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William H. Melville

                                                  Pleasant Valley Township.
                            [Also: George Melville, Brother of Wm. H. Melville.]
Note: George Melville was a brother-in-law of O. F. Boyle, resident of Winfield at one time, his sister marrying Boyle.
William Melville, 31; spouse, Mary J., 30
W. H. Melville, 33; spouse, Mary J., 34.
Kansas 1875 Census Pleasant Valley Township, Cowley County, 3/1/1875.
Name                           age sex color          Place/birth        Where from
W. H. Melville        33    m    w       New Jersey              Michigan
M. J. Melville               34     f     w            Ohio                         Michigan
Frank Melville          8    m    w       Michigan                  Michigan
Geo. W. Melville            7    m    w       Kansas
Harry Melville           5    m    w       Kansas
Maud Melville          3     f     w            Kansas
Wm. H. Melville, 37; spouse, Mary J., 38.
W. H. Melville, 39; spouse, Mary J., 40.
Wm. H. Melville, 40; spouse, Mary J., 40.
                                               FROM THE NEWSPAPERS.
George Melville, Pleasant Valley Township, brother of W. H. Melville...
Winfield Messenger, August 16, 1872.
We, the undersigned, believing W. W. Walton to be in every way well qualified to fill the Office of Clerk of the District Court, would present his name from the County at large, before the Republican County Convention to be held in Winfield on the 29th inst., subject to their decision.
C. R. Mitchell, Creswell Tp., John M. McLay, O. C. Smith, Alfred Pruden, Bolton Tp., B. H. Johnson, Beaver Tp., P. M. Wait, Wm. Bonnewell, Vernon Tp.; C. Dewith Spaulding, Moses Herod, Tisdale Tp.; Needham Rogers, Adam Walck, Rock Tp.; Manley Hemenway, Windsor Tp.; Robert Turney, Cedar Tp.; Geo. Melville, Pleasant Valley Tp.; B. Darnall, Silverdale Township. August 20th, 1872.
George Melville...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 9, 1873. Editorial Page.
                                                THE TISDALE SQUABBLE.

The make believe “farmers” met at Tisdale last Tuesday for the purpose of nominating a ticket to be voted for next November. The meeting was called to order at 2 o’clock p.m., and elected J. L. Shaw of Pleasant Valley, temporary chairman, and George Melville, secretary. J. G. Young of Tisdale, J. C. Roberts of Winfield, and A. N. Deming of Creswell were appointed a committee on credentials. Committee on Resolutions, appointed as follows: C. C. Krow, G. Melville, Robert McNown, Dr. Sylvester Wilkins, and Wm. Voris. Both committees retiring, a motion was carried that the convention organize when the proper time came. George Melville’s appointment on committee on resolutions was objected to by J. C. Burger as he (Melville) was not a delegate. Motion to displace Mr. Melville, lost. Burger thought Melville ought to be displaced, as he was not a delegate, he might pack the Resolu­tions. He thought the committee should be selected by the crowd. John Smiley also thought the committee ought to be selected by the crowd.
The crowd was finally organized, with J. L. Shaw as Presi­dent, T. A. Blanchard, Vice-President, W. S. Coburn, Secretary.
Committee on Resolutions reported in substance as follows.
That we desire to curtail expenses. That we ask the aid of honest men regardless of party.
Resolved, That we confine nominations to farmers and labor­ers as far as practicable. That we invite the press of Cowley County to assist us to elect the ticket nominated here today.
The list of candidates nominated will be found in another column, with our comments on their qualifications, abilities, etc.
                              Column did nothing but blast candidates nominated.
W. H. Melville...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 23, 1873.
                                                   Meeting of the Veterans.
At half past 2 o’clock the soldiers, to the number of about 150, fell into line at the tap of the drum, and preceded by the Winfield Martial band, marched to the Methodist Church, which had been kindly tendered for their use. The meeting was called to order by T. A. Blanchard. L. J. Webb was chosen Chairman, and James Kelly, Secretary.
The chairman stated the object of the meeting to be to organize a permanent Soldiers’ Union.
On motion a committee consisting of A. A. Jackson, A. D. Keith, Capt. Wm. H. H. McArthur, Capt. Henry Barker, and Col. E. C. Manning were appointed on permanent organization.
During the absence of the committee, D. C. Scull entertained the meeting with a few appropriate remarks.
The committee on permanent organization reported as follows.
Mr. Chairman: Your committee on permanent organization, recommend the following as a permanent organization for Cowley County, of the Union Soldiers of the late war.
1st. The association of all soldiers into an organization to be known as the Cowley County Soldiers’ Association.
2nd. That said association elect a president, 3 vice presidents, secretary, and assistant secretary, and treasurer, and adopt a constitution.
3rd. That said association request its members to subscribe the constitution as an evidence of membership, giving the re­quired company or battalion to which each belonged, and to attend the meetings of the association.

