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NOTE: I had a bad time trying to figure out the file on cattleman “Roberts.” It appears that there may have been two different individuals by the name of Roberts.
Finally figured out that the men with oil were W. B. Roberts & Son, who used James A. (“Bert”) McCormick as their manager. See file on McCormick.
I placed him in the cattleman section.
McCormick was a photographer for a number of years.
Looking for a cattleman by the name of Roberts...
Hy Roberts...
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
Mr. Roberts has gone east looking up more cattle.
Mr. (?) Roberts...
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: You invite expression upon the article written by “Taxpayer” in your last issue, and I, being a member of that body which resolved to canvass the township that I represented, have this to say to every taxpayer in Cowley County, that the herd law question was sprung by Mr. Short or Mr. Roberts, I do not remember which, and if either of these men are working for the interests of “a few cattle men,” I do not know it. The object of the canvass was to get the expression from the voters of the county and place the same before the County Commissioners. It is useless to call a vote upon the subject and cost the county five or six hundred dollars and result in no good. This canvass need not cost the county one dollar, nor shall it on my part. It is a self-evident fact that Cowley County is not wholly an agricultural country, and the time has fully come when every farmer should turn his attention partly to stock raising.

“Taxpayer” is fearful of tax—no, he is afraid the herd law will be repealed, and he will have to stop loafing and go to fencing or about five years hence he will be compelled to evacuate. He undertakes to scare the people by telling them that it would “bankrupt nine-tenths of them” if they were compelled to fence. We have farms fenced in our community with but little money. Two dollars and an ounce of energy will fence a pretty good farm in five years. Try it, Mr. Taxpayer. “Cowley County owes her present success to a good herd law,” and he should have added, “borrowed capital.” Every successful man studies to utilize everything nature has provided for his convenience and happiness, and I know we are not doing it in Cowley, nor can we (when I say we, I mean the poorer class, for I belong to that class) until we abolish this herd law. The statute does not specify how an assessor shall be transferred from one residence to another, whether he shall be carried by the swiftest steed, or use his own pleasure and walk, or what questions he may ask nor what he shall not ask the one whom he assesses. I have thoroughly canvassed Sheridan Township upon the herd law question as far as I have gone, and I am happy to say a very great majority are pleased with the movement. I hope, Mr. Editor, to be able to place before you shortly the expression of this township, and if I have violated my oath and not performed the duties of my office, I am in the hands of the commissioners, and whatever punishment they deal out, I will take it like a little man. I hope, brother trustees, you will continue to make a thorough canvass of your respective townships. I am willing for the majority of those whom I assess to say what amount of time I consume in the matter, and I will be more than willing to deduct it from time occupied. I think by the time all the returns are in, “Taxpayer” will feel like crawling in his hole and pulling the hole in after him. Respectfully, E. I. JOHNSON.
Hy Roberts, Kaw Agency...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
                                                 Osage Live Stock Association.
Quite a number of the stockmen of the Osage Nation and vicinity met in the council rooms at Osage Agency September 30, 1884, for the purpose of taking steps toward forming an association having for the object the mutual benefit and protection of those engaged in stock raising on the Osage and contiguous reservations.
The meeting was called to order by the temporary chairman, Col. H. H. Crane, with Col. W. J. Pollock at the secretary’s table.
On motion, the above named gentlemen were unanimously elected as permanent chairman and secretary, with Mr. J. N. Florer as treasurer.
Motion of Mr. Florer: That the membership fee to this association be $2. Adopted.
Motion of Mr. Hewins: That any member of the Osage Nation, any Indian owning stock, or any person rightfully occupying ranges on the Osage, Kaw, Cherokee, Ponca, and Nez Perce reservations may become members of this association upon payment of $2 to the treasurer. Adopted.
Membership fees were then paid by the following named stock men and stock firms, who were enrolled by the secretary upon the books of the association.
NAME                               POST OFFICE ADDRESS.
W. J. POLLOCK                          PONCA AGENCY, INDIAN TERRITORY.
B. F. CHILDS                         ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS.
HEWINS & TITUS                       CEDARVALE, KANSAS.
H. ROBERTS                                KAW AGENCY, INDIAN TERRITORY.
WAIT, KING & PUGH                 ELGIN, KANSAS.
R. A. HOUGHTON                       ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS.

