "he that by the plow would thrive, himself must either hold or drive," and are driving matters in this respect.

We too can boast of a literary society, and judging from the gass upon some questions, gassers are not all dead yet.

Would it not be profitable to the farmers these long winter evenings to organize a farmers' club society, and discuss the most profitable and scientific mode of crop raising ?

[K. C., E. & S. R. R.]

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

[Emporia (Kas.) Ledger.]
We have heard at regular intervals all winter that the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern Railroad has "busted," or suspended work. The facts are that the weather has been so unfavorable that there has scarcely been a day in two months when men could work at grading, and in the next place, the failure of Greenwood county clerk to sign the bonds of that county was, of itself, sufficient cause for the company to stop work.

The engineer, Major Fuller, has not stopped work, however, You can find him in his office almost any hour in the day, drafting bridges or profiles of grades, etc. The company pays every cent of every dollar it contracts, and we are assured that the work will be pushed vigorously forward whenever the weather will permit, and the counties along the line indicate their willingness to fulfill their promises.

We are informed that the Greenwood county bonds have been, or will be, duly executed, and that as soon as the ground becomes dry enough to work on the grade, the work will be resumed and pushed just as rapidly as possible.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

Wheat looking fine, with a large amount sown. Corn all in the crib, and a large yield.

The young folks are having a good time this winter with their parties, lyceums, literary societies, etc. They surprised Mr. and Mrs. James Moore on Monday night, and made things lively until a late hour.

District 112 needs a school. There are fifty school children in the district, and no school. If our Board don't do something soon, we will have to bring out that man in Winfield that wears spectacles, and see what he can do. Look a little out, boys.

The mill at Lazette has stopped running. Reason not known, but we can guess all the same.

The Kelly boys are fixing up a stock ranch. They have some good cattle, and are fine boys. BLINKY.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

Interesting to the Squatters in the Indian Territory.
[From the Cowley County Telegram.]
For some weeks there has been strong evidences of a stampede from the counties of Cowley, Sumner, and others, not very remote from the south line of the State, to the lands just south of this and Sumner county and in the Indian Territory. Many have gone down there and staked off their claims. Some have stayed there and others are only waiting for spring to come, before permanently removing to that locality. To all who have come to us for an opinion on the matter, we have said, "Don't gothe lands are Indian lands, and not open for settlement, and you will just get comfortably settled when the military will drive you out."

Some have taken our advice and others laughed at our warning, while still others requested us to write to Washington and find just the status of the lands.

This we consented to do, and a few days since wrote to Hon. T. R. Ryan, the Representa tive in Congress from this district. The following is the letter we received in reply, which we hope will convince all those who are wild on this question, that they are entirely on the wrong track, and be satisfied to stay quietly at home and improve the lands they already have in Cowley.

Washington, D. C., Feb. 6, 1878.
W. M. ALLISON, My Dear Sir:

In reply to your letter, I will state that I had an interview this morning with the Secretary of the Interior, upon the subject of the right of persons to enter upon and occupy lands in the Indian Territory in the vicinity of the Kansas border south of Cowley and Sumner, etc. He expressed the opinion that such right does not exist, but on the contrary, such occupancy would be a violation of treaty obligations, and if his attention was called to the fact that persons were occupying such lands, he should regard it his duty to remove them promptly, if needs be, by military force. I therefore think you would do a kindness to all persons who contemplate going upon these lands for settlement, to advise them not to do so.

Very Respectfully, THOMAS RYAN.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

Retail Market.
Eggs, per dozen, 9 cents.

Butter, per pound, 18 cents.

Onions, per bushel, $1.60

Turnips, per bushel, 20 cents.

Cabbage, 10 cents.

Potatoes, per bushel, $1.00

PoultryChickens, per dozen, $2.00

Turkeys, per pounds, 6 cents.

Bacon, per pound, 12 cents.

Tallow, per pound, 12 cents.

HidesGreen, 4 cents.

HidesDried, 10 cents.

Cattle, 2 cents.

Hogson foot, 2-1/2 cents.

Hogsdressed, 3 cents.

Sugar, per pound, 10 and 12 cents.

Coffee, 3-1/2 lbs. for $1.00


Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

For a genuine assortment of garden needs, go to Schiffbauer Bros.

SCHIFFBAUER BROS. want 1,500 bushels of No. 1 corn, for which they will pay the highest market price in goods.

SCHIFFBAUER BROS. step into the ring now with the largest assortment of stoneware in the city.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

A LADY'S PARASOL was left in the First Presbyterian Church some time last fall. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying charges of this advertisement.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

TROMMER'S EXTRACT OF MALT at Loomis' Drug Store.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

FOR SALE. My farm of 155-1/4 acres, joining Arkansas City on the south; 140 acres in cultivation; 80 acres in wheat; fruit in abundance; price $20 per acre. M. R. LEONARD.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

CORD WOOD $3.50; delivered, $4.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

The Murphy movement continues.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

JOE HOYT has returned to his family.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

BIRTH. ED. FINNEY, of Osage Agency, is now a happy father.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

JAMES HUEY is administrator of the Chamberlain estate.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

We need a mail route from this place to Pawnee Agency.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

The school building at Pawnee Agency is almost completed.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

BIRTH. JANUARY 17th, 1878, dates the arrival of a daughter at Al. Pruden's house.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

BIRTH. HERMANN'S baby is a girl, instead of a boy. We missed our guess on the gender last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

A census of Winfield, recently completed, shows that place to have a population of 1611.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

A. A. CHAMBERLAIN was the first member of the Knights of Honor that died in Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

TOM CONCANNON, of Winfield, is in the Indian picture and view business, with a traveling exhibition.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

G. B. GREENE brought his cattle up from Dean's herd last week; Grass is green on the Salt Fork.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

JARED ELLERS, formerly of Miami Town, Indiana, died of pneumonia at Salt Springs, last Sunday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

The barber left last week, and was not gone half a day until a man was after him for the boots he wore.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

L. C. WOOD sold his house on South Summit street to Williams & Maricle last week. It will be used as a hotel.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

L. C. WOOD has donned the blue ribbon in obedience to the command in Numbers, 15th chapter, 38th verse.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

J. I. MITCHELL has returned from Wichita with his stock of saddles and harness. He has some very fine ones.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

JAMES BOICE, of Lake City, Colorado, is stopping a few days at this place. He came down to buy ponies for pack animals.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

WADNER, of Cedar Vale, got dead drunk, laid in a wagon all night, and woke up in the morning in another world.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

The pontoon bridge at Oxford has been broken up by the late rise in the river, and crossing at that point has been suspended.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

J. C. TOPLIFF purchased the Vanston tract of land joining his farm in Bolton Township that was sold at Sheriff's sale last Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

CHARLEY McINTIRE is making a visit while his hand is recovering from the crush it received in the job press at the Telegram office.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

O. D. LEMERT, of Elk Falls, sold his cattle in Chicago for less than they cost him in Elk County. Consequently, he lost freight and feed.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

THOMAS CALLAHAN signed the pledge and donned the blue ribbon Monday night at the Murphy meeting, and has resolved to drink no more.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

Take the Santa Fe road for the San Juan country. The fare to Fort Garland from Wichita is $33, to Del Norte by stage $25, to Lake City from Del Norte $15.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

The M. E. donation was not so well attended as was expected, on account of wet weather. Those present, however, contributed freely. Only $16.00 was obtained.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

EPHRIHAM MERRIT received a terrible blow last week from being bucked on the horn of the saddle. It made him sick, but he held on until he fainted, and then fell to the ground.

[Wonder if last name is MERRITT?]

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

TISDALE, February 8, 1878.
MARRIED. WM. H. McCABE was married to MRS. REBECCA WILLIAMSON on Thursday evening, 7th inst., and MR. JUSTICE FISHER to MISS ESTHER WILLIAMSON


Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

We were favored with a call from Mr. Otis Houghton last Monday. Mr. Houghton is a promising young man, takes a lively interest in affairs generally, and we hope to meet him often.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

EDITOR TRAVELER: Please say to all whom it may concern that our windows have been received, there will be Sabbath school in the M. E. Church next Sabbath at 10 a.m., and preaching at 11 a.m. No services at night. A general invitation is extended to all interested.

B. C. SWARTS, Pastor.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

THE TRIAL OF BILSON AND RIDENOUR was held at Pearson's Hall last Wednesday afternoon and night. County Attorney McDermott prosecuted the case, with C. R. Mitchell defending Ridenour, and Amos Walton defending Bilson. Judge Christian and I. H. Bonsall were the judges. Bilson was bound over to appear at the next term of the District Court, in the sum of $600, and failing to obtain bail, was committed to jail. The evidence was not sufficient to convict Ridenour, and he was discharged. In searching Bilson's property, in Mrs. Williams' boarding house, some goods were found that had been taken from Charley Balcom's house some time ago, also some articles that were taken from A. K. Melton's trunk.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

Lippmann is running on full time. During the last week there were two rafts of lumber, of ten thousand feet each, landed at Lippmann's landing on the Walnut. The Murphy movement has reached the mill. They have also formed an anti-tobacco society. The Ragamuffins and Advance had a boat race on Saturday. The Ragamuffins came out victorious, they challenge any two men in Creswell township for a race. If accepted, leave word at the mill. Strayed or stolen from the mill, three jacks, two blacks, and one red one. Persons finding the above will be rewarded by calling at the mill and leaving the property.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

The Osages were paid $31,491.25 a few weeks ago, averaging $13.75 per head. They have nothing to sell now, and you can't buy a pony of them for double its value. The Pawnees, however, are fearful poor, and almost in a starving condition. They are returning from their buffalo hunt without meat, and some white men stampeded and drove off a number of their ponies. They had a squad of eight soldiers with them, but the Indians were only armed with bows and arrows, and the thieves were well armed. There were not enough soldiers to take them, and they could not overtake them.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

O. W. HUNT, HATTIE WILSON, and MATTIE RICE were relieved from labor at the Kaw Agency after the Inspector made his report.

Mr. Hunt was engaged as industrial teacher on farming. Miss Wilson was instructing seamstress, and Miss Rice was employed in the dining room. The cause was because the appropriations were limited. Mr. Spray's place was also recommended as superfluous, but was afterwards reconsidereda very wise reconsideration.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

A lively runaway took place last week in front of Hermann's grocery. Two women and one boy were in the wagon when the horses were beating a tattoo on the dashboard, but they did not remain long. When the horses came against the post that supports the awning of the grocery, the spectators showed their dexterity in leaping out of the way. One man we never saw jump before made a fifteen foot leap.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

A. A. NEWMAN was awarded the contract at the Pawnee Agency for 65 head of cows, twelve yoke of oxen, 525 bushels of corn, 375 bushels of oats, some pine lumber, and 200,000 shingles. SCHIFFBAUER BROS. were awarded the contract for salt and brooms.

A Leavenworth firm received the contract for the balance, being oil, putty, glass, etc.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

Editor Traveler: Will you permit us through your columns to express our sincere thanks, to all who so kindly remembered us on last Thursday evening. The many valuables presented are received as evidences of kindly regard and sympathy. B. C. SWARTS. M. J. SWARTS.

ARKANSAS CITY, Feb. 17, 1878.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

SCOTT, of the Arkansas City Traveler, has kindly consented to take a few thousand bushels of corn on subscription, while the other Cowley County papers continue their shrieks for wood. Press.

If you were to see our wood pile of seventy-five cords, you would see that we have no cause to shriek for wood. Corn or any other thing to eat is what bothers us.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

SILVER CREEK, February 1, 1878.
MR. EDITOR: I have just closed a five weeks' meeting at the Richland schoolhouse in the north part of the county. Eighteen were added to the church. I baptized ten last Sunday, and others await baptism on my return. A. THOMAS.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

As the stage was going north one day this week, Billy Bull, the driver, overtook a pretty country girl on her way to school, and asked her if she wouldn't get in and ride to the school- house. She replied, "No, I thank you. I want to get there before school begins!"

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN SUNDAY SCHOOL of this place has just received five hundred books from a Boston Sabbath school, and the old books of the school were given to one on Grouse Creek. J. C. Topliff manipulated the matter.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

One of the best arranged cottage houses that has been built lately is the one just east of Mr. Benedict's, built by Silas Parker for James Wilson. The location is a good one, and will always be pleasant.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

The "settlers" (?) on the Salt Fork have ordered Dean to keep his cattle off their "improvements." They will elect themselves governors next, and require a man to travel the regular highway (maybe).

Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

It is said Bilson, the man arrested for burglary, was to have been married on the day his trial took place, to Miss Maggie Mercer. It was a lucky thing for the young lady he was discovered so soon.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.

[Correspondence of the Globe-Democrat.]
Setting out from Laredo to go to Piedras Negrass, the traveler who, if he is alone, is generally astraddle of a hardy Mexican horse, finds himself and his beast on a road at first winding out into the plain, and then, like the track of a serpent, entering the hills and finally making its way up among the rocky eminences of the mountains that appear in the distance as you look from Laredo. Sometimes you find yourself and mustang leisurely pacing along through groves of mesquite, occasionally in the midst of patches of prickly pear that rise up like armed sentinels to dispute your passage. Your steed instinctively avoids these rough customers, bristling with thorns, and behind which, if you are experienced in Mexican deviltry, you may not be surprised at any moment to see a bunch of robbers, suddenly start forth and either shoot or lasso you, if they think you have any money, or your repeating rifle, six-shooter, or horse is worth having.

The bandits and robbers who infest the Mexican border do their mischief on the Rio Grande, and their escape for protection to their lairs in the fastnesses of the mountains to the southward have reduced thieving and murder almost to a science. The number and fiendishness of their assassinations have never been recorded. Their rascality and cool demonism surpass even the far-famed cut-throats of Sicily.

When gold is to be had, a human life with them is no better than that of an ox. Their manner of murdering a lone traveler away out in the solitude of the plains equals the Thugs of India, as described by Eugene Sue in the "Wandering Jew." It is about as follows: The bandit secretes himself near the roadside, either in a dense thicket of chaparral or else in the umbrageous top of a tree overshadowing the path on which his victim is expected to approach. He has with him, coiled up in a circle a couple of feet in diameter, a lasso. The lasso is a rope a quarter or a third of an inch in diameter, and made of leather thongs, or the long, coarse hair taken from the manes and tails of horses and cattle, and twisted together in a manner that would outwit the oldest sailor in the United States navy, and which is at the same time peculiar to Mexicans. The lasso is generally thirty to fifty feet long, and has at its end a smooth running noose, admitting of the easy sliding of the rope through the same. The lasso is used and managed with great dexterity by all Mexicans, and, indeed, by Texas cow boys and cattle men as well. By practice it can be thrown with such precision, on horseback at full speed, as to catch around the neck of the swiftest horse and almost instantly bring him to a halt.

As the unwary traveler approaches, not dreaming of his danger, the Mexican highway man suddenly tosses the coil of rope from his hands into the air. After describing a curve, and whilst the murderer himself remains hidden behind the tall cactuses or thick chapparal, it alights on the head and around the neck of the doomed traveler. The latter has not even time to utter an exclamation of horror or of despair ere the robber gives the lasso a sudden jerk. The noose is tightened around the victim's throat, and before he can draw a knife, or otherwise attempt to free himself, he is dragged off his horse and falls, a strangled corpse among the stones, sand, and rocks.

The black-bearded, swarthy Thug then plunders his victim, searches in his pockets for gold or silver or greenbacks, takes his horse, if the latter has not escaped into the plains, drags the body into a gully or secluded spot among the rocks, and the mystery of oblivion covers all.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878. Front Page.

The committee on Territories has decided to report favorably upon the bill for the creation of the Territory of Lincoln, to be formed out of portions of the Territories of Dakota and Wyoming, so as to include all of the Black Hills country.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

We scratch off sixty-five names from our subscription list this week, and will take off as many more next week if not paid for before that time. Some are subscribers who have been with us from the start and permitted themselves to get one and two years in arrears, and others are those who subscribed for three months and asked us to continue the paper and they would pay soon. If we could carry them until after harvest we would receive our pay, but that involves more capital than we have to invest at present. We didn't want any hard feelings on the matter. It is strictly a matter of business that should have been done long ago. Those owing us on account will please call in and settle by money or note.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

Mr. Dorsey submitted an amendment to the resolution recently submitted by Mr. Voorhees, instructing the committee on the judiciary to procure information in relation to issuing bonds to certain railroad companies on certain contingent land grants of lands of the Indians of the Indian Territory. The amendment instructs the committee to ascertain what amount of money has been expended by the several Indian tribes of the Indian Territory in support of delegates to Washington during the past five years, and in opposing the organization of civil government over said territory and whether any such money has been taken from the school funds of any such tribes, and if so, what legislation is necessary to prevent in the future the diversion of such school funds from their legitimate purpose. It further instructs the committee to ascertain whether a civil form of government cannot be organized over the Indian Territory for the better protection of life and property, and whether the lands now held in common by said Indian tribes cannot be divided in severalty among the Indians without confirming conditional grants of lands to certain railroad corporations. Ordered printed.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

From "Hell's Half Acre."
Editor Traveler:

As "C. C. H." reports from East Bolton, I will only give such items as relate to the east end of Bolton, known as "Hell's Half Acre."

Ed. Haight, our popular County Surveyor, has been here surveying the disputed territory, and has done it to the satisfaction of all concerned.

A general plowing, preparatory to sowing oats and planting corn, is the order of the day. Mr. Heins, an old Ohio farmer, is with us. He says this is the most productive country he ever sawevery house teeming with children. He intends to move here (he is childless).

This district can boast of one of the best Sabbath schools in the county, under the charge of Mr. Pearson and Mrs. Weatherholt.

Thanks to Mrs. Denton, the boys nearly all wear the blue ribbon. We have a better school, in charge of Miss Landis, a larger Sabbath school, and a greater number of blue ribbon boys than any other district, and I will add, less tobacco chewers and whiskey drinkers, thanks to the hard times.

Mr. Chambers, of East Bolton, had a horse cut on the hip, to all appearances with an ax.

O. C. Skinner had a shoat in a pen forty rods from his house, that some time during the night lost most of its upper jaw. It was amputated more than halfway to his eyes, the bone and hair squarely cut off. The tongue and lower jaw were uninjured. The brute that can commit such cruelties ought to be known. A hemp neck tie would adorn his neck, and his carcass should be thrown in a cess pool. A.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

They have begun laying the foundation for the new machine shop.

The Christians at Antioch, Sheridan Township, Cowley County, are preparing to build a fine church edifice near the Jarvis schoolhouse.

Settlers on the Cherokee Strip are not required to file on their lands, but may make a direct entry upon showing compliance with the law.

Justices of the Peace should bear in mind that on the first day of March in each year, they are required by law to report to the County Superintendent of Public Instruction the amount received from the proceeds of fines and estrays during the six months preceding and belonging to the school fund of the county, and that they are required to pay the same over to the county treasurer on that day.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

Capt. McDermott, Cowley County, is a member of the Republican Congressional Central Committee for the third district.

There are no less than eight candidates for Secretary of State already in the field, among which is Wirt W. Walton, of Cowley County.

The Senate confirmed the nomination of Indian agents: Samuel A. Ely, Philadelphia, Pawnee Agency; A. B. Hunt, Kentucky, Kiowa Agency; Chas. A. Ruffle, Minnesota, Chippewa Agency, Minnesota.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

We understand that Col. St. Clair has returned with another proposition from the Santa Fe Railroad Company. The company seem to be growing very liberal with their propositions. We may expect one monthly for the next five years. Sumner Co. Democrat.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

Our ice men have quite abandoned the idea of securing even a small crop of summer comfort.

Many settlers are proving up and paying for their homes on the Strip. Some of the finest farms and best improvements in the country are to be found on these lands.

A suit for five thousand dollars damages, has been commenced in the District Court, against Dr. J. A. Maggard, of Oxford, by E. B. Foot, a former resident of that village.

According to a decision of Gov. Anthony, no vacancy exists in the office of County Surveyor, by reason of the failure of S. T. Wood to qualify in the time prescribed by law. The present incumbent, Geo. T. Walton, will hold the office till the next general election.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

There are 204,108 sheep in Kansas.

There are forty one breweries in Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

The Chetopa Herald says that the agent of the Ponca Indians, now located near Baxter Springs, has decided to remove them to a part of the Arapaho and Cheyenne reservations, south of Arkansas City. This will cause a still greater demand for dead dogs.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

PEACH TREES are budding.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

They think they have a silver mine over in Wilson County.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

The silver bill has passed the Senate, and the President probably will sign.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

PRYOR, KAGER & PRYOR have dissolved the law partnership existing among them.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

R. W. McNOWN, of Maple City, and LEE DAVIS are going to make hay in the Black Hills this summer.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

MR. S. P. CHANNELL delivered a temperance lecture at the First Presbyterian Church Monday evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

We met Drs. Davis and Mendenhall on their way to attend an important case on Grouse Creek last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

A wagon containing a lady ws overthrown and precipitated in the Arkansas River, last Friday, near the ferry.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

Parties returning from Emporia state that the K. C., E. & S. W. railroad will be built during next spring and summer.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

MR. JENNINGS conducted the teachers' examination held at this place last week. There were twenty-one applicants present.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

A. W. BERKEY and wife came down on Saturday to visit the old folks. Mrs. Berkey will remain in the city until today.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

An exchange says: "Mr. Nickerson, president of the Baptist church, gave $100 to help the A., T. & S. F. R. R. at Newton."

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

BEN SIMPSON is U. S. Marshal for Kansas in place of Chas. Miller. If he makes as good an officer as Charley Miller, he will do well.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

A social dance was held at the Central Avenue hotel on the evening of Washington's Birthday, and was well attended and generally enjoyed.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

The office of County Superintendent of Public Instruction is more thought of since our last Superintendent became the State School Instructor.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

The room was crowded so that many could not secure seats at Parker's schoolhouse last Tuesday evening, to witness the exercises of the literary society.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

MARRIED. On the 17th inst., by C. G. Handy, Esq., at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. Arthur S. Morse to Miss Hattie Davy. All of Beaver Township.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

A man by the name of David White hauled a load of wood to Winfield last Saturday, purchased a bottle of liquor, and started to return. He was found a few miles from the place with his foot caught in the wood rack, and his head hanging near the ground, dead.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

DIED. On the 17th inst., an infant child of J. E. Platter. Aged six months.

A big revival meeting is going on in the M. E. church by all the churches combined. Crowded house every night. E. P. KINNE.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

A. A. NEWMAN sold 8,000 pounds of boneless shoulders and smoked hams to James Boice, of Lake City, Colorado, last week for eight cents per pound, and Schiffbauer Brothers furnished him a large quantity of eggs at five cents per dozen. These hams will go up the mountains on pack mules.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

It is rumored, says the Winfield Courier, that Wirt Walton is to be married soon to a charming daughter of the capital city, and will go to Paris to spend the summer.

Wellington Press.

This can't be. Wirt is said to be engaged to two or three charming daughters in this county; besides, he proposes to sojourn in Topeka two years longer.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

The Emporia Ledger says:

"Major Fuller is putting in his time drawing sectional views of round houses, turn tables, bridges, etc., for the narrow gauge. He has outlined two or three narrow gauge engines, and Mr. Riggs has painted them in gorgeous colors. One of them is called `Lewis Lutz.' It is a freight engine with a boiler of large girth and a tank for lager."

Tell the Major we are all anxious to see him draw the engines down this way.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

DIED. REUBEN BOWERS, a well-known and prominent citizen of Bolton Township, late of Lincoln, Illinois, died at his residence on Friday last, of general debility, after a lingering sickness of about three weeks. He leaves a wife and four children, two of whom are married. Mr. Bowers was a gentleman with many friends, and his loss is deeply felt by the whole community of this section. The burial ceremony took place Sunday at 11 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Fleming.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

A tramp passing by an old well near Nenescah heard peculiar sounds coming therefrom. Going to the spot he saw at the bottom of the well, about 18 feet from the surface, a large yellow dog, belonging to one of the farmers living nearby. A rope was obtained, and the animal taken out. It is said he had been missed 17 days, and was very fat when he left, but now he is so poor he hardly makes a shadow.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

The papers have it now that "A man named Newton has examined the Little Rock as far as Arkansas, and proposes for a thousand pounds of Bacon to run a river from Arkansas City to the Journal of Commerce." The item originally was as follows.

A man named Bacon has examined the Arkansas River from Little Rock to Arkansas City, Kansas, and proposes for a bonus of a thousand dollars to run a steamboat to that place.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

ON SUNDAY MORNING about one-third of the west pier of the Walnut River bridge was discovered to have been washed out. Mr. Newman and James Huey, the Township Trustee, immediately engaged four teams and had them work all day Sunday hauling rock to throw in above the pier to save it. It does not interfere with crossing, and will be permanently repaired when the water lowers.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

A colony is being formed in Beaver Township to settle in the Indian Territory west of the Arkansas River, upon Government lands that are not occupied by Indians or anyone else. They think it a good move to show the government that the people want it for homes, and think it will bring it in for settlement. Bad move, gentlemen. You won't settle long.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

DIED. Near Salt City, February 18th, Mr. ELLARD ELLARS. He came to this county on the first day of this month, and died on the "Oaks" farm after a residence of only four days. His wife started on the 19th with his body for Miami County, Indiana, their former home. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his loss. A. H. A.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

It will soon be time for another railroad election. Before we vote again on any proposition, we should have money sufficient deposited in the county treasury to defray the expenses of the election in case the road is not built. The county has expended over $4,000 on railroad elections already and "still we have no railroad."

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

The following is the order of religious service to be held in the United Presbyterian Church, from week to week, viz: Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock, and Sabbath School immediately following. Preaching every Sabbath evening at 7 o'clock, and young peoples' prayer meeting half an hour before preaching. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock, and S. S. teachers' meeting half an hour before prayer meeting. Two bells will be rung: the first half an hour before; and the second at the opening of each meeting. All are welcomed who meet with us. R. S. McCLANAHAN.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

PAWNEE PETE, an old Pawnee Indian who has been trapping on the Arkansas, has with him a white child that he claims to have bought from the Cheyennes for two ponies. She is about thirteen years old, light brown hair, black eyes, and has an intelligent expression. She cannot talk English, but speaks the Pawnee language fluently. Evidently she belongs to some family in Texas, who have been mourning her loss for the past six years, as the Indians claim to have found her six years ago. The authorities should endeavor to find her connections and have her returned.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

The Agricultural Department does not now supply members of Congress with seeds, but sends directly to the applicants, upon endorsement of the members. Therefore, all desiring such favors should send their applications to Hon. Thomas Ryan that he may endorse the same to the Department.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

A Father Arrested for Having Sexual Intercourse
With His Two Daughters.
NICHOLAS HOSTETLER, an old man sixty years of age, living on the divide about four miles north of this place, was arrested last week on the complaint of his son for holding sexual intercourse with his two daughters, aged fifteen and nineteen years.

The testimony proved he had been practicing his hellish designs for more than two years, and he was bound over to appear at the next term of court for trial, and is now confined in the county jail.

His wife returned to Indiana, to the place of their former residence, several years ago, and he has been living with his family since then.

His preliminary trial took place at Winfield, before Justice Boyer, by whom he was bound over. The matter has caused considerable excitement, and his neighbors are wonderfully indignant at the prolonged outrage in their midst. What the trial will develop remains to be seen.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

Houses rent from $3 to $10 per month, and are few. You can build a 12 x 14 for about $300.

Plenty of farming land can be rented by giving one-third of the crop in the crib to the owner.

You can buy farming implements here cheaper than you can ship them in.

It don't pay to ship furniture; you can do better to buy here.

A team, wagon, and harness can be purchased at from $200 to $250; oxen at from $50 to $100 per yoke.

The rate of freight from Wichita to this place is 50 cents per 100 pounds; the distance is 55 miles.

Board by the week can be had from $3.50 to $6.00; by the day at $1.00 to $1.50.

The stage fare from Wichita is $5.00.

Articles of merchandise, groceries, and provisions, are but little in advance of those in the East.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

The following persons attended the teachers' examination held in the schoolhouse at this place last Friday and Saturday.

C. M. Swarts

Mattie Mitchell

N. N. Wintin

J. R. L. Adams

H. M. Williams

Anne Norton

Mary Pickett

B. F. Maricle

Isabella Birdsell

Rosa Sample

C. L. Swarts

Mary Theaker

A. E. Hon

Albertine Maxwell

Flora Finley

Anna Hutchinson

Lizzie Marshall

Stella Burnett

Dora Winslow

Jennie Scott

C. C. Holland


Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

A Little History of the Cherokee Strip Lands.
As there have been many conjectures about the manner in which the Cherokee Strip lands were brought into market again, we give the following history of it, which we believe to be correct.

A petition was circulated and signed by many settlers, which was taken to Washington by ourself, and presented to Hon. W. R. Brown, then member of Congress from this district.

The bill was drawn up and introduced by Mr. Brown as it now stands, with this addition in Section 8. After the words, "of Cherokee Nation," was added, "or a delegation thereof duly authorized." It passed the House as introduced by him.

The Senate amended, making it wholly different, by providing it be sold to actual settlers, only, and striking out the words, "or a delegation thereof duly authorized."

The Indians would not accept it in that shape, and as Mr. Brown had come home, the result was the bill laid on the Speaker's table until the second session.

On his return to Washington, Brown endeavored to have the bill re-instated as originally passed, and the House non-concurred in the Senate amendments. The Senate insisted, and in conference committee the Senate rescinded in part, the House in part, and the bill passed in the present shape, to-wit:

WHEREAS, Certain lands in the State of Kansas, known as the Cherokee Strip, being a strip of land on the southern boundary of Kansas, some two or three miles wide, detached from the lands patented to the Cherokee Nation by the act known as the Kansas-Nebraska bill, in defining the boundaries thereof, said lands still being, so far as unsold, the property of the Cherokee Nation; and

WHEREAS, An act was passed by the Forty-Second Congress, which became a law on its acceptance by the Cherokee nation authorities, and which fixed the price of the lands east of the Arkansas River at two dollars per acre, and west of said river at one dollar and fifty cents per acre; and

WHEREAS, Portions of the same have been sold under said law, and portions remain unsold, the price being too high;

Therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary shall offer for sale to settlers all of said tract remaining unsold at the passage of this act at the local land offices in the districts in which it is situated, at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre; and all of said lands remaining unsold after one year from the date at which they are so offered for sale at the local land offices shall be sold by the Secretary of the Interior for cash, in quantities or tracts not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres, at not less than one dollar per acre.

SEC. 2. That the proceeds of said lands shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States, and placed to the credit of the Cherokee Nation, and shall be paid to the treasurer of the Cherokee Nation, on the order of the legislative council of the Cherokee Nation.

SEC. 3. That this act shall take effect and be in force from the date of its acceptance by the legislature of the Cherokee Nation, who shall file certificate of such acceptance.

Approved, February 28, 1877.

The delegation of Cherokees at Washington agreed to this bill, and promised to present the matter to the Legislature of the Nation, and see that the consent was obtained; but they said the Legislature would not meet until in October, and hence the consent would not be obtained until that time. Our delegates in Congress accepted, because that was the best they could do, and they did it because it was the only chance to save the land for the settlers. The objection they had, as the Cherokee delegation said, was merely in time, as there was no doubt the bill would be accepted as soon as the Legislature could act.

When Hon. Thos. Ryan went to Washington, he took the matter in hand, and persuaded the Legislature to act, thereby securing the land to the settlers. Mr. Ross, the Cherokee delegate in Congress, was very much interested in the bill, and went of his own notion before the conference committee, and said the Cherokees had more interest in the matter than the settlers had, and would attend to it when the Council sat. Col. Phillips also worked for this measure, and deserves much credit.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

MAPLE CITY, Friday, March 1.
I had the pleasure of attending a school exhibition at this place yesterday, under the management of Mr. W. E. Ketchum, the teacher, who closed the winter term of school with the above entertainment. The school room was crowded by the parents and friends of the scholars, and altogether a most pleasant evening was passed. Everything passed off admirablyso well, in fact, that it is a difficult task to specially notice anything where all was so good. The following, however, were the most striking portions of the programme.

Johnnie Clayton brought down the house with his splendid rendition of "Muzza's Baby." Miss Della Goodrich and Jennie Montgomery, assisted by several other young scholars, gave some spicy dialogues and vocal music, all of which seemed to be well appreciated. Miss Sadie Ketchum read Carleton's "The Schoolmaster's Guests," and afford a treat that is not often to be enjoyed. "The Census Taker" was the gem of the affair, though. The characters were taken by Mr. and Mrs. Bobbitt, Sadie Ketchum, Laura Goodrich, and Hattie Wilson, and the rendition of this spicy dialogue, play, or whatever may be the proper term for it, was just splendid, and not to be surpassed anywhere. The gathering was dismissed about nine p.m., and all present expressed themselves well pleased. H. P. S.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

SOUTH HAVEN, March 1, 1878.
Mr. Hale was married to Miss Moses by G. W. Handy, of Oxford, about two weeks since.

BORN. To Mr. and Mrs. Noble, on the 26th of February, a son.

DIED. On the 26th of February, of heart disease, Mrs. Horsley, aged 39 years. She leaves a husband and three children to mourn her loss. DICK.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

Winfield desires to become a city of the second class.

The Ellis County Russians are cultivating tobacco extensively.

A man in Cowley County fed his span of horses with castor beans, to make their hair smooth and sleek, and then buried them both in the same hole.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

ONE WEEK from today the Masonic Hall will be dedicated, and a supper given afterwards. In connection with the above, a dance will be given, to which all Masons in good standing are invited. Invitations will be issued to friends.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

CALVES and YEARLINGS are in good demand in this section. Calves sell from $4 to $6 each, and yearlings from $8 to $12. The market is overstocked with hogs, and they sell for two and two-and-a-half cents per pound on foot.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

MUSKRATS are becoming numerous in the ponds and along small streams. A few years ago there were none. The Norwegian house rat has not made its appearance yet on the border, although mice are plentiful.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

The stage will leave at 6 o'clock in the morning hereafter, and promises to arrive on contract time, 7 o'clock in the evening. Letters to insure being sent should be dropped in the office before 9 o'clock.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

TRAPPERS continue to bring in fursmostly beavers and raccoons.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

The election of city officers takes place the first Monday in April.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

A young folks' social was held at the house of Rev. Fleming last night.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

CAPT. NIPP has enrolled one more member to his interesting family.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

In a few weeks the newly appointed minister of the M. E. church will arrive.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

The election on the bridge bond proposition of Bolton Township takes place next Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

BORN. To Mr. and Mrs. Journey J. Breene, on last Wednesday, a son. Another man made happy.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

The Santa Fe road has made a proposition to extend their line through Sumner County within the next five years.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

WINTIN has opened his meat market in the new building adjoining Gardner's drug store and displays a fine lot of beef.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

CITY COUNCIL met Monday. JAMES BENEDICT is acting Mayor, and makes a good one. He bears the honor very meekly.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

We don't want to have anyone killed, but then if England and Russia should go to war, how nicely it would help us out with our surplus grain.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

A phrenological lecture will be delivered at the First Presbyterian Church tonight, by Mr. Aley, of Cedar Vale, Kansas. Admission 10 cents.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

J. C. TOPLIFF is now helping the Schiffbauer boys in their spring rush of business. The boys are fortunate in securing so valuable a person as J. C.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

The day after the school examination at this place, Mr. Jennings went home and was married. What a wail will go up now from expectant school marms.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

JASPER L. KELLOGG, of Courtland, New York, made this place a visit of a day or two last week. He finds many old acquaintances whom he used to know in 1870.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

GEORGE ALLEN has just painted a fine express wagon, owned by Daniel Sifford, for M. A. Felton. The workmanship of it is as good as any we have seen in this section.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

REV. SWARTS will deliver a sermon on the propriety of church members dancing, next Sunday evening, at the M. E. Church. We have heard a number express an anxiety to hear him.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

There will be a meeting of the members of the Prairie View Cemetery at the Parker schoolhouse, March 25th, 1878, at 9 a.m. By order of the Board. G. H. SHEARER.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

DR. HUGHES and wife were surprised last Wednesday evening by a company of young and married folks, but proved themselves equal to the occasion by making all enjoy themselves most heartily.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

MR. TRISSELL delivered a temperance lecture at the U. P. church last Monday evening. It was well spoken of by those who heard it. Mr. Trissell "knows how it is himself," and made a good argument against it.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

Wheat in the vicinity of Dexter has never looked more promising than it does at this time.

The stone mill commenced grinding again last Monday week, under the supervision of Mr. Samuel Nicholson, who has rented it of Mr. Platter of Winfield.

Several fine stone barns are being built by some of our energetic farmers on the Creek. We especially noticed one in course of erection by Mr. Bullington, and also one by Mr. Furman. The latter is 34 x 44 feet, stone, and finished with pine shingles and lumber. Its cost when completed will be over $1,000.

Messrs. Elliott & Harden shipped 200 head of hogs last Monday, which will make an aggregate of between seven and eight hundred head shipped from their place during the past two months.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

Another deserter of the rank and file, Mr. Charles Schiffbauer, of the Green Front grocery store, took passage on Tisdale's accommodation yesterday morning for Kansas City and St. Louis. Everybody thought Charley would be one of the boys as long as he stayed with us, but here he goes in answer to a little epistle from one more tender than the fairest of the fair. While absent he will have a surgical operation performed on the limb that has been troubling him so much. The trouble arises from a pistol wound received while scaling the breastworks of Fort Arbuckle during the Indian war of 1875.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

SILVERDALE, KAS., Feb. 27, 1878.
The Pleasant Grove Sabbath School met and organized Feb. 24th, under very favorable auspices. Officers elected as follows: Superintendent, J. Mussulman; Assistant Superinten dent, R. McLey; Secretary and Treasurer, Jennie Scott; Librarian, W. F. Estus; Assistant Librarian, Ross Mussulman. Number in attendance: forty-three.

The Sabbath school returns a unanimous vote of thanks to the First Presbyterian church of Arkansas City, for their generous gift of seventy-five volumes to our Library.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

An entertainment is to be given at the M. E. church next Friday evening that all should attend. It will consist of vocal and instrumental music, games of checkers, authors, etc., besides a good oyster supper, with cakes, pies, pickles, and lots of good things. Everybody is invited, and a good time insured. A committee of three young ladies has been appointed on general reception, and other committees of one lady each will be made to see that you enjoy yourself. Come out everybody and enjoy yourselves for once.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

The new glassware at the Green Front makes a good display, especially that $7 ascension parlor lamp, and those glass pitchers and salt cellars, and goblets and glasses and lots of other things. Then they have silver plated kniveslike those poor Bilson fancied, and silver spoons, with forks to match, and almost any kind of table cutlery, table adornments, or eatables. Go in and see the boys; it makes them grin clear across their faces to see you coming.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

RUNAWAY. An accident of a serious nature occurred on Thursday morning inst., to a son of Mr. Abraham Mann, of Grouse Creek. It would appear that the boy was engaged in hitching up a team of mules, when they became scared, and ran away. The front wheels of the wagon to which they were attached passed over the boy's chest, severely injuring him. At last accounts he was progressing favorably.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

There is considerable speculating on the Bolton bridge proposition, and some of the best posted residents of the township say the proposition will be defeated on account of the parties favoring the project failing to go to the polls. A man generally will take more trouble to vote against bonds than for them.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

Judge McIntire found a fine specimen of petrified bone, evidently the tooth of the ancient mastodon. Its weight is three pounds, and measures seven and a half feet long by three and a half wide and three and a half high. It is a valuable specimen.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

CALLED. We received calls from Col. J. C. McMullen, E. P. Kinne, Senator Pyburn, Hon. Wm. P. Hackney, James Hill, Burt Covert, John Allen, of Winfield; Mr. Haskell, the Kansas architect, and Mr. Smith, the contractor of the Pawnee school building, last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

HERMANN GODEHARD announces by hand bills that he has the "Palermo" oranges for 50 cents per dozen, and "Messina" lemons for the same, besides York State apple cider, apples, dates, figs, and groceries. We tasted the oranges. They are splendid.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

The dance held at Charley Eaton's last Tuesday night was composed of many persons from this place, who went in for fun in a manner that would have done you good to have seen.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

SEALED proposals will be received at Pawnee Agency until March 20th, for breaking 400 acres of sod, and cross plowing 700 acres of last year's breaking. Work to begin immediately after the contract is let, and finished by May 25th, 1878.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.

They are organizing a Sunday school at "Sunny Side" schoolhouse, in East Bolton, and the large number of young folks in attendance speaks well for the ladies who have charge of the good work, and reflects credit upon the community.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.


GIRLS: Annie Norton, Mattie Mitchell, Emma Mitchell, Nellie Swarts, Mary Theaker, Linnie Peed, Linda Christian, Flora Finley, Laura Gregg, Susie Berry, Mary Wintin, May Benedict, Carrie Benedict, Carrie Cramer, Sarah Randall, Mary Holloway, Stella Swarts, Mollie Christian, Clara Morgan, Annie Brown, May Hughes, Emma Theaker, Albertine Maxwell, Annie Hutchinson, Belle Birdzell.

BOYS: Jerry Adams, Lewis Coombs, John Parker, James Lorton, Fred. McLaughlin, Peter Trissell, Charles Holloway, Harry Finely, Willie Edwards, George Berry, Benny Dixon, Alvin Hon, Sammy Swarts, Frank Randall, Charlie Randall, Lintin Hunt, Frank Swarts, Charles Swarts.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878. Front Page.

No less than 247 Indians have bitten the dust in frontier wars during the last year. And each bite cost the United States $11,478.24.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

EAST BOLTON, March 9, 1878.
In your last issue I noticed a communication from this point calling it "Hell's Half Acre." As a citizen of East Bolton, I am frank to say that if all the residents had the same disposition as the writer thereof, it would be appropriately named; but we have good society here, and less lawlessness than in any other township in the county. Nearly every acre of the soil is fit for cultivation, and the farmers are generally prosperous and contented.

We have just formed a Greenback Club, and as we exert a vast influence on election day, the would-be candidate had better trim his sails and prepare for the fight. No man can be elected to office in this county who is not with us.

We organized by electing F. C. Davis president, who on taking the chair made one of the most convincing and impressive speeches ever listened to. To our perfect satisfaction he demonstrated that Papa Sherman had burnt up $30,000,000,000,000 of the people's money; had reduced to want and beggary the laboring and producing masses; had created a bloated bond, non-taxpaying aristocracy to eat out the vitals of the nation, and as Nero fiddled when Rome was on fire, so that degenerate son of a degenerate sire was fiddling now, while Hayes and his Cabinet joined the danceand that the whole Washington crew insisted on our paying our debts in gold, which was nothing but the mongrel, bastard offspring of this degenerate Government and barbarous age. But a new era has dawned, and from this day, under the leadership of Brick Pomeroy's Democrat and Cowley County Telegram, we shall pay our town, county, State, and national indebtedness in greenbacks, the people's money.

The Government is to loan each man enough to pay off his debts now contracted. You see, we are to go each other's security, which makes it perfectly safe.

One speaker claimed that since the resumption act passed, his cows had become so poor their calves had died for lack of milk, and another said that young children were dying of the same cause and that the bottom would soon be depopulated.

Resolutions were passed to send one of their number to Washington to see that the resumption act was repealed, and the tax taken off of tobacco and whiskey.

Now, Mr. Editor, if you care for the dear people, come with us. Your heart is right, and if you will work with us, we will help your natural bashfulness over the chasm of timidity, and you can get one of our greenback girls and have a family of your own (I mean that you can own.).

A shakedown at Mr. Key's in honor of the marriage of James Goatley to Miss Sarah Key, was all they could desire. Had you been there and seen the cream of our place waltzing through the mazes of the dance, you would have exclaimed: "Give me one, too." C.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

CRAB CREEK, March 6, 1878.
Mr. Bruebaker and Mr. Hamil had an arbitration in regard to the damaging of crops by stock. Two of Hamil's big boys concluded to settle Bruebaker's hash. One took a big rock, the other a revolver, and began to abuse Bruebaker. Some of the men got in the door and would not let Bruebaker out, but he pushed through the window and made for the boys.

The one who was on the shoot so big at first began to wave his revolver at him and backing out swore he would shoot if he jumped on him. Others interfered and kept the brave shootist from getting a sound threshing.

A Greenback meeting was held at Fairview school house on the 2nd to further the organization of the club. The constitution and bylaws were read and adopted by nearly all who were present. W. E. MERYDITH.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

EAST BOLTON, March 11, 1878.
Everything is quiet on this side of the river. Peach trees are in full bloom. Husbandmen at work preparing to sow their spring crops, and stock raisers are making arrangements to put their stock on the range.

"Uncle Frank" Dickinson is contemplating building an addition to his mansion in Dixie. "Uncle Frank" says he has apricots in full bloom. He understands horticulture and makes it his business; therefore, he will haul fruit as early as the earliest.

We understand that some of the pledged abstainers (Murphys) in "Hell's half acre" degraded themselves, broke their pledges, and degraded their characters last Monday eveningWoe be unto the backslider in the "last day."

While C. W. Rockhill was down from Sumner county last week to get a load of wood, his mules strayed off and left him with his wagon and team twenty-three miles from home. Fortunately for Mr. Rockhill, he secured Mr. A. J. Fullerlove's team to draw his load home.

Mr. J. J. Jones is talking of moving his family to Elgin in the spring. We predict his return in the fall.

School opened again in the Bland schoolhouse last Monday. Miss Dora Winslow succeeds Miss Mary Pickett as preceptress this term.

The election on the bridge bonds passed off quietly last Saturday. In the east voting precincts there were eighty votes cast, seventy-nine for and one gainst the bonds.

The youngsters of East Bolton extend their many thanks and are grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Weatherholt for the pleasure of attending a social dance at Mr. Weatherholt's last Friday eve ning. The ball was well conducted and all present enjoyed themselves.

Standley, the African explorer, has made his return from the jungles, and set up a confectionery and candy "grabbing" in lower Egypt. He (Mr. Standley) had an opponent in the candy pulling business last Friday evening, though his rival was not so generous in his distributions as the explorer.

Mrs. Terwilliger desires to learn what gentleman (?) it was that halloed at Mrs. Terwilliger's one night last week when she was alone, and inquired the way to "Hell's half- acre." C. C. H.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

At the late examination, the following teachers were present.


Miss Mollie Davis, Miss Ella Hunt, Miss Henrietta King, Miss Mattie Wist, Miss Maggie Stansbury.

Mr. B. F. Starwait, Mr. M. H. Markcum, Mr. J. O. Barricklow, Mr. John D. Hunt, Mr. John Bowers, Mr. J. K. P. Tull.


Miss Maggie Scott.


Miss Gertrude Davis, Miss Sada Davis.


Miss Sarah Bovee, Mrs. Ida Brown.


Miss Electa Strong.


Miss Mary Pontious.


Mrs. Amy Chapin; and Misses Mattie Mitchell, Albertine Maxwell, Flora Finley, Annie Norton, Mary Pickett, Lizzie Marshall, Stella Burnett, Isabella Birdzell, Dora Winslow, Rosa Sample, Jennie Scott.

Messrs. C. C. Holland, B. F. Maricle, H. M. Williams, C. M. Swarts, C. L. Swarts.


Mr. J. P. Hesmer; Mr. James Perisho.


Mr. J. F. Reed.

Misses Alpha Harden, Annie Harden.


Miss Veva Walton.

A number of scholars attending the schools where the examinations were held availed themselves of the opportunity to test their courage "under fire," and many of them did very creditably. The next examination will be held at Winfield April 5 and 6.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.



Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

Apples, per bushel, $2.50

Potatoes, per bushel, $1.00 @ $1.25

Eggs, per dozen, 8 cents.

Butter, per lb., 12 @ 15 cents.

FLOUR. [Per 100 lbs.]

XXXX, choice, $2.75

XXX, $2.50

XX, $2.25

Graham flour, $2.50

Buckwheat flour, $5.00

Corn Meal, bolted, $1.25

Corn Meal, unbolted, $1.00

"A" Coffee Sugar, 7 lbs. for $1.00

"C" Coffee Sugar, 7 lbs. for $1.00

N. O. Coffee Sugar, extra fine, 7-1/2 lbs. for $1.00

No. O. Sugar Brown, 8 lbs. for $1.00

Golden Rio Coffee, 3-1/2 lbs. for $1.00

Green Rio Coffee, 3-3/4 lbs. for $1.00

Green Rio Coffee, common, 4 lbs. for $1.00

O. G. Java Coffee, 3 lbs. for $1.00

South Carolina Rice, 8 lbs. for $1.00

Navy Beans, 15 lbs. for $1.00

Dried Apples, 10 lbs. for $1.00

Dried Peaches, 9 lbs. for $1.00

Starch, per lb., 12-1/2 @ 15 cents.

Sugar Cured Hams, per lb., 12-1/2 @ 15 cents.

Bacon, per lb., 9 @ 11 cents.

Crackers, per lb., 10 @ 20 cents.

Rope, 12-1/2 @ 20 cents.

Rope, cotton, 30 cents.

N. Y. Cheese, per lb., 20 cents.

Green Tea, per lb., 60 @ $1.60

Japan Tea, per lb., 80 @ 1.25

Oolong Tea, per lb., 50 @ $1.00

Salt, per bbl., $3.75

Salt, per lb., 2 cents.

Coal Oil, per gallon, 40 cents.

Sorghum, per gallon, 50 @ 60 cents.

Syrup, per gallon, 65 @ $1.25

Vinegar, per gallon, 40 @ 50 cents.

Lard, per lb., 10 @ 12-1/2 cents.

Corn, per bushel, 18 @ 25 cents.

Oats, per bushel, 25 cents.


Green, Butcher and Country, 3 @ 4-1/2 cents.

Green Salt, 5 @ 5-1/2 cents.

Dry Flint, 10 @ 13 cents.


Choice Beefsteak, 10 cents.

Choice Pork Steak, 10 cents.

Choice Mutton Steak, 10 cents.

Choice Veal Steak, 10 cents.

Beef Cattle, gross, 2 @ 2-1/2 cents.

Hogs, gross, 3 cents.

Mutton Sheep, $1.50 @ $3.00


Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

GLASSWARE AT H. GODEHARD's. Just received, a new lot of glass sets of the newest patterns, sugar bowls, butter dishes, syrup pitchers, cake stands, sauce dishes, goblets and tumblers, all at prices to suit times.

For onion sets and garden seeds, go to H. Godehard's.

A large supply of stoneware for the spring trade just in at H. Godehard's.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

CATTLE HERDED. I will herd cattle in the Territory five miles south of town, and corral them every night, for 20 cents per head for each month. The stock will be handy to timber and water. D. HARKINS.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

WHO WANTS TO TRADE a No. 1 saddle pony or horse for a brand new sewing machineSinger or Domestic? C. R. SIPES.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

And still it comes. Another large lot of groceries at the Green Front.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

If you want to see something nice, go to Schiffbauer Bros. and examine their new stock of glass and W. G. ware.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

CALL FOR THE LILY CIGAR; best 5-cent cigar new in the market; for sale by some of our merchants in town. Try them, boys.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. All those whom it may concern are hereby notified that the road through our land is closed, and we want no one to open it again.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

We are retailing Flour at the following prices:

XXXX, $2.75

XXX, $2.50

XX, $2.25

To persons wishing to purchase Flour in the quantity, we will make a liberal discount on the above price. SCHIFFBAUER BROS.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

50 TEN-FOOT POSTS and 100 twelve-foot rails for sale. Inquire at the post office.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

SMOKE THE CELEBRATED LILY CIGAR. Beats the world for 5 cents. T. E. Berry has it.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

SCHIFFBAUER BROS. want 1,500 bushels of No. 1 corn, for which they will pay the highest market price in goods.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

South Haven has a minstrel troupe.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

JACK SEAMAN has gone to the Territory.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

MANY new faces are to be seen every day looking for land.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

Dr. Hughes has gone to Topeka to be absent a week or more.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

This county should have a "poor farm" now that land is cheap.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

The Township Assessor will darken your doors in a few days.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

Mrs. Wilson, of Beaver Township, caught a Trout last Sunday.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

FREIGHTERS to the Territory won't have to ford the Arkansas now.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

FREE BRIDGE across the Arkansas at this place within the next sixty days.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

The phiz of the assessor is abroad in the land. It is James Huey this year.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

Judge Gans will preach at the Parker schoolhouse next Sunday morning and evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

Frank Finney, representing Himoe & Co., Lawrence, paid us a short visit yesterday.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

Mr. Bonsall left us a small twig from a peach tree, and one from an apricot tree, in full bloom.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

W. B. Trissell starts for Chetopa on March 16th, with teams for nursery stock for his spring delivery.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

FRANK WALDO has closed his store at Salt City, and Wm. Berkey has the entire trade of that community.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

The white girl owned by Pawnee Pete was offered for sale for $20 yesterday. She should be taken charge of.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

The sermon announced to be delivered by Rev. Swarts last Sunday, on the subject of dancing, was not delivered on account of his sickness.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

H. C. BATES and Mrs. Barr, both of this place, were married at Wellington last week. This is one instance where the bait caught the "bar."

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

MARRIED. By Esquire Bonsall, on Sunday, March 1 th [?], at his residence in this place, Mr. James Troutt and Mrs. Wilson, both of Beaver Township.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

A town by the name of Belle View has been started near the center of Sumner County, and efforts are being made to make it the county seat. It won't win.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

PARKER's pony ran off with Judge Christian's sled Monday. The last seen of the pony, he was going towards Norton's, getting up a pretty good motion.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

SOMEONE ought to go down and shoot that correspondent in East Bolton. Shoot him in the hat. The editor was the first to have a good laugh over the article. That "C" is a clipper.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

MR. WELSH arose from his bed last Saturday evening, while wild with fever, dressed himself, and walked up town. He was taken to John Williams, and has been prostrate ever since.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

The M. E. oyster supper last week was enjoyed by all who attended. Supper, music, and plays were the "amusements" of the evening. The proceeds netted very well under present


Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

PIERCE & WELSH are bound the good people shall not suffer for anything to eat, and now have piles of rice, smoked hams, and bacon in their store, besides sacks of buckwheat flour and hominy by the bushel.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

An Indian took a pony from John Grimes' stable Saturday night, and got as far as the Arkansas river when he was met by Mr. Standley, and thinking he was the owner of the pony, the Indian turned it loose, so that it returned.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

ALBERT HORN started for Booneville, Missouri, yesterday, to make a visit of a couple of weeks among some old friends. He will visit St. Louis before returning. Albert has worked very steady for several years, and needs a little recreation.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

THE BOLTON TOWNSHIP BOARD met on the 11th inst., to canvass the vote on the bridge bonds, which was in favor of the bonds, the vote standing 118 for and 39 against. East Bolton cast 80 votes, 79 for and 1 against. West Bolton cast 77 votes, 39 for and 38 against.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

WINFIELD, March 9, 1878.
The State fund for March, $3,042, is now on hand and ready for distribution among the districts. At the late examination Miss Veva Walton received an "A" grade, and C. C. Holland, C. L. Swarts, and John Bower got first grades. R. C. STORY.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

HURRAY FOR THE NEW BRIDGE to span the raging Rackensack! Topliff's happy, Parvin's happy, Capt. Hoffmaster's happy, Skinner is happy, and three-fourths of the residents of Bolton Township are happy over the result of the election. One hundred and eighteen to thirty-nine is a pretty good majority. No more reports of "ferry stuck," or waiting an hour and a half on the other side.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

MR. JOHN NEWMAN, a young man only eleven months from Germany, has purchased the tonsorial tools of Wm. Gray, and began work at the same place in the room over Pierce & Welsh's store. Mr. Newman is the best barber we have ever had, and one of the most proficient men in his profession that we have ever met with in the West. Give him a trial, and you will be convinced of it.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

How They Take It.
For the past three weeks Mr. Standley has been endeavoring to collect $300 out of $800 due this office. Most of our patrons in arrears have responded cheerfully by note or cash. In one instance the party declared he owed nothing, and that the paper was stopped before his time was out, and that, if anything, we owed him. That's pretty good. We would have gladly corrected the mistake if it had been made known to us, but somehow it was not discovered until the individual was one dollar in arrears. In another instance, the party claimed he never had any work done but what he paid for, but since he is a gambler by profession, and a poor one at that, we will gladly forgive him. These are the only two repudiations out of nearly one hundred.

In other instances where our agent has called and found the parties absent, they have responded by sending the money to us. All in all, we think we have met with success, made many collections, and retained the friendship of our patrons.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

A supper will be given at the Masonic hall, in the new brick building, over Houghton & McLaughlin's store, Wednesday evening, March 13, at seven o'clock. Afterwards an opportunity will be given to engage in games and amusements. At 8 o'clock those who desire to dance will retire to the Central Avenue Hotel, where the best of music will be furnished by Prof. Hoyt and three others. Supper $1.50 per couple. Dance $1.00. Tickets for the supper or dance can be had at the hall. None but Masons admitted without invitation.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

The election in Bolton township last Saturday, on the proposition to vote $2,000 in bonds to rebuild the Arkansas river bridge, was carried by a majority of 81. One hundred and fifty- nine votes were polled, thus: East Bolton, 81 for, 1 against; majority, 80. West Bolton, 39 for, 38 against; majority, 1. Total majority, 81. Considerable enthusiasm was manifested, and a full vote polled. The next thing now will be a bridge to cross on whether the water is high or low, and that, too, free of charge.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

Bilson and the colored man who stole the horse escaped from the jail at Winfield, Monday night, and have not yet been found. As Finch, the jailer, went in, the darkey knocked him down, and the two ran out and locked the jailer in. It was half an hour before he could get out.

LATER. Bilson was caught yesterday morning under the U. P. Church, by William J. Gray. That is the nearest Bilson has come to attending church for a long time.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

List of the petit jurors for the May term of the District Court.

G. W. Martin, Winfield township.

R. S. Thompson, Omnia township.

S. P. Channell, Creswell township.

J. M. Mark, Liberty township.

B. B. Vandevanter, Winfield township.

Stephen Elgins, Omnia township.

James Jackson, Silver Creek township.

John Harden, Dexter township.

John M. Gates, Bolton township.

Thessins Magginnis, Liberty township.

J. H. Mounts, Liberty township.

Abijah Howard, Richland township.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

PLEASANT VALLEY, March 6, 1878.
Most of the farmers are preparing for their spring crops. The wheat in this vicinity looks well, and if no preventing accident happens to it, we will undoubtedly have an early and an excellent wheat harvest. It has ceased raining, and we are having some very nice weather.

Rev. Swarts preaches every alternate Sabbath at 2 o'clock p.m., at the Pleasant Valley schoolhouse.

Times are hard, money is scarce, but all seem to be contented with what they have.

Mr. Eastman, lately from Iowa, has purchased the farm formerly owned by Mr. Lanse. Pleasant Valley is improving very fast. Many of the wealthy and energetic farmers are building or making preparations to build.

The Lyceum that meets at the Excelsior school house is augmented under the Presidency of Mr. Smith. The question for last Saturday night was: "Resolved, That corporal punishment should be abolished in our public schools." It was ably discussed on both sides, but the judges decision was in favor of the negative. Mr. R. L. Johnson is their champion speaker.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

[Published March 13, 1878.]
Ordinance No. 58.
Entitled an ordinance to provide for an election of city officers.

BE IT ORDAINED, by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Arkansas City

SECTION 1. That an election be held at I. H. Bonsall's photograph gallery on the first Monday, the first (1st) day of April, A. D. 1878, for the purpose of electing the following city officers, to wit: A Mayor, five Councilmen, and a Police Judge.

SECTION 2. That said ordinance No. 58 be in force after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER.

Acting Mayor and President of the Council.
Attest: I. H. BONSALL, City Clerk.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

NOW, WHEN THE MURPHY MOVEMENT IS THE RAGE, AND ALL are anxious to don the "blue ribbon," would it not be well to step into S. P. CHANNELL's Hardware and Implement Store, and examine the large assortment of Implements of all kinds that have been wearing the blue ribbon awarded to them for superiority at the different trials all over the land? Among them you can see the

Decidedly the best in the market. This Header is 500 lbs. lighter than the one made last year, and has many other important improvements. You can see the

The first Harvester made to elevate the grain on a table for binding, and it is the best and lightest draft today. Also, the

The old and reliable Buckeye Machines,
Gilpin, Corr, and Skinner Sulky Plows,
And all kinds of first-class farming tools that you may need.

S. P. CHANNELL is agent for the new and wonderful
Every lady should examine this before purchasing any other machine, as it has some improvements not yet reached by other machines. It makes no difference whether it is run backward or forwardthe work will always run from you, with no loss or change of stitch.

Remember the Place: Two doors south of the Post Office, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

GRIMES & WOODYARD Have got the Eagle Mills. Bring in your wheat.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

Horses Boarded by Day or Week.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

1 span large mares and harness, $150

1 span young horses and harness, $200

1 Buckeye Sen. Combined Machine, $80

1 John Deere Gilpin Plow, $45

1 Hoosier Wheat Drill, $40

1 Sulky Corn Cultivator, $25

Also other tools and property. M. R. LEONARD.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

The Best is the Cheapest.

WILSON'S CENTRAL STORE is headquarters for the best quality of all kinds of goods at the lowest prices.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

A house and lot for sale; located in a good business part of the main street of Arkansas City; $500. Inquire of A. C. Wells.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

HILL HOME NURSERIES, Tadmore, Miami Co., Ohio.

N. H. ALBAUGH & SON, Prop'rs.
Importers and Growers. Fine Fruits a Specialty.

C. H. BIRDZELL, Agent.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

St. Louis and Leavenworth Stoves,
Fine stock of pressed Japanned and Porcelain ware. Sewing machines, door locks and guns repaired. Stencil plates cut to order.

Roofing and all kinds of
Done on short notice and warranted.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

Has opened the Blacksmith and Wagon Shop On
South Summit Street,
Formerly known as the Porter shop.
We take considerable pains to shoe a horse, and would be pleased to see any that may call. We have first-class SEASONED TIMBER and know how to do the work. All kinds of Plows and farm machinery repaired on short notice, and all work warranted. All we ask is a fair trial, and we will make you happy.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

Pierce & Welsh,
Family Groceries, Tobacco and Cigars.
We always have on hand a full supply of
And a variety of
Our line of Canned Goods embraces all kinds.

Our goods will be sold as cheap as any firm can sell them in the Southwest.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

Central Drug Store.
Arkansas City, Kansas.
Invite the attention of the people of this vicinity to their
select stock of
Robert Maxwell has charge of the store, and attends to the putting up of physicians' prescriptions and family receipts, and would be pleased to see any and all who may be needing anything in the Drug line.

Coal Oil, Chimneys, and a full line of Patent Medicines kept in stock.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

A. A. NEWMAN, Proprietor.
Are Running on Full Time. Custom Grinding a Specialty.

Highest Cash Price Paid for Wheat, Corn, and Rye.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

Pure Drugs and Chemicals,
Fine Toilet Soap, Brushes and Combs.
Choice Perfumery and Fancy Articles,
Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stuffs.
Coal Oil, Lamps, Shades, Chimneys, etc.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.

Queensware, Glassware, and Stoneware,



Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

CEDAR TOWNSHIP, March 9, 1878.
The Beaver Creek schoolhouse in District 85 was burned on Saturday, the 23rd of February. The Followers of Christ held services there that evening, and I hold that a candle that was stuck on the desk was left burning; but some folks, who do not "cast the beam from their own eye," are ready to howl "incendiary," while it is a natural consequence following so great an act of carelessness. I am not alone in this opinion. Mr. F. Smith, Mr. Searle, Mr. McCarney, and others are of the same opinion.

Mr. Dennis Cochran sold his claim on 160 acres for one span of mules, wagon, and harness, valued at $250, one mare valued at $75, and $50 cash. The improvements consisted of one small pine house, a few trees, and 40 acres of breaking, 20 of it in wheat.

Wm. Yandall sold his claim for $100 cash. The improvements were one house and about 20 acres of breaking.

It is rumored that Wm. Morgan has sold his claim for $650 cash.

Quite a demand for work teams.

Everybody at work like so many badgers. W. A. METCALF.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

WINFIELD, March 16, 1878.
Our town looks lively and bustling every Saturday and Monday. Today is a little more so.

The usual crowds of gaping, idle country louts and village loafers are gathered around the cheap stationery man with tinsel helmet and coat of many colors, who is slyly taking in their quarters. The auction nuisance has its crowd of idlers listening to half a dozen whiskey- nozed gentlemen, all of them brawling at the top of their voices at the same time, trying to sell some wind-broken, spavined, hip shot, broken down, and worn-out horses.

Another attraction is added to this day's proceedings for the sightseers: The removal of an "Old Land Mark" in Winfield's history. The old log building belonging to Col. Manning, that has been used as a post office, printing office, courthouse, and I believe a hotel at one time, has been yanked out of its old place and carried up Main Street further.

Col. Manning's shirt sleeves are engineering the job, and Col. Hudson is the contractor.

The great event of the day to the fast men is the trial of speed against time, on a bet between B. M. Terrell and Jim Hill for $100. Terrell is to drive his fast team from Wichita to El Dorado, some 47 miles, in five hours. Three of our sporting men started in a buck this morning to be at Eldorado as judges. Bi Terrell and his team started promptly at 11 a.m. in a light open wagon. It is the general belief that Bi will rake in the cash, as the conditions (weather, roads, etc.) are all in his favor.

Times are a little dull, but our merchants are hopeful, and farmers are jubilant over the prospects for a big wheat crop.

Col. McMullen, our new banker, is preparing to erect a new dwelling on his Manning lots. It will be one of the handsomest in the city, as the Colonel never does anything by halves. His cashier, A. W. Berkey, also talks of building this spring. RAMBLER.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

BEAVER, March 16, 1878.
We see plowing going on, on almost every quarter section in Beaver township. Wheat never looked more flattering, so the grangers feel jubilant. We have an intelligent and energetic class of farmers in our township. Improvements going on everywhere such as building, planting orchards, forest trees, and two breaking prairie.

Mr. Louis P. Sting has the broadest smile on his face you have seen sincewell, since you were born. It's a boy and weighs ten pounds; and Louis weighs more too, if his estimation don't exaggerate. Think many will "smile" pretty soon.

Sensation in North Beaver and South Vernon. It is reported that a girl, of mature years, appropriated some wearing apparel and numerous other things from Abr. Graham. The constable found most of the goods and returned them. The girl was going to be married, and now, perhaps the William Henry will withdraw from matrimony and take his chances with breach of promise.

Our Hoosiers seem to like Kansas very much. They want the TRAVELER to keep them posted and all will go well. Uncle Dick is fencing a pasture. It is a large one, but the Arkansas River don't turn stock, too much sand and not enough water.

Mr. Warren Wood is doing some lasting improvements on his place. Mr. Wood is one of those whole-souled, wide awake farmers, and will ever succeed.

D. W. Frew has gone east on a short visit. We miss him. He is full of trade and always wins, farms some too; about two hundred acres. "SAND LAPPER."


Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

We learn that Superintendent Lemmon is visiting leading towns in the State with a view of securing "cuts," engravings, or diagrams of all our best school buildings or educational institutes. These, with photographs, will be bound in folio and shipped to Washington, D. C., there to be shipped to Paris by the Normal Bureau of Education, and placed on exhibition at the World's Fair in 1879.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

Mr. Green, from Cowley County, brought to this city [THE ARTICLE DOES NOT STATE WHAT CITY], on Monday, eleven hogs of the Poland China breed, which averaged 511 pounds. They were eighteen months old. Three of them weighed seventeen hundred pounds.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

A FURST AND BRADLEY SULKY PLOW, nearly new, for sale cheap at the Green Front.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

FOUND. A Masonic gold pin.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

GO TO THE ARKANSAS CITY HOUSE where you can get board for three dollars a week.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

GO TO L. H. GARDNER & CO.'s for wall paper.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

STRAYED. While camping on Skeleton creek, Indian Territory, one roan horse and mare branded F. A. on left fore shoulder. RUSSELL COWLES.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

CHOICE BONELESS CODFISH in rolls at H. Godehard's.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

ENDLESS VARIETY of new groceries at the Green Frontapples, lemons, oranges, seeds warranted to grow, Osage orange seed, teas, coffee, etc., etc.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

WELLINGTON has a cornet band.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

PEAS are up above the ground an inch high. Lettuce ditto.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

NUMBER FOUR WHEAT in Wichita this week sold for 72 cents.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

W. C. WOODMAN, of Wichita, is delivery some sound lectures on finance.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

MR. ELY, the newly appointed agent of the Pawnees, is expected this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

CORN planting is going on briskly. Within five weeks it will all be planted.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

AGENT SEARING will make arrangements to get the Mexican girl of Pawnee Pete.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

SOME of the boys had considerable fun burning off the prairie last Thursday night.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

The city of Wichita is out of debt with $2,000 in the treasury. So says the Beacon.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

J. I. MITCHELL sold his farm near South Bend to Mr. Moore, of Illinois, last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

The popular landlord of the Central Hotel at Winfield made a short call yesterday.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

The receipts of the Masonic supper and dance were $70, showing that it was well patronized.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

The Green Front have a car load of salt at Wichita. That's a pretty good order for one firm.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

C. R. SIPES will have one of Walter A. Wood's self-binding harvesters here this week. It's a novelty. Costs $310.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

R. C. HAYWOOD returned from New York State last Monday. He reports an immense emigration to Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

The boys down at Lippmann's mill think they have a horse that can run. Can't someone give them a chance?

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

BI TERRELL won the drive from Winfield to El Dorado last Saturday, making the drive in four hours and 19 minutes.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

ARISTUS BERKEY, of the Citizen's Bank of Winfield, and wife were down to attend the burial of Capt. Smith last Sunday.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

MR. NEWMAN, the barber, understands making ladies hair switches, and is a thorough workman. His charges are $1.50 and $2.00.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

COL. BENNETT made us another call this week. His avoirdupois is not so much as it used to be. He has shaved off his chin whiskers.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

PARTIES interested will be pleased to know that Trissell will deliver trees in Arkansas City on Thursday, the 28th of the present month.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

The Cowley County Bank sold the farm of 170 acres, in South Bend, known as the Henderson farm, to Mr. Kirkpatrick, of Iowa, for $1,900.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

The Pawnees of this locality are enjoying a big feast on chickens that died of cholera, old beef entrails and heads, and now and then a fat dog.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

CHARLES McGINNIS is instructing the amateurs at Winfield to rehearse the play, "Ten Nights in a Bar Room." Mr. McGinnis is a competent teacher as well as a real tragedian.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

REV. T. S. HUNT, the new Methodist pastor, has come, and will preach at the new brick church next Sabbath morning and evening. Sabbath school at 10 a.m. as usual.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

BORN. To Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Johnson, of Sumner County, on Thursday last, a 10-1/2 pound girl.

BORN. To H. Post, of Sumner County, a 10-1/2 pound boy, one day last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

MR. M. E. WELSH sold his interest in the grocery store of Pierce & Welsh to Mr. L. McLaughlin last week, and then started on a trip for his health to Illinois. His family will remain here.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

C. R. MITCHELL has been chosen one of the grand jurors and Thos. Wilkinson one of the petit jurors to serve at the next term of the U. S. District Court to be held at Topeka during the month of April.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

A fire started from a spark from the engine at Lippmann's mill, last Wednesday night, and before it was discovered, burned ten cords of wood. They had a lively time keeping the machinery from being damaged.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

DR. CORMACK returned to Fredonia last week. During his short stay at this place, we don't know of a man who made warmer friends than the Doctor and his amiable wife. We shall be glad to welcome them back at any time.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

A gentleman arose to argue against the right of woman's suffrage at the Parker schoolhouse, last week, but sat down when someone called his attention to the long rip in his pants leg that was causing considerable amusement.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

A BURNING SHAME. A white child, a little girl about ten years old, hawked about our street, for sale, by a dirty, filthy, lousy Pawnee Indian named Pawnee Pete. He claims that he gave two ponies to a Cheyenne Indian for her, and has had her in his possession about five years. She has dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and a fair skin, considering the life she has led in the Indian campsmoked, tanned, and sunburned, innocent of the use of soap. This poor child has been with these dirty, filthy devils since a small babe. No doubt her parents were killed by the Cheyennes or Pawnees before they came from Nebraska, as they brought her along when they came to the present Pawnee Agency, seventy-five miles south of this place.

Liberty-loving Kansas Republicans have known of this child being in bondage ever since the Pawnees came here, three years ago, but she is not a negro. That accounts for the apathy of our people. She has the misfortune to be white. The poor thing knows nothing of her own race or languageno one to pity, no one to console this little waif out in the cold. President Hayes ought to order some of his officers or agents to take charge of her, and see that she is properly cared for. Here is a case for some of our home missionaries to show their faith by their works. Papers friendly to the cause of justice and humanity will please call attention to this case, that something may be done in her behalf.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

We were favored last week with visits from several distinguished gentlemen from the Territory in the persons of Agent A. C. Williams of the Wichita Agency, Agent Searing of the Pawnee Agency, and Mr. Hopkins and Tom Finney of Osage Agency.

Agent Williams came up on business connected with his department, and to see his new sons-in-law and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Schiffbauer and J. A. Stafford and wife. Mrs. Williams accompanied him. We believe this is the first leave of absence Mr. Williams has accepted since he took charge of the Wichitas. He meets many old friends at this place.

Agent Searing was compelled to make a trip on official business, which he transacted in a short time and returned. Mr. McFarland accompanied him. The entire community, and especially those at the Pawnee Agency, regret that Mr. Searing is not to be retained in the Indian service, as he is a thorough business gentleman.

Mr. Hopkins and Tom Finney seemed perfectly at home, and made it pleasant for all to meet them again. From them we learned that Agent Beede intended coming up with them, but was delayed.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

DIED. On Saturday morning of last week, the sad intelligence was received of the death of Capt. O. C. Smith, a resident of Bolton township, this county, for many years past, and a citizen much respected and honored for the noble principles of manhood he bore. Capt. Smith came to this place in the summer of 1869, from Ohio, where he had been engaged in ship carpentering. He was generally a hardy man enjoying good health. A few days before his death he became over-heated while sowing oats, and to cool off divested himself of his clothing; and as a result, took a cold from which he never recovered. Every effort was made to save him, but his disease had reached a point beyond the skill of man, and all were of no avail.

As a man and a Mason, Capt. O. C. Smith occupied a high position. He was the first Master of the lodge at this place, and at the time of his death was Senior Warden of the Order. The Masons took charge of the body, and interred it under their usual custom in the cemetery adjoining the town. He was 46 years of age.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

CHARLES SCHIFFBAUER has undergone the surgical examination of his leg at Kansas City, to extract a ball that was received more than two years ago from the careless handling of a pistol in the hands of a friend. The bone had been fearfully fractured, and those that witnessed the surgical operation speak of it as being a very difficult one. He is now recovering as rapidly as could be expected, and will return in about a month with a sound limb. The surgeons express the opinion that had it remained many months longer, he would have had to have it amputated.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

From the Wichita Eagle, we learn that the following appointments were made by the M. E. Conference: Wichita, J. Kirby; El Paso, G. W. Harmony; Bell Plain, J. W. Cain; Wellington, J. N. Bolcourt; Oxford, J. W. Stewart; South Haven, _____ Roman; Arkansas City, T. S. Hunt; Caldwell, A. W. Ryan; Winfield, J. L. Rushbridge; Winfield circuit, P. D. Lahr; Dexter and Tisdale, W. M. Rose; Lazette, M. E. Green; Douglass, C. A. Stine.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

A lamp exploded last week in the barber shop next door to the TRAVELER office, and would have resulted in setting fire to the building had it not been seen from the street and prompt measures taken. The cause of the explosion was lack of oil in the lamp, allowing the gas to accumulate and take fire. There is little danger from explosion when a lamp is well filled, but when the oil is low, there is great danger.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

The darkey horse thief who escaped with Bilson by locking the jailor in the jail last week was caught on Skull creek, by John Barber, who was shot by his brother a few months ago for an attempt at rape. The darkey carried a wooden poker with him with his name cut on it that he had in his cell to the place where he stole a horse. The next morning the horse was gone, and the stick was found close by, which led to his capture. The sheriff and deputies were surprisingly active in the capture of the man and did some hard riding to effect it.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

THROUGH the efforts of Mr. O. P. Houghton, the white girl with Pawnee Pete will be taken charge of. Commissioner Hayte has instructed Agent Searing to see that she is cared for. It will be an exception to the rule if she would remain with the whites as most children, when once accustomed to Indian life, seldom leave it for the ways of the whites. The Indians have already impressed her with the idea that the whites are her enemies, and she avoids all conversation with them, often breaking into sobs and tears when urged to tell her history.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

O. P. HOUGHTON lost a yearling mule in a very singular manner last Friday. The gate between Mr. Houghton's property and the adjoining timber is one of sliding bars, and it would appear that the mule had approached and attempted to look over the two posts at one end of the gate, but got its head between them, thus seriously interfering with its accustomed ease of locomotion. On trying to extricate itself from this awkward position, the animal's head became more firmly fastened, and no one coming to the rescue, the poor brute choked to death.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

While Ed. Tyner was hauling a load of hay last Saturday, the wagon upset, and threw him and Mrs. Barlow, who was with him, to the ground with considerable force. As they struck, the pitchfork pierced the old lady in the thigh, running through the entire flesh of the limb, and projecting on the opposite side. Mr. Tyner went to her assistance as soon as he could, and drew the fork from her. The wound is a severe one, yet she walked a distance of a mile and a half after the accident, and when last heard from was still moving about.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

The Masonic supper and reunion was largely attended last Wednesday evening, and we believe enjoyed by everyone. Supper was served in the hall, after which music and dancing was engaged in at the Central Avenue Hotel until early in the morning. Mr. Bonsall delivered a few appropriate remarks at the opening, and assisted in conducting the exercises that followed. Among the fraternity we noticed M. G. Troup and lady from Winfield, and a good number from Bolton and Silverdale Townships.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

ELDER HUNT (Adventist), of Wellington, will commence a series of meetings, including a number of lectures on the prophecies from a prophetic chart, on the evening of the 6th of April. His subject on Sunday, the 7th, will be "What is Adventism?" All are invited. H. M. WILLIAMS.

Kitley, Sumner County, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

Thirteen families aggregating 50 persons have moved into Maple Township during the past four months, and still they come, and yet there is room. Maple is a congressional township, and has five fine school houses within her lines. If there is a township in Cowley County can beat the above, we should like to know it. RED BUD.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

The funeral procession of Capt. Smith was one of the largest we have seen at this place. It was formed of Masons on foot preceding the remains, followed by vehicles and horsemen. Mr. S. P. Channell was master of ceremonies, with Mr. John T. Grimes as marshal. The procession and funeral ceremonies were very imposing.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

Captain Wallingford brought over a young man last Saturday from Bolton Township who he found wandering about. The man is twenty years of age, has light hair, hazel eyes, is about five feet ten inches in height, and when found was wandering alone on the prairie like a wolf. He was taken to Winfield.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

A family named Castle, while on their way north from Sumner County, met with quite a serious accident on Monday last. A little girl fell from the wagon, breaking her leg above the knee. The travelers were near Mr. Geiser's at the time, and the little sufferer was taken there and well cared for.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

MR. REYNOLDS, near Salt City, sent us in a quart of new potatoes of this year's growth, and has had two meals of the same lot this spring. The vines had a wagon sheet thrown over them to protect them from the frost, hence the early growth.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

From Mr. Gridley, of Oxford, we learn that work began on the K. C., E. & S. narrow gauge railway at Emporia Monday, March 18th, with thirty men and teams, whom they were paying $2.50 per day. By next week we shall know more about it.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

Answers to Inquiries.
George McFarlane, Fort Dodge, Iowa:

Question. I have heard your country praised for fine climate and fine farming lands.

Answer. Since this country was purchased from the Osage Indiansonly eight years ago, it has gained a reputation unequaled on the globe for fine climate, good farming lands, and stock privileges.

Question. How many shoemakers have you?

Answer. Two. Both Germans. Another would do well during the winter. The population of the town is about 700, mostly New England and western people. We will have a railroad within the next 18 months.

The prospects are, situated as we are so near the border, that we will always have a good town.

We have no cigar maker. There is one at Winfield and two or three at Wichita. One 15 miles distant and the other 60.

Kansas is one of the most healthy States in the Union. A fortune can be made raising stock.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

From Cuckleburr City.
Editor Traveler:

This is a new place on the bottom opposite Rocky ford. It is a place that in the near future promises to rival all other cities in Cowley county. The bottom contains about one thousand acresits size admitting of its being densely populated. Its settlers have tried to raise corn and wheat for exportation, but the raging Rackensack forms one boundary, and impassible bluffs the other, and the citizens have generally given it up until aerial navigation shall have been perfected, or the Government appropriates money to help build the Topliff, Moore, and Denton road. On account of the spring raise, the settlers plant their corn in the fall, and gather before spring.

Near the center of the bottom lays the farm and stands the summer residence of Rube Houghton. In the summer it is his resort for hunting and fishing, and partly to secure the benefits to be derived, from drinking the water in his well, which has medicinal qualities, and produces results similar to that produced by a dose of quicksilver, only more prompt and effective. Nothing more effective to remove biliousness.

The soil is composed of white sand, from one to ten feet deepbeautiful to look upon, if it don't blow.

The citizens are generally cultivating a flower of great fragrance. The bottom is literally covered with it. A Government geologist recently here to view the scenery named it a cuckleburr.

But you send the explorer here to get subscriptions, and let some youngster put a cuckleburr on his saddle, and he will declare by all the gods that the boy who invented crooked pins for the parson to sit on was a humane Christian Sabbath school scholar in comparison with the wicked rip who cuckleburred him. So says

[Note: Article printed on editorial page, unsigned.]


Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

The Indian Territory.
A statement has recently been made, in several journals in this State, to the effect that Senator Ingalls had introduced a bill to organize the Indian Territory, and was pressing it upon the attention of the Senate. There is not a worth of truth in these statements. Congress has no power to organize the Indian Territory. The tribes who dwell there, the Choctaws, Creeks, Cherokees, Seminoles, and Chickasaws, hold their land under treaties with the United States, which can be abrogated only by the consent of the Indians. The government has issued patents to the different Nations, which constitute a title as absolute as that by which any farmer in Atchison county holds his land. The only way in which the Indian Territory can be organized is with the consent of the Indians residing there, and for Congress to attempt to deprive them of the lands which they hold under solemn compact, and open the country to settlement, would be a flagrant outrage upon vested rights, which should not be contemplated for an instant by a people who profess to be generous or just. Champion.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

Last Thursday night a greenback meeting was held at the Brane schoolhouse in Pleasant Valley Township. The speakers were all from Winfield. Mr. Payson read a well composed and considered paper advocating greenbacks in general. Mr. Coldwell next spoke in a stirring speech treating thoroughly on the greenback theory. Mr. Hamilton, the canvassing agent for the Winfield Courier, followed with some fervent remarks favoring the greenback doctrine to its fullest extent. He then made a motion that Mr. Payson's paper be published in the Winfield Courier. This brought Mr. Coldwell to his feet with the question: "Is the Courier a greenback paper?" In reply Mr. Hamilton said: "It is." Also, he said that "Mr. Millington is in favor of an unlimited amount of greenbacks worth one hundred cents on the dollar." The motion finally passed to publish the paper read by Mr. Payson in both the Telegram and the Courier, and requesting the TRAVELER to copy the same. The fifth plank of the greenback platform, as sent out by "Brick" Pomeroy, and published in the Telegram, operates upon the greenback movement about as a fifth wheel would on the motion of a wagon.

The meetings of the many greenback clubs, now organizing throughout this county, will afford an opportunity for the intelligent and dispassionate discussion of the difficult question of finance. All such must result in good.

Owing to the fact that there was no platform and rules for greenback clubs at hand, the meeting was adjourned until next Thursday evening, when it is proposed to perfect the organization of a club at the Brane school in Pleasant Valley Township. VIATOR.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

PLEASANT VALLEY, March 20, 1878.
The people of Pleasant Valley are not retrograding, but they are pressing onward and upward. Owing to the proximity of spring, the farmers are busily engaged in sowing oats, and plowing for corn. The farmers are all happy, and rejoice in the prospect of a glorious wheat harvest.

School commenced in District No. 10 the 11th inst. Mrs. Chapin acts as preceptress. Mrs. Chapin has taught several terms of school, and she will be very likely to give satisfaction.

A number of young folks met at the Pleasant Valley schoolhouse last Monday evening for the purpose of singing. Mr. Thomas Timmerman acted as chorister.

Mr. Whitson lately returned from Kentucky, having been there on a visit for the past two months.

The Followers of Christ, or more familiarly known as the "faith preachers," preach occasionally. They have not converted any sinners lately.

The Lyceum at the Excelsior schoolhouse came to a close last Saturday night. There were many people present. The question for debate was: "Resolved, That women should have right equal to men at the ballot box?" The question was decided in favor of the affirmative. After the question had been decided came declamations, then the paper by Miss Klingman and Mr. George Norman. A. E. H.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

March 22, 1878.
I wish to call the attention of the citizens of our school district to the importance of setting out shade trees on the schoolhouse grounds. Good shade trees well placed on the block would add much to the value of the property, and to the comfort of the scholars; and if laid out by a competent man, with artistic taste, it would make the grounds an ornament to the town.

We have the finest school building in Southern Kansas. Now let us make its surroundings correspond. This ought to have been done two years ago, and no time should be lost.

Can't we have the County Surveyor down and have him lay off the grounds, and then appoint an arbor day for all to turn out and each man contribute a good tree? I think if we take hold of this in earnest, it can be accomplished. I. H. BONSALL.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

Our county will be represented at the Paris exposition.

A photo of the schoolhouse at Arkansas City, given to Mr. Lemmon some time ago by Esquire Bonsall, to be hung in the Superintendent's office at Topeka, will be a part of the Kansas educational collection.

A sheriff's party, from Shawnee County, last week pursued a horse thief into this county and rushed down into the Indian Territory about twenty miles. Having lost all track of him, they gave up the pursuit and search; and while passing through this county on their return, they met their object of pursuit jogging gently along on his stolen horse toward the Territory and took him in.

No danger need be apprehended from Indians. Since the settlement of the country eight years ago, they have not committed an outrage within our borders. Their location is really a blessing to us. It furnishes us a good market at home for much that would have to be hauled away were they to be removed.

Arkansas City. This is a city of some 600 or 700 inhabitants, is beautifully situated on a swell of land between the Arkansas and Walnut rivers near their forks, and is one of the most charming towns in the State. It is in the very best portion of the Arkansas valley and is surrounded by a splendid farming country. It has a class of citizens of unusual intelligence and culture, and some fine large business houses with large stocks of goods. It has the finest school house in the county. It is located 4-1/2 miles from the south and six miles from the west line of the county. Almost every line of business is here represented.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

Last Saturday morning a postal card from Topeka reached Sheriff Anderson warning him to be on the look out for two horse thieves going out of the State with two stolen horses. The card described the men; one of them wore a broad brim, white hat, and leather breeches; the two horses were designated, and a third horse, not stolen (at least at that time), was in their


Deputy U. S. Marshal Petrie and Constable Cory got the news, and, during the day, got wind that they were in this vicinity. Towards night they struck out to the south, intending to intercept them at the south line of the State. Driving all night they reached Arkansas City Sunday morning, and failing to strike the scent, they put down in the Indian Territory; got on a false trail leading them twenty miles below the State line, and, finding their mistake, started back, hoping to meet their game.

On Monday morning, just this side of Arkansas City, they met a man wearing the tell-tale leather breeches and white hat and riding a horse that answered the description given in the postal. Dropping their cocked weapons upon him before he had time to make defense, they compelled him to surrender.

The poor fellow "weakened," told the whole story, and "gave away" his partner. His name is given as Frank Mills and he is from Texas. He said that his partner was the instigator of the theft and that if he went up, he wanted his partner to go too. He further said that the alluded to partner had friends near Augusta in this county and that he was laying over with them and that the two had intended to reunite in the Territory.

Hurrying up the Walnut as rapidly as possible, they reached Augusta and proceeded to make a search. Petrie struck his man in a saloon in Augusta, and covering him with a "six pistol" brought him to time. His name is J. T. Carter and his widowed mother lives near Augusta. It is not the first "irregularity" he has been guilty of, and he is spoken of as a "bad man."

Monday night Petrie and Cory brought their men into town, having been in almost constant motion for two days and nearly three nights, traveled nearly two hundred miles, and "run down" six teams.

One of the stolen horses had been traded off for a mule in this county. On Thursday morning Alex took the men to Topeka. The horses are here waiting for their owners. Mills does not have the appearance of a hardened criminal, but persists in saying that he was persuaded to do the act by Carter. May the "majesty of the law" be demonstrated.

Eldorado Press.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

Major Fuller and family tarried for a while in town last Thursday. The Major was en route for Eureka to exchange stock in the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern railroad for the bonds of this county. But on reaching Madison, and learning that the chairman of the Board of Commissioners, H. S. Jones, was on his way east, he went no farther.