4th. That said association meet semi-annually for celebra­tions, and as much oftener as business requires. A. A. JACKSON, Chairman.
The above was unanimously adopted. The roll being called; the following “Boys in Blue,” answered to their names.
                                            W. H. Melville, Co. C, 4th Mich. Inf.
G. W. Melville [George Melville]...
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1874.
                                              TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION.
           Minutes of the Teachers’ Association, Held at Winfield, Friday, Feb. 27th, 1874.
The Teachers’ Association of Cowley County, Kansas, met in the council room of the Courthouse, according to published arrangement, Supt. Wilkinson presiding.
The following teachers were present: Miss Jennie Greenlee, Miss Mary Graham, Miss Allie Klingman, Miss E. Fowler, Miss Ellen Wickersham, Miss Jennie Hawkins, G. W. Melville.
The association proceeded to business by electing G. W. Melville Secretary pro tem. The constitution and by-laws being read, the election of officers for the coming year was then taken up, and resulting as follows.
H. H. Martin, President.
Miss Jennie Greenlee and Miss Jennie Hawkins, Vice Presidents.
Miss Mary Graham, Treasurer.
G. W. Melville, Secretary.
Mrs. Mina Hawkins, Cor. Sec’y.
                                             G. W. MELVILLE, Sec’y, pro tem.
G. W. Melville...
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.
                                          County Commissioners Proceedings.
The following is a list of the bills allowed by the board of County Commissioners at their meeting commencing on the 18th day of May A. D. 1874.
Road Viewers: G. W. Melville, $2.00; S. W. Greer, $2.00; D. W. Mumaw, $2.00.
Anna Melville, who later married O. F. Boyle...
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.
The school board have decided to begin school in this city on Monday, the 28th of September. Miss Anna Melville has been engaged to teach the primary department, and Miss Sarah Aldrich for the intermediate department. The principal has not as yet been engaged.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