C. N. PRUDOM                            OSAGE AGENCY, INDIAN TERRITORY.
On motion of E. M. Hewins, Col. W. J. Pollock was appointed a committee on constitution and by-laws, to report at the next meeting of the association.
On motion of E. M. Hewins, J. N. Florer was authorized to get up a brand book, to include the brands of all members of the association who send their brands to him on or before November 10, 1884. Any person owning stock, not a member of this association, desirous of having their brands inserted in the brand book, under the head of “Miscellaneous brands,” can do so by sending description of brand and four dollars to J. N. Florer, treasurer of the Osage Live Stock Association.
On motion of Mr. Hewins, Mr. Florer was appointed a committee to give the stock men of the above reservations and others interested notice of this action of the association in such manner as he deems best.
On motion of E. M. Hewins, the chair appointed the following gentlemen delegates to attend the national live stock convention, which meets at St. Louis on November 17, 1884:
Col. W. J. Pollock, L. C. Wait, ____ ____ Carpenter, J. N. Florer, W. S. Brown, and W. H. H. Larimer.
On motion of Mr. Hewins, the chairman, Col. H. H. Crane, was added to the above delegation as an honorary member.
On motion of Mr. Florer, the meeting was then adjourned to 9 o’clock a.m., of December 29, 1884, to meet at Osage Agency, Indian Territory. W. J. POLLOCK, Secretary.
Hy Roberts, Kaw Agency...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 1, 1885.
                                                 Osage Live Stock Association.
Pursuant to call the above association met at Osage Agency on March 17th, 1885, with the following members of the association present or represented: G. M. Carpenter, L. C. Wait, Wm. Larimer, Virgil Herard, J. H. Pugh, Julian Trimbly, John Soderstrom, T. J. Gilbert, J. N. Florer, H. N. Hampton, P. Revard, P. M. Matthews, Gus Choteau, W. J. Pollock, A. C. Stitch, E. M. Hewins, R. T. Hampton, T. L. Rogers.
In the absence of the president and secretary, L. C. Wait was elected to the chair, pro tem, and H. P. Standley, acting secretary pro tem.
Meeting called to order and minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
The report of committee on by-laws received and action taken upon the same section as read, after which they were adopted unanimously as a whole.
In accordance with section 3 of the by-laws, the president appointed the following gentlemen as the Executive Committee for the transaction of the general business of the association until its regular meeting Sept. 30th: W. J. Pollock, G. M. Carpenter, H. H. Crane,
Julian Trimbly, Virgil Herard, Judge Rogers, and E. M. Hewins.
On motion the acting secretary was elected as honorary member of the Association.

On motion of J. N. Florer, seconded by T. J. Gilbert, it was decided for the purposes of the spring round up, that the Osage reservation should be divided into five districts, and the Kaw reservation into one, and each district send one man, each leaseholder on the reservation to send one man, and Messrs. Brown and Herard each to furnish four men for the round up, to meet at Osage Agency on Monday, May 18th, 1885.
On motion of J. N. Florer, seconded by T. J. Gilbert, that the Arkansas City TRAVELER be the official paper of the Osage Live Stock Association. Carried.
After the transaction of some other minor business, the meeting adjourned.
Below we append, by request, the names and addresses of the members of the association at this writing.
Florer, Gould & Ayres, Kaw Agency, Indian Territory.
Col. W. J. Pollock, Ponca Agency, Indian Territory.
T. J. Gilbert & Co., Arkansas City, Kansas.
Mrs. Jane Benvenue, Kaw Agency, Indian Territory.
B. F. Childs, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Virgil Herard, Elgin, Kansas.
Elgin Cattle Co., Elgin, Kansas.
Wait, King & Pugh, Elgin, Kansas.
Gus Choteau, Pawhuska, Indian Territory.
Louis Rogers, Pawhuska, Indian Territory.
E. M. Matthews, Pawhuska, Indian Territory.
C. H. Prudom, Pawhuska, Indian Territory.
Pat Rogers, Pawhuska, Indian Territory.
Hewins & Titus, Cedar Vale, Kansas.
W. S. Brown & Sons, Independence, Kansas.
Crane & Larimer, Independence, Kansas.
Hy Roberts, Kaw Agency, Indian Territory.
Harrison H. Hampton, Bartlesville, Indian Territory.
J. H. Sherburne, Ponca Agency, Indian Territory.
C. M. McClellan, Otoe Agency, Indian Territory.
R. T. Hampton, Bartlesville, Indian Territory.
Drury Warren, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Peter Revard, Elgin, Kansas.
Harkleroad & Irons, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Jos. Greenlee, Kaw Agency, Indian Territory.
John Soderstrom, Farm Creek P. O., Kansas.
C. W. & W. W. Sholes, Fredonia, Kansas.
W. B. Roberts & Son [Windsor & Roberts]???...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 8, 1885.
We add to our list of brand notices, that of W. B. Roberts & Son, well known and extensive stock raisers.
           J. A. McCORMICK, Manager.
UNDERNEATH ILLUSTRATION: (Anywhere on animal.)