We suppose the Commissioners failed to receive the notice which was sent them of his coming, hence this balk. Work on the railroad would have been resumed with renewed energy next week, if the exchange of stock could have been made this week. However, work will be shoved right along, just as soon as the little exchange is made. Speed the day. Madison Times.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

I want to trade a good 3-1/2 wagon for a couple of ponies or cows.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

A FURST AND BRADLEY SULKY PLOW, nearly new, for sale cheap at the Green Front.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

Oats are up an inch or more.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

MR. L. SMALL has rented his farm and removed to town.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

EDDY can't accommodate you with soda water this year.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

MR. JAMES WILSON is gradually recovering from his attack of fever.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

PIERCE & McLAUGHLIN's and the TRAVELER office buildings are being repainted.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

DIED. On Saturday evening, of pneumonia, a little girl of David Bright's, aged six years.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

BORN. It's Will Wright this time. Ten pounds and a boy at that. Whoop la! Last Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

The boys report eels in abundance in the Walnut, and frequently catch them on common hooks.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

R. A. THOMPSON has been appointed administrator of the estate of Capt. O. C. Smith, deceased.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

The Central Avenue Hotel has treated itself to a new porch on the south and west side of the building.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

The members of the Stock Protective Union will meet at Bland's schoolhouse one week from next Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

MR. HUNT, the newly appointed Methodist minister for this place, preached his initial sermon at the M. E. Church last Sunday morning.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

The order for Mrs. Chamberlain for $2,000 has been received by the Arkansas City Knights of Honor, No. 480, and forwarded for payment.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

CHANNELL has one of Marsh's self-binding harvesters in his store. It is a curiosity to see it binding straw, old bags, or anything it can get hold of.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

BILLY NAYLOR, in the Land Office Department at Washington, D. C., was furloughed last week, with fifty-two others, under President Hayes' reform order.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

A petition has been forwarded to the County Superintendent to have S. B. Adams appointed Director of school district No. 2, in place of Dr. Kellogg, removed to Emporia.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

It is stated Mr. Steiner and others will make an effort to prevent the issue of the Bolton township bridge bonds. An attorney has already been consulted, but the general opinion is that it will amount to nothing.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

A mistake was made Sunday evening in administering medicine to Bessie Channell that might have resulted in the death of the child, had it not been that violent vomiting set in. The mistake was made in giving the wrong medicine.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

DR. CARLISLE, of Knox County, Ohio, had a letter of introduction to Mrs. Gray from some friends in the Buckeye State. He came out last week and has concluded to locate among us. The Doctor will turn his attention mainly to stock raising.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

Through the death of a relative in California, William and Frank Speers inherited several thousand dollars. An attorney offered them $3,000 each for their claim, and they concluded they had better have that much clear, and accepted it.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

The Postmaster General has changed the name and site of the post office now called Ninnescah, in Sumner county (on route No. 33,234, from Wichita to Arkansas City), to Bushnell, two miles northeast, and appointed J. M. Napier postmaster.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

The name of Bellview post office, Sumner County, has been changed to Marengo. Wm. H. Claunch has been appointed postmaster at Littleton, and Ansen Gridley postmaster at Oxford, Sumner county, and James W. Crawford, P. M. at Medicine Lodge, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

The contract for building the bridge across the Arkansas was signed by the Missouri Valley Bridge Company of Leavenworth, last week, and sent to this place to be signed by the Trustees of Creswell and Bolton townships. As soon as it is signed and returned, work will begin.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

The contracts for breaking at Pawnee Agency were awarded last week, as follows.

W. H. Simms, 250 acres at $1.70 per acre.

W. A. Metcalf, of Maple City, 150 acres at $1.74 per acre.

Theoron Houghton, 280 acres at $1.87-1/2 per acre, including sharpening of plow.

The prices bid were very low, proving the scarcity of money and hard times. Just think of a man going sixty miles to break prairie at $1.70 per acre!

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

Stolen Horses Recovered.
Friday afternoon two well appearing young men rode into town horseback, and stopped for the night. In the morning they attempted to sell their horses very cheap, claiming they were from Sumner County and needed money. In the meantime a postal card was received stating that two horses, a sorrel horse with white face and a bay horse, had been stolen from Thayer, Kansas, about 100 miles distant. One of the horses had been purchased in the meantime by Mr. Riddle, the dry goods merchant, who traded a suit of clothes for it. The postal card was directed to the City Marshal, and was handed to Wm. Gray, who, with constable Morgan, examined the property, found the description almost exact, and arrested the two men in the saloon without resistance. They had a preliminary trial before Judge Christian and were bound over to appear at the next term of the District Court to be held in May. In default of bail, they were committed to jail. The countenances of the two were not of the best, and their demeanor before the Justice's court was such as to make anyone believe they were guilty, as they declined to give their names or answer any questions. Before taking them to jail, Mr. Riddle recovered the clothes he had traded them, but is out the $4 in cash he gave as booty.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

MR. BERRY and brother, with James Morgan, went to the Territory last week and took possession of the white girl claimed by Pawnee Pete. The Indians at first refused to give her up, and when they saw the officers were determined to take her, drew their knives and prepared for a fight. After some parleying they consented to let her go, provided she would be taken to Pawnee Agency, and the matter left with a council of their men whether they should give her up or not.

The aged squaw who claims the child was very much affected, and plead with the officers to strike her in the head with her tomahawk if they were going to separate them. She was permitted to go with them.

We called to see the child, and should pronounce her a full-blooded white girl. Her hair is light brown, and fine; her eyes are grey, and her complexion fair, considering her treatment. It is thought by several that she may be the child of a Mr. Friend, living in Eldorado, Kansas, who lost one child and had his wife scalped about six years ago in Texas.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

On complaint of Wm. Gray, city marshal, L. H. Gardner was arraigned before Judge Christian on Monday last for selling intoxicating liquors without a license. Amos Walton acted as attorney for the city, and C. R. Mitchell for the defendant. After hearing the testimony, the evidence failed to sustain the charge, and Mr. Gardner was discharged. The cost will have to be paid by the city. It is the opinion of the Police Judge that no one can sell liquor without a license under the city ordinance, for medical purposes or otherwise. This will compel all drug stores to take out a license, unless the ordinance is amended.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

The following was the cast of characters for the drama of "Ten Nights in a Bar Room," presented in Winfield on last Monday night.


Chas. McGinnis, James Kelly, W. M. Allison, E. E. Bacon, Geo. Walker, Will Stivers, Sam Davis, Mrs. Chas. McGinnis, Miss Minnie Bacon, Miss J. Millington, and Miss Carrie Olds.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

Two foot races took place last week. The first was between Charles Holloway and a Pawnee Indian. The second was between Linton Hunt and the same Indian. Holloway "threw up," and the Indian won the prize. Hunt won the second race by several feet. The distance run was about 150 feet.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

STABLE BURNED. A stable belonging to Preston Parr was discovered to be in flames on Saturday noon of last week, and by the time the two horses belonging to James Parr, and some cattle, could be got out, it had gained such headway that it could not be extinguished. About 200 bushels of corn were consumed, besides other property belonging to James Parr. Jim is a poor man, has worked hard, and the loss will be severely felt.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

MARRIED. DAVID MARICLE and MISS LIBBY DAILY were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony last Tuesday evening, by Judge Gans. The evening following, the boys gave him one of those unearthly chivarees, something like a Chinese orchestra. Our congratulations go with the happy couple. May they live long, be prosperous, and multiply the earth.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

The election of one Mayor, five Councilmen, and a Police Judge takes place at Bonsall's office on next Monday. But little has been said of the matter as yet, and Monday will probably develop whether there is any issue to be made. There will probably be a trial of those opposed to licensing saloons to elect a Council.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

1 New Champion Dropper, 5 feet cut

1 New Champion Self Rake, 5 feet cut

1 Marsh Harvester.

1 Kirby Self Rake.

1 Ox Wagon

2 Horse Wagons.

1 Spring Wagon.

4 horses.

1 Top Buggy.

2 Sewing Machines.

2 Sets of Single Harness.

2 Saddles.

Inquire of R. C. HAYWOOD.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

FOR SALE. The following described property: 1 house and 2 lots in center of town; one Hambletonian stallion, eight years old; one Durham bull, two years old; two cows and two yearling heifers; one buckboard and single set of harness. Also my entire saloon outfit, consisting of 4 billiard tables; bar and bar fixtures complete. I will sell the above mentioned articles cheap for cash. All parties knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and settle by cash or note, as I wish to straighten my business immediately.

I am, Very Respectfully, L. W. CURRIER.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

YOU CAN PROTECT YOUR BUILDINGS from decaying by one coat of "Rocky Mountain Paint." One gallon will cover 309 square feet; sold at manufacturers' prices, freight added; $1.40 per gallon; especially recommended for old buildings. P. PEARSON.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

Indian Territory, Anadarka Post Office,
March 75h, 1878.
SEALED PROPOSALS, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office until 12 m., April 1, 1878, for breaking

in lots to suit. Approved bond in the sum of $1,000 will be required. Bidders are requested to be present or represented by attorney at opening of bids, which should be addressed to the undersigned, to whom apply for further information.

A. C. WILLIAMS, I. S. Indian Agent.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

My farm of 155-1/4 acres, joining Arkansas City on the south; 140 acres in cultivation; 80 acres in wheat; fruit in abundance; price $20 per acre. M. R. LEONARD.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

We've sold our harness; sold our rails, sold a number of our ponies. We now have about 200 feet of walnut and sycamore plan, 2 inches thick, eight feet long and six inches wide, and 700 pine shingles we would like to dispose of. Also some cord wood. We have fourteen head of ponies and horses, a hog, and a jennie that we haven't sold yet. C. M. SCOTT.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

50 ten-foot posts and 100 twelve-foot rails for sale. Inquire at the post office.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.

Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to an election held in the township of Bolton, in the county of Cowley and State of Kansas, on the 9th day of March, A.D. 1878, by the electors of said township, for the purpose of voting for or against the issuance of the bonds of said township to the amount of $2,000, in denominations of $500 each, to aid in the construction of a bridge across the Arkansas River, south of Arkansas City, Kansas; said bonds to be made payable in ten years from their date and to draw interest at the rate of ten per centum per annum; said election having resulted in favor of said bondswe, the undersigned, Township Trustee, Clerk and Treasurer of said Bolton Township, will, on the 22nd day of April, A.D. 1878, issue said bonds according to law. JAMES M. SAMPLE, Trustee.

T. S. PARVIN, Clerk.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

The city council of El Dorado has granted the right of way through that place to the A., T. & S. F. railway, and the people of Augusta think the road is to come down the valley.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

The Arkansas Valley, which has become famous for fertility and beauty, is that part which lies southeast of Wichita, in Cowley, Sumner, and Sedgwick countiesnot the western part, which in comparison is much less fertile. Ex.

For the last thirty miles before it enters the Indian Territory, the river runs through Cowley County alone, making sixty sections of land that border on that river38,400 acres of land in the valley within one mile of the river. In many places the valley is from one to ten miles wide. Think of that, ye simpletons that are being carried out on the plains by the buncombe speeches of railroad officials.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

Answer to Inquiries.
J. Jeffries, M. D., Monroe, Indiana.

The climate here is very mild. But few diseases prevail. The few are mostly pneumonia and malarial.

A change from the swamps of Indiana to Southern Kansas would no doubt be beneficial for your rheumatic affliction. We have a few medical men, yet there is room for more, competent worthy men.

We have the Arkansas River on the west side and south about one mile distant, and the clear, running Walnut on the east, with their confluence about three miles from this place, where a solid body of timber covering an entire section can be seen.

Our roads are the best natural roads to be found in the United States, and good eleven months of the year.

This county is well adapted to farming, fruit growing, and stock raising. Grouse creek offers the best chance we know of for stock privileges, and the high lands a short distance east of it is a splendid farming and fruit growing region.

We have the best society to be found on the border, and your wife and daughters would be welcomed by all. Especially the daughters, for there is a demand for better halves in this new Eldorado.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

Mail Routes.
The following are the names and residences of the mail contractors let March 1st, 1878, as furnished by G. P. Strum, of Washington, D. C., for the TRAVELER.

33238, Elk City to Cedar Vale, Anthony Swartney & Benj. J. Johnson, Farmersburgh, Kans.; $592.80.

33239, Independence to Eureka, A. A. Call, Algona, Iowa; $1,870.

33240, Independence to Sedan, D. M. Moore, Harts' Mills; $2,498.

33242, Coffeyville to Ark. City, Berniah Magoffin [?], Sedalia, Mo.; $972.

33244, Elk Falls to Wichita, H. B. Guernsey, Elk Falls, Kas.; $1,475.

33245, Elk Falls to Winfield, A. A. Call, Algona, Iowa; $939.

33246, Elk Falls to Elgin, Ed. Parmley, Grapton; $415.

33247, Boston to Cedar Vale, David G. Greathouse, Boston, Kas.; $440.

33250, Eureka to Arkansas City, John W. Dorsey, Middlebury, Vt.; $488.

33253, Eldorado to Winfield, H. Tisdale, Lawrence, Kas.; $1,334.

33258, Ark. City to South Haven, W. C. Brown, Cadiz, Ohio; $228.

33259, Oxford to Medicine Lodge, John Miner, Sandusky, Ohio; $838.

33260, London to Caldwell; V. K. Hines, Sandusky, Ohio; $589.80.

33261, Wellington to Arkansas City, Berniah Magoffin [?], Sedalia, Mo.; $263.

33262, Wichita to Ark. City, H. Tisdale, Lawrence, Kas.; $1,220.

33263, Wichita to Caldwell, H. Tisdale, Lawrence, Kas.; $1,584.

33275, Medicine Lodge to Kinsley, John R. Miner, Sandusky, Ohio; $884.

33276, Kiowa to Medicine Lodge, V. K. Hines, Sandusky, Ohio; $139.50.

32014, Muscogee to Kickapoo Agency, M. A. Thompson, Windsor, Mo.; $1,400.

32016, Coffeyville to Talaqua, Jesse K. Morgan, Coffeyville, Kas.; $900.

32017, Coffeyville to Kickapoo Agency, M. A. Thompson, Windsor, Mo.; $1,290.

32020, Camp Supply to Dodge City, John R. Miner, Sandusky, Ohio; $761.

32021, Camp Supply to Ft. Elliott, Texas, John R. Minder, Sandusky, Ohio; $820.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

[For the Traveler.]
A Scrap of Kansas History.
FRIEND SCOTT: As the Historical Society of Kansas seems desirous of scraps of the unwritten history of Kansas, to illustrate the lives and acts of its early settlers, I propose to give through your paper a little light on one of the saddest events that ever occurred in the early days of Kansas settlement.

I mean the death of Gaius Jenkins at the hands of James H. Lane, familiarly known as "Jim" Lane. The circumstances of the killing, the supposed causes that led to the terrible calamity, the trial of Lane before Justice Ladd, and all the facts connected with it, were published in the papers of that day, so that a republication of these facts would throw no new light on the subject. But as nearly all the principal actors in the drama are now in their graves, I now propose to give a little scrap of historya link in the chain of causes that produced that catastrophethat came under my own observation, and of which I had personal cognizance at the time.

Those familiar with the early events in Lawrence will remember that shortly after Col. Lane settled in that place, in the spring of 1855, one of his children died and was buried on his claim, a short distance southwest of the old "log house" he then lived in. Around the little grave was a neat paling fence.

In the fall of that year the "Kansas troubles" commenced. Col. Lane was, as all will remember, absent much of the time during that winter and the following year of 1856, and his family, with the exception of little Jennie, was then in Indiana. During the troubles, and while Lane was absent pleading the cause of the Free-State party, Jenkins, being a settler on the same claim, took forcible possession of Lane's log house, and plowed up and cultivated the land that Lane had broken up, and on which his child was buried.

In 1857, on the return of Lane and family, all traces of the grave were gone, having been plowed over and cultivated the previous year, and the fence removed so that not the faintest trace of where the grave was could be found.

Lane and myself spent several days hunting and digging about where we supposed the grave was located, and both came to the conclusion that the body had been dug up, as no trace of the coffin could be found or any part of the paling fence. When we concluded it must have been raised by someone, Lane instantly laid it to Jenkins, his enemy and claim contestant. I shall never forget the expression of his face as, with compressed lips, he exclaimed:

"Such a G_d d_____d ghoul is not fit to live! If I was only certain that he dug up my child out of revenge on me, I would kill him at first sight."

The tears started in his eyes. I tried to calm him by telling him we might be mistaken in the exact distance from the housethat as the ground had been plowed over, and no mound perceivable, the body might still be there.

"Yes," said he, "but why did the d____d brute tear the paling away, and plow over the grave so that it could never be found?"

This was a conundrum that I could not answer, but had to admit it was a most beastly and inhuman act. The remembrance of that child's grave still rankled in his breast against Jenkins until the fatal encounter in 1858, when Jenkins was slain.

"General" Lane, until the day of his death, believed that Jenkins dug up the child and threw it away. Whether he was guilty or not, God only knows, but these are the facts as I saw and heard them. Lane, with all his faults, was a loving and an affectionate father, passionately fond of his children. JAMES CHRISTIAN.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

OTTO TOWNSHIP, March 25, 1878.
The schoolhouse in district No. 89 was burned on the night of the 25th of February. There was a meeting there that night which closed at 8-1/2 o'clock. The lights were carefully put out and the wood taken out of the stove, and carried outdoors and the fire on them put out. After carefully looking for fire that might have fallen on the floor, the stove door was closed and the hearth shoved up, to prevent any accident from that quarter, and the school house door closed. This was done by John Hanahan in the presence of F. N. Osborn and wife, C. M. Easley, and the two preachers, and they will so state under oath if need be. At 11-1/2 o'clockthree hours after the light had been put outMr. Jay, living three-fourths of a mile from the school house, and in plain view, went out to see if there was a light at the school house, and saw none. His statement is corroborated by Alice Tolls and Robt. Howe. At 11 o'clock P. W. Ledlie looked to see if the meeting had closed, and saw no light. A few minutes before two o'clock a part of my family was awakened by the light shining in at the bedroom window, and aroused the rest, when we all saw the schoolhouse in full blaze. Next morning the wood taken from the stove the night before and the litter between them and the house was not burned. It can also be proven that the schoolhouse was threatened a few days before it was burned.

There are some other facts in my possession connected with this sad affair, but I don't now propose to mention them.

There was a dead calm the night of the burning. "Beam" or no "beam," it is impossible for me to believe it was an accident, and four-fifths of the people in the district and community believe the same. D. W. WILLEY.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

PLEASANT VALLEY, April 1, 1878.
As we regard this a day set apart by our ancestors many years ago, for "all fools" to sound their bugles, while wise men, or the more knowing ones, keep silence, I take advantage of the occasion and send you these jottings.

Our trustee, Mr. West Holland, is darkening the doors of our cabins this week, on his rounds counting children, pigs, chickens, ducks, dogs, etc. Mr. Holland proved to be the most entertaining and most inquisitive caller of the season.

It appears that "A. E. H." would have the schoolhouse in Dist No. 10 called the "Pleasant Valley" schoolhouse, instead of the original, adopted, and true appellation, the "Holland" schoolhouse. Now, Mr. "A. E. H.," do you not recollect the time, some years since, that the voters of Dist. No. 10 decided, by their votes, to have the schoolhouse in said district named in honor of Mr. Holland, on whose land the schoolhouse was built? I think I have a "vague" recollection of such a decision. Now Mr. correspondent, lay all malice aside, and if you desire to have the name of our schoolhouse changed, appeal to our election next August, or a more honorable way would be to ask our Legislature to grant you the desired change.

[BOUNTY FOR SOLDIERS: 1861 - 1864.]

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

An item has been floating around among the newspapers some time to the effect that all soldiers who re-enlisted for three years, between January 1, 1861, and April 1, 1864, having previously served nine months, were entitled to $400 bounty, or so much thereof as remains unpaid.

The item turns out to have been worthless. A number of soldiers engaged an attorney to examine into the matter, and he immediately wrote to the proper department at Washington, and in a day or two received the intelligence that:

"There have been no bounty laws passed of general character since July 28, 1866, and the statement referred to is buncombe.

"The bounty referred to in published statement was payable in installments, and these installments were all paid as fast as they accrued, and when the men were discharged, they received all there was due up to their discharge.

"Where the soldiers died in the service, and the heirs have not yet received the remaining installments, then they are entitled thereto."


Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

Hon. Thomas Ryan.
We publish elsewhere in the Times this morning, a report taken from the Congressional Record, of a speech delivered by Hon. Thomas Ryan, member of Congress from the Third District of this State, upon the President's message vetoing the silver bill. Mr. Ryan places himself squarely upon the side of the people, in the contest of honest money, and his utterances, like those of all the rest of our delegation, in both Houses, have the ring of the true metal. Although serving his first term in Congress, Mr. Ryan has already shown himself to be a faithful and industrious member, devoted to the interests of his district and State, and we are glad to see, by the unanimous expression of approbation that comes from the press of his district that his efforts are appreciated by his constituents. The speech, published else where, is an able and argumentive review of the silver question, and we bespeak for it a careful perusal by the people of Kansasespecially those of the Third District.

Leavenworth Times.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

Mr. Fuller, engineer of the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern railroad, came down last Thursday, and on Friday morning met the commissioners in session. The bonds of the county, amounting to $203,000, and the stock of the company to an equal amount, were enclosed in one package and addressed to Donnell, Lawson & Co., the Fiscal Agents in New York, to be held by them in escrow until the road is completed in sections of ten miles. The bonds are invalid unless the road is built, and only so many can be delivered as the length of the road built will justify. If but one line is built through the county, $50,000 or $60,000 of these bonds will never be issued. Eureka Herald.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

Sealed Proposals.
SEALED PROPOSALS in triplicate will be received at this office until noon of Tuesday, April 9th, 1878, for furnishing work oxen, cows, mules, wagons, harness, plows, lumber, and other supplies required for the public service at the Osage and Kaw Agencies, Indian Territory, complete schedule lists of which may be found at the Eldridge House, Coffeyville; TRAVELER Office, Arkansas City; Journal Office, Lawrence; Planter's House, Leaven-worth; Caldwell House, Independence, Kansas; and at the office of the Journal of Commerce, Kansas City, Mo.

Bidders for these supplies (except live stock, which must be delivered at the respective Agencies) will state distinctly the price, net, at which the articles will be furnished and delivered at either Lawrence or Leavenworth, Kansas, Kansas City, Missouri, or at the respective Agencies named above.

Bidders for work oxen, cows, and bulls must state distinctly the kind bid for, if Texas natives the bid must so state. The articles bid for must be in strict accordance with schedule lists referred to, and in all respects subject to thorough inspection by parties to be appointed by the undersigned, and in weights, kind, quality, and condition for the service required must be satisfactory to the U. S. Agent. Mules and work oxen must be kind and well broken and easily managed.

Bids will be received for pork or all of these supplies, but the articles called for at each Agency must be embraced in separate bids, and the right to reject any or all bids, if deemed for the interest of the service, is reserved. The successful bidder or bidders will be required to enter into contract at once, furnishing bond with approved security for the faithful performance of the same. Deliveries to be made immediately after approval of contract by the proper authorities at Washington.

The right is reserved to increase or diminish the amount called for twenty-five percent. Copy of printed advertisement to accompany each bid, and should be addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Proposals for Indian Supplies."

Bidders are invited to be present at the opening of their bids.

CYRUS BEEDE, U. S. Indian Agent.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

S. P. CHANNELL sold his hardware store to Agent Williams last week, and will give possession in May or June. Mr. Channell is a man of many friends, and all regret to have him quit business.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

With two setts of burrs running all day and nearly all night, Newman can hardly keep up to the rush he has for his four X flour, and yet he manages to accommodate all who come with grists to grind.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

They have a new lamp chimney and burner at J. A. Loomis's that is the handsomest we have seen yet. Owing to the shape of the chimney, it seldom breaks from the flame of the wick. They have a lot of novelties on hand.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

Before returning to the duties of his office at Wichita Agency, A. C. WILLIAMS purchased the fine farm of 120 [?] acres of Rudolph Hoffmaster for $______ [?]. It is situated on the State line, four miles south of town, and is a very desirable fruit, grain, and stock farm.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

There are no vacant rooms in Newman's brick block on the corner, and had there been a half dozen more, they would have been all occupied. It is well planned, well built, and guarded against fire by a fire wall and iron roof on the top. Newman understands erecting buildings.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

Everything passed off quietly on election day.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

The Eagle Mills are having a good run of custom.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

School closes next Friday for a vacation of two weeks.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

A daughter was born to Mr. Dennis Harkins last Thursday.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

The M. E.' are well pleased with their new minister, Mr. Hunt.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

The County Commissioners meet next Monday in regular session.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

When the Walnut is past fording, we are lucky to have a good bridge.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

The streets of town are all serene. The boys are all off on the stream.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

READ C. R. Sipes' advertisement if you want to know what that machine is in front of his store.


Manufactured by the Walter A. Wood Mowing & Reaping Machine Co., Hoosick Falls, N. Y. / J. E. Haner & Co., General Southwestern Agents, Saint Louis, Mo.

The Walter A. Wood Self-Binding Harvester is the accredited head of the whole Harvesting Machine family, and its superior strength, durability, ease of management, style of finish, and capacity for harvesting and binding grain, in a superior manner, is acknowl edged.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

CASTINGS for any kind of farm machinery can be had at the Wichita Foundry.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

There are three logs at Lippmann's mill ten feet each in length that will make 3,000 feet of lumber.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

FRANK EARL says he will take farm produce for his work, and he is one of the best workmen to be found.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

The Green Front and Pierce & McLaughlin each have a neat silver mounted cigar case filled with the best of smoking material.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

The contractors of Mrs. Watson's new millinery store, Parker & Canfield, have it about completed. It is a neat little building.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

That Maltese cross of S. P. Channell's, indicating he is a member of the Knights Templars, just cost $23. Mr. Ridenour ordered it.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

HON. C. R. MITCHELL will leave this week to attend the U. S. District Court at Topeka. He will be absent about four weeks.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

DR. HUGHES will be home from Washington this week, and will announce in our next issue what he has to do with the Territory.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

CURNS & MANSER's abstract record employs one man almost constantly to keep up with the transfers on real estate and mortgages.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

A counterfeit National $500 bill has been detected in Chicago. It differs from the original. One ear of John Quincy Adams is bit off.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

Another new farm implement is a harrow made entirely of iron. One can be seen in front of Channell's store, and about forty in his cellar.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

A $500 bill pronounced counterfeit was taken in at one of the banks at Winfield by the assistant cashier, and the man can't be found who gave it.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

The engine used on Christy's steam thresher is to be placed on the ferry west of town by Speers and Walton, to try the experiment of ferrying by steam.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

A new doctor came down to seek a location last week, and has about concluded he can do very well, although Drs. Alexander and Shepard have the entire practice now.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

The wife of Mr. James Wilson arrived last week from St. Louis, where she had been detained by the sickness of her sister. We are glad to welcome such a valuable member of society.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

DIED. At her residence in Salt City, Kansas, of consumption, Friday, March 29th, 1878, Mrs. Chenoweth, wife of Capt. W. E. Chenoweth. Our sympathies are extended to the afflicted husband.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

NOTICE. One month after date of this issue, I extend a challenge to Arkansas City for a foot race of a mile; C. M. Scott to judge at start and outcome. Respectfully,

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

Several of the freighters with freight for Pawnee Agency found the Salt Fork past fording, and had to return. They left their loads at Dean's ranche, and will return this week to take them on.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

Still They Come.
"STILL they come," and yet there is room. "The emigration to Kansas continues unabated, and the various land offices are overflowing with homestead and pre-emption entries."

This is the daily language of our northern contemporaries, and it is no doubt true that thousands are flocking to the wilderness portions of our State to get homesteads, carrying with them what little money they can rake, scrape, and gather together. But by fall, if not before, the bubble will burst, and two-thirds of this vast crowd will be wending their way back to the older settled portions of the State, hunting a place of shelter during the winterout of money, out of work, out of house and home, and cursing the day that they went so far west after that iguis-fatuus called a homestead. Had these people acted with a little common sense, saved their means, and settled in some of the older counties where land can be had on as good terms as out west, and of better quality than that owned by any of the railroad companies, they would soon have had comfortable homes for themselves and families where good society is already established, churches and school houses already built, and all the conveniences of civilization are to be found. Cowley County alone can furnish homes for 20,000 families on land superior to any owned by the railroad companies. Why will people act so foolish, and suffer themselves to be caught in the net set for them by the "gull-catchers" of the various railroad companies, such as flaming hand-bills and buncombe circulars got up for them by professional horn-blowers to trap the unwary? "Look before you leap," is a wise motto. "Come and look at Cowley county before you visit elsewhere," is also a safe motto.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

"There is luck in leisure." Never despair or lose heart by length of time.

John R. Owings, who resides at Coffeyville in this State, lost a fine span of mules while on a hunt on the buffalo range in 1872, six years ago.

In passing through Sumner County last week, about eighteen miles west of this place, not dreaming about mules, his eyes caught sight of a pair of ears that looked familiar, and on a nearer approach, he discovered one of his long-lost mules. Upon further investigation and inquiries of a Mr. Straight, who had the mule in his possession, he learned that one of his neighbors, a Mr. John Randall, had the other one. Mr. Straight had taken the mules up, having found them out on the buffalo range in the western part of the State, and had them in his possession about six years.

Owings then returned home for the purpose of getting witnesses to prove his property, and his proof being deemed satisfactory, he on last Saturday was on his way home to Coffeyville with his long-lost mulesa fine span, worth $250.

Mr. Owings was so well pleased that he called and subscribed for the TRAVELER to complete his happiness. Reader, if you want to be happy, come and do likewise. Deposit two dollars and secure the best paper in the Southwest.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

The contract for the erection of the Arkansas River bridge south of town, was signed by James Sample, trustee of Bolton Township, and James Huey of Creswell Township, last week. Just before the letter was mailed, a representative of another company came in and asked the privilege of bidding on the work, promising that they would put up a better bridge for the same money, or as good a bridge for less money. The trustees, thinking there might be an opportunity of saving the townships from one to three hundred dollars, concluded to hold the contract until the bid could be made. This will delay the matter five days, after which, the bridge is to be completed within sixty days.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

The election of city officers took place last Monday with the following result.


COUNCILMEN: J. T. SHEPARD, 63; WM. SPEERS, 59; THOS. BERRY, 63; C. R. SIPES, 58; I. H. BONSALL, 61; S. P. CHANNELL, 40; A. A. NEWMAN, 37; H. P. FARRAR, 37; E. D. EDDY, 37; T. H. McLAUGHLIN, 40.


Total number of votes cast: 98.
It is generally supposed that the officers elected will favor granting a saloon license on a proper petition.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

AN EXPLOSION. Rev. McHue preached a sermon at Salt City, on last Friday night, taking as his text "Who shall stand at Judgment Day. Flee from the wrath to come." After the sermon a bench was moved out for those who desired to come forward, but in moving it two lamps were upset and an explosion followed. Great consternation prevailed. Two men sprang through the windows, followed by one woman who climbed out but immediately fainted. During the excitement some of considerable presence of mind, took off their coats and smothered the flames, while one old lady never ceased praying and shouting.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

We have been favored with a copy of the fifth Agricultural and Centennial report of 1876, with the compliments of Hon. Alfred Gray, Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture. The book is one of the best publications ever made by this or any other State, and is worth tenfold the cost of its publication. On the first pages are colored maps of each county in the State, showing the railroad lands, Government lands, water courses, location of towns and school houses, followed with an impartial history of every portion of the State. It will find a place in our library.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

For the benefit of all persons expecting to have business with the Board of Commission ers, we will state that the next session will be on the second Monday in April. The law provides that the sessions in October, January, and July shall be on the first Monday in each of these months, but that the April session shall be on the first Monday after the first Tuesday. This causes the session to fall on the second Monday this year, as April came in on Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

THINGS are certainly looking brighter. Last week one of our county bankers received two sacks of silver coin$500. The rain on last Wednesday and Friday brightens the farmers' prospects for a big wheat crop and early garden vegetables. Everything is looking lively, and the wild geese are flying low. On last Friday night they made the night hideous with their squawking, as though ten thousand of them were on the house tops.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

The Sheriff of Neosho County, with one of the owners of the horses stolen from Thayer, Kansas, were here last Friday after the property that had been taken to Winfield. The thieves, Isaac Ingalls and Martin B. Dailey, alias Al. Wilson, had been working in a coal mine before they took the horses. Both had been in the mountains, and were known as bad characters. W. M. Gray received $25 reward for their capture.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

EARLY Tuesday morning, an effigy was seen erected on a pole in the center of the street at the crossing of Fifth Avenue, representing a man. It was stuffed with straw, and had in one hand a bottle of "Rostetter's bitters," with a blue ribbon on one side and a board on the other, inscribed "Poor Murphy is dead." We suppose it alluded to the election the day previous, but we think the matter was considerably overdrawn.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

BORN. To H. Post, of Sumner county, a 10-1/2 pound boy, one day last week. Traveler, March 20th.

We interviewed Post on the boy question, and find the Traveler's statement is false. He says Scott's inventive brain will yet place the Traveler in the front ranks of journalism.

Sumner County Democrat.

Our informant was a little fast with his intelligence, but hold on awhile, Mr. Democrat; we'll see.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

When Alex Petrie and Will Corey were in the Territory looking for horse thieves the other day, they ran on to Tom Bonar, formerly quite a character in this town. He is a fugitive from law, and dares not come into the State. He lives with his wife and two children in a miserable "dug-out," and is the same Tom, only better developed. Eldorado Press.

That's pretty tough on Tom. "Go away from home to learn the news."

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

NEWTON COX, of Oskaloosa, Iowa, has leased the Central Avenue Hotel, and is now lord and peer over the entire mansion. Mr. Cox is an energetic young man of good business qualifications, and will no doubt establish himself as a landlord whom the people will be glad to patronize.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

ELDER HUNT (Adventist) will preach at the Theaker school house on Friday evening, 5th inst., at candle lighting. He will preach at Spring Side school house on Saturday evening following, at candle lighting, continuing indefinitely. H. M. WILLIAMS.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

Survey of the Arkansas River.
The following letter from our energetic representative in Congress, shows that the "improbable" survey of the Arkansas is to be made. Thanks to our wide awake member.

WASHINGTON, D. C., April 2, 1878.
Friend Scott: The House Committee on Commerce has agreed to provide for a survey of the Arkansas river from Fort Smith up to the mouth of the Little Arkansas, to determine the practicability and cost of making it navigable for commercial boats. The survey will be thorough, embracing the subjects of river, slack water, and casual navigation.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

Sympathy for the White Captive.
Our notice of the white captive owned by Pawnee Pete, is meeting with sympathizing friends from every quarter. The following is a letter from Mrs. Thomas Nickerson, a Boston lady of wealth and refinement, showing that there is a chance among the best of people for the unfortunate beings of mankind.

MANITOU, March 28, 1878.
Editor Traveler:

SIR: While coming to this place yesterday from the east, I picked up a Wichita paper in the cars with an item copied from your paper in regard to the white child for sale by a Pawnee Indian. Something ought to be done, I scarcely know what. But cannot your town authorities detain the child until some movement can be made to take care of her?: I am too much of an invalid just now to travel so far, but any communication in further regard to her will be very gratefully received. I would write to your mayor, who whom has control in your city matters, praying them or him by no means to suffer the child to go back with the Indian, for I take it, he is not a resident of your city, but think you are more easily reached. I am Secretary of the American Woman's Home Mission Society, and my husband President of the A., T. & S. F. R. R. Of course, it is against our laws to sell the child, is it not? But she ought to be rescued from the Indian, and I shall be glad to do anything in my power that you may suggest for herself.

Very truly yours,
We answered Mrs. Nickerson's letter, informing her that the captive had been placed in the school at the Pawnee Agency, through an order from the Secretary of the Interior, obtained by Mr. O. P. Houghton, and would be properly cared for.

Yet while this case has been made a specialty of, and the child cared for, we remember seeing several Mexican and Texas captives among the Kiowas and Comanches several years ago who have not been heeded by private or public citizens.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

Another Home for the White Girl.
Mr. Scott:

SIR: Having learned that there was a white girl in your place which was taken from the Pawnee Indians, I would like to know if she has a home, if not, she can find a home at the undersigned by parties having her under their control.


Wellington, Sumner Co., Kas.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

Not Friend's Child.
The Eldorado Press in speaking of the Pawnee captive white girl says:

No, it is not Mr. Friend's child. The child that Mr. Friend lost was a boy, and was recovered several years ago, after much trouble and expense. The little fellow was brought home, but death again robbed the father of his boy. Mrs. Friend, who was scalped at the time, was not killed; but through almost superhuman courage deceived the red devils, by fainting to be dead, never flinching while they thrust the arrow in her side and tore off her scalp. A full history of the troubles that the Friends had with the Indians would be more thrilling than fiction.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

Facts from the Life of a Border Ruffian.
"Yesterday, George H. Schoenewaldt, a German desperado of the very worst type, cool, deliberate, cold blooded assassin, a man who never knew what fear was, nor shrank from the committal of any crime, however desperate, was returned to his old quarters, at the Kansas State penitentiary, from which he escaped on the 7th of June lastnearly a year ago.

In 1872 Schoenewaldt was sentenced to the penitentiary for eight years, on a charge of highway robbery. He had served five years of his time, when he escaped, and fled to his old stamping grounds in Southern Kansas, in Montgomery County.

A party was sent out to arrest him, and in the effort to effect his recapture, he mortally wounded one of his pursuers, and crippled tow others. He then fled to Missouri, and was captured in October last at Jefferson City. He was arrested in that State and was sent to the penitentiary there for highway robbery. Yesterday he was brought from Jefferson City to the State Penitentiary, where he will serve out his term, and then be taken to Independence, Montgomery county, to be tried on the charge of murder.

Schoenewaldt's career has been a varied one, and discounts any dime novel ever written. He has been guilty of nearly everyone, if not all, of the crimes forbidden by law and religion, and was for years the terror of the Southern Kansas border, making his headquarters, when too hotly pressed, in the Indian Territory, where he headed a band of outlaws, as desperate as himself. Neither life nor property was safe when Schoenewaldt or any of his gang was around, and the mention of his name was enough to send the chills down the back of the good citizens of Montgomery county. He was daring, reckless, and brave to excess, and no one dared meet him face to face. Many anecdotes are told of his contempt for law and those who endeavor to enforce it.

On one occasion, and not so long ago, either, the Sheriff of Montgomery County, at the head of a posse, proceeded to stir up Schoenewaldt, he having a short time before that committed several depredations upon various parties and stolen quite a number of horses and driven them off to the Indian Territory. The Sheriff and party pursued him closely and made it hot for the desperado, but without coming in close quarters. One night, after a hard chase, and when Schoenewaldt and his gang had been kept busy keeping out of the way, Schoenewaldt crept into the camp of the Sheriff, and stole the official's horse. The next day the animal came back, with a polite note to the effect that he had returned the horse, and that if it was desired, he would steal the Sheriff and return him also. If ever Kansas had a mad Sheriff, it was this particular one, and it was many a day before he heard the last of his adventure with Schoenewaldt. Leavenworth Times.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

CEDAR TOWNSHIP, April 4, 1878.
Last Monday week, the 24th of March, Mr. Peter Quigley died. There is something strange and inexplicable in his taking off. About 12 months ago he was arrested as insane, and after a hearing by his Hon. Judge Gans, he was put into the custody of Mr. A. H. Smith. After a short time he was released, and soon after that event his wife left him.

Since that time Mr. Quigley has been living on his farm attending his business with his usual sagacity. But on the evening of the Monday spoken of, about as Mr. Ben. Caldwell and lady were passing Mr. Quigley's residence, Mr. Quigley beckoned them to the house, and told them he was very sick and wanted Mr. Caldwell to bring a doctor. Dr. Phillips was accordingly summoned, and after an examination, told Mr. Quigley that he had been taking morphine. After considerable time and coaxing, Mr. Quigley acknowledged having taken four doses to allay a pain that had seized him since eating his dinner. But all that could be done was unavailing, and he died during the night.

I learned this evening from an uncle of Mr. Caldwell's, that Mr. Caldwell, his brother, and a Mr. Early were made quite sick by eating a pot of beans that was cooked during the day that Mr. Quigley was taken sick, and of which in all probability Mr. Quigley had eaten of also. There was no inquest held. Yours, W. A. METCALF.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

J. L. Huey, Administrator of Albert A. Chamberlain, has been granted an order for the sale of the deceased's property.

In the matter of R. Page, deceased, the estate with I. H. Bonsall was ordered to be compromised.

M. G. Troup was appointed Administrator of Hiram Chase.

O. P. Houghton made a final settlement of Emerson's estate.

Al. Ray was appointed Executor of Will and Al. Bailey.

A petition was filed for the sale of real estate, the property of Charles Johnson, deceased. Sale, April 11, at 10 a.m.

Elizabeth Brown was appointed guardian of W. T. Brown.

The claim of Michael Harkins against the estate of John Broderick for $292 was allowed.

L. H. Smith was appointed guardian of the Jones minors.

W. M. Allison's claim of $16 against Samuel Hodges, deceased, was allowed.

An order of sale was made for the estate of Amos Smith, deceased.

Aaron Fleener ws appointed Executor of John Fleener, deceased.

S. W. Chase was appointed guardian of the minor heirs of Hiram Chase, and Dr. Headricke allowed his claim on the estate.

Minerva Doggett was appointed guardian of Flora and Mary Smith.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

Several families have lately moved into this neighborhood.

Mr. Samuel Wait has sold his 160 acres of land to Mr. Whitson for $1,200. Mr. Whitson is one of those energetic farmers of Pleasant Valley.

Rev. T. S. Hunt, pastor of the M. E. church at Arkansas City, preached his introductory sermon at the Pleasant Valley school house last Sunday at 3 o'clock p.m.

We have a Spiritual Medium in our neighborhood. He takes much pleasure by inviting his friends to "night circles" in which he pretends to tell them of many events of their past lives.

The gentleman who wrote a piece from Pleasant Valley, signed "Wun Phool," is in trouble. He is afraid that the schoolhouse in Dist. No. 10 will assume the name of "Pleasant Valley." ANONYMOUS.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

Poncas Not Yet Located.
C. M. Scott, Arkansas City, Kas.:

I had hoped to have located in your neighborhood before this, and had ordered my mail sent to your office, but from some unknown cause in the Indian Department have not received orders for the removal of the Poncas. A. G. BOONE.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

The strike on the Santa Fe has ended.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

Give your stock plenty of salt when feeding on grass.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

This is vacation week. School commences next Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

The County Commissioners met in regular session last Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

It seems odd not to see Mr. and Mrs. Mowry at the Central Hotel now.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

A part of Houghton & McLaughlin's clothing has arrived. They have a fine selection.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

J. I. Mitchell and Joseph Sherburne are at Osage Agency looking after contracts.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

Revs. Fleming, Thompson, and McClanahan have returned from the Presbyteries.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

Mrs. Bates received a letter from her husband that settles he has not been murdered.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

The Berry Brothers go to Pawnee Agency to take charge of the trading post at that place.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

Mr. Riddle expects to move this week. During his short stay here, he has formed many warm friends.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

DIED. Of old age, April 1st, 1878, at his son's residence on Grouse Creek, John Musselman, aged 88 years.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

L. H. GARDNER received a new lot of drugs this week, and also placed a convenient prescription case on his counter.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

LOP your hedges to the south, and cut on the under side. That is, lop the hedge over the cut, then it will heal instead of decaying.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

MR. MARICLE has 700 acres of wheat 36 inches in height. From present prospects, the yield will be enormous.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

PETER PEARSON has purchased the furniture lately owned by A. A. Chamberlain, and will continue the business at the old stand.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

A. J. SEARING, late agent of the Pawnees, was here last week, on his way to Topeka to attend the trial of the former agent, Burgess.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

BERRY BROTHERS sold their grocery store to Frank Speers and Joseph Hoyt last week. Joe and Frank will make lively dealers, and will always be found up to the times.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

The contract was let last week for the building the Arkansas River bridge to Mr. Bullene, of Leavenworth, who represents a Pittsburg company.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

A marriage license was lately issued in this county for the marriage of Jim Hindengardner and Jane Spradline. What a fearful mix up that is. [SEE NEXT PAGE...NAMES ARE NOT THE SAME!]

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

T. K. JOHNSON and S. C. Smith, two of Winfield's best citizens, made us a short call last week, and renewed their subscriptions to the TRAVELER.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

Owing to the strike of the railway brakemen, firemen, and engineers on the Santa Fe road last week, no mail was received Friday evening from the East.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

Mrs. Watson has moved to her new house nearly opposite her former place of business, and has arranged her spring stock so that it makes a beautiful appearance.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

Dr. Shepard returned from the Presbytery on Monday, where he had been accompanying Rev. Fleming. His brother from Springfield, Mo., returned with him and may locate with us.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

That blank space in the "Family Record" of David Finney's, headed births, is now filled as follows:

"Tuesday, April 2nd, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy- eight, a daughter."

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

The following marriage licenses have been issued by the Probate Judge:

Geo. Fenn and Mary Campton.

John E. Bates and Hannah Lloyd.

A. M. Johnson and Maggie Huff.

James M. Hindgardner and Jane Spraddine.



W. M. E. Ruckman and May Yaunt.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

The long promised and looked for meeting between J. F. Hess and Joseph Campbell, of South Bend, came off at Capt. Nipp's farm on the 4th inst. Blood flowed freely, and eyes changed color rapidly, but all is quiet at present. SUBSCRIBER.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

A. H. GREENE, of Winfield, is doing a good thing for Cowley County in the matter of inducing immigration. He has one man at Topeka, one at Wichita, and four at Winfield to look after parties desiring to locate, and to distribute his 12,000 copies of his real estate register.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

There is to be no more cutting of wood in the Territory by residents of the border, and as a consequence, combustible material will sell from one to two dollars more on a cord before winter. There is plenty of timber in Kansaswhen it can't be had in the Territory, by the way.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

MRS. HARTSOCK has just received her spring stock of millinery goods, and her tastily arranged room on the corner is literally full of high hats, low hats, hats for old and young, "wide-outs," "schooners," and every imaginable contrivance for the head. We advise the ladies to talk sweet to their husbands now, and make their best puddings. Nothing like appealing to the affections.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

REV. J. C. SHEPARD, of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn, Mo., will preach in the First Presbyterian Church next Sabbath morning. Rev. S. B. Fleming goes to Winfield to participate in the installation of Rev. Platter as pastor of the church in that place. A Sabbath school concert will be given next Sabbath evening by the scholars of the First Presbyterian Sunday School.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

CHARLES McGINNIS and wife, with the help of the dramatic talent of Winfield, rendered Rip Van Winkle, last Monday evening, to a full house. Another entertainment will be given soon, of which we shall notify our readers so that those who desire may enjoy it. Mr. McGinnis is one of the best performers that has been welcomed to this country, and we feel interested in seeing him succeed.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

DR. HUGHES returned from Washington last week, and in company with R. L. Walker will go to the Territory this week for the purpose of selecting a suitable place for their headquarters. The office to which these gentlemen have been appointed by the Secretary of the Interior is known as Special Agents for the unoccupied Indian reserves and Government lands. Their duties will be to put a stop to all timber depredations, collect tax on cattle in the Territory, arrest all parties trafficking in liquor within their jurisdiction, and have general supervision of all matters not assigned to the different Agencies. After their return a statement will be made by them. It is the policy of the Government to first tax and then protect the stock men in the Territory, and to protect the timber at all hazards. After these gentlemen become thoroughly established, there will be less lawlessness in the region south of us, and instead of being a harbor will be a trap for thieves.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

SUSPICION OF FOUL PLAY. Mr. Rect. Davis brings the news from Eureka, Kansas, that a large man over six feet in height, wearing overalls six inches too short for him, was found in a creek on a by-road last week with a bullet hole in the back of his head, and from the mysterious disappearance of Mr. H. C. Bates, after leaving this place, he supposed it was him. Since the rumor we received a letter supposed to have been from the man, postmarked at Medicine Lodge, Kansas, as follows:

"Mr. SCOTTDear Sir: Will you please forward my mail to Great Bend, Barton county, Kansas, and oblige me? Yours Truly, H. C. BATES.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

The examination at Winfield on the 5th and 6th inst. was attended by the following persons:

Mrs. A. D. Hoyt, Dexter.

Mr. Y. W. Bartgis, Cedar Vale.

Mr. J. A. Natt, Miss Stella Stafford, Miss Mary Tucker, Miss Kate Fitzgerald, Lazette.

W. C. Ketchum, Maple City.

R. B. Corson, Little Dutch.

Miss M. E. Buck, Miss N. P. Buck, Miss Anna Buck, Miss Nellie Buck, R. B. Hunter, New Salem.

Mrs. R. E. Rhonimus, Albert Lumkins, Tisdale.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

The large missionary school building at Wichita Agency was burned to the ground on the morning of the 29th ult. Nothing was saved, and the loss will amount to $25,000. It was the finest Government building in the West. An Indian boy, named Soldier, nephew of Black Beaver, was burned to death. One hundred and forty scholars roomed in the building.

Wichita Beacon.

The fire must have occurred only a day or so before Agent Williams' return.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

FOR SALE OR TRADE. 80 acres of land, 3 miles north of Arkansas City. Apply to J. L. Huey or W. E. Gooch.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

WANTED. 50 domestic cows with calves by their sides. Cash will be paid for the same.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

SIR ARCHIE, owned by Samuel Endicott, can be found at Finney's Livery during the season beginning April 10th. Sir Archie is a dark brown Norman horse, weighing 1,200 pounds, is 16-1/2 hands high, has good action, and is a desirable horse for general purposes.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

LOST. A large morocco pocket-book with some accounts, on Sunday last between Arkansas City and Winfield, I will pay for the return of the same. DR. DAVIS.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

FOR SALE. One yoke of first-rate work oxen, can't be beat. Will take a good cow and balance in cash. A. H. HYDE, East Central Avenue.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

SOMEONE has shamefully cut and damaged the pine siding in the hall leading upstairs in the Me ton [? Melton ?] building. I hereby give fair warning that I intend to prosecute any person caught in the act. J. L. HUEY, Agent.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

PIERCE & McLAUGHLIN pay the highest price for butter, eggs, and potatoes.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

BERRY's is the only place in town where you can get a good dollar tea for 60 cents.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

Special Offer for 30 Days.
I have a large stock of glass and queensware which I will dispose of as low as any house in town, on 60 and 20 days' time on bills of $5 and upwards to responsible buyers.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

FOR SALE. 18 shoats, also 18 head of one year old calves. S. B. ADAMS.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

LOST. Last Saturday I lost on the street a small gold compass, usually worn on a watch chain, for the return of which I will be greatly obliged, as it was a present. C. M. SCOTT.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

500 BUSHELS of corn wanted at PIERCE & McLAUGHLIN's.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

One dapple gray mare, 14-3/4 hands high, Copperbottom and Canadian stock; an extra saddle animal, drives double or single, has been accustomed to heavy farm work. Only reason for sellingunless driven every day is too spirited for a woman's use. I would be glad to exchange for a gelding, less spirited, but equal in other respects. J. A. LOOMIS.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

ON MONDAY, April 22nd, at 3 o'clock p.m., I will offer for sale, at my residence, all my household furniture and kitchen utensils. Terms of sale, cash up and no grumbling.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

Having purchased the entire furniture stock at this place, I feel it my duty to let the public know a few facts in regard to what I am going to do, and not going to do.

1. I will endeavor to keep on hand a well assorted stock of furniture, and everything else pertaining to the business.

2. To establish and strictly adhere to the one-price system.

3. Prices as low as the lowest.

4. I shall endeavor to sell at the lowest margin possible, strictly for cash or its equivalent.

In strictly adhering to the above rules, I shall not hesitate to solicit the public patronage.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.

FOR SALE. 80 acres of land 6 miles east of Arkansas City, house 10 x 12, shingle roof; 14 acres in cultivation. Terms, $75 cash, balance on time. Apply at this office.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

Net or seine fishing is unlawful, in this State, during the next three months, April, May, and June. The laws of Kansas make it a misdemeanor for any person to catch fish, in any waters of the State with a seine or net, during the three months named. They also provide that any person found guilty of violating this law shall be fined not less than $5, nor more than $50, for each offense, and shall be committed to jail until such a fine is paid.

This law should be enforced. We always have good fishing until seining begins. Persons come fifteen and twenty miles to seine our creeks and rivers and leave us nothing.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

Mr. Riddle Killed.
BITTER CREEK, April 12, 1878.
Mr. Scott: I learn that Mr. Riddle, the merchant in your city, fell from a loaded wagon this morning, near Brown's ranch, the wagon passing directly over him. He died in a few minutes after. Respectfully, W. B. TRISSELL.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

The new city council of Winfield met on the 3rd inst., and organized; Hon. J. B. Lynn, mayor, in the chair; present councilmen, T. C. Robinson. G. W. Gully, H. Jochems, C. M. Wood, and E. C. Manning. C. M. Wood was chosen president pro tem; J. P. Short, clerk; J. C. McMullen, treasurer, and N. C. Coldwell, attorney. The following committees were constituted: Streets and alleys, Messrs. Wood, Robinson and Manning; finance, Manning, Gully, and Wood; fire department, Jochems, Gully, and Robinson.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

Hon. Ben F. Simpson, on Monday last, assumed the duties of United States Marshal for the District of Kansas, being sworn in by Judge Foster. He has appointed John H. Smith, of Columbus, as his deputy at large, and Spencer P. Wade, of Topeka, his resident deputy.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

The Great Valley.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS, March 28, 1878.
[From the Lawrence Standard.]
ED. STANDARD: In the past 48 hours we have had copious showers. The ground is now soaking wet, and it is pouring down rain. This insures our wheat crop, unless some unfore- seen event happens to injure or destroy our prospects. Our wheat crop never looked better at this season of the year. In many places it is two feet high, much of it jointing. But the oldest inhabitant never heard, saw, or dreamed of such a season as this. Our peach trees are nearly all out of bloom, and the leaves are out quite green in the woods; some trees, as the maples, are almost in full leaf. The prairies are quite greenas much so as I have seen them in May. Our farmers are preparing for harvest already, selecting their reapers, harvesters, and headers. This season nearly all the harvesters are supplied with self-binders. In a few years, if our agricultural machinists keep on inventing, our farmers will have nothing to do but oversee and give instructions, ring a little bell, and the horses will hitch up themselves and go to work, plow and sow, reap and mow, and haul the grain to market.

Our implement dealers have the sidewalks encumbered with plows of all descriptions

breakers, stirrers, sulky, and gang plows of all kinds, patterns, patents, and descriptions, besides a lot of implements that I don't know the use of.

With such machinery skillfully handled in our productive soil, with seasonable weather, who can contemplate the amount of produce that Cowley county might raise and export? Oh, if we only had an outlet down the Arkansas river to New Orleans direct, instead of going 1,100 miles around by way of Kansas City and St. Louis to get there! It is exactly the same distance from this place to Fort Smith, Arkansas, as it is to Kansas City, Missouri, and precisely the same distance to Napoleon, at the mouth of the Arkansas, that it is to St. Louis. At Napoleon we are only 615 miles above New Orleans48 hours by steamerwhile St. Louis is 1,240 miles, usually six days by steamer.

With the Arkansas River open for navigation from this place or Wichita to the mouth, there need be no famine in China, India, or elsewhere. The fertile valley of the Arkansas, like the Nile of old, would be the granary of the world. Its mild and healthful climate, rich and productive soil, must soon attract the attention of emigrants to its mines of hidden wealth. If our Government would spend one-fifth the amount in the cleaning and improving of our noble river that she does on some eastern harbor or ocean project, our most sanguine hopes would be more than realized, and it would pay the world at large in getting cheap food for the starving millions.

We want no protection from the Government for our labor. All we ask is a cheap outlet to the sea, the highway of nations, down to the Father of Waters. Broad or narrow gauge railroad bonds may, like physic, be thrown to the dogs.

I see your people and Kansas City are on the right trackthe agitation of river navigation and improvement. It is the poor man's best hold. No pooling or combination in that. The mud scow and the floating palace have the same rights there. It is open to all, like the king's highwaythe rich man's coach or the tinker's cart. Keep the ball rolling. Hurrah for Eads and river navigation. JAMES CHRISTIAN.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

Unofficial but trustworthy information from Ft. Walsh confirms the recent story of a large confederation of hostile Indians in that vicinity. Sitting Bull and Spotted Tail have been reinforced by lodges by the Missouri agencies, including Red Cloud's, and it is now estimated that there are from 5,000 to 7,000 warriors within 100 miles of Fort Walsh. Some of these bands have been seen by Gen. Miles' scouts. The savages are very restless, and are under constant surveillance of the too limited force of Canadian mounted Police, who evidently anticipate trouble.

At a council, the last week in February, the Indians resolved to resist the buffalo law, and Sitting Bull counseled moderation towards Canadians, but breathed defiance against the Americans. The force is well armed and equipped, and could probably be augmented to 10,000, in which case a vigorous summer campaign will be probable.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

District Court.
Mr. E. S. Bedillion, District Clerk, furnishes us with the following list of cases which will probably be for trial at the next term of the District Court, commencing on Monday, May 6, 1878.

State of Kansas vs. F. G. Cady, mayhem.

State of Kansas vs. C. Coon, trespass.

State of Kansas vs. S. Huston, larceny.

State of Kansas vs. N. Hostetter, incest.

State of Kansas vs. W. H. Bilson, larceny.

State of Kansas vs. W. H. Bilson, burglary.

State of Kansas vs. C. R. Turner, peace W.

Geo. Stewart v. R. B. Waite.

John Brooks v. E. B. Kager, Co. Treasurer.

Jas. Renfro v. Margaret Renfro, Administrator.

A. H. Green v. Sarah E. Requa.

Joel E. Cox v. Mary J. Cox.

Geo. Hafer v. H. C. Colson.

J. M. Alexander, et al, v. W. W. Andrews.

M. L. Read v. Robt. Hudson, et al.

B. C. Cook v. W. F. Worthington.

State of Kansas, ex ral, Cessna v. A. G. Thurman.

H. B. Ray et al v. D. F. McAllison.

J. W. Blizzard v. J. G. Titus.

Nancy McManus v. J. S. Harmon.

Parker & Canfield v. R. B. Scott.

W. W. Vessels v. T. J. Vessels.

Frank Porter v. E. W. Colson et al.

M. D. Wells v. T. E. Gilleland.

Chas. Seacat v. S. E. Hostetter et al.

J. C. McMullen v. Jas. Steiner et al.

Amelia Ragland v. R. P. Akers.

A. W. Gault v. T. D. Hargrove et al.

Henry Scheffer v. J. F. Berner.

R. B. Waite v. County Com.

Mary H. Buck v. J. B. Southard et al.

S. L. Brettun v. A. H. Beck.

S. L. Brettun v. J. C. Goss et al.

G. P. Strum v. J. K. Stevens et al.

Lizzie M. Martin v. M. E. Paugh et al.

Graham & Moffit v. J. F. Baurer et al.

Boyle & Melville v. E. R. Evans et al.

T. H. Barrick v. J. S. Garrison et al.

S. Frederick v. Co. Commissioners.

J. C. McMullen v. J. Morgan et al.

Lucinda Perry v. Luther Perry.

C. C. Harris v. Tanford Day et al.

Mary H. Buck v. D. J. Bright et al.

W. R. Sears v. C. Collum et al.

S. McMasters v. N. Hughes.

L. G. Yoe v. T. E. Gilleland.

T. Watts v. W. D. L. Devore et al.

E. H. Gallup v. Calvin Coon.

R. B. Waite v. Henry Schneider.

M. L. Wilson v. H. B. Rude et al.

E. Howland v. E. B. Johnston et al.

E. Howland v. J. B. Pierson et al.

A. F. Ferris v. J. A. Denning, et al.

J. N. Hill v. G. A. Jackson et al.

Rebecca Turner v. F. C. Davis et al.

Hackney & McDonald v. W. W. Andrews.

Mary H. Beck v. M. W. Luckey.

M. Harkins v. E. C. Hurst et al.

M. M. Funk v. Cynthia Clark et al.

E. C. Seward v. S. H. Myton et al.

J. C. McMullen v. P. F. Endicott et al.

Samuel Hoyt v. J. P. Gassoway et al.

Buck, McCuen & Patterson v. T. E. Gilleland.

Mary H. Buck v. J. K. Stevens et al.

C. C. Harris v. J. B. Lynn.

Parker & Canfield v. E. B. Kager.

Giesecke, Mevsenbury & Co. v. T. E. Gilleland.

T. H. Barrick v. W. D. Mowry et al.

Chas. Barr v. T. J. Raybell et al.

J. C. McMullen v. M. A. Bowers et al.

A. P. Dickey v. T. A. Wilkinson.

Elizabeth Myers v. W. H. Brown et al.

J. W. Hamilton v. J. D. Pryor et al.

Nancy Bishop v. E. B. Johnson.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

Sitting Bull is said to be preparing for a vigorous campaign in the northwest against the whites this spring.

The completion of the Kaw Land appraisement will throw about 213,000 acres of land on the market, most of which is in Morris county.

Scarfaced Charley, chief of the Modocs, and several of his tribe were in Galena during the fore part of the week. They have all joined the Murphys and wear blue ribbons.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

The pile driver to do the work for the Arkansas River bridge is at Wichita.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

E. B. KAGER, Richard Rosey, and Cass Endicott started to Colorado yesterday morning.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

The editor visited the Pawnee reservation this week, and will probably have a little to say of it next week.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

MESSRS. Hackney, Walker, and Hon. A. J. Pyburn, of Winfield, called on us last week. Dick took a smoke on the patent cigar case from Osage Agency.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

The town was full of Pawnee Indians last week, with ponies and buffalo robes for sale. They sold their robes from $3 to $5 eachthe lowest they have been for years.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

Agent Williams is expected to take charge of his hardware store recently purchased of S. P. Channell some time in May. Mr. Channell will spend the summer in the mountains.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

The Courier says Omnia can boast of some natural curiosities. One is a petrified log on A. J. Henthorn's place, 18 inches in diameter and 15 feet long.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

See the advertisement of the "Athletic Grocery House" in this issue. It claims to be the only house of the kind in the world. The boys are worthy of a liberal patronage.



Plain & Fancy Groceries Always on Hand.

CIGARS AND TOBACCOS Of the Finest Brands.

Don't Fail to Give us a Trial,

And if you don't see what you want, ask for it.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

DR. HUGHES and R. L. Walker, special agents for the protection of property in the Territory, are out west looking out a location for headquarters. After their return we shall now all about their movements.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

The news of Mr. Riddle's fearful death was a terrible shock to this community. Our sympathies are extended to the wife he was overjoyed at the thought of meeting when he left this place to meet her.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

The Police News copies the article from the TRAVELER of the Indian girl, and pictures our citizens standing about with broad rimmed hats on, with pistols in their belts, while a long haired Pawnee stands over a meek looking child.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

MR. MORRIS TISDALE, of Osage, and Mr. Gilbert, of Kaw Agency, were in town last Friday. In the absence of the editor, the foreman of the office did the newspaper hospitalitiesi. e., smoked at their expense, and honored them with his company on the streets.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

Unless something is done to stop the foul obscenity used by drunken loafers on our streets during the night, our town will soon become unfit for decent men and women to live in. The performance on last Saturday night was enough to disgust any respectable person.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

R. A. THOMPSON has resigned the appointment of administrator of the estate of O. C. Smith. Clara Smith, of Garrettsville, Ohio, a young lady eighteen years of age, and daughter of O. C. Smith, is here to look after the estate, accompanied by Mr. Gage, a cousin.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

SIX men from different parts of Missouri, equipped for camping, passed through this place last Thursday, on their way to Texas. They had an oil stove for cooking purposes, and were armed with breech-loading shot guns; had a race horse, a greyhound, and a couple of bull dogs.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

L. B. HATCH, representing the New York Life Insurance Company, was in town last Friday, and has appointed J. L. Huey local agent for the company. Jim will make a good agent, and expects to talk us all blind as soon as the necessary blanks arrive. The company is spoken of in the highest terms.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

JAKE BEALS has abandoned his intended trip to Texas for the present. He started, but after going several miles, a black squirrel with a bushy tail ran directly across his path, which being considered a very bad omen, the resolute Jacob returned, and will remain with us until black squirrels quit running.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

WHILE blasting rock in James Benedict's well, a few days since, a piece of ore was obtained having the appearance of silver. When put to the test it was found to contain a small quantity of silver, with a mixture of iron and zinc. Wilson county has been airing herself considerably of late on the silver question, but Cowley can't be outdone.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

The agent of the Pittsburg bridge company offered to let the parties in Creswell Township freight out their subscription to the bridge fund (so far as services of freighters will be needed), if they so desire, with the one provision that they work for the same that other parties can be hired. This will make it considerably easier on those with whom money is a scarce article.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

MISS OLLIE HARTSOCK, niece of D. B. Hartsock, arrived last Friday night from Alton, Illinois. She intends making her home with Mrs. Hartsock, over the Walnut, and the beaux of East Creswell are hunting up their best looking shirts, collars, and ties, while the former belles (who aren't a bit jealous, you know) emphatically declare that "they don't care!" Certainly; that's all right.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

A man in the country has challenged Arkansas City to a foot race, and wants the editor of the TRAVELER to judge both ends of the race. How are you going to do it, Scott? Going to judge at the start, and then run ahead and wait until the fellow comes up to judge the other end? Courier.

We expect to outrun both parties, and sit down and wait until they come along. If we fail in this, we will have to have them run, turn a stake, and come back.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

As soon as the new bridge is completed, the businessmen of our town should see that the fact is extensively advertised throughout Sumner County and all the country west of us. Good stencil work on boards securely placed in prominent portions, stating that our merchants will make every inducement to the people to trade with us, would result in bringing back a large part of the trade we have lost during the last year. Think of it.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

W. B. TRISSELL left for Wichita last Monday, to make his home at that place. We regret losing Mr. Trissell, who has been with us for the past year or two as agent for the Rose Hill nurseries. By the fairest of dealing, and strict attention to business, he has made a lasting reputation for the above firm, and we take pleasure in recommending him to the people of Sedgwick County.

Before going Mr. Trissell sold his stock to Mr. Thomas Baird, who has the territory of Cowley for his operations. A better man than Tom is not to be found in the county, and he undoubtedly will succeed.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

AN ATTEMPT IS NOW BEING MADE TO DISPLACE AGENT BEEDE, of Osage Agency. Whether it will be successful or not, we cannot say, but we know that no agent in the Territory enjoys the confidence and friendship of the border people to so great an extent as does Cyrus Beede. The fight is instigated on purely personal grounds, as was the affair against Agent Williams, who is above reproach, and proved himself one too many for the gentleman. We are confident that no spot can be found on the official character of Mr. Beede, though affairs have come to such a pass that the breath of suspicion, by whoever blown, almost carries conviction with it, and a man is unceremoniously bouncedeverything urged against through personal spite being taken for granted. We hope Mr. Beede will be retained.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

Last Friday night the sad intelligence of the death of Mr. Riddle, lately of this place, was brought to his many friends. Mr. Riddle left our city Wednesday morning on a load of goods, intending to go to Larned, where Mr. Read purposed opening a branch store. When a little this side of El Paso, the wagon received a heavy jolt while crossing a small bridge, throwing the driver and Mr. Riddle down between the horses. The driver escaped with little or no injury, but Mr. Riddle's back was broken in the fall, and the wheels of the wagon passed over his body, killing him almost instantly. Mr. Riddle was between fifty and sixty years of age, and universally respected and admired by his acquaintances. A perfect gentleman, a friend alike to rich or poor, and an earnest Christian, he was one who will be sincerely mourned by a large circle of relatives and friends. He was a native of Pennsylvania, but for many years past had made his home in the West. His wife and family have the sympathy of our entire community.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.

Our New Bridge.
Within six or seven weeks our people can have the pleasure of crossing the Arkansas on a good, substantial, Pratt truss bridge, built by a Pittsburg company.

The bonds were voted and money raised with a view to letting the contract to the Missouri Valley Company of Leavenworth, but the wording of the contract, which the latter company sent to the Trustees of the two townships interested, differed materially from the proposition made by their agent, and as the Pittsburg gentlemen made a more satisfactory offer, for the same money, they were awarded the contract.

The iron furnished by this company is to come from their foundry at Pittsburg, is stronger than that proposed by the Leavenworth firm, and at every joint there is thirty percent more iron than in the bar, thus adding to rather then detracting from the strength of the bridge. The joists are to be 2-1/2 x 12 inches, 20 inches from center to center, and laid lengthwise, while those of the other company were to be only 2 x 12 inches, 24 inches from center to center, and laid crosswise. These advantages, together with the unsatisfactory course pursued by the Leavenworth company, induced the Trustees to accept the offer they did.

Another fact, worthy of note, is the Leavenworth company demanded in their contract that half the money be paid when the material was on the ground, in defiance of their first proposition, while the gentlemen from Pittsburg ask for no money or bonds until the work is completed, and then take the Bolton township bonds at par.

The Trustees have acted with a promptness and decision that reflects credit upon their judgment, and their course will undoubtedly result beneficially to those interested. They have been left to act solely by themselves, the businessmen whose opinions were asked displaying a singular apathy upon a question of such importance, thus throwing the entire responsibility upon the aforementioned gentlemen. Thanks to Mr. Huey, of Creswell, and Mr. Sample, of Bolton, our people will have a number one bridge, less liable to need repairs than that over the Walnut, built by a perfectly reliable companyand in a short time, too.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

LONE WOLF, WHITE HORSE, BLACK HORSE, AND EAGLE HEAD, KIOWA and COMANCHE chiefs, are returning from St. Augustine, Florida, where they have been confined for three years past. There will be the liveliest time heard of for years when they reach the Agency. Their relatives have been mourning for them "many moons" and their reception will be made of more importance than anything that has occurred to them from their childhood.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

Answer to Inquiries.
Syl Johnson, Montezumer, Iowa.

There are no homesteads to be had in Cowley County. You can pre-emp 160 acres within a distance of twenty miles of this place, and within five miles of Dexter or Maple City, by settling on it six months and paying $200. There is plenty of timber along the creeks and rivers that can be bought for $10 and $20 per acre.

There is no coal mine being worked, although there is coal in the eastern part of this county. Coal brought from Wichita, the nearest railroad point, is worth $13 to $18 per ton.

The creek and well water is as good as you ever drank. The well water at this place is soft water, and is used for washing without "breaking."

There are two railroads proposing to build to this place. The Kansas City, Emporia & Southern, now being constructed, and the Santa Fe offers to extend its line from El Dorado if suitable franchises are offered.

You can learn the exact market value of products by referring to our market report published every other week.


It basically covers those part of the state that have a railroad.]

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

A Visit to Pawnee Agency.
We made a hurried visit to Pawnee Agency last week, in company with Mr. Thomas E. Berry, the newly appointed trader at that place, and felt well paid for the visit. After crossing the Arkansas river, and Chilocco creek, and following down Bodoc a distance of eighteen miles, we halted at Dean's cattle ranch, thirty miles from Arkansas City on a straight line. The ranch was not adorned with pictured walls, but we made the best of it we could. On Saturday we crossed the Salt Fork about a mile below the ranch, then Turkey creek and followed Black Bear to the Agency, where we found a host of former acquaintances all busy in their several employments. Mr. Ashton has almost completed the beautiful stone school building, erected at a cost of $15,000. The plan of it is decidedly good, convenient, and well guarded against fire. On our arrival Agent Ely was absent from the office, overseeing some work at one of the adjoining farms. In the evening we had the pleasure of meeting him, and found him to be an affable, honest appearing gentleman. It was our impression he was a native of Pennsylvania, but he informed us he was a Kansas man, having lived for several years near Wyandotte, Kansas, engaged in fruit and vegetable growing.

Among those in the employ of the Government, we were introduced to Mr. Hurtford, a fine old Irish gentleman, whom we should have judged to have been a full blood Johnny Bull, and found him a man of remarkable experience and judgment.

Carrying the hod was Pattison, the first Sheriff of Cowley County, who has seen many ups and downs since leaving God blessed Cowley.

McFarland, Bishop, Dr. Williams, Mannington, and our old townsman, P. H. Woodard, are all there yet, but some of them expect to leave before the warm weather sets in. We enjoyed the hospitable entertainment of Mr. and Mrs. Woodard, who took us in when the boarding house was crowded.

The site of Pawnee Agency is a beautiful one, situated on a green knoll with surrounding trees on every side, with Mount Pisgah on the west, and another mound overhanging the east, each affording a beautiful lookout and pleasant roaming place.

At the house of Battee Beyheylle, a full blood Pawnee and interpreter for the tribe, we saw the LITTLE WHITE GIRL so frequently spoken of before, amusing herself in one corner while the Indian daughters of "Bat," as he is called, were cleaning away the supper dishes. From Mr. Beyheylle we learned that the mother of the girl is an Indian and that her father is an Irishman. She was born at Fremont, Nebraska, and answers to the name of Maggie Brown. Mr. Beyheylle did not know her father, but claims to know she is not a captive.

After a general ramble among the rocks and nooks and a hurried glance over the Agency grounds, we returned to our homes with a promise to ourselves to again visit the home of the Pawnees at some distant day.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

U. S. Court, Temperance Movement, Politics, Suicide, Strike, etc.
TOPEKA, April 13, 1878.
Editor Traveler:

The U. S. Court is still in session, and the "intelligent juryman" consequently remaineth under the watchful supervision of the suspicious bailiff. Several cases of importance are being tried at this term, but none of special interest to the readers of the TRAVELER.

The representative, attorney, counselor, and friend of the 89th District, Empire of Cowley, knows "how it is himself." The judge refused to grant him permission to return to the bosom of his clients on his own motion, and he is still here, drawing his three dollars per day and wondering who in thunder gave his name to the marshal when he drew the jury.

The railroad strike that raised such a tremendous commotion along the Santa Fe road recently, is at an end. Trains run regularly, the striking engineers and firemen are out of employment, the officers of the road are conquerors. The State militia is triumphant and the Governor of the Great State of Kansas resteth upon his well earned laurels. The prompt action of the latter in this matter coupled with the moral support of the community here and elsewhere over the State, is what raised a blockade that might have resulted disastrously to the people, property, and the best interests of this country. Persons living far away from the line of the road do not realize the state of affairs that existed here for three days and nights. One of the leading thoroughfares of the west was as completely blockaded up as any line of travel between the contending armies of the late rebellion. Not a train was allowed to move, commerce was at a stand still, emigrants arriving at the border of the State broke ranks and returned to the east declaring that Kansas was not the kind of a place it was represented to be, and they would prefer "cheap lands" with less contingencies. The damage done to the State by this "strike" cannot be estimated by dollars and cents. The injury extends beyond a mere pecuniary consideration as it will take a long time to remove the impression that is prevalent today in the east, that we are a "heathenish set" out here in Kansas, and but a little remote from the Mexican banditti.

The temperance movement is carrying things by the storm here. The State officers; politicians, women, and children of the capital are all on the "red, white, and blue" side of the question. The officers are "lending their influence," the politicians their humble "voices," and the women and children their names, and presence at the meetings to keep the cause along. There were about twenty saloons in full blast when the war was declared, and there are twenty and one now. But the foes of rum are not discouraged, they are still pressing on, they have captured the school children, and every little tad almost in the city is wearing the badge of a reformed drunkard.

Society was shocked last night by the announcement of a suicide at the Tefft House. W. B. Stewart, of Ft. Scott, a young man favorably known throughout Kansas and Missouri; brother-in-law of C. A. Morris, of Larned, and Hon. D. W. Wilder, of St. Joseph, Mo., took nearly a drachm of strychnine, and afterwards attempted to hasten his death with a pistol, and died within thirty minutes after swallowing the awful dose. He had been in the city for about a week, was drinking considerably and was greatly depressed in spirits on account of losing money at the gambling table that belonged to the St. Louis wholesale house, for which he worked. His remains were taken to Fort Scott today for burial. This is a temperance lecture that all can understand.

U. S. Marshal Simpson is in attendance at court, and is organizing his forces with a view of having an effective service. He will re-district the State and appoint deputies to take charge of the several counties. He has retained Geo. F. Sharett, chief clerk under both Tough and Miller, as his chief clerk and deputy. George is one of the most enterprising and business like young men in the State.

The political pot is beginning to boil and old sailors discern a speck in the horizon that bodes no good for several of the present candidates for office on the State ticket.

Spring is here with are all its beauties, its hopes and aspirations, and the State, viewed from its capitol, never entered upon a more prosperous season of "seed time and harvest." May the prosperous present be fully realized in a fruitful future. 404.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

PLEASANT VALLEY, April 19, 1878.
Several refreshing showers of rain have fallen during the week, which will increase the growth of wheat and grass rapidly. There are several pieces of wheat in this vicinity that will make excellent wheat without any more rainproviding no accident happens to it. Some of the farmers are through planting corn, and many are planting.

A concert was given at the Pleasant Valley schoolhouse last Friday night. Those who attended it were well pleased. A neck tie festival was given at the Odessa schoolhouse last Tuesday night. The evening being an unfavorable one, it was not so largely attended as it would have been had it been a nice evening. The proceeds amounted to about $18.

A number of people assembled at the Pleasant Valley schoolhouse last Sabbath morning for the purpose of organizing a Sabbath school. Officers were elected as follows: Mr. Bott, Superintendent; Mr. Forbs, Assistant Superintendent; Miss Timmerman, Librarian; Mr. A. C. Holland, Secretary; and Mrs. Amy Chapin, Treasurer.

Mr. Roberts is conducting a singing school at the Excelsior schoolhouse. Mr. Roberts is an excellent singer, and takes much pleasure in teaching his scholars to apply the notes correctly. A. E. H.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

A Mrs. Jarboe, of Cowley County, was fatally poisoned from eating wild greens.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.


[For the Traveler.]
The Situation in Europe.
The latest news from Europe is that war is "inevitable." The queen has forbidden the exportation of torpedoes and other explosive missiles; has also chartered some 18 steamships to carry the same number of British regiments from India to England, with the privilege of landing them either at Cairo, in Egypt, or Malta, as they may desire, as she no doubt thinks they are a good thing to have handy. This looks like business. People may ask: What is all this preparation for? Or, what is at stake that so arouses the nations of Europe to rush to arms?

Russia says it is spiritual mattersthe cause of Christ; the Greek religion is in danger from the Turk.

England says it is temporal matters: The golden gate that divides the Black from the Sea of Marmora; the ancient fords where crossed the vast army of Philip of Macedonia, Darius the Media; where Xerxes, with his 2,000,000 soldiers and 300,000 sailors, crossed 500 years before the Christian era, Alexander the Great, and others.

It is the possession of that point of land on which stands Constantinople, once the capitol of the world, founded by Constantine the Great in A. D. 328. In a circle of 400 miles around that point there has been more human blood spilled than all the balance of the earth combined.

Within this circle also dwelt the greatest heroes, orators, statesmen, philosophers, poets, painters, and sculptors the world ever saw. From the year 330, when Constantine removed the seat of empire from Rome to Byzantium (called Constantinople in his honor), it remained under the sway of the Latin and Greek emperors until 1453, when, after a long and bloody struggle between Christianity and Mohammedanism, Constantinople was finally taken by Mohamet II. This ended the Greek empire and accomplished the extinction of the dynasty of that race of conquerors.

Constantinople, during this reign of the Roman and Greek emperors, stood twenty eight sieges at the hands of her enemies in their attempts to possess themselves of the queen of the Bosphorus and the commanding situation of the Dardanelles.

Constantinople has been a fat bone of contention for over 1,500 years. The Turks have now held possession of the city and the two straitsthe Black Sea from the Mediterra neanfor over 400 years, and the only power that has attempted to shake their hold upon that coveted spot is Russia.

Between 1772 and 1849, only 78 years, there were ten wars between Russia and Turkey, and consequently ten treaties. Under each one of them, Turkey ceded territory to Russia. The Turkish empire has been designated the "sick man of the East." Russia is endeavoring to write his will for him, and have the dying man leave her the golden horn as her share of the estate.

England is determined that this shall not be done; that that horn shall not gore her as she passes to and from the Black Sea. It would be a black day for her if she did.

Our people, as a general thing, favor the Russians because they leaned favorably towards us in our late unpleasantness. People who do not study these matters closely are often misled by the high sounding professions, flourish of trumpets, and impious appeals to Deity which precede or accompany Russian declarations of warthinking that her motives are as high and holy as she represents them.

But the Poles, the Swedes, the Cossacks, Turks, Mongols, Tartars, and other nations that Russia has robbed in the past 250 years, will be slow to believe her professions of honesty or truth. There have been wars of sentiment, such as the crusades under King Richard, but the God that is most worshiped in these days is not the God of Heaven, but the God of mammon, power, and territorial extent.

Should a clash of arms occur, there will be somebody hurt. Thank fortune there is a big water between us and the belligerents.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

The city council of El Dorado has granted the right of way through that place to the A., T. & S. F. railway. Traveler.

You are mistaken in that statement. No truth in it whatever. Eldorado Press.

Guess she will before long.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

Navigation of the ArkansasBiggest Thing Yet.
A company of old settlers at Arkansas City are constructing a small flat bottomed steamboat, to play upon the Arkansas River below Wichita. That this enterprise is practicable, has never been questioned by river men who are acquainted with this stream. The Arkansas at all stages flows a sufficient volume of water.

The only obstacle to the navigation of this river, that has ever been apprehended, arises from the numerous bars of light sand, which it has been argued, were liable at any time to effect sudden changes in the current or channel. These men (one of whom is an old river boatman) says that every trip made with a boat has a tendency to draw the water to the proper channel, and to assist in removing or washing away these, by no means formidable, bars of light and floating sand. These parties are the first who have proposed to make a practical test, and we now hope the matter will be thoroughly tested, and have full faith in final success.

With the Arkansas River navigable even for small craft, it will secure to this part of the valley a position, and commercial advantages which can be acquired from no other source. Let the people take hold of this enterprise with a will, and extend the necessary aid and encouragement, and doubtless ere many months the people of this valley may receive their freight and ship their produce from points within their own borders. Sumner Co. Democrat.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

The dead body of Mr. Riddle was brought into the city, last Thursday night, and Friday morning, was taken to Hutchinson, where the deceased has several children living. It appears that Mr. Riddle was on his way from Arkansas City, where he had been engaged in disposing of a stock of goods, to Hutchinson, with his two sons and a wagon load of household furniture, and in crossing Spring creek, he and the son driving were both thrown from the seat by the jolting of the wagon. Mr. Riddle fell under the wheels, which passed over the small of his back, breaking his back-bone. By the time his son had recovered himself and ap proached his father, the latter was about dead. He groaned once or twice, but was entirely senseless. His body was put in the wagon and brought in. Coroner Munger was sent for but did not hold his inquest, thinking it unnecessary. The deceased had about $130 on his person. He was about sixty years old, and is said to have been a sober and steady man. As stated above his body was taken to Hutchinson in charge of his two sons. Wichita Beacon.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

Mr. A. Walton, of Arkansas City, was in town last Friday. Mr. Walton came up to ascertain how much the Oxford people would subscribe to a project, now on foot, to construct a boat, to be propelled by steam, to navigate the Arkansas river between Wichita and Arkansas City. Mr. Walton says that the subscribers will not be requested to pay their subscription until one trip has been made between those points. Mr. Walton proposes to use a flat boat now at Arkansas City, and by using an ordinary steam engine and stern wheel, intends to experiment on the navigation of the Arkansas River. This sounds like business, and our people should give it a careful consideration before passing it by. Democrat.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

The San Augustine Prisoners.
After the suppression of the Indian outbreak in 1874, in the Indian Territory, the government selected something over seventy hostages, including chiefs and young warriors, from the Cheyenne, Arrapahoe, Kiowas, and Comanches, and confined them in the fort at St. Augustine, Florida. Maj. Miles, Agent at Cheyenne Agency, has shown us the following telegram from Hon. Wm. M. Leeds, acting Indian commissioner, in reference to their disposition.

WASHINGTON, D.C., April 15, 1878.
J. D. MILES, Wichita, Kans.: Of the San Augustine prisoners landed at Fortress Monroe, yesterday, fifteen remain at Hampton Normal school, three to to Syracuse, New York, and thirty-nine will be delivered to you by Col. O'Brien, at Wichita. From Wichita you will forward them to their reservation. They will start this afternoon.

W. M. LEEDS, Acting Com'r.
The Indians will arrive here Thursday night, and will be sent on as soon as transportation can be obtained.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

Messrs. Speers and Walton, of Arkansas City, are endeavoring to obtain the aid of the towns on the Arkansas River for the purpose of running a light draft boat between that point and Wichita. The boat is built, the machinery spoken, and everything in readiness to push the experiment. Mr. Walton was in town on the 12th looking after their interests. The citizens of this place will hold a meeting on the night of the 17th, to hear the gentleman's plans and objects, and to discuss the feasibility of the project. Independent.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

FORTRESS, MONROE, April 15, 1878.
Chiefs of the Kiowas, Comanche, and Arrapahoe Indians, with their warriors, fifty-nine in number, confined at St. Augustine, Florida, the past three years, arrived here yesterday, and go west this evening. Seventeen, however, will remain at Hampton Normal School. Among the chiefs are Lone Wolf, White Horse, Black Horse, and Eagle Head.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

Oxford is agitating the question of steamboat navigation on the Arkansas River, between Arkansas City and Wichita. The project looks feasible. Ex.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

350 Acres of Breaking.
Indian Territory, April 12, 1878.
Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned at Cheyenne and Arapaho Agency, Indian Territory, until 1 p.m., Saturday, April 27, 1878, for the breaking of 350 acres of prairie in lots to be designated by the agent in charge, at the Cheyenne and Arrapahoe Agency, Indian Territory. Work to commence at once on notification of the approval of their contract, and all work to be completed on or before June 30th, 1878.

A good and sufficient bond will be required for the faithful performance of the contract. Bidders are requested to be present at the opening of bids. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. All bids to be addressed to

J. D. MILES, U. S. Indian Agent,
Cheyenne and Arapaho Agency, I. T.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

The First church is being repaired and repainted.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

C. R. MITCHELL returned from Topeka Monday evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

Mrs. Huey goes to Iowa this week for a four months visit.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

Walnut about three feet above ordinary fording last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

Mr. Hutchison brought down the pile driver from Wichita last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

We have rain just whenever we need it now, and there's nothing to growl at.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

A number of the ladies of this place will spend the summer at Colorado Springs.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

The men are here and at work on the Arkansas River bridge. In sixty days teams will be crossing.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

THOMAS EMBRY BERRY made a trip to Kansas City last week to purchase a stock of Indian goods.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

M. L. BANGS, who bangs around the stage office at Winfield, was here last week and gave us a call.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

WORK has begun on the Arkansas bridge. Mr. Bullene, the contractor, is here with his men ready for work.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

A young man by the name of William Kearns lost a pocket-book near the Arkansas River bridge last week containing $180.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

IF GIBSON goes in, the Osages will go out. (Out on another peaceable hunting expedition, where they mistake white men for turkeys.)

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

Mr. and Mrs. Gillis [? Gellis ?], Mrs. Swickard, and Miss Kate Purdy were baptized in the Walnut by Rev. Harvey, last Sunday, near Wright's ford.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

The Indian Agents in the Territory can't tell whether they are agents or not until the weekly mail comes in, the changes are so rapid.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

ELIZABETH says she did, and Henry Ward says she didn't. There's a mistake somewhere. Maybe they did and maybe they didn't.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

The preliminaries for operations in the Territory are not all made yet, consequently, the notices we expected to publish cannot be made yet.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

Jerry Tucker was summoned to his home in Ohio last week, to part with a dying mother.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

We are indebted to Ed. and Henry for locals during our visit to Pawnee last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

Fred. Hunt, Wilbur Deever, Kittie McGahay, and Mr. and Mrs. Berkey spent the Sabbath at this place.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

Colonel Bennett made his appearance as usual last week, and went away with money in his pocket and orders for about $800 worth of groceries.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

Agent Searing, Stacey Matlack, trader at Pawnee Agency; Mr. Manington, the hotel man; and King Berry were are all here last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

Hon. Hubbard, the "hub" of Sumner County, who represented that district two terms in the Legislature and originated and passed the famous "dead line bill" made himself known familiarly last week. Hubbard is an energetic farmer, and owns the largest span of mules we have seen in this country.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

Col. McMullen has been elected city treasurer of Winfield. They seem to appreciate the Colonel at his new home.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

GOODS uncalled for at the Express office in Arkansas City. Parties will please call and get them. JAMES CHRISTIAN, Agent.

S. P. Channell, 3 packages.

Mansor Rexford, 1 package.

Ellen M. Finney, 1 box.

Thomas Brown, 1 box.

F. Sommers, 1 box.

Benedict Bros., 1 package.

James Root, 1 seine.

Ellen Bank, 1 trunk.

A. Wilson, 1 package.

J. A. Loomis, 1 package.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

JOHN L. ALEXANDER, son of Dr. Alexander of this place, went to Edinburg, Pennsylvania, two years ago, to engage in boring for oil. In company with another young man, they drilled a hole three hundred feet deep and lost their drill in the hole, owing to the way it was coupled. They began another hole 25 feet distant and drilled 1,200 feet when they struck a vein of oil, flowing 37 barrels per day, worth $1.30 per barrel. After losing his drill John invented a new coupling which he has had patented, and stands a chance of making something out of that as well as the oil.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

We hear that ex-agent Isaac Tecumseh Gibson wants to be re-instated as agent of the Osages. That would be bad for the Wah-sah-shees, and they wouldn't hesitate to make it known, unless Isaac should distribute a few sacks of flour to Governor Joe again. Wonder if this hasn't something to do with the trouble Agent Beede was put to lately?

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

It is stated that Colonel Boone, who has had charge of the Ponca Indians, has been removed from the office of Indian Agent. The old Colonel has been among Indians for the past thirty years, but we suppose someone with more political friends wanted the place, and he has to go.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

R. A. HOUGHTON will move his clothing to the store one door north of his present place of business, and before the close of the week will have a fine lot of fresh groceries that he expects to sell cheaper than he ever sold before. Rube has many friends, and will have a good trade.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

THOMAS MANTOR went to the woods a week ago after young trees, and was working among what he supposed to be a lot of young oaks. They proved to be the poison oak, and he has been suffering from the effects of it ever since. His limbs are swollen and look as though they had been scalded.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

BATES RESURRECTED. BATES, who left this place some four weeks since, and was reported to have been murdered in Greenwood County near Eureka, has returned. He does not show any evidence of having been dead, and listened to the horrible details of his murder with wonderful eagerness.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

NOTICE the new advertisement of Peter Pearson, the new furniture man, and then drop into his store room opposite the Cowley County Bank, and see what a nice lot of bedsteads, bureaus, stands, chairs, lounges, and all kinds of parlor and kitchen furniture he has.