School commences next Monday with the following teachers: W. C. Robinson, principal, Miss Sarah E. Aldrich, intermediate, and Miss Anna Melville, primary. Only one of these, Miss Mel­ville, we believe is, or has ever been, a resident of this county, and so far as we are concerned, we most sincerely protest against the action of the School Board in importing teachers. We have in Cowley County young men and women just as well qualified, who helped to make our schools what they are, who have helped to build up our county, and who, now that the hard times have set in, need the salary. Some of them should have been selected. We haven’t one word to say against the teachers employed. They are, no doubt, well qualified for their respective positions. But we do think that the board committed a great error—one for which they will not soon get the forgiveness of the patrons of the school.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.
The public schools in this city commenced last Monday with the following teachers: Prof. W. C. Robinson, Principal; Misses Aldrich, Intermediate, and Miss Melville, primary, at a salary of $100, $50, and $40 respectively. Pretty good wages we should think for Grasshopper times.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.
Programme of the Literary and Musical Entertainment to be given at the Courthouse in Winfield, in connection with the Teacher’s Institute, for the benefit of the Public School Organ fund, on Wednesday evening, October 7th, 1874.
Listing participants only.
Prof. E. J. Hoyt, leader, orchestra; Glee club; poem by W. W. Walton, essay by Miss Melville of the Emporia State Normal School, song by Mrs. Russell of Wichita and Prof. E. W. Hulse, essay by Miss Jennie Greenlee, duet and chorus by Mrs. Kelly and Mrs. T. A. Wilkinson, instrumental music by Miss Ora Lowry and T. A. Wilkinson.
A farce in one act, “Specter Bridegroom, or a Ghost in Spite of Himself,” was put on by T. A. Wilkinson, James Kelly, W. W. Walton, V. B. Beckett, A. H. Hane, Fred C. Hunt, Mrs. James Kelly, Mrs. Flint.
Single tickets 50 cents; 75 cents for gent and lady. Children half price.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.
The Literary, Musical, and Dramatic entertainment came off Wednesday evening as advertised. The music was good. W. W. Walton’s “Philosopher of Paint Creek,” was hard to best. Miss Melville followed with an essay which indicated deep pure thought in the preparation of it, and it was well received and fully appreciated by the audience. Miss Jennie Greenlee’s rendition of “The Launching of the Ship,” was excellent, and by far the best we have ever heard. Mrs. Russell of Wichita, whose fame as a sweet singer had preceded her here, sang some beautiful songs which completely entranced her hearers and elicited storms of applause. Prof. Hulse of Arkansas City also sung a few of his excellent songs, which as usual delighted his hearers. The proceeds amounted to something over $67.
Anna Melville; Geo. W. Melville...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1874.
                                                 TEACHERS’ INSTITUTE.
                                        WINFIELD, KANSAS, Oct. 5th, 1874.
Institute met per appointment at schoolhouse. 1 o’clock p.m., Prof. Wilkinson in the chair. After singing and appoint­ment of Committees, the rhetorical exercises of the day were entered upon.
1st. Class drill in grammar by Miss N. M. Aldrich.
2nd. Object lesson by Miss Anna Melville.
3rd. Class drill in mental arithmetic by Prof. Robinson.

4th. A short lecture on theory and practice by Prof. Wilkinson, which was both interesting and instructive. He urged upon the teachers the necessity of a complete system of uniformity of government, in which he gave several useful hints about calling and dismissing classes. The treatment of different temperaments met in our common schools—
making his remarks more effective by illustrations from former schools of his own.
Prof. Robinson’s exercise in mental arithmetic was one that could be practiced in all our district and graded schools with great success, and as he told us, it will always prove diverting and instructive, strengthening the mind as no other one method can. And we have no doubt the teachers will introduce it into their schools. . . .
                                                            Oct. 6th, 1874.
After the devotional services the following exercises took place.
Class drill in spelling by E. A. Millard.
Class drill in drawing by Miss Lillian Norton.
Class drill in arithmetic by Prof. Robinson.
Class drill on the organization of country schools by Prof. Kellogg.
Class drill in penmanship by Geo. W. Melville. . . .
Prof. Kellogg’s class drill was excellent. He awoke life and interest among the teachers. He drew methods and idea from the teachers—deciding upon those that he thought best for adoption, and presenting them in clear concise language. His remarks were spicy and entertaining.
Lesson in penmanship by Mr. Melville, good. He urged upon the teachers the necessity of some one system of penmanship, and the adoption of that by the whole school, devoting a portion of each day to a thorough drill causing pupils to improve slowly but surely. He recommended the Spenserian system. His lesson was given from that.
Miss Norton’s method on drawing was a happy combination of instruction and pleasure, as it calls out ideas from each and every pupil, teaching at the same time the beauty of invention and the training of the eye and hand.
Class drilling in spelling by Mr. Millard, was well conduct­ed, and the teacher seemed to understand his work. The method presented for teaching spelling was really a superior one, and cannot fail to awaken interest in the dullest of classes. The teachers could not help noting the difference between the method presented by Mr. Millard and the old method of oral spelling from text book. The lesson consisted of the spelling of an object, its parts, and description of parts, the teacher pronouncing and the pupils writing the words upon their slates, which were to be corrected by the teacher after school closed. He believes the Analytical speller to be the standard.
Class drill in arithmetic by Prof. Robinson. The Prof. dwelt at length upon the necessity of a thorough drill in numera­tion and notation, holding them as the only key by which arithme­tic can be taught successfully. After which followed an explana­tion about inverting the terms of the divisor in division of fractions, which he did full justice to as it is one of the most difficult parts of arithmetic to teach, and the teachers were glad to hear his method, which can be found in “Robinson’s Practical Arithmetic.”
Miss Greenlee’s class drill in primary arithmetic was short, but excellent and to the point. It was something that we needed—how to teach primary arithmetic. Her plan was new and simple. She commenced her work energetically, and by being greatly interested herself produced a like interest among her pupils.

