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W. L. Holmes

                                                         Vernon Township.
Winfield Courier, October 20, 1881.
                       W. L. HOLMES, PRIVATE, CO. G, 16TH MO. INFANTRY.
Winfield Courier, February 9, 1882.
Mr. C. McClung has disposed of his farm for a consideration of $2,000, also the Holmes quarter has changed hands. Land buyers are as numerous as politicians in a campaign.
Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.
John Beard has bought the W. L. Holmes place for $2,300.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
W. L. Holmes couldn’t get up courage enough to leave old Cowley and Monday bought John Mehan’s farm near his old place. He paid $1,550 for the new farm. We began to fear we would lose W. L., but he’s settled now.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
EDS. COURIER. Upon visiting our neighbor Hiram Hopkins, we found him with one leg broken twice, the other broken once, and one of his arms twice. The accident occurred in a grist mill, about ten miles north of Winfield and the Walnut River. His coat tail was caught by a shaft. Seeing the condition he was in, we felt it a duty as well as a pleasure to contribute to his wants. So we started with two papers. L. A. Millspaugh canvassed the south half of Vernon Township and H. H. Hawkins the north half. We give the names with the amount opposite.
                                     SOUTH HALF OF VERNON TOWNSHIP.
                                                        W. L. Holmes: $2.00.
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.
                                       Vernon Township Republican Nominations.
For Trustee, E. D. Skinner; for Clerk, P. B. Lee; for Treasurer, Thos. Thompson; for Justices, T. B. Ware, Oscar Wooley; for Constables, W. L. Holmes, W. S. Wooley; Road Overseers—1st Dist., D. S. Cole; 2nd Dist., Moses Nixon; 3rd Dist., N. C. Clarke; 5th Dist., G. W. Kielhols [?Kielholz?].
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
                                                                A Protest.
                                          VERNON TOWNSHIP, Feb. 6, 1883.
To the Editor of the Winfield Courier:
SIR: We, the undersigned residents of Vernon Township, solemnly and sincerely enter our protest against such proceedings as were held in Winfield on the morning of Feb. the 1st, viz.: the hanging of Charles Cobb by a mob. We are in favor of punishing crime, but not in favor of mob law.

E. D. Skinner, Henry Hawkins, W. W. Painter, J. T. Prewitt, J. M. Householder, P. Hill, M. Gesler, L. F. Hess, A. H. Miller, Joseph Astor, J. S. Baker, F. H. Werden, T. Thompson, I. B. Corson, P. B. Lee, J. W. Millspaugh, R. Wellman, M. Nixon, L. E. Gault, M. W. Brown, W. L. Pennington, M. Nicholson. George Wilson, L. Gibson, T. B. Ware, Wm. Carter, H. G. Woolley, J. S. Ward, S. E. Case. W. S. Woolly, J. E. Wooley, W. L. Holmes, E. C. Martin.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
                                                         Township Elections.
The following township officers were declared elected by the Board of Commissioners at their canvass of the vote on Tuesday.
VERNON: E. D. Skinner, trustee; P. B. Lee, clerk; Thos. Thompson, treasurer; H. H. Martin, J. P.; W. L. Holmes and Scott Wooley, constables.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
A large amount of improvement has been made this year. Among the good, substantial houses put up, we notice those built by J. B. Corson, T. B. Ware, Mr. Werden, W. L. Holmes, Mr. Foster, and E. Freeman, and several more will be built the coming season.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
Mr. W. L. Holmes is receiving a visit from his father, a prominent manufacturer of Wisconsin. He is wonderfully pleased with Cowley, her soil, productiveness, and people, and if he were a younger man, we might expect to see him locating here before many months.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
                           Talesmen. [Most paid $2.00 or $4.00...Not listing amounts.]
                                                             W. L. Holmes.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1884.
                                                          Township Officers.
The Board of Commissioners met Tuesday and canvassed the vote for township officers. The following were declared elected.
                                       Vernon, W. L. Holmes and W. H. Bernard.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.
Mr. E. R. Holmes of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, father of Mr. W. L. Holmes of Vernon, arrived last week to become a permanent resident of grand old Cowley. He came out last fall and invested in property; and his second look at the country, with all nature buoyant in her robe of velvety green, has created even a better impression than his first. Mr. Holmes is a man of large experience and intelligence, just such a man as we are always glad to welcome as a citizen of Cowley. He has been a regular reader of the COURIER, and is glad to note the truthfulness of its chronicle of the county’s growth and prosperity.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
VERNON. Delegates: J. W. Millspaugh, Oscar Wooley, J. F. Martin, P. B. Lee, W. L. Holmes. Alternates: None.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.

Mr. W. L. Holmes sold his Vernon Township farm last week and will go into the furniture business at Oxford. Mr. Holmes is a man of large experience, much intelligence, and integrity, and we congratulate Oxford on her good luck in securing so valuable an acquisition to her business circles, though we regret to lose from Cowley such an old and esteemed citizen.
                                             THE PESKY LITTLE WEEVIL.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
Mr. W. L. Holmes, of Vernon, recently had the greater part of eight hundred bushels of wheat destroyed by weevils. We have also heard of other losses. The insects never appear excepting in damp wheat. They eat out the kernels and after working in a bin for some time the wheat becomes so heated that you can hardly bear your hand in it. The only alternative is to put the grain through a fanning mill until the bran and hollow grains are all out, and market it immediately. If put into a tight bin again, it will soon be as bad as ever. Farmers should frequently examine their wheat bins and see that no dampness is admitted. This done, they will never be troubled with weevils.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
Mr. E. R. Holmes, one of the substantial farmers of Vernon, and a man of judgment and taste, called on THE COURIER Monday and gave his opinion that THE WEEKLY COURIER is now the best newspaper published. He thinks the late freeze out has not hurt his wheat, which was a perfect and even mat of green before the late snows covered it.
                                                    NOTES BY THE WAY.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
Last week we made our way to Kellogg, a small place about 6 miles west of Winfield on the S. K. railroad. This place was laid out in 1884 by D. D. Kellogg, now of Udall, and he had the first building erected.
At Kellogg we boarded a handcar for Oxford, where we met W. L. Holmes, the general furniture dealer, and Dr. Stiles. We also visited the sanctum of Mr. Converse, of the Register. Our stay in Oxford was too short to get acquainted with many of the businessmen. ZEKE.


Cowley County Historical Society Museum