All kinds of goods: PARLOR, CHAMBER, OFFICE AND KITCHEN FURNITURE Of all Descriptions.


All orders neatly executed by PRACTICAL CABINET MAKER.

Satisfaction guaranteed.

Call and see my stock and examine prices.

Latest style of Children's carriages.

Coffins always on hand or made to order.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

"LITTLE CHIEF," with a number of his band of Osages, was on our streets Saturday. Several Poncas, Pawnees, and Kaws were also visible. It is not an unfrequent occurrence to see representatives of half a dozen Indian tribes in town at the same time.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

A race took place at the mouth of Crab creek, a few miles below Dexter, last Saturday, between the Burt Covert mare and a gray colt belonging to Hank Robinson. The gray colt won the race by sixteen feet. Some of our boys came back minus a horse.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

MR. WARE showed us a sample of wheat in full blossom, that will be ready to cut in three weeks. There were only ten straws of it, bound with wire with a self-binding machine.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

The trial of ex-agent Burgess was postponed until additional evidence could be procured. The trouble is alleged to have been unlawfully purchasing cattle, but the more they find out about it, the less guilt is attached to it.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

MARRIED. AL. BURTON is married! Married to one of the best young ladies on the Walnut. Rev. Harvey tied the knot. Rebecca Gillis claims him. Good enough; let's hear from the next one.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

In the course of ten days Pierce & McLaughlin will open a large and well assorted stock of gents and boys clothing, boots, shoes, and furnishing goods, at prices to suit.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

A hail storm fell on Slate creek, Sumner County, on Tuesday of last week, destroying 200 acres of wheat in one tract. The grain was completely driven in the ground.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

JOSEPH SHERBURNE left us a specimen bull snake killed by himself, that measured five feet and ten inches. It had been dead too long to keep by putting it in liquor.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

DR. GRIFFITH, of Altoona, Illinois, with his son-in-law, has located among us. The Doctor will practice medicine at this place.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

THE PONCAS camped near Dean's ranch, painted their faces, donned their Sunday-go to-meeting clothes, and visited the Pawnees last week. They had a big pow-wow.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

SPEERS and WALTON will have their steam ferry boat ready to run this week, and before long will make a trial trip to Oxford, El Paso, and Wichita.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

MR. FEAGANS left us 20 spears of wheat grown from one grain, at one time, taken from the upland farm of L. C. Norton's, in Bolton Township.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

ED. GLISBEE came down with Dr. Davis last week on a pleasure trip. The Doctor expects to visit old Kentucky this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

Mr. Letz and Doc. Covil, of Salt City, intend going to the mining region in Colorado this spring.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

COAL OIL only 35 cents per gallon at Schiffbauer Bros.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

COAL OIL 35 cents per gallon at Loomis' Drug Store.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

10 lbs. of sugar for one dollar at Schiffbauer Bros.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

CHAMPAIGN CIDER. Oh! Ah! Hermann will have a barrel of Champaign cider, and oranges direct from Massina by next Saturday. Don't forget it.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

4 papers of choice seeds for 25 cents at Schiffbauer Bros.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

LOST. A pocket-book, near the Arkansas River bridge, containing about $180. One $100 bill, and the balance in small bills. Anyone returning the same will receive $20.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

LOST. The day of the Masonic festival, a solid silver spoon, with the letter F engraved on it. Please return, if found, to Mrs. Farrar.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

200 bushels of corn for sale. V. M. Vaughn, 2-1/2 miles east of Ark. City.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

STRANGE BUT TRUE. A man walks peaceably into Hoyt & Speer's new grocery house and gets shot, and the cry is, what for? (To go hunting, to be sure.) 2 lbs. for a quarter.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

New goods and new prices at Schiffbauer Bros.

Schiffbauer Bros. buy more butter, eggs, potatoes, corn, and general country produce, and pay a better price than any house on the border.

Pay your money and take your 3-1/2 lb., 4 lb., or 4-1/2 lb. coffee for $1.00 at Schiffbauer Bros.

Green, dried, and canned apples as low as the lowest at Schiffbauer Bros.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

PATTERN PAPER at the Post Office Five Cents a yard. Just the thing for making patterns.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

MONEY TO LOAN, on first class real estate securities, for two and three years. Inquire of J. L. HUEY.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

Hermann Godehard's Locals
Good goods at low prices at H. Godehard's.

Down it comes. 5 sacks of splendid coffee just in, which will be sold at 4-1/2 lbs. for a dollar.

A new lot of Messina lemons at H. G.

Choice dried beef at H. G.

Choice oat meal from Oat Meal county, Iowa, in 3 lb. packages at H. G. Try some.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

For Sale at a Bargain.
230 acres of land joining the town site, 80 acres improved, 70 acres of timber, and a stone house in town with 4 lots; one of the best corn farms in the county, all for $2,500. Inquire of Judge Christian, Arkansas City, or at the Citizens' Bank, Winfield. Also 40 acres of growing wheat on this tract, price $3.00 per acre. J. C. McMULLEN.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

One blacksmith's shop and stable with two lots, across the street from Finney's livery stable, and four lots all together near James Benedict's; 160 acres of land with 30 acres improved, near Goff's, 3 miles north of town; five acres adjoining town site, on the northwest, sown in wheat, will be sold cheap for cash or on time.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

For Sale or Trade.
80 acres of land, 3 miles north of Arkansas City.

Apply to J. L. Huey or W. E. Gooch.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

JUST RECEIVED at Houghton & McLaughlin's: The largest, best assorted, and cheapest stock of boots and shoes ever offered in the Valley.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878. Front Page.

The executive session of the Senate on Thursday was mainly occupied with a discussion in regard to the nomination of John McNeill, of Mo., to be Indian inspector. The principal ground of opposition to him was his having caused the execution of ten guerillas while serving as an officer in the Union army during the war of the rebellion. The Democratic Senators generally voted against his confirmation, but it was finally effected by a vote of 31 to 26.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878. Front Page.

Opium smoking is on the increase in the Black Hills. There are dens at Deadwood, Central, and Lead City.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

[From the Winfield Republican.] Mr. D. D. Kellogg, of Vernon Township, has a fine residence and a large peach and apple orchard. He this spring set out 7,000 forest trees, and has besides a large number of older forest trees.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

Latest advices represent that the appalling ravages of the famine in Northern China continue unabated, and tens of thousands of the famished inhabitants are perishing, while thousands of bushels of corn in Cowley County are to be had for twenty cents per bushel, prime bacon for six cents per pound, and everything else in proportion. Open the rivers, and give us cheap transportation, so the hungry can be fed.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

The Courier of Winfield will be issued as a daily during the session of the court for ten days at least. The daily will be one-half the size of the weekly Courier, and the first issue will appear early in the morning of Tuesday, May 7th. They propose to work up the paper during the night, so as to give its readers, early each morning, all the news and occurrences of the preceding day, including court proceedings, local matters, county items, and the latest news by telegraph and mail. Such enterprise as this should meet with a hearty support from the residents of the county seat. Their energy is truly commendable.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

Cowley County Fair.
A public meeting will be held at the courthouse in Winfield on the 11th day of May, 1878, at 2 p.m., for the purpose of organizing an agricultural society, and to take into consideration the propriety of holding a fair during the coming fall. All are invited to attend, and it is hoped that all interests appropriately connected with the enterprise will be represented.

J. E. Platter, B. B. Vandeventer, J. B. Lynn, T. R. Bryan, C. A. Bliss, E. P. Kinne, H. D. Gans, E. E. Bacon, Winfield; J. B. Holmes, W. White, W. J. Funk, Rock; S. M. Fall, R. F. Burden, Windsor; N. J. Larkin, A. Kelly, Richland; Chas. A. McClung, J. S. Wooley, Vernon; W. B. Norman, Adam Walck, Maple; Dr. A. S. Capper, Ninnescah; Ira How, Liberty; William J. Hodges, C. G. Handy, Tisdale; J. B. Callison, Spring Creek; D. W. Wiley, Cedar; E. Shriver, Sheridan; Jonas Messenger, Omnia; J. A. Bryan, Dexter; R. Stratton, Harvey; S. B. Adams, Creswell; S. M. Sample, D. P. Marshall, Bolton; G. W. Herbert, Silverdale; D. B. McCollum, S. Watt, Pleasant Valley. Courier.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

An Honest Letter of Inquiry.
LAPEER, MICHIGAN, April 14, 1878.
C. M. Scott:

It seems a little strange, having known you so long and never written you a letter of friendship and this, my first one, being a business letter, especially from the fact of your living in a new State so long. I must be a little abrupt now and come to the point. I want to know something about the State of Kansas as a farming State, and one which I can make a limited fortune by perseverance. There is a great deal of talk about it here. One young man left here about a month ago and settled near Junction City. He writes back that a person by going through hardships can make a fortune. There is no chance whatever in Michigan for me. An industrious man without capital can make fifty cents a day and his board, and be idle half the year round at that. It is a little better for me, because I can teach school three months in the year at about seventy-five cents per day and board. It is probable that I will be idle all summer. I understand farm work well, have done considerable of it, but there are so many men for places to work on farms that I guess I am dished for this summer. I want your candid advice. Is it a good plan to come to Kansas and take up a homestead, and how much capital would I actually require to work 80 acres of land? I have heard that by setting out trees a person could get 40 acres of land for every 10 acres planted to trees. Is this true? This young man also states that there are on an average a thousand people a day coming into Kansas. Now, if this is the case, I should think there would be a good chance to speculate by buying land and waiting for an increase in the value. Which do you think the best plan: to come to Kansas and take up land, or buy and wait for an increase of value? I should prefer the latter if it will work well. How is the climate? Are all the winters cold and severe? Is the country subject to winds and drowths? Is it well watered, and can wells be obtained at a proper depth? Is there any coal, and to what depth can it be obtained? What is the price of shingles and mill run lumber, or clear stuff and cull lumber? I hope I have not burdened you with questions. Please answer soon and oblige. JOHN J. WATKINS, JR. Lapeer, Michigan.

Response from Scott to Watkins Letter.
I have no doubt you could do much better here in Kansas than you can among the stones, stumps, and swamps of Michigan, but we always hesitate to encourage anyone to leave their old homes, friends, and attractions to come to a new country almost wholly undeveloped in resources, unless they first express a desire to move somewhere; then we say "come and see us," and the God blessed country we live in, with its fields of waving grain, streams of purest water, with its high, healthy prairies dotted with sleek, fat cattle. Coming as you would, from a well settled region, with are all modern improvements, to a new country, there must necessarily be many discouragements and drawbacks, but if you are satisfied you cannot get along with your present State, we can assure you that you can here by ordinary industry and


Kansas is a grain and fruit growing State, as well as a good stock country. One man can easily farm 80 acres and have time enough to look after a few cattle and hogs.

The amount of capital required to start in this country is from $500 to $1,500 as follows.

To begin a farm on good footing, it would require $500 for a choice tract of eighty acres; $200 for a good large team of mares; $100 for a wagon and harness; $100 for plows, harrows, rakes, etc.; $100 for provisions; $50 for a couple of cows; $300 for a house, and $100 for a stable. In all: $1,450.

To begin as most of the early settlers did, would be: Eighty acres from the United States, under the pre-emption act, $100; team, wagon, etc., $200; plows, harrows, etc., $50; shanty to live in, $50; cow and pig, $20. In all: $420.

Land can be obtained from the Government twenty miles east of this place at $1.25 per acre, after a six months residence. There is no need of being idle in Kansas. You can plow ten months of the year.

There are no homestead lands in Southern Kansas. That along the railroad has been chosen from so often that few desirable tracts remain.

The bounty on Osage orange, or hawthorne hedge, is $2.00 for every 40 rods after the same has been declared a lawful fence, and continued eight years. The bounty on stone fences is dropped, and also the bounty on growing timber. By amendment it has become a mere nullity and obsolete. There is plenty of stone, sand, and limestone for all kinds of building purposes.

Many thousand immigrants (or really, excursionists) are coming to Kansas daily, but not one out of ten comes to locate.

It is not a good plan for farmers to buy land to speculate on. The same money invested in stock would double every year or it can be loaned on real estate security for 25 percent, per annum, or on chattel security at three percent a month.

The climate is a delightful one, and is warmed by the southern breeze in summer and cooled by the mountain air in summer.

It is a very windy country at times, but there are few days when it is too blustering to work out of doors. The land on the Arkansas River bottom we don't consider ever subject to drouth. Like the Nile of old, it is irrigated, only our river has an under flowing or sub- irrigation, that always keeps the soil moist.

Occasionally the State is subject to dry seasons, but it does not begin until near wheat harvest. Early planting almost insures a crop.

This county, and Kansas generally, is well watered with clear, swift running streams of clear, pure water. On the highest elevations water can be obtained at from 20 to 40 feet.

Coal has been found in the eastern part of this county, but it is not extensive. In eastern and northern Kansas it is very plentiful. Osage City, Kansas, coal sells for $13 per ton here, after being hauled 50 miles from a railroad. Wood delivered sells for $4 per cord. Native lumber sells for $25 per 1,000 feet, and shingles $3 per 1,000. Pine lumber is worth from $40 to $60 per 1,000 feet.

Being a young man, you had better come prepared to stay. If a married man, it would be well enough to first come to look, and then send for or go back and bring your family.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

CEDAR TOWNSHIP, April 25, 1878.
Mr. A. H. Smith, the genial Otto postmaster, is sowing 80 acres of flax. Flax that if you can! He is also planting ten bushels of hedge seed. Hedge that if you can! Mr. Donald Jay has 160 rods of the best stone fence I ever saw, just completed. Our Wheat crop is just as nice as nice can be, all headed out finely. Our assessor has completed his assessment in this township, and has given better satisfaction than any assessor we ever had, by a big majority.

Mr. W. W. Wills' house was burnt on the 23rd, between 12 and 1 o'clock, with all it contained. Mr. and Mrs. Wills were helping Mr. and Mrs. Thompson slaughter, and had left two little girls alone. The little girls cooked their dinners, and after eating, went out to play, and the entire inside of the house was aflame before they knew of it. Mr. D. W. Willy was the first one on the ground, and succeeded in saving a tub of pork. That was all that was saved. The house was a pine house, and burned up quickly. Mr. Wills is a newcomer, and very hard run. This is a fearful blow on him. W. A. METCALF.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

DEXTER, April 6, 1878.
Everything is flourishing on Crab Creek. Corn, wheat, and vegetables of all kinds are trying to see which can outstrip the other. We had the pleasure to meet the good people of Maple City last week, at their greenback meeting. The club is in good running order.

We spent the night and a good part of Sunday with our friend, Mr. Libby. They have 130 head of cattle. Mr. Moody, a relative of Mr. Libby, has lately come out from Maine, and is going into the business with them. Success to Messrs. Libby, Moody & Bros. HUGO, S.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

Isaac Moore has found a spring which seems to have the peculiar property of petrifying anything which is left for any time in its waters. He says that the last year's leaves which dropped into the spring have been encrusted with a formation of stone, and the limbs and roots which project into the spring have also been petrified. He showed us a fine specimen which he took from the waters of this wonderful spring, which is on Crab Creek, in Dexter township. Cowley County Telegram.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

A Flourishing Town on the Border of the Indian Territory.
A Magnificent Valley Between the County Seat Of Cowley
County and the Border Line.
[Special Correspondent to Kansas City Times.]
WICHITA, KANSAS, April 7, 1878.
I took a trip down the Arkansas Valley to Wellington, and from thence to Winfield, the county seat of Cowley County. In company with one of the best citizens of Winfield, I took a drive to Arkansas City, a beautiful town of five hundred inhabitants, situated on the border of the Indian Territory, and at the confluence of the Walnut and Arkansas rivers.

This was one of the most agreeable rides I have ever taken in Kansas. I have explored the State from north to south and from east to west; I have traversed the valleys of all the principal streams, and have looked upon the most beautiful sections of the State, but I am compelled to admit that I have never passed over a more fertile district or gazed upon a more lovely landscape than that which lies between Winfield and Arkansas City.

The valley of the Walnut is about two miles wide and is generally greatly undulating. In some places, however, there are rocky bluffs, and in others there are whole sections as level as a lawn. The wheat in this valley is as fine as any ever grew out of the ground. There are thousands of acres of it between Winfield and Arkansas City, all of which is looking splendidly. There are fields containing hundreds of acres, which covered with a rich, strong, healthy growth, waving in the breeze, presents as fine a sight as the eye ever gazed upon. No artist can equal it, and no pen can describe it. If the entire area of wheat sown in Cowley County looks as well as that between Winfield and Arkansas City, and no blight comes to destroy it, between this time and harvest, then the yield of the country will not fall short of one million and a half bushels.

The Walnut valley wants a railroad, and wants it badly. It needs a railroad to carry to market its enormous surplus of products. The people of this great valley are looking to the Kansas City, Burlington & Santa Fe road as the one which must deliver them from the burdens which rest upon those who are not favored with water or rail transportation. The route from Burlington through this country is a very practicable one, and the development of the country through which it would pass is such as to furnish ample business to support a road. The people are praying for the success of Schofield.

Arkansas City is situated on a beautiful elevation commanding a view of the valleys of the Walnut and Arkansas rivers. There are a number of reliable and energetic businessmen here, who do an excellent trade.

Hon. C. R. Mitchell, one of the ablest and best members of the last Legislature, is a citizen of this place. He was drawn as a juror on the last United States Grand Jury.

The people of Arkansas City are intelligent, cultivated, and enterprising. They support an excellent newspaper, the Traveler, and will ultimately have one of the best towns in the State. S. M. F.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

Our Member of Congress Moving in the Matter,
And a Company Building a SteamboatOne Coming to Wichita.
[From the Wichita Eagle.]
Thomas Ryan, our Member of Congress, writes, under date of April 2, that the House Committee have agreed to a survey of the Arkansas River. The following is the letter written to Scott, of Arkansas City.

WASHINGTON, D. C., April 2, 1878.
FRIEND SCOTT: The House Committee on Commerce has agreed to provide for a survey of the Arkansas from Fort Smith up to the mouth of the Little Arkansas, to determine the cost and practicability of making it navigable for commercial boats. The survey will be thorough, embracing the subjects of river, slack water, and canal investigation.

In this connection Messrs. Walton and Speers, of Arkansas City, are building a light draught boat, of fifty feet length by sixteen feet beam, capable of carrying twenty ton of freight, drawing about seventeen inches of water. The boat is about ready to receive its engines, and the proprietors propose to visit Wichita within two or three weeks, we believe. These gentlemen are satisfied that after once learning the channel, they will find no difficulty in making regular trips, and to that end they were interviewing our businessmen on Monday.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

PLEASANT VALLEY, April 29, 1878.
The prairies are covered with different flowers and grasses. Beautiful weather. The peach trees are heavy, loaded with peaches. Wheat will soon be ready to harvest. Many of the farmers are cultivating their corn.

Thomas Timmerman has returned from Chautauqua County.

Two young lads, about 14 years old, suddenly disappeared Friday night. Their where- abouts are unknown.

A number of people met at the Pleasant Valley schoolhouse last evening for the purpose of singing.

A neck tie festival will be given at the Pleasant Valley schoolhouse next Friday night, May 3rd, by the Pleasant Valley Sabbath school. All are respectfully invited to attend. Pro ceeds will be expended for the benefit of the Sabbath school. A. E. H.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

CANON CITY, COLORADO, April 22, 1878.
Railroad excitement at highest pitch. Two roads are working within three feet of each other trying to get up the Arkansas River through the Grand Canon on the river here. The D. & R. G. give $12,000 per day, the A., T. & S. F., 150 teams, $15,000 for bringing men from Pueblo, 40 miles distant by one company, the other brings them by rail.

The contractors hire every man who will work. The excitement won't last but a few days as one or the other must quit soon. Don't know where they are going. The town is reaping its harvest. Yours, etc. E. B. KAGER.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

Mrs. E. Watson respectfully informs the ladies of Arkansas City and vicinity that she has just received the newest styles of spring and summer millinery, which she will open at her new store on Saturday, May 4th, and will be pleased to have the ladies call and examine them. The new store is nearly opposite her former place of business.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

Dr. A. TRIM.
Practicing Physician & Accoucheur,
Arkansas City, Kansas.
Office at Gardner's drug store. Special attention to diseases of women.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

Room next to Gardner's drug store. Shaving, hair dressing, and dyeing done in the best style. Making Ladies' switches a specialty.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

WICHITA FOUNDRY, R. McFARLAND, proprietor, Douglas Ave., near the bridge. Castings of are all kinds made on short notice. Repairs on stoves and all kinds of machinery, including steam engines, farm machinery, etc., done neatly and at rates beyond competition.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

This hotel has been refitted and newly furnished, and now offers the best accommoda tions to be found in the Southwest. Good stable convenient.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

[Formerly the Lagonda House]
This house has been thoroughly renovated and remodeled, and has new furniture throughout. Special accommodations for commercial men. Stages arrive and depart daily.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

Two doors south of Central Hotel, Main Street, Winfield, Kans. Harter & Hill, Proprietors. Horses bought and sold. First-class turn-outs furnished on short notice, with or without driver. Horses boarded by day or week. Charges reasonable.

Old Reliable Blacksmith Shop.
Shop opposite the Central Avenue Hotel. All kinds of carriage, machine, and plow work neatly executed. Horse-shoeing a specialty. Terms cash, or note with approved security.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.




Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

CORN is up in many places three inches high.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

ONE mail sack of papers did not get in Saturday night.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

R. C. HAYWOOD drew the highest prize in the Kansas City Times lottery, being $40 in cash.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

There is considerable talk of rust on the wheat, but as yet it has only shown itself on the blades.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

The barber shop has been removed to the new building just south of Benedict & Bros. hardware store.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

There is a strong competition in groceries at this place, and it will pay farmers to come some distance to buy.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

There is a green peach of this year's growth on Lincoln Small's farm that measures two inches in circumference.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

There will be a "mum social" at the M. E. Church on Tuesday evening, May 7th. A cordial invitation is extended to all.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

We were favored with a beautiful bouquet a few days ago, composed of bright red and pale roses and calla lilies. It is a beauty.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

JOHN HOUSTON (farmer John) was in town Sunday for the first time in six months. He stays at home pretty well for a city lad.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

A petition is being extensively circulated asking Congress to grant the settlers the down wood in the Territory. Everybody signs it.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

The harvest of wheat will begin in three weeks. Already Channell, Benedict, and Sipes are sending the machines on to do the work.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

The Republican-Register, of Galesburg, Illinois, gave Dr. Griffith and family a lengthy and very complimentary notice after their departure for this place.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

The honorable Mayor don't make many pretensions, but he keeps an eye on the "general run of things," and will be found on time at any emergency.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

A little run was made on coal oil last week by the drug and grocery men. L. H. Gardner and E. D. Eddy put it down to 25 cents per gallon for a few days.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

We noticed a number of Pawnees at the Agency going to plant corn on Sunday. They believe in "six days shalt thou rest, and on the seventh labor."

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

WILL. LEONARD and a brother typo came down from Wellington on Saturday and remained until Sunday. Will. is making a reputation worthy of pattern for most young men.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

The friends of Thomas Mantor will be glad to hear that he is again in business, and will hunt him up to trade with him again. He can be found at the new grocery store of Houghton & Mantor.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

J. W. CURRIER sold his saloon appurtenances to Walter Dolby, this week. Mr. Currier has purchased the "Railroad Saloon," at Winfield, and intends holding forth there hereafter.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

Articles to insure publication must be handed in on Friday or Saturday. Monday is the latest hour, as we have to print the papers Tuesday night for Wednesday morning's mail.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

Ladies don't pass the millinery store of Mrs. E. Watson's without calling in to see the new spring styles of hats, bonnets, and trimmings, and the nicely arranged room in which they are kept.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

CHARLIE COOMBS, a former typo of this office, who has been spending the winter in Maine, is expected back this week. He will entertain the boys relating his exploits for the first ten days.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

In sixty days the Arkansas River bridge is to be completed. When it is done we shall announce it, and then all of the big stories of it being impassable, dangerous, etc., can be set down as malicious lies.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

NOTICE. The Stock Protective Union will meet at the Parker schoolhouse, May 4th, at 7 o'clock p.m., to receive new members and transact such business as may come before the house. H. CORYELL, Captain.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

MR. SMITH, the contractor, and Mr. Ashton, the builder of the Pawnee school building, in company with Dr. Williams, the former Agency physician, were here this week, one of the former returning home, and the Doctor looking about for a choice location.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

The card of Dr. Allen Trim appears in this issue, announcing himself ready to attend to all calls for medical assistance in the town or country. Dr. Trim is from Cassville, Missouri, and comes well recommended from the leading citizens of that place. He can be found at L. H. Gardner's drug store.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

Eighteen teams crowded the streets last Sunday. Some were loaded with groceries, some with agricultural implements for S. P. Channell, and others were going to and coming from Pawnee Agency. In the afternoon a long file of Ponca Indians with pack ponies passed through town on their way north.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

The Ladies' Society of the Methodist church will meet at the residence of Judge Christian on Thursday, May 9th, at 2 o'clock p.m. A general attendance of the members is requested, as business of importance will come before the Society that has been too long neglected.

By Order of the President.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

Rain again Sunday night. Corn is growing wonderfully; wheat, oats, barley, and rye promise an abundant crop, while apples, peaches, and all kinds of fruit bid to excel any previous year in this new country. Let there be war, pestilence, or what not, Cowley County will have plenty and some to spare this year.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

MR. JOHN NEWMAN, the barber, has moved his shop to the room adjoining Gardner's drug store, and can always be found ready for work. He is without exception the best barber we have ever had at this place, and understands everything in his profession. Ladies having switches to repair or make over will find him accommodating and reasonable in his charges. Try him.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

NEW GROCERY. RUBE HOUGHTON and THOMAS MANTOR, under the firm name of Houghton & Mantor, have opened a new grocery in the second building south of E. D. Eddy's, and are offering goods cheaper than can be bought in any adjoining town in the Southwest. They have a fine lot of teas and coffee, and sugar that can't be beat in quality or price. Both are energetic men, and won't let you go off without a bargain.


For several months past we have turned our attention exclusively to the clothing trade. We now take this method of informing the public that WE WANT THEM TO UNDER STAND That in addition to our stock of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes, we intend to sell GROCERIES! Cheaper than ever sold in Arkansas City before. We can do it, for cash, and make a fair profit. We ask all of our former customers and as many more who want bar gains to try us once.

Our stock of Clothing is new, having been received only last week, and our groceries can't be beat. We offer you



Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

REV. SWARTS, on Sunday evening, delivered his lecture on dancing, at the M. E. Church, but we have not heard of any violins being destroyed in consequence thereof. The Reverend in his discourse stated many things that no sensible person will deny: That boisterous excitement, reveling, lascivious conduct, and such like are inconsistent with the walk and conversation of a professed Christian and contrary to the Christian character. So is cheating, lying, jesting, and as Paul says, "are all vain, idle, and filthy conversation," that a great many good men indulge in occasionally. It will not be denied that a voluptuous young woman in a low-necked dress and bare arms will create a queer sensation in the opposite sex, whether in a ball room, parlor, or even at a church festival or parochial visit, but dancing is not the cause of it. That anything can be carried to extremes, there is no question. The best and purest institutions or recreations can be made hurtful, and anything that is hurtful is wicked; and that which is wicked is sinful, by purity of reason. It is hard to put old heads on young shoulders, and young heels full of life and vitality will kick up once in a while. We say, let them kick.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

NEW SETTLERS. Our county is being settled this spring with some of the very best of citizens of older States. A few months a Mr. Terwilliger, of Altoona, Illinois, bought a farm of Col. J. C. McMullen and located in Bolton Township. He wrote to his friends that he liked the country; that he found it just as the TRAVELER said it was, and advised the rest of them to come. The result is we now have Dr. Griffithanother subscriber of the TRAV ELERhis son, and Mr. Baker, his son-in-law. Mr. Baker has for years been engaged in telegraphy on the Vincennes road. At the end of each year he found he had made but little more than a living, and now he proposes to work a Bolton farm and endeavor to have something for a "rainy day." Mr. Griffith, Jr., is a jeweler by trade, and may engage in his business if he is not too much attracted by the wonderful products of the soil. Besides these gentlemen we have the friends of Mr. Leander Finley from the same State, and the relatives of Rev. Fleming, of Pennsylvania, who are among the best people of the county.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

A new schoolhouse has been erected in the school district just north of this place, near Goff's farm. It is about ten by twelve feet square, built of native lumber, with one door and two windows. The benches are made of native lumber also, and Miss Wright has been engaged as teacher. It is a cheap house, to be sure, costing only about $75, but the district does not have to pay $100 interest annually on school bonds, and after a while will be better able to build than those who have $1,000 houses. There are just enough children in the district to fill the little house full. We have promised to visit the school, but will have to wait until some of the children are absent before we can get in; otherwise, the teacher would have to stand on the outside, or send one of the pupils home during our stay.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

DR. HUGHES is at Denison, Texas, making arrangements with cattle men who intend to pasture cattle in the Territory. On his return he will establish his headquarters on the Cimarron River at the stage crossing, and issue permits to all who want pasture privileges, for sixty cents a year, or five cents per head each month. The cattlemen express themselves well pleased with the arrangement, and will pay the tax willingly. Operations against timber depredators will probably begin near Fort Sill, where one man is engaged hauling saw logs to fill a very large contract. It is said he has five ox teams constantly hauling logs from the Territory.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

FIVE WAGONS loaded with salt from East Saginaw, Michigan, drove up to Schiffbauer's grocery last Sunday, and we have noticed equal amounts left at H. Godehard's, Pierce & McLaughlin's, Hoyt & Speers', and Houghton & Mantor will soon have a like amountand this, too, when salt just as good can be manufactured at Salt City, within nine miles of this place. Someone should engage in the business, as it would surely pay.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

HOUGHTON & MANTOR will not be undersold by Winfield or any other towndon't forget it.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

$9 per acre. My farm on the north side of Arkansas City is for sale at the above price143-1/4 acres. H. B. NORTON.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

Circus in Town!
Doors open early and late, and everything down to bed-rock prices, for cash on the inside. We want money for tomorrow, and not for yesterday. Do not forget the time, date, and place. HOYT & SPEERS, New Athletic Grocery House.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

At Hermann Godehard's.
Just received: A load of Iowa Peach Blow potatoes; $1.10 per bushel; in five bushel lots, $1 per bushel.

A bbl. of Champaign apple cider, sweet as a nut. Try some.

A new assortment of California canned fruit that cannot be beat.

Our oranges have come in. They are splendid.

California (Alden Process) dried apples; they beat anything in the dried fruit line; price 20 cents per lb.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

27-1/2 yards blue rag carpet at 38 cents per yard. MRS. D. T. THOMPSON.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

TO THE PUBLIC: We have one year's supply ahead; consequently we will not be undersold. 20 lbs. sugar for $1; cider 5 cents per glass, or 55 cents per gallon.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

Machine Oils:

J. A. Loomis will be prepared to supply all demands for oil during the coming harvest.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

Houghton & Mantor's is the only place where you can get 8 lbs. white "A" sugar, 4 lbs. best coffee, and 4-1/2 lbs. good coffee for one dollar.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

Sweet Potato Plants in any quantity for sale. Orders for 5,000 delivered in any part of the county by Chas. M. Swarts.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

Picture Frames.

Call at Loomis' Drug Store and make your selection from the new stock just received.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

Talking about Groceries, you should have seen the caravan of wagons coming in loaded with sugar, coffee, and flour for Pierce & McLaughlin this week. They have a solid ton of sugar and a solid ton of coffee. Now if you want 9 pounds for $1, give them a callnext door to the post office.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

10 lbs. of sugar for one dollar at Schiffbauer Bros.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

4 papers of Church's soda for 25 cents at Schiffbauer Bros.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

200 bushels of corn for sale. F. M. Vaughn, 2-1/2 miles east of Ark. City.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

Notice to Quit Stealing Stone.
We hereby warn all respectable citizens of north Creswell and Pleasant Valley townships to quit stealing the stone from my land. We expect to collect for that already taken, and may make trouble if the theft is repeated. C. M. SCOTT.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

FOR SALE. 80 acres of land 6 miles east of Arkansas City, house 10 x 12, shingle roof; 14 acres in cultivation. Price, $175; $75 cash, balance on time. Apply at this office.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878. Front Page.

More border troubles are reported, and another Indian war is confidently expected this summer.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

A Texas paper has an estimate that the number of immigrants into Kansas this season will reach 500,000, and it is worried about it, thinking its own State is to suffer.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878. Front Page.

Apprehension in several quarters of serious troubles with the Indians this summer are not altogether groundless. The War Department is in receipt of communications from parties whose opinions are entitled to earnest attention to the effect that warlike movements are already discernible on the part of several tribes. A long letter to this effect was received by Secretary McCrary within the past week, and referred by the Secretary to the General of the army for his consideration.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

Three sub-chiefs of the Nez Perces prisoners, headed by White Feather, left Fort Leavenworth for Sitting Bull's camp, accompanied by Mr. Clarke, an experienced interpreter and guide. These Indians go as commissioners to the Nez Perces with Sitting Bull to report to them the condition of Chief Joseph and band at Fort Leavenworth, it having been rumored among the Indians on that plains that those here were badly treated. They go without military escort, a fact which shows the confidence the government officers repose in them. This is the first step in a movement for reuniting the several bands of the tribe.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

Crops never presented a more flattering prospect than at present. Wheat, especially, is looking up with the promise of a very bountiful yield.

The Sabbath school festival (neck tie) held at the Holland schoolhouse last Friday night was a success socially and financially. The mis-matching of partners could not have been more complete. Some of our "high toned" sparks were so fortunate as to draw the ties of ladies whose ages ranged from sixty-five to eighty years. The receipts of the evening were $16.01, which will be expended for the good of the Sabbath school.

The "Followers of Christ" (Mormons) have just experienced a slight calamity caused by a difference of opinions in regard to the curative powers of their very peculiar faith. The facts in the case are as follows. It seems that some weeks ago a "sister" in the church was afflicted with a slight disorder of the system, and to effect a cure of which she had a physician summoned. The result was she took a few doses of medicine and was cured. Then, last Sabbath, at the Holland schoolhouse the "Brethren" charged her with having violated the Lord's house, for which violation they would turn her out of the "body" unless she acknowledged that she had done wrong, and would put her trust in God and not in the "Doctors." When the sister was called upon to "render an account of the deeds done in the body," she arose and stated that she had taken medicine and she would again if she deemed it necessary. The minister postponed the disfellowship until next Sabbath week. More anon.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

A Cowley County Man in The Black Hills
Strikes It Big.
ROCKERVILLE, April 16, 1878.
C. M. Scott:

We got to this place on the 23rd, and have taken up some claims and prospected some of them. They turned out well as far as I have prospected. There are very rich diggings here. I have seen as high as $30 in a wagon load of dirt, and there is quartz, a cement, that will yield sixty dollars to the ton. The only trouble here is that the supply of water will not hold out to sluice all summer, and they have not got any quartz mills in running order yet, but will soon. This is a new camp, and a rich one. We had a hard time getting through the bad land. I would like to hear from you, Scott, as I have not heard a word since I left home. It is fifty miles north to Deadwood, and twelve to Rapid City. Please change my paper to this place, Rockerville, Custer County, Dakota Territory. Tell all inquiring friends that we are all well, and like this place well. I will send you a piece of gold that I have panned out to show the folks back there. I will write you soon again. Your Truly, R. W. McNOWN.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

SALT CITY, April 19, 1878.
Editor Courier:

Why is nothing done to stop the wholesale slaughter of timber in the Indian Territory south of Sumner County? I saw, some time since, an article in your paper calling attention to this matter, and hoped you would follow it up, and a stop would have been put to these proceedings.

Hundreds of men have been engaged in cutting and carrying off the best of this timber for fuel, fencing, lumber, and speculation in open and notorious violation of the law. Men have taken large contracts to supply lumber from these lands. I am credibly informed that one man has been hauling saw logs from this land all winter with seven mule teams; that several saw mills are doing a large business cutting these logs; that several hundreds cords of wood are now corded in the woods along the line and that several lumber contracts of various kinds are to be filled out of the timber yet to be hauled from the lands. If nothing was taken but the down and wasting timber, it would not be worth nothing; but the fact is, the entire amount of valuable timber is being destroyed. Something ought to be done at once to protect this timber from further waste. PADIX.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

MAPLE TOWNSHIP, April 29, 1878.
Harmon Spake, Esq., of Williams County, Ohio, is visiting Cowley County on a tour of observation, and says Southern Kansas is a garden of Eden compared with other States he has passed through. He expresses astonishment at the growth of vegetation and the progress and growth of our cities. Corn is large enough to work; wheat will be cut this year in May; it is now in bloom. The peach crop is abundant, a few apples will be raised in this township this year. Prairie breaking is being pushed vigorously. The Norman Bros. have already broke 70 acres. RED BUD.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

CEDAR TOWNSHIP, April 30, 1878.
Mr. Henry Callison was married to Miss Mollie Hammil on the 28th of April by J. B. Callison, Esq.

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cochran and the two Misses Moore were baptized and confirmed into the church of the Followers of Christ, last Sunday. After the baptizing there was a feet washing and love feast at Mr. E. Osborn's, and preaching at the Smith schoolhouse at early candle light.

Mr. F. Smith sold his claim of 160 acres to a Mr. Pool, of Illinois, for $235. Mr. Pool says that there are 500 people in McGoupin County, Illinois, who are intending to come to Kansas for homes.

Roll on, silver moon. O. HUSH.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

DEXTER, May 4, 1878.
Mr. H. C. Callison was married to Miss Mollie Hammil on the 28th of April, by Rev. F. W. Nance. The happy couple start for Fort Dodge in a few days, where they expect to remain for some time. Long life and happiness is the wish of their many friends. HUGO.




Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

A Valuable Member of the Medical Profession
Located in a New Home, Arkansas City.
From the Galesburg, Illinois, Republican, April 13.]
Dr. J. H. Griffith and family (consisting of himself and lady, his daughter, Emma, and her husband, L. W. Parker, and his two sons, Charlie and Willie), left this week (Parker and Willie on Wednesday, the remainder on Saturday) for their new home in Arkansas City, Southern Kansas.

The family leave a host of warm friends behind them, who will really miss their genial smiles and kind, cheerful, and accomplished society; and whose love and best wishes will follow them while life lasts.

The Doctor leaves a very large number of patients who will deeply regret the loss of his kind, gentle, and skillful services at their bed sides. The Doctor was one of our oldest practitioners, having had a long and successful practice, and has ever been highly esteemed as a kind, human, and intelligent gentleman, not only by the sick and suffering, but by all who knew him intimately.

And what shall we say of his inestimable lady? That she is one of the most social, kind, sympathizing, whole souled, large hearted, motherly women living. This will scarcely do her justice.

And the daughter, Mrs. Parker, the counterpart of a most worthy mother; highly educated and accomplished, a perfect lady. The son-in-law, Mr. Parker, a gentleman in every respect and the boys, Charlie and Willie, all that could be asked of "good boys." We heartily and cordially recommend this family to those with whom they are going to settle, and hope the right hand of good fellowship will be heartily extended to them and that they may find as warm and true friends in their new home as they have here, and that the Doctor may be as successful in business as he deserves, and that all may be prosperous, healthy, and happy. And may God bless them, one and all.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

Postal Decisions.
Among recent decisions made by the Post Office Department are the following.

1. The transportation of flour in the mails is prohibited.

2. No package containing glass, liquids, needles, or anything of a nature to inflict damage, can be sent through the mails.

3. No mail matter whatever while in the custody of a postmaster is subject to any process of garnishment.

4. A telegram from a person requesting that a registered letter be forwarded to another cannot be complied with.

5. Postal clerks refusing or neglecting, by March 15th, to put on the uniform prescribed by the department, will be suspended from duty.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, May 1. General Sheridan this afternoon received a report from General Miles, dated Headquarters of the District of the Yellow Stone, Fort Keogh, Montana, informing him that Sitting Bull and one hundred and forty four men, all head soldiers and chiefs, had sent a half breed to General Miles inquiring what kind of peace the United States would make with them, and saying the Great Father was, of course, too rich to expect the Indians to give up their poor little ponies and their old guns. General Miles in reply informed Sitting Bull that if he desired to stop hostilities, peace could be made which would end all trouble between the whites and Indians. When the Indians give up their ponies and guns, they will receive cattle and other property of greater value in peace. When peace is made, the Government will provide for them, as it does for all friendly Indians.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

Late of Altoona, Ills.
Office at Loomis' drug store on Summit street. Chronic and female diseases a specialty.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

[J. T. SHEPARD, M. D. R. H. REED, M. D.]

Tender their professional services to the citizens of Arkansas City and vicinity. Special attention given to surgical diseases. Office over Gardner's drug store, Summit street.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

A new Domestic sewing machine for $31. Inquire of J. L. Huey.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

HOUSE FOR RENT, 3 rooms, $6 per month. Inquire of Jas. Benedict.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

All persons indebted to Mrs. D. T. Thompson, or having any business transactions, can settle the same with J. L. Huey.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

WAGON FOR SALE. A two-horse wagon in first-rate condition; terms easy. Inquire at this office.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

A NEW $175 Soda Fountain for $100.

Address, S. T. BILLS, Cedar Vale, Kansas.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

Court is in session.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

CHARLEY COOMBS is here from Maine.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

The best of brick are made at this place.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

They had a "beer day" at Winfield on the first of May.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

Many of the farmers are enjoying strawberries and cream.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

The saloon closed its doors May 1st, the license having expired.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

Miss Lotta B. Francisco, Winfield, is visiting friends in this city.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

A steamboat is plying the waters between this place and Wichita.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

The Kansas editors will visit Put-in-Bay, Ohio, some time in June.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

SPEERS and WALTON are going to name the steamboat the "Arkansas Traveler."

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

The next meeting of Crescent Lodge, No. 133, will be Saturday evening, May 18th.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

S. M. JARVIS has closed the Examiner of Howard City, under a chattel mortgage.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

HENRY MOWRY left us a sample of early potatoes about twice the size of a walnut.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

MARRIED. ROYAL L. WARD, late of Bolton Township, was married to Miss EVA C. HILLAND, of Sioux City, Iowa, April 18th.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

The Cowley County Bank building has been repainted and the counters oiled, making a decided difference in appearances.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

The young folks had a May picnic in Sleeth's woods last Saturday, and a merry time was had. Swings were fixed for those who delighted in such sport, and the boys were ready to swing the fairer ones; a croquet set was on the ground, and the mallets and balls were in constant useadded to which, and of far greater importance, was the bountiful dinner prepared by the young ladies, washed down with lemonade. Though "ye local" did not reach the grounds until long after the dinner hour, he and his friend were left in undisputed possession of the "scraps" in the baskets, and they managed to make out a meal. We would again solemnly declare, however, that, to the best of our knowledge and belief, neither one of the gentlemen swallowed that apron.

P. S. We have been told that there was a fishing party, on the same day, further up the river, near Newman's mill. They succeeded in catching a bob-tailed fish and shooting a small snake, after six hours of steady application, and are inclined to think the average fishing party a snare and a delusion.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

The temperance meeting last Monday night was a grand (?) success. The crowd was so great that those who could not get out doors got in the house. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Mr. W., Mrs. F., Mrs. S. and others, who assisted (?) in making the evening entertaining, and will gladly recommend them to any other society, should they choose to join one, but would be very sorry indeed to lose their help and influence. The "never-fail" (music) committee did their part well, and merit the highest praise. (Would that there were some who appreciated it enough to give the praise!) We are very sorry to hear that they are going to the Paris Exposition on the next excursion, which will start in a few days. SEC.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

New City Council.
The new City Council met on Monday, April 29th, and organized by appointing the following committees and officers.

Committee on Finance:

J. T. Shepard, Chairman.

I. H. Bonsall.

T. E. Berry.

Committee on Ways and Means:

C. R. Sipes, Chairman.

W. H. Speers.

T. E. Berry.

Committee on Public Improvements:

J. T. Shepard, Chairman.

C. R. Sipes.

W. H. Speers.

Committee on Ordinances:

I. H. Bonsall, Chairman.

J. T. Shepard.

T. E. Berry.

James Morgan was appointed marshal and street commissioner, and I. H. Bonsall, city clerk.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

The card of Dr. J. H. Griffith appears this week, announcing himself ready to attend all calls for medical assistance. The Doctor comes well recommended from his former home in Altoona, Illinois, as well as from those who know him here. At present his office will be at Loomis' drug store. His residence is on South Summit street, in Dr. Kellogg's cottage.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

PEREMPTORY SALE OF DRY GOODS ON TIME. Mr. John Beggs and L. J. Beagle, representing Keenan & Rosengrave, of New York City, will visit a few farmers in this section and offer to them woolen and dress goods, on time, and at very low prices. They have been in this county several weeks, and as far as we have learned have given general satisfaction.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

C. L. SWARTS has commenced reading law under the instructions of Hon. C. R., familiarly known as "Bob" Mitchell, and we bespeak for him an honorable and successful career. We shall watch our friend's progress with interest, and are confident that in after life he will be classed with the

"Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog

in public duty and private thinking."

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

A young man by the name of Armspiker, about 20 years of age, living near Salt City, went out on Saturday evening to shoot an antelope, and was found dead on Sunday morning. It is supposed he accidentally shot himself while getting off of the mule he was ridingthe ball passing directly through his heart.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

REV. THOMPSON is at Cambridge, Ohio, attending the Presbytery held at that place. He will be absent about two months. Rev. Thompson is one of the oldest members of the ministry, is thoroughly versed in the scriptures, and a man who has probably read more extensively than any other member in the West.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

DRS. SHEPARD AND REED have formed a partnership, and will practice medicine together at this place. Mr. Reed is a medical man of good standing, and Dr. Shepard has always had a very large practice in this community, and is too well known to require a recommendation from us. See their card in this issue.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

The city council met Monday evening and was largely attended, to hear the pros and cons on the petition of 126 names asking that a license to a saloon be granted. A thorough canvass of each and every name was made, and there appearing not to be a majority, the license was not granted.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

The steamboat made a trip to Salt City last Sunday evening without trouble. Becoming too confident, they then endeavored to go on after dark, and stuck on a bar, on which they remained until morning, compelling many of the anxious excursionists to return home on foot.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

The murdered man who was found in Bachelor Creek, a short time ago, has been identified. His name was J. H. Paul, and he resided five miles out from El Dorado, Butler County. He was a son-in-law of Rev. Ranson Osborn, who resides near the same place. Madison Times.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

MR. T. F. ROBINSON, of Winfield, made us a call last week, and took a look over the country. Mr. Robinson is one of the live real estate men of the county seat, and has the name of making the best terms for his patrons on money loans. See his card in this issue.




Will locate and take proof on claims, pay taxes, and make abstracts of title. Office, room No. 4, Maris' new stone building. Three-year loans at greatly reduced rates of interest.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

EDWARD FINNEY came up from Osage Agency last Sunday. Ed. looks as "nat'ral" as ever, and as happy as a king. He reports everything progressing as usual at Pawhuska. Agent Beede has not returned from Washington. Col. Hiatt is also there.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

The Courier seldom is in error in its statements, but Todd was not bitten by a rattlesnake, neither is he dead; nor were the "children" of Mr. Moore bitten by a savage pet wolf. Let Todd live awhile yet anyhow, if it does spoil an item.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

More fun can be seen on the horizontal bar and spring board in the rear of Hoyt & Speers' Athletic Grocery House than at a side show. They take time enough between laughs to deal out ten pounds of good sugar for one dollar.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

EDDY retails coal oil at 25 cents. That is cheaper than it can be bought at Wichita. Get your cans filled, and tell all your friends that Arkansas City is the place to buy all kinds of drugs, oils, groceries, and merchandise.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

The building occupied by the Athletic Grocery House has been greatly improved by adding a cornice to it, and the erection of an awning in front. Will. Alexander did the work.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

W. H. SCOFIELD, the builder of the Kansas City, Ottawa and Burlington railroad, has gone East to negotiate for money to extend the line to Eureka and the Walnut Valley.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

DR. CONKLING brought his trotter, a thorough-bred Hamiltonian, and a four year old Messenger horse down this week from Winfield to have them shod by Frank Earl.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

HOUGHTON & MANTOR, the new cheap grocery and clothing firm, have a new awning over their windows and door, and a rack to tie to, for the accommodation of all.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

The stock men of the northern part of the Territory held a meeting at Norton's old ranch, Saturday, April 27th, to talk over matters of general interest to themselves.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

There are enough members of the Order of Odd Fellows here to organize a strong lodge. Some of the three-linked men should see that there is one.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

Work on the Arkansas River bridge is progressing steadily but slowly. About half of the piles have been driven, and work on the spans has begun.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

The members of the Bolton Stock Protective Union will meet at the Bland schoolhouse, next Wednesday, May 15. A full attendance is desired.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

SARGENT & RHOADES will begin the publication of the Kansas Pioneer at Kansas City, Kansas. It will be a 32-column greenback paper.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

We have a fine sample of gold sent us from Rockerville, Dakota Territory, by R. W. McNown. It is hardly large enough to look real well.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

The boys are talking of reorganizing the brass band. There is a good chance now that Prof. Hoyt is here and willing to teach. Let's have it.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

The steamboat made the trip from Salt City to this place in three quarters of an hour last Monday morninga distance of seven miles.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

The steamboat, "Arkansas Traveler," made another voyage several miles up the river last Sunday, loaded with excursionists.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

M. G. TROUP has been admitted to the bar to practice in the District Court as an attorney. Troup has the ability to make a good one.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

An effort will be made to hold a fair in Cowley County this fall. Press.

A fair will be held in Cowley County this fall.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

The law against taking fish with nets or seines is daily and hourly violated in this locality, and no effort is made to stop it.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

MR. HAMILTON, representing the Courier, made us a call yesterday. He enlisted several subscribers for the court week daily.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

MR. W. J. HAMILTON returned from Parsons this week. He reports the Parsons and Cherokee railroad progressing.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

Two Horses Stolen.
One Thief Shot Dead in the Attempt.
About one o'clock last Monday morning, two men attempted to steal a pair of horses belonging to J. W. Feagans, that were picketed near his house. Mr. Feagans had been warned by a member of the Stock Protective Union that there were suspicious characters about, and to keep a look out. Once before an attempt was made to steal his team and he went to bed very nervous.

About one o'clock he was awakened by L. C. Norton's mules snorting, and grabbed up his gun and went out to the horses, when about fifteen paces from them, he saw two men on their backs. He leveled his Spencer rifle on the nearest one, and pulled the trigger just as he heard the click of the thief's pistol. After the report of the gun, he saw the man fall on the horse's withers and heard him groan as if in terrible agony. In a few minutes both of the thieves were out of sight, but in about half a hour the horse that had the wounded man on it returned. Monday morning the two squads of the Union, under charge of Captains Hoffmaster and Lorry, were ordered out, and some of them are yet scouring the country.

About nine o'clock Lyman Herrick brought back the other horse, which he found tied to a tree on Shilocco creek about six miles from the State line. The lariat was spotted with blood, and it is supposed was used to tie the wounded man on. Within a day or two we shall know if the men are dead or alive.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878. Front Page.

The story of Martin Ryan being a prisoner in Sitting Bull's camp has been officially denied by Sir Edward Farmington of the dominion government, at whose instance the camp of Sitting Bull was searched. The alleged facts in the case were found to have no foundation whatever.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

Letters from the Secretary of the Interior and
Commissioner of Indian Affairs.
The following letters were received by Dr. John Alexander, of this place in answer to a letter and petition asking that the settlers on the border be permitted to take the dead and down wood, rotting in the Indian Nation. By the responses will be seen that the petition is not granted. Dr. Alexander wrote in behalf of many settlers, but the law is so constructed that the request cannot be complied with.

WASHINGTON, May 2, 1878.
Dr. John Alexander, Arkansas City, Kas.:

SIR: I am in receipt of your letter of the 18th ultimo, in relation to the taking of fallen timber by citizens of Kansas living on the border of the Indian Territory from within the limits of said Territory for fuel, etc., and asking in view of the necessities of the case that they receive permission from this Department to continue such practice. In reply, your attention is respectfully invited to the enclosed copy of letter dated 29th ultimo, from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, to whom the subject was referred, from which it will be seen that it is not possible for the Department to grant the request preferred by you.

Very Respectfully,
C. SCHURZ, Secretary.
WASHINGTON, April 29, 1878.
The Secretary of the Interior:

SIR: The letter from Dr. John Alexander, Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, dated 18th inst., describing the difficulties encountered in procuring fuel by settlers of Cowley and Sumner counties, and asking that they be permitted to take "down wood" in the Indian Territory, was received by your reference of the 23rd instant. I have the honor to return said letter with the remark, that, whatever the necessities of such settlers may be, I know of no authority by which this office or the Department can grant their request.

Very Respectfully, A. E. HAYT, Commissioner.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

Our sheriff got some shackles for the "jail birds," and locked them with some center spring, double back action padlockssomething that would hold them, you know, and this morning in escorting the colored prisoner to the courtroom they met with a difficulty in the way of the stairs, which the African gentleman was unable to climb on account of the shackles. He took in the situation at a glance and quietly remarked: "Mr. Hahta, will you please gub me the loan of your knife?" The knife was produced and was followed by the request: "Mr. Hahta, will you please hand me that little stick?" The stick was produced by the wondering sheriff; the dark colored gentleman gave it a few strokes with the knife, gently inserted it in the padlock, and in half a minute the shackles were off his limbs and handed to the sheriff with the remark: "Mr. Hahta, please take cah of des things. Much obliged fow de use eb you knife." And now "Mr. Hahta" thinks of taking him to the blacksmith shop and having his shackles welded on. Daily Courier.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

Letter from Colorado.
C. M. Scott:

Having promised something less than 500 persons to write to them and let them know how easy it was to make a fortune in Colorado, I ask space in the columns of your paper. When I left Arkansas City, the garden spot of creation, my first point in the Centennial State was Colorado Springs, at which point I arrived on the 17th of April. Here everybody was going to Leadville, the new Eldorado of Colorado; and like all other fools, I thought I would go too. So after purchasing a good supply of grub, I set my face toward the place of excitement, at which place I arrived April 22. Here I found everything and everybody excited over the carbonate mines of this vicinity. The town is only three months old and contains 3,000 inhabitants, mostly miners and gamblers. There is a dead man for supper and two for breakfast every day.

After stopping here overnight, I concluded to try my luck in prospecting; so I purchased a pick and shovel and started for the head of the Arkansas River, arriving at night in a terrible snow storm. Here I found the snow from one to twenty feet, so after climbing over mountains nearly straight up and down for two days, and snow to a man's neck, I concluded to let somebody else prospect the head of the Arkansas, and I turned my face toward Alma on the east of the range. Here I met James A. Harris and Capt. Terrell, of Arkansas City, who have been prospecting the mountains for three years, with a good prospect of prospecting for three years more, and then come away poor.

And now for the facts concerning the mines of Colorado. Leadville, the great excitement of the present time, has about 2,500 shafts sunk, about five of which are paying, these five give employment to 100 men; two smelters, which give employment to 40 men; four saw mills, which ran day and night, give employment to 50 men besides the carpenters and other trades; in all about 500 men can find employment and 1,000 cannot. Every kind of business, trade, or profession is overdone. Mining property sells high, the Galligher, owned by the Galligher Bros., sold last week for $258,000, and four days afterwards closed in until it will not pay expenses. This is enough for the mining interests of Leadville.

We will see how Mosquito Gulch has panned out. Here is the ruins of a once living city, where business lots sold for $1,000, stands the ruin of nine large stamp mills, which are being burned for fire wood or hauled off by the public. The hill sides are so full of holes, it is dangerous for a man to travel over them. Here I find the famous Orphan Boy Lode, which once payed well, but now like a great many others, closed in.

The Barton, Hope, Queen of the Hills, London, and Great Phillips have are all gone back on the owners, who once thought they were rich. Only yesterday the Moore, which has been a paying mine ever since mining has been carried on here, failed, and today you can buy its paper for 58 cents on the $1.00. This leaves only the Centennial and Dolyvarden that is paying here.

So you see the luck in mining: today you are rich, tomorrow you are not worth a cent. A young man had better bind himself to some good man for his board and clothes for life than to come here to work or go into business, for everything is overdone and men are actually working for their board.

So, young man or old man, I say as long as you can get your bread and meat in Cowley, the banner county of Kansas, for God's sake stay by it and don't believe no $3.00 or $4.00 a day tales, for it is humbug.

The above is the truth, and if you ever come to this State, you will find it more than the above. Fearing the length of this letter will consign it to the wastebasket, I remain your humble servant, H. N. WINTIN.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

Everything is quiet on the east side of Grouse. The farmers are done planting, and wheat is looking fine, with an excellent prospect for an early harvest. Fruit never looked better.

There was a horse race at the mouth of Crab Creek last Saturday. Some of the Walnut River sports lost a little of their small change, and have gone back home to work for more ponies. BLINKEY.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

That steamboat is a verity; the navigation of the raging Rackensack an assured triumph. The new steamer spoken of two weeks since has been launched at Arkansas City, and made a successful trip from the latter point to Oxford, twenty miles up the river. We are told that the reason the "new and elegant steamer" failed to "come up" to Wichita is because Wichita failed to "come down" to her. Wichita Eagle.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

Court Proceedings.
[From the Cowley County Telegram.]
The following is a report of the disposal of the cases which have come up so far during this term.

State vs. Calvin Coon, dismissed.

State vs. Nicholas Hostetter, now being tried.

M. L. Read vs. Robert Hudson, et al, judgment.

Benjamin C. Cook vs. Wm. F. Worthington, judgment.

H. B. Ray, et al, vs. D. B. McAllister, judgment.

Nancy McManis vs. John S. Harmon, dismissed.

Parker & Canfield vs. Robert B. Scott, dismissed.

Margaret W. Vessels vs. Thomas J. Vessels, dismissed.

Houghton & McLaughlin vs. Loudowick Maricle, dismissed.

Sewell P. Channell vs. Loudowick Maricle, dismissed.

Henry Schieffer vs. John F. Berner, improperly on the docket.

S. L. Brettun vs. Adam H. Beck, settled.

Soranus L. Brettun vs. Jacob C. Groce, et al, judgment.

Lizzie M. Partin vs. Peter Paugh, et al, judgment.

Brettun Crapster vs. Clara E. Houx, et al, settled.

John C. McMullen vs. James Morgan, et al, judgment.

Lucian McMasters vs. Nathan Hughes, continued.

Lucian G. Yoe, et al, vs. T. E. Gilleland, judgment.

Albert W. Hoyt vs. Israel Tipton, et al, judgment.

Ezekiel Howland vs. John W. Pearson, et al, judgment.

Agustus F. Farris vs. Julia A. Deming, et al, judgment.

Hackney & McDonald vs. W. W. Andrews, judgment.

Mary H. Buck vs. M. W. Luckey, judgment.

Michael Harkins vs. Elizabeth C. Hurst, et al, settled.

Mercy M. Funk vs. Cynthia Clark, et al, improperly on the docket.

J. C. McMullen vs. P. F. Endicott, et al, settled.

Samuel Hoyt vs. J. B. Gassaway, et al, judgment.

Buck McCouns, et al, vs. T. E. Gilleland, judgment.

S. L. Brettun vs. L. D. Darnall, et al, settled.

Giesecke, Meysenburg & Co. vs. T. E. Gilleland, judgment.

T. H. Barrett vs. William D. Mowry, et al, settled.

Charles Barr vs. Thomas J. Raybell, et al, judgment.

A. P. Dickey vs. T. A. Wilkinson, judgment.

Geo. Stewart vs. Rufus B. Waite, dismissed per stipulation on file.

James Renfro vs. Margaret J. Renfro, Admx., dismissed without prejudice.

Joel E. Cox vs. Mary J. Cox, dismissed without prejudice.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

Ponca Indians Hold War Dance at Chetopa.
About three hundred and fifty Ponca Indians had a grand war dance in the streets of Chetopa, Labette County, last Saturday. They were on their way to their new reservation west of the Arkansas. They are said to be loathsome objects to look at.

[Source for above item not given.]


Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

Ponies and Horses for Sale.
I have a number of ponies and horses I will sell cheap for cash or on bankable security and interest, as follows.

One good sized chestnut sorrel horse, kind disposition, good for saddle, and splendid buggy animal; well calculated for family use, 6 years old, $80.

One large Kentucky mare, good saddle or work animal, and kind disposition, 7 years old, $75.

One chunky brown mare, broke to harness, 7 years old, $45.

One large, unbroken Texas mare, 8 years old, $35.

One good size, unbroken Indian mare and colt, 6 years old; $35.

One gray work mare, 8 years old; well broken to saddle or harness, $35.

One brown 3 years old mare, unbroken, $35.

One sorrel mare, 5 years old; broken to harness. $20.

One jennie, broken to saddle or harness, $10.

One roan saddle pony, 6 years old, $35.

One roan horse pony, 3 years old; broken to saddle, $20.

One bay mare, 8 years old; broken to saddle or harness, $20.

One three year old colt, broken to saddle; gentle and safe for children. $15.

One nine year old mare, broken to saddle or harness; gentle and safe, $15.

Any of the above can be seen in my pasture on the east side of the Walnut, about two miles from Arkansas City, or by calling on C. M. Scott, Traveler Office.

All stock belonging to me is branded C M on left shoulder.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

A large gray work horse is in Billy Graves' pony herd, on Deer Creek.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

J. H. HAYES, of Philo, Illinois, has an 80 acre farm worth $55 per acre, he wants to trade for land in Cowley Co.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

THE MAN who borrowed a scoop shovel from Schiffbauer Bros. will please return the same immediately and save costs.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

REMEMBER, my new stock of furniture has arrived. Everybody can enjoy the luxury of a rocking chair at the low price of $1.60 each. Call and see for yourself before they are all gone. P. PEARSON.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

THE LATEST thing out is those steel E violin strings that can be had only of E. J. Hoyt, who is the sole agent. I would say to my brother musicians and catgut scrapers that I can highly recommend them in every respect. For sale at Hoyt & Speers Athletic Grocery House.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

If David or James Lewis, who belonged to Co. E, 7th Kansas regiment, will write to Mrs. S. White, of De Soto, Kansas, they will confer a favor.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

JOHN CLOVER, of Oswego, Kansas, wants to know if anyone has seen a light sorrel horse, with flax mane and tail, very high wethers, bald face; had on a California saddle with bear skin saddle bags.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

FOR SALE OR RENT. A farm 4 miles north of Arkansas City; 80 acres broken, 30 acres old ground; will sell mostly on time. A comfortable house and living water. Inquire of T. H. McLaughlin.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

A new Domestic sewing machine for $31. Inquire of J. L. Huey.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

COURT will probably adjourn this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

CHARLES GALLERT expects to start to Oregon in a few days.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

A slight frost nipped the young corn in many places last Thursday morning.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

The Arkansas City House is being repainted and many conveniences added.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

WHEAT has begun to "turn." Within the next two weeks harvest will begin.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

BILSON, the jewelry burglar, has had his trial, and has been sentenced to one year in the State penitentiary.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

JOHN CARDER brought to our office a specimen of "Little May" wheat which measured five feet one inch in height.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

SALT CITY should be included in the route from Arkansas City to South Haven, with mail three times a week. Petition for it, gentlemen.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

A new office by the name of Jonesburg has been established on the route from Coffeyville to this place. Jonesburg seems like a familiar name.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

G. W. MILLER has on the trail 1,900 beef cattle, driven from Gonzales County, Texas. He will locate for the season at Baxter Springs, Kansas.

[Note: This is the G. W. Miller who later lived in Winfield and was connected with the 101 Ranch in Oklahoma.]

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

Notice the change of J. A. Loomis advertisement. He has the finest and best assortment of drugs, medicines, and machine oils to be found in any town in the Southwest.


A full line of Machine Oils just received at Loomis' Drug

Store: Kellogg & Hoyt's Old Stand.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

HAYWOOD sits on his front porch to keep from shaking the house down. He shook so hard last week that rubber had to be placed between his teeth, and pads between his knees, to keep him from injuring himself.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

This place now has five ministers and a race track. The track is in good condition and affords considerable sport for the owners of fast horses. It is a ring track, one-half mile around the circle, and is made on the east side of the townsite.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

DR. HUGHES returned from Washington last Friday. He first went to Denison, Texas, and from thence to the Capitol. His boy, "Bert," accompanied him, and thought the capitol building a big house, and, Kansas like, wondered what it cost.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

NICHOLAS HOSTETLER, who was tried for incest with his daughter, was acquitted and discharged from the custody of the Sheriff. It is generally believed that the charge was made to have the old gentleman sent to the penitentiary to get him out of the way.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

NEW POTATOES. MR. J. W. BIRDZELL, of South Bend, placed upon our table last Thursday, a peck of very fine new potatoes, the first of the season, for which he will please accept thanks. They were of the "Peerless" and "Early Rose" varieties, and somewhat larger than hen's eggs.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

We learn from Leavenworth parties that Miss Lillian M. Collins, formerly of this place, was recently married to a wealthy gentleman at that place. Our congratulations are extended to the happy pair.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

The piling on the Arkansas River bridge is about completed, and the floor will be laid in a few more days. Everybody will be glad of it, as it is not a pleasant matter to "stick on a sand bar" about the time some other party is getting away with your hotel grub. If D. B. Hartsock was not a religious man, the language of the boatmen might be obnoxious.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

THOMAS E. BERRY, one of the city fathers, has removed to Pawnee Agency to take charge of the trading post at that place. He expects to make visits every few weeks, but we object to his legislation after he has resided among savages any great length of time. He can't expect to palaver Pawnee within the sanctity of the council room. None of his "skuts-ga" etc., for us.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

The mail contractor on route No. 33242, from Coffeyville to Arkansas City, has been instructed, in pursuance of an order from the Postmaster General, to embrace Jonesburg on the list of offices to be included on the route. The order to take effect July 1st, 1878. And on route 33,258, from Eureka to Arkansas City, the office of Glen Grove is to be embraced July 1st, 1878.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

The Winfield Telegram says the majority of the young people of that place agree with Rev. Swarts on the subject of dancing, rather than with the editor of the TRAVELER. We are free to confess we may be in error. Winfield has a class of exemplary citizens, and while we may differ from the Reverend, there are many in our town and vicinity who believe him to be right. We are not a Pope by any means, and not infallible.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

By far the pleasantest picnic and fishing party for years was held on the Walnut last Thursday. At least one hundred and twenty-five people were there, of all ages, from the dear little babies with no teeth worth mentioning, to the aged grandparents, who came to look on. The crowd was mainly composed of residents of East Creswell, though this side of the sparkling waters was fairly represented. Fish? In the language of the 21st chapter of John:

"As soon then as they came to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid thereon, and bread."

"Simon Peter went up and drew the net to land full of great fishes, a hundred and fifty and three: and for are all there were so many, yet was not the net broken."

As might have been expected, the dinner was all that could be desired in both quantity and quality. It was a cheerful sightthat improvised table between sixty and seventy feet long positively groaning under the substantials and delicacies prepared by the farmers' wives and daughters, and it was somewhat refreshing to help surround the table and edibles, we must admit. After dinner was over, strolling, boat-riding, and swinging were in order, and time passed rapidly until the crowd dispersed to their various homes, under eternal obligations to the originators of such an enjoyable affair, and wishing that it might be repeated at no distant day. In the evening the young folks gathered at Mrs. Hartsock's house, and passed the hours in games of various kinds, much to the amusement of the spectators.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

A mule team with a wagon loaded with agricultural implements started for Hermann's awning post again last week, but a chunky, energetic individual who stood at Mitchell's corner sprang like a tiger to their side, and endeavored to interpose. But somehow, we can't exactly tell, just as he grabbed the harness, his feet took wings, and the next minute we could hear his heels cracking together and a faint sound of "who-a." This continued but a few seconds; then we heard a heavy thud on the ground, and nothing could be seen or heard of the chunky man.

After a lapse of several minutes, the sand was seen to move, and presently the energetic man emerged as it were from beneath the earth's surface, puffing like a porpoise. He was regarded with curiosity by many persons who still believe the man to be from China.

P. S. The mules stopped when they lost track of their man, and wandered about hunting for him. They evidently wanted to kick him for his foolishness.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

The thieves who stole Feagan's horses escaped capture last week. One of them was followed several miles by the track of the horse's hoofs to where he dismounted and tied the horse. His own footprints were then tracked to a wheat field, where all trace of him was lost. The Stock Protective Union now propose to purchase a brace of bloodhounds, and the next trace of a thief that can be found will be followed until the thief is caught. This will be resorting to desperate means, but men become desperate when their existence nearly depends on their horses, and those horses are constantly being stolen from them. It another horse is stolen in Bolton Township within the next sixty days, we wouldn't risk a nickel for the chances of the man's life. They are, to use a common expression, getting "red hot" on the matter.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

HON. L. B. KELLOGG, for many years President of the Emporia Normal School, and during the years of 1873-4 one of the proprietors of this paper, but late of Emporia, and Representative of Lyon County, came down and spent a few days with us.

Professor Kellogg was one of the original owners of the town site of Arkansas City, and was here in a very early day. He is now permanently located at Emporia, where he, in company with Hon. J. J. Buck, are enjoying a good practice in the legal profession. Many old friends welcome Mr. Kellogg at this place.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

The pony trade has been wonderfully lively during the past ten days. A half dozen Indians with as many ponies could be seen almost any hour on the street, exclaiming, "You, how much!" "Heap cheap!" "Papoose"then they would make two fingers straddle one finger to indicate the papoose could ride it. They were soon taken off by pony speculators, at prices varying from $8 to $25. Nice yearling colts sold for $8 and $10, and quite frequently three year old ponies, of small size, sold for $15.00.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

MAJOR WM. SLEETH is one of the delegates to the National Presbytery, to be held at Cambridge, Ohio, and is now on his way to that place, with his pockets full of Cowley County wheat and hands full of Travelers and circulars describing this wonderful wheat growing region. His wife and child accompany him. Mrs. Sleeth will remain during the summer, but the Major will return within four weeks, probably by the way of Little Rock, Arkansas, in order to have a talk with the steamboat men of that place.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

The steamboat carries cord wood and saw logs from a point ten miles up the river to this place. The captain informs us he will make a trip to Wichita in a week or two. When the roads are bad and travel impeded, the boat will be found a very desirable way of shipping goods. It is thought the trip can be made from Wichita to this place, when the water is at an ordinary stage, within twenty-four hours, and with no more risk than with a wagon.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

We are glad to chronicle the event of the admission of Mr. L. H. Scott, of Cadiz, Ohio, to the bar of the Supreme Court of Ohio. "Tobe" has been an earnest and faithful student, and has the prospect of making a record and standing among the legal profession of the Buckeye State that will be an honor to himself and all his acquaintances.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

The city council met Thursday evening of last week, and granted a saloon license to Patterson and Dolby, on a petition of 130 names. The parties receiving the license were required to give bond in the sum of $________ [EVIDENTLY THE TRAVELER DID NOT KNOW THE AMOUNT] to keep a quiet and orderly house, and forfeit their bond when they sell intoxicating liquor to a minor, or an habitual drunkard.

James Morgan was appointed City Marshal, whose duty it will be to see that peace is kept.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.

Indian Ponies Stolen.
Tuc-e-le-te-le-sta, a member of the Pawnee tribe of Indians, had stolen from him a bay horse about eight years old, with white stripe on his forehead; also, one black chunky pony horse, about 8 years old, with a white spot about the size of a half dollar in forehead, and one roan spotted horse pony 4 years old, with bald face, split ears, and branded S O on right shoulder. It is supposed these ponies were sold at, or in the vicinity of Arkansas City. Any information regarding the same will be thankfully received by Chas. H. Searing, U. S. Indian Agent, Pawnee Agency, Indian Territory.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878. Front Page.

Representative Morgan has introduced a bill declaring the introduction of Texas, Mexican, or Indian cattle into Missouri, Kansas, or Illinois, from March 1st to Nov. 1st of each year, an offense punishable with a fine or imprisonment. The design of the bill is to protect domestic cattle from what is known as Texas fever.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878. Front Page.

An amendment was made to the Indian appropriation bill by the Senate on the 8th, which provides that the

should be removed from Fort Leavenworth to such point in the Indian Territory as the government has a right to assign them without interfering with the treaty rights of any other tribe. The discussion of this bill was long and apparently to little purpose. No other business was transacted.

On the 9th inst. the Indian appropriation bill was passed loaded with amendments which will take extended discussion in the House.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878. Front Page.

The dispatches from Europe have not been so unsatisfactory since the war between Russia and Turkey commenced as for the past week. It has been announced by both sides in the controversy that negotiations are in progress which must surely result in a peaceful settlement, and that while Russia will secure a fair measure of the fruits of her war with Ottomans, England's interest will not suffer in the least. It was at one time stated that Russian troops would retire from the vicinity of Constantinople, but it is officially stated from Russian circles that that cannot occur until Turkey makes further concessions and England withdraws her navy from the Sea of Marmora. It is impossible to predict what a day may bring forth. By the time this reaches the readers eye, a permanent peace may be established, a war may be in progress, or the situation may be Status quo.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878. Front Page.

Arkansas City has quietly built a steamboat that will carry fifteen tons, and it has made a successful trip to Salt Creek and returned at the lowest stage of water for more than a year. Winfield Courier.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

The re-appraisement of the Kansas Indian lands is about completed. We understand that it will take about three weeks office work before the returns will be forwarded to the Secretary of the Interior. Parkersville Enterprise.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

Michigan manufactured 55,948 barrels of salt during March, against 52,526 barrels in the corresponding month last year. The total amount manufactured this season to April 1st, is 305,404 barrels, being an increase of 108,355 over the corresponding time last year. Exchange.

Thousands of barrels of Michigan salt are shipped to Kansas every year. Yet Kansas has saline deposits exceeding those of any other State in the Union, and ought to manufacture salt for export. The day is not far distant when she will do this. Champion.

At Salt Spring, Sumner County, enough salt water is flowing away to supply the whole State if properly cared for.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

Something to Inquire About.
While Congress is legislating on Indian affairs, it would be well if it made some inquiry about the white captives held by the hostile tribes. There is a suspicion that they have a number of children, snatched from the arms of murdered parents, and perhaps more or less women, held in bondage. Only a few days ago it was reported by the Topeka (Kansas) Blade, that a Pawnee warrior offered to sell a white female child, aged ten years, in Arkansas City. This child could speak but little English, which was proof that she had been a long time in captivity. What disposition was finally made of the child is not related by the Blade, but it asserts on knowledge that the Pawnees hold some half dozen or more white women and girls stolen from their homes on the Kansas frontier. Every principle of humanity demands that the Indians should be required to release these prisoners at once, and unconditionally.

San Francisco Daily Call.

In a few months more the newspapers will make it appear that the whole Pawnee tribe are "white captives."


Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

The trustees have are all made their report and the following are the census returns for Cowley County.

Beaver .. 684

Bolton .. 808

Cedar .. 443

Cresswell .. 1,002

Dexter .. 714

Harvey .. 406

Liberty .. 497

Maple .. 455

Ninnescah .. 435

Omnia .. 297

Otter .. 675

Pleasant Valley .. 492

Richland .. 902

Rock Creek .. 933

Silver Creek .. 452

Spring Creek .. 261

Sheridan .. 559

Silverdale .. 547

Tisdale .. 721

Vernon .. 755

Windsor .. 678

Winfield .. 2,542

Total population: 15,390

Families: 2,893

Dwellings: 2,793


Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

Notice to Teachers.
The Normal Institute of Cowley County will be held in Winfield, beginning on Wednesday, the 3rd day of July, and closing Wednesday, the 31st day of July, 1878.

Prof. John B. Holbrook, of Ripley Normal School, Tennessee, will act as conductor.

Prof. George W. Robinson, principal of the city schools of Winfield, will assist in the management of the Institute.

Other able and efficient instructors will be engaged, that our Normal may be all that the most zealous can desire.

A series of professional lectures will be given during the term.

Teachers are requested to note the following requirements for certificates.

Grade "A," two years, calls for a standing in every branch of not less than 90 percent, and an average of 95 percent, in all.

Grade 1, one year, calls for a standing below 85 percent, in no one study, and an average of 90 percent, in all.

Grade 2, six months, calls for an average of 75 percent, in all branches, and not less than 70 percent, in any one study.

An examination for county certificates will be held, beginning on the 1st day of August, at 8 o'clock, a.m. R. C. STORY, County Superintendent.

N. B. An examination for State certificates will be held in Winfield, beginning August 26, 8 o'clock a.m., and continuing through the 27th and 28th.

All parties desiring to attend said examination are requested to write to me at an early day for further particulars. R. C. S.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

CEDAR TOWNSHIP, May 15, 1878.
Mr. R. E. Howe was married to Miss Susan L. Jay, at the residence of the bride's parents, by L. W. Miller, Esq., on the morning of May 12. Queer time of day, but Bob had made arrangements to have the knot tied the evening previous, but the minister foiled him.

Mr. F. P. Myers has sold his cattle ranch, situated between Beaver and Spring creeks, to a Mr. James Keith, of Sumner County. Mr. Keith is moving his cattle at the present writing. Long may the changes continue. O. HUSH.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

E. P. Bancroft has been released from the Emporia jail, on bail. He acknowledges that he owes the Normal school fund, and intends to pay it when he is able.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

The belief prevails among those in a position to know that Sitting Bull and his band, together with several other northwestern tribes, will be removed to the Indian Territory the coming season.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

Kansas raised more corn to the acre in 1877, than any other State in the Union, the average yield in Kansas being forty-three bushels to the acre. In New Hampshire it was forty- two, which was the second highest. In South Carolina the average yield was only eight bushels. The average yield throughout the United States was twenty seven bushels to the acre. Exchange.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

NICE LITTLE LOTS of fresh dry goods coming in every few days at WILSON'S CENTRAL STORE.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

A NEW LOT OF STRAW HATS at Wilson's Central Store.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

ONE NEW CHAMPION COMBINED REAPER and Mower for sale cheap; also, two ox wagons, one horse wagon, and one spring wagon. R. C. HAYWOOD.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

JUST RECEIVED at Hoyt & Speers' Athletic Grocery House, a very large assortment of Mason's Self-Sealing Fruit Jars, to be sold as all other things in our linecheap for cash.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

TABLE LINE, TOWELS & NAPKINS cheap at Wilson's Sore.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

Gentlemen, Houghton & McLaughlin will sell you best quality blue flannel suits for $13.50; a good blue fallen suit for $9.75such as all older houses in the county sell at $16 for best and $12 for second quality. All other goods in our line at equally low rates.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

Clearing out ready made clothing at cost at Wilson's Store.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

A nice lots of Boots and Shoes at Wilson's Store.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

More rain Friday night.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

Hay is $8 to $10 per ton in Wichita.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

Mulberries are ripe and plentiful on the Walnut.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

New turnips, radishes, and lettuce at Houghton & Mantor's.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

SKINNER, of East Bolton, actually went to church last Sunday.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

MR. JAMES WILSON is receiving new goods this week. His selections are excellent.

A large gray work horse is in Billy Graves' pony herd, on Deer Creek.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

Bilson is up for five years.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

One fight Wednesday night of last week. All is peace and quiet now. Too quiet.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

SEVERAL TEAMS for Pawnee Agency left last Friday. "Our Charlie" went with them.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

SINCE CLIFF WOOD's administration at the county seat, they put board floors in their pig pens.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

COL. J. M. ALEXANDER, of Winfield, is said to be the best jury lawyer in Southern Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

A Sabbath School was organized at Stony Point schoolhouse, Bolton Township, last Sunday.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

THIRTEEN HUNDRED HORSES, the property of N. Word, en route for Nebraska, crossed Red River, Texas, last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

A horse team broke the monotony last week by running off and bumping a tree near the Central Avenue Hotel.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

Those fly rests at Gardner's store are very pretty, but when we think it took two men five days to make them, we don't want any.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

The Courier says: Frank Gallotti's house was struck and shivered to pieces by lightning Wednesday. It wasn't a dwelling house, though.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

MARRIED. On the 16th inst., at the house of the bride, in Arkansas City, by Rev. R. S. McClanahan, Mr. Calvin M. Drennan and Mrs. Sarah A. Cramer.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

We noticed a board floor and straw bed in a pig pen near the courthouse. It is said some of the county officers sleep there when they are unable to get home.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

Look out for the new sign of Hoyt & Speers. There is some energy to a firm that can get up in the morning, leap and turn in the air, advertise as extensively as they do, and erect a sign like that.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

LAFAYETTE McLAUGHLIN traded his one-third interest in a brick building in Emporia for the building known as L. B. Kellogg's law office, and forty acres one mile north of town (part of the Coberly tract).

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

ANDREW FURGUSON and wife, of Coshocton County, Ohio, a gentleman of 83 years of age, visited this county last week, and says it is the finest and best country he ever saw, and he has seen considerable of it.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

The lightning struck and set fire to the stable of Mr. Speer, on Shoo Fly creek, last Friday, and it was burned to the ground in a few minutes. Two mules were in it, and were taken out with considerable difficulty.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

TOM WRIGHT and JIM HENDERSON returned from Texas Saturday last. They saw a good part of western Texas, but say it is no place to go to buy ponies, as many buyers are there, and they can be bought cheaper in Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

H. P. FARRAR and JAMES HUEY returned from Wichita last Sunday. They report eight cases of small pox in the citytwo cases at the Tremont House, where they both stopped. Proper attention is being paid to it, and there is but little chance of the disease.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

The steamboat took a number of excursionists down the Walnut and back Sunday afternoon for 25 cents for the round trip. There is more pretty scenery on the Walnut than most people are aware of, and those that made the trip enjoyed it very much.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

A Courier correspondent from Richland Township says:

Several accidents this week. T. Allen was kicked by a colt. Elsie McKinney fell out of a window, fracturing her arm. Mr. Cottingham shot a duck on the Walnut.

A fishing party on Timber got more nibbles than fish; another one going to the mouth of the Walnut this week to lift those big catfish over the dam.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

Our town at this time faithfully illustrates the lines of the Irish poet:

"The rich may ride in chaises,

But the poor must stay at home, be J____s."

During the past week some ten of our leading businessmen's wives have gone east and north to spend the summer: Mrs. O. P. Houghton, Mrs. J. L. Huey, Mrs. R. C. Haywood, Mrs. A. A. Newman, Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Mrs. M. Rexford, Mrs. David Thompson, Mrs. Ed. Thompson, Mrs. Wm. Sleeth, Mrs. S. P. Channell.

In about a month from now, what a rich harvest it would be for a traveling show to come along that had attractive female performers. The poor women that are left will have to confine themselves to such home pleasures as picnics and yachting up and down the river on Speers & Walton's elegant little steamer, while their more favored sisters are inhaling the cool breezes of Lake George and the St. Lawrence River, and feasting on codfish and New England herring.

MRS. JUDGE CHRISTIAN has gone north (to Winfield), also, for a few days, on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. A. W. Berkey.

Mrs. Cramer has got married and gone East also (across the Walnut).

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

There was a good attendance at the M. E. Quarterly Meeting last Sunday, and most present partook of the Lord's Supper. Rev. Walter delivered a good sermon in spite of the juveniles to prevent it. There were 77 persons present over 15 years of age, and it just lacked one of having a dozen babies. The unfledged youths realized something extra was taking place, and acted accordingly. One kept drumming similar to the noise made by prairie chickens, another a racket like a squirrel, while others joined in the chorus. As the minister struck a high key, the babies would do likewise, until one noble little hero, too young to keep up, spread himself in a manner unequaled, and had to be turned out of doors to give the rest a chance.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

Almost every man who has traveled in Southern Kansas, knows or has heard of "Mickey Jim," the stage driver. James Fahey has driven stages for the past twenty years in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, and Colorado. We have seen him come into Emporia when it was longing for a railroad. And again at Newton, El Dorado, and finally Wichita. He has been upset on the coach; pitched over bridges; and had his limbs broken time and again; yet he lives, and is now one of Winfield's quiet citizens, dealing fermented spirits over the bar at the National Saloon. He has had a somewhat remarkable experience, and in his own way is a remarkable man. Many will be surprised to learn that James Fahey has left the stage line.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

Mr. J. T. Brooks and wife, who lately returned from a bridal tour East, were taken with small pox last week at Winfield. The announcement caused considerable alarm and it was the main topic of conversation during the day. The parties are well provided for, and there is but little danger of the disease spreading. While due caution should be used, there is no need of its interference with business at the county seat. The parties evidently contracted the disease on the cars while traveling, as there was a sick man in the seat adjoining them.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

CHARLES GALLART, BILLY GRAY, and FRANK WALDO have departed for Oregon and Washington Territory in a wagon. They expect to be two or three months on the trip, and promise to write occasionally. Charley and Billy have lived in this vicinity for many years, and the boys could not help regretting to part with many old acquaintances. "You can look for them back before the grass is green in another year," is predicted by many.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

The steamboat, after making a voyage of twenty-five miles down the Arkansas last week, came up the Walnut River as far as Harmon's ford. A trip will be made to a point about eight miles east of Pawnee Agency in a few days, and a contract entered into on their return for delivering freight at the same place.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

HAIL COLUMBIA, UNHAPPY LAND. A very severe hail storm descended last Friday evening, and did considerable damage to the wheat crop in the vicinity of Thomasville. In the vicinity of D. Bright's and Passmore's it was about half threshed and laid level with the ground. It was fortunate the hail was confined to a limited scope.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

REUBEN A. HOUGHTON, the popular grocery man, sold the two-story building adjoining Al Horn's shoe shop to ARTEMUS WARD PATTERSON, last week, to be occupied as a saloon. Artemas Ward Patterson has purchased some of the finest chromos of Dr. Loomis' stock, and will adorn the room in style.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

LANPHEAR H. SCOTT, son of Dr. J. W. Scott of Cadiz, has been admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court of Ohio, after a critical examination. He had previously passed examination and been admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court of New York.

Cadiz (Ohio) Republican.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

Are all the ladies of the M. E. Church dead or asleep? This is the third announcement that we have made, and no meeting. We will try it once more. There will be a meeting of the Ladies' Society of the M. E. Church at the residence of Dr. Alexander Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. A general attendance is requested. By order of the President.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

SMALL POX. DR. HUGHES just returned from Winfield and states Mr. Brooks died of the small pox yesterday. The public school has closed and the people are terribly agitated.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

Call at Eddy's for are all kinds of Machine OilsBest White Castor, Lard, Lubricating, Mill, Spindle, or Golden Oilat lowest prices. Coal oil only 25 cents per gallon.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

A TWO HORSE WAGON for sale cheap or trade; suitable for one yoke of oxen. Inquire of Wm. Coombs, 3 quarters of a mile northeast of town.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

MULES FOR SALE. I have one large pair and one small or medium sized pair of good work mules I will sell for cash, or on time with good security. Also one span of work horses.

H. B. PRUDEN, 1 mile east of Salt City.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

My farm of seventy acres adjoining the corporate limits of Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas. There are forty acres in cultivation, balance in woods, pasture; soil, Walnut bottom; good frame house, out buildings, fruit trees in bearing, and conveniences for a comfortable house. This would be an excellent situation for an intelligent physician, and special inducements will be extended to such a purchase. My reason for selling is a change of occupation. DR. NATHAN HUGHES.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878. Front Page.


We are indebted to Messrs. Powers, Lynde and Co., of Kansas City, for the following reliable review of the grain trade.

WHEAT. The peaceful feeling that has lately arisen between Russia and England, seems to have exerted a marked influence in the value of breadstuffs in foreign markets, and necessarily in our own. Coming at a time when the growing crops in both Europe and this country promise bountiful harvests, when English granaries are well supplied, and Russia and America have large reserves yet to go forward, it has relieved the tension of overstrained markets due to war excitement and occasioned a reaction that has not yet settled to any established basis. Already from the previous week a decline of 4c to 5c in Spring Wheat, and 8c to 10c in Winter Wheat, has been quoted in our markets, in full sympathy with lower foreign markets. Shipments to interior markets and the seaboard have increased with the fear of still further depreciation, more than meeting the demands of buyers. Millers are buying sparingly from day to day, and will add nothing to present stocks till their large accumulated supplies of flour will have been called for.

CORN. A week after this cereal had reached a price not known before for years and the general assumption was it could go no lower without stopping contrary deliveries. We have to note, however, a still more serious reduction of 3c to 4c a bushel, bringing the range of values lower than has been reported in the past ten years. We have also to report the largest receipts at interior points chronicled within a year.

RYE. Large purchases of this grain for foreign account have tended to maintain values fairly, though the decline of other cereals has affected Rye and quotations are 2 @ 3c lower with active trading.

OATS. Large receipts of oats, with less demand on foreign account have depressed this market also, and quotations show the same general weakness of other markets.

FREIGHTS. Lake freights continue low1-3/4c a bushel on corn from Chicago and Buffalo; and contracts have been made at even less figures. Rail freights are firm and unchanged.

LiverpoolWheat, quiet; spring, 9s 6d to 10s 3d. Corn, new, 24s 9d to 25s; old, 27s 3d to 27s 9d.

New YorkWheat; No. 2 spring, $1.15 @ $1.17; No. 2 red winter, $1.20 @ $1.25; No. 2 northwestern, $1.16-1/2 @ $1.17. Corn, easier; steamer, 49-1/2; No. 2, 50c. Gold, 100-7/8.