Reading by Miss Daggett was good. The method she presented was a combination of the letter and word method combined—having the pupil learn the name of the object by first placing the object before them and then the names used in the description of the object, and after that they are required to learn the letters of the different words, thus doing away entirely with the method of “learning the letters first.”
                                                            Oct. 7th, 1874.
Institute called to order by Miss Greenlee.
Singing and devotional exercises.
Appointment of Miss Melville as critic.
After appointment of critic, the following exercises were conducted.
Class drill in language by Miss Lillian Norton, was both interesting and instructive. The blackboard exercise was full of practical hints and illustrations, and one we would recommend to all teachers.
The next exercise was a general debate on the subject of orthoepy. Many opinions were offered, a few of which might bear adoption. The general conclusion being that authors differ very materially.
[Similar matters were covered on October 8th, the last day of Institute.]
The following teachers were present at this Institute: Lizzie Landis, Anna Mark, Justus Fisher, J. C. Armstrong, T. B. Hall, E. G. Water, Nellie M. Aldrich, Estella Thompson, Lillian Norton, Ida Daggett, Nettie Porter, E. J. Pepper, Wm. Lee, C. H. Eagin, Wm. E. Ketchum, N. S. Mounts, Ettie Fowler, S. Bucher, R. B. Corson, Mary Graham, Lizzie Graham, J. W. Tullis, Jennie Hawkins, E. W. Hulse, J. S. Stratford, E. A. Small, Gertie Davis, Thomas Maginnis, W. C. Robinson, T. J. Conner, S. E. Aldrich, Addie Hollister, Lizzie Ireton, Annie Melville, M. E. Dudley, E. A. Millard, W. H. H. McKinnon, H. J. Sandfort, E. J. Greenlee, E. A. Goodrich, Katie Fitzgerald, Carrie Morris, R. C. Maurer, Carrie Dixon, Libbie West, Lizzie Stine, E. C. Seward, Mary Huston, G. W. Melville, A. K. Stevenson.
G. W. Melville...
Winfield Courier, October 15, 1874.
The Independent convention met at Tisdale last Monday and nominated the following ticket. For Representative, A. S. Williams; for County Attorney, A. J. Pyburn; for Probate Judge, H. D. Gans; for Clerk of the District Court, E. S. Bedilion; and for Superintendent of Public Instruction, G. W. Melville.
Excerpts: Mr. Melville...
Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.
                                                             From Tisdale.

OCT. 20. EDITOR COURIER: The Independent order of politi­cians held their meeting last night. A. T. Gay was called to the chair, and introduced Mr. Melville as the first speaker. Mr. Melville stated that the office of Superintendent of Public Instruction was overpaid, and according to his remarks would have led us to believe that he would fill the office for less than nothing; and that the office was nearly useless and merely a burden to the county, and finished up by stating that the present incumbent at a salary of $1,200 per annum had made nothing out of the office.
Mr. Williams being introduced stated that he was no speaker; had lived fifteen years in southern Kansas; had been a Son of Temperance; believed in temperance; was glad Mr. Melville could speak for he could not.
Now we will take the meeting into consideration for one moment. No person belonging to the opposite party was invited to speak, and what did they, themselves say?
They aimed at crying corruption but did not point a single instance where wrong had been done.
They cried small pay and yet stated as plain as language could state that those already in office could make nothing at the present salaries. Now what logic! What reason­ing! What conclu­sion can we, as voters, come to? Cry corrup­tion, but do not know where it is! Salaries too high, and yet not enough to live upon.
And still the Tisdale reformers seem to be highly delighted. Yes, they are like the three travelers, who, when they were shown to bed, were asked if they would have a warming pan. The waiter gone, they asked each other what a warming pan was, and as none of them knew, they came to the happy conclusion that they would eat it anyway. So the Tisdale reform­ers will eat it anyway, but it seems to me it must grit pretty hard on their teeth.
                                                          AN OBSERVER.
Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.
On the evening of October 22nd, the citizens of this vicinity were entertained with speeches by part of the Indepen­dent candidates, and by some who were not candidates. Mr. Hemenway was called to the chair and introduced the speakers in a few well chosen and appropriate remarks.
Mr. Melville then made a few remarks regarding the office of School Superintendent, pledging himself to work for three dollars per day, and to charge only for the days actually employed in official labors. He thought that the saving to the county by his election would be several hundred dollars.
Anna Melville, sister of Wm. H. and George W. Melville: married O. F. Boyle...
Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.
The schools are always open to those interested, and the teachers will be glad to have them freely visited and the stand­ing progress noted and criticized.
                                                 W. C. ROBINSON, Principal.
                                           MISS S. E. ALDRICH, Intermediate.
                                            MISS ANNA MELVILLE, Primary.
Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.
Miss Anna Melville and her brother, G. W. Melville, have gone to Emporia to spend the holidays.
Brother Melville [Probably G. W. Melville]...
Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.
                                                         Public Installation.