P. O. Darlington, Indian Territory. Range: Willow Springs, on Duck and Bodoc creeks, and Cottonwood & Campbell creeks, south of Cimarron, Indian Territory.
Ear marks: grub right ear. Road brands: [looks like 0 above bar] left shoulder; L on left loin; [looks like P inserted above bar that connects to it] on left loin.
Remarks: No stock sold in this brand.
Roberts & Son’s cattle ranch near Cheyenne Agency. [Note: Republican had “Roberts & Sairs’ cattle ranch near Cheyenne Agency. This was wrong: Should have shown “Roberts & Son’s cattle ranch near Cheyenne Agency. I have corrected item...
Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.
J. A. McCormick, the manager of Roberts & Son’s cattle ranch near Cheyenne Agency was in the city this week. It was reported that Mr. McCormick had been hung by a vigilance committee because he branded cattle that did not belong to him. Later on the rumor was circulated that he had been scalped by the Cheyennes. The appearance of Mr. McCormick on our streets killed both reports. He says he was riding in and around the Cheyenne camp for a month and he has seen no trouble there. He said the Cheyennes made their “medicine,” but that was all. The trouble which has been reported by the correspondents to newspapers is about all “bosh.” We suggest that the Wichita Eagle’s correspondent at Cheyenne Agency be suspended. He is the biggest newspaper liar of the age, if McCormick’s report be true.
Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.
J. A. McCormick, the manager of Roberts & Son’s cattle ranch, is no longer down at Cheyenne Agency. He is located at Willow Springs. J. A. called on us last week and made us happy as a Democrat when he has been appointed postmaster.
Wm. Roberts [W. B. Roberts?]...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 7, 1885.
                                                    ANOTHER DEAD MAN.
            J. L. Glotfelter, of East Bolton, Drops Dead While Down in the Indian Territory.
DIED. Thursday evening it was told around on our streets that a man had been killed down in the Indian Territory. We readily gave credence to the rumor for it is getting to be not a rare occurrence in this vicinity for men to get killed. But this time upon running the item down, we ascertained that no one had been murdered, but that J. L. Glotfelter had dropped dead from heart disease.
Yesterday morning Wm. Roberts, who resides on the state line, was in the city, and from him we learned the particulars.


As we were told, Mr. Glotfelter went down in the territory last Monday with his wagon and team. He stopped at a ranch on Wolf Creek, near what is known as the “great bend.” He was engaged in getting out posts for one of the ranchmen and wood for himself. At night he slept at the ranch and during the day he worked. Thursday Bert Plumb and Al Green, of East Bolton, joined the deceased and took dinner with him. When Mr. Glotfelter fed his team at noon, he did not tie it, and when the horses had eaten up their feed they wandered off. The men on getting through eating dinner went to catch the team, Mr. Plumb riding his mule after them and Mr. Glotfelter starting around to head the team. Mr. Plumb succeeded in catching the horses and was standing waiting for Mr. Glotfelter to come up. Mr. Plumb noticed that he was a long time in arriving and when he came up he questioned him concerning the cause. Mr. Glotfelter told him that in crossing a small hollow he had an attack of some kind and that he had fallen and lain upon the ground several minutes. As Mr. Glotfelter did not like to ride one of his horses back to camp on account of his being afraid of them, Mr. Plumb aided him on his mule and turned around to mount one of the horses. As he did so, he heard a dull thud, and glancing around he saw Mr. Glotfelter lying on the ground. Running to the creek nearby he filled his hat with water, and dashed it into the face of the deceased. But it did not revive him any and in a few moments after the fall he died. As soon as possible Messrs. Plumb and Green loaded the body in the wagon and conveyed it home, arriving about dusk Thursday evening.
The death is supposed to have been caused by heart disease, as he was suffering from an affection of the kind. Once during the summer he had an attack, but recovered. Mr. Glotfelter removed here from Burden over a year ago and engaged in the implement business; and not finding that as remunerative as he desired, quit in a few months. Several months ago he made the purchase of a farm in East Bolton, four miles south of Arkansas City. The deceased leaves a large family, who are in somewhat straightened circumstances. His death was untimely and very unfortunate to them, and the blow is very severe. It is hard for the many friends of jolly John Glotfelter in this vicinity to believe that he is dead. Up to the time of his demise, he appeared to be hale and hearty. Again are we reminded that “in the midst of life we are in death.” The remains were taken to Burden today for interment.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 2, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
W. B. Roberts, of Titusville, Pennsylvania, arrived in the city yesterday. Mr. Roberts counts his wealth by the millions and represents the Standard Oil Company. He is here for real estate “snaps.”


Cowley County Historical Society Museum