BaltimoreWheat dull; $1.19-1/4 spot, $1.19-1/2 June. Corn dull and heavy; 47-1/4c spot 47-3/4c June.

ToledoWheat, very dull; $1.11 cash, $1.10 June; $1.09 July. Corn dull; 41c cash; 41- 1/2c July.

ChicagoWheat, June, 99-7/8c @ $1.00; July, 95-7/8c. Corn, June, 36-1/8 @ 36-1/4c; July, 36-1/2@ 36-5/8c.

MilwaukeeWheat, $1.04 June.

St. LouisWheat, June, $1.03-1/4; July, $1.03-1/2. Corn, 34-1/2c June.

KANSAS CITYWheat, No. 3, cash, $1.00; Corn, No. 2, cash, 31-1/2c. Rye, No. 2, 43c. CattleGood to choice steers, $4.12 @ $4.30; native cows, $3.30; corn fed Texans, $3.80 @ $3.90; stockers, $2.65 @ $2.80. HogsPackers, $2.50 @ $2.60.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

WINFIELD, KAS., June 3rd, 1878.
Since the small pox epidemic, business has been rather quiet, and our usually thronged streets have been nearly deserted in comparison with a few weeks ago when, of Saturdays, one could hardly get along main street without elbowing through large crowds. But at present there is no alarm on account of the small pox, and business is renewing again.

The large area and the fine condition of the wheat crop caused many farmers to buy a great deal of farm machinery of all kinds. There have been more harvesters sold this season than usual, and one can hardly imagine where so many are taken.

M. L. Robinson's beautiful residence is nearly completed, and Col. McMullen is pushing the work on his palatial residence as fast as money and men will allow. When completed it will be one of the most beautiful and commodious residences in Southern Kansas.

About a month ago the city council licensed three saloons for one year in this city. Jay Page at considerable cost had built a nice two story brick, and fitted up the lower room for a saloon, and furnished a suite of rooms above for gambling rooms. He opened four weeks ago last Saturday; and since then no two saloons in the county ever did such a rushing business. It was thronged from daylight to midnight, and frequently the gambling rooms were in full blast the entire night. It was the duty of the city council, when these facts were brought to their notice, to revoke the license; but they winked at it and allowed it to continue. Last Saturday about 4 p.m., Hon. L. J. Webb walked from the gambling room into the bar room where Page was standing, and shot him dead, and immediately gave himself into the hands of the Sheriff, James Hill. There is good evidence that Webb had been drugged and in a game of poker had been robbed of his money by Page. A coroner's jury was empaneled and found in their verdict that Page came to his death by a pistol shot in the hands of lawyer Webb. The preliminary examination was set for trial today, before W. M. Boyer, but on account of the illness of Mr. Webb, it will be heard tomorrow, Tuesday, at 9 o'clock a.m.

There is a very strong feeling here in the matter, and there are some things in which all agree and that is that the city government should not have allowed such a hell hole to exist so long here, and that Jay Page was a notorious desperado and unsafe for any community, one who would not only gamble, but deliberately picked men's pockets.

Page's funeral was preached Sunday by Rev. Rushbridge, and he was buried immediately afterwards.

Hon. L. J. Webb is in jail waiting until the preliminary examination. SILAS.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

One of the most unfortunate affairs that has occurred at Winfield for many years was the result of a quarrel between L. J. Webb, Representative of the 88th Legislative District of this county, and Page, the saloon man, who recently erected the new brick saloon on Main street at that place. It seems that the two had been gambling, and that Mr. Webb lost about $100 he had collected for his clients, and crazed with liquor, he walked into the saloon and shot Page dead, the ball passing through his heart. The affair caused terrible excitement and much regret. Mr. Webb is now in custody, and will be held to await his trial at the October term of the District Court.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

Wheat is just splendid; harvest about half over; corn good and clear of weeds. Strawberry season over, cherries and mulberries taking their place. Garden truck of all kinds till you can't rest. Hogs being herded on the prairie and doing well.

Grand Masonic picnic at Dexter on the 24th of June. Three eminent speakers will address the people, besides instrumental and vocal music by Prof. Dr. Leard and Mr. Brulbaker. Everybody come. H. S.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

WICHITA, May 30, 1878.
Mr. Scott: You are just a little mistaken about Mr. Deming having the small pox. He is just as lively as a cricket and as accommodating as ever. It is not in the house nor has not been since the first outbreak. Very Respectfully, W. B. TRISSELL.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

CEDAR TOWNSHIP, May 26, 1878.
The Followers of Christ have built up quite a church in Cedar Township. A part of their creed forbids them taking medicine for any cause. If one of them gets sick, they are to send for the Elders, who anoint the sick person with olive oil and pray, and their faith will make them well.

Last Friday, the 24th of May, Mrs. Moore, the wife of James Moore, member of this church, was trying her faith by handling a five-year-old rattlesnake. His snakeship stood it for a while, but at last it got mad and bit the old lady on the foot, and now such another pow wow you never heard. Not a thing has been done but anoint her with oil and pray for her, and today, Sunday the 26th, she is in a very critical condition, foot and leg terribly swollen. If she don't die, it is going to be an awful close shave. Such is their religion. O. HUSH.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

A commandery of the order of Knights Templars, to be known as Mt. Olivet No. 12, was organized in this city, last Monday night, under a charter granted by the Grand Commandery of the State of Kansas. Sir Jno. H. Brown, R. E. P. G. C., of Wyandotte, Special Deputy of the Grand Commandery, presided at the organization. The following are the principal officers, viz: M. S. Adams, Wichita, E. C.; Jno. D. Pryor, of Winfield, General Issimo; and Lewis K. Myers, of Wellington, Capt. General. The present membership of the Commandery is twenty-one. Wichita Beacon.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

Cowley County furnished three students for the penitentiary at the last term of the District Court.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

Several cases of small pox in Wichita and Winfield.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

The Hessian fly is making sad havoc with the wheat in some parts of the State.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

TEXAS HORSES. In addition to the animals advertised elsewhere, I have fifty native Texas horses, broken and unbroken to saddle, and can sell ponies as cheap as any man on the border. My stock is in the pasture one mile and a half from Arkansas City, on the east side of the Walnut River. C. M. SCOTT.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

Real Estate and Loan Agents,
Winfield, Kansas.

Will locate and take proof on claims, pay taxes, and make abstracts of titles. Collections solicited. Remittances promptly made. Office, Manning's block.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

Blacksmith and Wagon Shop.
D. E. Sifford, on Central Avenue, opposite Finney's Livery Stand, will shoe horses, point plows, repair machinery, and do all kinds of blacksmith on short notice and reasonable terms.

In connection with the shop, Charles Hutchins, an experienced wagon maker, will do all kinds of wood work, repairing, etc. All work guaranteed satisfactory.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

WANTED. A partner in a good paying Drug Store.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

We have quite a number of good improved farms which we will sell at a bargain. Call soon. HOUGHTON & McLAUGHLIN.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

If you break any part of your machine, Frank Earl can fix it quicker and cheaper than you can send for it.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

ANY ONE wanting a $90.00 sewing machine for $35.00, nearly new, on time, with good security, discount for cash. Inquire at O. P. Houghton.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

HOUGHTON & MANTOR are selling 10 lbs. good N. O. Sugar and 8 lbs. A Sugar, and 4 lbs. best Coffee and 4-3/4 lbs. good Coffee for $1.00; best 60 cents. Japan tea for 50 cents, and good Japan tea for 49 cents.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

FRUIT BASKETS. The fruit season is approaching. Please bear in mind that you can always get the latest styles of Matrimonial Fruit Baskets, on wheels and rockers, at the new

furniture store.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

GENTLEMEN, we will sell you the best all wool flannel suits for $10.50, and all wool blue flannel suits for $9.00. Don't fail to call and see our stock of Clothing which is all new and twenty percent lower then ever. HOUGHTON & MANTOR.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

FRANK EARL has a good, first-class wagon maker, and keeps seasoned wagon lumber always on hand, and knows how to do the work.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

A. C. WELLS will contract for plastering.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

FRANK EARL will point your plow, repair your machines, or shoe your horses and take part of his pay in butter, eggs, or country produce.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

"IF IT IS WORTH DOING AT ALL, IT IS WORTH DOING WELL." FRANK EARL will repair your machinery and warrant his work. Shop opposite the Arkansas City House.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

STAGES arrive and depart daily from the Arkansas City House.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

BONNETS and HATS remodeled, trimmed, made new at Mrs. Finney's, first door north of E. D. Eddy's drug store.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

ALL persons indebted to me on back accounts will please call in at once and settle the same by note or cash, as I expect to leave in a few days. S. P. CHANNELL.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

Proposals for Indian Supplies and Transportation.
DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Office of Indian Affairs, Washington, May 24, 1878. Sealed proposals, indorsed Proposals for Beef, Bacon, Flour, Clothing, or Transporta tion, etc. (as the case may be), and directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Nos. 61 and 63 Wooster Street, New York, will be received until 11 a.m. of Tuesday, June 18, 1878, for furnishing for the Indian service about 675,000 pounds Bacon, 38,000,000 pounds Beef on the hoof, 160,000 pounds of Beans, 28,000 pounds Baking Powder, 2,000,000 pounds Corn, 450,000 pounds Coffee, 7,000,000 pounds Flour, 56,000 pounds Feed, 200,000 pounds Hard Bread, 113,000 pounds Hominy, 13,880 pounds Lard, 1,100 barrels Mess Pork, 215,000 pounds Rice, 7,000 pounds Tea, 56,000 pounds Tobacco, 200,000 pounds Salt, 100,000 pounds Soap, 6,000 pounds Soda, 920,000 pounds Sugar, and 1,356,000 pounds Wheat.

Also, Blankets, Woolen and Cotton goods (consisting in part of Ticking, 35,000 yards; Standard Calico, 300,000 yards; Drilling, 29,500 yards; Duck, 218,850 yards; Denims, 14,680 yards; Gingham, 32,500 yards; Kentucky Jeans, 48,800 yards; Satinett, 9,000 yards; Brown Sheeting, 250,000 yards; Bleached Sheeting, 26,000 yards; Hickory Shirting, 29,000 yards; Calico Shirting, 7,300 yards; Winsey, 7,500 yards;) Clothing, Groceries, Notions, Hardware, Medical Supplies; and miscellaneous articles, such as Wagons, Harness, Plows. Rakes, Forks, etc.

Also, Transportation for such of the Supplies, Goods, and articles that may not be contracted for to be delivered at the Agencies.

Schedules showing the kinds and quantities of subsistence supplies required for each Agency, and the kinds and quantities, in gross, of all other goods and articles, together with blank proposals and forms for contract and bond, conditions to be observed by bidders, time and place of delivery, terms of contract and payment, transportation routes and all other necessary instructions will be furnished upon application to the Indian Office at Washington, or Nos. 61 and 63 Wooster Street, New York; to E. M. Kingsley, No. 30 Clinton Place, New York; Wm. H. Lyon, No. 483 Broadway, New York; and to the Commissaries of Subsis tence, U. S. A., at Chicago, Saint Louis, Sioux City, Saint Paul, Leavenworth, Omaha, and Cheyenne.

Bids will be opened at the hour and day above stated, and bidders are invited to be present at the opening.

All bids must be accompanied by certified checks upon someone of the following banks or Government Depositories for at least five percent of the amount of the proposal, viz: Chemical National, New York; National Broadway, New York; Metropolitan National, New York; Ninth National, New York; Philadelphia National, Philadelphia; First National, Baltimore; Third National, Cincinnati; Union National, Chicago; Fourth National, St. Louis, and Citizen's National, Washington, D. C.; and the United States Assistant Treasurer at Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago, and St. Louis. E. A. HAYT, Commissioner.

N. B. Blanks can be obtained at the office of this paper.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

Farmers are all harvesting.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

Warm days and cool evenings now.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

ANOTHER boat excursion down the Walnut last Sunday.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

It takes about one week for the vaccine matter to take after being placed in the arm.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

A number of teams started for Pawnee Agency yesterday, loaded with flour from Newman's mill.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

We have some specimens of timothy grown on Mr. Carder's farm, the heads of which measure eight and nine inches long.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

HORSEBACK riding is popular with the young folks, and a very healthy exercise. Almost anyone can afford an Indian pony.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

FRANK BALDWIN, of Winfield, sold his drug store this week, and will devote a few months in the Territory to regain his health.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

A big bay horse and one black pony were stolen from the mouth of Deer Creek Monday night of last week. Pony branded T J.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

GENERAL McNEIL has been detained waiting for instructions from Washington, which will probably call him to North Carolina.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

S. D. PRYOR and wife, of Winfield, have been residing on E. B. Kager's farm during the prevalence of small pox at the county seat.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

C. M. SCOTT purchased the herd of Texas horses driven in and owned by Ira S. Malone, last Monday. There were twenty-seven head.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

ROASTING EARS. Will Canfield left us a stalk of sweet corn that has tasseled out and formed the ear. It was planted in March, and measures five feet in length.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

WILL. PEED wants everybody to know that he has purchased the harness shop of J. I. Mitchell, and will sell horse equipments, make or mend harness, and do everything in the saddlery line that is needed.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

HON. L. B. KELLOGG has traded off all his Arkansas City property for Emporia property. Courier.

Hold on, hold on, Mr. Courier. Mr. Kellogg only traded one piece of property here, and now owns several hundred lots.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

JOHN NEWMAN, the gentlemanly barber, has moved his shop to the building known as Kellogg's law office, and will be found at all business hours ready to give you attention. Remember he is one of the best barbers in Kansas, and give him a trial.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

BORN. On Monday night, June 3rd, 1878, to the wife of William Eckles, a daughter. Hank Nelson, the newcomer's uncle, says that in the excitement of that awful hour the folks left the poor thing near the fire too long. "Tis true, `tis pity; and pity `tis, `tis true."

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

That was are all a mistake about Mr. Deming and his daughter having the small pox at the Tremont House in Wichita. If you visit Wichita, and want a good, number one hotel, with every reasonable accommodation, try the Tremont House, only a few blocks from the depot.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

H. T. Kennedy, H. H. Neil, D. F. Payne, and L. E. Owens, of St. Marcus, Texas, drove on the Shilocco Creek last Wednesday with 250 Texas horses and ponies, for the Kansas market. They report that two brothers by the name of Moore, of Illinois, had a herd of 150 head stampeded on the North Canadian by Indians and only saved their saddle horses. The brands of Kennedy and Owen's herd is a triangle E with P above. We did not learn the brand of what Moore lost.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

CHARLES SCHIFFBAUER returned from Kansas City last week, after an absence of three months, in charge of the Sisters of Saint Joseph and the medical fraternity of the Sisters' Hospital. The cause of his absence was to have a ball extracted from his leg, received from the careless handling of a pistol by a soldier at Fort Sill.

The operation was a very severe and difficult one, but under the skillful management of Dr. Taylor, a man remarkably renowned, and of whom Mr. Schiffbauer formed a high respect, he has recovered sufficiently to go about on crutches. Charley never tires of speaking of the kind treatment from the Sisters of Saint Joseph, to whom he feels very grateful for their untiring efforts in attending his wants.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

Two very smart little cowboys from Texas, by the name of Graves and Freeman, shipped too much tangle-foot aboard last Monday evening, and with carbines strapped on their backs, rode up and down the street inquiring for "that G__d d____d city marshal." Morgan stepped up to them, pulled one of them off, ordered the other one pulled off, and they followed him to the Police Court with about as much nerve as a sheep, doubtless satisfied in finding him. They were afterwards "found" by Judge Christian to the tune of eight dollars each. Don't try it again, boys. Carbines behind a man don't scare anybody up here.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

LIST of letters remaining in the post office at Arkansas City, Cowley county, Kansas, June 1st, 1878:

Adney, Cal; Brown, George A.; Brunemer, Wesley; Boggs, Henry; Caphart, B. F.; Clark, John A.; Charcey, Wm.; Dolbey, Mrs. Nancy; Gray, Miss Mollie E.; Hamilton, J. W.; Hamilton, Alexander; Hostetler, Miss H.; Lorton, Jas.; McLannan, Mrs. R. R.; Miller, Chas. H.; Miller, Dr. Wm.; Osburn, Chas. N.; Rutledge, J. A.; Riddle, Jas. A.; Short, Wm.; Shelby, Mr. Hedker; Stater, Mr. Thomas; Speers, James; Thompson, Rebecca; Williams, Anna; Walters, Owen.

Persons calling for any of the above letters will please state that they were advertised.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

Arkansas City takes a holiday trip today. Maj. Sleeth and wife to to Ohio; Mrs. Channell, Mrs. Thompson, and David Thompson go to Canada; Mrs. Newman and Mrs. Haywood go to New England; Charles Gallert and others go to California; S. P. Channell goes to Oregon; and Dr. Shepard and wife go to Missouri. Courier.

What a lonesome time Scott will have now he is left are all alone. Eldorado Times.

We don't propose to be left. We'll excurt and visit the sunny clime of the Lone Star State. You had better come along, Mr. Times. We'll sleep you in the open air and share our grubs with you, for the sake of your company.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

THERE were twenty-seven persons on the steamboat last Tuesday week. They were conveyed to the river in a wagon, and from the ford at Harmon's went to the large island about three miles below the mouth of the Walnut. The trip was enjoyed by all. A. A. Newman and R. A. Houghton unfortunately were tipped from the small row boat into the river while attempting to get on the boat.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

JOHN ALEXANDER, of whom we spoke a few weeks since, increased the flow of oil in his well at Edinburg, Pennsylvania, from 37 barrels per day to 140 barrels per day by placing a torpedo in the bottom of the well and blowing the bottom out. The plan will be investigated farther, and will probably prove a valuable discovery to the mining fraternity.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.

Notice to Trespassers and Wood Thieves.
I have been duly appointed agent of Michael Harkins for the sale and care of the "Gallert Island," and I will prosecute to the extent of the law, all trespassers found on said land cutting or destroying the timber, or hauling off down timber without my authority.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878. Front Page.

The Bannock Indians, numbering about two hundred warriors under Buffalo Horn, encamped in the lava beds in California last week and ordered the settlers to leave the prairie on penalty of death. The Indians are well supplied with ammunition sold to them at Boise City about two weeks ago on the order of Gov. Brayman, on the ground that they were good Indians. About twenty mounted troops under the command of Major Collins and Capt. Bernard, will leave immediately for the scene of trouble.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

Sixty Bannock Indians on the 31st robbed King Hill station on the overland road, seventy-five miles south of Boise City, Idaho. The keeper escaped. The Indians then captured two freight teams carrying arms, ammunition, etc. The fate of the teamsters is unknown. Troops were at once started for the scene. The Indians along the trail left in haste on the approach of the troops.

It is estimated that 300 Indians are camped in the lava beds, in a very strong position, with wood, water, and grass enough to keep them are all summer. Gen. Sheridan at once applied to the War Department for as many soldiers as could be spared to be sent to the lava beds.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

A dispatch from the commander of Fort Benton says Sitting Bull with his entire force contemplate an early raid south of the Canadian line, and he considers the situation serious. Two thousand warriors trusted by nobody in that region, fully armed and equipped, defiant and ready for a fight, have caused him to move his fort to a new place better fitted for defense.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

Railroad Matters.
The necessity for a railroad has again pressed itself upon our people. Some time ago a few of our leading businessmen opened communication with the officials of the A., T. & S. F. railroad company at Topeka, with reference to their extending a branch of their road into Cowley County, and this afternoon a rather informal meeting was held at the courthouse for a more permanent organization and the appointment of a regular committee to further correspond with the A., T. & S. F. officials in reference to the matter. A resolution was carried unanimously that our county would vote $4,000 per mile in bonds (not to exceed $140,00 in all) for the construction and equipment of a road from the northern to the southern line of our county, either from El Dorado or Wichita. A new committee was selected, composed of Judge Coldwell of Winfield, Judge Christian of Arkansas City, John B. Holmes of Rock, and Messrs. Jackson, Lynn, and Wood of our city, whose duty it will be to bring matters to a focus, pro or con. Let us have the road by all means. FARMER.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

EAST BOLTON, June 8, 1878.
Harvesting from Monday morning until Sunday night is the order of things now, and wheat never looked better in any county. In east Bolton, only six miles long and three miles wide, there are over two thousand acres of wheat, which will average twenty bushels to the acre, and fully that number of acres of corn, are all looking finely.

Over four thousand acres in these two grains, to say nothing of other products. This in a township where, seven years ago, not one acre was broken, speaks well for the inhabitants. Good farms can be bought from five to ten dollars per acre. Timber convenient and water plenty. A.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

The Upper Arkansas to be Linked to the Seaboard.
The bill providing for the survey of the Arkansas River from the mouth of the Little River to the Mississippi, introduced and championed by Hon. Thos. Ryan, our member of Congress, passed the House, and will, in all probability, pass the Senate this week. The Senators and members of Congress from the Southern States, especially from the States bordering on the Mississippi River, are taking lively interest in the scheme and there seems now to be not the slightest doubt but that Congress will open a waterway for the immense products of this valley to the seaboard, even if a canal shall be necessary a part of the way. Those in Washington who have watched the course of the bill most closely are confident that as soon as a report of the survey is made, the necessary appropriations to commence the work will be made with the least possible delay.

This matter has been alluded to editorially several times within the past two months by us, still we doubt if our readers properly appreciate the importance and magnitude of such an enterprise, which is not only national in its character, but of vast moment to every material interest of this great valley. Eagle.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

[From the Winfield Courier.]
On last Saturday, June 1st, about four o'clock p.m., Jay Page, saloon keeper of this place, was shot and killed by L. J. Webb, attorney, and member of the House of Representatives of the State. Crowds of men immediately assembled around the scene of the transaction and great excitement prevailed. At the time of the shooting Mr. Page was standing against the counter of his saloon in conversation with Frank Manny, when Webb entered from the back room and walking up to within about twelve feet of Mr. Page, drew a revolver from his pocket and fired, the ball entering Page's left breast about five inches above the nipple.

Page ran out the front door, blood gushing from his mouth and nostrils, crying that Webb had killed him. He ran along the sidewalk perhaps 100 feet and fell. He was taken up, bleeding from the mouth profusely. He expired immediately. No word was spoken in the saloon by either Webb or Page. After firing the shot Webb turned to the counter, where he handed his pistol to J. L. M. Hill, deputy sheriff, and went out in custody of Hill.

Coroner W. G. Graham caused to be summoned before him by J. H. Finch, deputy sheriff, a coroner's jury, composed of W. Q. Mansfield, B. F. Baldwin, A. A. Jackson, H. Brotherton, A. E. Baird, and W. Gillelen.

Frank Manny, Newton Ball, and Jesse Herndon, eye witnesses to the transaction, were sworn and testified to the facts as above stated.

The jury returned a verdict to the effect that Jay Page came to his death by a shot from a pistol fired in the hands of J. L. Webb.

Jay Page came to this city from El Dorado in January last. He had formerly been in Topeka and cities further east. He was a young man of about thirty years of age, well formed, active, wiry, of good address and prepossessing appearance. He was a professional gambler, and is represented as having been not only skillful as a gambler but unprincipled, daring and reckless, one of the kind who are quick and handy with the pistol and have plenty of nerve to use it.

When Page came to this place he set himself to building a large stone two-story building with brick open front. The building was completed about six weeks ago, and is one of the large, substantial, and showy business houses of the city. It stands on the east side of Main street, the fourth building north of Ninth Avenue. The lower story front room, about 25 by 50 feet, was occupied by Page as a billiard saloon, in which were a pool table and a counter and bar at the back end where liquors were sold by the glass. Back of this was another room where card tables were kept.

The upper story was divided into several rooms, some of which are supposed to have been occupied for gambling purposes. There have been rumors and surmises for several days past that green ones who thought they were smart have been enticed into these rooms, where they lost their money; and now there are many dark hints being thrown out of drugged liquors, cold decks, pistols, roping in, etc., which in the present excitement it is impossible either to verify or refute. We are told that others have attempted to shoot Page, but have been prevented by friends. Page leaves a wife, who is in a delicate situation, approaching confinement, and the effect of this blow may prove especially serious to her.

L. J. Webb is a young man about thirty years old, a bright lawyer, having a large practice and many friends. He had, a few years ago, habits of drinking and gambling amounting to almost an uncontrollable passion. Within the last three years he has made efforts to reform, joining the church and the temperance society, and has abstained from these vices so far that he regained the confidence of the people; was in 1876 elected to the State Legislature, and has received from our citizens other marks of esteem and confidence.

Since the Jay Page saloon has been opened, it seems that by some means he has been lured from his good resolutions and habits into drinking in this saloon and into gambling again, and has been taking opium to steady his nerves. It is said that he was in one of the rooms of that building all the night previous, where Page got away with his money by unfair dealing, and silenced him by a show of two pistols; that Webb left in a half demented condition; and under the influence of whiskey, drugs, and frenzy, has perpetrated the homicide as above stated.

Webb has a wife and two children, to whom this tragedy will be the most terrible catastrophe.

The funeral of Page took place from the M. E. church Sunday, June 2nd.

Webb was held over in jail to Monday for his preliminary examination. On Monday he was very low and weak; too ill to be moved, and his examination was postponed until his condition will permit of it. Dr. Davis, who is attending him, expresses the opinion that his mind was in a shattered condition.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

Small Pox at Kaw Agency.
We have three cases of small pox here at the agency, viz: Miss Thompson, of Emporia; Mrs. Gilbert, and Miss Hunt, daughter of the Superintendent of the school. Miss Thompson was the first case. She was ill three or four days before it was decided that she had the small pox. Dr. Hunt made this decision on Friday the 17th ult., and the school was closed on the following Monday. The teacher and cook, with two sons of the doctor, established themselves in a small cabin on Beaver Creek, while the Superintendent of school, Martin, and Laundress took refuge in the mill. It is pretty certain that the disease will spread among the Indians, as a number of them have already been exposed to this much dreaded scourge.

Very Respectfully, URIAH SPRAY.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

Challenge for a Race.
WICHITA, June 10, 1878.
Friend Scott:

I wish to state through the columns of your paper that I will match my horse against the horse known as the Howard colt, to run four hundred and forty or five hundred yards; two hundred dollars a side. Will deposit fifty dollars in Cowley County Bank as a forfeit. To run in four weeks at Arkansas City. Yours, J. C. BEACH.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

Small Pox.
We find a necessity in putting again in type the above ominous heading, growing out of rumors circulated by some large bearded, red-headed man, who seems to have an "annual" between Florence and Newton, and uses it on each train for the purpose of scaring travel away from Wichita, by the most fiendish lies that could be doled from mortal lips. A party who arrived here from Illinois, last Sunday, say that this sanguine complected emissary went to each passenger cautioning them against going to Wichita, stating that we had 180 cases of small pox, nine deaths that morning, not enough live, well ones, to care for the dead, etc.

Whether the railroad company are aware of this or not, it is a fact, and one that will injure the road in every direction, because if this rumor were to be believed, it is well known that the whole line of that road would be speedily and similarly effected, by the natural transit of people.

The facts as communicated to the city council by the Health Committee, are these. We have had twenty-one cases of small pox all traceable to the car of the A., T. & S. F. R. R. that brought to us a Bohemian family from Kansas City. The same car carried the small pox to Newton, Hutchinson, and Dodge City, leaving it also at Topeka and other points on that road. The number of deaths have been four, all of which resulted in using ice water or other cold drinks during the prevailing of the first fever and before the nature of the disease was known.

All the rest have recovered and no new cases reported since Sunday the 26th of May.

Every precaution has been used and our city is in as good, sanitary condition as any place upon the globe, and there is a great deal less real cause for alarm here than at any other point along the A., T. & S. F. These are the facts, indisputable, self-sustaining.

The cases reported from the country, that Mrs. Post, H. L. Taylor, and the lady who suffered the loss of her children in Butler County, are attributed to the same car, they having come in on that train. The railroad employees on the train knew there was a case of small pox in the car, as the brakeman warned one of our policemen when the train arrived not to go in a certain car.

The question now being discussed with our city government is whether or not the railroad company can be made to pay all the damages resulting from such criminal carelessness. Attorneys here say they can, and if so, the strong probability is that they will.

Wichita Beacon.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

E. W. WILSON, a man representing himself as an agent for an Emporia nursery, stopped in Rock Township last winter with John H. Willard and others, got hogs, property, and other things, and was to pay for them in fruit trees. The farmers got the holes dug to put out their trees, but he skipped out with Willard's doe-skin pants on. Courier.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

The Senate confirmed the following nominations.

Indian Agents:

John Howe, of Montana, Western Shoshone Agency, Nevada.

Widman L. Lincoln, of Wisconsin, Gros Ventres Agency, Montana.

Oliver Ward, of Ohio, Pinnaill Agency, Washington Territory.

William H. Whiteman, of Kansas, Ponca Agency, Indian Territory.

John Potter, of Iowa, San Carlos Agency, Arizona.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

List of Advertising Business Houses of Arkansas City
and Winfield.
Houghton & McLaughlin, Dry Goods, etc.

James Wilson, Dry Goods, etc.

M. S. Faris, Dry Goods, etc.

Boyer & Wallis, Winfield, Clothing.

Schiffbauer Brothers, Groceries, Queensware.

Hermann Godehard, Groceries, Queensware.

Hoyt & Speers, Groceries, Queensware.

Houghton & Mantor, Groceries and Clothing.

E. D. Eddy, Drugs, Oils, Medicines.

J. A. Loomis, Drugs, Oils, Medicines.

L. H. Gardner, Drugs, Oils, Medicines.

Peter Pearson, Furniture, Picture Frames.

Benedict & Brother, Hardware, Machines.

Schiffbauer Bros. & Co., Hardware, Machines.

C. R. Sipes, Stoves and Tinware.

Finney, Stanton & Hopkins, Livery.

W. H. Walker, Livery.

Harter & Hill, Winfield, Livery.

Albert Horn, Boots and Shoes.

A. A. Newman, Water Mills, Flour and feed.

Grimes & Woolyard, Steam Flour and Saw Mill.

E. Birnbaum, Winfield, Cigar Manufacturer.

T. A. Wilkinson, Winfield, Lumber Dealer.

Cowley County Bank: W. M. Sleeth, President; H. P. Farrar, Cashier.

Citizens's Bank, Winfield: J. C. McMullen, Pres.

F. N. Earl, Blacksmith and wagon maker.

Sifford & Hutchins, Blacksmith and wagon maker.

Kendall Smith, Blacksmith and wagon maker.

Sheppard & Reed, Physicians.

Dr. J. H. Grifffith, Physician.

Dr. A. Trim, Physician.

John A. Alexander, Physician.

Mrs. D. B. Hartsock, Millinery Goods.

Mrs. E. Watson, Millinery, dress making.

J. D. Pryor, Winfield, Loan Agent.

Curns & Manser, Winfield, Loan Agent.

A. J. Mosley, Winfield, Loan Agent.

Huey & Mitchell, Loan Agents.

J. A. Loomis, Loan Agent.

C. R. Mitchell, Attorney and Counselor.

James Christian, Attorney and Counselor.

Amos Walton, Attorney and Counselor.

Central Avenue, Newton Cox, Proprietor.

Arkansas City House, Williams & Maricle, Proprietors.

Williams House, Winfield.

Central House, Winfield.

Tremont House, Wichita.

Richey House, Wichita.

Valley House, Wellington.

James Ridenour, Jeweler and Engraver.

E. E. Bacon, Winfield, Jeweler and Engraver.

L. H. Hope, Winfield, Jeweler and Engraver.

William Wolfe, Builder and Contractor.

W. W. Alexander, Builder and Contractor.

Will. J. Peed, Saddles and Harness.

I. H. Bonsall, Photographer.

George D. Allen, Painter and Glazier.

A. C. Wells, Plasterer and Bricklayer.

John A. Alexander, Dentist.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

HOUGHTON and McLAUGHLIN's cheap table always offers bargains.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

GEO. ALLEN has a fine double barreled shot gun, No. 9, London fine twist, for sale, or will trade for a smaller one.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

$8.50 and $10.00.
A new lot of Blue Flannel suits at the above figures. $10.00 cash will buy the best, and all other clothing in proportion at Houghton & McLaughlin's.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

At a less rate of interest and commission than ever before offered in Cowley County. Call at my office, Manning's Block, first door to the right, up stairs, Winfield, Kas.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

Want it understood that Winfield, or any one else in the valley, can't undersell them in Groceries, Queensware, etc., and when you want correct prices in their line of goods, call on them, for you can rely on what they tell you. They are selling A No. 1 Rio Coffee at 5 lbs. for the dollar; and you can be assured that the goods are just as represented, and not old and stale, as they buy from first hands and new goods.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

YOU can get that good Rio Coffee at 20 cents per lb. at Schiffbauer Bros.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

LOST. A silver watch between Arkansas City and Buzzi's farm, last Saturday. The finder will be paid for his trouble by leaving the same at this office.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

Groceries at Bed Rock Prices.
Wishing to reduce our large stock of Groceries, Queensware, etc., we will, for the next 25 days, sell regardless of cost, in order to reduce our stock before moving into our new store room. Respectfully yours, SCHIFFBAUER BROS.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

FOR RENT. I have 700 acres of land to rent this season, for money or share rent. Call at my place 6-1/2 miles southwest of Arkansas City. DAVID MARICLE.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

Pleasant shower Sunday evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

Wild plums are ripe on the Arkansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

The raging Rackensack is rising from the melting mountain snows.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

The boys from Lowell, Massachusetts, have taken a claim near Maple City, and will soon buy their cattle.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

A conclave of the Grand Knights of Honor is held at El Dorado today. S. P. Channell represents the order of this place.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

We don't propose to have any fooling around our office. We keep a man whose mind is shattered, and is not responsible for his actions.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

L. J. WEBB had his preliminary trial before Esquire Boyer last week, and was bound over to appear at the next term of the district court, in the sum of $ . He is now in jail.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

DR. SHEPARD returned from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, after an absence of nearly three weeks. He was one of the delegates of the Presbyterian church to the General Assembly held at that place.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

MR. MOSLEY, one of the wide awake real estate men of Winfield, made us a call last week, subscribed for the TRAVELER, and left us his card. He has a good understanding of Cowley County.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

MR. and MRS. A. W. BERKEY, of Winfield, spent the Sabbath with the old folks and returned on Monday morning. Miss Linda Christian went home with them to spend a few days at the capital.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

MR. KNIGHT, a graduate of Ann Arbor, Michigan, intends purchasing a farm near by and will eventually open a law office at this place. He comes well recommended, and has the appearance of a gentleman who understands himself.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

T. E. BERRY, trader at Pawnee Agency, was in town last Monday looking after the interests of the late firm of Berry Bros. He reports times at the Agency as pretty dull, caused by the lack of the filthy amongst Sammy's wards.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

DR. HUNT, of Kaw Agency, reports two very severe cases of small pox at that place, one of which (the daughter of Superintendent Hunt) he thinks will prove fatal. Mrs. Gilbert's case is more favorable, though the crisis had not passed at that writing.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

RUDOLPH HOFFMASTER cut and bound, with a Marsh harvester, fifty bundles of wheat in three minutes, last Sunday. Many machines were cutting on the "first day," but it was owing to the fact that harvest comes and goes very quick in Southern


Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

ESQUIRE BONSALL had blackberries ripe on the 7th day of June. New potatoes have been in market for a month, cherries are almost gone, and the strawberry season was over before our friends in adjoining States had any. All on account of the soil, you know.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

AL. MOWRY had a lively runaway last week with a mule team attached to a Marsh harvester. The trouble began from a thistle getting under the mule's tail, and the animal tried to run away from it, throwing Al. from the seat and doing considerable damage to the machine.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

C. M. SCOTT, instead of going with the editorial excursion to Put-in-Bay, takes a horseback ride of 250 miles to Texas. He is in the Texas pony business. Courier.

You'd think we were in the pony business if you could see us round up fifty head of horses, or hear the amount of pony talk going on about the office.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

J. I. MITCHELL and others will go to Arkansas to buy cattle before long. Jim thinks there is more money in raising cattle than in selling harness, and proposes to satisfy himself on the matter. He will find he can make fifty percent more on growing stock than he can in any mercantile trade, with no more chances of loss.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

The saloon of Patterson & Dolby was moved to the new quarters prepared for it, two doors south of where it was, and has been fitted up with chromos of bright colors, and many things of attraction. It is the only place in town where ice can be had, which accounts for the number of blue ribbons going in for a drink of ice water.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

ANOTHER PAPER, the Cedar Vale Times, has been started at Cedar Vale by P. H. Albright, and looks as though it would live from the patronage it receives from the businessmen. The paper is worthy of support. Now let us say to the good people of Cedar Vale, you have a good paper, and a good man to manage it. Now if you do your part, you will always have it. Hand in all the items of interest you can hear of; advertise everything you want to sell, and pay your subscriptions in advance.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

GEN. McNEIL fed the starving Poncas seven days' rations last week, and has been devoting his time since to looking after their interests. A warehouse will be erected on their new reservation and provisions issued regularly. He has had a friendly talk with them, and they are better satisfied than they have been for some time, although they seem disposed not to be satisfied with anything. The party that went to Cheyenne Agency have returned with ponies, and they are not so anxious to sell as they were before they were fed.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

The delay of the paper last week was from the careless handling of a package of paper we had shipped by express that was thrown off at Winfield, and permitted to be taken away. We made every effort to get it, at considerable cost, but failed after a night's ride and breaking a buggy to pieces. After we had given up the idea of getting it in time for that week, Sid, Majors, the gentlemanly landlord and accommodating friend of everyone, brought it down to us in his private carriage. In the meantime we had printed about four hundred copies of the paper on some old paper we had, which we have to lose. Besides the disappointment to our patrons, it was an expense of nearly $50 to us, all owing to the carelessness of someone of the company. At this time, too, our regular carrier was taken sick, and the town papers had to be delivered by one of our old carriers and a number were missed that should have been supplied. We hope a repetition of the same neglect won't occur again.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

An Indian snatched a "quirt," or Texas riding whip, from Jim Henderson's hand one day last week and handed him twenty-five cents. Jim took the money, well enough satisfied with the exchange, and bought a better whip. Soon after, the Indian saw the new quirt and grabbed it, handing back the old whip, but Jim refused to take it, and tried to get the other. A scuffle took place, and Jim took out his knife to make the Indian let go of the whip, threatening to cut his hand, whereupon the Indian drew a large butcher knife and made desperate threats; but Jim got both whips and gave him back his money. Strong threats were made on both sidesthe Indian declaring that if he caught Henderson in the Territory, he'd cut his head off; but while he may catch Jim there most any day, he won't catch him without some trouble, and the matter may end as many similar border affairs havein someone's dying without saying his prayers. The Indian was of the Ponca tribe.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.


S. P. CHANNELL, we would respectfully call the attention of our friends to the fact that they can buy Farming Implements, Hardware, etc., at the old stand, and can do fully as well as at Winfield or any other town south of Wichita. Those wishing Grain Drills and Plows for this fall's work can do as well by buying of us as of anybody. We will handle this fall the celebrated Sucker State Grain Drill, and we will warrant it to give perfect satisfaction in every respect. Respectfully, SCHIFFBAUER BROS. & CO.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

Forty Young Visitors.
The liveliest and jolliest crowd of young folks that we have seen for some time drove into this place last Friday evening and took supper at the Central Avenue Hotel. There were twenty couples of fair women and brave men, all in the best of spirits, and as chuck full of fun as they could be. The party had held a picnic several miles out from Winfield, and concluded the day by making a drive to this place. We were called on by severalsomething like fortyand extended what hospitalities we had on hand, afterwards escorting the parties through the streets to prevent them from being lost on the many avenues. If time had permitted, Captain Walton would have tendered them an excursion down to the island, but the hour was too late.

It was a sight worth seeing to see the fair young ladies, as charming as angels, their faces ruddy with the glow of blooming youth. We have seen the Southern blondes, the Baltimore princesses, the Green Mountain girls, and the pride of the West; but these Cowley County damsels excel in beauty, affability, exquisiteness, and all those things that make woman the noblest work of God. Among the party were:

Misses Kate Millington, Jessie Millington, Minnie H. Finney, Nora Coldwell, Mattie Coldwell, Frances E. Wallace, Emma Saint, Carrie Olds, Jennie Hans, Tinnie H. Finney, Sarah E. Aldrich, Kate E. Holloway, Lizzie Kinne, May A. Hudson, E. Green, D. Emerson.

Messrs. Suss, J. N. Harter, George W. Robinson, W. C. Root, M. B. Wallis, William Hudson, W. J. Wilson, Burt Crapster, C. C. Harris, W. C. Robinson, M. Gillelan, J. N. Holloway, E. H. Bliss, C. Emerson, O. M. Seward, A. D. Speed, and of course, Frank Baldwin and Ed. Clisbee. There were others whom we have at this writing forgotten. We hope to see them all again on a similar errand, only let us know in time so that we can receive you into our arms and good gracesthe gentlemen, we mean, for the ladies may object.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.

EDITOR TRAVELER: Seeing a small item of abuse of me in a little paper printed by a little man at the county seat, as one of your citizens, after due reflection, I thought it best, small as the game is, to say something in reply. It has become a common thing for strutting popinjays who hold a quill and think a common, plain man has no defense, to gather a lot of epithets and slang and fling them in a cowardly manner; and they commit these offenses so often with impunity, that as they strut and foam around among larger men they swell out until, though only inflated with their own gas, they imagine themselves large. When he takes the trouble to strike at me and my business, because I don't want his nasty little sheet, why don't he air that little bit he made over at Tisdale? Why don't he tell how it happened for a year or two that he didn't pay any billnot even wash billsbut was a poacher on every man he could get in debt to? Tell how he sold himself out to the Democrats, then sold himself to the Greenbackers, and then got to be an organ of one of the factionsthe whole way through selling always for what he could get. Now, Mr. Allison, I leave you to puff and swell, and if there should be a combustion, it will bring you into notice through the different papers published in the surrounding countrybut oh, my! What an offensive smell there will be for all time to come on the spot where the explosion takes place. Come again. I am


Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878. Front Page.

In the Senate, on the 6th, during the morning hour Mr. Voorhees spoke in favor of the early consideration of the bill to repeal the specie resumption act and said the Senate might as well look this matter in the face. If it was not going to repeal this act let it say so by its vote. No greater question has ever been before the American Congress. The army appropriation bill was then taken up and amended in various portions. A bill was reported creating a Pacific railroad commission. A commission was provided to be composed of members of the Senate and House military committees and three army officers, to consider the matters in the army bill relating to reorganization and the Indian service.

The Senate on the 7th instructed its secretary to attend the meetings of the House investigation committee, as requested by that committee, and produce such papers in connection with the inquiry as may be in his possession. An amendment was made to the army bill appointing a commission to ascertain the expediency of attaching the Indian bureau to the war department. Pending discussion on striking out the section forbidding the employment of the army as a `posse comitatus,' the Senate adjourned.

The Senate on the 11th adopted many amendments to the river and harbor bill. The amendments of the committee providing for survey of the Saline River, Ark., and the Kansas River from its mouth to Junction City, Kas., were agreed to. Among the bills passed were the Senate bill, to reimburse Kansas for expenses incurred in repelling invasions and suppressing Indian hostilities, the Senate bill to provide for the sale of portions of the Fort Leavenworth military reservation in Kansas, and the Senate bill to provide additional regulations for homestead and pre-emption entries on public lands. It provides for the publication of a notice of intention to enter agricultural lands under the laws named.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878. Front Page.

A Boise City dispatch says that five men scouting upon the Burman valley, found all the settlers gathered at Robinson's ranch and fortified. The valley was raided by the Indians, who took away all the stock. On Sunday the settlers saw the Indians, numbering about 200 and driving 600 horses, making all speed up the valley toward the upper waters of the Owyhee River, in the vicinity of Battle mountain. Col. Barnard, with 60 cavalry, is in pursuit.

Information has been received that the Bannocks murdered one white man and two Brule Indians near Big Spring, on the Elko stage road. The bodies of three white men were found a few miles below Gen's ferry, Snake River, two of whom, John Buscom and Robert Ferguson, were of Rock Creek station. Numerous large and small bands of Indians are raiding the country in many sections. The stages continue to run, strongly guarded, but are delayed by loss of stock.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

WASHINGTON, June 11. The bill reimbursing Kansas for military expenses, to the amount of about half a million dollars, passed the Senate this morning. J. J. INGALLS.

This includes the expenses of the State Militia.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

Answers to Inquiries.
Geo. F. Robinson, Jefferson City, Missouri:

Our location is between the Arkansas and Walnut rivers, about two miles above their junction.

Both streams are well timbered at this point, especially the Walnut, one of the finest streams of spring water to be found in the West. The population of Arkansas City is about 700. Cowley County has a population of 15,390. Our prospects for a railroad are good. The Kansas City, Emporia & Southern Railway has graded a part of the distance from Emporia to Eureka, and we have been informed that the money has been secured to build the road to the State line within the coming year. The A., T. & S. F. Company have also determined to extend their road to the line.

The distance to the nearest railway point is 60 miles. Wichita, on the Arkansas, 60 miles, and El Dorado, on the Walnut, 60 miles.

The amount paid for freighting goods by wagon from these points is 40 and 50 cents per 100 pounds.

Independence is about 100 miles distant.

Native lumber is plentiful and sold at $25 and $30 per 1,000 feet. Pine $40 and $60 per 1,000 feet.

Stock raising pays wonderful profits. Properly attended to, a man with $1,000 invested can make himself wealthy in ten years. Horses can be bought from $40 to $75 each. Ponies from $20 to $40. Milch cows, $25. Calves, $3 to $5. Hogs at your own price. Corn, 25 cents per bushel. Flour $2.50 per 100 pounds.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

About the Railroad.
PUEBLO, COLORADO, June 14th, 1878.
C. M. Scott, Esq.:

DEAR SIR: Yours of 20th I received from Topeka. I am not officially advised as to what our people intend doing. I suppose they are straining every nerve to extend their western connections, but have no doubt they will, in time, give you a road. Should I hear anything to your interest I will communicate with you at once. In the meantime I would be glad to hear from you at any time. T. J. ANDERSON, Gen. Agt.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

The Storm on Dutch Creek.
The storm was very destructive on Dutch Creek, north of Winfield. I stood in our door, one mile north of Winfield, and saw three hundred acres of as heavy wheat as growed in this county, go down stream. I lost my entire crop, consisting of 50 acres wheat, 18 acres corn, and other farm produce. I live on the highest point on Mr. J. F. Graham's farm, and the water was six inches deep on the floor. I waded about in water to get our breakfast. Everywhere it was one sea of water for at least a half mile either way from us. I saw our portable chicken coop ladened on top with old hens and little chickens, raise out of our yard and float proudly down stream. At daylight I found the hogs hanging with their feet in the cracks of the pen yet alive. I waded waist deep and liberated them and drove them swimming to the house yard, but in a few minutes the flood was there; they remained until they could not touch bottom, then went down stream. Some I found since and some I have not. Several families are destined to suffer in this neighborhood. They are renters and their whole year's work is gone, and as a common thing there will be but little notice taken of them. It will be the rich land holders loss that will be noticed. M. W. PHILLIPS.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

M. G. Troup, County Clerk, furnishes the returns as follows.

The population of the county is 15,390an increase of 3,663 since 1876. Winfield has a population of 2,542.

The county has 132,653 acres of improved land, of which area 61,987 are in winter wheat, 48,824 in corn, 8,108 in oats, and 928 in Irish potatoes. There were 266,140 bushels of old corn on hand, March 1st. The county has 5,160 head of horses, 1,027 mules, 4,060 milch cows, 7,905 other cattle, 7,035 sheep, and 27,290 head of swine.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

PLEASANT VALLEY, June 17, 1878.
Our township and others having been visited by a very severe rain and wind storm on the night of the 12th inst., I take this opportunity to jot the facts as reported to me.

The storm commenced on Tuesday night about midnight, and continued until 5 o'clock Wednesday morning. The damages to crops cannot be definitely estimated in quantity or quality.

D. W. Frew's house, which was situated on Beaver Creek, Beaver Township, was washed from its foundation and crushed to pieces by the rolling waters and terrific wind which struck his house at five minutes past four Wednesday morning. It is supposed that the passage of the water in Beaver was blockaded by drifting sheaf-wheat, about 1/4 mile above Mr. Frew's house until it had a head pressure of 10 or 12, then broke loose and struck the house with unresistable force. The inmates of the house were Mr. Frew, Mrs. Frew, and their two children, aged respectively two years and a half, and three months old. Mr. and Mrs. Frew escaped drowning but lost both children. It is a remarkable feat that any of them escaped the doom of a watery grave, as none of them could swim. The house was forced across the creek when first struck by the rushing torrent, then it paused for a moment in a corn field when it was completely upset and blown to pieces by a fierce blast of wind from the north. It was at this instant that they lost the children, Mrs. Frew having the younger child torn from her embrace by a piece of falling timber. Mr. Frew dropped and lost in the darkness the older child while he was climbing upon the floor, which was "up-side-down." Mr. Frew, after some length of time, heard Mrs. Frew at the corner of the floor and pulled her on with him, and they were drifted across the creek again just opposite Mr. Smalley's house, and were soon rescued by a hired man of Mr. Smalley's. The children were found next day and entombed in the River View Cemetery.

Among the farmers damaged by the flood are Joseph Smalley, whose damage is at least $500. Chas. Smith lost 40 acres of wheat, which was estimated at 25 bushels per acre. Bob Sappenfield, A. C. Holland, Dr. Holland, Joe. Poore, Mr. King, and others lost considerable wheat and corn.

Dr. C. G. Holland's residence on Beaver Creek stood in water five feet deep. It was owing to the Doctor's presence of mind in securing the friendship of a twelve hundred pound horse, which he lured into the house to anchor it down. It is also reported that he took in one milch cow for the same purpose.

Mr. Will Jeffrey's house was unroofed and the logs of the upper story blown off. Mr. L. Walton had a log house blown down.

The Sabbath school at the Holland schoolhouse is progressing finely under the Superintendency of I. D. Hon.

Harvest is nearly over, and some wheat in the stack.

Mr. C. J. Brane boasts of having the first ripe peaches of the season. They are of the Amsden June variety.

It is reported that the vigilantes committee succeeded in ousting Mr. N. Hostetler. I think the report is unfounded, especially the cause for the action of the vigilanters. More anon.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

WICHITA, KAS., June 7th, 1878.
While wandering through Cowley a short time since, took in Arkansas City as a matter of course, and I must say that I had no cause to regret the time spent in looking over your beautiful city. I found quite a different class of men from the other towns in the county. While the citizens of Cowley are fully up to the average, I look upon the society of Arkansas City as superior to any in Southern Kansas. The courtesy extended to the stranger by all indicates breeding and education. Your school building would be a credit to a much larger city. The neat looking homes with their well cared for yards, indicate real New England thrift and comfort, while the immense fields of grain surrounding show western pluck and enterprise.

I found a few of the old standby's that I knew years ago: Bob. Mitchell, Channell, Newman, B. B. Swarts, Houghton, and Walker. I missed our old friend Chamberlain; saw many new faces, but found all alike courteous and gentlemanly; quite a contrast with some other communities that I could name when the first questions are: "What's he worth?" "Can we use him?" The only stain I noticed was a licensed dram shop. What the good people of your city could be thinking about to permit such a disgrace, I cannot conceive. Financially its the worst possible thing for you. Property is bound to depreciate, many of the class of people that you would be glad to welcome as citizens will make that an insurmountable objection, while the class that you don't want will increase.

I think the moral vein of the matter may be safely left in the hands of the clergy of your city, Messrs. Fleming and Hunt, as I believe them to be sound both in doctrine and practice, and will deliver to saint and sinner his portion in due season. I met many pleasant gentlemen during my short stay with you, and shall not soon forget your beautiful town and the country around it.Yours, etc. RAMBLER.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

Absolutely Untrue.
The A., T. & S. F. Railroad Co. have made a proposition to extend their Walnut Valley branch to Augusta for $23,000 in bonds. The bonds will be forthcoming. Clay City Dispatch.

The statement set forth in the above is absolutely untrue. We have been shown a letter from the Headquarters of the Santa Fe Company, dated Boston, June 1st, 1878, in which the responsible gentlemen in control of that railroad say positively that no such proposition has been made and that the El Dorado branch will not be extended for the present, nor have any arrangements been made for its extension in any direction. Eldorado Times.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

ALL PERSONS indebted to me by back account must call in and settle by the first of July, for I mean business. DANIEL SIFFORD.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

STRAYED. One roan Texas mare with shoes on pasterns, branded H T C, and one bay Texas mare branded H T C. The stock strayed from my pasture June 11. Any information of them will be thankfully received. C. M. SCOTT.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

No small pox here.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

MAYOR BENEDICT is at Lawrence on business.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

DR. GRIFFITH's office is now in the front room of the City Hotel.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

THOS. HENDERSON brought in a fawn from the Territory last week that he caught in the road.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

COL. BENNETT remained with us on Sunday.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

DIED, on Monday, June 17th, a child of Mr. and Mrs. Tylor Lancaster.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

The ferry across the Arkansas is in good running order again, and ready for business.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

The band at the Athletic Grocery disburse music not to be excelled in any town on the border.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

E. G. KAGER is dangerously ill at Lake City, Colorado. The physicians pronounce his disease is dropsy.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

MAJOR SLEETH returned this week from Cambridge, Ohio, where he has been for several weeks past.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

A pretty little wolf was caught on the town site last Monday. It can be seen at the house just north of Mr. Davis.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

MARRIED. HON. L. B. KELLOGG was married at Emporia last week to a daughter of Rev. Mitchell. The TRAVELER extends its congratulations.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

The pine lumber and iron for the Arkansas River bridge will be at Wichita this week, and work will be resumed as soon as it can be got here.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

LIGHTNING struck L. C. Norton's header last Wednesday and upset things generally. It was standing in the field during the storm with no one near.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

The Courier says Benj. J. Cox counted one hundred and twenty-six machines at work harvesting within sight of the road as he came down from Wichita the other day.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

ANOTHER heavy rain fell on last Saturday. For an hour or more water ran in the streets as though it were a river, but no mud showed itself afterwards on our sandy knoll.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

The Arkansas, Salt Fork, and all the streams in the Territory are full to the banks in consequence of the recent rains, and several freighters are "water bound" in the Indian Nation.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

O. P. HOUGHTON received word from his wife in Sumner, Maine, this week, that their youngest daughter, Cora, was down with small pox, contracted on the train while traveling East.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

MR. WM. KAY, of East Bolton, brought us a sample of peaches from his orchard on June 12th, being the first of the season. They were of a good size, fully matured, and as luscious as any we have ever had the luck to take in.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

REV. FLEMING expects to to to Pennsylvania about July 1st. He has been granted one year's vacation, and Rev. McClung has come on to take his place. Mr. Fleming will be missed by all. In fact, it will be hard to get along without him.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

NOTHING has been done as yet looking towards a celebration of the approaching Fourth of July. It is now almost too late to make the necessary preparation unless someone will volunteer in the matter and solicit others to become interested.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

The Presbyterian church having been recently re-painted and refitted, there will be a re-dedication service next Saturday morning, at half past ten o'clock. The public are very cordially invited to be present. An interesting programme may be expected.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

MESSRS. SCHIFFBAUER BROS. have received the contract for building a commissary for the Ponca Indian supplies, to be located at Dean's ranch, on Salt Fork. Dimensions, 70 x 24 feet, one story. Frank Schiffbauer started to Wichita with 12 teams, on Monday last, to purchase and bring down the lumber necessary to fill their contract.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

The Cedar Vale Times tells of a woman being bit by a young rattle snake, and after the limb had swollen fearfully cured herself by the application of olive oil, after the fashion of Apostles in olden times. She belonged to what is known as the Free Methodist denomination and believed in faith and prayer. The matter has caused considerable discussion among religious circles.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

Our friends in the country cannot be too careful of themselves when Indians are around now. Discard all philanthropic feelings, and shut the door on them. You may thereby lose an opportunity of entertaining an angel unawares, but if that angel has just been exposed to the small pox, you had better decline with thanks, remembering that an Indian goeth where he listeth, and ye know not from whence he cometh.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

MARRIED. We acknowledge the receipt of a neatly printed invitation to the wedding of Miss Lillie M. Collins and Mr. R. M. Wood, both of Leavenworth, Kansas. We should take great pride in being in attendance, but other engagements will claim our attention in another direction.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

MR. D. R. INGRAM, a member of the U. P. Board of Publication, of Pittsburgh, Pa., made us a pleasant call last Monday. Mr. Ingram is here to look at the country, its prospects, etc., at the instance of his old friend, C. Schiffbauer, and expresses himself as delighted with the beautiful panorama he beheld in Southern Kansas, and the Walnut and Arkansas Valleys in particular, and if our prospects brighten, we have no doubt that Mr. Ingram will settle permanently amongst us.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

The deputy sheriff of Sedgwick County and one of the city marshals of Wichita were here Thursday evening in search of a rather tall man of about thirty years of age, wearing a broad rimmed white hat, and riding a large sorrel mare, about eight years old, with white strip in the face. The thief was seen by Mr. Moore on Wednesday evening near Rev. Swarts' farm, going toward the Walnut. A number of persons searched along the river, but owing to the high stage of the water, no trace of him could be found.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

All lovers of the luscious blackberry will be pleased to hear that the ladies of the Presbyterian Society intend to give one of their old-time, genuine festivals, to which all having a predilection for good things in general and blackberries in particular are cordially invited. The above is to be held at the Central Avenue Hotel, next Tuesday evening, June 25th, A. D. 1878, and all wishing a good social time and unlimited blackberries will do well to attend. Price no object.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

GENERAL McNEIL is still devoting his time to the hungry Ponca Indians. He will con- tract for the erection of a commissary building 24 feet wide, 70 feet long, and 12 feet high, to be erected on the Ponca reserve near Dean's ranch, about thirty miles south of this place, where about three hundred of the tribe are now located on a 35,000 acre reserve. Beef, sugar, and coffee are issued to them in amounts of about $100 per week. The Dean boys furnish the beef, and Schiffbauer Bros., the groceries. They have contracted to furnish them 10,000 pounds of flour, 1,000 pounds of coffee, and 2,000 pounds of sugar.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

A Grand Union Sunday School Picnic.
A general invitation is extended to the Sunday schools in this vicinity and surrounding country to unite in holding a basket picnic in Sleeth's woods, on July 4th. The committee on general arrangements appointed the following committees, who are requested to enter at once upon their respective duties.

Committee on preparing and arranging grounds.

J. M. Maxwell, Mr. Hunter, Frank Hutchinson, L. C. Norton, H. Carder, C. M. Swarts, Sam Endicott, Will Gray, Jerry Adams, and C. Hollaway.

Committee on Programme.

Wm. Sleeth, Miss Clara Finley, Miss Ella Grimes, Miss Eva Swarts, Mrs. Wm. Wilson, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. L. McLaughlin, Cal. Swarts, R. J. Maxwell, and W. L. Mowry.

Committee on furnishing swings, croquet sets, boats, etc.

W. J. Peed, Will Alexander, Charles M. Swarts, J. C. Topliff, Mr. Knight, William Parker, R. Turner, James Pierce, Frank Schiffbauer, Edmund G. Gray, Frank Speer, E. D. Eddy, and I. H. Bonsall.

Committee on conveyance.

L. Finley, L. C. Norton, Dave Finney, J. W. Hutchinson, Rev. Swarts, Wm. Wilson, S. B. Adams, P. F. Endicott, and Mr. Kirkpatrick.

Committee on programme are requested to meet at the M. E. Church on Friday evening at 8 o'clock, to arrange programme for the day.

Committee on preparing grounds will meet on the grounds Wednesday afternoon, June 26th, at 2 o'clock, p.m.

The invitation to the picnic includes any and all who may desire to join in having a general good time. Remember well filled baskets are appreciated. The programme will be published next week in full.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

Small Pox at Kaw Agency.
Mr. Spray, of Kaw Agency, was in town last Saturday, and from him we learn that the parties who were afflicted with the above disease have nearly recovered, but that four Indians were unexpectedly exposed to it last week. Every precaution had been taken to keep the Indians away from the house where the sick persons were, and not one had been exposed until one day last week, when two young fellows walked up to a pile of clothes just thrown upon the porch. It was the intention to bury the clothing, and one of the nurses was going out to gather them up, but the Indians got there first, and were turning them over, probably in search of something they could use. Two others walked into the sick room before they were noticed, though the entire tribe had been repeatedly warned against approaching the house. The parties in authority have done everything in their power to prevent such an unfortunate occurrence, and very much regret that it happened. While we hope for better news, we cannot ignore the fact that, if this loathsome disease breaks out among the Indians, the consequences will be alarming, for it is utterly impossible to keep them upon their reservation. The plague may spread among the Kaws, Osages, Poncas, and Pawnees, and members of these tribes frequent the border towns of this State for a distance of one hundred and fifty miles.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.

Last Tuesday and Wednesday a very heavy rain fell, swelling the streams to an impassable extent, and carrying off saw logs, wood, wheat, and growing corn along their banks. The abutment of the bridge across the Walnut, south of Winfield, is said to be so badly washed that the bridge will fall, and water surrounded the approach of the bridge at Newman's mill for more than a day. Mr. Bell, the owner of some sheep, near Park's schoolhouse, was drowned in Badger Creek while attempting to cross, and the house of Mr. Frew, on Beaver Creek, was washed away and two children drowned, while he was making every effort to save his wife. Dr. Holland's house was surrounded by water, and the occupants compelled to remain in it twenty-four hours before they were rescued. The Arkansas River rose four feet above the bridge pilings at this place, and carried hundreds of bushels of wheat, in the shock, down the stream. From all parts of the county we learn of its destruction to men, beasts, and the grain in the fields. In Pleasant Valley Township a horse belonging to Mr. Lucas was struck dead by lightning, and hundreds of hogs, young chickens, and ducks drowned. The damage to the county will be severely felt.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878. Front Page.

As near as can be ascertained there are 400 Bannock Indians on the war path. With those who have left Salt Lake and Fort Russell, 1,500 soldiers are on their track. It is the intention of the War Department to make the war short and decisive.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

A San Francisco dispatch of Monday says: Some of the military officers here have recently interviewed the TambiaIndian, now under sentence of death for the murder of Alex. Rhodes. Tambia says the Bannocks are led by Buffalo Horn and two other Indians, and states that their plan was to rendezvous at Juniper Mountain, and at the Sheep ranch, get the Pintos to join them, and then proceed northward to the Solomon River. Tambia has been in confinement for several months, but his story is corroborated by other information, and proves that the outbreak has long been contemplated.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

An Austin, Nevada, dispatch says: A rumor is current in town that the Shoshones have left the Smoky valley in a body and gone North, headed for Beowawe, on the Central Pacific railroad. It is supposed they are on their way to join the hostile Bannocks. These Indians have always been well treated by the whites, and cannot have any grievances against the white people. They must, in their route north, cross the line of the Central Pacific railroad somewhere between Battle mountain and Palisade. A large number of Shoshones, from Eureka and the valleys, here ostensibly in attendance on the Fandango, endeavored to purchase powder and lead in large quantities, but were refused by the storekeepers, who in some instances were warned by the officers against selling ammunition to the Indians. These Indians have now nearly all left, going in various directions. The Pintes are quiet, but are very inquisitive about war, which they profess to deplore.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

Indians in Oregon.
The President has received a telegram sent by the Governor of Oregon, relating that the Indians were committing hostilities on the eastern border of that State, that the settlers are unprovided with arms and ammunition, for the purpose of their protection, and asking the government to furnish them with supplies. The request will be granted.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

DURING our absence the paper will be left in charge of E. G. Gray, assisted by Mr. Standley and the boys of the office. We think we can guarantee satisfaction, as the boys have always done their best on similar occasions. All bills due the office can be paid to them and any work in job work or advertising will be promptly attended to.

[Note: Skipped two items about water vs. railroads for transportation and can the Arkansas be made navigable.]


Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

LEADVILLE, COLORADO, June 14th, 1878.
Thinking a letter from this part of the country would interest my many friends, and as it is raining, I take this opportunity of writing a few words.

As the mineral wealth of this country is what I desire to show up and expose, I intend to hew to the line, let the chips fall where they may, and tell the truth, let it hurt who it may.

On the 3rd of June we left Mosquito Gulch with five millions worth of idle machinery for the theatre of excitement, the great city of Leadville, in search of the mineral wealth of this State, the greatest humbug in the world.

Leadville has doubled itself in size in the last six weeks and trebled herself in population. There are five sawmills, two smelters, and one rampling [?] works run day and night, besides a large hydraulic with two wash pipes. One might wonder what is all this machinery here for, in this land of snow and mountains? Let him who asks this question come here in one year hence and see. For may we not compare this camp with other sister camps which were once rich? `Tis true this little spot is very rich, but then it is only a small spot. Only one mile and a half from the Stephens & Leiter mine, the rich eat in this camp, is situated the famous Printer Boy gold mine, which was once thought to be the richest in the world. Here, in 1869, out of seven wheel barrows of dirt, was taken $5,000 in pure gold, but today you cannot take five cents out of five thousand wheel-barrows of dirt. And this is not all, for just on the north side of the same range from where the excitement now is, are to be found the Orphan Boy, Moose, and Dolly Varden, all famous for their once richness. The last named closed in just a few days ago, although a large force of men are at work now trying to find the vein again. And now in the face of all this, can you expect the miners at Leadville to hold out for any length of time when they are all flat beds or deposits? Not a true fissure vein has yet been found. It is now estimated at a low estimate that the Stephens & Leiter lode have in sight the small sum of $3,600,000 worth of ore, but in one month from now they may not have one cent, for mines once as famous when they had millions in sight did not have anything. It is now estimated that there are over 12,000 prospect holes on this one mountain, and five mines cover all that are paying. So you see it is a perfect humbug.

Everything is excitement, and the papers are crowded with great discoveries where there is never one made. Men flock hither and spend every cent in getting here, only to find thou sands of idle men who can't get to work for their board and have to beg their way out of the country as best they can.

And I am forced to say to my many friends, again, in and around Arkansas City, that "all that glitters is not gold," and so long as you can make a living in Kansas and have a comfortable home, stay where you are, for there are nine hundred and ninety-nine chances against you to one in your favor. Better buck at the worst swindling lottery in the known world than to come here to make your fortune in the mineral wealth of this State, for it is a humbug; a few make while many loose. Thinking I have shown enough of the mineral burglary and excitement, I remain your truly. N. N. WINTIN.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

Jetties, Locks, or a Canal, Which?
Hon. Thos Ryan is not the only man who thinks there is a future for the Great Arkansas River.

President Grant, in one of his messages, called the attention of Congress to the feasibility and immense importance of rendering the stream navigable and to the practicability of utilizing its waters in a great canal that would successfully and cheaply transfer the entire surplus products of the valley to the headwaters of ship navigation on the Mississippi River. The river might be either successfully "jettied" or "locked," but we think there could be no doubt of the success of a canal. Grant was not only a good President and a great General, but a successful civil engineer, and we believe he knew what he was talking about when he told Congress that there was something in the Great Arkansas River besides catfish, sandbars, and water snakes. Eagle.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

Owing to the presence of a large number of spurious Mexican silver dollars through many of the western States, the banks generally are deciding not to take them. It will be well for everyone to adopt a similar course and thus run no risk of loss. The bogus coin so closely resembles the genuine that it can only be detected by close comparison as to its size, which is larger, and the absence of the ring of the genuine. Beacon.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

More rain Monday night.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

The steamer made a trip to Oxford last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

REV. FLEMING preaches his farewell sermon next Sunday evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

MESSRS. SPEERS and WALTON contemplate putting up the ferry west of town again.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

WALNUT and ARKANSAS both full to the banks, last week. Both are now much lower.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

A brother of M. S. Faris, of St. Joe, arrived last week. He looks alike, and has the same initials.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

MR. NORMAN has a two year old horse colt that stands fifteen hands high and weighs 1,100 pounds.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

Barbed wire fencing is being objected to as inflicting many severe wounds upon stock enclosed therein.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

Mr. Roberts, of Iowa, friend of Mr. Cox, the gentlemanly proprietor of the Central Avenue hotel, is visiting this place.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

The editor has hied away for the southern climate, prepared for every emergency except what they had not calculated on.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

THOMAS H. BERRY, the genial trader among the Pawnee braves, came up last Sunday, and spent a couple of days with civilized people.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

The lumber for the Ponca commissary house went down yesterday. Schiffbauer Bros. have the contract, and Parker & Canfield are building it.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

Our cornet band, as re-organized under E. J. Hoyt, is going to Wellington on the Fourth, to give the people of that burg a taste of good music. No band in Southern Kansas can equal our boys.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

"OLD AUNT SALLY is good enough for anybody; Old Aunt Sally is good enough for me," is the tune the farmers will sing when "AUNT SALLY" arrives and makes a cash market for wheat. The boat by that name left Little Rock, Arkansas, last week, and is expected here in ten days.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

At the recent opening of bids for Indian supplies, in New York City, A. A. NEWMAN obtained the contract for 1,000,000 pounds of flour, and R. C. HAYWOOD has the contract for furnishing wheat and corn, to be delivered at the several agencies. This will make a good market for wheat and corn at home.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

The crop of blackberries this year is very abundant and the berries keep well. Peaches will be worth about twenty cents per bushel and apples, probably, seventy-five. Many apples were blown off during recent storms. Grapes, also, promise a good yield, while wheat, oats, and corn will be surprisingly abundant. What a country!

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

We were pleasantly surprised last week by the announcement that Mr. Sam. Endicott and Miss Nellie Wood, formerly of this place, had been united in wedlock. The happy young couple have many friends in this vicinity.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

In endeavoring to stretch the rope clear of the water at the ferry south of town, last Sunday morning, it proved too weak to bear the strain upon it, and parted. Owing to the exposure of the elements, the rope has become nearly rotten, and will soon be worthless. Taking into consideration the chances for disposing of the rope after the company have done with it, a wire cable would have been as cheap, if not cheaper, and given better satisfaction.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

CAMP MEETING. All the advocates of a bible standard of christianity are invited to attend a camp meeting on the farm of P. G. Dillman, on Rock Creek; one-half mile south of the Hard Scrabble schoolhouse, on the Eureka and Winfield road; about eighteen miles northeast of Winfield. Commencing July 10th and continuing one week. All the ministers of the Free Methodist connection in Southern Kansas will be present, if no preventing providence. M. V. PHILLIPS.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

At a special meeting of the members and congregation of the First Presbyterian church, held Tuesday evening, June 18th, 1878.

Resolved, by the members and congregation of the First Presbyterian church, of Arkansas City, Kan., That we grant our dearly beloved pastor, Rev. S. B. Fleming, a leave of absence for one year, or, if needful, two years, in order that he may be restored to health and to return to us again to break to us the Bread of Life.

Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with our beloved pastor and his dear family in this, his physical trial, and most earnestly and sincerely pray that he may speedily be restored to perfect health.

Resolved, That we, the members and congregation of the First Presbyterian Church, of Arkansas City, Kansas, extend an invitation to Rev. Mr. McClung to supply our pulpit for one year. JAMES WILSON, Moderator. JNO. ALEXANDER, Secretary.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

CAPTAIN J. C. LEACH, soliciting stock agent of the L. L. & G. railway, and Mr. Evarts were here yesterday. Of all the many Texas men and stock dealers, Capt. Leach is among the first we would always be glad to meet. We have met him at almost every prominent point in the Territory, in the cities north, in Western Kansas, and most of the ranches. Twice he has been reported dead, and once his capturing and scalping was described in our columns. But he isn't dead. Far from it. Instead of being a cold corpse, he is stirring about offering low rates and every inducement to cattlemen to ship by the way of the L. L. & G. His address is Coffeyville, Kansas, and stock men will find it to their interest to consult him.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

South Bend.
One of the grandest landscapes to be seen in the West, is from a point near Capt. Nipp's house, looking north over the Walnut Valley, appropriately named South Bend. Thousands of acres of grain wave with the wind, while the golden grain now in the stack, looms up like young hills on the level.

South Bend is one of the finest farming regions we ever gazed upon. But grain growing is not the only avocation of its thriving population. On the point spoken of one hundred head of horses can be counted grazing in the fields, while near the river, lying in the shade, a thousand hogs are growing to supply meat for other States.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

The First Presbyterian church was re-dedicated last Sunday morning, and the house, we understand, is to be let no more for political purposes, or meetings of any kind other than religious. The seats being newly varnished, it was somewhat amusing to see the ladies and gentlemen endeavor to free themselves from the backs of the seats, as they were not thoroughly dry. The room has been newly papered and painted, and is very much improved in every way.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

That enterprising and reliable firm, Schiffbauer Bros. & Co., are moving their stock of groceries and queensware across the street to their new quarters, this week, and will soon be settled in the room formerly occupied by S. P. Channell. Talk about a caravan of goods! The amount of lumber, hardware, etc., received by this firm in addition to their supply of groceries, is simply immense. They are determined to control the trade.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

At the race at Caldwell recently, between the "Gray Cow," of that place, and the Wichita horse, the affair ended in a couple of fights and each party withdrawing his money. Simms bluffed the Wichita fellows completely out of a race with his horse.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

REV. McCLUNG, of Sparta, Illinois, will supply Rev. Fleming's pulpit during the latter's absence, and will preach his first sermon on the first Sabbath in July. Ref. Fleming contemplates an absence of one year.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

NEWMAN's mill is grinding again and running on full time. They have been held back by back-water from the Arkansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

CAPT. C. H. STONE, of Caldwell, was in town yesterday. He is on his way to Coffeyville with 600 head of fine Chickasaw beeves; also Mr. L. C. Garlitt with 400 head of choice beeves.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

W. H. SIMMS chose a pony from C. M. Scott's herd, paying $30 for it. He now has it in training and says it can outrun anything of its size in Southern Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

There are two letters tacked up in the post office, held for postage, one to Stevens & Garrignes, Leavenworth, and one to Jas. S. McKintrick, Antrim, Ohio.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.

ST. PAUL, MINN., June 22nd. Gen. Forsythe, of Gen. Sheridan's staff, reports no cause for the Indian alarm in Wisconsin.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878. Front Page.

A Boise City dispatch says parties from Fort Hall, and Lempi, via Wood River and Big Camas prairie, reported having seen two hundred Indians on Wood River, about two hundred miles east of this place, who claim to be friendly and on their way to Fort Hall agency. These Indians stated that James A. Dempsey, a white man who has an Indian wife and has lived many years with the Indians, and who was with the hostiles in the lava beds at the commencement of the outbreak, had been killed by a war party before they left the lava beds on their raiding tour.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

A Silver City dispatch says the advance troops of Gen. Howard attacked the hostile Bannocks on Sunday, forty-five miles from Harney. General Bernard bore the brunt of the engagement. The battle took place at Curry Creek.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

The Pawnee reservation lands, two hundred and seventy-eight thousand acres, will be sold at Central City, Nebraska, July 15th. The lands are appraised at $2.50 per acre and upward.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

The President has appointed Laban J. Miles agent for the Osage Indians.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, July 3, 1878.

Here We Come!
Be Wise Today: `Tis Madness to Defer!
For years our people have talked of navigation on the Arkansas River from Little Rock or Fort Smith to this place. The columns of this paper have been freely used by numerous parties in attempting to prove the practicability of running a line of steamboats on the "raging Arkansas," and in these communications statistics from all over the country have been put forth to convince the people that the saving in the cost of transportation was of such magnitude as to justify the outlay of a good round sum in experimenting. The "shovers of the quill" pictured in glowing colors the immense advantages river navigation would give the town, county, and the whole of Southern Kansasthe entire State, we may say, for that which benefits one portion of the State benefits all, directly or indirectly.

Railroads were desirable, it is true, for the building up of a town, and for carrying away the surplus of farm products; but transportation by water was the "consummation devoutly to be wished," as thereby the farmers would be enabled to sell their produce at a nearer and much better market. It has been clearly proved that where one town prospers through the means of a railroad, half a dozen excel it through the advantages possessed in having a water outlet.

In all the efforts of our people to satisfactorily demonstrate that the Arkansas is a navigable stream for boats of light draught, they have met with most bitter opposition and ridicule at times from the towns remote from the river's banksand even the press from some of the towns have seen fit to hurl lance after lance at the handful of men at the mouth of the Walnut who were struggling for the advancement of the whole country as well as for the good of the city of Arkansas City.

Our citizens have sent representatives to Washington, in order to enlist the sympathies of our Congressional delegates, but until quite recently these Congressmen have displayed a singular apathy in a question of such commercial importance.

They preferred to vote yes on the appropriation bills before that August body, whether it be for draining some man's cow yard in the East, or for building a cordwood landing on the Missouri or Mississippi, but would not try for an appropriation to help the thousands of people who would be benefitted by the improvement of the Arkansas.

One tenth of the useless expenditures on wild cat railroads which have been sanctioned by Congress would put a line of steamers on this river and build all the landings between our city and the mouth of the river. Still those in power remained inactive and apparently disinterested.

Nearly three years ago Messrs. Berkey, now of Salt City, and Wintin built a pine flat boat at this place, loaded it with flour, and started for Little Rock. It was purely a venture, and a private one. Both parties were satisfied that a boat could go down the river with a good load, and they realized that the best way to demonstrate this to the satisfaction of everyone was to make the trip, or trial. It would furthermore serve to draw the attention of the people of Arkansas to the incalculable good to be drawn from the success of those engaged in the work. The boat started in low water, but after the first two or three days little or no trouble was experienced in making the trip.

Well can we remember the Sunday morning when they were advertised to start. The bridge over the Arkansas was crowded with spectators eager to see the first boat from Arkansas City start for the South, and the churches were mainly filled with empty benches.

News from that unassuming flat boat was watched for with as intense interest as though the lives of all on board were in peril. This enterprise was not a success financially, but it was the cause of sending Mr. Samuel Hoyt east the following summerthe Centennial Summerwith instructions to do all in his power to get a boat to come up to this point. Mr. Hoyt went to Ohio, where he purchased a light draught steamboat, and engaged a captain and crew to make the trip.

They steamed down the Ohio and into the Mississippi, the father of rivers, and thence down to the mouth of the Arkansas. Here they experienced considerable trouble with high water, as the engine was not powerful enough to work against the strong current of the Arkansas, but after a delay of several weeks they got as far up as Little Rock, where the boat was abandoned, it having become evident that it was not the right sort of a boat for this river.

The failure of this enterprise was a damper on the spirits of our people, and the enemies of the project crowed louder than ever over our loss. It was considerable of a loss, as the boat cost three thousand dollars, and only sold for three hundrednot to mention the expenses of Mr. Hoyt during the many weeks of his absence.

Not entirely discouraged, however, several parties in this vicinity have been constantly writing to prominent men in Little Rock, in the hopes of reviving the interest in this great project, and our representative in Congress, the Hon. Thomas Ryan, has taken the trouble to work up an appropriation of $30,000 for the purpose of a survey of the river from Little Rock to Wichitathe result of which was, an enterprising and wealthy firm of that city, Messrs. Eisenmayer & Co., together with other gentlemen, exerted themselves in the cause, and chartered a steamboat to make the trip. To do this, quite a sum was made up to protect the boat from loss, and an agent of the firm, Mr. Charles Schierholz, was sent up here to buy old wheat for shipment.

The news that the steamboat "Aunt Sally" had started from Little Rock reached here Tuesday, the 25th of June, and from that time the topic of conversation has been nothing but steamboat. Even now there were many who openly laughed at the idea of a steamboat coming to our city, and considerately informed us that if we held our breath until that boat arrived, it would be a long while ere we breathed.

Those who had been friends to the enterprise hoped on, though hardly daring to express their convictions that their hopes would be realized. "Have you heard anything from the steamboat?" was asked every minute in the day almost, and though the answer was always in the negative, their expectations continued to raise with each passing day.

Last Saturday an Indian brought the startling news that the boat was seen to pass the Osage Agency on Friday, and that it was then past Kaw Agency without a doubt. Still those of little faith ridiculed the possibility of such a thing. Saturday afternoon some even claimed that they heard the whistle of the steamer and everybody was on the qui vive for news. On Sunday morning groups of men could be seen on the houses, with strong field glasses, looking for the tell tale smoke, and at about 9 o'clock, while many were leisurely taking their late Sabbath breakfasts, their ears were startled by a loud, though hoarse, sound in the direction of the river, which men familiar with such sounds instantly recognized as the whistle of a steamboat.

For a space of a minute or two, probably, nothing was heard, when one of the wildest yells that ever ascended to the empyrean rose from all over the town. Everything was confusion, and the men engaged in a mad race for the livery stables, each anxious to secure a conveyance. Soon another and louder whistle from dear old "Aunt Sally" nearly upset everybody within hearing, and the town just cut loose and ran for Harmon's ford, where the great column of smoke told us the precious receptacle was resting.

Excitement! There wasn't a sane person in the crowd of three hundred men, women, and children who went stringing down to the water. Arrived at the ford, we saw the long looked for "Aunt Sally."

There may be nothing wonderful in the appearance of a small river packet, built for the plantation business of the south. Many of the spectators on that Sunday morning have seen some of the handsomest crafts that ever rested on water; have spent days and nights in those magnificent vessels that sail in the great chain of northern lakes, and have crossed the mighty ocean, the while taking their ease in the most superb staterooms that can be fitted up for the convenience of mortals; but we seriously doubt if any of them ever experienced so much pleasure as they did when they gazed on the form of "Aunt Sally," and realized that the navigation of the Arkansas River was no longer problematical, but an accomplished fact.

Cheer after cheer rent the air, and the crew of eight that had been first to make this trip were received with open arms. Men, who heretofore had been first to church, forgot that this was the Lord's day, and that the preacher stood in the pulpit waiting to break the bread of life to their hungry souls. For once their spiritual appetites were appeased, and for fear that gnawing sensation, peculiar to famishing souls, would assert itself before they were through with the hand shaking, several buggies were supplied with enough "spirits" to revive the fainting ones. This was a better sermon to the lost of our community than was ever thundered from any pulpit in the land, and one whose effect would be lasting.

After an hour of talking with the river men, everybody was invited on board, and in a few minutes we were placidly gliding along the smooth surface of our beautiful Walnut River. And just imagine our sensations! We felt deliciously; felt as if "our back was buttered, and a convoy of angels, with rainbow-tinted wings, were pouring golden syrup upon our head until it trickled down even into our brogans;" or as if we had been intended for peach marmalade and spoiled in the cooking. Thrills of ecstasying joy coursed through our system like a two-year-old goat going uphill. We felt as though we had been let loose at a picnic dinner before anybody else was in sight. Felt better than after a Saturday night with Col. Bennett, Capt. Leach, and Evarts, the Secretary. In fact, we were felled, stunned, over whelmed, and dum-fuzzled.

We wanted to see the man who said our river wasn't navigable, and then wanted to see him slapped into a straight-jacket for lunacy. We wanted to see him kicked by a jackass, though we were willing to let the contract out to someone else. We wantedpshaw! We didn't want anything, only to be let severely alone, that we might contemplate upon the future of Arkansas City, that sits on a hill, and from her throne of beauty is yet destined to rule the commercial world of Southern Kansas.

Glancing down the vista of time, and gazing into the now almost certain future, we saw a glorious fulfillment of the promises made in our emigration circulars, and felt that though we had fought for this for years, and against home opposition, too, still we were blessed beyond our desserts. Time and again had our faith weakened, and in despairing tones, we could cry out, "How long, O Lord, how long?" and then we would read a few kind and friendly (!) notices in the Winfield, El Dorado, and Wichita papers relative to a tub at Arkansas City that could float on a heavy dew.

But "he laughs best who laughs last." Sneak into your holes, you insignificant, twinkling, inland towns, and never dare to stand in the broad, effulgent rays sent forth by a seaport city. Yes, pull your holes in after you, and leave not a trace of your miserable hamlets on the face of the earth. To fetch your metropolitan sportsman down here, and ere he returns he can "a tale unfold that will harrow up your soul, and make each individual hair stand up like quills upon the fretful porcupine." Then come down yourself and you will go back firm in the belief that "verily, the half had not been told," you will feel like pulling the "blue gingham apron of the sky" over your pale, dim little phizzes and keeping dark. The supply of greens will even fail, and the dilapidated carcass of the old woman with a case knife will breathe her last in one of your mud puddles, and rolling up her eyes like a dying duck in a thunderstorm, will pass o'er the jasper sea, and her history and yours will be as a tale that is told.

After the trip in the morning, the gentlemen connected with the boat, viz: Captains Barker and Lewis, proprietors; Messrs. Chapman and Smith, pilots; Mr. Colton, citizen of Little Rock, and Mr. Baird were driven uptown, and the crowd stopping at Schiffbauer's store, the doors were thrown open, and they filed in to partake ofwell, there was a general good feeling pervading the people, and they did justice to all that was handed out. By this time the hotel man warned them that it was time for attending to the "solids" required by the inner man, and they repaired to the Central Avenue, the guests of Mr. Chas. Schiffbauer, who sustained the reputation for liberality that this firm has gained.

In the afternoon the country people poured in from all quarters, as the news spread like wild fire that the steamboat was here, and that an excursion would be given at four o'clock.

At the appointed time the banks on either side of the river were lined with those anxious for a trip on the first steamboat that ever came up to Arkansas City.

At five o'clock the boat shoved off, with three hundred and seventeen persons aboard, and gave them a delightful voyage, while our brass band favored them with some of the finest music they had. Truly it was a pleasant sight, and an occasion long to be remembered by the participants.

The day ended as quietly as it had begun, and with the exception that the people were gathered in groups, earnestly discussing the pros and cons of the case, no one would have supposed anything unusual had occurred.

And now for the boat and the trip from Little Rock. The "Aunt Sally" (God bless her!) is a regular river packet heretofore plying between Perryville, Arkansas, and Little Rock, carrying cotton mostly. Her length is 85 feet, width 18 feet, and she draws 12 inches light and 18 inches loaded. At the registering office at Memphis she is registered at a capacity of 65 tons. She is owned by Captains Barker and Lewis, both of whom are river men of large experience. They left Little Rock on Tuesday, 18th inst., and reached Ft. Smith the Friday following, a distance of 280 or 300 miles. Left Ft. Smith on Friday, the 21st, and reached this place Sunday morning, the 31st of June, though they could have been here Saturday night as well. The report of every man on board the boat is that they had no difficulty in coming up, and they were surprised a steamer had not been up here years ago. The current is strong and swift, but with a boat built especially for a trade with this part of the country, they could make a round trip in eighteen days. In coming from Ft. Smith here they ran but 107 hours, and estimate the distance at about 450 or 500 miles.

The plan in navigating this river is to run a line of barges. A solid, compact boat, with a powerful engine, could make a fortune soon in plying between this point and Little Rock. The fact is self-evident, yet a few figures may not be uninteresting. The pine flooring which our people buy costs but $15 per thousand in Little Rock, and we have to pay $60 for the same quality at Wichita. Pressed hay cannot be bought there for less than $15 or $18 per ton, while we can lay it down at the wharf here for $5. Corn is worth 60 cents per bushel there, and in two months you can buy all you want for fifteen cents per bushel. Again, the towns around here and the agencies south of us in the Territory create a demand for an immense amount of groceries, etc., which trade Little Rock may as well have as to let St. Louis have it, while the saving in freight would buy a boat or two in a little while.

But there is no need of enlarging upon the benefits from an outlet by water. The people must see it in this light, and ere long we shall see a regular line of steamers plying between Little Rock and Arkansas City. Amen.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

The fast "flat" WICHITA loosed her moorings at island No. three, last Saturday after- noon, headed for Arkansas City, sailing master, Finely Ross; steer, who had the rudder hung for the occasion, Tom Woodman; cook, W. D. Russell; cabin passengers, Will Woodman, Capt. Cornell, and several others.

This boat will touch all the intermediate points and probably some others not in her shipping log. We hope she will never meet with the mishap that will compel her master to order the helm hard too, on account of the cooks being taken short, on provision, or the order issued to throw out her grappling irons and take reef around the cook's shirt tail. Beacon.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

SALT CITY, June 20, 1878.
Commodore Berkey made another successful voyage down the raging Arkansas, with less water than Columbus started to sail on. His boat was launched at the post called Oxford, and we are informed they took a load of fruit and lumber to Salt City. His enterprise and perseverance as a navigator is commendable to all. BILLY BARLOW.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

KANSAS CITY shipped 100,000 bushels of corn to St. Louis, last week, on the first line of barges run between those two cities. Barge navigation on the Missouri River promises to be a success, and will result in making Kansas City the city of the Westthat is, until a line of steamers is established between this point and Little Rock.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

The boat that came up from Arkansas City, last Wednesday evening, attracting the citizens of the city almost unanimously, to the foot of the long bridge, was propelled by a belt and windlass. Her apparatus broke when near here, and the Captain hove to for the purpose of repairs. He said he came here to get shafting. Beacon.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

IF YOU WANT to sell your bacon, you had better bring it in to Schiffbauer Bros. & Co., or they will have to send East for it, as they want a large quantity.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

ALL PERSONS knowing themselves to be indebted to Kellogg & Hoyt, or H. D. Kellogg, by note or due bill, will please call on J. L. Huey and settle at once, thereby saving costs. KELLOGG & HOYT.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

FRUIT JARS at astonishing low prices at H. Godehard's.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

HOOP IT UP, LIZA JANE! Green Front is now a thing of the past, and waves no more; but we need not tell where we are, for everyone knows already, that they can find us and our low prices just across the street in the brick. Come and see us often. Respectfully,

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

CONFECTIONERYS for the 4th of July you can find at the City Bakery.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

4 lbs. soda, 5 lbs. coffee, 9 lbs. choice brown sugar, etc., for one dollar at Schiffbauer Bros. & Co.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

Aunt Sally will take your wheat, and H. Godehard will sell you groceries at bed rock prices. Remember this.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

THINGS WERE LIVELY on the Walnut soon after the arrival of the steamer "Aunt Sally" on Sunday, but nothing compared with the rush to Schiffbauer Bros. & Co. after the arrival of their caravan of new goods.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

On the 4th H. Godehard will keep Ice Cold Lemonade. By chimminy ish that so.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

CORN. I. D. Hon, 6 m. north and 1 m. east of Arkansas City, has 400 bu. of good corn for sale at 25 cents per bushel.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

The days are getting shorter.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

It is rumored that printers like peaches.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

What is a country without a Fourth of July?