There will be a Public Installation of the officers of Maple Grove Grange elected for the ensuing year, on the first Monday evening in January, 1874, at half past six p.m. sharp. The programme for the evening is as follows.
Master states object of meeting; Speech by brother Melville; Installation of officers; Music; Recess; Lecture to officers by brother Gans of Lazette; Music; Essay on sociability by A. Fraser; Music; Essay on education in the grange by T. J. Johnson; Song by Miss Maggie Bush; Essay on dishonesty and deceitfulness by Chas. A. Roberts; Music; Essay on “Our Teachers,” by Mrs. Chas. A. Roberts; Closing song; Benediction.
A general invitation is extended to all.
                                                      By Order of the Grange.
Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.
A Winfield correspondent of the Traveler says that the teachers in the public schools of this city are Prof. Robinson and Miss Greenlee. That correspondent is well posted. Miss Greenlee teaches school four miles south of town. The Winfield teachers are Prof. Robinson, Miss Melville, and Miss Aldrich. Better change correspondents, Scott.
G. W. Melville and J. W. Melville???...J. W. Melville a new name...
Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.
The following is the list of petit jurors drawn for the March term of the District Court: J. B. Nipp, S. W. Chatterson, S. P. Berryman, P. F. Endicott, J. E. Dunn, G. W. Melville,
J. W. Melville, J. W. Weimer, A. T. Gay, Sanford Day, Isaac Howe, B. C. French, S. M. Fall, Thos. Hart.
George Melville...
Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.
                                                       Township Assessors.
                                           WINFIELD, KAN., April 21, 1875.
The township assessors met pursuant to previous notice, to agree upon a basis of valuation of property. The house being called to order, W. A. Freeman was chosen Chairman and W. M. Berkey, Secretary.
                                         Geo. Melville, Pleasant Valley Township.
Emma Melville and Anna Melville, sisters...
Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.
Miss Melville’s sister, Emma, is complimented by the Emporia News, on an essay read before the Normal school last week, of which she is a new graduate. Marion County Record.
Miss Emma is also a sister of Miss Anna Melville, late teacher in our public school here.
George Melville and others send wheat down river to Ft. Smith...
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.
Geo. Melville and several others on Posey Creek sent a cargo of unthreshed wheat down to Ft. Smith via the Walnut & Arkansas rivers. If they get good returns from it, they may try it again. They weren’t quite ready to send it, but Posey came along on a “high,” so they let it go.
George Melville: brother of W. H. Melville...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

GEORGE MELVILLE is in company with A. A. Jackson, in the grain trade at Wichita. They are doing a good business.
One firm in Wichita bought 163,000 bushels of wheat from Cowley and Sumner counties, during the winter, for the Eastern market.
George W. Melville: Farm on Posey Creek...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
Charles A. Seward denies that he ever said “Wirt Walton moved a Government corner stone for $5,” and gives a letter to the Courier to that effect.
Now that he has so completely vindicated Mr. Walton, we have to say we can prove he did say so, and we give his letters as written to us Nov. 20th and Dec. 3rd. The Courier is noted for the faculty of “bringing men around,” and the cause of Seward’s change we can’t account for.
                                                   First Letter from Seward.
                                               Winfield, November 20, 1876.
Mr. C. M. Scott:
SIR. Today, for the first time, I find in the Cowley County Telegram a report said to have been published in your excellent paper, to the effect that I said W. W. Walton had moved a corner stone for money. Said statement is false, as concerning my having said so—though there has been such report.
For the facts, I would refer to G. W. Melville, now at Wichita, having a farm on Posey Creek, where said surveying is said to have been done. Now I have no particular regards for Walton, or the tribe he is now connected with, in proof of which, though I am a Republican, I helped to elect your townsman, Hon. A. J. Pyburn, instead of one of my own party in whom I had no faith. I say this to prove my interest in the welfare of the people of this county. Yet I cannot permit my name to be abused and scandalized as it has been in the Courier, a paper which I ceased to take on account of the low origin of its contents.
Please rectify said mistake of the reporter. Yours, with regard, CHARLES A. SEWARD.
                                                 Second Letter from Seward.
                                                 Winfield, December 3, 1876.
Mr. Scott:
Dear Sir. I do not want you to make a correction of the statement published in your paper in regard to Walton moving a Government corner stone for money. I have heard such a report. That is all. Your reporter made a mistake when he said I had made such report to him, knowing the same to be true. I did not, neither do I think Walton a proper person for County Surveyor, for in my opinion he is not an honest man. Trusting you will correct the mistake (?) made by your reporter, I subscribe myself, Yours, with respect, CHARLES A. SEWARD.
              [Note: The rest of George W. Melville entries are in O. F. Boyle file.]
W. H. Melville...
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
We have been favored recently by calls from many of the substantial men of the county, including Harvey Smith, W. H. Melville, D. C. Beach, S. D. Klingman, Z. B. Meyer, E. Perigo, R. Thirsk, H. C. McDorman, C. W. Roseberry, M. B. Repp, C. H. Woodin, C. J. Brane, W. M. Wetherell, and W. Wilson. Thank you, gentlemen; call again.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.

W. H. Melville says he will commence cutting his wheat on Monday, the 20th. It promises to yield about 25 bushels per acre.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Among the substantial citizens of Cowley County who have favored the COURIER in the past few days by payments on subscription, are, D. S. Brown, W. H. Denning, W. W. Bush, D. Thompson, R. W. Anderson, George Walker, N. B. Sipe, B. Alexander, W. Christopher, J. J. Christopher, E. Wilson, L. Prickett, A. Booth, F. M. Savage, E. Pate, H. L. Barker, J. M. Harcourt, J. M. Rosson, A. D. Edwards, R. R. Longshore, J. F. Lacey, T. R. Carson, A. E. Silliman, R. White, W. H. Hartman, M. S. Troxel, Warren Wood, B. F. Saunders, J. J. Michener, C. R. Myles, J. H. Lee, W. A. Butterfield, J. H. Beckley, W. H. Gilliard, S. B. Littell, P. W. Crawford, W. H. Melville, D. W. Pierce, J. W. Haynes, J. Nixon,
A. J. Pickering, Joel Mason, Daniel Kempton, H. S. Brooking, P. Buckley, J. R. Scott, W. C. Briant, J. J. Johnson, S. Pennington, J. Shaw, R. Gilstrap, J. A. Goforth, S. W. Huff, L. Stout, and S. Cavanaugh. Thanks, gentlemen.
Winfield Courier, September 22, 1881.
The following is a list of old soldiers in Pleasant Valley township as far as taken.
                                    Wm. H. Melville, Co. C, 4th Michigan, infantry.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 6, 1881 - FRONT PAGE.
Below will be found the proceedings of township meetings, organizations, and muster rolls as far as heard from. The last week before the reunion we will publish the muster rolls
                                          PLEASANT VALLEY TOWNSHIP.
                                  WM. H. MELVILLE, CO. C, 4TH MICH. INFT.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
There will be a union camp meeting held in Walnut Grove on W. H. Melville’s place on Badger Creek, near Walnut River, 5½ miles southeast of Winfield, commencing on August 25th and holding over the first Sunday in September. Hay and corn will be furnished for teams in abundance free of charge. Arrangements have been made whereby those coming long distances can secure board free. Many able ministers will be in attendance, and a very interesting time is anticipated.
Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.
The United Brethren in Christ will hold a basket meeting on Badger Creek in W. H. Melville’s Grove, Five miles southeast of Winfield, on Sabbath, July 29th. All are invited.
                                                    J. W. WILLIAMS, Pastor.
Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.
The annual August union camp meeting commences August 10th and closes August 24th in Melville’s Walnut Grove on Badger Creek, near Walnut River, five and one-half miles southeast of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

The Annual Camp meeting for the promotion of holiness will be held in Melville’s Walnut Grove on Badger Creek near the Walnut River, five and a half miles southeast of Winfield, commencing on the 6th of August and ending on the 13th. M. L. Hanes, of Illinois, will conduct the meeting.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
The Annual Camp-meeting for the promotion of holiness will be held in Melville’s Walnut Grove on Badger Creek near the Walnut River, five and a half miles southeast of Winfield, commencing on the 6th of August and ending on the 13th. M. L. Haney, of Illinois, will conduct the meeting. A large tabernacle has been secured.
Mrs. W. H. Melville dies...
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
DIED. We learn of the death of Mrs. W. H. Melville, which occurred last week. Mr. and Mrs. Melville were among the earliest settlers of the country. She was an excellent lady and the family have the sympathy of many friends in their sore bereavement.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
The fourth annual camp meeting of Christian unity and holiness will be held at Melville’s Walnut grove 5½ miles southeast of Winfield, commencing July 9th and closes July 21st. M. S. Haney of Illinois will have charge of said camp meeting.
                                                 THE COUNTY FATHERS.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
The Board of County Commissioners have been in session since Monday. Most of the time has been occupied examining and allowing claims against the county. Notes to the amount of $900 having been erroneously assessed in Sheridan township, it was expunged. Henry Chavis, a colored man, committed to the county jail from Justice Snow’s court in March, for three months, and latterly five dollars fine for stealing lumber, etc., was released, he not having the “spondulics” to put up. R. C. Smith, a Justice in Silverdale township, was required to file new bond, one of the bondsmen, H. N. Chancey, having withdrawn. Tax sale, in 1879, of lot 2, blk 2, Arkansas City, was declared invalid, A. A. Newman having paid the taxes, as required by law, and the amount of sale was refunded. Tax sales on lots in blocks 29, 133, 135, and 76, Arkansas City, were declared off, being erroneous. The Jersey Cattle Co., of Silver Creek township, were rebated on double assessment of $3,035. Viewers report in E. Kerns county road was adopted, ex ½ mile. A. J. Naramore was awarded contract for keeping Joseph Naramore, an imbecile pauper, in Sheridan township. W. H. Melville and Mashes Scofield county roads laid over to October. Damages awarded in J. Olmstead county road to J. M. Boyle, $75; C. J. Boyle, $62.50; and Miss Hackworth, $25. E. J. Johnson, J. Hurt, and Wm. Reynolds were appointed to appraise s hf se qr and e hf sw qr and nw qr 36-33-6 school land. Tax sale of lot 15, block 143, to C. M. Scott, in 1881 was declared “off” and money ordered refunded. A. G. Ege, sent to the bastille from Judge Snow’s court for two “plain drunks” at once, was released, and told to sin no more.
                                          HACKNEY SCRAPINGS. “TYPO.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 23, 1885.
The camp meeting at Melville’s grove was well attended by the young people of our neighborhood.
George Melville’s wife dies...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.

The wife of George Melville, well known in Winfield in early days, died at Durango, Colorado, a few days ago, and was buried in Wichita Wednesday, her home when Mr. Melville married her. George is a brother of W. H. Melville, residing southeast of town, and a brother-in-law of Tony Boyle.
Wm. H. Melville marries again: Mary Seabridge...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
Wm. Melville and Mary Seabridge; Daniel Garner and Anna Brown are the last souls to obtain the documents from Judge Gans to make them one.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
William Melville, a well-to-do farmer of Pleasant Valley township, and Mrs. Mary Seabridge, of this city, were united in marriage at the Baptist Parsonage Sunday afternoon by Rev. Reider.


Cowley County Historical Society Museum