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

We will soon have flour made from new wheat.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

"Look hea, Mr. Dolby, just pay that ar' little bill you owes."

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

The "mallet and shooting-stick" have control of this paper now.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

HARVESTERS now step down and out, and the threshing machine has the field.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

MR. BURRELL will please accept our thanks for a quantity of really excellent peaches.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

R. L. WALKER was in town last Monday. Dick has a host of friends all over the county.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

A jack rabbit ran through our main street last Monday evening, followed by a pack of dogs.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

MAJ. HOWARD, formerly agent for the Sioux Indians, passed through our town last Monday, en route for Caldwell.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

Our public schools close next Friday. Some of the pupils purpose attending the Normal, to be held at Winfield, commencing July 10th.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

WICHITA claims a population of 4,200, as shown by the census, recently taken by D. B. Emmert. This is an increase of 2.12 percent over last year.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

The mail carrier from Pawnee Agency to Coffeyville, took a young Pawnee girl to the latter place and kept her for a week, when she returned to her home.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

Our dear readers will please criticize us lightly, now that the "chief cook and bottle- washer" is gone, for the good will of the printers is next to the company of angels.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

JIM MITCHELL and Charley Parker started for Fort Scott last Wednesday morning. They intend visiting Missouri before returning, and will probably invest in stock.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

TOM. CALLAHAN gazed in speechless astonishment for fifteen minutes at the steamer, "Aunt Sally," and then finding his tongue he burst out with, "Be Jasus, I can sell me hogs at me own door now."

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

HANK NELSON brought us a monster egg the other day, of his own layor rather of his own hen's laying. It measured over seven inches around it one way and six inches around it the other way.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

NEARLY every team in the country for the past week has been busy"loaded for Schiffbauer," being the universal cry. That firm has been shipping lumber to Ponca Agency, and employs are all the teams they can get.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

The floor of the bridge over the Walnut River is becoming exceedingly shaky, and should be attended to immediately. It will soon be unsafe for teams to cross, as many of the boards are loose or nearly worn through.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

DR. LEONARD left us a quantity of peaches last Saturday afternoon, and we were so well pleased with them that we walked down and "saw" him on Sunday to the tune of a peck or so. We think the Doctor is an awful nice man.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

The New York Sun, in commenting on the recent unpleasantness between L. J. Webb and the late Jay Page, tells it thusly: "Jay Page cheated at his faro game in Winfield, Kansas, and was instantly killed by L. J. Webb, a member of the Legislature."

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

JAMES RIDENOUR is now fixed in Schiffbauer's new room, and is prepared to do all work in his line. There isn't a better jeweler and engraver than Jim in Southern Kansas, added to which is the fact that a better or more accommodating man never breathed.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

The Pawnee Indians are rapidly becoming "civilized," and are walking in the steps of their white brothers. Some two or three weeks ago, a member of the "Chowee" band of Pawnees waited at a place where a young girl was wont to pass in going to and from school, and as she came along he seized her, dragged her into the bushes, and violated her person in a most brutal manner. She was only about fourteen years old, and as she was a member of a different band (the Skeedees), the affair created quite a disturbance among the dusky sons and daughters of the Territory. The two bands were on the point of fighting, but the father of the girl held a consultation with the offender, and the affair was finally settled by the latter giving the father his best horse, worth about sixty dollarswhich the injured parent sold the next day for thirty dollars. Such is Indian life.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

MR. TITUS, of Grouse Creek, lost 500 bushels of old wheat during the late high water. The water rose some four feet in the bind in which the wheat was kept, and the stream ascending through the rest of it, ruined the entire amount. This will be a severe loss to Mr. Titus, and we sympathize with him, as he, like many other farmers, has no more of this world's goods than he knows what to do with.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

YOU TRAVELER man: Send us up your steamboat, now you have a chance. We want to look at the thing. Eldorado Press.

Couldn't think of it for a moment. There isn't business enough up there to justify the proprietors in making the trip. But come down and see the Little Rock steamer, and then prepare to move your hamlets down here at the head of navigation.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

CAPT. LEACH and Al. Evarts, of Coffeyville, started for Caldwell last Wednesday, butt had to return on account of high water. The Captain was so unfortunate as to lose a valuable horse on the trip; the animal dropping dead while eating, though up to that time apparently well and sound. It was doubtless heart disease that afflicted it.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

WHAT's the use of making such a fuss about a counterfeit dollar? It is cheaper to manufacture it, and when the parties don't know the difference, it serves its purpose just as well. We believe we'd chance a few bogus dollars on some of our bad debts.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

COWLEY has nearly double the population of Elk County; over six and one-half times as many acres in wheat; of corn, 20,000 acres more, and nearly four times as many acres of oats, and the yield will equal that of any county in the State.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

CYRUS WILSON, a prominent cattleman of Chase County, is in town. He has just bought Mr. Hamilton's cattle of South Haven, who delivers them to him at the mouth of Grouse Creek.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

A Mr. Osborn was up before his honor, Judge Christian, and deposited $5.00 for the privilege of filling his hide with Patterson's forty-rod corn juice.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.

JULY 4, 1871
Will run between
The entire day tomorrow. We expect people from every town in Cowley and Sumner counties. Let everybody turn out and see the first Steamboat ever in this country. The

Will furnish music for the occasion.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878. Front Page.

The Chippewa Indian scare in Wisconsin was the biggest sell of the season. The Indians never had the slightest idea of scalping anybody, and were fleeing for their lives.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

GENERAL CROOK was interviewed in Chicago the other day. He thinks the Bannock business is likely to prove serious, but anticipates little trouble from Sitting Bull this summer. The Bannocks will be hard to round up on account of the wildness and impenetra bility of their mountain fastnesses.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

A Silver City dispatch says that the assault made by Boinfid upon the Indians at Curry Creek, turns out to be a success. It was a surprise to the savages, about forty of whom were killed. The soldiers were very cool in the charge. The Indian force present was estimated at 700, but probably was not so large. The Indians are returning to their stronghold, in the Stein mountains. It is understood that the whole force of savage warriors number 2,000. One hundred and three campfires were counted. The Indians will be pursued, and there is every prospect of a protracted campaign. The Stein mountain country is well adapted for defensive operations.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

Secretary Schurz, in his instructions to the commissioners appointed to confer with the Red Cloud and Spotted Tail Indians, says: "In case the Indians differ with them as to the choice of location, they must bear in mind that it is most important to maintain perfect faith with the Indians in performance of all promises heretofore made, and that this will be the invariable rule of the government in its treatment of all Indian tribes."

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

The Indians have made their first demonstrations of hostility of the season in the Black Hills, by firing upon two citizens of Deadwood, who were on a hunting trip near the Redwater, 30 miles from Deadwood. The men had killed an antelope and were fastening it on their ponies, when two shots were fired at and struck in close proximity to them. They quickly dropped the antelope and made their escape.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

Arrives at Arkansas City.
A Spicy Letter from the Hon. James Christian,
Who Tells All About It.
ARKANSAS CITY, June 30, 1878.
FRIEND MURDOCK: The steamer "Aunt Sally," from Little Rock, arrived this morning. Our town is mad with excitement. Men, women, and children, some on foot, some on horseback, others in buggies and wagons, rushed "pell mell" for Harmon's Ford on the Walnut, to witness a sight that our people have thought of, dreamed of, and prayed for the last six or seven years: a real, living, breathing steamboat; as the children sometimes say, "a sure enough steamboat."

There she was, puffing and blowing like a thing of life. Some two hundred people rushed on board and examined her all over, from deck to Texascabin, engine, boiler, water wheelall were scrutinized. They were in her and all over her.

Steam being up, the captain invited all hands to a ride up the Walnut as far as Newman's mill and back. The bank was lined with people and the yells and cheers of those on deck and those on shore made the welkin ring. It was hip!rip!huzzah!one after another. A general good time was had.

In the afternoon three hundred persons went aboard by invitation, for a ride down the river. Our cornet band did their best tooting on the occasion. Everything was hilarity and joy.

Little preaching was heard in Arkansas City today, you may depend. "Aunt Sally" was in everybody's mouth.

She will stay until after the 4th, and will try to get up and see Wichita, if possible. The boat is owned by Captains Burke and Lewis, of Little Rock; is 85 feet long, 18 feet wide, and draws 14 inches light, and about two feet when fully loaded; carries 40 tons; made the run from Ft. Smith to this place in six days; met with no difficulty or obstructions on the way; the pilot thinks the river even better above than below Ft. Smith.

At this stage of water a railroad is nowhere alongside of a steamboat. Hurrah for the navigation of the Arkansas! It is no longer a matter of speculation, but is now a fixed facta reality. The "Aunt Sally," the pioneer steamer of this great Southwestern river, has proved it. JAMES CHRISTIAN.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

East Bolton Celebrates.
Did East Bolton celebrate? Of course she did. Patriotism is one of the commendable virtues among the people. As Sol exhibited himself above the boulder-crowned bluffs, many a household was up getting ready for the great day. By 10 o'clock Smith's grove was full of a patriotic crowd. By noon the number was increased greatly.

After dinner came the exercises of the day. The Declaration of Independence was creditably read by Thomas Armstrong. Never had the accusations against old King George sounded so soul stirring as when coming from the lips of this elocutionist.

A short speech by Mr. Chambers, and an essay by Miss Maggie Myers, entitled "Uses of the Arkansas River," followed. Miss Myers' essay was loudly applauded, being full of wit as well as wisdom.

But the crowning event of the day was the speech of Mr. C. Wetherhold. Mr. Wetherhold is a talented speaker, and I would give his oration in full if its length would admit.

Other good things followed. Then the young people enjoyed themselves playing croquet and swinging. A match game of croquet between Misses Mamie Ireton, Ollie Myers, Master Tom Lynn, and Miss Elvie Key, resulting in the victory of the two latter.

That every day must end, the sun sinking behind the hill reminded all, and the good people of East Bolton wandered peacefully home to do "chores" and go to bed. ARCANA.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

Bushels of wheat wanted at Newman's Mill. No wheat bought unless in good condition.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

OH, MY! Where are all those folks going? Why to Schiffbauer Bros. & Co. to buy the best groceries and hardware at bed rock prices.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

GO to Houghton & Mac's and buy a pink grenadine at 10 cents per yard.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

FOR BARGAINS of all sorts go and see the boys at the Little Brick, opposite the Green Front.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

LOST. In William Moore's peach orchard, on the road to my dwelling in East Bolton, on the 7th of July, a small pocket memorandum book, of no value to anyone but the owner. Any person finding it will confer a favor by leaving it at this office or letting it be known.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

HOUGHTON & MAC, will sell you a nice Japanese stripe at 10 cents per yard.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

AUNT SALLY is gone, but Schiffbauer boys are still on hand with bargains for every one.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

See that job lot of hats at Houghton & Mac's, cheaper than you can steal them.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

Notice is hereby given that the act of John W. Brown against Abner Sullivan has been settled this 5th day of July, 1878, by W. L. Sullivan. JOHN W. BROWN.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

HOUSE TO RENT. Inquire of James Benedict.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

LET us hear from "404" again.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

The thermometer crawled up to 101 degrees in the shade last Sunday.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

The rain it raineth every few days, and apparently without much trouble.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

The receipts of the steamboat excursion on the Fourth amounted to $160.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

SCHIFFBAUERS have sent thirteen teams to the railroad for the bridge material. Two loads came in last Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

GEO. SHEARER gladdened the hearts of the office boys last Saturday by leaving a quantity of luscious peaches.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

ALL ODD FELLOWS in this community are requested to meet in Masonic Hall one week from next Thursday night.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

We will have extra sheets again this week, containing Judge Christian's account of the steamboat, as published in the Wichita Eagle.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

GEO. WHITNEY will please accept our thanks for the very fine sample of peaches left on our table. The boys thought them the best of the season.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

Farmers and all interested in the steamboat question are requested to attend a meeting in Pearson's Hall, next Saturday, at 3 p.m.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

MR. NEWMAN's family will return as soon as we are favored with cooler weather, as will also the family of Mr. Haywood. They will be welcomed by a large circle of friends.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

W. D. MOWRY has received a fresh lot of the cigars at Loomis' drug store. Lovers of the weed had better drop in and see him, not forgetting to bring the price of a smoke with them.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

Mrs. Rev. Thompson lost a brochure shawl, with a green center, at the picnic grounds last Thursday; and the finder will confer a favor by returning it to this office, or to her residence.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

H. P. FARRAR and S. P. CHANNELL started for the East last Saturday morningMr. Farrar for the State of Maine, and Mr. Channell for the province of Canada. They expect to return in a couple of months, with their families.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

The Telegram last week spoke handsomely of our steamboat and of the benefits which river navigation would give to the entire county. Allison is always foremost in speaking for the good of Cowley. Now we would like to hear from the Courier man.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

MR. A. A. NEWMAN returned from the East last Friday night, where he has been for the past six weeks looking after his flour contracts for the several agencies in the Territory. He reports that times are not much better there than here, and complaints of the stringency of the money market are as loud and frequent there as in the West. Mr. Newman's contracts call for 1,216,500 pounds of flour, as follows.

Cheyenne and Arapaho Agency: 600,000 lbs.

Wichita Agency: 100,000 lbs.

. Kiowa and Comanche Agency: 300,000 lbs.

Ponca Agency: 150,000 lbs.

Sac and Fox Agency: 66,500 lbs.

He also has the contract for freighting Indian supplies from Wichita to the Ponca Agency, a distance, probably, of eighty-five or ninety miles.

The awarding of the above contracts to Mr. Newman will create a good home market for a large portion of the wheat raised in Cowley and Sumner counties, and he says he will pay cash for what he buys and for the freighting also. This is business, and we guarantee our farmers a better market here than they can get by hauling their grain sixty or seventy miles to Wichita, or by paying twenty or twenty-five cents per bushel to have it hauled.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

MR. TITUS, of Grouse Creek, has met with another lossthis time through the fiendish deviltry of one Blizard, who had a spite against him. Mr. Titus thought he saw fire in the direction of his wheat stacks, and mounting his horse he made all haste toward them, only to find them enveloped in flames. Blizard was on the ground, and Titus, suspecting him of the deed, grappled with him, and after pounding him over the head with his revolver for a few minutes, Blizard confessed that he burned the wheatabout 1,200 bushels in all. He is now in custody, though he ought to be in hell by this time. He ought to have been shot or hung as soon as caught. His act leaves Mr. Titus and his family almost destitute. We hope to write Blizard's obituary soon.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

Messrs. Seymour and McCloskey say that if the town will buy the ferryboat west of town, they will put a 20-horsepower engine on it, and take a load of wheat to Little Rock. Mr. Henry Pruden also makes a good offer: He would buy this boat and the one at Salt City, and putting 1,200 bushels of wheat on the two, take the load down to Little Rock. Here he would sell the barges for what he could get, and only ask the town to pay the deficiency, as they are worth much less there than here.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

O. P. HOUGHTON arrived at Revere, Massachusetts, on Sunday, 31st of last month, and wrote that though his child was yet alive, there were little hopes of her recovery. In addition to this affliction, his wife has been taken with the same dreadful diseasesmall poxand is lying very low. This is sad news, and our friend has the heartfelt sympathy of our entire community in this trial. That his wife may be spared to him and her family, is the wish of their many friends here.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

THE S. P. U.'s will meet at the Bland schoolhouse next Saturday night. Every member is requested to be present as there is business of more than usual importance to be transacted.

The bloodhounds for this organization will soon be here, and then we advise the gentlemanly horse thieves to take the other road in passing through this section, as our friends in Bolton mean business. R. HOFFMASTER, Captain.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

On the 2nd of July, C. M. Scott and party were at Sac and Fox Agency, where they left their wagon and went on their way by horseback. They had to raft the Salt Fork, mired in the Cimarron, had rain nearly every day, and had broken down seven times up to date. They are having quite a time of their trip, but their motto is: "Texas or bust."

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

We would like to hear from Messrs. Corse, Young, and other dignitaries of the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern railroad, now that without any stump-speaking, bond voting, and the like, we have an outlet for some of our surplus stock. There is still plenty of work for a railroad down here, however, and "first come, first served." You hear us?

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

The steamboat men desired us to express their thanks to the unknown person or persons who supplied them with that bountiful dinner on the Fourth. They were loud in the praise of Kansas hospitality, and declare they were never treated better in their lives than during their stay in Arkansas City.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

REV. FLEMING left for Pennsylvania last week, and contemplates an absence of one year. He and his estimable wife will be sincerely missed by their numerous friends, all of whom join in wishing that he may return effectually cured of his catarrhal affection, which has resulted in severe ulceration of the throat.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

The ladies of the Methodist Society will give a blackberry festival at their brick church next Friday evening, and will have a liberal supply of berries, peaches, and cake for those who attend. We would like to see a general "turn out" of our citizens, and bespeak them a joyful time. Good music may be expected.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

The editor of the El Dorado Press says that "a little steamboat capable of carrying ten tons penetrated the sand of the Arkansas" as far as this place. There wasn't any sand penetrating done, Mister. That isn't the kind of a steamboat we have down hereand then you missed your guess on the tonnage amazingly.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

The steamboat started for Little Rock last Saturday, and the captain thinks they can make the trip in seven days, without trouble. Hon. C. R. Mitchell and Mr. Harter went as passen- gers, the former to represent Arkansas City, and the latter to look after the interests of his mills in Winfield.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

GEN. McNEIL, Superintendent of Indian Agencies, returned from the Territory Sunday last, after an absence of eleven days. He left town for Wichita yesterday morning, for the purpose of facilitating the immediate removal of his Ponca wards to their future homes in the Territory.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

A paper was drawn up and signed by all the principal businessmen in town, last Monday, the tenor of which was an expression of thanks to Messrs. Elsenmayer & Co., of Little Rock, Arkansas, for the interest they had taken in the navigation of the Arkansas River.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

About Snakes.
Editor Traveler: Do you like to hear of snakes? I confess to a decided dislike for these slimy, disgusting reptiles. But there is one pleasant feature, at least, connected with this subjectthat is, they are becoming less numerous each succeeding year.

They have not been so numerous in this county at any time since its settlement, as in many other parts of Kansas, especially west and northwest of us; nor have they been as numerous at any time as they were in the first settling of Central Illinois. Casualties are less frequent than in many other parts of the country.

While I resided in Reno County, Kansas, there were at least eighty persons bitten within a radius of about five miles of Hutchinson, three persons dying from this cause during one summer.

Since coming here, eight years ago, I have only known of two snake bites in the county, no death resulting.

One day last week, while C. M. Swarts was opening some shocks of wheat to dry, in taking up a "bundle" he caught hold of a "viper" or "spreading viper," as it is sometimes called, from the faculty they have of flattening the head and near half the body.

It at once struck his hand with great fury, but seeing the snake in the act of striking, he withdrew the hand so quickly as to escape the intended blow, the snake seizing, in its rage, its own body, near where the hand had rested an instant before; and inflicted a severe wound, causing the blood to flow pretty freely from it.

It seemed infuriated by its failure to strike its intended victim, and maddened by pain, it at once assumed an attitude of battle, flattening its head and half the length of its body. It seemed the incarnation of evil, and might well have been selected as the figure of all that is malicious and hateful. It raised its head several inches from the ground, moving along upon the unflattened portion of its body almost half erect, struck boldly to the attack, hissing spitefully, its eyes glaring, and its tongue playing with almost the rapidity of lightning, its enormous mouth wide open, apparently intent upon wreaking vengeance upon its victim. This attitude and behavior continued about one minute and a half, when it suddenly rolled over upon its back, gasping two or three times convulsively, and then was still, apparently quite dead, the victim of its own venom. B. C. SWARTS.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.

RED BUD, KANSAS, July 3, 1878.
The people of Maple Township are now happy. The rain has ceased pouring, the wheat is all cut, and stacking and threshing are now the order of the day. Notwithstanding the unprecedented wet and prolonged harvest, the wheat is of excellent quality and very little damaged. Corn is just the biggest thing on earth at this time, and potatoes are bouncers.

Through the efforts of Hon. Thomas Ryan, Uncle Sam has increased our mail service from a weekly, to a semi-weekly, and now we hope to get your paper before it is two or three weeks old.

Nothing of note transpiring. The people are too busy to marry or die, and too healthy to get sick. No fights, no law suitsno nothing, but work. Plenty of that. RED BUD.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878. Front Page.

A big lawsuit is likely to grow out of the refusal of the Denver and Rio Grande road to carry freight and passengers under the old contract between that road and the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

The New York Herald prints the following editorial: The reorganizers of the Kansas Pacific railway and the Denver extension bond holders, who hold a lien on the road, are not, it seems, getting along very amicably. A war of printed circulars is threatened.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878. Front Page.

News from the Indian country on the Pacific slope continues to increase its warlike tone, and startling announcements of bloodshed may be expected at an early day. A Portland dispatch says that a dispatch from Dallas states that James Clark and a party of fourteen men were out last Sunday on a scouting expedition up the South Fork of the John Day river, and when about twelve miles from its mouth at Murderer's creek, they came upon Indians supposed to be 1,400 strong, who endeavored to cut the line of retreat of Clark's party and nearly succeeded in the attempt. Gen. Howard was reported on the 7th to be pursuing the hostile Bannocks, but their numbers are vastly superior to his force. A dispatch from Canon City, Idaho, says: "Just returned from carrying dispatches to Colgrover's command. Every- thing is disorganized; Indians are all around us; we have been fighting for the past three days. Can't tell how many are killed. We know of eleven of our men. We want help. I have been in the saddle for three nights. All business houses are closed."

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

Another dispatch says: "The stages from Canyon City report the hostiles strongly fortified twenty-five miles from Canyon City, waiting to give Howard battle. Howard's forces were expected to engage the hostiles on the morning of the 5th. There are about 1,600 Indians, all told, 1,000 of them supposed to be armed."

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

Governor Chadwick, who is at Unahilla, telegraphs under date of the 7th as follows. "Volunteers under Capt. Sperry, fifty strong, were defeated at Willow Springs, thirty miles south of Pendleton, yesterday. Sperry is killed, and nearly all of his command killed or wounded. We can hear of but seven left."

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

A Silver City dispatch says: "A dispatch to the Avalanche from John Day Valley, speaking of recent depredations there by savages, says that the latter are monarchs of all they survey. The area of territory now invested by them embraces some 4,000 square miles, combining all natural facilities for a prolonged war. There are hardly 800 people in Canyon City, and less than 100 of the male adult population are armed. The main street of the town is within easy rifle range of surrounding eminences, which affords numerous points of vantage for an attacking party, and the whole village is completely at the mercy of an inconsiderable number of savages were they disposed to sack it. The terror-struck inhabitants have taken refuge for several days in the huge tunnels built for mining purposes, which afford the only safe retreat in the place."


Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

There is now confined in the jail at this place a man by the name of Louis Tournier, whose father was a Colonel under the first Napoleon and fought with him at Waterloo. After the exile of Napoleon, Colonel Tournier was banished and came to America in 1817. He had been here but a short time when he was notified by the French government that he was at liberty to return, but he would not go back.

The son, Louis Tournier, was born in 1812 and is now sixty-six years old. He speaks and writes the French, German, and English languages fluently, and is well versed in ancient and modern history. He has traveled over the greatest portions of both continents, and is a well informed man.

He came to Cowley County when the only building in Winfield was the "Old Log Store," and settled on the Arkansas River about six miles below Arkansas City. Courier.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

A NEW SULKY PLOW for sale or trade cheap. Inquire at the Post Office.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

THAT'S IT, GENTLEMEN. Travel all over the town pricing goods and, just as we expected, lastly fetch up at Hoyt & Speers' Athletic Grocery House, where you will be satisfied to let well enough alone, and drop your loose change for value received.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

PRESIDENT HAYES will visit Chicago to see if "Laurel Wreath" 5c cigars are really made out of long Havana filler tobacco. Be your own judge. For sale by H. GODEHARD.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

STRAYED OR STOLEN. One brown and white and one white stocking. Any information of the above named property will be gladly received by LINDA CHRISTIAN.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

STEAMBOAT NAVIGATION up the Arkansas River is the great cause of good quality and great bargains at Hoyt & Speers' Athletic Grocery. Down we come, passing bed rock to Little Rock prices. 5 lbs. coffee for one dollar; 4 lbs. tea, $1; 18 bars of soap, $1; 13 lbs. soda, $1; fruit jars almost at your own price. From this time we are in hopes to get our goods direct from St. Louis and Little Rock, via steamboat up the Arkansas River, which will enable us to start a wholesale house for the benefit of smaller towns in our county, such as Winfield, Maple City, Thomasville, Salt City, Webb Center, etc.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

KEEP cool.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

LORDY! Ain't it hot?

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

A little too much weather nowadays.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

The Salt City ferry is in running order.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

The "biggest thing on ice" this year is the price.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

A child of Mr. and Mrs. Kerr died one day last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

There's another "whistle" coming up the river, bound for this point.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

KING BERRY, of Pawnee Agency, has been in town for the past week.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

The Pruden boys take 700 bushels of wheat down the river this morning on the barge.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

MR. O. J. PALMER will to down the river with the Pruden boys on the flat boat.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

The time for killing prairie chickens has been changed from the 15th to the 1st of August.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

The house of Mr. N. W. Kimmel was gladdened, one day last week, by the arrival of a new voter.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

HENRY MOWRY is ahead so far. He picked a ripe watermelon from his vines last Saturday, July 13. Let's hear from the next one.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

The family of Mr. Key, of East Bolton, is having a bad time with the typho-malaria of this country. We pity the sick in such weather as this.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

The runaway couple secured the services of Rev. Herbert, of Bolton Township, and went back home scorning the cold world's triumphs.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

THRESHING. We have heard several farmers speak in high terms of the work done by Messrs. Ward & Edwards, with their new "Minnesota Chief" threshing machine.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

The Methodist festival last Friday night was a very enjoyable affair, though there was not a very large attendance in consequence of which the receipts were rather light.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

TOMATOES. MR. WM. COOMBS left us some thoroughly ripe specimens of the above vegetable on Tuesday of last week, July 9. They were the first of the season, and of excellent flavor.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

W. H. HARRISON, who used to yank the capillaries out of our citizens, came over from Caldwell last Sunday evening with Col. J. C. Bennett. He is in the wagon-making business now.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

THE PRUDEN BROTHERS, of Salt City, have loaded the boat formerly used as a ferry west of town, and intend taking their wheat down to Little Rock, if it can be done by mortal hands. Success to you, boys.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

When the navigation of the Arkansas River is a settled thing, and grain is regularly shipped by boats or barges, it will cost less than one-half to ship wheat to New Orleans than it costs to ship it to Kansas City from Wichita by rail.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

DR. CARLISLE, lately from Mt. Vernon, Ohio, and now located in the banner township of Bolton, has been induced to resume the practice of his profession, and is on the go most of the time now. We wish the doctor success in his new field.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

MR. DRIGGS, formerly of this place, but for the past five years a wanderer upon the face of the earth, has returned, and thinks he has seen no better country than Cowley. He is now agent for the Rose Valley nurseries, and we recommend him to our farmers.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

The parties who are circulating the report that "Aunt Sally" stuck in the Arkansas, on the morning of her return, would do better to confine themselves strictly to the truth. It was not in the Arkansas, but on the bar at the "cut-off," the worst place between here and Little Rock, that the boat stuck; and this can be avoided when the parties are more familiar with the river. Come, gentlemen, give the old man a chance, and throw your cold water on our heated citizens. They need it worse than the steamboat enterprise.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

MR. H. WELLS, of Topeka, has been in this section of the country for a week or so, looking out a favorable location for a stock ranch. He has been in the stock business in Shawnee County for the past eleven years, but will probably move his cattle to the fine grazing grounds on the Red Rock, in the Territory, some forty miles southwest of this place.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

WE'VE DONE IT AGAIN. This time it is a minister who seeks redress. In the snake story, published last week, the article as printed read that, within a radius of five miles eighty persons had been bitten by snakes, more or less poisonous, during a period of one year.

Well, that sounded pretty big, but when we considered the character of the gentleman who said so, we were content to let it pass. And now Rev. Swarts comes pitching into our sanctum and, "with blood in his eye," declared he wrote it eight persons, and wanted to see the copy and compositor. We showed him the copy and when he triumphantly pointed out to us that there was nothing after the eight, we endeavored to prove to him that the printer was right, after allthat 0 after 8 made 80; but it was no go, and so we reluctantly take it back. There were only eight persons bitten (more's the pity), and the Reverend may go to confer-ence next year with a clear conscience.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

THE NEW BUILDING, known as "Manning's," now in course of erection at Winfield, will be one of the finest institutions in Southern Kansas. The dimensions of the upper room, to be used as a hall, are 50 x 100 feet, with a twenty-four-foot ceiling, and as the great height of these two stories will carry it so far above the adjoining building, he intends raising and building another story, which will give to Winfield the only three-story building in Southern Kansas, with the exception of the Occidental Hotel at Wichita. The third story will be fitted up for the Masonic order.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

The report that E. B. Kager, formerly of this place, had "struck it rich" in Colorado, reached here last Sunday. Mr. Kager is in the South Fork of the Arkansas, and wrote to the Kansas boys at Leadville, Colorado, to come down to him, as he could not hold the mines alone. From all reports they are exceedingly rich, and bid fair to yield a handsome profit to Mr. Kager, who has already refused a large sum for his interests. We hope this is true, but we hear of so many such cases that we need a little salt before swallowing the story.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

PROF. STORY has favored us with a list of the teachers in attendance at the opening of the Institute at Winfield, July 10th. They number sixty-eight, and more are expected. The following are from Arkansas City.

L. E. Norton

C. M. Swarts

Dora Winslow

Mrs. Theaker

Mrs. T. B. Marshall

Anna O. Wright

Mattie F. Mitchell

Albertine Maxwell

A. E. Hon

Flora Finley

Harvey Blount

Ella Grimes

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

The editor desires to thank Mr. and Mrs. Houghton, of Arkansas City, and Mr. and Mrs. Gallotti, of Winfield, for the sumptuous dinner with which he regaled himself at their tables. Though he didn't hide quite such a quantity as Standley and Gray, of the TRAVELER did, yet he did justice to the viands spread before him, and will long remember his hosts and hostesses with gratitude. Telegram.

Well, we didn't eat any more than we wanted, and we are sorry that you ate so much that you feel called upon to apologize.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

SATURDAY NIGHT SOCIALS are now "the thing" at Winfield. They are held at the Courthouse, and from the reports we hear, are highly entertaining and productive of much fun.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

New wheat only 55 cents at Wichita. Twenty cents off for freighting leaves the farmers of Cowley County only 35 cents per bushel for their crops this year, if they intend feeding the railroad magnates. Your only alternative is to unite on some steamboat project, and put your grain down south. No farmer can raise wheat and make a living by selling it at fifty cents.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

FRANK HALE, who works at Lippmann's mill, came near meeting with quite a severe accident last week, in descending a well. The air was so foul that it was with great difficulty he succeeded in getting out alive. Parties should be careful and test the condition of wells before descending into them, as many a poor fellow has lost his life in such a manner.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

ED. HAIGHT, our efficient County Surveyor, is preparing a map of the county, the dimensions of which are to be 51 x 49 inches. It will show the exact location of every farm in Cowley County, together with are all the principal buildings in the county, and will be completed in about three months. Ed. is a hard worker, and is universally liked at the county seat.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

The bridge men are hard at work now, and in a week or two our people may dispense with the ferry. It seems a pity that we can't have an entire new bridge, and do away with that old part on the Bolton side. We fear it will not be many months until that portion becomes unsafe, if it is not washed away by high water.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

OUR ARKANSAS CITY FRIENDS desired us to visit their "seaport" and the "Aunt Sally," to see for ourselves that the Arkansas River was navigable. Well, we went down, and they took us a-riding on the Walnut River, and not on the Arkansas at all. So we did not learn anything new, for we always knew the Walnut was navigable. Courier.



Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

George Monroe Murdered.
Last Monday night the wife of George Monroe, who left here some six weeks ago, received the sad intelligence that the body of a man answering to the description of her husband had been found in the Blue River, Nebraska, and the supposition was that he had been murdered and the body thrown into the river. The following message was sent by the Coroner of Seward county, Nebraska.

July 11, 1878.
Mrs. Lizzie Monroe:

The body of a man was found in the Blue River here today, having on it a card directed to you, and the initials G. L. M. on right arm. Will you state all particulars in regard to your husband's trip, who appears to have left your place about June 10th, last? Answer by tele- graph and send particulars by mail. J. H. WOODWARD, Coroner.

The next day the County Clerk wrote the following letter, which we are permitted to copy.

SEWARD, NEB., July 12th, 1878.
MRS. LIZZIE MONROE. Madam: The coroner of this county telegraphed you yesterday, and at his request I write this today. The body of a man has been found in the Blue River at this place, who was no doubt murdered and thrown into the river. On inside of his left arm were the initials, "G. L. M.," and on one of the fingers on his left hand was a silver ring with the initials, "F. W." and "W. M." on it. From papers on his person it appears he left home about June 10th, and had a letter from his wife or some female relative, stating that she had written to him at Omaha.

If the above satisfies you that the above person is your husband, please write and give all particulars, or come in person. Respectfully yours, etc.

THOMAS GRAHAM, County Clerk.
For the Coroner.

From the marks on the arm, there appears to be no doubt but the murdered man is Mr. Monroe. He left here on the 10th of June, bound for Ashland, Nebraska, where he had some property he wished to dispose of, and where he intended selling his team (valued at about $200) before starting for California. In conversation with Mr. Gardner, of this place, before leaving, he (Mr. Monroe) stated that after selling his team he would have about $1,600, but whether he left the bulk of this with his wife, or took it with him, is not known. As no deed was sent here for his wife to sign, it is evident that he had not yet reached Ashland, but was probably murdered for his team, and the body disposed of as above related.

Mr. Monroe was a man rather below the average height, and about thirty-five years of age. It was his purpose, after selling his property at Ashland, to go to Omaha, and taking the cars at that place proceed to California; but his wife had written him, saying she wished he was back, and she thinks he had turned and was on his way home when murdered. He came from Lexington, Michigan, to this place about seven or eight years ago, but had resided in Chautauqua County for some time previous to his departure for the north. He leaves a wife and five children, the oldest of whom is about twelve, and the sympathy of our entire community is extended to them in their bereavement.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.

At a meeting held at the Bland schoolhouse, July 13, for the purpose of making arrangements with D. B. Hartsock to carry our produce down the Arkansas River to Little Rock, Capt. R. Hoffmaster was called to the chair, and A. H. Buckwalter was chosen Secretary.

On motion the following six men were appointed to solicit subscriptions in aiding Mr. Hartsock in building a boat: E. Bowen, Lyman Herrick, G. O. Herbert, W. Chambers, Frank Lorry, and Wm. Trimble. Moved and seconded that the proceedings of this meeting be published in the TRAVELER. R. HOFFMASTER, Chairman.

A. H. BUCKWALTER, Secretary.

In connection with the above, we will state that Mr. Hartsock's plan is to raise money on the wheat solicited from the farmers, and then build or purchase a steamboat at Little Rock, or some other river town where boat building is carried on. Mr. Hartsock is a river man of large experience, having spent most of his life on the water, and if successful in raising the wheat, he will put a boat on this river as soon as one can be built. It will pay our farmers to contribute liberally to this enterprise, as they can more than save the amount of their donations in the price they will get for their grain shipped south. As we said last week, the surest means of success is in unity of action, and the farmers cannot do better than to join in advancing this project. Mr. Hartsock is a thoroughly reliable, honest, and upright man, and has only taken hold of this at the earnest solicitation of numerous friends in Bolton Township, who are alive to the necessity of a water outlet for their grain, and he proves his confidence in the practicability of the scheme from the fact that he puts all his own wheat (the product of a hundred acres) in with the rest.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878. Front Page.

The Indians are not accommodating. They won't keep still long enough to be whipped, and they must know that Howard can't go on forever chasing them up perpendicular precipices.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.

Gen. Howard found the Indians at Butte Creek, on the 8th, and advanced in two columns, one under Throckmorton, consisting of two companies of artillery, one of infantry, and a few volunteers, and the other under Bernard, consisting of seven companies of cavalry and twenty of Robbins' scouts. Howard accompanied the latter column. Bernard's scouts notified him of the vicinity of the hostiles, when the cavalry moved forward at a trot over three foot- hills each over a mile in ascent. The Indians were strongly posted on a rocky crest. One company was left with the pack train, and the others deployed and advanced handsomely under a heavy fire.

The ascent is described as steeper than that at Missionary Ridge, but not a man broke the ranks, though several saddles were emptied and many horses killed.

The enemy was driven from this position to another height in the rear, of greater elevation, and crowned with natural defenses of lava rocks. In twenty minutes this position was also stormed from different sides at once, and a rapid pursuit commenced of the flying Indians, who abandoned horses, provisions, ammunition, and camp material.

The hostiles made for the thick timber crowning the Blue Ridge, and made another stand, but were again dislodged and pushed four or five miles further in the mountains.

The rough country and great exhaustion of the men and horses caused a cessation of the pursuit for the day. In this engagement five enlisted men were wounded and about twenty horses killed. It is impossible to state the loss of the enemy. Their women and children and best horses were moved before the fight began, apparently in the direction of the Grande Ronde, and the hostiles fled in that direction. Officers and men behaved in the best possible manner throughout the affair.

A dispatch received here says the hostiles were whipped back into the mountains by Gen. Howard, and have now started Eastward for Snake River, alongside the Blue Mountains, between Grande Ronde and Columbia valleys. They will cross Meacham's road between Summit and Pelican, and swerving somewhat south, pass into Walluwa and cross Snake River at the mouth of the Salmon.

The Piute chief, Natchez, with several companies, has had a conference with Gen. McDowel. He says the plan of the hostiles is to gather all the tribes in the vicinity of Columbia River, then to return on their trail and drive out the whites and friendly Indians from Southern Idaho, and that neighborhood.

A band of Ute and Apache Indians having manifested unwillingness to be moved to the new reservations, Gen. Sherman instructed the army officers to render the inspector all the assistance he may require to carry out the provisions of the law.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878. Front Page.

Gen. Sherman, in a general order, invites the attention of all officers of the army to the section in the army appropriation bill providing that it shall not be lawful to employ any part of the army as a posse comitatus or otherwise for the purpose of executing laws. The order concludes as follows: Officers of the army will not permit the use of troops under their command to aid the civil authorities as a posse comitatus for the execution of laws except as authorized in the foregoing enactments. When application for the use of troops for these purposes are received, they must be forwarded through the military channel to the adjutant- general for the consideration and action of the president.

Congressman Schleicher, who has arrived in San Antonio from Washington, says the administration has determined to force peace or war with Mexico. He said Gen. Ord, who will return soon, will bring fresh orders to invade and occupy the Mexican border territory until the Mexican government guarantees immunity from invasion. It is believed at headquarters that Mexican troops will resent this and precipitate a collision. Schleicher thinks the situation very grave. All Texas is rife for war, and the people think they alone can raise enough men to whip the Mexicans, and that no other government on earth would allow its people to be murdered and robbed as they have been.

The following is a comparative statement of the disposal of public lands in Dakota, Kansas, Minnesota, and Nebraska, for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1877, and June 30, 1878.

DakotaTotal for 1878, 1,461,801; for 1877, 21,378; increase, 1,243,473.

KansasTotal for 1878, 2,067,179; for 1877, 710,700; increase, 1,356,478.

MinnesotaTotal for 1878, 1,041,203; for 1877, 279,847; increase, 761,356.

NebraskaTotal for 1878, 620,675; for 1877, 257,407; increase, 363,268.

GRAND TOTAL FOR 1878: 5,190,860.

GRAND TOTAL FOR 1877: 1,466,332.

INCREASE: 3,724,527.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.

GRAPES are ripe.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.

It's d. h.very warm.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.

Bring in your watermelons now, and we'll sample them.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.

Rev. Thompson, who has been in Ohio for some time past, returned to his home last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.

BIRTH. MRS. PAGE, wife of the late Jay Page, gave birth to a daughter last Friday afternoon, at Winfield.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.

MR. DENTON, of East Bolton, met with a severe accident, last week, with a run-away team, resulting in breaking his shoulder.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.

A couple of bold navigators passed down the raging Arkansas last Sunday, bound for Little Rock, and hailing from Dodge City.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.

FRED. FARRAR, it is said, contemplates going west soon. He probably thinks he knows of a better seaport than our own.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.

HON. L. B. KELLOGG, of Emporia, formerly of this place, is a candidate for Probate Judge of Lyon County, and has little or no opposition.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.

It is said "Mickey Jim" does a bigger trade than any other man in Winfieldall owing to warm weather and a monopoly of ice, you know.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.

JAS. MITCHELL and Jacob Beal have started home with 150 head of cattle. Jim will appreciate the blessings of a pleasant home after his long journey through the Indian country.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.

AL. PRUDEN left the flat boat at the mouth of Deer Creek last Thursday noon, and returned home by wagon. He reports the boys are all in good spirits, and having better success every day.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.

We are glad to state that the wife and child of O. P. Houghton are almost recovered, and that if no more of his family are taken sick, they may be expected home in the course of a week or ten days.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.

MESSRS. BROWN & GLASS, successors to B. F. Baldwin, Winfield, are meeting with general favor, and doing a lively drug business. The irresistible Ed. Clisbee remains with them, and doubtless draws the custom of the fair ones.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.

We would call attention to the professional card of Chapman & Quinton, attorneys at law, at Winfield. This is a new firm, and come to our county seat highly recommended. They also have a large amount of money to loan at a low rate of interest.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.

GEN. McNEIL has been ordered to Fort Leavenworth, to superintend the removal of the Nez Perces Indians to their future home near Baxter Springs, formerly occupied by the Ponca Indians, who are now on their way to their new Agency near Dean's ranch, thirty-five miles south of this place.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.

The removal of Cyrus Beede, Agent for the Osage Indians, does not meet with satisfaction among the people of the border. Mr. Beede enjoys the friendship and confidence of the Western people probably to a greater extent than any other agent in the Territory, and as there are no specific charges against him, his friends naturally regard the change as unjust.

Under the present system of appointment, however, when personal spite rather than inefficiency causes a man to be suspended from office, little can be hoped for in the matter of regarding the wishes of the people.

The new agent is Mr. Laban J. Miles, and he will have better luck than the majority of men if he succeeds in holding the position any length of time.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.

We have been favored with a communication tending to excite an argument on the case of Page and Webb, at Winfield. Now we do not desire to cause any more comment on this unfortunate affair, one way or the other. As it is, it will be difficult to obtain a jury in this county, because of the high feeling in the matter. In fact, we are inclined to believe that there are not a dozen men in this county who have refrained from expressing an opinion on the case, which precludes their acting as jurors, and will necessitate a change of venue. We are not overburdened with sympathy for Mr. Webb, or for Mr. Page either, but we prefer to discuss the affair after his trial.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.

We would call attention to the notice of the Walnut Valley District Fair, to be held in Winfield some time in September. This fair promises to be the big thing of Cowley County for this year, and no expense will be spared to make it one long to be remembered. The premiums will be as liberal as the directors can afford, and we guarantee the farmers that this year Cowley can make as good a show as many older counties in the State.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.

Ponca Agency Commissary Completed.
The commissary at Ponca Agency was completed last Thursday evening, the total cost being $1,850. The building is 24 x 70 feet, ten feet high, and contains five roomstwo offices, store, council room, and storeroom. The balance of this tribe, numbering some 350, arrived on the same day, and their new agent, Mr. Whiteman, is expected this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.

Many Winfield people, who have heretofore been warm supporters of and believers in Rev. Rusbridge, are losing faith in his ability to prophesy, though at the same time they would like to know by what Agency he received his knowledge of coming events. You can't most always sometimes tell, you know, unless you closely study the symptoms.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.

A Milking Machine.
Arkansas City is still in the lead. Some few evenings ago we noticed quite a large crowd in front of our office, and bent upon seeing what was going on, we rushed to the scene of the excitement, and soon discovered the causerather, a cow and Judge Christian with his milking machine in full operation, making the lacteal fluid pour a continuous stream into the pail, and completely draining the cow's udder in a few minutes.

This is a very simple apparatus, though very ingenious, consisting of four little silver tubes about two inches long, closed at one end, but open at the other, with a small gum tube some eight inches long fastened to each of them. The end that is inserted into the teat has three small holes on each side, into which the milk flows, thence through the rubber tubes into the pail. All four of these rubber tubes are so fastened together that the milk from all the teats flows in one continuous stream into the pail.

It is an English invention, manufactured at Sheffield, and sold by an agent in this county: price $5. It looks like a big price for so small an article, but Judge Christian says he would not take double what it cost and do without one, as a child of eight or ten years can milk fifty cows in one evening by the aid of this invention, and experience no fatigue.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.

Since our last issue we have seen a letter from a Mr. Barnett, of Seward, Nebraska, giving further particulars in the case of George Monroe, who was recently murdered near that town. On examination the jury found a bullet hole in his breast, just above the heart, and his head bore evidence of having been severely beaten. Suspicion pointed to one Casler as the perpetrator of the horrible crime, and he was immediately sent for. Monroe had stopped for the night at Casler's house, or "dug-out," and had said he wanted to sell his team. The next day (Sunday) Monroe and Casler started for Seward at about 11 o'clock, and the following day Casler returned with the team, saying he had borrowed $100 at the bank, and had bought the team, giving a pre-emption claim for the balance; but as the bankers say he didn't get any money there, and as it happened that he had borrowed $100 last March and given a mortgage on a span of mules and three cows (when he had only one cow and "nary" a mule), and as the money was soon due, it looked "pretty thin."

Casler confessed to having camped with Monroe on Sunday night, and now has a revolver which belonged to the latter, but says he did not kill Monroe, and that the revolver was given to him. Casler has served one term in the Wisconsin penitentiary, and is generally recognized as a desperate character.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 31, 1878.

Walnut Valley District Fair.
The attention of farmers in the District, and all others interested in the same, are now called upon to send in their names and take one or more shares and thus help in one of these institutions which will add much to the wealth and prosperity of Southern Kansas. The shares being five dollars each and but 20 percent, paid down (and not more than 40 percent, can be called upon in any one year), places it in the reach of all to contribute. Besides this, anyone taking one share and paying the same in full will receive a certificate of stock paid up and a season ticket for himself and family during the fair, free.

The management is in the hands of a good and sufficient board, who will deal fairly with all and allow no personalities before merit; avoiding as far as possible any unpleasantness to arise. They ask this as an especial favor, for the reason that they wish to incur the least possible expense in getting up and maintaining a good fair, and to go to each and lay these matters before them, would take more time than any committee of persons can spare; but by the above course both time and money can be saved and the same end reached. Starting out anew they find it necessary to get along with the least possible expense and fulfill every promise made and only ask that each one so interested will take at least one share. Do not delay this matter, but call on one of the committee, viz: J. B. Lynn, Frank Williams, E. P. Kinne, committee; or Eugene E. Bacon, Secretary, who will issue to you certificate for amount subscribed. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 31, 1878.

Writing from Deadwood, Black Hills, to a friend in Chicago, a gentleman of long experience in California, and who has spent many years in mining regions, says: "I have now been here eight months, carefully looking over the entire country with the view of investment. I find almost everything very much overdone here in regard to merchandise.

There are more goods here of every description than can be sold in the next eight months. Flour is selling at $4 to $5.50 per hundred; bacon at eight to ten cents per pound; kerosene oils, largely overstocked, are jobbing at forty cents, cans included. There are fifteen thousand gallons on sale in Deadwood alone, and any staple you can mention can be bought here cheaper than you can buy in Chicago, with freight added, and cannot be disposed of faster than it is wanted for daily use. I think this country is at least two years ahead of its time. The kind of people here doing business are largely men of no means, check being their principal capital, and I find they are well stocked with that commodity. There is so much freight coming in every day that every dollar in circulation is used to pay freight, and goes out of the country. There has been so much rain that placer claims are not worked. There is a show for the future, and time will tell what it will amount to. There is no use of a person coming to this country without capital and plenty of time to work it up. From what I can learn there is gold enough here to keep all the people in the country at work for the next one hundred years, but there is no big pay without capital, and plenty of it, to work it out."


Arkansas City Traveler, July 31, 1878.

From the Lone Star State.
HEMPSTEAD, TEXAS, July 19, 1878.
Editor Traveler:

I have just been down to Austin attending the State Democratic Convention, to see the Texans make a governor. I say make a Governor, because the nomination by the Democratic party is equivalent to an election in this State. One would think there were no Republicans here from the conversation heard. The State is largely Democratic, and the Republicans seldom organize. In Collins County, one of the best grain and cotton producing counties in the State, there are one hundred voters that never saw the stars and stripes afloat. Texas, during the war, never saw the Federal troops except along the coast.

The State presents a fine appearance now, although the wheat, oats, and cotton were seriously damaged by heavy and constant rains, as in Kansas and other States. The cotton fields are blooming like massive flower beds, presenting a picture equaled in none but Southern States. Many fields of corn have been cut and shocked, and Hungarian and hay are engaging the farmers' attention. Although a good crop of wheat was harvested last year, the mills are grinding Kansas grain, on account of the immense immigration.

They need more "Yankees" here. Every northern man is termed Yankee. They acknowledge their superior energy and always welcome them. They complain constantly of the blacks, and many of the most extensive farmers are employing white laborers in their stead.

Horses, mules, cattle, and hogs are to be seen in every direction, running unrestrained on the scanty pasturage of thousands of acres. The country in Eastern Texas has been grazed so long that not a grass spot can be seen. What grass the stock can get is picked from among the weeds and brush. The western portion of the State, however, affords the finest stock range in the world, and thousands of animals are being driven thereto. The price of all kinds of stock is very low, owing to hard times and scarcity of money.

In a few days I will be on my way back to the green pastures of Kansas, returning by the way of the Shawnee cattle trail, leading to Coffeyville. The flies are so bad that travel by day is out of the question. On our way down they swarmed on our horses' legs and breasts so that for miles they left a trail of blood behind them. Many animals bled to death on the way, and ours probably would have had we not taken the precaution to cover them.

A light-haired man of about five feet in height, riding a sorrel horse, passed us at Pawnee Agency, in a hurried manner. He rode the horse until it fell under the saddle and then shot and left it. He then gave $10 to one of the Indians to put him across the Arkansas in the night, leaving before he had anything to eat, and landed in a wilderness. The rest of his gang are now being tried at Austin for train robbing. About 30 miles from Denison, and within ten miles of our camp, the Indians stampeded a herd of cattle. This is about all the deviltry we have heard of so far. Yours, C. M.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 31, 1878.

Hon. C. R. Mitchell returned from Little Rock last Friday night, after an absence of about twenty days. It will be remembered that Mr. Mitchell went down the river on the "Aunt Sally," in company with Mr. Harter, of Winfield, to talk up the navigation of the Arkansas with the businessmen of Little Rock, and see what could be done in the way of putting a line of boats on the river between Arkansas City and Little Rock.

On Saturday morning a meeting was called at Pearson's hall to hear his report, and the house was crowded to its utmost capacity.

Mr. Mitchell stated that they found low water among the islands at the mouth of the Salt Fork, and down in the Creek Nation, but that the greatest difficulty in finding a channel lay in the fact that the water was constantly falling, which made it impossible to tell exactly where to go. This is the case in any river where there are sand bars, or where the channel is liable to change. Even below Little Rock, after a rise the boats either wait until the water falls to its natural stage before attempting a trip, or are careful to sound the entire way in order to avoid the bars, as there are numerous "shoots" or false channels created by the water during its fall. Mr. Mitchell further reports that with but little improvement, the river above Fort Gibson is better than below it, except probably in extreme low water, and is navigable the greater portion of the year.

By a system of jetties, the difficulties at the Salt Fork and in the Creek country could be removed with but very little cost, when the river from Arkansas City to Little Rock would furnish better facilities for navigation than the lower portion of the river does.

Arriving at Little Rock, Mr. Mitchell conversed with the businessmen of that place, prominent among whom are C. F. Penzel, Eisenmayer & Co., W. B. Cotton, M. D. Pritchard, Charter & Pfeifer, and Mr. Geyer. These gentlemen all express a willingness and determination to push the matter, and will invest money in boats next year. Mr. Penzel is a generous, public-spirited man, and will put a thousand dollars in the enterprise, satisfied that the "up-river trade" will be an immense thing for that country. Our wheat will bring from ninety cents to $1.10 per bushel, instead of only seventy-five cents, as has been reported. It is far superior to Texas wheat, the latter being dried and shriveled.

Mr. Mitchell then interviewed the steamboat men with reference to coming up here, but found none willing to make the trip this year, for fear of losing the cotton trade, which commences in September, and furnishes a large business to boats during the winter months. Below will be found a list of boats, whose owners intend sending up in the spring.

In the first place Capt. Lewis says he will be the first one up here, bringing the "Aunt Sally." As our readers are familiar with the boat, no description of it is necessary.

The "Rose City," James Bowlin, captain and owner, is 130 feet long, 30 feet beam; cylinders, 10 in. in diameter and 36 in. stroke; boilers 18 ft. long, 3-1/2 ft. in diameter; draws 10 in. light; will carry 100 tons on 18 in. of water, and 150 tons on 20 inches. Her registered capacity is 250 tons.

The "Big Rock," Captains Brodie and Hattaway, is 119 ft. long, 25 ft. beam; cylinders 9 in. in diameter, 30 in. stroke; boilers 18 ft. long, 38 in. diameter; allowable pressure of steam, 140 pounds; wheel 9 ft. in diameter, 16-1/2 ft. long; Registered 180 tons.

The "Fletcher" is a regular packet plying between Little Rock and Fort Smith, is 135 feet long, 34 ft. beam, and has the strongest power of any boat on this river.

The owners of the above boat have assured Mr. Mitchell that they will positively come up in the spring. In addition to these, a Mr. John Darrow intends sending two or three small boats up, he owning a complete line of them.

Mr. Mitchell then went to St. Louis, to obtain estimates in boat building, and found that many river men of that city were manifesting considerable interest in this project, and who propose sending boats next spring.

In conclusion, we would say that C. R. Mitchell has done all that any man could under the same circumstances. To the objections urged by some, that he knew nothing about the river, we answer that his ignorance was more than equaled by his determination to find out, as is proved by his stripping, and wading the river when they were in search of deeper water. To the slurs and accusations of others, to the effect that he was "bought off," we make no reply, other than they are beneath the notice of a man, and have no weight among the better class of citizens.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 31, 1878.

HATS. Odd lots of hats at Houghton and Mac's from 1/4 to 1/2 what they cost.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 31, 1878.

HOUGHTON & MAC have just received an invoice of boots and shoes 25 percent cheaper than ever brought to this market.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 31, 1878.

My farm of 160 acres, 2-1/2 m. east of Arkansas City, 140 acres in cultivation; good house; well, pasture, stables, and sheds, hog lots, good orchard of 500 bearing trees. Will rent for cash at $2 per cultivated acre. F. M. Vaughn.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 31, 1878.

CLOTHING. Houghton & McLaughlin have marked down their entire stock of clothing from 25 to 50 percent, in order to close it out and make room for a new stock. Go and see them. There are big bargains.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 31, 1878.

I WILL TRADE the following articles cheap for wheat, oats, corn, hauling, or cash.

1 Champion Mower-dropper attached.

2 Ox Wagons.

1 Horse Wagon.

1 Spring Wagon.

1 two-horse Grain Drill.

1 Sewing Machine.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 31, 1878.

FOR SALE. A Furst & Bradley sulky plow, nearly new, for 2 or 3 horses. Cheap at Schiffbauer Bros. & Co.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 31, 1878.

On Saturday, August 17th, I will offer at public sale, my livery outfit, consisting of horses, ponies, colts, buggies, spring wagons, harness, saddles, and bridles; also hogs, pigs, cows, calves, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms: a credit of four months on are all sums over $10, under $10, cash; purchaser giving bankable paper. Sale positive.

[Note: Evidently there were no "Personals in July 31, 1878, issue. Either that or they failed to send all of the newspaper to Kansas State Historical Society at Topeka.]


Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878. Front Page.

Captain Robert Sims and ten volunteers of General Forsythe's command had a fight with the Snakes in the Blue mountains on the 20th inst. Jack Campbell was severely wounded, and Horton Freeman received a wound from which he died. Soon after one of the troops received a scalp wound and Capt. Robbins and J. W. Remington, Charles Adams, and Geo. Burke had their horses shot, and their hats and shirts pierced by bullets.

A Baker City dispatch to the Courier from Gen. Howard reports that the Bannocks and Piutes have separated. The former are fleeing the country while the latter are supposed to be making for their Agency for the purpose of surrendering.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878. Front Page.

A communication has been received in Washington from Mexican authorities charging that Americans have been crossing into Mexico, stealing cattle, and driving them across the Rio Grande into the United States. No action was taken.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

[From the San Francisco Chronicle.]
RECAP. A Mexican journal at Sonora said: We regret to notice that a number of those elected as members in the legislature have refused to take their seats...puts in danger the sovereignty of the state of Sonora and may oblige the federal authorities once more to declare a state of siege and establish a military government. It gives the Yankees greater limits to hurl unjust phrases against us as being unable to govern ourselves, and abets the North getting its claws into the most beautiful portion of our occidental territory.

The phlegmatic and powerful neighbor of Mexico will not content its ambition with Sonora, for during some years past it has been trying to invent a pretext which would despoil us, if possible, of the rest of the country.

The American press is filled with insults against us, while equally insulting is the conduct of some of its citizens, and so closely watched are our acts that nothing escapes observation.

Journal was referring to the address of Schleicher, member of Congress from Texas, delivered at San Antonio upon his return from Congress....stated Texans were eager and able to clean out the Mexicans. The Sonora Mexican journal said: "Insolent wretches! Barbarians! If Mexico had the brute force which they can show, we would not be so divinely insulted. It would have been just if the tongue of Schleicher had been paralyzed for speaking in such a manner, knowing how the Mexicans have been vilified, robbed, and assassinated by the plague of thieves coming from Texas."


Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

The people interested should see to it that a boat is put on this river before Congress meets and kept on it while Congress is in session, as this would insure an appropriation of half a million dollars for the improvement of the Arkansas from Gibson or Little Rock to Wichita.

From Hon. Thomas Ryan we learn that the entire Southern delegation in Congress is working for the opening up of the Arkansas River. They realize the magnitude of the trade that will spring up with the success of this project, and they stood by Mr. Ryan to a man in his efforts to secure the appropriation for the survey, which will commence next month.

In view of the many improvements made on Western rivers in the last few years, New York has become aroused on the subject, and seeks to hold a great portion of the trade that is going to Southern markets, by deepening the Erie canal twelve feet, and making it absolutely freeso that one can get bills of lading from Chicago to Liverpool through this canal.

The report of the surveying corps will doubtless determine the appropriation, but keeping a boat on the river, plying between our town and the agencies, would have an immense influ ence for good.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

Barges on the Arkansas.
The people of Cowley County, Kansas, are excited just now over the recent trip of a steamboat up the Arkansas River to Arkansas City. They want a line of barges established on the Arkansas River, which flows through one of the most productive portions of the State. They believe, and correctly, too, that if they could make the Arkansas River the outlet for the shipment of their surplus crops, it would be worth millions of dollars to the people of that great valley.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

On account of the excessive heat, farm labor is extremely fatiguing. The expression, "Wipe the perspiration from off your brow," is frequently ejaculated, and at present quite applicable.

Our farmers are highly jubilant over the prospects of the successful navigation of the Arkansas River. God speed the time when Cowley will no longer be under obligation to pay tribute to the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad.

A majority of our husbandmen are diligently improving the time in pushing on the plow handles; having learned from past experience, that "a stitch in time saves nine." Mr. H. Holtby leads the van in plowinghaving already inverted sixty acres of his stubble field. He intends sowing 120 acres in wheat next month.

Our little "burg," Thomasville, is putting on metropolitan airs; a post office having recently been established, which assumes the name of Fannehill, in honor of our Hoosier resident, R. Fannehill. It also rejoices in the possession of an apothecary shop, a physician, Notary Public, a general provision store and a miller.

The Centennial Sunday School accepted an invitation to attend a picnic, gotten up by the Brane Sunday School, on the 1st inst., and the grand and impressive display made by the Centennialites so astonished the "natives" in the vicinity of Posey creek, that they were considerably abashed. The Centennial school carried away the honor of producing the most excellent vocal and instrumental music on the occasion. The Centennial infant class acquitted themselves admirably in the singing line, and will compare favorably in this respect with any school in the county. Enthusiastic addresses were made by Rev. Blakey, Mr. Mark Williams, and another gentleman, whose name I have forgotten, of the legal fraternity, of Winfield, which were highly appreciated by the assembly.

A joyous and happy time was had generally. Centennial holds a picnic on the 17th inst. in the Bradbury grove, and cordially extend an invitation to surrounding schools to participate. ARCANUM.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

Perched up on the western slope of the Allegheny Mountains where the "everlasting hills" stand in silent and sublime grandeurin the "old house at home where my forefathers dwelt," "where a child at the feet of my mother I knelt," I find myself this refreshing summer morning attempting to enlighten the many readers of your paper as to my whereabouts.

With the exception of our youngest boy meeting with an accident by upsetting a cup of scalding water on his head, we have all been in good health.

It is quite too soon yet to determine as to the effect of this climate upon my throat, but am hopeful that it will be beneficial. There is something invigorating in this mountain air that is in marked contrast with the debilitating climate of the prairies of Kansas. Since coming East a wave of heat has passed over the country almost unendurable, the thermometer ranging from 97 to 107 in the shade.

For a day or two past it has been cooler, and it is hoped that old "Sol" has taken his "bake-oven" indoors for a season. I cannot but mark the contrast between the season here and with you in Kansas. On the 2nd of July when I turned my face eastward and northward from Southern Kansas, the harvest in the main was gathered; here the farmers are in the midst of it. In this latitude they did not commence to gather it until about the fourth of July. The wheat and oats are only a moderate crop here, while the corn is not far enough ahead to determine anything, as to the crop. This country may do for coal and iron and timber, but it is not the place to farm. A man can do double the labor with about half as much to show for it here as in Kansas. S. B. FLEMING.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

Navigating the Arkansas.
BOLTON, July 26, 1878.
Now that there has been so much said pro and con, concerning the navigation of the Arkansas River, allow your correspondent to say a few words in favor of navigating the "Big Useless," as some call it.

We have heard it stated frequently since the "Aunt Sally" made the trip that her Captain was paid by the A., T. & S. F. R. R. Co. for reporting the trip up the river a failure, and now we hear the same report again concerning this last boat, now on the river.

Now let us look at this matter squarely in the face and see if there is any reason for believing this report. The managers of the above mentioned railroad have already made the statement that they expected to transport over their road the snug little sum of 3,000,000 bushels of wheat from this section of Kansas. Out of that vast amount, I think it fair to state that Cowley County will furnish 500,000 bushels. Let us now see what the railroad will make on this wheat by shipping it over their road, from Wichita to Kansas City, at 16 cents per bushel, the rate charged. The freight on 500,000 bushels of wheat at 16 cents amounts to the sum of $80,000. Now wouldn't it pay them well to keep all other transportation out of the country, if they can possibly do it? Would $10,000 or $12,000 be any great loss to them, as long as they can secure to themselves such a sum of money as that, by expending so little? It is reasonable enough to suppose that the company did do it, whether they did or not. All reading people believe that the A., T. & S. F. R. R. are keeping out all other railroads. If such is the case, they would try to keep boats from navigating the river. If there is reason in one case, there is in the other.

Now that it has been proven that the river can be navigated, why not navigate it? Why not improve the opportunity? It is because we all have a different idea of navigating the river, or of building the boat. If such is the case, let us put our ideas together, and go ahead and do something. We must act, and act together if we intend to make use of this natural outlet for our produce.

If men of capital will not build a boat, let us do it ourselves. Ten farmers of Bolton Township can build a small boat that will take all the surplus grain away, in the county. If you can't go with the boat, there are plenty of good men who will, and one or two of the farmers can go along and see how the selling is conducted.

Don't let us talk anymore, but let us do something. The river can be made to serve us if we will make it. We have only to reach out our hand and catch the prize, or we can stand off and growl like a dog with a sore head, and discourage all who try to do something.

If men of money can't be induced to invest a dollar, because they think they can't make five hundred percent, on their money, let men of brains, "sand" and wheat, come forward and do it.

Let us hear from the wheat-growers, the ones most interested.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

Curiosities of the Indian Territory.
In the Seminole reserve, on the top of a rocky ridge running from the Canadian to the Little River, are a succession of pits that have been dug in former times for some purpose or other. They are alike in size and shape, and are dug at about equal distance apartabout 300 yards. The whole distance on which they occur is about eight miles.

There are also at three different points, the marks of human footprints in the rocks. At one place the tracks are about one and a half inches deep by eleven inches long. They occur in hard sandstone rock.

In the Creek Nation, near the Seminole line, on a creek, is to be found the ruins of an old circular embankment, bearing the appearance of having been used as a fort. The place is grown up in trees, but the site of the fort is quite plainly marked. Atoka Independent.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

No Blood Shed, But Everything Done Quietly in Broad Daylight.
Generally speaking, there is little to create an excitement in our town, though we live on the border of the Indian Territory, the harbor for all horse thieves and desperadoes who are fleeing from State Justice.

Last Wednesday, however, our people were rudely awakened from their dream of security from invasions by lawless characters, by the report that the Cowley County Bank had been robbed in broad daylight, and that the robbers were heading west with their booty as fast as their horses could carry them. The particulars, as near as we can gather, from the thousand-and-one statements afloat, are as follows.

At ten minutes of ten o'clock on that morning, four horsemen rode into town, two of whom put up at Finney's livery stable, and gave orders to have their horses fed immediately, but not unsaddled, as they would want them soon. Behind each saddle was a two-bushel seamless sack and a pair of over-alls, and small saddle bags were attached. They inquired particularly as to the time of day, and also were anxious to gain all the information they could concerning a herd of ponies near Caldwellthe exact location, condition of ponies, etc.

The other two ponies were taken to a different portion of the town, and left standing.

One of the two men who stopped at the stable was known by Mr. Finney as a person who used to herd for Mr. Smythia several miles south of here, who went by the name of Jim Kennedy. This man is about five feet, eight or nine inches in height, dark complexion, with dark brown moustache and chin whiskers trimmed short, and is probably between thirty and thirty-five years of age. The other one was nearly six feet in height, sandy complexion, with light brown moustache.

At five minutes after 12, just after Major Sleeth, president of the bank, had gone to dinner, a man stepped into the bank and requested Mr. Fred Farrar (who, in the absence of his brother, H. P. Farrar, acts in the capacity of cashier) to change a twenty-dollar bill. Mr. Farrar seeing that the bill was genuine, turned to make the change, when the man exclaimed roughly: "Here! Hand that bill back!" Naturally a little surprised, Farrar looked up, only to see the muzzle of a large seven-shooter staring him in the face; and before he could recover from the shock, two men, each with their revolvers cocked and pointed at him, stepped around the counter and politely invited him to come into the back room. Realizing in a moment that resistance was more than useless, Mr. Farrar coolly replied: "All right, sir," and walked back, when one man guarded him, while the other went through the safe, taking all the money that he could find, the third man standing guard at the door. By the time the money was taken, the fourth man, who had been standing with the other two horses on the corner some fifty yards south, walked into the bank, and two of the robbers waited with Mr. Farrar while the other two went for the horses. Bringing the horses up to the door, they all mounted, turned to Farrar, and with a polite "Good day, sir," they galloped off. The whole proceedings in the bank had not occupied over five minutes' time.

Mr. Farrar immediately gave the alarm, and in an instant all was confusion. Men rushed up and down the streets in search of horses and fire arms, seemingly bereft of their senses. C. R. Mitchell and J. A. Stafford were first in the saddles, and started after them in the direction of Salt City. Stafford caught a glimpse of them, and cutting across the country, came near enough to them to fire, which he did. The leader looked around at him and coolly remarking, "You G_d d____d son-of-a-b___h," leveled his gun and returned fire, the bullet singing past Stafford's ear, but not striking him. As all the party stopped, Stafford thought he had better go behind a small mound of sand, and just as he dropped down, another bullet from the robbers threw the sand all over his face. Mr. Stafford returned this shot, when the men touched up their horses and galloped easily off. By this time a crowd of our citizens had arrived on the spot and all joined in the chase.

After they had passed the "jack oaks" northwest of town, the pursuers could find no trace of them, and concluded they were hiding in the oaks, when they turned back and sent word to town for more men and gunsthat they had the robbers corralled in the oaks.

Here is where the great mistake was made, as the thieves were still going toward Salt City, and crossed the ferry at that place shortly after 1 o'clock.

Our men did not discover their mistake until too late to catch up with them, though the party in pursuit crossed the Salt City ferry one hour and a half behind them.

By this time Bolton Township was aroused, and Frank Lorry, with two more farmers, in company with Mr. Knight, of this place, started west, keeping near the line. They soon struck the trail of the robbers, and hearing that they were not more than a mile ahead, Mr. Lorry told a Mrs. Lucky to send her husband to town for re-inforcements. Mrs. Lucky ran half a mile, with her baby in her arms, to where her husband was plowing, but for some reason he did not come in.

When this party arrived at Peters' ranch, on the Shakaska, some 20 miles west, Mr. George Peters turned out with them and rendered most valuable assistance in the pursuit, besides furnishing feed for the worn-out horses.

They followed them until Thursday night, when the robbers gave them the slip at midnight, and got away, though the party would have chased them to Fort Sill had the re- inforcements been sent. But not meeting these, and their own horses being completely worn out, the party of four were compelled to return. They desire to return hearty thanks to Mr. Peters for his assistance, and are enthusiastic in his praises.

Mr. Farrar described the man who presented the bill as being 5 feet, 10 or 11 inches in height, well built, dark complexion, black moustache and goatee, and with a scar on his right cheek. Another man was described as being about 5 feet, 7 inches, light complexion and smooth face. The fourth man was described as being nearly 6 feet tall, and wore a moustache.

Some think the leader was one of the notorious James boys, but there is nothing reliable as to this. However that may be, it was about the coolest piece of business our citizens ever witnessed, and despite the hot weather, they are not desirous of seeing another.

A reward of $100 each for the robbers, dead or alive, has been offered; and $500 for the return of the money, or a proportionate sum for what can be regained.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

CIRCUS next Friday.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

COUNTY convention next Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

FRED thinks a pistol is a persuader of rare merit.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

F. P. SCHIFFBAUER drives the "toniest" team in town.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

A. BERRY came up from Pawnee Agency last Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

There were four greenback men in town last Wednesday.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

MESSRS. Hackney and Torrance, Winfield, were in town Thursday.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

JAMES MITCHELL will be here in a few days with 114 head of yearlings.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

A "spreading viper" was killed in Mr. Bonsall's yard last Friday afternoon.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

Miss Annie Norton and Miss Linda Christian left us a fine sample of millet at our office last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

J. H. SHERBURNE has taken the contract for furnishing oats at Fort Reno, Indian Territory, from R. C. Haywood.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

DIPHTHERIA is prevalent in the vicinity of Kitle and South Haven, several miles west of this place.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

R. C. HAYWOOD went to Osage Agency last Sunday, and will return the latter part of this week, when he will commence buying wheat.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

The heat was so intense on Sunday that Rev. McClung gave out before the morning services were over, and no services at all were held in the evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

SUNSTROKE. A young fellow by the name of Andrew Minser, working for Chris. Wolfe, was sunstruck last Thursday, while working at a threshing machine.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

MR. BAKER, of Lowell, Massachusetts, starts for the East this week, and proposes visiting the Southern States on his way home. He states we may expect him back in a few months.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

BURT COVERT, who started from Winfield in pursuit of the bank robbers, came in from the West last Thursday, having lamed his horse, which compelled him to return.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

MR. C. M. SCOTT and FRANK BALDWIN, of Winfield, who have been rusticating in Texas for several weeks, came in last Monday, looking somewhat weather-beaten, but tough, and both having good appetites.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

MR. HARRIS, of the Tunnel Mills at Winfield, visited our city last Thursday, accompanied by the liveliest and most accomplished newspaper reporter in the State. So he thinks.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

The time of year is now come when every voter in this "land of the free and the home of the brave" has the inestimable privilege of paying three dollars or shoveling gravel two days. P-o-l-l, poll, t-a-x, taxpoll tax.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

AGENT WHITEMAN, of Ponca Agency, was in town last Thursday, accompanied by Capt. Jefferson, who is sub-contractor for furnishing beef to the Indian agencies south of us. Major Hood, of Emporia, is the original contractor.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

MR. L. H. GARDNER received a letter from a Mr. Bacon, of South Frankfort, Michigan, who proposes to bring a boat up this river. The dimensions of the boat are 70 feet keel, 20 feet beam, drawing 9 inches light, and 18 in. loaded.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

At the primary election last Saturday the following persons were elected delegates to the convention at Winfield next Saturday: J. H. Sherburne, Geo. McIntire, R. A. Houghton, George Allen, I. H. Bonsall, Jerry Tucker, and E. G. Gray.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

MR. C. H. SYLVESTER, of Boscobel, Wisconsin, arrived in town last week. Mr. Sylvester was the successful applicant for our school during the next year, is a graduate of the Beloit, Wis., schools, and is rapidly meeting with favor among our citizens.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

The first circus of the season for our town will exhibit at this place next Friday afternoon and evening. Those of our farmers who have children who want to see the animals will doubtless be on hand, for the sake of the little ones, you know.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

BIRTH. OUR READERS of the last issue know that Tom Gilbert, of Kaw Agency, was in town last week, but they didn't know all of it. The armful of whistle, rattles, and small, peculiarly shaped pins that he took back with him tell the rest of the story. Saturday, July 27th; a girl.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

The bridge south of town is nearly completed, and the town authorities should see to it that the approaches are fixed immediately, the new bridge being some four or five feet higher than the old one. There is no excuse for waiting until the bridge is ready for crossing before taking any steps toward building a new approach, thereby stopping all travel over it for a month longer, and the people should make it their business to have the approaches completed by the time work on the bridge is done.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

The usual monotony of life at an Indian Agency was broken by an amusing sight at Pawnee Agency a week or two ago. A little girl of probably not more than twelve summers and a lady whose obesity prompted compassion for the heaviest scales were seen placidly riding through the streets on a Spanish jennet about three feet in height, doubtless oblivious of the fact that there was a newspaper reporter in sight.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

The Santa Fe railroad will give an excursion to Niagara Falls, Put-in-Bay, and Toronto, under the management of E. H. Ayer. The regular train will leave on Monday, August 12, and the round trip fare from Wichita is only $27.50. Persons desiring to stop and see friends in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, or Michigan, will be accommodated by the Wabash railway.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

MR. C. E. UDELL, of St. Louis, has been in town for the past week. He is sent by the Government to inspect the flour furnished by Mr. Newman to the agencies below. The flour is to be delivered in monthly installments, and Mr. Udell, or some other gentlemen, will make monthly trips to inspect the flour.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

DR. LEONARD left at our office last Thursday a specimen of "Pearl" millet, which has created considerable interest among the farmers. The stock resembles that of sugar cane, and is eleven feet long, while the head is thirteen inches in length. We believe the doctor obtained the seed from New York.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

After the bank robbery last Wednesday, there were numerous brave men who were loud in their assertions of what they would have done if they had been there. As has been wisely observed, such men rarely get there. Mr. Farrar acted sensibly, and was probably as cool and collected as many older men would have been under the circumstances.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

To prove that history does repeat itself, we will state that the battle of Brandywine was fought on the 11th of September, 1777, and on the 1st of August, 1878, we witnessed a second brandy-wine engagement that fully eclipsed all the Revolutionary struggles. It was grand. [BANK WAS ROBBED ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1878!]

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

WINFIELD township elected the following delegates to the county convention next Saturday: C. C. Pierce, R. L. Walker, W. P. Hackney, F. S. Jennings, L. W. Spach, E. S. Torrance, Om M. Seward, James Kelley, E. C. Manning, D. A. Millington.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.

PAINFUL ACCIDENT. Last Saturday evening, while experimenting in riding "bare- back," Miss May Benedict was thrown from her pony, breaking her right arm. The unfortunate young lady has the sympathy of all, the extreme warm weather making such an affliction doubly hard to bear.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878. Front Page.

The Commonwealth has information that a man named McLean was murdered by the Ute Indians, fifteen miles from Cheyenne Wells, Colorado. He had gone out to drive in cattle. His pony came in, covered with blood. A party went to search for his body and found seventy-five Ute Indians near the place, who were hurrying away. McLean's brother is in pursuit with eighteen soldiers. It was thought he was murdered for a gold watch and chain and other valuables on his person.

There are now over one hundred volunteers out from Boise and Owyhee in pursuit of the savages. The latter are traveling leisurely through the country helping themselves to stock along the line of march.

The President has appointed Henry C. Linn, of Kansas, agent for the Indians of the Kansas Agency, and David Kern, of Illinois, agent for the Indians of the Crow Agency.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

A delegate Convention of the Republicans was held at the courthouse in Winfield on Saturday, Aug. 10th, at 10 o'clock a.m. The meeting was called to order by Hon. C. R. Mitchell, Chairman of the Republican Central Committee, who read the call and stated the object of the meeting.

On motion, Hon. E. C. Manning was elected temporary chairman, and C. M. Scott, Secretary, with Ed. G. Gray, Assistant Secretary.

On motion a committee of five was appointed by the chairman, to act as Committee on Credentials: W. A. Metcalf, Cedar Township; Ed. G. Gray, of Creswell Township; Mr. Strong, of Rock Township; James Kelly, of Winfield Township; and A. J. Pickering, of Windsor Township.









Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

[Article by C. M. Scott, Traveler Editor.]
A Trip Through the Indian Territory & Texas..
During the heat of the summer, while the farmers are busy harvesting grain, the labors of a newspaper man slacken somewhat, and the editor generally avails himself of the dull times and journeys from home. This year the Kansas Editorial Association, in accordance with its established custom made a visit. Put-in-Bay, on Lake Erie, near Toledo, was their choice, but as we had previously visited that delightful place, we concluded we should see Texas, with its thousands of cattle, sheep, and horses, and unite an errand of business with one of pleasure.

With this desire we secured the company of Mr. B. F. Baldwin, the leading drug merchant of our sister town, who desired to travel for his health, and J. Frank Hess. Russell Wells and wife, of Sherman, Texas, had been waiting a week to cross the Arkansas River at this place, and joined us when we started.

The Arkansas was crossed on the ferry, and Bodoc creek followed down its source thirty miles, when we came to Dean's ranchnow Ponca Agency, with a new building, several tents about, and an Indian camp of one hundred tents a mile distant.

Salt Fork detained us one day and a half, by high water, but we succeeded in rafting across safely after many hours hard work and exposure.

The day following we reached Pawnee Agency, where we found the Indians dying off at a rapid rate from malarial diseases and no remedies at the physician's command.

From Pawnee Agency we went to Sac and Fox, crossing the Cimarron thirty miles from the Agency.

A horse was ridden over to see that the ford was safe; but just as the first wagon was pulling out on the opposite shore, the horses stopped a moment to raise up the bank, when down went the wagon in the treacherous quicksand. By the time the horses were taken ashore, the wagon had settled to the hubs and could not be pried out with a lever. We then had to take off the tongue, the box, wheels, reach, and every part that could be separated and carried them ashore in our hands. After this we broke down, and continued breaking down until we reached Sac and Fox Agency, 135 miles from home, where we left our wagon and went on horseback.

The road to Pawnee is good, but from Pawnee to Sac and Fox is very frequently cut up with hills and ravines.

About three miles west of the Sac Agency, we saw the brick house of Keokuk, the grandson of the old chief by that name, and for whom one of the largest towns of Iowa was called. The Sac and Fox Agency buildings are substantially built of red brick, with shrubbery and trees surrounding them. At this place we met our friend, Gen. McNeil, and were intro- duced to Agent Woodard and sons, whom we found pleasant, agreeable gentlemen.

As we stopped to leave our wagon at a store, we were informed that the house was that of Mister Whistler's. That name excited our curiosity at once. We had heard of Whistler, and Whistler's ranch so long and often that we wanted to see him. Instead of the half breed we heard he was, we found him a white man, possessed of that easy grace common to ranchmen, and attired in civilized clothing. His style and stature suited our fancy of a border man, although his ways and dress were far from what we expected. We should not have imagined there was a drop of Indian blood in his veins if he had not informed us. He told us his ranch was on the Cimarron, and on our return we "took it in." Finding it was off our road, and after journeying half a day among the rocks and "breaks" of the river, our desire to see the ranche no more was expressed in words:

"You may whistle for me at Whistler's ranche,
But I'll not be there to whistle."

While we were at dinner the Indians were chasing a bear backwards. That is, they had been chasing a bear, and the bear enjoyed it so well that when they quit, it was chasing them. A few days before a panther disposed of a calf and a sow with seven pigs. They told us where its den was, and that we could almost punch it with a pole, but our aversion for cruelty to animals persuaded us to let it alone.

From Sac and Fox Agency we followed the old Shawnee trail to Shawnee Town, thirty- five miles south. At this Agency they have a large brick schoolhouse, but most other buildings are very shabby.

Leaving Shawnee Town we traveled almost south fifty miles, leaving Stonewall six miles to the east, and about thirty miles south. We passed Tishamingo twelve miles east of it, then crossed Blue River and followed the Denison and Coffeyville cattle trail to Culbert's ferry on Red River, four miles from Dennison,

which on a direct line south of Arkansas City, is 218½ miles. To Denison, the point generally designated in going to Texas, is 24 miles east of the 97 meridian, while Arkansas City is three miles west, making the distance from Arkansas City to To Denison 242½ miles. While this is the distance by traveling directly south and east, the real distance by way of the ordinary road traveled is over 300 miles. The country traveled over is varied but little. From the Kansas line to the Cimarron River, about one hundred miles, no prettier country can be found in the West. It is well supplied with streams, and in the lower portion of the 100 mile strip, it is well timbered. Below the Cimarron and all the way to Texas, there is considerable timber, being white oak, elm, sycamore, hickory, etc., of a good variety. We noticed white oak trees that would make four log cuts of fifteen feet each.

Our route to Denison was by way of Ponca Agency, 30 miles from Arkansas City; Pawnee Agency, 35 farther on; Sac and Fox Agency, 70 miles from Pawnee; Shawnee Town, 35 miles from Sac and Fox; Stonewall, 75 miles from Shawnee Town; and Dennison, 65 miles from Stonewall.

The most important streams crossed are: Salt Fork, 35 miles from Arkansas City; Red Rock, 8 miles from Salt Fork; Turkey Creek, 10 miles from Red Rock; Black Bear, on which Pawnee Agency is located, 15 miles from Turkey Creek. Leaving Pawnee about 30 miles we crossed the Cimarron, 95 miles from Arkansas City; then the Deep Fork of the Canadian at Sac and Fox Agency; then the North Fork of the Canadian two miles from Shawnee Town; then Little River, a branch of the Canadian, six miles west of Shawnee Town; then the Main Canadian, 30 miles south; then down Blue River six miles west of Stonewall and 12 miles east of Tishamingo; then down the cattle trail 60 miles to Culbert's ferry, where you cross the great Red River of the South.

We left Arkansas City Wednesday, June 26th, and arrived at Sherman, Wednesday, July 10th, fourteen days from the time of starting. On our return we were eleven days on the way, being detained half a day by high water and half a day off the road. In cool weather the ride can be made in eight days with grain fed horses. Feed can be had almost every forty miles, except between Pawnee and Sac and Fox Agencies.

Stock is considered very low, and many poor people are compelled to sell.

A short distance from Blue River, the bodies of three Creek Indians were lying close to the roadside, the victims of their own folly. They were what is known as "whiskey peddlers," and were shot for stealing ponies, driving them to Denison and trading them for whiskey.

A young man by the name of Quarrels had killed a man a few days before our arrival, and taken from him his revolver and pony and left the country.

At Johnson's ranch, on the Canadian, a party of three "whiskey peddlers" defied two U. S. Marshals and completely cowed them.

We met many noted characters on our way, and some of the most wicked countenances we ever saw. Among other distinguished individuals was Capt. F. M. Hiatt near Stonewall, living in a dense timber with a fine farm back of it, good horses, and a pack of hounds at his door. He was the owner of a full bloodhound, which we endeavored to get for the Bolton S. P. U., but the dog could not be bought. There were few bloodhounds in Texas, and none for sale.

Ten miles from Sac and Fox Agency, we overtook Jas. Mitchell and Jacob Beal, with 114 yearlings purchased in the Creek Nation, and camped with them at night, leaving Frank Hess to help them to the State. Beal was sick with fever, but Jim was in excellent spirits, only he wanted to see home.

The flies in places swarmed on our horses and almost ate them. We estimated that while we were in the fly regions, they sucked a quart of blood per day from them; and one animal, poorer than the rest, had his legs bitten until they were raw. Without covers for our horses, we could not have made the journey. One cattleman told us he had seven horses down that were worn out with the heat and flies. Most persons traveled after night to avoid the flies and heat of the sun during summer.

We haven't much to say of Texas in this article as it is already lengthy. As a State it is a large one. A good one for farming purposes in the Northeastern part, and one of the best stock regions in the United States in the western portion.

The people do not depend wholly on grain raising as in Kansas, and get a better price for what they raise. Kansas wheat is used all over the State and is considered a better quality than Texas grain.

Texas is no better place for a poor man than Kansas. We met dozens of wagons loaded with Southern Missourians and Arkansans, leaving and cursing the State. This, with some people, would be a good recommendation.

We had some of the same class in the early days here.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

[Article Taken from Winfield Courier.]
L. C. Harter returned from Little Rock last Saturday evening. We have since interviewed him and now give an account of the trip. He went from Arkansas City to Little Rock, down the Arkansas River, on the "Aunt Sally" in twelve days. Some three or four days of this time was spent in laying over and delays which were unnecessary had the boat desired to make the trip in as short a time as possible. The boat went down without any load because the captain had doubts about being able to get through with any loading. The channel was very erratic and difficult to trace. Many times in following what appeared to be the main channel, the boat traced the windings until it ran on to the sand in water not more than six or eight inches deep. They then had to work off and return up stream until they found a better "shute." In each case, however, they succeeded in finding a passage with at least 20 inches of water. The mode of hunting for the best channel was by getting off the boat and wading. Mr. Harter relates some of his exploits in that line. He thinks the main difficulties in taking down a load at this stage of the water are the snags, which are somewhat dangerous. The sand is not very troublesome, for when they run on a bar they usually work off, by the use of the cable and wheel, in 15 or 20 minutes. He thinks that if the stage of water was still lower, the channel would be better, more distinctly marked, and much more easily traced than it was when he went down.

The "Aunt Sally" did not come up early enough. Had she come up two weeks earlier, she might have returned with a good load. She is far from being the kind of a boat that should come up here. She draws too much water, and is in other ways unsuitable.

Mr. Harter thinks that a boat constructed like one he saw on the river, named the "Big Rock," would be much better. It is 120 feet long, and wide in proportion, with engine and machinery on the bottom. He believes such a boat could run up to Arkansas City and take good loads both ways for three or four months in the year. It will draw 10-1/2 inches light and 18 inches loaded. At present it would be difficult to get boats of that class to come up to Arkansas City were the stage of water ever so good, because they are engaged in the cotton trade on the river below. After awhile the large boats will be up and take this trade from them, and then if the stage of water is right, they will doubtless be glad to come up.

Mr. Harter is of the opinion that a steamer of the class he speaks of as the best for this trade, could tow six or seven barges, each loaded with about 30 tons, and at the same time carry 50 tons itself.

He says the Little Rock millers and some steamboat men estimated that a stock company with $14,000 capital could get up and run such a fleet and make it pay. To insure business and interest in the project, they would require that one-third of the stock should be taken in this vicinity, and if that was done, they would venture the other two-thirds.

The Little Rock millers will agree to take all the wheat that such a fleet will bring down at ten cents a bushel higher prices than is paid at St. Louis at the same time. If the fleet could make six trips a year, it could take off half a million bushels. Should it take only 300,000 bushels, it would be a wonderful help to the farmers of Cowley. The present price of wheat at Little Rock is 95 cents; corn, 65 cents.

Mr. Harter fears that Pruden's flat boat will not get through and that they will suffer loss. He thinks that it would be safer to load a flat-boat with flour, because if they should get stuck, there is a market for flour at various places all the way down, and the flour could readily be removed from the boat at almost any place and sold while the wheat would be a loss.

Mr. Harter returned by railroad via St. Louis. He is enthusiastic for river navigation, and thinks it will be made a success. Courier.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

Northeastern Texas is a fine farming region. The crops grown are mainly wheat, oats, corn, and cotton. But little fruit except oranges and figs are grown in Southern Texas. Western Texas is one of the best stock growing regions in the West. Generally speaking Texas is too warm a climate for apples, and but few are grown. Kansas butter is quoted higher in the market than any other, and Kansas flour adorns most grocery stores. The wheat and oats were badly damaged by rain, but corn and cotton are doing well.

Small Spanish jacks and jennies can be bought on the Rio Grande for $2.50 a head. They are very small, and only used for pack animals.

The Osage orange, or bodoc as it is generally called, grows twenty-five feet high, and from one to two feet in diameter, and is split and used for rails. It is a very lasting timber. Wagon material is frequently made of it.

Figs were ripening at Austin one month ago.

The weather was warmer this year than usual, with less breeze from the Gulf.

There is a class of men in the Territory known as "whiskey peddlers," who purchase liquor in Texas, and retail it to any and all who will buy. The act is unlawful and punishable by fine and imprisonment. At Johnson's store, near the Main Canadian, two U. S. Deputy Marshals attempted to arrest two of the peddlers, but the outlaws drew their six shooters and defied them. They then made fun of their attempts and rode off taunting and daring them to follow.

An Indian will walk half naked through camp, yet they never abandon their entire dress even in the water, and laugh heartily at white men swimming devoid of clothing.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

FOR SALE. One gray mare, 4 years old, will work double or single; also a buggy and single harness. C. R. SIPES.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

LOST. On Sunday afternoon, between Arkansas City and W. J. Keffer's farm, a small gold watch charm resembling a whale. The finder will receive $2 by leaving it at this office.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

OATS. Houghton & McLaughtlin will take sound, clean oats in exchange for goods.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

SCHIFFBAUER, BROS. & CO. want corn and oats.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

WANTED. Three good girls to do the house work in small families. Apply at Schiffbauer Bros. Store.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

BUTTER, EGGS, AND BACON wanted by Schiffbauer Bros. & Co.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

HATS. Odd lots of hats at Houghton and Mac's from 1/4 to 1/2 what they cost.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

We will take wheat in exchange for goods.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

LOST. A small pocket concordance last Sunday morning, between the Methodist and Presbyterian churches. The finder will confer a favor by leaving the same at this office.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

MR. MILK's gave up the entire herd to E. Francis, July 2nd. I will do all the collecting.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

You can kill chickens now!

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

No small pox at Kaw Agency now.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

The Mastin Bank of Kansas City has failed.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

Sweet potatoes weighing 1-1/4 pounds are now in order. Joe Garris is the donor.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

One arrest yesterday afternoon for fast riding and disorderly conduct in the streets.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

The show got off several ancient almanac jokes.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

Look to your furs and see what the moths are doing.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

CHARLES S. is not going to buy a house for the old folks.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

That voice Sunday night emanated from a woman in distress.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

PEACHES, 2-1/2 cents per dozen, are retailed from the wagons on the street.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

MRS. GAVIN DENTON, of Saline County, is visiting friends in Bolton Township.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

The bridge men promise that they will be ready to cross teams this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

BIRTH. JIM VANCE, of the Central Hotel at Winfield, has a clerk. It is four days old.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

A. A. NEWMAN has been confined to his home with fever for several days past.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

MRS. McKNIGHT and daughter, Laura, of Winterset, Iowa, are paying a visit to J. L. Huey.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

DIED. Died Aug. 10, 1878, Daisy Alice, daughter of Wm. P. and H. C. Wolfe. Age, 8 weeks.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

CHICKEN hunting is lawful now, and men and guns are to be seen going in every direction.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

MR. KEY's family, of Bolton, who have been quite sick for some time past, are now convalescent.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

BONSALL has album size photos of the "Aunt Sally," the first steamboat from Little Rock to this place.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

Mr. Baker and Beede returned to their homes at Lowell, Massachusetts, last week. Mr. Howard is here yet.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

By this time next week you can drive across a free bridge instead of paying toll on a slow ferry boat.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

Walker's sale of buggies, wagons, horses, ponies, hogs, etc., takes place next Saturday. Come in.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

CLIFF WOOD, of Winfield, sold one hundred head of hogs at Wichita last week for four cents per pound.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

District 42 wants a female school teacher. Apply to W. J. Keffer, Capt. Nipp, or A. H. Broadwell, in South Bend.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

The Pawnees are to receive their annuity soon, and the traders are ordering last stocks of goods, in hopes of having a good trade.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

There is a hole on the prairie near Capt. Nipp's farm, with trails beaten to it, as though it was the abode of numerous wild beasts.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

J. H. SHERBURNE has the contract for 8,000 bushels of oats, to be delivered at Fort Reno, Indian Territory, 125 miles from this place. He is paying 15 cents per bushel.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

W. J. Keffer killed a jack rabbit yesterday that weighed 22-1/4 pounds. Someone had shot a hole through each ear. That was the boss rabbit of the county.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

It has been deemed best for the Indian service that the license of Stacy Matlack as trader at Pawnee Agency be revoked, and the order has been complied with.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

Miss May Horn and Joseph Schuster will please accept our thanks for the very fine basket of assorted fruit presented to the editor and boys of the Traveler office.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

DIED. DR. MANSFIELD, one of the oldest residents of Winfield, and U. S. Examining Surgeon for this district, died at Winfield last Friday from a stroke of apoplexy while eating dinner.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

Thomas Berry, the trader at Pawnee Agency, stopped a few days at this place while on his way to Kansas City to purchase goods. Mrs. Berry came up to remain awhile for her health.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

The string from Newman's block to Benedict's upper story is the conductor of the telephone. You can put your ear at one end and your mouth at the other and hear everything that is said.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

Burt Crapster was here Monday night and shook hands all around. Ed. Clisbee, Seward, Suss, Harter, Dr. Emerson, Speed, Harris, Prof. Robinson, and Root were here also, each one

attended with a lady.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

The City Council met Monday, August 5th, and made an appropriation to have the weeds cut down and the streets improved.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

W. H. Brown has been working the streets for several days, making many much needed improvements.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

Young Winans, Merritt, and Wilson, three boys about sixteen years of age, were arrested on complaint of A. W. Patterson for breaking into the old saloon building and stealing liquor last Saturday night.

They were taken to the calaboose and confined until Monday morning, when they were tried before the Police Judge and sentenced to nine days' labor on the public highway, at $1 per day, deducting fifty cents per day for board, making eighteen days' labor to be worked out. These boys have had their own way for some time, and in spite of the warnings of both parents and the public, finally committed a deed that under many circumstances would have sent them to the penitentiary. This should be a warning to others whom if justice was done, would place them in the same position.

LATER: The $9 fine was paid and the boys released.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

On last Sunday morning, as one of Lippmann's men was hunting, he found the body of an old man who recently came up from the Territory riding an old mule. A coroner's jury was called and an examination held over the body, resulting in the decision that he came to his death from falling over the rock while in a state of intoxication. The only paper that could be found on his person was a letter to J. S. Britton & Co., asking that the company please forward a trunk. The body had lain until it was badly decayed, and had to be buried near the place where it was found. He was a man about forty-five years of age, dark complexion, dark hair, and weighed about 150 pounds.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

As Leon Lippmann and J. F. Pierce were driving to the Walnut on the west side of the river last Monday, the wagon was upset in a rut and both parties thrown out. As Mr. Lippmann fell, his leg caught in the wheel and he was dragged one hundred feet or more, one wheel striking him on the head and inflicting a severe wound. The horses did not run far until they came against a tree and stopped.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

Through the leniency of Mr. Patterson and the honorable Police Judge, the boys who created the disturbance Saturday night were only prosecuted for misdemeanor, and were let off with very light punishment. If Mr. Patterson had the disposition, he could have tried them for house breaking and sent them within the prison walls of Leavenworth for a year or more.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

Since the practical test of the navigation of the Arkansas by Messrs. Speers and Walton, an effort has been made at Wichita to organize a company for the purpose of purchasing a light draught steamboat, the object being to ascertain whether or not the Arkansas River can be made navigable as far up as that city. If it could, there would be millions in it for Wichita.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

Frank Baldwin returned from Texas with his face and hands browned, and his health so much improved that his friends at Winfield hardly knew him. He was in poor health when he started, but after a seven-hundred-mile ride on horseback, lying out in the open air, and chewing dried buffalo meat three times a day, he felt better.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

The Pawnee Indians are dying off at an average of four each day, from fever and ague, and the physician has no medicine for them. The drugs were sent from Washington two months ago, but have not been received yet. At this rate, the Pawnees will soon all be civilized.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.

DIED. JOHN HENRY HUGHES, son of James and Sarah A. Hughes, died August 9th, 1878; aged 1 year, 5 months, and 6 days.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878. Front Page.

The secretary of war has received telegrams from Gen Ord, asking what action he should take in case United States troops, in following a fresh trail after a raid has been made from the Mexican side of the river, meet with opposition from the Mexican troops. This question, together with the present general aspect of affairs on the Rio Grande, as reported to the war department, has been the subject of earnest attention. It was decided that there is no reason whatever why the former orders of the American forces should not be carried out, and the President directed the secretary of war to telegraph General Ord, reiterating existing orders with reference to the protection of American interests and the prompt pursuit and punishment of the raiding parties.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

McKenzie is after the Mexicans again.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

The Indians made another raid on a stock ranch near Deadwood last Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

Recent Rulings.
The following rulings have been made in the office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

1. The electors of the district meetings have no right to determine the amount per month to be paid to the teacher; that power belongs to the district board.

2. District boards cannot dismiss a teacher without the concurrence of the county superintendent.

3. If the director or other member of the board refuses to sign a legal order, payable to the teacher or other party legally entitled to receive it, he may be compelled to do so by writ of mandamus.

4. A county superintendent cannot remove a district officer on petition of the legal voters of a school district. Such removal can be made only by a civil action brought in court.

5. In the legal alteration of a school district, it is necessary to post five notices in each of the districts affected by the change.

6. In the absence of law on the subject, the term of associate examiners rests with the county commissioners, the appointing power. They can remove and appoint as they choose.

7. A district board meeting may be called by any of the members, although the duty properly devolves on the clerk. A majority only of the board can transact business.

8. A district officer can qualify before the chairman of a district meeting, or anyone authorized by law to administer oaths, as a justice of the peace or notary.

9. An appointed district officer holds over only until the next annual meeting.

10. The power to grant certificates rests entirely with the county examiners and State board of examiners.

11. A school district board has the power to rent the schoolhouse for use of a private school, provided such school does not interfere with the legal public school of said district.

12. Whenever the district clerk and director deem the treasurer's bond insufficient, they can demand additional surety of the district treasurer.

13. A school district board is continuous although its individual members may change, and any legal obligation made by them to be discharged in the future is binding upon the board when the obligation is due.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

Another Cargo of Wheat Landed at Little Rock
By Flat Boat.
LITTLE ROCK, Aug. 13, 1878.
Editor Traveler:

GENTLEMEN: We arrived here last night, our wheat in fair condition. We made points on the river as follows:

Left Arkansas City, July 16.

Left Kaw Agency, July 20.

Left Ponca Agency, July 27.

Left Pawnee Ferry, July 29.

Left Childers Ferry, Aug. 2.

Left Ft. Gibson, Aug. 5.

Left Ft. Smith, Aug. 9.

Left Van Buren, Aug. 10.

Arrived at Little Rock, August 13.

Wheat at this point is in good demand. We were offered 90 cents for our cargo at Ft. Smith. Sold ours to Mr. Eisenmayer & Co. for 90 cents here in Little Rock. The wheat in this country does not amount to anything. It was all damaged by the heavy rains, and is badly shriveled.

The mills here are anxious to receive wheat. The Rose City Mills are owned by J. W. Austin. He told me this morning, that he would pay St. Louis prices for all the good wheat that could be brought down the river, which is now 95 cents. The wheat that we brought down, if it had been in good condition and clean, would be No. 2 wheat. That is what the Rose City Mills call it; Mr. Eisenmayer says good 3. We had very little trouble with our cargo after we left the mouth of the Salt Fork. There is no sale here for flat boats.

The "Big Rock" is here making short trips down the river. The owners are very anxious to make a trip up the river to Arkansas City. I do not know whether she will make another attempt or not. We have not seen the Captain; we saw J. W. Hathaway, who is half owner and engineer. He wants $300 to guarantee him against loss in case he does not get there. In case he gets there and is able to bring back a load, all he wants is 25 cents per bushel on his cargo, or what he makes in bringing the wheat down. I do not know what they will do. The boat will be back tonight and I will see them both. H. B. P.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

Everything is looking splendid, but at present writing needing rain. We have a good Sabbath school in progress.

Dr. Lear has not yet returned from his trip to Illinois.

The Pleasant Ridge Glee Club is in full blast.

Newcomers every day looking for farms to buy or rent.

Mr. McClellen is putting up some substantial stone fence.

Many improvements are being made.

Several new houses are to be seen dotting the prairie here and there.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

Teachers' Examination.
The following persons attended the examination held at Winfield, August 2nd and 34d.


Misses Ella Grimes, Flora Finley, Albertine Maxwell, Matie Mitchell, Lizzie Marshal, Anna O. Wright, and Dora Winslow; Mrs. L. M. H. Theaker, C. H. Sylvester, F. A. Chapin, C. M. Swarts, H. G. Blount, Charles Hutchings, A. E. Hon, and L. E. Norton.


Misses Alpha Harden, Anna Harden, Viola Harden, Alie Harend, Kate Ward, and Belle Byard; Mrs. A. J. Hoyt. R. C. Maurer, and T. J. Rude.


Misses Mary A. Tucker, Lon A. Bedell, and Emma Burden; J. F. Tucker, and M. Hemenway.


Miss Electa F. Strong, J. F. Tarbet, W. H. Stewart, A. Broakshire, Simeon Martin, Joseph Bucker, C. I. Armstrong.


Misses Sarah Bovee, Alice Johnson, Ella Davis.


Misses Mattie Minihan, Ray E. Nawman, Henrietta King, Allie Klingman, Alice Pyburn, Maggie Stansbury, Ioa Roberts, Sara E. Davis, Sarah E. Aldrich, Mary A. Bryant, Nannie McGee, Amy Robertson, Hattie McKinlay, Ida Carey, Ella Fruland, Celina Bliss, Pella Bradish, Fannie Pontious, Ella Hunt, Mrs. Alice Bullock, P. B. Siebert, S. E. Sitton, Mr. R. A. O'Neill, G. B. Richmond, S. E. Davis, C. C. Critz, P. A. Martin, W. Trevett, J. D. Hunt, T. J. Floyd, L. C. Brown, G. C. Whitelock, L. McKinlay, Squire Humble, A. B. Taylor, G. W. Miller.


Jennie Scott, Silverdale; Henry Dyer, Moscow; G. W. Walker, R. Corson, J. C. Page, Little Dutch; Porter Wilson, Red Bud; Risdon Gilstrap, E. A. Goodrich, Maple City; S. A. Arnith, Tisdale; Lorenzo Harris, Polo; and L. L. Hollinger, Douglas.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

FRIEND SCOTT: In the interesting account you gave us in last week's TRAVELER, of your recent southern trip, you mention having crossed a creek that you call the Bodoc. In the pronunciation of this name, we have a notable instance of the singular changes that are taking place in the pronunciation of the French names that we find attached to so many of our Western streams and localities.

The stream you speak of was first named by the early French trappers, who called it Bois d'Arcpronounced BOA DARCprobably from the fact that the tree of that name was found growing on its banks.

The Osage orange (Maclura aurantiaca of botanists) is indigenous to that region, and as the Indians very generally used it for making their bows, the trappers gave it the name of Bois d'Arc, or bow wood. From the slip shod tendency of Americans to soften or leave the "r" out of so many words (As Fed for Fred, hea for here, etc.), it very soon became Bodac, or as you have it, Bodoc.

As these early names are really a part of local history, it seems a pity that they should be thus wantonly mutilated or carelessly wiped out of existence. We have another instance in one of our Kansas streams, where the pretty French name of Marais des Cygnesmarsh, or swamp, of the swans (pronounced Marray day Seen)has been tortured into all sorts of fantastic shapes, as Marias de Cyne, Mari de Zeen, etc.

The thriving little town of La Cygne in Linn County, Kansas, should be Le Cygne, and I may as well confess here that, in this case, I am the party to blame for the mistake. Happening to visit the town site when there were only two or three houses on it, I stopped at the house of Dr. ______, who was largely interested in the enterprise. In the morning I was reading a French paper that I happened to have with me, when he said: "You are the very man I want. I see you understand French. We want to give our new town the French name of Swan (the town site being on the banks of the Marais des Cygnes), and I am at a loss to know whether it should be Le Cygne or La Cygne." To understand this I may as well say that in French, nouns are either masculine or feminine, but sex does not always determine the gender. For instance, a soldier is masculine, but when he acts as a sentinel, he becomes feminine. The article is governed by the noun, so that the soldier is le soldat, and the sentinel, la sentinelle. I told him I was uncertain myself about it, but as a majority of nouns ending in e were feminine, I thought La Cygne would be correct, and La Cygne it became; but as it is never too late to do well, the good people of that place may yet have it changed to Le Cygne.

We have quite a ludicrous corruption in the case of the Purgatoire (or Pugatory) River in Colorado. Pronounced by the French PURGATOAR, it has become in the mouth of the English-speaking plainsman, Picket Wire!

But the funniest change that I know of in popular pronunciation is to be found near St. Louis, Mo. When living there some twenty-three or twenty-four years ago, Carondelet was popularly known as Vide Poche (empty pocket), and St. Louis as Pain Court (short bread)pet names given to their respective villages by the early French settlers. In course of time, as the American population increased, Vide poche became Wid push, then Widow Bush, or Widow Bush's landing. There was a landing a few miles further down known as Widow Waters' landing (Mrs. Waters being a very estimable lady, with whom I was well acquainted), so we had the two boat landings, Widow Waters' and Widow Bush's landing.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

WICHITA, Aug. 16th.
The market during the past week has been very fair, and a large quantity of wheat has been marketed. The prices show a slight increase over that of last week. No. 1 red winter wheat is worth 64; No. 2, 62; No. 3, 58; No. 4, 55; rejected, 45 @ 50.

Corn, 22 to 23.

Oats, 15c.

Cattle, no market.

Hogs, $3.45 @ $3.55.

Fat cows, $2 to $2.25; choice mutton, $2.50 per head, hogs, $3; veal calves, $3 @ $5.

Common rough boards, $27.00; common dressed boards, $27.00; scantling and joist, twenty feet and under, $27; same twenty feet and over, 50c per additional foot; best flooring, $35; 2nd best, $30; clear siding, $22; 2nd clear, $20; stock boards, 12 inches wide, $27 @ $30; fencing, $22.50 @ $29; shingles, star A, $3.75; No. 1, $2.75; lath per M, $5; ceiling, $15 @ $20; finishing $30 @ $50.

Osage, $6; Colorado, $8.50; Fort Scott, $9; Red River, $10; Trinidad, $12.50; Blossburg, $15; Anthracite, $15.50.

Hidesgreen, 4c; green salt, 5-1/2c; dry salt, 12c; wool pelts 30c per lb. for washed wool; sheerings 10c each. Woolheavy and light merino, 15 @ 16-1/2; coarse and common wool, 16 @ 19; medium wool, 18 @ 20; combings, 22; tub washed wool 25 @ 32 cents.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

One hundred Indians from the Cheyenne Agency, in charge of Superintendent Segar of the mission schools, will be on hand at the Sedgwick County fair. Premiums are to be given for scholarship, for progress in the civilized arts and dress, and prizes for the best specimen of Indian handicraft. The habits of life, mode of living, the domestic economy, the processes of manufactures, and in fact all the distinctive characteristics of wild, romantic, and savage life will be presented. Foot and horse races, war dances, shooting matches, etc., will be daily features. The managers of the fair have shown their special fitness and genius for the positions they hold, and the word failureto amuse, instruct, and to get up the best fair in the State, is not in their dictionary. Beacon.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

Lucius Holmes, of Winfield, was surprised a few days since by the appearance on the scene of the mother of six children, all his own too, demanding support. Now Lucius had so far forgotten the existence of these little urchins and their mother as to marry another woman, a buxom widow of Sumner County named Strickland. For this forgetfulness, he was arrested; but wife No. 2 came to his relief with a hundred dollars in cash, with which wife No. 1 was bought off. The poor woman also secured for her famishing children a secured promise of eight dollars per month. With the cash and bond she retired from the field, leaving Lucius in the loving arms of his latest acquisition. Wellington Press.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

The Courier says:

J. J. Estice, of Silverdale, has recently lost seven head of cattle by black leg.

A. A. Wiley has in Spring Creek Township the best stock farm in Cowley County. He has 160 acres enclosed and divided into seven lots by stone and board fences of the most substantial kind. In almost every lot is good permanent spring water. He has excellent stables, corn barn, dwelling, and other buildings commodiously arranged. Along Little Beaver, which passes through his place, is sufficient timber for his use. Everything is kept up in the best of style, and he keeps 35 head of cattle, 125 hogs, and other stock. Such a man would make a good county commissioner.

H. L. C. Gilstrap, of Silverdale, has 30 head of two-year old steers that will average 1,000 pounds.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

Company H, 23rd Infantry, has been ordered from Ft. Hays.

Company D of the 19th Infantry has been ordered to Dodge from Larned.

Ft. Larned has been abandoned by the war department, and all the military stores, etc., shipped to Fort Dodge.

Dick Evans and Morris Collar have the contract for furnishing Fort Dodge and Fort Lyon with coal for the next year, at between nine and ten dollars per ton.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

President Diaz seems to be very much out of humor with the United States Government, and expresses his indignation quite freely on all occasions. During a recent interview with an American gentleman, Diaz spoke defiantly of the course this Government had pursued towards Mexico. A letter detailing the circumstances of this interview referred to goes on to say...

The impression made on the gentleman referred to by this interview is that although President Diaz prefers peace with the United States, he expects a war in the near future and is preparing for it. The truth is both the Government and the people are in very bad humor with the Americans, and serious trouble is looked upon as inevitable. A report is current on the streets that Gen. Diaz used the following language not very long ago: "What, with my antecedents, could be more glorious for me than to fall at the head of my Mexicans, pierced by a Yankee bullet; but for the sake of my family, I do not wish this to happen."


Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

Yellow fever is raging fearfully at New Orleans and Memphis. At New Orleans there are 73 cases and 27 deaths, and at Memphis 23 new cases and 9 deaths. Even as far north as Pittsburgh, the Board of Health has stopped the trains and quarantined the boats from the south.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

WANTED. A girl to do general house work at the Central Avenue Hotel, Arkansas City.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

SUNDAYS. The People's Drug Store will be open on Sundays from 9-1/2 to 11 a.m., and from 3 to 5 p.m.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

BACON. Schiffbauer Bros. are paying nine cents for bacon. Bring it in.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

We, the undersigned, would respectfully request all those 30 day men to call and settle.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

First Boat to arrive with a full load of Staple and Fancy Groceries FROM NEW ORLEANS.

Also, a large assortment of Glass and Queensware, Hardware, and Agricultural Implements of all kinds by the first train from New York, for

and will be sold at astonishingly low prices.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

GRAPES 5 cents per pound at Dr. M. R. Leonard's farm till August 31, 1878. None for sale after that date.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

REJOICE! Holman's Fever and Ague and Liver Pads can be found at the People's Drug Store.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

Twenty-five teams to haul wheat to Pawnee Agency. I will pay 20 cents from my place 7 miles southwest of Arkansas City.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

A BLESSING. Sherman's Prickly Ash Bitters and Malarituge are warranted to cure fever and ague. Call at the People's Drug Store for them.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

WE WILL TAKE corn, oats, or wheat in exchange for peaches at 25 cents per bushel.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

FALL begins in ten days.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

Walker's sale last Saturday was largely attended.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

David Bright left us a cabbage weighing fifteen pounds.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

Johnny Blair, of Caldwell, was caught for $800 by the Mastin bank failure.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

The suit to recover $3,665 due on Kager's bond will interest many persons at the next term of court.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

The Walnut Valley Fair begins on the second Wednesday in September and continues four days.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

Mr. J. W. Hamilton and J. R. Musgrove, two prominent cattle men of Sumner County, called on us last Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

Agent Whiteman, Gen. McNeil, U. S. Inspector, ex-Sheriff Walker, and Col. E. C. Manning were all here this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

MR. DENTON, Superintendent of Public Instruction of Saline County, is visiting his brother Frank Denton in Bolton Township.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

BIRTHS. On Tuesday of last week Mr. John Pittman was presented with an eight-pound boy and a six-and-a-half-pound girl. None of them got away.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

Two members of Buffalo Bill's theatrical troupe passed through this place last week, on their way to Pawnee Agency to purchase Indian curiosities.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

It costs 26 cents per 100 pounds to ship a car load of wheat weighing not to exceed 20,000 pounds from Wichita to Kansas City, and 16 cents per 100 pounds for corn or oats.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

Mr. Bonsall has an apple grown in his orchard that measures thirteen inches in circumference, and weighs fifteen ounces. It had not its growth yet when it was blown off.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

A. H. GREENE, proprietor of the Real Estate Register of Winfield, made us a call on Monday. Greene publishes one of the best papers in the Southwest, and is doing as much good for the county as any man in it. Send for a sample copy.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

A herd of eighty-three ponies passed through town last Thursday, on their way to Woodson County. They belonged to Mr. Brown, living at Marietta, Texas, west of Gainesville, and were some of the finest horses that have been driven up this year. They were valued at from $20 to $40 each.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

A race is to take place on Beaver Creek, near Maple City, on Saturday, September 21st, between Howard's colt and a bay mare from Illinois, owned by Wm. Pierce, for $100 a side. Distance to be run, a quarter of a mile. The colt will run the "Dick" horse at Wichita next Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

JOHN BROWN offers his farm for sale in this issue, his loss of hearing compelling him to give up farming. This is a very desirable piece of property, and very cheap at the price. Mr. Brown will sell on long time and low interest, thereby affording an excellent opportunity for someone to purchase a good home cheap.

My farm situated 2 miles west of Arkansas City, containing 250 acres, with the following improvements: A stone house 26 ft. square, 2 stories high, with cellar and kitchen 17 x 19, one story; also a stone stable 12 x 20, corn crib 8 x 24, 10 feet high; good granary, 14 x 20; two wells of water; hog yard of 3 acres, all fenced, with running water in it; 200 acres under cultivation, 50 to be in wheat this fall; 10 acres in orchard, including over 500 apple trees, 5 and 6 years old, 800 peach trees 3 years old, with cherries and plums and small fruit of all kinds. 90 acres of the above land is first bottom, and has timber enough for fire purposes; 160 acres upland, with living water on it. There are also about 200 rods of hedge on the place. This farm will be sold on five years' time, at 10 percent interest, and but small payment required down. Price, $4,500. For particulars, call on or address

My reason for selling is, the almost total loss of my hearing compels me to give up farming.

N. B.This farm is but half a mile from a schoolhouse.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

Owing to the fact that Mr. Newman has a very large Indian contract to fill, and already has every available space filled with grain, no custom grinding will be done for a few days. Notice will be given when they begin to grind again. Grimes & Woodyard will have their steam mill ready before many days, and can accommodate a great many customers.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

The public school of this place will begin on Monday, September 2nd, with Prof. C. H. Sylvester, principal, and Mrs. Theaker, assistant. The term is to be for nine months, with a vacation of one week or more during the holidays. Parties from abroad can receive the benefits of this excellent school by applying to the school board. S. B. ADAMS, Director.

L. FINDLEY, Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

The following gentlemen were elected delegates and alternates to the Democratic Convention to be held at Winfield, August 24th, 1878. Delegates: W. Green, Noah Kimmell, Pat Somers, Judge Christian, T. McIntire, and S. B. Adams. Alternates: Amos Walton, John Gooch, E. M. Godfrey, J. Holloway, J. W. Hutchinson, and J. P. Eckles.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878..

The Sabbath school picnic, for which extensive preparations have been going on for some time, passed off very pleasantly last Saturday at McCulloch's grove, the Centennial being the first to take direct measures in regard to where and when the picnic should be held. Their invitations were accepted and responded to by the Odessa, Pleasant Grove, and Pleasant Valley schools. The four schools formed an unbroken procession nearly a mile in length. Each school had a four- or six-horse banner wagon, drawn by horses or mules.

On arriving at the grove the schools were conducted by their respective marshals to seats which had been previously arranged. The order of exercises was headed with a song rendered by the Centennial school, after which came Mr. Teter, their Superintendent, who stated the purpose of the entertainment. Next on the programme was a song by the Pleasant Grove school, followed by prayer by Rev. Randall of Winfield; then songs and responses from the other schools present.

The Odessa school was represented by Rev. Mason.

In the absence of Mr. Hon, Superintendent of the Pleasant Valley school, Prof. Geo. Robinson of Winfield accepted the invitation to speak in behalf of that school.

Mr. Baker, of Vernon Township, presented a status of the Pleasant Grove school. He occupied about one hour, during which time he zealously endeavored to show up all the frauds, canal monopolies, navigation acts, political swindles, bank robberies, and bank failures, etc. We have regarded Mr. Baker as one of our ablest farmers, but never before did we take him to be a politician.

It is generally admitted that the Odessa school were the most tasty in their regalia, and formed the most showy procession, but public opinion favors the belief that the Pleasant Valley school rendered the best vocal music, thereby taking the laurels from the Centennialites, who had armed themselves with organs, pianos, violins, drums, flutes, and other musical instruments too numerous to mention.

At 1:30 p.m., the members of each school "bunched" their baskets, which were well filled with the most delicious fruits and pastries. C. C. H.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

Proposals for Wood.
Sealed proposals will be received by the school board of district No. 33, until noon of September 5th, 1878, for furnishing twelve cords of good hard wood, two feet long; wood to be cut and corded on the schoolhouse grounds. All bills to be addressed to John Wahlenmier, and parties to mention what kind of wood they will furnish. Bidders invited to be present at the opening of the bids, which will be at the house of said Wahlenmier.

L. BALDWIN, Clerk.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

Yesterday school district No. 39 almost unanimously voted bonds to the amount of six hundred dollars, for the building of a schoolhouse, there being only two dissenting votes cast. This district has exercised considerable economy in the matter of bond indebtedness, it being the third district organized in the county. If they can make a proper disposition of their bonds, they propose having their building erected in time to have a session of school this winter. Mr. Abram deserves special credit for his commendable efforts in causing this result.

BIRTH. Mr. and Mrs. Gustavus Hunt no longer repine in sorrow for an heir to inherit their wealth, as on the evening of the 24th, they were blessed with a smiling lump of that article that brings a cradle into requisition. No wonder Gus favored the school bonds.

Dr. C. G. Holland having disposed of his farm on the picturesque and mossy banks of Beaver Creek, has purchased a residence site on his father's farm, in Pleasant Valley Town- ship. Since its recent inundation, Doc's appreciation of Beaver's mossy banks as a residence location has materially depreciated.

Mrs. D. W. Frew is at present lying in a critical condition from prostration by grief since the death of her two children by the memorable Beaver freshet.

J. W. Browning this morning crawls up under a bald faced shirt preparatory to occupying a seat in the jury box at the hub, listening to the intricacies of the law.

Mr. Isaac Beach has the neatest and most convenient peach drier apparatus in this vicinity. A production of his own inventive genius. J. B. has perhaps the largest peach orchard in the county.

The material epidemic has prostrated several of our good people. ARCANUM.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

The tramp's reputation as a gentleman of leisure whose impulses are good, albeit his habits are bad, and who, like Joseph Poorgrass, "feels his humble gratitude" for favors re ceived stands vindicated.

Four years ago a Dakota farmera brother-in-law, by the way of Kellogg, who fell beside General Custer on the Little Big Hornhad finished his supper, when a dirty, ragged, footsore tramp called at the house and begged for something to eat, saying that he was on his way to California, but had hard luck, having been taken sick after starting. Mr. Safford made him welcome, and his wife went to work and cooked supper for the stranger. They not only allowed him to stay overnight, but entertained him for a week, until he had recovered his health.

Two months ago the stranger, who, during his four years' absence in California, "struck it rich," went back to Dakota, and in disguise he again spent the night under Mr. Safford's roof. The next morning the tramp departed without making himself known, and the conversation and incident had been forgotten when the good people received through the post office a sealed package, which contained the deed of one of the finest farms in their neighborhood, having a good house, barn, stock, horses, wagons, agricultural implements and everything complete. It was accompanied by an explanatory letter, stating that the giver wished them to accept the deed of this farm, which he had purchased especially for those who divided with him when in need, and treated him kindly when footsore and poor. He assured them that he was the tramp they had entertained years before.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

The Mexican and Trade dollars are not legal tenders and their circulation is optional. They are now worth at the U. S. Mint, about 90.75 cents.

Peaches are selling for fifty cents to $1.25 per bushel.

Grapes are selling on the streets at four cents per pound.

Last Tuesday night wheat to the amount of six thousand bushels stood on the streets for the want of cars for transportation.

Owing to the bad state of track last Saturday, the trotting race between Gold Dust and Wichita Charlie was postponed one week.

The epizootic among horses seems to be on the increase rather debating. S. W. Richmond kindly furnishes us with the following simple remedy, which he says is an infallible and positive cure: "Dissolve a small quantity of indigo in a pailful of water; make the solution so dark that the bottom of the pail cannot be seen, and give it to the afflicted horse after he begins to discharge at the nose. Three drinks will cure. It is no preventive against horses taking the disease." A great many horses will drink the indigo water without any hesitancy.

The First National Bank of Quincy, Illinois, has failed.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

Wellington is to have a street sprinkler.

Sumner County is contributing ten thousand bushels of wheat per day, to the Wichita market.

N. J. Dixon has purchased the interest of R. A. Houghton in the pioneer store at Caldwell, and becomes the successor to the late firm of Dixon & Houghton.

A train loaded exclusively with wheat leaves Wichita daily at 9 o'clock a.m.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

A New Interest.
On Thursday evening a barge arrived at our wharf loaded with wheat from Arkansas City, Kansas. Arkansas City is situated on the Arkansas River, near or at the mouth of the Walnut Creek, some three hundred miles above this place. The boat was in charge of Messrs. Pruden and Palmer, and the wheat is a part of the cargo purchased for the Aunt Sallie, and left by her, because of some unknown influence, and is being transported down to fill the contract made with Mr. Shearholtz for Eisenmeyer & Co., of Little Rock. Mr. Pruden says he started with 650 bushels, and finding shoal water at Ponca Agency he had to store 250 bushels. His boat draws fifteen inches light, but with his load, from Ponca down, he had no trouble. He was on the way since July 16, and laid up six days on the trip.

Much credit is due to the pluck of Messrs. Pruden and Palmer, and they should be encouraged. This trade may prove a valuable one to this section, and the people of that part of Kansas are so anxious to establish it, we should give them all the aid and all the encouragement in our power. We will refer to this subject again. Ft. Smith Herald.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

I. C. Loomis, near Arkansas City, after harvesting his wheat in the latter part of May, plowed up some of the wheat ground and planted it to corn of the common field variety on May 27th. Last Saturday, August 11, J. C. McMullen ate roasting ears from that field of corn.

John Byard, of Dexter, has purchased one of the new patent dryers and has gone into the peach-drying business on a large scale. He has 500 bearing peach trees and will have at least 1,500 bushels of peaches, many of them the largest and finest kinds. He will preserve them in cans. Winfield Courier.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

Wichita Beacon, August 14th: The price of wheat ranged yesterday from 50 to 62 cents. Over five hundred wagon loads were received. The daily shipments are from 35 to 40 cars. Corn is quoted at 25 cents; hogs at $3.25; cattle at $2.25. The loading capacity of our seven elevators is from fifty to seventy-thousand bushels daily. Their storage capacity is between one hundred thousand and one hundred and fifty thousand bushels.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

It is stated as true that the Mastin boys, of Kansas City, were on Jeff Davis' staff when he was captured and that they got away with several boxes of the Confederate States' gold and thus were they able to start the Mastin Bank in Kansas City, which failed a few days ago. Can anyone tell if this story is true? Walnut Valley Times.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

50 BUSHELS of lime suitable for building stone wall; to be sold cheap. L. LIPPMANN.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

I WILL HAVE my stock of 30 head of ponies at Arkansas City, on Saturday, Sept. 7ththe day Joe Hoyt gives a free showand will sell cheap for cash or bankable security.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

Dealers in
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Also, a large and complete stock of
We are Agents for the
SUCKER STATE DRILL, Best in the Market,
and the celebrated
Ahead of all others. We keep on hand at all times a full and complete assortment of goods in the above lines, which we will sell at astonishingly low prices, for Cash. On agricultural implements, we give satisfactory time. Parties will do well to call and see us before purchasing elsewhere.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

No rain yet.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

Put up plenty of hay.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

Corn is getting ready for the crib.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

Ground in good order for plowing.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

M. S. Faris is selling goods at cost.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

Only four convicts in jail at Winfield now.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

L. H. Gardner & Co. have closed their drug store.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

Several of our farmers have finished plowing for wheat.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

The editor was down with remittent fever all last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

A number of our citizens are attending court this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

Team after team has started for Pawnee Agency with wheat this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

DIED. A child of William Eckles died last Sunday and was buried on Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

Agent Ely reports the Pawnees recovering since the arrival of their drugs.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

Court this week, with 68 cases on the docket, and five days designated to try them in.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

Haywood has been paying 60 cents per bushel for wheat delivered at Osage or Pawnee Agency.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

Prof. E. W. Hulse, formerly of this place, has been engaged to teach the schools of El Dorado.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

The editor has the "boss" dog of the county. It is four months old and weighs only three pounds.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

A party of Rev. Swarts' family with Mr. Tathum visited Kaw Agency last week. They had to drive about 15 miles without water.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

A collection will be taken at the First Presbyterian church next Sunday to defray incidental expenses. Any member that is not present will be understood as declining to pay his mite.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

There will be lots of fun in town one week from Saturday. Hoyt's trapeze and rope walking is to take place. A foot race is to come off, and some fancy driving on the race track. Come in everybody.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

BORN. Friday morning, August 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart, of East Bolton, a ten pound package of the fruits of matrimony. It's a little Will, and not so blamed little, either, but just the best, prettiest, etc.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

DIED. August 23rd, 1878, of malarial fever, Thomas Callahan, aged 60 years. Mr. Callahan was of Irish birth, and settled in this county eight years ago on the farm he resided on at the time of his death. Although for many years given to drink, he left many friends who will always remember him. Poor Tom.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

TOM CALLAHAN IS DEAD. After suffering many days with a raging fever, and most of the time with his mind distracted, he died, and is now underneath the sod with all his troubles at an end. Tom had been for years a drunken, boisterous, and quarrelsome man, but six months before his death he went into the Murphy movement, signed the pledge, and swore before God and man that he had drank his last glassthat never again should a drop of intoxicating liquor pass his lips.

The announcement was received with joy among the temperance people, but with the other class it was laughed at as a joke, and time and again was he tempted to try his adherence to his vow. "No," said Tom, "I will never do it. If I am dying on my bed and it is offered me, I will die before I take it." And so he did. The doctor, deeming it best in his critical condition, prescribed a stimulant, but the suffering man refused it until near the last.

It did not seem the temperance movement had accomplished much, but in this one instance, a case has been illustrated that is one of the most remarkable on record; and while Tom Callahan was not the man he might have been, let us give him credit for being a man in one respect, and that ishe never broke his vow. How many are there who consider themselves men who can do as well as Tom Callahan?


Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

The "sombrero" hats usually worn by Texan and Mexican cattlemen are made from the belly fur of the beaver, and are very costly. They are generally adorned with a roll or band, interwoven with threads of gold, and cost as high as $100 each. Those generally worn are $25 hats.

The full rigging of a Mexican, mounted, might be estimated as follows: Hat, $25; clothes, $15; boots, $15; handkerchief, $2; two revolvers, $30; knife, $2; spurs, $3; saddle, $30; pony, $50.

It will be seen by this that the hat and boots are the most expensive part of the clothing, and are, in fact, the two articles they pride themselves on.

If you notice, you will see they have a very small foot, caused by constant riding and seldom walking, and it is generally in a fine hand-made, sewed, calf or goat-skin boot.

Their spurs are nickel plated, and the handkerchief about their neck is silk. The knife and revolvers are only ordinary, but the saddle is generally of the best, frequently being worth much more than the pony it almost covers.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

H. B. Pruden, O. J. Palmer, and the flat boat crew returned from Little Rock last Saturday. They came to Ft. Smith by steamboat, thence by stage to Muskogee, thence by rail to Independence, thence by private conveyance home.

They say they found no less than three feet of water in the channel all the way down, and that the river from this point to Fort Smith is as deep as from there to Little Rock. It is the opinion of Mr. Pruden that flat-boating is practicable, and will pay if the barges can be brought back.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

One week from next Saturday, E. J. Hoyt, of the firm of Hoyt & Speers, will walk a tight rope stretched from the top of Houghton & McLaughlin's brick store to the green front building. He will also give some trapeze performances on the rope, and do various other things interesting and amusing. Joe has traveled with many circus troupes, and is an excellent performer. Come in and watch the fun, which is to commence at 1 o'clock, Saturday, September 7, 1878.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

Mr. Samuel A. Ely, Agent of the Pawnee Indians, situated 65 miles south of this place, with his wife and two children, made a pleasant call this week. Mr. Ely came up to purchase 40,000 pounds of flour, eat a few peaches, see the town, and have a little recreation. Mr. Haywood furnished the flour, the peaches were supplied, and they found plenty of room to recreate in, and returned home well pleased with their visit, which we hope will be repeated before many days.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

We have been complimented with an invitation to attend the Walnut Valley District Fair, to be held at Winfield on September 11th, 12th, 13th, and 14th. The board of directors have made great efforts to make it a success, and it evidently will be, from the number we have heard express themselves that expect to attend.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

Col. King's farm on the Rio Grande consists of 16,000 acres fenced. He has been growing in wealth since the war with Mexico, and now owns, besides the land, 50,000 cows, 75,000 sheep, and 30,000 mules. He employs three hundred Mexicans as herders.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the August A. D. 1878 term of the District Court of Cowley County, and have been placed on the Trial Docket in the following order.

State vs. Leland J. Webb.

State vs. Daniel P. Faler.

State vs. John W. Blizzard.

State vs. Louis Tournier.

A. H. Green vs. Sarah E. Requa.

M. L. Read vs. S. C. Wintin, et al.

Frank Porter vs. Eli W. Coulson.

M. D. Wells & Co. vs. T. E. Gilleland.

Charles Seacat vs. Sarah Hostetter, et al.

Henry Sheiffer vs. John R. Barner.

Rufus B. Waite vs. Board Co. Commis'rs.

Mary H. Buck vs. John A. Tipton, et al.

C. C. Harris vs. Sanford Day, et al.

Mary H. Buck vs. David J. Bright, et al.

Lucian McMasters vs. Nathan Hughes.

Martin L. Wilson vs. George P. Wagner.

J. H. Hill, et al vs. Geneva Jackson, et al.

Mercy M. Funk vs. Cynthia Clark, et al.

Christopher C. Harris vs. J. B. Lynn.

Parker & Canfield vs. E. B. Kager, et al.

John C. McMullen vs. Martha A. Bowers, et al.

Elizabeth Meyer vs. William H. Brown.

James W. Hamilton vs. J. D. Pryor, et al.

Nancy Bishop vs. E. B. Johnston.

Ledora A. Powell vs. John Scott.

Mercy M. Funk, Ad'x vs. M. G. Troup, Ad'r.

Mary Strickland vs. Henry Strickland.

Robert H. Cox vs. Mat. Chambers, et al.

John Brooks vs. Samuel N. Bell, et al.

William Martin vs. Laura Lewis, et al.

John C. McMullen vs. Alfred Cary, et al.

W. H. H. Maris vs. J. V. Waggoner, et al.

State, on petition of Eugene E. Bacon, vs. Clifton M. Wood.

Walter L. Pennington vs. Henrietta Craig et al.

William B. Skinner vs. Charlotta Wack, et al.

Nancy J. Ross vs. James Rose.

James Brayley vs. Jacob C. Groce, et al.

Charles L. Flint vs. Nannie J. Cease, et al.

Sarah E. Aldrich vs. James A. Kerr, et al.

J. S. Chick vs. C. W. Mitchell, et al.

G. E. McCumber vs. William Storms.

John Lazell vs. Isaac N. Ellsbury.

Phillip Hedges vs. Emily C. Hedges.

C. M. Henderson vs. Frank Galotti.

S. L. Brettun vs. Amelia Smiley, et al.

Sophia Schemerhorn vs. Strong Pepper, et al.

Geo M. Bayley et al vs. Drury Warren.

S. L. Brettun vs. Isaac H. Phenis, et al.

S. L. Brettun vs. Isaac H. Phenis, et al.

M. Brettun vs. Wm. Smith, et al.

Lizzie Kelley vs. Wm. Kelley.

Michael Harkins vs. Charles Gallert.

Nancy Bishop vs. E. B. Johnston.

C. A. Bliss, et al vs. W. C. Bradfield.

James A. Loomis vs. E. B. Kager, et al.

W. H. H. Maris vs. T. W. Gant, et al.

W. H. H. Maris vs. T. W. Gant, et al.

A. A. Jackson vs. The Winfield Town Co.

A. H. Green vs. Margaret J. McGee.

John Nichols vs. Harrison Barton.

Henrietta Craig vs. W. L. Pennington, et al.

Oliver A. Pratt vs. John C. McMullen.

Fonda & Gump vs. Walker Brothers.

Cochran, Carroll & Co. vs. Walker Bros.

J. P. Campbell & Co. vs. Walker Brothers.

City of Winfield vs. Wm. A. Lee.

City of Winfield vs. Dennis Lynch.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878. Front Page.

Information has been received at Portland, Oregon, concerning fresh Indian troubles on the Columbia River. A number of settlers are reported to have been killed and other disasters are apprehended. General Howard is going after the hostiles, with a considerable force of regulars.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

To the People of Cowley County.
The Committee appointed in this city at a railroad meeting, held on the 10th of June, 1878, to conduct all the correspondence with the president of the A., T. & S. F. Co., in relation to the extension of a branch road through this county, in observance to their instructions respectfully submit the following report.

Under date of Aug. 20th, the President of the Santa Fe Co. writes us that his company are now engaged in negotiations with the people of Sedgwick County for an extension of that branch down the Arkansas Valley to this point, and thence to the southern boundary of this county via Arkansas City. The Santa Fe Co. also contemplate at no distant day to form a connection with the Fort Smith and Little Rock Co., and thus give us a southern connection. If the pending negotiations with Sedgwick County fail, then the Santa Fe Co. propose to extend the El Dorado branch of their road down the Walnut Valley, and on South as far as above indicated. In either event the people of this county will be benefited by the extensions. We must bear in mind, however, that our present efforts depend largely upon the success of President Nickerson's negotiations with the people of Sedgwick or Butler counties, and if they should obstinately refuse to co-operate and furnish the requisite aid, our failure to secure a branch road can in no wise be attributed to the disinclination of the Santa Fe Co. to help us.

President Nickerson is of the opinion that if his present efforts are crowned with success, he will be able to complete the road to this point during the ensuing year! Nevertheless, he calls our attention to some obstacles which may interpose, which he can neither foresee nor control. Among these are "strikes," stringency of the money markets, and the difficulty of obtaining "ties."

We felt authorized to assure President Nickerson that our people would certain co- operate with his company whether the extension came from Wichita or El Dorado, that you would subscribe to the extent of $4,000 per mile for each mile of completed road, and as to time, interest on bonds, and all matters of mere detail, that you would deal with a liberal and considerate spirit.

We deem it not improper to add that the Santa Fe Co. is now building a western extension to the Rio Grande, at or near Albuquerque; and so soon as the Southern Pacific is extended east from Tunice, they propose to form a junction, and thus give to the people of Kansas an outlet to the Pacific and the rapidly developing great west for their success.

The most casual observer, therefore, cannot fail to realize that if the national objects of the Santa Fe Co. can be carried out, the people of this county, by a subscription to one road, will secure three outlets, East, West, and South.

Trusting that our action thus far may meet your approbation, we respectfully suggest that each of the township trustees, and other representative men of the county will meet in this city on Thursday, the 5th of September, 1878, and take such further action as may be deemed requisite.




Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

An Old Veteran in Cowley Co.
In Beaver Township, Cowley County, west side of the Arkansas River in the bend, lives John Anderson McWarter, who is 100 years old. He was born at Cowpens, South Carolina, Sept. 10, 1777. At two years of age he was carried by his parents to Kentucky, in company with Daniel Boone, and was with Boone some years. At one time when Boone and his men were in a fight with Indians, young McWarter carried water and waited on the men. He lived at Crab Orchard until 18 years old, when he went to the wilds of Tennessee, where he lived ten years and married, when he moved to Wayne County, Illinois. He was in the 1st Illinois volunteers all through the Black Hawk war as First Lieutenant, for which he was entitled to 80 acres land warrant. He only got 40 so the Government still owes him 40.

During the Black Hawk war he pursued a lot of Indians to recover two white girls, Rachael and Sylvia Hall, whom they had captured, and he overtook but did not attack for fear they would kill the girls. His force negotiated and bought the girls of the Indians for 40 horses. After the girls were recovered and safe, they again pursued and attacked the Indians, killing 68 of them and recovering the 40 horses. Soon afterwards they captured the rest of these Indians at Badaxe Creek, on the Mississippi, with Black Hawk.

After this he moved to Boone County, on the frontier, where like Boone he could avoid civilization. Here he lived 29 years, but people got too thick and he went to Dakota, where he lived four years, when he moved to where he now lives, which was two years ago.

He is hearty, gets around considerable, goes a fishing, and walks around among the neighbors. He lives with his daughter, a widow named Lusina Corbin. Says his heart has not pulsated so as to be detected for 68 years. Had a sickness then and thinks his heart sunk to some other part of his body. He is dependent upon his friends and ought to have a pension. Winfield Courier.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

The Sioux Indians Finally Located.
[Olathe Mirror, 16.]
Maj. J. M. Haworth, one of the agents appointed by the General Government to locate the Sioux, has returned from the up river country, having succeeded in locating these wild Indians to the satisfaction of all parties. He says the wheat crop in Dakota is entirely destroyed, having rotted in the field from the excessive wet weather in that region during the harvest. The commissioners have finished their labors except to make out their report, which they will do at Washington City. The Major's health is very much improved.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

LARGE TEAM, wagon and harness; will sell singly or together. DR. R. H. REED.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

Cooler weather soon.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

County Fair next week.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

Mrs. Hoyt, wife of Joseph, is very low with fever.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

School began last Monday with an attendance of about sixty pupils.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

Sam Wood gave the Winfield people the ear-ache last Thursday night.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

Mrs. Lorry raised one hundred bushels of onions this year, and now has them all in one pile.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

Miss Flora Finley was thrown from her horse one day last week, sustaining some severe injuries.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

Bannister was severely injured last week by running against the corner of the billiard table in the saloon.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

Dr. Shepard purchased Gardner's drug store last Saturday, and will continue the business at the same place.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

Schiffbauer Bros. received one car load of salt and one car load of wagons this week, besides groceries and hardware.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

Dave Finney has been spending most of his time in the Territory, at the several agencies, during the past two weeks.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

A son of Mr. Warner, living near Grouse Creek, broke his arm last Monday morning. We failed to learn the particulars.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

This issue begins volume nine of the TRAVELER. For more than eight years the paper has been regularly published at this place.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

Some drunken stager ran his hand through Patterson's screen last Wednesday night. That saloon must be run on a quieter basis, orwell, we can't stand it.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

Prf. Theo. Williams favored us with a peach of magnificent proportions and delicious flavor one day last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

There are two letters in the post office at this place held for postage, addressed as follows: Mrs. Jane P. Moore, Milnersville, Ohio; and Perry Mason & Co., Boston, Massachusetts.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

Eight German families from Illinois have settled in Maricle's neighborhood in Bolton Township. They brought new wagons and the finest mule teams in the vicinity.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

Agent Ely, of the Pawnees, has been requested to resign. It begins to look as if Pawnee Agency called for a change in its administration as regularly as the new moon appears.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

Agent Whiteman and E. H. McMichael, chief clerk of the Ponca Indian Agency, were in town a few days last week. Col. Whiteman makes new friends at every visit.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

Parties desiring to freight can find plenty to do by calling on J. H. Sherburne, who is loading teams as fast as they come in. He is paying twenty cents per bushel for oats.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

Wm. Coombs has rented the Bowen building, and intends opening a meat market. L. H. Gardner also intends keeping all kinds of fresh meat in the room adjoining Benedict's store.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

With characteristic modesty the Winfield Courier takes all the credit in the recent reduction in freight by the Santa Fe road, and is "going to continue the war." The Santa Fe begins to tremble.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

Next Saturday Joe Hoyt gives us a free show, walking a rope stretched from Houghton & McLaughlin's building to the green front opposite. Come in and see the fun, as it costs nothing.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

The young people of East Bolton number eight young ladies to one young man. Nevertheless we understand that a pleasant time was had at "Picnic Grove," one day last week, in which Miss Mattie Chambers gained the honor of being the champion croquet player of the day. What are the boys thinking of?

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

A visit to the schoolhouse with Prof. Sylvester last Saturday afternoon resulted in the discovery of numerous mice and cobwebs, and dirt without stint. The School Board should have seen to it that the rooms were thoroughly cleaned before the time for school. They are positively unfit for the reception of children at present, having never been opened since school closed. An exceptionally brilliant piece of business was that of leaving a box of matches to become food for the rodent quadrupeds, who had fortunately missed the sulphuric ends in their gnawings. But for this, a $11,000 schoolhouse might have been most effectually cremated, and the blame laid at the incendiary's door. It wouldn't be at all out of place, by the way, if the weeds on the grounds were cut down, as their rank growth is not conducive to the best health of the children, and they are certainly no ornament. Could not the Board do something towards a general cleaning up about the school house, internally and externally?

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

Last Wednesday afternoon the wife of Dr. Alexander was partially paralyzed, it taking effect in her right arm and half of the tongue. For several weeks she had been threatened with this affliction, and about a month ago, after a few days of excessively hard work, the nerves of her arm became useless; but power was restored by the aid of electricity, and she was apparently as well as ever until the day above mentioned. After a night and morning of severe headache, one-half of the tongue became swollen, and she was unable to articulate distinctly, while her right hand was closed and her arm perfectly helpless. The doctor again applied electricity, and in a day or two she could use her arm, and talk, though but slowly and with great difficulty, and is now continually improving. Her many friends hope the affliction will prove but temporary.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

Given by an old timer, who challenges competition in all of his undertakings. He will give, free of charge to the public, a tight-rope performance that will astonish the aborigines, if not the more enlightened race. Old "Buffalo Joe" is well known far and wide as a "high- flyer" and a good one generally, and will give a Blondin rope walk on a rope 1-1/2 inch in diameter, stretched from the top of Newman's high brick to the top of the old green front. The brass band will play a polka, which will be danced by Joe on the rope. He will also run a wheelbarrow across, free for any boy to ride, and will walk blindfolded in a sack. He will give his sensational act on the flying bars and ropes below, fall off and break his neck, etc. So you see you shall not be disappointed.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

List of letters in the post office at Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, August 31st, 1878: Adams, Mr. J. R. L.; Adams, J. B.; Baird, Mrs. Sarah; Bigger, George; Benson, Laura; Burns, J. D.; Carson, C. B.; Callahan, Dr. A. M.; Cline, J. N.; Cook, Richard; Coburn, D. G.; Coburn, Mrs. Huldah; Constant, Melissa A.; Deem, George; Freeman, Van; Gates, Ellis; Kimball, Udora; Leeper, George; Leslie, John B.; Man, Miss Charlotte; Ozburn, D. P.; Smith, Symantha; Trent, Dorcas; Truman, Thos.; Truman, Dock; Thorp, Robert; Ware, Wm.; Wickersham, A. O.

Persons calling for any of the above letters will please state that they were advertised.

C. M. SCOTT, P. M.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

EDITOR TRAVELER: The ennui of Salt City was enlivened last Sunday evening by the excitement of a double wedding.

Dr. Arnold, our highly respected physician, and Miss Becky Reynolds; and Mr. Edward Willard and Miss Jennie Reynolds, were married at the residence of the brides' parents by Elder Broadbent, on Sunday evening at 4 o'clock. The wedding was a splendid affair.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

The two sons of Mr. Burgess, formerly agent of the Pawnee Indians, who passed through our town en route for the Territory some two weeks ago, returned last Thursday evening with four Indians and many curiosities. They have joined Buffalo Bill's troupe, and purpose traveling through the East and South this winter. Our eastern friends, and the youth who dotes on Monroe's literary productions, are cautioned against accepting blindly the pictures of life in the far West as presented by stage warriors, as they will doubtless be "touched up" considerably.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

The Cowley County Fair is to be held at Winfield next week, commencing on Wednesday and continuing until Saturday night, and we advise the farmers to go and see the sightsnot forgetting to take all the vegetable monstrosities you can raise. The committee have selected a beautiful grove, and have endeavored to make the fair a success, so that it now remains for the people to turn out in large numbers and show their appreciation of the work done. There is a fine track on the grounds, and we may expect to see some good running or trotting.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

Col. Whiteman, agent for the Poncas, passed through here yesterday on his way to Kansas City to purchase horses for the Indian Department, to be used by the Ponca Indians on their new reservation south of here.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

There will be a young people's meeting at the Presbyterian church next Sabbath evening, September 8, which will take the place of the regular service. There will be several addresses, plenty of singing, and a good time is expected. All are invited, both old and young. At the close a collection will be taken for the yellow fever sufferers in the South. Any contributions left at Dr. Loomis' drug store before next Tuesday, for the yellow fever sufferers, will be sent along with the above collection. J. S. McCLUNG.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

We would call the attention of the authorities to the insecure condition of the old part of the Arkansas River bridge. It is more than insecureit is positively unsafe, if not dangerous, and should be nailed up to prevent the crossing of teams until it is repaired, or the township will have a team, wagon, or a life to pay for. A comparatively small amount expended now would make that portion safe for a year or more, while neglect may cause serious loss to the township and individuals.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

Kager's bonanza in Colorado hasn't "panned out" as enormously as was expected. In other words, it fizzled, and Mr. Kager is at present suffering from an affliction which affects his feet, they being swollen to such an extent as to almost prevent walking. The rest of the boys who left this place are not in a much better fix, and are either sick or "dead broke." Better stay in Cowley County.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

BROWN & GLASS, of Winfield, the genial successors to B. F. Baldwin, are doing an immense business in the drug line, it being almost impossible to close the store on Sunday. Ed. Clisbee, the most popular drug clerk in the town, has just returned from a visit to Topeka, and is at the prescription case day and night.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

Frank Lorry broke one hundred acres of prairie this fall, and has it ready for wheat. He will sow 150 acres of wheat this fall and 150 acres of corn next spring. He thinks corn fed to hogs will pay better than wheat. There will be as much corn as wheat planted in Bolton Township next year.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

Dr. J. T. Shepard has purchased and reopened the drug store recently occupied by L. H. Gardner & Co. The doctor intends keeping on hand a full stock of drugs and medicines, and the prescription department will be under his personal supervision.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

Mrs. Gilbert, of Muscatine, Iowa, and mother-in-law of Rudolph Hoffmaster, is here visiting relatives. Her husband, it will be remembered, died on the plains several years since, while on a buffalo hunt with the editor and others.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

Jerry Tucker's wagon stuck in the quicksands of the Arkansas last Saturday morning, after leaving the ferry boat, and new tugs were required before he pulled out. He had about thirty-three hundred pounds on the wagon.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

There will be a meeting of the Township Board of Bolton Township at the Bland school- house, on the second Thursday in September, A. D., 1878, at 10 o'clock a.m., for the purpose of settling with the road overseers of said township, and attending to such other business as the law requires. J. M. SAMPLE, Trustee.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

Will buy one Gallon of best White Coal Oil at the People's Drug Store.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

A two-horse wagon in first-rate condition; terms easy. Inquire at this office.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

Go to the Arkansas City House where you can get board for three dollars a week.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878. Front Page.

A Mexican journal of recent date announces in very grandiloquent language that a large force of the "republic's" veterans is on its way toward the border, and will oppose to the last extremity any further invasions from this side of the Rio Grande.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878. Front Page.

The Custer statue, executed by J. Wilson Macdonald, was exhibited to a large number of invited guests at the artist's studio in New York on Saturday last.

The Tribune says of it: "The movement for this statue originated with James Gordon Bennett, who subscribed $500; Miss Clara Morris raised $1,000, and Judge Hilton contributed $6,000. Smaller subscriptions doubled these sums, and the remainder necessary for the completion of the monument is to be raised by Thurlow Weed, Gen. W. S. Hancock, General Schofield, Thomas Le Clair, and Algernon S. Sullivan, the Monument Committee. The figure will rest on a pedestal of granite, upon the four faces of which will be panels in gold bronze in bas-relief. The front panel shows Custer, mounted upon a powerful horse, toiling up the steep incline of a mountain. There are mountains in the distance. On the right aspect of the pedestal the panel will represent a buffalo's head surrounded with arrows, worked out in the form of an aureola. On the left is the head of a stupendous grizzly, environed by a group of Indians. The rear aspect displays a panel giving the name, rank, age, birthplace, battles, and death story of the General."


Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Railroad Prospects.
[From the Telegram.]
The railroad prospects for Cowley County are brighter somewhat. The A., T. & S. F. folks stand ready to submit a proposition to build into the county, while the Kansas City, Burlington & Santa Febetter known as the Schofield roadare also ready to do something for us. We read a letter a few days since from one of the managers of the road, written to Mr. Kinne, in which he is informed that the officers will be down here soon to submit a proposition. They have already let the contract to build their road to Eureka in Greenwood Countythe work to be completed as soon as possibleand are anxious to push on down in this direction.

With these prospects ahead, Cowley can afford to be jubilant, as they are brighter than we have had since the organization of the county. The Santa Fe company, of course, mean business. If they offer to build a road within a given time, they will do it. And Schofield's success so far, in building thirty or forty miles of his road when no other road was being built in the State, with the addition of the capital which is now backing him, makes his word as good as gold. With either of the roads, the county will be served to the best advantage, and we hope our readers will stand ready to assist either that comes to us with a definite propositionno difference which it is. We will keep the Telegram readers posted upon any new developments.

Since the above was written we have been placed in possession of the following letter from the K. C., Burlington & S. F. road. Mr. R. F. Burden, of Lazette, and C. A. Bliss, of this city, were sent to Eureka by our citizens to meet the gentlemen, and they are expected here tomorrow or next day.


DEAR SIR: I arrived home last night, and with others received your letter of the 25th, to which I find Mr. Hueston, our Superintendent, had already replied. With several friends, mens of means, and who are interested in the railroad and its further extension, I expect to start south next Tuesday or Wednesday. We shall go first to Eureka, and I shall try to induce my friends to go on to Winfield, and perhaps to Arkansas Valley. We desire to extend our road at once. Your town has always been a point with us, and if your people desire our road, and will give us promptly the aid we need, I expect to be able to make you a definite proposition. Meet us if you can at Eureka, say on next Wednesday, and I would like to meet your people at Winfield, say Thursday or Friday next, when we can have a plain, practical talk on the matter of our road. I go to Kansas City today, and in haste remain, very respectfully,

PRESIDENT, K. C., B. & S. F. R. R.
August 31, 1878.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

The Indians who were in our city last week left Sunday morning for Baltimore, where they will join Buffalo Bill's Combination.

Mr. Wm. Burgess, who, in our mind, never figured in anything more prominent than wrestling with the camp kettles of some freighting outfit, is billed as "Master Willie Burgess, the boy chief, only sixteen years of age, who, through his intrepid daring in battle, skillful scouting, and unerring marksmanship, received, at the early age of fourteen years, the greatest distinction that is bestowed upon an Indian warriorthat of being made a chief; and who is known in the west as the Boy Chief of the Pawnees!"

Probably Buffalo Bill can convince the oyster eaters of Baltimore that the above is no humbug, but should he come very far west, the members of his company will be apt to walk home. Reporter.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

The following cases were tried before Judge Campbell during the term of court, up to September 5, 1878.

State vs. J. W. Blizzard, charged with burning wheat stacks; tried by jury; verdict guilty.

G. M. Bailey et al vs. Drury Warren. Judgments for plaintiffs, $822.72.

State vs. L. J. Webb, charged with murder in the first degree for the shooting of Page, the saloon man. Venue was changed to Sedgwick County. Defendant bound over to appear in $12,000, and witnesses recognized to be in attendance.

Louis Tournier, charged with illegal intercourse, or living with Kate Umbell without being legally married, was discharged.

M. L. Read vs. S. C. Winton et al. Judgment for plaintiff $637.57 and foreclosure.

Frank Porter vs. E. W. Coulson. Continued.

M. T. Wells vs. T. E. Gilleland. Judgment for plaintiff, $62.25

Mary H. Buck vs. John Tipton et al. Judgment and foreclosure.

Same vs. D. J. Bright et al. Dismissed.

The suit of L. McMasters vs. N. Hughes, for malpractice, was continued.

J. C. McMullen vs. A. Carey et al. Dismissed.

James Brayley vs. J. C. Groce et al. Judgment for plaintiff, $452.90.

John Lazell vs. I. N. Ellsbury. Judgment for plaintiff and foreclosure.

M. Brettun vs. William Smith et al. Continued.

M. Harkins vs. C. Gallert. Judgment for plaintiff, $498.82. This was a foreclosure suit on some timber land at the mouth of the Walnut, to repay borrowed money.

Nancy Bishop vs. E. B. Johnson. Petition in error; dismissed.

S. Schemerhorn vs. Strong Pepper et al. Judgment for plaintiff $408.87 and foreclosure.

Lizzy Kelly vs. W. A. Kelly. Divorce granted.

C. C. Harris vs. J. B. Lynn. Continued.

M. L. Wilson vs. G. P. Wagner. Trial by jury. Verdict for plaintiff, $70.

State vs. C. M. Wood, charged with drunkenness in office, as Mayor of Winfield, was dismissed.

W. B. Skinner vs. C. Walck et al. Judgment for plaintiff quieting title.

Elizabeth Myers vs. W. H. Brown. Judgment for plaintiff quieting title. This suit arose from the sale of land by an administrator, and the proceedings not being regular. Mrs. Myers recovers the land and W. H. Brown holds Samuel Hoyt responsible for the title.

Mary Strickland vs. Henry Strickland. Divorce granted.

C. L. Flint vs. N. J. Cease. Plaintiff's title confirmed.

City of Winfield vs. Lynch. Dismissed.

A. A. Jackson vs. Winfield Town Company. Continued for service.

Philip Hedges vs. E. C. Hedges. Divorce granted.

Sarah E. Aldrich vs. J. A. Kerr et al. Judgment for plaintiff $258.66 and foreclosure.

Mary Buck vs. John A. Tipton et al. Judgment for plaintiff $220.80 and foreclosure.

J. H. Hill et al vs. Geneva Jackson et al. Judgment for plaintiff for recovery of real estate.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

The following are the freight rates on the different articles named, from Wichita to Kansas City.

Wheat, potatoes, flax seed, and broom corn, 25 cents per hundred.

Flour, corn meal, and castor beans, 28 cents per hundred.

Barley, rye, corn, oats, and bran, 15 cents per hundred.

Rates on grain from St. Joe, Atchison, Leavenworth, and Kansas City to St. Louis, Louisiana, Hannibal, West Quincy, and Burlington.

Wheat, 20 cents per hundred pounds; corn, rye, oats, and barley, 45 cents; flour 40 cents per barrel.

To East St. Louis, East Hannibal, and Quincy.

Wheat, 21 cents; corn, rye, oats, and barley, 16 cents.

To Chicago:

Wheat, rye, oats, and barley, 20 cents; flour, 50 cents.

To Toledo:

Wheat, 30 cents; corn, rye, oats, and barley, 25 cents.

The following arbitraries will apply on business to Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and Boston from Atchison, St. Joe, Leavenworth, and Kansas City to Chicago:

First-class, 75c; second-class, 60c; third class, 45c; fourth class, 25c.

From the same points to East St. Louis or East Hannibal or Quincy:

First-class, 55c; second-class, 45c; third class, 35c; fourth class, 20c.

From the same points to Toledo:

First-class, $1.01; second-class, 80c; third class, 55c; fourth class, 32c. Eagle.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Parties desiring Picture Frames of any particular size or style can be supplied by leaving their orders at Loomis' drug store. Call within the next 30 days.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

For a nice sugar-cured ham, fresh groceries of all kinds received daily, call on Schiffbauer Bros. & Co. at the "little brick" store.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Boots and Shoes.
Houghton & McLaughlin have now in stock a full line of Chicago-made, warranted men's, boys', women's, misses', and children's boots and shoes. We warrant these goods.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

The best and most goods for the least money at Schiffbauer Bros'. Anything from a curry-comb to a threshing machine.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Take our Holman's Pads,

Take our Sherman's P. A. Bitters and Malarifuge.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

A Guitar for Sale.
W. D. Mowry, at Loomis' drug store, has a guitar of extra tone and quality for sale cheap, for cash. Lovers of music, desiring to purchase such an instrument, should call and see this before buying.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

If you want a good shot gun to kill those innocent quail with, call at that place they call the "little brick."

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Peach and Apple Parers.
C. R. Sipes has another lot of R. P. Scott's Rotary Peach Parers, that will pare a peach as fast as two persons can seed them. Price, $1.50.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Fair opens today.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Mrs. Alexander is improving.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Houses to rent are in great demand.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Frank Baldwin finally left Leavenworth.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

BIRTH. Charley Longfeldt has been blessed. It is a boy.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Coyote wolves are feasting on Mowry's chickens.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Peaches are sold as low as fifteen cents per bushel.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Hank Pruden, an old river navigator, was in town this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

The city is having stone crossings at the corners of Central Avenue.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

New machinery and new bolts are being put in at Newman's mill.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Dr. Leonard is making some excellent wine from the native grape.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

R. C. Haywood pays 60 cents cash for wheat delivered at Osage Agency.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Charles McIntire and A. W. Berkey came down to the head last Sunday.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

A dog jumped out and frightened the mule of Mr. Denton's, causing his death.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Apples from Arkansas retailed on the streets last week for $1.50 per bushel.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

The funeral of Mr. Frank Denton took place yesterday, attended by many friends.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

J. W. Hutchison has the only pair of weeping willows in town. They are beautiful.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

The water in the Walnut River is very low, and the mills have not run on full time lately.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Custom grinding will be resumed at Newman's mill as soon as there is sufficient water.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

See the card of Mickey Jim, the vender of fermented spirits at the "National" at Winfield.

AD: "National Saloon."

At the hub of the county, in the city of Winfield,

Mickey Jim will cool your fevered brow with refreshing

stimulants if you chance to pass his way.

JAMES FAHEY, Proprietor.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Farmer Pruden, and his estimable wife, were in town this week, stopping at the Central Avenue.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

The Walnut River is lower than it has been since 1874. The water is so low that it can be crossed most any place.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Twenty-five farm wagons were hauled in town Monday for Schiffbauer Bros. and twelve have been sold already.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Hon. W. P. Hackney, S. H. Myton, A. T. Shenneman, and G. S. Manser, all of Winfield, paid this place a visit yesterday.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

The salaries of postmasters at the smaller offices are now governed by the amount of stamps canceled, instead of the amount sold.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Kager's house was broken into one night last week, and a chair taken, some clothing, and other articles, besides several bushels of oats.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Houghton & Mantor tell the people this week that they have a new lot of clothing of the latest and best styles. Clothe yourselves for the winter.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

The impressible, yet irresistible, Ed. Clisbee, accompanied by one of Winfield's most charming ladies, paid our town a visit last Sunday evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

We have received a letter from Mr. C. E. Udell, now comfortably located at 114 Pine street, St. Louis, in which he sends his regard to all his friends at this place.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Ed. Clisbee lost a pair of worn-out black kid gloves while in our town last Sunday, and the finder may return them to this office if the pieces will hold together.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

The rumor that C. M. Scott would appear as a circus rider in Walker's corral is untrue. He merely intends to look around for persons wanting cheap ponies, and perform on them.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

The place is sadly in need of a sexton. The churches should agree on some one man, and have it understood that he should see to the tolling of the bell, dig the graves, and oversee the burial services.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

G. S. Manser was down yesterday with a capitalist from Paynesville, Ohio, to note our prosperity. Mr. Manser is a member of the oldest real estate firm in the county, and transacts a large business.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

An extra mail left the post office last Sunday. It will not be regular, and only occurred for once as the stage had a load to take to Wichita, and the P. M. found he could gain a day by sending the mail along.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Rev. A. H. Walters, of the M. E. Church, will be at this place Saturday, October 27th, and at Winfield November 3rd, and at Dexter, Tisdale, and Lazette Saturday, November 10th. Rev. Walters is presiding elder of the Wichita district.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Frank S. Denton died Monday morning about six o'clock from congestion of the brain. He was thrown from a mule about one o'clock on Sunday, September 8th, and was found lying insensible by Mrs. Brash. He was taken to Thomas Parvin's house, where he died in the presence of his wife and three physicians, namely, Dr. Hughes, Dr. Shepard, and Dr. Carlisle. He did not speak a word. The shocking news was received at this place with many regrets. We have known Frank Denton as long as we have known Arkansas City, and always found him to be an upright, moral, and conscientious man. Thus passes away another one of the early settlers of this section. Our sympathies are extended to the bereaved wife.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Major Sleeth received news last night from Mrs. Sleeth, now visiting in Cambridge, Ohio, that their child was about to die.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

O. P. Houghton had to go East to attend the funeral of his lovely child, and many others who have anticipated enjoying themselves by returning East have met with sorrow.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

H. P. Farrar was informed of the bank robbery while rusticating; and S. P. Channell has been down with fever.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Mrs. R. A. Thompson, visiting Canada, writes that there is considerable sickness in the Dominion, and is anxious to return. It does not seem a good plan to change climates during the extreme heat of summer.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Mrs. Wilson, wife of our townsman, James Wilson, noticed a snake crawling on the walk as she stepped from the door last Sunday, and on approaching it found it was a spreading adder, a very poisonous and dangerous reptile. She placed a stick on it and held it until help came, when the snake was killed. This is the third snake she has killed this summer, and she expresses herself ready for any other that may come about. There is not one lady in a hundred, or a thousand we might say, that has the nerve to do likewise.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Last Saturday was a lively day in Arkansas City. Prof. Hoyt walked the rope, wheeled a wheelbarrow over it, performed a number of feats on the trapeze, and entertained the crowd with one of the best shows the public has ever been treated to. There was hardly room to get by on the streets for the wagons, and the sidewalks were crowded with people. It should be made an object to get Mr. Hoyt to walk again, and have a general gathering every once in a while.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Joe Hoyt drew a larger crowd last Saturday to witness his performance on the tight rope than any circus ever did in this town; and as a consequence, business was lively in all the stores, and the merchants reaped the benefit. It would pay some of our sister towns to engage Joe for a like performance, as he is good in everything he undertakes, and never fails in giving satisfaction.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

As Lippmann's log team with six yoke of oxen attached was crossing the log bridge near Newman's mill, yesterday, the bridge gave way, and upset the wagon in the creek, and pulled one steer in with it. The boys cut the bow of the one that was hanging by the neck, and saved the rest from being pulled in. Mr. Lippmann thinks he will sue the township for damages.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

While James Ernuf and James Coffee were sawing logs in the woods down at Lippmann's mill, two wild cats attacked them, and the boys found it difficult to keep out of the way; but by throwing rocks and clubs at them, they managed to get to the mill, when the cats returned to the woods.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

People should be careful not to lariat their ponies so that the rope stretches across the main road; such a practice being liable to trip a horse and throw the rider. One rope was cut last Sunday, and some of these fine days a few horses will be missing if this practice is not stopped.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

DIED. On Thursday evening, September 5th, Ada, daughter of Mrs. Harris, died, after a short but severe illness. She was but ten years old, full of life and happiness, with a bright, winsome face, and being the only girl in a family of boys, she was the light of the house.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

General McNeil, United States Indian Inspector, arrived at the head of navigation last evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

DIED. A son of Mr. Gates, living in Bolton Township, died of typhoid fever last week. He was first taken charge of by the Followers of Christ, who tried to cure him by the "laying on of hands." They failed; and it was then too late for medical aid.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Lippmann's mill will be moved in about three weeks to a new body of timber on Grouse Creek, where he will be able to turn out a large quantity of first-class lumber to supply his old customers and as many new ones as may come.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Charles C. Black, of Winfield, was nominated at the State Democratic Convention for State Treasurer. While it cannot be a Democrat, Cowley County will give Charlie a good complimentary vote.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

New corn is being engaged in Texas at ten and twenty-five cents per bushel.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

The Salmon River and Idaho stage was captured by Indians when near Birch Creek station and the mail and everything else was burned. The driver made his escape and reached Sand Hole station, near Snake River.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

In Ford's grand opera house in Washington, Buffalo Bill was firing a pistol, which happened to be loaded with ball and cartridge, and shot a youth named Michael Garner in the shoulder.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Agent Patten, of the Shoshone and Bannock Indian Agency, in Wyoming, telegraphs to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, that thirty lodges of Cheyennes, under Chief Roman Nose, were at the mouth of Tongue River and wanted to come to that Agency, as part of their rations are now there. These Cheyennes are factions of the band that did not go with the main body of the tribe to the Indian Territory, and have been living with the Sioux.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

The District Fair.
On the whole the Walnut Valley District Fair was a success. Owing to short notice and busy times, the farmers did not compete as well as they might, yet there was a good showing of stock, textile fabrics, and general articles.

The horses on the ground were very good animals, and made a record equal, if not greater, than most trotting stock at any of the neighboring fairs.

There were a number of large Norman and Morgan draught horses, and a good representation of running, trotting, and pacing stock.

On Friday, the grand day of the exhibition, Gray Pet, an inferior looking gray mare owned by Jones, made a mile, or twice around the track, in three minutes and twenty-nine seconds. Cheyenne Kate, owned by Jack Hastie, of Wellington, came in second best on the first round, and Iron Sides, owned by H. M. Balch, of El Dorado, third, and Fanny, owned by Ensign, fourth. In the second heat a mile was made in 2.40, and in the third heat, 2.30.

The race between Brown Dick, a Texas pony, owned by Beech, of Wichita, and the Missouri mare Kate, owned by Wilson, was won by the mare coming out ten feet ahead. The distance run was a quarter of a mile, and both horses exhibited wonderful power and speed.

Mr. Shurtz, of Bolton Township, took first premium on his cattle, and Mr. Norman, of East Creswell, first premium on the largest two year old stallion.

There were a number of varieties of fruit, vegetables, and grain.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Salt City Mineral Springs.
[From Green's Real Estate News.]
About fifteen miles southwest of Winfield, in Cowley County, and one half mile north of the little village of Salt City in Sumner County, are situated the famous salt and mineral springs now owned by Messrs. Hackney & McDonald, attorneys of Winfield.

These springs are among the wonders of the world. The salt marsh comprises about twenty acres and the supply water is simply beyond computation and so strong that by solar evaporation four pounds of salt is obtained from each gallon of water placed in the vats.

On the same quarter section with the salt marsh are located the mineral springs and it is said that no other water known to medical and chemical science possesses such wonderful curative properties, that by mere local application fever sores, erysipelas, sore eyes, and all manner of cutaneous eruptions and diseases are completely cured in from one to ten days, while scrofula, syphilis, rheumatism, dyspepsia, jaundice, etc., yield to a course of bathing combined with free and regular drinking of the water in from one to six weeks.

These springs should be improved and advertised, when they would speedily become one of the greatest resorts in the United States, but their present owners pay but little attention to the matter. Being engrossed in their profession, their splendid property lies unimproved and neglected, and invalids visiting the springs are forced either to "camp out" or depend upon the very insufficient hotel accommodations at Salt City.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

At its last session the Supreme Court of the United States decided that the statute of Missouri, prohibiting the importation of Mexican cattle, is void, being in conflict with the federal constitution. This created great anxiety in the minds of the farmers and cattle dealers of this State, as our law is somewhat similar to the one referred to. The Missouri law absolutely prohibits the taking of such cattle to that State between March 1st and December 1st, and because of this absolute prohibition, the Supreme Court says it is forbidden by the clause of the constitution giving to Congress the exclusive power to "regulate commerce between the States."

Last week the question of the validity of our law arose in a case tried in the district court of this county. After a thorough examination of the subject, Judge Crozier held that our law, being essentially different from the statute of Missouri, is not liable to the objection made to the latter, which makes no provision for a quarantine, while the former sets apart nearly one-half the State for that purpose.

As the main objection made by the Supreme Court to the Missouri law was the want of such provision, the decision was held inapplicable here. Leavenworth Times.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

The Oxford folks have made a contract with parties owning a steamboat, to make regular trips from Fort Smith to that place. The contract specifies that the boat shall make regular trips for a year, the projectors to receive a stipulated amount of cash each trip. Wichita Eagle.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Indian Summer now.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Pruden's flat-boat sold for $35 at Little Rock.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Rev. Swarts preached at Winfield last Sunday.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

There was a large attendance at the fair Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

The argument on Webb's trial began yesterday, at Wichita.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Gates' boy did not die last week, as our informant stated.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

John Sain, of Caldwell, has two eagles that bother him.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Prairie fires have now begun. Are all of you guarded against them?

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

CEDAR CREEK post office, in this county, has been discontinued.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Dr. Leonard will make fifteen barrels of native wine this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Judge Christian has been confined to the house during the past week.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Major-General Schofield came down to Winfield yesterday to talk railroad.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Mr. Thomas Mantor returned from El Dorado with his wife, last Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Jame Vance of the "Central" at Winfield came down and spent a few hours with us on Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Mr. Bliss, E. P. Kinne, Mr. Payson, and Saml. Jarvis, all of Winfield, were in town yesterday.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Agent Whiteman purchased two span of farm animals for the Government at Wichita last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Mr. and Mrs. Majors, of the favorite Central Hotel at Winfield, returned from a visit to Canada last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Freight rates on wheat and flour from Wichita to Kansas City have been reduced from 26 to 21 cents.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

A. C. Williams will take charge of the Pawnee Agency until an agent is appointed by the Indian Department.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

BIRTHS. Smith Winchell, of Grouse Creek, was made the happy recipient of a pair of twin boys on the sixth day of September.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

It was stated last week that the child of O. P. Houghton had died in Maine. Such was not the case and it will probably recover.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Robert Deming, who used to be one of the "little boys" of this place, called on us last week. Bob is now a fine young man.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

The lack of reading matter on the inside of the paper this week is owing to the fact that every hand in the office is sick.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Gen. J. H. Hammond, of Chicago, Illinois, U. S. Inspector for the Indian Department, was here yesterday and went to the Territory.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

A committee of citizens from Wellington visited Winfield, last week, to confer with Maj. Schofield on railroad matters.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Comparatively little hay has been put up this year compared with that made last year. Hay will bring a good price before grass comes again.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Not more than half as much wheat will be sown in this county this year as was sown last year. Many farmers will try corn and hogs.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

The Wichita and Caddo Indians regretted very much to have Agent Williams leave them, and cried bitterly at the time of separation.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Frank Schiffbauer and wife returned from a trip to Ft. Sill and the several Indian Agencies last week. Mr. A. C. Williams returned with them.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

The stage coach carrying passengers to and from the fair grounds, last Friday, was loaded with 25 passengers: 10 inside and 15 on top.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Missouri Kate, a fine, well muscled sorrel mare, beat Brown Dick, of Wichita, ten feet in a quarter mile rate at the fair grounds Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Joseph Sherburne has been appointed trader at the Ponca Agency. Joe will soon make friends with the red men, and they will be honestly dealt with.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

We are glad to be able once more to chronicle a practical effort to navigate the Arkansas River. Messrs. Seymour and McClaskey, of Bolton Township, while others have been talking, have been quietly at work building a steamboat hull, with a capacity to carry 200 tons of freight. They are now repairing their machinery and will have it ready to put on and move their boat by steam as soon as the hull is completed.

These gentlemen need, and certainly from the practical manner in which they have gone to work, deserve assistance. The hull is solidly constructed of good oak lumber and built by a practical boat builder. It is expected to draw 7 inches of water with her machinery all on board. One boat successfully navigating the river and farewell to high freight tariffs.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

There will be preaching in the U. P. Church on Friday and Saturday at two p.m. and on Sabbath at 11 a.m. After preaching on Sabbath the sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be commemorated. The session of the congregation will commence on Saturday at 1 o'clock p.m., at which time they will meet with applicants for membership and transact other appropriate business. A congregational meeting will be held on Friday after the preaching.

Rev. W. E. Dunlap, of Urbana, Ohio, now at El Paso, is expected to preach and assist on this occasion. R. S. McCLENAHAN.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

A very extensive prairie fire has been raging in the Territory just south of us for three days past, extending fully twenty miles in width. As Agent Whiteman was coming up from Ponca Agency, the fire flanked him and he had a race of five miles or more for his life. The heat of the flames was felt along the State line for miles, and the air was black with smoke and flying cinders. Persons traveling in the Territory should provide themselves with plenty of matches and "back fire" before the flames come on them.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

An apple peddler was arrested on Monday by Constable Morgan and Deputy Horn, on the charge of horse stealing. A description of the man and property had been received at this place a week before the man came, so that he was identified and taken in custody without trouble.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

It was with some difficulty that the paper was published on time this week. The editor was down with fever, the foreman has not recovered yet, and both the boys were unable to work a full day at a time. There is more sickness this year than has ever been known in this country before.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

M. M. Jewett, an old Kansas plainsman, now representing the Kansas Wagon Manufacturing Company, gave us a call yesterday. Mr. Jewett is the only man living who has crossed the plains twenty-six times.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

M. S. Farris has removed to Beloit, Kansas. Beloit is said to be one of the most prospering towns in the State. It is in the renowned Soloman valley, and is the county seat of Mitchell County.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Rev. Fleming writes us that he is now at West Theological Seminary, at Alleghany City, Pennsylvania, and that his family are all well. His diseased throat does not seem to gain much, and has given him considerable trouble.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

The new drugs for Dr. J. T. Shepard's Drug Store will be here by the last of this week and opened for the public benefit. The goods are all new and fresh, and bought on the best market.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

DIED. On Tuesday, September 10th, Ellen, wife of William Maricle of Bolton Township, died of malarial fever, after an illness of about ten days. The funeral took place the Wednesday following.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Parry's premium colt is two years and five months old and weighs 1,188 lbs. He is of Coburn and Morgan stock and stands about sixteen hands high. He was raised three miles east of the Walnut on Wyard Gooch's farm.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

I. H. Bonsall returned from Leavenworth last Saturday. He was the only delegate from this county who followed the sentiment expressed by the convention, and should be remem- bered for it.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Mr. Hunter chastised a drunken driver at South Haven this week. The Judge will maintain order even if he has to enforce the law with his own muscle.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Agent Whiteman will employ two Indians to carry the mails to Ponca Agency three times a week. Pawnee Agency should also be supplied.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Bancroft has been found guilty on both counts of the indictment.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878. Front Page.

General Howard deserves credit for instituting a new Indian policy in holding chiefs and others of tribal importance as hostages for those who do acts of violence. It is the true method. Hold the chiefs responsible for the deeds of their tribes. If they will not produce the depredators on white people, let them personally suffer the consequences.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878. Front Page.

A special dispatch to the Kansas City Journal from Fort Dodge says a courier from Red Hill, on the Cimarron, one hundred miles south of there, reported a fight between eighty cavalrymen and one hundred and thirty Indians. Three soldiers were killed, and three wounded, also several horses killed. The Indian loss is unknown. The Indians were well posted and made a stubborn fight. The Indians have sent their women and children ahead, several parties having crossed north within a few days. Forty Indians had taken Spence's horses from his camp on Bear Creek. He reports meeting Dr. Day and brother, two of Driskell's, two of Littlefield's men, and two other men, all well armed, one hour after the horses were taken two miles away. The boys felt confident of overtaking them. One man was killed and one wounded at Collar's camp. These men were traveling through the country and were not cow men. Hi. Collar was chased up Bluff Creek to Mailey's camp, and thinks two of his men were killed. Payne's ranch was attacked. A brother of Wyley Payne, his wife, and child were wounded, and two other women killed near Sun City. This news can be considered reliable.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878. Front Page.

The Inter-Ocean has a special from a reliable correspondent with Gen. Miles, dated Mammoth Springs, National Park, Sept. 9th, which reports the fight with the Bannock Indians on the morning of the 4th, in which Gen. Miles with 27 men of the 5th Infantry and 35 friendly Crows, surprised the Bannocks at daybreak and after a twelve hour battle, in which Capt. Bennett, Co. B, 5th infantry, a French scout, and one Crow Indian were killed, thirty-four Bannocks, men, women, and children, were taken prisoners and sent to Fort Keogh. Twenty-two Indian horses were killed, and two hundred captured. It is believed Miles thus closes the Bannock war.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878. Front Page.

The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad has reached Trinidad. From the time of the commencement of the work at La Junta up to the present moment, the company has pushed its track forward with all possible vigor, and the good work will not pause for a moment. No halt will be made at Trinidad, but the road will be pushed forward toward Las Vegas, a distance of 133 miles, as fast as human muscle, aided by machinery, can do so.

No halt will be made at the tunnel through the Raton mountains, but the road will be carried by a system of switch backs over the top of the mountains a distance of three and a half miles, while the tunnel is but two thousand feet long. The grade of the switch and back track will be three hundred feet to the mile, and it will be worked by mountain engines specially designed for the purpose.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878. Front Page.

An officer of the mounted police, arrived at Bismarck, Dakota Territory, from Fort Benton, says that Sitting Bull and his entire force are on this side of the line, splendidly armed and equipped.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878. Front Page.

A Mexican officer serving on the frontier, says that peace between the United States and Mexico depends upon an impossible prudence on the part of the Mexican officers stationed on the Rio Grande.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

The enemies of Diaz in the state of Jalapa, Mexico, have issued a pronunciamento, taken to the field, and levied the customary forced loan of $10,000 on the city of Jalapa. They are in favor of the restoration of Lerdo to the Presidency.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878. Front Page.

[From the Galena Miner.]
Of the four hundred Nez Perces Indians recently located at the Qua Paw Agency, forty have died and a hundred and sixty are lying sick.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

Another Railroad.
Mr. L. B. Fuller, chief engineer of the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern Railroad, in a letter to J. C. Topliff, of this place, under date of Sept. 21st says that the narrow gauge road from Kansas City to this place will be built, and men are at work on it now grading at the rate of two and a half miles per day.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

Republican Meeting.
Last night a large number of our citizens gathered at the M. E. Church in this city to hear the Hon. Thos. Ryan, our member of Congress and candidate for reelection.

Mr. I. H. Bonsall was elected chairman and E. G. Gray secretary of the meeting, and after music by the brass band, Mr. Ryan was introduced.

After speaking of the Cherokee Strip and Osage Diminished Reserved lands, which he has succeeded in placing in the market and providing easy terms of payment, he dwelt for a few moments on the subject of navigation of the Arkansas River, and says the authorities have promised that a survey should be made before congress assembles. He then passed to a consideration of the financial question, and established himself firmly on the grounds of Western interest. He is in favor of the greenback dollar, and of abolishing the National bank notes, and substituting greenbacks therefor. At the same time he is not to be confounded with the so-called Greenback party, whose scheme, as he terms it, is to repudiate all promises made by the Government. Mr. Ryan's views on all public questions are in sympathy with the masses, the laboring classes, and serve to make him the popular man he is in this district. His reelection is insured by even a larger majority than he had last term.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

The Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad Company makes a proposition to Cowley County to extend their line from either Wichita or El Dorado to this place for $4,000 per mile. Bonds to be payable in thirty years, at 6 percent interest, and deposit $1,000 with the county Treasurer to pay the expenses of the election in case the road is not built. No bonds are to be paid until the road is finished. They ask no crow or escrow about it, and they will bind themselves to be at Winfield by Dec. 1879, and to Arkansas City as soon as the right of way through the Territory can be had. When the Santa Fe road talks, it is time to listen. It is the only road that can and will build to this section within a year. Col. Peters said many years ago in conversation that the whistle of the Santa Fe engines would be the first heard in the Walnut Valley, and we believe it.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

Kansas City, Emporia & Southern R. R. Company.
James C. Topliff Esq.

DEAR SIR: Your favor of 16th inst. at hand. Thanks for the interest you and your people manifest toward our road. I will now proceed to answer your questions.

We are now at work with all the men and teams that the contractors can procure, thirty miles south of this point, in Greenwood County, and are grading about two and a half miles per week. Mr. Young concluded a contract with Philadelphia parties in August, whereby they agree to have the line completed to Eureka by the first of January, 1879, and they are now at work with a will. I do not know what Mr. Schofield will do as it is but a short time since he was trying to sell out his line of road to our people, and induce them to build from Burling-ton instead of Emporia, but after a careful examination of his line from Burlington to Athens, they decided his iron would be worth more, buying in Kansas City, than his road and equipments as it is constructed with so many heavy grades, several over 120 feet to the mile, that it would be impossible to do any business over it. On our line from Athens to Cowley County line, we have no grade going north over 30 feet to the mile, an immense advantage as you will readily see. Mr. Schofield is doing no work south or west of Burlington, and has not as yet paid for the work done on his line last season, making him some $50,000 in arrears, and still going behind. These are facts! Or were facts three weeks ago! I do not say this from any ill will, but in order that you may know the exact facts. Our people are putting forth every effort to have the line completed to Eureka by Jan. 1st, and through the Flint Hills by April. The greatest difficulty at the present time is the scarcity of teams, the farmers being very busy putting in wheat, but that will soon be over when we hope to have 250 teams steadily working till the grading is completed. If there are any idle in your vicinity they can get work on the line in Greenwood County, some thirty miles south of this place. Wages $2.50 per day and board $2.50 per week.

I learn that Major Gunn, Mr. Schofield's engineer, decides that a line by way of Lazette is very impracticable. Yours truly,

Chief Engineer K.C.E.&S.R.R.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

Arkansas City, Sept. 23rd, 1878.
Dear Traveler,

In company with R. A. Houghton, Wm. Sleeth, and Jas. Christian, your correspondent paid a flying visit to the ship yard on the west bank of the Arkansas River opposite the town, and there found Cyrus Wilson busily engaged in building a steam boat for John McClaskey and J. H. Seymour. The boat is intended to run between Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, and Little Rock, Arkansas. The boat is a trifle larger than Aunt Sally. The ribs and hull are constructed of good oak lumber and will be a good substantial boat, 85 feet long and 22 feet beam. The hull is 83 feet by 16 feet on the bottom, and 85 feet by 18 feet on the deck, and with the machinery on board, will draw less than eight inches; the bow is not square like the Aunt Sally, but built with a "Model bow." Messrs. McClaskey & Seymour deserve a great deal of credit for rushing this enterprise as they have. Being men of limited means, they have shown true western pluck in taking hold and working out of almost nothing this boat, and the public should give them all the aid in their power to enable them to put on a good and serviceable piece of machinery.

Their intentions are to put on McClaskey's saw mill engine and load the hull with wheat and go to Little Rock and with the proceeds of the sale of the load of wheat purchase two good engines suitable for the work and finish the upper part of the boat down at some saw mill where good pine lumber can be had at reasonable figures.

I think it would be a good plan for the different parties holding wheat notes given to induce boat building to sign them over to Messrs. McClaskey & Seymour to apply to finishing this boat and make sure of having one boat at least on the river this fall.

Most all signing these notes would consent to their transfer to the first boat as that was the object in donating the wheat. Now is the time to push this work on to a successful issue and it should not be allowed to fail for want of means to finish the boat and put on board good powerful engines that will enable them to handle the boat in all stages of water. Bring along your wheat and put this work on a sure basis. I. H. B.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

Colonel Whiteman, agent for the Ponca Indians, left for the Territory Tuesday morning, having purchased his supplies and a number of horses for the use of the Government. The new Agency is located at the junction of the Salt Fork and Great Arkansas rivers, and Colonel Whiteman says it is one of the finest and richest countries he ever saw, there being an abundance of timber and water. The Agency is about eighty miles from Wichita and will get all its supplies through here. Eagle.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

Just as we go to press a dispatch reaches us that the two bands of Cheyennes who recently left their Agency with other Indians have taken the war path, cleaning out a few cattle ranches near Ft. Dodge. This forenoon three men at Chapman's ranch were killed and scalped. The whole country is in arms. Wichita Eagle.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

Geo. Allen has a house and lot renting for $5.00 a month, that he will sell for $200.00 cash.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

WICHITA SOAP. Hoyt & Speers and Schiffbauer Bros. keep the celebrated Wichita Soap. Four bars for a quarter.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

Now is the time to buy your Clothing cheap. Houghton & Mantor have just received a large stock of Fall Clothing cheaper than ever has been offered in Cowley Co. before. Good suits from $6.50 to $7.50 and $8.00. Do not fail to call and see them before you purchase.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

Business lively on Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

Agent Williams is managing the Pawnees now.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

Joe Hoyt is to walk the rope at Winfield in a few weeks.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

DIED. The child of John McFarland, of Sumner County, died last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

This is about the time of year to be called on to vote railroad bonds.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

Now is the time to hand in your subscriptions to the McClaskey steamboat.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

The Arkansas River bridge is completed and travel from the south is increasing.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

The steamboat just being finished by McClaskey & Co. will soon be launched for Little Rock.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

The small bridge near Newman's mill has been repaired so that teams can cross with safety.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

Someone stole a pair of harness and two saddles from Leon Lippmann Monday night. Look out for your horses.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

All parties who signed subscriptions to the Hartsock enterprise would be doing well to transfer them to the McCloskey Steamboat.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

A HUNDRED DOLLAR BABY. Mrs. Hoyt's baby is just a month old and cost one hundred dollars. It is a fine one, and can sit alone, by Joe!

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

Mr. John McClaskey is building a steamboat on the Arkansas River west of this place. He deserves considerable credit for his pluck and enterprise in this matter.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

NEW GOODS. Houghton & Mantor blockaded the sidewalk Monday with their late arrival of new groceries, clothing, boots, and shoes. The boys are doing a lively trade.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

DIED. W. H. DE MOTT, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Bolton Township, died in the presence of many friends last Thursday, after prolonged suffering from the dreaded disease, consumption.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

A. J. Gilbert, of Muscatine, Iowa, is visiting Rudolph Hoffmaster and friends, and will probably locate in this section. Jack is the kind of man we are glad to have with us. He does not eat so much as his brother-in-law Rudolph.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

Mrs. F. S. Denton desires to express her thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Parvin, Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle, Mrs. Brash, Mr. and Mrs. Harkins, Mr. Mowry, and many other friends and neighbors who assisted in caring for Mr. Denton during his last hours.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

H. P. Farrar, with Mrs. Farrar, and their daughter, Pearl, returned from the old Pine State last Monday evening after an absence of four months or more, looking in the best of health and spirits. They enjoyed their visit remarkably well and are now content to winter in Sunny Kansas, the garden spot of the world.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

DISTINGUISHED ARRIVALS. Sid S. Majors and wife, of Winfield, were down to assist in the funeral ceremonies of W. H. DeMott, last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

Agent Whiteman, Gen. McNeil, Gen. Hammond, Ed. Finney, Mr. Hartford and lady, and King Berry, all of the Territory, were here this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

The race between "John Bascom," the sorrel stallion owned by W. Sims, of this place, and "Nail Driver," an Illinois mare, owned by Pierce of Beaver Creek, took place in the Territory, about 15 miles southeast of Maple City; on last Saturday. The distance run was a quarter of a mile over a good track, and both horses ran well, after trying an hour and a half to start them. Sims held his own horse, and Fisher the mare. The Judges decided the race in favor of Sims' horse, giving the distance thirteen feet.

Another race was run between "Brown Dick" and "Bally," both Wichita horses; "Dick" came out twenty feet ahead.

Several pony races were then run, on small bets. Fully three hundred people were present, and everything passed off pleasantly.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

A LA BELLE ETOILE. Under the stars in the open air. Two weeks from next Saturday Professor Hoyt, the most expert and daring rope walker now living, will entertain the people of this vicinity with another exhibition of his remarkable skill in aerial pedestrianism, after which he will depart in response to calls from other places; among them Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he will perform the difficult feat of walking over the great St. Anthony's Falls, two hundred feet in mid-air. It is the desire of many that Mr. Hoyt be presented with a new rope, costing about $50, if he is successful in this, his second undertaking, and it should be done. On the same day there is to be a matched pony race, of which we will speak again. Remember the day, Saturday, October 12, 1878.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. DIED. Jas. McCoy, aged 16 years, a son of W. R. McCoy, of Sumner County, was struck by lightning last Thursday evening about sundown. He was carrying corn to feed some hogs at the time he was stricken.

The electric fluid struck him on one side of the head, and passed down the body and both limbs to the ground. His hair was burned off and he was so fearfully scathed on the limbs and body that the flesh sloughed from the bones in several places. Strange to say he was not killed outright, but lingered in great agony till the Sunday following at 3 p.m. when his spirit passed away to its final rest. The youth had been singularly unfortunate of late, having had an eye put out last winter and for several months past he had been down with the ague.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

An accident of quite a serious nature happened to Mr. A. A. Newman, last Monday morning, at his flouring mill on the Walnut. It would appear that Mr. Newman was superintending the loading of some teams. While standing with his back to the pile of 100 lb. sacks of flour from which the loads were being taken, the stack toppled over upon him, crushing him to the ground. He was quickly rescued from his perilous position and was laid upon the mill floor. An examination was made and very luckily nothing more serious was discovered than several bad bruises and a severely sprained ankle. He was, however, so badly shaken as to be unable to stand for several hours and could not be brought to his home until late in the afternoon. At this writing he is progressing favorably.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

No definite or satisfactory arrangement could be made with the members of the Schofield road at Winfield last week. The railroad men wanted the bonds voted and placed in escrow, and then wait one year from next January to see if the company would build the road. Before we vote on bonds again, let the railroad company leave a forfeit of $1,000 with our County Treasurer, to pay the expenses of the election in case the road is not built.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

C. M. Scott, Editor, Traveler.

The Township board of Bolton Township have located a cemetery in East Bolton on the hill west of the Spring Side schoolhouse, known as the "Hamilton burying ground," and appointed Wm. Stewart to take charge of the premises.

Also, a cemetery has been located in West Bolton, sec. 10, township 35, Range 3, 5 acres, n. w. corner, and have appointed J. M. Sample to take charge of the same.

Any person wishing a lot must apply to Wm. Stewart of East Bolton, or J. M. Sample of West Bolton. J. M. SAMPLE, Trustee.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

The completion of the southern extension of the A. T. & S. F. R. R. from La Junta to Trinidad, Colorado, now forms a through line, of standard gauge, from the Missouri River. Trinidad is situated fifteen miles north of the New Mexico line, and is five miles south of El Moro, on the direct Government road to Fort Union, Las Vegas, Albuquerque, Silver City, and all principle points in New Mexico and Arizona.

It is distant from Atchison 636 miles, and from Kansas City 652 miles.

Shippers and others will be interested in knowing, that by this, through cars will be run between the Missouri River and Trinidad, without transfer, which cannot be done by any other line, owing to the change of gauge at Denver. They will also bear in mind that this route, being over two hundred miles shorter than any other, effects a proportionate saving of time, in transit. J. T. Goddard is the Gen. Freight Agent.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.

Webb Acquitted.
The Webb trial is over and Mr. Webb has returned home a free man. The evidence was all in by Saturday night last, the Court read his charge for the jury. At nine o'clock Monday evening the argument was opened for the prosecution by Mr. Stanley, of Wichita, who was followed by Judge Coldwell of this city, for the defense. The judge was followed by Col. Snoddy of La Cygne and Judge H. C. Webb, of Oswego. Jas. McDermott closed for the state, and the case was submitted to the jury on Tuesday evening at two o'clock. On Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 they returned a verdict of "not guilty," which makes Mr. Webb a free man.

Owing to the large volume of evidence taken in the case, we are unable to give it to our readers this week, but will devote most of our space next week to giving it and the charge to the jury by the Court. We congratulate Mr. Webb and his family upon his acquittal. Telegram.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878. Front Page.

A special from Dodge City says it is believed there is not a hostile Indian in Kansas. People reported as having been killed are coming in inquiring what the news is. There are two companies of soldiers at Pierceville, from Fort Lyon, under command of Gen. C. H. Smith, but they find no Indians. The great scare is gradually cooling down, and beyond stealing a few head of stock near the line of the Indian Territory, or possibly south of it, there appears no well authenticated cases of Indian depredations.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

A Portland dispatch says Gen. Howard has been collecting bands of surrendered Indians at Camp McDermott, and the whole of them, aggregating about 1,000, are being transferred to Camp Harney. They are held as prisoners and are to await the action of the Government. The country is now cleared of all bands of Pi-Utes which have been engaged in hostilities. Gen. Howard recommended that they be taken to the Indian Territory or some other distant locality.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

Col. Miles telegraphs to Lieutenant General Sheridan from Fort Keogh, Montana, that Sioux have arrived at the fort from the British possessions, being emissaries sent over the line by Sitting Bull to ascertain upon what terms his people would be permitted to surrender to the United States military authorities. They represented that the Sioux who had taken refuge in Canada were very desirous of returning to the States.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878. Front Page.

[From the Winfield Courier.]
We are informed that at the suggestion of Acting-Mayor Wood, card tables have been abolished from the saloons of the city.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

The agent of R. P. Scott went from New York to Baltimore last week to exhibit his wonderful peach and apple parer to the great canning establishments of that city. He proved to the managers that one man with a machine could pare more peaches than a dozen employees, and they contracted for a number of them. The employees became so enraged at this that they mobbed the agent and broke to pieces a number of the machines.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

Railroad versus Steamboat.
Almost every paper that you pick up has something to say on the dull times, the finances, and what will bring about a change for the better.

Almost every locality has its local hobby, to better the condition of the country, and some localities have one advantage and some another.

But let us examine our own selves. Let us view the situation of our own home, Arkansas City and southern Cowley. What are our own wants, and under what disadvantages do we labor? Have we not the best county of land in the State? Have we not as mild and salubrious a climate as any in the United States? Have not our farms produced the most enormous crops of wheat, oats, corn, and vegetables for the past few years? Is forty to fifty bushels of oats to the acre not satisfactory to the farmer? Is twenty to forty bushels of wheat to the acre not sufficient? Is fifty, seventy-five, and one hundred bushels of corn to the acre not enough to compensate for the labor expended? Is it not a fact at this time that our land fairly groans with the weight of produce on hand waiting a purchaser or an outlet to market?

Situated as we are on the southern line of the State on the banks of the Arkansas River, right reason and common sense would dictate that our best hold is down the river by some means, either by flatboat, steamboat, or both combined.

The want of transportation is wasting the abundance of food for the people, keeping our farmers poor with thousands of bushels of grain on hand, while others at a distance are starving for the grain which is wasting on our hands for want of means to get it to market.

It would seem like a work of superogation in this enlightened age to undertake to convince anyone of the cheapness of water transportation over railroad transportation, but we will give one example that must convince the most stupid and pigheaded of its truth.

The British Commercial Reports give the case, showing actual shipments at paying freight rates of one-half million ton per mile.

British Commercial Report No. 10 for 1875, under the title of "Proposed Inland System of Navigation," says:

"As to relative costs of transport by water and railways, an instance is given of a case in point. A Cincinnati steamer with her tows laden with coal from Pittsburgh, was passing down the Ohio river, bound to Orleans, distant from Pittsburgh about 2,000 miles. The cargo consisted of 336,000 bushels of coal weighing 13,440 tons. This coal was being transported to New Orleans at 5 cents per 100. At this very moderate rate the down trip brought to the boat and barges $13,440, considered a remunerative trip by the owners. Now, to have carried such a freight by rail would have demanded a force of fifty trains, or 1,344 cars, with 10 tons each. At $2.00 a car, with 10 tons freight, to be carried 2,000 [which is even lower transportation than can be profitable on the railroads], this cargo would have amounted to $268,000, making a difference of more than $250,000 on the transportation of the cargo by one cheap steamboat and her barges.

Cost by rail: $268,000

Cost by water: $13,440

Gain by water: $254,520

Now, such being the case, what is the duty of the farmers of southern Cowley, Sumner, and Chautauqua counties but to bend all their energies, concentrate all their means to the establishing of a line of boats on our river that will afford us a means of getting all our surplus produce, of whatever description, to market. It is every man's interest! It is every man's duty to contribute what he can towards such an object. Almost an existence depends on it. The price of farm products rise or fall in proportion to the accessibility to a market. Thus corn in Cowley County today is only worth from 12 to 15 cents per bushel, while on the Mississippi River, it is worth from 55 to 65 cents a bushel. Wheat is a drug at home here at 40 cents, while on the Mississippi it is worth 90 cents to $1.25 per bushel. Do you ask the cause? I answer high railroad freights. But, says the farmer, what can I do toward reduction of freights? We cannot build steamboats. No, but you can contribute your quota to help those who are willing to put their means into a boat as an experiment to test the feasibility of river navigation.

Two of your neighbors, Messrs. Seymour & McClaskey, are now building and have on the "ways" a boat 82 feet long and 18 feet wide, built in a neat and substantial manner by a competent boat builder. The material used is good sound white oak lumber, sawed at their own mill. The bottom, sides, ribs, etc., are to be decked with pine, and equipped with a good 20 horsepower engine and boiler temporarily until she can be got to where a more powerful engine and boiler can be procured. These men mean business, they are your neighbors, and have no greater interest in the prosperity of the county than you have, and no more means to spend, yet they are willing to risk their allyou ought to be willing to risk something to help them.

A little from everyone would help these men, and encourage them in their noble enterprise. Will you do it? I doubt not but that you will come up like men with your little 5 or 10 bushels of wheat, or the cash if you prefer it. It is money well spent. It will be like bread cast upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days a rich harvest of good.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

District Convention.
DEXTER, September 28, 1878.
Convention met pursuant to call, and was called to order and the call read by W. A. Metcalf, secretary of the Central Committee. R. R. Turner was appointed chairman and W. A. Metcalf secretary. The following committee on credentials was appointed:

W. E. Ketchum, Spring Creek.

H. L. C. Gilstrap, Silverdale.

James Utt, Cedar.

S. H. Sparks, Pleasant Valley.

Peter Thompson, Dexter.

The following gentlemen were admitted to seats:

Creswell: C. M. Scott and Dr. Hughes, to cast the vote for that township.

Cedar: James Utt, W. A. Metcalf.

Dexter: Peter Thompson, J. R. Fleck, R. Hayworth.

Otter: W. W. Turner, R. R. Turner.

Pleasant Valley: T. S. Cook, S. A. Sparks.

Spring Creek: W. E. Ketchum, W. W. Thomas.

Silverdale: H. L. C. Gilstrap, G. W. Herbert.

The temporary organization was made the permanent organization. C. M. Scott then placed A. A. Wiley in nomination, and as there were no other nominations made, Mr. Wiley was declared the nominee without a dissenting voice.

An Executive Committee of five was then appointed, as follows: C. M. Scott, Creswell; W. A. Metcalf, Cedar; J. V. Hines, Dexter; S. M. Fall, Lazette; T. S. Cook, Pleasant Valley.

W. A. METCALF, Secretary.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

Editor Traveler. SIR: I understand that some remarks were made about my leaving the Democratic meeting the other evening, and various reasons were assigned for the cause. The only reason was that I could not stand the tobacco smoke caused by a most disgusting and offensive habit now almost universally indulged in by men and boys, and some of them are so ill bred and ungentlemanly that, regardless of the feelings of others, they must indulge in the vile, disgusting habit everywhere they go, both in public and private assemblies. Great, ignorant louts will walk into a private room, among ladies and others who do not practice the vile habit, knowing that it is terribly annoying and offensive to them, and that gentlemen are compelled to be seemingly rude by requesting them to stop smoking. JAMES CHRISTIAN.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

ESTRAYS. Came into my enclosure on Monday, Sept. 23, five shoats, and on the following Friday, an old sow. Owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take them away. W. S. PACKARD.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

PAY what you owe, and read this below:

From this date on we will sell strictly for cash and none need expect to get goods on any other terms. HOYT & SPEERS.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

At Hermann Godehard's:
Received, an immense stock of queensware to be sold at prices to suit the times.

Bedroom sets.

China Flower Tea Sets.

China Plain Tea Sets.

New Patterns of Glass Sets.

Lamps of different kinds.

A new invoice of Stoneware.

The public is invited to call and examine goods and prices.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

HERMANN GODEHARD'S apple cider is good for the well and is good for the sick; is good for the husband and is good for the child; is good for the Frau when she does kick up a row.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

Did you know Hermann kept table cutlery? Such is nevertheless the fact, and he sells it low.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

160 Acres, only one mile east of town; fine level prairie, $500 cash will take it. Inquire of Walton & Knight.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

We have loaned you our pocket book, and you have helped yourselves, and now on account of your absence, our goods are on the shelves. Amen, sing brothers, sing. Don't be afraid; call in and see us. HOYT & SPEERS.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

GEO. ALLEN has a house and lot renting for $5.00 a month, that he will sell for $200.00 cash.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

BIRTH. A girl to Al. Wells, last Thursday.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

One law suit last Saturday afternoon.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

Dr. Hughes' corn yielded sixty bushels to the acre on his bottom farm.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

O. P. Houghton and S. P. Channell returned from the East last Friday afternoon, with their families.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

Next Saturday is the day for the Republican nominating convention to meet at Winfield. Creswell's proportion is four.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

There will be from twenty to thirty race horses at the races here next Wednesday. Come in everybody and see the fun.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

Miss Laura McKnight, who has been visiting friends in our town for several weeks past, returned to her home in Iowa last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

Tomorrow dates the death of the noted Indian warrior, Black Hawk, a member of the Sox tribe. He died in 1738140 years ago.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

Chas. Schiffbauer was called to Winfield last Saturday, he being one of the gentlemen delegated to count the money in the county treasurer's possession.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

A. A. Wiley, well known to the businessmen of this place, is the Republican nominee for Representative, and will be elected by a good majority this fall.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

E. S. Bedilion announces himself a candidate for the office of Clerk of the District Court. He has made the most efficient Clerk this county has ever had and will be elected again.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

The Republicans of Creswell Township failed to elect delegates to the Convention at Dexter to nominate a Representative for this district. Dr. Hughes and C. M. Scott were admitted.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

Mrs. Hurin, nee Miss Lucy Woodyard, with her mother and Miss Ulalia Neale, are visiting at this place, the guests of our friend, Perry Woodyard. They are making their home in Chetopa.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

There is nothing mean about "Buffalo Joe," and he extends a cordial invitation to any and all so inclined to come up and take dinner with him on the rope, one week from next Saturday, Oct. 12.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

DIED. On Saturday, September 28th, at 5 p.m., of heart Disease, Mr. J. W. Burnett, of Bolton Township. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, attended by the relatives and friends of the deceased.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

There will be a meeting of the S. P. U. association of Bolton Township, at Bland's school- house, Saturday evening, at 7 o'clock. Everybody invited to attend. Matters of interest to be looked after. R. HOFFMASTER, Captain.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

LOST. Saturday, September 28, between Arkansas City and South Bend, on the road by Newman's mill, the novel, "Souci," with the owner's name written on the fly leaf. The finder will confer a favor by leaving the same at this office.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

The announcement of Judge Gans appears this week as a candidate for reelection. No one will dispute that he has made a good and honest officer, and it is generally conceded that he is the best posted on probate law of any man in this county.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

Mr. Charles Schiffbauer now carries a handsome and unique cane made from the cactus plant. It is a present from an appreciative friend in Kansas City, and is ornamented with a silver head.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

There are 156,000 acres of unclaimed land in Cowley County, to be purchased by actual settlers at $1.25 per acre.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

Remember, one week from next week Saturday is to be a great day for Arkansas City. Joe Hoyt will give another exhibition in rope walking, introducing many new features, such as cooking and eating his dinner on the rope, standing on his head, etc., and performing all that was done a few weeks ago. In addition to this, there is to be a race between some of the fastest horses in Southern Kansas, which of itself should draw a large crowd.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

School Report.
The following is a list of scholars who have been perfect in attendance and punctuality during the past month. The annexed standing gives their grade in class as determined by the


Fred McLaughlin, 98; Mary Theaker, 97; Stella Swarts, 97; Linnie Peed, 93; Mary McClung, 92; Charlie Grimes, 91; Mattie Mitchell, 90; Carrie Benedict, 89; Jessie Findley, 86; Georgia Findley, 80.

Augie Small, 95; Lillie Mitchell, 92; Hugh Leonard, 90; Gracie McClung, 90; Frank Theaker, 90; Perry Fullerlove, 85. C. H. SYLVESTER, Principal.

MRS. L. THEAKER, Assistant.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

We would again call attention to the miserable condition of the old portion of the Arkansas River bridge. The floor is thoroughly rotten, and it is positively dangerous for a team to cross while it is in this condition. Charley Schiffbauer's horse came near breaking its leg because of stepping through one of the many holes, last Sunday, in that portion of the bridge. It is a disgrace to the township at present, and should be immediately and thoroughly repaired.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

At a Republican meeting in Bolton Township last Thursday, R. A. Thompson was called to the chair and Thomas S. Parvin was chosen secretary. The following officers were then nominated: Trustee, J. M. Sample; Treasurer, A. J. Kimmel; Clerk, A. H. Buckwalter; Justices, T. S. Parvin, J. Linton; Constable, J. Pearson. R. A. Thompson and T. S. Parvin were then elected delegates to the Dexter convention, after which the meeting adjourned.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

Mr. Conaway is one of the extensive farmers of Bolton Township, owning a half section of land, the larger portion of which is in cultivation, and he is one of the most hospitable gentlemen it has been our good fortune to meet in many years.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

"Tom Thumb," now the property of A. W. Patterson, purchased of Fisher for $300, is in the stable in town. "Brown Dick," the Texas pony owned by Beach of Wichita, was here last week, and Simms' sorrel colt, the fastest quarter horse in Southern Kansas, is also kept at this place. Any persons wanting a race can be accommodated by making known their wishes.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

Mr. A. C. Williams, newly appointed agent of the Pawnee Indians, has taken his family down to the Agency, and is now permanently located. Mr. Williams will undoubtedly give satisfaction at this Agency, as he has done heretofore in whatever capacity he has served the Government. He is a genial, whole-souled gentleman, and makes friends with all whom he meets.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

The Odd Fellows of Winfield will, on Friday evening, October 4, at the courthouse in that city, give a concert for the benefit of the yellow fever sufferers in the South. In the afternoon the Order will parade the streets in full regalia.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

A race will be made at the race course at this place, for $200 a side, one week from today (Wednesday) between Tom Thumb, owned by A. W. Patterson, and Stockton Kate, owned by Rickery. Both horses are in fine condition, and will make a good run. Distance one quarter of a mile; race at 1 o'clock p.m.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

DIED. In Spring Creek Township, near Maple City, September 18th, Ada A., youngest child of A. A. and E. E. Wiley; aged two years, four months, and sixteen days. The deceased was the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley, and their loss is deeply felt. They have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in their bereavement.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

A. A. Wiley, the Republican nominee for Representative of the 88th district, has resided in Cowley County a number of years, and has always been identified with the interests and prosperity of the people in general. He is a farmer and stock raiser, and a citizen in whom all who know him have the greatest confidence.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

Mr. Mahlon Stubbs, of Emporia, will take charge of the Kaw Indians, vice Uriah Spray, resigned. Mr. Stubbs was formerly agent of this tribe, and is a general favorite among the Indians. He has many friends on the border who will be glad to hear that he is again in this part of the country.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

Wanted Immediately.
Wanted, at the Ponca Indian Agency, thirty-five miles south of Arkansas City, two good stone masons and three men to chop and hew timber for log houses. Reasonable wages will be paid. Apply at once. WM. H. WHITEMAN, U. S. Indian Agent.

October 1, 1878.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

Notice of Dissolution.
The co-partnership of Shepard & Reed is hereby dissolved by mutual consent, the former having engaged in the drug business, which will demand a part of his time.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

For Sale or Trade.
A livery stable centrally located, and complete in all parts. Also a neat dwelling house nearby. W. B. WALKER.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878. Front Page.

The funds sent to the fever-stricken districts of the south from the north, at the close of last week, Saturday, are estimated to be not less than $1,100,000.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

The situation in Mexico is most critical. The treasury is empty, and the government is as powerless to suppress smuggling as it has been to prevent Mexican marauders from raiding upon American soil. As a natural consequence, legitimate trade is at a standstill.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

E. C. Manning was nominated by the Republicans of the upper district for Representa- tive. Mr. Henthorn was the only opponent, and the choice was for the one having the most brain.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

Republican Nominating Convention.
At the nominating convention held at Winfield last Saturday, E. S. Torrance was nominated for County Attorney, E. S. Bedilion for Clerk of the District Court, R. C. Story for Supt. Public Instruction, J. W. Millspaugh for Probate Judge, and G. L. Gale for Commissioner of the first district. The vote was as follows.

COUNTY ATTORNEY. E. S. Torrance, 51; James McDermott, 23.

PROBATE JUDGE. J. W. Millspaugh, 40; H. D. Gans, 21; P. G. Smith, 10; Joel Mason, 3; S. M. Jarvis, 1. Mr. Jarvis withdrew when his name was first presented. E. S. Bedilion and R. C. Story were declared the choice of the convention by acclamation.

A Central Committee was then chosen, as follows.

Beaver: C. W. Roseberry.

Bolton: Frank Lorry.

Creswell: George McIntire.

Cedar: D. W. Willey.

Dexter: H. C. McDorman.

Harvey: R. S. Smothers.

Liberty: John Darnell.

Maple: H. H. Siverd.

Nenescah: J. W. Peabody.

Omnia: J. T. Stratton.

Otter: James Smith.

Pleasant Valley: C. W. Pittinger.

Richland: Aleck Kelley.

Rock: S. P. Strong.

Silverdale: G. W. Herbert.

Sheridan: H. T. Irwin.

Spring Creek: W. E. Ketchum.

Tisdale: S. W. Chase.

Vernon: J. W. Millspaugh.

Windsor: S. M. Fall.

Winfield: F. S. Jennings.

The delegates and all in attendance expressed themselves well pleased with the ticket, and returned home determined to support it.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

A. M. Fitzsimmons has repurchased and returned to his old homestead from Butler County, where he has been sojourning for the past year. He likes Cowley the best.

A large breadth of wheat has been sown in this township, but little of it is up yet, the ground being too dry. We need rain very badly. No insect enemies noticed. The wheat that has been threshed is of splendid quality and yields from 15 to 25 bushels per acre.

Sumner Butler had a field of wheat, second crop without sowing, which had a good berry and yielded eleven bushels per acre.

Corn is very heavy and dry enough to grind.

Preaching regularly once in two weeks by Revs. Harrison and Hunt, Methodist and Second Advent ministers, at the Centennial schoolhouse. RED BUD.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between O. P. Houghton and T. H. McLaughlin, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, O. P. Houghton continuing the business of said firm; and T. H. McLaughlin has the collecting of all notes and accounts due the firm.

October 9, 1878.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

All persons indebted to the late firm of Houghton & McLaughlin will please call immediately and pay the same. T. H. McLAUGHLIN.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

The store of Houghton & McLaughlin will be closed from October 8 to October 11, when it will be opened with a new and seasonable stock, to be sold Strictly for cash or its equiva lentso low! Oh, my! come and see. O. P. HOUGHTON,

Successor to Houghton & McLaughlin.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

The Salt City Salt Works have changed hands, and the new proprietors are making preparations to engage in the manufacture of salt on a large scale. While in conversation with a gentleman from there the other day, we learned that the springs were visited by large numbers of the farmers for many miles around who came to procure the water for the sake of its medicinal properties. The farmers in the immediate vicinity, as also the residents of the village, have all the boarders they can accommodate. A good hotel, either at the springs or in the neighborhood thereto would be a paying investment. We have been told by several physicians that the waters of this spring are similar in their medicinal qualities to the celebrated Hot Springs of Arkansas.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

Central Drug Store!
(Next Door to Wilson's Dry Goods House.)
Selected under his own supervision, have arrived this week.
The medicines are all fresh and warranted to be pure.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

L. McLaughlin,
Having purchased J. H. Pierce's interest in the late firm of Pierce & McLaughlin, together with the accounts, we would respectfully call the attention of his friends to the fact that they can buy

Earthenware, etc., at the old stand,
one door north of the Post Office,
and do as well by buying of him as of anybody.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

As I have bought the accounts of Mantor & Welsh and Pierce & Welsh, they can be settled with me at the old stand, before the 1st of November; after that date they will be left with an attorney for collection. L. McLAUGHLIN.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

OATS AND CORN. Some one indebted to the Traveler will confer a favor by bringing in some oats or corn; 20 cents oats and 20 cents for corn.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

CORD WORD $3.50 at the post office.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

MY PONIES are now in my pasture, 1-1/2 miles from town, where they will be held for sale during the winter. C. M. SCOTT.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

We want to close out our stock of stationery in the Post Office, and will sell goods at cost for the next thirty days. Envelopes 5 cents per bunch, two lead pencils for five cents, school ink 5 cents per bottle, and all kinds of inkstands, pen, holders, etc., at lower rates than ever sold before.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

WHO WANTS to trade a good cow for a pony? Inquire at this office.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.


Peaches are all gone.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

Slight frost now.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

New hay $3 per ton.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

Butter 25 cents per pound.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

New corn in the market at 15 cents.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

Sweet potatoes 75 cents per bushel.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

Mrs. D. T. Finney is away on a visit to Coffeyville.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

Somersault Joe's rope walk will take place at 1 o'clock next Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

David Thompson (Uncle Dave) has returned from Iowa, and will sojourn again with us.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

Free chuck in the middle of a rope is the feast held forth to the lunch fiend next Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

Steamboat meetings will be held at several places in the southern part of the county this fall.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

Tom Thumb and Stockton Kate will run at 1 o'clock today, on the eastern part of the town site.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

There is a good chance for someone desiring a good dwelling house and livery stable to purchase of W. H. Walker.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

J. L. Stubbs, late of Osage Agency, called in upon us yesterday morning. He is accompanied by his wife, and they are en route for Emporia, their prospective home.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

Al. Requa has purchased the sorrel mare that got away with Brown Dick here during the fair. Al. has a rattling horse, and he may be sure the boys will back her every time. Telegram.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

There is a chance for farmers to get 90 cents per bushel for wheat, and no bonds to be voted, and no election to be held. Donate a few bushels of wheat to load the boat when she goes down.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

Tom Finney and R. W. Hopkins, of Osage Agency, spent several days with the b'hoys last week, and returned to the Agency Saturday afternoon. They are genial fellows, and are always welcome.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

David Finney and R. W. Hopkins sold their entire interest in the livery stable to their partner, A. W. Stanton, last Friday, and Mr. Finney has gone to Osage Agency. We hope his absence will only be temporary.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

The steamboat lying west of town is ready for the water as soon as the calking is completed, which will be in the course of three or four days, when she will be launched and started on her trip to Little Rock.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

M. L. McLaughlin has purchased the entire interest in the grocery next to the post office, and has lately added to his stock of boots and shoes. He invites his old customers, and as many new ones as may desire good, cheap goods, to come in and try him.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

Rev. R. S. McClenahan has been attending the meeting of the Presbytery of Neosho at Americus, and the Synod of Kansas at Garnett, during the last two weeks, but is expected back here this week. Rev. David Thompson has supplied his pulpit on the last two Sabbaths. Prayer meeting is to be held at Dr. R. H. Reed's at 7 o'clock this evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

The attention of the City Council is called to the condition of Summit street, consequent upon the work of grading the streets and making crossings being abandoned or suspended when but half completed. The crossings are good, but about two feet under the surface of the ground, and the center of the street, is diversified by mountain scenery of the most hazardous description. The street is in a far worse state now than before work was commenced upon it.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

We again call the attention of everybody in the city and country to the fact that the building of the steamboat is progressing steadily, and desire to call particular attention to the fact that these parties deserve such aid as the farmers and city feel that they can give. Farmers desiring to donate wheat can deliver it to Messrs. Schiffbauer Bros. & Co., or to Wm. Speers at the millnot to be delivered to the parties building the boat until the boat is ready for her first trip. She will be loaded, and her first trip down the river will be an attempt to reach Little Rock with a load of wheat.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

Every mail brings to the office notices of horses being stolen. During the month of September five thieves passed through this place, and could have been taken if a reward had been made that would have paid the pursuer's time. Most offers of reward state that "a liberal reward will be paid." Every officer knows that a "liberal" reward means about $5, or probably what his meals would cost him, to say nothing of horse hire and time. When it is ascertained that an animal has been stolen, if the party losing the animal would offer the stolen property as the reward for the thief, there would be more thieves caught and as a consequence less property stolen. We never want to see the man that would steal a horse from us, and expect to offer a reward for his dead body if we ever have the opportunity. The crime is growing too common, and should be stopped.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

Free show at Arkansas City next Saturday, Oct. 12, by Somersault Joe, with a change of programme on a tight wire. He purposes performing feats that never were done by any man now livingsuch as playing on musical instruments, standing on his head, hanging by the back of his head, etc.

CHALLENGE. I offer $500 to any man who will get up and do what I can on a tight wire. This is big talk, but Joe is able to back it. Come and see me for this will be my last walk in this city. E. J. HOYT.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

HO! FOR THE TERRITORY. A party of our citizens and some others started for the Ponca Agency and the country below yesterday morning for the purpose of seeing Mr. Lo at home, and having a general good time. The party consists of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hartsock, Miss Olive Hartsock, Mr. and Mrs. Rankin, Mr. and Mrs. George Allen, J. H. Pierce, and Al. Burton. We would if we could, but if we couldn't, how could we? We couldn't without we could, could we? You couldn't, could you?


Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

Steamboat Meeting.
The meeting was called to order by Capt. Hoffmaster, who was elected chairman, and J. O. Wilkinson, secretary. Amos Walton came forward and explained the object of the meeting in an extended speech, explaining the reason why the Arkansas River has not been navigated ere this. He gave his experience in navigating the river last spring, proving conclusively that the river can be navigated with light draught boats nearly the whole season, and that the channel did not change in the regular chutes at all. He showed by statistics that steamboat transportation is far cheaper than any other kind. He then read a letter from a gentleman now surveying the Kaw River, stating that he intended to survey the Arkansas after he had completed the survey of the former stream. Mr. Walton, continuing, said there was nothing in the politics of any party that was one-tenth the value to the farmers of this county, Bolton in particular, as there was in the successful navigation of this river. He then referred the people to the boat now building by McClaskey and Seymour, and said that those gentlemen had promised him not to ask for any aid from the people until their boat was constructed. That time has now arrived, and he now asked the people to respond according to their own judgment of what was right. Mr. Walton closed his remarks by calling for a general expression of opinions by the members of the meeting.

Captain Hoffmaster was called, and said that he was willing to give all he had donated to the Hartsock enterprise, Mr. Hartsock having given it up. Mr. Herrick came forward and said that he was willing to do the same. All then came forward and turned their donations to the Hartsock fund over to McClaskey and Seymour. Messrs. Herrick, Bowen, Sample, and Conaway were appointed a soliciting committee, when the meeting adjourned, to meet next Saturday night, October 12. R. HOFFMASTER, Chairman.

J. O. WILKINSON, Secretary.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

Reports are received that both Spotted Tail and Red Cloud Sioux have left their reservations in Dakota, and were moving west directly toward the Black Hills. The supposi- tion is that they were striving to join the fugitive Cheyennes in their descent upon the Hills. Much solicitude is felt for the safety of the cities there, which are protected by only four companies of soldiers.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878

For Representative, 88th District: E. C. MANNING.

For Representative, 89th District: A. A. WILEY.

For County Attorney: E. S. TORRANCE.

For Probate Judge: J. W. MILLSPAUGH.

For Clerk of District Court: E. S. BEDILION.

For Commissioner, 2nd District: G. L. GALE.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

A. A. Wiley, the nominee for Representative of the 89th District, was born in Windsor County, Vermont, in 1840, and is now 38 years of age. He received his education at West Randolph, in the same State, graduating at the academy. During the winter he taught school until 1858, when he came to Kansas, settled in Douglas County, and shortly after removed to Leavenworth, where he acted as agent for Caldwell & Co.'s overland transportation company. After a short sojourn at Leavenworth, he was stationed at Salt Lake City, and had charge of the transportation business to Montana. In 1869 he went to California with a drove of beef cattle, and in 1870 came to this county, to engage in farming and stock raising. His farm is on the State line, in Spring Creek Township, near Maple City, where he has resided several years.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878

EUREKA, KAS., Oct. 4, 1878.
C. M. Scott, Esq., Arkansas City, Kansas.

DEAR SIR: My attention has been called this morning to an article in your paper of Sept. 25, dated at Emporia, Sept. 21, and addressed to James C. Topliff, Esq., by L. B. Fuller, Chief Engineer of the K. C. E. & S. R. R.

In the article Mr. Fuller has undertaken to state some things (which he calls facts) in reference to myself, to the road I represent, and to Maj. O. B. Gunn, our Chief Engineer, which statements, as made by Mr. Fuller, are so utterly at variance with the facts that I respectfully solicit the privilege of correctingthrough the columns of your valuable Journalsome of the statements therein made by Mr. Fuller. And allow me here to say that we have nothing to say about or against Mr. Fuller, or the road he claims to represent, and we think he would much better accomplish what he and his associates have undertaken, if they would confine themselves to their own enterprise, and leave us and ours alone. Now to the points in Mr. Fuller's letter which I want to correct. He says, "I do not know what Mr. Schofield will do as it is but a short time since he was trying to sell out his line of road to our people, and induce them to build from Burlington instead of Emporia."

Now I wish to say to Mr. Fuller that what I shall do will be to build our road, therefore he need have no especial anxiety on that point, and further, he is entirely mistaken in the matter of my trying to sell out our line, etc.

Mr. William Sturgis and Mr. Joseph E. Young, of Chicago, met me on my way from New York, and did propose to me to purchase our road from Ottawa to Burlington, and in anticipation of that purpose they, through and by means of Mr. Johnson and Mr. Fuller, had organized a new corporation, to be called the Kansas City, Eureka & Santa Fe Railroad Company, whose purpose was to build a road (as an extension of our road) from Burlington via Eureka to the Southwest. This they had done before I had ever met, to know, either Mr. Young, Mr. Wm. Sturgis, Mr. Johnson, or Mr. Fuller. When I did meet these Chicago gentlemen, I did, in a respectful manner, listen to their proposition to purchase our road, and we discussed the question at great length, and I spent with these gentlemen several weeks in Chicago and New York, on this subject, they wanting to purchase much more than we wished to sell. The result was, they failed to offer us any consideration that we could accept in exchange for our road. Thus ended, amicably, all there was about that purchase and sale of our road.

Now Mr. Fuller further says:

"But, after a careful examination of his line from Burlington to Athens, they decided his iron would be worth more lying in Kansas City than his road and equipment, as it is constructed with so many heavy grades (several over 120 feet to the mile) it would be impossible to do any business over it."

Now on these points I have to say that they failed to purchase because what they offered us in payment for our roadin quantity and qualitywe declined to accept; otherwise (that is, if we had accepted the amount and kind of pay) they would have purchased our road. About those "many heavy grades," and the impossibility of doing business, etc., I say to Mr. Fuller that he has most wickedly and, I think, foolishly overstated these things. We have not many grades on our road of "over 120 feet to the mile," and we are now doing every day, and have done since the day we opened our road, a good business over our roadand could do three times the amount, as we shall surely do when and as soon as the business of the new country we run through becomes organized. We have neither run off the track, damaged, or destroyed any property, or injured any person, since we have been operating our road, and I respectfully solicit public patronage in passengers and freight, and leave the question of our ability to do business with the public who do now, or may hereafter, patronize our line of road.

Mr. Fuller further says:

"Mr. Schofield is doing no work, and has not as yet paid for the work done on his line last season, making him some $50,000 in arrears, and still going behind."

I wish to say to Mr. Fuller that he does not know what work I am doing, and further, his statement as to our arrears is not true, either in whole or in part, and his further statement that we are "still going behind" is absolutely untrue. I deem these statements impertinent. I declare it to be none of Mr. Fuller's business. I pronounce them false, and think it of very questionable propriety in Mr. Fuller, or anybody else, to thus falsely attack another corporation in order to show up a possibly better condition of his own.

I have no sort of objection to Mr. Fuller and his associates building their road, and completing it to Eureka, Coffeyville, Howard City, Douglas, Winfield, Arkansas City, Wellington, Caldwell, etc., in the shortest possible (or impossible) space of time. I have not, and never shall, put or attempt to put a straw in their way.

We shall build our road. We may not attempt so grand and diffusive a plan or network of railroads all over Southern Kansas, but we shall try honestly and faithfully to build some road, and reach as soon as possible the Walnut and Arkansas Valleys, and thence through Sumner to points west and south. Trusting that this explanation may set at rest any prejudice created by Mr. Fuller's letter, I am, sir, your obedient servant. Very Respectfully,

P.S. I am authorized by Maj. Gunn to say that his suggestion about the impracticability of a route by Lazette is all sheer imagination. He never gave any such opinion. Major O. B. Gunn is an engineer of such standing, and his character as a man is such and for 20 years so well known in Kansas, that such allusions made by Mr. Fuller are exceedingly foolish.

The K. P., the M., K. & T., the Central Branch, and many other of the trunk line railroads of our country, the elegant and exceedingly convenient new union depot at Kansas City, with its complex network of yard tracks, are works that bear honorable testimony to Major Gunn's engineering skill and abilityall of which Mr. Fuller could copy from and study with advantage and profit to himself. W. H. S.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878

WHITE CORN MEAL at Hoyt & Speersthe only place in town where it is kept.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

MORE CIDER at Hermann's.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

Wheat, hay, corn, oats, and wood in exchange for Photographs at Bonsall's Gallery, Arkansas City.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

Four nickel cigars for one dime at L. McLaughlin's.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

Stanton Brothers,
Successors to Finney, Stanton & Hopkins, propose to keep a first class stock of livery; also a general feed and sale stable. They intend to enlarge their barn so as to be able to accommodate all who may call at reasonable rates.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

KANSAS and Michigan apples at H. G.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

Corn and Oats for sale at L. McLaughlin's.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878

You can't bluff the barber with $20 bills.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878

Sid Majors made us a flying visit last Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878

A number of Winfield gentlemen were down to see the races last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878

Some stock and farm implements are to be sold in town next Saturday at auction.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878

Stacey Matlack has opened a new store in the room lately occupied by M. S. Faris.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

Another horse race this week. This town takes the lead for fast men and fast horses.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

The largest boxes of clothing ever seen in this place are piled in Houghton's store.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

Al. Newman gets about on crutches since his ankle was strained by the flour sacks falling on him.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

In the 400-yard race last Wednesday, between Tom Thumb and the sorrel mare, Tom won the race by four feet.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

L. McLaughlin has a new advertisement, new goods, new change in the firm, and is going to sell at new figures.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

F. W. Farrar returned from his trip to the Ponca Agency Sunday night, and, as he says, had a perfectly gushing time.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878

A. A. Wiley came over to see us last Wednesday, and made the acquaintance of many farmers of the adjoining townships.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

S. S. Majors, R. L. Walker, Bert Crapster, O. M. Seward, Suss and Speed, and Frank Baldwin and lady were all here last Wednesday.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

MILLINERY. The ladies will do well to visit Mrs. Watson's store next Saturday, if they wish to see something unique in her line. See her special in this issue.


Mrs. Watson wishes to inform the ladies of Arkansas City and vicinity that she will open her new stock of fall and winter millinery goods on Saturday, October 19th. Please call and examine them.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

The pacing race between Jim Strickland's mare and C. M. Scott's stallion, "Bertrand," did not take place last Saturday, from the fact that the mare failed to appear.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

SOLD. A. W. Patterson has sold his horse, "Tom Thumb," to Mr. Howard at a handsome profit, and has purchased Mr. Sims' horse, "John Bascom," better known as the Howard colt.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

CHALLENGE. We challenge any horse to run on the Arkansas City race track, for $100 or $500 a side.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

Brown Dick and John Bascom (the Howard colt) are matched to run a race of 600 yards next Saturday, on the track adjoining town, for $100 a side. The horses are to run at 2 o'clock p.m.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

Persons desiring to purchase millinery goods will have a splendid assortment from which to choose in the lot Mrs. Hartsock will have received next week. Her advertisement can be seen in this issue.


Mrs. D. B. Hartsock desires to inform her numerous patrons, and the ladies generally, that she has now on the way a full and choice assortment of millinery goods, which she will open on SATURDAY, October 26, 1878, when she will be pleased to supply them with anything they may need in that line. Further particulars next week.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

Col. Whiteman, agent for the Poncas, was in town last Monday, purchasing supplies for his wards and hiring workmen to be engaged in the erection of his residence and other necessary buildings at the Ponca Agency.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

The A., T. & S. F. railroad company has made a proposition to extend their line from Wichita to Winfield, by way of El Paso, and the people at the county seat are jubilant. Lazette can't have the Schofield road now.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

Mexican dollars only go for ninety cents at the bank and many stores in town. One man had a thousand of them which he expected to circulate and make $100. We will take them on back accounts, however, for their face value.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

RETURNED. Mrs. Newman, with her two children, Pearl and Earl, returned from a protracted visit to Maine last week, accompanied by her sister, Miss Hattie Houghton, who is gladly welcomed back by the many friends she made on her former visit to this place.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

NEW GOODS. O. P. Houghton has opened out a large new and well assorted stock of goods in the store recently occupied by Houghton & McLaughlin, and offers the same at prices hitherto unknown. His stock is too large and varied to be described, and must be seen to be appreciated. Give him a call.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

Agent Williams came up from Pawnee Agency last Saturday evening, and after spending Sunday in town with his relatives, left on the Monday morning stage en route for Leaven- worth and Kansas City, to be absent about two weeks. Mr. Williams is purchasing furniture for the Industrial School at the Pawnee Agency.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

We are glad to state that the first lot of lumber for the repair of the south end of the Arkansas bridge was delivered on Monday lastnot a bit too soon, however, for it was high time something was done, or travel would have been stopped. Col. Whiteman had to lead his horses over on Sunday, he not caring to run the risk of driving over.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

J. H. Sherburne, trader at the above Agency, commenced his building, 18 x 45 feet, on Monday last. He calculates to accommodate the travel on the road, and already has a good stable capable of stabling eight horses. He has engaged the services of R. A. Houghton as clerk, and if there is any trade to be done, these gentlemen will be sure to get a liberal support, as they will spare no pains to gain and keep the support of any who patronize them.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

CITIZEN'S BANK. This institution is now organized as a corporation under the laws of the State of Kansas, with a capital of $50,000. J. C. McMullen is elected president, John D. Pryor, vice president, B. F. Baldwin, cashier, and A. W. Berkey, assistant cashier. All these gentlemen are stockholders in the bank, and are gentlemen of honor and excellent business qualifications. This will become the popular institution of the county, and we expect to record its abundant success. Courier.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

Prof. Marshall, the California horse trainer, will give a free exhibition of his trained horse on the streets of Arkansas City tomorrow, after which he will deliver a lecture to horsemen on the subject of managing horses. Immediately after the street performance, a class will be formed to receive instructions in his system of handling horses, mules, colts, etc., either of which he will handle for members of the class free of charge. Admission to class of ten scholars, $2.00 each; fifteen scholars, $1.50 each;. twenty scholars or more, $1 each. Free admission to scholars at all times.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

We had the pleasure of sampling some of Dr. Leonard's home-made wine, or rather should say, "pure grape juice," as it has not been adulterated with either sugar, alcohol, or anything else, but is the straight juice of the grape. It is of a rich color, has a good body, splendid bouquet, and is altogether ahead of anything we have ever tasted in the West. Being pure, it is the best to be used for medicinal purposes, and indeed we think it is a medicine in itself that will obviate the use of so much quinine if taken moderately as a tonic. When the Doctor gets ready to sell, we bespeak for him a lively trade.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878

East Bolton is becoming quite lively. One fight, one quilting, and one party.

Quite a number of young folks gathered at the residence of Mrs. Stewart on Thursday afternoon. One of the pleasantest features of the gathering was the excellent vocal music rendered by Miss Alma Dixon, which was a treat appreciated by all. After tea there were some exhibitions in riding, in which Miss May Hamilton proved herself the most accomplished equestrienne of the party.

A general good time was also had at a quilting bee.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

We have been told that Dr. Hughes has bought the TRAVELER outfit of C. M. Scott, and it is intimated that he will move the establishment to Winfield. Courier.

Wrong again. We expect to retire from the newspaper business, but the TRAV ELER will always be published at Arkansas City. There is no better field for a newspaper in Southern Kansas than at this place, hence there is no need of a change of location.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.

There were more people in town to see Prof. Hoyt's rope walking than we have seen since the 4th of July several years ago, or when the "Aunt Sally" came up. The feats on the rope were astonishing, and many of them never exhibited by any professional. Although there was a heavy gale blowing, Mr. Hoyt laid down on the rope, stood on his head, played the banjo, and performed many other feats that would astonish any audience.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878. Front Page.

All army men agree that the Cheyennes, who are just now giving the authorities so much trouble, are not only among the best warriors, but among the most decent Indians in every way that we have had to deal with.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

The Chicago Times has a special from its correspondent with the military expedition which is now pursuing the renegade Cheyennes, to the effect that a conference was held at Camp Sheridan with Red Cloud and his chiefs. Red Cloud promised to arrest and deliver the Cheyennes, and expressed a great desire for peace, and promised to prove it by all means in his power. Much good feeling prevailed at the conference, which closed with a banquet.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878. Front Page.

The reports to the effect that work upon the New Mexico and Leadville extensions of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad has or is about to cease are wholly without foundation. The leasing of the Denver and Rio Grande railway is an entirely different matter, and can have no bearing whatever upon the new lines of road now in course of construction by the Santa Fe company.

The New Mexico extension is completed and in full operation from La Junta to Trinidad, 97 miles, and is under contract from Trinidad to Las Vegas, N. M. One hundred and thirty miles south of Trinidad track is laid twelve miles, and work upon the switch-back or temporary track over the Raton mountain is being pushed with all possible vigor. The construction of this track will enable the operation of the road in New Mexico, which is now well under way, before the tunnel through the mountain is completed, and greatly facilitates the progress onward toward the connection with the Pacific. The line toward Leadville is under contract to South Arkansas, distant from Pueblo 108 miles, and is being constructed the full standard gauge. The roadbed from Pueblo westward is in course of completion at the rapid rate of a mile per day, and will doubtless be in full operation to Canon City early the coming year.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Medical Springs Again.
Editor Traveler:

A party of sportsmen hunting chickens in the vicinity of the salt and medical springs had occasion to call on the springs to quench their raging thirst. The dog also, from the excessive heat, was driven to cool his parched tongue in the flowing fluid. To our great merriment, he lost his balance in the attempt to drink, and in he went, head foremost, completely submerging himself in the fluid flowing from the salt spring. I reached out and, taking him by the rear tension, placed him on terra firma again. The animal made a leap, and giving a yell as if in pain, jumped through the bung hole of a barrel, peeling the hair all off. We had heard much about the curative properties and healing effects of the medical springs nearby, and we determined to test its efficacy in the relief of our now almost frantic canine. We got hold of the poor creature and submerged him in the medical springs, in like manner as he had gone into the other, and to our joy and surprise, the hair was restored as before, except that it was exceedingly fine and glossy.

This adds new luster to the well attested curative properties of the waters of the medical springs of Cowley County, Kansas. LEWYX.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Railroad Matters.
[From the Wellington Press.]
Maj. O. B. Gunn, Engineer of the Kansas City, Burlington and Southwestern railway, arrived in this city Saturday evening, accompanied by a force of surveyors. The company left for Caldwell on Monday, at which point they began a preliminary survey of the proposed line.

An authorized representative of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad company will be in this city today, to make definite propositions to the people of Sumner County to receive an extension of their road, to be completed and operated to Wellington during the next year.

Cowley County has accepted an offer from the A. T. & S. F. railroad company to extend their road from Wichita to the city of Winfieldthe said extension to be completed and operated to that point on or before Dec. 31, 1879. The company asks for the usual four thousand dollars per mile in bonds.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Wants His Paper Stopped.
October 20, 1878.
C. M. Scott, P. M.:

Can you contrive any means that will enable me to stop the Winfield Courier? Long since I subscribed for it, the agent agreeing that the paper would stop at the expiration of the time paid for. Still it came. Your deputy notified the publishers that it was not taken out of the office. The effect of that was a double dosetwo papers came in place of one. I went to the office and told them that one William Skinner had run away, and that I was the other, and that I should leave the first dark nightto stop the paper, but still it comes. I never take it out. Still it finds its way to my house at times. Now, you are a man of genius, and have lived in the West long enough to know how to get rid of graybacks, the itch, etc., but will you please give me a remedy for the Courier, and greatly oblige W. B. SKINNER.

If all arrears are paid, the publisher should stop it on your order.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Died in Her Chair.
The wife of William Jenkins, who lives a few miles below Oxford, in Cowley County, died very suddenly and mysteriously on Tuesday afternoon of last week.

Mrs. Jenkins had for a few days previous been complaining of light chills, for which she had been taking some medicine, but on Tuesday was apparently as well as usualwas doing her housework, had got dinner for the men, and had herself eaten a hearty meal. About 4 o'clock in the afternoon, one of the children went out to where Mr. Jenkins was at work and told him "Something was the matter with ma," whereupon Mr. Jenkins went immediately to the house, and found his wife dead, though still sitting in her chair.

The above are in brief the facts as reported to us. We have not as yet learned the probable or reputed cause of her sudden death. Mrs. Jenkins was a lady highly respected by all who knew her. She leaves a husband and three small children who, in this their hour of severe trial and unexpected bereavement, have the sympathy of the entire community.

Oxford Independent.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Having purchased the entire stock of
Of Houghton & McLaughlin, and added
a large and complete stock of
Fall and Winter
Goods, I am now prepared to offer them
to the public
at lower figures than they have ever
been offered before.
I will duplicate any bill bought in the
State (bankrupt sales excepted).
before leaving the store.
Call and Examine Goods at the Brick Corner.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

To the Public:

I have opened out, in the building formerly occupied by M. S. Faris, the largest stock of General Merchandise in Cowley County, consisting in part of





and in fact anything and everything you want,
which I will sell at
Wholesale and Retail.
My stock of
is full and complete, and selected with the greatest of care.
They are fresh and pure, and
in all cases.
I have a large stock of
and the largest and best assortment of PRINTS in Arkansas City. Come in and see them before purchasing elsewhere.

will be sold at prices that defy competition.
Respectfully, S. MATLACK.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

S P E C I A L N O T I C E.
L. McLaughlin,
Having purchased J. H. Pierce's interest in the late firm of Pierce & McLaughlin, together
with the accounts, he would respectfully call the attention of his friends to the fact that they can buy

Earthenware, etc., at the old stand, one door north of the Post Office, and do as well by buying of him as of anybody.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

The best and cheapest sewing machine in the world can be had at

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

HIGHEST cash price for dry and green hides at Schiffbauer's grocery.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

O. P. sells goods cheaper than any man in the valley for pay down only.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Mrs. Hartsock will open her fall stock of millinery goods next Saturday, Oct. 26, and invites the ladies to call and see them.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

FOR big bargains in winter goods, go to "O. P." at the

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

THE largest and cheapest stock of boots and shoes can be seen at


Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Business increasing.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Stoves begin to go up.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Boys are gathering walnuts.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

The Walnut River is very low.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Manson Rexford returned last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Pecans and hickory nuts begin to fall.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Eureka still talks Emporia narrow gauge railroad.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Mr. Matlack has a variety of goods in his new store room.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Sale of pigs, colt, hogs, etc., at Kager's on Friday, October 25th.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

A tent south of town attracted considerable attention last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

The portable saw mill from New York is on the way to Ponca Agency.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

The erection of the agent's residence at the Ponca Agency has begun.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

John McGuire and wife, of Tisdale, paid the town a visit last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Wild grapes by the hundred bushels in the timber along the streams.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Sale of Eckles' horse, wagon, etc., on Schiffbauer's execution, Saturday, Oct. 26th.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Carr, the long-haired Territory man from Ponca, spent several days in town this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

One thousand people will witness the launching of the new boat now almost completed.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

New cloth and cushions on the billiard table at Pat's and Walt's, and the balls are kept rolling.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Gen. McNeil, Mahlon Stubbs, and Tom Gilbert were all up from the Territory last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

James Huey will receive taxes at this place on the 10th day of November, and receipt therefor.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

A photograph of Joseph Hoyt was taken while he was suspended in the air from a tight rope.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

M. R. Leonard attended the meeting of the A., T. & S. F. railroad men at Topeka this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

I. N. Adams plead guilty to the charge of assault on Albert Wells, and was fined $5 and discharged.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

The family of Prof. Hulse arrived in town from Wisconsin last Friday evening.

Eldorado Press.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Prof. Marshall's exhibition of his skill in horse training satisfied all that he understood his business.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Judge McDonald attended the Schiffbauer-Eckles trial last Friday as attorney for Schiffbauer Bros. & Co.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Water transportation is far cheaper than by railroad, and will carry our produce to a better market.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

The carpenters left Monday morning for Ponca Agency, to erect a $2,500 residence for Agent Whiteman.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Twenty teams driven by Ponca Indians were loaded with corn and oats by Schiffbauer Bros. last Friday.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

O. S. Hiatt, formerly of Osage Agency, has the contract to furnish and educate the Pawnee school children.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Four caulkers at work on the steamboat hull, and in about a week she will ride the waves of the Big Sandy.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Ed. Finney's genial countenance greeted us last week. He came up from Pawnee Agency with Gen. McNeil.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

The ground is almost covered with acorns and pig nuts in the timberenough to fatten thousands of hogs.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

The muskrats are building their houses with mansard roofs and bay windowsindicating warm and cold weather.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Jack Martin sold his interest in the meat market to T. A. Gaskill, and the firm will be Gibby & Gaskill hereafter.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Another race took place on Monday between "Brown Dick" and "Tom Thumb." "Tom" won the race by four feet.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Donations of grain for the steamboat can be left with Schiffbauer & Co., to be loaded on the boat when she is ready to move.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Dr. Dougan has been appointed physician for the Pawnee Indians. He formerly held a similar position at Osage Agency.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Those flour sacks fell over again last week at Newman's mill, and broke a man's ribs. They are now piled up for another local.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

DIED. On Saturday, October 19th, of inflammation of the brain, James Adelbert, son of Charles and Rosetta Parker. Aged four years.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

No mail on Sunday any more. The P. O. department won't pay for carrying it, and Tisdale can't see the fun in doing it for nothing.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

The lumber for another new house in the south part of town has been placed on the ground. It is difficult to get any kind of house this winter.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

The grist mill at Pawnee Agency is now running, and is a great accommodation to the frisky Pawnees. Agent Williams will see that they get all their legal wants.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

The trial of Schiffbauer Bros. against Eckles, for attempting to abscond to defraud creditors, resulted in a verdict for the plaintiff. Judge McDonald appeared for the Messrs. Schiffbauer, and Mitchell and Walton were attorneys for the defendant.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

The 600-yard race last Saturday, between "Brown Dick," of Wichita, and "John Bascom" (the Howard colt), resulted in no decision, and the stakes were withdrawn. The race was a close one, the colt leading until near the end, when Dick sprang forward and won the race. As there were but two judges, no agreement could be made, as one claimed the sorrel horse was three feet ahead, and the other that Dick had the three feet. There was diversion among the crowd also, and the only way to settle it was to withdraw stakes or run it over.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

The advertisement of Stacy Matlack, late of Pawnee Agency, appears in large letters this week. Mr. Matlack is a genial gentleman to deal with and can sell you anything you want from a pegging awl to a fine dress. He has saddles, and bridles, and prints, and muslins piled mountain high. Give him a call and see if there is anything you want that he has in stock.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

The Ladies' Society of the Methodist Church will give a festival and oyster supper on Thanksgiving evening, at the "new brick" church in Arkansas City. The proceeds are to be devoted to finishing the church, and everybody is invited to join with them in having a good time. There will be further notice given of this entertainment in due time.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Two weeks from next Saturday it has been agreed upon to have a pool race. Five horses will be entered for $25 each, and the first horse out claims the stakes. The citizens are to raise a purse of $40 or more if the race takes place. The rise of ground east of town will afford a splendid view, and will accommodate all who come.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

The Telegram says Dr. Leonard, the Democratic nominee for Representative from this district, will cast his vote for a Greenback U. S. Senator. In that case his vote will be thrown away, as no Greenbacker will stand any chance whatever this winter. A. A. Wiley will cast his vote for Senator Ingalls or some other good Republican.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

There will be a meeting of the Ladies' Society of the M. E. Church at the residence of Mrs. Gibby, on Friday afternoon of this week at 2 o'clock. A full attendance is especially re- quested, as it is the desire to re-organize the Society on a working basis. By order of the Committee. EVA SWARTS, Secretary.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Agent Burgess' trial for conspiracy to defraud the Government was continued until the spring term of the Supreme Court. Carl Shurz will be one of the witnesses. Masterson, Eldridge, and Leach are concerned in the same matter, but it is the general opinion that the gentlemen are innocent of the charge.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

There will be a meeting at the Bland schoolhouse of the voters of Bolton Township on Saturday, October 26, at 6 p.m., for the purpose of nominating township officers irrespective of party. J. M. SAMPLE, F. LORRY.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

The Williams House, of this place, is now conducted by Mr. Williams alone, Mr. Maricle having retired. The house still continues to do a very good business and is popularly known as a good, cheap place to stop. Terms $1. per day.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

C. H. Stone, of Caldwell, one of the cattlemen of the great Southwest, made us a call on Monday. He had 200 head of beef cattle that he was driving to Coffeyville, and they fared poor on the burnt range south of Shilocco.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

The oakum for corking the new boat has arrived, and the boat will be ready to launch in about a week. Capt. Barnes, an old steamboat captain and pilot, is superintending the job now, and will go down the river with her.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

County Commissioners meet in regular session on the first Monday in January. A special meeting will be held after the election to canvass the votes and see who is left out in the cold.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Fifteen head of good ponies were stolen by some Texas boys on or about the night of October 10, from near the Pawnee ferry on the Arkansas. They were the property of three Osages.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Messrs. Seymour & McClaskey are getting their engine ready for the hull of the steamboat, and Little Rock will soon hear the whistle, and Kansas wheat will show in her market.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Market Report.
Butter, 25

Potatoes, 50

Coal Oil, 30

Bacon, 12

Best Flour, $2.50

4X Flour, $2.25

3X Flour, $2.00

2X Flour, $1.75

Eggs, 10

Sweet Potatoes, 75

Lard, 11

Hams, S. C., 16

Turnips, 25

Onions, $1.00

Apples, $1.50

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

I'm sorry that some people are getting offended at my way of conducting business.

Now I have no old axe to grind or any special favor to grant any particular individual. But shall endeavor at all times to see that every man "rich, poor, black, or white," gets the full worth of his dollar, and will try and be as courteous and attentive as our crabbed nature will permit.

Call and see our goods and get prices. "Don't ask for credit." Respectfully,

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

Proposals for Wood.
Notice is hereby given that the School Board of District No. 2 will receive sealed pro-posals for fifteen cords of hard wood, to be delivered at the schoolhouse in Arkansas City as follows: Five cords on or before Nov. 20th, A. D. 1878; balance on or before Jan. 31st, 1879. Wood to be two feet long, and split suitable for heating stove. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bids to be filed on or before the 2nd day of November, A. D. 1878, at 12 o'clock noon. S. B. ADAMS, Director.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878. Front Page.

Hard times in England are affecting unfavorably the foreign markets for American produce.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Sitting Bull has not yet gotten over his fatal and chronic weakness of being about to come back.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

When the yellow fever relief boat reached Helena on its mission of mercy down the Mississippi, it was not allowed to land, the citizens turning out with shotguns to prevent it.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Gen. O. O. Howard telegraphs from Fort Vancouver that a Umatilla Indian was murdered on the 29 ult. by white men, and that the Umatillas have within three weeks lost fifty horses, taken by whites. He asks: Cannot the United States District Attorney be instructed by the Attorney-General to attend to this and other cold-blooded murders of Indians by white men? A few examples of such justice would do more for peace than a whole summer's campaign. The foregoing was endorsed by Gen. Sherman.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

A gentleman from the Kleketat country on the Pacific slope, reports serious trouble anticipated with the Indians, who were becoming insolent and demonstrative and are preparing, it is generally believed, for an attack upon the white settlers as soon as an opportunity shall present itself. The breach between them and the settlers is being widened every day, and both parties are arming themselves for an outbreak.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Thirty deserters from the Mexican army came to Rio Grande City in two days recently, and more are expected. The soldiers say they have no money, and but little to eat, and have never been paid a cent.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Steamboat Meeting.
The following was intended for publication in last week's issue, but was handed in too late. ED.

BOLTON, Oct. 19, 1878.
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Walton, after which Mr. Mercer was called to the chair and J. O. Wilkinson was chosen secretary. Mr. Walton then came forward, and made a stirring speech in favor of the practical navigation of the Arkansas River. Said that all the people living along the river should be interested in its navigation, and Bolton in particular. The people of Bolton had shown more enthusiasm in the matter than the people of any other township so far. His whole speech was pithy, pointed, and well delivered, and at the close was greeted by a round of applause from the audience.

Mr. Walton then introduced Mr. Barnes, an old river pilot of thirty years' experience, who told them in a brief speech that he had made a trip down the Arkansas, and gave them a practical knowledge of its peculiarities, its drifting channel, chutes, etc. He found that the rocky chutes had a good stage of water in them the greater part of the time. This is in contradiction to what we have heard heretofore in regard to this matter, but he presented it in such a truthful manner the people believed his statement. He further said that there was as good a stage of water from here to Ft. Gibson as from Gibson to Ft. Smith. Mr. Barnes had visited the boat now being built by Messrs. McClaskey and Seymour, and pronounced it good for carrying one thousand bushels of wheat on twenty inches of water, and also said she would take three barges in tow.

His remarks were well received by the meeting, after which committees were appointed and resolutions passed. Messrs. Lorry and Mercer were added to the soliciting committee, and Mr. Lorry was appointed a committee of one to wait on Mr. Hartsock for the purpose of collecting those wheat notes given him (Mr. Hartsock) by the farmers, to aid him in his now abandoned steamboat enterprise.

The following resolutions were then carried unanimously.

Resolved, That the TRAVELER be requested to add its influence in Arkansas City and elsewhere, in aid of the steamboat,

Resolved, That the proceedings of the meeting be published in the Arkansas City TRAVELER. J. O. WILKINSON, Secretary.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

We assure our Bolton Township friends, and all interested in the navigation of this river that anything we can do in their behalf, or in furtherance of their enterprise, will be done willingly and cheerfully. Our faith in the ultimate success of this scheme was never stronger, and we believe the day is not far distant when this southern tier of countries will have the best outlet in the State for their produce, and at a saving to them of thousands of dollars in railroad bonds not voted. Next spring and summer will see many boats here from the South, buying our grain at a good round figure, or for a moderate sum ready to float it down to the best of markets, where its superior quality will command the highest prices. The snug, well built craft lying west of town is a monument to the industry and self-denial of the two gentlemen who have risked their little all, and confidently devoted their time and means to the completion of the boat, relying only upon the generosity of their many friends for what assistance is tendered them. If the enterprise is a success (and we earnestly hope it will be), to Messrs. Walton and Speers, no less than to those now laboring on the boat, the people owe a debt of gratitude not easily paid, as they have worked untiringly for the interests of the community.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Farmers, Why Not?
It has been requested of you that you give some aid to the parties who are giving their best endeavors toward building a steamboat, and determining by a practical test the value of the river running by your doors, for transportation. You will grant the great value to yourselves of the increased and cheaper facilities for getting to a better market. You grant also that if the farmers determine that this enterprise shall have a fair test, it will get it, and requires but a slight aid from each.

Now if these men have thus far, single handed and alone, pushed the matter far enough to satisfy you that they mean business; if they have risked every dollar they havecan you well refuse the necessary assistance toward making it a complete success? The first trip will be the hard one, and the costly one. You should bear your share, for if that is successful, the case is made, and you gain a highway to the sea cheaper for all time than iron rails can carry, and open to all. A. W.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Answers to Inquiries.
LOUISVILLE, ILL., Oct. 19, 1878.
C. M. Scott, Arkansas City, Kansas.

DEAR SIR: Will you please answer the following questions and oblige?

What is the population of your town and township?

The town has a population of 700, and the township 1,200.

How many lawyers?


How many physicians who are graduates?


Name and distance of nearest towns?

Wichita, nearest railroad town, 60 miles; El Dorado, 65.

Health of country?

Can't be excelled.

Fruit prospects and crops?


Distance to Territory?

Four and one-half miles.

Is there any timber?

More timber at the junction of the Walnut and Arkansas rivers than in any other part of the State.

Price of wood per cord?


How many churches?

Three: First Presbyterian, United Presbyterian, and Methodist.

I and many others are anxious to change our locations for some point in Kansas. Yours,


Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

They are jettying the Arkansas River at Fort Smith, on the Eads plan. The purpose is to remove a large sand bar in front of that place, and it is hoped thus to make the river navigable for the largest class of river steamers.

The successful jetting of the river that far up will doubtless lead to the extension of the improvement into Kansas, and be a great advantage to the people and business along the Great Bend. Lawrence Standard.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

A meeting was held in Eureka on Friday the 11th inst., to hear the report of the committee of attorneys who were appointed to inquire into the legality of the narrow gauge bonds. Said committee reported as follows: "That the bonds were illegal and void, and that the county could never be forced to pay them."

Maj. Schofield was in attendance and addressed the meeting in reference to his road, stating "that he proposed to extend it through Greenwood County by the way of Eureka, and on Southwest to Caldwell in Sumner County." At the conclusion of Mr. Schofield's remarks, the following resolutions were adopted.

Resolved, That we, the citizens of Eureka and Greenwood county, have full, continued, and abiding faith in Mr. Schofield's integrity, and in his ability to build us a railroad. And we hereby pledge our earnest and united efforts to secure the necessary franchise to assist and enable him to do so.

Messrs. T. L. Davis, Edwin Tucker, J. C. Nye, E. Muhan, and E. Marshall were appointed the committee to act with Mr. Schofield in preparing the proposition to be submitted to the people.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

THERE are several stray ponies and mules in my pasture. I want the owners to call for them, as they have been there some time. C. M. SCOTT.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

250 POUNDS OF FRESH CANDIES at Sheppard's Drug Store this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

STATEMENTS of accounts will be sent to all parties in arrears with the TRAVELER up to Nov. 1st, 1878, and prompt settlement is requested from all.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

PONY FOR SALE CHEAP. I have an old Indian pony, gentle as a dog, well suited to carry some little boy or girl to school, that I will sell for $10. Reason for sellinggot tired of carrying water for it. C. M. SCOTT.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Dozens of families hunting houses to rent.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Hermann has another lot of queensware.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Cord wood is in demand at $4.00 per cord.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

DIED. Old Mr. McDade died last Friday morning.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

A letter for Gen. McNeil required $1.44 in stamps.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Mrs. Coombs returned from Wenona, Illinois, last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Arkansas apples $1.25 per bushel on the street this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Some Osages up last week shivering around in loose blankets.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Now is the time to buy land in this section while it is low.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Mr. Harris is home from the mountains and mines of Colorado.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

L. McLaughlin handles corn and feed, and always has it on hand.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

The horses and cattle got their backs up during the cold days of last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

The mounds on the streets are being leveled by an old gentleman that needed the job.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

The TRAVELER boasts of thirteen cats, no rats, and plenty of old hats, and clothes, too.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

J. T. Grimes purchased the two-story house of George Allen, known as the Goff house.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

All the hands sick again this week, which will account for the lack of political matters.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Some trouble in school district No. 80, in Egypt. Not enough money in the treasury is the cause.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

A son of Mr. Howard's, about 15 years old, is entirely deaf and yet talks readily and intelligently.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Hon. Sam. Wood, of Chase County, is to speak here on the Greenback issue next Saturday evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

In a few weeks the TRAVELER office will be moved to the basement of Newman's brick on the corner.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

The fever has abated among the Kaw Indians considerably, and has been less fatal this summer than previously.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

The Walnut Valley Nursery will make their delivery at Winfield Nov. 3rd and 4th, and at Nursery 6th and 7th.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Next spring the price of land will rise in Cowley County, as the day is not far distant when we are to have a railroad.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

We have a communication from Mr. L. B. Fuller, of the Emporia, Kansas City & Southern railroad that will appear next week.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

You can pay your taxes to James Huey next week and get a receipt therefor. He will have the books here from week to week.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

J. C. Bennett, J. R. Rosin, his brother-in-law, and Ed. Campbell called on us Monday and related their experience since they left us before.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

None of the Osages, Pawnees, or Kaws hunted the buffalo this fall. The game was too far distantbeing two hundred miles away.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Mr. James Wilson, of this place, is teaching a class in French. He is one of the best masters of the French language to be found in Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

BIRTH. Rube Houghton made a thousand dollars Monday night, or at least he thought he had when he was made aware that he was the father of another boy.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Tom and David Finney called again last week. The Osages sent for Tom to come back and gather pecans, as he could reach them, and thus save cutting the trees.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

The Kaw Indian school is now progressing nicely under the supervision of Mahlon Stubbs, Superintendent; and Mrs. Stubbs, Matron. Fifty pupils are in attendance.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

FURNITURE. Some of the most handsome furniture setts to be seen anywhere can now be seen at the furniture room of Peter Pearson. A new lot came in again last Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Schiffbauer's grocery is becoming a power in the land. The amount of grain, hides, and produce they handle is astonishing, and they have almost supplied the northern part of the Territory with groceries this fall.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Two thousand dollars or more has been found to E. B. Kager's credit with Donnelly, Lawson & Co., bankers of New York, in the late settlement with the State Treasurer. If it be positively true, it will be a God send for Kager, who has the sympathy of everyone.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

At the dead of night, during a strong, cold breeze from the south, the cry of fire awoke our citizens and a general rush was made to the place of conflagration. The TRAVELER office was out in full force with its extinguisher, as well as the proprietor of the Central Avenue. As we sped on the way we could see men and women rushing about thinly clad and full of excitement. One long-haired beautiful woman glided by at a gait of 2.30, with a half dozen chickens under each arm, while a few feet ahead was another one with something on her back. An enterprising merchant stepped from the jump off in the rear of the hotel, and landed flat on his provender reserve behind the stable nearby. Jumping up again he knocked over a cow, and finally got a fair start and worked his way to the flames out of breath, out of water, and out of danger.

The fire was in the saw dust in the ice house owned by Jacob Rentchler, and is supposed to have been set fire, as on one night previous it is said someone threw coals of fire on the bedding of Clarence Harris and Lewis Coombs, who were sleeping there. Boon Hartsock had a boat and two seines in the building, worth about $10, that were destroyed; and the loss to Mr. Rentchler will reach $150. The haystack close by belonging to the Harris boys was also consumed.

By the time the crowd gathered, the whole building was so completely in flames that nothing could be done to save it. Had the wind been from the north, the hotel and other buildings adjacent would probably have gone.

The town is poorly protected from fire, and unless great caution is used, the whole place may be consumed. It is a good plan for every house to be provided with a barrel of water near the door. For the past three years, we have always had a barrel of water upstairs ready for emergencies, and a fire extinguisher below.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

EDITOR TRAVELER: Pursuant to call a Republican caucus was held at Maple City, October 12th, and the following township officers were nominated.

Trustee: W. W. Thomas.

Treasurer: F. W. Nance.

Justice of the Peace: Jase Gilleland.

Clerk: James Henson.

Constables: L. D. Wilson and George Clayton.

Road Overseers:

Dist. No. 1: George Eaton.

Dist. No. 2: J. M. Smith.

Dist. No. 3: M. B. Hennen.

Dist. No. 4: Hiram Blenden.

A motion was made and carried that a list of the nominees be sent to the Arkansas City TRAVELER and the Winfield Courier for publication. W. E. KETCHAM, Chairman.

E. A. GOODRICH, Secretary.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

INDIAN Commissioner Hayt, accompanied by Mr. Kingsley, a capitalist of New York, was at this place last Wednesday, returning from Pawnee and Kaw Agencies. General McNeil, U. S. Indian Inspector, and Agent Whiteman were with them also. The company lost the road near the crossing of Grouse Creek, and had to camp on the Arkansas bottom. The camp life was quite novel to the Eastern gentlemen, yet from the manner in which Mr. Hayt snored, he must have slept soundly. People in the neighborhood thought a portable saw mill had been moved in, and over this way we imagined the "Aunt Sally" was making a second trip.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

On last Wednesday night Col. McMullen's new barn in the rear of his dwelling at Winfield was consumed by fire with all its contents, consisting of a lot of household furniture, books, and pictures that were stored in it until his new house was finished, together with a lot of paints, all the door sash, and windows for the new house. Loss was estimated at $2,500. The fire was caused by two boys who slept in the barn. In attempting to extinguish a lamp before going to bed, one of them blew down the chimney, when a sudden flash resulted, and the barn instantly was engulfed in flames, the floor being covered with shavings.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Ira Howe, an old and respected citizen of this county, living near Maple City, was shot and killed in the Territory about 75 miles south of South Haven, one day last week. The circumstances were as follows.

Mr. Howe's son, Samuel, heard the hallowing of some drunken freighters, and thinking they might be Indians, went to the wagon to get the gun. Mr. Howe was standing behind him, and while the gun was being drawn from its place, it went off, and killed the father dead on the spot. His remains were brought in last Wednesday.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Mr. Lippmann's harness and saddle were found last week by Mr. Goff's boy under a straw stack a few miles from where they were stolen. The boy was herding cattle, and had laid down on the stack to rest, when happening to cast his eyes downward, he noticed a strap, and got down to pick it up. He reached to pull it out, but it didn't come. He then gave a jerk, and out came a set of harness, greatly to the boy's surprise, who did not risk another pull, for fear a mule might come out next.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Some thieves came into town Monday night and stole one pair of boots, one pair of shoes, and a box of sweet potatoes from Houghton & Mantor, and relieved Lafe McLaughlin of a can of oysters and three pair of gloves. They then adjourned to Frank Schiffbauer's and helped themselves to a set of harness, curry comb, and brush. The men were seen in the early part of the evening, and will probably be identified.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

The Kaws raised more corn this year than they know what to do with, having double the amount required to feed their ponies. There would be a good chance for some cattleman to move on the State line as near the Agency as possible, and buy their corn of them. Or if the law permitted the trader to keep stock of his own, he could buy it of them.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Gen. McNeil was summoned at Ponca Agency last week to take the affidavits of some thirty Indians of that tribe. He left here Friday afternoon, arrived at the Agency at night, sent for his men, and had them brought in, and returned Saturday evening to this place, performing more work in ten hours than half the Government officers would in ten days. He is now making a hurried visit to his home in St. Louis, and will be back again in a few days.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Dr. Leonard returned from Topeka last Saturday, where he had been to interview the offices of the A., T. & S. F. railroad company. A meeting of the directors will be held at Boston this week, and a proposition made to extend the road from Wichita to this place within eighteen months.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

A Republican meeting will be held at Bland's schoolhouse on this Wednesday evening. Hon. W. P. Hackney and E. S. Torrance will address the people. Everybody invited, especially Greenbackers. Both gentlemen are good speakers and there will be fun aboard when Bill Hackney gets after them.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

COMMUNION SERVICES. The sacrament of the Lord's supper will be observed next Sabbath morning (Nov. 3), at the Presbyterian church. Preaching on Friday and Saturday evenings. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend these services.

J. S. McCLUNG, Pastor.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Mr. Shurtz sold his premium calf to Mr. N. S. Cozard, of Alton, Sumner county, for $50. It was eight months old and weighed 600 pounds. The same man bought the eight month heifer for $40, and now has some of the finest stock to be found in the Southwest.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

WASHUNGA is now chief of the Kaws. He was elected chief by the vote of the tribe. "Eagle Plume," formerly chief of the Kaws, died after his return from Washington last March. He made quite a reputation in the East last summer making speeches.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

The Kaw Indians are poor, and have neither ponies or cattle to sell. All heads of families were supplied with milch cows, by the Government, and not permitted to sell them, but in many cases they killed them for beef.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

The two Indian visitors from the East were bald headed, as usual, convincing the noble red men more than ever that Washington was afraid to send men with hair on their heads to the Territory.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.

Fair Warning Notice to All.
I have been appointed agent of J. W. French for the protection of his land, and will prosecute to the utmost extent of the law all persons found trespassing on said land, either cutting down timber, poles, or sapling, or hauling away timber, wood; laying or being on said land (that is, the land formerly owned by J. C. McMullen).

JAMES CHRISTIAN, for J. W. French.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878. Front Page.

Now that cold weather is upon us, the Indians are preparing to surrender for the winter and spring months. The government will feed and clothe them and get them in trim for next summer's atrocities.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

A Bismarck dispatch states that Gen. Miles attributes the recent escape of the Cheyennes to the intentional tardiness of Gen. Gibbon in forwarding information as to their movements, and, further, that the latter was influenced by his jealousy of the former.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

General Sherman says he never before knew the army to be in as satisfactory condition as it is now. All branches of it are in accord, and the best feeling exists among the officers, and the character of the men being daily enlisted is all that could be desired.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

Mexican troops are marching toward the Rio Grande for the purpose of cooperating with the United States troops in preventing further depredations. President Diaz is said to be anxious to secure more amicable relations with this Government than have lately existed.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

General John Gibbon has preferred charges against General John Pope for conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman. The specification is based upon a pamphlet published by Pope, a few years ago, in reference to the Fitz John Porter case, in which the author reflected seriously upon the complainant.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

The authorities in Washington are in receipt of news from the Rio Grande to the effect that Trevino, the Mexican commander, has recently dispersed several marauding bands of Indians near the border. If he would now turn his attention to marauding bands of Greasers, the Texan ranchmen would doubtless be grateful for the favor.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

In resigning the duties of editor and manager of the TRAVELER, we feel that an expression of gratitude should be expressed to the patrons of the paper, especially those who have been with us from the start.

For more than eight years we have published the TRAVELER, encountering every trial and adversity, and sharing alike the enjoyments and hardships attending the settling of a new country.

We began young, very young for the position, and it was not attended without mistakes. We have said things that we regretted sorely, and should have given expression probably when we did not. But with all we flatter ourselves that the TRAVELER is a success, and a recognized journal among the many.

Other matters of more profit and less labor have invited us, and we step aside to resign the duties to an able writer, strong partisan, and one not entirely a stranger to the newspaper profession.

Dr. N. B. Hughes will hereafter conduct the paper and add new life and energy to its columns. We hope his efforts will be sufficiently appreciated to enable him to gratify his ambition, by enlarging the journal and making it still more interesting.

The TRAVELER is not an experiment, but an established institution of Arkansas City and Cowley County. Nevertheless the present manager will feel the need of prompt and liberal patronage to carry him through.

We shall always make Arkansas City and Cowley County our home, although the greater portion of our time for a year or more will be elsewhere.

Again, we thank the men who first greeted us on the townsite of the present city, and the friends who have come in since.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

The readers of the TRAVELER will observe that the present issue appears under a new leadership. Since the settlement of Cowley County, the TRAVELER has been an important factor, and has shaped the destiny of many events. Those who have remained here from an early day have witnessed a growth in towns and country almost unexampled in the history of a people. Rapid as improvement has been, we believe that a greater prosperity is within the reach of us. With railroads soon to enter our county and river navigation to become established at an early period, the farmer, the trader, and the capitalist will awake from their nightmare and start in the race for better days. The TRAVELER will advocate the material interests of the people, and we invite correspondence on subjects of political or public interest, without regard to party, while we reserve the right to express our own convictions. In politics we shall keep our record as an Independent Republican Journal. Believing as we do, that brains are essential to the anatomy of a live Republican and fidelity to duty qualities that even in these days need create no shame in a public official, we shall be slow to push the chances of any who are resurrected from the dirty drippings of party. The TRAVELER will let no opportunity pass to advance the prosperity of this city. Our interests will be the same as her people, and in her growth and glory we shall ever rejoice. If we are true to ourselves and make a united effort to utilize the waters that run by our doors, very soon the steam whistle will be heard, not only at the paddle wheel, but on the iron rail. God never made a people free who fear to strike the blow. Reader, these are our views.

We ask of you a sober thought. If you think, that after reading the columns of the TRAVELER, you can afford to subscribe for the paper, or solicit others to do so, we believe you will be engaged in a good work that will redound to your advantage.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 6, 1878.


For months past our people have agitated the subject of navigation on the Arkansas. In July, as the reader will recall, the Sally made a trip from Little Rock to this point, and demonstrated the fact that something can, and should be done, with steam on our river. True, the Sally dropped down the river without loading, but the policy of another town and the influence of money is the key to the cypher. It is plain to any man with honest convictions and an eye that can see beyond his nose, that the Arkansas can be navigated to this point for months during the year, by the same class of boats that annually ply the Yellowstone. But, says the reader, "It takes money to build boats, and we are all poor people." Grant it, perhaps you are not only poor, but in the worst of all financial conditions, in debt, covered with a cut- throat mortgage, at possibly two percent, a month. Now, most men hope to see better days in the near future! For years you have been toiling, early and late, to lift that mortgage, but yet it remains a terrible tax on your strength. Year after year you have been hauling your crop fifty miles to meet a market too flat to compensate you for the cost of production! After paying your annual expenses together with your interest at two percent, you find that you have not a nickel remaining.

We are very ready to admit this is not the experience of all who may read this article. God forbid that it shall long remain so with any. Is there not a better way than you have been doing in the past? We think there is. Go to your neighbor and talk the matter over. Maybe he is in the same suds as yourself. Call a meeting, get out your best menmen of money if you have them. Make up your mind at the start that it will require patient, earnest labor to accomplish any object worth attaining. Ascertain the exact amount in wheat, cattle, or cash each will contribute to a general pool of funds. Go to another community and with your committee work for this purpose. Soon you will have on hand a fair amount, if not sufficient to build, to purchase something that can run on the river, if no better than the Sally. Make a beginning and others will follow. How long would the waters of the Arkansas run to waste if they passed through California? Little Rock has men of capital, though they seem slow to see the advantages that are sure to accrue to them, as well as us, from this enterprise. Put your boats on the river and you will see Little Rock, Ft. Smith, and other points send up their boats for your produce and pay a good price, almost at your doors.

Can you afford to rest easy and let this subject pass without earnest efforts? No, you cannot. Sober reflection will tell you that just as long as you raise wheat at a cost of 50 cents per bushel and haul it to Wichita and sell it for the same, or less figures, you can never lift that mortgage. One day the money loaner will jog your memory and the sheriff's hammer will knock you out of house and home, and leave you, perhaps in old age, without a shelter on life's pathway to the grave. Work for a better market, work to get out of debt.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

Dr. Hughes has purchased the Arkansas City Traveler of C. M. Scott, and will take charge of the paper after the fall campaign. Telegram.

We predict that the Doctor will make the TRAVELER better than it ever has been, and that is saying a good deal, as it is the oldest and one of the best papers in the Arkansas valley. Sumner Co. Democrat.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

Bounty Claims.
Provision is made by existing laws on a very liberal scale for the payment of Bounties to Soldiers of the late War. In respect of bounty, the decision of the Attorney General of March 26, 1878, places the heirs of white and colored soldiers on an equal footing.

A large number of soldiers, disabled in the line of duty by accident and more especially by Rupture, were discharged on Surgeon's Certificate of Disability, and thus the record fails to show that they are really entitled to full bounty.

A bill was introduced in the House of Representatives in June, 1878, the object of which is to enable the accounting officers of the Treasury to go behind the record and to consider parole evidence showing such disability to have been so caused by accident or rupture while in the service. Notice will be given of the passage of the Bill.

Fees in Pension, Bounty, and Land Warrant claims are regulated by law and paid only through the officers of the Government.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

Some of them call it Sniff builders; and Sniff balls, but it is Schiffbauer's all the same where the people all go, to get good bargains you know, and that's so, by joe.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

Corn and oats by the bushel or single feed at L. McLaughlin's, next door to the Post Office.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

More clothing and groceries at Rube and Tom's this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

Go to Eddy's and buy Egyptian liver and ague pads, better than Holman's. Only $1.

Just look at the price of coal oil lamps and be convinced that he is selling cheaper than elsewhere. E. D. EDDY.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

Fresh fish in market.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

Dry weather for wheat.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

Wheat 48 cents at Wichita.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

Delightful weather and moonlight nights.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

Snow in Illinois and the northern States last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

We have to say good bye this week, while the new firm says how'd ye do.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

L. H. Gardner is erecting a dwelling house in the western part of the city.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

Mr. Robinson is putting up a nice little cottage in the south part of town.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

The Poncas are soon to receive their last appropriation of several thousands of dollars.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

It is held as a good joke that Col. Manning killed an old bull for the barbecue at Winfield last Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

Grasshoppers have made their appearance on many of the wheat fields of Sumner and Cowley counties, doing considerable damage.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

Thomas Kimell threshed 713 bushels of wheat for Will Stewart in one day, last week. Will has it stored within a few feet of the river ready to load the first steamboat that makes a trip from Little Rock.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

Albert Hoyt, brother of the renowned "Joe," came in last week, to see the improvements of the town. He has been everywhere since he left here, and saw Minneapolis, Minnesota, grow to double its former size.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

The dance in East Bolton last week was a wild one, resulting in several pistol shots in the air, some windows broken, and a half barrel of wine gone, and a cool night on the prairie for several of the participants.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

A professional showman is trying to coax "Buckskin Joe," of this place, to join his troop and travel through the East this winter, but Joe hesitates as he has some intention of putting a show of his own on the road, in the spring.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

DIED. At their residence in Sharpsburgh, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday evening, Oct. 30th, 1878, Robbie Marshall, infant son of Rev. S. B. and Mrs. Emma E. Fleming.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

Orville Smith, well known in this county as one of the U. S. surveyors, is a candidate for surveyor of Sumner County, with a good prospect of being elected, as he should be. Ed. Haight, our present surveyor, was one of the same corps, and has done excellent work for Cowley.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

Our friend, Battie Carr, known as "Curly," from his long hair, returned to the Territory last week to seek fields of more excitement than that afforded by the State. Carr knows the plains and trials and privations attending a life on the great expanse.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

In Cresswell Township the Republican State ticket received 155 votes, except Ryan, who had 164. The county ticket: Wiley, 101; Story, 161; Torrance, 135; Millspaugh, 127; Bedilion, 163. The Democratic ticket received an average of 65 votes. The Greenback ticket received 24 votes.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

Mr. Randall returned from Arkansas last week with a load of apples. He met several men in the mountains of that fine region, buying calves at from $2.50 to $7.00 per head and driving them to Kansas to winter. They were spring calves and ranged as stated above, according to size. Those that had gathered them together offered to sell out for $7.75 per head. Mr. Randall says a man needs a sign board on each side of his head when traveling in that country.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

Agent Whiteman with Capt. Jefferson called last week. The Captain is one of Texas' noblemen, a thorough good hearted, friendly Democratic Southerneralways a true and faithful friend.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

Tom Thumb, John Bascom, Brown Dick, one horse from Arkansas, and one from the Indian Territory, all here and fitting for the grand pool race to be run Saturday, Nov. 9th. All the horses are in fine condition, and the race will be one of the most exciting ever run in the county.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

Some thief broke the rock on Lincoln Small's stable Monday night, and stole a large sorrel horse, worth probably $150, with strip in the face, and an excellent trotter. The man who got him has an excellent animal, but a reward should be offered for his head.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

The Survey of the Arkansas River.
Capt. I. D. McKown, of the U. S. A. Engineer corps, with his assistants, Messrs. Kimball and Davis, are now at the Douglas Avenue Hotel. They will remain here till the latter part of the week to complete their arrangements for the preliminary survey of the Arkansas River from Wichita to Ft. Smith, Arkansas.

The surveying party will consist of five or six persons all told, with two flat boats, 8 x 20 feet, with compartments for sleeping and storage and covered with a canvass awning. Capt. McKown and party have just completed a like survey of the Kaw River from Junction City to Kansas City, and have made a favorable report as to its being made navigable between the above points, a distance of 200 miles. They averaged about seven miles a day on this stream.

The party will leave here on Friday or Saturday and proceed down the river, making an accurate record of distances, the amount and flow of the water, width of the river, height of the banks, amount and quality of the timber, and character of the bed on the river generally.

When completed, a report will be made through Major Suter, of St. Louis, chief engineer of the department, to General Humphreys, at Washington, the head of the Engineer corps.

Out of the general appropriations made by Congress of $20,000 for the survey of the White and St. Francis rivers, in Arkansas, the Gasconade, in Missouri, and the Kaw and Arkansas rivers, a special assignment of $3,000 was made for the survey of the two latter. The people of this part of the Arkansas valley will watch for the report with a great deal of interest. The jetty system is the plan proposed for the opening of these rivers for commercial purposes. Wichita Beacon.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

All soldiers of the War of 1812 who served fourteen days, and their widows, irrespective of date of marriage, are now entitled to a pension, the question of "Loyalty" being waived; and the names of all persons heretofore pensioned on account of service in said war or in any of the Indian wars, and which were stricken from the rolls in 1862 by reason of supposed disloyalty, whose disabilities have been removed, are restored to the pension rolls from and after March 9, 1878; or should any such pensioner have died, then his widow may apply. In these cases, the grant of a land warrant is made prima facie evidence of the required service.

Measures are pending before Congress to place on the pension rolls the names of all soldiers and widows of soldiers who served in any of the Indian wars or in the war with Mexico. In this class of claims, proof of loyalty may or may not be required.

All men mustered into the military or naval service of the U. S. since March, 1861, who may have incurred an appreciable disability in the line of duty, are entitled to a pension. The heirs of persons whose death can be shown to have resulted from causes originating in the service, are entitled in the following order, viz: widow, minor children, dependent mothers and fathers, and minor brothers and sisters.

Section 4717, Revised Statutes, provides

"That no claim for pension not prosecuted to successful issue within five years from the date of filing the same shall be admitted without record evidence from the War or Navy Department as to the injury or the disease which resulted in the disability or death of the person on whose account the claim is made:

Provided, That in any case in which the limitation prescribed by this section bars the further prosecution of the claim, the claimant may present, through the Pension Office, to the Adjutant General of the Army or the Surgeon General (or Secretary) of the Navy, evidence that the disease or injury which resulted in the disability or death of the person on whose account the claim is made originated in the service or in the line of duty; and if such evidence is deemed satisfactory by the officer to whom it may be submitted, he shall cause a record of the fact as proved to be made, and a copy of the same to be transmitted to the Commis sioner of Pensions, and the bar to the prosecution of the claim shall thereby be removed."

Under this provision of law, thousands of meritorious claims have been "barred" by the absence of record evidence of disability, and the refusal of the officers named to accept other evidence in lieu thereof; but the said section will almost certainly be repealed during the current Congress, and the Commissioner of Pensions will then be authorized to act as in ordinary cases.



Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878. Front Page.

Col. H. W. Jones, assistant quartermaster at the post at Helena, Montana, was recently discovered roaming aimlessly over the prairie, having sent away his escort, chopped his ambulance to pieces, and burned all his papers except his vouchers, which were not among them. He had suddenly become insane, probably from some domestic affliction.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.

One of the large government stables at Fort Leavenworth was burned on the 2nd inst. No cause has yet been assigned for the fire. The stable contained fifty-three mules and one horse; a part of the mules were rescued, the remainder were consumed.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.

It is reported that the leaders of the marauding Cheyennes will be turned over by the military to the civil authorities of Kansas or Nebraska, to be tried and punished for the murder of settlers and other outrages committed by them during their progress northward. This was the course adopted several years awith reference to Santa Fe, Big Tree, and other Indian chiefs who were held to be thus responsible under similar circumstances.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.

The Secretary of War has notified the Secretary of State that Mexican residents of Santa Rosa had demanded of the American residents of that town that they sign a paper denying the complicity of the Mexicans with the late Indian raids in that section.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.

WHEAT: The general depression in English grain markets that followed the late commercial failures throughout the United Kingdom has, in a great measure, given place to a more hopeful feeling, and values once more are beginning to rule in favor of the producer. Cargoes off the English coast are readily taken for French account, and late cables report higher quotations.

Preference is given our winter wheat and lower grades of spring, the regular shipping grade of spring wheat, "No. 2," being held too high for shipment. There seems to be an increasing movement to market in Central Europe, but English supplies show no increase, either from farmers' deliveries or imports, nor are English or French stocks increasing.

The future for foreign markets seems to rest largely upon the inclination of our holders to sell. We are steadily accumulating large stocks, which English buyers are disposed to look upon as their own, and our farmers, through their necessities, are still compelled to market their grain freely. While these conditions exist, foreign buyers are content to bide their time, and are not laying in stocks.

Already the movement from producing points to interior markets is falling off, and we do not look for any improvement until values also improve. With a marked diminution of our receipts during the balance of the month, foreign markets will be apt to respond by higher cables.

The feature in our home markets is the more buoyant feeling with sellers. Spring wheat is held at 2-1/2c advance over previous week's quotations, and winter wheat to advance, with an active demand at these figures. "Visible supply" shows light increase, with "export clear- ances" ten percent less than previous week.

CORN: There seems to be a slight chance for improvement in this cereal, the stock in sight in our own country, the immense new crop now almost ready for market and the light demand for foreign consumption tending to depress values. Foreign markets have improved during the week 6 pence to 9 pence per quarter, but our home markets have declined fully 1c a bushel, and in the face of an advancing wheat market.

RYE. No change in values from previous week; holders firm for an advance with an improvement in foreign demand.

OATS: There have been no exports during the past week; movement to interior markets is unchanged and values are without any appreciation.

KANSAS CITY. Grain: Spring wheat, No. 2, 55c bid, 65c asked; winter wheat, rejected, cash 65c; No. 2, 785/8c; Dec. 73c bid. Barley, 75c bid. Oats, No. 2, 19c. Corn, No. 2, mixed, cash, 23c. . . .



Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.

The launching of the first steamboat built at this point took place on the Arkansas directly west of town on Wednesday last. Her hull is 90 feet in length and her width 22 feet. After settling in the water, she drew about five inches. The builders assert that with machinery and fuel, she will carry two thousand bushels of wheat in sixteen inches of water.

This is an enterprise that should command the endorsement of every well-wisher of the land, not simply because of the wheat that she bears to a Southern market, but she will add further proof to the fact that the Arkansas can be navigated as far up as this place and thereby open the way to a line of boats.

We shall say more on this question in the future, but are crowded with "copy" this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.

State Normal Building.
The loss to Emporia and the State at large from the burning of this building will long be felt.

We look for a general snarling and bickering in the Legislature over the question of rebuilding the Normal as well as future locality. . . .

Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.

The Railroad.
A proposition is about to be submitted to the voters of Cowley County to subscribe one hundred and eighty thousand dollars to the capital stock of the Cowley, Sumner & Ft. Smith R. R. Co. to aid in the construction of said road from Wichita via Winfield, thence in a southerly direction on the most practicable route by the way of Arkansas City, or as near thereto as practicable, to the south line of Cowley County. The road to be standard gauge, constructed to Winfield by the 30th of Sept., 1879, and to Arkansas City in one year thereafter.

We hope our people will be prompt in coming forward and giving aid to this road. So far as we can judge, and we have talked with many, they desire to see this road constructed as fast as possible. Farmer, mechanic, trader, one and all; you cannot afford to see this oppor- tunity pass without securing its advantages. You have lived long on the border, almost outside the world, hoping that every year would open some way to a near market, to more value to your possessions and better days for you and yours. Now that the boon is within your reach, don't be foolish and throw away your last chance to get out of the wilderness. Some will tell you that we want an east and west road, and that the Schofield humbug is just the thing for you. Ask the person who has dreams of that delusion, how many miles of road Schofield has constructed, and the length of time consumed in building? If you are correct in figures, you will readily see that the children of this generation will be gathered to their Fathers long before you smell the smoke from his engine in Cowley County.

It is plain why a small faction in Winfield would like to kill off the Santa Fe. They fear they cannot induce the company to build a depot in special door yards, and rather than fail in the scheme, they would see the people of Cowley tied up to Schofield to buildnothing!

Now we do not believe that this is the wish of many in that enterprising young city. They cannot afford to feel thus. The masses have everything to gain by the construction of the Santa Fe, even though it may run to Arkansas City. Don't be selfish, neighbor, there is cake enough in that loaf for both.

Vote and work for the "Cowley, Sumner & Fort Smith R. R." `Tis the only route pointing towards Cowley with the money to build, that can secure to the citizen the blessing so long desired.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.

We publish by request the following letter from Mr. Fuller, to one of our citizens. Want of space rendered it impossible to insert the same in our last issue.

EMPORIA, KAS., Nov. 1, 1878.
J. C. Topliff:

DEAR SIR: I have nothing to take back in the letter I wrote you, and only ask that my letter in reply to Mr. Schofield is published, as I have a record of his line from beginning to end, and have no fears that I shall fail in substantiating all that I say. In regard to our line, I can say that we are grading as fast as possible, and that the Missouri Pacific railroad, a road in direct opposition to the A., T. & S. F. R. R., have become interested in our line, and furnish us with steel rails, splice bars, and bolts, and rolling stock for our line, and guarantee the first mortgage bonds of the line. The road is to be completed to the north line of your county by July next.

I can give your people no better assurance that you are soon to have a road that will break up the monopoly so long enjoyed by the A., T. & S. F. R. R. line.

Our road is the standard gauge, making a through line to Kansas City. Your people will readily see that the A., T. & S. F. railroad is alarmed at the immediate prospect of the loss of all her trade from the Arkansas Valley and Sumner County, and is at last forced to do what she otherwise would not do; namely, make a proposition to build down the valley.

Yours truly,

L. B. FULLER, Chief Engineer,Kansas City, Emporia & Southern R. R. Co.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.

Township Officers Elected.

Trustee: W. D. Lester, elected by lot.

Clerk: W. A. Freeman, elected by lot.

Treasurer: Warren Wood.

Justices: W. V. Sutton and H. J. Wright.

Constables: R. N. Huff and W. D. Anderson.


Trustee: J. M. Sample.

Clerk: J. A. Scott.

Treasurer: A. J. Kimmell.

Justices: R. Ramsey and J. Lenton.

Constables: Henry Mowry and C. J. Beck.


Trustee: R. Courtright.

Clerk: John Beller.

Treasurer: D. M. Patton.

Justices: George Childers and Levi Miller.

Constables: Jas. L. Craig and Robert Howitt.


Trustee: Amos Walton.

Clerk: Robert Maxwell.

Treasurer: S. B. Adams.

Constables: G. H. McIntire and James Morgan.


Trustee: J. V. Hines.

Clerk: J. A. Byers.

Treasurer: O. P. Darst.

Justices: Samuel Nicholson and M. K. Hull.

Constables: G. W. Jones and John Radcliff.


Trustee: E. M. Arnett.

Clerk: G. Savage.

Treasurer: L. Smith.

Justices: W. J. Samuel and R. Strother.

Constables: C. C. Daniel and A. C. Smith.


Trustee: A. H. Broadwell.

Clerk: Alfred Bookwalter.

Treasurer: J. C. Brane.

Justices: Henry Forbs and L. S. Cook.

Constables: Wm. Teter and B. W. Sitter.


Trustee: W. W. Thomas.

Clerk: James Henson.

Treasurer: F. W. Nance.

Constables: Dow Wilson and S. F. Clayton.


Trustee: J. D. Harkleroad.

Clerk: J. Sheridan Cattrell.

Treasurer: J. P. Mussulman.

Justices: A. D. Edwards and Wm. Butterfield.

Constables: J. N. Fleharty and W. A. Butterfield.


Trustee: S. B. Sherman.

Clerk: Thomas Walsh.

Treasurer: J. P. Craft.

Justices: H. L. Albert and S. Morris.

Constables: D. A. Dale and J. Craft.


Trustee: E. C. Seward.

Clerk: S. M. Jarvis.

Treasurer: B. F. Baldwin.

Constables: Bert Covert and J. H. Finch.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.

The U. S. Surveying Party.
On Monday morning last Capt. I. D. McKown, employed by the U.S.A. Engineer corps to make the survey of the Arkansas River from this point to Ft. Smith, as provided for by an appropriation in the River and Harbor Bill of the last Congress, arrived in Wichita, bringing with him three assistants for the prosecution of the work. Capt. McKown had just completed the survey of the Kaw River, and made his report to Maj. Sutter, of St. Louis, on the 24th inst., when he was immediately assigned to the survey of our river. The party brought with them the boat used in navigating the tempestuous Kaw, and on Monday a Herald represen tative boarded the craft, which lay at anchor at the Second street landing, and found the Captain and "crew" laying in a stock of provision for the long voyage before them, over "unknown seas"or river, at least. Instead of a boat, our reporter found there a "flotilla," which consisted of two fishing boats joined together, laid over with plank and covered with canvas. Within these somewhat contracted quarters, Captain McKown was found. He proved to be a most accommodating and companionable gentleman, and an interesting conversation was enjoyed, at least by the Herald man.

The appropriation for survey of this river is only about $1,200, which Capt. McKown declares to be entirely inadequate to provide for anything like a thorough survey for the river to Ft. Smith.

Nearly $1,500 was expended in the survey of the Kaw for a distance of 109 miles, while the distance on this river to be traversed is at least 350 miles.

Three months will be consumed in the trip from here to Ft. Smith, and the work will consist in taking bearings of the river, sketching the banks, sounding, and ascertaining the fall of the river. This latter will prove difficult, as it is impossible with the money appropriated to run a complete line of levels between Wichita and Ft. Smith. Captain McKown was loath, of course, to express any opinion on the chances of the river being made navigable.

The result of his survey of the Kaw was a report favorable to its being made navigable, and the rivers similar as to character of bed, although the Kaw, of course, has a larger volume of water in its channel.

It will be impossible to dredge the Arkansas, but Captain McKown does not hesitate to say that it is possible to make it navigable by narrowing the channel by a system of dykes, wing dams, and jetties; but whether this is practicable depends, of course, upon the cost of the work, and that will be approximately determined by the present survey.

Mr. Nixon, the County Surveyor, made it his business to show the surveying party every attention and courtesy possible, and to make their stay here pleasant. On Tuesday evening a supper was given at the Douglas Avenue to the party. At the elegant table, spread by mine host, of that hotel, we found seated about twenty-five of the prominent businessmen of the city, together with Capt. McKown and party. Mr. Stanley tendered the hospitalities of the city to the party in a neat little speech, to which Capt. McKown responded in a few words, expressing his appreciation of the compliments extended. After the supper a very pleasant social evening with music and informal exercises was passed in the parlors of the hotel, and the party separated at 11 o'clock with many expressions of satisfaction from the gentlemen of the surveying party, and with many desires from the citizens for a safe trip and bon voyage to the "hardy mariners."

Capt. McKown made one addition to the party here of W. W. Camp, and started upon his expedition Friday morning. Wichita Beacon.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.

The Great Kaw River Flood.
[Kansas Tribune.]
When we first came to Kansas in June, 1854, we stopped for several weeks with old Mr. Parks, at that time the head chief of the Shawnee Indians, who had a fine farm a half mile this side of Westport, and just inside of the Kansas line.

Parks was a white man, although raised among the Indians, and was possessed of a great deal of natural shrewdness and intelligence.

At the time of the great freshet of 1844 he was living near where Eudora now is and from him we learned many particulars of this memorable flood, and of the almost equally great one of 1839. In 1844 the Kansas River is said to have risen some sixty feet above low water mark. Previous to this time, the river channel ran where the lake three miles west of town now is, and also about two miles north of its present channel at the bridge.

The entire Kaw valley, from bluff to bluff, is said to have been submerged. The site of Lawrence is said to have been covered to a depth of several feet, and the water flowed back up the Wakarusa for some ten or fifteen miles from bluff to bluff.

Mr. Parks asserted that the largest steamboat which ascends the Missouri could have steamed from the Blue Mounds to where Gov. Robinson now lives, and several others, including Paschal Fish, confirmed this statement.

The flood was caused by very heavy snow all over the plains in the months of February and March followed by very warm weather and unusually heavy and prolonged rains.

In 1844 occurred also the memorable flood of the Arkansas River, which filled the entire valley from the Boston mountains on the north and the Petit Jean mountains on the south, causing the loss of hundreds of lives and immense numbers of livestock and great loss of property of every description.

Another such flood, now that the Kansas Valley is filled with farms and villages, would cause damages almost beyond computation.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.

Taxes are due again.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.

Very dry fall. No rain for two months or more.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.

Sickness throughout the country generally abating.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.

Fine rain Saturday night. Thankful for small favors, pray for more.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.

DIED. At the residence of Perry Woodyard, Nov. 7th, 1878, Stephen Jones. Aged 55 years.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.

Al. Horn must be fixing up to take some rosy lass, judging from improvements around his home.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.

The official count of the vote in this (89th) representative district shows that M. R. Leonard, Greenback candidate, is elected.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.

The U. S. surveying corps is on the Arkansas and should receive special attention from all who desire improvement of the river.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.

HURRAH for the "Cherokee!" It is the first boat launched on the Arkansas River at this point. Gentlemen, help her to her engines and see her ply on the river.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.

DIED. We are informed that Mrs. Welsh, residing on a farm a few miles north of town, died on Thursday last, from the result of pulmonary hemorrhage.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.

DIED. At the residence of David Carder, Nov. 7th, 1878, Charles Rose [? Ross ?]. Aged 22 years. His remains were taken to his old home in Illinois for interment.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.

Lippmann's mill is at Winfield being repaired. It will be moved to Grouse creek near Simpson's ford as soon as repaired, where lumber will be cut out at a surprising rate of speed. The corn cracker won't be put on this fall, as it don't pay the miller very well.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.

Closing out sale of Crockery and Glassware. Selling out below cost to make room for our new stock of groceries, which we intend selling a little cheaper than any house in this town or Winfield. 4 lbs. of tea $1.00, and everything else in proportion. Terms cash.

HOYT & SPEERS, New Athletic Grocery.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 20, 1878.

A special from Winnepeg says a war has broken out between the Sioux and Blackfeet and Assiniboines. Several of the latter have been killed, and serious trouble is feared.

General Sherman has submitted his annual report to Secretary McCrary. He refers to reports of different commanders of military departments, inviting particular attention to that of General Sheridan.

"His command," says General Sherman, "embraces eight of ten regiments of cavalry and eighteen of twenty-five regiments of infantry, which compose the entire army, and, although he states this force to be entirely inadequate to perform the duties required, yet it is impossible further to reinforce him without stripping the seaboard or abandoning other territories, subjected to the same dangers which he so graphically describes in his own.

His Territorial command is 1,500 miles long and 1,200 miles broad. This vast region has in the past ten years undergone radical change. From being the pasture-field of millions of buffalo, elk, etc., affording abundant food for the Indians, it has passed into a farming country traversed by many railroads, the game is nearly all gone, and the Indians have been forced on small reservations. Nearly all the Indian treaties were made on the theory that this change would occur more slowly and that the government would have to furnish partial food for the Indian and that he would procure half or a quarter of the necessary meat by hunting." Again, it was a favorite theory that the Indian would see for himself the reason why he

like white men. But his progress, in this respect, is scarcely perceptible, save in remnants of tribes like the Santees, Pawnees, Cherokees, etc., while the Sioux, Cheyennes, Arapahos, Kiowas, etc., seem to prefer death to the common toil of a farmer. Beyond a question it was hunger which drove the Bannocks and Cheyennes to war this summer, and similar escapades will occur each year unless these Indians are kept quiet with more food. It seems idle to expect that the enterprising white race will cease till every acre of this continent is susceptible of cultivation. It is not to be expected that these pasture-fields can be used by the two races without everlasting conflict. The reservations already set apart for the Indians are large enough and should suffice for them to raise all the meat and grain necessary for their subsistence, but in the meantime they must have food, or else they will

To convert these Indians into a pastoral race is the first step in the upward progress of civilization. That of culture must be the next step, though slower of realization. But in this direction there is some hope of rescuing any part of the Nomad Indians from utter annihilation. This end cannot be reached by means of the present peace agent, because persuasion is wasted on an Indian. There must not only be a show of force, but actual force and subjection used. Force will be necessary to compel the nomad to cultivate his own ground. There is a wide distinction among the tribes, and each tribe must be dealt with according to its nature.

Large discretion to supply food must be lodged with the President or somewhere else, or starvation will each year cause wars such as occurred this season with the Shoshones and Southern Cheyennes. The army cannot force or prevent these wars. All it can do after the Indians break out, plunder, or steal and

is to pursue and capture them in detail, after infinite toil, then conduct them back to their reservations and turn them loose to return to the same game ad libitum. Congress can alone provide a remedy, and if prevention be wiser than cure, money and discretion must be lodged somewhere in time to prevent disaster.

The reports of Generals McDowell, Howard, and Wilcox describe the condition of affairs in the States and territories bordering on the Pacific ocean. These Indians are collected by tribes and families on small reservations well apart, so that Indian wars on a large scale, requiring concert of action, are not probable. Yet the Nez Perces war of 1877 and the Shoshone war of this summer show that these small bands of Indians did a large amount of damage and caused great consternation. The Pacific coast Indians depend much on fish for subsistence, and the establishment of fisheries on the Lower Columbia is fast cutting off the supply. Unless suitable regulations are adopted, salmon will become extinct and the Indians driven to stealing and consequent war with the settlers. Reference is made to the danger of hostilities between the Indians and settlers in Oregon and Washington Territory and also in Arizona. Owing to the trespass by whites, the army is powerless to act in either case, having no control or right to interfere except after hostilities are actually begun. The general repeats that

is not a single problem, but manyas many almost as there are tribes. Measures which would be wise in one instance would be folly in another, and whatever department of the government is charged with it must be armed not only with force, but with large discretion and authority to furnish food in emergencies. One regiment will probably have to go to the frontier in the spring from the division of the Atlantic. It would be well if there could be held at points like Atlanta, Leavenworth, St. Paul, and Omaha in rotation a full regiment of infantry or cavalry for instruction, but hitherto this has been impracticable. General Sherman doubts the wisdom of selecting and preparing in advance, as recommended by Gen. Hancock, posts and camps in the South against yellow fever. The artillery school at Fort Monroe is kept to a high standard, and is fast becoming a post graduate course for officers.

The General concurs in the recommendation of Gen. Schofield that Sept. appointments of West Point be discontinued, and further suggests that new cadets be examined by the Academy Board early in June, and no cadet be admitted after the first of July. He questions, however, the wisdom of the recommendation that the standard for the

be raised. He thinks that an erroneous impression is common that the academy graduates more officers than are needed for the army, but experience has shown that vacancies annually occur in the army to at least the number of sixty, which is more than the average graduating class. The report shows that there are seven thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine enlisted men in the ten regiments of cavalry in the army, 2,630 men in the 5 regiments of artillery, and 11,205 in the 25 regiments of infantry, making a total of 21,664. Besides these there are in the engineer battalion 199, permanent and recruiting parties, music bureaus, and recruiting depots, 121; enlisted men detached on general service, 372; ordinance depots, 344; West Point detachments, 190; prison guard, 71; hospital stewards, 188; ordnance sergeants, 114; commissary sergeants, 148; and Indian scouts, 340; making a total of 3,097. The whole number of enlisted men in the army totals 24,761.

The report concludes as follows.

In conclusion, I beg to state that from personal inspection and from official reports, I am sure the army is well and economically supplied, its discipline and instruction are as good as could be expected from its scattered condition, and from the vast amount of labor necessarily imposed on it, that it has met promptly and cheerfully every call of duty and hardship. It has accomplished an amount of work which as Gen. Sheridan has well said no other nation in the world would have attempted with less than 60,000 or 70,000 men.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.

Our town has been interviewed by Maj. Schofield, of the Schofield road. The Major is a clever, pleasant gentleman, and is candid enough to state that for the present his road cannot reach our section of the country. He seemed pleased with our country, and the fair and candid hearing given by our citizens.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.

Mr. T. J. Anderson, General Passenger Agent, and Burns, Attorney for A., T. & S. F. road, were here on Saturday and Sunday.

Their talk to our people on Saturday evening was very gratifying, and made many points clear that had before been doubtful, while all seemed to be convinced that the Atchison road had not only the power but the will to build the road.

They expressed themselves highly pleased with this section of the county, and especially pleased with Bolton Township. They say the Atchison road means business now, and we can say to our people that there never has been as favorable a chance to secure a road, and we hope that everybody will take hold with a will for the only road that proposes to reach our section.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.

Wheat for the boat can be delivered at Schiffbauer Bros. store.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.

Mr. Goff and sons came back from the Territory with 23 turkeys and one deer.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.

The donation wheat can be delivered on the boat at the bridge Friday and Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.

The first whistle of the steam saw mill at Ponca Agency was blown on Friday last.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.

Rev. J. E. Platter, of Winfield, has been quite sick. His many friends here hope for his quick recovery.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.

Mr. Bird has several friends from Iowa visiting, with a view of locating. They like the country very much.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.

Capt. Nipp came back from a hunt in the Territory, and reports the killing of seventeen turkeys before breakfast.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.

It is expected to move the boat below the bridge today where her machinery will be set and she will be ready to move out.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.

The smiling face of Tom Berry, trader at Pawnee, is with us. Dr. Dugan, physician at the same place, was with him.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.

There is a Texan here about to give the boys a race. The boys say, "Lay on McDuff, we're ready, and will give you enough."

Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.

Mr. John Carder had the misfortune to step into an old well on Mr. Kager's place on Wednesday evening last, the fall bruising him severely.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.

Scott is breaking Texas ponies. There is one in sight of the office now that is well broke; in fact, if it was broke a little more, it would be dead broke.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.

The river surveyors under charge of Capt. McKown, have at last made their appearance. Notwithstanding the very low stage of water, the observations show well for the river, and carry out the predictions of the friends of water navigation.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.

P. F. Endicott in breaking a young mule drove so near the race track that the mule became infected with a desire to run and in consequence ran away, taking Pad, the other horse, and the wagon along with him. The mule stopped when he got tired.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.

There is a curiosity on W. B. Skinner's place, in East Bolton, in the shape of an apple tree in full bloom. This tree has blossomed in July, September, and is now, notwithstanding the frost, in bloom. A branch with the blossoms on can be seen at the post office.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.

Capt. McKown with his party, spent the evening of Monday in a social chat with our citizens. The Captain has been engaged in the survey of many western rivers, and is fully competent for the work assigned him. He says the work must be pushed in order to get the reports into this Congress. He says the river has grown much better since leaving Oxford. The Captain believes in the Jetty system, and is a strong believer in water transportation. He and his company departed Tuesday morning with the sincere well wishes of all our citizens.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.

The A., T. & S. F. proposition for county bonds went before the Commissioners on Monday with 1,800 names. For once Cowley County will have a proposition that has the money behind it to build it in case they vote the aid.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.

John Stuart takes the place of W. M. Boyer, of the firm of Boyer & Wallis, Winfield. The new firm propose to sell clothing cheap as the cheapest.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.

Pat has put up "John Bascom" for another race$100.00 a side. Two weeks from Saturday the time.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.

Take your donation wheat to the boat Friday and Saturday, below the bridge.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.

Editor Traveler:

Monday afternoon at about 3 o'clock, a man by the name of Bailey was accidently killed by the caving in of the bank at the Tunnel Mills. Some two feet of the bank fell in, and as the men were about twenty-two feet below, it completely buried the unfortunate victim. One other man was buried up to the waist, but was not seriously injured.

The dead man was under the earth about one hour, thus completely extinguishing all life long before they could reach him. Doctor Black was summoned and came with all haste, but medical assistance was useless. The workers were engaged in walling up the bank, which should have been done years ago, whereby a life would have been saved. ED.

P.S. This makes two men who have been killed in this manner at this mill.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.

Subscribers to this paper will please take notice that amounts of one dollar or less due the "Traveler Office," Nov. 1st, 1878, are payable to the present publisher. Larger accounts made prior to that date, to C. M. Scott.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.

We have now for sale a fine selection of lands in COWLEY AND SUMMER COUNTIES. No trouble to show land or give information.

Office corner of Summit Street and Avenue.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878. Front Page.

General Fremont, now governor of Arizona, adds his testimony to the common voice of the country in favor of transferring the management of Indian affairs to the war department.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878. Front Page.

A Washington dispatch says: "The Secretary of War received and referred to Gen. Sherman a letter from the Secretary of the Interior sharply replying to certain statements by Gen. Sheridan in the latter's annual report. Secretary Schurz says these statements, so far as they reflect upon the conduct of the Indian service, are of a sweeping and somewhat vague nature. But it must be assumed that Gen. Sheridan would not have made them and permitted them to become public had he not in his possession specific information concerning certain agencies and certain branches of the Indian service to which these statements may be applied."

Gen. Sherman in his official document gives it as his opinion that with wise manage ment, the amounts appropriated by congress ought to be sufficient if practically applied to the exact purposes specified, but that the reports of the department commanders would indicate a different result, except in the case of the Red Cloud and Spotted Tail bands of Sioux. He would certainly not have expressed such an opinion without being acquainted in detail with the appropriations made by congress and the specific purposes for which they were intended. It is also to be supposed that before making a sweeping charge as above quoted, he was cognizant of the specific cases in which these appropriations were not either applied at all or diverted from the purpose intended by congress. You will greatly oblige me by

to communicate such facts as may be in his possession, giving names of agents, dates, and other circumstances which warrant a charge, which includes all Indian agencies in the military division of the Missouri except those of Red Cloud and Spotted Tail Sioux. It has been my constant and earnest endeavor, since I entered upon my present duties, to correct all abuses in the Indian service that came to my knowledge, and Gen. Sheridan, by furnishing such specific information, would thereby render greater service to this department, as well as to the Indians, than by mere general statements. As he has put forth a sweeping charge, the specifications may justly be called for.

I make this request with particular urgency in view of the fact that certain military officers seem of late to have fallen into the habit of indulging officially and probably in general reflections on the Indian service, without taking trouble of substantiating such statements in detail as would facilitate the discovery and the correction of the abuses. I do not deprecate the criticism at all. I rather invite it, but when it is officially put forth, there is, it seems to me, a certain fairness due from one branch of public service to another. I should, for instance, not deem any officer of this department justified in blaming in general terms the army for its failure to intercept the

on their march of several hundred miles through Kansas and Nebraska and across the Union Pacific railroad without being able to point out certain instances of mismanagement or neglect, if such instances had come to the knowledge of this department, which they have not.

I should have considered it due to the army that they be specifically ascertained and stated before indulging in a general arraignment. I think it is not asking too much in the interest of the public service that such rule be observed by the officers of the army.

Likewise Gen. Sheridan's intimation that Red Cloud and Spotted Tail Sioux were allowed to select their present locations, owing to a systematic working up of the case by traders and contractors is also made the subject of emphatic comment by Secretary Schurz. He states that this policy was adopted by the department on the earnest advice of that distin guished Indian fighter and manager, General Crook, who, as the result of his long experience with the Sioux, opposed any policy that would force the Sioux against their unanimous and determined protest to stay in the Missouri river country as seriously endangering our peaceful relations with those powerful tribes, and the secretary adds that so far, at least, their loyal conduct seems to have justified the course adopted.

Secretary Schurz challenges General Sheridan to produce evidence in support of his imputations, and meanwhile remarks that it could not have been

of him to inform himself a little better of the circumstances before publishing his assertions in the official document.

The Secretary also makes the following comment upon the remark of Gen. Gibbon, that there is an entire absence of responsibility in the Indian service. If Gen. Gibbon, when writing his report, was cognizant of specific cases of wrong doing, he would have obliged the department by reporting them; and if, after such report, the charges thus made had not been inquired into and the guilty persons held to their proper responsibility, the sweeping statements contained in his report would be accepted as justified.

If he will communicate such specific information now, he will find that there is no such lack of responsibility as he alleges. Several employees in the Indian service, who are now under criminal prosecution, have discovered this at their cost.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878. Front Page.

F. Norman, Secretary to Col. McLeod, of the Northwestern mounted police, reports that he had a tedious trip from Fort Walsh and says he passed through Sitting Bull's camp three week's ago and reports everything peaceful and the best feeling existing between the Indians and mounted police. In fact, Sitting Bull's braves were less troublesome than any other tribe in the Canadian territory.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878. Front Page.

The War Department orders that all posts permanently occupied by troops shall be known as "forts," and all points occupied temporarily be known as "camps."


Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.

The old fossil in the Courier calling himself "the Senior," had a worm spasm last week and gnashed his solitary tooth while snapping at our suggestion that "he and his little faction, were courting that old tramp with the Burlington Road at his back, for the purpose of crowding the Cowley, Sumner and Fort Smith out of the county." He makes mention of the recent change in the TRAVELER and in his agony he groans over the fact that eighteen months ago, in a delicate way, Scott called him a liar.

Now we have no apology to offer for the course of the TRAVELER previous to our induction and leave the old fraud to whimper and wheeze at his leisure. The fact is, the "Senior" wants to crawl under some cover and shield his old hide from the lash of our avenging people, but like Adam in Eden, the cover won't stretch. He hopes to divert public thought and excite prejudice against the TRAVELER by deliberate lying. He knows that he was a traitor to every promise sending pledges to the A., T. & S. F. while active every hour working with his faction to keep out this road by tying the county to a Parsons or Burlington humbug. He and his little faction thought they could then drive a trade with the Santa Fe and compel submission to terms. But the little game failed to work.

The masses in Winfield, possessed of intelligence and quick to resent an injury to their thrifty young city, saw the drive, and stepped to the front just in time to save them from eternal regret.

While these facts were passing before the public eye in painful review, the columns of the TRAVELER were appealing to the public to stand by the A., T. & S. F. as the only road pointing towards this county with money to build.

And yet the heavy old ass brays about the great good he has had at heart for all parts of the county and through his profound suggestions he says the county has been saved from a waste of $32,000. Ye Gods, what a prize he is to the people of Cowley. Though hide bound and heavy, he would draw well at a State Fair. Trot him out.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.

Winfield and Cowley County in general have reason to thank Messrs. Hackney, Robinson, and others for the manly fight they have made to secure aid to the C. S. & Fort Smith R. R.

"The Senior," we believe that is the name of the animal in the Courier, has been whipped into terms and says that in the future he will pull with the Santa Fe Road. But watch him. We all know the nature of the "critter," that he will serve his master a lifetime for a chance to kill him. If he works faithful, `tis because we have the bit in his mouth and he has no room to get his back up. Every voter in Cowley should be able to see the advantage of a market over our condition at present. The problem must soon be solved, whether we remain as we now are, with no future advancement, cut off from connection with other parts of the world, or shall we with our votes, reverse this order of things?

Property rises in value in proportion to proximity to market. The farmer who raises a bushel of wheat, a load of corn, or a ton of pork, with a market at home, has a great advantage over one who is obliged to plod through dust, and sweat for fifty miles to sell the same. Granting that you attach no value to the time you annually expend in placing an ordinary crop of wheat at Wichita, you will admit that you have worn out a good deal of muscle, while you often expose your health to bad weather and return with less value in team and wagon. Take a wheat crop of five hundred bushels and estimate that you haul at a load, forty bushels, you have twelve trips to make with a half load remaining at home before your crop is on the market. You have traveled the journey of twelve hundred miles to do this and consumed about two months in the task. The wagon and harness that were new when you started have not half the value remaining, and your work has fallen way behind at home. It makes no odds whether you join with your neighbor in the transportation of this crop to market: the actual cost of reaching there is the same.

Again, you say you won't vote for the road because it will place a debt on the county and taxes will be high. True, it does place a debt on the county, but does it return no benefit? Look at the vast immigration that has flowed into Kansas since 1876. Where is it found today? Along the line of the railroad. Any reason why? Because every man who has thrift to accumulate can see that the cost of production and reaching a market must be less than the value of his crop or there is no margin for him.

Now we venture the prediction that in one year from the completion of the C., S. & Ft. S. road through Cowley County, the population will be doubled, the value of real estate greatly increased, and taxation less than it is today.

With this road the farmer has a northern, southern, and western outlet. From those who look these facts square in the face, we know we shall receive a united support.

Another says, "Well, I would vote for the road but I don't believe they ever intend to build, and all they want is to bond the county to keep others out."

Now the same prattle can be said of any corporation proposing to build. Did you ever hear of the A., T. & S. F. suspending work because they were short of funds? No, gentle reader, they travel when they start and never drag like the Burlington or Parsons fraud.

"The Senior" (God pity his wit), pushes up his ears and brays about a competing line, as though the two or even three roads would not be governed by the same rates of freight. He wishes you to catch the idea that his orb will give the wink and set up a fight between the roads on rates. Surely, Webster at the summit of his greatness, never hoped to cope with brains like the "Senior's."


Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.

The river is remarkably low at present.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.

We notice many new faces in town. Vote for the Santa Fe railroad.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.

Notice the Central Meat Market "ad" in this issue. L. H. Gardner & Co., Proprietors.


L. H. GARDNER & CO., Proprietors.

This market does a general business for their line. We sell on small profits and quick returns, for cash. We defy competition. One door south of Benedict's Hardware Store, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.

Walton & Knight have sold two 1/4 sections of land in the last week. Buyers begin to come in.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.

The steamer "Cherokee" will fling out her banner and start for the sunny south about Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.

Col. McMullen was down from Winfield last Thursday looking after business matters. His head is level on the Cowley, Sumner & Ft. Smith R. R.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.

Mr. Parvin, residing directly south of this place on the State line, lost, on Saturday last, his stable, harness, and hay from a prairie fire that passed through that neighborhood.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.

A fire that had been started in a rubbish pile back of Dr. Shepard's on Saturday afternoon broke away and ran towards Mr. Sleeth's house, creating some alarm, but no damage.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.

Lippmann is fixing to do a rattling business at his mill on Grouse. Those in need of native lumber, a good article, and full measure, can find no better anywhere. Send him your orders.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.

We have made business relations with C. M. McIntire whereby he looks after the mechanical work in the TRAVELER Office. The local and editorial department is under our personal control.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.

Farmers who have subscribed wheat for the boat will please bring it forward without delay as the boat is about ready. It can be delivered on the boat below the bridge or at Benedict's store in the city.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.

Scott, late of the TRAVELER, thinks he will contract for a few yards of the bray of "the Senior" to serve in place of the toot of the horn after the mail arrives. Get out and work for the Santa Fe road.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.

W. W. Miller, Ex. Saint, Ben Cox, and others of Winfield passed through town Friday of last week on their way to the Territory. They intend spending two or three weeks on the Cimarron River hunting.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.

We welcome the return of Mr. Welch, who left here last spring in search of health. He now has the physical appearance of the average giant, and is ready for active business. Be up and doing for the Santa Fe road.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.

The surveying party running the preliminary lines for the Cowley, Sumner and Ft. Smith R. R. reached here on Saturday afternoon. They remained over Sabbath, and continued the survey to the south line of the county on Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.

The ladies of the 1st Presbyterian church in Arkansas City will hold an Apron and Jacket festival on Christmas Eve. Will also at the same time have the usual Christmas Tree with music and literary entertainments. Come one, come are all.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.

DIED. At Arkansas City, Nov. 21st, Helen Chamberlain, aged 30 years. The reader will recall that in February last Mr. Chamberlain was called to meet the grim tyrant and pass beyond the bounds of earthly woes. He left a widow and three children. They have since resided where he died, in the west part of town, and all were touched at their sadness. About the first of this month, Mrs. Chamberlain grew sick with Typho-Malaria, and as the disease progressed, she daily grew weaker and on Friday last a dispatch called her father from Wisconsin to watch by the death couch of his only child.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.

The Bridge.
What is to be done with the Arkansas bridge? The south end yet remains in a very deplorable condition rendering it unsafe to pass over. Unless the old part is soon replaced with a new span, the structure will prove to be of no practical use to the public.

Bolton Township has done the honorable part in erecting the bridge and has paid over the last dollar, in bonds, voted for the same, though the fact yet remains that much of the material in the bridge is not settled for, and that township complains that those who originated the scheme have acted in bad faith toward them. Now it seems to us there are honorable ways out of this dilemma that should clear the bridge of debt and make it useful to the public as well. As it stands at present `tis a trap to the unwary and a monument to folly and failure. Pony up gentlemen, and measure as ye would have it measured unto you.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.

NOTICE: There will be a Cemetery meeting held at the Parker schoolhouse on Wednesday evening, December 4th, at 7 p.m., for the purpose of improving the grounds and setting out trees. All who are interested are requested to be present. By order of Treasurer.

G. H. SHEARER, Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.

The Literary Association will hold its second meeting at the schoolhouse next Friday evening. All are cordially invited. Come and make our sessions interesting and


Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.

DIED. Phama Josephine Shearer, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Shearer, on the 17th of November, 1878. Aged nine months and two days.

Mr. Shearer returned from a trip to the Territory to find his little child that he had left in health, dressed for the grave.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.

An ox train of twelve wagons passed through town on Friday evening, on their way to Ft. Sill. They were loaded with flour that our enterprising townsman, A. A. Newman, had contracted to supply the Indian service. After taking on a quantity of groceries at Schiffbauer's, they camped on the south side of town. Now is the time to strike for the Santa Fe railroad.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.

Monday a week ago a prairie fire broke out on Mr. Schuster's and my farm, and the report was that the old gentleman set the fire out. This is a very false and untrue report, and this report was only started from a misunderstanding between Mr. Charles Waldemeier and Mr. J. Horn.

The time the fire broke out, father was shocking corn, and Mr. Weissenback unhitched the horses. While he was unhitching, he noticed the fire and told the old gentleman about it, and several people can prove this. If any person, after this publication, will say again that the old gentleman started the fire, I will make him prove it. Very Respectfully,


Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.

LOST. A large cable log chain eleven feet long, lost between town and Mr. Goff's farm or between there and David Bright's farm. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving the chain at K. F. Smith's shop. DAVID BRIGHT.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878. Front Page.

The conduct of Major Reno upon the occasion of the massacre of Custer and his command is shortly to be made the subject of an investigation by a board of military officers who will organize and take testimony in Chicago.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

The opinion of Gen. Sheridan regarding the recent order for the removal of the Kiowa Indians from Ft. Sill to the Wichita Agency have been endorsed by Gen. Sherman, and the controversy between the War and Interior Departments is assuming a belligerent phase. We have yet to hear from poor Lo.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

The Steamer,
Will leave her moorings below the Arkansas City Bridge on Tuesday next, loaded with freight for Ft. Smith, but S. MATLACK will remain and continue to supply the trade at lowest prices on Prints, Sheeting, Duckings, Jeans, Doeskins, Waterproofs, Ginghams, Alpacas, Flannels, Nubias, Scarfs, Hosiery, and Notions, Boots and Shoes, and Rubber Goods; Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Spices, Canned Goods, Crosse & Blackwell's Pickles, Bottg's Nabob Sauce and Ketchup, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Apples, and Peaches. New York and Salt City Salt, No. 1 Bay Mackerel and White Fish, Sauer Kraut, and other articles too numerous to mention.

A fresh supply of Butter and Eggs always on hand.

I will be found ready at all times to duplicate Winfield prices on any goods in Stock, and let it be understood I will not be undersold. Respectfully, S. MATLACK.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

Wheat wanted at Newman's Mill.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.


Come out and go to work for the Cowley and Ft. Smith R. R. Don't be led off and oppose the grandest opportunity to advance your interests since your residence in Cowley. No man can afford to vote to satisfy his prejudice. Neither can he expect to have everything pertaining to the action of a great R. R. corporation just precisely his own way. We were surprised to hear a man of some pretensions remark the other day that "the Santa Fe road was the cause of the low price of wheat, and no other cause could be assigned for it." We asked him what he thought he could get for his wheat if there was no Santa Fe road. He bit off enough "native twist" to make a dip for a Cotswold sheep, and as the dark saliva flowed in familiar ways through his beard, replied that "he didn't want the damn road anyhow as it had killed a cow for his mother-in-law in Chase County, and Sam Wood had charged $100 for collecting her value from the corporation." Now this is an average of the character of argument often made by the little knots of men who gather on our street corners in discussing their opposition to the road. Sam has charged a round fee and the road is to blame. We appeal to every voter not to listen to such prattle. You cannot afford to throw away the opportunity of increasing the value of your possessions because the old woman lost a cow. Give your best efforts to the road, and your neighbor as well as yourself will receive a direct benefit from your action. Once the road is built into Cowley, wealth will follow, and with it, low rates of interest, more property to tax and greater population. But vote to suit some foolish neighbor and kill the road off and in less than three years, if you should hold out to remain in Cowley County, you will feel as lonely as the Ghoule raising the Stiff at the hour of midnight.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

The Burlington "gineral" is working up township bonds in the northwest part of the county. He proposed to us that we vote county bonds to this road and there plaster the townships with bonds to reach his Gas Line. The fact is Schofield is in a desperate row of stumps. We quote from one of our most reliable exchangesthe Southern Kansas Gazette:

"Maj. Schofield has succeeded in building about thirty miles of road in eight years time, and now has reached Burlington where he finds he cannot get business enough to pay the operating expenses of his road. He desires an outlet but can accomplish nothing without aid, and this he finds difficult to obtain. Greenwood County lies next west of Burlington, but here he finds the county under bonds to the K. C., E. & S. R. R., hence he must skirt this county and get down into Elk; but he here finds the same state of facts to existbonds voted to other companies. Hoping however to overcome this obstacle, he reaches Cowley Co., circulates petitions asking for an election, and though his petition is first presented to the Commissioners of that county, they give the preference to one asking for the submission of the Santa Fe proposition. (This is a slight mistake. The Santa Fe petition contained the largest number of names, and was presented hours before Schofield. ED. TRAVELER.) As the county can only vote $75,000 more than the Santa Fe wants, Schofield withdraws his proposition, leaves the county to its fate, and comes up into Butler, asking the bonds of five townships, relying upon his ability to so, in some way, overcome the obstacles in Greenwood County. While there is a possibility of those townships voting the bonds asked for, we cannot, at the present time, see how Mr. Schofield can give them a road, and the result will be that they will be "tied up" and cannot aid any other enterprise that would be more promising."

The reader can see Schofield in a nutshell. He has no ability to build, and even if the bonds were voted to his Gas Line, $4,000 per mile, he cannot put it through. The road known here as the narrow gauge went to the wall because it could not raise the money on the bonds, although this road has since passed into other hands, and work is now being done on this line. The time has come when people tire of humbugs. Most of us want a railroad, but we also want to vote for something that is real and has ability to build. Do you doubt the ability of the Santa Fe to push? No, you don't, but you hate the corporation simply because it has made money and has the power to move.

Had you rather vote for a dead horse? Have we not had enough of that? If you think we have, than be up and doing for the Sumner, Cowley and Ft. Smith. Listen to no man who prates that they "won't build if the bonds are voted." The carrying trade of the Southwest, now done by the Santa Fe, is so rich and valuable that the stock of the company has advanced from eleven cents to ninety-seven cents on the dollar. Do you suppose the company will do nothing to retain and guard this wealth? Be a little just, and don't let your "angry passion rise," simply because she has the money to build.

Perhaps you feel that your self-importance has not received the attention it merited, and you feel like making a fight to show your puff if you can't your power. Now reader, if it is you, just wait one moment. Send us your address and the measure of your consequence at the girth and we will forward the same to manager Strong, and we promise you a very low bow and a cigar besides; but don't talk about the road not building because your nose feels elevated.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

We clip the following from the Kansas City Price Current of the 29th November.

In a recent issue the Holden (Mo.) Advance says that it is currently reported that before a great while there will be a change in the ownership of the Osage branch of the M., K. & T. railroad. The Missouri Pacific is anxious to extend its line into Southern Kansas and it is thought that they are negotiating for the control of this short piece of road in order to facili tate their Southern Kansas extension. Should they get control of it, it is pretty well understood that it will be pushed on into the Arkansas Valley, heading for Emporia. This would give the Missouri Pacific great advantage over the Chicago & Alton and Kansas City and Northern railroads, who could only compete for the trade of that section from Kansas City. The building of an independent line by the Chicago & Alton R. R. to Kansas City makes some move on the part of the St. Louis roads imperative. The rapid influx of immigration into Kansas and abundant crops are attracting much attention, and stimulating a lively competition for the growing trade of that State.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

Take notice of Al Horn's new ad.


With the Best and Cheapest stock of
Boots and Shoes
Ever brought to
Which I will sell at prices lower than you have ever heard of.
I also MANUFACTURE BOOTS AND SHOES And Keep Constantly on hand a Large Stock of the best Leather, and GUARANTEE GOOD WORK And Satisfactory Prices. Fashionable and durable work assured in all cases.

Neatly Done.
Call and see me and be Convinced.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

See the real estate card of Channell & Houghton.


Pay taxes for non-residents. Correspondence solicited.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

A Flannel shirt for $1.00 at Stuart & Wallis, Winfield.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

The first snow of the season fell here on Saturday night.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

The boat is loading below the bridge and will leave for below next week.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

Twenty new wagons passed through town last week on the way to the Ponca Agency.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

The surveying party report the latitude of Wichita 245 feet greater than this place.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

M. E. Welsh is now clerking for L. McLaughlin, where he will be pleased to see his old- time friends.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

The buildings at the Ponca Agency are being pushed forward. Several of our citizens are there at work.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

W. H. Walker's mother from Indiana is here on a visit to the family. Few men of Mr. Walker's age have a mother to visit them.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

The rise in the river has come in good time. The boat will leave for below with a fair load, and we hope will obtain a good price.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

The cattleman on the east of Grouse who made that slight mistake in killing another's cow and selling the carcass to a butcher at Winfield should get onto the stool of repentance as early as possible.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

We have moved the TRAVELER office into new quarters in the Newman block. We think our office will compare favorably with most others in the Southwest, and we extend a welcome to the friends of the TRAVELER.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

We have never seen the city crowded with families as at present. There is not a house for rent, while many contain more than one family, and several are left to camp through the winter in the Walnut bottom.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

Our old townsman, A. N. Deming, has formed a partnership with Senator Glenn, and together, will run the "Tremont House at Wichita" in first-class style. Stop with them once and you will be sure to stop again.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

We hear many making arrangements for the future, contingent on the success of the railroad election. Turn out and favor the road, and have nothing to regret after the election. Now is the time to put in your best blows.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

Hon. W. P. Hackney put in an appearance in behalf of a client before our local courts last week. The parties to the suit had been on the venue dodge until they turned court out doors and were smelling in another township for a Peace of Justice.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

There will be a church meeting held at the M. E. Church, Arkansas City, Saturday, Dec. 7, at 7 p.m., for the purpose of making arrangements about plastering the church. We desire to have all the members present, also all who will give us a helping hand.

T. S. HUNT, Pastor.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

We are informed that the "Deutche Unterhaltunge Verein," a society consisting of the best German citizens of Winfield, have made arrangements to give a first-class masquerade ball on New Year's Eve, at Manning's Opera Hall, in Winfield. The committee has spared neither time nor money to make this a first-class affair. They have through an Eastern firm purchased the necessary masquerade suits, and have prepared the best programme of ball entertainment ever given in Winfield. The committee will only sell tickets to those who have received an invitation, but will extend their invitations to their friends in this city. It is a known fact that a well conducted masquerade ball is ahead of all other entertainments. It will be given in one of the best halls in the Southwest and promises to be first-class in every respect. J. H.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

The "Senior's" war paint seems to be wearing off. His gushing affection for the "Burlington gineral" gives him but little time to work for the Cowley & Ft. Smith road. But it seems to us that the "gineral" has a cold way of repaying the "Senior" by working up those township bonds. Now "Senior" get down to work and try to do something for the Cowley and Ft. Smith road. We have ever been noted for our christian forgiving spirit, and if you make no more naughty attacks on the TRAVELER, we will shake and let you rest in peace. But keep in your mind that we have felt the heat of close quarters too often to be bulldozed by any stump sucking process.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

The M. E. festival on Thanksgiving night was a success. Several were down from Winfield, and the church held scripture measure. The proceeds amounted to $63.00, which we understand is to be applied to finishing the church. We have seen this society struggle for several years to secure a comfortable house of worship, and are heartily glad the possession is in the near future.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

The second meeting of the literary society was well attended, and seemed to presage success. The programme consisted of music, reading, declamation, and charade acting.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

There will be a supper given at the M. E. Church, in Arkansas City, on next Thursday evening, for the benefit of Rev. T. S. Hunt. Supper from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Persons desiring to contribute to the pastor can do so in such articles as are useful in any ordinary family.

By order of Committee.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

News comes from the narrow gauge that work is being pushed with great rapidity on that line. There seems no lack of men or money. Will Mr. Fuller "rise and explain" what objective point the road is pushing for? We should dislike very much to be aroused from our morning nap to find that the engine had run into our garden fence.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

This is to certify that the firm of Hoyt & Speers have this day dissolved partnership by mutual consent.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

I will pay the highest market price for all kinds of furs at the Brick Corner.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

BUFFALO ROBES going off rapidly, call early and secure one from S. Matlack.

ATTENTION LADIES! The finest assortment of Shears and Scissors in town at S. MATLACK'S.

GO TO S. MATLACK's for Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, etc., where you will find goods marked at just what they are soldwill receive lowest prices and always polite attention.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

Secure yourself a wagon at the Little Brick, as they will soon be gone again.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.

Administrator's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed Administrator of the estate of Josiah W. Burnett, Deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment. Those holding claims against said estate must present them according to law. HENRIETTA A. BURNETT, Administrator.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878. Front Page.

The secretary of the interior, in his annual report, refers to his recommendation of last year in regard to the Indians, and proceeds to say that the consolidation of a number of agencies has been undertaken with a view to the better location of the Indians, which will at the same time simplify the service, render a more efficient supervision possible, reduce the expenses of government, and lessen the opportunities for fraud and peculation. As far as the appropriations made by Congress would permit, agricultural implements and domestic cattle have been furnished to Indian tribes to set the Indians to work for their own support and to encourage industrious habits. An Indian police force has been organized at twenty-two agencies, and from all of them favorable reports as to the working of the new system have been received. Instructions have been given to discriminate in the distribution of supplies and annuities which are not actual necessaries, against individual Indians who show no disposition to work, thus discouraging idleness.

Permission to send out hunting parties has been given only where, without hunting, Indians would have been exposed to want. The allotment of land among the Indians on the several reservations has been ordered and is in progress.

The facilities of education have been extended as much as possible, and proper directions have been given for the instruction of Indian children in practical pursuits. The Indian service has been reorganized in several of its branches. It was found necessary to remove numbers of agents on account of improper practices or lack of business efficiency, and great care has been taken in filling their places with new men.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

A herder just in from Niobrara River, reports North's ranch, on Dismal River, burned by the Indians, who have already run off three hundred head of horses from that range. Herders are fortifying themselves at Brates' ranch, on Birdwood.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878. Front Page.

Since the resumption of diplomatic relations with Mexico, correspondence has been opened and still continues between the two governments upon the various questions which at one time seemed to endanger their relations. While no formal agreement has been reached as to troubles on the border, much has been done to repress and diminish them. The effective force of U. S. troops on the Rio Grande, by a strict and faithful compliance with instructions, has done much to remove the sources of dispute, and it is now understood that a like force of Mexican troops on the other side of the river is also making an energetic movement against the marauding Indian tribes. This government looks with great satisfaction upon every evidence of strength in the national authority of Mexico and upon every effort put forth to prevent or to punish incursions upon our territory. Reluctant to assume any action or attitude to control these incursions by military movements across the border not imperatively demanded for the protection of the lives and property of our own citizens. I shall take the earliest opportunity consistent with the proper discharge of this plain duty to recognize the ability of the Mexican government to prevent effectively violations of our territory. It is proposed to hold next year an international exhibition in Mexico, and it is believed that this display of the agricultural and manufacturing products of the two nations will tend to a better understanding and increased commercial intercourse between their people.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

The "Senior" is eager to know if we are the Hughes that helped nominate A. A. Wiley and then turned around and did what we could to defeat him? No, no, "Senior," `twas you and "Brother John" that "fixed things" beating the candidate you expected to "own" in the next Legislature. Now, while "Brother John" is surprisingly accurate in counting interest, at three percent, he is not worth a pint of sour beer in politics. You see it "don't pay" to make our cow pasture an issue at every election. Besides, had you played fair, you might have had the honor of carrying your "own" to the Legislature on the ragged edge of your vertebrae.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

As railroad election draws near it behooves every man to well consider whether he shall cast his ballot with the party who oppose the building up and improvement of the country with the blessings that naturally flow from such condition, or unite with those who labor for prosperity. We have been so long without a market that some have fallen into the belief that there is no better way. We appeal to every farmer for an answer if he is willing to see those who come after him plod through life with little or no gain from the annual drag of fifty miles to Wichita? Now is your time to make a choice, and do it in such a way, that you will not, in the end, feel like casting reflections on some stupid counselor.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

Did Mister Hughes say he bought the TRAVELER that he might use it as an engineer to bring the Government to terms, and compel his appointment as agent to protect the timber in the Territory and give him the privilege of taxing herders and drovers for his fees? "Senior" in Courier.

We will tell you a little story, "Senior." You know that we have long felt a deep compassion for your condition. We could see that the rack you have been feeding at has caused your ears to lop, and Oh, how terrible the heaves! Hence we bargained for that cow pasture to turn you onto native grass. But the Department declined to take a risk on a donkey, insisting, that if you met a red blanket down there, you would push for the timber and tangle your ears in the underbrush, rendering you worthless as a fertilizer.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

The Bridge.
ARKANSAS CITY, KAS., Dec. 9, 1878.
Editor Traveler:

DEAR SIR: There seems to be at the present time a disposition on the part of Creswell and Bolton Townships to neglect the bridge now crossing the Arkansas River at this place. As a citizen of Bolton Township, I have a few suggestions to make. If any person can suggest any other means for us to get out of the present dilemma, our citizens would be pleased to hear from them.

It is not necessary for me to furnish a statement of the amount of money that these townships have expended on this bridge, and have never received any compensation thereon, only our free crossing, which to say the least has been a dangerous undertaking of late.

The bridge at Bell Plaine, Sumner County, that crosses the Nenescah River, is leased to a private individual by the Trustee of the township, adjoining the bridge, the citizens of the township receive a free pass, while transient pay a nominal sum for crossing. The bridge at this place can be managed in the same manner. Let this subject be taken up, and then to work is the earnest wish of a citizen. H. B. PRUDEN.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

The Cherokee Indians are soon to be removed from the Indian Territory to Georgia. There are 3,000 of them, and properly managed they can be of service to the United States. Let them and the bulldozers have it out. It would be well also to put the wild Cheyennes in another of those amiable States and then to have the General Government urge on a war of extermination on both sides. Commonwealth.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

School Report.
District 53, Bolton Township, for the month ending Dec. 6th, 1878.

Mary Lorry, 86; Annie Coulter, 95; Martin Coulter, 95; Frank Bland, 90; Ruth Voris, 90; Rose Sample, 94; Hattie Rice, 92; Alvin Voris, 94; Hannah Lorry, 90; Willie Voris, 90; Maggie Sample, 93; David Bristow, 91; Frank Lorry, 94; Eddie Voris, 89; Lulu Bland, 91; Clara Lorry, 89; Carrie Rice, 89; Fred Lorry, 93; Mamie Schnee, 83; Willie Schnee, 80; Moses Coulter, 91; James Michaels, 87; Stevie Rice, 75.

The following pupils were perfect in attendance for the past month: Alvin Voris, Edwin Voris, Mamie Schnee, Fred Lorry, Willie Schnee, Annie Coulter, and Moses Coulter.

L. E. NORTON, Teacher.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

Eggs 20 cents.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

Butter 25 cents.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

Fresh fish in the market.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

A good rain on Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

Christmas two weeks from today.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

The Arkansas River is still rising.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

We will take wood on subscription.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

Farmers hold your wheat. The price is upwards.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

Arkansas apples selling at $1.50 on our streets.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

A Flannel shirt for $1.00 at Stuart & Wallis', Winfield.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

A Flannel shirt for $1.00 at S. Matlack's, Arkansas City.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

Quite a lot of the Lo family in town swapping and begging.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

The late rains have proven a great benefit to mills on the Walnut.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

Mr. Snow has erected quite a nice cottage in the northwest part of town.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

During court week we enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Manser.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

A complete list of the subscriptions on the boat will be published in our next issue.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

The Literary Society meets next Friday night at the School-House. All are cordially invited.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

The Tonsorial department has been moved to the room south of Will Peed's harness shop.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

Mrs. Kager and John Wright left here on Monday last to join Mr. Kager in Colorado.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

We met Drs. Mendenhall, Emerson & Black at Winfield last week, and found them true types of professional gentlemen.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

Ed. Bird and O. C. Skinner with their wives returned from Colorado last week, looking perfect types of health.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

A genuine Burlock Diamond shirt, complete in every respect, for $1.00 at Stuart & Wallis, Winfield.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

The Arkansas River bridge is considered unsafe to pass over, and a notice to that effect has been put up at the south end.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

We see from the Leavenworth Times that the "Senior" was once a merchant there. That means peanuts in a basket. Thrift, "Senior," thrift.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

The "Senior" in the Courier office devoured with relish the typographical errors in the TRAVELER last week. He pushed his tongue to his nostril as he does when he licks salt.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

The "Senior" gives a long bray under the weight of that $36,000 he has saved Cowley County. Take it easy, "Senior," "An Ass, ladened with gold, can pass the gates of the strongest city."

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

Amos Walton is thinking of going down the river on the "Cherokee" when she leaves. Better remain at home, Amos, and attend to repairing the south end of the bridge. The people elected you trustee to look after just such business.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

"SENIOR," don't snort while we put a flea in your ear. That little Post Office job you are engaged in is too rottenit won't wash. Better keep your neck in the collar and pull for the Santa Fe before your masters come down again with the lash.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

The ladies of the 1st Presbyterian church in Arkansas City will hold an Apron and Pocket festival on Christmas Eve. They will also at the same time have the usual Christmas Tree with music and literary entertainments. Come one, come all.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

TO THE I. O. O. F.
The Odd Fellows of Arkansas City and vicinity are requested to meet at the TRAVELER office Thursday evening, December 12, for the purpose of perfecting an organization and establishing a lodge at this place. By order of I. O. O. F.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

Mr. Theodore Moore, while on his way to Wichita, was bitten on the leg by a little black spider, and so badly poisoned before he received medical aid that he became helpless for awhile, but after receiving medical assistance was enabled to return home.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

Did you ever see an Indian Pawnee's overcoat? Cincinnati Saturday Night.

Yes, and saw him Sioux for its recovery. Detroit Free Press.

And he had to get a Cheyenne of evidence to do it. Guelph Herald.

But, upon its being proved that it was a Sac coat, the case was of "Kaws" dismissed.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

The District Court at Winfield dispatched business last week. The divorce cases attracted some attention from the fact that they took a double back action; the court refusing to grant a divorce in either case. It resembled Autumn in the icy chains of eternal snow.

"Beauty like the Aloe flower,

Buds and blossoms at four score."

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

S. P. CHANNELL and T. H. McLAUGHLIN have formed a partnership, and last week opened an office in the building formerly occupied by the Tonsorial man. We know of no two men we could more highly recommend to the public than these gentlemen. They came here in an early day, and are familiar with the county, and consequently know where the cheapest and best lands are. Messrs. Channell and McLaughlin are both thorough businessmen, and we can safely recommend them to the public generally.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

The "Senior" wants us put on the record as opposed to two roads. You are right, we think one road enough until we are able to pay for that. All you want, of what you term a competing line, is to make your stake on a few town lots. The taxpayer will consider whether he is ready to help you out. You blow about the great interest you feel for the entire county while you were putting up a job for an east and west road knowing that you were depriving the weight of population of anything like equal advantages.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

We have received a communication from one of the solid men of Bolton, Henry Pruden, Esq., on the subject of the Bridge, and we invite the attention of the public to the same. It is full of good sense, and immediate action should be taken in that direction. If his views are carried into practice, we can soon have an entire new bridge, uniting the two townships in one common interest.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

The following officers of Crescent Lodge, No. 133, were elected at the last regular meeting, Saturday evening, Dec. 7th, 1878.

Sewell P. Channell, W. M.

James Benedict, S. W.

Jas. I. Mitchell, J. W.

Henry P. Farrar, Treasurer.

Isaac H. Bonsall, Secretary.

Lafe McLaughlin, Tyler.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

Having learned that our Postmaster, C. M. Scott, has resigned his office, which he has faithfully and ably filled for upwards of four years, we think it due to him to bear testimony to his courtesy and promptness as well as that of his deputy, in conducting the business of our Post Office. Signed, MANY CITIZENS.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

MARRIED. At Kansas City, Missouri, December 2nd, 1878, Charles Schiffbauer, of Arkansas City, Kansas, and Miss Mary Chamberlin, of the former city. The happy couple left immediately for St. Louis, and will be absent until about the Holidays.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

The "Senior" swells out on the circulation of the Courier. Just find the square root of that 1700 and you can come home to the true inwardness of your institution.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

All persons who are entitled to the TRAVELER pictures, will please mention it to C. M. Scott, and they will be supplied.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

There were many citizens from Bolton in town on Monday last, discussing railroad and bridge matters. Keep it up, gentlemen; something may come of it that we will get one or the other.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

DIED. Died Dec. 8th, 1878, in Pleasant Valley Township, Frank Bott. Aged about 30 years. Mr. Bott was a good citizen, and leaves a young family to mourn his loss.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.

Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenses have been issued by the Probate Judge since October 1st, 1878.

Richard T. Johnson - Lucy White.

Geo. M. Bowers - Martha J. Turner.

John R. Dow - Mary L. Cox.

Thos. C. Daniels - Sarah E. Atkinson.

Frank A. Smith - Lizzie Bush.

Felix Bolack - Carry Strickland.

Nelson C. Driggs - Cara A. Rusk.

John A. Sammonds - Ada Green.

Jerry T. Sparkman - Maggie Burchard.

Chester Hills - Mary L. J. Nichols.

Jessie P. Gilman - Alice Fortner.

Jacob N. Cre - Jennie E. Crane.

Chas. W. Manns - Eliza S. Foster.

Marion Knet - Lucinda Perry.

Wm. T. Guptru - Lizzie Baker.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 18, 1878. Front Page.

The joint commission having under consideration a proposition of transferring the Indian Bureau to the War Department met in Washington. The first witness was Dr. A. C. Barstow of Providence, R., I., chairman of the board of Indian commission, and representing the Congregational church in behalf of education and conversion of the Indian race. He said in his judgment the proposed transfer was unwise, that if effected, it would certainly work adversely to the Christian operations now in progress. In his opinion, in five years time, under the supervision of Christian discipline, the entire Indian race could be civilized for one-half the amount of money which would necessarily be expended in the event of their being placed under the ruling of the war department.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 18, 1878.


As this is the last issue of the TRAVELER before railroad election, we ask the voter to be prepared to see and hear on election day all kinds of arguments against this, or any road.

We are informed that certain parties are now at work, preparing documents to be scattered before the people one or two days before election, hoping, in such a way, to make some impression on the unthoughtful, while leaving no time to correct the abuse. Do not be led off in such a way. It is an old dodge and can catch but very few. If their opposition merits fair consideration, they would not have waited `till the last moment. Put your ballot into the box for the road and leave the foolish to regret that they failed to do the same.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 18, 1878.

We hope immediate action will be taken to follow up the suggestion of Henry Pruden, relative to the bridge, in his communication to the TRAVELER last week. If anyone can suggest a better or more practical way, why, speak out, and let's hear it. By some, it is proposed to introduce a bill into the Legislature for the purpose of enabling Creswell and Bolton to issue more bondsboth townships having issued their maximum limitsto discharge township indebtedness, and finish the bridge. But such legislation is of a special character, prohibited by the Constitution of the State, and the Supreme Court has universally set it aside whenever appealed to. Again, the Legislators of Kansas, like a man engaged in business pursuits, have learned something from experience, and will be very slow to pass an Act that is notoriously void. A charter to keep a toll bridge with rates fixed by the Commissioners, can without doubt, be obtained from the County Court, and the amount of travel that crosses the bridge classed as non-residents of the two townships, will soon create a fund to pay off the debt, and build the south end complete. Suppose the townships give it a trial at least, and see if it is not an improvement on the dead fall method in vogue at present.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 18, 1878.

Present Outlook.
The present outlook for the citizen is brighter than at any period since the settlement of Cowley County. Never before have we had a proposition from any road that gave equal promise of fulfilling their contract as the Cowley, Sumner & Ft. Smith. With this road constructed into the county, the farmer will have a near market, equal to any in the Southwest, and though farm produce may remain low, the cost of shipping will be very much reduced. The increase of population that a road will naturally bring into the county together with the increase of wealth, will do not a little to lighten taxation and raise the value of real estate.

Some estimate can be made of the near futurepremising the election to go in favor of the roadfrom a comparison of Sedgwick County as at present with what her condition would have been without a Wichita or a railroad. The natural resources of Cowley compare favorably with any county in the Southwest, but we drag in the background simply because we have no ready means of communication with the outside world. Now what shall we do? Shall we cast aside the only opportunity of reaching this line of communication or shall we secure it? Depend upon it, it will never do to vote it down because the road has done things to displease you. Any other road would have done the same. Great corporations are governed by monied influences, and are not apt to seek the advice of small fry. If you decide it not to be the road you want, because you cannot dictate to it the terms you wish, then you may have gained some satisfaction to your spite, but in the end, it will prove a very expensive job to you. You will simply say, by such a vote, that you had rather drag through dust, mud, and snow fifty miles to market, than to have the same road near home, and the blessings of a road bestowed upon the people of your own county. We do not believe there are many of this class. The man of practical sense will view this question from every standpoint, without prejudice, and as he will see great advantages arising to him with the road, he naturally will vote for the same.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 18, 1878.

Cherokee, Kas., in a FermentThe Memphis, Kansas
& Colorado Railway CompanyElection of
DirectorsBogus Shares RepresentedThreats
of Tar and FeathersPistols DrawnThe Stolen Books.
[Correspondent of the Kansas City Times.]
CHEROKEE, KAS., Dec. 5. A meeting of the stockholders of the Memphis, Kansas & Colorado Railway Company was held here yesterday for the election of directors. On a ballot being taken, it was found that there was about 1,000 shares of matured stock. The legitimate stockholders appealed for an investigating committee, which the President (who was in the interest of the bogus stock) declared out of order. Whereupon warrants were sworn out and Angell Matthewson, President; and Chas. Kimball, attorney of the M., K. & C. R. R., were arrested and put under $10,000 bonds. The majority of the board of directors with most of the legitimate stockholders took charge of the meeting and elected a board of directors, with Col. T. L. Wilson as President, and L. Manlove, Vice President, J. M. Dennis, Treasurer, G. W. H. Lucas, Secretary.

There was great excitement among the people here and talk of hanging, tar and feathers, etc. During the excitement Chas. Kimball stole the Secretary's books and endeavored to get away with them, but a search warrant and the sight of a little cold iron produced them, and the old Secretary has them now.

Probably today will witness some new developments, as the parties who represent the legitimate stock are men of nerve and have the people to back them. It is conceded that such a fraud as was attempted on the people and townships has no parallel in the history of Kansas. J. H.

We clip the above from the Kansas City Times. This is the road we were asked to give a subsidy of four thousand dollars a mile. Taking this in connection with the Schofield bobtail, we think no people on the face of the earth have been driven as those of Cowley to supplicate "How long, O Lord, how long." The "Senior" worked the best he could for this Parsons road and now makes an awful wheezy effort to keep the "Gineral's" bobtail before the people, as a competing line. Yes, yes, it will compete with your pocket book, when you put up the taxes. One road is all we can pay for, and we better come out and vote for the line that will be of the greatest benefit to the whole county. Hence vote for the Cowley, Sumner & Ft. Smith R. R. This company is able and ready to build as soon as the bonds are voted. And having secured this road, let Schofield scratch his own gravel. We cannot afford to pay for any more Parsons humbugs.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 18, 1878.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 18, 1878.

Vote for the Cowley, Sumner and Ft. Smith R. R.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 18, 1878.

The ladies are so happy. And why? The social meets weekly.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 18, 1878.

Slush ice in the river. Now is the time to prepare to store ice for the coming year.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 18, 1878.

The Kaw Indians are around on a begging tramp. They look hungry enough to tie into a knot.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 18, 1878.

From now to January 1st, furniture will be sold at reduced prices. P. PEARSON.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 18, 1878.

The Industrial school at Pawnee Agency has caged one hundred and forty small fry of the tribe, and propose to teach the young idea not to shoot.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 18, 1878.

Col. Whiteman and his accomplished wife were up from the Ponca Agency a day or two last week. The Colonel reports work at the Agency progressing very satisfactory.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 18, 1878.

The snow on Thursday night and Friday last is worth millions to Kansas. We have been acquainted with Kansas about as long as other folks, and have never known a dry season to follow a winter with plenty of snow.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 18, 1878.

As R. R. election comes on the 24th of December, and our next regular issue would be on Christmas, we propose to issue the TRAVELER on Monday, the 23rd.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 18, 1878.

Our exchanges give accounts of a severe snow storm on the night of the 12th inst., being the heaviest known in Northeast Kansas since 1855.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 18, 1878.

Agent Williams, from the Pawnee Agency, is in town. Mr. Williams is one of the best men in the Indian service, and an Agency that he has to do with is certain to prosper.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 18, 1878.

We received a pleasant call on Monday afternoon from Mr. Morley, Engineer of the Surveying Corps for the Cowley, Sumner and Ft. Smith railroad line. This company is ready to push the work as soon as the bonds are voted.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 18, 1878.

NOTICE. The members of the Stock Protecting Union are requested to meet at the Parker schoolhouse, December 20th, 1878, for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year.

H. CARYELL, Captain.
G. H. SHEARER, Clerk.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 18, 1878.

We received the programme of the opening benefit to Manning's Opera House too late to insert in our last issue. Mr. Manning has built a Hall that would do credit to a much larger town than Winfield, and we hope he will have just the luck to realize well on his investment. The people of Winfield know how to appreciate a good thing and we believe will make it pay.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 18, 1878.

In pursuance of an act of Congress of March 3rd, 1877, the President has issued a proclamation, restoring to market and opening to settlement and purchase under the homestead laws, so much of the land granted to the Mo. River, Ft. Scott & Gulf R. R., as now remains undisposed of. These lands will be opened to entry at the Topeka and Independence offices, and include portions of thirty-eight townships situated along the line of the road.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 18, 1878.

Railroad Meetings.
There will be railroad meetings at the following places for the purpose of talking up the A., T. & S. F. railroad bonds.

South Bend schoolhouse, Pleasant Valley township, Saturday, Dec. 21st, at 7 p.m.

Theaker schoolhouse, Bolton township, Monday, Dec. 23, at 7 p.m.

Bland schoolhouse, Bolton township, Monday, Dec. 23, at 7 p.m.

Spring Side schoolhouse, Bolton township, Monday, Dec. 23, at 7 p.m.

Parker schoolhouse, Cresswell township, Saturday, Dec. 21, at 7 p.m.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 25, 1878.

The R. R. election seems to be engaging the attention of our people very generally. Many say that they want a R. R., but do not believe the present proposition, if carried, will result in building the road. Now if this theory is to govern our action, we would like to inquire if it will ever lead to the building of any road whatever? The same reason, or rather avant of reason, can be advanced with equal justice toward any road. As strong obligations as can be given by the company to build their line according to their proposition has been made to the people and yet there are those who oppose the proposition, claiming, nevertheless, that they want a railroad. There is talk, very cheap talk, that if we vote this proposition down, then the El Dorado bobtail will push out and build down the valley. That we do not believe, but suppose it to be the case, of what advantage could it be to the people of Cowley over the present proposition? The same old howl could be used to oppose the El Dorado branch coming into the county as is now used to defeat the Cowley, Sumner & Ft. Smith. But, from what we know, we advise our readers to place no faith in another proposition coming up from the Santa Fe if the present is voted down. There are those who are opposed to a proposition in any form no matter from what road. They had rather see the county lag fifty years behind other parts of the world so that they can use it for pasturage. To this class we make no appeal.

We appeal to those who live for something besides a Texas steer and who have hearts in common with the living, moving, world. We do not think, even if the proposition is defeatedwhich we do not believe will be the casethat will compel the road to remain at Wichita. There are other routes to Ft. Smith besides the one leading across our county and the company will find the way there, though they leave us a long way to one side. Active work is going on in Congress to secure the right of way to this road through the Territory and the question that is put to you to decide on Tuesday next is whether you will take your chances on one of the grandest railway thoroughfares on this continent or submit to plant yourself in a county destitute of public improvements.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 25, 1878.

The Project of Opening up the Indian Territory.
Major B. S. Henning, General Superintendent of the Missouri River, Fort Scott & Gulf road, returned yesterday morning from New York, where he has been several weeks on business relating to the opening up to settlers of the Indian Territory, which is now used as an asylum or home for a very large number of Indians.

It is now generally accepted as a fact that the Territory will be thrown open to settlement, and will be known as "Oklahoma."

The press in the East are considerably worked up on the question, and the people are beginning to think that the best plan is to sectionize the land and make an allotment to each Indian in the Territory so that they can hold the land singly instead of jointly as is now the case. When the land is put into market by the government, there will be a great rush of emigration, and Kansas City, and Kansas City railroads will be greatly benefited thereby.

The Fort Scott & Gulf and Leavenworth, Lawrence & Galveston roads have lines directly to the north edge of the nation, and when the thousands and hundreds of thousands of acres of land are ready for settlement, their trains will be crowded with those in search of new homes. Kansas City will be wonderfully benefited by the change, also, as it will bring thousands of dollars here that otherwise would be diverted to other channels.

The above article, taken from the Kansas City Times, has a meaning to it.

If the Territory is opened to settlement, with a railroad passing through Cowley County to supply freight and transportation to the settler, the farmer in Kansas will have no need of a better market.

We all recall how it was with us at the early settlement of the Diminished Reserve. Our supplies could only be obtained from the older settled counties and we paid the highest prices. Just so it will be in the future with us if a non-producing people settle directly south of us. They must be supplied and the farmers of Kansas know how to do it.

Vote for the Cowley, Sumner and Ft. Smith R. R., and secure some communication with the world.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 25, 1878.

Bring us in some wood.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 25, 1878.

Ice men, fill your ice houses.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 25, 1878.

More snow on Wednesday night.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 25, 1878.

R. R. election tomorrow. Vote for the bonds, one and all.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 25, 1878.

The north end of the south wind made Wednesday last a cold day.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 25, 1878.

BORN. At Arkansas City, Dec. 16th, 1878, to Mr. and Mrs. Huron, a son.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 25, 1878.

MARRIED. At Arkansas City, Dec. 19th, 1878, Peter Pearson to Miss Hattie Wilson.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 25, 1878.

DIED. At Arkansas City, Dec. 21st, of Puerperal fever, Mrs. Lucy Luron, aged 30 years.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 25, 1878.

Capt. Walton and the Cherokee are at the dock south of town. Slush ice cooled the Captain's ardor.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 25, 1878.

Charles Schiffbauer returned from Kansas City last Thursday with a bride. Charles is gay and festive as usual.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 25, 1878.

MARRIED. On Tuesday evening, Dec. 17, at the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev. Herbert, Isaac Stockdale and Miss Mollie Bland.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 25, 1878.

We are informed by the farmers that A. A. Newman is paying better prices for wheat than they can realize at Wichita, after deducting expense of delivery.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 25, 1878.

Mr. M. T. Blain, of Bolton Township, Cowley County, is a candidate for Door Keeper of the House. Mr. Blain refers to Hon. B. F. Simpson, and others. We hope the members of the Southwest will give him a boost, stand by a home man, and let Cowley have a nip at the public pap.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 25, 1878.

Won't the City Council put a plank or two into Summit Street walks before someone breaks a limb by falling through the holes. We assisted an old gentleman onto his feet who fell through the walk the other day. There are several such places in the walk, and it is the part of economy as well as good sense to repair them.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 25, 1878.

All persons indebted to Schiffbauer Bros. & Co. must settle their accounts before Jan. 1st, 1879, or action will be commenced immediately thereafter. This is fair warning.

Respectfully, SCHIFFBAUER BROS. & CO.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 25, 1878.

There are a large number of teams at Wichita, from the west end of the Santa Fe, ready to go to work, provided the bonds are carried.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 25, 1878.

We see by the Ledger that Lindsay Stubbs, formerly trader at this point, is running an Oyster Saloon at Emporia.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 25, 1878.

MARRIED. Near Arkansas City, Dec. 18th, 1878, by Rev. J. S. McClung, Mr. Monroe Goff to Miss Hattie Burrell.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum